Date: 5 Jun 1999 05:41:48 -0000 Subject: FZBA 11/14 SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <3395bb1fac739e20be0c70fe62bc54b5@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 2228 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:745874 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH VOLUME SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 - PART 11 ************************************************** The Freezone Tech Volumes are a superset of: 1. The Old Tech Volumes 2. The New Tech Volumes 3. Confidential Material 4. BTBs 5. PLs from the OEC volumes concerning Tech 6. Anything else appropriate that we can find They do not include a. All HCOPLs (see the OEC volumes for those) b. Tape Transcripts (which are being posted separately) Because there is so much material (for 1963, we have twice as much material as the old tech volumes), and because the old and new Tech Volumes do not align as to how the years are divided between the volumes, we are doing each year as a separate volume. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 131 HCOB 14 AUG 63 LECTURE GRAPHS (TV5 p. 339-44, NTV VII p. 262-7) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 AUGUST 1963 Central Orgs LECTURE GRAPHS The following graphs accompany Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures of: July 25, AD13 August 7, AD13 August 8, AD13 L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ******* [First Sheet, diagram 1] ******* SHSBC LRH Lecture Jul 25, 63 <----------- C <----------- C C----------- Effect AUDITOR PC E ---------- C Ack C ---------- E E ---------- C ******** [First Sheet, diagram 2] ******* C ----------- E | | PC AUDITOR | V E ----------- C ******* [Second Sheet, diagram 3] ******* PC E ---------- C C ---------> E AUDITOR E ---------- C C ---------- E E ---------- C |----------- Origin | V ------------ ****** [Third Sheet, diagram 4] ******** SHSBC LRH Lecture Jul 25, 63 Major Cycle / ----------------------- Ability Regained /\ || || ----------------------- Process Cycle /\ || || ----------------------- Single Auditing Cycle ****** [Third Sheet, diagram 5] ********* ============== Ability Regained Major -------------- Cognition -------------- TA Flat Cognition -------------- -------------- 3 Equal comm lag on Commands ****** [Fourth Sheet] ********* SHSBC LRH Lecture 7/8/63 [ 0n is the symbol for a thetan] |0ns (thought) |Matter 0n | |Energy A | --- versus -->|Space R | |Time C | |Form |Location Life Potential The Things of Life 0 ||||| 0 ||||| Bill ||||| Joe ||||| air ****** [Fifth Sheet] ********* SHSBC LRH Lecture of 8 Aug 63 K |Incident|Earlier | U | |Incident| C K --- | | | D | | | I | | | 0 C --- | | | F \ | | | -- | D --- | R | R | K / | | | U E --- | | | C | | | D I --- | C | C | E | | | I 0 --- | | | 0 | | | F \ F --- | | | -- | | |Earlier | K / | Missed | Missed | U | W/H | W/H | ================== 133 HCOB 19 AUG 63 HOW TO DO AN ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT (TV5 p. 345-48, NTV VII p. 268-72) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 AUGUST AD13 Central Orgs Franchise SCIENTOLOGY TWO STAR RATED HCO BULLETIN HOW TO DO AN ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT (HCO Secs: Check out on all technical Executives and Personnel. Tech Dir: Check out on HCO Secs and Assn Org Secs.) The successful handling of an ARC Break Assessment is a skilled activity which requires: 1. Skill in handling a Meter. 2. Skill in handling the Itsa Line of the Auditing Cycle. 3. Skill in Assessment. The lists given in HCO Bulletin of July 5, AD 13 "ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS", are used, either from that HCO Bulletin or amended. There are several uses for ARC Break Assessments. 1. Cleaning up a session ARC Break. 2. Cleaning up auditing in general. 3. Cleaning up a pc's or student's possible ARC Breaks. 4. Cleaning up a member of the public's possible or actual ARC Breaks. 5. Regular use on a weekly basis on staff or organization members. There are others. Those above are the chief uses. For long time periods the standard 18 button prepcheck is faster, but an ARC Break Assessment is still useful in conjunction with it. The drill is simple. If complicated by adding in R2H material, dating, and other additives, the ARC Break Assessment ceases to work well and may even create more ARC Breaks. If used every time a pc gets in a little trouble in R3N Dr R3R the ARC Break Assessment is being used improperly. In R2H, R3N, R3R sessions it is used only when the pc shows definite signs of an ARC Break. To use it oftener constitutes no auditing. Unnecessary use of an ARC Break Assessment may ARC Break the pc with the Assessment. The ARC Break Assessment may be repaired by an 18 Button Prepcheck "On ARC Break Assessments ....... ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT BY STEPS STEP ONE: Select the proper list. This is done by establishing what the pc has been audited on. If more than one type of by-passed charge is suspected, do more than one list. If the ARC Break is not completely cured by one list, do another kind of list. (All lists have been in HCOBs as "L".) STEP TWO: Inform the pc that you are about to assess for any charge that might have been restimulated or by-passed on his or her case. Do not heavily stress the ARC Break aspect. Right: "I am going to assess a list to see if any charge has been by-passed on your case." Wrong: "I'm going to try to cure (or assess) your ARC Break." STEP THREE: Without regard to pc's natter, but with quick attention for any cognition the pc may have during assessment as to by-passed charge, assess the list. Phrase the question in regard to the reason for the Assessment - "In this session ....... " "During this week ....... " "In Scientology ....... " etc. Call each line once to see if it gives an instant read. The moment a line gives a reaction, stop, and do Step Four. STEP FOUR: When a line reacts on the needle, say to the pc, "The line ...... reacts. What can you tell me about this?" STEP FIVE: Keep Itsa Line in. Do not cut the pc's line. Do not ask for more than pc has. Let pc flounder around until pc finds the charge asked for in Step Four or says there's no such charge. (If a line reacted because the pc did not understand it, or by protest or decide, make it right with the pc and continue assessing.) STEP SIX: In a session: If pc found the by-passed charge, ask pc "How do you feel now?" If pc says he or she feels OK, cease assessing for ARC Breaks and go back to session actions. If pc says there's no such charge or gets misemotional at Auditor, keep on assessing on down the list for another active line, or even on to another list until the charge is found which makes pc relax. In a routine ARC Break check (not a session but for a longer period), don't stop assessing but keep on going as in Step Five, unless pc's cognition is huge. END OF STEPS Please notice: This is not R2H. There is no dating. The auditor does not further assist the pc with the meter in any way. If the pc blows up in your face on being given a type of charge, keep going, as you have not yet found the charge. Typical response to wrong charge found: Pc: "Well of course it's a cut communication! You've been cutting my communication the whole session. You ought to be retreaded ...... etc." Note here that pc's attention is still on auditor. Therefore the correct charge has not been found. If the by-passed charge has been found the pc will relax and look for it, attention on own case. Several by-passed charges can exist and be found on one list. Therefore in cleaning up a week or an intensive or a career (any long period) treat a list like rudiments, cleaning everything that reacts. Blow down of the Tone Arm is the meter reaction of having found the correct by-passed charge. Keep doing Steps One to Six until you get a blow down of the Tone Arm. The pc feeling better and being happy about the ARC Break will coincide almost always with a Tone Arm Blow Down. You can, however, undo a session ARC Break Assessment by continuing beyond the pc's cognition of what it is. Continuing an assessment after the pv has cognited, invalidates the pc's cognition and cuts the Itsa Line and may cause a new ARC Break. Rarely, but sometimes, the ARC Break is handled with no TA blow down. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT The purpose of in ARC Break Assessment is to return the pc into session or into Scientology or into an Org or course. By-passed charge can cause the person to blow out of session, or out of an Org or a course or Scientology. WITH A SESSION (formerly "in"): Is defined as "INTERESTED IN OWN CASE AND WILLING TO TALK TO THE AUDITOR . AGAINST SESSION: Against session is defined as "ATTENTION OFF OWN CASE AND TALKING AT THE AUDITOR IN PROTEST OF AUDITOR, PT AUDITING, ENVIRONMENT OR SCIENTOLOGY". WITH SCIENTOLOGY: With Scientology is defined as "INTERESTED IN SUBJECT AND GETTING IT USED". AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY: Against Scientology is defined as "ATTENTION OFF SCIENTOLOGY AND PROTESTING SCIENTOLOGY BEHAVIOR OR CONNECTIONS". WITH ORGANIZATION: With organization can be defined as "INTERESTED IN ORG OR POST AND WILLING TO COMMUNICATE WITH OR ABOUT ORG". AGAINST ORGANIZATION: Against organizationness is defined as "AGAINST ORGANIZATION OR POSTS AND PROTESTING AT ORG BEHAVIOR OR EXISTENCE". The data about ARC Breaks can be expanded to marriage, companies, jobs, etc. Indeed to all dynamics - With Dynamic, Against Dynamic. What it boils down to is this: There are only two conditions of living, but many shades of grey to each one. These conditions are: 1. LIFE: NOT ARC BROKEN: Capable of some affinity for, some reality about and some communication with the environment; and 2. DEATH: ARC BROKEN: Incapable of affinity for, reality about and communication with the environment. Under One we have those who can disenturbulate themselves and make some progress in life. Under Two we have those who are in such protest that they are stopped and can make little or no progress in life. One, we consider to be in some ARC with existence. Two, we consider to be broken in ARC with existence. In a session or handling the living lightning we handle, people can be hit by a forceful charge of which they are only minutely aware but which swamps them. Their affinity, reality and communication (life force) is retarded or cut by this hidden charge and they react with what we call an ARC Break or have an ARC Broken aspect. If they know what charge it is they do not ARC Break or they cease to be ARC Broken. It is the unknown character of the charge that causes it to have such a violent effect on the person. People do not ARC Break on known charge. It is always the hidden or the earlier charge that causes the ARC Break. This makes life look different (and more understandable). People continuously explain so glibly why they are acting as badly as they are. Whereas, if they really knew, they would not act that way. When the true character of the charge (or many charges as in a full case) is known to the person the ARC Break ceases. How much by-passed charge does it take to make a case? The whole sum of past by-passed charge. This fortunately for the pc is not all of it in constant restimulation. Therefore the person stays somewhat in one piece but prey to any restimulation. Auditing selectively restimulates, locates the charge and discharges it (as seen on the action of a moving Tone Arm). However, accidental rekindlings of past charge unseen by pc or auditor occur and the pc "mysteriously" ARC Breaks. Similarly people in life get restimulated also, but with nobody to locate the charge. Thus Scientologists are lucky. In heavily restimulated circumstances the person goes OUT OF. In such a condition people want to stop things, cease to act, halt life, and failing this they try to run away. As soon as the actual by-passed charge is found and recognized as the charge by the person, up goes Affinity and Reality and Communication and life can be lived. Therefore ARC Breaks are definite, their symptoms are known, their cure is very easy with this understanding and technology. An ARC Break Assessment seeks to locate the charge that served, being hidden, as a whip-hand force on the person. When it is located life returns. Locating the actual by-passed charge is returning life to the person. Therefore, properly handling ARC Breaks can be called, with no exaggeration "Returning Life to the person". One further word of caution: As experience will quickly tell you, seeking to do anything at all with an earlier by-passed charge incident which led to the ARC Break immediately the earlier incident is found will lead to a vast mess. Let the pc talk about it all the pc pleases. But don't otherwise try to run it, date it or seek to find what by-passed charge caused the earlier incident. In assessing for ARC Breaks, keep the Itsa Line in very well and keep the What's It out in every respect except as contained in the above Six Steps. SUMMARY An ARC Break Assessment is simple stuff, so simple people are almost certain to complicate it. It only works when kept simple. Old auditors will see a similarity in an ARC Break Assessment List and old end rudiments. They can be handled much the same but only when one is covering a long time period. Otherwise assess only to cognition and drop it. The trouble in ARC Break Assessments comes from additives by the auditor, failure to keep on with additional lists if the type of charge causing the ARC Break isn't found on the first list chosen, failure to read the meter, and failure to keep the Itsa Line in. Doing ARC Break Assessments to cure ARC Breaks is not the same drill as R2H and confusing the two leads to trouble. Handled skillfully as above, ARC Break Assessing cures the great majority of woes of auditing, registraring, training and handling organization. If you find you aren't making ARC Break Assessments work for you check yourself out on this HCO Bulletin carefully, review your meter reading and examine your handling of the Itsa Line. If you want live people around you, learn to handle ARC Break Assessments. Don't worry about pcs getting ARC Breaks. Worry about being able to cure them with assessment until you have confidence you can. There's nothing so uplifting as that confidence, except perhaps the ability to make any case get TA motion. Don't ever be "reasonable" about an ARC Break and think the pc is perfectly right to be having one "because ....... ". If that ARC Break exists, the pc doesn't know what's causing it and neither do you until you and the pc find it! If you and the pc knew what was causing it, there would be no further ARC Break. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 134 HCOB 20 AUG 63 R3R-R3N, THE PRECLEAR'S POSTULATES (TV5 p. 349-50, NTV VII p. 273-74) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST AD 13 Central Orgs Franchise SCIENTOLOGY THREE & FOUR R3R - R3N THE PRECLEAR'S POSTULATES We have long known that the preclear's postulates made at the time of the incident contained charge. As the preclear is moved back on his time track beyond Trillions Three, you will find that incidents and Reliable Items contain less charge proportionately to the pc (who was stronger then) and that the pc's postulates made then contained more charge. In short as you go earlier on the Time Track, the incidents seemed weaker to the pc then and the pc, being more capable, had stronger postulates. Thus it is not uncommon to find a GPM on the early track producing only falls on the pc and the pc's postulates made at that time rocket reading (or falling). This, in fact, gets even more disproportionate so that on the very early track you might find that running RIs out of a GPM produces no TA motion, but taking the pc's postulates out produces a TA blow down that "goes through 7" (around the whole TA dial and back up). In my recent surveys of the Tone Arm and its relationship to auditing, it became apparent that three types of charge existed in a GPM. 1. Charge as an engram. 2. Charge as Reliable Items. 3. Charge as postulates. All three must be removed from a GPM. Any incident, wherever it is on the track, contains postulates (comments, considerations, directions) made by the pc at that time. Thus in all incidents the pc's postulates must be called for and removed. To remove a postulate from any incident, have the pc repeat it until it no longer reacts on the needle of the meter. If it comes down to a persistent tick get suppress off it and get it repeated again, just as in the case of any RI in a GPM. DON'T LEAVE POSTULATES CHARGED. Treat them like GPM Items whether in a GPM or an engram. Add to your ARC Break L lists L3 and L4, "Have we by-passed any postulates?" There are implants which tell the pc not to erase his own postulates. There is also a Bear Series Goal "To Postulate" Sometimes the postulate lies ahead of the actual engram in R3R. Example: A man decides to get hurt, then enters into an engramic situation. The engram does not wholly free until the postulate is removed. Occasional calling for "any postulates, considerations or comments you had in this incident" while running R3R engrams or R3N will keep the incident going well. When the pc says one, have him or her repeat it until it no longer reacts on the needle. I bring this up at this time as I have found a case that got no TA action on engrams or GPMs or RRs on RIs until the postulates were given special attention, at which time TA action of an excellent kind occurred. SUMMARY A stuck TA is always caused by running the pc above the pc's tolerance of charge. You can stop any TA by ramming the pc into incident after incident without cleaning them up. A postulate is only one kind of charge. At any position on the Time Track also look for the pc's postulates. Early on the Time Track expect them to occasionally "blow the Meter apart". Flatten any postulate found by getting it repeated until the reaction is gone off the needle. And all charge, of course, on anything, whether falls or RRs, must be removed from engrams or GPMs. L. RON HUBBARD Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 135 HCOPL 21 AUG 63 CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION TARGETS, PROJECT 80, A PREVIEW (OEC V2 p 95-7) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex CenOCon Saint Hill Students NOT MA HCO POLICY LETTER OF 21 AUGUST AD 13 CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION TARGETS PROJECT 80 A PREVIEW I have now consolidated and fully proven a break through on basic auditing which changes organization targets and means a great deal to Organization and Association Secretaries, HCO Secretaries, Technical Directors, Directors of Processing and Training, PE Directors, Registrars, Letter Registrars, Staff Auditors and Instructors, and the state of the Academy, HGC and Staff Co-Audit. This technical advance makes many other things possible. We will designate their broad application to Central Org planning and dissemination, PROJECT 80. Essentially what has happened is that I have found the minimum essentials of why auditing works, and have selected out the important parts for concentration. These parts are: (1) (In Scientology One and Two) THE ITSA LINE; (2) (In Scientology Two) TONE ARM ACTION; (3) (In Scientology Two) DIRECTING THE PC'S ATTENTION TO THOSE THINGS WHICH BAR HIM FROM RELEASE AND CLEAR; and (4) (In Scientology Three and Four) DIRECTING THE PC'S ATTENTION TO AND HANDLING THOSE THINGS WHICH BAR HIM FROM O.T. This looks almost too simple. But it makes for an enormous difference in results and dissemination. Why? Because of the ease by which auditing results can be attained. Because SIMPLICITY makes for far reaching ease of Communication. NEW SCIENTOLOGY BASIC DEFINITIONS 1. Scientology I: WHAT IS AN AUDITOR? An auditor is one who listens. Auditor means listener. 2. Scientology I: WHAT IS A PRECLEAR? One who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming clearer. 3. Scientology I: WHAT IS A CASE GAIN? Any case betterment according to the pc. 4. Scientology I: WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? The common people's science of life and betterment. 5. Scientology I: HOW IS SCIENTOLOGY DIFFERENT? In Scientology the preclear is always right. Scientology holds that people know best about themselves. 6. Scientology I: WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY AGAINST? Scientology is against brutality and euthanasia in medical brain damaging, and against abuse and slavery and punishment in any form. 7. Scientology I: WHAT DOES SCIENTOLOGY STAND FOR? Freedom from mystery. Freedom from fear. 8. Scientology I: WHAT IS A BOOK AUDITOR? Someone who has studied books on Scientology and listens to other people to make them better. 9. Scientology I: WHAT IS A CO-AUDIT? A team of any two people who are helping each other reach a better life with Scientology processing. 10. Scientology I: WHAT IS AN AUDITING SESSION? A precise period of time during which the auditor listens to the preclear's ideas about himself. 11. Scientology II: WHAT IS PROFESSIONAL AUDITING? Sessions given by a trained auditor who is governed by ethical codes and technical skill, who directs the pc's attention to areas which when examined by the preclear will cause a release of sufficient charge to cause Tone Arm Action, thus reaching the eventual state of clear. 12. Scientology I: WHAT IS A RELEASE? One who knows he can continue to improve by auditing and that he will not now become worse in life. 13. Scientology II: WHAT IS A CLEAR? One who has straightened up this lifetime. (Note: These definitions and others like them should be published and posted and lectured about continually until familiar to everyone.) You will find that if you concentrate on these aspects of Scientology and auditing, your dissemination will improve. Where you exceed this simplicity inside the organization's technical departments and activities you will probably have more losses than gains in all auditing done except that by Saint Hill graduates. This includes auditing supervised by Saint Hill graduates - meaning that where even this supervised auditing exceeds the above definitions you will have more loses than wins. In fact it takes Saint Hill graduates to groove even this auditing level in, so don't despise it. As an organization your future depends on SERVICE. Where service attempts to exceed the above definitions you will have financial and technical loses and Dev-T. This does not mean Saint Hill grads should not co-audit at the level of Class IV. It does mean that where you insist others exceed the above technical levels you will have a mess. Itsa Line in and TA moving and anyone will eventually go O.T. so you're not barring people out. Indeed, you're only then MAKING 1T POSSIBLE FOR THEM TO GO O.T. R1C is your work horse for co-audits, W Unit, outside co-audit teams, etc. R2C is your professional level version, up to clear. Your service includes ARC Break Assessments and all Scientology I and Scientology II skills and data. This means fast Academy training, good permanent HGC results, good public dissemination and few headaches. This does NOT mean that those qualified and classed to run III and IV material in an Org cannot do so. It means only that an Org specializes in positive wins at I and II. We have now exceeded processing results of former years with just the Itsa Line and TA motion, in spite of the simplicity of the material. We have also exceeded by technical advance, public reality. Therefore we have, in the various classes of data, Scientology within Scientology. A firm Scientology One in the public lines and PE, a good Scientology Two in the Academy and HGC, and you're in. Scientology THREE and FOUR are firmly based in the accomplishment first of Scientology ONE and TWO. And Scientology Five is based firmly on Scientology Four. So one level is based wholly upon the earlier level and particularly agree in A, R and C with that level. The A, R and C of Scientology One match the public, the co-audits and the lower levels of the Academy. When that A, R and C has been attained, then the being is ready for Scientology Two and can gradually increase his A, R and C to match it. And so on. If those of us whose A, R and C already match Scientology Three and Four (and this includes a lot of HPA/HCAs and old timers), continue to run orgs only at that A, R and C level we will certainly lift the orgs away from the A, R and C potential of new public and even Scientology Two people. Creating ivory towers, we then cut our public line. You would be amazed how far above the public technical grasp even THIS IS LIFE is! Yet it, at the moment, is our best Scientology One book. Actually it's at the level of Scientology Two. We have just learned this by testing some Saint Hill students!!! Thus, when we exceed the above data for Scientology One and Two and fail to keep supporting work and data at those levels, we cut ourselves off from the vast majority of the public and even some Scientologists and find ourselves standing quite alone in the civilization. Our potential, with what we know, is a majority of all populations solidly with us. We have not accomplished that because (1) We didn't have our subject in orderly divisions (2) We were still concentrating on problems of upper Level technical now solved and (3) We had already cut our bridge to the general public and average practitioner by technically exceeding his A, R and C potential. Therefore, as I think you will agree, we must publicly disseminate at the level of Scientology One only; get outside public co-audit processing teams (not groups) doing only Scientology One processing on which they call win. Specialize in org (HGC and Academy) technical on Scientology ONE and TWO only. And use Scientology Three, Four and Five to run the show and pick up those whose A, R and C is graduating up to them. I hope you see this as sound policy. 1 know already that technical wins are in store for orgs using only the above data. The keynote of an org is not money. It is SERVICE. If service is_given at the level of the A, R and C demanding it, money floods in. SERVICE means technical results. My heaviest interest is in high technical results and I know that what I am outlining for you here will give you higher technical gain per student and pc than any amount of higher level data inadequately rendered. Therefore I am not downgrading but upgrading technical with this simplicity, as you will discover. I have to write up Scientology One and Scientology Two articles and texts. But you already have the technical side of them or will have in a few days of this Policy Letter. It will take some doing to groove all this in. If you do, there are your new buildings and mobs of people and bursting bank accounts and influence. So this is it organizationally. We're readying up for the public kick off. We'll all have to work hard to accomplish it. But we can do it - providing we do not exceed the basics above and providing we give SERVICE at the A, R and C level of those demanding it. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 137 HCOB 22 AUG 63 PROJECT 80, THE ITSA LINE AND TONE ARM (TV5 p. 351-52, NTV VII p. 279-80) [We have added the titles of the 5 tapes, only the dates are listed in the HCOB - Ed.] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 AUGUST AD13 Route Copy to: HCO Area Sec Org/Assn Sec D of T D of P Head of Staff Co-audit PE Director TECH PREPARATION FOR HCO POL LTR 21 AUG AD13 PROJECT 80 THE ITSA LINE AND TONE ARM The HCO Area Secretary should cause to be played to staff the SHSBC LRH lectures of: 14 August AD13 [Auditing Tips] 15 August AD13 [The Tone Arm] 20 August AD13 [The Itsa Line] 21 August AD13 [The Itsa Line cont.] 22 August AD13 [Project 80] These lectures contain all the material necessary for great technical improvement in the organization in both training and processing and particularly on the staff co-audit. Public Dissemination via PE and outside unskilled co-audit is resolved in these lectures. A great many questions, complications and additives can grow up around the Itsa Line so as to amount to several brands of Scientology. These are taken up in great detail in these lectures. This is part of a program to bring home to Central Organizations the current ease of getting acceptable results in the Academy, on the HGC and in the Co-audit by use of only the Tone Arm and Itsa Line. And carry forward the groundwork for outside co-auditing and broader dissemination. We are building all future processing, training and dissemination on the very firm foundation of the definition of an auditor (one who listens), the Itsa Line (listen to the preclear) and the solution of problems (the preclear is always right). This communicates with extreme ease and simplicity. We are building all professional auditing on the Itsa Line, plus directing pc's attention plus the Tone Arm. We are building all top skill auditing on the Itsa Line, directing the pc's attention to what must be audited to make clear and OT and the Tone Arm. These tapes contain all the vital basic information. If you are having any difficulties with income, results, staff co-audit or public dissemination, the broad technical data contained in the Itsa Line, ARC Break Assessments and Tone Arm Action will rapidly resolve them. This begins a new era for Scientology. Get the data known to staff by holding these tape plays for me, at least two of these tapes a week, with all staff attending. Stressing any other data or reviewing any other material, playing any other tapes broadly to staff or students at this time will retard your forward progress by overloading the line. So I'm counting on you as HCO Area Sec to take care of this for me and keep staff attention squarely on: 1. The Itsa Line 2. The Tone Arm 3. Proper use of ARC Break Assessments 4. Directing pc's attention adroitly. This does not affect what we already know and does not outmode such things as metering, Auditor's Code, etc. If you take care of this one for me on the technical end, you'll get a lot of gains and prosperity. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 138 HCOPL 22 AUG 63 ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS ON STAFF (OEC V5 p 228) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 22 AUGUST 1963 CenOCon ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS ON STAFF (Cancels previous similar policies on Staff O/Ws, Missed W/Hs, etc) An ARC Break Assessment, as per HCO Bulletin of July 5, AD 13, should be done on all Staff weekly, replacing any Missed Withhold or By-Passed Charge checks currently being done. This check is primarily the responsibility of the HCO Area Sec but may be delegated to the Tech Dir, D of P, or whoever is in charge of the Staff Clearing Programme, but no delegation of the action relieves the HCO Sec from responsibility for getting it done well and weekly. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 139 HCOB 24 AUG 63 R3N, THE TRAIN GPMS, THE MARCAB BETWEEN LIVES IMPLANTS (NTV VII p. 281-6, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 AUGUST AD 13 Central Orgs Missions SCIENTOLOGY FOUR ROUTINE 3N THE TRAIN GPMs THE MARCAB BETWEEN LIVES IMPLANTS This is a rough, fast survey of the Train GPMs and the Between Lives Implants and the pattern used. The data involved in all this is of great scope and as it concerns all the peoples of Earth, considerable more work will be done on it. As these are the most involved and low-toned implants on the time track, it is recommended that other earlier GPMs be completed before the Between Lives material is tackled. After all tone arm action is the important thing and any earlier GPM that gives it makes the Between Lives Implants and Train GPMs easier to run. So program for earlier GPMs. However, pcs do get into the Between Lives Implants and do connect with the GPMs there and in the Train GPMs, so the pattern and data is released. Where possible run earlier GPMs. In any event, a safe rule is to run whatever GPM you can get your hands on and date as little as possible in 3N. THE TRAIN GOALS These are given to the being on his first contact with the Marcab Invasion Force in this sector of the universe. Thus the Train GPMs date from hundreds of years ago to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Earlier on the track there are lots of trains such as in the Invisible Picture GPMs. So the mere existence of a train in the implant doesn't make it the Train Implants. This is established by date. The implanting is done from a huge train station. The announcer, through speakers on the platform, gives continual running fire of wrong dates and directions, and orders to depart and return to this point, and "you don't know when this happened to you." A lot of hellos and goodbyes and false information. The being is put in a railway carriage quite like a British railway coach with compartments. Speakers are to the right and left in the compartment. The train is backed up rapidly through eight pairs of stands (eight on either side of the track, sixteen in all.) These spray white energy against the side of the carriage. None of the white energy touches the pc. One pair of RIs fires during the whole backward run between the stands and then, reversing in the speakers, fires all the way forward again. One pair of RIs in the pattern, then, fires a complete round trip. Then the next pair fire for a complete round trip (forward and back) and so on. There are then sixteen repeats for each pair, 8 forward and 8 back, before the next pair. The pattern is as follows: (List for oppterm. Remaining terms use the whole phrase of the goal "To Be _______) Oppterm ---- NOT (Oppterm) All (+ complete goal) ---- Nothing (complete goal) Best (+ complete goal) ---- Not Best (complete goal) Inevitable (+ complete goal) ---- Questionable (complete goal) Doubted (+ complete goal) ---- Certain (complete goal) Accursed (+ complete goal) ---- Commendable (complete goal) Unforgivable (+ complete goal) ---- Forgivable (complete goal) Hopeless (+ complete goal) ---- Hopeful (complete goal) (Single RI) That's your goal. At the start of each goal (or pair perhaps) a face may come up and say "You still here? Get out. Get off this train. We hate you." And from the speakers "This happened to you yesterday, tomorrow, now. This is your departure point, keep coming back. You'll be meeting all your friends here. When you're killed and dead keep coming back. You haven't a chance to get away. You've got to report in. This happened to you days ago, weeks ago, years ago. You don't know when this happened to you. We hate you. Get out. Don't ever come back." There's a lot more of this including how you'll be pulled and pulled when you're dead until you come back. A lot of wrong dates are also thrown in. The type of goal is of the worst negative dichotomy. To Be Caught. To Be Wrong. To Go Away. To Commit Suicide. Etc. The GPM "To End" begins the series. There is a large number of GPMs in the series. This series may have been given the pc on entrance to the Marcab Confederacy plus or minus 200,000 years ago, and then again much later just before the first Between Lives Implant as a preliminary step before the actual Between Lives Implant. It is therefore important to run these Train GPMs before trying to run the Between Lives Implant itself, for all these GPMs are repeated again in the Between Lives Implant. In running these Train GPMs, be sure to get the first pair on their first fire. There is a standard swinging arm crossing signal that sounds at the end of each run of the train. Trains play a large part in implanting. There are lots of pictures of them, lots of rails way earlier than the Train GPMs. But no earlier ones are given inside a coach. This is what makes it nightmarish-the white energy only hits the coach sides, not the pc. The rush of the train puts heavy Kinesthetic into the engram. The goals "To Start" "To Stop" "To Change" make the pc feel he can't control the train. To Be Unable. To Be Instantaneous. Various perceptions are all in this series of Train GPMs. If it's bad, it's there. THE BETWEEN LIVES IMPLANT This implant properly has six parts. l. Pc's actual death (not in first one given). 2. First screen section (to left) giving a false death, many GPMs calculated to obliterate memory and group the time track, and some pictures containing groupers. This says it is 15 days long. 3. The main screen purporting to give the future trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years from the year zero. On this the pc's past implants get stuck up. 4. The "Next Hundred Days." A screen on the right of the main screen giving a number of positive dichotomy GPMs to fit the negative dichotomy goals on the first screen section (2). This also contains a false projection to Earth "into a baby" complete with sonic on the delivery room (a home bedroom with oatmeal wall paper or the current fashion on Earth.) 5. The actual kickoff from the implant station (not by projection to Earth but being dumped on Earth.) 6. The actual search for a baby. The main screen is a long white board with a grate near the top all the way along. There is a roar in the whole place like blowers going. Huge numbers of earlier GPMs stack up on (2). Lots of earlier implants stack up on the main screen. The whole operation is a huge grouper. But given good TA action, it all eventually flies apart, especially if many earlier GPMs and the Train GPMs are run first with good TA action. The pc has had at least two series of Train Implants and perhaps as many as 300 Between Lives Implants in the last many thousands of years. Therefore the way to program all this is to run mainly earlier GPMs on the pc, then the Train GPMs, then any more earlier GPMs that can be found and then the Between Lives Implants. The Between Lives Implants (and the Train GPMs) have the full intention of installing a compulsion to return and a feeling the pc can be reached by them and be pulled about, and wiping out all memory of former life. But any pc can be run on earlier GPMs in spite of all this. The reason this and other "screen implants" acts as a grouper is because it restimulates earlier track charge which then, pushing forward toward PT, crushes the incidents and GPMs on the screen. Of course it is all "wrong dated" and "wrong durationed." And this contributes to the crush of the material toward PT. But basically it is simply restimulated charge on the early track that presses toward PT and shoves the pc into the screen implant. Therefore if you just restimulate and do not run early track GPMs when found, eventually you will find your pc crushed up against recent times and in these Between Lives screens (if life and these screen incidents have not already done it). This is the secret of the amnesia: Restimulate enough early track charge and do not discharge it and the being will have amnesia on the whole track. If you are monkeying about on the backtrack and just partially discharging incidents, going on to something new all the time, failing to run a series of GPMs completely when you find them, after a while, past track will become unreal to the pc. Then it will blot out and vanish and you will only have these Between Lives type of implants to work with. Then if you flub them, your pc's pictures will disappear. THE DANGER SIGNAL IS DECREASING TA ACTION. This all occurs on the mechanism of early track restimulation, compounded with wrong dates and wrong durations. So the way to handle any pc is to locate or spring off the bank early GPMs or implants and run them fully. Lack of Tone Arm action may upset this program but it is mainly GPMs that stick tone arms since they stall time. A pc is in danger if earlier track is becoming less real or is vanishing or the bank is pressing forward and landing on screens. The remedy is take what was already restimulated earlier, particularly GPMs, any GPMs, and run them thoroughly (1) As GPMs (2) As engrams and (3) As pc's postulates. This discharges them. Keep this up, be thorough. Don't restimulate more than you discharge fully. And the pc's pictures will come back on and the track go straight again. The above gives you the right way to handle the Between Lives Implants. Peel off the GPMs from it (meaning early track GPMs restimulated on it and visible on the screen) and run them fully before taking something else off the screen to run. Thus one does not really run a Between Lives Implant until very late on a case. The auditor uses it when it appears on a case (l) to realize that the earlier track has been restimulated too much and too little discharged from it and (2) to find earlier GPMs to run. Excessive restimulation and flopping about on the early track and running nothing clean will inevitably bring the pc forward and up against the Between Lives Implants. So the auditor who restimulates and does not run early track material when found is doing a dangerous thing. The Between Lives Implants create amnesia only because they restimulate early track and don't discharge it. If they didn't do this they would not produce the same effect. Therefore auditing undoes this mechanism only when early track incidents are thoroughly run when contacted. The worst sinner is the GPM. So never fail to run any early track GPM completely when found, with its whole series. Don't go skipping about. Going earlier. Omitting goals, leaving a GPM incompletely discharged. Otherwise you will make the acquaintance with the Between Lives Implant area. If you know of any early GPM series left unhandled on the pc, run it completely before restimulating anything else. And if you are running the Between Lives Implant grab off of it any earlier GPM or incident you can find and take it early and run it. Don't stay with the screen. Peel things off it that are earlier and run them. Otherwise the pc's bank will feel like crumbling forward into PT like an avalanche. This mechanism of the production of unawareness by restimulating but not running charge on the early track is itself an important discovery. It forbids then browsing through the early track, a sip here, a datum there. Be thorough or crash, out goes the lights, into PT slides the pc with a thousand volts driving him on. If you know of any early track GPM on your pc that can be run with tone arm motion clean it up as a GPM, clean up all the GPMs in that series, run it as an engram, run any and all postulates out of it, get it clean and then find something else. The cycle of a pc in total amnesia at start of auditing would be (if audited with good TA action): 1. Contacts yesterday 2. Contacts this life 3. Contacts childhood 4. Contacts a past life 5. Contacts incidents on this planet in the past few thousand years 6. Contacts early track 7. Contacts lots of early track and GPMs 8. Contacts earlier GPMs. 9. Contacts very early material 10. Continues to clean up track 11. Contacts reasons for making pictures 12. Goes OT. If you try to rush this by practicing unthoroughness from (5) on, then when pc reaches (9) above you will suddenly find him on the Between Life screens. You will have overcharged early track and failed to discharge it and the result will be: 8. Contacts earlier GPMs but has trouble holding position on the track to run them and is ARC breaky; 9a. Contacts earlier material but it groups and scrunches and sticks together; 10a. Collides with screen implants like the Between Lives (there are earlier ones); 11a. Can't keep pictures apart, things easily wrong dated and is very ARC breaky and is stuck in Between Lives; 12a. Can't reach the early track and at session starts is found to be stuck in this lifetime. There is no shortcut back to finding when he started to "make pictures." The phenomenon of early charge pushing the pc back toward PT if not run defeats any such attempt. So making an OT is keeping the TA going with itsa line in and being thorough on early track incident running. If the pc has gotten into condition (12a) above or is approaching it, don't waste time on endless dating. Just find any early GPM already partially run (the earliest one you can lay your hands on without restimulating others) and run it completely. Then find another and another. And shun all new material until you have completely handled the old. And don't let the pc wander around on the early track. Just find and run GPMs and clean up fully whatever you find. Or you'll be sitting there reading this HCOB despairingly trying to get your pc off a Between Lives screen. Even if these listed evils occur, however, you have not lost the TA action already gained, if misguidedly, on the case and the matter is easily repaired providing you redo what you've left undone and this time be neat and restimulate the case otherwise as little as possible. He or she is still closer to OT. They were just making it the hard way. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 140 HCOB 1 SEP 63 I ROUTINE THREE SC (TV5 p. 353-56, NTV VII p. 288-91) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 SEPTEMBER 1963 Central Orgs Franchise SCIENTOLOGY THREE CLEARING - CLEARING - CLEARING ROUTINE THREE SC There has been such a rush on in technical that it may have looked to you that we were in a state of rapid change. This was occasioned by a speed-up caused by various events. You are getting about a century of research (or more) in a very few months. So bear with me. The end is not only in sight. It's here. My job is mainly now to refine and get the data to you. The order brought into our work by making FIVE LEVELS OF SCIENTOLOGY is paying off rapidly. Level One is in development. Level Two is well away. Level Four is complete. And suddenly Level Three leaped to a final phase. We can CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR. This has been a stepchild for months, even years now. It has been mauled, messed up, invalidated and rehabilitated and knocked around. But a BOOK ONE CLEAR was what most people came into Scientology to obtain. And now I've done it. I've found out why not and how. And this HCO Bulletin is a hurry-skurry outline of the steps so you can do it. There will be lots of HCO Bulletins on this. The tapes of August 27, 28 and 29, AD13, give most of its theory. CLEAR DEFINED - Book One definition holds exactly true. A Clear is somebody with no "held down fives" in this lifetime (see Evolution of a Science). CLEAR TEST - Clear sits at Clear read on the TA with a free needle. No natter. No upsets. No whole track keyed in. No SERVICE FACSIMILE. CLEAR STABILITY - We are not concerned with stability. But we can now key out so thoroughly that we need not stress "keyed out clear". I have found the means, I am sure, to make this state far more stable and recreate it easily if it slips. So forgive me for being indecisive about clear states for these past many months. The breakthrough is stated as follows: IF YOU CANNOT MAKE A CLEAR IN A 25-HOUR PREPCHECK THE PC HAS ONE OR MORE SERVICE FACSIMILES. The barrier to clearing and the reason for fast relapse when clear was attained has been the SERVICE FACSIMILE. SERVICE FACSIMILE defined: Advanced Procedure and Axioms definition accurate. Added to this is: THE SERVICE FACSIMILE IS THAT COMPUTATION GENERATED BY THE PRECLEAR (NOT THE BANK) TO MAKE SELF RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG, TO DOMINATE OR ESCAPE DOMINATION AND ENHANCE OWN SURVIVAL AND INJURE THAT OF OTHERS. Note that it is generated by the pc, not the bank. Thus the pc restimulates the bank with the computation; the bank, unlike going to OT, does not retard the pc in this instance. The Service Facsimile is usually a this lifetime effort only. It might better be called a SERVICE COMPUTATION but we'll hold to our old terms. The pc is doing it. In usual aberration the bank is doing it (the pc's engrams, etc). Where you can't clear the pc by auditing just bank, you have to get out of the road what the pc is doing to stay aberrated. If you clear only what the bank is doing the clear state rapidly relapses. If you clear what the pc is doing the bank tends to stay more quiet and unrestimulated. It is the pc who mostly keys his bank back in. Therefore the pc who won't go free needle clear is himself unconsciously preventing it. And by knocking out this effort we can then key out the bank and we have a fast clear who pretty well stays clear (until sent on to OT). The state is desirable to attain as it speeds going to OT. All this came from studies I've been doing of the Tone Arm. The Tone Arm must move during auditing or the pc gets worse. All those pcs whose Tone Arms don't easily get into action and hang up are SERVICE FACSIMILE pcs. Note that the SERVICE FACSIMILE is used to: FIRST: Make self right. Make others wrong. SECOND: To Avoid Domination. To Dominate Others. THIRD: To Increase own survival. To hinder the survival of others. The Service Facsimile is all of it logical gobbledygook. It doesn't make good sense. That's because the pc adopted it where, in extreme cases, he or she felt endangered by something but could not Itsa it. Hence it's illogical. Because it is senseless, really, the computation escapes casual inspection and makes for aberrated behavior. TO MAKE A CLEAR The steps, in brief, are: 1. ESTABLISH SERVICE FAC. This is done by Assessment of Scientology List One of 2-12 and using that for a starter and then using the Preliminary Step of R3R as published (HCO Bulletin of July 1, AD13). One uses only things found by assessment, never by wild guesses or pc's obvious disabilities. These assessments already exist on many cases and should be used as earlier found. 2. AUDIT WITH RIGHT-WRONG. Ask pc with Itsa Line carefully in, FIRST QUESTION: "In this lifetime, how would (whatever was found) make you right?" Adjust question until pc can answer it, if pc can't. Don't force it off on pc. If it's correct it will run well. Don't keep repeating the question unless pc needs it. Just let pc answer and answer and answer. Let pc come to a cognition or run out of answers or try to answer the next question prematurely and switch questions to: SECOND QUESTION: "In this lifetime, how would (whatever was found) make others wrong?" Treat this the same way. Let the pc come to a cog, or run out of answers or accidentally start to answer the first question. Go back to first question. Do the same with it. Then to second question. Then to first question again, then to second. If your assessment was right pc will be getting better and better TA action. But the TA action will eventually lessen. On any big cognition, end the process. This may all take from 2 hours to 5, I don't think more. The idea is not to beat the process to death or sink pc into bank GPMs. The pc will have automaticities (answers coming too fast to be said easily) early in the run. These must be gone and pc bright when you end. You are only trying to end the compulsive character of the Service Facsimile so found and get it off automatic and get pc to see it better, not to remove all TA action from the process. 3. AUDIT SECOND PROCESS. Using the same method of auditing as in 2. above, use the THIRD QUESTION: "In this lifetime how would (same one used in Step 2) help you escape domination?" When this seems cooled off use FOURTH QUESTION: "In this lifetime how would (same one) help you dominate others?" Use THIRD QUESTION and FOURTH QUESTION again and until pc has it all cooled off or a big cognition. 4. AUDIT THIRD PROCESS. Using the same method as in 2. above use the FIFTH QUESTION: "In this lifetime, how would (same one) aid your survival?" and then SIXTH QUESTION: "In this lifetime how would (same one) hinder the survival of others?" Use FIVE and SIX as long as is necessary to cool it all off or to produce a big cognition. 5. PREPCHECK WITH BIG MID RUDS, using the question, "In this lifetime, on (same one) has anything been...?" and get in Suppress, Careful of, Failed to Reveal, Invalidate, Suggest, Mistake been made, Protest, Anxious about, Decided. If the pc has a really shattering cognition just halt Prepcheck and end it off. This Prepcheck is done of course off the meter until the pc says no, then checking it on the meter and cleaning it off. Once you've gone to meter on a button stay with meter for further queries. But don't clean cleans and don't leave slows or speeded rises either. And don't cut pc's Itsa Line. That should be the end of a Service Facsimile. But a pc may have several, so do it all again through all steps as often as is needed. Pcs who have had Scientology List One of R2-12 should be given these as the first things used. Pcs who have had assessments done for R3R chains should have these assessment results used (or as much of them as apply) for the next runs. Even if the chain assessment has been run on R3R still use it for R3SC. COMPLETING CLEARING To complete clearing then, it is only necessary to give a permissive In This Lifetime 18 button Prepcheck making the pc look hard for answers, short of ARC Breaking pc. And you should have a beautiful free needle and TA at the clear read and the pc shining. If clearing did not occur these following faults were present in the auditing: 1. Pc did not agree with assessment, it read only because pc did not understand it or protested it. 2. The assessment was wrong. 3. The atmosphere of auditing was critical of pc. 4. The Itsa Line was not in. 5. The auditor let the Itsa Line wander to early track. 6. The auditor Q'ed and A'ed and went off process and into engrams on pc's "sell". 7. The process was not done. 8. The assessment was done by physical disability inspection or by choosing pc's habits, not by actual assessment. 9. The auditing did not produce TA action (wrong assessment and/or Itsa Line out would be all that could produce no TA action). 10. Pc already sitting in a heavy ARC Break by reason of whole track by-passed charge. 11. This process used instead of an ARC Break Assessment well done, thus making this process a punishment. 12. Questions phrased wrong. 13. Questions were over-run. 14. Questions were under-run. 15. Auditor too choppy on Prepchecking. 16. ARC Breaks in these sessions were not cleaned up. 17. Pc trying to plunge into early track and stay restimulated. 18. Pc trying to get early track GPMs or engrams run to avoid giving up Service Facsimile. 19. Auditor missed withholds accumulated during clearing. 20. Process end product "clear" overestimated by auditor, pc or supervisors. The keynote of clearing a Service Facsimile is INTEREST. If pc isn't interested in it, the assessment is wrong. The keynote of auditing tone is permissive, happy, easy, not militant. Let pc run on and on. On phrasing question, no matter what is assessed it is always IT MAKES PC RIGHT AND OTHERS WRONG. Pc is not trying to make it wrong. An ordinary Prepcheck, done with a Service Facsimile present, will turn on mass on the pc. Why? Pc is asserting Service Facsimile. Well that's the fast rundown on R3SC (Routine Three, Service Facsimile Clear). And that's clearing. A lot of theory is missing in this HCO Bulletin but not one essential step. You can do it. If a person is cleared before going on to OT they make it hundreds of hours faster! (NOTE: All OT processes will shortly be released with R4 designations but with little other change.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 141 HCOB 1 SEP 63 II SCIENTOLOGY TWO, ROUTINE 1C (NTV VII p. 292-3, not in old tech vols) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 SEPTEMBER AD 13 Issue II Remimeo SCIENTOLOGY TWO ROUTINE 1C The pc will improve if the auditor can get him to put the itsa line in with tone arm action. The itsa line is not just a comm line. It's getting the pc to say about his problems, life, difficulties, "It's a _____" Don't let the pc come up with strings of problems or upsets. Get the pc to come up with how he's solved, decided about, cured, what he's found about a problem. The auditor chooses the problem or area. The pc puts in, "It's a _____." The auditor then listens with tone arm action. If a pc goes three sessions without tone arm action, he or she will get worse or no better. Avoid any button that might lead to a GPM goal. Do not covertly try to run a higher process like Right-Wrong and call it R1C or you'll wind up in a mess. Typical correct question: "How have you tried to handle marriage?" INCORRECT question: "What problems have you had in your marriage?" (Gives confusions, not data.) CORRECT question: "What have you done about your mind?" INCORRECT question: "What has been bothering you about your mind?" You want the stable datum which holds back the confusion. The discovery is, if you get the pc to as-is his self-injected solutions, his confusions will vanish as discharge on the TA. This process is called R1C. That's because it can be used at Level One. It is understandable best at Level Two where one knows about meters, charge, confusion and the stable datum, etc. It is a wonderful co-audit process. But if the auditing supervisor of the co-audit doesn't know the rules of the process as above, half the cases will go blooey eventually. Covertly trying to run R3SC with, "How have you been right?" will become a quick bog. Only half the questions are there (actually only 1/6) and it will jam up. Weirdly trying to run an engram with, "When have you gone unconscious?" would obviously fail. You can, possibly, alleviate things with R1C, but only if you follow the rules of the game. The pc must not be permitted to wander on the early track. He'll tie his case in knots. So there's some direction of attention required. The process is wonderful. It isn't repetitive. You just keep the pc talking, getting the question in rarely, not cutting the pc's comm line. You acknowledge once in a blue moon, usually when the pc has run down. What makes a question right is: DOES IT GIVE INCREASING TA ACTION? L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 142 HCOIL 1 SEP 63 SCIENTOLOGY ONE (NTV VII p. 294) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex BPI HCO INFORMATION LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1963 SCIENTOLOGY ONE In teaching Scientology One it is easy to get to the reality level of the public by using well-known and hackneyed phrases to illustrate data. For example: "It's like talking to a brick wall" to illustrate non-duplication of a communication. "I'll never speak to you again" to illustrate how communication goes out when there is an ARC break. There must be many more that are in common and everyday use either by grown-ups or children. I want to collect these so that they can be widely used to make Scientology real to the public. Please therefore send me any such examples that you know of - quickly please! Data on how you have solved dissemination to anyone is also expected. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 144 HCOB 6 SEP 63 INSTRUCTING IN SCN AUDITING, INSTRUCTOR'S TASK, (TV5 p. 357-60, NTV VII p. 295-8) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1963 HCO Sec Tech Dir D of T, D of P Five copies to each Org Orgs do not restencil SCIENTOLOGY FIVE INSTRUCTING IN SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING INSTRUCTOR'S TASK D of P's CASE HANDLING As given at the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Instructors Conference of this date, the task of the Scientology Auditing Course Instructor (and D's of P handling cases through uncleared staff auditors) is to accomplish training and processing and therefore auditing with uncleared students or auditors. The following drawings and explanations were made. [Items inside ==== were in circles in the original] Drawing A ======= comm line =========== ==== Auditor --------------> Auditor's --X-X-X-> PC ======= of observation Service Fac ==== =========== Drawing B Auditor's Observation Line ------------------------------------\ =======/ ==== Auditor =========== PC ======= --X-X-X-X---> Auditor's --X-X-X-> ==== Service Fac =========== Drawing C ======= ======= ====== Auditor -------> Service -----> Bank or PC Fac ====== ======= ======= Drawing D ======= ======= Auditor --X-X-X-> Service ======= Fac ========= Stressed by | ======= PC Instructors & ---> | Occurence Supervisors | ========= V PC Condition cared for ========= by strict adherence to Data Body, drills and data by auditor Drills ========= In Drawing A we see the auditor's perception of the pc as limited by auditor's own Service Facsimile. In Drawing B we see the Auditor's perception of the pc the way it would be if the Service Fac were removed. Thus we see judgement missing because of lack of perception of the pc or his or her condition or case in Drawing A, thus permitting only processes not requiring high level perception or decisions based upon the momentary condition of the pc. In Drawing B we see that perception is not limited, judgement can be exercised by the auditor because the pc can actually be observed by him. Higher level processes can only be run by an auditor approximating the observation condition shown in Drawing B. In Drawing C we see the actual observation limitations of auditor or pc in an aberrated condition. The keynote is SAFE ASSUMPTIONS as per Service Fac. Thus only Safe Assumptions will be entertained and no real auditing occurs. Only ineffective assumptions or questions are likely to be asked or viewed. Example: "What about thinking about stealing a paper clip from HASI?" This actual question was once asked in O/W, and its prototypes keep real auditing from occurring since neither pc nor auditor get close to any real aberration. (That either auditor or pc consider the assumption safe does not mean it is not aberrated and subject to fault.) So no real auditing of the case is undertaken and when something worth while auditing is contacted, either auditor draws off or pc (unobserved by an aberrated auditor) draws off. This reduces processing results to next to nothing. It also sometimes leads both auditor and pc in over both their heads as little is observed and all these "Safe Assumptions" are also aberrated. The Instructor's (and Case Supervisor's) Solution is seen in Drawing D. Auditing at lower stages, done by aberrated auditors (who have Service Facs in place) must be assumed to be independent of observation of the PC Occurrences (since observation of the pc as in Drawing A does not exist). The Instructor therefore directs the Student Auditor's attention toward the Scientology Body of Data in order to get effective auditing done. So does any Case Supervisor. This body of data is designed to accomplish auditing independent of observation of the pc and the many varieties of changes and differences amongst pcs. The Instructor uses such mechanisms as "If you can breathe you can audit," "Do it exactly by the Bulletin." He instructs only in broadly workable processes and along definite rote lines. He uses the habit patterns of discipline to enforce the auditor's attention to and compliance with workable drills and data. If this is done (and only if this is done) will auditing occur that is capable of producing effective results independent of the condition shown in Drawing A. If the condition shown in Drawing C is permitted to occur, then all manner of squirrel processes and actions will occur in sessions, wild solutions will reign and general chaos will result. But more importantly the auditing necessary to produce the ideal condition shown in Drawing B can occur only in the presence of Instruction or Supervision shown in Drawing D. Thus one produces cleared auditors by operating only as per Drawing D. These facts are not the result of theoretical supposition, but of careful empirical observation and test. Therefore, Instruction and performance of uncleared auditors must follow Drawing D. The accomplishment of Classes II and III auditing and Levels II and III results is possible by following Drawing D. It fails only when Drawing D is not understood and followed by Instructors and Auditing Supervisors. The liability is that the student's or auditor's Service Fac may contest Instruction as shown in Drawing D. There is no liability if the student is already capable of Drawing B observation (which is rare in uncleared persons). If a Service Fac is in the road of Instruction as per Drawing D, it still has been and can be overcome far more easily than overcoming various erroneous and varying observations of pcs, as to confront the pc is to confront aberration directly and to confront the Body of Data is to confront only an orderly and pleasant arrangement of truthful facts that will still hold good when the student is cleared, whereas the pc's aberration, unstable before processing, will be gone. Thus we study valid workable data that is broadly true and enforce compliance with it rather than studying or classifying Individual Cases and their aberrations as was done exclusively in older Mental Sciences (which failed where we have already succeeded for years). Class IV material (OT and Whole Track) is sometimes too much for the uncleared auditor since it is complex. It requires strict adherence to the Body of Data as well as some observation of the pc. Thus Class IV materials (OT and Whole Track) are best done when the conditions of Drawing B and Drawing D both be present in the session. This establishes levels of data and classification of its use. Some auditors with Service Facsimiles in place will be unable to successfully handle Class IV data. And some pcs unless cleared of the added restimulation of this life and the environment before being put on Whole Track will be unable to climb the hill. Therefore all Instruction and use of Scientology Auditing Skills and Materials are most successfully done as per Drawing D and have proven unsuccessful when auditor observation of the pc was assumed or auditor judgement relied upon while the auditor or student was in an uncleared state as per Drawings A and C. This shows an Instructor in or Supervisor of Scientology Auditing his surest route to success with students without blocking those students already in condition to observe pcs. Those students whose Service Facsimiles revolt at Drawing D will also most surely prevent their observation of the pc and Instruction and Supervision Methods as per Drawing D can overcome the barrier whereas nothing will actually surmount the failure to observe the pc, short of clearing the auditor's Service Fac. This last is a matter, also, of close observation of students over a period of two years. The object is to get auditing done under supervision and both during and after Instruction. Only then can we ever broadly attain cleared auditors or any of our objectives. Instruction fails when these principles are not present or when done without heavy stress on the Body of Data and compliance with good auditing practice. This is in no way critical of students or uncleared auditors. It is simple observation. It is effective. It is no mean development to accomplish auditing without observing the more subtle conditions of the pc. We have done just that. Therefore, as the student or auditor does not usually observe the pc because of his own Service Fac, and as Level II and III can be done entirely by data, drills and rote procedures, all but Class IV can be attained without cleared auditors. If only cleared auditors were permitted to audit then nobody would be able to start the clearing. This shortage of cleared auditors will exist to nearly the end of this universe. So it is a good thing to have the problem resolved, as it is in this HCO Bulletin. Of course, the most valid reason for using this approach is that only the disciplined Body of Data used exactly is capable of resolving cases and no amount of confront of PC occurrence would by itself resolve anything. It's the Body of Data exactly and precisely used that resolves the human or any other mind. And that's the main reason to make the student concentrate upon it. So this is a safe thing to do - concentrate on the Body of Data - no matter why. L. RON HUBBARD Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ==================