Subject: FZ BIBLE 1/3 SHSBC-392 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY Date: 2 Jul 1998 23:13:22 -0000 From: Secret Squirrel Organization: Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST (TAPE TRANSCRIPT) SHSBC-392 14 JUL 64 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (confidential) 1/3 Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But the Christians are not good and obedient Jews and yet are allowed to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** SHSBC-392 14 JUL 64 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (confidential) This tape is omitted from the SHSBC cassettes. Transcript of Taped Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard ShSpec 29 - 6407 C 14 (Renumbered SHSBC - 392) July 14, 1964 TRACK AND BANK ANATOMY (applause) Thank you! Very sorry to keep you waiting. It's not my fault. It's Reg's clock (laugh). That's correct. It said... it's wrong, so.... I'll have to turn on the clock in me head. What's the date? (Audience: 14 July.) 14 July, the 14th - We have a new student, stand up and take a bow - Tom Morgan And somebody we have seen before, retreading - Jean Jacques Scalance. Alright! I'll have to make up for it by being very interesting having bored you to death sitting there ten or fifteen minutes with nothing to do. Well, I think I'm just going to give you right off the cuff, all of you right now, a rundown on exactly what the track and bank looks like and here at the lower levels particularly restimulated and particularly the newcomer on the thing, why the best thing to do is to turn it off is to just run on through Class VI. That's the best way to turn all that restimulation off. And.. (laughing) and, when you're Class VI, go right on through to OT. That turns all the restimulation off (laugh). Now, let's just give you a very rapid fire lecture, and Reg will be cursing in his beard because he'd want a camera on this particularly, but I will do it all again with Fillips and Furbelows. Very interesting doing things with Furbelows (laugh), and here's the way it sits. There's a thing called the reactive mind. The total composition of the reactive mind consists of the following factors: Are we away? (laugh) Alright, it has locks, it has secondaries, it has engrams. Got that? Alright, in addition to those locks, secondaries, and engrams, one of the most notable facts that it has, which comes to view once you start, is implants, implant GPMs and then various forms and varieties and that sort of thing, and they make little black masses that are quite interesting to collide with, and they can be run on almost anybody, and actually comprise, the implant GPM comprises Class V. Old Dianetics dealt with the locks, secondaries, and engrams and Class V deals with these implants and their various ramifications. Implants are interesting in that they very often have engrams in the midst of them. You run half an implant and somebody slips off the post and something like that, he's got an engram and somebody getting him back on the post. You know, that kind of thing. In other words, there's all of that still exists in the mind and that ... those, those implants go along with dating, you can date implants very easily, go along with other whole track phenomena. And, there's two branches then to the whole track phenomena which belongs at Class V, and one of those is implants and the other one is engrams. And, various types of engrams go back all the way along the track and there's some rather unbelievable time spans involved in all this. It goes very, very long. It ... You can get dates of trillions to the one thousand three hundred power. That is a date which you would spend the rest of your life writing. That ... It's just, cyphers that go on and on and on. I'm exaggerating when I say the rest of your life, but it would just go on and on and on and on. Now, because people have been implanted, and because implants exist, and so forth, then it is very easy for someone to get confused about what is called an actual GPM and the actual reactive bank because he immediately conceives that it has been done to him, and is all mixed up on the situation, and he is very likely to believe that a.. an implant and a GPM are the same thing. Now, if you want to become very ill, several methods of becoming ill will be covered in today's lecture, if you want to become very ill, indeed, why just start going around and saying that actual GPMs are, are implants. If that's... if you want to get sick, that is the best way I know of to go about it, and if you want your pc to get good and sick, why have your pc start arguing around about this without you suddenly chipping in and saying, "now, when was the first time you considered this?" You know, and just run it out as a series of considerations right now, and he'll come off of this wild kick because he's going to make himself terribly ill if he says that actual GPMs are simply implants. Now, we are not interested in whether they were implanted or not implanted, I'm just telling you one marvelous method of getting sick. You understand? I'm not saying even what they are. I'm just saying that's a nice way of getting sick. Now, therefore, we get down to Class VI, and we've covered everything else now except, of course, the fact that what you're auditing up to Class IV is the destimulation of the things you erase at Class V and VI. You want to know what these Classes are all about. What Classes I to IV are devoted to: auditing which destimulates those things which are erased at Classes V and VI. You understand? Therefore, there are only two erasure Classes and those are V and VI, and there are four destimulation Classes. So, that you never try to erase anything, actually it's quite incidental but you really do get erasures accidentally of little odd bits on Classes I to IV. There is a small amount of erasure that does take place, but the moment the that the auditor tries to erase something, while auditing in those Classes with their processes, he is in immediate trouble. I'll give you an of idea how this is. I'll show you the difference of Classes. You say to somebody, you say, "You say you don't feel well, alright, what's the matter?" "Oh, you got a headache, alright, well now, recall the first time you ever tried to get this headache cared for" "Recall an earlier time you tried to get the headache cared for" is a more exact command, because he won't give you the first time, the first time. And, he gives you something, and gives you something, and gives you something, and all of a sudden his headache disappears. Well now, you've, you've destimulated. You've destimulated. Where's the headache? Well it actually isn't out there lurking, waiting to pounce again, but if it comes back slightly nobody should be very surprised, because having done this exercise, of asking him for his considerations about headaches, or what he's done for headaches, or how headaches have been handled by him, and so forth, or what he's done to a headache. We don't care what we ask him or how we asked him for these considerations. Don't get this mixed up with OW. I just heard crosswise in your head that you had. No, it's any recall process, see, which would lead to a banishment of a headache no matter what you did, and then you found out that he had banged his head on the corner of a kitchen sink at the age of five. He got rid of his headache slightly, see, so then you decided to really find out where this headache came from and you found out that he was banging his head on the corner of the kitchen sink and then you said, "Well now alright, about banging your head on the corner of the kitchen sink when you were five, how did the room look at that time?" "What was said at that time?", and boy, he's got that headache back with exclamation points. You understand? Now, you've destimulated that same incident when you simply asked him for some considerations. You destimulated in general, the whole subject of headaches, but then you have come back and try to erase this. You see? Now you're gonna go through and scrub out what you have assigned the cause of the headache to be. You're going to erase that thing and he's going to get a nice headache back. Now the funny part of it is, you could go on through and erase it only to find out that it really wasn't when he banged head on the kitchen sink at the age of five. It was when he fell out of the perambulator at the age of three. So, you have now erased that and this would all be better, and then you could find out that it wasn't that at all, but in his last life time he was really shot in the head when he kicked the bucket. So, that puts you back into the last immediate past death. Now we're gonna run all this out from one end to the other. I see some of you have been over this road ... and there would be an astonishing return of, of perception and he would feel pretty good about this, and so forth. But, either you did a terribly even nice smooth job of auditing the whole way, and you could keep running this back... Now, let me point out to you, that the second you went into that past death you moved into Class V. It was at that precise instant. It was perfectly alright to handle banging his head on the corner of the sink in this life time, you're, you're a perfectly good auditor, but you moved out of Classes I to IV even on what little you can erase in those Classes. See, you've moved out of that. You've gone on to whole track. One more life time than this one and you're on whole track and you're in Class V. That's the way we classify it these days. Don't you see? You got no business being there these days because of this interesting fact. It is absolutely factual that an auditor, smoothly auditing, can go back and erase enough of those engrams, we did it in Dianetics, enough of those engrams to make that headache go away and be good and the fellow not bothered with it at all further more. This is perfectly true but the number of incidents, I'm putting you all into focus with regard to the reactive mind, the number of those incidents which added up to a headache, may well be in the billions, which is why we departed from Dianetic into Scientology technology. And that's the exact reason why there is a bridge between Dianetics into Scientology. Whatever else anybody wants to assign to it, whether historical reasons, or anything else, that is the great big milestone on the road. The discovery that there could have been billions of engrams on the track, each one of them capable of causing a headache. And to get rid of all of those engrams in times and terms of auditing, in view of the fact that man is only here for seventy years at a crack, to get rid of all those in a pc was not feasible. It wasn't that the technology was not do-able, as a matter of fact, we recently improved the technology. You could run an engram now by plotting it's time, and spotting it's duration, and boy, if you got those two right, pictures turn up all in 3-D. This poor guy he's never had a picture before in his life, see. You do that engram technique that we developed here a year or so ago, I got, I finally got whipped out, and so on, and boy, he's got visio and he's got the lot, see. All you have to do is do an accurate spotting of the time of the engram, find it's exact duration, and move him up some place toward the beginning of the thing and on go the lights, see, and you're away. So, the big problem of erasing engrams, the pc had no visio or sonic, that was dealt with and there is such a technology, but it still doesn't solve this other auditing factor. The auditing factor is, is billions of incidents exist on the person's track which could cause a headache, see. Let's say you've got a chronic headache, well also in running this you find out he also has a chronic foot ache and it has more billions, you see, so all of this becomes infeasible. It is not do-able simply because the auditor hasn't got enough time to handle that many incidents. It is not, now, that they could not be handled, you understand. But he hasn't got enough time to do it. You could take this technology of erasing engrams and take ninety-eight percent of your pcs and go ahead and run engrams on those pcs with this technology and they would very soon begin to fly. But that is an erasure technique, and to achieve any finite end within the lifetime of the pc and yourself, due to the quantity involved, becomes impractical. That's why! And, that's why the shift in Dianetics and Scientology and that's why these other approaches. That's erasure! So, erasure from I to IV, it is not that it couldn't be done, it's that you haven't got time to do it, and you can do more for the pc by destimulation that you're simply keying these things out. In other words, park them over in their proper area without paying too much attention to them. In other words, the indirect approach to these billions of engrams was simply to destimulate the pc on the subject of keying them in, in this lifetime, and you find, quite remarkably, that this is highly workable. Destimulation as opposed to erasure. Now, there is then the dividing line, between I to IV and V to VI ... V and VI, is those early ones are, simply because you can turn off somebody's headache and then if you don't try to erase anything, that's what I've been trying to teach you here, if you don't try to erase anything, if you don't push him back into the bank and you don't crowd him back into it with some nonsense or gobbledegook of some kind or another. "Well, I didn't get that, would you go over it again. That was a what? Well, I didn't quite understand this, oh, it's a... well, it's alright." But the auditor is just being too something or other. He's concentrating the pc's attention on the backtrack, see, and he says, "Oh well, that happened when you were five, alright. What did you say you put your head up against? Oh, your head hit, hit, hit a sink, alright. What sink? Where were you living at that time?". Well, you've done the exact approach that has long since been designed on how to get somebody into an engram. And if... of course, he'd go into the engram at that time, and your job is actually to destimulate, not erase. You see that? Now, oddly enough, you can still destimulate after you've done all this. You just pick this session. Now, you've obviously made locks on the incident and this session. Don't you see? So, you just ask him, "When was the first time we started to talk about it in this session?", "What considerations have you had about it in this session?" You go all over it again, and magically, if you audited that very smoothly and destimulated this session, why all of that would fly back into the background again, and once more, he would be rid of it. So, we have two distinct classes of auditing and we have two distinct things which are handled, and therefore all auditing between I and IV is the handling of locks, especially the lock known as a key-in. I won't bother to go into nomenclature in this lecture. If you don't know those words, look them up. So, it's handling locks. So, I to IV isn't handling the raw meat of life, and we have omitted number V because it now isn't necessary, and this brings us vis-a-vis staring into the lion's feted breath. That's VI. So, what you're doing now is a transition from sweetness and light of one I to IV. The spring sunlight pattering on the freshly born leaves, pan pipes trilling in the distance. The full volume Ride of the Valkyries, with no transition, done in a dark cave with red bloods and spots. And if this is something of a shock to your steady factors, well, fine. I would be very happy if it were possible to put you through the two or three years of training necessary to come up the whole gradient. So, it's not necessary to come up to those whole years, so the thing to do is just brace yourself for a shock, take it on the chin, and plow on. You understand? So, actually all of your auditing up to IV is destimulation, handling the little key-ins and locks, "My momma spanked me and I considered at that time, that I hated women", you know. "Ah gee, somehow I feel suddenly better about, about....". That's not what it's about, see. Do a military drum doing muffled rums, and he's going off to the executioner's block. The somatics with confront required - pretty tall, pretty tall. Big jump, big jump for a pc. Big jump for an auditor. I just want to show you there's a section missing in the training and tech, but it is possible for you to make that jump and it is possible for the pc to make that jump, without an awful lot of stuff, providing you do I to IV well, and that's the area that you got to do well. Now, what have you got to do in I to IV? In I to IV you just got to raise his cause level so when he eventually begins to confront the real raw meat of the reactive mind, he can as-is it. If he can't confront it, he can't as-is it. If his willingness factor is too low, his cause factor is too low. If his cause factor is too low, he can't look out enough from where he is to as-is anything in front of him. We've had other lectures on this particular subject. That is not new ground. So, your thing to do there is just raise up his cause level - then throw him to the lions. Alright! It's something like the Russians trained their troops for World War II. They took this fellow and they showed him how to handle a sub-machine gun, heel strip it, put it back together again, fire it, and then sent him to the front lines. That was his total military training, see. And then his survive became soldiers. (laughing) So, this is heroic, see. No effort being made at all to do anything very gradient about this, and this brings us right down, with no more gradient than that, to the reactive bank basic. The basic raw meat of a reactive bank is the GPM. And the GPM is caused of masses and significances, as you will find in other materials, and has certain forms and sizes, and my lecture mainly concerns it's patterns, here today. Now, there are people around that tell you, "Naw, Ron must be wrong, I've never seen any mass in GPMs - oops, well.....mass...GPM ...(muttering) ... so I wonder why I'm so hot". Well if you're running straight down instead of the center of a GPM and you're running dead on, which you can do now, of course you never see anything. The second you begin to see anything, you must realize something has been skipped. The only time anybody ever sees anything, there's something wrong. You jumped a GPM. Well all of a sudden you're gonna have visio. You jumped an item. Well, you're gonna have nice visio on the item you jumped because it's not going to be behind you, or ahead of you, or to the left, or the right, or someplace. Do you see this? Now, in the final analysis, a GPM is composed of mass and significance, and it's located, and so forth, but you don't have to worry about it being, too thoroughly, about it being timed because it really doesn't matter what time it's timed because it is timed. And one of the reasons why it's very difficult to find the top of the bank or the bottom of the bank and so forth, and that sort of thing, is because it is time itself. So you try to find the top of the bank and well, that would be the part which was made last. Yes, how can there be a last when this is the thing which has made it first and the last. In other words, the characteristics which you normally assign to objects in their position, location, and age, these characteristics are gone when you get into GPMs. Now, you can say, yes it runs in this order. Oh yes, it does and you'd better run it in that order and you can say, well it starts here and it goes there, and so forth. Well that's simply, sort of on the basis, it's easiest to start here and go there. Don't you see? Because there was no start and there was no stop. But, there is a significance of starting and stopping in it, and if it weren't for any GPMs, there wouldn't be any significance of starting and stopping. How do you like that? See? The thing exists in space, but the GPM is what makes the space for itself to exist in, see. It has age, but it, itself, makes it's own age (chuckle). So, therefore we say, this is the first end-Word. Well, we have said that this is the first thing about the thing that makes a first, you see. It wouldn't necessarily be a first engram. See, there couldn't be a first End-Word, really. This is why the wits are ... is very difficult to grasp at first glance because you see everybody trying to grasp it is tremendously influenced by it, and the considerations people have of things are caused by these considerations and significances which are in the GPMs. You see? It's a snake eating up his own tail. It's that kind of a problem. The snake ate himself up and disappeared. Well, that's really what happens when you run a GPM. Now if ... the consideration then, the consideration of time, the consideration of space, energy, all the various things of which a GPM is composed are contained as significances in a GPM. Very, very puzzling. So, somebody trying to understand life sitting down on a mountain top some place in lower Jesus or some place, .. Jerusalem, excuse me, and he's contemplating his navel or something, and trying to get the hot dope, he gives you all sorts of things. If he starts to get close to the truth, then the things he utters appear to be idiocies, see. If he gets close to the truth. Like, there really is no universe - Mary Baker Eddy. There is no universe. All is infinite mind. Isn't it true? It's very, very, very true but that doesn't prevent Christian Science from being the leading religious faith you find on the rosters of insane asylums. See, it's a truth which isn't quite true enough to save the bacon of the person's faith. (continued in part 2)