Scientology technology implies a recognition of the emotional investment in many of these stable data which each individual has in governing their lives. So, carefully trained auditors must carefully use the knowledge of the communication process to permit individuals to comfortably confront their own stable data. The person undergoing processing also confronts in a relatively objective manner the environmental problem or confusion or the solving of which the unrealistic stable datum was originally accepted and formulated. By slowly and gradually coming to view and detail the stable datum, which may have been completely suppressed, and then systematically examining the effects the datum has had on his life the individual undergoing proper Scientology processing, the preclear, is able to access accurately the value or the liability of any stable datum. The preclear is in a freer position to reject, or amend or create a stable datum so that he will be in better harmony with reality and hence in better control of his now more predictable environment. He then has a greater ability to pursue and achieve his own self-determined goals.
A shy person who has learned at age five that it is dangerous to talk too much or to be too open with others (he got whacked for telling family secrets) may find himself becoming more solid as he systematically looks at the results of using this stable datum. Irrational fears may stem from stable data adopted in times of stress as may fierce drives to achieve or gain acceptance. Sexual and family problems may arise from stable data about personal relationships accepted in the confusion of the stressful teen and preteen age period. The solutions to problems adopted in those periods, even assuming that they were adequate then, might not work later in other confusing circumstances even though they might be similar in some ways to the earlier ones. Adjustment to and control of changing situations is often crippled by unchanged stable data from the past.
Proper Scientology processing asks the drowning man to pause for a moment, supported by the auditor, and look carefully and systematically at his present situation, to look at what his piece of driftwood is now, what it used to be, what the environment is now, and what it used to be, and as with the astronomy example, the person comes to see a better, more effective stable datum.
Under proper processing, the preclear will become better able to confront and adequately resolve new confusions that they will meet in the future. The ability to examine one stable datum and the confusion behind it increases to where when a person encounters new confusions, new and more pro-survival stable data can be applied. The auditor never resolves the confusion or interprets to the preclear. His function is to listen and help the preclear to examine thoroughly the area of confusion.
The proper application of Scientology technology would include the idea that if a man were to understand his own problems through a thorough viewing of them, that individual would be able to solve them far better than anyone else, or anyone outside could. At the same time the preclear would learn how to handle and tolerate confusion in the future so that in the future they could pick the best possible stable data for any situation and still be free to change it at any later time.
Scientology processing is not primarily intended for the insane, disturbed or neurotic individual, although it has been proved beneficial in these applications. It is rather intended for the able person who wants to become more able. It would be highly unwise to accept the norm as a basis for concerning man's potential.
The state of clear is generally beyond most peoples goals for self improvement and yet, it is the goal of auditing to eventually reach this state. Thus, the more able one is to begin with, the better once he is clear.
Scientology is oriented towards increasing and creating new abilities in man, not really working to bring a few up to a level close enough to the norm so they could somehow manage to survive. Although processing could be described as available for everyone, it is best applied on those who already have ability and desire even more.
I'd like to discuss briefly Scientology training if it were done correctly. There have been spotty examples where training has occurred correctly. Training to be a Scientology auditor is comparable to the amount of training offered by other disciplines, but the training is accomplished relatively quickly due to the intensity of it. The students live and breathe the subject night and day and everything that they are taught bears directly on the problems they will encounter as auditors if it is properly done.
For instance, on the Dianetics course, instead of reading 600 - 800 pages of bulletins, 95% of which are things not to do, one can actually boil the course down to 60 pages of bulletins of things to do and train a person in 3 - 4 days.
Under proper training, there is no attempt to give any broad liberal arts background as it is essentially practical, technical application activity.
Anyone to become a Scientology auditor must have his own case handled to the degree that he will not harm others and can actually help others which unfortunately means he has to have most of his case run off. The person must also be capable of adhering to certain codes of conduct related to auditing and able to pass course examinations and prove that he can audit.
The attempt to make good auditors out of people which have not had their own cases run off has been a tenet of the church and it has been completely unworkable tenet that caused failure. It was based on the idea that nobody would get any auditing if we had to wait until someone get their case handled which allowed for a lot of research, but as far as any clean run auditing of any major depth such as being addressed in this book here, it just didn't happen. That is because the auditors cases got in the way of him understanding how to audit and therefore they didn't allow their preclear to run deep, well, fast and clean.
I'd like to discuss these communication lines in the comm. cycle where the auditor asks the preclear a question, call it a whatsit line, and the preclear looks at his bank which is an itsa maker line, and then, the preclear gets the answer back, you could call that a reply line, and the preclear communicates his answer back to the auditor, which is called the itsa line. So, ITSA: three major comm. cycles in the auditing cycle: from the auditor to the pc; from the pc to his bank; and from the pc to the auditor. The most important of these is the comm. line between the pc and his bank. If this is not existent, then auditing is not taking place. It could be called the "Itsa Maker Line".
The auditor's job is to get the pc to confront his bank. The pc's Itsa is the pc's report to the auditor of what he has confronted. Professional auditing is sessions given by a trained auditor who is governed by ethical codes and technical skill. This auditor directs the pc's attention to areas which when examined by the pc will cause a release of sufficient charge to cause the tone arm to move up and down on the meter which is tone arm action, and enough of this on the right subject areas will cause the pc to eventually reach the state of clear.
Auditors have gone frantic trying to understand what an Itsa Line has been. They have thought it was a comm. line; they thought it was everything other than what it was. There are two things of great importance in an auditing comm. cycle. One is this Whatsit Line and the is the Itsa Line. If you confuse them, then you will not get tone arm action and auditing will not occur.
If the auditor puts in the Itsa and the pc the Whatsit, the result will be no TA, which is tone arm action, in other words, there is charge coming off. The auditor puts in the Whatsit and the pc delivers the Itsa always. It is easy to reverse the role in auditing but it shouldn't occur.
The pc is very willing to talk about his difficulties, problem and confusions. The auditor is so willing to discover what troubling the pc that the auditor, who is green at this, will then work, work, and work trying to Itsa something that will give the pc tone arm. The net result of this is that the pc will start "Whatsit, Whatsit, Whatsit, wrong with me?". Listing is not really good Itsa-ing; it's Whatsit-ing as the pc is in the mood "Is it this? Is it that?" even when solutions are being listed on an assessment.
The result would be very poor TA action in the session. TA action comes from the pc declaring and saying "It
is" not from him saying "Is it?". Examples of Whatsit and Itsa: Auditor: "What's here?"
Preclear: "An auditor, a preclear and a meter." (Itsa)
Itsa really isn't even a Communication Line. It is what travels on a Comm. Line from the pc to the auditor, if that which travels is saying certainly "It is".
TA action has to have been prevented if it didn't occur. Example: an auditor, doing a Whatsit moved the TA, everytime, promptly changed the Whatsit to a different Whatsit. This has actually happened. What I'm trying to warn you against here is auditors should not get the Itsa Line in themselves, they should let the pc Itsa and they shouldn't use the meter as a Ouija board.
If you really want to get a good idea how an Itsa Line works, simply start a session on a preclear and just sit there and look at him without saying anything. The pc will, of course, start talking and if you just nod now and then and keep your admin going and don't ever cut his Itsa, you will have a talking preclear and a lot of TA action.
Heavy TA action does occur in the session unless it is prevented. It doesn't just fail to occur. From this one gets the rule that a silent auditor invites Itsa.
In much of Scientology auditing, the auditor is usually silent much longer proportionally in the session then he is talking. Normal ratio is about 100 parts of silence to 1 part of talking.
However, when you get to the top end of the bridge where you are working on a pc's actual GPMs (Goals-Problems-Mass), the auditor has to be crisp and busy and keep the session rolling. At this level a silent, idle auditor can mess up the pc. It's simply knowing that your job is to control attention on the upper level, sophisticated processes.
On the lower levels, there is hardly any control at all. So, the higher the level, the more control of the pc's attention, but in the lower levels, as you back down, these processes require less and less control, less auditor action to get TA.
A pc Itsa-ing equals a pc saying what is there, what is, who is there, where it is, what it looks like, his ideas about it, decisions, solutions, whatever. The pc who is continuously talking about problems, puzzlement's or wondering about things in his environment is not Itsa ing, he is Whatsit-ing.
Now I want to talk about Itsa-ing, over-restimulation and low TA. The thing that seizes a tone arm up is over- restimulation. The rule is that the less active the TA, the more over-restimulation is present, although complete absence of restimulation could cause no TA but that is so rare it doesn't even deserve comment.
Over-restimulation is the auditor's most serious problem. Under restimulation is just an auditor not putting the pc's attention on anything. The auditor's enemy is over-restimulation of the preclear. As soon as the pc goes into more change than they can Itsa off easily the TA action will slow down. As soon as the pc drowns in the over-restimulation, the TA will stop moving; it will just go clank. Now your problem is correcting the case and that is much harder than getting your tone arm off in a decent auditing session in the first place.
Enough over-restimulation and you will get what is known as low TA, in other words, the TA will be below 2.0. If you just sit there quietly, it will come back up, you just let them talk it off.
TA motion is caused by the energy contained in confusions blowing or erasing off the case, the later is what is preferable. The confusion is held in place by aberrated stable data. The aberrated, non-factual stable datum is there to hold back a confusion, but in actual fact the confusion gathered there only because of an aberrated consideration or postulate in the first place. When you get the pc to as-is these aberrated stable data, the confusion blows off and you get tone arm action.
So long as the aberrated stable datum is in place the confusion and its energy will not flow. So, if you ask for confusions, that is, worries, problems and difficulties and you will over-restimulate your preclear because his attention is on the mass of energy, not the aberrated stable datum holding it in place. You should understand the difference.
Ask for the aberrated stable datum, consideration, postulates, attempts, solutions, actions or any button and the pc will start as-ising those, then the confusion starts flowing off as energy, not as confusion, and you will get tone arm action.
If you just restimulate old confusions without touching the actual stable data that is holding them in place, the pc gets the mass but no release of it. You will then get no TA action. The pc will have to say "It is a...", some consideration or postulate to release the pent-up energy held back by it. Thus, an auditor's worst fault that prevents TA action is permitting the dwelling on confusions without getting the pc to give up, with certainty, the considerations and postulates that hold the confusions in place.
And that is "ITSA". It is letting the pc say what is there that was put there to hold back a confusion or problem.
If the pc is unwilling to talk the auditor that is What to Itsa, decisions you've made about auditors, for example. If the pc can't seem to be audited in the environment, get old environments Itsa'ed. If the pc has lots of problems at session start, get the pc's solutions to similar problems in the past. Or just PrepCheck, which is a list of buttons, and you ask the same question over and over until the buttons go clean, there is no read left on the E-meter. Or just PrepCheck slow, with a slow auditing comm. cycle to where you are getting everything off. Or just PrepCheck slow the zones of upset or interest of the pc. You will get TA action, lots of it, unless you stop it.
According to Hubbard, there is no reason at all why a truly expert auditor can't get plenty of TA per 2.5 hour session running any old thing that crops up on a preclear. Hubbard's definition of plenty of TA is 35 divisions in a 2.5 hour session. My definition of plenty of TA is 300 divisions, over 10 times as much.
A truly expert auditor isn't trying to Itsa the pc, he is trying to get the preclear to Itsa. That's the difference.
In learning Itsa, we come across the subject of distinct forms and styles of auditing. There was first the old finger snapping handling of engrams. Then, there was the formal auditing which we still have today in TR 0 - 4. Then, there is Tone 40 auditing used on objective processes. These are distinctively different styles of auditing and a good auditor can do one or another of them without mixing them up.
Itsa style auditing is also known as Listen Style auditing. The first thing to learn about it is that it is a style of auditing and it is distinctively different from Formal Style and Tone 40 auditing. Naturally, an auditor who can do this and can do the other styles is better off.
Listen Style auditing is peculiarly fitted to undercut formerly difficult cases at the lower levels of Scientology and to get the necessary tone arm action.
Listen Style auditing has or is developing its own style of TRs. It has its own technology and thus leaves the technology of other auditing styles still valid and untouched. Some of the data of Listen Style auditing are:
1. | The definition of an auditor is one who listens. |
2. | The preclear is always right. |
3. | The task of the auditor is to get the preclear to communicate and to Itsa. |
4. | The success of the session is measured solely by Tone Arm Action. |
5. | The style applies to the lower levels of Scientology. |
6. | As the level in which it is used is increased, the amount of auditor direction of the pc's attention is increased. The gap becomes very wide in control between running Level III where a person is getting off ARC types of by-passed charge, so much so that only Formal Style auditing will be used on the upper levels or GPMs. |
The basic crimes of Listen Style auditing are:
1. | Not getting Tone Arm Action on the pc. |
2. | Cutting the pc's communication. |
3. | Cutting, evaluating or invalidating the pc's Itsa. |
4. | Failing to invite Itsa by the preclear. |
5. | Itsa-ing for the preclear |
These are some of the major musts and crimes of Listen Style auditing. While some of these also apply to Formal Style auditing, to show you how different the new style is, if you tried to use only Listen Style on the upper levels and failed to use Formal Style auditing at a higher level, the preclear would be in a very great mess quickly. So, each style has its uses, exactions and limitations.
What changes does Itsa bring about? Itsa brings about an increasing recognition of reality by key-out or destimulating the preclear. The lower levels of Scientology are a gradient of realities. A person must be gradiently moved from unreality to the recognition of reality. Charge causes unreality, that is stupidity. A person must achieve reality to eventually get free. Thus, charge must be removed. The lower levels of Life Repair are primarily concerned with destimulating, keying out, charge, unreleased masses of energy. Heavy engrams and GPMs are the basic charges on most any case and are usually handled at the lower levels.
Lower level processes on Life Repair pulls the pc out of the charge and do not ordinarily erase or actually get rid of the charge. At the lower levels you want to address key-ins, moments when charge was restimulated. You want to knock out the key-ins that are pinning the charge on the pc. This pulls the pc out of the charge. It is not until the upper levels that charge is erased completely, ordinarily.
In your lower levels, we do not restimulate anything on the pc, we destimulate, that is, key-out, and this would primarily be the Life Repair range, that which has already been restimulated on the person.
A terminal is normally necessary to discharge the charge in a preclear's bank. It is not always necessary. The reason one uses a terminal is that it is a mass with a significance.
A terminal could be defined therefore as a mass with a significance. The primary terminals in auditing are the auditor and the preclear. The preclear must have reality on the existence of the auditor/terminal. Charge only discharges when there are two terminals - auditor and preclear.
If the auditor is unreal to the pc, then the auditor does not exist as a terminal for the pc. A person can be so charged up and over-restimulated that he has no understanding that other people do exist - with such a person there is neither outflow nor inflow.
Thereby, the first action of an auditor on such a case is to destimulate charge so that the person can understand that the auditor exists, then increase his confidence in the auditor and his reality on the auditor as a terminal so that he can talk to him freely and with benefit. By applying further processing, you could gradiently increase such a person's reality on wider and wider spheres of his own life and livingness by gradiently addressing and destimulating larger areas of charge.
Itsa and Auditing Cycles: Itsa takes place within auditing cycles. Confusing auditing cycles can chop Itsa and result in by-passed charge, which is charge which gets restimulated in a session but doesn't get destimulated. By-passed charge is just charge which gets restimulated that hasn't yet been destimulated. It can occur in auditing or in life, charge that has been by-passed.
Auditing is asking someone a question about himself or life which he can understand and answer, acknowledging the fact that he answered and understanding and handling any origination's the person makes about the subject.
An auditing cycle is asking the pc a question he can understand and answer, the pc answering it, and his being acknowledged for answering or originating and the auditor understanding and handling or acknowledging.
All auditing cycles must be always completed which includes the pc having answered the exact auditing question asked.
Itsa and Slow Assessment By Dynamics known as R-2C: A dynamic assessment is a breakdown of the 8 dynamics into areas where important Itsa may be developed. Some areas on this form will develop a tremendous amount of Itsa, others very little. Work at the pc's reality level and where the pc's interest lies. Don't be in a hurry to leave an area if the pc has a good Itsa line going and you are getting good TA action. Clean up any hot area thoroughly before leaving it. However, if an area has nothing in it don't spend a lot of time with it. Get on down the line to something that does produce TA action and Itsa.
If you or the pc don't understand any of the form's areas of potential Itsa, just skip them. However, don't skip something because you think the pc has nothing on it or you are afraid of being nosy.
No attempt has been made to give you the questions to ask and some of the form's sub areas would not pertain to a shortime period. Use the sub areas that pertain to the time period that you are handling or shift them around to fit your time period. Some sub areas are much more important than others, but this depends on your pc. Add into the space provided anything else you find to be important.
In getting in the Itsa line on any areas and sub areas on this assessment be very sure to cover the following points:
1. | Where it is or was, and its location relative to other locations. |
2. | Who are the people involved. |
3. | When it was and how long did it take place. |
Itsa and Reality Levels: Don't push people by trying to Itsa for them. You may see possible answers and solutions, but don't push these on the pc even if you think you can do it without evaluation or invalidation. Let them do the Itsa-ing. Put your Whatsit line in gradiently. Don't hit the pc with too much. Like breakfast food, auditing is bite-size and here is why. Truth is what exists. A pc must gain realities on the truth of situations in order to have case gain. Too much truth shown or given a pc at once will cause unreality. There must be a gradient of gaining reality on truth. The levels of the Scientology bridge are such a gradient. Knowing the truth of any situation supports ones self-confidence and certainty. Reality is the ability to assimilate truth. This assimilation depends upon Cause-Distance- Effect (Communication) and a balanced frame of mind (Affinity). Thus, a truth must be given someone, a pc, with ARC (Understanding), otherwise, it will spin the person. Too much truth is unassimilatable but recognisable truth. The person sees it, but he cannot have it. Hit with too much truth, an individual will degrade. He has seen something that he knows he cannot reach or win. Thus, a pc must be presented with acceptable truths that he can reach and win on a gradient of more and more reality. This gradient exists in the Scientology processing when properly done.
Questions to Promote Itsa: Questions like those below can be asked the pc about subjects he brings up in order to promote Itsa, to get the Itsa line in.
The simplest question is: "Tell me about (subject)."
Then, possible causes of (subject), ideas, thoughts, considerations about (subject), stable data about (subject), solutions, attempted solutions, failed solutions, feelings, how they have solved it, alleviation's, remedies, improvements, changes, get rid of, help towards, and of course, who, what, where, when and how.
Listen Style Questions: These questions can be asked to start the pc Itsaing and the ones above may be used to keep him Itsa-ing the subjects he brings up.
1. | What are you interested in? (When he has named it, then) Tell me about that. |
2. | Tell me something about yourself. |
3. | What do you consider is your best quality? Tell me about that. |
4. | What is your philosophy of life? Tell me about that. |
5. | What rules do you live by? (Or) What rule? Tell me about that. |
6. | What have you been successful at? |
7. | What is your main interest in life? |
8. | What have you done to be right? |
9. | What have you won? |
10. | What attitude do you find it necessary to assume to be a success? |
11. | To what creed do you attribute your successes? |
12. | What ideals do you hold? |
13. | What do you feel you must do in life? |
14. | What do you feel is the correct way to live? |
15. | What have you done to win? |
16. | What are you good at doing? |
17. | What have you observed about your family? |
18. | What have you observed about your work? |
19. | What have you observed about your environment? |
The paramount domain of Itsa would be in these areas. You could use it to discuss dangerous environments, ARC or education as a basis in life.
Some rules for how to not chop Itsa:
1. | Sit still |
2. | When you say something, mean it; say it with intention and interest. |
3. | Listen - hear what the pc says, accept it, understand it and duplicate it. |
4. | Don't interrupt the preclear. |
5. | Keep crisp cycles of action in your auditing. |
6. | Don't confuse or surprise the preclear. |
7. | Keep his attention on his bank, not on you. Don't try to be interesting or social. |
The key to basic auditing is to handle the pc's problem, promote his Itsa and increase his confidence. Auditing questions should be designed to have the pc look as much as possible. Auditing is a lookingness activity, not a thinkingness activity as far as what your pc is doing. The auditor's job is to get the pc to confront his bank. Itsa is the pc's report to the auditor of what he has confronted. If you handle Itsa well, then you will be an effective auditor. If you mishandle Itsa, you will get by-passed charge which will result in ARC breaks.
ARC Breaks = by-passed charge
By-passed charge = inadequate or chopped Itsa
An auditor is one who listens. Primarily, an auditor is a person who is listening for an answer to the auditing question. When he has got the answer and is sure the pc has completed his answer, the auditor ends the cycle with an acknowledgement to the effect that the pc has answered the question and has been understood.
Now I would like to take up what I consider to be the relevant information on sessions in general.
Anything which comes up in auditing which is thoroughly viewed, in other words, you get all of it, and a person goes through it a number of times and it doesn't erase, means that there is something earlier. So, you would send the pc earlier looking for an earlier, similar incident, ARC break, problem or whatever you are working on.
When you are doing what is known as a listing process, which is defined as where you give a pc one question and he lists out a whole number of answers and only one answer is the real truth, that's his personal item. The list will normally blow down, there will be a TA blow down and an F/N on his item and when you give him his item, it will blow down and F/N again and a cognition will come off.
If you are doing what is known as a Dianetic assessment, where a person is listing out, say, pains connected with a certain drug, job, or something, the list will F/N at the end of the list. Where a pc is giving a list, you are going to have to go back and null, the list is normally complete on an F/N. If they continue listing past the F/N, just let them. If they say it's complete and there is no F/N, extend the list, just say, "I would like to extend the list".
I'd always check a listing question for a read; items that don't read, don't run.
Triple flows are defined as:
1. | First flow - another to oneself. |
2. | Second flow - from oneself to another. |
3. | Third flow, runs best - another to others. (You should stay away from others to others, as much as possible.) |
4. | Fourth flow - from the preclear to himself. |
So, those are the three or four flows involved in defining triple and quad flow auditing.
As far as Model Session goes, you have a pc come into a room, make sure you have air conditioning and heating or whatever is necessary there and it is comfortable, non-enturbulated environment. Have them take their rings off and have a seat. If they look like hell or it's late in the day, you can check their havingness or metabolism. You should always check it initially on a preclear, repair it if necessary. If you do run havingness, run the appropriate level of confront. If you don't know what the pc's havingness is, you can assess it either off the pre-have scale or the havingness scale. The havingness scale is in the Appendix, and a book, it has a picture of a locomotive on the front of it, entitled 0-8 A Book of Scales. You ask if the pc has had any alcohol or drugs in the last 24 hours and you ask if it is all right for him to be audited in this room and then you ask him "Is is all right if I audit you?", then you say, "This is the session". You write down the indicators, your perception of his condition, of the preclear. Indicators are either Very Good, Good or Bad. They are abbreviated VGIs, GIs or BIs respectively. If your C S for the session, which is what you plan to do, says "Fly a rud if no F/N", well, then you would fly a rudiment if there is no F/N. I'll cover flying ruds at another time.
There has been very little significant change in the original release of 22 September 1965 of the Grade Chart where on Grade 0 you run the Communication Processes.
Let us start the bridge at the bottom. It is nice to have someone read a book. They come in the door and you have a couple of options. You can either do a Case Cracker Rundown or a Life Repair. Whether you do the Case Cracker Rundown before the Life Repair or not just depends on whether your pc is over-restimulated. If they are really over-restimulated, you go ahead and do a Case Cracker. If they come in the door crazy, you do an Introspection Rundown. If drugs read heavy on the 53 Form, you omit the rest of the Case Cracker and proceed up the Grade Chart.
About half the time, assuming you have some high quality people coming in the door, you would do a Life Repair where you would list out when they have had a rough time. Take your largest reads and PrepCheck each one of those areas to an E/P to where their life is repaired.
From there you would do the Special Drug Rundown because they are still on them even though they are not taking them any more; they are mentally still on them. So, you would follow the Special Drug Rundown bulletin and give them a full Drug Rundown, making sure that you have a list of the combinations of drugs also, run them by order of read. You need the combos taken off because they have a tendency to group up the individual drugs.
For instance, they took cigarettes, alcohol and aspirin. So, you do a handling of combinations of drugs within the Drug Rundown so it will be complete. I only know of 13 or 14 that have been done correctly; I did those.
Then, you do the ARC Straightwire Expanded Quad. You do the Self Analysis lists as a set up for the Drug Rundown; you simply rehabilitate those releases after the Drug Rundown is done when you reach ARC Straightwire Quad. Then, you can do the PC Assessment Form and whatever NED is necessary to where their Dianetics is complete. Then, you would start with your grades and do your 220 quad Grade 0 processes. Your Grade O is going to get them up to where they can recognise things and they are willing to receive or transmit any communication and not get involved in third flow communication compulsively and get back in good communication with themselves. So, then you have a Communication Release.
On Grade I you will run a pile of objective processes on him. There are about 200 Grade I processes in all. About one-third of the grade is objective processes. Then, you will untangle their collapsed-together bank by running Help processes Help isn't in the bank, but they sure have enough locked onto it. You will see that untangle. Then, you run off their problems and solutions to where they are a Problems Release. They won't have any problems, won't mock any up in the future, and understand that there is an adequate quantity of them out there at any time.
So, then you go on to Grade II which is the overt-withhold processes and get them senior to that particular mechanical phenomena, which is a crude animal fashion of thinking and conduct Then, you do the Integrity Processing by dynamics to pull all the overts that they have committed that they didn't consider to be overts and the ones they have committed that they didn't know about.
Then, you do Grade III to clear up their objections to change, their stuck point in failed no change Then, you locate and resolve the four biggest ARC breaks they have on each of the four flows.
On Grade IV you do Rising Scale Processing and erase their Service Facsimiles on four flows. You could use the Quad Process Packs of 1976 1977 for those.
On Grade V, you run the Power Processes to pop and grind off the circuits of an engram (that they are incapable of running which keeps them connected up with the core of the reactive mind. Thus, they can attain the state of temporary Clear and are senior to conditions, out of not-is- ness and no longer dramatising being a source, They become aware of themselves spiritually as something independent to points in time and MEST.
On Grade VI, one gets their dramatisations handled, On the Clearing Course, run off their implanted reactive mind ; on OT I, get them back in communication with the environment; on OT II, they run off the bank which makes everyone operate like robots in society and controls about 99% of human behaviour; on OT III, one cleans up the other determinism's that are effecting them and run out one of the rougher engrams on the time track; on OT IV, they gain their certainty of self by running those processes.
You teach them to Solo audit at Grade VI, they take it from there and you just have to clear up the materials and they run these real well. So, the majority of the time with people is spent on the lower levels.
I will be repeating myself here but I couldn't stress enough the five gross auditing errors which are: (1) can't handle and read an E-meter, (2) doesn't know and can't apply the technical data, (3) can't get and keep a pc in session, (4) can't complete an auditing cycle and (5) can't complete a repetitive auditing cycle.
There can be five things that can be wrong with a preclears (1) they can be suppressive, in other words, the preclear is stuck in some past imaginary time, they are just stopping anything and everything that is going on, this is extremely rare. Normally a person is highly PTS. I have only met four or five supressives out of observing 5,000 people.
You can meet a lot of PTS people that can mess up your auditing. PTS means that they care connected to a suppressive somewhere along the line. The solution for that is you give them three S & D's which are search and discoveries where you list for suppressives and you follow it with a PTS Rundown. So, them being PTS is the second thing.
The third thing which can foul up auditing is that the pc is ARC broken. You don't audit their ARC break, you assess for it and indicate the by passed charge immediately.
The fourth thing that can hold back a pc from case gain is a Present Time Problem.
The fifth thing can be some possible overt/withhold phenomena, if he's got some overts and withholds.
A Release is a person who has had a reactive mind keyed-out in an areas a Clear is someone who has had it erased. So, a person is pretty fully released by the time Power Processing is done; he is pretty Clear at the end of the Clearing Course. He's probably a Theta Clear at the end of OT VIII and an Operating Thetan, as far as full capability, between OT VIII and what is called Level 18. This is defined in a bulletin dated 2 April 1965. What exists between OT VIII and Level 18 will be covered elsewhere in this book,
Many of the attributes of Clears and OTs are known. The road to Clear and the road to OT are parallel but they are not the same road. There are various stages of release, a person can go release on locks, secondaries, engrams or on the whole time track; that's four different areas.
I'd like to cover the styles of auditing. I spent a lot of time covering Listen Style auditing and that's used on Grade O or when ever it's appropriate. Level I auditing on problems is Muzzled Style is auditing and that's where it's very stark TR-0 through 4 and as crisp control. On Level II one uses Guiding Style auditing where you use two-way comm. and reorienting the preclear to life, in other words, there is a great command of TR-4, in handling origination's and getting it all off. Level III is called Abridged Style auditing. That is simply getting the exact job done in the shortest way between two points, no wasted questions Level IV is Direct Style auditing where there are shades of Tone 40 going on, where you put the preclear's attention on his bank and anything the auditor does is calculated only to make that attention more direct. Obviously, the best style would be all style which would be blending those as is necessary.
To get rudiments in on a preclear you should run them as a repetitive process until they go dry, until the preclear has no answer. You can check them on the meter for a hidden answer and steer the preclear to it (saying "That", "That", "That" each time the meter flicks) and stay with the meter until not only the preclear says that there is no answer, F/N, VGIs and cog but there are no hidden answers on suppressed and invalidated out-rudiments, So, that is what repetitive rudiments are.
Fast rudiments are simply asking them once. These are often used thereafter once repetitive ruds have been done on the preclear.
On working with people unfamiliar with technical terms such as ARC breaks and problems, you can modify the questions and ask "Are you upset by anything?" for ARC breaks. Instead of say problems, you can ask for difficulties. Instead of asking for withholds, you can ask "Has there been anything which hasn't been said?"
The old model session of 1965 which included "Has anything been suppressed, denied or rushed?" were three excellent rudiments and can be used at auditor discretion. I really don't recommend constantly using them, but there is a time and place for them occasionally.
In clearing a command, you get the preclear to define it and give an example You don't ever evaluate for the preclear, or tell him what the word or the command means. You get him to tell you and you make sure he actually understands it before running the process.
In auditing, there is the technology of it, the basic auditing and the technique. Technique could be defined as a process or some action which is done by an auditor and that is under the auditor's direction You must analyse the pc's case as a third area, in other words, you have basic auditing, you have technique and you have case analysis. In analysing a case, you see what they are sitting in and use the appropriate rundown to pull them out of it.
Some of the super important things that you shouldn't do in auditing are you shouldn't tell the pc what his present time problem is because the present time problem is exactly and only what the pc says or, thinks it is. You shouldn't set a goal for a pc. You should never tell a pc what is wrong with him physically or assume that you know. In pulling overts and withholds, you shouldn't ARC break a pc, you should two-way comm. it off. You shouldn't use force on a pc, but if that comes in conflict with getting the question answered, then I'd get the question answered.
Always indicate major by-passed charge (long fall-blow downs .5 division or more) you find on the meter.
Auditing areas of studying, often you will find early areas of study where they had upsets, You should clear those up.
You should make sure that your pc's are eating well and taking adequate vitamins while they are being processed, Applying the tech properly could be called standard tech and that would be a definite level or degree or quality which is proper and adequate for a specific purpose of clearing someone. The technology itself is the method of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science By tech being in means applying the technology of Scientology correctly to produce a Clear and OT. The word "normal" means regular. The word "operating" means functioning.
OT could be defined as a being who is knowing cause over matter, energy, space, time, life and thought and is not necessarily in the body. Power could be simplicity or normal operating procedure for an Operating Thetan. A case could be defined as the way a person responds to the world around him by reasoning of his aberrations. Aberrations could be defined as irrational or deranged behaviour or thought on or about a specific subject resulting from the influence of the reactive mind on the individual.
You will get a lot of free needles if you keep your TRs in on the preclear. You should watch for good indicators (GIs) and watch for bad indicators (BIs) in auditing preclears.
The good indicators I will be listing out; the bad indicators would be the reverse of these, Good indicators are pc cheerful, getting more cheerful, cogniting, fundamental rightness being asserted by the pc, pc giving things to the auditor briefly and accurately, pc finding things more rapidly, the meter is reading properly, what's being done is giving the proper meter response, what's being found is giving the proper meter response, pc running rapidly and flattening processes by TA coming off and cognition's, pc giving information easily, the needle swinging about, pc running easily and if pc encounters somatics which are feelings in the body then they are rapidly discharging, tone arm goes down when pc gets a cognition, further TA blow downs as pc continues to talk about something, expected meter behaviour and nothing unexpected in the meter behaviour, pc gets warm and nothing unexpected in the meter behaviour, pc gets warm and stays warm in auditing, or gets hot and unheats while being audited, pc has occasional somatics of brief duration, tone arm operating in the range of 2.25 - 3.5, good tone arm action on spotting things, meter reading well on what pc and auditor think is wrong, pc not troubled with PTPs and they are easily handled when they occur, pc stays certain of the auditing solution, pc happy and satisfied with auditor regard- less of what auditor is doing, pc not protesting auditor actions, pc looking better by reason of auditing, pc more energetic, pc without pains, aches or illnesses developing during the auditing, pc not getting sick, pc wanting more auditing, pc confident and getting more confident, eyes brightening up, pc Itsa free by covering only the subject addressed, auditor easily seeing how it was or is on the pc's case by the reason of the pc's explanations, pc's ability to Itsa and confront improving, pc's bank getting straightened out, pc comfortable in the auditing environment, pc appearing for auditing on own volition, pc on time for session willing and ready to be audited but without anxiety about it, pc's troubles in life progressively lessening, pc's attention becoming freer and more under pc's control, pc more interested in data and technology of Scientology, pc's havingness in life and livingness improving, and pc's environment becoming more easily handled.
A standard session increases the predictability (another synonym for havingness) on a preclear.
In starting new pc's, you should explain what auditing is. If they don't know what it is, then they won't know what is expected of them so they will just sit there in mystery, You should educate the pc in what he is supposed to do when the auditor gives the question or command If the pc is not under the auditor's control and anything goes wrong, then there is not much you can do as an auditor to fix it. Auditing should not be a covert activity, it should be well understood between the two of you.
The introductory program when the pc first comes in the door is to clear up what auditing is, go over Axiom 11 very well, do a D of P interview, from that you are either going to go to word clearing ruds and flying them, to a Life Repair, or to a C/S 60 and immediately handle what they say is out to their satisfaction.
After any of these you can go to the Case Cracker which is the 53RKLF (which is a list of anything which could be wrong with anybody), after that is done (if it's not a heavy drug case) you go to an XGF40RB (which handles resistiveness on cases). Do your handlings on that and certainly do LX 3, 2, and 1 in that particular order (anything which reads three times you run on the LXes). Do S & Ds as is appropriate Then, do a Dianetic Track Repair Rundown where you simply say "On you Dianetic track," and then you do an L3RE or what ever form of that engram repair list you have. Then, you do a PTS Rundown and that would complete your Case Cracker.
If they are really nuts, you can go to the Introspection Rundown here.
If they are not, you would do a PC Assessment Form, do a full special drug rundown, NED style, and as I said ARC Straightwire Quad and get an NED completion. Do the Expanded Grades with IP (Integrity Processing) after Grade II.
It is probably best to hold the Expanded Dianetics (erasure of evil purposes) until after OT VII. On your heavy XDN case you will have to do it after the Drug Rundown, but otherwise hold it to the end. Then, do their Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and their OT Levels. After that you run their Actual GPMs (on a five L & N basis on one item using "Who or What would oppose" their goals and identities). Then, you do whatever XDN is necessary, then do L10, 11 and 12 (if they didn't get these areas cleaned up on the grades and most do), and then you can do the OT Stabilisation Program, OT VIII.
If Dianetic Clear comes up, you acknowledge the hell out of it. People can go Clear on all kinds of things, just continue working with them.
Try to stay away from the Short Form 53 except to pull the TA down before the session, If you have to do it three times, do a 37R. 37R is a high TA remedy. If they can't have the win off of it, two-way comm. the nature of man after that. Sometimes it just takes their head off, you know, because it's a purp, an evil purpose causing the high TA. 37R is where you assess nine flows, you're looking for something that they can't confront. It is best to do when the TA is high (above 3,5), also called "out of range". 37R is used to cure high TA, it is also used in L11 as part of the New Life Rundown. On the flow which blows up, moves the TA upward, you set up a listing question (on a "continue to do" basis) for the flow, list it and get their item and give it to them. This solves the problem of high TA because they have flowed too long in one particular direction and once you have made that indication of where the flow has been, then that stuck one- way flow will unmock for them. It will erase and then they are free to flow in two directions. There is great relief in it. It gives them a new life. So, 37R works real good to bring a TA into range.
The way they foul 37R up at Flag is assessing with the TA in range. You only do it when the TA is really high, when the problem is right there in front of ones face. If you do it when the TA is in range, you will miss the charge.
If you are coaching another student or preclear, you should train on a gradient.
Probably one of the hottest things in the reactive mind is that help equals betrayal. In a very aberrated person, they are pretty convinced of this. So, you can get a lot of auditing done on them just by running the Help Process.
Regardless of the justifications a person gives off that you are auditing, there aren't any really. People do things and that's the end of the matter. Reasons are always after the fact.
Auditing by list is extremely useful on Grade III. That is where you simply use an L1C repetitively and just run the list over and over until there are no more reads left on the list.
Grade IV is properly run when you get what is known as the top RI (Reliable Item), the actual goal of the individual listed under their Service Facsimile. It's wrong to R3R the Service Facsimile out.
Behind every ARC break there is a missed withhold. When all the missed withholds are off, there are no ARC breaks, A withhold is an undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. Manifestations of missed withholds are: pc failing to make progress, pc critical, refusing to talk, attempting to leave session, not wanting auditing, boiling off (yawning), exhausted, feeling foggy at session end, drop in havingness, and highly critical. These indicate that the pc has withholds.
In auditing objective processes on a pc, there should be a quiet, positive attitude with the pc and happy two-way comm. between the two of you.
You can use the PrepCheck buttons as rudiments at the beginning, middle or end of a session if you so elect. I have never found it necessary. It is sometimes workable, once in a folder, at the beginning of a session, but very rarely to never would you have to use them at the end or the middle.
You can use a cleansing diet instead of a sweat program on an individual to get the drugs which stay in the body flushed out of it. There are a number of health food books which list cleansing foods and diets.
Word of warning and mourning on E-meters. It is good to have a spare one around and always check the batteries on the thing. Mark it with a pen if the calibration is off which you can check with the resistors.
If you are working with someone who has been previously audited, you have to open with a two-way comm. to make sure that there are no chronic somatics Two-way comm. Int, out- lists, out-ruds, and then do a 53. Ask and fix before you assess. That way you get known and then unknown material off in that order. Then, get the resistiveness and their life situation PTSness cleared off.
Your preclear on his own time should clear himself on Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary and on the master list of all words used in processing. There are about 1200 of them. This master list clears all the words that are used in ARC breaks, problems, PTPs, overts, withholds, missed withholds, rehab procedure by count method, R3R procedure and all the correction lists and most processes. It is one long list and have them clear all the words on themselves. It is in the Appendix.
Since a misunderstood word proceeds the overt act chain, they will get suddenly better and experience tremendous changes simply by clearing the words on themselves. This saves them many thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars, and saves you a lot of time, It really irons the stupidity out of and blows charge way beyond anything that they are aware of. They are just different when it's over So, get them to clear these words on themselves and verify them on the meter quickly when they say they understand them all.
If the TA is high you can bring it down with "What do you have your attention on?". It will also come down on "Protest" and "Incomplete Cycle", unflat incident, wrong date, or flowed too long in one direction, or Exterior.
You shouldn't mix the PTS Rundown with Expanded Dianetics (XDN) because XDN is a cause point of view on aberration. The PTS Rundown is an effect point of view. Which ever one you are on, do that, don't switch to the other.
Confessional procedure, where one sits down and kind of beats the withholds out of the pc, I don't care for. To announce that you are not auditing the person, then get a little rough with them is very poor form. I don't see any particular place for it.
You should pull overts in an auditing session, and if they don't have enough understanding that you are doing this for their benefit, and if they aren't eager and willing to do it, then there are gross misunderstoods about what a case is, what overts are and what your purposes are in helping the guy out. So, don't ever use a confessional procedure on anyone alive.
Valences are the key to clearing. If you aren't running the valences off a pc, then you aren't clearing them. Goals are made by a person often to take a person away from areas where he/she doesn't want to be. In these areas a pc doesn't as-is. Thus, goals are most often an escape. People feel that they have to have goals, but when one uses them to be where he/she can't stand to be, then goals act as an escape.
The basic escape is into another beingness, thus one ends up acquiring beingnesses to escape.
When you are running anything other than releasing off valences, there is not too much you are really doing for a case.
You don't want to audit the valences, you want to audit the being, So, in a sense, all processes are addressed with finding valences, All other processes not addressed to separate valences are addressed to a valence and thus try to make a valence better. One cannot improve a valence; one must improve the pc, not the valence, LX lists handle this well.
The fundamental idea is to get off a person's goals, and get the major valence off, for that valence is the way that pc used to prevent experience of an environment which he has never as-ised.
You see a thetan is not really here. A thetan is not really a viewpoint, A thetan does not survive, A thetan is a nothingness that can make a somethingness. Only things survive; only viewpoints survive. So, any personality or identity or thetan co-relationship to the physical universe is a valence, and all aberration is valences because they are the only things which will survive. Only lies survive. Thetans endure; theta endures above time (in a while), but I wouldn't call that surviving, it is a completely different subject, words have different meanings in that realm.
I'd like to clarify a 16 March 1977 bulletin describing obsessive gamblers as psychotics. They would have to be pretty psychotic, in other words, the person really going to the race track every day, for this bulletin to make much sense. It doesn't mean anyone that gambles is psychotic.
Also, there is a bulletin of 24 October 1976 revised 10 February 1977 which states that there is nothing wrong with your C/Ses, pc's, students or staff that a prepared list won't handle. This is not true.
Asking the pc always is senior to using a prepared list. If you use a prepared list, you are invalidating the knowingness of your preclear. You should always ask before you start assessing. There are a number of prepared lists, in Appendix.
The 53 list solves the problem of high and low TAs, but it can also be used to handle or to repair difficult cases. So, it can be reassessed several times until the needle floats throughout the whole list being called. There is an Interiorization Rundown Correction list which corrects errors made on that rundown. Then, there is a list called the L4B which corrects listing errors. The L1C which cleans up sad or upset, misemotional preclears. The L3RE list which corrects errors made in Dianetics and Expanded Dianetics repair list. The way you do these lists is you call them all the way through, marking your reads as they occur. Then, once they are called all the way through, you come back and clean the reads off (Method 5). If you have trouble on the grades, your correction list would be an L1C. Naturally, you would use the appropriate correction list for whatever rundown you are working on. If your pc comes in pretty bunged up or doesn't run well in a session, you can give them a Green Form. If a preclear is resistive, you would give him an Expanded Green Form (XGF).
If a person is terribly afraid of folks, you can give him the Fear of People list. If they have problems studying, you can give them a Student Rehabilitation list. If they are an executive, you can give them the Executive list. If they are on R6EW, you can give the List 6 Correction They shouldn't have to use a correction list on the Clearing Course or OT III. These things get over used at orgs because the fundamentals of auditing are out and the technology is out.
It's just not occurring so they are just constantly calling these lists and actually charge people for them when what is wrong is that the preclear is so ARC broken and so uneducated that they can't run anything, so they call the list as a solve-all.
As far as applying Scientology technology, the purpose of applying any type of ethics is to remove counter-intentions from the environment, If you could get that done, then you could remove other-intentioness from the environment.
If the technology is not working due to out-ethics, you would apply ethics formulas; but if-the tech is working, you don't need to apply them to a preclear. If they are applied, you need to do them well and if you do them well, as far as applying the conditions and the formulas listed in the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book, then it is done forever. In fact, I wouldn't address anything unless it is done forever in auditing.
I would like to point out that non-verbal communication can occur in a session when the pc knows that you have understood what he has said and you know it, then the communication is gone, When such rapport occurs, there is no point in you imposing a mechanical communication formula and verbally acknowledging their communication.
There is some information pertaining to Grade IV that effects all Scientology auditing, and should be covered at this time. So, we are going to be covering some parts of the technology which are necessary to understand. I'd like to go over some Grade IV material on Service Facsimiles and Goals-Problems-Mass (GPMs).
The Service Facsimile (Ser Fac) is handled on Grade IV. Society is rampant with them and your pc will be many times. I would like to define what a Ser Fac is. They are called facsimiles because they are in mental image form and they are called Ser Facs because they serve the being. It's a self-installed disability which explains why the person is not responsible for not being able to cope. So, it's a computation based on the premise that he is not wrong for not coping. Part of this is to be right by making wrong. A Ser Fac is therefore, a picture containing an explanation of self-condition and also a fixed method of making others wrong. So, every time a person fails, he picks up this facsimile and becomes sick or sadly noble. It is an explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you have failed. It once got one sympathy. It is that he picks up this facsimile and becomes sick or sadly noble. It is an explanation to yourself and the world as to how and why you have failed. It once got one sympathy.. It is that facsimile which the pc uses to apologise for his failures, in other words, it is used to make others wrong and to procure their co-operation in the survival of the pc. If the pc can't achieve survival, he will often attempt an illness or a disability as a survival computation.
The workability and the necessity of the Ser Fac is only subjectively useful. Only the pc believes it works and makes sense.
The Ser Fac is an action method of withdrawing from a state of beingness to a state of not-beingness and it is intended to persuade others to coax the individual back into a state of beingness.
It is that computation generated by the preclear, not the bank, to make self right and others wrong, to dominate others and to escape domination, and to enhance ones own survival and injure that of others, A computation such as "2 + 2 = 4" includes three commodities, so do Ser Facs.
I would also like to define what a Goals-Problems-Mass GPM) is. It is fundamentally what is wrong with the preclear and these are handled on the upper levels. A GPM is composed of mental masses and significance's which have an exact pattern, unvarying person to person, whose significance's dictate a certain type of behaviour, and whose masses when pulled in on an individual cause psychosomatic effects such as illness, pains, feelings of heaviness and tiredness.
The unvarying aspect of them is only on implanted GPMs. The majority of those bothering a pc are the implanted ones. Actual GPMs will vary person to person. An actual GPM is actually more powerful than an implant is. An implanted GPM (whether one is dealing with what is known as the Helatrobus series, the Dominion series, the Train series, the Bear series or the Gorilla series) don't have the force that an actual GPM does, since the actual GPM is the earlier aberration, one has to discharge the later aberration to get to the earlier aberration. So, the implanted GPMs have to run off the preclear.
You are scouting this area in working on Ser Facs by addressing the subject of goals themselves. The pc's biggest Ser Fac is in itself a Reliable Item (RI), A RI is that part of a GPM which the pc is sitting in and dramatises. Their top RI would be the single, foremost goal of their reactive mind, which they have been acting out this particular lifetime.
If you were to go back in time 20 - 30 trillion years you would find that goals themselves were an implanted RI. The wording would be something like "to have goals".
The length of the time track overall is somewhat a subject of conjecture and it will vary pc to pc because there are more tracks than this particular agreed-upon track. There is adequate evidence that we have at least 13 trillion years of track on anyone.
What you are dealing with on Ser Fac processes, which are covered under the bulletin entitled "R3SC" is trying to get the RI on your pc's present truncated goal that is out of sequence on his time track. The goal was cut short and broken up. That may sound a little complicated. What I am talking about is in listing or asking for a Ser Fac, "What does another use to make others wrong?", the top Ser Fac (that all the others proceed out of) will be locked onto the pc's busted up and present goal. By truncated I mean the goal has been cut short, not all of it is there. It has been shortened it is in an abbreviated fashion, in other words, the pc has reduced his goal.
When you are dealing with this type of material, you should be aware that power is reduced by the degree of aberration necessary to reduce the power. What this means is that the native capability of the person you are auditing is, quantified, 100 beams and they are operating at the power of 1 beam, then they would have 99% aberration. Thus, the aberration on a case is normally equivalent or quite close to whatever the auditor can determine the native power of the individual to be after you have subtracted out what their present power is.
Some pcs are able to move planets around so there is a lot of aberration because they are not doing that anymore and some pc's are just able to push a pencil in the same period. The difference between people is a million to one, it's not that a person is twice as powerful as another person.
A few of the other implants that occurred on the track were on the universe itself and on single cycles called uni-cycle implants. Implants run from the top to the bottom which is often backwards to the actual way that they are acted out. They are attempted to be acted out from the top to the bottom but they are also acted out running from the bottom to the top, These things were invented because people obsessively love impossible problems.
There is a lot of energy in a GPM. On a subjective basis, they appear to be the size of a house. Each RI does have a goal in it. A RI is one of the goal's energy beams, but the RI itself has its own significance in relation to the goal.
The Ser Fac is the one which will make the least sense.
There is a GPM on becoming free where the idea of abandoning all help is part of one of the RIs and so, you will find your pc occasionally bringing them up. Since his endeavour is to become free, he will start abandoning help.
The central postulate within a RI is the Ser Fac itself.
One of the most prominent ones around is on unintelligence Naturally, that which is not inspected tends to persist and this is so prominent that no one inspects unintelligence as a goal and an activity. It is quite prominent in society and on people An idea is most easily substituted for a thetan because a thetan has no significance, and whether the idea is wise or not, it is generally not available. So, thetans being essentially nothingnesses, as far as MEST terms, substitute ideas for themselves and substitute identities for themselves. The most extreme mental form of an idea fixee is the GPM.
In looking for and running Ser Facs, or goals, you will find rocket reads (RRs) where the needle just takes off slowly and then speeds up like a rocket lifting off. You don't always take the rocket reading item, you take the rocket reading Ser Fac, but not the rocket reading goal. The RI goal itself is going to come apart either way.
If your pc hits what is known as "qualms", that is a natural part of the phenomena on working with a Ser Fac. Likewise, if the pc turns on continuous invalidation of what is found.
If your pc is confused towards the end of it, then he has been left restimulated and you have made an error.
In dealing with these Rls, you will find them to be down- scale postulates and ideas tied to MEST that are generally below Hide on the Tone Scale.
One can enter into them either as a solution, or on the right-wrong bracket, or the domination bracket, or the survival bracket. You can address them any of those ways in that order. It is better to just follow the bulletin and the sequence which I will be covering later. In the unlikely event that right-wrong was not to "fire" as a process on a pc, then you could run solutions, dominate or survival. You would run what does fire by checking it on the meter using question like, "How has (Ser Fac) been a solution?" "What has it solved?", "How have you used (Ser Fac) for a solution?", "What has it solved?".
Then, you could check "How is it going now?" and then, Prep-Check off the Ser Fac.
In running rocket reading Ser Facs you have to adjudicate how you are going to handle it, then finish them up to where they are erased. A Ser Fac is so far down scale that you should just be careful not to jumble the steps. The pc will tell you "It isn't, it doesn't exist, or it doesn't enter into the right-wrong levels", then you could possibly be sitting on the dominate or survive level. It will be entering and effecting the pc on one of these four levels: right- wrong, dominate, survive or problems. A real Ser Fac will behave in this fashion. A milder one will, of course, run just as well. As a simple postulate within the RI surfaces, the charge in the service facsimile will disintegrate.
This planet, although the probabilities are low, is possibly scheduled to be a rehabilitation centre for the immediate local group of planets that are populated.
I should define that psychiatry treats the severely mentally insane and shuts them up, Never has so much been done by those who know so little; in other words, they are working with very sick minds in order to shut them up and close them off further.
Knowledge about the mind, improving one that already works, means more freedom for people in life. Knowledge is a good thing to have. That is pretty true; it is also Hubbard's top RI.
In Catholicism, everyone had to be ignorant. False data is probably a more effective way to keep people ignorant than a lack of data. Not only is a Ser Fac fixed data, but it is totally wrong data, so perception of truth is blocked by a person's service facsimile.
People fit into three categories. They are either know-able, or they are ignorant, or they are neither of those two, you might say they are oblivious. If a person is ignorant, then they cannot judge the truth. So, ignorance normally contains a substitution of lies for truth and also contains a fixation on false data and falsehoods. Truth is all freeing. If truth is not all freeing, then it is limited in its application, delivery or reception. By studying the Slavery-Freedom index of an individual you can adjudicate how much truth an individual is capable of owning and operating off of.
Ser Fac is a datum that is substituted for ones own inspection Confusions quickly lock and accumulate around them. Erasing the Ser Fac increases the individual's perimeter of inspection. An individual is trapped to the degree that his ideas are fixed. Erasing the Ser Fac brings the uncleared person out of entrapment, not just ignorance.
As far as being efficient processing, you need to find the biggest entrapment first. The goal of OT to be cause over matter, energy, space and time is best defined as a greater state of freedom, not particularly of wisdom. Wisdom is going to come anyway. A person will be less prone to fall into being implanted with false stable data again. So, in freeing a being, you essentially free his attention, not just get rid of the walls around him. All that can and does trap a being is his own attention.
The things which trap a being are:
1. | His own unwillingness to confront things which are not interesting to him. |
2. | His backing out of situations in which he has lost interest. |
3. | His moving off and going his own way when he is still responsible for where he previously was. |
This phenomena of an inanimate postulate being used to replace a thetan in the activity of living is like the difference between life and death, As long as the pc is using it, he is pretty dead. If you remove it to where he has to look and inspect and see, he is quite alive.
From this particular technical frame of reference, the totality of stable data which holds back a totality of confusion which a person is no longer aware of - that would be a better definition of the unconscious mind. The Ser Fac is that on which the pc has most of his present time attention.
The Ser Fac is the last oppterm, in other words, the right side items or it could be his last terminal, or thirdly, it could be the terminal or oppterm that he is presently forming up. By last, I mean it would be the last pair of reliable items in combination at the top of the last GPM that he has postulated.
This line of the last GPM that has been postulated, and the last line that has been postulated will be in opposition to the Ser Fac (which he believes), so he will be caught in a dichotomy. They guy will be in the middle of a tremendous push-pull and he will either want ice cream very much or can't stand ice cream and just be bouncing back and forth. His urge will be on the goal's side and his computation will be on the oppositions side, generally speaking, The chances of finding the exact service facsimile itself in a combination of these two items is not impossible. You will have difficulty finding a pc's Ser Fac if you are not on the lookout for the reliable items in the last GPM postulate. You will find these as the pc freely Itsas.
You will see the rocket reads come off and this is one of the reasons you mark anything that reads in the session If a pc starts saying, "Well, my goal has been to become intelligent and well respected" you get a rocket read and a blow down and the room lightens up, then you would mark that on the sheet, that is a top RI of the being, that is their top goal this lifetime. The Ser Fac would be on the order of "appearing dumb and calculating is the way to success", something along this line.
You need to unpry the pc from those two particular ideas and guide him into discovering that; that is all that he has been doing and then he will explain that to you.
There is a close identification of the Ser Facs with all the locks on the pc's in this particular lifetime. The TA can become stopped by the two top reliable items of the last GPM formed This is rare that it will come up in session, if it does you could list "What goal would oppose ______", which ever idea they seem fixated on, this will pop the other side and that ridge will move off the preclear.
You can check the goal on the E-meter, their present time goal, whether it is "to be big" or "to be god" or whatever. Have them spot it and they will then move up the time track to the present.
The pc's goals do not have to rocket read, but it's a lot better if they do They can also rock slam (RS), that is another type of meter phenomena. If that occurs, it's better to go ahead and get the engramic or incidental track off by listing for the evil purpose on each of the four flows, then after you have run all the engrams off, if you still have a rocket read, then you know you are home free.
Once a pc starts giving you GPM material towards the end of the Expanded Dianetics work (you don't have anymore evil pictures to deal with or evil goals stuck in pictures to deal with) they will start running their actual GPMs out.
If they are running GPMs out you might as well use processes which run out GPMs, reliable items and service facsimiles instead of R3R commands because if the charge is timeless, it should be addressed as timeless. If the charge is incidental, in other words, it occurred on a time track, you should be using those processes. If the charge is both, use both.
In searching for these particular Ser Facs, normally a pc will give them to you if you will just keep your mouth shut and stay out of his way. You will find a subject which produces excellent tone arm action and you can assess on the subject and if the pc comes down tone a lot, then you have found a Ser Fac. If the TA blows up, you have found a Ser Fac If you are getting pretty good TA action just by talking about it, it's probably half GPM charge, half Ser Fac charge.
You will run across a whole number of prominent, available goals such as "to be sexual", "to have sex", "to have a universe of my own", "to create my own universe", "to be wonderful", "to be an evil being", or "to understand". It's not a part of the Grade IV run, but after everything else is done on a bridge, you can use a question such as "Have you started to oppose this goal?" or "Are you still trying to execute this goal?". There is no way in hell that they are not going to talk and give it all to you and you can watch it erase. It is really amazing to see a person make a real actual Clear state; it is a pretty beautiful thing to observe.
The reason people have problems listing or finding goals in session is because they are walled in between a top oppterm and a top item, in other words, present time builds upon it. When you ask them about it, they just look at present time which serves to hide the pc's actual goals. The pc's life is a substitute for the pc's beingness. So, you will get life locks instead of what that being actually wants to do, It's inconceivable that someone would come in and pick up the cans and actually tell you what they really want to do. It's not only inconceivable, it's unheard of. Not only do they not know, those that do wouldn't dare to talk about it. The charge is just too overwhelming. It's incredibly emotional for them.
If you start getting some obscure goals which are reading properly like "to be unlocated", you can use a represent list and say, "What might that be like?" and then they will translate it for you and then it will come out to something like "to escape inspection".
In working on a pc's case, you need to keep control of the tone arm, in other words, keep it in range, keep it down, you don't want the preclear over-restimulated. There are a lot of tapes on this material, but there certainly aren't any bulletins on it.
In Russia they use non-sequitur unprediction to drive people up the wall so that they will join the Communist movement. That is the use of mental technology in a detrimental fashion. It really doesn't deserve to be called mental technology. The more proper purpose for mental technology should consist of resolving survival with its consequent domination and necessity and rightness-wrongness considerations.
Probably, the fastest way you could de-aberrate someone, if they were capable of it (in other words, the highest degree of case gain you could get on someone rapidly) would be to address this Grade IV Ser Fac area. Unbeknownst to your pc, you will be going in after his actual goals; you will be going in after the implanted GPMs he is on; you will be going in after his present creations of reactive mass; you will be going after his prime postulates and disintegrate the grouping of these things, of apples, peaches and oranges which don't belong together by finding and running out this Ser Fac computation that -you need apples and peaches to make oranges. Then those three GPMs will lift off the pc and he will be able to see a wall around him and other people around him, and he will be quite interested in living and probably quite successful because he won't go around making other people wrong.
Thetans are people and they do try to be right even over small things. You will find this very prominent on alcoholics or drug addicts regardless of what the drug is. It could be television, propriety, marriage, love, or respectability; there are a lot of addictive drugs in society. There are many things which act like a drug is what I'm saying.
If they are addictive, if they collapse the three tracks of the past, present and the imaginary, if they serve as a solution to escape unconfrontable things, then they are acting like a drug and should be treated as a drug and should be handled on the Drug Rundown.
The real reason a person is trying to be right is that it serves as a lock on survival itself and there is an effort to be right in there. The truth of the matter is that a person can't do anything else but survive, but in order to survive a person has to be right more than wrong due to the nature of the universe (and the most recent set of games that people are subscribing to). People are not volitionally subscribing to these games. It's against their will. But they are involved, so they feel like hell. Since a person has to be right more than wrong in order to survive, people get obsessed with being right. If you make a practice of being wrong, then you can have some difficulties surviving So, right and wrong are tools of survival and non-survival.
People do have the computation that in order to survive you have to right. To get another person to succumb, they would have to be wrong, A military win is based on the wrongs of others. So, the entry point of succumb is the recognition that you are wrong and that is the beginning point of a succumb cycle or curve. If a person is surviving at all, there is residual rightness in their thinking. Thetans, or people, worry about their own survival. The first way they do this is to worry about something else, and they identify themselves with whatever they are worried about. They do this and it is very illogical. There is really no reason to worry about survival.
The second way they do this is that they just declare that they are now worried about their survival. The first way is probably the most ridiculous. People don't need to become sandcastles, logs, automobiles or relationships. They start worrying about these external things and then identify with them, then they start being those things. The irony of it is if you feel that it is necessary to dominate anyone else, then you are threatening your own sandcastle.
Domination, in the Ser Fac, equals being right and making others wrong. This goes on with the U,S. and Russias it's very silly. There are Ser Facs on the Capitalistic side and on the Communist side, so consequently there is no communication. If there was any communication between the two, of any substance, these Ser Facs would evaporate. Both sides threaten each other, both put a high degree of production capacity and technology into destroying each other, and in destroying the other political form, then both fail. This very obvious side-show (which is expensive for both sides) makes complete sense only as a third dynamic (a group) Ser Fac of right-wrong, survive, domination and solution. Both are doing it on a right supposition and both of them end up wrong by doing that.
People will defend fantastic wrongnesses on the basis that they are right. The skidrow bum is being incredibly right. In fact, the rightest a person can be is dead right. That is probably the ultimate in rightness.
The implanted GPMs enforce and destroy a person's freedom of choice and determinism They make a person one-sided. The way entrapment works is that there has to be an insistence on survival, as a postulate, then domination, as a postulate, then right-wrong, as a postulate, then a person has to protest what he was or is in.
The Catholics killing the Buddhists in Viet Nam via various national armies hasn't worked out well. The Salvation Army religious folks, by talking death, have it turned on pretty fully.
If a person is working extremely hard in a field and in an area of death, then there is an extreme degree of aberrated rightness and wrongness at this level, for one is dealing with the cessation of survival. People operating in those ranges become so threatened that they actually dramatise death before it would naturally occur.
The U.S., because of Viet Nam, had to debase and eliminate having a real actual currency in suppressing Communism and Buddhism. In destroying that particular country and group, it destroyed itself and has just been buying time ever since. This is not to say that the U.S. won't come out of its difficulties, it certainly will, but it will be paying an extremely fundamental high cost for living on paper credit for 20 - 30 years. For decades Catholicism and that government were dying there. That is why it is a perfect example. That is the cost of a Service Facsimile.
When you get into that range of existence where someone is trying to be right about death, then you have a heavy degree of Ser Fac in play. Of course, a person with out Ser Facs would remain tolerant of others peoples religion. Once a Ser Fac is erased, a person has difficulty remocking the aberration, it's just too crazy. One of the strongest mental items there is the intention to be right.
The mechanics of making a person wrong is whatever he insists upon, just make that wrong, Someone insists that Volkswagens are wonderful, just explain that Volkswagens are wrong. It will drive a guy up the wall. It is probably the most unkind, evil thing you can do. You should be aware that if people are into right-wrong issues on subjects other than themselves, then they have a Ser Fac going, and they have identified something with themselves, with whatever they are discussing,
You can observe a Ser Fac on another by observing behaviour. It's what a person dredges up to make others wrong. Governments have a full time business of making people wrong by turning people into criminals or acting in a criminal fashion. They even have a difficult time of this because ultimately aberration is very hard to maintain.
You can also look at what a person is having, for whatever he is busily having does serve as a label of what he considers safe times. They will also label it, whatever they have, in different ways and it is another key to sorting out what their service facsimiles are.
A Ser Fac is neurotic, anti-survival action that is compulsively undertaken by the person. Implanting itself is not even a sensible solution towards lowering peoples capabilities. It's workable, but it is not a solution. It's a dramatisation. The appropriations made by other governments for implanting is excessive within the governments, whether we are talking about the Markabians, the Galactic Confederation or the U.S., which uses a very subtle form. When a guy acts to be right and make others wrong, you will find a worsening condition on the guy and you get a dwindling spiral of a person coming down tone. He will feel he is in his last effort to dominate and he will feel covert.
We have a worsening of condition in this -local vicinity (sector of the galaxy) because essentially what is going on is a dramatisation. We have a growth of an insane population, possibly 12%, which is not in any way related to socio-economic category. The statistical rise of insanity historically reaches a certain point, and then the solution to this is to encourage more dramatisation. Governments operate on a set of considerations on how to make others wrong convincingly. A lot of overt withhold phenomena hinges on these right-wrong considerations.
You can blow a hell of a lot off an individual by getting the Ser Fac off the case. So, whether it is a stimulus-response mechanism or not, the consequence of the Ser Fac is what really matters.
Science is a complete understanding. If you only dramatise its parts, you aren't scientific. If one lives within laws and rises senior to those laws, then you have accomplished quite a trick. That is what you will be doing for your pc, if you are doing any auditing. One should try not to dramatise parts of life while one is in it. One has to teach the same thing to the pc by letting him discover that. The challenge of properly applying Scientology is the challenge of knowing how to live life and knowing life at the same time. A person doesn't need to crawl off to a cave to avoid restimulation. The final challenge of the science of life is does it produce life or does it produce death. That should be the final measurement of the science of life. I personally apply that particular standard to the Church of Scientology. I wouldn't say that it is producing life in excess of producing death, I would possibly call it a draw because that card game is not over yet.
In my particular instance, and my application of it, I have found that it does produce life and that life produces more life. I have been fortunate enough and prudent enough and sceptical enough to do clean work and produce permanent, lasting and eternal results on individuals. So, they have produced likewise permanent, lasting and eternal results on others about 2% of the time. That 98% failure rate traces primarily to the material I am going over here.
It may seem unusual that I am going over a lot of Grade IV, V and VI material immediately, but this is what you will be running up against in auditing anyone. Start to finish, you are going to hear about it all the way through the folder. So, you better know exactly what you are going to be dealing with all the way through. There will come a time, possibly and probably not expected, when this thing will break loose and the pc will run it. It can happen early, mid-way or late in the folder. It is called someone going completely Clear. The auditor and the pc are in a situation where Ser Facs have to be sorted out.
A person does not necessarily have to work to experience, that is a Ser Fac that people have going. People can just plain experience. People that can't experience without working actually go out and work so they can have experience because of that Service Facsimile.
Teenagers for their many thrills are trying to convince themselves that they are alive because they have already run across a suspected truth that they are 9/10ths dead.
So, the right-wrong level of computation is below the analytical level and is an obsessive behaviour to be right.
I couldn't stress enough that your pc has already been overwhelmed on this particular subject. If you are having trouble reading or if it seems too powerful, that would perhaps be proof of what I am saying here.
So, inability, weakness and stupidity, as a way to be right, is the beginning of a person's decline, dwindling spiral and neurosis. Civilisations do this on their way out.
A dramatisation which is wrong, regardless of how right a person thinks it is, harms whoever has it. People cling to them because they are madness and perversion of upscale ability. Sexual behaviour is unfortunately many times a lower harmonic of the ability to create. Below that you can find methods of survival, below that are methods of domination, below that are methods of making others wrong, below that are overts and withholds as a way to be right, and below that you will find extremely nutty behaviour (behaviour patterns which harmonic upscale activity, in other words, people sit around and worship pyramids when they are symbols for the four fundamental triangles of life, instead of people operating on understanding, experience, creation and as-isness, is-ness and alter isness). Instead of them using these four fundamental triangles, they will sit around and worship a pyramid. That is what I mean by a harmonic of an upscale ability and activity. People worship symbols for something that they once knew and used, as bowing down to a cross when that is nothing more than a remembrance of a man recognising his natural relationship to God and godhood and his fellow man, and taking some significant degree of responsibility in creating a new literate civilisation and breaking the dramatisation of history away from raw force, criminality and barbarism towards literacy, some degree of compassion, tenderness, humility and recognition.
But people don't look at it this way, they bow down and kiss a cross. That is what I mean by compulsive behaviour patterns Actually, if you were to take that off an individual, you will see how far North you are going to have to go, then you have to get off their overts, them making others wrong, get off their domination's, get off their methods of survival, get off their aberrated sexual behaviour, get off their computations on their abilities to create, then they might remember what the cross really means or what a pyramid really means and start living again instead of faking it or acting it out.
So, with this data, perhaps you can understand much of what you have been protesting, and what the pc will be protesting. I would hope that you would understand the rationality of the U.S. government obscures basically what the U.S. is doing on a right-wrong basis with people, with itself, with international bankers and with other countries.
A science of life or self-improvement based on behaviour is just going to stir up the locks on the survive, dominate and right-wrong brackets. Perhaps you can understand the mechanics of the Church of Scientology going from wisdom to fanatic barbaric rightness.
So, in auditing, if you see a guy picking imaginary bugs and that is what is technically going on when he is explaining that -you have to have money to make money, in other words, a crazy computation, you don't jump back and you don't tell him that there are no bugs. You don't cut another's dramatisation of rightness and wrongness with your own. An understanding of this will keep you free enough to where you can audit these bugs or crazy computations off. If you do cut his dramatisations of rightness and wrongness, he will start trying to make you wrong.
If you can't make a keyed-out Clear by PrepChecking the individual, then he has one or more Ser Facs that he is operating on. Your 18 button PrepCheck will produce the hottest Itsa in any folder. The trouble with the Itsa line is that it is an uncontrolled line which can over-restimulate in using a PrepCheck. The TA will go high and lock up with over restimulation. You can control an Itsa line by restricting the question to a specific subject or period of time. You can also control it by using what is known as a short or a long comm. cycle. It is how soon you come in with an acknowledgement. A short cycle will cause over-restimulation. The Churches never conceived of a long comm. cycle.
So, your underlying factors in dealing with this problem of over restimulation is to control the Itsa line but not cut the pc's attention. You do clear him of restimulation, but in your initial auditing, not his original goals. Uncontrolled Itsa can lead to trouble. Your initial auditing is to key out restimulation, in other words, to cause destimulation You don't want to stir up -inert incidents that are not restimulated. You shouldn't get too touchy or worry too much about the degree of restimulation going on with the pc.
If the TA is dropping below 2.0 and just staying there, you have sort of a dead thetan phenomena. In auditing, you are restimulating something, then destimulating and discharging it.
That phenomena means he is over-restimulated. Your biggest danger signal in auditing is no tone arm action. There are two things that can cause no tone arm action: either over- restimulation (and if that is what it is then just discharge it mildly) or the Ser Fac itself. If it is the Ser Fac, then you find out what it is and either key it out or run it. Any case that cannot be restored or put into a keyed-out Clear range in 25 hours does have a Ser Fac going. The preclear will worsen until that service facsimile is handled.
In running the Ser Fac the PrepCheck will turn the mass on. If the preclear has a lot of worries or present time problems (PTPs), then it is a Ser Fac case. One should remember that high TA does mean over restimulation. So, the main point I want to make here is that the Ser Fac does prevent destimulation and the person getting better and lowers the overall condition of the person as a spirit.
A Ser Fac is what a person uses to get his way in the world, It is sort of a brother that locks in tightly with the overt- withhold sequence. It is how the pc makes others guilty. It could be described as the condition the person uses to make himself right and others wrong. You can run into all kinds of weird material in cleaning these off. There are goals on persisting, on being alive and living that were used in the Darwinian implants five galaxies over to the Southeast.
Medicine believes structure monitors function whereas the inverse idea that function monitors structure is probably more true. No matter what you do medically to someone, if he doesn't want to walk, he isn't going to walk. Psychology has had the idea that if you help a guy out of something, then he is going to go on to something else next, in other words, there is no overall change that is going to occur. You are going to find that both these areas, medicine and psychology, when applied to a Ser Fac type case, can't really do much. There are 25 diseases in California that are legally enforced as incurable, where you give the person some medicine and they don't get cured.
There is also a percentage of people in society which don't have Ser Facs going very strongly. 22% of people walking around get better no matter what one does. One can simply suggest that they get well and they will. One can just put them into a hypnotic trance and they will get well. Just tell them that they will be well all the time and they will. One can give them a placebo, some sugar, some salt, and they will get better. So, if you just give them something, you see, they are operating off something equals improvement and taking away something equals harm, they will get better.
So, Ser Facs can get in the way on the road to healing someone, mentally, bodily or spiritually. The experiential pattern of a being can be an aberration in itself. Each person is liable to the Ser Fac phenomena to some degree. In other societies up to 60 - 70% of the distraction and insanity of people can be cured through Ser Fac processing or has been. Any mass for a thetan is somewhat of an assertion.
You should recognise that you and your pc are in a diversion reality situation regarding the Ser Fac. A pc can't put an Itsa line in on it or confront it. And in that -cause equals sanity which equals survival you will find that a person has been very right all the way down the scale and has made others wrong. His perception and conception of this, which he thinks puts him at cause subjectively but, objectively it is actually limiting his cause. Without any workable method of causing a cessation of sensation, the thetan continues a supposed-past-time-type-of-game of non- existence of claiming himself to be right.
If you cannot perceive that the pc is already into that game, but is unaware of it, then you have gone into agreement with him, and by assuming that this game is long gone, you are not going to be able to do anything about it. You are thusly agreeing with the Ser Fac against him. There is probably nothing lower than a Ser Fac is the main point I am making. Like the last thing you can be about a government is to be right about it. A Ser Fac is totally irrational. And if you know much about them, you will find them insidious.
There are a number of ways to get it. You can ask the pc what they have been trying to resolve in their processing, you could ask them what they have been medically treated for, you could ask for what method they have of making others wrong, ask them how it makes them right, whatever weird survival mechanisms they have going will point to the Ser Fac.
Ser Fac technology is used to rectify the difficult case and remedy the unusual case, in other words, a case which has a high TA or low TA action. Ser Fac auditing is a weapon for this. A Ser Fac is generally the reason that people can't get well. You can remedy a case 30 - 40% as far as handling the whole case simply by getting this off. So, one of the main reasons a person doesn't recover under auditing, if you encounter such a person and circumstance (and you will probably encounter -right people about one-third of the time) is service facsimiles.
The reason I am covering this Grade IV on Ser Facs initially is that you will be on a bleak collision with this data to some degree the moment you start auditing a case, on about one-third of the cases you deal with in life and in auditing, The main reasons that people don't recover under auditing is the service facsimile.
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