Subject: FZ BIBLE 2/3 SHSBC-392 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY Date: 2 Jul 1998 22:43:14 -0000 From: Secret Squirrel Organization: Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST (TAPE TRANSCRIPT) SHSBC-392 14 JUL 64 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (confidential) 2/3 Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But the Christians are not good and obedient Jews and yet are allowed to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** SHSBC-392 14 JUL 64 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (confidential) Part 2 This tape is omitted from the SHSBC cassettes. Transcript of Taped Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard ShSpec 29 - 6407 C 14 (Renumbered SHSBC - 392) July 14, 1964 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (continued from part 1) Truth must be truth. It must be all the way truth. Now, anybody who is studying slowly, and so forth, gets caught up in this factor: That you can't go part way to truth. The most suicidal activity that you can engage upon, is to go part way to the truth. You've got to go all the way to the truth. There are no half truths. About the most dangerous thing you can have anything to do with is a half truth. There are.. people have understood this, that a little knowledge is dangerous. Well, that's actually not very well applied, that's not even very well stated, and it certainly isn't the same sense of what I'm saying here. No truth can be half way approached. If you got that far and didn't go any further, you would fall flat on your face and be in quite a mess. If you set out to shoot the moon, there is nothing sillier than going into perihelion around it for the rest of your life (chuckle). You've got to land on the moon. There is no substitute for totality with regard to truth. In other words, you've got to know all of it. And this is ... this I'm trying to field a philosophy. The Bugdeammerbum.. the famous witch doctor from lower Scrambula, he puts his foot on this line and he says, "There really is no time" and he doesn't go any further than that. He teaches everybody, there really is no time. He's put himself and everybody around him with one foot on the banana peel and the other in the grave, see. He hasn't told them why there is no time, see. He hasn't told them anything, and all he'll do is ... everybody goes around saying, well there is no time, so it doesn't matter, but yet, echoing in around in their skull is the fact that it's true, there is no time. That is a truth, but it is so little of the truth. Without somebody going the whole way, it actually becomes quite dangerous. The whole race would then simply go in apathy and that would be the end of it. And that is what has happened in almost all philosophies that I have ever heard of. See, they get some corner of some truth and then they don't walk down that road and they go no further than this. You see? And they sit around on mountain tops regarding their navels and they do weird odd ball things, and they wonder why they're not getting any better if they know so much. Well, the reason they're not getting any better, even though they know so much, is because they started on the road to truth and they never made the passage and they're something like a ship-wrecked ship. They're high and dry on that reef and they're never gonna go any further. But having gone that distance, it wrecked them. Now this in itself is soul chilling. This pronounces something quite interesting to you. You can say, well we started into Scientology. Yeah, you started on a road toward truth, didn't you? The only fatal thing you can do, if you know this about your pcs, and you know it about those around you, and you know it about some of them fallen by the wayside, you instinctively feel it. Having started, ceasing to go is one of the most fatal things they could do. Now you look at this with some sadness because it's actually a very fatal action. But let me call to your attention something else. It isn't that Scientology got you started on the road to truth. You started on the road long time before. You've been on that road ... When you sat down in the amphitheater, when you sat down in the amphitheater in Greece and listened to somebody saying philosophically, yippity yappishly, that something is the end of the road and Kronos actually devours his own children and therefore the whole universe is circular and whatever else is being said. You started on the road to truth and you can speculate along this particular direction: what is the truth in this matter? What is the true composition of this universe? What is my true identity? Who am I? What do I consist of? Where do I come from? Of course, nearly everybody has asked that question of himself since he's a little child. You started on the road to truth. That's dangerous, unless you walk the whole road. That road's got to be walked because the character of the GPMs themselves admit of no halfway measures. You key in of one of these GPMs, and you key in a series of GPMs, you get them all roiled up and then you don't do anything about them, you're in the soup. They contain the end all of all explanations. Contained in the GPMs are the explanation of the universe in which we live. Their identity, everything everything is composed of. The impetus. All of these very things. In other words, the philosopher busy philosophizing and having himself a ball on the subject and coming up to some conclusion. Let's take Einstein. Einstein was walking on this road. He had finally gotten up to a point where he was trying to integrate life into his other equations and he was groping, groping, groping and he left one of the most remarkable, he left one of the most thoroughly remarkable messes for ages forward to figure out that you ever cared to have anything to do with. When he died he had a bunch of consultations. In other words, he was going towards the everything of everything. In other words, he was going towards something that explains everything, and he hadn't arrived any closer than a bunch of symbols. Having figured out his various equivalents of constants, and speeds of light, matter, energy, space, and time, having figured these out, he was trying to squeeze life into this somehow or other, and he left an awful hodge podge of figures which everybody worships back where he was, Princeton I think it was... And they're busy trying to do something with this now and it's all very complex and it's all very something or other. In fact, everybody around there is half way spinning, what the devil were these last equations that Einstein wrote. He was just trying to integrate life with the universe. That's, everybody would say, an over simplification. No, it isn't, that's a more truthful statement. That's closer to the truth than they are. He was just trying to integrate life and the universe and that and that. That's all. The old Encyclopedia Britannica says in order to understand space and time, you had better understand the mind because it's very often, very possible, that space and time are simply generated by the mind, how do we know. Interesting. That's in the 1890 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica. Marvelous insight. Very well put. I noticed it hasn't been followed by anybody else. You notice that science today says the mind is so in error, it is so inaccurate, is so this, that it is just nothing in mechanics at all, but mass is all and the mind is nothing, see. The universe is everything, and the material things in existence are this and then he is just a spontaneous combustion from mud, and this is all he is, and he's just a lousy bum, and you talk to one of these boys and their whole orientation is in this direction. He will say, "Oh a computer, oh well a computer never makes a mistake. This is the run, it puts out all these marvelous things, look at these marvelous things. Human mind, agh, human being agh .... (muttering). Yeah, listen to these boys. I've tried once in a while, timidly for me, to say, "Who feeds the data to this computer?", "What feeds the data to this computer, and get an answer out of it and who inspects that answer after it has been printed but the mind, the being, the person, the individual." Yagh-yagh-yagh, they can't get this point at all, see. In other words they've got now, the cake is more important than the baker, see. You've got an end-all cake that's self-generated and sprang spontaneously from the cook pot, but no baker. The cake is greater than the baker. Don't you see? So, in studying R-6, the first thing we have to recognize with vividness, is that we're dealing with the baker, not the cake. We're dealing with the thing that makes it, not the thing that is made. We've got to recognize that, and that'll explain a great many failures auditors have when they begin to approach R-6 and it's auditing techniques. They pay all their attention to the mass, the GPM, the significance, and to hell with the pc. Well in actual fact, if you don't pay attention to the pc and his reaction by keeping in a good auditing comm cycle, by doing good ARC break assessments when you got by-passed charge, by first and foremost taking care of the pc, by making absolutely certain the pc doesn't have any PTPs at the time he's being audited, making sure of all these little points, keeping that pc in good communication, handling that very nicely, making sure that all the items read, the pc is satisfied that they have read, that the pc is cheerful and happy about this, then you've just got an end-all cake, and you got no baker. And it's the baker you're trying to handle and it's the baker you'll be left with after the cake has been et. So, you take good care of the baker. So a few pieces of cake get chipped up. Well that's not very important as long as you take care of the baker. An individual is an individual and now you find this inherent in early Scientology teachings where it was taught more instinctively than factually, you see. It was taught more on a basis of general knowingness. I knew how these things were. You'll find that the being, the individual, had generated the universe and part of that universe is the GPM, and the GPM in it's generation then restrained him and compelled him to covertly go on making the rest of the universe unbeknownst to himself, and compelled him by his own generation to go on making it, the GPM, see. So you're not quite sure when you first look at this thing which way is which. Is the cart drawing the horse or the horse drawing the cart, you know. When you first look at it you will say, "Wow - science, modern science has said, well, it's all cake, and there's no baker", see. Well let's take it up a little bit further. The first trouble you're going to have and that is, is the course ... is, is, is the cart being drawn by the horse or is the horse being drawn by the cart, or who is running what, and as the pc begins to look at this he actually can accept intellectually, he's making this thing that is smacking his face in but he can't put any part of it into actual subjective reality. So it's a point you don't force down his throat. It will eventually begin to dawn on him. He gets to be further and further on a gradient of cause over the GPM in spite of the fact that cause itself is an end-Word. The point is here, he gets to be, actually, more and more cause over this GPM. See, everytime you're falling across a real significant significance or something that is absolutely necessary to do anything about anything with you're also colliding, madly, with GPMs. You understand? You're colliding with the meaningness of a GPM in some way, shape, or form, in any human action, and in any part of or action about this universe. It really doesn't matter much what corner you approach of livingness or life in view of the fact that livingness and life is created by the individual through the GPM. He creates the GPM and it creates it, but he's long since forgotten he created the GPM. "It looks to me like"..., you see, he would say, "it looks to me like the cake, you know, is creatin' the rest of the kitchen." (chuckle) Why, he will then not be able to very intelligently grasp the fact that every time he tries to address any corner of existence, he starts to feel strange or peculiar. Well naturally, any corner of existence is already capped with a GPM because if it wasn't, it wouldn't be there. So, all of a sudden a guy is just thinking a thought, see, thinking a thought at random. Alright, that is either a lock on a Root-Word or a lock on an End-Word, see. One or the other. It's a lock on a Root-Word or a lock on an End-Word. That's it. I don't care what thought you just thought, if you thought any at all, So you mustn't get into some weird, you mustn't get into some weird odd-ball contest of trying not to think in some way, in such a way as not to restimulate a GPM. That doesn't happen to be possible. There's no particular reason for you ... I already went over this rolley-coaster here a few weeks ago, it was a relatively short time ago, I had to decide what this was all about and I had to get down and work it all out very carefully, and I did, you see, and that's the conclusion I came to: That he built a universe through the formation of a GPM and he couldn't think any thought to amount to anything. But didn't amount to anything, he couldn't think any thought that could impinge on one, one way or the other. I made an actual test. It wasn't intentional. It's with causation. I was telling you about cause level and I had this struggle about trying to form a communication about cause level, and I said, "Well I don't ... " I knew that cause and so on, was an End-Word in a GPM. We'll get on to what End Words are, and so forth, in just a moment. Well, I knew that it was an End Word and therefore I tried to get around it by saying causation. Erase the causation of a pc. And I tried to get around it also by using causativeness, to increase the causativeness of a being. And by the time I'd carefully written the bulletin, which you have, carefully scouting this on causation and causativeness, I was sick as a pup. It wasn't that I was restraining anything, or anything, I was simply mis-wording an End-Word. So I went back, I went back and scrubbed all that and simply put cause down there well knowing that it was an End-Word. You don't want to keep repeating an End-Word at somebody when you're giving them auditing commands. You can get out to an outer perimeter lock. And that's what you want to keep repeating, like "done". Well, that's very nice - done, done, that's good. "What have you done?". That's good. Withhold - no, that's a Root-Word because every time you say withhold you're going to key-in directly and immediately some other portion. You're gonna key-in somebody faster than you're easing him up. Don't you see? So, it's best in an auditing command to use an indirect action. But in the discussion of communication of anything, if you try to escape the significance of an End-Word or the significance of a Root-Word, if you try to escape these things and not mention them, all you do is suppress them and the final result is, is you're practically around the bend. So, the best answer is, the hell with it. Say 'em. Do them. Not with a repetitive auditing command. Not in a constant hammer pound of an auditing command. But a careful review shows that you can't escape this particular thing and it shows, that when you're trying to be technical, that a departure from the exact statement is liable to make you sicker than an approach to the exact statement. Then that says where you sit and where you think. Now the number of Root-Words and End-Words which you hear battered about every day, laid end to end, would be longer than the Queen Elizabeth's passage from New York to London. Every cocktail party on there, all they do is bat about large numbers of Root-Words and End-Words. Now, the worse off a person is, in actual fact, the more he will talk in Root-Words and End-Words. Sanity, if it is anything at all, would be the gradient scale of destimulated Root-Words and End-Words, and insanity, would be the command value of the Root-Words and End-Words over the individual. Not their restimulation, but their command value - that would be insanity. If Root-Words and End-Words have a disproportionate command value over the individual, you can say he's insane. Now that's ... That's interesting too because insane, of course, is an End-Word. But you have to step outside the basic considerations. But quite in addition to adding both the universe and personalities and reactions and so forth, the individual is still quite capable of independent thought. And the reason you have Dianetics and Scientology is totally attributable to the fact that I've been walking, to a very marked degree, outside the perimeter of reactive thought while considering these various things. Now that's very interesting. We got some place, you see, and didn't get detoured into it even though we were dealing with and very often using it. Now take the very step with which you work - ARC. Affinity is an End-Word - Reality is an End-Word - Communication is an End-Word. There are three End-Words in a row, all the way down early on the track and, theoretically, it should make everybody sick as pups because it's so early. You know, you destimulate the charge of them. Now, you're living right in the middle of the fourth lightning if you live in this universe and you're actually further from it in Scientology than you are if you were out digging a ditch somewhere because, believe me, that foreman when he comes down the line is going to speak nothing but Root-Words and End-Words. He's going to be pretty batty on the subject. This little jazz musician, "Is that something!" "Boy that's nowhere!" All in expletives. But they're ... you get the idea? There's a vast difference here. They're dead on dramatizing. They're completely unwitting. It would be quite another thing for you, a Scientologist, to be dead on wittingly. I know when I'm using Root Words and when I'm using End Words to a very, very marked degree. If I hadn't been aware of one before, if I ponder one too hard, I'll get warm. When I notice that I'm getting rather warm, I say, "Well what do you know, I wonder if that's a Root Word, I wonder if that's an End-Word?" "Alright, it's a Root Word. What do you know, must be a Root-Word because it wouldn't add up any other way." I found out that the resistance to and the flinch from these things is what does the damage, not the use. That's a very subtle point for you to know in Class VI. Very subtile, so get that point down very well. It's the flinch from, you see. It's the suppression of; it causes you to feel dizzy and woggy and sick at your stomach. And invalidation of, is what causes pain. Invalidation, of course too, is an End-Word, but that causes pain. If you want to make somebody hurt like crazy just get him to get down, and say that it isn't true that there is a goal of something or other, something or other, which is a real goal, you see; or say it isn't true there is such an End Word, and he's getting real excited about it, and the next confounded thing you know, he'll feel like he's being sawed up by a butcher's powered beef saw. What happened? Well, the liabilities then are the liabilities of contest with and dramatization of. Contest with, is your greatest liability as a student. Even though you're afraid of something you're still in contest with it. It is that, and you are you. Afraid to do these things. Walking the chalk line about them. Being careful in consideration of them and those sort of things. Well that's, that's where the damage comes. Then you say, "Oh brother that's nowhere, that's really nowhere", you know. "That's no..... I wonder what the hell I'm thinking nowhere for, you know, what's all this nowhere. Tah, must be an End Word. Ah, it's nowhere". You know, get the, get the delicate shift here, see. Alright, so you're gonna keep saying nowhere and make yourself sick at the stomach and so forth and restimulate the End-word "nowhere". Alright, that isn't going to worry you until you suddenly realize you are saying "nowhere" and to that degree dramatizing the thing, and then say you mustn't because it is an End-Word. Now, you get that subtle one? Because that's where you go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. It's right at that point, see. You say, "Well, I shouldn't be saying that because ...". Don't you see? Now, I've taken a new look at all this. So, you find out after a conversation with somebody or other that you're absolutely reeling. You've been talking about these things and the room goes out of plumb, and so forth. So it does. So what? Now, you really want to make it go out of plumb? "Well I mustn't really discuss this anymore". Well, you've knocked it all out of plumb with your locks. You see that? Now, you find yourself dramatizing these things every once in a while but it's only a sin not to eventually catch yourself. I don't expect you not to dramatize them. They're only still here, so you're dramatizing something about space and matter, that's for sure, and time is passing, so you must be dramatizing collectively, something about time. Alright! Well, let's figure this little other tiny nuance. You all of a sudden find that you're sitting there saying, "Tsk, problems, problems, problems, problems, now wait a minute, I must have an End Word or something in restimulation", see. Even though it's next week before you find that out, see, and then not make the mistake of saying, "Well, I mustn't say problems any more to myself", see. Because the recognition of it is enough. You don't have to prevent the future, because that's an End-Word too. (laugh) So the gist of the situation is that you're surrounded with these things and all you've done to date, until you collide with them in study, is simply dramatize them. Now what's happening to you is you're finding out what you've been dramatizing. Your face, every once in a while, will be rather red on this subject. I, myself, pushed myself away from an auditing session. Just very mildly pushed myself from an auditing session and walked around the room for a little while once, and I came back and I sat down and I went over ... there wasn't anything wrong. I was getting reads, everything was just fine. And I went over everything under the sun, moon, and stars that I could go over, and tried to compare everything that I had done and everything I hadn't done and I was looking for this and that and all of a sudden it occurred to me, I wonder what I'm trying to do here. Why am I reviewing everything that has happened here, you see. And then it suddenly struck me that the next goal up that I was about to run was "To create problems". I had simply been sitting there fearing problems. I laughed at myself and ran the next pair. That was the next one coming up. And I was - I was creating problems - LIKE MAD. (laughing) You know what I mean? You can't actually expect not to do it. If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be part of the universe. Don't you see? Your advance, is to some degree measured by your recognition of what you, yourself, are doing. And a real recognition comes about when you realize that you're making these things up and of course about that time they will cease to. Now there's a trap in all this of the tremendous quantitativeness of them. There appear to be so many that you become exhausted. The figures on this are variable. There's a slight variation in these figures but the best figures I have is 268 Roots and 268 End-Words. That makes it square. There are 18 RIs in a GPM - proper line plot - 268 Root-Words in one series and 268 End-Words, or 268 serieses. Now if you multiply this one times the other, you'll find then, there are in excess of 23,000 GPMs. Now that, of course, is so staggering, there's such an astonishing number that it makes you feel rather quivery on a subject of, "I've got to audit all these out and it's taking us a session, or in some cases it's taking us two sessions to run out a GPM, and we're doing turn about type auditing and I actually am only getting three sessions a week and I'm running one and one half GPMs a week and there are 23,000 of them to run out. So I can expect to be OT, of course, at the end of, something on the order of 33,000 weeks, or something like this. And 33,000 weeks divided by 52 gives you the nu.... Oh my God!" Well, of course, it's not the way it goes. This would be good pedantic mathematics but it doesn't happen to be an accurate situation. Once you've got your plot well oiled in, you're spending less and less time in trying to find your way down the bank. Don't you see? Once you've got .. ninety percent of this work, by the way .. well I'm not quite ... yes, I'd say ninety percent of the work has been done on the organization of this. The consecutive adjacent Goals and the consecutive adjacent End-Words are, are still in a state of polish. They're mostly known, don't you see, but they could be wiggled or wobbled to be here or be there, or be something of the sort, don't you see, but the trick was to get the pattern. Of course, the biggest trick was to find out it was there at all. But to get the pattern of this thing took me over a year and a half of some of the wildest most troublesome stuff I have ever been through. Very gruesome. I look now on an auditor who can't find a few synonyms. He's got one, he's got one to spit, you know. He can't find the next goal which is to expectorate. I rather look at this as being rather poor because the next goal to spit is to, of course, - this is not a proper Root-Word - the next goal to spit would of course be to expectorate, see. It's to spit cats, the next goal is to expectorate cats, you see, and the next goal to it would be to spitee cats. Very imaginative. You've got "to run" is next to "to gallop", you see. To travel fast, to speed. They're just all tied together, the same word. Same word, and it's got to be checked out and the best thing to do this with is one of these New Rodell Word Finders. They're only available in the United States and they're very, very fancy. They've had a lot of college professors working on the thing and they were nicely keyed-in and they practically laid the bank out in this thing unwittingly and unknowingly and you look up a list of synonyms, brother it will find the next door cousin in most of the cases. (continued in part 3)