TIME TRACK OF THETA (HISTORY OF MAN) GLOSSARY ASH AUGUST: see Ash Wednesday and Shrovetide in a regular dictionary. BEARD: Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948), American historian and educator. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary CRACK OUT OF THE BOX, THE FIRST: the first attempt or try at something. - Editor. EAST YARDSBOROUGH: a made-up name for a place. - Editor. EIGHTEEN-GAUGE NEEDLE: a humorous reference to a very large hypodermic needle, having a diameter of approximately one twentieth of one inch, or 1.245 millimeters. - Editor. FÉDÉRATION AÉRONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE: the international controlling body for noncommercial flying, with headquarters in Paris, France. The F.A.I. (as it is commonly known) establishes rules for intercountry and intercontinental flight and also acts as an international sanctioning body for all flight performance records (e.g., speed, altitude, range, etc.). - Editor. GIBBON, EDWARD: (1737-94) English historian. His chief work was The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, published in five volumes from 1776 to 1788. His account of the rise of Christianity was the subject of prolonged controversy. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary HEGEL: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), German philosopher. His system of philosophy, commonly known as Hegelianism, was a philosophy of the Absolute and the leading system of metaphysics during the second quarter of the nineteenth century. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary HELPER, THE: the name of one of the most powerful incidents in terms of charge on the early track. It is actually mitosis, or cell-splitting. - Scientology. A History of Man. ICE-CUBE STATE: referring to a track incident called the Ice Cube. This is evidently a method of transportation of beings to a new area. The being is packed in ice, is taken to the new area and is usually dumped in the ocean. - Scientology. A History of Man. INDEX OF FORBIDDEN BOOKS: in the Roman Catholic Church, a list of publications forbidden to be read, called Index librorum prohibitorum (list of forbidden books). Last published in 1948, it was declared inoperative in 1966. - Columbia Concise Encyclopedia. JOSS, GIVEN: given religious worship. Joss is an Anglo-Chinese term meaning idol. - Editor. KELLY: William Kelly (1811-88), American inventor of a process for making steel, utilizing an air blast on molten iron and the natural carbon content of molten cast iron to obtain greater heat for the process. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary. MAXWELL'S: referring to James Clerk Maxwell (1831-79), Scottish physicist who worked on the theory of electromagnetism, advancing the hypothesis that light and electricity are the same in their ultimate nature. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary M.I.T.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a technical school of university grade, with schools of architecture, engineering and science. - Columbia Encyclopedia. NORBERT: Norbert Wiener (1894-1964), American mathematician and educator, known for his theory of cybernetics, the general analysis of control systems and communication systems in living organisms and machines. - Columbia Concise Encyclopedia. PIAZZI: Giuseppi Piazzi (1746-1826), Italian monk, professor and astronomer. In 1801 he discovered the first minor planet (asteroid), which he named Ceres. - Editor. PIN, THE: a shortened form of the kingpin: the leader; the most important person. - Editor. POTTENGER, OLD DOC: Francis Marion Pottenger, M.D. (1869-1961), medical specialist in tuberculosis and founder of Pottenger Sanatorium in Monrovia, California. - Editor. POWWOW: discussion or debate. - Dictionary of American Slang. RANKATWOI: a made-up term which conveys the idea of a pretentious, specialized jargon. - Editor. SHOOTIN' MATCH, the whole: all the persons or things concerned in a given matter. - Dictionary of American Slang. SHROVE: see Shrovetide and Ash Wednesday in a regular dictionary. XY FACTORS: the sex chromosomes contained in the genes of Homo sapiens. The combination of these factors determine the sex of the offspring: two Xs combine to make a girl; an X and Y, a boy. - Editor.