FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST CLASS IV - HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR (HAA) CASE SUPERVISOR COURSE - PART 11/14 ************************************************** This is the Class IV Case Supervisor Course (HAA) Course Pack as issued and delivered in the 1975 - 1976 time frame. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. NOTE: With the following exceptions, all documents are reproduced exactly as issued. All italicized or bold characters and underlines have been omitted from this reproduction. Only minor spelling errors have been corrected. If you have questions about the content of an individual issue please refer to the Tech or OEC Volumes (which were posted previously) for clarification. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association - Unit 21 ************************************************** ===================== 062. HCOB 19 Mar 1971 List L1C HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MARCH 1971 Remimeo LIST - 1 - C L1C (Cancels earlier L1 Lists such as HCOB 8 Aug 70) Used by Auditors in. session when an upset occurs, or as ordered by C/S. Handles ARC Broken, Sad, hopeless or nattery pcs. Questions can be prefaced with "Recently" "In this life" "On the whole Track" or used without. DO NOT USE ON HIGH TA TO BRING IT DOWN. USE HI-LO TA LIST. TAKE ALL READING ITEMS OR VOLUNTEERED ANSWERS Earlier Similar to F/N as they occur. 1. Has there been an error in listing? (If this reads change to L4B at once.) 2. Has a withhold been missed? 3. Has some emotion been rejected? 4. Has some Affinity been rejected? 5. Has a Reality been refused? 6. Has a communication been cut short? 7. Has a communication been ignored? 8. Has an earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated? 9. Has an earlier rejection of Affinity been restimulated? 10. Has an earlier refusal of Reality been restimulated? 11. Has an earlier ignored communication been restimulated? 12. Has something been misunderstood? 13. Has someone been misunderstood? 14. Has an earlier misunderstanding been restimulated? 15. Has some data been confusing? 16. Has there been a command you haven't understood? 17. Has there been some word you haven't known the meaning of? 18. Has there been some situation you haven't grasped? 19. Has there been a problem? 20. Has a wrong reason for an upset been given? HCO B 19 Mar 71 -2- 21. Has a similar incident occurred before? 22. Has something been done other than what was said? 23. Has a goal been disappointed? 24. Has some help been rejected? 25. Has a decision been made? 26. Has an engram been restimulated? 27. Has an earlier incident been restimulated? 28. Has there been a sudden shift of attention? 29. Has something startled you? 30. Has a perception been prevented? 31. Has a willingness not been acknowledged? 32. Has there been no auditing? 33. Did you go Exterior? 34. Have actions been interrupted? 35. Have actions continued too long? 36. Has data been invalidated? 37. Has someone evaluated? 38. Has something been O/Run? 39. Has an action been unnecessary? L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:mes Copyright ($) 1971 by L. Ron Hubbbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 063. HCO PL 7 Apr 1970 RA Green Form HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 APRIL 1970RA Qual Div (HCO Pol. Ltr. of 16 Dec 1968 and Hats 7 Sept 1969 Amended and Reissued) Tech Div amended 8 Aug 1970 Hats Revised 17 September 1974 SHSBC Students Revised 29 September 1974 ARC Break Auditor GREEN FORM BEFORE ANY AUDITOR IS PERMITTED TO DO A GF OR ANY PREPARED LIST HE MUST BE ABLE TO MAKE LISTS READ WITH CRAMMING ON TR1 AND CRAMMING ON HCOBs 28 FEB 71 (C/S SERIES 14), 9 JUNE 71 ISSUE I (C/S SERIES 41), 20 DEC 71 (C/S SERIES 72), 15 JUNE 72 (C/S SERIES 80), 15 OCT 73 (C/S SERIES 87), 20 NOV 73 (C/S SERIES 89), 6 DEC 15 (C/S SERIES 90 AND BPL 16 JUNE 71R ISSUE I (FORMERLY HCOB 16 JUNE 71R, ISSUE II). In HGC the Green Form is done on the order of the Case Supervisor to detect reasons for case trouble. If the TA is high or low use C/S 53RH instead. It is assessed Method 5 and handled. The new Auditor's Code is observed on every line. If the line reads and the pc or pre-OT protests it, has no answers, seems ARC Broken by the read or resigned or starts to explain how the thing has been run before, check for false read. Use False and Suppress as per HCO Bulletin 18 Nov 68. On Environment ARC Break the Remedy B - Environment, HCOB 14 Aug 68 is a limited process. S&D is also a limited process, only one F/N available on W, one F/N on S, one F/N on U. They are only done on C/S instructions. Do not audit a pc or pre-OT who has not had sufficient food or rest or who has taken aspirin or drugs, check this before session. If he or she has had insufficient food or rest, send the pc home to have this handled. Indicate the by-passed charge of the incomplete cycle of action of the session on both Questions 2 and 3. The Green Form should be run to F/N VGIs with all reads taken to F/N. It can be done Method 3 and taken to a good win, F/N VGIs. If done M3 it must NOT be run past the first F/N. PC OR PRE-OT NAME ________________________ DATE ____________ TIME _______ NAME OF AUDITOR __________________________ CLASS ___________ GRADE ______ ALL FOLDERS TO HAND _____________ LAST AUDITOR'S NAME ___________________ CONTAINS BEGINNING ASSESSMENT FORM ______________________________________ 1. FOLDER C/Sed BY NAME ___________________________________ TA _________ PC OR PRE-OT GRADE ___________________ PC OR PRE-OT CLASS ___________ 2. SUFFICIENT SLEEP ____________________________________________________ PHYSICALLY TIRED ____________________________________________________ SUFFICIENT FOOD _____________________________________________________ HCO PL 7.4.70RA - 2 - Rev. 29 Sept 74 ARE YOU HUNGRY ______________________________________________________ ALCOHOL _____________________________________________________________ ASPIRIN/TRANQUILIZERS _______________________________________________ DRUGS (FIND OUT WHAT IS BEING TAKEN OR WHAT DRUG ITEMS WERE NOT RUN AND WHY) _______________________________________________ 3. WANTS AUDITING (IF DOESN'T, DISCUSS WHY NOT, GET PC TO EXPLAIN) ____________________________________________________________ 4. (a) ARC Break ) (Handle by ARCU CDEINR earlier similar ARC Break. On new pcs ask if there has been an upset (handle as above), SESSION ASSESSMENT __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ (b) ENVIRONMENT ARC BREAK __________________________________________ (ARCU CDEINR or Remedy B if ordered by the C/S.) (c) AUDITING ENVIRONMENT ___________________________________________ (Prepcheck.) (a) IGNORED ORIGINATIONS ___________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (b) PRESENT TIME PROBLEM ___________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) New pcs: "Do you have a persisting problem?" (Handle as above. ) (c) EVALUATION ______________________________________________________ (d) INVALIDATION ____________________________________________________ (e) MISSED WITHHOLDS ________________________________________________ (Who nearly found out, what did they do to miss it, earlier similar M/WH to basic.) New pcs ask "Has someone nearly found out something about you?" (Handle as above.) (e-1) WITHHOLD THAT KEPT COMING UP _________________________________ Who wouldn't accept, who said it still read. Indicate false read, 2wc the concern.) (f) OVERTS _________________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar overt to basic. ) New pcs "Have you done something you shouldn't have done?" (Handle as above.) (g) MISUNDERSTOOD WORD OR SYMBOL ___________________________________ (Clear it to F/N.) (h) COMMITTING CONTINUOUS PT OVERTS ________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa or 'Prevent Process'.) New pcs: "Are you continuously doing something you shouldn't do? (Handle as above.) 6. NO AUDITING _________________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar.) 7. (a) SOMETHING THAT ISN'T THERE _____________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (b) TRYING TO PUT SOMETHING WHERE THERE IS NOTHING _________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (c) FALSE ASSERTION ________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) _________________________________________________________________________ 8. (a) ASSESSED BEYOND THE RIGHT ITEM _________________________________ (Correct the list and give the pc his item.) _________________________________________________________________________ (b) INCOMPLETE LIST ________________________________________________ (Complete the list and indicate the item.) _________________________________________________________________________ (c) OVERLISTED _____________________________________________________ (Indicate, null with suppress and get the item.) _________________________________________________________________________ HCO PL 7.4.70RA - 2 - Rev. 29 Sept 74 (d) SOMATIC ITEM ON A LIST NOT READING BUT SOMATIC EXISTS? _____________________________________________________________ (Handle as per HCOB 29 Jan 70 Null Lists in Dianetics) 9. (a) PICTURE NOT ERASED _____________________________________________ (Complete chain to erasure and full end phenomena.) (b) STUCK PICTURE __________________________________________________ (L-3RD or run "Recall a time before the incident. What was it?" "Recall a time after the incident. What was it?") (c) PICTURES CHANGING? _____________________________________________ (L-3RD.) (d) NO SOMATICS ____________________________________________________ (2wc to F/N, note for C/S.) (e) RECURRING SOMATIC OR FEELING? __________________________________ (Write down any items given and their reads. Run any item that BDs by R-3R.) (f) FORCED TO GO EARLIER FAST THE BASIC ON A CHAIN? _____________________________________________________________________ (Locate basic on chain, A, B, C, D or earlier beginning then A, B, C, D as required to F/N, cognition, VGIs and erasure.) (g) AN EARLIER BEGINNING ON AN INCIDENT BEEN MISSED? _____________________________________________________________________ (h) JUMPED CHAINS? _________________________________________________ (Write detail. If original chain found, run R-3R to end phenomena.) (i) BLACK FIELD? ___________________________________________________ (L-3RD.) (j) INVISIBLE FIELD ________________________________________________ (L-3RD.) (k) DISTURBED WHILE RUNNING AN INCIDENT ____________________________ (Clean up any ARC Brk with CDEINR earlier similar ARC Brk to F/N and Gls. Check if chain erased and if not, run R-3R to end phenomena. ) (l) WRONG DATE ______________________________________________________ (Indicate, get the right date.) (l-1) WRONG LOCATION ________________________________________________ (m) PSYCHIATRIC INCIDENT ___________________________________________ (Run R-3R.) 10. (a) LOWER LEVELS UNFLAT ____________________________________________ (Find out which and note for C/S.) (b) LOWER LEVELS OVERRUN ___________________________________________ (Rehab any overrun. ) (c) LOWER LEVELS NEVER RUN _________________________________________ (Note for C/S.) (d) ACTUALLY RUN THE PROCESSES FOR EACH GRADE? _____________________ (Note for C/S.) (e) HAS POWER PROCESS BEEN LEFT UNFLAT _____________________________ (Not to use on Clear and above, Grade V, VA checked by Class VII or VIII Auditors only.) (f) HAS POWER PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN _________________________________ (Same as E. Rehabbed by Class VII or VIII only.) (g) IS THERE SOMETHING THAT HASN'T BEEN HANDLED ____________________ (Note for C/S.) 11. (a) FALSE ATTESTATION ______________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (b) UNTRUE ASSERTIONS ABOUT CASE ___________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (c) TOLD A LIE _____________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) HCO PL 7.4.70RA - 4 - Rev. 29 Sept 74 (d) WASN'T SURE ___________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (e) MISUNDERSTOOD TECH ____________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (f) MISUNDERSTOOD CASE CONDITION __________________________________ (Itsa earlier Similar Itsa.) (g) EXPERIMENTING _________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (h) ALTERING TECH _________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar itsa.) (i) DOING SOMETHING ELSE WITH TECH ________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) (j) HAVE YOU TYPED HANDWRITTEN OR TAPED COPIES OF ANY CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS? ____________________________________________ (Handle with time, place, form and event, Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 12. (a) PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ___________________________________________ (Find out which process and note for C/S.) DATE OF SESSION ____________________________________________________ (b) PROCESS OVERRUN _______________________________________________ (Rehab.) DATE OF SESSION ____________________________________________________ 13. FORMER RELEASE _____________________________________________________ (Find what release has not been acknowledged and Rehab.) 14. NON STANDARD PROCESS _______________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar itsa.) 15. BAD AUDITING COMM CYCLE ____________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa, L-1C if necessary.) 16. CODE BREAKS ________________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 17. HIDDEN STANDARD (WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO KNOW SCIENTOLOGY WORKS?) ___________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 18. MIXED THERAPIES (ANY OTHER TREATMENT IN PROGRESS) __________________ (Note what.) 19. CONNECTED T0 A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON __________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa or S&D only on C/S order, or handle as in 4a.) 20. (a) CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP ______________________________ {Handle as in 19.) (b) ENVIRONMENTAL MENACE __________________________________________ (Folder to C/S.) 21. HERE TO GET DATA FOR SOMEONE ELSE __________________________________ (What, when, all, who.) 22. HERE BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DEMANDED IT ______________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 23. SELF-AUDITING DURING INTENSIVE _____________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 24. BEING AUDITED BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN AN HGC AUDITOR _________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 25. CRIMINAL RECORD OR CRIMES FOR WHICH YOU COULD BE ARRESTED ____________________________________________________________________ (Note all crimes with what, when, all, who and handle by Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 26. INSANE ASYLUM HISTORY ______________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar itsa.) 27. SHOCK TREATMENT HISTORY ____________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 28. HERE TO BE CURED OF SOMETHING NOT MENTIONED ________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) HCO PL 7.4.70RA - 5 - Rev. 29 Sept 74 29. UNPAID DEBTS TO ORGS ________________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa) 30. KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY ____________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 31. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SCIENTOLOGY WORKED ON EVERYONE _________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 32. ANYTHING UPSETTING ABOUT THIS REVIEW ________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 33. HAS ANYTHING BEEN SUPPRESSED ________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 34. HAS ANYTHING BEEN INVALIDATED _______________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 35. HAS ANYTHING BEEN RUSHED ____________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 36. HAS ANYTHING BEEN MISSED ____________________________________________ (Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 37. HAS SOMETHING BEEN OVERRUN __________________________________________ (Get what it is and Rehab. 38. IS A SCIENTOLOGY CONFESSIONAL (SEC CHECK) NOT COMPLETE _____________________________________________________________________ (Handle With List L-CR Confessional Repair List.) 39. PC STATEMENT OF THE TROUBLE AS IT IS NOW ____________________________ 40. ASSESS 7 SPECIAL CASES: (a) DOESN'T WANT AUDITING ___________________________________________ (b) PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED ______________________ (c) HAS NOT HAD AUDITING ____________________________________________ (d) SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS _____________________ (e) HAS TAKEN DRUGS _________________________________________________ (f) FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY _______________________________ (g) HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES ______________________________ (h) OUT OF VALENCE __________________________________________________ (i) CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY __________________ (j) AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT ___________________________________ (k) AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT, ARC BRK __________ PTPs __________ W/H __________ (l) HAS ENGRAM EXACTLY MATCHING PT DANGERS __________________________ (m) SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL ________________________________________ (Return the folder to C/S, do not Indicate the item to the pc or pre-OT.) (n) GONE EXTERIOR IN AUDITING _______________________________________ (o) OVERWHELMED BY AUDITING _________________________________________ (a) is handled as in 4 of the GF. (c) is handled by Listing and Nulling "Who or what would prevent auditing?" (b) & (d) to (h) handled Recall process, 3 flows each to F/N then engram or chain 3 flows each to F/N. (i) is handled by listing and nulling "What are you trying to prevent" by the LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING. (n) is handled by HCOB 11 April 1970 "Auditing Past Exterior" procedure. GF-40 is handled as per HCOB 8 April 1970 "GF-40 Handling Clarification." (o) handled by a Progress and Advance Program (as per C/S Series after 2wc to F/N.) FINISH TA POSITION ____________ FINISH TIME _____________ TOTAL TA ______________________ TOTAL TIME ______________ HCO PL 7.4.70RA - 6 - Rev. 29 Sept 74 RECOMMENDATIONS _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ DATE ________________ AUDITOR SIGN ______________________________________ CASE SUPERVISOR _________________________________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1970, 197U by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This is Reproduced and issued to you by The Publications Organization, U.S. ===================== 064. BTB 17 Mar 1971R A Flag Expertise Subject - Handling GF Items BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 17 MARCH 1971R REVISED & REISSUED 19 JANUARY 1975 AS BTB (Revision in Script) Remimeo Class IV and above CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 17 MARCH 1971 SAME TITLE A FLAG EXPERTISE SUBJECT FLAG EXPERTISE ON HANDLING GF ITEMS (Auditor must be skilled in L&Ning to BD F/N item and have a Qual OK to audit chit on these processes.) 1. GF 10(g) "SOMETHINS THAT HASN'T BEEN HANDLED." If a somatic, handle by Dianetics ($). Otherwise handle the same way as Hidden Standard in HCOB 6 March 71 "New Uses for the Green Form by: a. L&N "What hasn't been handled?" to BD F/N item. b. L&N "Who or what would have (item from a)?" to BD F/N item. c. Run O/W on the item. 2. GF 40(c) "HAS NOT HAD AUDITING." After L&Ning "Who or what would prevent auditing?" to BD F/N item, run O/W on the item. 3. GF 40(i) "COMMITTING CONTINUOUS OVERTS IN SCIENTOLOGY ($)." a. L&N "What are you trying to prevent?" to BD F/N item. b. 2WC "Overts you have committed in Scientology" get- ting what, when, where and who on each. 4. GF 23 "SELF-AUDITING DURING INTENSIVE." 2WC "Tell me about Self-Auditing." Go E/S to first time, to EP. Then find the upset that occurred before Self- Auditing started and do an L1C on that period of PC's life to EP. Compiled by TR & Serv Msn Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C CPO Andrea Lewis Approved by The Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues BDCS:CSA:BofI:D&MM:AL:mh for the Copyright ($) 1971, 1975 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY This is Reproduced and issued to you by The Publications Organization, U. S. ===================== 065. BTB 28 Dec 1972RA C/S Series 81-1RA Auditors Rights Addition Revised BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 28 DECEMBER 1972RA REVISED 20 NOVEMBER 1973 REVISED & REISSUED 25 JULY 1974 AS BTB Remimeo Auditors CANCELS C/Ses HCO BULLETIN OF 28 DECEMBER 1972R SAME TITLE AUDITORS RIGHTS ADDITION REVISED (Reference: BPL 8 Sept 70R Rev. 18 Nov 73 "Examiner's 24 Hour Rule" and HCO PL 13 Jan 71 "Exam 24 Hour Rule".) It is the established right of an Auditor to use the exact Correction List to repair a specific auditing action, when required. An Auditor does not have to obtain C/S OK to do a Correction List for a specific auditing action so long as the Auditor has a legal Qual Okay to Audit that specific Correction List. An Auditor is expected to take a PC who has red tagged back into session immediately and handle with the right Correction List for that process or rundown, or as authorized in the original HCOB 23 Aug 71 Auditors Rights. It is strictly forbidden for an Auditor or any other Auditor to take a PC back into session without C/S clearance, after the fact of a second red tag. The Auditor has only one chance to repair the PC with the right Correction List. If this does not handle, the PC is still red tagged and the folder must be gotten to the C/S fast and the Out Tech corrected within 24 hours of the original red tag. The earlier issue of this Bulletin which permitted Auditors to count auditing hours lost on a salvage red tag session is cancelled. Additionally, if a red tag PC is NOT handled immediately by the Auditor concerned, the existing penalty of loss of the auditing hours which resulted in the Red Tag session is DOUBLED. For example, if the Auditor audited a 2 hour session, he is penalized 4 hours if he fails to take his PC straight back into session. This DOUBLE penalty is purely for the Auditor concerned and does NOT affect or change other penalties connected - 'the Examiner's 24 Hour Rule per BPL 8 Sept 70R and the Paid Comps' penalty per HCOB 30 Aug 71RB Rev. 23 Oct 73. BTB 28.12.72RA - 2 - Rev. 20.11.73 Rev. 25.7.74 The intention here is to increase Auditor responsi- bility for the preclear and eradicate the incidence of Out Tech. Qual Secs must get in on Policy daily HGC Auditor and Interne study, TRs and drills period. This will eradicate Out Tech and increase daily stats. Continuous restudy, TRs and drills, done on a daily basis, will create a crack team of Auditors. The datum that the number of times over the materials equals certainty and results still stands. If an Auditor is not flubless to his Class of training, Superliterate or not, he has areas of misunderstoods and non-application to be found and handled. The first responsibility of an Auditor is his preclear and getting that preclear through, by application of flub- less tech. Written & Revised by Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JZ:mh Copyright ($) 1972, 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 066. HCOB 21 Apr 1970 2 Way Comm C/Ses HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 APRIL 1970 Remimeo 2 WAY COMM C/Ses There are four main reasons why a Case Supervisor or an auditor gives a "2 way comm" C/S. 1. WHEN NOT ENOUGH DATA TO C/S. "2 way comm to obtain data about case progress and status" 2. WHEN PC INFERS SOMETHING IN CASE THAT'S NOT BEEN HANDLED. "2 way comm to find what pc thinks should be handled on case." 3. WHEN PC HASN'T COGGED ON END RESULT. "2 way comm on (process just run) to see what thoughts pc had regarding it." 4. WHEN PC'S POST PURPOSE IS BEING CLEANED UP. "2 way comm on how his post purpose fits into org-or if he can do it." In all these instances the C/S may be as specific as he likes about what he wants asked or cleared up. In other words the quoted C/Ses above are only examples. Each of the above four general types can have a great number of different questions. The C/S must be very familiar with the four types given in capitals above. On his part the auditor can vary the CS's question around to get different slants on it. The auditor doesn't have to get an F/N on the 2 way comm session but often does. The auditor can introduce a curve, an alter-is, by Q and A with the pc and by evaluation. The Drill on 2 way comm is the old ask and listen. A Q and A is of course echoing the pc's statement. Example: PC: "I never liked my father." Auditor: "What about your father?" PC: "He was cruel." Auditor: "What about cruel people?" PC: "I don't like them." Auditor: "What else don't you like'?" And so on and on. A correct session is for the auditor to hold to the C/S's main line of questioning no matter how he phrases it and listen to and write down what the pc says. Evaluation in auditing 2 way comm is the other deadly sin. The auditor asks and listens. He doesn't explain anything to the pc. Example: Pc: "I didn't dig the process." Auditor: "Well you see that process was intended to ....... " and here we go on. Evaluation, Even an auditor's facial expression can be evaluation. Ask and listen and ack. Prompt only by varying the original question now and then that's what the good 2 way comm auditor does. W/S The 2 way comm worksheet is rather more detailed as to what the pc says than process worksheets. HCOB 21 Apr 1970 - 2 - The C/S needs the data. Or in looking it over the auditor himself, if he's his own C/S will need the data. The questions the auditor asks should be noted on the worksheet as a guide. MAXIM It is a C/S maxim "when in doubt order a 2 way comm". 2 WAY COMM AUDITOR Any auditor can 2 way comm. Saint Hillers were best at it. Academy level auditors can be used in this even Dianetic Auditors. The only reservation is not to assign an auditor whose grade is lower than the pc's. The auditor's class is not as important as his grade. The reason for this is that the OT pre-OT, in being 2 way commed by a Grade V can blow the poor auditor apart or can be stuck with a data withhold. METER All 2 way comm is of course done on a meter. It is, however, not a Sec-check or Prepcheck. TA position and needle reaction and F/Ns are important to the C/S. One doesn't 2 way comm past an F/N, cog and VGIs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright ($) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 067. HCOB 3 July 1970 C/Sing 2 Way Comm HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JULY 1970 Remimeo C/S SERIES NO. 14 C/Sing 2 WAY COMM The C/S is liable to make most of his C/S errors in C/Sing 2 way Comm. The reasons for this are 1. 2 way comm IS auditing. 2. The errors that can be made in any auditing can be made in 2 way comm. 3. Untrained or poorly trained auditors do not always respect 2 way comm as auditing. 4. Errors in 2 Way comm become masked since the procedure is loose. 5. Earlier C/Ses on the case may have missed the easily missed 2 way comm errors. RULES OF C/Sing 2 WAY COMM A. The C/S must recognize that 2 way comm is auditing. Therefore it follows all the rules of auditing. B. Any error that occurs in other auditing can occur in 2 way comm auditing. Errors in a 2 way comm session must be carefully looked for as they easily can be masked in the worksheet. C. Auditors must be persuaded by the C/S to make notation of auditing essentials in 2 way comm as of senior importance to pc's text (which is also made note of in the W/S. D. The questions asked in 2 way comm can be very incorrect just as rote Processes can be. E. An auditor must be trained as a 2 way comm auditor (Class II). Otherwise he will Evaluate, Q and A and commit other faults. F. If an ARC break occurs early in a 2 way comm session and is not handled as such the rest of the session is audited over an ARC break and can put a PC into a sad effect. G. A pc with a PT problem not being handled in the 2 Way comm will get no gain. H. A PC with a w/h in a 2 way comm session will become critical, nattery and/or get a dirty needle. HCOB 3 July 1970 - 2 - I. Two way comm processes must be flattened to F/N. If F/N doesn't occur then the subject didn't read in the first place or the auditor Qed and Aed or evaluated or changed the subject or the TRs were out or the pc's ruds were out. J. A two way comm subject chosen must be tested for read in that session before being used for 2 way comm. K. Improper 2 way comm questions can plunge the pc into an out rud situation not then handled. "Is anything upsetting you" or any mention of upsets by the auditor is the same as asking for an ARC Break. "Has anything been troubling - worrying you lately?" Is the same as asking for a PTP. "Who aren't you talking to?" is asking for w/hs. L. The subject of major processes should be kept out of 2 way comm C/Ses, auditors questions and 2 way comm assessment lists (ARC Brks, Problems, overts, changes or any major auditing subject, as they are too heavy, being the buttons of the bank. M. The C/S should only let Class II or above auditors do 2 way comm sessions. N. A rud going out in a 2 way comm session must be put in by the auditor. O. A 2 way comm session should end in an F/N. P. Auditors whose 2 way comm sessions do not end in F/N must be be taught to check the subject for read before using, not to Q and A, not to Evaluate and given a refresher on 2 way comm tapes and HCOBs. Q. In a 2 way comm session that flubs the C/S must be careful to isolate the errors just as in any other auditing session that flubs and put them right. R. A 2 way comm subject that reads on test and doesn't F/N on 2 way comm must be checked for O/R (if TA went up) and rehabbed by the 1965 rehab method, or prepchecked and continued. _____________ The whole point to all of this is that a 2 way comm session IS auditing. It is delivered by the auditor, C/Sed and remedied like any other session. Also it is usually being run on a delicate PC who is more affected by errors than pcs being given other processes. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:sb Copyright ($) 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 068. BTB 10 July 1970 2-Way Comm - a Class III Action BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 10 JULY 1970 REISSUED 28 JUNE 1974 AS BTB Remimeo Class III Auditors and CANCELS above HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JULY 1970 SAME TITLE 2-WAY COMM - A CLASS III ACTION Amends HCOB 21 April 1970 2-Way Comm C/Ses And HCOB 3 July 1970 C/S Series No. 14, C/Sing 2-Way Comm with regard to Classification of 2-Way Comm actions. 2-way Comm is now classified as a Class III action. This is because of the frequent use of Assessment in running the 2-Way Comm sessions which require Class III techniques. Hereafter it is to be taught on Level III in Academies and is to be audited only by Class III Auditors and above. Checksheets, Gradation Charts, Course Packs, etc. are to be adjusted accordingly. This amends HCOB 21 April 1970, page 2, paragraph 5, which states, "Any Auditor can 2 Way Comm............. even Dianetic Auditors". The rest of this HCOB remains unchanged. On HCOB 3 July 1970, C/S Series No. 14, Rules E and M are changed from "Class II" to "Class III". Following are some points on 2-Way Comm for C/Ses and Auditors: 1. Do not push non reading questions. 2. You can check "suppress" and "protest". 3. 2-Way Comm with a high TA is not bad, but an Auditor who fights a high TA is. 4. 2-Way Comm is not an invitation to Q and A. 5. 2-Way Comm sessions can be run to F/N in most cases. (Based on LRH C/Ses) CS-4 Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JR:mh for the Copyright ($) 1970, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHS OF SCIENTOLOGY This is Reproduced and issued to you The Publications Organization, U. S. =========================== 069. HCOB 17 Mar 1974 TWC Checksheets - TWC, Using Wrong Questions HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 MARCH 1974 Remimeo TWC CHECKSHEETS TWC, USING WRONG QUESTIONS Two Way Comm is not an art. It is a science which has exact rules. Foremost in tile rules is: DON'T USE A LISTING QUESTION IN TWO WAY COMM. By a "listing question" is meant any question which directly or indirectly calls for items in the pc's answer. Use of "who", "what", "which" instantly turn a TWC into a listing question. Listing questions are governed by the rules of Listing and Nulling. If you use a listing question accidentally in TWC you can get the same bad reactions from a pc that you would get on a wrongly done list. The reason for pc upsets in TWC is hidden as it is not apparently a listing process, rarely gets the correction a bad list would get. Asking "who" or "what" or "which" during a TWC after the main question can also turn it into a Listing and Nulling process. TWC questions MUST be limited to feelings, reactions, significances. They must NEVER ask for terminals or locations. EXAMPLE: "Who upset you?" in TWC causes the pc to give items. This is a LIST. "What are you upset about?" does the same thing. "Which town were you happiest in?" is also a LISTING question NOT a TWC question. Any of these result in the pc giving items. They are not then nulled or correctly indicated. The pc can get VERY upset just as he would with a wrong list. Yet the session is not a "listing session" so never gets corrected. EXAMPLE: "How are you doing lately?" is an example of a correct TWC question. It gets off charge and gets no list items. "Are you better these days than you used to be?" "How have you been since the last session?" "What happened" is different than "What illness", "What person", "What town" which are listing questions. HCOB 17.3.74 - 2 - REPAIR When other things fail to locate the upset of a pc look into TWC processes in the folder and treat them as L&N processes where the pc has answered with items. The relief is magical. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:ntm Copyright ($) 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 070. HCOB 8 Oct 1970 C/S Series 20 Persistent F/N HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1970 Remimeo C/Ses All Auditors C/S Series No. 20 Level 0 HGC Checksheet PERSISTENT F/N A FLOATING NEEDLE can persist. This fact tells you at once why you cannot do three major actions in a row in the same ten minutes. This was the bug behind "Quickie Grades" (0 to IV in one session. This also occurred in Power when it was run all in one day). The auditor would attain a bona fide full dial F/N. The pc was still cogniting, still in a big win. The auditor would "clear the next process command", he would see an F/N. He would "Clear the next process command", and see an F/N. BUT IT WAS THE SAME F/N! Result was that processes 2 and 3 WERE NEVER RUN ON THE CASE. This is really what is meant by "quickie Grades". In 1958 we got real Releases. You could not kill the F/N for days, weeks. Several processes had this effect. Today's real Clear also goes this way. You couldn't kill the F/N with an axe. By running a lot of Level Zero processes for instance you can get a real swinging unkillable F/N. It not only gets to the Examiner, it comes in at the start of the next day's session. NOW if in one session you ran all of Level Zero and went on up to Level One, you would just be auditing a persistant F/N. The pc would get no benefit at all from Level One. He's still going "Wow" on Level Zero. If you ran Level Zero with one process that got a big wide floating F/N and then "ran" Level I, II, III and IV you would have just a Level Zero Release. The pc's bank was nowhere to be found. So next week he has problems (Level I) or a Service Fac (Level IV) and he is only a Grade Zero yet it says right there in Certs and Awards log he's a Grade IV. So now we have a "Grade IV" who has Level I, II, III and IV troubles! A session that tries to go beyond a big dial wide drifting floating F/N only distracts the pc from his win. BIG WIN. Any big win (F/N dial wide, Cog, VGIs) gives you this kind of persistent F/N. You at least have to let it go until tomorrow and let the pc have his win That is what is meant by letting the pc have his win. When you get one of theme dial wide F/Ns, Cog, VGIs NOW you may as well pack it up for the day Gradual Widening In running a Dianetic chain to basic in triple you will sometimes see in one session a half dial on flow 1, 3/4 of a dial on flow 2, a full dial on flow 3. HCOB 8.10.1970 - 2 - OR you may have 4 subjects to two-way comm or prepcheck in one session. First action 1/3 dial F/N. Then no F/N, TA up. Second action 1/2 dial F/N. Then no F/N. Third action 3/4 dial F/N. Fourth action full dial wide floating swinging idling F/N. You will also notice in the same session - long time for 1st action shorter, shorter, shorter for the next three actions. Now you have an F/N that anything you try to clear and run will just F/N WITHOUT AFFECTING THE CASE AT ALL. If you audit past that you are wasting your time and processes. You have hit an "unkillable F/N" properly called a persistent F/N. It's persistent at least for that day. Do any more and it's wasted. If an auditor has never seen this he had better get his TRO bullbait flat for 2 hours at one unflunked go and his other TRs in and drill out his flubs. For that's what's supposed to happen. F/Ns on pcs audited up to (for that session) a persistent F/N always get it to the Examiner. If you only have a "small F/N" it won't get to the Examiner. However, on some pcs maybe that's good enough. May take him several sessions, each one getting a final session F/N a bit wider. Then he gets an F/N that gets to the Examiner. After that, well audited on a Continuing basis, the F/N lasts longer and longer. One day the pc comes into session with a dial wide floating swinging F/N and anything you say or do does nothing whatever to disturb that F/N. It's a real Release man. It may last weeks, months, years. Tell him to come back when he feels he needs some auditing and chalk up the remaining hours (if sold by the hour) as undelivered. Or if sold by result, chalk up the result. If the F/N is truly persistent he will have no objections. If it isn't, he WILL object. So have him come back tomorrow and carry on whatever you were doing. SUMMARY The technical bug back of Quickie Grades or Quickie Power was the persistent F/N. This is not to be confused with a Stage 4 (sweep, stick, sweep, stick) or an ARC Broke needle (pc Bad indicators while F/Ning). This is not to be used to refuse all further auditing to a pc. It is to be used to determine when to end a series of major actions in a session. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:rr Copyright ($) 1970 L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =====================