FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST CLASS IV - HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR (HAA) CASE SUPERVISOR COURSE - PART 10/14 ************************************************** This is the Class IV Case Supervisor Course (HAA) Course Pack as issued and delivered in the 1975 - 1976 time frame. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. NOTE: With the following exceptions, all documents are reproduced exactly as issued. All italicized or bold characters and underlines have been omitted from this reproduction. Only minor spelling errors have been corrected. If you have questions about the content of an individual issue please refer to the Tech or OEC Volumes (which were posted previously) for clarification. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association - Unit 21 ************************************************** ===================== 056. HCOB 15 Sept 1971 C/S Series 60 - The Worst Tangle HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 15 SEPTEMBER 1971 C/S Series 60 THE WORST TANGLE Sometimes a C/S gets a terrible tangle handed to him as follows. 1. INTERIORIZATION RUNDOWN IS UNDONE OR MESSED UP 2. FAULTY LISTS HAVE BEEN DONE. 3. THE PC IS IN A HEAVY ARC BRK WITH PTPs AND W/Hs. Now each one of these three things "must be done first". Auditing cannot be done with Int messed up except to handle the Int RD. Auditing cannot be done over bad lists without repairing the lists. Auditing cannot be done over out rude without putting the ruds in. So WHAT does the C/S do ? There is fortunately a different degree of upset in these three things Int RD trouble is worse than list trouble is worse than out ruds. Therefore the correct C/S would be to 1. Repair Int 2. Repair lists? 3. Put-in Ruds. 1. Repair Int RD is done by using L3B on each flow. And (on Flag) by dating to blow and locating to blow, 2. Lists are repaired with L4B on each list, preferably with the list available and preferably with the actual list repaired (such as added to if incomplete or correct item found and given to pc). 3. And if the pc also had out rude THESE ARE NOW PUT IN WITH "Have you been audited over an (ARC Brk, PTP, w/h)" as the pc has been. It will all come out all right if properly done. HCOB 15.9.71 - 2 - Very few pcs get that messed up. But when they do even they can be untangled. If a lot of engrams were also run on top of that and these are also in the mess, repair them last as a fourth action. And don't forget to send auditors responsible to cramming and report C/Ses who get a case that snarled up. C/S Series 53 is written with the above sequence of handling. But it omits ARC Brks (as these don't or lower TA out of normal range). And C/S Series 53 as it is designed only for high or low TA does not cover the trick of putting in the ruds as "Were you audited over an ARC Brk, PTP, w/h)?" as it purposely has to omit ARC Brks. Hope this helps. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 057. HCOB 20 Dec 1971 C/S Series 72 - Use of Correction Lists HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 20 DECEMBER 1971 C/S Series 72 USE OF CORRECTION LISTS A current survey shows that the weakest point in C/Sing done in orgs is failure to use Prepared Lists for Case Correction. There are some other Points. For some reason C/Ses are being inventive instead of following the C/S Series and doing standard repairs and grades. Probably the failure to use prepared correction lists derails the use of standard actions. There are very few actions which do not have their own Correction lists. THERE IS NOTHING IN DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY AS MIRACULOUSLY WORKABLE AS CORRECTION LISTS. The only things which prevent the list from working are (a) AUDITORS METERING (b) AUDITORS TRs. METERING When the auditors meter is habitually placed where he cannot see (1) The meter needle, (2) The worksheet and (3) The pc WITH ONE DIRECTED LOOK, then he misses reads. All three have to be seen at once. The faults are i- Eyesight poor ii- Glasses rims obscure one while looking at another iii- Position of the meter. It is a Standard Cramming action to look into these points WHENEVER A CORRECTION LIST IS SAID TO BE BLANK. For example a GF is done by Auditor A on Monday It is done again by Auditor B on Tuesday. Reads are found by B. This means Auditor A is missing reads. THIS IS FAR MORE COMMON THAN BELIEVED. HCOB 20.12.71 - 2 - When an auditor can't be heard or is overwhelming the pc the list won't be valid. An auditor's TRs show up more quickly on a Correction List than any thing else. A pc ARC Broken by TRs 0 to IV will not read properly on a correction list. NUMBERS OF LISTS The number of Correction Lists is large. It is unthinkable to do Word Clearing without ever using a WC Corr List. Yet we find folders with bogged word Clearing sessions where the list was never used There is the Green Form for general case upset, the Green Green Form for Solo, L1C for ARC Brks over a period, L3B for Dianetic bogs, L4B for listing and nulling goofs, Int RD Corr List for Int-Ext corrections, a Power Corr list for Power, GF 40R for resistive cases, C/S 53 and Hi Low TA for TA misbehavior, L7 for Clearing Course, and others. C/S's trying to "solve cases" without using correction lists is like trying to repair flat tires without puncture patches - It just CAN'T BE DONE. THE PRIMARY TOOL OF A C/S IS PREPARED CORRECTION LISTS. It is not inventive ways of "solving cases". METHOD OF USE Where you have inexpert auditors you always order Method 5, which is just a full rapid assessment. Then the C/S sorts out the reads and C/Ses what to do as very well covered on the lists themselves and the C/S Series. Then the auditor does the C/S. A Green Form is always done this way. It will bog on any other method like 3. There are different methods of handling lists. L1C is always done Method 3, carrying each read as it is found Earlier Similar to F/N. A GF 4OR is done Method 3 and then the engrams are run for each read where engrams are indicated. HCOB 20.12.71 - 3 - It's up to a C/S to use Correction Lists, to coach his auditors into proper list use and to get corrected any misuse A C/S who can't or doesn't use Prepared Correction list isn't a C/S at all but a "person puzzled about oases." Correction lists, standard programs and the Grade Chart and Grade Commands and materials. These are the tools of the C/S. There are NO others. A C/S is one who uses those things. He is Supervising that they are used when they are supposed to be. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 058. HCOB 16 Feb 1972 C/S Series 72 Talking the TA Down HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 16 FEBRUARY 1972 All Tech Terminals All Auditors C/S Series 74 Franchise TALKING THE TA DOWN MODIFIED The expertise of talking the TA down should be preserved. It is a skill. But we have had high and low TAs solved for nearly a year and don't have to talk them down anymore as a constant action. Auditors SHOULD know how to do it, and then use it as a rare action. The right way to handle a high TA is to: Do HCOBs 24 Oct 71, HCOB 12 Nov 71, HCOB 15 Feb 72 each named FALSE TA if it has not been done by the auditor on the pc. THEN if TA is high don't talk it down or do unusual solutions, do a C/S Series 53 or a Hi Lo TA Assessment and handle. The Int-Ext Correction List is done as indicated and so is the Word Clearing Correction List. As far as a C/S is concerned, when the pc's TA is seen to be high at session starts, he should order as follows: "Check as per False TA HCO Bs" then when that is done he orders "C/S 8eries 53 Assess and return to me". Or "Hi Lo TA Assessment and return to me". He then rapidly C/Ses the required actions. He should have a standing order with all his auditors: IF TA IS HIGH OR LOW AT SESSION START DO NOT CONTINUE THE SESSION SEND FOR A C/S. An auditor should not in fact talk a TA down, we know now, as he may be auditing over an Out Interiorization Rundown, either not done or botched. It therefore saves time if other auditing is not done when the TA is high. HCOB 16.2.72 - 2 - In general practice it will now be considered standard for an auditor, Dianetic or upper class, to not start a session over a high TA but to call for a C/S. And where there is no C/S it will be considered standard for an auditor, seeing a high TA, to at once do a C/S 53 Method 5 (assessing it all), and then handling. THERE ARE EXACT REASONS FOR A TA BEING HIGH AND THESE TODAY ARE EASILY HANDLED. There is no need to talk a TA down. It is faster to directly locate the reason it is up. Smoothly handling such situations is the work of an expert. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:ne Copyright ($) 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHT8 RESERVED ===================== 059. BTB 11 Aug 1972RA C/S Series 83RA - Correction Lists BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN Remimeo 11 AUGUST 1972RA REVISED 18 SEPT 1974 (REVISION IN ITALICS.) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 11 AUGUST 1972 SAME TITLE C/S Series 83RA CORRECTION LISTS This BTB gives the major correction lists used in auditing with a brief statement of their use, EP and relation to Grade Chart. "IMPORTANT NOTE: AUDITORS MUST BE EXCELLENT ON TRs AND METERING AND ASSESSMENT DRILLS BEFORE BEING PERMITTED TO TOUCH ONE OF THESE LISTS AS THEY OTHERWISE MISREAD, CALL WRONG READS, GET NO READS, DRIVE TA UP OR DOWN AND BOTCH THE CASE UP FURTHER. USE CRAMMING ON TRs AND METER BEFORE LETTING AN AUDITOR DO ONE OF THESE LISTS." LRH. L1C: Used by auditors in session when an upset occurs, or as ordered by C/S to handle ARC Breaks, sad, hopeless or nattery pcs. It is assessed Method 3. It can also be done M5 on a very ARC Broken pc. EP is area of BPC handled with pc F/N and VGIs, The L1C is not continued beyond a good cog with VGIs and a wide F/N. GREEN FORM: Used for general case clean up particularly on an out rud type pc or when ruds won't fly. It is not used to handle high or low TA. Assessed M5 to provide data for the C/S then each read handled in accordance with C/S Series 44R. EP is each read handled to its EP. May be reassessed after handling all reading items if heavily charged on first assessment. Can also be M3 to a good win and F/N VGIs. FALSE TA CHECKLIST: (HCOB 29 Feb 72, Revised 23 Nov 73.) Normally done early in auditing, especially if TA high or low. Prevents unnecessary repair due to wrong cans or grip. Is usually only done once. Do not suddenly interject this action into the middle of a session nor change from cans to footplates mid- session due to TA going high. C/S 53RH: This is the basic list to get TA up or down into normal range. Assessed M5, reading items handled then reassessed etc to F/Ning assessment. Done well with good basic auditing this action should not need to be frequently repeated on a case. TA going high or low in later auditing after C/S 53RH BTB 11.8.72RA - 2 - Revised 10.9.74 already fully handled is normally handled with the correction list for that action (e.g. L4BR when TA high after listing or WCCL On Word clearing etc.) EP is C/S 53RH F/Ning on assessment with TA in normal range. L1X HI-LO TA LIST: (BTB 1 Jan ?2) Normally used for further handling if high or low TA recurring after C/S 53RH completed. Does not supersede individual correction lists where TA went high or low on a specific auditing action. Assessed M5 and each reading item handled to its EP. EP of list is all reading items handled and TA in normal range. INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST: (HCOB 29 Oct 71 Revised 14 May 74) Used when Int Ext reads on any repair list and the Int RD has already been done or corrected, when a bog occurs on the Int RD itself, or if pc upset after Int RD and/or TA gone high or low immediately after. Don't re-run Int RD - use the correction list, EP is all reading items handled to F/N, EP of Int RD, and Int Ext no longer reading. L4BR: (HCOB 15 Dec 68 Revised 2 June 72) Used for assess- ment of all listing errors, when trouble occurs on a listing process, when TA goes high or pc gets sick or upset after a session which included listing actions. Does not require C/S permission to use by an auditor within a session when trouble on listing occurs. Always assess M5 and all reads handled (largest reads first). Used to handle individual lists or listing in general in which case the list can be re- assessed after first handling if heavily charged on first assessment. EP is all reads handled to F/N with correct items found and indicated and pc no longer upset by the listing action. Should be taken to F/Ning list for full EP of List correction. There is no limit to the number of times it can be used but an auditor who requires frequent use of L4BR needs cramming on basic auditing and L&N so he does it right the first time. L3RD: (HCOB 11 April 71 Revised 8 March 74) Used for locating and handling all errors and trouble in R3R actions. Assessed M3 with each reading item handled in full per instructions and continued further only if TA or upset remains unhandled. It is not taken to F/Ning assessment except when used in Dianetic Track Repair RD. EP is difficulty handled with pc F/N VGIs and again running well on R3R. GF 40XRR: (BTB 30 June 71 Revised 13 Jan 72) Used to handle resistive cases (TA in normal range but not responding well to auditing. Assess M3 with all reading items taken to F/N per instructions, then handled in depth with L&N and R3R processes. BTB 11.8.72RA - 3 - Revised 18.9.74 Normally done only once if done properly. EP is all reading items handled, pc no longer resistive and making good progress in auditing. Note that a pc can be made to appear resistive by poor basic auditing and failure to use the right correction list when needed. PTS RD CORRECTION LIST: (HCOB 16 April 72) "This Correction List is assessed and handled after a PTS Rundown has been done on the pc. It also serves as a checklist of expected actions with the Rundowns" --- LRH. It is always assessed M5. EP is pc no longer upset, each reading item taken to EP. WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST: (WCCL) (BTB 21 July 1971 Revised 31 Might 72, 30 Dec 72) Used to handle any upsets or high or low TA occurring during or shortly after word clearing. If a pc gets sick after word clearing don't start running R3R, use the WCCL. If TA goes high during or shortly after word clearing, don't use a C/S 53RH, use the WCCL. This list can be overused by using every time the TA starts to go high in word clearing instead of simply completing the clearing of the word or subject started. Assessed M5. EP is all reading items handled to F/N and pc again running well. STUDY CORRECTION LIST: (BTB 4 Feb 72 Revised 5 Oct 72) Used to handle outnesses in a person's earlier studies which prevent him from progressing well in current study or make him antipathetic towards study. Done as part of the Primary Correction Rundown. It is not used as a substitute for correct application of study tech on the person's current course. Assessed M5. EP is all reading items fully handled and an F/Ning list on final assessment, The full EP of pc willing and able to study well would require each step of Primary Correction RD completed in sequence if pc had been having study trouble. (Ref: HCOB 30 March 72 Revised 30 May 72.) AUDITING TOOLS: DRILL It is vital that any auditor or C/S knows exactly which correction list to use end when to use it, This is particularly true of auditors in session who can and must use the L1C, L4BR, L3RD or WCCL, in session when trouble occurs in order to quickly remedy the action and complete the session successfully without having to end off prematurely for C/S instructions. For this purpose the auditing tools drill has been developed by LRH. In this drill the coach has a pile of the various correction lists, holds each up in any order and asks "When do you use this?" "How do you use it?" BTB 11.8.72RA - 4 - Revised 16. 9 Auditor must answer correctly without comm lag. When the auditor can do this without error coach then varies the drill by giving session situations and auditor must state the appropriate corrective action to be taken. A flunk is always handled by having the student re- study the relevant HCOB (never by coach interpretation). Any disagreement or confusion is handled by appropriate word clearing on the materials concerned. REPAIRING THE PC INSTEAD OF THE AUDITOR Excessive use of repair lists and having to re-do correction lists already done results from flubby auditing. Don't just carry on repairing the pc. Get the auditor crammed especially on basic auditing especially TRs and metering. Then you can get the pc rapidly and effectively repaired end back onto the Gradation Chart. "DO NOT LET AN AUDITOR TOUCH SUCH LISTS ON A PC UNTIL HE HAS BEEN CRAMMED ON TRs, METERING AND ASSESSING." - LRH. HANDLING TROUBLE BEFORE IT OCCURS To use a correction list in session every time the TA starts to go up or pc gets misemotional is Q&A and will slow up auditing tremendously. The correct action is to be an expert in basic auditing, to know the action you are running, and run the process to its EP. TAs do go high and low during processes. Pcs do sometimes get misemotional when running certain actions. This doesn't call for a correction list as there is nothing to correct. One simply completes the process. GRADATION CHART The EP of a Repair Program is stated in C/S Series No. 5 as "the pc feeling great and feeling he can get case gain," It does not say every correction list or every repair action ever devised having been run on the pc. If one goes past the EP of repair you then will have to repair the pc. THE CASE GAIN AVAILABLE TO THE PC IS CONTAINED IN THE PROCESSES OF THE GRADATAION CHART WHICH IS THE BASIC AUDITING PROGRAM OF EACH PC. Failure to repair a pc who does need repair denies that pc the gains obtainable from processes. Repairing a pc who is doing well or continuing to repair a pc beyond the EP of repair also denies the gains of auditing. BTB 11.8.72RA - 5 - Revised 16.9.74 The solution is to be an expert in basic auditing, know the processes down cold, know uses of correction lists and use them only when required and then use them correctly and get the pc back onto the Gradation Chart with a minimum of delay. Training & Services Aide Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow 2nd Revision by CS-4 Approved by L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:RS:MH:AL:BL:nt Copyright ($) 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 060. HCOB 24 Nov 1973RB C/S Series 53RJ Short Hi Lo TA Assessment HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1973RB Remimeo (Cancels HCOB 24 Nov 73 Rev 12 Nov 74) Revised & Reissued 22 March 1975 C/S Series 53RJ SHORT HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT C/S This is the basic prepared list used by Auditors to get a TA up or down into normal range. A GF Method 5 may also be used after TA is in normal range to get pc's case handled better. ______________________________________________ PC Name ___________________ Date 1. Assess pc Method 5 on this sheet. (Go down the list calling off the items to the pc, watching the meter. Mark any Tick, SF, F, LF, LFBD (to what TA), speeded rise or Blow Up.) NOTE: A C/S 53RJ should be reassessed and all reads handled until it F/Ns on assessment. A. Interiorization _____ Black _____ Went in _____ Loss _____ Go in _____ Lost _____ Can't get in _____ F. Same thing run twice _____ Want to get out _____ Same action done by another Kicked out of spaces _____ auditor _____ Can't go _____ G. Doing something with mind B. List errors _____ between sessions _____ Overlisting _____ Some other practice _____ Wrong items _____ H. Word Clearing errors _____ Upset with giving items to _____ Study errors _____ auditor _____ I. False TA _____ Wrong date _____ Wrong sized cans _____ Wrong location _____ Tired hands _____ Wrong Why _____ Dry hands or feet _____ Wrong Indication _____ Wet hands or feet _____ Wrong PTS Item _____ Loosens can grip _____ C. Some sort of W/H _____ Wrong hand cream _____ Are you withholding something _____ J. Auditor overwhelming _____ Is another withholding some- Feel attacked _____ thing from you _____ Something wrong with F/Ns _____ Are others withholding some- Overrun F/Ns _____ thing from others _____ Missed F/N _____ False withhold _____ Items really didn't read _____ Withholds gotten off more False reads _____ than once _____ Bad auditing _____ Has another committed overts Incomplete actions _____ on you _____ Invalidation _____ Have you committed any overts _____ Evaluation _____ Have others committed overts Couldn't get auditing _____ on others _____ Interruptions _____ Not saying _____ K. Can't have _____ Problems _____ Low havingness _____ Protest _____ L. PTS _____ Don't like it _____ Suppressed _____ Audited over out ruds _____ M. Something Went on too long _____ Feel sad _____ Went on by a release point _____ Rushed _____ Overrun _____ Tired _____ Auditor kept on going _____ ARC Brk _____ Over-repair _____ Up set _____ Puzzled why auditor keeps on _____ Can't get it _____ Stops _____ D. Drugs _____ N. Something else _____ LSD _____ Physically ill _____ Alcohol _____ O. Repairing a TA that isn't high_____ Pot _____ Repairing a TA that Isn't low _____ Medicine _____ Faulty Peter _____ E. Engram in restimulation _____ Nothing wrong _____ Same engram run twice _____ P. False Exam Report _____ Can't see engrams too well _____ WAITED at Exam _____ Invisible _____ Upset by Examiner _____ HCOB 24. 11.73RB - 2 - Revised 22.3.75 2. Use only the small falls or falls or BDs. The rises will however show where mass lies. A. If A or any of the A Group, and the pc has had an Int RD, do an Int RD Correction List, and handle the reads. (HCOB 29 Oct 71 Amended 31 Dec 71.) If the pc has never had an Int RD, then give him a standard Int RD providing you have checked out on the Int-Ext pack and are good at R3R. B. If any of these read, do an L4B on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these do an L4B In general. You can go over an L4B several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4B gives nothing but F/Ns, Handle a Wrong Why or Wrong Indication or Wrong PTS item per C/S Series 78. C. If any of these, handle with 2wc and earlier similar to F/N. IF more than one reads do biggest read first and then clean up each of the others E/S to F/N. If all read on assessment you have to get an F/N for each or 17 F/Ns. On overts and withholds, get what, and E/S to F/N. On out ruds, find which rud and handle. (See GF40RR HCOB 30 June 71 Revised 13 .Jan 72.) Feel sad, handle the ARC Break. (Feel sad = ARC Brk of long duration.) D. Rehab releases on each "drug" taken to F/N, Complete the Drug RD per C/S Series 48R after handling all reads on this assessment. If pc has had a Drug RD, do L3RD on it, and handle E. if any of these, do L3RD and handle according to what is stated to do on L3RD. F. Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. G. Find out what it Is. If Yogi or Mystic exercises or some such 2wc E/S it to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down do L1C on that period of pc's life. I. If Word Clearing, do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. If Study errors, 2wc E/S to F/N, and add a Study Correction List to the pc's program. J. False TA is wrong cans. Use HCOBs 24 Oct 71, 12 Nov 71, 15 Feb 72, 18 Feb 72, 29 Feb 72, HCOB 23 Nov 73, all on False TA. Then clean up the bypassed charge. With (1) Assess for best read (a)TA worries (b) F/N worries. (2) Then 2wc times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. (3) Rehab any overruns due to False TA obscuring F/Ns. J. These are auditor errors. Low TA is generally caused by overwhelming TRs and incomplete actions. A high TA can be caused by an auditor overrunning F/Ns or failing to call them. Or trying to assess through an F/N and mistaking an F/N right swing for a read. An F/N can be obscured and mistaken for a read if Sensitivity too high. These items are all 2wc E/S to F/N. Auditors who made them need Cramming badly or retread. K. Can't have or Hav. Find correct Havingness process and remedy. L. PTS or Suppressed. Check for SP or get a full PTS RD. M. Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N on each (or date to blow, locate to blow If qualified). N. 2wc to find what. Note BD Item. if BD Item covered by one of these categories handle per instructions, If not just 2wc to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary. O. Get pc to tell you about It briefly. If correct then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If false TA handle per I above. P. INDICATE and 2wc to F/N. General. Handle Int RD (A) if it reads at all before handling rest as nothing will go right if int is still out. For the remainder prefer to handle any BD group if you get a BD. If in doubt about what to do, return to the C/S. Revised by L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1973, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 061. HCOB 1 Jan 1972RA L1X Hi-Lo TA List Revised HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 1 JANUARY 1972RA Auditors REVISED & REISSUED AS HCOB 20 NOV 1974 Class III and above CANCELS BTB OF 1 JANUARY 1972R SAME TITLE L1X HI-LO TA LIST REVISED (Cancels earlier list HCOB 17-Feb 71 and 22 Feb 71 and 25 Feb 71 and 3 March 71 and 13 March 71 and 1 Jan 72.) This assessment has been developed to detect all the reasons for high and low TA. There is nothing unusual about the processes necessary to handle these points. This is the full list and is used when a C/S Series 53 RI has been done and the high or low TA persists. Interiorization or a flubbed interiorization R/D that must be run with WENT IN is the usual reason. Listing errors and out rudiments are another reason. The list is assessed Method 5. Handle the reads in the order given on HCOB 10 June 71, C/S Series 44R. Any reading questions must be carried to F/N by major action or 2 Way Comm. Can be taken to full F/Ning list. Must be done by an Auditor who can make a list read with Cramming on TR1 and Cramming on HCOBs 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24, 9 June 71 C/S Series 41, 20 Dec 71 C/S Series 72, 15 June 72 C/S Series 80, 15 Oct 73 C/S Series 87, 20 Nov 73 C/S Series 89, 6 Dec 73 C/S Series 90 and BPL 16 June 71R Issue I (formerly HCOB 16 June 71R Issue II). HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT 1A. IS YOUR INT RUNDOWN UNFLAT? _________ If the pc has had an Int R/D, do an Int R/D Correction List and handle the reads. (HCOB 29 Oct 71, Revised 14 May 74.) If the pc has never had an Int R/D, then give him a standard Int R/D providing you have checked out on the Int-Ext pack and have drilled the procedure. 2A. WAS YOUR INT RUNDOWN MESSED UP? _________ Int R/D Correction List. 3A. IS YOUR INT R/D OVERRUN? _________ Int R/D Correction List. 4A. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER EXTERIOR? _________ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 5A. ARE YOU TRAPEPD? _________ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. 6A. YOU WENT IN. _________ Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 2 - Rev. 20.11.74 7A. G0 IN. Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 8A. ARE YOU OUT AND CAN'T GET IN? Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 9A. ARE YOU IN AND CAN'T GET OUT? Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 10A. ARE YOU URGENTLY TRYING TO LEAVE? Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 11A. DO YOU WANT TO GET OUT? Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 12A. WERE YOU KICKED OUT OF SPACES? Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 13A. YOU CAN'T GO. Int R/D Correction List or Int R/D. _________ 1B. IS THERE A LIST ERROR? _________ Do an L4BR on the earliest lists you can find that have not been corrected. Lacking these, do an L4BR in general. You can go over an L4BR several times handling each read to F/N until the whole L4BR gives nothing but F/Ns. 2B. HAS A LIST BEEN OVERLISTED? _________ Find out which and handle with an L4BR. 3B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG ITEM? _________ L4BR and handle. 4B. ARE YOU UPSET WITH GIVING ITEMS TO THE AUDITOR? _________ L4BR and handle. 5B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG INDICATION? _________ L4BR and handle. 6B. WERE YOU GIVEN A WRONG WHY? _________ L4BR on the Why Finding. Get the correct Why. 7B. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN A WRONG PTS ITEM? _________ L4BR on that PTS Interview. Watch for earlier out PTS Interviews and if they exist, L4BR the earliest one. Watch for earlier S&Ds and if out, correct the earliest of each kind with an L4BR. 8B. ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED WITH AN ITEM FOUND ON THE LIST? _________ L4BR. Correct the List. 9B. HAVE READING ITEMS BEEN LEFT CHARGED UP? _________ L4BR and handle if L&N lists otherwise spot them and clean them by taking to F/N. 1C. DO YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF WITHHOLD? _________ Pull it (them) E/S to F/N. Use "Who" if discreditable. 2C. ARE YOU WITHHOLDING SOMETHING? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. Use "Who" if discreditable. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 3 - Rev. 20.11,74 3C. IS ANOTHER WITHHOLDING SOMETHING FROM YOU? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 4C. ARE OTHERS WITHHOLDING SOMETHING FROM OTHERS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 5C. HAS ANOTHER COMMITTED OVERTS ON YOU? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 6C. HAVE YOU COMMITTED ANY OVERTS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 7C. HAVE OTHERS COMMITTED OVERTS ON OTHERS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 8C. ARE YOU NOT-ISING OVERTS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 9C. YOU'RE NOT SAYING? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 10C. HAVE YOU COMMITTED CRIMES? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 11C. ARE YOU COMMITTING CRIMES IN PT? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 12C. ARE YOU PROTESTING? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 13C. ARE YOU HIDING? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 14C. YOU DON'T LIKE IT. _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 15C. ARE THERE UNDISCLOSED PROBLEMS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 16C. IS THERE A LIE? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 17C. ARE THERE CONSIDERATIONS NOT MENTIONED? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 18C. DO YOU HAVE OPINIONS YOU DON'T DARE SAY? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 19C. ARE YOU HERE FOR UNDISCLOSED REASONS? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 20C. ARE YOU NOT TELLING YOUR AUDITOR YOUR COGNITIONS ? _________ Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. 21C. ARE YOU WITHHOLDING YOUR ACTUAL CASE STATE? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 22C. ARE YOU UNWILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR? _________ 2WC on things he can't say E/S to F/N. 23C. ARE THERE DISAGREEMENTS? _________ Run 2WC E/S to F/N: F1. Tell me about others' disagreements with you. F2. Tell me about your disagreements with others, F3. Tell me about others' disagreements with others. 24C. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? _________ PROBLEM? _________ WITHHOLD? _________ Indicate it and handle E/S to F/N. HCOBS 1.1.72RA - 4 - Rev. 20.11.74 25C. DO YOU FEEL SAD? _________ Handle the ARC Break as an ARC Break of Long Duration. 26C. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? _________ Handle the ARC Break. 27C. DO YOU FEEL UPSET? _________ Handle the ARC Break. 28C. DO YOU FEEL RUSHED? _________ 2WC to F/N. 29C. DO YOU FEEL TIRED? _________ 2WC E/S F/N. 30C. YOU CAN'T GET IT. _________ Find out what and 2WC E/S to F/N. ------------ 1D. ARE YOU TAKING OR SMOKING DRUGS? _________ 2WC to F/N. Rehab releases on each "Drug" taken to F/N. If PC has had a Drug R/D, do L3RD on it and handle. Program the PC for a Drug R/D or verification of it if it is incomplete or there are "No Interest" items. 2D. DID YOU 0NCE TAKE DRUGS? _________ 2W/C to F/N. Rehab releases on each drug to F/N. L3RD on Drug R/D if be had one. Program for Drug R/D or verification if incomplete. 3D. HAVE YOU TAKEN LSD? _________ 2WC to F/N Drug Rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 4D. HAVE YOU DRUNK ALCOHOL? _________ 2WC to F/N. Drug/Alcohol Rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug RD or verification if unflat, 5D. HAVE YOU SMOKED POT? _________ 2WC to F/N. Drug Rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 6D. ARE YOU TAKING MEDICINE? _________ 2WC to F/N. Drug/Medicine Rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if he had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat. 7D. DID YOU 0NCE TAKE MEDICINE? _________ 2WC to F/N. Drug/Medicine Rehabs. L3RD on Drug R/D if be had one. Program for full Drug R/D or verification if unflat ------- 1E. IS THERE AN ENGRAM IN RESTIMULATION? _________ Find out which and do L3RD and handle per its instructions. 2E. ARE THERE UNFLAT CHAINS? _________ Find out what chains and L3RD on each. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 5 - Rev. 20.11.74 3E. DO YOU HAVE A STUCK PICTURE? _________ Indicate it. Do an L3RD on it. You can also unstick it by having him recall a time before it and recall a time after it. D/L if necessary. C/S can order Picture and Masses Remedy Dn done after this list is handled - if necessary, 4E. DO YOU HAVE PICTURES IN RESTIMULATION? _________ L3RD and handle. Pictures and Masses Remedy Dn. 5E. DO YOU HAVE MASSES IN RESTIMULATION? _________ L3RD and handle. Pictures and Masses Remedy Dn. 6E. HAS THE SAME ENGRAM BEEN RUN TWICE? _________ L3RD and handle. 7E. YOU CAN'T SEE ENGRAMS TOO WELL. _________ Do L3RD Method 5 and handle. Program for L3RD Rundown if necessary. 8E. IS IT INVISIBLE? _________ Spot the invisible field or picture. L3RD on it and handle. 9E. IS IT ALL BLACK? _________ Spot the black field or picture. L3RD on it and handle. 10E. HAS THERE BEEN A LOSS? _________ Do L3RD on it and handle. Run it out R3R Triple if not run out and still not handled. 11E. HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? _________ Do L3RD on it and handle. If not yet run out and still unhandled run R3R Triple. ---------- 1F. HAS THE SAME THING BEEN RUN TWICE? _________ Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. 2F. HAS THE SAME ACTION BEEN DONE BY ANOTHER AUDITOR? _________ Clean up any protest and inval and rehab to F/N. ---------- 1G. ARE YOU DOING SOMATHING WITH THE MIND BETWEEN SESSIONS? _________ Find out what it is. If Yoga or mystic exercises or some such, 2WC E/S to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down, do L-1C on that period of PC's life. 2G. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN SOME OTHER PRACTICE? _________ Find out what it is. If Yoga or Mystic exercises or some such, 2WC E/S to first time done, find out what upset had occurred before that and if TA now down, do L-1C on that period of PC's life. ---------- 1H. ARE THERE WORD CLEARING ERRORS? _________ Do a Word Clearing Correction List, handle all reads. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 6 - Rev. 20.11.74 2H. ARE THERE STUDY ERRORS? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N and add a Student Rehabilitation List (HCOB 15 Nov 74) or full Study Correction List (BTB 4 Feb 72R0) to the PC's Program. ---------- 1I. HAVE YOU EVER HAD TROUBLE WITH YOUR TA OR F/Ns? _________ Use HCOBs 24 0ct 71, 12 Nov 71, 18 Nov 72, 29 Feb 72, 25 Nov 75, all on False TA. Then clean up the bypassed charge with 1) Assess for best read a) TA worries b) F/N worries. 2) Then 2WC times he has worried about (item) E/S to F/N. 5) Rehab any overruns due to False TA obscuring F/Ns. 2I. HAVE YOU HAD A FALSE TA? _________ Handle as in 1I. 3I. ARE YOU USING THE WRON G SIZED CANS? _________ Handle as in 1I. 4I. DO YOU HANDS GET TIRED IN AUDITING? _________ Handle as in 1I. 5I. ARE YOUR HANDS DAY? _________ Handle as in 1I. 6I. ARE YOUR FEET DRY? _________ Handle as in 1I. 7I. ARE YOUR HANDS WET? _________ Handle as in 1I. 8I. ARE YOUR FEET WET? _________ Handle as in 1I. 9I. DO YOU LOOSEN YOUR GRIP ON THE CANS? _________ Handle as in 1I. 10I. ARE YOU USING THE WRONG HAND CREAM? _________ Handle as in 1I. ---------- 1J. HAVE YOUR BEEN SELF AUDITING? _________ 2WC to first time. L-1C on the prior upset or if prior upset was in auditing use the appropriate correction list and an L-1C on that time. 2J. WAS A WRONG OVERRUN FOUND? _________ Correct it to F/N by indication and rehabbing the right overrun. 3J. HAS THERE BEEN AN OVERRUN IN LIFE? _________ Locate, indicate, rehab to F/N. 4J. HAS THERE BEEN AN OVERRUN IN AUDITING? _________ Locate, indicate, rehab to F/N. 5J. HAS THERE BEEN SOMETHING WRONG WITH F/Ns? _________ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 6J. HAVE F/NS BEEN OVERRUN? _________ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 7J. HAVE F/NS NOT BEEN INDICATED? _________ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. 8J. HAVE F/NS BEEN MISSED? _________ Indicate. 2WC E/S to F/N. Rehab if necessary. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 7 - Rev. 20.11.74 9J. HAVE AUDITING QUESTIONS NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? _________ 2WC, get them properly understood with Word Clearing, E/S if needed to F/N. 10J. HAVE ITEMS NOT REALLY READ? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 11J. DID YOU SAY SOMETHING MUST HAVE READ? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 12J. WERE YOU STILL UPSET WHEN SOMEBODY THOUGHT IT WAS HANDLED? _________ Find and handle to F/N. 13J. HAVE YOU HAD BAD AUDITING? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 14J. ARE THERE INCOMPLETE ACTIONS? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 15J. HAS THERE BEEN ANY INVALIDATION? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 16J. HAS THERE BEEN ANY EVALUATION? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 17J. COULDN'T YOU GET AUDITING? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 18J. HAVE THERE BEEN INTERUPTIONS? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 19J. DOES YOUR AUDITOR OVERWHELM YOU? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 20J. DO YOU FEEL ATTACKED? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 21J. ARE YOU SCARED OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IN AUDITING? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 22J. ARE YOU TALKING TO OTHERS ABOUT YOUR CASE? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 23J. ARE YOU LISTENING TO OTHERS TALK ABOUT THEIR CASES? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 24J. HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING AT OR LISTENING TO TECH MATERIALS YOU SHOULDN'T? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. 25J. ARE YOU WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. ---------- 1K. SOME SORT OF CAN'T HAVE? _________ Find correct Havingness process and remedy. 2K. IS YOUR HAVINGNESS LOW? _________ Find correct Havingness process and remedy. ---------- 1L. IS SOMEORE OR SOMETHING HOSTILE TO YOU? _________ Check for SP with a PTS Interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 2L. ARE YOU PTS? _________ PTS Interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 8 - Rev. 20.11.74 3L. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE TO DIANETICS OR SCIENTOLOGY? _________ PTS Interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. 4L. DO YOU FEEL SUPPRESSED? _________ PTS Interview or get a full PTS R/D programmed. ---------- 1M. HAS SOM ETHING GONE ON TOO LONG? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N on each (or date to blow, locate to blow if qualified.) 2M. YOU WENT ON BY A RELEASE POINT? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or 3M. HAS SOMETHING BEEN OVERRUN? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 4M. THE AUDITOR KEPT ON GOING. _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 5M. HAS THERE BEEN ANY OVER-REPAIR? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. 6M. ARE YOU PUZZLED ABOUT WHY THE AUDITOR KEEPS ON? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to or D/L. 7M. ARE THERE STOPS? _________ Find out what. Clean up any protest. Rehab to F/N or D/L. ---------- 1N. HAVE YOU SEPARATED OUT? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. Then Triple Expanded Grade Two or L1C on Advance Program. 2N. ARE YOU SOMEBODY ELSE? _________ 2WC E/S to F/N. Program for LX Lists. 3N. DO YOU THINK SOMETHING ELSE IS WRONG? _________ 2WC to find what. Note BD item. If BD item is covered by one of the other questions on the list, handle per instructions. 0therwise, GF M5 and handle. 4N. ARE YOU PHYSICALLY ILL? _________ 2WC to find what. Note BD item. 2WC to F/N and get further C/S instructions for handling if necessary. ---------- 1O. ARE WE REPAIRING A TA THAT ISN'T HIGH? _________ Get PC to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If False TA, handle per 1I above. 20. ARE WE REPAIRING A TA THAT ISN'T LOW? _________ Get PC to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. If False TA, handle per 1I above. HCOB 1.1.72RA - 9 - Rev. 20.11.74 3O. IS THE METER FAULTY? _________ Get PC to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. 4O. IS THERE NOTHING WRONG? _________ Get PC to tell you about it briefly. If correct, then indicate to F/N. Go E/S and indicate it if no F/N on first. ---------- 1P. WAS THERE A FALSE EXAM REPORT? _________ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. 2P. HAVE YOU HAD TO WAIT AT THE EXAMINER? _________ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. 3P. HAVE YOU BEEN UPSET BY THE EXAMINER? _________ Indicate and 2WC to F/N. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:nt Copyright ($) 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =====================