Date: 5 Jun 1999 05:19:41 -0000 Subject: FZBA 4/14 SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 2114 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:745866 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH VOLUME SUPER TECH VOL FOR 1963 - PART 4 ************************************************** The Freezone Tech Volumes are a superset of: 1. The Old Tech Volumes 2. The New Tech Volumes 3. Confidential Material 4. BTBs 5. PLs from the OEC volumes concerning Tech 6. Anything else appropriate that we can find They do not include a. All HCOPLs (see the OEC volumes for those) b. Tape Transcripts (which are being posted separately) Because there is so much material (for 1963, we have twice as much material as the old tech volumes), and because the old and new Tech Volumes do not align as to how the years are divided between the volumes, we are doing each year as a separate volume. The contents will be posted separately as part 0 and repeated in part 1 but will not be included in the remaining parts to keep the size down. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 049 HCOB 2 APR 63 DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING TAPE OF 28 MARCH 1963 (NTV VII p. 90-2, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 APRIL AD13 Central Orgs DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING TAPE OF 28 MARCH 1963 The diagrams attached were drawn to illustrate the tape lecture of 28 March 1963, entitled, "The GPM." L. RON HUBBARD Founder [Ed. There are two pages, each with two diagrams, giving a total of 4. They are simple but not easy to reproduce, therefore we will describe them instead.] The diagrams mainly consist of jagged circles or clouds which might represent mass. [Diagram 1] On the left a happy face with a halo above it and surrounded by a jagged circle. On the right is another jagged circle with its contents scratched out, although the contents are unreadable, according to the tape the thetan with a halo is confronting a critic. Below this is: (a) * Purpose (b) Purpose [ Xed out] (c) Purpose [surrounded by a jagged circle and crossed out] [Diagram 2] 5 pairs of jagged circles with an arrow pointed upwards running along side of them. At the bottom on the right is "To Be Holy". [Diagram 3] 4 more pairs of jagged circles. The top left one contains the words "Holy People". The top right one contains "Cr" and the symbol for a thetan which probably, according to what is on the tape, means "A Critical Thetan". [Diagram 4] 5 more pairs of jagged circles. At the bottom is "To Be a Devil" with an arror pointed to the bottom left jagged circle. ================== 050 HCOB 6 APR 63 R3M2, WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO IN CLEARING (NTV VII p. 93-6, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 APRIL 1963 Central Orgs Missions R3M2 WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO IN CLEARING The final object of the auditor in clearing is: TO FIND GOALS AND RELIABLE ITEMS UNTIL ALL GOALS AND RELIABLE ITEMS HAVE BEEN FOUND AND EACH GPM IS COMPLETE AND ALL GPMs ARE DISCHARGED. Now, there are many ways to do this, but finding and discarding the pc's RIs is not one of them. The more you get hold of RIs and say "That's not it" the more miserable your pc will feel and the less clearing you'll get done. You can actually fumble and grope and get wrong RIs and fall on your head but if you continue to get RIs and put them on the line plot the pc will eventually get them all. The length of time it takes to make a multi-goal Clear does not depend upon the care with which RRing RIs are found, it depends upon the number of RRing RIs and goals found. Only the comfort of the pc depends upon the care with which RRing RIs are found. It is a mechanical proposition. There is just so much charge on a case. The case recovers when the charge is released. "Charge" is manifested on the E-Meter in the rocket reads contained in goals and their RIs. Charge vanishes when RIs are found and paired. If you understand this, much will come plain to you. The idiocy of giving the pc an item that doesn't RR lies in the fact that it doesn't bleed off charge, not that it will soon lead to an ARC break. The question is only: How many reliable items and goals can be found on this case? Not how much time can be spent repairing the case. A smooth run to Clear would consist of the auditor finding the exact top of a GPM, running out the exact RIs in it, getting the next goal and prepchecking the goal of the bank just cleared, all by 3M2. But with auditors and the pcs green (and worried), is this ideal always obtainable? The answer is, I am afraid, No. The following is far more likely to be the case: A goal is found. A lot of RIs are run out of its GPM. The next goal is found. It is discovered then that half the RIs found in the old bank belonged in this new bank. The new goal is run and many RIs are found. The auditor then finds the 3rd goal and many RIs in it. The auditor now discovers the top of the first bank was missing and goes back to find it. He does so and discovers a goal above the "first goal." He finds it and gets RIs in it. Then to his horror finds there is a bank two above the "first bank" found. He finds that goal and gets RIs in it and discovers the pc's present time. He also finds that everything the pc was groaning about is contained in the bank that was closest to present time. He cleans this up and then goes back down to discover that although the goals of the lower banks no longer read, he had never found half the RIs in any one of them. He remedies this and only then, in succeeding banks, finds he can smoothly carry on, cleaning up each GPM fully as he goes. There is nothing wrong with this. When we had R2-12 it worked well. Then we got 2-12A and wasted fantastic amounts of time repairing 2-12, and we had few gains to show for it. It's the same with 3M and 3M2. The pc is far from comfortable with the auditor battering around missing GPMs and goals. The pc will swear he'd rather be dead. But the message is, he'll get Clear if they keep at it on the basis of finding RIs and goals as they can. And there'll come a day when the pc will really shine. Do a perfect clearing job if you can. If you can't, just find goals and RIs and just keep going and you'll still achieve the same end. The error is not to find lots of RRing RIs and goals per unit of auditing time. Keep your records well. Just barrel along. Sounds barbarous and you'll have to get used to ARC breaks but the point is, clearing can be done that way. Clearing can't be done by finding an RI, getting nervous about it, abandoning it, finding another RI, abandoning it, fooling around whole sessions trying to find the top of a GPM when a whole panorama of RIs exist lower down. Find goals and RIs! Get the GPM as complete as you can but not at the expense of not finding RIs. Yes it sounds barbarous, and it is, but it works. Remember, you'll have ARC breaks. Assess for why, repair it and keep going. These are the only rules you must not violate: 1. AN RI MUST (A) RR, (B) CAUSE A TA BLOWDOWN AND (C) TURN ON A MINIMUM OF MASS. 2. IF YOU FIND MORE THAN A DOZEN RIs WHICH DON'T MATCH THE GOAL YOU'RE WORKING ON, THE PC'S RR AND R/S WILL SHUT OFF. 3. PRECISE, LEGIBLE RECORDS AND LINE PLOTS MUST BE KEPT. 4. IF THE PC ARC BREAKS DO AN ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT AND REPAIR WHAT YOU FIND. DON'T DO WHAT THE PC SAYS. TAKE THE PC'S DATA BUT ACT ONLY AFTER AN ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT. 5. DON'T PREPCHECK A GOAL UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU HAVE ALL THE RIs IN THAT GPM AND HAVE DONE THE FINAL GOAL OPPOSE LIST TO THE NEXT GPM. 6. A LIST MUST BE LONG ENOUGH TO GIVE ONLY ONE RR ON NULLING AND NO R/S. IT MUST BE SHORT ENOUGH NOT TO BYPASS ITEMS. IT MUST BE LONG ENOUGH TO HAVE THE NEEDLE CLEAN ON NULLING. IT MUST BE SHORT ENOUGH NOT TO GET A DIRTY NEEDLE THROUGH PROTEST AND COLLAPSED MASS. Now just how you list or find goals or repair is a broader study, all stemming from the above. When you gain experience you'll be able to come closer to perfect. Meanwhile don't stall around nervously. Find goals and RIs. Learn to find an RI every 30 minutes of auditing time. And then improve that speed. There is a certain exact quantity of charge on a case. It's contained in goals and RIs. Every goal you find deducts from that quantity. Every RI you find and oppose deducts from that quantity. The more accurately you do it, the less time you'll waste on ARC breaks and fumbling. Accuracy itself is only important because it saves auditing time. But accuracy can become a vice which gives one no goals or RIs found. I know I have said "Do it right." That's fair enough. But I'm now saying "Do it as right as you can but do it." At the start of his case the pc hasn't a clue. Therefore he lists longer. His confront is at its poorest. Therefore he fails to list the obvious. A green auditor on 3M2 does not really believe it is all as pat as made out. Therefore he always thinks the pc is different. Eventually both auditor and pc get the "hang" of the bank. They learn that the bottom five RIs on "To Catch Catfish" will be "A Catfish Catcher," "Somebody with the goal To Catch Catfish," "Somebody or something with the goal to Catch Catfish," "The Goal To Catch Catfish" and "To Catch Catfish" (the goal as an RI). Only what each opposes is variable. They learn that the top terminal will be something like "Somebody Who Can't Catch Catfish." And that the three highest oppterms from the top down will probably be "Catfish Catchers," "Catching Catfish" and "People Who Catch Catfish." And they know that there may be RIs, term or oppterm, in this goal like, "Catching Catfish," "The Inability to Catch Catfish," "People who won't Catch Catfish," etc. And they know then that only the low oppterms and the middle ground are in serious question. Give the auditor and pc the next goal and they'll list away as usual but directly at what should be there. And it goes like a whirlwind. Early on, without this experience, both auditor and pc grope, overlist, fumble about. So the first GPM run has the longest lists and the most errors. Clearing is not easy on the pc. It's not easy on a new auditor. And there will be times when both rue the day they ever got into the GPM. But if they keep going, finding goals and their RIs, faint streaks of pre-dawn gray will begin to gleam ahead and then, with perseverance, day will break upon a higher plateau than man has ever dreamed of before. The mystics spoke of the Abyss. They said that in trying to cross it, many fell into the darkness. Without knowing it, they spoke of the Goals Problem Mass. The Buddhists spoke of Nirvana. Without knowing it, they spoke of vanishing forever into the GPM (Nirvana). They had become completely overwhelmed, lacking meters and a map. We are Scientologists. We won't fall into the abyss. And we won't join Nirvana. We have meters and a map. We know the rules and the way. This is the greatest adventure of all time. Clearing. The way is strewn with the skeletons and skulls of those who have tried over the past trillenia. The bottom of the Abyss is glutted with failures. Nirvana is choked with the overwhelmed. To say it is not a dangerous way would be false. But it is not dangerous if you keep going, finding goals and RIs, reducing the charge on the case, handling the ARC breaks as they occur. Only the fainthearted will add any bones to the Abyss or apathy to Nirvana. We are Scientologists. We have won. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 051 HCOB 8 APR 63 ROUTINE 3M2, LISTING AND NULLING (NTV VII p. 97-100, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 APRIL 1963 Central Orgs Missions URGENT ROUTINE 3M-2 LISTING AND NULLING (Corrects HCOB 6 Apr. 63, R3-M2) The most likely list ("Who or what would be most likely to achieve this goal?") for the first GPM contacted is proving to be longer on most pcs than was expected. List this list by the rules of the old goal-oppose source list, which is to say 50 items past the last RR or R/S. You will find that on subsequent goals the list is shorter, but it still must be complete, 50 past last RR or R/S. A list is as long as it has to be to have a clean needle and only one RR on the list. On the most likely list at the beginning and the goal-oppose list at the end of the GPM (done after it is complete) the 50 past the last RR and R/S serves best. The RR can be anywhere on a source list. When you X out an item in nulling, be sure the item did not react on the needle. To do otherwise is dishonest in the extreme. X means no reaction on needle. Overlisting causes a dirty needle through Protest and Decide. Underlisting causes a dirty needle and lots of items to react. There are then, still 2 kinds of lists for each GPM: 1. The source list. 2. The RI oppose list. There are only two of these "source lists." a. The "most likely list" at the start of each GPM, done before any RIs are found and b. "The goal as an RI oppose list" at the bottom of the GPM, done after all the RIs of the GPM are found. The "most likely list" results (if completed) in a high oppterm of the GPM. From this the remaining RIs are found. IT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO DO A "MOST LIKELY" LIST IF YOU CAN GET THE TOP OF THE GPM BY DOING "RI OPPOSE LISTS" FROM WITHIN THE GPM ITSELF; A COMMON OCCURRENCE IN SECOND AND ONWARD GPMs. The "goal as an RI oppose" list at the bottom is done only after all the RIs in the GPM are found. It results in finding the goal of the next GPM. Between these two are the "RI oppose lists." The two "source lists" are long, 50 items past the last RR or R/S, and the RI will be anyplace on them, usually an item that did not RR when listed but RRs on nulling. The "RI oppose lists" are relatively short. They tend to be longer in the first and second GPMs than in later ones. But they are never very long. They go perhaps 20, 30 items in the first GPM, fewer in the second, as few as 5 or 10 in the third and remaining GPMs. The "RI oppose lists" are listed until neither the RI being listedfrom or the question tick. This is the actual listing rule. Just list and test the RI being listed from and the question frequently (about every 5 items). You can add 5 for good measure or not. Overlisting an "RI oppose list" tends to bypass RIs. Underlisting tends to bypass RIs. It is perfectly all right, on an overlisted list to take an earlier RR than the last one seen on listing. Sometimes the pc overlists and "goes around the corner" to the next RI. This is particularly true in later GPMs. Then you have the actual RI earlier than the last RR. It is more usual, however, to extend the list a bit when this happens, as the pc will put the first RI back on, now after the "next RI." The "next RI" will not now RR and only the pc's actual RI will RR. Sometimes pcs argue and get ARC broke when their RI "occurs earlier than the last RR." This, however, is an infallible sign of an incomplete list. It needs two or three even, non-reading items to complete it and the pc will put back his insisted-upon RI which now is the last RRing item on the list. In all listing, nulling and taking RRing items off any list, a certain amount of judgment is required. It can't all be machinelike. But that judgment doesn't include two RRs or one RR and one R/S firing at the same time on a list, nor does it include giving the pc an item that "read once on Careful Of," nor does it include not trying to get the right RI. A skillful auditor becomes an adept pilot in listing, nulling, finding the pc's RI and giving it to the pc. And in learning to become one, an auditor makes mistakes. That's okay. You'll also invent some shortcuts. That's okay, too, as you'll soon find that dropping the safety factors costs you more auditing time than you save and that the innovations introduced come hard against the unalterable rules of listing and nulling. Then you'll be happy to do it right, do it well and pick up a speed that will list a whole later GPM in a single session. All by the rules. DOPE-OFF AND HARD LISTING If the pc dopes off while listing, it's a missed withhold. However, the missed withhold can also be that the question or item being listed from is wrong or the item is not on the list. If a pc doesn't list brightly and easily on any list, the pc has missed withholds or has Protested or Decided out. Or is being listed on a wrong question or from a wrong item. Always try to pull missed withholds first if a pc dopes off or isn't listing well. Consider the 3M mechanics that might be causing the dope-off second. If you're listing an RI wrong-way-to, however, the trouble is more than boiloff. The pc just can't do it without being whipped. So don't force a pc to list. Find out why he can't. NULLING LISTS The two "source lists" are nulled by elimination. Say the item three times, mark it in or out. When the end of the list is reached, go back over the items left in. Go over all items on the list, not just those that RRed. The RI you find will seldom have RRed on listing on a "source list." The item you will find possibly didn't RR when listed. If a "source list" is complete, it looks like this on nulling: A CATFISH X A TIGER RR X A WATERBUCK / X A WILLOW WAND X A GAME WARDEN X THE WIND / RR If a "source list" is incomplete, not only will the needle be dirty but it nulls like this: A CATFISH /////// X A TIGER RR ////// X A WATERBUCK /// X A WILLOW WAND X A GAME WARDEN //////// X THE WIND ///////////// You must not have more than one R/S or RR on any list (source or RI oppose). This is invariable. If you find an RR on a source list, you need only go on until you are sure there is no other RR or R/S on the list before giving the pc THE item. Nulling the "RI oppose list" is entirely different. The best system is: l. Tell pc you're going to read last R/S (if any) on list and do so. It must not R/ S or RR. If it does, continue list. 2. Tell pc you're going to read the next-to-the-last rocket reading item on list. Do so. If it RRs, continue list. 3. Tell pc you're going to read the last rocket reading item on list. Do so. If it RRs, say "That rocket reads." If it doesn't RR, read the items above and below. Go up as high as five items and down as many. If still no RR, read earlier RRs on list. If still no RR, null the whole list by elimination. If still no RR, retest reliable item it's listedfrom. If it reacts, extend list until it doesn't react. Repeat above numbered steps. If you still can't get an instant, easily found RR, examine earlier RRs. If one ticks, the list from which it came must be extended. On an "RI oppose list" you almost never put ruds in on an item to make it fire. When no RR fires without coaxing, the list is either over- or underlisted. If overlisted, find an earlier item that DRs on nulling and put in the three left-hand buttons on it, Suppress, Careful Of, Fail to Reveal. However, overlisting is rarer than you'd think, and treat it as an underlist until it gets to looking long and pc is getting edgy. If still no RR appears on reading to pc, go back and find an earlier RI that ticks and extend the list it came off from. RRs on an "RI oppose list" should fire off right now the moment read with no BMRs. Factually, doing "RI oppose lists" is a piece of cake, a walk in the park. You should get an RI every seven minutes in the fourth or fifth GPM including administration and session actions if you're going well. In doing "source lists" you should get an RI off one, listing and nulling, in about three hours in the third or fourth GPM. All the rules of listing the GPM are known. Any variation in how they're set forth in HCO Bulletins comes from observing auditors having trouble, or possible shortcuts. All rules given about listing in any HCO Bulletin are true. The only question has been how does one accomplish them. The above version of R3M-2 Listing and Nulling will be found very rapid. Only the RI oppose lists require alertness and some care. Auditors are making, as a general comment, far, far, far more trouble in running a GPM than is there to be had. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 052 HCOB 8 APR 63 ROUTINE 3M2, CORRECTED LINE PLOTS (NTV VII p. 101-107, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 APRIL 1963 Central Orgs Missions URGENT ROUTINE 3M2 CORRECTED LINE PLOTS (This corrects the Line Plot in HCOB 13 Mar. 63, THE END OF A GPM. Do not use the 13 March Line Plot. Use these instead for study and Clear checkouts.) LINE PLOTS [Ed. - in the following diagram, the RIs (both oppterms and terminals) are written in capital letters. The diagram has arrows indicating how the items were listed, from one to the next. The horizontal lines point from the oppterms to the terminals. The diagonal lines point from the terminals down to the next oppterm and are shown with "/"s because we can't draw a true diagonal line in text mode. The horizontal lines have comments written on them about the meter reads. Note that the direction of the arrows and diagonals is the opposite of that used in the earlier 13 Mar 63 lineplot.] Goal: To Scream Give me your goal in a noun form, (plural). | | | | Oppterms Term | V Goal RRs once in 3 SCREAMERS ------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO COULD (Top Oppterm) / NEVER SCREAM ----------------------------- (Top Terminal) / / Goal RR or R/S once in 3 SCREAMING ------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO CAN'T (Second Top Oppterm) / SCREAM --------------------- (Second Top Terminal) / / Goal RRs twice in 3 PEOPLE WHO SCREAM ----------------------> SOMEBODY WHO DOESN'T / LIKE SCREAMING --------------------------- / / Goal RRs LOUD PEOPLE ----------------------------> A PERSON WHO DISLIKES / NOISE /-------------------------- / / Goal RRs 3 in 3 NOISY PEOPLE ---------------------------> A HOSTILE PERSON / /---------------------- / / Goal RRs & R/Ses A HOSTILE AUDIENCE ---------------------> AN EMBARRASSED PERSON EMBARRASSMENT --------------------------> A PERSON WHO WONDERS / IF SCREAMING IS ALL RIGHT /-------------------------- / / Goal Blows Down EMBARRASSED ----------------------------> A SCREAMER WITNESSES / /-------------------------- / Goal RRs 1 in 3 / latent or prior PEOPLE WHO -----------------------------> SCREAMING LIKE QUIET / /-------------------------- / / Goal ticks and falls FRIGHTENING ----------------------------> SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL PEOPLE / TO SCREAM /-------------------------- / / Goal ticks A FRIGHTENING --------------------------> SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING SIGHT / WITH THE GOAL TO SCREAM /------------------------------ / / Goal ticks or halts FRIGHT ---------------------------------> THE GOAL TO SCREAM / (Second Bottom Terminal) /----------------------- / / BEING FRIGHTENED -----------------------> TO SCREAM (Bottom Terminal) (Goal as an RI) | Goal Clean | What Goal would | To Scream Oppose | (source list) | V TO BE HAPPY (Next GPM goal) ______________ [Next Page] ____________________ Goal: To Be Happy Give me your goal in a noun form | | | | Oppterms Term | V HAPPINESS ------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO HATES TO / BE HAPPY /----------------------- / / BEING HAPPY ----------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO COULD / NEVER BE HAPPY /----------------------- / / HAPPY PEOPLE ---------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO COULDN'T / BE HAPPY /----------------------- / / PEOPLE WHO FEEL THE --------------------> THE EFFORT TO MAKE WAY THEY WANT TO / PEOPLE HAPPY /----------------------- / / RESISTIVE PERSONALITIES ----------------> A HAPPY PERSON / /----------------------- / / THE SAD WORLD --------------------------> BEING HAPPY / /----------------------- / / THINGS THAT MAKE YOU -------------------> SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL SAD / TO BE HAPPY /----------------------- / / SAD PEOPLE -----------------------------> SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING / WITH THE GOAL TO BE HAPPY /----------------------- / / SADNESS --------------------------------> THE GOAL TO BE HAPPY / /----------------------- / / BEING SAD ------------------------------> TO BE HAPPY (Goal as an RI) | | What Goal would | To Be Happy Oppose? | V TO DEPRIVE ______________ [Next Page] ____________________ Goal: To Deprive Give me your goal in a noun form, (plural) | | | | Oppterms Term | V DEPRIVERS ------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO HATED / DEPRIVING /----------------------- / / DEPRIVING ------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO COULDN'T / DEPRIVE /----------------------- / / PEOPLE WHO DEPRIVE ---------------------> SOMEBODY WHO DIDN'T WANT / TO DEPRIVE /----------------------- / / LAWFUL SOCIETY -------------------------> A THEIF / /----------------------- / / HAVING NOTHING -------------------------> A PERSON WHO CAN'T / DO WITHOUT /----------------------- / / PATHETIC PEOPLE ------------------------> A RUTHLESS COLLECTOR / /----------------------- / / SENTIMENTAL ATTACHMENT -----------------> A DEPRIVER / /----------------------- / / COLLECTING -----------------------------> DEPRIVING / /----------------------- / / PEOPLE WHO HAVE THINGS -----------------> SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL / TO DEPRIVE /----------------------- / / HAVING THINGS --------------------------> SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING / WITH THE GOAL TO DEPRIVE /----------------------- / / THE GOAL TO OWN ------------------------> THE GOAL TO DEPRIVE / /----------------------- / / OWNING EVERYTHING ----------------------> TO DEPRIVE (Goal as an RI) | | What Goal would | To Deprive Oppose? | V TO BE RICH ______________ [Next Page] ____________________ Goal: To Deprive Give me your goal in a noun form, (plural) | | | | Oppterms Term | V THE RICH -------------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO HATED TO / BE RICH /----------------------- / / BEING RICH -----------------------------> SOMEBODY WHO COULDN'T / BE RICH /----------------------- / / PEOPLE WHO ARE RICH --------------------> SOMEBODY WHO DIDN'T / WANT TO BE RICH /----------------------- / / RICHES ---------------------------------> A REVOLUTIONARY / /----------------------- / / DEFENSES -------------------------------> AN ATTACKER / /----------------------- / / LACK OF DEFENSE ------------------------> A PERSON WHO NEEDED / DEFENSES /----------------------- / / A GUILTY CONSCIENCE --------------------> SELFISH ACTIONS / /----------------------- / / REVOLUTION -----------------------------> A RICH MAN / /----------------------- / / STARVING PEOPLE ------------------------> BEING RICH / /----------------------- / / STARVATION -----------------------------> SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL / TO BE RICH /----------------------- / / THE POOR -------------------------------> SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING / WITH THE GOAL TO BE RICH /----------------------- / / POVERTY --------------------------------> THE GOAL TO BE RICH / /----------------------- / / BEING POOR -----------------------------> TO BE RICH (Goal as an RI) | | V TO WIELD POWER (continues down into similar banks as above) _____________ These line plots are a synthetic construction which I have done to show: 1. The stable RI forms. 2. The crossover. 3. The relationship of goals to one another. THE STABLE FORMS The first three oppterms from the top in each GPM above are stable forms. Any goal has these. Different goal types (be, do, have) have slightly different three top oppterms. A "To be Condition" goal has a "Condition," "Being Condition" and "People Who are Condition," in that order. The first six terminals from the bottom never vary except as to significance of the goal. (The fifth and sixth sometimes change places but all else is constant.) The top three terminals vary a bit more but are quite similar to the examples given. There are other similarities between these banks given and other GPMs but they are not as fixed and invariable. An auditor should be able to look at a goal and know at once and exactly its three top oppterms, its first six terminals and have a good idea of the three top terminals. The remainder of the RIs of the goal will be much more variable. THE CROSSOVER The area in the center of a GPM is the crossover. This means the RIs which cause the pc to become an opponent of his own goal. In at least one term and oppterm, the reason for the shift of attitude is plain. Pcs most easily find the crossover and are liable to try to give the crossover of some other GPM if you bypass an RI in the one you're working. The usual "How does this RI relate to 'To ____' " test is almost always adequate, however. The crossover is only important as a guide as to whether or not you are still in the GPM. Otherwise the middle items are not easily detected as belonging to the goal. THE RELATIONSHIP OF GOALS Only the first goal on the whole track is postulated without reason. Contrary to what we earlier believed, all other goals are closely related. A pc's goals, listed out in chronological order, first on the track to the one in PT (first goal contacted), give a story. This makes it easy to locate consecutive goals once you're in the GPMs. The arrows above give the optimum order with which to find items. The banks are lived in reverse order to the arrows above. There are many more RIs to an actual GPM than those given above, particularly later on the track (closer to PT). I have given here just essential RIs which show the ones always there, the crossover and the general picture. Given these plots, if your pc just can't seem to get the top of a bank, and "most likely lists" are difficult, get him to figure out the top oppterm from these plots or, more crudely, give it to him and let him work with it until you find the RRing top oppterm. Don't waste time in clearing. After the third or fourth bank the pc will be listing by plot anyway. Behavior of the goal is given for only one plot but is similar in all line plots. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 053 HCOB 13 APR 63 R2G, ORIGINAL R2, 3GA, 2-10, 2-12, 2-12A AND OTHERS (TV5 p. 262-3, NTV VII p. 108-9) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 APRIL AD13 Franchise ROUTINE 2-G ORIGINAL ROUTINE 2, 3GA, 2-10, 2-12, 2-12A AND OTHERS SPECIALLY ADAPTED GOALS FINDING DESIGNATION OF ROUTINES Now that Class II Auditors may find goals, a great deal of material about goals finding can be released to them. Goal finding activities are now designated as follows: ROUTINE 2-G1 Special Goals Prepcheck administered before a goal is found. This is a refined version of the Problems Intensive, slanted directly at goals. ROUTINE 2-GPH Special Goals Prepcheck done by Pre-Hav levels with a new assessment for each button. This is a refined use of the original Routine 2. ROUTINE 2-G2 Listing and nulling goals lists, using Left-Hand Buttons on last ones in and Big Mid Ruds on the final goal left in. Done in short lists, a couple pages listed and nulled at a time. This is a refined version of the oldest goals finding process. ROUTINE 2-G3 Using any Items ever found on pc to list goals against, and using the method of R2-G2 to find the goal. This is a refined version of 3-GA and 3-GAXX and also uses all 2-10, 2-12 RIs ever found. ROUTINE 2-G4 Listing special lists for RSing or RRing Items without nulling and using the RSing or RRing Items seen on listing to list goals against. This is a new use of 3D, 3GA, 2-10, 2-12. ROUTINE 2-G5 This is Routine 2-10, 2-12, 2-12A wherein everything known about or gained by those processes is used to find RIs and list goals against all RIs found. It can be seen from the above that everything known about the original Routine 2 and goals finding is now reworked into these Routine 2-Gs for rapid and positive goal finding by Class II Auditors. Subsequent HCO Bulletins will detail each of these routines in turn. They are quite stable as processes and have been in use for some time. Note: Everything released or known about Routines 2-10, 2-12 and 2-12A is valid, and the results of these on preclears and any RI ever found on a preclear is used for the purpose of listing goals and finding the preclear's goal. None of this material or study of it has been wasted. Any RI ever found on a pc is useful in goals listing. Further, every Problems Intensive brought the pc closer to his or her goal and an easier run on Routine 3 processes. Whereas R2-10, 2-12 and 2-12A worked in their own right, they are even more useful in finding goals. The only danger of 2-10, 2-12 and 2-12A was: If too many RIs were found without finding the pc's goal for that GPM, the ability of the pc to RR and RS would shut off. The RR and RS turn back on the moment the goal for that GPM is found. A close study of the R2-Gs is necessary to their workability. And needless to remark, the only reason any Scientology process works lies in adherence to the highly specialized auditing skill of Scientology with its TRs and complete attention to the precise form of the session itself. Without this pure auditing form, Scientology processes will not work. Scientology processes do not work when administered outside the Auditor's Code and without skillfully practiced TRs. The loose "disciplines" of psychoanalysis, psychiatry, medicine and psychology are completely inadequate in the administration of Scientology processes. Completely aside from the fact that Scientology does not address healing, no psychologist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst or medical doctor is authorized to use Scientology by reason of a medical or philosophical degree. Only a fully qualified auditor, properly certificated by an authorized Academy may lawfully use Scientology processes or data. Only auditors trained to the level of Class II may use Routine 2 processes. Routine 2 and Routine 3 processes are designed for use in clearing the human spirit and are not to be used in healing or physical treatment. HGCs may only clear and may not otherwise apply Scientology processes. The public is warned not to accept Scientology processing except from Academy trained auditors and is additionally warned not to embark on being cleared except by a properly certified auditor in consultation with a Class IV clearing consultant. The rewards of clearing are enormous. The perils of clearing in unskilled hands are too numerous to mention. It is with these understandings that the Routine 2-Gs are released to Class II Auditors. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:gl.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 054 HCOPL 13 APR 63 POLICY OF HGCS (OEC V4 p 565) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 13 APRIL AD 13 CenOCon Franchise POLICY OF HGCs Due to the workability of current technology, the following policy is laid down for all Hubbard Guidance Centres throughout the world. HGCs MAY ONLY CLEAR HGCs WILL ENDEAVOUR TO CLEAR HGC PRECLEARS. NO OTHER DIRECTION OF PROCESSING WILL BE UNDERTAKEN. ONLY PROCESSES DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTING TO CLEARING THE HGC PC WILL BE USED IN AN HGC. This should be well disseminated as a policy and should be posted in the registrar's office and on the public bulletin board. The processes envisioned are. 1. Preparatory processes to get the pc into session; 2. Prepchecking to obtain the pc's goal; 3. Obtaining a pc's goal; 4. Clearing a GPM; 5. Completing a GPM; 6. Obtaining new goals, 7. Clearing the new GPMs; 8. Completing the GPMs Secure and workable technology now exists to accomplish each one of the above. HGC Auditors must become expert at this technology and be well supervised in its execution. Any and all earlier Auditing any HGC pc has had is now contributive to clearing, giving many Items on which goals can be found and smoothing the way. No registrar may promise or sell any particular technique. This is entirely at the discretion of the HGC. The prospective preclear must be warned as follows: "Clearing is not easy to do and it is not easy on the preclear. We must be sure that you realize this before we undertake your clearing." Any and all requests for "healing treatment" must be refused. It should be made very plain that HGCs only Clear. Clearing has been described in various literatures and the prospective preclear should be referred to these or told what clearing is. The earliest Earth hopes for clearing were uttered about ten thousand years ago. For the first time we are able to accomplish this for all cases on whom a goal may be found. All clearing is conditional to finding the pc's basic purpose. The difficulties of this should not be minimized. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:dr.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 055 HCOB 17 APR 63 R3M2 REDO GOALS FOUND ON THIS PATTERN (Not in either set of tech volumes, previously considered confidential) [This is the HCOB left out of new tech vol 7 because it was cancelled and replaced by HCOB of 28 Apr 63. They ignored the fact that it was reinstated and corrected by HCOB 14 July 63 as being the line plot for the aircraft, bear, and gorrilla goals (but not for Helatrobus which is the series plotted by the 28 Apr 63 & later corrections). Besides being corrected by the 14 July HCOB, there were further corrections in the 24 July HCOB which was also omitted from the tech vols - Ed.] [This was posted by Scamizdat. An almost identical version is in a pseudo tech volume of confidential materials. The differences are that it has "Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex" in place of "1812 ... D.C." and only LRH:jr in the initials line at the end] [We have noted the later changes for ease of use] HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1812 19th St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. HCO BULLETIN OF APRIL 17, AD13 Central Orgs Franchise R3 - M2 RE-DO GOALS FOUND ON THIS PATTERN A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN (Replaces all former Line Plots) This is the first actual Goals Problem Mass pattern released. All earlier published patterns were synthetic. I went back 216 Trillion to obtain this pattern for a GPM and to find out if it was safe to try to run an early GPM in a human body. It is. The pattern is probably completly correct but there may be a transposition or adjustment necessary, such as the way "NO" is expressed - Not-non-absence etc. By evidence to hand, all GPMs contain all these early and late endings. It is permissable (indeed imposible to do otherwise) for the pc to list this pattern to hand and the auditor must use it to help the pc. No pc is ever going to confront the whole of a GPM early in processing. RR markings refer to how goal reads on being called 3 times to pc. All RIs read with RR when called to pc once. PATTERN OF A VERB GOAL Give me your goal as a final accomplishment [The HCOB has horizontal lines with arrows pointing from the Oppterm to the Terminal, an diagonal lines pointing from the terminal down to the next oppterm.] OPPTERMINALS TERMINALS RI NOUNAL ACCOMPLISHMENT ---> NO TOP OPPTERM RI OF GOAL g - 1 RR g - 1 RR 1 F RI GOALING ---> NO GOALING RI g - 1 RR g - 1 RR RI GOALERS ---> NO GOALERS RI g - No Read g - 1 RR RI GOALINGNESS ---> NO GOALINGNESS RI g - No Read g - 1 RR RI GOALISHNESS ---> NO GOALISHNESS RI g - No Read g - 1 RR RI GOALIVITY ---> NO GOALIVITY RI g - 1 RR 1 DR g - No Read RI BEINGS (PEOPLE) (THOSE) ---> A BEING (SOMEONE) RI WHO GOAL g - 2 RRs WHO NEVER GOALS g - 1 RR 1 DR ( changed to A BEING WHO IS NEVER GOALING per 14 July HCOB) RI ACTIVE GOALING ---> A BEING (SOMEONE) RI g - 2 RRs WHO MISEMOTIONS TO GOAL g - 1 DR RI THE NECESSITY OF GOALING ---> A BEING (SOMEONE) RI g - 1 RR WHO DIDN'T WANT TO GOAL g - 1 RR RI THE ACTIONS OF GOALING ---> A HATRED OF GOALING RI g - 2 RRs g - 1 RR RI ANY FERVENT BELIEF IN ---> A NON GOALER RI GOALING g - 2 RRs g - 1 RR RI FERVENT BELIEVERS IN ---> A BEING (SOMEONE) RI GOALING THAT GOALING EXHAUSTED g - 1 RR 2 DRs g - 1 RR (ANY FERVENT BELIEVERS IN GOALING per 14 July HCOB) RI THE VAST VALUE OF GOAL ---> AN EXHAUSTED RI NOUNS GOALER g - 2 RRs g - 1 RR 2 DRs RI DEMANDED GOAL NOUNS ---> A BEING (SOMEONE) RI g - 2 RRs WHO HAD TO GOAL g - 2 RRs RI OBSESSED GOAL ACTION ---> A BORED GOALER RI g - 1 RR g - 1 RR 1 DR RR Blow down on goal (position approximate) RI INTEREST IN GOALING ---> A SECRET GOALER RI g - No Read g - 1 F RI A KNOWLEDGE OF GOALING ---> A VICIOUS GOALER RI g - 3 Ticks g - 2 RRs RI COUNTER GOAL ACTION ---> A DETERMINED GOALER RI g - 2 RRs g - 2 Ticks RI PROHIBITIONS AGAINST ---> HAVING TO GOAL RI GOALING g - 2 RRs g - 1 RR RI DETESTERS OF GOALING ---> A GOALER RI g - 1 RR g - 2 DRs RI THE HOPELESSNESS OF GOALING ---> GOALING RI g - 1 RS g - No Read RI THE ABSENCE OF GOALING ---> SOMEBODY WITH THE RI g - No Read GOAL TO GOAL g - No Read RI NO GOALISHNESS ---> SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING RI WITH THE GOAL TO GOAL g - No Read RI THE NON-EXISTENCE OF GOALING ---> THE GOAL TO GOAL RI g - No Read g - No Read RI SOME BAD CONDITION ---> TO GOAL RI DEPENDENT ON NEXT GOAL g - No Read g - No Read (but reads as an RI) ( change per 14 July HCOB to | NO or NOT ) | | | Who or what | would To Goal | oppose V Next lower goal POINTS OF INTEREST The oppterminals gradually increase as the goal is lived, to become the goal. The terminals decrease as lived until goal is repugnant. Each Terminal and each oppterm contains a form of the goal. There are neither terminals nor oppterms that contain entirely different words. The lower terminals have no slightest variation in any bank. The upper oppterms contain no slightest variation from the pattern in any bank. Only the middle ground of the GPM may vary but always has some form of the goal itself. If you make an error in following this pattern or fail to get the right RI your pc's RR will get shorter and vanish on the next 3 or 4 RIs. This is for a verb goal such as "To Scream". It is also the same for a "To Be" goal form. This will hold good for all goals and all GPMs. Any corrections and patterns for other goal forms will be released as fast as I find them. I do not guarantee there are not more RIs in a GPM. The following is the goal from which the above pattern was taken, given to assist further understanding. TO CREATE. Found April 14, 1963 All Items found April 15, 1963 LINE PLOT Opposition Terminals Terminals RI CREATION NO CREATION RI g - 1RR 1RR 1F RI CREATING NO CREATING RI g - 1 RR 1RR RI CREATORS NO CREATORS RI g - No read 1RR RI CREATINGNESS NO CREATINGNESS RI No read 1RR RI CREATIONISHNESS NO CREATIONISHNESS RI No read 1RR ( CREATINGISHNESS per 14 July HCOB) RI CREATIVITY NO CREATIVITY RI 1DR No read RI BEINGS WHO CREATE A BEING WHO NEVER RI 2RRs CREATES 1RR 1DR RI ACTIVE CREATING A BEING WHO HATES TO RI 2RRs CREATE 1DR RI THE NECESSITY OF CREATING A BEING WHO DIDN'T WANT RI 1RR TO CREATE 1RR RI THE ACTIONS OF CREATING A HATRED OF CREATING RI 2RRs 1RR RI ANY FERVENT BELIEF IN A NON-CREATOR RI CREATING 2RRs 1RR RI FERVENT BELIEVERS IN CREATING A BEING THAT CREATING RI 1RR 2DRs EXHAUSTED 1RR RI THE VAST VALUE OF CREATIONS AN EXHAUSTED CREATOR RI 2RRs 1RR 2DRs RI DEMANDED CREATIONS A BEING WHO HAD TO RI 2 RRs CREATE 2RRs RI OBSESSED CREATIONS A BORED CREATOR RI 1DR 1RR 1DR RI INTEREST IN CREATING A SECRET CREATOR RI No read 1F RI A KNOWLEDGE OF CREATION A VICIOUS CREATOR RI 3tics 2RRs RI COUNTER CREATION A DETERMINED CREATOR RI 2RRs 2tics RI PROHIBITIONS AGAINST HAVING TO CREATE RI CREATIONS 1RR 2RRs RI DETESTORS OF CREATING A CREATOR RI 1RR 2DRs RI THE HOPELESSNESS OF CREATING A CREATING RI 1RS No read RI THE ABSENCE OF CREATING SOMEBODY WITH THE GOAL RI No read TO CREATE No read RI NO CREATISHNESS SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING RI No read WITH THE GOAL TO CREATE No read RI THE NON-EXISTENCE OF CREATING THE GOAL TO CREATE RI No read No read RI HAVING NO GAME TO CREATE RI No read No read L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jr:jr&jb Copyright (c) 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 056 HCOB 18 APR 63 ROUTINE 3M2, DIRECTIVE LISTING (NTV p. 110-2, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 APRIL AD 13 Central Orgs Missions URGENT ROUTINE 3M2 DIRECTIVE LISTING DIRECTIVE LISTING is defined as that Routine 3 activity which directs the pc's attention while listing to the form of the inevitable reliable item, providing it can be predicted. This is a new departure in Scientology auditing. It could be a dangerous one if carried into directing goals or Routine 2-12 RIs. It applies therefore only to the inevitable reliable items to be found in Routine 3 line plots. It is so much more upsetting to the pc and clearing to miss the right RI that the practice is excused. Indeed it must be done. The law governing this is: A PC'S ABILITY TO CONFRONT IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE AMOUNT OF CHARGE REMOVED FROM THE GPMs; THE PC'S ABILITY TO CONFRONT IS NOT PROPORTIONAL TO THE AMOUNT OF CONFRONTING DONE IN A GPM. There are only a few things to be careful of in directive listing: 1. That the charge (if any) of the question being listed from is also listed off even when the right item has been directed on to the list; 2. That the auditor does not let himself be persuaded out of getting the right RI on the list; 3. That the directed RI does actually fire with an RR when called regardless of mid ruds or TD; 4. That the directed RI is the right RI for that list; 5. That that part of the line plot not common to all cases may not be directed on to a list by the auditor. Definitions: A directed reliable item is one guided on to the list by the auditor. It is one derived from the form of the GPM common to all cases. _____________ HOW TO DIRECT LISTING The auditor knows that in every GPM (except truncated ones which, being the 1st GPM from present time, may have the top missing) the majority of the RIs are common to all GPMs. (See HCO Bulletin of 17 April 1963, A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN, and subsequent line plots.) Most of these, particularly top and bottom groups, never change. Therefore the auditor, with the pc's help, determines what the inevitable RIs should be, confirms it with the meter, gets the charge off the question by getting some more items on the list and gives the pc the right RI for that point in the bank or works with the pc to obtain that exact RI. The first command that starts a new GPM being audited is: "Give me the ultimate achievement of your goal in a noun form." Get several of these nouns. One will consistently RR. That's the pc's RI. Give it to the pc. Do not overlist. Do not compromise with these rules. The top terminal is then gotten by the question "Who or what would oppose (noun form you just got)." Get the right one by suggesting its probable form to the pc. Get the charge off the question. Do not overlist. (You must stop pc's listing on RI oppose lists and check the question.) You then go through the proper 3M2 steps for tests, etc. Give pc the right top terminal that has been found. List "Who or what would (top terminal) oppose?" Suggest it to the pc as it is known. Make sure the 2nd top oppterm gets on the list. Etc., etc. _____________ THE PROBLEM If you don't select for the pc the inevitable RIs as you list them, the chances of the pc getting them in the first 3 GPMs is so remote as to be nonexistent. The pc will go through agony if they're missed, and you'll lose his or her RR as this is the roughest part of the GPM. Further, their undischarged mass will be carried down into all additional auditing and the pc will not lose the mass and may gain weight. And you've set the stage for ARC breaks galore. Further this gives you the rightness of the goal at once with no mess-up of the pc by reason of long listing. (If the obvious top oppterm isn't there it either isn't the goal or is a truncated GPM). _____________ DIRECTING RIs An auditor must become expert at preselecting RIs for any given goal. Study HCOB 17 Apr. 63, A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN, and subsequent issues. If the pc ARC breaks or starts getting a dirty needle after you've given him a selected RI, you've bypassed one. [The NTV has an Editor's Note: "HCOB 17 Apr. 63 A COMPLETE GPM PATTERN was cancelled by HCOB 23 Apr. 63 R3 -M2." Note that their note was incorrect since this HCOB was later reinstated as the pattern for the Bear Goals etc.] But pcs will protest their top terminal quite often as discreditable. So it's discreditable. Does it RR and discharge the top oppterm? If so, it's the pc's. Give it to the pc and the pc will cognite and the TA will blow down. If it's still wrong, you'll soon run out of RR as you find more RIs. There are no GPM RIs above the top terminal or oppterm as shown on line plots for any given GPM. But there may be another full GPM. A recently, only partly formed GPM has no top. If a GPM has its top complete, there's probably another goal above it (nearer present time). L. RON HUBBARD Founder ================== 057 HCOPL 19 APR 63 HANDLING ORG TECHNICAL QUERIES (OEC V4 p 36) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 19 APRIL 1963 CenOCon HANDLING ORG TECHNICAL QUERIES With the new technical reports being handled now by the Deputy HCO Exec Sec WW, it is not intended that technical queries be included. These reports are Progress reports. All Org technical queries should be well within the scope of being handled by the Org Technical Director. If the Org Technical Director is unable to handle a particular query, he should always endeavour to settle the matter by telex with the senior Technical Director within his continent or with his Continental Director. In the very rare instances where a technical query cannot be settled locally, a despatch should be sent to Ron by the senior Continental Technical Executive stating the matter briefly and it will be handled immediately. Issued by: Robin Hancocks Deputy HCO Executive Secretary WW Authorized by: L. RON HUBBARD LRH:gl.rd Copyright c 1963 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ================== 058 HCOB 23 APR 63 ROUTINE 3M2, HANDLING THE GPM (NTV p. 114-7, previously considered confidential) HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 APRIL 1963 Missions ROUTINE 3M2 HANDLING THE GPM Goals Problem Masses may be handled in several ways. The only things that establish the best way are: l. Speed of finding RIs. 2. Accuracy of RIs found. 3. Completeness of GPM's RIs. 4. Correct order of RIs. 5. Pc's morale. 6. Easiness of the method on the pc. 7. Ease of handling by the auditor. 8. Resulting state of Clearness of the pc. Immediately discounted then are those methods which put speed of finding RIs second, for it will be found that the slower you find RIs, the more the remaining factors above will suffer. I have been over or through, as a pc, almost any method of auditing a GPM there could be, and the one factor that stands out to me, both as an auditor and a pc, as well as a Case Supervisor, is that idling about trying to get it all now results in the destruction of both auditor and pc morale and consumes unrewarding session time. Why? The law that covers this is: A PC'S ABILITY TO CONFRONT IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE AMOUNT OF CHARGE REMOVED FROM THE GPMs; THE PC'S ABILITY TO CONFRONT IS NOT PROPORTIONAL TO THE AMOUNT OF CONFRONTING DONE IN A GPM. This is a very important rule. In practice it means, "Get all the RIs you can discharged as fast as you can." It also could mean "Get all the GPMs discharged as fast as you can." But if this last means discharging partially many GPMs it ceases to be true as the pc will go into hopeless confusion in the remaining charge. It does mean: l. Discharge the GPM you are working on as fast as you can, regardless of skipping some RIs, regardless of reaching the top first. 2. Don't keep scrapping RIs found just because there may be some higher than those you are finding (later). 3. Don't let the pc flounder hopelessly in some area of the GPM that can't be gotten just yet. 4. Keep a line plot of each block of RIs you find. Join them up later. You have a pattern. You will be able to follow it easily most of the time. But where you cannot get the pattern to go right, jump to another lower part of the pattern where it will go right and go on with it. You will find it isn't the wrongness of the pattern that gives you trouble. It's the inability of the pc to confront. Answer: remove charge. Because the pc ARC breaks on missed RIs, tell the pc "We're going to miss some items. Those already found are valid. We're going to get some lower ones and get the charge off and then come back for what we've missed." The pc won't ARC break. On the contrary his morale will increase in most cases. And then, of course, with the GPM shot full of holes, the pc can confront better. And the second pass through the GPM will get some of the missing ones. And the third pass will assemble the lot. The only things to avoid are getting the pc confused by too many shifts and dizzy through invalidation of existing RIs already found. The rules for this method of handling are these: l. Always start at the top or as close to the top as you can and go down (earlier in time) through the GPM. This is true for every pass through the GPM. 2. Don't let the pc flounder endlessly searching. If it seems all you can do is flounder, go lower to another known part (by pattern) of the bank and get going again. 3. Realize that the final pass through will find all RIs RRing again as they are put in proper order on the final line plot. The RR travels from top oppterm to top terminal and right on down to the "goal as an RI" terminal. This RR has to be passed through the complete, finished bank as the last action of assembly of the final line plot. (Even though they RR again when put in their right places, they are mostly discharged by the original finding.) 4. Use all sections found already as blocks of RIs. Don't try to find them again. The RR has to be passed through them as they are joined up and they may get corrected, but don't throw away sections found. 5. The pc suffers from CHARGE on the bank, not from significance of RIs. Significance gives the details of the aberration but its magnitude is established by charge. 6. It can be assumed that two fast passes through a GPM and a final assembly pass will do more to clear the GPM than one painfully slow, fumbling pass, where the pc's efforts are always getting invalidated. 7. All RIs must RR when found or no charge comes off. (See note below.) 8. The pattern of a GPM is used throughout to help guide the pc. 9. Do not redo a block of RIs already found until the whole GPM has been covered at least once through. _____________ HANDLING THE GOALS PROBLEM MASSES You will almost never get the GPM that is nearest PT as the pc's first goal found. This goal is usually the most offerable goal by its own wording. Very secret or very blatantly offerable type wordings are found first, forced into view by their top terminals or oppterms. Therefore, do not assume ever that the pc's first goal is the PT goal. It almost never is. The actual PT area goal contains all the pc's hidden standards and chronic present time problems. Therefore one must attain and run it eventually before getting earlier track goals. Rule: A GPM which has its top oppterm and terminal is rarely the PT GPM. Thus these steps apply: 1. Run the goal you first find on the pc if it's a right goal (has a GPM). 2. Clean it up very carefully as per this or later HCO Bulletins. 3. Do not oppose the final "goal as an RI" RI at the bottom of the bank ("What goal would (goal) oppose?"). Leave that RI firing. 4. Leave the lowest (lst bottom) oppterm of the goal with whatever RRs. Do not adjust it as you will eventually have to. (It depends on the next lower goal which remains unknown at this time.) 5. Leave the lower (earlier) GPM strictly alone for now, regardless of pc's interest in it. 6. Do the top source list of the GPM you have just run "What goal would oppose (goal whose GPM you ran)." 7. Find the next GPM (closer to PT) goal. 8. Handle completely the later GPM as per this HCO Bulletin or later advices. 9. Do a "What goal would oppose (one you just handled)?" 10. Handle GPM found. 11. Eventually by this method find the PT GPM and handle it fully. 12. When you are completely certain you have the PT GPM (pc's current life name or person is part of it and its top may be missing-truncated) and have handled it fully, trace back through all RIs and earlier banks found and only then prepcheck these goals as you complete them on the way down. 13. Reach eventually the first goal ever found on the pc but not handled. Do its RI oppose list and find the earlier goal. Adjust the bottom RI of the first goal ever found on the pc. Prepcheck the goal. 14. Handle the next earlier GPM (for which you have just found the goal) fully as per this HCO Bulletin or later advices. 15. Continue earlier and earlier in the GPMs, handling each one fully before getting the next until you reach Time Zero for GPMs. DO NOT CONTINUE to go earlier with GPMs until you have handled everything up to PT. Avoid even finding the goal of the earlier GPM (step 3 above) until you are ready to run that whole GPM. The charge on early GPMs is fantastic and the more GPMs unhandled later on the track (nearer PT) the harder it is on the pc to go into earlier (further from PT) GPMs. The pc drags the P.T GPM and others near it that have not been run through earlier GPMs if they are prematurely handled. The method is summed by: 1. Get a goal. 2. Handle the bank of the goal you get. 3. Get to PT GPM by GPM, handling each as you go. 4. Smooth and prepcheck goals on the way down. 5. Then head for the earlier track. Violations of this method will account for any casualties suffered in running R3. Violations will occur as the whole pressure of the pc's interest is on earlier track and pc's sell hard to handle the earlier banks. But whatever the sales talk, it is very hard on the pc and auditor to go into GPMs earlier on the track than the first goal found before later GPMs are all handled and fully discharged. The pc, finding himself with the earlier goal found in violation of Step 3 above of the 15 Steps will be so interested in it that he or she will try to move heaven and auditors to run it, not to go forward toward PT. Auditors unable to find goals closer to PT will go back and run it. Well, if you do, do a good job of it and then try to get to PT. But you'll wish you'd tried harder to get the banks upward toward PT, not back down toward the beginning of track. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ==================