FreeZone America presents: 'The Pilot'


"I have been involved in Scientology since 1965. I came in with great hopes and high goals, and since they were not entirely betrayed, I kept my mouth shut and hung on despite all of the obvious failings. 

By late 1968, I had passed beyond the fanatic stage and could see that the organization and the tech had serious flaws. But I would not abandon the truths I had learned just because of Ron's imperfections or the Sea Org's insanities. Instead, I followed Ron's own advice, which was to ignore all authorities, including Ron, and evaluate each datum on its own merits and discover what was true for myself rather than simply believing in the subject. 

When I finally finished my staff contract in the early 1970s, I was too disillusioned to continue working for the organization. But I still believed and continue to believe deeply in the expressed goals and purposes of the subject. I had made tremendous gains in auditing and helped others by auditing them (often for free on my own time). Any deficiencies I perceived in the tech and the organization were attributed to the incomplete research and the failings of the all too human members of the group. So I continued to study and do upper levels, and especially, I began to track down and study the thousands of hours of taped lectures from the 1950s, searching first for the origins of the almost magical materials we were using and eventually discovering that three quarters of the subject had been lost and that the bulk of later policy and flag orders were almost 180 degrees in conflict with the basics that were outlined in the early days. 

And I decided to follow Ron's original ideas and inspirations in preference to the later dramatizations. And the further I went with this, the more I found myself at odds with the organization and its current policies and practices. I now firmly believe that the subject is still on a research line and that we do not have all the answers. I believe that Ron was right originally when he said (upon discovering implants and other advanced materials in 1952) that it would be deadly to make any of the tech confidential. And I think that he was spot on when he said that someday we will have to cry "Auditors of the world arise, you have nothing to lose but your certs" (auditors certificates). 

For the last decade, I have been researching on my own, trying to carry the subject on to its next stage. No subject has ever been researched completely by a single individual, nor has two ever been enough. Its an ongoing process and the number of great names connected with even a single practical area such as electricity is enormous. 

For all this time, I have kept quiet and supported the existing organization because I could offer nothing better. Now, however, its time to blow the lid off and give you everything I've got. 

The first document in this series will shoot heavily at the existing organization. This is unfortunately necessary because there is so much wrong and the lies and overts block the road to truth. Certainly the anti-cultists will have a field day. But my goal is to bring about a reform rather than the destruction of the subject. 

I am remaining anonymous at this time because I expect a severe knee jerk reaction from the organization. It's bitter medicine for them to swallow and they may lash out. But I expect that time will temper this, so my only purpose in remaining anonymous is to stay out of sight until things cool down a little. This will interfere with people sending me mail on the internet, but I will try to watch for general postings on the net which mention the "Pilot" in their message headers and will try to answer any reasonable questions that are posted. This is not an attempt to duck any responsibility. I will let you know who I am eventually, just give it some time. 

I am making these materials freely available on the internet despite the tremendous amount of work that has gone into researching them and writing them up because the existing examples of what can happen to a spiritual subject when it is used to generate income is enough to make my flesh crawl. I ask only that you try to make the entire set of documents available rather than simply copying around document #1 which is a bit of an expose. I think it would be unfair to put out that much criticism without offering the positive materials that are in the remaining documents. 

Also, the full set of documents, or at least #2 through #4, are necessary to convince the tech trained loyalists that reform is indeed possible and necessary. The auditors and case supervisors are the high priests of the subject and if they can be turned around, then the rest of the membership will follow. International management will have no choice but to go along. 

For those who wish to destroy the subject, I would point out that it never works to persecute a religion. The faith and fanaticism always grow stronger. The only workable course is to change it into something better. In this I ask your help in keeping these materials available and helping to spread them to the loyalists. Let Scientology become what it pretends to be, a learning center for spiritual growth instead of a cult of greed and power. 

I am not trying to promote a new subject or start a freezone organization. I have no personal vested interest in this. I'm just giving this stuff away. 

If I receive any exchange for doing this, it will be in inspiring others to do research which will aid me in my own efforts. I don't think that I (or anyone else, including LRH) can go the entire route alone. 

I don't think that there is any serious leagal liability in posting this or putting it up on the web. I need to remain hidden because it is a suppressive act (per policy) to attempt to reform the subject. Its hard to reform from within if you're officially kicked out. Also there is a slight chance that I might be placed in physical danger if my identity were exposed before any storm that I might be raising has a chance to settle out. Those outside of the subject might not think so, but some in management might consider this to be the most dangerous threat that they have ever faced because their own supporters might turn on them. 

For any of my friends who might be in the middle of some Scientology level when they get ahold of these documents, I wish to warn them that they might want to finish what they are doing first before they plow into these materials. First of all, I believe that some of the things that I have found are considerably more advanced that anything being used currently in Scientology. And secondly, I believe that it is necessary to be totally unconstrained in discussing material that has been labeled confidential. Also, for anyone reading the internet it is a bit silly to worry about the confidentiality because almost all of the OT platens, clearing course materials, and full Nots auditors packs have been flying around on-line for quite some time now and a free and sensible discussion is liable to cool things down rather than stir them up.

I think that one of the major factors that dragged Ron down in the end was that he cut his own communication lines when he made the materials confidential. Until then, he was continually talking to his students (on the Briefing Course in the 1960s and in the Advanced Clinical Courses (ACCs) in the 1950s) and this probably acted to some degree like an auditing session, allowing the mental charge of what he was researching to flow away from him. When he cut that line, it backed up on him. This was a sad fate for someone who truly loved to talk and lecture."

taken from "Super SCIO: The Book of The Pilot"