From Thu Dec 18 14:00:34 1997 Path: szdc!!!!globalcenter0!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!demon!!not-for-mail Newsgroups:,alt.spiritual.enhancement From: (The Pilot) Subject: Super Scio <11 of 11> SELF CLEARING BOOK Organization: The Pilot's hidden place Lines: 478 Date: 18 Dec 1997 14:00:34 Message-ID: Reply-To: Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: Xref: szdc alt.spiritual.enhancement:830 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- SELF CLEARING FILE #11 OF 11 --------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 All commercial rights are reserved to the author, who currently wishes to remain anonymous and therefore is writing under the pen name of "The Pilot". Individuals may freely copy these files on the internet for their own use and they may be made available on any web server who does not charge for them and who does not alter their contents. --------------------------------------------- SELF CLEARING APPENDIX A: NOTES FOR PROFESSIONALS Those who have trained in professional courses at the Church of Scientology (the CofS) will notice that a number of things here are contrary to what is known as "standard tech". The most notable is the very idea of self processing, which is contrary to the modern rules. But this book derives primarily from the Scientology of the 1950s when self processing was not only considered acceptable but actually encouraged among people who were trained in processing. Even as late as 1966, the standard correction lists only considered self processing to be an error if it was done concurrently with receiving intensive processing from a professional. Ideas and discoveries from the standard tech period have indeed been used in this book, but they have been moved back into the earlier broader context. Another noticeable departure is avoidance of the word "auditing" which is used synonymously with the term processing in the CofS. Since this word means "to listen", it implies that there is another person present to do the listening, and that seemed inappropriate for self clearing. And since the term processing is more easily communicated, the word "auditing" was dropped entirely. In standard tech, one avoids OT drills (Operating Thetan drills - things like spotting things in the room with your eyes closed) until everything else has been run, beginning with Grades processing (communications, problems, overts, etc.) and then lower OT levels (implants and so forth). In the latest revision of "the bridge", the few OT processes that remained were moved beyond the current highest levels (OT 8) but will probably appear somewhere in the OT 9 to 16 range. But in the 1950s, these OT processes were used on beginners. They were run from the very start with little preparation, and on the whole they worked and produced tremendous gains in horsepower. The reasons for not using them in standard tech is that they do not work 100 percent of the time and they cannot be run in a rote manner by a half trained auditor on a person who is buying processing. They must be approached in a light, do what you can, see what you can get out of it, manner on a beginner. Some will work and some will be duds that give little results but are harmless. A professional trained by the CofS who is trying to clean up somebody who has worked with this book will be tempted to try and get them through every process in a thorough manner. That is a mistake and must not be done. These beginner's OT drills must be done lightly and without pressure or invalidation. The person will naturally skip or skimp on what is too difficult for him. That is expected in this kind of processing. He gets it all on a thorough second pass. He needs to take some weight off of all of the areas before he can push these OT drills to the hilt. But he needs these OT drills right from the start because the occasional one that does work for him spectacularly is the fastest, most powerful processing that he can run on himself. That is what will give him the strength to go solo on the grades style techniques. There are also various rules in standard tech which came about because the original standard tech processing was "quickie" and attempted to only use a single process on each of the grades. In other words, only a single process would be used in an area such as problems, ignoring the dozens of others which had been researched earlier. Later expanded grade processing restored more of the abandoned technology, but various rules remained in force. For example, when running a small number of "quickie" processes, it caused trouble if a process did not include all directions of flow (self to another, another to self, and so on) because it would be the only process run in a particular area. If a dozen processes were run in the area, they did not all really need to cover all flows, as evidenced by the older processes which used multiple flows occasionally but not always. But standard tech included the rule that all flows must always be run on every process, resulting in excessive and sometimes foolish attempts to ensure that every process always covered all flows. In practice, if you run many processes in an area, they can be done sloppily because what one processes misses, another will pick up. This is essential for self clearing because you cannot count on an individual always doing a thorough or perfect job by himself. The keynote of repairing or cleaning up processing done on this basis is to only address things which come up on repair lists. Do not go chasing after things which you think are errors or which do not fit standard theory. Only handle what the self processor himself feels that he had difficulty on. If he feels good about an area, leave it alone no matter how sloppily it was run. Do not try to fix theoretical imagined errors. Only fix what really is in error. Also, in self processing, there is no external push. Without this, the person does not run as deeply, and therefore it takes longer, but he also is not as likely to be affected by an error. The "mind's protection" is at maximum in self processing. This is the idea that the person will not think of things that he is not ready to face when he is running a process. It is almost impossible for a self processor to get in trouble because of this. The worst that can happen is that a process will not run or will be unproductive of results. The only way to mess this up is to push him too hard or invalidate him for theoretical mistakes that did not actually give him any trouble. Another factor which aids the self processor is that he is taking responsibility for his case rather than handing it over to an auditor. This significantly reduces the troubles that one can get into. Note that the first process of the chapter on exteriorization (chapter 11) is a solution to interiorization side effects. An int rundown can also be run if there is trouble with out-int, but don't run it simply on the basis of the person having exteriorized. Don't assume that something is wrong unless it manifests. All early processing was intended to be run with the person exteriorized if at all possible. There is no conceivable reason not to audit an exteriorized person except for the possibility of causing him to interiorize and that is solved by int handling. The rule against auditing while exterior is obsolete and significantly slows down case progress. The biggest factors missing if the person has worked completely alone from the beginning are a communications (TRs) course, the acknowledgment of major points of release and states attained, and the simple act of having somebody else to originate things to. Fill these in if at all possible. See the chapter on "keeping yourself moving" (chapter 27) for the context of repair actions. The self processor does not know enough initially to be able to keep his rudiments in. Furthermore, he would not have the skills necessary to get a case set up and flying. If you personally are trained up to class 3 or above, you will be capable of running repair and correction lists on yourself initially as a setup action. These could include "Case Supervisor series 53", the "green form" and the self clearing correction list given in the next appendix. You can also do these on a self clearing student either as a setup or a clean up action. The book assumes that the self clearing student is not properly set up and may initially be processing with the rudiments out and possibly even in an over charged or overwhelmed state (what is seen as a high or low tone arm reading on the E-meter). This is one of the reasons for the early use of OT drills, physical objectives, and recall of pleasure moments. These all work to cool down charge instead of restimulating it and will generally run successfully even if a case is not properly set up. Note that all processing in the 1950s was done over out-ruds and without consulting an E-meter except occasionally for use in assessing what areas should be run. The book is to be worked through twice so that the person can get himself flying by dusting off everything lightly on a first pass and learning all the techniques and then taking everything to a deeper and more stable level on the second time around. For your own processing, you can set yourself up properly and run things deeply on a first pass, but do not be pedantic on trying to force every OT drill to run properly, a light touch is called for. And do not let yourself be stopped if it seems too difficult to get your own case set up and flying. The begining chapters will run with benefit anyway. Note that most OT drills are objective processes done by the thetan rather than the body. This is why they will run over out-runs (just like any objectives). You do not check drills for meter reads before running them because you are not looking for charge. Also note that if a case is not yet flying, you run processes to light wins rather than full end phenomena. Each win reduces the charge somewhat and the person is a bit better off. If you try to push past these light wins, you will invalidate them and may get overrun phenomena. In this case (running light actions to get the tone arm into range and the case flying), the person should not be staring at an E-meter because it is too distracting and evaluative. If you do this solo, you should do it off the meter so that you don't get interiorized into it. In other words, if a case is flying, the meter is a validation (the needle is usually floating) and it helps you to catch mistakes as they happen. And it lets a highly trained person run correction lists on himself solo even when his own case is not flying. But it will get in the way of trying to destimulate the case by means of light processing, so just put it away in that case. These OT drills are unlimited processes that can be run over and over again, gaining in skill each time. But sometimes one will be out-gradient and unproductive of results. This is not harmful because one is not restimulating charge, but you will get in trouble if you insist on trying to get an unrunning process to produce the usual "end phenomena" that you expect from a process that is running properly. Any case will be capable of running some OT drills immediately, but you can't predict which ones will work and which ones will not. So you try many of them. The ones that don't bite properly will be harmless and the ones that do work will produces fantastic gains. It is expected that somewhere in the first dozen or so chapters the person will have a major win and that will get the case flying. Note that even communication and recall processes were often used as setup and repair actions rather than major grade actions and will often work on cases that are not properly setup. Interest is senior to meter reads as far as selecting what processes to run. The meter is useful, but don't let it get in your way. If you do run some OT drills on another person as a corrective action (to get them through one they are having trouble with while self clearing), you must use a gentle coaxing style which is not currently taught in the CofS but which can be learned by listening to demonstration sessions on the tapes of 1952-4 such as the lectures of the Philadelphia Doctorate Course. Each chapter of the book is what standard tech would call a "major action" representing a grade or OT level. All of them could be further expanded if necessary. It was felt that it was better to do a light touch on each major case area rather than to push any one thing too hard. ================= SELF CLEARING APPENDIX B: CORRECTION LIST This is a general correction list for use in self clearing to find errors for correction or for use as a general cleanup. The instructions for using this are in chapter 27. 1. Is there an ARC Break (upset) 2. Is there a Present Time Problem 3. Has a Withhold Been Missed 4. Was a process overrun 5. Was a process left incomplete 6. Was the process misunderstood 7. Was processing in an area continued past a major release point 8. Was the process un-runable or not yet ready to be run 9. Did you change the process in the middle 10. Were you distracted while running the process 11. Trying to process while tired or hungry 12. Trying to process over drugs or alcohol 13. Trying to process over out-rudiments 14. Has anything been invalidated 15. Has an evaluation been enforced 16. Has anything been protested 17. Has anything been suppressed (repressed) 18. Has there been a wrong indication 19. Are you looking for something that isn't there 20. Has a mistake been made 21. Is there too much charge in the area 22. Is there something that you are non-confronting 23. Are you withholding anything 24. Have you committed an overt 25. Has there been a false accusation 26. Has something been misunderstood 27. Did you lose track of what you were doing 28. Were you afraid to find out something 29. Is somebody actively suppressing you or preventing you from making progress 30. Is there a listing error 31. Trouble with interiorization 32. Skipping over things too quickly 33. Too much in restimulation 34. Has there been a cut or ignored communication 35. Does some achievement need to be acknowledged 36. Do you have a vested interest in failing 37. Is your attention stuck on something 38. Was there nothing wrong in the first place ================= SELF CLEARING APPENDIX C: COFS EQUIVALENTS There is a vague correspondence, at least as far as the topics addressed, between some chapters of the book and the current bridge used in orthodox Scientology. If you examine these in detail, the analogy breaks down. Even chapter one uses advanced OT drills and the specific steps do not correspond. There is no CofS equivallent for many of the processes in this book. But this list of corresponding levels will aid in relating the theory materials used in professional training. The underlying concepts of the advanced OT drills used throughout the book and the general approach taken are best understood by studying the tapes of the first through ninth advaned clinical courses of 1953-4. 1: BEGINING STEPS Survival Rundown 2: REACH AND WITHDRAW Survival Rundown 3: THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, AND ATTITUDES 4: SUBJECTIVE PROCESSES 5: STUDY 6: CONFRONTING THE PAST Straightwire 7: WILLINGNESS AND ACCESSIBILITY 8: COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Grade 0 9: MORE ON COMMUNICATIONS 10: THE DUPLICATION FACTOR 11: EXTERIORIZATION 12: HELP Grade 1 - Help 13: CHANGE AND NO CHANGE Grade 3 - Change 14: PROTEST 15: PROBLEMS Grade 1 - Problems 16: MUST HAVE AND CAN'T HAVE 17: MUST AVOID AND CAN'T GET RID OF 18: CAUSE 19: OVERTS, MOTIVATORS, AND WITHHOLDS Grade 2 20: A STEP FURTHER OUT 21: AFFINITY, REALITY, AND COMMUNICATION 22: MORE ON UPSETS Grade 3 - ARCX 23: TRICKERY AND FALSE DATA 24: SUPPRESSION Suppressed person RD 25: JUSTIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY Grade 4 26: REPRESSION 27: KEEPING YOURSELF MOVING 28: INCIDENT RUNNING Dianetics 29: HANDLING LOSS 30: LOCATIONS 31: ADVANCED INCIDENT RUNNING Dianetics 32: INCREASING PERCEPTION AND ORIENTATION 33: SOURCES AND OTHER ADVANCED MECHANICS Grade 5 34: IMPLANTS OT 2 35: ENTRY POINTS 36: ENTRY INTO THIS UNIVERSE 37: UNIVERSES 38: ENTITIES AND SPIRITUAL FRAGMENTS OT 3-7 39: ENERGY 40: MACHINERY 41: BODIES 42: OBJECTS AND INFINITY 43: ADVANCED CONCEPTS 44: ETHICS, MORALITY, AND THE DYNAMICS 45: ASTHETICS 46: THE UPPER DYNAMICS 47: POSTULATES 48: NEXT STEPS ================= ================= -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6 iQCVAgUBNJkoiMsIt3ZgVQbNAQHipgQAqnJOA0nh6KLiE4OLUnrevXOtjzNAwFnq 4q/817PiRAPSPX4DI0rgEA0Rgu9iqBFLLw3IWP854M0ILsKV10fCWtfoA/sYSj1l hoVLoSdruo63l4F5KgfwmhBGog3+4IRr+QAUBNJgGgF5Z/4kVX3yHoU+Z7TezltF caExmn61gT8= =1Kk1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----