--------------------------------------------- SUPER SCIO #4A AUDITING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES - Part 1 --------------------------------------------- Copyright 1996 All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents. --------------------------------------------- It would take a large book to hold all the data that we now have on the subject of auditing. It is truly a lifetime study, and those few who have become real professional auditors (and there are some, both inside and outside of the Church) are to be highly commended. Here I will take a brief stab at writing down some of the factors that I consider to be important. This is my own interpretation. CONTENTS: Part 1 (#4A): 1. THE UNDERLYING BASIS OF AUDITING 2. TYPES OF AUDITING 3. METHODOLOGY 4. ASSISTS Part 2 (#4B): 5. GRADES OF RELEASE 6. REPAIR AND BOOSTER RUNDOWNS 7. WRONG IDEAS IN STANDARD TECH --------------------------------------------- 1. THE UNDERLYING BASIS OF AUDITING The existence of aberration stems from our need to create and experience everything. But, for a god like being, this is much like viewing an occasional horror movie to keep the more desirable conditions from becoming too monotonous. There is nothing here that requires a persistence or perpetuation of aberration. You should be able to shrug these things off effortlessly. The persistence of aberration, on the other hand, is a grave mistake and is due to a basic conflict between the wrong information we were fed (see "jewel of knowledge" in #2 "Cosmic History"), and the true nature of our existence. The factors in conflict are as follows: At the beginning of our existence, we were mislead into believing that thinking, perceiving, experiencing, or creating certain things could be permanently harmful to us. From this, we began to flinch or withdraw from various things. And those things were then used (by each of us against the others) to further discourage looking, and being, and thinking, and doing until we have all sunk into a morass of mental blindness and incapacity. But, if we are indeed balancing nothingness with an infinity of creation (as I proposed in "Cosmic History"), then we will never get rid of anything unless we are capable of creating it again in the future, because we would be unwilling to lose anything on a permanent basis. This would mean that you will never uncreate anything unless you look at it so completely that you could mock it up again. And thus things persists because we mistakenly believe that we should not look at them and must not create them. On this basis, if something can be brought fully into view, it should at least desensitize. And if the person can be made to mock up a perfect duplicate, and therefore see that he is capable of recreating it at will, then he should be able to completely vanish the object or condition if he so chooses. And if we further realize that the willingness to create something is monitored by the willingness to be responsible for the existence of the thing and the effects it creates, we see that responsibility is a key underlying button. And since controlling something is the act of being responsible for the effects that it is currently creating, we furthermore see that control of something is a gradient towards full responsibility. And to control something, you certainly need to know about it. This gives us the Knowingness / Control / Responsibility triangle (KRC) that is used in Scientology. Coming at this from another angle, it should be obvious that fully viewing something and being able to duplicate it is monitored by one's ability to communicate with it. And this is also monitored by the perception of the reality of it. And furthermore, a complete duplication would require the ability to, shall we say, synchronize or move in sympathy with it, which could be described as having an affinity or liking for it. This last button of needing to have affinity might be the big problem because we have been shown that you're not supposed to like things that are bad, and you're not supposed to like two things that are in conflict with each other, and (most deadly), if you like something and then change your mind, it's considered a betrayal. To get rid of a bad condition, you might have to (just very briefly) choose to like it and that often comes in conflict with all three of the above. The factors of Affinity, Reality, and Communication are what is known as the ARC triangle in Scientology. And so we see that to bring about the vanishment of a condition, we restore the ability to create that condition and we can work towards this by gradient scales of increased looking, communicating, knowing, controlling, taking responsibility, etc. This is the exact opposite of how things are handled in the society at large where undesirable conditions are buried and suppressed and kept out of view. This, per my opening remarks, would ensure that we will continue to compulsively create them out of our control. Those of you who are trained as auditors will see that I have taken a different path than LRH did in specifying the theoretical basis of auditing, but we do come to the same conclusions. HOW MUCH OF THE MIND IS ACCESSIBLE Every intelligent researcher in the field has recognized that there are portions of the mind that the individual is unaware of. Even the most meat body oriented theories have to allow for a vast realm of unobserved activity and the statement that you are only using 5% of your brain or mind is quite commonly accepted. One of the early Dianetic principles was the idea that if anybody had some inherent mental ability (such as total recall, lightning fast computations, etc.), then the ability must be an inherent property of each and every mind and must in most cases be buried and blocked in this unaware section of the mind. The brilliance of this observation was partially tarnished by the inadequate one lifetime view and the mistaken idea of blaming everything on recent engrams. None the less, it expanded the concept of what must be hidden in that unseen area below the level of consciousness. The breakthroughs of 1952 opened up an immensely larger sphere in which the individual should be capable of operating but where he was even less aware and disabled. The manifestation of any OT ability, ever, by anyone, would on this basis indicate that everyone is capable of these things but has them buried far out of reach. And these things do happen, just look at Rhine's research or the endless history of observed poltergeist manifestations. As an interesting side note, any such manifestation also invalidates the absoluteness of physics and places it in the position of being a special case in much the same way as modern physics (both Einstein and quantum) placed Newtonian physics into a limited (but exceedingly common and useful) special case. We could label this hidden portion of the mind many ways. We could call it the subconscious, but that has many undesirable connotations for our purposes here, as does the term "unconscious". Even the label "Reactive Mind" has many implications which might be correct for some portions of this hidden area but which are not necessarily true for all of it. The only sweeping statement we can make with certainty is that this portion of the mind is subaware or below the individual's level of awareness. Since there is no indication that the whole thing is homogenous, we should realize that we are always dealing with relative truth rather than absolutes. An accurate anatomy of, for example, engrams, only maps one portion of this hidden area and leaves much else to be discovered. One of Ron's main weaknesses was his tendency to grab a single factor, whether it was overts or implants or entities or whatever, and decide that he finally had the solution to it all. Our primary task in auditing is to move things from this hidden realm into consciousness. A useful (but not entirely accurate) analogy is to draw a box and place a horizontal line across the middle of it, and label the upper section as aware and the lower section as hidden. We might even shade in the lower area to represent the blackness that comes from lack of awareness. Our job would be to keep moving that line down until everything in the box was within the person's awareness. But the boundary between the aware and hidden portions of the individual's mind is not a simple line. It would be best thought of as a gray area in which he is almost aware. This band may be thin or thick and the wider it is, the more things he has that are accessible to simple processing. If the line is too thin, there might only be a handful of things that he can look at to raise his awareness and great skill and understanding are required to get any kind of results in working with him. If the gray area is exceedingly wide, almost any technique ever dreamed up by anybody will produce positive results because there is so much that is accessible. As the individual moves things from this gray area into full awareness, the gray area does not shrink, instead it moves downward to encompass more things that were previously unreachable. The individual has a certain tolerance for unknown, frightening, or confusing things and he will allow more of the deeply buried stuff come up to the surface as you clean up the things that are currently accessible. It makes it look like an unending job because there's always something more, but this is a wrong view brought about because the hidden area is orders of magnitude larger than the conscious area. Never worry about how much more he is finding because this may actually be a positive indication that he is able to tolerate a wider gray area. Instead, pay attention to whether he is resolving things and becoming more able and more aware. The things that are in your full awareness are not the source of your difficulties. And the things hidden down in the mud are just too deeply buried for you to figure them out until you have worked deep enough to bring them up into the gray area. Therefore, the only things that you can make progress on are the ones in this gray band. Those things, shall we say, that are half obscured but somewhat in view. For this reason, there will be aberrations that you're not going to get anywhere near handling. It doesn't matter how slight or silly something seems, the cause of it could be ten fathoms deep. So never get evangelistic about some disability, it can be heartbreaking. Instead, you always work on what is accessible and keep going deeper. But it is very useful to widen this gray area. It makes more things accessible. It gives you more angles of approach (and we don't know the right way to address everything). It allows more room for error. And it lets you get deeper and undercut things and therefore leads to faster progress in general. Simple things like being well fed and rested will expand the gray band because you are more willing to look deeper. Things like courage and confidence, knowledge and determination all play a role in this. And the more you succeed, the more you are willing to grapple with so that eventually you're digging this thing out with a steam shovel instead of handling tiny specs of dirt. 2. TYPES OF AUDITING Let me first warn you that the CofS currently considers self-auditing to be dangerous. I disagree because this is where the mind's protection is the most effective. However, the gray band of accessibility can become extremely narrow so that most self-auditing is unproductive of results. The different types of auditing have a significant effect on how wide the accessibility band is. If you're being audited by a safe and knowledgeable person, you are much more willing to dive more deeply into the hidden portions of the mind than you would be if you were auditing by yourself. Also, making mistakes Vs having successes is a major factor in accessibility. Early on, when you know the least and are most likely to goof things up, you're better off with somebody who knows what they are doing. On the other hand, a bad auditor who screws things up might actually make the PC less accessible in session than he is when he is alone, hence there has occasionally been a problem with people self-auditing (and not doing very well at it) in between professional sessions that should have fixing them up but instead were making a mess of things. Here is my list of the types of auditing, starting with the one that gives the greatest accessibility (if done right) and working down. A) Professional Auditing Here, an auditor, who should be extremely skillful and knowledgeable, audits the PC (PreClear - from habit we even call OTs PCs). The PC is not expected to know very much. The PC is also expected to pay a lot, possibly with some justification since it is very hard to make a good auditor and the PC is doing very little for himself. Its the unnecessary and screwed up actions that cause people to really scream about the prices (who in their right mind would want to pay thousands of dollars for an unnecessary sec check for example). There is rarely any complaint if the right thing is run to a good result. I personally believe that this is a cop-out on the PCs part and a way to offload responsibility onto the auditor. Although this will give the widest band of accessibility at any given moment, it does not encourage the band to grow wider to the same degree that learning the subject will. Therefor I think professional auditing is best suited to repair actions and startup actions (to get someone moving) and should not be used as the main thrust. Furthermore, the PC has little idea of what is going on and he can be led into trouble by bad auditing or incorrect C/Sing (Case Supervision, which specifies what is to be audited). This is the only situation (outside of using drugs etc. to force yourself over your head) where somebody might get worse instead of better because he is usually reaching much deeper than normal because he expects the auditor to keep him safe. B) Co-Auditing Here the person studies the materials and is paired up with another person who is doing the same. They take turns auditing each other. In this case, the co-auditors can get away with the sloppiest techniques and still produce fantastic results on each other because the person being audited is well aware of the procedures and purposes and is taking responsibility. The only really critical factors are ARC and a desire to help. The mere presence of somebody else who is willing to listen and give assistance gives a tremendous boost to this factor of accessibility. I believe that this is the way to go for most people until they reach a point where they can make good progress on solo auditing. The ideal situation would be to have a professional auditor available to give assistance in case of trouble. C) Solo Auditing Here the person goes at it by himself, but with the full formal procedure of auditing. He uses an E-meter and writes things down in a professional manner. In the CofS, solo auditing is always done with a Case Supervisor who reads the sessions and issues instructions. This ensures that there is still an external communication line and that someone else is there to provide missing knowledge or an external point of observation. Although the band of accessibility will be narrower than in a co-audit, this has the big advantage that the person, as his own auditor, has an internal communication instead of having to relay everything in words and it also raises the person's responsibility even further. The same formal procedures will work without a case supervisor if the person has enough understanding of the subject. The sessions should still be written down, because this helps get everything exterior to the person. The band of accessibility will be found to be narrower because there is nobody else there to bail you out if you get into trouble, but if it is already extremely wide, because of a great deal of study and determination, then it can still be adequate to the task. D) Self auditing In the final analysis, the only way out is to become a fully self-clearing individual. If you're floating around in a bodiless condition without a book or an E-meter and there's no one around who knows enough to give you a hand, you should still be capable of taking anything apart and setting yourself free. But you can't self audit in the absence of understanding and without any workable techniques. People have been known to just spin around endlessly just figure figuring and getting nowhere. If people could do this right on an instinctive basis, we would already have gotten out of here. The problem is that we swallowed a whole lot of wrong data early in our existence and it predisposes us to becoming abberated. So the person's instinct is often wrong and leads him into a downward spiral. Furthermore, the band of accessibility is at its narrowest in this case because the individual has no help. If you are extremely advanced and very knowledgeable, then it doesn't matter so much because the band is incredibly wide anyway, but if you are just beginning and know little and have little perseverance or determination, then the band might be so tiny that little progress can be made. There is also the research question of developing techniques which are conducive to successful self auditing. Unfortunately, the CofS has leaned away from this. There are some exceptions, like the book "Self Analysis", but generally this is an untapped area. My own experience was that I was able to successfully self audit the route 1 procedures in "Creation of Human Ability" based on reading the book shortly after I joined the subject. Although this didn't fully turn on real OT abilities, it was a lot of fun and I believe that it set me up for the big OT key out that I had the following year. According to the Philadelphia Doctorate Course tapes, the OT drills are self auditable if you know the materials well enough, and they can be done immediately on a certain percentage of new people when they walk in the door (these were what was then referred to as Step 1 cases, people who could run step one without preparation). But this research line was pretty much abandoned. On the other hand, the Dianetic techniques in DMSMH absolutely cannot be self audited. Something like Dianetic repeater technique is almost dangerous even in professional hands, nothing to say of having people go try it by themselves. But that is mostly because it is a poor technique on any basis. The modern Dianetic techniques are smoother and easier, and possibly could be self audited by a very advance case, but such a case would probably be a Dianetic clear already and the technique would actually be in his way and inappropriate to use. But there is a self auditable technique for running engrams. It consists of alternately spotting something in the incident and something in the room. This can actually let you recover the unconscious period of an operation and bring up the words being spoken and everything. You just need to persist with it long enough. We still have the problem of accessibility. Some cases are just not up to running engrams. But if they are, this trick will work almost as well as the modern Dianetic R3R procedure, with the difference being that it is slower but does not require an auditor or an E-meter. It is almost criminal not to have a technique like this and teach it to people as soon as they are up to running engrams. What if the person should die? This is one of the few ways that they could run out the death experience successfully. Furthermore, this one works for Dianetic clears without the liabilities of running R3R (which can get the NOTS aspects of the case all stirred up if too much of it is done after clear). The technique would be to "Spot an incident underlying (condition)" and then alternately spot something in the incident and something in the room until something happens. Then spot another incident underlying ... etc. until the condition is handled. In general, you should not ask for an "Earlier Similar" incident when doing this on a clear because the "engram chain" mechanism is not fully operative after someone goes clear. A looser question allows for an earlier similar to be run if one is there but doesn't force it. This is actually more of a high powered recall process rather than true Dianetic picture running. 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1 ITSA First and foremost is simply looking and seeing "What Is". Since this results in saying "It is a ...", we call this ITSA in Scientology. The opposite, which is saying "What is it?" is referred to as WHATSIT. By actual observation in the auditing of preclears, if the PC continues to ITSA he will make forward progress and if he concentrates on WHATSIT he will jam up and grind to a halt. This doesn't mean that you can't wonder what something is. But it does mean that if you concentrate your attention on all the things you don't know, you will bog down. The trick is that there must always be more ITSA than WHATSIT if you wish to get anywhere. If you have something you are wondering about or trying to figure out or if you are trying to run a processing question, then you already have one WHATSIT there to work on. At that point, you're just slowing yourself down if you start thinking of what else you don't know. Instead, you should concentrate on things that you can identify or see or know about. If you don't know what time it is, and need to know, you don't handle it by also thinking about how you don't know the date and don't remember where you left your watch. That's all WHATSIT and if you keep it up for too long, you'll just bog down and decide that the whole matter is hopeless. Instead, you look around and try to spot a clock ("It is a clock and it says that it is 5 minutes after six" - this is ITSA). And if you can't spot any, then you spot things that you do know about the time. Maybe you remember that the sun was going down, etc. Never be afraid to consider something that you don't know, but always balance it with lots of ITSA. That is the fastest way to make progress. If you're trying to figure something out, it often helps to go over the things you do know which have a bearing on the problem. This also tells us that you are much better off expanding outward from areas that you do know something about rather than plunging into completely unknown regions. 3.2 REPETITIVE SPOTTING To pound in a nail, you hit it over and over again with a hammer. Often it is hard to start and then things pick up. You don't try to do it all in one blow. You also don't hit it once and then keep the hammer on the nail and try to push real hard to get it to sink in the rest of the way. The biggest gain in perception is when you first look at something. Just continuing to stare at it after that only produces a small perception change in proportion to the amount of time spent. If you want to see something more clearly, keep looking at it and something else alternately, or shift around between different spots on a large object rather than staring at it. This will improve perception and can be tried easily. You can also do this on a physical basis, actually reaching out and touching something and then withdrawing from it and then reaching again etc. Among other things, we are drilling the ability to reach out with and withdraw one's attention. When an area is abberated, one either gets one's attention stuck on it or one flinches from it and can't look at all. Either way, putting your attention onto and off of it in a controlled manner can restore the ability to think about and handle something. Furthermore, drilling the precise control of your attention is like any other exercise, it gets better with practice and you build up muscles. Processes are best done with alternating commands (this naturally shifts your attention back and forth) or with some inherent change of attention (spot another object or remember another time when ...) or with great care to end the action precisely before doing it again. Sometimes you can get somewhere with fixed concentration, but its usually the long way around, and there is a tendency to build up a resistance when you push too long and hard against something. In eastern practices, they often drill by holding their attention on a single point instead of alternating and these drills are notorious for taking years of arduous work before they achieve a result. Tibetan monks have been known to wall themselves up in caves for years to complete one of these drills. The speed difference is at least a hundred to one. Just see how long it takes you to push a nail in someday without swinging a hammer and you'll see what I mean. There is also the matter of narrowing one's attention down to the point where one has a chance to push through something. There are things that are just too much for the PC at this stage in his existence and you handle that by addressing one piece at a time rather than trying to handle everything at once. You can probably get him to confront losing his pen if he doesn't at the same time think about how the boss is going to yell at him. And then maybe you could get his confront up on people yelling as long as they were not his boss and then you could get him to confront his boss as long as he wasn't yelling. Finally you can take up the subject of his boss yelling at him for losing the pen and succeed where otherwise you would have failed. The idea behind processes is generally to address a specific thing and not get into all the other stuff that's wrong with him at the same time. You do one thing with the attitude that you'll worry about the other things later. This is where you can fail if the PC has his attention stuck on some other horrible thing in his life (a problem or something) because he keeps pulling that into the middle of the process you are trying to run. And so you have to watch out for things that have the PC's attention stuck. If it is stuck to the point where he can't put it aside briefly to do something else, then there is nothing else that you can run, because you are going to be running that fixed point of attention whether you like it or not. There are some processes, such as simply looking around the room and spotting things that you like, which will run a point of fixed attention without addressing it directly. But realize that you really are running that fixed point by having him practice putting his attention somewhere else under his own control. You can also run this process in the absence of fixed attention and it will be a nice process for improving one's perceptions of the room. But it runs like a different process in that case because you are not doing the same thing with it. And here again we have the factor of accessibility. The process that will really cure what his attention is stuck on might not be in the accessible band. And so you do a lick and a promise and try to get his attention off of it temporarily and then build up his muscles by handling what is accessible until he reaches the point where he really can go after that thing which has him swamped. 3.3 DRILLS You can exercise abilities and perceptions by drilling them. This is a form of repetitive spotting (or repetitive doing) that is oriented towards repeating the action. It is addressed towards the current environment rather than the past and works to increase ability directly rather than being concerned with why the person is not able. At Scientology lower levels, they use drills on the physical environment and work through the body. For example, you might have the person look around the room (with the body's eyes) and spot something he likes. You would do this repetitively until the person brightens up. On the upper levels, the techniques are often done outside the body. You could, for example, close your eyes, get the idea that you're hovering over the city, and spot something that you like. Both methods are valid and valuable. If we forget about the silly status button as to whether or not somebody is at a certain case level, it becomes apparent that both methods could apply at any level. It is often best to do a physical drill on the room using the body first and then go on to do the OT version of the same drill. The OT versions of these things are beneficial even if the perceptions are vague and unreal. They get better as you advance. Making gains by means of drills alone is unfortunately very limited. A certain amount can expand abilities and build up horsepower, but then you begin to run into the various mental barriers that you have set up and the limits of the physical rules that you are in compulsive agreement with. My own idea on this would be to have a short level of drills in between each major level that is address to auditing something out. This should include some physical drills (also called "objective" processes in Scientology) and some OT drills. In other words, let the person do some of these all the way up the line rather than putting them at some special super OT level. And do them with the knowledge that they will be vague and sketchy at first and will get better as one advances. Unless you're drilling precision, you should push the speed just a bit because quantity of commands done is a bit senior to the quality with which they are done and because a faster pace tends to raise one's tone level (see 1st ACC lectures). This doesn't mean that you slop around and don't really do the command or try to get through everything in a mad rush, it simply means that a brisk pace is preferable if the PC is up to it. But precision is often worth working on (this is the keynote of martial arts or practicing the piano, etc.). A good technique when you're doing drills solo is to do a few commands very precisely and then do a large number quickly and then do a few more with great attention to the quality and precision etc. 3.4 PROCESSES Repetitive processes generally aim at pushing through something, deeper and deeper, until you can spot a basic answer or confront a basic incident that causes an area to fall apart. Of course drills can also be considered processes, but here I'm referring to questions which get you to confront things. As discussed under repetitive spotting, the questions are often alternating so as to bring about a natural shifting of attention on and off of an area because this gives you the maximum push into looking at the area. An example would be running "What is the Problem", "What communications have you left incomplete about that problem". The two commands are done alternately, and they get the person to shift his attention back and forth so that he doesn't bog down on one question or the other. For self auditing to clean up a specific problem, you might be best off using "Describe the problem" instead of "What is the problem" because this encourages more ITSA and this process will work best on a specific problem by alternating ITSA on the problem itself and on the incomplete communications. The problem will change as you continue the process, and you may even shift to a more basic problem. 3.5 ASSESSING A very useful technique is to go down a prepared list of things and see which reacts. There are many variations of this. It is used, among other things, for assessing a correction list of possible things that can go wrong to see if you can find what is wrong. This really should be done with an E-meter so that you can see what reacts. This gives you an easy way to figure out what to take up. Trained auditors will know how to do this. Solo auditors using a meter can get away with this on a very sloppy basis because they know what is going on with themselves. Doing this on someone else should only be done by highly trained professionals or very knowledgeable co-auditors on each other because it can be quite evaluative for the PC and can get him all screwed up if the auditor jams the wrong things down the PCs throat and misses the right ones. Note that because the list is generalized and the topic (such as fixing what has gone wrong) may have more than one correct answer, this is not generally used to find the one and only answer, but instead is used to get areas to follow up on. The most significant one might not even be accessible when you begin running this so that lesser areas have to be handled first. On a self-audit basis, you can still check over the things on a prepared list to see if you can spot items that seem indicated to you. Somebody might actually read through that list of actual GPM goals (see the previous write-up on actual GPMs) and just know it when they come to the right one. You might also look down a list of possible errors (e.g. a correction list) and spot right away what has gone wrong. If you're not sure of finding the right one but you're still fairly clear headed, you can try out a couple of possibilities and see if one or more of them work. This is possible as long as you still have enough free attention to tolerate a few wrong answers and a bit of WHATSIT before you get your hands on something that is right. The difficulty comes up when you have really gotten yourself bogged down and its all too foggy and confused and over-charged and maybe you've already got a lot of things wrong so that the answer is not obvious. In this case, all you can do is to keep fixing individual things that are wrong until the area cools down and you can see clearly again and that is very hard without an E-meter. This is really the area where we could use a team of crack professionals supporting co-audit clubs and self-clearing groups etc. There are many assessment lists in Scientology. Modern Scientology is especially good at putting together correction lists to use in assessing and fixing what has gone wrong in the case of trouble. These correction lists were developed by accumulating a great deal of history on things that did go wrong and how they were fixed. Later I will talk about a few of the more critical errors, but this will not substitute for a thorough study of case repair. You can also put together an assessment list if you know enough about an area. If, for example, you know how to fix cars, you can make a list of things that could be wrong which you can go over when a car comes in to be fixed. In developing such a list, you must be very careful to put together a general list of what could be wrong (or whatever) without looking for the exact right thing that is wrong. This question, of what is wrong, does not generally go to a single perfect answer because there are usually many things wrong and there is often an accumulation of errors before something actually fails. Never confuse assessment techniques with the listing techniques given in the next section. Assessment lists are useful lists of things to consider. 3.6 LISTING AND NULLING (L&N) This is an extremely powerful but potentially dangerous technique. I do not recommend it to beginners, but you should have some understanding of it. You begin with a question that goes to exactly one right answer (which is why it doesn't work on the question "what is wrong with me" etc.). Then you list down answers to the question. The action of listing itself will improve your confront in the area and will tend to take off charge. If the area has too much charge on it, you may not spot the answer (referred to as "The Item") when you list it, but instead you might have to list some more answers first. You have to spot the moment when all the charge has come off and you're ready to spot the item. Then you go down the list of answers nulling out the ones that are no longer valid (this is the Nulling step) until you find The Item which is the one and only exact answer to the question for you at this time. You then have to recognize that it is the answer. In an auditing session, the auditor will indicate that "..." is the item. In solo, you indicate it to yourself. This is a very dicey procedure if done in the presence of heavy charge, and that should be left to professionals. But listing on a lightly charged item is very easy. You just spot a couple answers and know which one it is (generally listing on NOTS works this way because its not your charge). Generally you can just list to the right item without doing an item nulling step. If there is heavy charge, what you can do is to take most of the charge off with a repetitive process first. Often you can even cognite what the item is without doing any listing at all. In self auditing, only begin a listing technique when the answer is almost on the tip of your tongue. This is slower but much safer. Among the things that can go wrong are the list is being overlisted (you have kept on too long and it seems to be getting heavier and more solid) or the list is still incomplete (there is still more charge and more answers you need to get off and it seems like there is still more than one possible answer). Sometimes when you go past the correct answer on Nulling the list, it seems like every answer is correct, so find the one that triggered that happening. Often (but not always), it turns out to be the first one on the list. See the "Laws of Listing and Nulling" in the tech volumes and don't list anything that is heavily charged until you really know what you're doing. The worst error is indicating the wrong item. If it feels bad, it is not it. The right item always cheers you up no matter how sick the answer might seem because finding the right answer will start straightening things out and bring about a feeling of relief at a minimum. If things seem bleak or hopeless after finding an item, it is guaranteed that it is wrong. If this happens, immediately indicate to yourself that the item is wrong (that will cool down most of the side effect of a wrong item). A wrong item can make you sick. The same can happen if you have the right item and then invalidate it. Whichever way it is, if you suddenly feel horrible, then reverse the indication. Don't get too worried about wrong items or listing errors. I have run many thousands of lists on myself and gotten hundreds of items wrong without any serious ill effect. Even when the listing was done on me by someone else, the occasional wrong item didn't usually have much effect except that a few time I got very mad and upset. Only twice did I ever have a really bad reaction and in both cases it was listing done on me by another in an area that was extremely highly charged. In one of the two cases I became extremely sick, and in the other I suffered very briefly from hysterical blindness, unable to see anything but blackness with my eyes open (but this happened instantly and made the error obvious and my vision snapped back on on simply reversing the indication). As a little aside, people are always indicating wrong things to each other in life. You should learn to spot these things and reject them and you'll find that life is a lot more pleasant. Even if something is actually right, if you're not ready to have the item, then it wouldn't do you any good so you might as well toss it. If you keep evolving, you'll get back to it eventually and generally you'll find that even the things that seemed right logically (but didn't feel correct) were slightly off base. Its simple and easy to spot things (such as things that are wrong etc.) and do something about them without getting into a frantic search for the right answer. If you pound away at searching for the one true answer (especially with a question that has many valid answers), you tend to get into a continual WHATSIT that will bog you down. If you keep spotting truth and not worrying about the stuff that is not yet accessible, you will have an expanding sphere of rightness and understanding and gradually the dark areas will clear up and resolve. 3.7 TAKING OVER AUTOMATICITIES An old basic idea in Scientology is that you have the PC do consciously what he is already doing automatically. If we are adding to the richness of creation, then he can let himself stop doing something as soon as he has full control of doing it consciously whenever he wants. Then he doesn't lose it if he stops. But if you suppress something that's happening automatically, he can't let go of it, so it keeps going in a hidden manner and what you end up with is both the automaticity and its suppression being continually mocked up. This may result in something that looks like nothing is happening, but its solid and very busy under the surface (its the no motion of forces in balance instead of a simple absence of motion) and it chews up a lot of his horsepower keeping these things in suspension. A good technique is to have the PC alternately increase and decrease the action. If a muscle is tense, alternately make it tenser and looser etc. If a person is stuttering, have him alternately stutter worse and better in alternate sentences. This leads to more exotic techniques based on assumptions about what the person is doing unconsciously. Obviously, he's automatically making the wall solid, so you have him make it more solid, etc. 3.8 MOCKUP PROCESSING Since the underlying basic is creating things, the ultimate process would simply be to create things consciously and under your own control. If you can mock something up causatively, then you don't have to mock it up compulsively. This is the basic technique of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course and Ron has said a great deal about it. If you're worried about car crashes, then do mockups of car crashes until the mockup is under your control. Then you'll stop worrying and also have enough confront on the situation that you'll have a good chance of avoiding a crash instead of pulling one in. You really should listen to the PDC tapes, but I'll give you a few key points here. First of all, mock up many copies, not just one. Change their color and alter them in various ways to get them under your control. Move them around and locate them in different places. Work in all directions, not just in front of you (there is an automatic tendency to push pictures behind your back to keep them hidden, so working mockups behind you is especially good). Subsequent research by Ron in the late 1950s (16th ACC etc.) showed that you must do something with the mockup, such as making it more solid or changing it around, to ensure that it is your own creation rather than just pulling up old pictures. The final problem with mockup processing (see 1st Melbourne ACC) was that it sometimes stirred up charge on Create/Destroy. It was abandoned for that reason despite the fact that it worked in a large percentage of cases. In the 1960s, it was discovered that Create/Destroy were key implant buttons and this problem was basically solved, but mockup processing never went back into intensive use. The keynote of using this technique safely is to never push the PC into having to do it, because sometimes there is charge on the Create button. But use it yourself anytime you feel good about it, because it is one of the fastest and most powerful techniques, and even in the early days, Ron explicitly stated that it could be self audited successfully. If there is charge on create, you can probably blow it by spotting the top of the first penalty universe. The first item is "To Create Is Native State". Then the penalty universe shows you how that leads to death and destruction. You can pull out of the whole thing by spotting being blanketed and pushed into the penalty universe and then by spotting pushing others into it. The context of this is given in the "Cosmic History" and a more detailed write-up will appear later in this series. 3.9 HOW TO RUN PROCESSES The most important thing in running a process is to continue to do it until it's done. The act of running a process will bring other things into view. There is a strong tendency to chase after the new things discovered instead of finishing what you're doing, and that is a mistake. If you do find something worth following up, write it down for later and continue what you're doing. There is a real problem in knowing when to stop. Always end on a win or some sort of gain or improvement. But don't push on endlessly trying to force some big gain and invalidating the actual win because it seemed too small. The invalidation itself interferes with further progress. Its like teaching a little kid something. You have to encourage the tiniest half screwed up forward step so that he can keep getting better. We are generally working towards getting key-outs, which means that you don't take apart the entirety of trillions of years of, let us say, having a car (or spaceship or whatever) break down while trying to drive to work. Instead, you spot a few things and suddenly the accumulated weight of that thing falls away and you feel better and have a win. That is the point to stop. If you carry on, you just begin to stir up the tons of earlier stuff connected to the area you're handling and that stuff may be too early and too far out of current experience to be addressed right now. So you take the win you're given and go on to something else. Eventually you come back around and an earlier and broader sphere is now accessible and you can go to a more powerful win. Eventually you should be able to spot the original postulates, decisions, actions, and false data that started you on the downward path. A process can be underrun, meaning that it hasn't been run long enough, or it can be overrun, meaning that it has been run too long. Leaving a process incomplete (e.g. underrun) can sometimes leave you feeling irritable or even hopeless because you've stirred up something, expecting to handle it, and then abandoned it instead. Self auditors commonly leave processes underrun, get discouraged, and then abandon the whole mess. Overrunning a process tends to make things more solid and often gives you a heavy or tired feeling. The process also gets more difficult to run and things that were easy to confront when the process was going well can start seeming hard to handle. If you begin feeling that stuff is coming back that was gone, its almost certainly an overrun. In my experience, overrun is the most common mistake when people are auditing each other. They want a single process to do everything when the real truth is that you usually need many processes, each producing a small forward step fairly quickly. Even a self auditor needs to keep a record of processes run so that he can check back over the last few if he begins to feel irritable or hopeless (underrun) or heavy and solid (overrun). For underrun, you finish the incomplete process. For overrun, you spot the moment that you went release on the process and rehabilitate that. You can spot the win or new awareness that occurred. You can spot the invalidation of continuing and the subtle action of dragging things back in (which had been momentarily better) that occurred when you kept on running the process. You can even count how many times you went release because a long overrun can have multiple release points. There are more sophisticated methods taught in professional auditor training, but you shouldn't need these unless you're handling an untrained and unaware PC. 3.10 RUDIMENTS If a person has an upset, problem, or a withhold that they are worrying about, then it will not be possible to make any progress on anything else because these things cause one's attention to stick. These are called the rudiments because they need to be taken care of first before handling other things. Trained auditors, even solo auditors, learn sophisticated techniques to handle these using an E-meter. I will not try to cover all of that material here. But untrained people still need something to get through these things. And even a professional should have methods for self auditing these if necessary; you can't always count on having a meter and being able to set up a formal session (especially if you get run over by a truck). A. UPSETS An upset is best described as an ARC Break (ARCX). On a self audit basis, you would first just look the incident over very carefully, confronting what happened and spotting things about it. The emphasis is on saying what is (ITSA) and not worrying about the confused and unresolved parts of it (which will be handled next). This is to soften the incident up a bit. Needless to say, you do this away from the source of the ARC break if at all possible. If you're extremely upset, furious or hysterical or whatever, then also do alternate spotting of the room and the incident until things cool down a bit. When you're ready, consider the points Affinity, Reality, Communication, and Understanding and determine which was the most significant in the upset. You can do this step again if there is more than one. This is an assessment, as discussed earlier. Done without a meter, you simply take your best shot and if the following step doesn't bring some relief, you try again. Then check if the item found above was enforced or inhibited. If neither one of these indicates strongly, then use a broader assessment consisting of a) Not-Known, b) Curious, c) Desired, d) Enforced, e) Inhibited, f) No .., g) Refused. Note that standard tech does not include the Not-Know button in their ARCX assessments, but it follows from general theory and shows up more as you get higher on the scale. When you spot that, lets say, an enforced reality or an inhibited communication was the primary source of the upset, there should be a feeling of relief. If not, then you've got it wrong and should redo the above. The relief on spotting this can be partial or total. If its complete, then you're done. If not, then carry on as follows: First of all, spot the primary direction of flow. I.E., did you inhibit someone else's communication or did someone else inhibit yours. It can even be another inhibiting others communication or someone (you or somebody else) inhibiting their own communication (or affinity or reality or whatever the button was). Then spot exactly what communication (for example) was inhibited and state it clearly. Spot what you did in the incident. Spot what you decided in the incident. Spot what you postulated in the incident. Note that professionals don't use this extra set of questions specifically, but they do get the PC to ITSA about the incident. In self auditing, you generally need more precise questions, and the above are aimed at getting more ITSA. If something still seems unsolvable or hopeless about the incident, then look for an earlier similar upset and repeat the above. And watch out for overrun. If it gets better and then suddenly seems more solid, you've passed the release point and should rehabilitate it instead of continuing. B. PROBLEMS If you have a simple problem, its sometimes enough to simply spot things about it (ITSA). Professional auditors generally use a technique that only consists of getting ITSA and then finding an earlier similar problem etc. This is workable in a professional session (where the auditor is trained to keep the PC ITSAing) but may be inadequate for self-auditing. For better handling, it helps to know that a problem will generally have two sides in conflict and to know, at least theoretically, that you're doing something to attract or encourage the opposition. One approach would be to try to identify the two sides in conflict and then alternately spot something about each side. Another technique, which is good on a self audit basis, it to run the problems and incomplete communications process as I discussed in section 3.4 above. Although this is also used as a general process when running the problems grade, it can be run on a specific problem and used to be used that way in repair sessions (see the old circa 1966 instructions for running the Green Form which is a general purpose case repair action). Although the org stopped using it this way a long time ago, it did work and has the advantage of being usable without much training. Note that using it on a specific problem usually produces a release on that specific problem and it later can be used again on another problem. But if you do get a major release on the entire subject of problems, then pat yourself on the back and put this technique aside. When problems eventually key in again (which they will if the release came from a single process), then shift to another problems technique (such as mocking up problems of comparable magnitude). C. OVERTS AND WITHHOLDS If you're really worried about getting caught for something you've done, you probably have what Scientology calls a "Missed Withhold". The key thing that really gets your attention stuck is that somebody did something that made you wonder if they knew, but you're not sure. This uncertainty really hangs you. The handling is to spot who nearly found out and exactly what they did that made you think that they might know. Of course you shouldn't be doing bad stuff and living a life of secrecy, but that can usually be handled on a gradual and general basis. People usually commit overts to solve problems or because they are out of communication or have misunderstood something (which is almost the same thing) or for vengeance (handle the ARCX) and there is a whole grade full of processes to clean up the area. Its the missed withhold (rather than the fact of having committed an overt or having a withhold) that gets the person so stuck that you don't have the opportunity of running any processes to bring about a general improvement. If you do have your attention stuck, full handling would be to write down exactly what you did (including all the gruesome, embarrassing, or shameful details), get exactly when you did it, double check that you've gotten all of it, then spot who nearly found out and what they did to indicate that, and spot if anyone else missed it etc. If you don't get full relief, then look for an earlier similar and handle as above. I'm not asking you to send in these pieces of paper to anyone or even to tell anybody. You can burn it afterwards if you want. The idea is to get your confront up on your own actions and raise your responsibility level. At least don't lie to yourself. If an overt or withhold does seem to be sticking your attention and you really can't find anyone missing it, then its probably just a matter of confront (you might even repetitively spot what part of that overt you would be willing to be responsible for) and the weight of earlier similar actions (find and handle them). D. OTHER RUDIMENTS There are other rudiments, such as invalidation, that can occasionally get in the way. They are nowhere near as common as the 3 given above, but they do happen. Furthermore, anything that can interfere with auditing to that degree is obviously a potential grade of release that should be run eventually. But more research is needed here. It took years to collect all the underlying key points on each of the above and a similar effort has not been made in other areas. For now, the general technique (on something such as invalidation) is to get as much ITSA as possible and then go earlier similar. ------------------------------------------- 4.0 ASSISTS It is very important to know some techniques that will dig you out if you get in trouble. There are volumes of material on this in Scientology. Here I am only scratching the surface. In general, when you use an assist to handle pain, there will be a moment when the pain becomes very sharp just before it vanishes. This happens because you are removing the mental barrier which you are using to keep the pain suppressed and under control. You need to remove that barrier and view the pain fully to get rid of it. If there is a physical injury (bleeding etc.) always do first aid first. And if its really bad, get to a hospital. You CAN do fantastic things and heal at incredible rates, but mental techniques are usually too slow for real emergencies. But if you do this stuff in the emergency room while the doctors are working on you, you might get out of intensive care in hours instead of weeks and avoid long term damage. Also note that anything you do to suppress pain will interfere with handling it mentally. There are things you can do that actually reduce pain (by killing germs or reducing swelling) and these should be used. But don't suppress it with things that only act as pain killers except for emergencies, and then only use them momentarily (like an anesthetic to get through an operation) rather than taking something steadily which will dull your mind and block your abilities. 4.1 Contact Assist (for pain after an injury) This is the fastest and easiest one to do if you just banged into something. There is already a good write-up on this by Ron, but it is so useful that I will give you a brief summary here. Ideally, you do this where the injury occurred using the objects involved in the injury. Cool off any hot surfaces and blunt or otherwise cover any sharp ones (such as a knife you might have cut yourself with). Then slowly repeat the action which caused the injury. Do this a number of times until the pain turns on strongly for a moment and then starts to fade. If necessary, you can try to approximate the objects involved in the accident. You can even try to duplicate the circumstances in a different location if you have to, but the original location is better. 4.2 Advanced Touch Assist (for pain) This is one of the key assists used in Scientology and there is a great deal of material on how to do it. The method currently used in Scientology is to have the injured person "feel my finger", and this is the command to use on an unaware and untrained person because its hard to teach someone an advanced technique while they're in pain and distracted. But the older more effective command was to have the person close his eyes and "look at my finger". The org still uses this on OTs, but in the old days it worked on new people as long as the auditor was good enough to gently coax them into doing it and as long as they were not so raw that the idea was too hard for them to grasp. This version works at least twice as fast as the other one. As you touch the person, you alternate right and left sides and you try to follow the nerve channels and work near and far from the injury. And you pay special attention to working over each finger and toe and also the spine. The org has plenty more on this, but these are the basics. You can do this on yourself, touching alternate sides and, with your eyes closed, looking at the spots which you touch. If the injury is to the hand or you're distracted by the feelings coming from the finger you are doing the touching with or you need to reach hard to get at areas, then you can use the back of a pen or pencil to touch yourself with. Now for the advanced version. This is not currently used in Scientology. I developed it by taking some early research of Ron's (see the November lectures of 1952) on the subject of how the thetan handled the body and combining it with the touch assist. What he did was to have a person move their arm or walk across the room and try to follow the energy flow through the nerve channels of the body as they did it. The advanced technique is to mentally follow the nerve channel from the brain down to the spot that your touching on your body. Flow some energy along it if possible and push through any ridges or standing waves. If you're in good shape, you should also be aware of reaching into the brain to pickup the nerve channel in the first place. Alternate sides and follow the usual pattern for a touch assist. Except, if the trouble is with the head, stomach, or spine, then also alternate head and stomach (because they are at opposite ends of a heavy nerve channel) as suggested by Ron for a different process in 1957. This can work as much as ten times faster than the standard touch assist and often works on those occasional somatics (the Scientology word for pain, which derives from psychosomatic) which don't run very well on the ordinary version. Note that even an extreme physical injury (such as an exposed nerve in a decaying tooth) is far less painful than it seems because 90 percent or more of what you are feeling is the mental accumulation of past pains rather than the actual moment to moment hurt. You will find that there is a faint physical component which does not blow without actual healing (you wouldn't want to be numb after all), but it is a shadow of the agony that we usually experience. 4.3 REDIRECTING THE SOMATIC MACHINERY The OT handling for any pain, sensation, emotion, or even drug effects is to drill placing the feeling or whatever into the walls, floor, ceiling, or large nearby objects. You can also vary this a bit by occasionally putting the feeling in clouds over distant cities etc. A shallow version of this is still used occasionally in Scientology. A more comprehensive version was used in 1953 (see the 1st ACC tapes etc.). But even that falls short of what can be done with this technique. You have machinery and split off pieces of yourself stashed away in various hidden areas, mostly outside of or sideways (in a fourth dimensional direction) of the physical universe. This will be discussed further in another write-up, but the basic idea is that you can only feel what you yourself mockup. Much of your machinery is intimately connected to the body, and when you stub your toe, the physical action is detected by the machinery which then mocks up the pain for you to experience. You can also get mentally restimulated and trigger this machinery and experience pain or whatever without any physical impact or damage. This is "psychosomatic", but it is the same pain and the same mechanism which is creating the sensation. The only difference is the trigger. Note that psychosomatic is quite different from hypochondria where the person is worrying about something that isn't there. This assist can work on both psychosomatic pains and on actual pains coming from a physical source because it addresses the mechanism by which you create the pains so that you can feel them. If you have a pain, and drill intensively on putting that pain into the walls and feeling it in that location, you will find that you will gradually start feeling it over there instead of in the body and you will dislodge the machinery and redirect it into the locations that you are designating. This restores your control over the machinery. It also gives you the ability to create the pain at will, and if you can create it causatively, then you can also dispense with it if you are not in the mood to feel it right now. Note that this does not leave you numb. It leaves you aware and in control and restores choice about what you're feeling. If, on the other hand, you try to suppress the pain, especially with drugs, you are reducing your own ability to create and feel it, and therefore, you keep it there more solidly. This may seem surprising and hard to believe because right now you probably don't want the sensation, but deep down in your subconscious (so to speak) you know better and you wouldn't let yourself loose any sensation no matter how terrible unless you know you can get it back at will. Unfortunately, this drill is not easy, but it can be done. When you first try it, you might only be able to get a vague imagined idea that maybe there could be a faint bit of the pain in the wall, but the ability grows as you practice it. Don't grind too hard at a particular spot on the wall. Move from spot to spot fairly briskly, alternating or simply working around the room. Its best to work this in all six directions around you rather than just using the wall in front of you. So use the floor and ceiling and the wall behind your back etc. And then pick some large objects for variety. If necessary, after this is going well (you're getting a significant amount but not all of the pain or whatever into the walls), you can work near and far from the body, coming closer and then pulling away and then finally putting the pain in the body, but not in the place where the actual pain is. Then you can alternate putting the pain in the body and in the wall. Finally, you can put the pain where its supposed to be and where it isn't supposed to be alternately and have the total sensation move back and forth and this should give you full control over it. You can do the same thing with emotions such as anger. This gives you control over the emotions. The same goes for sensations such as sexual sensations. This leads to being able to mockup sensations without needing a body. This is also the missing step which is needed to really free somebody from drugs. Any mental or physical handling, such as the various drug rundowns or the purif that are currently used in Scientology to help someone get off drugs are only aimed at handling the reasons and the effects. They do not restore the persons ability to create whatever kinky sensation it was that kept them addicted. You handle this by having the person mock up that sensation in the walls and eventually in the body until they can do it at will without taking the drug. Then they will never need the drug again (assuming of course that you also have handled the reasons why they started taking the drug etc.). Note that all drug effects come from the person's own machinery. Putting chemicals into the body can get his machinery to do all sorts of strange things, but it is still him who is doing it to himself. The biggest limitation is that this assist (and also the contact and touch assists) are purely objective techniques, and they do not address the subjective reasons, decisions, etc. which are also present when somebody gets in trouble. A momentary pain can generally be handled this way, but a chronic one will require alternating these assists with more subjective techniques such as running incidents, finding overts, etc. See the assist book which includes many subjective techniques. 4.4 COPYING THE SOMATIC This is a more difficult technique, but it is capable of addressing the actual physical structure and is especially good for promoting healing. It is not really an assist for pain because it will turn on buried pains while it is running them out and only brings relief at the end. This has its origins in the 3rd ACC, and was the key assist used in that course, but I have expanded and improved it considerably. In running this, the somatics come off in layers. You will blow one somatic only to find another in its place. You must validate yourself for blowing the somatic and then handle the next one in line which is actually an earlier somatic. If, for example, you run this on a decayed tooth, you will find yourself handling each different pain that you got in the area and they will come up in reverse order until you get the first pain you had in that spot in your current body. When that one goes, you will feel better and the body will be much more capable of healing itself. You should take a break at this point, and be careful not to run another command. You can drop it at this point, or check it over later when you're ready to dive in again. If you do push on, you will find yourself running through an earlier series of somatics that you had in that area on an earlier body. If you do this on an injured area, or area that has been injured, you will turn on any suppressed pain and need to run through the series of somatics to turn it off again. The process is done as follows: Begin by mocking up a copy of the somatic and also the injured area slightly to one side of the area. Mock up another one on the opposite side. Then push the two copies into the injured area simultaneously (like squeezing an accordion). As you make copies, you need to alter them slightly to exert your control over them and to ensure that you don't just put the mockups on automatic (which wouldn't do you much good). So, each time you make copies, you do something to them. The best things to do are a) make it more solid, b) make it uglier and more decrepit (and maybe alternate with making it nicer), c) change its color. This is not very formal and you don't have to follow a rote procedure on altering the copies, but be sure to do something. As you make each set of copies, vary the axis on which you're doing it. At a minimum, you can alternate right/left, above/below, and in front/back. If you can get to it, you can even run 4th dimensional directions. When you first start, just make one pair of copies and push them in. Then start increasing the number of copies you're mocking up. You stretch them out in a series, one after the other. Try to get it up to at least 5 copies fairly quickly. In other words, you get 5 copies of it on the right side and another 5 on the left side and then push them all into the area somewhat like squeezing an accordion. If you're up to it, get more than 5. The process goes fairly fast if you can run copies straight out to infinity. Always push copies in from both sides simultaneously. The somatic should change fairly quickly. Generally there will be a microsecond where its gone. Realize that it has blown and you've got an earlier somatic. At this moment, shift to the opposite side of the body. If there is a somatic in the corresponding spot, then copy that, otherwise, just mockup copies of the area. If you feel good on that side after a few commands, then go back to the other side and copy what is there, if however a somatic appears (where there was none), then change the copies to duplicate it and run it out. In other words, you keep changing sides and copying what is now there. You will find a continually progressing change in the somatic. Try to copy the physical structure as well. You will find that at first you get very oversimplified mockups which will gradually become more complex as you begin duplicating the real structure in the area. This drill will raise your perception of the area fairly quickly. Sometimes you will find a vacuum in the area. Try copying this just like anything else, but if it seems to be hanging without change, then get into the center of it and outflow copies. If you do that, the vacuum will usually change into a sharp pain which you can then run with normal copies (in this case don't shift sides but handle it immediately). Sometimes you will find black masses or energy fields in the area. Copy these just like anything else. I know this is difficult and complex and it can turn up all sorts of pains you didn't think you had. But at a minimum, it gets the body working to heal itself, and at maximum, you might regain the ability to mockup (and unmock) bodies at will. 4.5 HANDLING LOSS At this time we do not have very many techniques for handling loss. This is a grave deficiency and more research is needed. Loss goes back much earlier in our existence than did pains and engrams. One thing you can do is to run out the incident of loss (by alternately spotting something in the incident and then something in the room or by any other incident running technique) with special attention to the moment when you first discovered the loss. You can look for earlier similar losses and run those, but this is not as useful as it is with handling engrams. With engrams, the actual pain of early incidents is long gone, so the earlier ones are easier to look at. But with loss, the item lost long ago is still gone. For loss, the incidents are easier to confront in the future. One technique would be to spot how far in the future the loss would have to be for you to find it acceptable. In other words, it might be horrible to have your wife die now, but you could tolerate it if she were to die in a hundred or a thousand years. So you find when it would be tolerable and make up an incident of the loss occurring then and how it might happen etc. and get your confront up on that. Then you should be able to confront it happening a little closer to present time, so you repeat the step, gradually bringing the loss in closer until you can confront the real loss which did occur. In handling a heavy loss, you want the tears to flow rather than suppressing them under a heavy barrier, so don't make people stop crying and consider it a good indicator if they begin to cry after holding it all bottled up. Realize that if someone starts crying heavily about something that seems insignificant, they are usually crying about something else (or you have really mis-evaluated the importance). In that case, you might like to find what the real underlying loss is, but it might not be accessible. So learn to tolerate what might seem to be foolish causes for upset and handle them with care because there might be some earth shattering thing hidden just out of sight. Kids cry easily at trivial things and its usually because they just died and have lost everything and everyone they cared about in their last lifetime and have even lost their memories and awareness of what happened. The ultimate mastery of loss consists of being able to recreate anything at will (so that there is no loss of things) and to recontact anybody no matter where they now are (e.g. total communication so that there is no loss of beings such as friends and loved ones) and mastery of time (which is the same as the ability to recreate universes at different times in their existence) so that you can replay anything and have it come out differently (so that there is no loss of doing). Note that many of our aberrations are the fixed solutions that we are holding in place to handle loss. A powerful process I came up with one day was "In this lifetime, what do you use to keep others from leaving". My answer was that I get sick. Other things we do as solutions to loss are forgetting and becoming ARC broken. On the subject of assists for loss, one (from the first ACC) is to simply mockup the lost person (or whatever) and mentally reach and withdraw from the mockup. Another thing you can do is to do mockups of destroying the person (or thing) various different ways at greater and then lesser distances. I.E. blowing them up, tossing them in the sun, etc. until you can confront what actually happened to them. You can also run the PROTECT button because usually you will feel that you failed to protect the person (or whatever). For this you generalize the relationship (use "a wife" or "a lover" rather than the specific girl who left or died, etc.) and then run "How could you protect ____" alternating with "How could a ____ protect you". Note that we run the positive aspect rather than the recent failure. There are other kinds of loss. One can lose a group or a country or even one's faith or hopes and dreams. For a Scientologist, becoming disillusioned can be a terrible loss even if one hangs on and remains in the organization. The same will be found in other religions if somebody loses faith after orienting their life around it. This needs to be handled as an incident of loss and misemotion just as if one's house had burned down or a friend had died. 4.6 HANDLING IMPLANTS In Scientology, we use the term "implant" to refer to heavy incidents where various commands etc. were implanted into the person to control them. This is heavy brainwashing and conditioning especially as it was used in more advanced civilizations. In recent universes, this has usually been done by force (such as the electronics used by space traveling civilizations), but as we go earlier (when the person was above being hurt physically), we find it done by means of aesthetics, emotional waves, symbols, etc. and (earliest) simply by means of trickery and false information. The implants usually have commands stated as thought intentions (not really English words) but sometimes simply consist of pictures which show you things. Usually there is some sort of pattern, such as opposing items or a declining scale. Because the implants often used repeating patterns within patterns (maybe a series of items that were repeated on each of a series of goals), some of Ron's early research used sheets of paper containing an item pattern with holes cut in it so that it could be laid over pages that only had the goals typed on them to make it easy to compose complex patterns with a small number of pages. Since these sheets with holes can be called platens (a metal plate with holes cut into it, used, for example, on old typewriters to hold the roller in place while giving the typehead access to the paper), any written out implant pattern eventually came to be called a platen even though the holes were dispensed with long ago. If you have the platen for an implant, you would run it out using an emeter by repetitively spotting an item as long as it continued to react on the meter and then going on to the next item and doing the same. It is rarely good enough simply to read the platen. For self auditing without a meter, you need to shift your attention on and off the item (not just glare at it) because you don't have the natural shift that comes about when you have to keep looking back and forth between the item and the emeter. One technique might be to alternate back and forth between opposing pairs of items. You have to keep repeating one item or pair until it discharges or otherwise releases before going on to the next. These platens are not so hot or dangerous as the CofS believes. Nonetheless, you might occasionally get yourself restimulated or upset or even sick while slopping around carelessly with implant platens. If worse comes to worse, the restimulation will fade out after awhile (hopefully in a few days). But its good to have some tricks for cooling these things down immediately. One trick that often works if you get in trouble in the middle of running any incident or implant is to spot the beginning. On an implant, this means spotting the first item again, or spotting events leading up to the first item. The general way to cool down an implant in restimulation is to spot something earlier which undercuts the implant and which does not itself have a lot of kick to it. This will generally pull you right out of the implant and get you feeling better. Usually you only have to spot the thing a few times, so it works very quickly. Ron himself came up with the idea of spotting what he called incident 1 to cool down and undercut incident 2 on OTIII. Incident 1 is at the "beginning of time" just before you come into this universe (which means its actually very late in your existence) and it has a charioteer and cherub etc. and should be fairly easy to spot in a vague sort of way. That is good enough to cool down any of the implants used in this universe. He didn't even have the real anatomy and details of the incident (see my write-up on actual GPMs) but just about any piece of the incident is enough to snap you out of any later implants. But if you start trying to research the magic universe which existed before this one, Incident 1 will not serve because it is later. There is a similar (but different) incident at the start of the magic universe which can be used instead. I don't have the details, but it seems to include a sort of Arabian ship floating in the water and various terminals, including a sorcerer (or wizard) holding a glowing crystal ball, which come floating over the water towards you from the ship. If you can find that image of the sorcerer, just spotting it will pull you out of implants done subsequently. When you get way back on the track, you need to spot the top of the penalty universes, which is the item "To create is native state" (see my write-up on the penalty universes of the home universe era). Going even earlier, there is being part of a crowd rushing into agreement, going through the inverted golden pyramid, and getting the item "To agree is native state" at the beginning of the agreements universe. Or, (earliest), spot entering the jewel of knowledge. But that one's hard because there were so many false jewels which are later on the track (including a mockup of the jewel that is used in the penalty universes after the native state item). For a beginner, the more recent ones are probably easier to spot. Use whatever works. Note that spotting these things does not run out the later implants. They simply are powerful enough to snap your attention out of a later implant, and can do it at a deep enough level (e.g. not just the surface but way down into the "subconscious") to push the implant out of restimulation. The problem with implant items is that they tend to be a bit "sticky" and encourage you to compulsively create them if they get into restimulation. And they often have enough somatics (pains and sensations) associated with them that they can make you feel unpleasant. But the things described above are actually stickier and will push the implant item out of the way. And since these are entry point (beginning of universe) experiences, they don't have a lot of somatics or misery sitting there. They do tend to make you create this universe compulsively, but you're doing that anyway, so its just increasing your awareness of what you're already doing. Eventually, as you get control over one of these and cease to be compulsive about the creation, you can shift to an earlier one and begin working with that. I don't think you can do the whole route by simply running entry points (like the above) alone, but it sure makes it easy to fool around with implants etc. 4.7 HANDLING ENTITIES If an entity of some sort gets stirred up or shows up or grabs your attention in some way, the first thing to realize is that they generally have very little ability to affect you. It is you, not them, who mocks up your bank, your somatics, your emotions, and your existence. All they can generally do is stir things up and remind you of things that are disturbing. First and foremost, hold your position in space and face up to these guys. The most useful techniques are: a) Point to the being you divided from (discussed at greater length in the write-up on "Divide and Conquer"). b) Have them spot the various entry points discussed in section 4.5 above. c) Nots techniques. Especially, simply asking "Who Are You" and coaxing them into answering "Me". In the rare case that a full being (rather than a fragment) who is between lives shows up, technique b is usually best and they may require a bit more information. If necessary, you can teach them how to use one of these techniques themselves, having them blow off one of their BTs or teaching them how to run out incidents by alternate spotting etc. This is especially useful if you run into somebody who is being some sort of angel or demon and working on some kind of mission, because it helps them out and gets them on your side and they may start helping others with this stuff. Remember that even the ones who are being demons are only doing so because the game has gone rather badly in this universe. If you show them a real way out, they are often more willing than others to begin helping people because they have no mistaken illusions about how the current oppressive mess is really good for people. Only once did I run into a demon who was so bound and determined to bother me that he wouldn't get into communication or run a command. So I mocked myself up as real big and dangerous and scared the hell out of him. He left immediately, and a palpable feeling of terror which had been washing over me snapped off as if I had turned a light switch. They work so hard at scaring people that they themselves can be scared very easily. They can dish it out but they can't take it. ------------------- 4.8 CHRONIC CONDITIONS Although an assist can help with the pain and upset of a chronic condition, don't expect them to cure one. You're using a tea spoon when you really need a steam shovel. You can (and probably should) run a full battery of assists on the condition, but these processes don't pay enough attention to the underlying whys. Your best shot on a chronic condition is to handle the pains, sensations, emotions, and attitudes connected with it. Early on you would use Dianetics for this. On a more advanced case, you can simply run each one using the following commands (alternately): a) Recall being made to feel ____ b) Recall making another feel ____ For good results on this, the person should be up to spotting whole track incidents on recall processes (but each process doesn't have to go whole track, he just has to be able to reach whole track whenever it is needed). On a person who is in bad shape, you take the first mild win on each process and then go on to another one (taking breaks as needed between processes). You may need to run dozens or hundreds of faint variations of the somatics in a particular area. On chronic headaches for example, you might take a "pain in the head" the first time, but you will need to carry on with more and more specific pains in precise spots in the head with specific pains (sharp, dull, etc.) as well as other sensations in the area (don't forget feelings of energy etc.). You begin with what the PC puts on the list, but after those are handled you get him to add more to the list, and you can ask him for precise spots or specific feelings or energies etc. if it seems needed. You may have to run a very great deal on a chronic condition. If the area is numb, the run is even longer because you will have to take off layers of not-isness before he can even find the somatics. You also should do assists. They raise his confront and build horsepower in the area. One way would be to start each session with an assist for pain (if needed), run some recalls (or engrams), and end off with one of the more OT assists. This will do more for someone on the upper OT levels than a Nots handling would, but you may also need to do some Nots handling in the area occasionally. If the PC is up to it, you could also do some handling of split pieces of himself ("point to") that are connected with the condition or mocking it up. But simple recall is the most beneficial because you are going after the reasons why he is mocking it up (there may be many). The body's ability to heal is amazing when the mind is aiding it instead of inhibiting it. But meat bodies do not generally grow back missing arms or major organs (although there are rare cases of people growing back things like teeth or girl's regrowing their virginity etc.). If you're up against a major physical disability, then your target is the relief of pain and suffering rather than a full cure. Sometimes you can work a miracle. The thetan is capable of mocking up an entire body out of thin air. So never make the postulate that something can't be handled, you'll only be limiting your own abilities. But don't stake your reputation on it or lead some poor guy on with false promises. Miracles are very rare. Psychosomatic and mentally perpetuated conditions, on the other hand, should be approached with confidence. And you have at least a chance against degenerative conditions because they are usually degenerating because the mind has withdrawn from the area and the situation can be reversed if the mind gets back in control. But any chronic condition is asking for a long run, and you can fail if the person isn't running deeply enough. If the condition can be ignored (the PC has learned to live with it), you will be much better off running grades and OT levels and raising horsepower rather than concentrating on the body. --------------------- 4.9 MORE ASSISTS There are numerous assists given in the 1950s material. Many of them are just general ideas or ways of approaching something without formal procedures. Some of them have been formalized in the assist book. Others are still a matter of judgment based on having a good understanding of the mechanics of the mind. In that case you are pretty much shooting from the hip based on knowingness and understanding. Two useful processes that I came up with are as follows: A) Give Me Some Reasons For Wishing This On Someone Else This is a subtle way to reach overts and overt intentions that are not quite in view or easily recalled. It has the added benefit of pulling off justifiers and postulates. B) Run mockups of pushing the pain or condition into crowds of people to force them out of their bodies. This might or might not run and if it does run it might not be basic. But it is one of the early reasons and can potentially open up early track and undercut a lot of things. If you have an advanced case who has an unshakable somatic or condition, he may very likely be doing this to himself from a hidden remote viewpoint to force himself to get out of the body and out of the human condition. On the early track, the being's solution to sinking downscale is to make postulates and set up mechanisms which will force him back upscale even if they are unpleasant. This is generally more basic than the over/motivator sequence. You could also ask him "what might you be trying to teach yourself with this pain or condition?". --------------------- 4.10 SOME ASSIST PROCESSES - Jun 96 This is my list of assist processes that I like to use. These are not in any particular order but they have been grouped into objective, subjective, and advanced categories. This is not a complete list. These are all by Ron except as discussed above. Many but not all of these are in the assist book (and it has others as well). Some can only be found in the old tapes. 1. OBJECTIVE ASSISTS 1.1 touch assist 1.2 contact assist 1.3 show me on my body 1.4 keep it from going away / hold it still (alternate left/right or head/stomach) (16th & 17th ACC) 1.5 throw actual kicks and/or punches at the injured area on an imaginary opponent (2nd ACC) (also see fight the wall in PAB 106) 1.6 duplicative body parts: feel my
, feel your 1.7 clay table healing: do the area & condition in clay carefully labeling everything with lots of detail & itsa 1.8 locational & objective havingness processes (look at that, find something you like, connectedness, etc.) 1.9 look around here & tell me something your could have (PAB 88) 1.10 find something you can have/condition can't have 1.11 outdoors around people - condition in other people (route 2) 2. SUBJECTIVE ASSISTS 2.1 Dating (R3T in SHSBC tapes) or date/locate 2.2 Hello & OK 2.3 Alternately spot location of incident & where you are now 2.4 What part of could you be responsible for 2.5 What part of that condition could you admit causing (SMC etc.) 2.6 Who had