Date: 8 Jun 1999 21:40:47 -0000 Subject: FZBA 6/14 SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <4fe413305dc7f736bad7cfa511191cf9@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 2189 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:750922 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH VOLUME SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 - PART 6 ************************************************** The Freezone Tech Volumes are a superset of: 1. The Old Tech Volumes 2. The New Tech Volumes 3. Confidential Material 4. BTBs 5. PLs from the OEC volumes concerning Tech 6. Anything else appropriate that we can find They do not include a. All HCOPLs (see the OEC volumes for those) b. Tape Transcripts (which are being posted separately) Because there is so much material (for 1963, we have twice as much material as the old tech volumes), and because the old and new Tech Volumes do not align as to how the years are divided between the volumes, we are doing each year as a separate volume. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 071 HCOB 11 MAY 63 ROUTINE 3 HEAVEN (Not in either set of tech volumes. However it appears in the list of CofS copyrighted materials. This version was posted by Scamizdat. Since the data matches that which is in various tapes such as SHSBC-263 renumbered 291 of 14 MAY 63 titled "IMPLANT GPMS", it is assumed to be accurate. Note that the tape is no longer considered confidential.) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East grinstead, Sussex Central Orgs. Franchise HCO BULLETIN OF MAY 11, AD 13 ROUTINE 3 HEAVEN Well, I have been to heaven. And I've found that Scientologists have been to Heaven. And that everybody has evidently been to Heaven. The Goals Problem Mass implants, which are the apparent basic source of aberration and heaven travail, which began with the goal To Forget, were cynically done in "Heaven". For a long while, some people have been cross with me for my lack of co-operation in believing in a Christian Heaven, God and Christ. I have never said I didn't disbelieve in a Big Thetan, but there was a certain something very corny about Heaven et al. Now I have to apologize. There was a Heaven. Not too unlike, in a cruel betrayal, the heaven of the Assassins in the 12th Century who, like everybody else, dramatized the whole track implants - if a bit more so. Yes, I've been to Heaven. And so have you. And you have the pattern of it's implants in the HCO Bulletin Line Plots. It was complete with gates, angels and plaster saints - and electronic implantation equipment. So there was a Heaven after all - which is why you are on this planet and were condemned never to be free again - until Scientology. Before you went to Heaven you were not really very bad or very good, but you didn't think you had lived only once, and you had a good memory and knew who you were and enjoyed life. Afterwards - The symbol of the crucified Christ is very apt indeed. It's the symbol of a thetan betrayed. DATA Additional work and possible corrections need to be done but this is the gist of the matter: The implants are electronic in nature and follow a certain pattern of the G.P.M. The implant station existed on the order of magnitude of 43,000,000,000,000 years ago. (The dates may be part of the implants, but do not appear so at this time. However, a possibility of correction of dates is reserved.). Some have been through it once, some more than once. The first time I arrived and the moment of the implant To Forget was dated at 43,891,832,611,117 years, 344 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds from 10:024 PM Daylight Greenwich Time, May 9, 1963. There are no earlier such implants. There no later such implants. I evidently have a goal of my own at 305 Trillion (U.S.) years and an actual GPM, all of which pulled into this 43 Trillion year implant. ADDITIONAL E-METER DATA Five goals in all may be common to both sequences. The first 3 of the 5 are the same. There are no implants, but dates rocket read. Implanting was done on a non-visible thetan, but arrival was in a ship in a doll body according to the meter. Star of Bethlehem, Pearly Gates, The Way out of the Universe, all of which RR on the meter, give a clue to recruitment actions. There was no purpose in giving a particular thetan a particular goal. Planning had no individualization. A preclear's overts should be scouted as to why these implants keyed in, Fac 1, hypnotism, etc. But doubtful if any preclear did this type of implanting. The mood is set that thetans are evil, treacherous and bad, but this is all part of the implant, not factual. The earliest point of the series is not known at this writing but possibly contains a recruitment through advertising. The departure method from the series is not fully known yet but probably just abandonment. The implants were not done in a box or in some trick manner of projection. The scenery is actually there, common Mest Universe space and matter and in Mest Universe. The first (43 Trillion ) series consists of 29 implanted goals. The second (42 Trillion ) series consists of 21 implanted goals. The first three goals in both series are the same, To Forget, To Remember and To Go Away. The last goal and one other in both series are the same. The remaining goals are not the same for the two implants. PERSONALLY PERCEIVED DATA The pattern of RI's is different for the two series, consisting in the second series of added RI's below the To Have a Goal-iving and with a different dwindling of adjectives and adverbs, but are otherwise similar. Both series have the Gates of Heaven visible. The last implant of both consists of "entering" Heaven. The last goal of both is To Be In Heaven. The gates of the first series are well done, well built. An avenue of statues of saints leads up to them. The gate pillars are surrounded by marble angels. The entering grounds are very well kept, laid out like Bush Gardens in Pasadena, so often seen in the movies. Aside from the implant boxes which lie across from each other on the walk there are other noises and sounds as though the saints are defending and berating. These are unimportant to the incident. The second series, probably in the same place, shows what a trillion years of overt acts does (or is an additional trickery to collapse one's time). The saints have vanished. So have the Angels. A sign on one (the left as you "enter") says "This is Heaven". The right has a sign "Hell" with an arrow and inside the grounds one can see the excavations like archeological diggings with row terraces, that lead to "Hell". Plain wire fencing encloses the place. There is a sentry box beside and outside the right pillar. The road "leading up" to the gates is deeply eroded. An effigy of Joseph, complete with desert clothing, is seen approaching the gates (but not moving) leading a donkey which "carries" the original Madonna and a child from "Bethlehem". The implanting boxes lie on either side of this "entering" at path level. These are the actual ends of the two series. One backs out of the gates, of course, from top oppterm down, as this is the end. The last two RI's after this last goal say "it is the beginning", "Not the end". The place, by implant and inference, was supposed to be in the sky like a floating island. Actually it was simply a high place in the mountains of a planet and the gates pathway falls away into a gorge, very eroded and bare by the time of the second implant, but heavily forested and rolling at the time of the first. The beginnings have not at this writing been so well explored by myself. I have not viewed the second beginning (which says it is the end). However, I do know that the second series was done in long square tunnels with implant boxes, not unlike small P.A. speakers with fretwork fronts, on either side. The first series actually begins with arrival in a "town" (as everything is backwards to upset the time sense). This "town" consisted of a trolley bus, some building fronts, sidewalks, train tracks, a boarding house, a bistro in a basement where there is a "bulletin board" well lighted, and a BANK BUILDING. The bank is the key point of interest. It is interesting that we use the word "bank" (taken from computerology) to indicate the reactive mind. This bank building was on-the-corner old-fashioned granite-like construction, two or three stories high, with the door in the rounded front - even a revolving type door. Inside to the left of the entrance door is a rounded counter. Directly across the room are THE stairs. The top oppterm and terminal of To Forget are at the top of these stairs. The implant then proceeds on down the stairs, step by step, terminals on one side (the left if one were coming up the stairs) the oppterms on the other. The first series (43 Trillion) has all its implant impulses at step level. In the second series the boxes are ear high to a man. By the time the gates are arrived at in the first series, the terminals are on the left as you approach the gates, the oppterms on the right, having been reversed at some point. The first (43 Trillion) series had very fine marble stairs. The same stairs can be seen in any big well kept railway station. They were complete with a white ball held in a wrought iron stand. The thetan was taken along apparently on a pole trap to which he was stuck. It does not proceed step by step throughout the whole of the implant series, but after the first flight of stairs, goes a ways, stops while several pairs of RI's fire then to a new location. The place seemed to have people in it. But they are all effigies. Those seem radioactive. Contact with them hurts. No living beings are seen. But the effigies that look like humans are performing sudden, repetitive actions with long halts in between. In the "basement" such dummies are seen operating machinery. The boarding house at the actual beginning has a dummy guest and a landlady in kimono and wrappers, reading a newspaper. There are no devils or Satan's that I saw. There is a passenger getting on the trolley bus, a "workman" halfway down the first stairs of "To Forget" "eating lunch" and in To Be in Heaven a gardener or electrician adjusting an implant box behind a hedge and periodically leaping up and screaming. The place, so long as the implants remain only partially discharged, seems to swim in black and white electronic masses, but these dissipate as the implants are run out by pattern. One actually "enters" the "town" as the first action. The implants, however, were rigged to makes the gates seem the entrance to the incident. One backs through from the town, into the bank, down the steps and eventually out the pearly gates, down the hillside and is there let off and abandoned. "TO BE IN HEAVEN" is the last goal implanted in both series. This is not a body building implant, though running it gives somatics to the chest. This is not a GE implant. It is the person's own. Running it, particularly badly, brings it down on the body. There are body somatics on it, however, particularly eyes, face, chest, bones. It apparently only can be run by 3M listing and rocket reads. One must have the goal to get the RI's. CONCLUSIONS The place is so full of lies by implant that the preclear becomes quite confused and this review of the actual date is necessary to a successful navigation. However, it is very easy to read more treachery into it than there is in it - which is enough. However, as the place existed so long it was in a varying state of repair and some change. (This data on time is subject to review). But in 1,2 Trillion years only some of the implant pattern and mock up had shifted. However, there may have been other stations. Only time and research will really tell that. One must date the preclear's first (earliest) goal to forget, find how many times the preclear went through it, or some such implant station, date the other times and be careful to run only the first of the series. As this is basic, as in prepchecking, Sec checking and old engram running, it tends to case up the remainder of the implants. But running the implants later than basic is very much harder on the pc even though it can be done. Wherever one misses an RI in an implant, that repeating RI when found in a later one tends to be very much more heavily charged. Re-running any implant that has only been partially run tends to rough up the whole implant and make it hard to run. LUCK I think we are lucky. It could have been much worse. This heavenly dream of destruction could have been current, not so long ago. It could have happened often, not just once or twice or three times per pc. But apparently it didn't and is unique in itself. This is the core of the Reactive Mind. It is all the way South. For here, just once on the whole track, somebody discovered the mechanism of purposes and RI's and utilized them to install religious mania and pin thetans down to "one life" and planets. The thing was done so well that it has hung up ever since. There are other implants, there are other goals and GPMs, but these are minor and easily found and listed once this key implant series is out of the way. We were in a position of having an infinite number of pieces to the puzzle. Now we have a finite number which even though very tough, are still finite in number. Further, every processing step taken, every RI discharged is a positive gain toward a definite result in processing. Further, we have our hands on an appalling bit of technology where the world is concerned. With repidity and a Meter it can be shown that Heaven is a false dream, and that the old religion was based on a very painful lie, a cynical betrayal. What does this do to any religious nature of Scientology? It strengthens it. New religions always overthrow the false gods of the old, they do something to better man. We can improve man. We can show the old gods false. And we can open up the universe as a happier place in which a spirit may dwell. What more can you expect? This actually places us far beyond any other beings that are about. It puts us, through increased beingness and a restoration of life, in control of much destiny. We now have only a few unsolved problems about life, huge though they may be, such as the construction of bodies, and how does one establish the character of and communicate, if feasible, with beings who are making trees and insects. There are a few things like these. But I imagine when we finally manage to communicate with beetles under rocks and free them, we'll no doubt find the Creator of Heaven who 43+ Trillion years ago designed and built the Pearly Gates and trapped us all. Good Lord, I'd hate to be guilty of that overt. But never mind - you aren't either. That guy is GONE (I hope!). L. RON HUBBARD (Note: This HCO Bulletin is based on over a thousand hours of research auditing, analyzing the facsimiles of the reactive mind, and with the help of a Mark V Electrometer. It is scientific research, and is not in any way based upon the mere opinion of the researcher. This HCO Bulletin is not the result of the belief or beliefs of anyone, Scientology data reflects long, arduous and painstaking research over a period of some thirty years into the nature of Man, the mind, the human spirit, and it's relationship to the physical universe. The data and phenomena discovered in Scientology is common to all minds and all men, and can be demonstrated on anyone. Truth does not require belief to be truth any more than water requires anyone's permission to run down hill. The data is itself and can be duplicated by any honest researcher or practitioner. We in Scientology seek freedom, the betterment of Man, and the happiness of the individual and this comprises our attitude toward the data found. The data, however, is simply itself, and exists whatever the opinion of any one may be. The contents of this HCO Bulletin discover the apparent underlying impulses of religious zealotism and the source of the religious mania and insanity which terrorized Earth over the ages and has given religion the appearance of insanity. (As this paper is written for my friends it has, of course, a semblance of irreverence). Note:All our data on the whole track remains factual and is not taken from any implant. The only error released earlier was the time factors involved in GPMs. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw:jr Copyright (c) 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 072 HCOB 12 MAY 63 ROUTINE 3, RI FORM (GPM RI FORM CORRECTED) 12 MAY 63 ROUTINE 3 RI FORM (GPM RI FORM CORRECTED) (NTV VII p. 145-54, previously considered confidential) [see corrections in HCOB 26 MAY 63] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 MAY AD 13 Central Orgs Missions ROUTINE 3 RI FORM (GPM RI FORM CORRECTED) The first series (43 trillion) of GPM implants follow this exact word form. In the following form there may be an RI in juxtaposition or a missing pair (on test now I have found it all correct so far as I can tell) but except as indicated this is the exact pattern, in that your pc has all of these. If your pc's goal does not follow this form you are running the second series at 41 trillion. An approximation of the word is not acceptable. With a little random listing the right one will RR. Example: "Enjoying Catfish" is not good enough. It would have to be "Enjoyably Catfish" as given. Only a variation in the middle of the word sometimes occurs, i.e., Enjoyably fires as Enjoyfulably. Enjoy and -ably are always there. Only No may fire in the terminals, not NIX but if so mass will eventually stack up, GPM to GPM on the terminal side. Early on a case a bank is so charged up that almost anything will RR. So work for the right one as given, or in later GPMs that level will leave mass because basic on it (1st GPM) is wrong. This is not the pattern of the second series (41 or 42 trillion). The first series is probably available on your pc. Find it. If you can't and pc got only the second series of GPMs (although I'm still prepared to find it all one consecutive implant) blunder about and get charge off by finding RIs. I haven't run much of the second series. Without the first series run completely the accumulated charge on the second is too brutal. However I will have the full pattern of it in a very few weeks. I am auditing a fresh pc and am being audited at the rate of one RI per minute of auditing time. Blowdown is ignored. Only RIs are used now we have this pattern. This pattern should fit all the first series of implanted GPMs, 28 or 29 in number. The only trouble you'll have is finding the correct top oppterm on some. Each goal consists of certain blocks of RIs. For instance, Block One (as noted on plot) is "Forgotten." Therefore one has Forgotten as the Top Oppterm, NIX Forgotten as the top terminal. Then one has "Absoluteably Forgotten," then "NIX Absoluteably Forgotten" as its terminal. And so on. The blocks are numbered. The appropriate ending or form goes in each block. ( See next page ) For To Forget, the blocks are: Block One - Top Oppterm: Forgotten Block Two - Goal: To Forget Block Three - Goal Minus "To": Forget Block Four - Goal Minus "To" + able: Not present in first series of implants. Block Five - ing form: Forgetting Block Six - er form: Forgetter For the goal To Remember: Block One: Remembered Block Two: To Remember Block Three: Remember Block Four: Not Present in first series Block Five: Remembering Block Six: Rememberer The goal To Go Away: Block One: Gone Block Two: To Go Away Block Three: Go Away Block Four: Not present in first series Block Five: Going Away Block Six: Go Awayer Last goal of first series: Block One: Heaven Block Two: To Be in Heaven Block Three: Be in Heaven Block Four: Not present Block Five: Being in Heaven Block Six: Be in Heavener Order of RIs - First Series [In the bulletin, there are horizontal arrows pointing from each item on the left towards the Nix item on the right and there is a diagonal arrow pointing down from the Nix towards the next lower item on the left. In other words, item 1 points at item 2 and then item 2 points down diagonally to item 3 etc.] [The 26 May correction states that the alternate wording occasionally given in small letters are incorrect] WHO OR WHAT WOULD OPPOSE: WHO OR WHAT WOULD ____ OPPOSE -------------------------| Block One | 1. TOP OPPTERM__________ | ---> 2. NIX ____________ _________________________| 3. ABSOLUTEABLY___________ ---> 4. NIX ____________ 5. PERFECTABLY____________ ---> 6. NIX ____________ 7. SUPERIORABLY __________ ---> 8. NIX ____________ 9. INCOMPARABLY __________ ---> 10. NIX ____________ 11. FASCINATABLY _________ ---> 12. NIX ____________ Fascinatingably 13. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLY ____ ---> 14. NIX ____________ 15. RECOMMENDABLY ________ ---> 16. NIX ____________ 17. ACCEPTABLY ___________ ---> 18. NIX ____________ 19. ENGROSSABLY __________ ---> 20. NIX ____________ 21. VITALABLY ____________ ---> 22. NIX ____________ 23. EAGERABLY ____________ ---> 24. NIX ____________ 25. ENTHUSIASTICABLY _____ ---> 26. NIX ____________ 27. ENJOYABLY ____________ ---> 28. NIX ____________ 29. PLEASURABLY __________ ---> 30. NIX ____________ 31. AGREEABLY ____________ ---> 32. NIX ____________ 33. DEDICATEABLY _________ ---> 34. NIX ____________ Dedicativeably 35. COMMENDABLY __________ ---> 36. NIX ____________ 37. DESIREABLY____________ ---> 38. NIX ____________ 39. WANTABLY______________ ---> 40. NIX ____________ Wantedably 41. COVETABLY ____________ ---> 42. NIX ____________ Covetedably Covetiveably 43. HOPEFULABLY___________ ---> 44. NIX ____________ [changed to HOPEABLY by 26 May] 45. DECIDEDABLY___________ ---> 46. NIX ____________ [changed to DECIDABLY by 26 May] 47. CREDITABLY____________ ---> 48. NIX ____________ 49. DEMANDEDABLY _________ ---> 50. NIX ____________ [changed to DEMANDABLY by 26 May] 51. BOREABLY______________ ---> 52. NIX ____________ 53. DEJECTEDABLY _________ ---> 54. NIX ____________ [changed to DEJECTABLY by 26 May] 55. DEGRADEABLY __________ ---> 56. NIX ____________ 57. IDOITABLY ____________ ---> 58. NIX ____________ 59. LOSEABLY______________ ---> 60. NIX ____________ 61. BADABLY_______________ ---> 62. NIX ____________ 63. UNWANTEDABLY__________ ---> 64. NIX ____________ Unwantably [changed to UNWANTABLY by 26 May] 65. PLAYABLY______________ ---> 66. NIX ____________ 67. ABANDONABLY___________ ---> 68. NIX ____________ 69. TOP OPPTERM-ING_______ ---> 70. NIX ____________ 71. __________________ ERS ---> 72. NIX ____________ 73. ______________ INGNESS ---> 74. NIX ____________ 75. ______________ ISHNESS ---> 76. NIX ____________ 77. _______________ ATIVES ---> 78. NIX ____________ 79. ________________ IVITY ---> 80. NIX ____________ -------------------------| Block Two | 81. GOAL TO ___________ | ---> 82. NIX ____________ _________________________| 83. ABSOLUTEABLY__________ ---> 84. NIX ____________ 85. PERFECTABLE___________ ---> 86. NIX ____________ 87. SUPERIORABLE__________ ---> 88. NIX ____________ 89. INCOMPARABLE__________ ---> 90. NIX ____________ 91. FASCINATABLE__________ ---> 92. NIX ____________ 93. HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE_____ ---> 94. NIX ____________ 95. RECOMMENDABLE_________ ---> 96. NIX ____________ 97. ACCEPTABLE____________ ---> 98. NIX ____________ 99. ENGROSSABLE___________ ---> 100. NIX ____________ 101. VITALABLE____________ ---> 102. NIX ____________ [changed to VITALABLE by 26 May] 101. EAGERABLE____________ ---> 104. NIX ____________ 103. ENTHUSEABLE__________ ---> 106. NIX ____________ 107. ENJOYABLE____________ ---> 108. NIX ____________ 109. PLEASUREABLE_________ ---> 110. NIX ____________ 111. AGREEABLE____________ ---> 112. NIX ____________ 113. DEDICATEABLE_________ ---> 114. NIX ____________ 115. COMMENDABLE__________ ---> 116. NIX ____________ 117. DESIREABLE___________ ---> 118. NIX ____________ 119. WANTABLE_____________ ---> 120. NIX ____________ 121. COVETABLE____________ ---> 122. NIX ____________ 123. HOPEABLE_____________ ---> 124. NIX ____________ 125. DECIDABLE____________ ---> 126. NIX ____________ 127. CREDITABLE___________ ---> 128. NIX ____________ 129. DEMANDABLE___________ ---> 130. NIX ____________ 131. BOREABLE_____________ ---> 132. NIX ____________ 133. DEJECTABLE___________ ---> 134. NIX ____________ 135. DEGRADABLE___________ ---> 136. NIX ____________ 137. IDOITABLE____________ ---> 138. NIX ____________ 139. LOSEABLE_____________ ---> 140. NIX ____________ 141. BADABLE______________ ---> 142. NIX ____________ [The following added by 26 May] [141A. UNWANTABLE_________ ---> 142B. NIX __________] 143. PLAYABLE_____________ ---> 144. NIX ____________ 145. ABANDONABLE__________ ---> 146. NIX ____________ 147. GOAL-ING_____________ ---> 148. NIX ____________ 149. (TO)_____________ ERS ---> 150. NIX ____________ 151. (TO)_________ INGNESS ---> 152. NIX ____________ 153. (TO)__________ISHNESS ---> 154. NIX ____________ 155. (TO)___________ATIVES ---> 156. NIX ____________ 157. (TO)____________IVITY ---> 158. NIX ____________ -------------------------| Block Three | 159. GOAL MINUS "TO"____ | ---> 160. NIX ____________ _________________________| 161. __________________ING ---> 162. NIX ____________ 163. _________________ ERS ---> 164. NIX ____________ 165. _____________ INGNESS ---> 166. NIX ____________ 167. _____________ ISHNESS ---> 168. NIX ____________ 169. ______________ ATIVES ---> 170. NIX ____________ 171. _______________ IVITY ---> 172. NIX ____________ -------------------------| Block Four | _________________________| Band here last of goal ending in -able with a different dwindling, but only in 2nd series of implants. Noted because pc can get into wrong series. -------------------------| Block Five | 173. THOSE WHO ARE____ING| ---> 174. SOMEONE WHO WOULD _________________________| NEVER GOALING ______ [changed by 26 May to 174. SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVER ____ING ] 175. _____ING FORM OF GOAL ---> 176. SOMEONE WHO WOULD HATE ________ING [changed by 26 May to 176. SOMEONE WHO HATES ____ING ] 177. ACTIVE-ING___________ ---> 178. SOMEONE WHO WOULDN'T WANT ____ING [changed by 26 May to 178. SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT ____ING ] 179. ANY NECESSIT ---> 180. SOMEONE WHO SAW NO FOR ___ING NECESSITY FOR ____ING [changed by 26 May to 180. SOMEONE WHO SAW NO NECESSITY FOR ____ING ] 181. ANY ACTIONS OF______ ING 183. A BELIEF IN ______ING ---> 184. NIX ____________ 185. PROPONENTS OF ____ING ---> 186. NIX ____________ [Changed to THE PROPONENTS by 26 May] 187. THE FANTASTIC ---> 188. THE UNIMPORTANCES OF ____ING IMPORTANCE OF ____ING [Changed to IMPORTANCES by 26 May] 189. THE OBSESSIONS ---> 190. NIX ____________ FOR _____ ING 191. THE INTERESTINGNESS ---> 192. NIX ____________ OF_ _______ ING 193. THE CONCERNS OF___ING ---> 194. NIX ____________ 195. THE UPSETS ABOUT__ING ---> 196. NIX ____________ 197. THE DESPERATIONS ---> 198. NIX ____________ OF _______ING 199. THE FRENZIEDNESS(ES) ---> 200. NIX ____________ OF ______ING 201. THE HOPELESSNESS(ES) ---> 202. NIX ____________ OF ______ING [the (ES) removed by 26 May, same for the ones in the section below] ---------------- | Block Six | ---------------- 203. THE EXHAUSTION(S) OF _____ING ---> 204. AN EXHAUSTED ______ER 205. THE STUPIDITY(ITIES?) ---> 206. A STUPIDIFIED _____ER OF _____ING 207. THE EFFORTS OF ___ING ---> 208. AN UNEFFORTIZED ___ER 209. THE UNREWARDINGNESS ---> 210. AN UNREWARDED _____ER (ES) OF ____ ING 211. THE COMPLICATIONS ---> 212. A COMPLICATED ____ ER OF _____ ING 213. THE DEMANDS OF ___ING ---> 214. A DEMANDING ______ ER 215. THE DETERMINATIONS ---> 216. A DETERMINED ______ER OF _____ ING 217. THE LIMITATIONS ---> 218. AN ING_____ER OF _____ ING 219. THE OPPONENTS ---> 220. AN ________ER OF _____ ING 221. A HATRED OF ______ING ---> 222. __________ ING 223. STOPPED __________ING ---> 224. SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL _______ (same as Block Two) 225. ANY IMPOSSIBILITY(IES) ---> 226. SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING OF ________ING WITH THE GOAL ________ 227. THE NON EXISTENCE ---> 228. THE GOAL __________ OF ________ING -------------------------| 229. BOTTOM OPPTERM | Next goal + this goal | or this goal + next | ---> 230. TO _____________ goal. Sometimes Not | / or Nix has to be added | / _________________________| / / [arrow pointing down] RI OPPOSE "What goal would _____ oppose?" (50 beyond last R/S or RR) The next goal is always found by doing the goal oppose indicated. The bottom oppterm cannot be put in until you know the next goal. Put in any old oppterm that fires. Then when you have the next goal put in the bottom oppterm by asking "Who or what would the goal To ____ oppose." Get the right bottom oppterm of the upper GPM. (Consists of the two goals joined together to make sense.) Then list "Who or what would oppose _____ (bottom oppterm just found)" and put To _____ on the list. Then relist "Who or what would To ____ (last RI of bank) oppose?" and put in Top Oppterm of next goal and you're away into the next GPM. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 073 HCOB 13 MAY 63 R3N DIRECTIVE LISTING WITH NEW R3 MODEL SESSION (NTV. p. 155-60, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 MAY AD 13 Central Orgs Missions ROUTINE 3 ROUTINE 3N DIRECTIVE LISTING WITH NEW ROUTINE 3 MODEL SESSION As I gathered experience in auditing a pc through the implant GPMs and being audited through them, it became obvious that we had need of a special routine to handle implant GPMs and a new Routine 3 Model Session. There are TWO technologies for auditing goals. You have in Routine 3M a completed technology, needed to audit the pc's own goals. This need not be changed. However, as we moved into implant GPMs a great deal of Routine 3M and 3M2 could be dropped while running the implant GPMs. Therefore here is a streamlined routine developed for implant GPMs only. There are about 49 of these implant GPMs according to present data. Some pcs have more, some less. Unless one hits a speed of an RI every minute of auditing time, the task of clearing the pc of all these takes too long. There are 230 RIs in each one. So the speed necessity is self-evident. Therefore, we drop several actions from 3M2. We do not check the goal between RIs. We do not test the RI being listed from or the question. We drop the requirement of tone arm blowdown for an RI and we leave only the necessity that the RI RR well when said by the pc and called. The extraneous actions can be dispensed with because we now have the first series exact line plot as per HCOB 12 May 63, ROUTINE 3, RI FORM, (GPM RI FORM CORRECTED), and are doing only Directive Listing. By the numbered character of the line plot, one can keep the pc straight without telling the pc the RI. The session is so arranged that the auditor has a line plot before him and the pc has a copy propped up so that the pc can see it easily without moving about or shifting hands on the cans. The auditor uses his own line plot copy as the pc's line plot. Spare paper is handy in case any fiddle-about with words is necessary. The auditor keeps all RIs on the form provided to save unnecessary writing. The only thing the auditor guards against is incorrect oppose in his question - Who or what would oppose _____? and Who or what would _____ oppose? must never be mixed up. The question correct for the column below it is on the form. If any additional listing is necessary the auditor transfers the number of the RI being listed for to his spare paper and lists it there, if he lists in writing at all. There are no pauses while the auditor writes during the finding of most of the RIs. The auditor fills in the form as he asks. Form filling is also shorthanded by putting just a check mark on the terminal side to show it has been gotten. RIs can thus be found and recorded almost as fast as auditor and pc can talk. The auditor must be very sure of his rocket read. The correct RI will fire once when the pc says it, slightly less when called back, less when part of the next question and ticks when opposed by the next RI. It is thereafter wholly discharged. It has to be called back to the pc and the next question then asked, using the RI just found. And that's all. The only judgment is on "Did the pc hear it?" and "Is the pc distracted or suppressing?" Experience will guide you on these. Don't waste time with lots of ruds or TDing RIs. A "What's happening?" or "What happened?" in a critical moment saves almost all mid ruds. And when it doesn't a "Suppress," "Invalidate" put in on the pc is usually adequate for an RI and a "Protest," "Assert" and "Decide" are enough when session ruds demand to be put in. The auditor takes the pc's data always. And can act on it. But the auditor never takes the pc's orders. When the auditor fails to take data the pc soon after begins issuing orders, most of which will be wrong. There is no case data except the pc's data via pc and meter. The auditor handles the pc gently. Never continue a session beyond an ARC break until that ARC break is handled. Otherwise the pc thinks of the auditor as an enemy, which after all is characterized by forcing against will. The principal thing to accomplish in Routine 3N is a discharge of charge. Charge is seen on the meter by rocket reads (or rock slams, which don't apply in 3N). This charge is seen to do one of two things: a. Discharge or b. Suppress. The auditor must be careful that the charge does not just suppress and that it actually discharges. All the charge present is represented by the rocket read. When the rocket read ceases to rocket read the charge is either discharged or suppressed. The auditor will quickly learn by experience which has happened. Suppressed charge is still on the case and retains command value on the pc. Sometimes an area (such as a whole GPM or engram) is so charged that the rocket reads continue to fire as the tone arm moves down. Sometimes (most of the time) the charge is so shallow that it contains only (a) one long rocket read, (b) one medium rocket read, (c) one short rocket read and (d) a tick, accompanied by about .2 divisions of TA fall over the lot. In 3N one gets (a) the long RR when the pc first says the RI from his copy of the line plot form, (b) the medium RR when the auditor calls it back, (c) the short RR when the next oppose question is asked and (d) the tick when it is answered. One may not see (c) and (d). Often the whole charge goes on (a) and (b). Continuing to call a right RI does not produce an RR beyond the above. Only a wrong one continues to fire. What the auditor must be careful of is failing to get (a) and (b) (when the pc first says it and when the auditor calls it back). If no RR occurs, but only a fall, or if a short RR occurs at (a) or (b) the auditor must expect the pc has a suppress or was suppressing by being distracted. The thing to do is ask "What happened?" and get the pc's answer and do the whole operation again. Don't keep putting in big mid ruds or random listing when the above simple query will handle. Sometimes the speed of run causes the pc to suppress cognitions. This will prevent rocket reads. It is quite enough to ask "What happened?" as above and the pc will tell you. Although 3N is fast, one must compensate for that speed by good sense. The more you harass a pc the less charge is gotten off and the fewer the RIs found per session. You don't therefore use lots of session big mid ruds and RI big mid ruds. However, putting in the BMRs on Nix once or twice on various words in argument will pay off with a smoother run. Nix can always be made to fire as part of terminals. Pcs often hate it. Why? It's part of the implant, that's why. It's the most used word in the implants. The pc does not have to understand the words to recover. However, getting the pc to study before a session the parts of speech involved will help. The things weren't understood or were sneered at by the pc at the time they were implanted. Getting the pc to pick up any overt thoughts he had while going through will also help. But this is done only very occasionally in the session, not every RI. Routine 3N is a speed process which balances between too much and too little auditor doingness. Do enough to get the charge off. Don't do too much and inhibit charge. Don't do too little and leave charge on the case. The pc's visio of the surroundings in the implant area as the pc goes through is not vital on the first run through the implants. But it shouldn't be prevented either. Whether the pc looks or not is unimportant. The auditor can say "What does it look like?" once or twice in a session. Speed can come up to 1 RI every 30 seconds but should not fall lower than l RI every minute and a half of session time. An average of 1 RI per minute is good. This includes breaks, beginning and end of session. The first session or two may go much slower. Speed should be reached by the third to fifth session and maintained thereafter. Routine 3N cannot be used on those cases (five percent?) who are not native to this galaxy and do not have therefore the Helatrobus Implants, or who for some reason escaped them. On these the top oppterm and terminal of To Forget cannot be made to fire even when To Forget does. Such cases may have a goal "To persist" or "To exist for self alone" but these do not run by our line plots. A pc who received only the second series of implants and not the first is run on 3N but by the second series line plot form. Pcs who do not have the Helatrobus Implants covered in R3N are best run by blocking out their time track and mild engram running. These are nonpattern pcs and their auditor has to develop the materials needed to handle their implants. Much data exists on this. Be awfully sure your pc does not have the goal To Forget and its top RIs, however, before deciding he or she is off pattern. Pcs like to be different. It's dangerous to be predictable. And they often sell difference to an auditor. It is fortunate if the pc can be run on the Helatrobus Implants as it makes fast gains for little work. Run R3N as fast as you and the pc can talk. Do the RIs on the HCO Bulletin form. Save every corner of time you can. There are more than 10,000 RIs on most cases, some far more, on a very few there are less. That's about 170 hours of auditing time at one RI per minute. So you see why you've got to go-thetan-go. At two RIs per session it's 5,000 hours or more! The reason we run the Helatrobus Implants is obvious, but you may have missed that they reduce the power of decision more than any other implants ever found-and the power of decision is the very core of self-determinism. ROUTINE 3 MODEL SESSION 1. Adjust the pc's chair. 2. Make sure room is all right. 3. Test pc's havingness. 4. Put in R-factor. 5. Start session. 6. Get session goals. 7. Use General O/W if pc very agitated, or put in BMRs since last session, or pull missed W/Hs as indicated to get pc into session, but if pc cheerful and needle smooth, just get down to work. 8. Accomplish body of session. In Directive Listing from forms this is 3N. 9. End body of session. 10. Smooth out any roughness in the session if there has been any, favoring Suppress, Failed to Reveal, Protest, Decide, Overts, Assert. 11. Get goals and gains. 12. Test havingness, run pc's Havingness Process if necessary. 13. Ask for anything pc wishes to say. 14. Ask if all right to end session. 15. End session including asking pc to say, "You are not auditing me." Wording for the above follows the tradition of earlier Model Sessions. Adhere severely to this session form. It is nearly an irreducible minimum and is very fast, but it is all necessary. The random rudiment here is "What happened?". Session mid ruds are simply "Protest, Assert and Decide." RI rudiments are "Suppress and Invalidate." ARC break handling is in accordance with HCO Bulletin of 14 March 63, ROUTINE 2-ROUTINE 3, ARC BREAKS, HANDLING OF. Don't continue a session until you find out why the ARC break. 8. BODY OF THE SESSION As per the above step 8, this is the body of a 3N session. The same session form as above is used for track scouting or engram running so that if these are done also no change of Model Session occurs. However what makes 3N 3N is the following: After having established that pc has the goal To Forget and the Helatrobus Implants (also done in the above session form) one proceeds as follows: a. Give the pc a copy of the required line plot to fit his goal or pre-RIs, making sure you have the latest and most accurate version. Prop it up so pc can read it or let pc have it on his lap, guarding against too much can juggling to get it read. The auditor takes a second copy of the same form for his line plot. Auditor: Give me number (____ next RI). Who or what would oppose____Last RI)? or Who or what would (____ last RI) oppose? (as required). Pc: (Calling only the exact form RI) Avoidable Catfish. Auditor: (Has carefully observed E-Meter to make sure it RRed well. ) (Marks, but need not write in full, "Avoidable Catfish" place on his line plot form, verifies it is the right one to come up.) Thank you. I will read the item. Reads: "Avoidable Catfish." (Sees that it RRs - will do so about half the width of the pc's first RR just a moment before.) That rocket reads. (Notes next number or not and may or may not give it to pc according to how lost pc is liable to get.) (Uses last RI found in question:) Who or what would oppose Avoidable Catfish? Pc: Nix Avoidable Catfish. Auditor: (Sees that it RRed when pc said it. Marks his list.) I will read the item: (reads and as always notes meter reaction carefully) "Nix Avoidable Catfish" That rocket reads. Who or what would Nix Avoidable Catfish oppose? And so forth. The auditor's remedy against something not rocket reading is usually "What happened?" Gets the pc's answer and repeats the operation that didn't produce an RR. This usually gets the RR and the auditor just goes on. The pc had a heavy somatic or a cognition or looked at the next RI or just didn't pay attention. The next remedy, if the above didn't work, is to put in "Suppress and Invalidate" on the RI. Then one repeats the operation and goes on. If, however, no RR results yet, look over the line plot thoroughly to make sure you haven't skipped or gotten mixed up or gotten a non-line plot RR. If all is well here, then do next paragraph: If no RR yet, use Random Listing, letting the pc vary the wording as he or she wishes. Don't write any of this down. You will see the meter RR on these odd variations given. When no more RRs are seen except on any repeat of the right RI, once more repeat the operation and you'll get your RR. If none of these work then assume: a. You already got the charge off and missed it or b. You are doing something not procedure and have been gradually stacking up charge. To remedy either of the above try to get the next RI. If it fires well, just go on, as if the charge went off, the next one will fire, and if it didn't the next one won't. Your responsibility is to: 1. Get the charge off each RI and 2. Keep the pc calm and unharassed and speeding forward. You will quickly learn the particular tricks of your pc such as "press on," "puzzling it out," "getting tired," and will get the hang of this pc's meter so you can tell a suppress or whatever from a real RR very easily and adjust accordingly. It is obvious that such trouble has to be rare to get your quota of RIs in a session. Going from one goal to the next varies the above pattern. Here one lists a goal oppose list for the next goal to 50 beyond the last RR or R/S, nulls the list and gets the next goal. This is a longish process. If there is no doubt what the next goal is just direct it on the list at once, making a one RI list, adjust the bottom oppterm of the goal just left, carry the charge through and get the next top oppterm at once. If you have the wrong next goal your pc will ARC break or the RR will fail to fire and the pc will develop much mass. Wrong next goal is probably the only liability that can give the auditor trouble now. ______________ This is Routine 3N. On the basis of its Model Session, all Routine 3 can be done as well as engram running. The essence of it is auditor direction. Direct the pc toward Clear, not toward ARC breaks, and you'll soon have marvelous rewards from the processing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 074 Hand ?? Handwritten note in New Tech Vols (NTV p. 161, not in old tech vol) [Handwritten note, undated] The auditor takes the pc's data always. And can act on it. But the auditor NEVER takes the pc's orders. ================== 075 HCOB 15 MAY 63 THE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS, BULLETIN 1 (TV5 p. 273-7, NTV VII p. 162-7) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 MAY AD13 Central Orgs Franchise THE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 1 It has been so many years since engram running was a familiar tool of the auditor that it is hard to know where to begin to teach this skill all over again. Actually, millions of words have been written or spoken on the subject of running engrams. However, oddly enough there was not one condensed, summary HCO Bulletin on the subject. Engram running, developed, was never then summated. I will therefore attempt to remedy the matter. ENGRAM RUNNING SIMPLIFIED No recapitulation or summation of materials was ever done on engram running. Therefore while all lectures and books on it are true, not one contains a final survey of engram running including everything vital to this skill and the laws which govern it. The material in books and tapes should be reviewed. But the material in these HCO Bulletins should be learned thoroughly as it takes precedence over all earlier material. WHY PEOPLE HAVE TROUBLE RUNNING ENGRAMS I have gotten very impatient with the constant plea for a rote set of commands to run engrams. The need for such commands is a testimony to the Auditor's lack of knowledge of the mechanics of the Time Track and the pc's behavior during an engram running session. An auditor must know the basic laws and mechanics of the Time Track in order to run engrams. There is no rote procedure and never will be that will be successful on all cases in absence of a knowledge of what a Time Track is. There is no substitute for knowing what engrams are and what they do. Knowing that, you can run engrams. Not knowing that, there is nothing that will take the place of such knowledge. You have to know the behavior of and data about engrams. There is no royal road that avoids such knowledge. If you know all about engrams you can run them. If you don't, you'll make a mess regardless of the commands given for use. Therefore the essence of engram running is a knowledge of the character and behavior of engrams. This is not a vast subject. However, these three things stand in the way of learning about engrams: 1. Engrams contain pain and unconsciousness; fear of pain or inflicting pain causes the auditor not to confront the pc's engrams and unconsciousness is after all a not knowing condition; and 2. The auditor is so accustomed to projectionists reeling off movies and TV programs for him or her that the auditor tends to just sit while the action rolls forward, acting like a spectator, not the projectionist. 3. Failure to handle Time in Incidents. On (1) you can remedy this just by knowing about it and realizing it and surmounting it, and on (2) you can remedy the attitude by realizing that the auditor, not the pc (or some installed movie projectionist), is operating the pc's bank. (3) is covered later. Take a pocket movie projector and any bit of a reel of film and wind it back and forth for a while and you'll see you are moving it. Then give a command and move the film and you'll have what you're doing as an auditor. Many drills can be developed using such equipment and (2) will be overcome. (1) requires just understanding and the will to rise superior to it. THE TIME TRACK The endless record, called the TIME TRACK, complete with 52 perceptions, of the pc's entire past, is available to the auditor and his or her auditing commands. The rules are: THE TIME TRACK OBEYS THE AUDITOR; THE TIME TRACK DOES NOT OBEY A PRECLEAR (early in auditing). The Time Track is a very accurate record of the pc's past, very accurately timed, very obedient to the auditor. If motion picture film were 3D, had 52 perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the Time Track could be called a motion picture film. It is at least 350,000,000,000,000 years long, probably much longer, with a scene about every 1/25 of a second. DEFINITIONS That part of the Time Track that is free of pain and misadventure is called simply the Free Track, in that the pc doesn't freeze up on it. Any mental picture that is unknowingly created and part of the Time Track is called a FACSIMILE, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment. Any knowingly created mental picture that is not part of a Time Track is called a MOCK-UP. Any unknowingly created mental picture that appears to have been a record of the physical universe but is in fact only an altered copy of the Time Track is called a DUB-IN. Those parts of the Time Track that contain moments of pain and unconsciousness are called ENGRAMS. Those parts of the Time Track which contain misemotion based on earlier engramic experience are called SECONDARIES. Those parts of the Time Track which contain the first moment an earlier engram is restimulated are called KEY-INS. Those parts of the Time Track which contain moments the pc associates with Key-ins are called LOCKS. A series of similar engrams, or of similar locks, are called CHAINS. A BASIC is the first incident (engram, lock, overt act) on any chain. BASIC BASIC is the first engram on the whole Time Track. Incidents are not in piles or files. They are simply a part of the consecutive Time Track. By INCIDENT is meant the recording of an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location or people, understood to take place in a short and finite time period such as minutes or hours or days. A CHAIN OF INCIDENTS makes up a whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a long time period, weeks, months, years or even billions or trillions of years. An incident can be an engram, secondary, key-in or lock. A chain of incidents can therefore be a chain of experiences which are engrams, secondaries, key-ins and locks. A chain of incidents has only one BASIC. Its BASIC is the earliest engram received from or overt act committed against the subject, location or beings which make it a chain. THE INFLUENCE OF THE TIME TRACK Shakespeare said all life was a play. He was right in so far as the Time Track is a 3D, 52 perception movie which is a whole series of plays concerning the preclear. But the influence of it upon the preclear removes it from the class of pretense and play. It is not only very real, it is what contains whatever it is that depresses the pc to what he is today. Its savageness relieved, the preclear can recover, and only then. There is no other valid workable road. There are valences, circuits and machinery in the reactive mind, as well as Reliable Items and Goals. But these all have their place on the Time Track and are part of the Time Track. The preclear, as a thetan, is the effect of all this recorded experience. Almost all of it is unknown to him. There are no other influencing agencies for the preclear than the Time Track and Present Time. And Present Time, a moment later, is part of the Time Track. THE CREATION OF THE TIME TRACK The preclear makes the Time Track as time rolls forward. He does this as an obsessive create on a sub-awareness level. It is done by an INVOLUNTARY INTENTION, not under the pc's awareness or control. The road to clear by making the preclear take over the creating of the Time Track was long explored and proved completely valueless and chancy. The road to clear by making the preclear leave the Time Track (exteriorization) lasts only for minutes, hours or days and has proven valueless. The road to clear, proven over 13 years of intense research and vast numbers of auditing hours and cases, lies only in an auditor handling the Time Track and removing from it, by means governed by the Auditor's Code, the material, both motivators and overts, which, recorded on it, is out of the control of the pc and holds the pc at effect. Listing for goals and reliable items, engram running, Prepchecking, Sec Checking, recall processes and assists all handle the Time Track successfully and are therefore the basis of all modern processing. APPARENT FAULTS IN THE TIME TRACK There are no faults in the recording of the Time Track. There are only snarls caused by groupers, and unavailability and lack of perception of the Time Track. A Grouper is anything which pulls the Time Track into a bunch at one or more points. When the grouper is gone the Time Track is perceived to be straight. Unavailability is caused by the pc's inability to confront or BOUNCERS and DENYERS. A BOUNCER throws the pc backward, forward, up or down from the track and so makes it apparently unavailable. A DENYER obscures a part of track by implying it is not there or elsewhere (a mis-director) or should not be viewed. Groupers, bouncers and denyers are material (matter, energy, space and time in the form of effort, force, mass, delusion, etc) or command phrases (statements that group, bounce or deny). When a grouper, bouncer or denyer are enforced by both material and command phrases they become most effective, making the Time Track unavailable to the pc. Unless the Time Track is made available it cannot be as-ised by the pc and so remains aberrative. The Time Track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space and time as well as thought. Those who cannot confront Mest think it is composed only of thought. A grouper can make a pc fat and a bouncer thin if the pc is chronically stuck in them or if the track is grouped or made unavailable through bad auditing. THE ORIGIN OF THE TIME TRACK Through a great deal of study, not entirely complete, the following surmises can be made about the Time Track, the physical universe and the pc. The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and solidification. At least this is the effect produced on the thetan. Continued dwelling in it without rehabilitation causes the thetan to become less reaching ("smaller") and more solid. A thetan, being a static, may become convinced he cannot duplicate matter, energy, space, or time or certain intentions and so succumbs to the influence of this universe. This influence in itself would be negligible unless recorded by the thetan, stored and made reactive upon the thetan as a Time Track, and then maliciously used to trap the thetan. Recent researches I have done in the field of aesthetics tend to indicate that rhythm is the source of present time. The thetan is carried along both by his own desire to have, do or be and by having been overwhelmed in the distant past by a continuous minute rhythm. This is a possible explanation of a thetan's continuous presence in Present Time. Present Time, then, can be defined as a response to the continuous rhythm of the physical universe, resulting in a hereness in nowness. In response to this rhythm, undoubtedly assisted by overts and implants and convictions of the need of recording, the thetan began to respond to the physical universe in his creations and eventually obsessively created (by means of restimulatable involuntary intentions) the passing moments of the physical universe. But only when he began to consider these pictures important could they be used to aberrate him. These are only partly permanently created. Other moments of the past become re-created only when the thetan's intention is directed to them, on which these parts spontaneously appear, the thetan not voluntarily creating them. This forms the Time Track. Some parts of it, then, are "permanently" in a state of creation and the majority of it becoming created when the thetan's attention is directed to them. The "permanently created" portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the thetan's own will and awareness. Such parts are found in implants and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation. The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which cause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains "timeless". Such phenomena as the overt act-motivator sequence, the problem (postulate counter-postulate), tend to hold certain portions of the Time Track in "permanent creation" and cause them to continue to exist in present time as unresolved masses, energies, spaces, times and significances. The intention of the physical universe (and those who have become degraded enough to further only its ends) is to make a thetan solid, immobile and decisionless. The fight of the thetan is to remain unsolid, mobile or immobile at will, and capable of decision. This in itself is the principal unresolved problem and it itself creates timeless mass which accomplishes the basic purpose of a trap. The mechanism of the Time Track can then be said to be the primary action in making a thetan solid, immobile and decisionless. For without a record of the past accumulating and forming a gradient of solidification of the thetan, the entrapment potential of the physical universe would be negligible and the havingness which it offers might be quite therapeutic. It probably requires more than just living in the physical universe to become aberrated. The main method of causing aberration and entrapment is therefore found in actions which create or confuse the Time Track. A thetan has things beyond Matter, Energy, Space and Time which can deteriorate. His power of choice, his ability to keep two locations separate, his belief in self and his ethical standards are independent of material things. But these can be recorded in the Time Track as well and one sees them recover when no longer influenced by the Time Track. As the thetan himself makes his own Time Track, even if under compulsion, and commits his own overts, even on provocation, it can be said, then, that the thetan aberrates himself. But he is assisted by mammoth betrayals and his necessity to combat them. And he is guilty of aberrating his fellows. It is doubtful if another type of being built the physical universe and still lurks within it to trap further. But older beings, already degraded, have continuously been about to help newer beings to go downhill. Each Thetan had his own "Home Universe" and these colliding or made to collide, probably are the physical universe. But of this origin and these intentions we are not at this time certain. It is enough for us to resolve the problem of the aberrative nature of this universe and provide a technology which assuages that aberration and keeps one abreast of it. This is practical and we can already do it. Further insight into the problem will be a further bonus. And further data is already in view. (Bulletin 2 on The Time Track and Engram Running will follow.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 076 HCOPL 15 MAY 63 INSTRUCTOR HATS (OEC V4 p 164) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 15 MAY 1963 CenOCon INSTRUCTOR HATS Theory Examiner - Purpose: To ensure students know their theory. Practical Examiner - Purpose: To ensure students can apply their theory in a practical manner. Auditing Supervisor - Purpose: To ensure students can audit. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:gl.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 077 HCOB 20 MAY 63 ROUTINE 3N, PROPER PROGRAMING, FAST BLOWING RIS (NTV p. 168-70, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 MAY 1963 Central Orgs Missions ROUTINE 3N PROPER PROGRAMING FAST BLOWING RIs The proper programing for the HELOTROBUS IMPLANTS (in the 40 trillions ago) which contain "Heaven" is: 1. Locate the goal To Forget and its top RIs to confirm that pc is native to this galaxy and has the implants. (Probably 95% of Scientologists do). 2. Date the first series. Find out if there is a second, third, fourth series. Date these. 3. Find out but do not run the type of overt pc has that keyed these implants in. 4. Move pc back to first contact with the implanters (talking radioactive clouds or theta traps or whatever is basic on the chain). Get just before the first one by finding when pc has no electronic somatics as you date. (Hear tape demonstration of Wednesday, l5th May 1963 for exact patter.) 5. Lightly run first contact (not first capture) or whatever is basic on the chain. Don't go through it more than twice. Run no other engrams between it and actual implants or bank may beef up. 6. Run the "Vestibule RIs," a plot of which will shortly be released, these being just before goal "To Forget." 7. Resume running goal To Forget by R3N. 8. Continue to run the implants goal by goal from earliest to last of the first series (28 or 29 goals), using exactly consecutive progression. Don't skip any goals or RIs! Get end RIs of first series. 9. When first series completely run, return to earliest point found in (4) above and run all contacts with implanters including capture rapidly, leaving none undischarged. 10. Return to end of first series and run all contact with implanters from end of first series to beginning of second series. 11. Run second series. 12. Run pc's overt engrams related to implanting. 13. Proceed on through any remaining series of implants. It is important not to run engrams if you can't. You'll just confuse the pc. And it's important not to run engrams hard or through too many times before getting off the first series. The implants are important. They are the charge that must be removed from the case. Three techniques are used to accomplish all this: 1. Dating 2. Engram running, modern style 3. Routine 3N. If you can't do (1) and (2) then do only (3) and omit the balance of the program except Vestibule Implants, GPMs and End RIs. The other actions of dating and engram running make it easier to run the implants. But running the implants is the thing. Less than three hours should be consumed in dating and other actions than finding RIs in the implants. _______________ FAST BLOWING RIs When a case has been properly programed as above, by the time you have run the first three or four goals, if you do them well with 3N, exactly on the form line plot, you will encounter a "difficulty." The RIs begin to discharge so fast that once the pc in session has said them, they do not again RR when the auditor says them. They have blown. This will only happen when the pc's visio has turned up well on the implant stairways, and the RRs are wide and free as the pc says them. This changes none of the patter of R3N except saying something rocket read. One uses past tense of "read": "That rocket read." I can visualize a pc flying up tone to where this happens and the auditor nagging because there's no second read when the auditor calls it. How can it? It's gone-blown. By further rise in tone and with far more charge off, I can envision a pc racing along in session blowing RIs by inspection. Well, it's observable when it happens that the whole of every RI's charge is blowing. In such a case an auditor can further shorten the 3N patter in the interest of speed. But realize that the auditor's job, the auditor's ethics demand, whatever the pc's attitude, that THE AUDITOR'S JOB IS TO GET THE FULL CHARGE OFF EVERY RI. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 078 HCOB 21 MAY 63 R3R MODEL SESSION (CANCELLED - HCOB 19 NOV 63) (TV5 p. 278-80, not in NTV) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 MAY AD13 (CANCELLED - see HCO B 19 Nov 63 TV5 p. 381) Central Orgs Franchise ROUTINE 3 R-3 MODEL SESSION Here is the new Routine 3 Model Session as outlined in HCO Bulletin May 13, AD13. All other Model Sessions are cancelled herewith. This form is to be used in all auditing in the future. SESSION PRELIMINARIES All auditing sessions have the following preliminaries done in this order. 1. Seat the pc and adjust his or her chair. 2. Clear the Auditing room with "Is it all right to audit in this room?" (not metered). 3. Can squeeze "Squeeze the cans, please." And note that pc registers, by the squeeze, on the meter, and note the level of the pc's havingness. (Don't run hav here.) 4. Put in R Factor by telling pc briefly what you are going to do in the session. START OF SESSION: 5. "Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?" "START OF SESSION." (Tone 40) "Has this session started for you?" If pc says, "No," say again, "START OF SESSION. Now has this session started for you?" If pc says, "No," say, "We will cover it in a moment." RUDIMENTS: 6. "What goals would you like to set for this session?" Please note that Life or Livingness goals have been omitted, as they tend to remind the pc of present time difficulties and tend to take his attention out of the session. 7. At this point in the session there are actions which could be undertaken: the running of General O/W or the running of Mid Rudiments using "Since the last time I audited you", or pull missed W/Hs as indicated. But if pc cheerful and needle smooth, just get down to work. One would run General O/W if the pc was emotionally upset at the beginning of the session or if the session did not start for the pc, the latter being simply another indication of the pc's being upset or ARC broken, but these symptoms must be present, as sometimes the session hasn't started merely because of poor Tone 40 or because the pc had something he wanted to say before the auditor started the session. RUNNING O/W: "If it is all right with you, I am going to run a short, general process. The process is: 'What have you done?', 'What have you withheld?'" (The process is run very permissively until the needle looks smooth and the pc is no longer emotionally disturbed.) "Where are you now on the time track?" "If it is all right with you, I will continue this process until you are close to present time and then end this process." (After each command, ask, "When?") "That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this process?" "End of process." RUNNING THE MID RUDIMENTS: One would use the Middle Rudiments with, "Since the last time I audited you", if the needle was rough and if the Tone Arm was in a higher position than it was at the end of the last session. ORDER OF BUTTONS Here is the correct wording and order of use for the big Mid Ruds. "_______ has anything been suppressed?" "_______ is there anything you have been careful of?" "_______ is there anything you have failed to reveal?" "_______ has anything been invalidated?" "_______ has anything been suggested?" "_______ has any mistake been made?" "_______ is there anything you have been anxious about?" "_______ has anything been protested?" "_______ has anything been decided?" "_______ has anything been asserted?" In using the first three buttons (Suppressed, Careful of and Failed to Reveal), the rudiment question should be asked directly of the pc off the meter (repetitive). When the pc has no more answers, check the question on the meter. If the question reads, stick with it on the meter like in Fast Rud checking until it is clean. The last six buttons are cleaned directly on the meter as in Fast Ruds. PULLING MISSED WITHHOLDS Use: "Since the last time you were audited has a withhold been missed on you?" "Since the last time you were audited is there anything someone failed to find out about you?" "Since the last time you were audited has someone nearly found out something about you?" Any of the above versions may be used. They are always run repetitively. They can also be used without the time limiter, e.g. "Is there anything someone failed to find out about you?" BODY OF SESSION: 8. Now go into the body of the session. END BODY OF SESSION: 9. "Is it all right with you if we end off ....... now?" "Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I do so?" "End of ....... " SMOOTH OUT SESSION: 10. Smooth out any roughness in the session if there has been any, favoring Suppress, Failed to Reveal, Protest, Decide, Overts, Assert, using prefix "In this session ......?" GOALS & GAINS: 11. "Have you made any part of your goals for this session?" "Have you made any other gains in this session that you would care to mention?" HAVINGNESS: 12. (After adjusting the meter) "Please squeeze the cans." (If the squeeze test was not all right, the Auditor would run the pc's Havingness process until the can squeeze gives an adequate response.) ENDING SESSION: 13. "Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this session?" 14. "Is it all right with you if I end this session now?" 15. "Here it is: END OF SESSION (Tone 40). Has this session ended for you?" (If the pc says, "No," repeat, "END OF SESSION." If the session still has not ended, say, "You will be getting more auditing. END OF SESSION.") "Tell me I am no longer auditing you." Please note that Havingness is run after Goals and Gains as this tends to bring the pc more into present time and to take his attention to a degree out of the session. Wording for the above follows the tradition of earlier model sessions. Adhere severely to this session form. It is nearly an irreducible minimum and is very fast, but it is all necessary. The Random Rudiment here is "What happened?" Session Mid Ruds are simply "Protest, Assert and Decide". RI rudiments are "Suppress and Invalidate". ARC Break handling is in accordance with HCO Bulletin of March 14, 1963. Don't continue a session until you find out why the ARC Break. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ==================