Date: 8 Jun 1999 06:16:18 -0000 Subject: FZBA 8/14 SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <872b1635c56b9f797d68f5c9df9ce997@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 2092 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:749435 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH VOLUME SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 - PART 8 ************************************************** The Freezone Tech Volumes are a superset of: 1. The Old Tech Volumes 2. The New Tech Volumes 3. Confidential Material 4. BTBs 5. PLs from the OEC volumes concerning Tech 6. Anything else appropriate that we can find They do not include a. All HCOPLs (see the OEC volumes for those) b. Tape Transcripts (which are being posted separately) Because there is so much material (for 1963, we have twice as much material as the old tech volumes), and because the old and new Tech Volumes do not align as to how the years are divided between the volumes, we are doing each year as a separate volume. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 091 HCOPL 17 JUN 63 STAFF CLEARING PROGRAM (OEC V5 p 226-7) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 JUNE 1963 (Amends HCO Policy Letter of September 10, 1962) CenOCon STAFF CLEARING PROGRAM This replaces all programs: there are no other Staff Clearing Programs of any kind, no auditing is being given to Staff. This doesn't disturb Staff families and so forth being fed into the HGC at unit rates as offered for DC only when you have a spare auditor or intern or something like that. But it does knock out all other Staff Clearing Programs. In its place we put a Staff Clearing Program which we will call the Staff R3 Clearing Program. The essence of this is supervision and administration. The personnel required for it are a supervisor (Saint Hiller) and an Assistant. He has an office and auditing room which are the same thing - this auditing room also has in it an administrative desk for use after auditing hours. The activity of the staff who are auditing each other is as follows:- A Problems Intensive, if necessary; then running on current goals procedures. A Saint Hiller is appointed as Staff Supervisor of Staff Cases. He calls them in during the day, checks over cases and progresscan even audit them. Does anything and everything to clear them. Now there are two zones of activity: I. For the inexperienced, the untrained, or the fellow who doesn't think he is too competent to audit somebody. This we call the Staff Co-audit and that meets at least twice a week in the evening for a three hour session. They would give three hours and receive three hours. Like, they would give three hours on Tuesday, and receive three hours on Thursday. Now this activity is supervised by the part time Assistant of the Supervisor who is also the Administrator - he comes on duty at the end of the day's auditing in the HGC and does his administrative actions, and on the off evenings, when he's not supervising any class, he can catch up on his administrative work, reports and so on. This fellow has a board which denotes the Staff Co-audit and how many people are on that. Now we come to the second activity on staff which is a mutual auditing activity and everybody has a pc, and everybody is a pc. These hours of auditing are given at the discretion of these people. They can audit in their own rooms or most anyplace. Everyone of their sessions has to have a full auditing report which must be brought into the Administrator of the Staff Clearing Program, who is the staff Auditor who is also the Supervisor of the Staff Co-audit - and that auditor report must be checked out and OK'd and an eye must be kept on the progress of the sessions. There's a rule here that a person may not receive more auditing hours than they give, so therefore the number of auditing hours received and given must be posted as part of the posting on the lists of this mutual auditing activity. Of course the Staff Co-audit keeps itself more or less straight, but if somebody's absent from that God knows what happens. This must be discouraged. On goof-offs no persuasive action will be taken - we will just say, "This is the way it is, this is what you do, and God help you if you don't. If you're not interested in clearing somebody in the Staff Clearing Program we don't think you're interested in being part of this Org." We won't threaten with immediate excommunication because people get restimulated and everything else, but don't expect on a Clearing Program everything is going to go smooth and everybody's going to stay in session - because they're not. There will be a lot of randomity and it takes just pure unadulterated force to keep it in line. Now there must be checking of Rudiments, and checking for Missed W/Hs and such activities as that. How these are arranged is relatively unimportant but they must exist. If the Supervisor or Technical Director finds that a Staff Auditor is goofing up on his Staff Clearing Program pc, there should be an investigation of HGC to find out what that Staff Auditor is doing to the public pcs. The Co-audit Supervisor moves as rapidly as possible to get as many goals run out as possible. When a new person comes on staff he is added to the bottom of the list. Order of seniority must be established. From time to time introduce any necessary training to keep the members of the Co-audit abreast of current technique. The Supervisor finding bad sessions going on should make some duressful action - he should say, "The Bulletins were available, you didn't read them - what the hell was wrong with you?" This is tough. This program is not the courtesy staff mutual co-audit or staff clearing we've had in the past where we were being nice to everybody and marking time. There's a vast difference here - this is our determination to get everybody cleared on Staff. It takes somebody's determination to get people cleared; a person himself bucking into this line is apt to quail and fall back, so therefore you have to keep the determination high to get the project completed. It's not courtesy; our feeling is if a person does not want to get cleared or help clear somebody he has no business whatsoever in the Organization. That's Just That! Bang! The Administrator makes the team assignments, but appeal may be made to the Supervisor or Technical Director, whose adjudication is final. You can have an additional Part Time Administrator to help out - and if you have another, well fine. There's no limit on this except the amount of talent. YOU MUST NOT PUT A NON STHIL GRADUATE ON THE POST OF SUPERVISOR. It would cause the demise of the Org. This program abolishes the responsibility of the D of P for Staff state of case, that all goes under the Supervisor's hat. The Supervisor could be the Technical Director or another Saint Hill graduate working under Technical Director. Co-audit teams which exist already on staff and which are successful should not be broken up. This would be a breach of the Auditor's Code - "Do not permit a frequent change of auditors." That is the program as I see it. If this is carried forward quite forcefully and quite persuasively and without anybody listening to any nonsense, and so forth, you're going to wind up with, in a very few months, a bunch of clears on Staff. ARC Break assessments are done where necessary. Anything and everything is done to help clearing of staff. If you kept this program going forward and furnished people for training to Sthil on whom you could count when they came home in sufficient number so that you've got them for the public and you've got them for Staff you'll wind up with a completely OT Staff before you get through. And I can see that this is well within our existing Technical Reality. Two further notes: An eye should be kept on the progress of cases and it should be part of the Supervisor's Hat to check such cases that are listing to clear, and frankly his time from the time he ceases to audit on his regular auditing period during the day, to the end of the working day, should be more or less consumed with checking over cases and seeing how they are going rather than doing administration. These cases should be checked over for free needle and this and that and the other thing. The Missed W/H program run on staff by Org Sec or through HCO or by HGO or by the Org Sec Sec or anything else, any security program of any kind or any Missed W/H program of any kind, has absolutely nothing to do with the Staff Clearing Program. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 095 HCOPL 18 JUN 63 STUDENTS BLOWING (CANC PER OEC) (OEC V4 p 432) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 18 JUNE 1963 Sthil Students STUDENTS BLOWING It is the general responsibility of all students to prevent other students from blowing and to bring back on Course any student who has "blown". It is the particular responsibility of the student's auditor. In future if a student "blows" it is up to his or her auditor to get him or her back and to take the student into the Chapel and pull the missed withholds. Infractions will be awarded to the blowing pc's auditor on the following basis: Student blowing from a study period but not leaving the premises and grounds - 500 words minimum. Student blowing and leaving premises and grounds during course time or failing to return to Course in the morning, after lunch or after dinner - 1,000 words minimum. If auditor fails to get student back within 4 hours (course time) an additional 2,000 words minimum. Issued by: Reg Sharpe Course Secretary SHSBC for L. RON HUBBARD Authorized by: L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.aap Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 097 HCOB 24 JUN 63 ROUTINE 3, ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS, BULLETIN 3 (TV5 p. 292-6, NTV VII p. 193-9) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JUNE AD13 Central Orgs Franchise ROUTINE 3 ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 3 ROUTINE 3-R ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS Given a knowledge of the Composition and Behavior of the Time Track, engram running by chains is so simple that any auditor begins by overcomplication. You almost can't get uncomplicated enough in engram running. In teaching people to run engrams in 1949, my chief despair was summed up in one sentence to the group I was instructing: "All auditors talk too much." And that's the first lesson. The second lesson is: "All auditors acknowledge too little." Instead of cheerily acking what the pc said and saying "continue", auditors are always asking for more data, and usually for more data than the pc ever could give. Example: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. How big is it?" That's not engram running, that's just a lousy Q and A. The proper action is: Pc: "I see a house here." Auditor: "Okay. Continue." The exceptions to this rule are non-existent. This isn't a special brand of engram running. It is modern engram running. It was the first engram running and is the last and you can put aside any complications in between. The auditor is permitted ONE question per each hew point of track and that is ALL. Example: Auditor: "Move to the beginning of the 88 plus trillion year incident. (Waits a moment.) What do you see?" Pc: "It's all murky." Auditor: "Good. Move through the incident." Wrong Example: Auditor: "Move to the beginning of the 88 plus trillion year incident. (Waits a moment.) What do you see?" Pc: "It's all murky." Auditor: "Can you see anything in the murk?" FLUNK! FLUNK! FLUNK! The rule is ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT THE PC SAYS AND TELL HIM TO CONTINUE. Then there's the matter of being doubtful of control. Wrong Example: Auditor: "Move to yesterday. Are you there? How do you know it's yesterday? What do you see that makes you think...." FLUNK FLUNK FLUNK. Right Example: Auditor: "Move to yesterday. (Waits a moment.) What do you see? ....... Good." Another error is a failure to take the pc's data. You take the pc's data. Never take his orders. Right Example: Auditor (meter dating): "Is it greater than eighteen trillion, less than eighteen trillion (gets contradictory reads or a DN). (Off meter.) Are you thinking of something?" Pc: "It's less than 18 trillion." Auditor: "Thank you. (On meter.) Is it greater than seventeen trillion five hundred billion. Less than...." Pc: "It's seventeen trillion, nine hundred and eight billion, four hundred and six million, ninety-five thousand, seven hundred and six years ago." Auditor (having alertly written it all down): "Thank you." (Ends dating.) Wrong Example: Auditor: "Is it greater than eighteen trillion, less than eighteen tr...." Pc: "It's less than eighteen trillion." Auditor: "OK. Is it greater than eighteen trillion, less than eighteen...." FLUNK FLUNK FLUNK. In dating, the pc's contrary data unspoken and untaken can give you a completely wrong date. Your data comes from the pc and the meter always for anything. And if the pc's data is invalidated you won't get a meter's data. If the pc says he has a PTP and the meter says he doesn't, you take the pc's data that he does. In dating, an argument with the pc can group the track. So take the pc's data. And if the pc is a dub-in, you should be running the ARC processes not engrams anyway as the case is over-charged for engrams. If the pc isn't a dub-in then the pc's data is quite reliable. Also, minimize a pc's dependency on a meter. Don't keep confirming a pc's data by meter read with, "That reads. Yes, that's there. Yes, there's a rocket read...." Just let the pc find his own reality in running an engram. "All auditors talk too much." You can date on a meter but only so long as the pc doesn't cognite on the date. You can help a pc identify or choose an area of track but only if he specifically asks you to. Example: Pc: "I've got two pictures here. Can you find out which one is the earlier? One is of a freight engine, the other is a whole train." Auditor: (on meter) "Is the freight engine earlier than the whole train? Is the whole train earlier than the freight engine? (To pc) The whole train reads as earlier." Now, however, if the pc has two facsimiles, your problem is only that you've missed something. RULE: WHENEVER CHARGE IS MISSED THE TIME TRACK TENDS TO GROUP. This does not mean the Auditor has to do something about it unless the pc gets confused and asks for help, at which time the only action is to spot on the meter what charge has been missed and tell the pc. ARC BREAKS All Routine 3 ARC Breaks, including R3-N and R3-R, are handled the same way, an exact way. There is no deviation from this. If the pc becomes critical of anything outside the engram (room, auditor, Scientology, the technology) it is an ARC Break. ARC Breaks are of greater and lesser magnitude ranging throughout the misemotional band of the tone scale. The handling of ARC Breaks always follows this rule: ARC BREAK RULE 1: IF THE PC ARC BREAKS, ISSUE NO FURTHER AUDITING COMMANDS UNTIL BOTH PC AND AUDITOR ARE SATISFIED THAT THE CAUSE OF THE ARC BREAK HAS BEEN LOCATED AND INDICATED. Do not issue more orders, do not run a process, do not offer to run a process, do not sit idly letting the pc ARC Break. Follow this rule. ARC BREAK RULE 2: WHEN A PC ARC BREAKS OR CAN'T GO ON FOR ANY REASON, DO AN R3-R ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT AND LOCATE AND INDICATE TO THE PC THE BY-PASSED CHARGE. The only harm that can be done in R3-R (or R3-N) is issuing further orders to the pc or trying to run something before the by-passed charge has been located and indicated. Given this handling of ARC Breaks and an exact adherence to the rote of R3-R, all former problems of engram running vanish! EARLY ENGRAM RUNNING No auditor who knew earlier than June 1963 engram running should consider he or she knows how to run engrams. Routine 3-R is itself. It has no dependence on earlier methods of running engrams. Failure to study and learn R3-R "because one knows about engram running" will cause a lot of case failure. Early engram running was often attempted on cases below Case Level 4. The technology, further, was too varied. Too much was demanded of the pc. Too little effort was put into finding the basic on a chain. Too many forcing techniques were used. Too often the auditor ran just any engram he could get. These and other faults prevented engrams from being run. R3-R is a rote procedure. That is a victory in itself. But it is a better procedure. If you know old-time engram running, there is no attempt here to invalidate you or that knowledge or make you wrong in any way. Those are all ways to run engrams and gave you a better grasp on it. I only wish to call to your attention that R3-R is not old-time engram running but is a Scientology Routine designed to achieve the state of OT and is not designed for any other use than freeing the spirit of man. Therefore, study and use R3-R and don't mix it with any earlier data on engram running. Anything you know about engram running will help you understand R3-R. But it won't help your pc if mixed in with R3-R. I couldn't put this too strongly. You'll trace any failure in the auditor with R3-R to: 1. Inability to execute the auditing cycle; 2. Inability to run a session; 3. Failure to study and understand the Time Track; 4. Failure to follow R3-R exactly without deviation; 5. Failure to handle ARC Breaks as above; 6. Using R3-R on lower level cases not prepared by pre-engram running processes. ROUTINE 3-R Engram Running by Chains is designated "Routine 3-R" to fit in with other modem processes. It is a triumph of simplicity. It does not demand visio, sonic or other perception at once by the pc. It develops them. The ordinary programming of the lowest level case would be Reach and Withdraw Processes, CCHs, Repetitive Processes, R3-R, R3-N, R3-R. Routine 3-R is the process that leads to Case Level 2. Only some additional exercises are needed, then, to attain the next level, OT. So R3-R is the fundamental bridge step to OT. And we're going only for OT now for various reasons including political. We have by-passed clear which remains only as a courtesy title denoting one or more GPMs run. Many cases, even the Black V, can begin at once on R3-R. R3-R BY STEPS R3-R is run in the 3N model session. PRELIMINARY STEP: Establish the type of chain the pc is to run by assessment. STEP ONE: Locate the first incident by dating. STEP TWO: Move pc to the incident with the exact command, "Move to (date)." STEP THREE: Establish duration (length of time) of incident. (An incident may be anything from a split second long to 15 trillion trillion years or more long.) STEP FOUR: Move pc to beginning of incident with the exact command, "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. STEP FIVE: Ask pc what he or she is looking at with the exact command, "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "Close your eyes.") Acknowledge whatever pc says. Do not ask a second question, ever. STEP SIX: Send the pc through the incident with the exact command, "Move through the incident to a point (duration - ) later." STEP SEVEN: Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly, "Okay, Continue." Do not coax, distract, or question pc during this period. Exception: only if the pc ARC Breaks, take action and then only do the R3-R ARC Break Assessment. If the pc gets stuck, bounces, gets into another incident or if the somatic strip sticks or refuses to obey the auditor, only do an ARC Break Assessment. Do not force the pc onward by any command or question. STEP EIGHT: When the pc reaches the end of the incident (usually pc moves or looks up) say only, "What happened?" Take whatever pc says, acknowledge only as needful. Say nothing else, ask nothing else. When pc has told little or much and has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. STEP NINE: Repeat exactly and only Steps Two to Eight. Continue to do so until pc either (a) Spots an earlier incident or (b) Gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before. In event of either (a) or (b) do Steps One to Eight exactly and only on the new incident. STEP TEN: At the end of any session of R3-R leave the pc where he is on the time track. Do not attempt to bring the pc to present time or take the pc to a rest point, as these actions may very well by-pass charge. End any R3-R session with very careful goals, gains (as the pc is usually rather anaten) and any needed havingness, but keep the havingness very brief, only enough to restore can squeeze. Do not end a session on a boil-off or ARC Break. STEP ELEVEN: At the beginning of any new R3-R session, if you finished the last engram you were working on, begin precisely and anew with Step One. If you are still working on an engram already found, begin precisely with Step Four and carry on. STEP TWELVE: If the pc gets into trouble in the session do not use Mid Ruds or ask for missed withholds. Mid Ruds will mush an engram. Missed withholds, unless found as part of the ARC Break Assessment, may move the pc violently about through recently found engrams. Do only the ARC Break Assessment, and locate and indicate charge accordingly if the session goes wrong. (Since the last time I audited you Mid Ruds and missed withholds are permissible at session start before any R3-R action is taken in that session.) STEP THIRTEEN: When encountering a goals engram such as the Helatrobus Implants lay aside R3-R and use R3-N. When encountering a goals engram prior to the Helatrobus Implants or subsequent to them use R3-M2 but only when such an engram has RIs. STEP FOURTEEN: When Basic on any chain is found flatten it fully and permit it to be stripped of any lock engrams or earlier incidents that appear. (In finding basics remember that the Time Track by my most recent measurements considerably exceeds a trillion, trillion, trillion years. Basics may occur as early as they occur but seldom nearer PT than 200 trillion years ago, and quite ordinarily at 15 trillion, trillion years ago.) END OF STEPS There is no variation of these steps for any reason. This is the most exact procedure known. And there you have it, rote engram running, superior to any engram running ever done and giving superior and faster results. Future HCO Bulletins will expand the reasons for these steps, give exact methods of dating, give the ARC Break Assessment for R3-R, the assessment for types of chains, and the administration. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 099 HCOB 25 JUN 63 ROUTINE 2H, ARC BREAKS BY ASSESSMENT (TV5 p. 297-8, NTV VII p. 200-202) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE AD13 Central Orgs Franchise ROUTINE 2H ARC BREAKS BY ASSESSMENT This is not just a training process. It is a very valuable unlimited process that undercuts Repetitive Processes and produces tone arm action on cases that have none on repetitive processes. R2H, however, is a training must before an auditor is permitted to run engrams. It does not have to be run on a pc before engrams are run. Only when an auditor can produce results with R2H should he or she run engrams on any pc. For R2H combines the most difficult steps of engram running, dating, assessing, locating and indicating by-passed charge. If an auditor can date skillfully and quickly handle ARC Breaks (and handle the Time Track) he or she is a safe auditor on R3R. If not, that auditor will not produce results with R3R or make any OTs. In Academies and the SHSBC, R2H is placed after skill is attained in Model Session and repetitive processes. In auditing programming R2H comes immediately after Reach and Withdraw and the CCHs. For sweetening a pc's temper and life, R2H has had no equal for cases above but not including level 8. ARC stands for the Affinity - Reality - Communication triangle from which comes the Tone Scale and is best covered by the booklet "Notes on Lectures". By-passed charge is covered very fully in recent HCOBs on ARC Breaks. R2H BY STEPS The auditing actions of Routine 2H are complex and must be done with great precision. The actions are done in Routine 3 Model Session. Mid Ruds and Missed Withholds may be used. STEP ONE: Tell the pc, "Recall an ARC Break." When pc has done so acknowledge that the pc has done so. Do not ask the pc what it is. If pc says what it is, simply acknowledge. It is no business of R2H to know what the ARC Break consists of! STEP TWO: Date the ARC Break on the meter. If the pc volunteers the date do not verify it on the meter further. Accept it at once and write it down. The date is more important than the content of the ARC Break. STEP THREE: Assess the ARC Break for by-passed charge, using the attached list. Find the greatest read. The assessment is seldom gone over more than once as a whole and those that read are then read again until one remains. This is a rapid action on the meter. Look only for tiny ticks or falls or a small left to right slash of the needle. Do not expect large reactions. The Mark V meter is indispensable. STEP FOUR: Indicate to the pc what charge was missed in that ARC Break he or she has recalled. The pc must be satisfied that that was the charge missed. The pc may try to recall what it was that was indicated. This is not a vital part of the drill but THE PC MUST BE SATISFIED THAT THE LOCATED BY-PASSED CHARGE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE ARC BREAK. There is a danger here of a great deal of auditor ad-libbing and tanglefoot. If the pc is not satisfied and happier about it, the wrong by- passed charge has been found and Step Three must be re-done. It is no part of this process to run an engram or secondary thus located. THE ASSESSMENT FORM This is a sample form. It may be necessary to add to it. Some lines of it may eventually be omitted. However, this form does work. The auditor may add a few lines to it. In asking the questions preface the whole assessment with, "In the ARC Break you recalled _______." Do not preface each question so unless pc goes adrift. A dirty needle means pc has started to speculate. Ask, "Have you thought of anything?" and clean needle. Had an engram been missed? Had a withhold been missed? Had some emotion been rejected? Had some affection been rejected? Had a reality been rejected? Had a communication been ignored? Had a similar incident occurred before? Had a goal been disappointed? Had some help been rejected? Was an engram restimulated? Had an overt been committed? Had an overt been contemplated? Had an overt been prevented? Was there a secret? Routine 2H is a skilled operation. Practice gives the auditor a knack of doing it rapidly. An ARC Break should be disposed of about every fifteen minutes of auditing time. Longer shows ineptitude. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.cden Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 100 HCOB 1 JUL 63 ROUTINE 3R, BULLETIN 4, PRELIMINARY STEP (TV5 p. 299-305, NTV VII p. 204-13) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 JULY AD13 Central Orgs Franchise ROUTINE 3R BULLETIN 4 PRELIMINARY STEP The R3R Preliminary Step is done to assure that the correct incident chain is run on the pc for that pc. Many chains, locks, secondaries and engrams, are available on any pc. But some of them are beyond the pc's reality and ability and some of them are too featherweight to get any case gain. The basic problem in starting a case on R3R is to run the pc on a chain that will (a) improve the case, (b) hold the pc's interest, (c) be within the pc's current ability to handle. The establishing of the correct chain was a missing element in all earlier engram running. Almost any pc from Level 7 upwards could have run engrams if the exact chain necessary to resolve the case could have been established. This is accomplished now by an accurate assessment using a sensitive E-Meter and the following form and procedure. It does not matter if the pc begins on a chain of locks, secondaries or engrams so long as running it does (a), (b) and (c) above. You do not have to specify in R3R whether you are running engrams, secondaries or locks. The word "Incident" covers all. Also, it does not matter if the pc stays within this lifetime or goes whole track so long as the assessed chain is followed and a basic eventually discovered for it. The chain leads where the chain leads. But once having found the proper chain the auditor must follow that chain, not skip about. To do this, the auditor, when asking for an earlier incident in later R3R steps always specifies the proper chain found in this assessment by the Level + Item result of this Preliminary Step Assessment. For example, if the chain found here in the Preliminary Step is "Decisions to die" (Level found = Decided + Item Found = To die), one obtains earlier incidents by always saying, "Is the next earlier decision to die more than ....... years ago? Less than ....... years ago?" Thus the result obtained in the Preliminary Step is used on and on until an actual basic is reached. This may be fifty or more engrams run and perhaps even some R3N in the middle of the chain if the chain leads into a GPM by normal rote use of R3R. When a basic is reached and discharged and the chain being run now gives little or no TA action (or even free needle), a new Preliminary Step is done. But until that happens, this Preliminary Step is not repeated with the other steps. Once it has happened (a basic found and run), however, a new Preliminary Step is done exactly as given here for the first chain assessment. You find the chain. You run engram after engram on that chain (or lock after lock or secondary after secondary). You find a basic. You run the basic thoroughly. With TA action now gone on the chain found you do a new Preliminary Step. RULE: TA ACTION EXISTS ON THE CORRECT CHAIN. RULE: A CHAIN ONCE ASSESSED MUST BE FULLY RUN. RULE: TA ACTION CEASES ON A DISCHARGED CHAIN. RULE: A NEW ASSESSMENT IS DONE ONLY WHEN A CHAIN IS DISCHARGED. RULE: ANY PROPERLY ASSESSED CHAIN WILL PRODUCE TA ACTION. RULE: IF A CHAIN ASSESSED DOES NOT PRODUCE IMMEDIATE TA ACTION WITH SKILLED R3R THE ASSESSMENT (OR THE RESULTING QUESTION FORMED) IS INCORRECT. ------ The exact procedure of assessment is: 1. Assess pc by elimination as below for a R3R Form Level. 2. List the Form Level found to a completed List. 3. Nul the completed list to a single subject. 4. Use the Form Level plus subject to designate the character of the incident to be found every time an incident is looked for. All rules of listing as developed in R2-12 apply to this Preliminary Step. They are not repeated here. One is not looking for RRs or RSes in the Preliminary Step Assessment. Any type of read is valid. ARC BREAKS When doing this step of R3R use the ARC Break Assessment for Listing Form, not the R3R ARC Break Assessment Form. The main sources of ARC Breaks in the Preliminary Step are: 1. Wrong level assessed. 2. The listed list incomplete. 3. The wrong Item taken from the list. 4. A former chain or engram abandoned to do a new assessment. 5. Earlier levels restimulated (old Pre-Hav auditing). 6. Earlier listing restimulated. Such forms will be published from time to time as they tend to change and improve. EARLIER ASSESSMENTS DONE The very earliest assessment (1948) used was "What the pc could see" when he closed his or her eyes. This was then run. This was followed by an arbitrary method of assigning necessary incidents to be run such as birth and prenatals. The next earliest assessment (1949) was to ask each time for "the incident necessary to resolve the case". An automaticity known as the "File Clerk" was depended upon, impinged into action by finger snapping. The next period (1951) concerned whole track exploration running whatever you could get to read on a meter. The next period (1952) concerned overt engrams located by what the pc seemed to be doing physically. This ended the Dianetic period where engrams were run to clear but mainly to cure psychosomatic illnesses. Variations of these assessments were revived from time to time in Dianetic uses, culminating in the 5th London ACC where overt engrams were run with confront and great stress was laid on getting the postulates out of them. The meter and shrewd guesses played their part in assessments. Up to this time there was a great dependence on "insight" and judgment. We were barred to some degree by my own ability to see other people's pictures which made engram running very easy for me to do, along with my general knowledge of the whole track and the mind. This led me to be very hard to convince that engram assessment was a subject at all or that most auditors couldn't do it. With the advent of Scientology with its complete shift from Dianetic goals, healing went out as a reason for running engrams and concern about the body vanished as an auditing target. This led to stresses on exteriorization of the spirit, moving it away from the body. As the reactive bank was thought to be part of the body, its engrams received no further attention. Eventually I discovered that the thetan had engrams and that these were being automatically (involuntarily) created by him. Engram running has vanished as a healing process. Engram handling by chains has emerged as an entirely reoriented subject, not even vaguely connected with the body and with the target not of a human clear but of Operating Thetan. The assessment for engram chains (or any kind of chain) emerges finally in Routine 3R. This assessment technology from beginning to end is Scientology. None of it was ever heard of in Dianetics. Therefore we have crossed a bridge. I have finally understood that precise assessment is vital for an auditor and that an auditor can learn the exact chain to be run on the pc without any intuition or second sight and that even my own auditing is bettered thereby, and that the thetan cannot be freed and re-empowered without an assessment and rote technology for engram running. This is R3R. The earliest R3R assessment for chains was done by pc interest and the button Protested, The pc was merely asked, "In this Lifetime what have you protested?" and with no listing, whatever the pc said and seemed interested in was taken. This however did not often produce adequate TA action when the chain was then run. The next improvement was using the 18 Prepcheck buttons. This drew a blank on some pcs, no level reacting. Accordingly, I then developed a new Pre-Hav Scale, based mainly on flows. It is Protest that is basically responsible for making a mental image picture. However, very few cases are up to this level. In order to bring more levels of case under engram running and to get more TA action for any case, I developed this Preliminary Step Scale. The present scale takes some account of (1) The old Pre-Hav Scale, (2) The Know-to-Mystery Scale, (3) The Chart of Attitudes, (4) The 18 Buttons and (5) The Flows Scale, as well as some old well-known buttons. Several possible levels (such as Create) have been left out because they would go at once into the GPM or Implant Goals. It may not be important that they do. Indeed, with experience we may even come to guide the pc at them. But for the moment they are left out. There would be nothing wrong in borrowing further from these sources to draw up a longer Preliminary Step Scale, but I think this should cover most pcs. The three most important visible factors in R3R are: (a) Pc's interest. (b) Tone Arm Action. (c) The ability of the pc to run the incidents. If the auditor can see these he knows his Preliminary Assessment was right. Interest does not mean happiness and joy. Interest is only absorbed attention and a desire to talk about it. Tears, terror or agony may be present without the Interest factor being absent. A chain of engrams is expected to produce pain and anaten. A chain of secondaries is expected to produce misemotion. These have nothing in them to head an auditor off a chain. Equally, significance and story content have no bearing on the rightness or wrongness of a chain selected. They are entirely incidental to judging the correctness of a chain. All the auditor is interested in is whether (a) the pc is interested; (b) the TA action is good and (c) can the pc run the incidents on the chain with correct and exact R3R. That careless auditing and bad R3R can influence (c), leaves us with only two exact criteria for a correct assessment: (a) Pc's Interest and (b) TA Action while running incidents. Only these two things tell us the assessment was right. The assessment can be right and unskilled R3R can wreck both in the later steps, a fact which has to be taken into account in reviewing cases in progress. R3R ASSESSMENT This is the Assessment for R3R Preliminary Step. In this form will be recognized the old Pre-Hav Scales and others, but improved for the purpose of engram chain assessment. This assessment must be done accurately. It is hard to do if the pc doesn't understand a level during assessment, ks startled by one or disagrees. These will make the assessment inaccurate. If the assessment is inaccurately done, the pc will ARC Break or the resulting engram chain will not give TA action when being run. The final level assessed will probably give TA action at once when found if right. The key sentence in assessing is "In this lifetime have you mainly ....... (level)." This is repeated for each level called. Levels are called once, as in ordinary elimination. Those that stayed in are reassessed the same way. The one form can be used for many additional assessments on the same pc as chains are run out. The use of this form brings R3R down to Case Level 7 in workability. A chain of engrams being run must give TA action. If none is present in running engrams and the TA stays high or low the assessment was wrong. The level found here is used to make and complete a list with the question, "In this lifetime what have you ....... (level found)?" "In this lifetime" is used not because we only want chains in this lifetime but to keep pc from going all over the track during the preliminary assessment, this making it too long. The chain you want comes into this lifetime. All rules of listing apply as in R2-12A in doing this list. In event of an ARC Break while doing the Preliminary Step, use the ARC Break Assessment for Listing. If needle dirties up in assessing this form, give form to pc and ask "What happened?" and if that fails, get in BMRs "On this Assessment". SUPPRESSED WITHHELD FAILED TO SUPPRESS FAILED TO WITHHOLD NOT SUPPRESSED NOT WITHHELD INVALIDATED PROTESTED FAILED TO INVALIDATE FAILED TO PROTEST NOT INVALIDATED NOT PROTESTED BEEN CAREFUL WITHDRAWN FAILED TO BE CAREFUL FAILED TO WITHDRAW NOT BEEN CAREFUL NOT WITHDRAWN SUGGESTED CONVINCED FAILED TO SUGGEST FAILED TO CONVINCE NOT SUGGESTED NOT CONVINCED PROVEN AGREED FAILED TO PROVE FAILED TO AGREE NOT PROVEN NOT AGREED HIDDEN DISAGREED FAILED TO HIDE FAILED TO DISAGREE NOT HIDDEN NOT DISAGREED REVEALED IGNORED FAILED TO REVEAL FAILED TO IGNORE NOT REVEALED NOT IGNORED MADE MISTAKES DECIDED FAILED TO MISTAKE FAILED TO DECIDE NOT MADE MISTAKES NOT DECIDED ASSERTED PROPITIATED FAILED TO ASSERT FAILED TO PROPITIATE NOT ASSERTED NOT PROPITIATED CHANGED HELD OFF FAILED TO CHANGE FAILED TO HOLD OFF NOT CHANGED NOT HELD OFF DAMAGED PULLED IN FAILED TO DAMAGE FAILED TO PULL IN NOT DAMAGED NOT PULLED IN REMAINED HELPED FAILED TO REMAIN FAILED TO HELP NOT REMAINED NOT HELPED PREVENTED KNOWN FAILED TO PREVENT FAILED TO KNOW NOT PREVENTED NOT KNOWN PRESSED ON CAUSED FAILED TO PRESS ON FAILED TO CAUSE NOT PRESSED ON NOT CAUSED BEEN RIGHT BELIEVED FAILED TO BE RIGHT FAILED TO BELIEVE NOT BEEN RIGHT NOT BELIEVED BEEN WRONG CURED FAILED TO BE WRONG FAILED TO CURE NOT BEEN WRONG NOT CURED WON LIKED FAILED TO WIN FAILED TO LIKE NOT WON NOT LIKED LOST AVOIDED FAILED TO LOSE FAILED TO AVOID NOT LOST NOT AVOIDED BLOCKED BEEN BORED FAILED TO BLOCK NOT BEEN BORED NOT BLOCKED BEEN ANTAGONISTIC RETREATED NOT BEEN ANTAGONISTIC FAILED TO RETREAT NOT RETREATED ENDURED FAILED TO ENDURE REACHED NOT ENDURED FAILED TO REACH NOT REACHED ABANDONED FAILED TO ABANDON ATTACKED NOT ABANDONED FAILED TO ATTACK NOT ATTACKED GIVEN UP STOPPED FAILED TO GIVE UP FAILED TO STOP NOT GIVEN UP NOT STOPPED BEEN SANE CONFRONTED FAILED TO BE SANE FAILED TO CONFRONT NOT BEEN SANE NOT CONFRONTED BEEN CURIOUS COMMUNICATED FAILED TO BE CURIOUS FAILED TO COMMUNICATE NOT BEEN CURIOUS NOT COMMUNICATED DESIRED BEEN PRIDEFUL FAILED TO DESIRE FAILED TO BE PROUD NOT DESIRED NOT BEEN PRIDEFUL ENFORCED SYMPATHIZED FAILED TO ENFORCE FAILED TO SYMPATHIZE NOT ENFORCED NOT SYMPATHIZED INHIBITED RECOVERED FAILED TO INHIBIT FAILED TO RECOVER NOT INHIBITED NOT RECOVERED BEEN ANGRY HAD FAILED TO BE ANGRY FAILED TO HAVE NOT HAD RESENTED FAILED TO RESENT LOOKED NOT RESENTED FAILED TO LOOK NOT LOOKED FEARED SERENE FAILED TO FEAR FAILED TO BE SERENE NOT FEARED BEEN ENTHUSIASTIC BEEN IN GRIEF FAILED TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC FAILED TO CRY BEEN CONSERVATIVE BEEN APATHETIC FAILED TO BE CONSERVATIVE FAILED TO BE APATHETIC INFLOWED THOUGHT FAILED TO INFLOW FAILED TO THINK STOPPED INFLOW NOT THOUGHT OUTFLOWED EVALUATED FAILED TO OUTFLOW FAILED TO EVALUATE STOPPED OUTFLOW NOT EVALUATED HAD OPINIONS ABOUT FAILED TO HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT NOT HAD OPINIONS ABOUT In nulling this scale the pc may suddenly break down emotionally or get an overpowering reaction. (Not just a twinge or an interest in a level, since the pc will not know the real level until it is found.) If so, STOP, don't go on. Go back to above the point where pc was all right and then carefully null back down to where you stopped. Go over this area getting in suppress and invalidate if needful and you'll have the pc's level found. You may lead into ARC Breaks if you persist in going on as you have by-passed charge. But the pc's reaction must be large for you to use this mechanism. Beware of a "sell" by the pc. A pc doesn't know the level until it is actually found. Some pcs will decide on a level and it will then read. In such a case get in Protested and Decided with "On this scale have you ....... " by fast check. Don't let your pc mess up an assessment by a "sell" or decision. But don't keep on down a long assessment of this scale with the pc shattered by pain or emotion as the pc will suppress the right level. When you have found the pc's level on the above scale by elimination, then list the following question, using that level found: "In this lifetime what have you ....... (level found)?" List the list to a clean needle so that it nuls very easily, leaving a very few in on the first nulling, only two or three in on the second nulling of what has been left in. Put mid ruds in on these if necessary. Nul out to the final Item. Combine the Level found and the Item found. This is a very simple step. The wording may have to be altered in tense but not in sense. "Decided" may become "Decision". "Failed to think" may become "Failure to think". In the Item found some shift of the pc's wording may be needful. But be very careful that you get a combination of Level and Item that makes sense to the pc and reads on the meter without protest reading too. These reads are often not very large and at best assume steep falls with TA action. So be careful to add up the Level and the Item found to a sensible statement that does not alter the sense. For instance you can err greatly if the Level was "Fear" and the Item was "Entrapment" if you vary it to "Fear of Traps". That won't give you the same chain at all. The correct one is "Fear of Entrapment" of course. You can have a correct Level, a correct Item and then fail to combine the two sensibly. If so you will get (a) A confused pc and (b) A wrong chain. Either way you'll get little TA action and no R3R done. The Level "Failed to Convince" and the Item "Father" had better be left just that way. It gives a short chain, this lifetime, soon done. By changing the Item "Father" to "Fathers" you would go whole track but the significance is wildly altered and might not run at all. The less alteration the better. And never alter the sense of it. Use the question: "Is the first available (Level) (Item) incident earlier than five years ago? Later than five years ago?" And using times to suit, go on with Step One of R3R. (Note: The above scale is in random order of arrangement at this time and positions of levels on the scale have no significance.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 101 HCOTF 1 JUL 63 LINE PLOT, FIRST SERIES HELOTROBUS IMPLANTS (Not in either set of Tech Vols. Previously considered confidential. Probably omitted from NTV because it is not an HCOB) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO TECHNICAL FORM OF JULY 1, AD13 LINE PLOT, FIRST SERIES HELOTROBUS IMPLANTS, 43 TRILLION Preclear:____________________ Auditor:__________________ GOAL:_______________________________________ Date:__________________ WHO OR WHAT WOULD OPPOSE _______? WHO OR WHAT WOULD ________OPPOSE? Block One 1. RR____ TOP OPPTERM________ NIX____________________ RR 2. TA____ ___________________ _______________________ TA 3. RR____ ABSOLUTEABLY _______ NIX ABSOLUTEABLY ______ RR 4. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 5. RR____ PERFECTABLY ________ NIX PERFECTABLY _______ RR 6. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 7. RR____ SUPERIORABLY _______ NIX SUPERIORABLY ______ RR 8. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 9. RR____ INCOMPARABLY _______ NIX INCOMPARABLY ______ RR 10. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 11. RR____ FASCINATEABLY_______ NIX FASCINATEABLY______ RR 12. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 13. RR____ HIGHLY ACCEPTABLY___ NIX HIGHLY ACCEPTABLY__ RR 14. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 15. RR____ RECOMMENDABLY ______ NIX RECOMMENDABLY______ RR 16. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 17. RR____ ACCEPTABLY__________ NIX ACCEPTABLY ________ RR 18. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 19. RR____ ENGROSSABLY ________ NIX ENGROSSABLY _______ RR 20. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 21. RR____ VITALABLY___________ NIX VITALABLY _________ RR 22. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 23. RR____ EAGERABLY___________ NIX EAGERABLY _________ RR 24. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 25. RR____ ENTHUSIASTICABLY____ NIX ENTHUSIASTICABLY___ RR 26. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 27. RR____ ENJOYABLY __________ NIX ENJOYABLY _________ RR 28. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 29. RR____ PLEASUREABLY________ NIX PLEASUREABLY ______ RR 30. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 31. RR____ AGREEABLY __________ NIX AGREEABLY _________ RR 32. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 33. RR____ DEDICATEABLY _______ NIX DEDICATEABLY ______ RR 34. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 35. RR____ COMMENDABLY_________ NIX COMMENDABLY _______ RR 36. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 37. RR____ DESIREABLY__________ NIX DESIREABLY_________ RR 38. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 39. RR____ WANTABLY____________ NIX WANTABLY___________ RR 40. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 41. RR____ COVETABLY __________ NIX COVETABLY _________ RR 42. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 43. RR____ HOPEABLY ___________ NIX HOPEABLY __________ RR 44. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 45. RR____ DECIDEABLY__________ NIX DECIDEABLY ________ RR 46. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 47. RR____ CREDITABLY__________ NIX CREDITABLY ________ RR 49. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 49. RR____ DEMANDABLY _________ NIX DEMANDABLY ________ RR 50. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 51. RR____ BOREABLY ___________ NIX BOREABLY __________ RR 52. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 53. RR____ DEJECTABLY__________ NIX DEJECTABLY_________ RR 54. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 55. RR____ DEGRADEABLY ________ NIX DEGRADEABLY _______ RR 56. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 57. RR____ IDIOTABLY __________ NIX IDIOTABLY _________ RR 58. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 59. RR____ LOSEABLY____________ NIX LOSEABLY___________ RR 60. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 61. RR____ BADABLY_____________ NIX BADABLY ___________ RR 62. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 63. RR____ UNWANTABLY__________ NIX UNWANTABLY_________ RR 64. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 65. RR____ PLAYABLY____________ NIX PLAYABLY___________ RR 66. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 67. RR____ ABANDONABLY_________ NIX ABANDONABLY _______ RR 68. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 69. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 70. TA____ ________________ ING ____________________ING TA 71. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 72. TA____ ________________ ERS ____________________ERS TA 73. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 74. TA____ ____________ INGNESS ________________INGNESS TA 75. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 76. TA____ ____________ ISHNESS ________________ISHNESS TA 77. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 78. TA____ _____________ ATIVES ________________ ATIVES TA 79. RR____ ____________________ NIX ___________________ RR 80. TA____ ______________ IVITY __________________IVITY TA Block Two 81. RR____ GOAL TO ____________ NIX TO ________________ RR 82. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 83. RR____ ABSOLUTEABLE TO ____ NIX ABSOLUTEABLE TO ___ RR 84. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 85. RR____ PERFECTABLE TO _____ NIX PERFECTABLE TO ____ RR 86. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 87. RR____ SUPERIORABLE TO ____ NIX SUPERIORABLE TO ___ RR 88. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 89. RR____ INCOMPARABLE TO ____ NIX INCOMPARABLE TO ___ RR 90. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 91. RR____ FASCINATEABLE TO____ NIX FASCINATEABLE TO___ RR 92. TA____ ____________________ _______________________ TA 93. RR____ HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE TO NIX HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE TO RR 94. TA____ ____________________ ________________________ TA 95. RR____ RECOMMENDABLE TO____ NIX RECOMMENDABLE TO____ RR 96. TA____ ____________________ ________________________ TA 97. RR____ ACCEPTABLE TO_______ NIX ACCEPTABLE TO ______ RR 98. TA____ ____________________ ________________________ TA 99. RR____ ENGROSSABLE TO _____ NIX ENGROSSABLE TO _____ RR 100. TA____ ____________________ ________________________ TA 101. RR____ VITALABLE TO_______ NIX VITALABLE TO _______ RR 102. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 103. RR____ EAGERABLE TO_______ NIX EAGERABLE TO _______ RR 104. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 105. RR____ ENTHUSIASTICABLE TO NIX ENTHUSIASTICABLE TO_ RR 106. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 107. RR____ ENJOYABLE TO ______ NIX ENJOYABLE TO _______ RR 108. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 109. RR____ PLEASUREABLE TO____ NIX PLEASUREABLE TO_____ RR 110. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 111. RR____ AGREEABLE TO ______ NIX AGREEABLE TO _______ RR 112. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 113. RR____ DEDICATEABLE TO ___ NIX DEDICATEABLE TO ____ RR 114. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 115. RR____ COMMENDABLE TO_____ NIX COMMENDABLE TO__ RR 116. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 117. RR____ DESIREABLE TO______ NIX DESIREABLE TO_______ RR 118. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 119. RR____ WANTABLE TO________ NIX WANTABLE TO_________ RR 120. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 121. RR____ COVETABLE TO ______ NIX COVETABLE TO _______ RR 122. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 123. RR____ HOPEABLE TO _______ NIX HOPEABLE TO ________ RR 124. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 125. RR____ DECIDEABLE TO______ NIX DECIDEABLE TO ______ RR 126. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 127. RR____ CREDITABLE TO______ NIX CREDITABLE TO ______ RR 129. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 129. RR____ DEMANDABLE TO _____ NIX DEMANDABLE TO ______ RR 130. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 131. RR____ BOREABLE TO _______ NIX BOREABLE TO ________ RR 132. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 133. RR____ DEJECTABLE TO______ NIX DEJECTABLE TO_______ RR 134. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 135. RR____ DEGRADEABLE TO ____ NIX DEGRADEABLE TO _____ RR 136. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 137. RR____ IDIOTABLE TO ______ NIX IDIOTABLE TO _______ RR 138. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 139. RR____ LOSEABLE TO________ NIX LOSEABLE TO_________ RR 140. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 141. RR____ BADABLE TO_________ NIX BADABLE TO _________ RR 142. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 143. RR____ UNWANTABLE TO______ NIX UNWANTABLE TO_______ RR 144. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 145. RR____ PLAYABLE TO________ NIX PLAYABLE TO_________ RR 146. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 147. RR____ ABANDONABLE TO_____ NIX ABANDONABLE TO _____ RR 148. TA____ ___________________ ________________________ TA 149. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 150. TA____ ________________ING _____________________ING TA 151. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 152. TA____ ________________ERS _____________________ERS TA 153. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 154. TA____ ____________INGNESS _________________INGNESS TA 157. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 158. TA____ _____________ATIVES _________________ ATIVES TA 159. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 160. TA____ ______________IVITY ___________________IVITY TA Block Three 161. RR____ GOAL MINUS "TO"____ NIX (GOAL MINUS "TO")___ RR 162. TA________________________ _____________________ING TA 163. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 164. TA____ ________________ING _____________________ING TA 165. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 166. TA____ ________________ERS _____________________ERS TA 167. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 168. TA____ ____________INGNESS _________________INGNESS TA 169. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 170. TA____ ___________ ISHNESS _________________ISHNESS TA 171. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 172. TA____ _____________ATIVES _________________ ATIVES TA 173. RR____ ___________________ NIX ____________________ RR 174. TA____ ______________IVITY ___________________IVITY TA Block Five ING FORM OF GOAL 175. RR____ THOSE WHO ARE______ SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVER__ RR 176. TA_____________________ING _____________________ING TA 177. RR____ ___________________ SOMEONE WHO HATES_______ RR 178. TA____ ________________ING _____________________ING TA 179. RR____ ACTIVE_____________ SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T_____ RR 180. TA____ ________________ING WANT ________________ING TA 181. RR____ ANY NECESSITY FOR SOMEONE WHO SEES NO ____ RR 182. TA____ ________________ING NECESSITY FOR________ING TA 183. RR____ ANY ACTIONS OF ____ NIX ANY ACTIONS OF______ RR 184. TA____ ________________ING ____________________ ING TA 185. RR____ A BELIEF IN _______ NIX A BELIEF IN ________ RR 186. TA____ ________________ING ____________________ ING TA 187. RR____ THE PROPONENTS OF NIX THE PROPONENTS OF___ RR 189. TA____ _______________ ING ____________________ ING TA 189. RR____ THE FANTASTIC IMP- THE UNIMPORTANCES RR 190. TA____ ORTANCES OF_____ING OF __________________ING TA 191. RR____ THE OBSESSIONS FOR NIX THE OBSESSIONS FOR RR 192. TA____ ________________ING ____________________ ING TA 193. RR____ THE INTERESTING- NIX THE INTERESTINGNESS RR 194. TA____ NESS OF________ ING OF__________________ ING TA 197. RR____ THE UPSETS ABOUT___ NIX THE UPSETS ABOUT____ RR 198. TA____ ________________ING ____________________ ING TA 199. RR____ THE DESPERATIONS NIX THE DESPERATIONS OF RR 200. TA____ OF _____________ING ____________________ ING TA 201. RR____ THE FRENZIEDNESS NIX THE FRENZIEDNESS OF RR 202. TA____ OF _____________ING ____________________ ING TA 203. RR____ THE HOPELESSNESS NIX THE HOPELESSNESS OF RR 205. TA____ OF _____________ING ____________________ ING TA Block Six ER FORM OF GOAL 205. RR____ THE EXHAUSTION OF AN EXHAUSTED ___________ RR 206. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 207. RR____ THE STUPIDITY OF___ A STUPIFIED_____________ RR 208. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 209. RR____ THE EFFORTS OF ____ AN ENEFFORTIZED_________ RR 210. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 211. RR____ THE UNREWARDING- AN UNREWARDED _____________ RR 212. TA____ NESS OF________ ING ______________________ER TA 213. RR____ THE COMPLICATIONS A COMPLICATED___________ RR 214. TA____ OF______________ING ______________________ER TA 215. RR____ THE DEMANDS OF ____ A DEMANDING_____________ RR 216. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 217. RR____ THE DETERMINATIONS A DETERMINED____________ RR 218. TA____ OF______________ING ______________________ER TA 219. RR____ THE LIMITATIONS OF A____________________ING RR 220. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 221. RR____ THE OPPONENTS OF___ A_______________________ RR 222. TA____ ________________ING ______________________ER TA 223. RR____ THE HATRED OF _____ ________________________ RR 224. TA____ ________________ING ____________________ ING TA 225. RR____ STOPPED____________ SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL RR 226. TA____ ________________ING TO______________________ TA 227. RR____ ANY IMPOSSIBILITY SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING RR 228. TA____ OF______________ING WITH THE GOAL TO________ TA 229. RR____ THE NON EXISTENCE THE GOAL TO_____________ RR 230. TA____ OF______________ING ________________________ TA 231. RR____ BOTTOM OPTERM TO _____________________ RR 232. TA____ Next goal + this goal _______________________ TA or this goal + next goal. Sometimes Not or Nix has to be added. "What goal would ____oppose?" (50 beyond last RS or RR) 1. (Top oppterm of next goal) [No signature line. Note that it was sometimes omitted on forms remimeoed for HGC use] ================== 102 HCOPL 3 JUL 63 CHANGE OF ROUTING ORG TECH REPORTS (OEC V4 p 36) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 3 JULY 1963 CenOCon CHANGE OF ROUTING: ORG TECHNICAL REPORTS The original copies of all Org technical reports are to be seen, commented upon where necessary, and initialled by the Assoc/Org Sec prior to being airmailed to HCO WW. For Orgs in Southern Africa and Australia, Org technical reports are to be routed via Continental Director and thence airmailed to HCO WW. Delays on these tech report lines are to be minimised as much as possible. These changes of routing are made so as to put in the correct command-lines. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ==================