From Thu Dec 18 14:00:31 1997 Path: szdc!!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!demon!!not-for-mail Newsgroups:,alt.spiritual.enhancement From: (The Pilot) Subject: Super Scio <8 of 11> SELF CLEARING BOOK Organization: The Pilot's hidden place Lines: 1513 Date: 18 Dec 1997 14:00:31 Message-ID: Reply-To: Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: szdc alt.spiritual.enhancement:835 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- SELF CLEARING FILE #8 OF 11 --------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents. --------------------------------------------- SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 33: SOURCES AND OTHER ADVANCED MECHANICS Now we are going to look a bit more at the creation of reality and other mechanics of existence. 33.1 Spotting Sources Pick a condition or situation that you are interested in and run the following alternately: a) spot something that might be a source for ___ b) spot something that is probably not a source for ___ Then pick another condition or situation and repeat. Continue running this on various conditions and situations until you have a major realization. 33.2 Sources in General Run alternately. Continue to a change in perception. a) spot a source b) notice something about it c) spot a no-source d) notice something about it 33.3 Cause Do this in a crowded place. Continue to a change in awareness. a) notice somebody b) spot something that they are causing c) spot something that they are not causing 33.4 Creation Pick a small section of the wall or a small object and look at it. Then run the following on it, alternately: a) get the idea that you are creating it b) get the idea that others are creating it c) get the idea that nobody is currently creating it Repeat until you feel some increase in awareness. Then pick another object or part of a wall and run this again. Run this on a few more things. While doing so, see if you can increase the amount that you are creating it. 33.5 Isness Run alternately: a) What is b) What isn't 33.6 Reality Take your time and hold each idea for a moment as you alternate these commands. Pick a wall or a large object. a) get the idea that it is there b) get the idea that it is not there c) hold both ideas simultaneously 33.7 Creating Do this in a crowded place. a) notice somebody b) what are they mocking up c) what are they not mocking up 33.8 Existence a) what has to be part of your existence b) what must not be part of your existence Then run a) what has to be part of another's existence b) what must not be part of another's existence 33.9 Conditions a) spot a persistent condition b) what have you done about that Then run a) spot a condition that has persisted for another b) what have they done about that 33.10 Beliefs a) spot a deeply held belief b) what have you done about that 33.11 Persistence Walk around outside and run the following a) spot something that you would permit to persist b) spot something that you would permit to vanish 33.12 Words Do the following for many words until there is no tendency to have any force associated with words. Think of a word that has force associated with it (such as hit, break, explode, etc.) Alternately say the word and visualize the force (for example, say "hit" and visualize somebody hitting somebody) and then say the word and have nothing associated with it until the word does not have any automatic association of force. Note that you are not trying to get rid of the meaning of the word, but only to remove any tendency to automatically create force in association with the word. 33.13 Significance Have each of the walls (in rotation) tell you "This Means ___" and put different things in the blank such as "this means that you will turn green" or "this means that you are going to die". Put many different things in this, including nonsense and ridiculous ones as well as things that are commonly said in this fashion. You can use the same thing more than once but preferably not twice in a row. 33.14 Importances Lie down and close your eyes. Exteriorize and look around a large city. a) spot something that is happening b) decide that it is important c) decide that it is unimportant 33.15 Present time Visualize an animal such as a dog. Have it start running around the earth. Intend that it will run that way in that direction forever. Look into the future. See the dog there in the future continuing to run around. Look at the mockup in the present again, seeing the dog run. Knowing full well that it is running in the future, none the less have it stop and turn around and run the other way. Repeat this a number of times, using different animals for variety. Continue this until you have no qualms about stopping something that you intended to have going on forever. 33.16 Do this one looking around with your eyes open inside of a room. Look at a wall and visualize it as transparent, or create and empty space where the wall is. Look through the wall at what is on the other side. Do this with a number of different walls in a number of different rooms, spotting things on the other side. Don't worry too much about accuracy, and it is all right if the perceptions are vague, just do the best that you can until you have a good win. 33.17 Walk around on a crowded street. Notice people, seeing them as they are. Now see them all as naked, again looking around and noticing people. Next see them as skeletons, seeing how the bones move around as they walk etc. Finally, see them as projected illusions, created by beings who are not located in this space. 33.18 Do these with your eyes closed, seeing these things mentally. You can look at old pictures, or visualize things newly, or see actual reality. 33.18.1 a) think of someone that you liked b) look at them and confront them c) think of someone that you disliked or detested d) look at them and confront them 33.18.2 a) think of someplace that you liked b) look at it and confront it c) think of someplace that you disliked or detested d) look at it and confront it 33.18.3 a) think of an object that you liked b) look at it and confront it c) think of an object that you disliked or detested d) look at it and confront it 33.18.4 a) think of an activity that you liked b) look at it and confront it c) think of an activity that you disliked or detested d) look at it and confront it 33.18.5 a) think of a time that you liked b) look at it and confront it c) think of a time that you disliked or detested d) look at it and confront it 33.19 Go outside and look at things, seeing them as if you were seeing them for the first time. Pretend that you have never seen them before and are seeing them for the first time. ================= SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 34: IMPLANTS In our long history as spiritual beings, we have frequently wanted to control each other. There have often been efforts to stop people from doing various things or to enslave people and put them to work. Some of the advanced civilizations that have existed in the past have used very high powered conditioning to try and do these things. Sometimes it was to make people good or loyal and sometimes it was simply to make slaves. In this universe, it is commonly done with electronic waves used to give impact to the commands being implanted. Simple hypnotic commands are much too easy to throw off for these purposes. They would not generally endure over the course of many lifetimes. Therefore, complex patterns, false pictures, and various other tricks generally form part of these implants. They are often filled with wrong dates and misleading stories. Do not give too much importance to these things. They are old and their command value is weak, hardly more than the push from TV commercials. If you are heavily bothered, it is because of your own efforts to implant other people either to make them be good or to make them obedient or whatever. We all worked at this at one time or another, thinking it was the solution to making a better society or a way to be powerful or successful. But these things do give trouble in incident running. Scanning through a implant without spotting the items that were implanted can stir them up and you need to confront what was being implanted to get them to erase properly. Practically speaking, these incidents interfere with good past life recall and the things that were implanted do have some residual effect as long as they are not confronted. Often the items implanted follow repetitive patterns. When some of these were being researched in the 1960s, the patterns were written on pages with holes cut into them where different words could be substituted. Some cheep games or novelties have cards or disks like this with a window in which different words appear as a card is slid or a disk is rotated. These kind of cards are sometimes called platens because of the holes cut into them. Even though these cards with holes are no longer used, the patterns of implant items are called platens for this reason. Orthodox Scientology has a great number of implant platens that were researched in the 1960s. Many of these can be found on the internet despite the CofS considering them to be confidential. A great deal more which I researched myself are in the Super Scio book which is available on the internet. Hopefully others will publish their own research in this area. At this stage we are only going to deal with how to run an implant platen and take care of a simple one which is common and troublesome. On your second pass through the book you might want to pick up a number of the ones which are available on the net and run them out. Researching a new implant platen is far too difficult for a beginner and is beyond the scope of this book. Unless you are very advanced, you shouldn't go hunting for implants. Instead you take existing implant platens and run through them to knock out any residual effects. If you do bump into an implant for which you don't have a platen, instead of trying to run through it, run the events leading up to being implanted instead. Also, look for the first time it happened, because these things were "recorded" and "kept on file" and often have been done to somebody more than once. And if you have real trouble, look for a time when you did this to another or when you wanted it done to others and especially confront your intentions at that time. If this all seems too weird and impossible, then go ahead and skip this and similar chapters. Take another look when you go through the book a second time. 34.1 Technique The basic technique for running out an implant platen is to spot or mockup each item in sequence until it ceases to have any effect. Since these things can have a bit of a kick to them, the easiest way to do this is to alternately spot the item and spot something in the room. This keeps you awake and aware and gives you maximum push as you spot the item. When you spot the item, you really need to get the sense and intention of the item. These were not actually implanted in English (or whatever language you are running this in), and it is the meaning of the item rather than the words which counts. Sometimes there can be a feeling that the item is located somewhere around you or is in a certain direction, in which case you should reach into that location to spot the item. Ideally, however, one reaches back to the time when the item was implanted and spots it there. The first time, you may have to feel around a bit to connect with the item. There may be a bit of a feeling of mass or pressure or protest or energy connected with it. You keep spotting that item until this is gone and there is nothing on the item, no heaviness nor any urge to obey the item. There is usually a bit of a feeling of relief or of something gone. If you spot an item a number of times and it seems to be getting heavier or more charged up, try to reach back to an earlier time that the item was implanted. These implants were used over and over again and you want the first time or the earliest one that you can reach. If the item is getting heavier and there doesn't seem to be an earlier occurrence, it might be that you have left some charge on earlier items in the platen that you are running, so you should go back a few items and see if there is still some charge on them. If so, then run the earlier items some more. You should run a platen to the point where there is no more charge on it. There should be no tiredness or feeling of mass or unconsciousness and there certainly should be no hypnotic feeling. At that point you should be capable of looking over the platen casually with no reaction or importance attached to the items. 34.2 THE SUICIDE IMPLANT It should be obvious that a heavy implant would be very likely to include commands to kill yourself if you found out about it. But it should be equally obvious that most people are not likely to obey such a command, especially if it was implanted a long long time ago. In practice these things should be fairly easy to shrug off if you are aware of them. Most people do not run right down to the store when a TV commercial tells them to. We've grown fairly thick skinned. Even when they were "fresh", implanted orders to kill yourself were not very effective. They were included in the implant for a different reason. It gives the person a feeling that the implant would be dangerous to remember. In actual fact, the more you remember of an implant, the less effect it has on you. It is at its most effective when you don't recall it at all. These things don't intensify as you find out about them, instead they grow weaker. The following platen is a set of items that were commonly attached at the beginning or the end (or both) of various other disrelated implants. This might be the most common set of suicide items that has been used in the current universe. If you can't seem to come to grips with this or spot the items, then feel free to leave this for later. Implant items were never very powerful. It was the postulates and decisions that you made while being implanted or implanting somebody else that created most of the bad effects. Items like this were designed to get you to postulate that you should forget the implant to protect yourself. It might be best to run this by placing a sheet of paper over the items and then shifting it down one item at a time. That makes it easy to keep your place and discourages you from looking over a whole bunch of items at once. Take each item and alternately spot the item and spot something in the room until you feel good about it and have no urge or compulsion to obey the item and have no discomfort or disturbed reaction while considering it. If you start feeling really good, take a break. After taking a break, see if you can get back into it and get some more charge off. If, when you first look at it after a break, the whole thing really seems to have dissolved and simply seems funny, then go ahead and glance over the rest of it to see if there is anything left (and run anything remaining). But be sure to always take a break first because sometimes you can get so much relief from handling an item that the rest of it seems gone when it isn't. ----- platen for the suicide implant -------- 1. To know about this is to disbelieve it 2. To know about this is to forget it 3. To know about this is to become insane 4. To know about this is to become unconscious 5. To know about this is to be unaware 6. To know about this is to be sick 7. To know about this is to die 8. To know about this is to kill myself 9. To talk about this is to disbelieve it 10. To talk about this is to forget it 11. To talk about this is to become insane 12. To talk about this is to become unconscious 13. To talk about this is to be unaware 14. To talk about this is to be sick 15. To talk about this is to die 16. To talk about this is to kill myself 17. To find out about this is to disbelieve it 18. To find out about this is to forget it 19. To find out about this is to become insane 20. To find out about this is to become unconscious 21. To find out about this is to be unaware 22. To find out about this is to be sick 23. To find out about this is to die 24. To find out about this is to kill myself 25. To remember this is to disbelieve it 26. To remember this is to forget it 27. To remember this is to be insane 28. To remember this is to be unconscious 29. To remember this is to be unaware 30. To remember this is to be sick 31. To remember this is to die 32. To remember this is to kill myself 33. To think about this is to disbelieve it 34. To think about this is to forget it 35. To think about this is to become insane 36. To think about this is to become unconscious 37. To think about this is to be unaware 38. To think about this is to be sick 39. To think about this is to die 40. To think about this is to kill myself ------- end of platen -------- 34.3 Finishing Step After you run out the items of an implant, do the following: a) Spot any postulates or decisions that you made at the time of the incident. b) Spot any times that you gave this implant to another or wanted people to be implanted with it. ================= SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 35: ENTRY POINTS Spotting the point at which you entered into a game can take some weight off of the subsequent incidents that took place within that game. Especially if you spot your own interest and desires or whatever aesthetic or interesting hook drew you into playing. This is not actually a cure for what happened subsequently, but it gives you a way to unstick your attention from the later incidents and get a bit more exterior to the entire sequence of events. 35.1 Relationships As a starting point, lets consider relationships that you have been involved in in this lifetime. These could be sexual relationships or simply strong friendships, with the emphasis being on long or intense contacts with other people. For each major relationship, you can scan through the incident where you postulated or were drawn into the relationship. This does not dissolve the relationship unless it is one that you are already struggling to get out of. Note that happily married people often reminisce about how they got together and it serves to strengthen the relationship because it rekindles the goals that they had for it. On the other hand, these unpleasant love/hate relationships where the person keeps bouncing back and forth often include mistakes and misperceptions from the very beginning. In this case the person tends to fixate on the later upsets and does not look back and re-evaluate his original premises. In some cases, looking back to the beginning with the wisdom of hindsight, one will see the mistaken ideas and wishful thinking that lead one down a wrong path. The emphasis here is not on looking for trickery or things to blame on others. That does not set you free of the situation but only perpetuates it. Instead look at your dreams and desires and the thing that you thought was there. This is what holds you to the relationship. Do not abandon your dreams because they were misassigned. Simply realize that they latched onto an inappropriate target. Our experiences with running incidents show that that the crucial point to run is the earliest part, the beginning when it all started. So run the beginnings of relationships as incidents, this will take weight off of things that happened later in the relationship. This might clean up a good relationship so that it goes better and it might help you end off on a bad relationship or recover from the ill effects of one that happened in the past. You can use the incident running technique that was given in an earlier chapter. And if the incident becomes heavier instead of clearing up, look for an earlier similar incident because one often gets into the same situation again and again. Pay special attention to your goals and desires and intentions and decisions and to the things that you postulated for the relationship. 35.2 Groups Next look at groups that you joined willfully and which are or were a major part of your life. As above, run the entry point into each group. This not only includes joining the group but also the decisions and events leading up to joining the group. In some cases, you may have joined a group to solve an earlier period of confusion. In this case, even the decision to join the group is late in the story. So check for a prior confusion that existed before you joined the group and for which the group was to be the solution. If there was a prior confusion, then run the following on the time period of the confusion: a) what problem did you have then b) what communications did you leave incomplete about that problem. Next, run a) what did you do at that time b) what didn't you say at that time If the confusion doesn't feel better by this point, then also handle any upsets (ARC breaks) that occurred at that time, using the rundown given in an earlier chapter. You can also run more problem processes (see the chapter on this) directed at the time period of the confusion if something more seems needed. After the confusion has come apart, then run the entry point incident, and in this case you should expect to see things a bit differently then when you joined the group. This will help rekindle your purposes and enhance your relationship with a desirable group, and it should help you separate from an undesirable group. 35.3 Forced to Join There are also groups (and sometimes even relationships) that one is forced to join. Being recruited for the army is one example. Being forced to enroll in school is another. Which is not to say that these are always enforced, but it is often the case. First we need to take some weight off of the enforcement. Run the following: a) recall being forced to join something b) what was protested then c) recall forcing another to join something d) what did they protest Once your confront is up on this, then pickup any significant entry points where you were forced to join and run them as incidents. And then do the same for times that you forced somebody else to join. And if necessary, also run incidents of others forcing others to join something. 35.4 Failed Purposes Having a strong purpose or intention is also a beginning and a sort of entry point into a game. Sometimes a desirable purpose becomes derailed by later difficulties and failures and is abandoned due to despair rather than simply being set aside because one has become interested in something else. These failed purposes can also be cleaned up by spotting when you had the original purpose and running through that as a sort of incident, with special attention to the point when you originally decided to have that purpose. As with the other entry points above, getting back to the first moment tends to take weight off of the later failures. And as above, it does not force you to either resume or abandon the purpose, it simply restores free choice. Once the weight of failure is gone, it can either revitalize the old purpose or let you finally lay it to rest depending on your true desires now in present time. 35.5 Desirable purposes After cleaning up failed purposes, it is good to run a positive process in the area. a) spot a desirable purpose b) spot a purpose that would be desirable for another or others 35.6 Learning Since it is so valuable to learn things, let's also see if we can rekindle your desires in that area. a) what did you want to learn b) when was that c) what did another want to learn d) when was that 35.7 Joining the body For the advanced student, or for a second pass through the book, it is very useful to run the incident of picking up the current body. One of the most important points of this is the decisions and postulates that one made as one entered the current lifetime. Since one has picked up many bodies over the course of time, you might find that this incident is too late on a long chain and that you have to run earlier similar times when you picked up a body. 35.8 Mapping your lifetimes This is definitely an advanced step and you will have to leave it until you have accumulated quite a bit of data about your recent lifetimes by means of simple recall processes, especially those given in the early chapters of this book. When you are ready for this, begin by sketching out a list of the lifetimes that you are aware of in the last few thousand years. Beginning with the earliest one, spot what your intentions were in entering that lifetime and examine how it went. Consider the next lifetime to be a solution or a response to the results of the previous lifetime and again examine your intentions and what actually happened. Moving forward in this way, you should be able to fill in the blanks on some of the missing lifetimes, at least approximately, and see how these relate one to the next. You will see things, which are or were very important to you, where you maintained a consistency of purpose from lifetime to lifetime, and you will see other things where you tended to flip back and forth hunting for a way past some barrier. In doing this, you may occasionally come upon an incident of exceptional significance which has to be run. ================= SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 36: ENTRY INTO THIS UNIVERSE You might want to consider this section to be highly speculative. Take it as a suggestion of something to be looked at rather than absolute truth. The entry point into a universe is of importance because it undercuts the game that took place in that universe. The entry point into the current physical universe in which we are living is especially important on this basis. The previous universe was one of Magic, much like the fantasy and horror stories which are so popular. This universe was originally built as a place to get rid of undesirables, which not only includes criminals and malcontents but also prisoners of war and other defeated opponents. Eventually things became so interesting down here and the magic universe had decayed so much that people also came here willfully and few remain behind. Some people have been put here and escaped many times, so don't be surprised to find that the entry into this universe has occurred multiple times. As usual, the earliest one is the best to spot. There is no direct correlation of space between the two universes. There are transfer points, but it is not a one to one mapping. The transfer points connect to a small "canned" universe (fixed track, like a recording) which acts as a sort of bridge between the two. The transfer points in the magic universe are generally setup as pools (perhaps Grecian) which one is pushed into as a spirit. There is generally a spiral of columns circling in towards the pool. There are 64 columns with various statues (heads or busts) on top of them. I can't say for sure whether these pools are always identical or if there is some variation. Certainly the surrounding countryside might be different and the planet itself might be vary different (different color skies etc.). It might begin by being sentenced in court and then taken to the beginning of the spiral, or you might simply enter it willfully. Then one goes round the spiral, being sort of drawn along by energy. One does this as a spirit (or in a spirit body) floating from column to column gradually gathering speed and flies into the pool at the end. If it is being enforced (rather than willful), there will be beings above the pool who then "blanket" you (covering you with their energy fields) and "push" you down into the pool to make sure that you are forced into it. Once in the pool, everything becomes heavy and occluded and it seems like you are in another place. This is the "canned" universe that is used for the transfer. Although there are many of these pools in the magic universe, you always seem to be in the same place from this part of the incident forward. The incident does not contain a lot of pain or force although there is a bit of a push or pressure to it and in some cases there might be heavy emotions at being exiled and a feeling of loss. The incident's main characteristic is an extremely strong aesthetic which is meant to make you interested and draw you into the current universe. The "recorded" universe begins in a sort of obscure void like being underwater. But gradually you sense some sort of a golden light source and feel drawn towards it. Again you gradually gain speed and finally come to a golden object in the form of a golden sunburst (but like a plaque or emblem or piece of jewelry rather than an actual sun). As you pass into it, you hear (telepathically, not in words), the goal "To Be Godlike". You pass through this and continue moving, gaining speed, and eventually come to a set of golden bells and hear the goal "To Be Free" as you pass through them. The next goal is "To Be Responsible" and you pass through, I believe, a set of golden books or tablets of law. This continues on through an entire series of goals. The series is approximately as follows, but there may be errors or omissions. TO BE GODLIKE TO BE FREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO BE CREATIVE TO BE IMPORTANT TO BE COMPETENT TO BE FAMOUS TO BE PERCEPTIVE TO BE ENERGETIC TO BE METICULOUS TO BE SUCCESSFUL TO BE RIGHT TO BE POPULAR TO BE SKILLFUL TO BE WISE TO BE BEAUTIFUL TO BE PRODUCTIVE TO BE POWERFUL TO BE HOLY TO BE INTELLIGENT TO BE STRONG TO BE CRAFTY TO BE BRAVE TO BE WEALTHY TO BE INDEPENDENT TO BE GOOD TO BE ADVENTUROUS TO BE ORDERLY TO BE DIFFERENT TO BE RESPECTED TO BE HAPPY TO BE ACQUISITIVE TO BE SENSUAL TO BE DOMINEERING TO BE TOUGH TO BE ENDURING The final object, with the goal "To Be Enduring" is a pyramid. You pass into it and come to another landscape, this being a sort of plane or stage surrounded by angels and demons and various other things, all highly aesthetic and complex and very interesting looking. This and the characters that appear subsequently and possibly also the aforementioned objects might all be 4 dimensional constructions of which one sees a shifting 3 dimensional perspective so that they permutate or change in various ways as you sift your perspective (shifting along a 4th axis while remaining at the same 3 dimensional co-ordinates so that you move without moving in the normal frame). The whole thing has the atmosphere of a pageant. There are cherubs blowing trumpets and snapping sound as the various characters come on stage and do their lines. It was meant to hold your attention. The show begins with the line "Only one will survive" as a crowd mills about on the stage. Then comes the line "To be the one who survives, you must be superior to all others". Then the milling crowd backs away and settles down and the first character is revealed. This is supposed to be "god" and he might appear as a bearded old man in a white robe (but the aspect sifts from different perspectives). And note that this is no more than a characterization, like an actor in a mystery play, there is no real feeling of divinity to the figure. He says the following lines (approximately, this is not in English) - a) (looking to your left (his right)) To be Godlike is to solve the opposition of enduring (stubborn) people. b) (looking forward) To be Godlike is to be superior to all others c) (looking to your right (his left)) To be Godlike is to suffer from the oppression of free beings (people). He exits to your left and the "free being" comes on stage from the right and says: a) (looking to your left where god exited), To be Free is to solve the opposition of godlike beings b) (looking forward) To be free is to be superior to all others c) (looking to your right where the next character will come from) To be free is to suffer from the oppression of responsible beings He exits to your left and the "responsible being" comes on stage from the right. (looking to each side as above) a) To be responsible is to solve the opposition of free beings b) To be responsible is to be superior to all others c) To be responsible is to suffer from the oppression of creative beings. This continues in the same pattern for the entire series of goals listed above. Note that there might be some goals missing from the list, and there also might be some varying translations possible for some of the ones given. The final one is: a) To be enduring is to solve the opposition of tough beings b) To be enduring is to be superior to all others c) To be enduring is to suffer from the oppression of godlike beings. This sets the entire pattern up in a circle with godlike being opposed to enduring. The incident ends with waves of blackness. Then you find yourself in the current universe. There are and have been various entry points. The current "local" entry point is the horsehead nebula in Orion. This whole incident is held in place by aesthetics rather than any great degree of pain or force. It sells you on the idea that the game in this universe is to be superior to everybody else and sets you up to be in conflict with everybody. Of course if you're fighting against everybody, you are going to lose sooner or later, so you can't hold the godlike position but instead sink down through the entire cycle of goals, eventually swinging around from "enduring" back to a lesser version of "godlike" in an endless declining spiral. To break out of this pattern you have to stop fighting for superiority. The basic lie that sets the whole thing up is that only one will survive. This is a hot button and gets picked up occasionally in popular movies and TV shows (Highlander is the latest example). Notice that the idea always leads to games of maximum violence and destruction. This is the reason we fight so much. And it is all nothing more than a lie that was presented with a tremendous amount of aesthetics. The incident occurs "at the beginning of time". But that is only within its own little canned universe. Before it you were in the magic universe and after it you are here, and those points will have specific dates within these two universes. And it probably happened many times at different points in your existence as you bounced back and forth between this and the magic universe. Just spotting this incident in a vague sort of way is good enough to drain some charge off of the subsequent troubles that you have had in this universe. Hubbard found a small piece of this one and labeled it incident 1. It proved to be quite useful in cooling down things that were in restimulation. 36.1 Some things to do For starters, just see if you can spot this incident back there "at the beginning of time". Then look earlier and spot being pushed into the pool in the magic universe. Then spot incidents of "blanketing" and pushing others into the pool. Then spot times in the magic universe when you wanted others to be exiled to this universe. Then look for earlier times you were pushed into this incident. Try to get back to the earliest time that you can both of being pushed in and of pushing others in. 36.2 Using this an undercut This incident acts as undercut to subsequent implants that were done in this universe. If you are fooling around with implant platens (like the suicide implant given in an earlier chapter or like many of the ones on the internet) and you start feeling charged up and uncomfortable or sick, then shift your attention earlier to this incident and spot it a number of times. Spotting this one tends to pull your attention out of later implants and cools them down. And this incident does not have heavy force on it, so it does not itself tend to make one sick. Note that this does not erase the subsequent implants, it just cools them down. 36.3 A note on the Goals Series The above is the goals series of this universe. There is a lot more material on how we have been living these goals and how to further remove the charge on them. But it is probably too much for the first pass through this book. It is covered in chapter 3 of the Super Scio book and probably should be studied when you reach this point on your second pass. Note that the above goals list is slightly improved over the one in the Super Scio book. ================= SELF CLEARING CHAPTER 37: UNIVERSES This universe was founded on games of force and conflict. These can be fun, as evidenced by the popularity of various video and arcade games. But it is not fun for real living beings to be at the receiving end of these forces. And if it hurts others, it hurts the being who causes it as well because these things do kickback. We have had these kind of games for a long time. They go back long before this universe. And they predate the time when we became the effect of our own creations and began playing these games for real, succumbing to pain and force and misery. In early universes these were played with mockups, created projections, the god's equivalent of our video games. They were not done and were never meant to be done with the suffering of living beings. Don't think to turn your back on force and deny this type of game as being too violent. The "gods" love playing with force and it is very entertaining. A chess game is most interesting when there is a dramatic and well co-ordinated use of force to smash the enemy's position. Imagine this on a larger scale with more action and sophisticated graphics. This is something that you have fun playing rather than something to be run out and erased. Then consider the sick and degraded horror of putting living beings into these chess pieces and smashing them as part of the game. That is what is really wrong and that is what needs to be handled. Leave the violence on TV. That is where it belongs. Get it out of everyday life. Use your mastery of force for entertainment, not for the subjugation or destruction of others. You will eventually need to master force. Energy is part of the anatomy of this universe. But you master it to regain control over the physics within which we have entrapped ourselves rather than using it to further harm and dominate your fellow man. We will have a chapter later on the subject of energy. But if you increase your horsepower and then use it to play further games of dominating others, you will simply cause yourself to sink faster into this trap, just as a more energetic person would sink faster when struggling against quicksand. So as a preliminary step, let's see if we can pull you a bit further out of the degraded game of this universe. There are far better games to play and their shadows still remain with us. For example, art and creation still remain with us even if they don't always gain adequate "points" in the cut throat games of the "real" world. 37.1 Six Ways to Nothing This is best done sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Imagine that you are reaching through the entirety of the physical universe, way way out there, as far as you can imagine it going no matter how big, and then reach a bit further and find nothing. Hold onto the nothingness for a moment or for as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable holding it and not thinking. Do this in each of six directions in rotation: 1) right 2) left 3) front 4) back 5) above 6) below When you have cycled through this a number of times comfortably, then begin doing these in pairs, reaching in two opposite directions simultaneously and holding both. 1) right and left 2) in front and behind you 3) above and below you When this is comfortable, then reach in all 6 directions at once and hold the nothingness in all 6 places concurrently. Alternate this with looking around the room. As an advanced step, if you can conceive of 4th dimensional directions, add a 4th non-physical axis and reach to both sides along that axis as well and find the nothingness beyond any 4th dimensional thickness that may be part of this universe. Note that other separate universes do not occupy the same co-ordinate system, it is the independence of the co-ordinates that makes them separate universes. You would not, for example, find the magic universe by reaching far enough in physical universe space, you would find it in its own space instead. And advanced student can also find other universes around himself besides the current one. In actual practice, you did not completely abandon the various earlier universes, and you still have parts of yourself there. When you are ready (probably on a second pass), you can close your eyes and mockup various other universes around you and repeat the above drill on those as well. But this is best done after mastering the techniques given in the next chapter. 37.2 Universe exteriorization Lie down and close your eyes. a) spot 3 points in this universe b) spot 3 points that are not in this universe 37.3 Beingness The goals series introduced in the chapter on entering this universe (incident 1) is the anatomy of the game in this universe, and it is self destructive. Each goal in the list is set up to fight against the goals on either side. As a godlike being, you oppose both the enduring people and the free beings. You successfully oppose the enduring people and therefore cannot endure as god, and you fail in opposing the free beings and thus eventually become one. As a free being, you successfully oppose godlike begins, and therefore cannot be godlike, and you fail in opposing responsible beings and thus eventually change over to that goal. And so the cycle continues downward, and with each abandonment of a goal and the corresponding abandonment of the identity associated with it (which failed), you also abandon some of your ability. As long as you stay in agreement with this pattern, you find that it is difficult to be both free and responsible concurrently because the two have been set in conflict. Or, to use a different example, it is difficult to be both strong and intelligent at the same time. As one steps out of this pattern and abandons the game of domination, you do not abandon these goals. Instead, you expand to encompass all of them, and hold these together without conflict. Eventually you will want to do some intensive handling of this area. It is discussed in chapter 3 of the Super Scio book. But that is best left until a second pass through this book. For now, we will do a light process to try and restore some of the abilities that were abandoned on each of these goals as you cycled through this pattern while living in this universe. Note that we have been here for a long time and most people will have gone around the entire series a number of times, loosing a bit more each time around. The process here is very simple, but you should do it thoroughly for each of the goals in turn. Do this in a crowded place. a) walk around, visualizing yourself as having the primary characteristic of the goal, such as being godlike or being free or being responsible. b) spot people and visualize each of them as having that primary characteristic as well, even if they are not manifesting it. c) put the intention into people that they have more of that primary characteristic such as being more godlike or more intelligent, etc. Run this for each of the items in the following list: 1 GODLIKE 2 FREE 3 RESPONSIBLE 4 CREATIVE 5 IMPORTANT 6 COMPETENT 7 FAMOUS 8 PERCEPTIVE 9 ENERGETIC 10 METICULOUS 11 SUCCESSFUL 12 RIGHT 13 POPULAR 14 SKILLFUL 15 WISE 16 BEAUTIFUL 17 PRODUCTIVE 18 POWERFUL 19 HOLY 20 INTELLIGENT 21 STRONG 22 CRAFTY 23 BRAVE 24 WEALTHY 25 INDEPENDENT 26 GOOD 27 ADVENTUROUS 28 ORDERLY 29 DIFFERENT 30 RESPECTED 31 HAPPY 32 ACQUISITIVE 33 SENSUAL 34 DOMINEERING 35 TOUGH 36 ENDURING 37.4 Being Nothing Run this one 4 different ways: 1) alone with your eyes closed in a comfortable position 2) alone with your eyes open in a comfortable position 3) outdoors in a quite and natural place (eyes open) 4) in a crowded place with lots of people around (eyes open) The process consists of alternating between two different concepts, holding each one for a minute or until you feel comfortable. a) conceive of yourself as nothing, no thought, no attitude, no characteristics, just a passive yet infinite potential. b) conceive of yourself as an individual, with emotions and attitudes and thoughts and pictures. 37.5 Desirable Targets 37.5.1 Think of some things that you like 37.5.2 Think of some things that it would be nice to be 37.5.3 Think of some things that it would be nice to do 37.5.4 Think of some things that it would be nice to have 37.5.5 Think of some people that you would enjoy talking to 37.5.6 Think of some games that it would be fun to play ================= -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6 iQCVAgUBNJkoYcsIt3ZgVQbNAQG9vAP/cCeTYAd70cQCu2sf4LFm2zPYkWdljdxH IoKEYh6OpWG9Lbxj1LvZp6qsnz1Th/LOLVl7X6mBPD/5yjd+cNHn3dfnUZTYInsj H3TMa/p2uiwl7unT5ffXUTkfvKbY2Glv9Xdkn6AONqigMpvCoQ2Zrj5G83ft6KcE efpPrCkgYFw= =nxJG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----