2 May 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
My pc originated to me that she wanted to run Question 1 and Question 2 on her central condition. I set up the E-meter, started the tape recorder, got my pen and notebook for her case, and proceeded.
One of the things I asked her was if she could more clearly tell me what she considered her 'central condition'. She fished around for a while and suddenly got really mad and glared at me and said, 'You know, this THING! This body somatic!'
I acknowledged her and went on with the session.
The idea of running the Justification Sandwich is that the central condition that your pc is sitting in is a solution condition to a prior problem, and has since become itself a problem condition of its own to which your pc has had many further solutions.
But just telling your pc that their condition is a solution or a justification or an explanation or whatever to a prior problem will not usually go over very well. In the first place my pc already knew that, but she wanted to get the exact relationship down to better wording, wording that might be unique to her case.
So I ran the following question on her, forming a list.
'What is the relationship of your condition to the prior problem or confusion?'
We spent a long time on this list, all the obvious answers came off and then the more subtle answers. Many of them read, but few read more than once as we went over the list many times.
When she was done listing for the moment, I would read the list back to her to see which items read the most or at all. We were looking for the list to NULL, which means that only one item would be left reading and all the other ones would be null. This happens in listing because the one item is really the one that should be run, and all the other ones get their charge from the right one.
However this list is not necessarily a nullable list, it is possible that a number of items would be left reading and theoretically you probably should take them all up and run them one at a time, largest reading item first.
Anyhow, when I was done calling off the items to see if they read she originated that she had more items to add to the list which I then put at the bottom. Then I called them all off again. We did this maybe 4 or 5 times until the list got reasonably long, and she got to feeling like there were no more to add. The list never did null, there were more than one reading items left on the list at the end of listing, and she chose one that indicated to her.
The list went like this. I have added a plausible version of Question 1 and Question 2 for each item. If you have time, you might then read off each of these questions to your pc rather than the item alone, it might produce better reads and better nulling to one item and pair of questions.
handle What have you used this condition to handle? (1) What have you used to handle this condition? (2) solve What have you used this condition to solve? What have you used to solve this condition? resolve What have you used this condition to resolve? What have you used to resolve this condition? fix What have you used this condition to fix? What have you used to fix this condition? fixing What are you fixing with this condition? What are you fixing this condition with? makes right What have you used this condition to make right? What have you used to make this condition right? made right What has this condition made right? What has made this condition right? deal with What have you used this condition to deal with? What have you used to deal with this condition? solution to What has this condition been a solution to? What has been a solution to this condition? satisfy What have you used this condition to satisfy? What have you used to satisfy this condition? justify What have you used this condition to justify? What have you used to justify this condition? protect What have you used this condition to protect? What have you used to protect this condition? free you from What have you used this condition to free you from? What have you used to free you from this condition? obscure What have you used this condition to obscure? What have you used to obscure this condition? obfuscate What have you used this condition to obfuscate? What have you used to obfuscate this condition? hide What have you used this condition to hide? What have you used to hide this condition? forget What have you used this condition to forget? What have you used to forget this condition? hold back What have you used this condition to hold back? What have you used to hold back this condition? hold away What have you used this condition to hold yourself away from? from What have you used to hold (yourself) away from this condition ? deny What have you used this condition to deny? What have you used to deny this condition? erase What have you used this condition to erase? What have you used to erase this condition? mystify What have you used this condition to mystify? What have you used to mystify this condition? challenge What have you used this condition to challenge? What have you used to challenge this condition? temper What have you used this condition to temper? What have you used to temper this condition? balance What have you used this condition to balance? What have you used to balance this condition? render useless What have you used this condition to render useless? What have you used to render useless this condition? render What have you used this condition to render unthreatening? unthreatening What have you used to render this condition unthreatening? make less of What have you used this condition to make less of? What have you used to make less of this condition? make nothing What have you used this condition to make nothing of? of What have you used to make nothing of this condition? no What have you used this condition to make NO? What have you used to make NO of this condition? make wrong What have you used this condition to make wrong? What have you used to make this condition wrong? blind me to What have you used this condition to blind you to? What have you used to blind you to this condition? make me What have you used this condition to make you unaware of? unaware of What have you used to make you unaware of this condition? pretend is What have you used this condition to pretend is not there? not there What have you used to pretend this condition is not there? keep under What have you used this condition to keep under wraps? wraps What have you used to keep this condition under wraps? keep under What have you used this condition to keep under control? control What have you used to keep this condition under control? keep out What have you used this condition to keep out of your way? of my way What have you used to keep this condition out of your way? keep hidden What have you used this condition to keep hidden? What have you used to keep this condition hidden? keep buried What have you used this condition to keep buried? What have you used to keep this condition buried? bury What have you used this condition to bury? What have you used to bury this condition? deceive What have you used this condition to deceive? What have you used to deceive this condition? push back What have you used this condition to push back? What have you used to push back this condition? push back What have you used this condition to push back and hide? and hide What have you used to push back and hide this condition? gel over What have you used this condition to gel over? What have you used to gel over this condition? crystallize What have you used this condition to crystallize? What have you used to crystallize this condition? de-sight What have you used this condition to de-sight? What have you used to de-sight this condition? invert What have you used this condition to invert? What have you used to invert this condition? cover in What have you used this condition to cover in black? black What have you used to cover this condition in black? regulate What have you used this condition to regulate? What have you used to regulate this condition? interiorize What have you used this condition to interiorize? What have you used to interiorize this condition? break away What have you used this condition to break away from? from What have you used to break away from this condition? attempt to What have you used this condition to attempt to erase? erase What have you used to attempt to erase this condition? make unreal What have you used this condition to make unreal? What have you used to make this condition unreal? make not What have you used this condition to make not real? real What have you used to make this condition not real? make What have you used this condition to make unimportant? unimportant What have you used to make this condition unimportant? make What have you used this condition to make important? important What have you used to make this condition important?
There are of course classic forms of Question 1 and Question 2, forms better used in teaching the pc what you are trying to get at rather than running them. Once your pc understands that there are millions of forms to Question 1 and Question 2 they can list for their own form that will run best for their case.
Classic forms are for example,
What does this condition justify? What justifies this condition? How has this condition been a solution to you? How has this condition been a problem to you? What does this condition solve? What solves this condition? What have you tried to use this condition to solve? What have you used to try and solve this condition? What have you used this condition to make better? What have you used to make this condition better? What have you used this condition for? What have you used for this condition? What are you creating it for? What are you creating for it?
It would be an excellent solo action to make your own list until you reach some sort of EP (End Phenomena) with regards to conditions, solution conditions and problem conditions.
A condition is any state you are in. It is something that you neither want nor don't want, it is just there. Since a clean condition such as this is very close to an AS-ISNESS it will vanish upon inspection, or once you just let go of it.
A solution condition is any state you are STUCK in which you WANT to be stuck in because it solves an earlier problem or prior confusion. Being sick to get out of school, or allergic to get out of war would be an example. They help you get INTO or OUT OF things.
A problem condition is any state you are STUCK in which you DON'T WANT and which you then try to use many different solutions to try and get rid of it. Addiction to antihistamines or other drugs could be a problem condition.
Problem conditions and solution conditions STICK because you are denying you made them.
They also screw you up on your time track. When you put your pc's attention on the central condition it usually slides off into the past towards the problem that the central condition is trying to solve. It may be buried in numbness and unconsciousness, but the pc's attention will definitely be back there because that is WHY he or she has the stuck central condition in the first place.
Or the pc's attention will go sliding into the future towards all the solutions they are trying to devise and use to make the present time chronic condition less painful.
Through this processing your pc is brought up the tone scale to where they can look at the central condition in present time without relating it to the problem it is solving in the past or the solutions that will solve the condition in the future. When the pc can at last just be there with the condition and not be sucked down into the past or the future, they can then vanish the condition as an as-isness. This is because they no longer feel a compulsive need to want or not want the condition, and they are willing and able to make more of it in present time. In fact they can hook it up all over again as a solution to a past problem, and as a problem that itself needs to be solved.
In order to make a condition into a solution or a problem, it must first start out as neither a solution or a problem. Thus practicing making the condition INTO a solution or a problem causes the pc to mock up the prior state of a clean as-isable condition. Once the pc practices this thoroughly with the particular condition in question, he can then leave off doing this in mid cycle, in other words while it is still in a clean as-isable condition! Thus it vanishes and he no longers suffers from his lumbosis.
If instead the pc leaves off the process after he has recreated the condition as a solution and a problem condition, then he can walk away with his case still intact. He may still need it after all to avoid the draft. But at least he can get rid of it every night when it's party time.
Thus problem conditions start off as solution conditions and solution conditions start off as just plain (as-isable) conditions. Any child of 2 can CREATE a stuffed nose. That's a condition.
One day he creates a stuffed nose to get back at mommy or get out of school or war or some such thing, and then it becomes a chronic solution condition. He's happy he's got it though, it's saving his hide in his estimation.
Then some well meaning doctor comes along and prescribes nose spray for his stuffed nose, and in a few weeks he is so addicted he can't EVER get off the stuff. Nose sprays have a kick back like you would not believe. If you use them for a stuffed nose, you can breath for 12 hours, but then your nose slams shut and stays that way for 3 days. It's psychosomatic, but that's what it does. Now the kid begins to panic because he can't sleep, because he can't breath or swallow with his nose totally closed.
So his solution condition has now become a life threatening problem condition to him. The LAST thing he wants to do is make MORE of it, or own up to the fact that he made it in the first place to chintz out on his civil duties (getting killed).
So the problem condition persists like crazy, you have never seen such persistence, and that is only because before the condition was a problem, IT WAS A SOLUTION and the way out is to make more of it.
The way to audit this is to get the pc to mock up CREATING the stuffed nose, and the prior confusion it was being used to handle, and his feeling of satisfaction that the stuffed nose was so effective a solution.
Get his smugness, how clever he was, how dumb others were, etc.
So this is the dwindling spiral of the thetan, he creates an as- isable condition, considers it a life saving solution to some tremendously horrible problem, denies that he made the condition in the first place to solve the problem, and then when IT eventually becomes a problem to him, he forgets that he made it, and how he made it, and thus he can't get rid of it.
It's a cover up of magnitude.
Making it again in its entirety will vanish it.
So back to my pc's session, the item she picked to run was
'cover in black.'
At her direction I wrote down the proper Question 1 and Question 2 for that item and they were,
(1) 'What does this condition cover in black?' (2) 'What are you using to cover this condition in black?'
Then I ran it as follows, first I asked her Question 1 and she answered and I acknowledged, then I asked her Question 2 and she answered and I acknowledged. Then Question 1 again, etc.
The way I kept session notes was I wrote the two questions down at the top of the page and numbered them 1 and 2. Then just below that I wrote a 1 every time I asked Question 1 and wrote a 2 every time I asked Question 2. In between I marked down the TA position and circled it. Thus I had a running record of what happened and also provided a clue to myself as to which question we were on at any one time so that I would not forget and stumble or ask the wrong question.
The session sheet went something like this.
(1) What does this condition cover in black? (2) What are you using to cover this condition in black? 2 1 (3.25) 2 (3.4) 1 (3.5) (3.6) 2 1 (3.7) 2 (3.75) 1 2 (3.8) (4.0) 1 2 1 (4.0) 2 (4.2) 1 2 (4.25) 1 (4.25) 2 (4.25) 1 (4.25) (3.7) 2 (3.8) (3.5) 1 (3.4) (3.25) (3.0) 2 (3.25) 1 (3.25) (3.2) (2.9) (2.75) (2.5)...
Every time I had to adjust the TA I wrote down the new number. You can see that the TA went from 3.0 up to 4.25, and then suddenly started cascading back down to 2.5 as the pc cognited and blew charge. Although I only wrote down a small section of the session above, during the whole session the TA went up and down maybe 5 times for a total of about 19.5 accumulated down divisions of TA.
The pc was pleased at the end of the session, but tired due to lack of sleep. It is significant that the pc did not have any blow out wins, or attain Godhood or anything like that during the session.
It is one thing to run your stuffed nose and quite another to run being in a body and being born mortal. Those central conditions cover up a prior confusion of magnitude. My pc said something like, "believing that I live and die only once is a way to cover in black some prior agony I had with being Immortal."
The point is, it is going to take more than one session to handle this kind of charge. Most people never get this far.
And when they do, they often tell you they aren't sure they WANT to handle it.
Becoming a God again is an accomplishment of magnitude and happens in small little steps on a big huge road.
One small significant win running this process that ought to come early in general auditing, is the person will stop accumulating future solutions to present conditions which solve prior confusions. They will be able to accept their present unwanted conditions more easily as they can see that they are a solution to a rough and tumble ETERNAL past. So rather than run away from their present psychosomatic disorders with drugs or dramatization, they will be able to say, 'Yeah, no problem, I think I will just have that one for a little while longer! It's a nice solution after all, even if it is bonkers.'
Thus they will start a slow but steady floating upward in the schemes of things, rather than an unstoppable sinking downwards.
If you as an auditor could do this to EVERYONE you met, just stop the damn sinking, then even if no one went Clear or OT in this life, when you came back in 100 or a thousand years, everyone would be your friend and be much better off than they are today. In fact they might all be able to go Clear at once during that lifetime!
You gotta get them ever so slowly up to where they can just breathe the light of Eternal Day again, before they can take that last big journey and become a reborn God or OT.
If it takes 1, 5 or 10 lifetimes for them to do that, that is fine. But if you leave them as they are, seeking future solutions to present conditions covering past problems, then 15 lifetimes from now you won't even be able to find them. You will have to go digging for them in the bottom of the ocean.
Those of you who really, really, really want to go OT in this life time, well you had better stop screwing around and do it right.
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