Date: 15 Jun 1999 01:54:21 -0000 Subject: FZ Bible 2/6 SOME GPM TAPES OF 1963 Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <222d28aff5539ca8327593157c033a14@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 1298 Path:!!remarQ-easT!!!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:763513 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST SOME GPM TAPES OF 1963 - 2 of 6 ************************************************** We scanned a few GPM tapes that seemed appropriate as companion pieces to the 1963 tech volume that one of our units posted recently. The SHSBC numbers below are both the original tape number and as renumbered in the clearsound version (based on Pilot's Master Tape List) The transcripts posted here are based on the modern clearsound version of the SHSBC cassettes and may have omissions due to Cof$ editing of contents. If anyone can check these against the old reels, please post any omissions found. Note that most of these were at one time considered confidential although they are no longer. Also note that many level 0 and level 4 tapes are from the same time period and also discuss the 1963 GPM tech. 1. SHSBC-253 ren 282, 28 Mar 63 The GPM 2. SHSBC-263 ren 291, 14 May 63 Implant GPMs 3. SHSBC-311 ren 342, 26 Sep 63 Summary III: About Level IV Auditing 4. SHSBC-314 ren 345, 17 Oct 63 Level IV Auditing 5. SHSBC-318 ren 349, 29 Oct 63 Routine 4 6. SHSBC-323 ren 354 26 Nov 63 R4 Auditing The first of the above, "The GPM" was posted last week by Zenon as part of the FPRD cassettes. Since we had already scanned it, and since we used a different source (these are from the clearsound BC cassettes), and since it is one of the better introductions to GPMs, we decided to include it anyway. Note that level IV or R4 at this time consisted of running R4M2 (a successor to R3M) on actual GPMs. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** IMPLANT GPNs A lecture given on 14 May 1963 [From the modern clearsound BC cassettes - not checked against the old reels] SHSBC-263 renumbered 291, 14 May 63 Implant GPMs Thank you. I appreciate that. Earned it. And this is what? May the 14th, AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Now, a pc's got his own goal and he's got a GPM of his own and so forth and you can find all that. And that's Routine 3M2 and that's a buttoned up piece of technology and recall it as a piece of technology and compartment it as a piece of technology. You're about to get 3N and 3N you are more or less doing at this particular instant. It's simply a stripped down, directive Routine 3 which uses line plots and is as crude as: prop up the HCOB May 12th in front of the pc and prop up the copy of it in front of yourself and use that copy as a line plot. And when you direct the pc's attention, direct it by number. "Give me number one hundred and fourteen," and the pc does so because pcs lose their place very easily. And the next thing you know you've got the whole bottom of the thing having missed the whole top and the pc's ARC broken and neither of you know why until you suddenly figure out that he's missed. The auditor has to be very careful the pc doesn't miss. And you don't check the goal and you don't pay any attention to blowdown. You run exclusively by rocket read. And you just drop all these little bits and pieces. Actually you're getting items almost as fast as you and the pc can talk. And it's about one a minute and you can tear up a bank so fast that it would make your head swim. And the pc just does fine, because he's not being plowed into it. And the only time you random list is when you can't get something to fire. You can't get the right item to fire. And the way you random list is you carry a spare piece of paper over to the side, you transfer the item number only to the piece of paper and that is list number one hundred and thirty-two or whatever it is, you see. And that coordinates back onto your line plot. So you don't write, "Who or what would oppose something or other." You just write, "hundred and thirty-two," whatever it is and you just write the versions of it and you write those very rapidly. You're doing a goal - you're doing "remembered," so you do "r/," see, "r/d." Something like that, you see. And the best you do with that piece of paper is simply put its date on it, at the top, just to identify it, because it's going to be clipped into your auditor's report, don't you see. You've got to identify that piece of paper. You want to put your pc's initial on it. That's a little more thorough. And if you want to put a number on it, that's even more thorough - that is page number something or other and you've got very proper administration. But that in essence is 3N. And what you want to do if you want to know what 3N is, is just figure out everything that you can drop out of the lineup in order to discharge items. Everything that can be dropped out of the lineup to discharge items. And you just drop it out of the lineup. That's all. So it's just bow, bow bow, bow. Now, there is still one question which is - remains unanswered and I will have to check it out this evening and I haven't checked it out yet. And that is, do you even say, "Would something or other oppose?" But I can tell you that that's only once for every pair. It would be only when you got the terminal and then you'd say, "Well, would nix absoluteably whatever." Not to restimulate you all. Very funny. Mary Sue started a gag the other night that I'm afraid Scientologists will be up to for a long time to come. She said, "It's absolutely fantastical how..." And I said, "Absoluteable, absoluteable." You start too much of that thing, people who are standing around you who haven't been audited will start to wheeze and cough and cave in, see. These are dynamite words, man. But if you would just figure what you could drop out of - of the patter itself and still keep wheeling just in the interest of speed, still retaining the fact that the items must be found, they must rocket read and they must blow. Why, then you've got actually 3N. And it's amazing how fast it can go. Now, you remember at the congress I told you one a minute was a goal, see, a good level to hit for and that it would be very fine and we could run all these things very rapidly if we had it at one a minute. Remember that? Well, actually that was fairly accurate prediction. I hadn't done it as an auditor. I had seen it closely approximated while I was being a pc. But I thought it was scaled down and was actually putting the pc in a bit of danger for a while. There was no listing involved, there was no unburdening and then I found out what was causing discomfort. Discomfort was being caused by the inaccurate line plot. And the inaccurate statement of the word. That was what it was being caused by. In other words, bypassing items, you see, and not having the exact expression of the item there. That was what was wrong. And it wasn't the speed with which the items were being found. It wasn't the absence of random listing. You see? See how that added up. So, I've been making some tests now of this bow bow, bat, bap, bap, bap, rap, rapid, rapid, rapid, man. And I have been hitting a minute per item and see signs now because I've just redesigned the line plot because I was doing that writing. I was writing the items at one a minute, see. So I know that one a minute is easily achieved. Because you get this mimeographed line plot, why, of course, you can - you don't have to write everything down there. Your one a minute also accounts for occasionally having to fumble. See. Something you - didn't come quite right and you fumble for it and then you get it. And I found out a pc just comes up shining regardless of what the tone arm did, with this reservation: When the pc starts suppressing and the auditor doesn't discover that the rising tone arm is from suppression then your rocket reads tend to kind of vanish and they get very small. Now, the proper behavior of a rocket read is when the pc says the correct item you should get a gee-whizzer. It should just be absolutely gorgeous, you see. Upwards to half a dial, you see, or greater. And then when you call it back to the pc - by the way, you don't say that rocket reads or anything because you've already given him his item without reading it back to him. You'll discover that the pc will fumble on this one. So you tell the pc to give you this. The pc, you know, number hundred and thirteen, something like that, pc gives you number hundred and thirteen, you look at it, mark it on your line plot and say, "I'11 now read to you (the only rocket reading item on this list, or something of this sort) - forgettable antastical" and the pc rocket reads on the thing. And you say, "That rocket read." Don't even bother to tell him that's your item, see. Just, "That rocket read." Fine. The pc's happy about it. And then you say, "Who or what would oppose (what you just got)?" you see. And the pc says it - because he's usually got his place on the line plot; you verify that's what he got - says it; you get this gorgeous rocket read then. You see. And you go through this one, two, three. But you'll notice, when the pc gives it to you, you shouldn't say it first, because it should come off a piece of paper or something like that. See? You shouldn't say it first because the pc gets fixated on you. And when the pc says it, you've got a gorgeous rocket read. When you call it back you should have a rocket read about half that size and when you call it again, if you call it again immediately afterwards, it just goes thit. See. That's the way it ought to behave. So, you start sweating around to make this thing rocket read again and if it does rocket read again, then you've bypassed some items or something is wrong or the pc's in a big suppress or something is all muddled up here. It bothers the pc for you to call it again. It bothers the pc for you to do so. So, if you want to do so, you say, "Let me - I want to check the rocket reads," or something. That sort of invalidates the item, don't you see? Nevertheless you occasionally will call it again and you will notice that that thing does follow that behavior pattern. Now, if it doesn't follow that behavior pattern as a rocket read, you know something is pretty awful wrong here someplace. Pc's on a big suppress, disagreement with it and that sort of thing or the pc has wandered off some place or another and isn't giving you his attention. Now, that's about the only real difficulty that you'll run into: pc starts wandering. And you'll very often will do this trick: You will say, "I'll read to you the only rocket reading item on this list, forgettable tantastical," and the pc says nothing and the meter says nothing and so forth. The thing to do is, "Do I have your attention?" There'll be, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh that one. Yeah well, I'd already read the next five," so forth, you know. And you say, "All right." You say, "All right now, (whatever it was) fantastical," and the pc bang! You got your rocket read. In other words, you shouldn't first question the fact that the rudiments are all out, that the item is wrong, so forth. See? Don't take that as your first one. Just take as your first choice, the pc just didn't have his attention on you, that's all. And you'll find these things just blow, blow, blow, bang, bang, bang, bang. You just opened up all the valves and steam's leaking all over the place, and that boiler's going to be flat very shortly. That's the score of this 3N. And you'd just be amazed how fast a bank bleeds down. Now, when you run into trouble - when you run into trouble and you can't find the next item or something like that, the first thing to do is to find out if you're in the right place, not chivy up the pc. Because you've gone from forgotten to forgetting. You've missed about three-quarters of the bank or something like that. Very often even a seasoned auditor will find himself sitting there running the wrong block of items. Pc's made a mistake, you've taken a break, pc comes back, the page is folded some other way. The pc starts giving you another block of items entirely. All of a sudden you don't have rocket reads and that sort of thing. Well, there's a usual symptom that goes along with this which you may have heard of, called an ARC break. The usual symptom is an ARC break, but even if there isn't an ARC break, there is one that is fairly reliable, is the pc feels sick at his stomach. When pc feels sick at his stomach, item have been missed. Got it? See? Stable datum. Or a bank has been missed; a whole GPM has been missed. Even though you're getting rocket read. Pc feels sick at his stomach, you've skipped. Skipped items, skipped a bank. You've bypassed things, in other words. If you really want a pc to feel sick, omit to find the goal "to remember" after the goal "to forget." And start running "to go away" after you've run "to forget." Give you an example: all of a sudden the pc feels very queasy. He'll go on, you'll get your rocket reads. It's not running very well, but you'll get your rocket reads and so forth. And the pc will feel sort of green; he'll feel very pale about the whole thing. I mean if he doesn't ARC break you better crosscheck what you're doing. Now, the highway you're running is one of the best marked highways anybody ever heard of. Far superior to English road marking, far superior. I know everybody thinks English road marking is pretty good. But they should see California road marking. Particularly out in the desert where the signs have fallen into the sand. La Jolla eighteen miles, Death Valley three miles, signs all rusty and filled full of twenty-two bullet holes, that's usually... But the truth of the matter is that your highway is very, very well marked. Now,what you are doing is in essence blind flying. Blind flying. You are flying by instrument. You can learn to fly by instrument and you will find one of these fine days when you've had a lot of these things run that you won't be running much by instrument. I just had the interesting experience just a few minutes ago of checking out a pc who was having difficulty (yours by the way), who was having difficulty in getting down the line and I didn't blind fly it. See. I flew on actual perception, not of what the pc was doing but my actual perception of what goes on. See? Now, I added this datum: pc sick at his stomach, owww. No wonder "nix forgotten" would not fire. There's a "forgotten" up the line someplace earlier. There are RIs earlier. There are some RIs, I was plotting them out last night. There's "this is not the beginning," "this is the end," "no end," "the end" and so forth. I'm getting them all plotted up for you. And Suzie went into revolt. She says, "You're being the guinea pig pc all the time and you get to look at all these things," and that sort of thing and, "I want a chance, so you - tonight I want to get finished through this bank," and she did and so forth. And she says, "I want to get back and take a look at the beginning of those vestibule implants," and that sort of thing and plot them out. And by golly we did. We got a whole hat full of them. There's not very many of them back there, but they're enough to really confuse the situation. They tell you that the end of the incident, you see, that this is the end of the incident whereas in actual fact it is the beginning of the incident. See. And we plotted those out pretty good and we got some beautiful rocket reads. So, of course, immediately just yanking your pc into "forgotten - nix forgotten" as a pair, of course, is bypassing all the vestibule implants. But you can do it. But here's a pc all of sudden we couldn't do this with, see? You can do this without getting the pc very sick. It's all right, he can run. But not this pc. Something was wrong. Well now, the reason you haven't found the beginning of the incident - the reason I hadn't found the beginning of the incident starts several months before the actual implant, see? It's not the day before as you would expect. You're captured on Exnoo and immediately transported, you see, and in twenty-four hours they've got you going to heaven, see. That isn't the way it is. That isn't the way it is. Apparently you're kept around in cold storage for a while. And there's about a six-months' lag here of some kind or another. They backlog. All great insurance companies and great empires have a tendency to in-basket - out-basket themselves out of PT. Don't you see. And you've probably been in- and out-basketed out of PT, don't you see. That's about all the seriousness there is to it. So actually the incident that you're looking for is several months - probably differs. It does vary from pc to pc, you see. But it's probably several months ahead of the actual implants. And if anybody was silly enough to get implanted at the moment he was being picked up to being implanted or something like that, of course, you've got a "forgotten" or something sitting way up there. So, you have to scout that sort of thing out. But that early sequence doesn't run like the implants. It all just runs like an engram and that's why you're learning how to run some engrams. And even though you do have "forgotten" and something or other is occurring up there, you can still run those things just like an engram, get the sequence of them, see. Get the guy to check them off. That's not the vestibule implants, they have to be run just the way you run them. But what would they be? They'd just be somebody saying it or something like this, don't you see. Key-in of some kind. So you'd have to unsnarl that area. And then there's always the chance that you haven't got the first incident, that you've got the second series or that the pc has as many as six or seven serieses. What a tough pc. He could go back through it that many times. See, there's always these variations. So you want to make sure you've got the first one and that you've got the first of the first one. And then you'll never have any difficulty at all. If you do run into difficulty then it's just the rule which I just told you. You haven't got the first of the first, that's all. The funny part of it is, you can cut into these implants almost anyplace and run a bank. That's what's amusing about it. It's very hard on the pc and his body. The easiest way to run it is to find the earliest part of the incident and run it all the way on through to the first vestibule implant. Run the vestibule implant, run the first goal "to forget" don't you see. Do it all in an orderly fashion. And it's like sawing butter on a hot summer day, see. There's nothing to it. It's not hard on the pc at all. But every time you miss an item - let us say your pc has an aversion to "-able" and has suddenly decided that - to make this "absolute" - and it's the only thing you can get to fire. It isn't what the pc decided, but the pc's just dead against it and something or other, and all you can get is "absolute" to fire, see. Ahhhh, boy, you're going to hit the next bank and the pc's going to be in trouble on that item, see. And he's going to have a lot of mass on that item, you see. By the time you hit the next bank after that, now the pc's got three times as much mass, don't you see. And you have much less chance of getting the right item to fire. And the next bank you hit, you're going to have much more mass. And the pc's going to feel, every time he hits that item or area, you're going to errr creak errr, see. That's how it gets tough. Inaccuracy equals tough running. You want to really pile up the electronic charge on your pc up to the stars, just buy a few "absolutelies" and "perfectlies" and you can sit there and suffer for the pc. The pc keeps saying, "No. No." You know. It's all "no." "No." You can't get "nix" to fire. Very often you can't get "nix" to fire. The pc for some strange reason has a complete aversion to "nix." And then the pc is very upset about why he has a complete - well, he has it because it's in the implant. But for some reason or other you can't straighten this out and you can only get "no" to fire. All right. Run it. See. Do your best, but only take what fires. Do your best. And know that about the fourth, fifth, sixth bank you're going to be running, everything on the terminal side is going to start getting a little black. And by this time however you will have enough charge off that the pc will have reformed his ways and will start calling it "nix" and after that why it fires as "nix." But the pc will always, thereafter, have a little bit of trouble with the "nix" and "no" and so forth. Little black mass will appear around. But this is minor difficulty. It's only major if you never correct it. Now, you must differentiate between the ideal and the workable. And you're going to move too far toward the workable or too close to the ideal. You'll err in choosing your route. It's almost impossible to choose it absolutely right. You'll err in choosing your route. A perfect run, an absolutely perfect run all the way is attainable. It is attainable. But a workable run will get you there. I mean one is "absolutely" and the next is "perfectable" and the next is "superiorably" and one is "nix" and one is "no" and then the next one's the wrong item entirely. You just got a lock and so forth. It's very sloppy, but remember it'll get you there. But, the more you move from the perfect, that is the ideal, toward the merely workable the more trouble your pc is going to have. Now, don't expect to run a pc without ever having any trouble. That is an ideal which is absolutely, completely unobtainable. Pc picks up the line plot for the next session, you pick up the same zone. For some peculiar reason whatsoever you run "forgetting" for half an hour without finding it out. And of course, the banks are so charged up and those root words are so charged up that anything will fire. That's the danger. And all of a sudden hhhaaaaaaaaaaa. Well, if it's completely the wrong word you've got no choice but to redo it, but oh boy, that's trouble, man, that's real trouble. Because when you go over the bank the second time, you're in trouble. Any time you go over a bank a second time without the whole thing and everything before it's discharged, you're in trouble. Now, for instance, you could do the whole first dwindling of the top oppterm wrong, but getting charge off. Finish it out to the bottom right. Then go back and pick up the first incident as an engram. Get anything that's implanted or talked about there and then moved right on through to the vestibule implants there. Get all of those. And then correct the erroneous top oppterms, dwindling. Do that right now and that would run much better. If you do that however, you pretty well have to pass the charge down to where you are. For some reason or other, charge passes on these things. If an item is found in the wrong place, when put in the right place it will fire again. When you've gotten a wrong item, when you get the right item it will fire again. All of those are safeguards. So actually everything would fire now; the whole GPM has some small fire on it all the way. You pass that charge down just by making the pc read the answers rapidly from his own line plot. You just ask him - you just ask him the question, "All right. Who or what would oppose that? Who or what would oppose that?" And he keeps reading you, bang, bang, bang. You're just back and forth, back and forth. You're not writing anything now. And you're just passing charge. And you can correct all these erroneous items. It's known as passing charge down the bank. So therefore you don't want to go too far into these implants on finding RIs. Get the first one because that improves the pc's ability to confront and remember. Get the first GPM. But you really shouldn't be going much beyond that first GPM before you go back and find that beginning incident and get it all dated and scouted out and get the whole beginning of the thing figured out and everything squared around and the vestibule implants and so forth. Because that gives you only one bank to pass the charge through to the next bank. Saves time. So, a good operating plan - good operating plan is to take "forget," blow the charge of it off, go on back, find the beginning, months before. And move that right on through, totally discharged. Just clean up all that slick. Get that real straight. Get the vestibule implant so "this is the beginning," "that is the end," the pc begins to understand all this now. There is something there to understand but not these "absoluteables." You don't care if the pc understands this or not. They're just sound waves. Who cares. Electronic beams. You know the Germans lost World War I, if for any other reason, by always shelling the crossroads at five minutes of the hour and five minutes of the half-hour as the remaining twenty-five minutes of that half-hour you could always move traffic through the crossroads, you know. You know, they always were predictable. They had terrific predictability. As much as anything else that is what lost them the war. World War II, they had almost made an art out of unpredictability, because they'd learned their lesson. Well, fortunately the boys we're dealing with didn't learn their lesson, as far as this is concerned. And they are predictable. And either through the carelessness, cynicism, sloppiness or otherwise, they have consistently and continually repeated these patterns. Not only that, they have repeated the patterns of goals. I'm not saying they are different - didn't get different goal shifts. The patterns are the same. The only thing they changed is the additional series. And the only danger you face is that you've got a second series as the only series on the pc and therefore you haven't got the line plot for it yet because I haven't been through it and mapped it out. It's different. For instance at that band I indicated on "to have a game" where I indicated there that there might be some items there, I was actually getting the items from the second implant series. And there the root word of the goal "to eat," something like that, there's a whole band in there of "eatable." Boy, they sure loved those "ables," didn't they? And that "eatable" runs as a dwindling. But those are entirely different adjectives. The top, second, dwindling, the formation of that GPM is quite different than the formation of the first series - what we call the first series. Now, your dating doesn't mean very much as far as I'm concerned because it all rocket reads. But there are no dates in it that I can find anyplace. And naturally it would rocket read, as heavily charged and significant an area as this would rocket read, but I just for some reason or other don't trust the dates. But go ahead and get the dates because they are indicative, they are indicative. You can use those dates to differentiate between whether you got the ear - got the pc's earliest implant. Now, I don't care what date you found as long as it means something to the pc. Now, if you get the right date down to the hour and minute it'll blow somatics all the way. You know the right date digit by digit will just blow somatics all the way, right on down to the second. Only remember, when you're dating a second, you have to date it from a specific time of operation. You have to date if from, for instance, 5:36 today. See. Because the time you're taking to date, you see, you got forty seconds, well, you no more than got it out of your month, you see, than it's forty-two seconds, forty-three seconds, this clock is going on. Now, your minutes go wrong. Your minutes go wrong. Because the second that crosses sixty on the seconds, of course, you had an additional minute. And what's weird is you can blow somatics off those minutes and seconds. That's the only point I'm making. Which is the only thing that gives me any confidence in the date at all. I know then, that the date that is changing is changing because of the advance of time. Not because it's a strip in the implant that somebody reads. So, the keynote of dating is ago. Now, if you date as though the date is in the implant even though the pc reads you a strip - this is a very common phenomena. A thetan is always mocking something up to read back to himself. If you're dating for a series of numbers, they aren't anyplace, remember, even though the thetan has got them on a strip. And dating is just an over and under proposition of getting the gross order of magnitude and then approximations and then dead on. It's like artillery. You - gun spotters. They fire over and they say it's over, see. Fire under and they say it's under. And then fire a little bit over and then a little bit under and then they hit dead on. And that is the way you date. You try to miss the date. You try to miss it over, you try to miss it under, see. You get so fixated you forget that in dating you are trying to miss. So you want to go over and under and over and under. A little more over, you know, so you go well over, well under, a little over, a little under, dead on. Now, when you've got a bracket between let us say - well, let's take some finite number, five thousand and ten thousand. You want to know if it is about, you see. You found out that it was less than twenty thousand, you see, and that it was greater than one thousand. See, that's your wide bracket. Now, let's narrow it down. And finally by this narrowing we get a difference of five thousand. We finally find it's less than ten and it's greater than five. We finally find this out with our dating. See. We could work it up to this line. And then we say, "Is it about six? Or is it approximately seven? Approximately eight thousand? You see. Approximately nine thousand?" Well, you got approximately seven thousand. See? Now, we want to know, is it greater than seven thousand or less than seven thousand, you see, because it might be six thousand nine hundred. And you find out it's slightly greater than seven thousand. Now is the time to go into your next digit. See. Now you get your hundreds. Now if you want to know - you want to know is it more than five hundred, less than five hundred, you see. Less than seven thousand five hundred. You don't have to keep repeating this other number all the time. And you finally get it. Now, one of the things that spoils dating completely is the fact the pc all of a sudden rips the date out at you. And if you're not on the ball to write that down, you ought to be shot. Because the pc can stand being pawed at with an E-Meter just so long and he says, "Oh well, I'm a thetan I know." And he gives you, "Whoa! It's seventeen million eight hundred and sixty-five billion seven hundred and thirty-four thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two bang and ooooo, thirty-two days and five hours and seventeen seconds. And it all, all reads on the meter. You know. Bang bang. You get a blowdown. He's had somatics, everything else. That's the date, man. Don't keep pawing around with it. You be on the ball to write one of those things down when he hands it to you. And you write it down. You've got it, man. That's the date! And don't discourage that. And you very often get protest from a pc if he doesn't give you the date. You say is it greater than five thousand, less than five thousand. The pc says, "Well, actually it's less than five thousand." And you say, "All right. Is it greater than five thousand? I get a read on greater than five thousand." Pc now begins to read on Invalidate, Suppress and Fail to reveal. So, you have to keep him talking, see. You have to keep your rudiments in a bit on dating, Otherwise you get mistakes. "Have you thought of any date?" "Are you having any disagreement with that date?" You know. "Well, no not really. Actually I thought it was two hundred and thirty-four thousand, seven hundred and sixty-five was the right figure." You haven't even gotten to those yet. You can almost count on this as a mechanism for your pc as well in-session. You haven't squashed him completely. So dating gets spoiled. The fine art of dating is always being upset by the pc's recognition of the date. But that's highly desirable, that recognition of the date because when he does give it to you it blows a stream of somatics. And zoom! I can't find anything in these implants that resemble numbers. There are no numbers, there are no dates. Nothing like that. I can't find anything in them. But, I still question it. See. I still question it. I'm starting to accumulate a little bit of evidence now that apparently the two serieses are not just a trick sequence. See. A trick sequence, you know. It would be typical of the situation to say, "Well, this is when you were implanted at forty-three trillion. And then this - you know, five seconds later - is your implant at seventeen trillion. And they're quite similar." Well, I'm still prepared to find something like that. But apparently evidence is accumulating to the contrary, that they were different. And what keeps the thetan so loused up in this - all these implants, what keeps them so fouled up from one end to the other is the fact that all of his own facsimiles have been pulled into it. Is one of the marvelous, most marvelous groupers that was ever invented and is about the only grouper of that magnitude that the thetan has anything of on the track. It is a real honest to God grouper. Now, his own facsimiles pull in. So you send him to the top of the stairs and he's got railway stations, bus stations, escalators, department-store escalators, everything, dirty stairs, clean stairs, green stairs, pink stairs and they all are sort of a dirty gray and he can't see them and they're shifting and he puts his attention on anything and it shifts and it becomes something else, don't you see? You say, "Go to the top of the stairs," and he, sometimes, he finally gets to the stairs, he rather easily most of the time, he gets to the stairs and then if he can just keep these other stairs from coming in on him, why he's all right. He's got the stairs. And then it gets easier and other things blow off and the more charge you take off, the easier it is for him to orient it. Because it's that charge which is - makes things collapse. Now, it doesn't matter. A thetan gets wild ideas about these implants. And it's very easy for the thetan to read far more complication and far more treachery into these implants than actually exists. I know that's funny, because, boy, the treachery couldn't have been greater. But he can read more in than actually exists. And there is that to safeguard against as an auditor. He says, "Well, actually I was lured into this store. And I had been very active in (something or other), and the reason - and they had been out gunning for me for some time - and the reason I was implanted with a goal "to spit" was because I had advocated the Chew Tobacco League, and so on and they wanted to get even with me and so..." That's all for the birds. And you can just do - bother to tell them about it, but just let - just work him until he gets a straight idea of what it really was all about. And the more goals you discharge the better idea you'll have. Confront comes up mechanically, not by the amount of confronting done on the bank, but by the amount of charge removed from the bank. Confront is proportional to the amount of charge removed from the bank, not to the amount of confronting done on the bank. So you could spend an awful long time getting the pc to confront this bank, because this of all things has interlocked charge and nothing else has interlocked charge, except the GPM itself and its charges aren't interlocked this way. They're not interlocked savagely this way. 3M2 is actually quite easy and quite pleasant compared to anything you're running here. But all of these implants lie directly across any hope of freedom or getting better. I've seen these things in one fragment or another in pcs now for many, many years and didn't really understand what this was. You can also get a better idea of their technology than it's - is true, see. You can get a better idea. You can think their technology was better than it was. Probably it worked out this way. Some scientific whiz-bang figured out the wavelength of a thetan, see. And he figured out the wavelengths of various articulate thoughts and figured out how to pull a thetan out of his body with actual mest-energy wavelengths. This is probably what he figured out. A high level technical society, you see. It'd make Cape Canaveral look like a child's toy pond, you know. And - but he figured this out, there was a big figure-out, made a breakthrough of some kind or another on this. Probably done from a highly mesty level. And then knew intuitively that there was something about grouping and knew that the way to get somebody confused was to tell them two things slightly out of phase, which were contradictory. And then didn't know any more than that. And you will inspect the line plot and out of your knowledge of Scientology you have a tendency to try to correct that line plot, see. "What is the proper gradient here?" Don't you see? "What would fit in here?" Don't you see? Ha. The difference is is you're now smarter than they were, see. Similarly, knowing Scientology, you can read more plot into what they were doing than is there, see. Now, as far as their knowledge is concerned, their knowledge probably ended with this datum. They had personal experience on this, so this datum was common data. This was known by the man in the street. That when you kill a thetan, (quote) (unquote) "kill," see, he immediately goes out of his ruddy 'ead and goes on back to base and picks up another body and in a few weeks, why, you're meeting him as the machine gunner in the spaceship, see. And now, he probably has a lot of technology having been killed by you, you see. He probably knows something about it. And therefore he's twice as mad and he's very revengeful and he's very dangerous. So when you kill an enemy - this is the problem - how do you prevent consequences when you kill one of the enemy? See, how do you prevent that consequence? And this was probably serious enough as a problem - and has been as a problem on the whole track for a very long time - that it caused them to invest enormous scientific call it, well, brains. Yeah, let's call it brains. They invested enormods scientific brains, skill, research, finance, weaponry and so forth into solving this one problem. And that was the problem they were trying to solve. They didn't know life as a whole or the origin of the universe or anything like that. But they knew this problem. So they went ahead and solved this problem. And they also had a sequence of dramatization sort of a thing, they knew something about a gradient scale. They knew something about that. And they figured it out electronically until they could get an articulation of thought on a conceptual level. Something like that. Although I'm prepared to find that it's simpler than that. All right now, now when they kill somebody they provided means to pick him up and capsulize him and transport the capsule of all things to an implant station and put him over the jumps. Everybody when he first goes into this thinks he's walking, you know. Ha! He isn't walking. His body is charcoal way back there someplace or another. But he hasn't quite lost the illusion, don't you see, of having a body. And he's put on something like a theta trap or the capsule itself is sent through. Don't you see. He's actually let out of something and is onto a pole and the pole rolls through, is really what happens. You'll see the single monorails on the visios. You'll see the monorails of the poles. And the fellow thinks that he's walking here and he's walking - he isn't walking anyplace, he's got a pole. The pole will move a few RIs and then stop, see? And wait for a few more RIs and then move again. And, so you get these funny things and it goes downstairs in the first series and through tunnels in the second series of implants. Anyway, their technology level is quite interesting to inspect. And at first I was prone to upgrade it. But I think it is awesome in the field of weaponry and awesome in the field of knowledge of energy. I don't think it was too good in the knowledge of life. I think it is full of holes. Otherwise you wouldn't have found this duplicative sequence. See? They had the problem, however, of having to do mass implantations. So they just laid it all out on the drawing board and that was the way it was. And maybe somebody blew up these implant stations at some time or another and somebody had to lay them out again from - the plans weren't quite as complete now and they laid out a different series of RIs. That's about all that happened. They put it all below ground, they left nothing above ground. And so forth. It rather betokens the fact the place was possibly bombed at sometime or another. It was hit. This of course you know is just on top of a mountain and hasn't anything to do with what they want you to believe, a floating island in the sky. Which is what I thought it was at first. Anyway, to give you any kind of a rundown about this, just enough - I was just giving you data. When you yourself have perceived quite a bit of this you find it much easier to pilot a pc through it. The only point I'm making with you. And your own - your activity right at the present time as an auditor is comparable to blind flying. But you have a very accurate meter and you've got an excellent line plot and you've got - that thing was really hell to come by but we've got it, see. And that's right down the line. There's a couple of little errors in it, in that original one. They're mostly typo rather than otherwise. There's someone who never - something or other... Actually that wording contains "is." Someone who is never "". That is the right wording for that. Then there's another one down a little bit lower on the oppterm side. It's "importance." And it's actually "importances." And so on. Not many errors in it. But they're typographical type errors. They're not plot errors. All right. And having that material and the fact that your pc will proceed through it willy-nilly and knowing why a pc won't proceed through it, is you've missed something, knowing the symptoms of that, why you can navigate this thing. And the navigation of it is repaid by the fact the pc's confront comes up and up and it's easier and easier to navigate. And the toughest part of it, of course, is the start of it. Always. And after you've been over the jumps and through it and been over a few of these goals and that sort of thing, why I'm afraid that your sneer level will be well up, because - so on. I'm getting - it's kind of shocking when you first run into bits and pieces and parts of it, you know. You kind of go huhhh and your face goes all radiation burn or something like this and you "Huhhh, oh, no, no" and so forth. Well, I guess that's the way you're expected to feel. And I've been through that. You know. It's the ghastly feeling, "Oh, no, these are implants. My God, how do I tell them." You know, this kind of feeling. And, "What am I going to do now," you see. And I realized after about twenty-four hours or something like that, well, that's the way I'm supposed to feel about them. So the devil with it. And all of a sudden realize that we've been presented with a silver platter - on the keys to the secrets of the universe. Just there. Bang. Because what'd it do? It gave us common first goals. It took away all of the scrabble at the beginning of an intensive. And in actual fact when you get good at this, when you really get rolling hot at this sort of thing, you'll be able to take a pc at the beginning of an intensive and run something like a bank a session. See. Coo! This is how far our technology has moved on up the line, you see. And you know how it is moved and you know what a difference it makes. And I'm awful glad you went through it. Otherwise you wouldn't have a good reality on what there is there to climb, see. I'm glad you went through it. The thing is a problem, as I say, in blind flying at the present moment. But it's not the type of flying that goes into the deeper and deeper dark. It goes into the more and more light. And eventually, why, you'll be proofed against all of its shocks and twists and turns and confusions. And it's sort of it's sort of horrible auditing the thing, actually when you first start in and you haven't got the bank run and you're running it on somebody, you know, particularly that lousy bank "forget," you know. And you say the "Hhhuuhhh. What the hell was I saying?" you know. As an auditor you know. But that's gone fairly rapidly too and you'll strike it occasionally on other goals. It's almost a progress by the square. It's not a lineal, a gradient progress, you know. It's a progress that's very steep. You take a look at somebody who is only a short time ago - a short time ago has had this and that - a lot of them have been creaking around one way or this and they've run half a bank, see. Well, their viewpoint shifts on the thing. And you run a full bank on something like this. What you don't hear is what it was like before, what it was like before. You're up against an old phenomenon I remember talking about back in 49. Trying to figure out: Why didn't anybody ever thank you for running one out - an engram. And I said, "Well, it is negative gain. It's gone," you see? And in view of the fact that his difficulty is gone, he's no longer dwelling on it. So I called this negative gain. So he therefore is very often less appreciative than he should be, you know. You just get through making somebody a first-goal Clear or something like that and they ARC break on you. You know? And why are they ARC breaking? Well, you - you are trying to find the start of the next goal or something like that and you miss an item. And you feel like saying, "Look-a-here. What the hell is going on around here?" You know. Do this for you. You haven't done anything for them, they're... That's gone now. On this side of stuff always collect your fee in advance. Anyway, the - it's not true that people don't appreciate it. They'll all of a sudden take a long backwards look at this and they'll say, "Hey, you know this guy's really done a job on me," you know. Well, now one of the things - one of the things that you have to keep track of as you're going along the line is the fact that a withhold at this level or running these particular incidents is no longer good enough to clean up a session. Now, you bring the pc's tone arm down at the beginning of session as part of 3N with pulling some missed withholds. But you straighten out the session at its end if the pc feels rough at all with either overts or O/W Because the pc actually feels pretty bad for having chopped you up when you're trying to do things for him like that. And that's buried and that is what is wrong with a pc who stays ARC broke. He's had an ARC break. It startled him out of his wits! He didn't realize he was going to ARC break. You miss a couple of items. You get something backwards or something like that or you distract his attention when he's all worried or confused about something. And he ARC breaks, bang! And he surprises himself more than he surprises the auditor. And by the end of session he is well cognizant of that as an overt. And if you don't get an opportunity to pull the overt aspect of those ARC breaks off, you make a pc pretty confounded miserable. Because he actually knows that he's acting like a heel. And it weighs on him. I mean he tries to justify acting like a heel and all kinds of things go on allong the line. Pcs inevitably ARC break, but give them an opportunity to recover from them. The best recovery on it as a general process that we've had for a long time is general O/W, if you just got to run it as a process. But in actual fact if you just hunt and punch around on, "What have you done in the session?" you see. And, "Have you done anything in the session?" you see. "Have you tried to make anybody guilty in the session?" And all of a sudden the pc is quite relieved to get these off if the auditor isn't accusative in asking the question. And the pc straightens out then. The pc feels much better. And the pc will snap back to battery. Invalidation of an item, invalidation of suppression and in suppressions of items and that sort of thing leaves somatics on the bank and so forth. An - whereas you'd think it would be ideal then to run mid ruds on every item that you find, nooo, I'm afraid that would hold up the parade to such an extent that it would ruin the pc. So, therefore you have to be alert to the rudiments going out. And the pc inevitably feels he is being harassed. Why does he feel he is being harassed? Because in the incident he's being harassed! And he transfers the incident mood to the auditing session. He's being confused and harassed so he thinks the auditing session is going to confuse and harass him. And there are characters around who won't be audited anywhere close to this. And you're going to run into them, you're going to run into them. They're not going to come near this. They won't be audited on any part of this. The only thing that saddens one is just realizing the fellow with the handout to him of freedom from all this is simply choosing - shudder - to remain in the darkness forever. That's awful grim to me. But as far as my policy is concerned: You do all you can to get them audited and when it starts to amount to time which could much better be spent on people who will be audited, at that time you forget them. You just let them go along with their goal "to forget." Savvy? Don't pull - don't pull the religious gag of "The wandered sheep is more precious," you know, "than the decent person." Don't pull that gag, see. Because it actually has caused enormous trouble and has been a terrible stumbling block for the Church and so forth. They spend oh-oh-oh-oh, ahy quantity of trying, you see, trying to get back this wandered sinner, you see, back into the fold. And they turn around and some wolf 'et up the flock, see. That's no good. Socialism is doing the same thing. You pay any quantity of time to the indigent bum, you see, who can't work, isn't worth anything anyhow. And you know, you give them big pay, and you take care of them, you give them housing and so forth and so on. He won't work and he won't help anybody, he won't do anything for anybody. But you just spend all of your legislation, all of your finance, all of your planning and so forth, taking care of that one guy, see. And then you look around one day and the guys who are working and the guys who are carrying the load, are just worked to death and they just fall with exhaustion on the lineup. Well, that's not - that's not workable. And I'm not talking about this - whether this is decent, indecent, right or wrong, nice or not nice. I'm just saying that it isn't workable to spend too much time on somebody who won't be processed. Now, there's one thing. You cause an ARC break through an auditing error, I'd invest quite a lot of time to straighten that out, see. But how about this guy that you're just spending time on trying to get him audited, see? Ah, at some point, give it. Person has a certain amount of choice along this line. That's my advice to you about this particular problem because you'll continuously run into this problem. You'll have somebody on staff who won't be audited, won't be audited, won't be audited, won't be audited. "Oh, all right, I'11 do it. Aaaahhhoooo terrible, I think it's all terrible and so forth. Oh, I don't know." Oh, well. Spend some time arguing about it by all means, but don't be late for any other - body's sessions. Do you know what I mean? When people all of a sudden realize that is your policy, they won't be quite as retreative. They won't be - have to be coaxed quite so hard. There was somebody raising the devil down in Australia the other day. He was going to sue the organization because it had run three goals on him and hadn't found all its RIs. Oh, come off of it. I've survived worse than that any day of the week. So I don't know whether it handled the situation, but I'll tell you what I did write him. I said, "You be good or we won't audit you again, ever." Always remember you're in the driver's seat along this line as an auditor. Always remember. Down deep, a person knows. All right. Well, now I've covered a great deal of - of ground here. I wish I had a few more hours of lecture after a few breaks and so forth to cover some more of the ground, but this is rather hard to do. I want to give you some sort of an idea of this at all and I am giving you just the bare bones of technical essentials which you'll need to carry on at this exact moment. The speculative horizon with regard to this sort of thing - let alone actual data we've had - but the speculative horizon, you see, just stretches out there. You ever been on the Pacific Ocean? You look an awful long distance on the Pacific Ocean and you'll find space, you know. The speculative horizon is like that. It's way out, man. Boy, I mean we've collided - we've collided with data which is highly debatable as to whether it will be popular or unpopular. And I'm afraid I have to go along with the first Foundation decision I made, back in 1950 when they had that Board meeting and told me I wasn't to research on any more past lives. I don't think they ever did get that end of the building back together again. The bricks are still cracked. And I said, "Well, psychology and other activities in the field of the mind have always had a large eye on popularity. And they would actually throw away materials which didn't agree with things. They'd throw away the things which didn't agree. And that's why they've not come up with any answers. They consult this thing of the popularity of a datum, the acceptability of a datum and have therefore compromised truth. So you either accept truth or popularity." Now, this leaves you with only this problem; how do you present then, if you've resolved that far and got your mind settled in, how do you present the truth in its most acceptable form? That's the problem you're left with. And that will probably require a lot of talk about. I could have lectured to you today on the probable source of the human race, the probable origin of what has been known as religion on this planet. Now, that's - that's - that's grim. That's a grim subject. That's a mighty unpopular subject. That's upsetting to one and all. Now, we have the argument, just because there's been a false heaven with implants on it, does not mean that all heavens are false. You see, we get that immediate argument, because if we say, "heaven," somebody is going to think, "nix heaven." Then, if we say, "Nix heaven, there is no heaven," immediately we're going to get the other - the oppterm in restim and everybody is going to say, "There's heaven," see, and so forth. And I think we should follow an impartial attitude that says it doesn't matter whether there is actually a heaven or a not-heaven, you see. We have our own views on this subject, or something like that. Now, how did you get on this planet and why and what were you before you came on this planet. We could also give a considerable talk about this, although not too much data is known on it now. I have more than a good idea of what happened and why you're here and what you were. And then, therefore, what the character of Earth has been and why its history has been this particular way. And a lot of things are falling together. And you ever watch one of these animated cartoons where they have a - well, I don't know, there is a broken-up candy bar or something like that and it suddenly assembles itself? You know, you see all the parts come in, you know, like that? I've been looking at this huge vista, you see, of infinite numbers of pieces to the puzzle with a good alignment of this, that we were all doing on. We were doing fine with this alignment and we had these pieces and we could be absolutely sure of these, but where did it go over there and where did it go? Well, we better not pay too much attention to that. Let's get these pieces here and so forth. And what's happened to us is horrible. An animated - I mean, I picked up a piece over here that said GPM and worked out the various mechanics of the GPM as they actually exist on the whole track! That's perfectly sincere work. That isn't out of that implant, see? And then started to move this piece into the puzzle and we all of a sudden got this cartoon assembled. Everything started racing in toward this puzzle. I could no more stop it now with a barricade. I couldn't stop it, you see. This puzzle is just sitting there assembling, see. It's going click, click, click, click, click, click! And it's embarrassing! I'm sitting here with the most unpopular data imaginable, you see. I feel like saying, "Hey, hey, don't you realize I got to talk about this?" You know. Well, that's our problem. I imagine we've got this problem for some time to come. But remember something, there - just regardless of the embarrassments in this, regardless of this and that. Oh, I mean I could look around right now and realize there are even embarrassments here about this and so forth, you know. Regardless of all that, there's diamonds and jewels falling out of this of great price. And you needn't ignore those because they are very, very important. One of them - the first one you saw was, well, everybody has a common first goal. Bang! There went Lord knows how much indefinite auditing. See, it just went, just like that. All right. There are oCaer things like that happening. What we've got here in the field of dissemination, I don't know quite what it means yet, but it's certainly a hundred and thirty-two carat, sixtyfour faceted, cut diamond, blue-white. Because nobody ever had a common denominator of dissemination before. Common denominator of dissemination. Well, people get wilder on this subject than anybody you ever heard of. I imagine that we - to the end of our lives we'll never hear the bricks stop being thrown on this subject. I imagine that it - we've started an Armageddon of sorts in the field of thought. Because this thing is going to have concatenations. This thing is extremely painful to some people and extremely exciting to other people and some people say, "Gee" you know, "Gosh" you know, "Really?" "Hey, I knew it! I knew it!" you know. And he goes off into his personal experience, "Every time the old man picked up a strap and so forth and told me I was never going to go to heaven I knew it! I knew it! See? I knew there wasn't any such place. Yeah well, those Scientologists are right. You see." And some other person who has gotten a big send from religion, you see, and has actually benefited and has a - gotten peace and quiet and so forth from existence, you know and so forth. They're going to say, "Well, those people are absolute barbarians, savages and blasphemers." Don't you see. Oh, man, I don't think the brick dust is going to settle for a long time on that one. I don't think it's anything that you could trap. I mean I don't think you could stop it. I don't think we any longer have the power of saying, "All right. This data is going to be held as confidential. We're not going to talk about that." I don't think we have the power of doing that. We could probably withhold it. We could try to withhold it. We could do something or another at considerable consequences to ourselves. I don't wish to risk anybody on this - those consequences, so the devil with it. What does it mean? I mean I could lecture to you for a number of hours on the subject of what does it mean. It's the last few days, you see, of releases one way or the other. It's a culmination, it's the automatic assembly of this and that. Well, it sure means an awful lot; sure means an awful lot. And to show you people can do it and that Saint Hill does turn out good graduates, you know, you've got a new Instructor now, and - stand up a moment Ann and say hello. Now, Ann got - we make good auditors, ACCs and Saint Hill and so forth. We sure do. I take full credit for it. And bad auditing, take no credit for it at all, I mean... But Ann walked into 3N just on the last twenty-four hours or something like this and just got the briefest of briefing and so forth and sailed in on Beg last night and ran one hundred and thirty-two RIs. Is that your first session? Female voice: Yes, sir. That's her first session, see. Pretty good, huh? So it can be done. I'm not saying, "Where have you been?" But I'm saying that's pretty good. So it can be done. So, freedom is in view. This is something that then is doable, you can do it very easily, very well. The finite end view of it is right in sight. You've got certain technology you've got to learn and so forth. But I would say that a Scientologist did not need too much grooving up on what we're doing right this minute in 3N if Ann, as good an auditor as she is, can take a very brief, momentary briefing, "Oh, this is how you do it" and sit down and find a hundred and thirty-two RIs on a pc in her first session of rmnning it. And I tore through a bank here in the last few hours of auditing and straightened out a bank and got Mary Sue up to first-goal and so forth. So, I'm saying "Well, now there's your..." Got her up to first-goal Clear and shining and so forth. And so, I now have done it using the exact tools that you're doing and you were using. And reality is growing on this thing. It's getting easier. It's not quite as difficult to do. It is simpler to handle various pcs with it. Your pcs are not as hard to handle with this as other things. It's not as hard on pcs. All this thing is culminating into the fact that we've got what? Well, we were saying perfectly happily we spend oh, I don't know, quite a few hours to first-goal Clear See? We were happy to spend that. And we counted on a few more goals and the person would be a lot better off and so forth. Man, do you know what we're looking at right this minute? We're looking at about two hundred and fifty hours to OT. That's another piece that has suddenly fallen into line. Now, you were a pretty hot article before you ran into this - until you went to heaven. You were. You were pretty good. You knew you lived more than once. You could transfer bodies at will. You had a lot of tricks. You were rather prone to be combative. You... But actually this is - you were way up already compared to where you are now. Therefore, one returns a thetan to a wiser and better state, which is a fantastic game. You see, you'll know a lot more now, with these incidents cleaned up than you ever would have known if the incidents had never been received. And although what time you've spent since you received them, may have been hell (not a pun), you can make a better thetan. I mean the guy is better off. Guy is more experienced. He has more direction. Hell have more judgment, certainly. His experiential track has been improved and then he suddenly is able to cash in on his experiential track. So, beings such as we are dealing with right this minute have never been seen before in this universe. So this isn't just a patch-up of the old. This is a new kickoff of one kind or another. Now, whether those guys that did this are still around, whether that empire is still going or whether our own empire is still going, these are questions we don't know. And probably won't know for some weeks. Thank you. [end of lecture]