FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST CLASS IV - HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR (HAA) CASE SUPERVISOR COURSE - PART 9/14 ************************************************** This is the Class IV Case Supervisor Course (HAA) Course Pack as issued and delivered in the 1975 - 1976 time frame. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. NOTE: With the following exceptions, all documents are reproduced exactly as issued. All italicized or bold characters and underlines have been omitted from this reproduction. Only minor spelling errors have been corrected. If you have questions about the content of an individual issue please refer to the Tech or OEC Volumes (which were posted previously) for clarification. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association - Unit 21 ************************************************** ===================== 052. BTB 6 Jan 72R Rev. 25 Feb 74 0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples Grade 1 Processes BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 JANUARY 1972R REVISED 25 FEBRUARY 1974 CANCELS & REVISES HCO BULLETIN OF 6 JANUARY 1972 Remimeo O-IV EXPANDED GRADE PROCESSES -TRIPLES PART C GRADE 1 PROCESSES This HCOB gives a checklist of the expanded triple grade process commands, not necessarily complete with all processes for the grade, however if more processes are needed to attain full EP for the level, additional processes can be found in LRH Bulletins, Books, Tapes, PABs & other issues. (Full sets of PABs can be ordered from Pubs DK.) Each process is run to its full end phenomena of F/N, COG, VGIs. Any processes previously run are rehabbed or completed and any missing flows run. A copy of this checklist is placed in the folder of a pc being run on expanded grades and the processes checked off with an F/N and date as each is run to EP. On any of these processes where the pc answers only yes or that he did it, find out - what it was he did by asking, "What was it?" This keeps in the Itsa Line from pc to auditor. (Ref. 50 June 62 HCOB.) THIS BTB DOES NOT REPLACE THE ORIGINAL SOURCE MATERIALS. LEVEL "I" PROBLEMS 1. CCH'S I TO X See Refs: HCOB 2 Aug 62 CCH ANSWERS HCOB 7 Aug 62 CCH'S MORE INFO BTB 12 Sept 65 CCH DATA HCOB 1 Dec 65 CCH'S CCH I: "Give me that hand" CCH II: Tone 40 8-c "You look at that wall." "Thank you." "You walk over to that wall." "Thank you." "You touch that wall." "Thank you." "Turn around" "Thank you." BTB 6.1.72R -2- Rev. 25.2.74 CCH III: Hand Space Mimicry - "Put your hands against mine, follow them and contribute to their motion." "Did you contribute to their motion?" Gradually increase the space between pc and auditor hands Per the HCOB 12 Sept 63 CCH DATA. On increased distance: (1) Use: "Put your hands facing mine about one inch (or whatever distance is used) away, follow them and contribute to their motion." NOTE: when distance increases auditor's chair gets moved back, and auditor's chair' is always between pc and the door. CCH IV: Ref. HCOB 1 Dec 65 Book Mimicry - (No set commands. ) Repeat CCH 1, 2, 3, 4 through and through until all are FLAT and the pc has reached full EP per LRH HCOBs. TO EP _________ CCH V: HCOB 11 Jun 57 Reiss. 12 May 72 Location by Contact - "Touch that (room object)." "Thank you". TO EP _________ CCH VI: Body-Room Contact - "Touch your _________ (body part)." "Thank you." "Touch that_________ (indicated room object)." "Thank you." TO EP _________ CCH VII: contact by Duplication - "Touch that table." "Thank you." "Touch your _________ (body part)." "Thank you. "Touch that table." "Thank you." "Touch your (same body part)." "Thank you." - Etc. pc walking. TO EP _________ CCH VIII: HCOB 11 Jun 57 Reiss. 12 May 72 PAB 80 "Terrible Trio" "Look around the room and tell me what you could have?" TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R -3- Rev. 25.2.74 "Look around the room and tell me what you would permit to remain." TO EP _________ "Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with." TO EP _________ CCH IX: Ref. HCOB 11 June 57 Reiss 12 May 72 TRAINING & CCH PROCESSES Tone 40 - Keep It From Going Away - "Look at that _________ (indicated room object)" "Walk over to that _________ ." "Touch that _________ ." "Keep it from going away." "Did you keep it from going away?" TO EP _________ CCH X: Ref. HCOB 11 June 57 Reiss 12 May 72 TRAINING & CCH PROCESSES Tone 40 - Hold it Still - "Look at that _________ (indicated room object)." "Walk over to that _________ ." "Touch that _________." "Hold it still." "Did you hold it still?" TO EP _________ R2 - 67 OBJECTS: Ref. CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY, p. 162 "Locate some objects." Run repetitively. Pc looks at them and notes what they are. TO EP _________ 3-PART LOCATIONAL PROCESSES: Ref. PAB 153 1 Feb 59 Locational - "Notice that _________ ." "Thank you." (Auditor points to object but NOT in pc's direction.) TO EP _________ Locational, Body and Room - "Look at that _________." "Thank you." "Look at your _________ (foot, hand, or knee)." "Thank you." TO EP _________ Run alternatively: Objective Show Me "Show me that _________ ." "Thank you." BTB 6.1.72R - Rev. 25.2.74 Run above at first, and then alternate with "Show me your _________ (foot, hand, or knee)." "Thank you," TO EP _________ OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION - R2-17: Ref. HCOB 4 Feb 59 OP PRO BY DUP BTB 24 Oct 71 OP PRO BY DUP- END PHENOMENA CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY Have pc handle and place book On a table, bottle on another table. "Look at that _________ ." "Walk over to it." "Pick it up." "What is its color?" "What is its temperature?" "What is its weight?" "Put it down in exactly the same place." Done alternately with a book and a bottle. TO EP _________ START, CHANGE, STOP: Ref. CLEAR PROEDURE Issue I HCOB 2 Feb 61 UK CASES, DIFFERENT PAB 97 NOTE: Keep a solid comm line with pc when giving commands. STAND STILL: (NOTE: On a very bad off case you can run SCS on an object; use same commands.) "Now I want you to get your body moving down the room when I so indicate & when I tell you to "stand still," I went you to make that body stand still. Do you understand that?" "Good." "Stand still." "Did you make that body stand still?" "Thank you." START - "I am going to tell you to start. And when I tell you to start, you start the body in that direction. Do you understand that?" "Good." "Start." "Did you start that body?" "Thank you." TO FLAT POINT _________ STOP - "I am going to tell you to get the body moving in that direction. Somewhere along the line I will tell you to Stop. Then you stop the body. Do you understand that?" "Good." "Get the body moving" "Stop..." "Did you stop the body?" "Thank You. TO FLAT POINT _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 3 - Rev. 25.2.74 CHANGE - "Do you see that spot?" "Good." 'Me will call that spot A. Now you stand here. OK." "Now do you see that other spot?" "Good. We'll call that spot B. All right, now when I ask you to change the body, I want you to change the body's position from A to B. Do you understand that?" The preclear says he does and the auditor stepping back from the preclear, says "Change". The preclear then changes the body's position. Similarly in using the various points and combinations of the points At. B, C & Dr the auditor runs the preclear on change until that particular process seems to be flat or goes to EP. TO FLAT POINT _________ These steps (as above) are now repeated as they will have unflattened. Each is re-flattened in turn and run over and over again, TO EP PER ABOVE REFERENCES _________ CONTROL TRIO: Ref. PAB 137 & PAB 146 1. "Get the idea of having that _________ (indicated object)." TO EP _________ 2. "Get the idea that it is all right to permit that (indicated object) to continue." TO EP _________ 3. "Get the idea of making that _________ (indicated object) disappear." TO EP _________ GOALS: Ref: PAB 137 1 June 58 & PAB 146 1. "What are you absolutely sure will happen in the next 2 minutes?" Auditor 2-way comms it, to pc certainty and gradually increases span of time. One hr, 3 days, one week, 5 months, one year, etc. TO EP _________ 2. "Tell me something that you would like to do in the next 2 minutes." TO EP _________ OR 1. "Tell me something that you are sure will be there in 2 minutes." Etc. TO EP _________ 2. "Tell me something that you would like to have In 2 minutes." Etc. TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 6 - Rev. 25.2.74 OPENING PROCEDURE SOP 8-C Ref: PAB 34 4 Sept 54 and CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY, p. 44 (R2-16) 1. Select objects in room, direct pots attention to them - 2. "Do you see that _________.?" "Go over to it and put your hand on it." "Now look at _________." "Now walk over to it and put your hand on it." (This is done with various objects without specifically designating spots of a more precise nature than an object until the pc is very certain that he is in good communication with these objects & the walls & other parts of the room.) 3. PART A HAS BEEN ENLARGED by the auditor's selecting exact spots. E.g.: "Do you see that "black mark" on the "left arm of that chair"?" "All right, go over to it and put your finger on it, now take your finger off it." 4. Done until pc has uniform Perception of any and all objects in the room. PART B: 5. "Find a spot in this room." "Go over to it and put your finger on it." "Now let go of it." 6. Done until pc freely selecting spots in the room - this means that his perception of the room has become uniform. TO EP _________ PART C: 7. "Find a spot in the room." "Make up your mind when you are going to touch it and then tough it." "Make up your mind when you are going to let go of it, and let go." 8. Run the process repetitively until ell coma lags are reduced and until the pc's very certain he's seeing, selecting, and touching the spots and to F/N, Cog, VGIs. (Check for F/N on the meter. If no F/N check for unflat or overrun and handle accordingly.) TO EP _________ HELP PROCESSES: Ref: HCOB 5 May 1960 "HELP" 2 way comm on help is the first process to clear the help button. Discuss pc helping others & others helping the pc. Get the pc's views on the subject of help. TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 7 - Rev. 25.2.74 ALSO F-1 "What problem could help be to you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem could help be to another?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem could help be to others?" TO EP _________ OR (IF the pc is inventing answers rather than picking them off the track): F-1 "What problem has help been to you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem has help been to another?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem has help been to others?" TO EP _________ Another remedy for invention where there is no terminal apparently present: F-1 "What help could you confront?" "What help would you rather not confront?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What help could another confront?" "What help would another rather not confront?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What help could others confront?" "What help would others rather not confront?" TO EP _________ LOWER DICHOTOMY OF FAILED HELP - OR TWO WAY FAILED HELP: Ref: HCOB 3 Nov 1960 "FAILED HELP" F-1 "How could another prevent help?" "How could another fail to help?" TO EP _________ F-2 "How could you prevent help?" "How could you fail to help?" TO EP _________ F-3 "How could others prevent help?" "How could others fail to help?" TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 8 - Rev. 25.2.74 FORMULA 16: Ref: HCOB 10 Nov 60 FORMULA 13 HCOB 15 Dec 60 PRE-SESSION 37 F-1 "Who has intended not to help you?" "Who has helped you?" RUN ALTERNATELY TO EP _________ F-2 "Who have you intended not to help?" "Who have you helped?" RUN ALTERNATELY TO EP _________ F-3 "Who has intended not to help others?" "Who has helped others?" RUN ALTERNATELY TO EP _________ FORMULA 17: Ref: HCOB 15 Dec 60 PRE-SESSION 37 HCOB 3 Nov 60 This is especially for the person who has been to healers, hypnotists, spiritualists, psychologists, ministers, religious family members, etc. Run on charged terminals (general terminals and specific persons connected with pc's past.) F-1 "How could a _________ , fail to help you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "How could you fall to help a _________ ?" TO EP _________ F-3 "How could a _________ fail to help others?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "How could a _________ help you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "How could you help a _________ ?" TO EP _________ F-3 "How could a _________ help others?" TO EP _________ FIVE WAY CONCEPT HELP: Ref: HCOB 14 July 1960 "CONCEPT HELP" F-1 "Think of a _________ helping you." TO EP _________ F-2 "Think of you helping a _________ ." TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 9 - Rev. 25.2.74 F-3 "Think of a helping others." TO EP _________ F-4 "Think of others helping a _________ ." TO EP _________ F-5 "Think of a _________ helping a _________ ." TO EP _________ Run on charged (reading) general terminals, culled from the worksheets. CONCEPT HELP O/W: Ref: HCOB 14 July 1960 "CONCEPT HELP" BTB 30 May 1960 "DYN ASSESS ON HELP" Run on charged reading terminals (also a confusion, an unconscious person, a responsible person, a creative person. HCOB 21 Jul 1960, Some Help Terminals.) F-1 "Think of a _________ helping you." "Think of a _________ not helping you." TO EP _________ F-2 "Think of helping a _________ ." "Think of not helping a _________ ." TO EP _________ F-3 "Think of a _________ helping others ." "Think of a _________ not helping others." TO EP _________ HELP O/W: Ref: HCOB 12 May 1960 "HELP PROCESSING" This lets the pc as-is his failures to help as well as his denials of help. F-1 "What help has another given you?" "What help has another not given you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What help have you given?" "What help have you not given?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What help have others given others?" "What help have others not given others?" TO EP _________ FIVE WAY BRACKET ON HELP: Ref: HCOB 5 Nov 1965 "5 WAY BRACKET ON HELP" BTB 6.1.72R - 10 - Rev. 25.2.74 1. "How could you help me?" 2, "How could I help you?" 3. "How could you help another?" 4. "How could another help you?" 5. "How could another help another?" The above commends are run consecutively as one process - muzzled style. TO EP _________ RUNNING HELP ON AN ITEM' Ref: HCOB 28 July 1958 "CLEAR PROCEDURE" HCOB 7 July 1960 "THE ASSESSMENT ON HELP" Run on charged terminals. (Also: Dynamic Assessment of Help, HCOB 7 July 60 The Assessment of Help. Do an assessment on helping th¬ Dynamics, finding the Dynamic on which helping is the least real to the pc, run help on it. ) F-1 "How could a _________ help you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "How could you help a _________ ?" TO EP _________ F-3 "How could a _________ help others?" TO EP _________ REGIMEN TWO: Ref: HCOB 26 Aug 1960 "REGIMEN TWO" F-1 "What motion has helped you?" "What motion has not helped you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What motion have you helped?" "What motion have you not helped?" TO EP _________ F-3 "Whet motion has helped others?" "What motion has not helped others?" FORMULA 20: Ref: HCOB 2 Mar 1961 "FORMULA 20" F-1 "Who has failed to control you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "Who have you failed to control?" TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 11 - Rev. 25.2.?4 F-3 "Who have others failed to control?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "What has failed to control You?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What have you failed to control?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What have others failed to control?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "Who has helped you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "Who have you helped?" TO EP _________ F-3 "Who has helped others?" T0 EP _________ INVENT PROBLEMS PROCESS: Ref: HCOB 11 Jan 1959 "AN AMUSINGLY EFFECTIVE PROCESS......" Fill in the blank with pc's worry or malady. Several different items can be run in turn. F-1 "Invent a problem you could have with another for which _________ is the answer." TO EP _________ F-2 "Invent a problem another could have with you for which is the answer." TO EP _________ F-3 "Invent s problem another could here with others for which _________ is the answer." TO EP _________ HAS V: Ref: HCOB 19 Jan 1961 "ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES" F-1 "Get the idea of solving a problem." "Get the idea of not solving a problem." TO EP _________ F-2 "Get the idea of another solving a problem." "Get the idea of another not solving a problem." TO EP _________ F-3 "Get the idea of others solving a problem." "Get the idea of others not solving a problem." TO EP _________ The Case Supervisor may add a terminal if the pc complains about lots of problems with that terminal. BTB 6.1.72R - 12 - Rev. 25.2.74 The commands used would be: F-1 "Get the idea of solving a problem with (terminal)." "Get the idea of not solving a problem with (terminal)." F-2 "Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with you." "Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with you." F-3 "Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with others." "Get the idea of terminal) not solving a problem with others." PROBLEMS PROCESSES FOR PTPs: Ref: HCOB 16 Dec 1957 "PRESENT TIME PROBLEM" Run on key charged terminal in PTP. F-1 "Invent something worse for you than _________." TO EP _________ F-2 "Invent something worse for _________ than you." TO EP _________ F-3 "Invent something worse for others than _________." TO EP _________ ALSO RUN: 1. "Spot where _________ (key terminal in PTP) is now." 2. "Spot where you are now." RUN ALTERNATELY TO EP _________ PROBLEM OF COMPARABLE MAGNITUDE: Ref: HCOB 16 Dec 1957 "PRESENT TIME PROBLEM" HCOB 1 Mar 1958 "PROBLEM OF COMPARABLE MAGNITUDE" Run on key charged terminal of problem. F-1 "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _________ for you." "How Could that be a problem to you?" NOTE: The above question can be omitted only if the pc tell you how it could be a problem in answering the first question. "Can you conceive yourself figuring on that?" TO EP _________ F-2 "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to you for _________." "How could that be a problem to _________ ?" "Can you conceive _________ figuring on that?" TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 13 - Rev. 25.2.74 F-3 "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _________ for others." "How could that be a problem to others?" "Can you conceive others figuring on that?" TO EP _________ 31 MAR 60 PROBLEMS PROCESS: Ref: HCOB 31 Mar 1960 "THE PTP" F-1 "What problem could you confront?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem could another confront?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem could others confront?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "Tell me your problem." "What part of that problem have you been responsible for?" TO EP _________ F-2 "Tell me a problem of another." "What part of that problem has another been responsible for?" TO EP _________ F-3 "Tell me a problem of others." "What part of that problem have others been responsible for?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "What two things can you confront?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What two things can another confront?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What two things can others confront?" TO EP _________ ALSO: F-1 "What problem have you been (or might you have been) responsible for?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem has another been (or might another have been) responsible for." TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem have others been (or might others have been) responsible for?" TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 14 - Rev. 25.2.74 ROUTINE 1A PROBLEMS PROCESS: Ref: HCOB 6 July 1961 "ROUTINE 1A" F-1 "What problem could you confront?" "What problem don't you have to confront?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem should another confront?" "What problem wouldn't another confront?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem would be confronted by others?" "What problem wouldn't others confront?" TO EP _________ On Flow Two the command may be "What problem could another confront", whichever checks out on meter. SOLUTION TO SOLUTIONS Ref: HCOB 5 May 1959 "SOLUTION TO SOLUTIONS F-1 "What solution could you make stick?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What solution could another make stick?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What solution could others make stick?" TO EP _________ R2-20' USE OF PROBLEMS AND SOULUTIONS: Ref: CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY, p. 53 Have pc pick out, or pick up room object, have him examine this object until he is sure it is real. F-1 "What problems could this object be to you?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problems could this object be to another?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problems could this object be to others?" TO EP _________ On each flow the Command is run repetitively until pc is convinced that he can create problems at will. PROBLEMS INTENSIVE: Ref: HCOB 27 Sept 1962 "PROBLEMS INTENSIVE USE" and TAPE 6110Cll SH Spec 65 "PROBLEMS INTENSIVE" and BTB 10 Apr 72 "PREPCHECKS" F-1 (a) Pc gives all self determined changes he made this lifetime. (Only self determined major changes.) "What self determined changes have you made this life?" BTB 6.1.72R - 15 - Rev. 25.2.74 You can vary the question to get all different angles of changes. (Per Tape Probs Intensive.) (b) Take biggest reading change and ask when it was. (c) Auditor predates the item by a month. (d) Auditor Prepchecks - "Since _________ (date) has anything been _________ (buttons)?" F-2 (a) Pc gives all self determined changes another made this lifetime, "What self determined changes has another made this life?" (b) Assess, predate, and prepcheck as above, TO EP _________ F-3 (a) Pc gives all self determined changes others made this lifetime. "What self determined changes have others made this life?" (b) Assess, predate, and prepcheck as above, TO EP _________ LEVEL ONE TRIPLE: F-1 "What problem have you had with someone?" "What solutions have you had for that problem?" TO EP _________ F-2 "What problem has another had with you?" "What solutions has another had for that problem?" TO EP _________ F-3 "What problem has someone had with another?" "What solutions have they had for that problem?" TO EP _________ HAVINGNESS: 1H-F1 Point out something desirable. TO EP _________ IH-F2 Point out something another would find desirable. TO EP _________ 1H-F3 Point out something another could get others to desire. TO EP _________ BTB 6.1.72R - 16 - Rev. 25.2.74 Revised & Reissued ms BTB by FMO 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:MH:AL:ntm Copyright ($) 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===================== 053. BTB 14 Mar 74R Rev. 14 Aug 75 0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples Grade 2 Processes BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 14 MARCH 1974R Remimeo REVISED 1 APRIL 1974 Level II Checksheets CANCELS AND REVISES Auditors HCO BULLETIN OF 7 JANUARY 1972R REVISED 14 AUGUST 1975 O-IV EXPANDED GRADE PROCESSES - TRIPLES PART D GRADE 2 PROCESSES This HCOB gives a checklist of the Expended Triple Grade Process Commands. It is not all the possible processes for this level. If more are needed to attain full EP for the level additional processes can be found in LRH Bulletins, Books, Tapes, PABs and other issues. Each process is run to its full end phenomena of F/N Cog VGIs. Any previously run are rehabbed or completed end any missing flows run. A copy. of this HCOB is placed in the folder of a pc being run on Expanded Grades and the processes checked off with the date each is run to EP. On any of these processes where the pc answers only "yes" or that he did it, find out what it was by asking "What was it?" This keeps in the itsa line from pc to auditor. (Reference HCOB 30 June 62.) 1. R2-25 Viewpoint end Viewpoint ARC Straightwire. (Ref. Creation of Human Ability, R2-29, PAGE 65,) VIEWPOINT: F-1 "Give me some things which it would be comfortable for you to look at," Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Give me emotions it would be all right for you to look at." Repetitively to F/N COO VGIs. _________ "Give me some efforts it would be all right for you to look at." Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ NOTE: The auditor must make sure that the preclear is absolutely certain he is comfortable in viewing such objects, The process fails When the auditor is incapable of pressing the preclear until this certainty is attained. F-2 "Give me some things which it would be comfortable for another to look at." Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ BTB 14.3.74R - 2 - Rev. 1 Apr 74 "Give me some emotions it would be all right for another to look at." Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Give me some efforts it would be all right for another to look at." Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ F-3 "Give me some things which it would be comfor- table for others to look at." Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs, _________ "Give me some emotions it would be all right for others to look at. Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Give me some efforts it would be all right for others to look at," Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ ALSO VIEW POINT ARC STRAIGHTWIRE F-1 "Who would it be all right to have like you?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right to have agree with you?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right to have communicate with you?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ F-2 "Who would it be all right for you to like?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right for you to agree with?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right for you to communicate with?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs, _________ F-3 "Who would it be all right for others to have like them?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right for others to have agree with them?" Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "Who would it be all right for others to have communicate with them. Repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ 2. ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES - HAS VIII (Ref: HCOB 19 Jan 61 ADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSES) F-1 "Get the idea of people making you friendly." "Get the idea of people making you unfriendly." Alternately to F/N COG VGIs. _________ BTB 14.3.74R - 3 - Rev. 1 Apr 74 F-2 "Get the idea of making people friendly" "Get the idea of making people unfriendly." Alternately to F/N COG VGIs. _________ F-3 "Get the idea of people making other people friendly," "Get the idea of people making other people unfriendly." Alternately to F/N COG VGIs. _________ MELBOURNE 3 (Ref: HCOB 4 Dec 59 ALLOWED PROCESSES 1ST MELBOURNE ACC) DO A DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT (Ref. HCOB 6 Mar 59, How to Do a Diagnosis in Dynamic Straight Wire.) "what part of a (terminal) could you confront?" "What part of a (terminal) would you rather not confront?" Alternately to F/N COG. VGIs. _________ "What part of a (terminal) could another confront?" "What part of a (terminal) would another rather not confront?" Alternately to F/N COG VGIs. _________ "What part of a (terminal) could others confront?" "What part of a (terminal) would others rather not confront?." Alternately to F/N COG VGIs. _________ 4. REPETITIVE CONFRONT PROCESS (Ref: HCOB 8 Mar 62 "THE BAD AUDITOR") 1. "What could you confront?" 2. "What would you permit another to reveal?" 3. "What might another confront?" 4. "What might another permit you to reveal?" 5. "What would you rather not confront?" 6. "What would you rather not. have another reveal?" 7. "What might another hate %o confront?" 8. "What might another object to your revealing?" 9. "What should be confronted'?" 10. "What shouldn't anyone ever have to confront?" Run this process alternately repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ BTB 14.3.74R - 4 - Rev. 1 Apr 74 5. CONTINUOUS CONFRONT (Ref: HCOB 14 July 60 CONCEPT HELP) F-1 "What could you continue to confront?" "What would you rather not continue to confront?" Alternately to F/N COG VGIs _________ F-2 "What could another continue to confront?" "What would another rather not continue to confront?" Alternately to F/N COG VGIs _________ F-3 "What could others continue to confront?" "What would others rather not continue to confront?" Alternately to F/N COG VGIs _________ 6. VIEWPOINT STRAIGHTWIRE (Ref. Phoenix Lectures, Page 260) 1. "Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing." 2. "Tell me something you wouldn't mind looking at." 3. "Tell me an emotion you wouldn't mind observing." 4. "Tell me some effort you wouldn't mind observing." 5. "Tell me some thinking which you wouldn't mind observing." 6. "Tell me some symbols which you wouldn't mind seeing." 7. "Tell me some eating which you wouldn't mind inspecting." 8. "Tell me some sex which you wouldn't mind looking at." Run 1 through 8 repetitively to F/N COG VGIs. _________ 7. WORRY PROCESS (Ref. 5 Jan 61 O-W A LIMITED THEORY) F-1 "Get the idea of another worrying something." "Get the idea of another not worrying something." "Get the idea of something being worrisome to another." Run alternately/repetitively to EP (F/N COG VGIs." _________ BTB 14.3.74R - 5 - Rev. 1 Apr 74 F-2 "Get the idea of worrying something." "Get the idea of not worrying something." "Get the idea of something being worrisome," Run alternately/repetitively to EP (F/N COG VGIs ). _________ F-3 "Get the idea of others worrying something." "Get the idea of others not worrying something," "Get the idea of something being worrisome to others." Run alternately/repetitively to EP (F/N COG VGIs. ) _________ People, animals, things can be used in place of "something" (SPECIFIC ITEMS MUST READ). [continued in 09b]