Date: 8 Jun 1999 21:40:42 -0000 Subject: FZBA 10/14 repost SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <161abd3b823378aa8cf390369e3a725d@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 2182 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:750920 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH VOLUME SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 - PART 10 (repost) ************************************************** The Freezone Tech Volumes are a superset of: 1. The Old Tech Volumes 2. The New Tech Volumes 3. Confidential Material 4. BTBs 5. PLs from the OEC volumes concerning Tech 6. Anything else appropriate that we can find They do not include a. All HCOPLs (see the OEC volumes for those) b. Tape Transcripts (which are being posted separately) Because there is so much material (for 1963, we have twice as much material as the old tech volumes), and because the old and new Tech Volumes do not align as to how the years are divided between the volumes, we are doing each year as a separate volume. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 115 HCOB 23 JUL 63 AUDITING RUNDOWN, MISSED W\Hs, TO BE RUN IN X1 UNIT (TV5 p. 328, NTV VII p. 242) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JULY 1963 Central Orgs for info Sthil SHSBC AUDITING RUNDOWN MISSED WITHHOLDS TO BE RUN IN X 1 UNIT (supersedes HCO Bulletin of July 11, 1963, same title, which was issued to Sthil SHSBC only) 1. Ask pc following question: "In this lifetime what have you done that you have withheld from someone?" 2. When pc has answered ask: (a) "When was it?" (b) "Where was it?" (c) "Who failed to find out about it?" (d) "Who nearly found out about it?" (e) "Who still doesn't know about it?" Each withhold and answer must be written down and the sheet of withholds and answers must be turned in with the auditing report. The sheet will be made available to all instructors on the Briefing Course. The above suggestion was made by Bernie Pesco, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course student, and accepted for use. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.jh Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 116 HCOPL 23 JUL 63 RETREADS ON SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE (OEC V4 p 432) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 23 JULY 1963 Orgs Sthil Franchise RETREADS ON SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE Students on the Special Briefing Course who require leave of absence for emergencies may do so under the following conditions, otherwise they will be charged a retread fee irrespective of the length of time they have already been on Course. 2 weeks absence (with permission only) 3 months (by very special arrangements beforehand). Other than that, any student leaving Course for any reason whatsoever will be charged a retread fee on returning. No part of the original fee is returnable. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.cden.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 117 HCOB 24 JUL 63 R3N CORRECTIONS (Not in either set of tech volumes) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF JULY 24, AD13 Central Orgs Franchise R3N CORRECTIONS This HCO Bulletin corrects HCO Bulletin of July 14, AD13. Please note and attach to all copies HCO Bulletin of July 14, AD13 and HCO Bulletin of April 17, AD13. LINE PLOT RI Omit the fourth paragraph of the HCO Bulletin of July 14, AD13. Substitute "In the pattern change "Beings (People) (Those) who goal" to "Beings who (last word of goal)" for a non "To Be" goal and "beings who are (last word of goal" for a to be type of goal. Example: for To Find, the RI is "Beings who find". For "To Be Dead", the RI is "Beings Who Are Dead". DATE CHANGES Due to the track grouping incidents in the Between Lives Implants, the actual periods of the goal types have been hard to verify. I have now done this and the following is a table of the actual periods as verified. Correct all prior dates given where they are at variance with this table: (All trillions given are one million million) Heletrobus Implants 38.2 trillion years ago to 52 trillion years ago Aircraft Door Implants 216 trillion years ago to 315 trillion years ago The Gorilla Goals 319 trillion years ago to 83 trillion trillion trillion years ago The Bear Goals 83 trillion trillion trillion years ago to about 40.7 trillion trillion trillion years ago The Glade Implants (Called Black Thetan in the discussion on HCO Bulletin of July 14, AD13. Please change to "Glade Implants" 40.7 trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago to 5.9 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago The Invisible Picture Goals 5.9 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago to (Found but not fully determined yet) The Minion Implants Not yet determined to Not yet determined Pattern not determined yet An Undetermined Series That goes "Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Don't Sleep, Can't Sleep" And other commands similarly arranged, which may be the first GPM. ______________ There are at least two series of Time Grouping Type Implants that strech and restimulate and date first trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago of the Time Track from the Year Zero. One of these extends from Present Time back to one's arrival on Earth. Another similar one may be earlier. These sometimes interfere with years ago dating. There dates from beginning of track are correct, however. FALSE PICTURE IMPLANTS There are several of these, the Darwinian Implant being the most notable in recent times. ______________ The earliest Implant found yet is "The Story of Creation" which contains multiple endings and false durations (it is about 7 1 / 2 weeks long) and some purposefully indecipherable pictures. It is around 70 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago. THE LENGTH OF TRACK The best current data on the lenght of the time track is estimated at about one trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion or less. The earliest date yet found is "The Story of Creation", but an earlier incident is known to exist. (Note: Correct also the note at the end of HCO Bulletin of July 14, AD13. Instead of: "All trillions used are U.S. trillions which are 1,000 million" It should be corrected to: "All trillions used are U.S. trillions which are 1,000,000 million (one million million)" L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr Copyright © 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 118 BTB 26 JUL 63 TRAINING TECHNOLOGY COACHING THEORY [Not in either set of tech volumes. This was originally an HCOB and was later reissued as a BTB. We do not have the original HCOB version, but this BTB should be close. It is from an SHSBC pack circa 1980. Note that it has been REVISED rather than simply re-issued. If someone has an older unrevised version, please post it. - Ed.] BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 26 JULY 1963R Revised & Reissued 6 December 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 26 JULY 1963 SAME TITLE Remimeo Supervisors Students Estos Central Orgs Tech Depts TRAINING TECHNOLOGY COACHING THEORY MATERIAL All stress in the Theory Section of the Course is on duplicating and understanding the correct data. The student must duplicate the data before he can understand it. However, simple duplication with the use of "a memory machine" does not mean that the understanding is present. If the student understands the data, he will find that he has little difficulty in duplicating, retaining and applying it. I have tried out a method of coaching theory on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course that has gotten amazing results when it was correctly applied. "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THAT MEANS?" COACHING ORILL The student and the coach sit opposite each other, each holding a copy of the material to be learned. STEP ONE: The coach has the student read aloud the rule, axiom, definition, sentence or short paragraph to be learned. (The coach must ask for only one major thought at a time.) When the student has read what was asked for, the coach acknowledges. The coach repeats this step until the student reads the exact material as written. STEP TWO: The coach asks the exact question, "What do you consider that means?" and always acknowledges whatever answer the student gives. STEP THREE: Repeat Step One and Step Two until the student duplicates the material to be learned in response to the question, "What do you consider that means?" The coach then asks the question, "Do you understand what it means?" If the student doesn't or is not sure the coach gets the student to define each word on the line, clearing up any that he was not sure of or hesitated over—with a good dictionary. The coach makes sure that all definitions of a word are cleared and gets the student to use them in sentences until he undersrands them. Then he repeats Steps One and Two until the student is able to duplicate the material and understands what it means. The coach then takes up the next major thought. SAMPLE "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THAT MEANS?" COACHING SESSION COACH: Read the 1st ARC Break Rule aloud. STUDENT: All ARC Breaks are caused by by-passed charge. COACH: Good. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: Well .... (pause) .... All ARC Breaks are caused by by-passed charge. COACH: Thank you. Do you understand what it means? STUDENT: Yes. All ARC Breaks are caused by BY-PASSED CHARGE. COACH: VERY GOOD. Now read the 2nd ARC Break Rule. STUDENT: To turn off an ARC Break find and indicate the by-passed charge. (Left out "correct".) COACH: O.K. Read that again. STUDENT: To turn off an ARC Break find and indicate the ... Oh .... CORRECT by-passed charge. COACH: Thank you. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: (Goes into an explanation) COACH: (When student is finished) Thank you. Read the 2nd ARC Break Rule. STUDENT: (Does so.) COACH: Thank you. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: (Shorter explanation.) COACH: Thank you. Read it again. STUDENT: (Does so. ) COACH: Thank you. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: Let's see .... In order to handle an ARC Break find and indicate the by-passed charge? COACH: Thank you. Read it again. STUDENT: To turn off an ARC Break find and indicate the correct by-passed charge. COACH: Good. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: To turn off an ARC Break find and indicate the correct by-passed charge. COACH: Thank you. Do you understand what it means? STUDENT: Yes. COACH: Good. Read the next sentence. STUDENT: Charge can be by-passed by, One, going later than basic on any chain without further search for basic. COACH: Good. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: Well .... You can by-pass charge by going after something closer to present time than the basic on the chain and stopping there without further search for basic. COACH: (Exact word for word duplication not being necessary for something not in capital letters) Good. Do you understand what it means? STUDENT: Yes. COACH: Good. Read the next sentence. (Etc.) ANOTHER EXAMPLE COACH: Read the 1st ARC Break Rule. STUDENT: All ARC Breaks are caused by by-passed charge. COACH: Good. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: All ARC Breaks are caused by by-passed charge. COACH: Thank you. Do you understand what it means? STUDENT: I'm not sure. COACH: Has the student define each word and c/ears up any word he is not sure of with a good dictionary. The coach makes sure that all definitions of a word are c/eared and gets the student to use them in sentences until he understands them. STUDENT: (Does so.) COACH: Good. What do you consider that means? STUDENT: (Gives an explanation.) COACH: Good. (Continues Steps One and Two until student gives exact duplication of the rule in response to "What do you consider that means?") Good. Do you understand what it means? STUDENT: Yes COACH: Good. Read the 2nd ARC Break Rule. (Etc.) TIPS TO COACHES The exactness of duplication required is dependent on the importance of the materiaL Axioms, rules, stable data in capitals and patter must be duplicated word for word and understood. Definitions must be closely duplicated and understood. General theory and examples must be understood. If you are in doubt whether the student has duplicated the data well enough continue the drill. This coaching method works well only if it is tightly muzzled. Any extra questions or additives to the exact procedure of Steps One, Two and Three are destructive. The coach may understand and acknowledge student originations, but he must do nothing else not designated in the Drill. Coaches will flnd that some students may spend some time on the first few bulletins coached in this manner. However, the student's ability to duplicate and understand will improve rapidly and his learning rate will come way up. If the student has too much difficulty doing this drill, run Reach and Withdraw on the material to be learned to a flat point and return to the drill. If you haven't done this drill you won't know that it works. Do it, do it exactly as written, and you'll be winning from there on out in learning Theory. Issued by: Fred Hare Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:HH:MH:AL:FH:nt.rd Copyright c 1963, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 119 HCOB 28 JUL 63 TIME AND THE TONE ARM (TV5 p. 329-31, NTV VII p. 243-6) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JULY AD13 Central Orgs Franchise STAR RATING TIME AND THE TONE ARM (HCO Secs: Check out on all Technical staff except for percentage of cases which is not Star Rated) I recently completed a study begun many years ago which gives us new hope and easier auditing of difficult cases. We have known for many years (Dianetic Axioms) that Time is the Single Source of human aberration. This did not have the importance it deserved. To make an OT one has to clear the Time Track. This seemed very easy when I discovered a few months ago that anybody can run an engram. The reasons one can't are just (1) wrong time of the incident, (2) wrong duration of the incident, (3) incident may contain an implanted GPM or (4) it may be false track (therefore having wrong time and wrong duration). So anybody that can be put into an auditing session can run Time Track with good perception. If the perceptions aren't there it's just wrong time or wrong duration or both, or it's a GPM in which case one reverts at once to R3N, or it's false track in which event one finds accurately when it was installed and the duration of that incident. All apparent grouping of the track comes either from wrong time or false track (which is also wrong time). Either one looks like incidents are grouping. Well, that seemed to wrap up clearing and OT, but I still didn't broadly release it; I wanted to be sure. I don't mind being wrong but I dislike making you wrong in your auditing, it's already happened too often. So I carefully researched this all over again and found it was not enough just to clean track. One had to run track with TONE ARM MOTION. That's the real barrier to clear and OT, given the above data. One can run incidents and GPMs but do these when run give Tone Arm Motion? Without Tone Arm Motion no charge is being released and no actual case betterment is observed beyond a few somatics removed. The pc's session goals stay the same. The pc's life doesn't change. So the clue to OT (and clear) is Tone Arm Motion. It must exist during the session. If it doesn't something is wrong. At first I thought that a dating prepcheck "On Dating" or "On Dates" would re-establish all ceased TA action. It will up to a point and is valuable. Repair of cases must contain such a Prepcheck and also discovering wrong dates and durations on engrams and GPMs. This is vital. But it will not make some cases continue to get TA motion on the Time Track. If a case, even when cleaned up on dating and properly assessed for level and Item in R3R or on R3N, does not then get TA motion on running track, another factor is present. What is that factor? The pc has a "fragile Tone Arm". Just one wrong date or duration in R3R or just one wrong RI in R3N and Tone Arm Action ceases, the TA going way up or down and staying there. Stuck TA cases then give us a type of case. So I knew there was another factor involved rather than Time alone. Time remains the single source. But a pc's regard for or attitude about Time can make it difficult for the auditor to run R3R or R3N. Regard for Time sums up, of course, into ARC about Time, or just ARC. THE MECHANICS OF TIME As in earlier writings Time is actual but is also an apparency. (See Dianetics '55 or other similar material.) Time is measured by motion. Motion is Matter with energy in space. Thus a person can conceive of Time as only Matter and energy in space. Such as a clock or a planetary rotation. Time is actual. But the person has become so dependent on Matter moving in space to tell Time that his Time Sense has become dependent on Matter, energy and space. We care only for TA action. Our opinion of a pc's Time Sense is unimportant. Does the pc get TA action on R3R and/or R3N? If so, the pc's Time Sense is okay for making OT straight away. If not, if the TA is "fragile" (sticks easily high or low) then the pc's Time Sense needs improving. Time Sense deteriorates to the degree that one has depended upon Matter, energy and space to tell Time (and on Time Confusing Implants such as false track; however, running out false track on a no TA motion case is not an answer). The dwindling spiral was as follows: State A - Time Sense. State B - Time Sense dependent upon Matter, Energy and Space. State C - ARC Breaks with Matter, Energy, Space and other beings. State D - Deteriorated Time Sense. By the time State D is thoroughly reached, you have a pc who gets no TA motion running track, as energy will not flow in the absence of Time. There are four degrees of "Poor Time Sense". The first is average and common but is not enough to impair TA action. The TA sticks but getting wrong dates off restores TA action which then continues. The second is a case that has to be continuously repaired and delicately handled to get any TA action at all. The third is a case that gets TA action on repetitive processes or rudiments but not on GPMs or engram running (while silently moving through an engram few people get TA action; this comes when they answer "What happened?": the third under consideration doesn't get any TA even when answering "What happened?" and rarely if ever RRs). The fourth is a case that gets no TA action on repetitive processes and very little if any on Rudiments. The four types of "Poor Time Sense" compare to Case Level 5 - (first type above) Gets TA action only when wrong dates are cleaned up. Case Level 6 - (second above) Gets TA action only with constant careful handling and TA action always packing up. Case Level 7 - (third above) TA action only on some repetitive processes and rudiments. Case Level 8 - (fourth above) No TA action on repetitive processes and only now and then on rudiments. Case Levels 2 to 4 get TA action no matter what happens. This then (TA Action) is your best index of Case Levels. IQ, graphs, tests, behavior in life are all incidental. Identification (A=A=A) is most easily present when Time Sense is awry, therefore, the degree a person Identifies different things establishes the degree of aberration. PROGRAMMING Cases are programmed only against TA Action obtainable in auditing. A case must not be run without TA Action or with minimal TA Action. A case may be a Case Level 5 and need only a few wrong dates and durations corrected to get good TA Action. But it may also be a Case Level 6, 7 or 8. Trial and error programming is best. Program high and drop low, no matter what the morale factor may be. Try to run GPMs, the Goal to Forget, etc, with R3N. If it can't be done, assess for R3R (Preliminary Step) and run a chain of engrams. If still no TA, drop to processes for Case Level 7. If still no TA, drop to processes for Case Level 8. You may see by the pc's past auditor's reports what the Case Level is. How stuck has that TA been? Don't run a case lower than it easily gets TA Action. And don't brand a case at a low case level and then never graduate it upwards. When the lower process is flat, the upper process should now be runnable. The story is told by the TA with one exception - auditor ability and training. But Case Levels 2, 3, 4 are not all that influenced by the auditor ability. The auditor's skill has to be pretty good to run Case Level 5 on R3R and R3N. The auditor doesn't live who can run R3R or R3N on Case Levels 6, 7 or 8. It just won't run. In the guess department the bulk of the cases about are 4s and 5s. A good- sized percentage are 6s and 7s. About 10% are Case Level 8. About 1% are Case Level 3. Therefore about 30% of a usual group of pcs will run with good TA on the Time Track, given trained auditing, without trouble. Another 30% will run with good TA on the Time Track with careful coddling and no serious date goofs. Except for the 1% Case 3, the rest will fall into Case Levels 6, 7 and 8, meaning that about 39% of the cases in Scientology won't run at once on R3R or R3N, and another 30% (Case Level 5s) need a Saint Hiller hanging over the auditor's shoulder or in the chair. And the other 30% (Case Level 4s) will run very well and easily on R3R and R3N. So the biggest percentage group (Case Levels 6, 7, 8 combined) need special processes to graduate up to action with R3R and R3N. These Case Level 6, 7 and 8 processes now exist and are being released as rapidly as they are demonstrated workable. R2H for Case Levels 5 and 6 has already been released. R2HL for Case Levels 6 and 7 is being readied up for bulletin. The Corner Process and others for Case Level 8 are tested and the data is being assembled. And other advances can be made. To audit easily and relaxed with good TA Action on the pc is my immediate desire for auditors and auditing supervisors. I feel we are over the hump on this. The fundamental solution to it - Time and the Tone Arm - is contained in this HCO Bulletin. Don't audit a pc without getting TA Action. Either repair the wrong dates and durations before going on or drop to processes of a lower case level or both. ARC Breaks in session won't stop a TA. Only Time errors. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 120 HCOB 29 JUL 63 SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW (TV5 p. 332-3, NTV VII p. 247-9) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 JULY 1963 Central Orgs Franchise SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW (HCO Secs, take up at a Staff Meeting. Field Auditors, take up at group meetings.) Exactly where are we technically, personally and organizationally? It may be of some surprise to you that we have just about arrived. We've been so long on the road that some fainter hearts have begun to despair and less high case levels have begun to gloom. Since last October I have been cracking through trying to get there before we were got. It now is obvious that we have made it and even if we were hard hit socially or politically we would still make it. For we have the data. I have not had time to get it all to you yet, but the data is now assembled for OT for everyone who can be audited at all. You already have most of it. On the various PTPs of Scientology we have had some very significant wins as follows: 1. The discoveries about Time and the Tone Arm (HCO Bulletin of July 28, AD13) related to case levels tells us if a case is winning, why it isn't winning and how to make it win, and gives us far less worries as auditors auditing cases. For some time now, overlooking four score of cases, many very rough, I have been breathing easy. And they're all winning. 2. Getting cases to RR on GPMs is entirely a matter of auditing those cases who don't on current basic processes until they do. So it isn't a worry about getting the case to RR. It's only how to get the case to run with TA action and get high enough to RR and run GPMs. We have the patterns and technology needful now. 3. ARC Breaky Cases. The ARC Break Assessments correctly done finish the problem of the consequences of ARC Breaks and put the Auditor at cause over ARC Breaks. 4. Natter. Persons who get auditing and natter, staff members who snap and snarl, bad morale, all wrap up in the ARC Break Assessments. This, done weekly in any group on group members, clearing every line, restores a theta atmosphere. 5. Incredulity of our data and validity. This is our finest asset and gives us more protection than any other single thing. If certain parties thought we were real we would have infinitely more trouble. There's actual terror in the breast of a guilty person at the thought of OT, and without a public incredulity we never would have gotten as far as we have. And now it's too late to be stopped. This protection was accidental but it serves us very well indeed. Remember that the next time the ignorant scoff. 6. The cold war has gotten less threatening, differences are less violent. We have had the time we needed. 7. Government attacks have entered a more desultory stage. Meters will go to jury trial eventually and we will certainly win. The U.S. Government Attorney handling the case became terribly ill and had to resign it. 8. Economic Problems. In organizations gross income is generally on the increase throughout the world, and shows no signs of dwindling and all this in the face of bad press. Personal income depends upon steady organizational gains and more positive results on pcs. Future personal income is without ceiling. 9. Personal States of Case. If you heed HCO Bulletin of July 28, AD 13 and are getting good Tone Arm action on any process you will eventually make OT. OT is wholly a matter of consistent Tone Arm motion, session after session, not the significance of what is run. 10. State of Training as Auditors. Although I would like to see more auditors trained at Saint Hill, general training has improved and training data is complete. Shortened training time will soon be a reality. A new positive goal for HPA/HCAs will make more good auditors. I feel very good about general auditing ability. I recently summed up the basic skills of auditing and find that over the years we have been working right along and winning on training. All training done has been to the good. Changing technology has not influenced the basic skills and forthcoming material follows the pattern in which we have been trained. OTHER PROBLEMS Solutions unexpectedly leaped up in fields where we were only vaguely aware of problems. We bought an awful lot of time with the discovery of the exact nature of between lives implants and how it's worked. Using this data it is possible to keep any Scientologist from ever getting another one of those implants. As the general course of living is therapeutic, it takes violent implants such as Earth people get at every death to keep people unaware of former lives and aberrated. Just by omitting those implants and using their reporting technology to keep in touch amongst ourselves, we would salvage the lot in a few hundred years in any event. Our data is too widely disseminated to be re-collected and burned. And just the other day I was personally looking over their shoulders. World clearing is possible without extensive Auditing if we just keep our own show on the road and keep track of each other. This was a breakthrough I didn't expect. And it's all ours. The discovery of false pasts and futures was also a bonus. For it means more TA action on more cases and faster clearing. It's doubtful if ordinary track ever hurt anybody. SUMMARY All we've got to do is keep going as we are for things to improve now. The only thing which could slow us down is our own self-created dissidence. All we have to do is do our jobs and keep the peace and we've got it. The make-break point is behind us. Ahead are only better days, improving little by little, day by day. We've made it over the worst part. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 121 HCOB 29 JUL 63 R3R-R3N-R3T, CAUTIONARY HCOB (NTV VII p. 250-1, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 JULY AD 13 Issue II Remimeo R3R-R3N-R3T CAUTIONARY HCOB I have been working hard to clarify time track, work which was more or less left off in 1952. With the discovery of the relationship of time and the tone arm, I immediately went to work to see if any eager loops had used time confusion in order to immobilize and incapacitate a thetan. I found almost at once that false timing of incidents was not only used but very nearly specialized in. The exact character of the between-lives implants only then came to view and could be mapped, and other implants of earlier times were disclosed. Entire false pasts and futures have been installed and even actual dates and incidents have been grouped. This is good news rather than bad news for it gives one a measure of the effort necessary to keep a thetan aberrated and gives us the reason some persons won't RR or get TA motion who otherwise might, for all GPMs may be falsely dated and if correctly dated might run. This does not mean that R3N or R3R are in any way changed or that one does not run GPMs. It does mean that a slight variation in R3R is needed when false track is found in order to make the dating easier on it. This will be called R3T. It consists of R3R plus clever methods of dating that get past implanted dates. Meanwhile, be very careful in dating. No dates released on anything may be accurate including the Helatrobus Implants. I'm sorry if this held anybody back. But as usual you know as soon as I know. So carry on. Get TA action on your pc. But be very cautious about accepting dates without checking "Is this incident and date in a false past? Is this incident and date in a false future?" The best trick is to find if "Right now" or, as in the between-lives implants, "The year zero" exists in the false track and date it. "Was the year zero hundreds of years ago, thousand . . ., etc." Clever, eh? Some of you have been groaning about these skillions of trillions of years. They're usually found early on in auditing only on false track. Good hunting. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 122 HCOPL 30 JUL 63 CURRENT PLANNING (OEC V4 p 344-5) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 30 JULY 1963 CenOCon Franchise Students Sthil Not for M.A. CURRENT PLANNING (Staff Meeting Material) It may help you to know the immediate future planning in Scientology. Research-wise O.T. is wrapped up. It's just a matter of getting the data out, getting it applied. The Track is complicated. The length of time in processing is long. But this is offset by the fact that IF YOU GET CONSISTENT TA ACTION THE CASE WILL EVENTUALLY MAKE O.T. ORGANIZATION OF SUBJECT I am dividing Scientology data into five levels and I think you will see the usefulness of this. FIRST LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY ONE Useable data about living and life, applicable without training, presented in Continental Magazines and booklets. This is for anyone. It contains assists as its auditing level. You have much of this already around. It is a complete unit in itself. "Be Right With Scientology." SECOND LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY TWO Academy HPA/HCA accomplishment level. Scientology for use in spiritual healing. This is a healing strata, using the wealth of past processes which produced results on various illnesses. I am shortly sending out questionnaires to get all Healing process results as a research project. The auditing level is Reach and Withdraw and Repetitive Processes. The target is human illness. We have never entered this field but as we are not thanked for staying out of it, we might as well dominate it. It is a good procurement area. THIRD LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY THREE Clearing and O.T. preparatory levels including advanced auditing above HPA/HCA Level. The work on this was more or less suspended when it became obvious that O.T. had to be attained. Includes key out clearing and other sub O.T. states. However, much technology exists on it. This is the level of the better human being. FOURTH LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY FOUR Processes to O.T., Saint Hill Special Briefing Course 1963 type technology and targets. FIFTH LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY FIVE Scientology applied at a high echelon to social, political and scientific problems. This requires the earlier levels and a high state of training on theoretical and wide application levels. Data for levels one to four is mostly already researched, most of it is in your hands and many publications already exist. Level Three needs a lot of codifying but is not difficult to assemble. You'll see a lot of Level One now from me for magazines and a lot of new booklets using older materials. Level Four is more or less complete, more so now than three. This brings a lot of order to our technical and gets us past the "past lives" scramble and other points which slow dissemination by relegating these to upper levels. Lord knows we have enough fascinating data at Level One without feeding the public Level Four. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE We are neating up the corporate structures of Scientology, using each org as a company whose majority shares are owned by a central company. This makes the structure easier to handle and better off for tax purposes. The instructions on this will soon be released. Shares and Life Memberships will all be properly adjusted. ORGANIZATIONAL ATTITUDE Finding exactly who we're up against on Earth (the A.M.A.) helped. But finding exactly what each one of us faces and how in the Between Lives Area bids for a change of mood. We're not now in this for play. Our personal futures depend on keeping going and making no major flubs. It isn't a question of is there something else. There isn't. Nobody can be half in and half out of Scientology. Scientologists are Scientologists no matter what they do for a living. If we're going to make this we have to work at it personally, administratively and as a group and work well. The prize is regaining self and going free. The penalty for our failure is condemnation to an eternity of pain and amnesia for ourselves and for our friends and for this planet. If we fail we've had it. It's not just a matter of getting killed. It's a matter of getting killed and killed and killed life after life forever more. Even if you have no great reality on this now you will soon enough. But probably you already understand it. Those guys up there mean business. We've got to match or better their energy level and dedication or we lose. We've been given this priceless chance. We must make good. The hour lost on natter, the slow down time because of some petty ARC Break have to be salvaged. We haven't any time for doubts and maunderings. We're the elite of Planet Earth, but that's only saying we're the not quite gone in the graveyard of the long gone. Somehow, despite our condition and the degraded environment we're in, we've got to keep the dedication and the guts to carry through no matter what comes. And carry through. And that's our future. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [See also HCO Policy Letter 21 August 1963, Change of Organization Targets, OEC Volume 2, Page 95.] ================== 123 HCOPL 2 AUG 63 PUBLIC PROJECT ONE (OEC Vol 2 p. 93-4, NTV VII p. 253-4) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 2 AUGUST 1963 BPI MA HCO Secs URGENT PUBLIC PROJECT ONE All Scientologists with or without certificates and particularly those who are in continuous contact with the public are urgently requested to advise me concerning data from Scientology they have found particularly acceptable to the general public. I have been waiting a long time until research was wrapped up to O.T. to put heavy power on public dissemination. Scientology is now partitioned into five levels, as follows: FIRST LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY ONE Useable data about living and life, applicable without training, presented in Continental Magazines and booklets. This is for anyone. It contains assists as its auditing level. You have much of this already around. It is a complete unit in itself. "Be Right with Scientology." SECOND LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY TWO Academy HPA/HCA accomplishment level. Scientology for use in spiritual healing. This is a healing strata, using the wealth of past processes which produced results on various illnesses. I am shortly sending out questionnaires to get all Healing process results as a research project. The auditing level is Reach and Withdraw and Repetitive Processes. The target is human illness. We have never entered this field but as we are not thanked for staying out of it, we might as well dominate it. It is a good procurement area. THIRD LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY THREE Clearing and O.T. preparatory levels including advanced auditing above HPA/HCA Level. The work on this was more or less suspended when it became obvious that O.T. had to be attained. Includes key out clearing and other sub O.T. states. However, much technology exists on it. This is the level of the better human being. FOURTH LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY FOUR Processes to O.T., Saint Hill Special Briefing Course 1963 type technology and targets. FIFTH LEVEL: SCIENTOLOGY FIVE Scientology applied at a high echelon to social, political and scientific problems. This requires the earlier levels and a high state of training on theoretical and wide application levels and the personal state of O.T. The subject of this Policy Letter is Scientology One. You know far more about acceptability of data at public levels than I do. Please then help me re-assemble this data. Address your communication directly to me. Label it at the top: SCIENTOLOGY ONE. Then give me a complete and legible (since I'LL be reading it) account of what Scientology data you have found of alert interest to the general public, friends, acquaintances, just people, professional people, etc., etc. Tell me where the data came from (what publications or lectures) if possible. Tell me how you have presented this data. Tell me what data you found was NOT acceptable to the casual public. Give me all the data you use, alter-ised or not. Give me any suggestions you may have for compiling Scientology One data into acceptable form. Take the matter up with your group or friends to find out what they find acceptable-unacceptable, interesting-uninteresting in Scientology. The object here is to obtain data for and compile very basic texts for public use and for basic texts for people presenting Scientology to the public. Scientology One is itself divided into Theory (data about life, the mind, beingness and the universe), Practical (Drills one can do to raise one's ability to handle others and situations), and Auditing (Assists, ways to get relaxed, ways to cheer up, ways to handle situations, etc., in the everyday business of living, ways to process people without knowing much about processing, ways to get people to pass exams, do their work, get along). Please, I need your dissertation on this. Don't think somebody else will do it. We are answering the questions: What should compose Scientology One? What Theory do we present that is highly acceptable? What Practical Drills should we include? What Auditing should we recommend that we think anybody can do? My HCO Secretary in any area will assist you in sending what's wanted. Don't tell her the data, tell me, for I'm the one that has to compile it. My HCO Communicator will send it through direct on my lines. It is needed. It will be read. It will be used. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 124 HCOPL 2 AUG 63 SAINT HILL COURSE CHANGES (OEC V4 p 433) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 2 AUGUST 1963 Students Central Orgs SAINT HILL COURSE CHANGES The following changes in the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course are made effective 6 August AD13. THEORY SECTION - Jenny Edmonds, HSG, D.Scn. Will specialize in the 5th Basic (Ability to Study and Apply Scientology Data), and will handle any non-progressing student without regard to case reasons for inability to achieve this basic. Instead the student will be undercut in data in accordance with the new levels of Scientology (HCO Poi Ltr of July 30, AD13), omitting Level Two and using Glossary only at Level Three, but treating students that do progress at Level Four with only a brief review of Levels One and Three. PRACTICAL SECTION - H. Parkhouse, HSG, D.Scn. To work out and, use the new Auditing Cycle Data as eight new TRs, one for each Comm Cycle and the last for consecutive use of all the Comm Cycles contained in the Auditing Cycle. AUDITING SECTION - F. Hare, HSG, D.Scn. W Unit to specialize in definition of an Auditor "To Listen". To use only the TA of the meter. And to use all former auditing as potential charge to be taken off pc's case using mainly only the pc to auditor comm line. X Unit to be divided into three parts, X one using MS, ruds, hav and Comm Cycle, X two using MS, ruds, hav, Comm Cycle and meter, X three using R2H. Z Unit to use R3N, R3R and R3T (dating and comm, 3N and 3R where necessary, the Case Level 2 process). No other changes are made. All former check sheets and materials to continue as before. The above changes of post are a reversion to earlier posts held. The auditing change is due to new discoveries about the Auditing Cycle and making cases move by TA action. Reach and Withdraw processes where used in W will specialize in the pc to auditor Comm Cycle. Considerable speed up of length of time on course is expected by reason of these improvements. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.aap Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 125 HCOB 4 AUG 63 E-METER ERRORS, COMMUNICATION CYCLE ERROR (TV5 p. 334-7, NTV VII p. 255-9) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 AUGUST 1963 Central Orgs Franchise ALL ROUTINES E-METER ERRORS COMMUNICATION CYCLE ERROR The E-Meter has its role in all processing and must be used well. However an E-Meter can be misused in several ways. METER DEPENDENCE The meter in actual fact does nothing but locate charged areas below the awareness of the pc and verify that the charge has been removed. The meter cures nothing and does not treat. It only assists the auditor in assisting the preclear to look and verify having looked. A pc can be made more dependent upon the meter or can be made more independent of the meter, all in the way a meter is used by the Auditor. If a pc's case is improving the pc becomes more independent of the meter. This is the proper direction. Meter dependence is created by invalidation by or poor acknowledgement of the Auditor. If the Auditor seems not to accept the pc's data, then the pc may insist that the Auditor "see it read on the meter". This can grow up into a formidable meter dependence on the part of the pc. The rise of the TA is a "What's It?" The Fall of a meter TA is an "It's a _______." To get maximum charge off, the pc's groping (What's It) must become a pc's finding (It's a). If the pc asks the Auditor what or which reads on the meter and the Auditor always complies, the pc's TA will rise more and fall less as the pc is saying, "What's It?" and only the meter is saying, "It's a _______." A pc must be carefully weaned of meter dependence, not abruptly chopped off. The pc says, "What's It?" The Auditor must begin to ask occasionally, "Well, What's It seem to you?" and the pc will find his own "It's a _______" and the TA will fall - as it would not if only the meter were employed. Milking the TA of all the action you can get requires that the pc get most of the "It's a's" for his "What's Its". (See diagram attached.) DATING DEPENDENCE RULE: USE THE METER TO DATE AND VERIFY DATE CORRECTNESS BY ALL MEANS BUT ONLY AFTER THE PC HAS BEEN UNABLE TO COME UP WITH THE DATE. Example: Pc can't decide, after much puzzling, if it was 1948 or 1949. Finally, the Auditor says, "1948" "1949" and sees the meter reads on 1948 and says, "It was 1948." But if the pc says, "It was 1948," the Auditor only checks it if the TA sticks up higher, meaning probably a wrong date. He checks with, "In this session have we had a wrong date? That reads, what date was wrong?" and lets the pc argue it out with himself - TA action will restore. RIs Reliable Items have to be clean. The pc can usually tell. But the pc can't tell the right RI out of a list or the right goal unless the Auditor sees it RR or fall. But sometimes the Auditor thinks an RI is clean (no longer reads having read) when it still has somatics on it. In this case it's suppressed and the Auditor checks it for suppress. The pc saying the RI is not clean (should still be reading) carries more weight than the meter. As the pc gets along in running Time Track and GPMs with their goals and Reliable Items he or she often becomes better than the meter as to what is right or wrong, what is the goal, what RI still reads. METER INVALIDATION An Auditor who just sits and shakes his head, "Didn't Rocket Read" can give a pc too many loses and deteriorate the pc's ability to run GPMs. In a conflict between pc and meter, take the pc's data. Why? Because Protest and Assert and Mistake will also read on a meter. You can get these off, but why create them? The meter is not there to invalidate the pc. Using the meter to invalidate the pc is bad form. You'll have less trouble by taking the pc's data for the pc will eventually correct it. The meter is invaluable in locating by-passed charge and curing an ARC Break. But it can be done without a meter, just by letting the pc think over each line read to him or her from the ARC Break Assessment ana say whether it is or isn't and if it is, spotting the thing by-passed. CLEANING CLEANS The Auditor who cleans a clean meter is asking for trouble. This is the same as asking a pc for something that isn't there and develops a "withhold of nothing". Example: Ask "Do you have a present time problem?" Get no needle reaction. Ask the pc for the PTP that hasn't read. That is impossible for the pc to answer. That's what's meant by cleaning a clean. DIRTY NEEDLE All dirty needles are caused by the Auditor failing to hear all the pc had to say in answering a question or volunteering data. Charge is removed from a case only by the Comm Cycle pc to Auditor. The Auditor's command restimulates a charge in the pc. The only way this charge can be blown is by the pc telling the Auditor. "Auditor" means "A listener". The Auditor who has not learned to listen gets: First - Dirty Needle Next - Stuck Tone Arm Finally - ARC Break The most important line in Auditing is from pc to Auditor. If this line is open and not hurried or chopped you get no Dirty Needles and Lots of TA Action. To continuously get in Auditor to pc and impede the line pc to Auditor is to pile up endless restimulated charge on a case. RULE: TONE ARM ACTION OF ANY KIND WITHOUT ANY SIGNIFICANCE OF WHAT'S BEHIND IT WILL TAKE A PC TO OT EVENTUALLY. RULE: THE MOST CORRECT TRACK SIGNIFICANCES RUN BUT WITHOUT TA ACTION WILL NOT CHANGE BUT CAN DETERIORATE A CASE. RULE: THE CORRECT TRACK SIGNIFICANCES RUN WITH TA ACTION WILL ATTAIN OT FASTEST. Thus we see that an Auditor can get everything right except TA action and not make an OT. And we see that TA action without running specific things will make an OT, (though it might take a thousand years). Therefore TA action is superior to what is run. Running the right things with TA action is faster only. Thus the line pc to Auditor is somewhat senior to the Comm Line Auditor to pc. (See diagram.) Don't get the idea that the process is not important. It is. People were made to talk in psychoanalysis without getting anywhere but there they probably had no TA and ran the wrong significances. It takes the right process correctly run to get TA action. So don't underrate processes or the action of the Auditor. Realize that the answering of the process question is senior to the asking of another process question. A pc could talk for years without getting any TA action. Got it? So listen as long as a TA moves. Learn to see if the pc has said everything he or she wants to say before the next Auditor action, never do a new Auditor action while or if the pc wants to speak and you'll get superior TA action. Cut the pc off, get in more actions than the pc is allowed to answer and you'll have a Dirty Needle, then a stuck TA and then an ARC Break. See the attached drawing of this. And all will suddenly get clearer about any pc you've audited. And trouble will evaporate. By cutting the "Itsa Line" an Auditor can make case gain disappear. "Learn To Listen." That's what "Auditor" means. It has taken me so long to see this in others because I don't cut the pc's line very often and repair it fast when I do. So forgive me for bringing it up so late. When the pc is talking and you're getting no TA, you already have an ARC Break or are about to get one. So assess the by-passed charge. RULE: DON'T DEMAND MORE THAN THE PC CAN TELL YOU. RULE: DON'T RECEIVE LESS THAN THE PC HAS TO SAY. Watch the pc's eyes. Don't take auditing actions if the pc is not looking at you. Don't give acknowledgements that aren't needed. Over acknowledgement means acknowledging before the pc has said all. SUMMARY Running the right process is vital. Getting TA action on the right process is skilled auditing. Listening is superior to asking. Build up the pc's confidence in his own knowingness and continuously and progressively reduce the pc's dependence on a meter. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [There is a handwritten drawing attached, approximately as follows] Basic Error of the Auditing Cycle Comm Cycle Cause - Distance - Effect What's It C -----------------------------> E Restim AUD PC Itsa E <---X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X---C | | (1) DN | (2) Stuck TA V (3) ARC Br [Big jagged circle of charge around the symbol for a thetan] Body Discomfort Body Mass ARC Breaks [Drawing of a tone arm showing it going What's It up from 3 to 4] [Drawing of a tone arm showing it going Itsa down from 4 to 3] Tone Arm Action When Itsa Line is cut, auditing ceases to work. ================== 126 HCOPL 8 AUG 63 PLANTS IN ACADEMIES - INTRO. OF FORM B (CANC PER OEC) (OEC V4 p 138) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 8 AUGUST 1963 HCO Sees Assoc/Org Sees Tech Dirs D/T Hat "PLANTS" IN ACADEMIES - INTRODUCTION OF "FORM" 5B In times of expansion it is to be expected that occasionally a government "plant" or active commie will endeavour to gain access into the Org. The Academy is the easiest point of entry for a stay of a little time for such undesirables. For example, a wave of suppositional reports of this occurred after the recent FDA attack in Washington DC. If they were true then it was an affront to Scientology, quite apart from anything else. However, such an attempt can be regarded, comparatively, as a rarity. Nevertheless, Directors of Training should have some easy foolproof method to pick off such and satisfy themselves that no students are in their Academies for anything other than what the students stated they were there for, i.e. to receive training and graduate. The D/T normally interviews all new students before they enter on course in his Academy, and this stage would be a convenient point in which to have a fast check. Accordingly, during the brief duration of this interview, the D/T should place the student on the E-Meter which is set at high sensitivity, and ask with ARC this question: "Are you here for any other purpose than what you say/state?" This question may need clearing with student but it should take only a very brief time to clear and clean. Variations of this question may be used, but this type question designed as a fast check question on new students will be referred to henceforth as a Form 5B. The D/T is merely to be satisfied that the new student being interviewed by him is not a "plant". Then, having cleared the question, and the D/T is satisfied the student is bona fide, the D/T can then brief the student crisply for starting course, etc, and bring the interview quickly to a close. Remember, the question is designed to pick up "plants" and such an attempt will be very rare but nevertheless may occur from time to time. In the event of the D/T having some doubt on the person being interviewed by him, he should refer the person to the Technical Director immediately for a further check. The totality of the duration of the D/T interview need not be more than 10 minutes in its entirety. Judgement is required by the D/T in administering this "filter point" in that it is not intended to act as a complete embargo on all and every student whether bona fide or otherwise. The chances of the latter being attempted are slim but this Form 5B should now handle such an attempt smoothly. Issued by: Peter Hemery HCO Sec WW for L. RON HUBBARD Authorized by: L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 127 HCOB 9 AUG 63 DEFINITION OF RELEASE (TV5 p. 338, NTV VII p. 260) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 AUGUST 1963 HCO Secs Org Secs Franchise Field BPI DEFINITION OF RELEASE (Cancels HCO Bulletin of 14 January 1963) A RELEASE is one who knows he or she has had worthwhile gains from Scientology processing and who knows he or she will not now get worse. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 129 HCOB 11 AUG 63 ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS (TV5 p. 338, NTV VII p. 261) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 AUGUST 1963 Central Orgs Franchise ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS In a session don't ever do an ARC Break Assessment until the pc has given up trying to untangle it. This particularly applies to R3R and 3N. DATES R2H Don't ever date anything for the pc until the pc has completely given up trying himself. DON'T USE METERING, ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTS, DATING, or incomprehensible or new commands to CUT THE ITSA LINE. Let it run. Help only when it's stopped. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.jh Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 130 HCOPL 12 AUG 63 CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS (OEC V5 p 180-2) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 12 AUGUST 1963 BPI CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS (Changes earlier policies where these are at variance) The certificate of HUBBARD GRADUATE AUDITOR (ST HILL) CLASS ____ will hereafter be issued for successful completion of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. The certificate HUBBARD CLEARING SCIENTOLOGIST will no longer be issued but may be converted to HUBBARD SENIOR SCIENTOLOGIST. No further courses for this level may be enrolled in Academies until such time as Scientology Three is codified. HUBBARD SENIOR SCIENTOLOGIST may be given for HCA/HPA retread. The certificates HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR for the US and HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR for the UK and Commonwealth will continue as the professional certificate issued by Central Organizations. It is given for successful completion of an Academy HCA/HPA Course. This certificate and no other (except HDA as follows) is requisite for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. The certificate for Scientology One is HUBBARD BOOK AUDITOR. This is granted under various conditions in the Orgs. The reason being that no book auditor should audit without a certificate. It replaces HUBBARD APPRENTICE SCIENTOLOGIST and this certificate may be exchanged by anyone for a HUBBARD BOOK AUDITOR certificate. (I do not personally sign this certificate. It is signed by letterpress.) CLASSIFICATION Classification is in addition to certification and is by additional examination by HCO. Classification is sealed on any certificate by "Class" and large Roman Numerals and a Hubbard Communications Office ring, the Roman Numerals denoting Class to be huge and in the centre of the seal. HBA may be sealed with a Class I. HCA/HPA may be sealed with a Class I or a Class II. HSS may be sealed with a Class II or Class III. HGA (St Hill) may be sealed with a Class III, Class IV or a Class V. The object of class is that course completion alone may award a certificate. But course proficiency is denoted by a Class Seal. Auditors who have difficulty getting results should not be classed. Classses and certificates are now fully aligned and permanent in comparison with the five levels of Scientology HCO Policy Letter of August 2, AD 13 and Classification Policy Letters. Classification is not a matter of obligation to HCO. It is a special award and is not owed to anyone. HANDLING OF ISSUE It is required that the following policies of issue be followed. HBA - Issue certificate to anyone who is auditing industriously. Give Class I only to such as also take new Comm Course training. HCA/HPA - Issue only to Academy students who complete their check sheets. Classify certificate as Class I inevitably but as Class II on the basis of staff employment or retread. HSS - Issue certificate to HPA/HCA retread if promised. Classify as II or III only on the basis of further retread or staff employment. HGA (St Hill) - Issue certificate on completion of check sheets. Classify III on basis of competent auditing. Classify IV on basis of excellent showing in results on pcs or on retread at Saint Hill. Classify V only on reaching OT and retread at Saint Hill. DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY This is an honorary degree, not granted for scholastic reasons but is purely an award to those who at Class III or IV perform signal service to Scientology activites. An HCS or HGA (St Hill) is understood to qualify. FELLOW OF SCIENTOLOGY This is an honorary award for signal contribution to Scientology technology beyond the scope of a new process. The work must be complete and approved. Usually reserved for Class IV or V auditor. HUBBARD DIANETIC AUDITOR This certificate remains in full force. It may however be exchanged for an HPA/HCA without further examination and at cost of certificate and preparation of it. However, HDA is the single exception to acceptance for Saint Hill training for which it is valid, waiving then the HCA/HPA requirement. HONOURS Any classification may be issued "with honours" providing the candidate has exceeded the check sheet requirements by a notable degree and is also eligible for the upper classification range of that certificate. HBA Class I is the exception. It is the classification that is given "with honours". "With honours" however may not be given without the written recommendation of the candidate's own instructors. ADMINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATES Three new certificates totally devoted to administrative actions and skills are announced herewith and are now available. The certificate HUBBARD ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR will be issued to properly qualified persons who have served one year or more in an HCO or Scientology organization in the Administrative Division and who have successfully passed the examination of a permanent staff member as issued or amended; or who has successfully completed a course in administration given by a Scientology Organization. The certificate HUBBARD ADMINISTRATOR will be issued to properly qualified persons who have served two or more years on the staff of an HCO or Scientology Organization in the Administrative Division and who have passed the required examination; or who have successfully completed a course in administration given by a Scientology Organization. The certificate HUBBARD EXECUTIVE will be issued to properly qualified Hubbard Administrators who have successfully completed the studies required. Permanent staff member certificates will no longer be examined for or issued but may be retained and also converted to the certificate. Permanent Executive certificates will no longer be examined for or issued but may be retained and also converted to Hubbard Administrator certificates. RELEASE Release buttons (an "R" set in the S and double ARC Triangle of Scientology) may be (and should be) issued to HGC pcs who have attained its requirement by HCO Sees without charge. CLEAR BRACELETS Silver Clear Bracelets are issued by HCO Sees at the expense of the HGC or the field pc to those who meet clear requirements. (Note: No such bracelet shall be issued until procedure of test is established in HCO Policy Letters after this date, all former such tests being cancelled.) OT AWARDS Gold OT Bracelets will be issued when requirements are specified and met. SCIENTOLOGY PINS Associate Membership is the sole requirement of a Scientology pin issue. MINISTERIAL AWARDS AND INSIGNIA These are not properly Scientology awards but are authorized and issued only by Church boards. They are handled by courtesy by HCOs attached to Churches. These include Doctor of Divinity, Minister of the Church and Spiritual Counselor. There are no other valid Dianetic or Scientology awards. Any former certificate legally issued by a Scientology organization may be turned in for any of the above comparable certificates. Illegal certificates in Dianetics and Scientology, meaning any issued by an agency not authorized by HCO, should be seized and the issuing agency sued by HCOs for violation of trade mark and copyright and fraud. ISSUING AGENCY Hubbard Communications Office has full control of all certificates and awards of Dianetics and Scientology and may issue according to policy, and suspend or cancel at discretion. The basis of issue is competence. The basis of suspension is violation of ethical use. The basis of cancellation is failure to comply with the conditions of an order of suspension. VALIDITY OF CERTIFICATES No certificate is valid without my personal or printed signature, that signature now being fully copyrighted and trade-marked. IN FORCE It is considered as of the date of one day after this policy letter that all those certificates and awards ever issued are to be considered in full force regardless of circumstances except those suspended between March 13, AD13 and August 12, AD 13. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.aap Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Modified by HCO P/L 16 June 1964, Personnel Records Admin Certs.] ==================