99  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=7/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=51 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-51 Reality in Auditing    6109C07 SHSpec-51 Reality in Auditing Engrams never ran with the PC out of valence. All long engram running stems from the PC being out of valence. We want him in the body he was in when the incident occurred. It's not necessarily "his own valence"; It's the valence he was in when the incident occurred. Being out of valence is the PC's way of denying responsibility for his part in the incident. Being in valence just permits him to run the pictures. As long as he occupies a body and thinks of it as himself, he's not really being himself. When the PC who is out of valence sees pictures, they are small and thin. They have nothing to do with him. If the auditor is not aware of such phenomena, he can make classic errors. The PC sees a picture. The auditor never asks, "Where are you viewing it from?" or "What body do you occupy in the picture?" Not asking these things, the auditor thinks it's all going fine, when in fact the picture is way over there and very thin. You're not really running the picture the PC saw; you are running a "safe" version, with the condition that he never view it from the original viewpoint, so it never as-ises. Pc's who are run this way on any process never get anyplace. Don't pay any attention the PC has from someone elses viewpoint. It won't do any good. Conceptual processes have the virtue of moving a PC straight back to the picture he is in -- that is, of charging up the chain he is stuck in, that makes him out of valence from that point on. Eventually, he will wind up in his own valence, in a picture. If the auditor doesn't make him handle it, he doesn't know his business. There are several approaches to this, if you understand it. The track is the series of pictures made by the person from the viewpoint he was occupying at the time of the incidents on it. Trying to run stuff from other viewpoints is just running branch lines, And he won't get erasures. His "engrams" are pictures of engrams, and you're trying to erase a picture that never occurred, though the engram occurred! There is a simple method to handle this: "Have you ever seen a picture from inside the body you were in at the time?" The PC frequently will say, "Well, yes!" And he tells you about one, or several. Take one of them and ask if there's anything about the auditing question he answered which is unknown. Run all the unknownnesses out of the incident. You can find out that the incident has been with him ever since! There's a fundamental method: find out if he has been in one and put him back in it. If he's never been in an engram, you can run, "Recall an ARC break." This will unstack the track to a point where he'd find himself in the upsetting incident. Then you can flatten it. Another one which will do it easily: "Get the idea of action out in front of you, 200-300 ft. away." "Conceive of an action 200-300 ft. behind you." What happened to the mass? It shifted. You could follow this through, use processes of inspection at a distance, and eventually get the guy to where he'd be in the picture he was stuck in. That peels down the valence. People like repetitive processes. If the PC has a bad leg but never mentions it, don't run it, but if he complains about it, there is something you can run: Ask if he has any odd pressures, which will be his chronic psychosomatic illness -- probably his hidden standard. Run this vicious process: "Who would have an unknown motion around the (leg)?" This sort of question will 100 knock out chronic somatics if flattened. It also works on absence of sensation. Another thing to do is see on the meter if motion, confusion, action, etc., reads well. Then make a command, "Who would have an unknown (action, etc.) around his (leg)?" A PC who will not view his bank has tremendous intolerance of notions and unknowns. Motion can become intolerable to someone who is fixated on the subject of pain. He believes that all motion adds up to pain. pain does involve motion. The strange thing is that someone who is trying to stop motion to prevent pain is doing the thing that makes pain occur. If the thetan wasn't trying to stop motion around the body, the body would experience no pain. Notice, with a pain, how it seems to result from two opposing motions. As with all things, people don't like it because they haven't had enough of it. In handling a PC who has no bank visible, these factors must be present: 1. He has an intolerance of pain, hence of motion and unknowns. 2. He has a fantastic importance attached to motions and unknowns. We see this but not-is it: people being very concerned about some particular unknown area. The most unknownness there can be -- the most important one, is the unknownness of motion. Being hit by surprise tends to give a stuck somatic because of the unknownness of it. Those engrams which are most seriously stuck on the track are the ones composed of incomprehensibles. The PC may keep getting fixed ideas about it in an effort to figure it out. Pretended knowingness substitutes for a non-confront of unknownness. The importance of the unknownness and motion depends on the degree of threat to survival. This goes back to the idea that one must survive, which is the basic idiocy. Any way of getting a version of "unknown" and "motion" together, combined with valences, gives you a process to get the PC into his own pictures. In space opera, when they're conditioning thetans, there's sometimes a "tumbler" incident. This is pretty common. He's thrown down a shaft which is lighted at the top and bottom, spinning as he goes. He gets a lot of pictures of white spots as he tries to stop himself all the way down. So he gets bright spots stuck around him, not very far from him at various distances up to 100 feet. If you tell someone to look closer in than 200 feet, he's likely to run into them. There are lots of ways to get somebody dislocated. A delusory bank, like dreams, is an effort to locate oneself. This is why 8-C and TR-10 make him feel better. Nearly every picture a PC has is an effort to locate himself at a point where he got dislocated. Unknown time plays a major role, tool Having the PC spot unknown pictures shakes up all these efforts to locate himself by means of them. He'll get pictures flying by in all directions. A universe could be seen as an effort to locate oneself. Therefore, because a thetan doesn't have to be located, it's a dirty trick to give him the idea he has to be located. It's a very senior concept in processing: That a thetan does not have to If one could just cog on that out of the blue, he'd be clear. But if you did begin to have that thought, you'd probably stop, because the thought would set unknown motions going. Trying 101 to locate another thetan must be a basic overt, but one that is prior to the overt-motivator sequence. You try to get the concept, "I don't have to be located," and you run up against the O/M phenomena. You could run, "Think of locating somebody." This first runs off as good actions. Then it goes over into overts, then into a dispersal where he gets hard to audit. If you clean up motion and unknownness well, which cleans up valences, the PC reaches back and starts changing his mind about these things and we get change of mind processing. The route we are looking for is the route to change of mind, the thetan just as-ising his old considerations. What booby-traps this is that the PC must have escaped from innumerable pictures and gone off the track in numerous places . He doesn't have a concept of where he's been and what he's done, and the unknownness of that is important because if he's escaped from these things, they must have been dangerous, A thetan proves that things are dangerous by the fact that he ran away. People in fact do not escape to the degree that things are dangerous. They escape to the degree that they are unknown and have unacceptable motion. Wars are dangerous but known, so people will play that game. In war, there is an effort to dislocate and locate by the enemy and by one's own commanders, One could dream up a substitute for war using the principle of locate vs. dislocate, fix and unfix. The whole idea of power stems from the ability to hold a location. This is an idea of thetans which has become actualized in the physical universe. The ability to hold the location depends in part on one's belief that one can hold it. The power of a body of troops on a hilltop depends on their ability to hold their position and to make the enemy hold his position. They have to take responsibility for holding the enemy where they are, but they usually don't bother to pin the enemy down. Countries look weak after wars because one terminal has dislodged the other. You always get generated energy by thrusting something at something that won't move. This applies in the MEST or the theta universe, A thetan's friction against life and life's thrust against him does generate energy. The force of an engine depends on the strength of the elements that restrain the motion of the piston, eg the bearings, etc. To the degree a thetan resists a position, he gets a picture. To get a solid 3D picture in a PC, get him to find a time when there were two forces, each trying to push the other away. Or find an argument the PC had with someone. Girls get the idea that they have to know something about electricity to understand scientology. And, since they've gotten out of the habit of fighting, holding the front line, etc, they think they shouldn't know much about power, force, etc. This is not true. Girls generate more power and sparks than anything else in this society. They will get firmly attached to an idea and not let go of it no matter how much you argue it. Banks are charged and bother people to the degree that one has tried to hold positions and knock people off positions. A bank is like a mold of what one tried to dislodge or hold position against. When one is dislodged, one dramatizes with a picture from another position, an out of valence picture. If you try to force someone into the engram, you only restimulate the forces pushing him away from it. If you can take him up to it on a gradient, he can get into it. You take the PC on a gradient of what led up to the incident or masses, and it will go back, with confront, into "thenness" and no longer impinge on "nowness". 102  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=12/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=52 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-52 Clearing Breakthrough    6109C12 SHSpec-52 Clearing Breakthrough [Hubbard adds engram running to Routine 3. Gives some details of process sequences.] ARCB processes: 1. What have you been unable to tell an auditor? 2. What has an auditor failed to do? 3. What did an auditor do? [More details on Goals running and ruds] Engram running is important in clearing because LRH has learned that a somatic cannot be unburdened. A somatic is where it is, at the tension and velocity that it is, and it is nowhere else, It is totally independent of all other incidents. It discharges only as what it is and not as any lock. And no matter how thoroughly it has been unburdened, it will come on with the same intensity when you find it where it is. All the PC's hidden standards and PTP's of long duration stem from the first engram you will contact after the prehav assessment. No generalized process has ever made those chronic somatics less. When you run the engram, the PC's PTP of long duration will vanish, and that is the only way it will be solved. The is-ness of the situation is in the time and place of the situation and nowhere else. The "engram necessary to resolve the case" didn't resolve the case in 1950 because it was not on the goal-terminal line of the PC. It wasn't an earlier incident. The engram necessary to resolve the case is on the goal-terminal line of the PC, so unless you found the goal-terminal line of the PC, the engrams aren't going to reduce rapidly. If you're not on the goal-terminal line of the PC and he's not in valence, you're in for 75 hours of no reduction. In running engrams in R-3, the engrams run easily because they're on the PC's goal-terminal line. You've got the PC in the valence that was the destructive valence of his case. What has been solved is: 1. How do you get a PC in valence on an engram? 2. How do you find an engram on the case that will run? 3. What is the engram necessary to resolve the case? The reason you've had trouble with engrams in the past is than they weren't on the goal-terminal line. The PC was out of valence, and the engrams were associated with other chains. Now this is all handled, as long as the auditor has a reality on what a bank looks like. If he has this reality, he'll know, for instance, that the PC's misemotion while running as engram stems from the engram, not from what the auditor is doing, and why. You can get the PC's resistance to the forward motion of the action off the engram by running it backwards. Then the PC can confront more of it. This data has nothing to do with occlusion of cases. An occluded case is just one who is stuck in an occluded engram -- something with a black field. There is a condition of pretended knowingness which can get in our road. It's a super escape factor. When the knowingness is too horrible and the not-knowingness is too thick and the person feels too stupid about it, he's likely to dream it up such that it will have nothing unknown about it. You won't get any of these with the prehav technique. The keynote of an engram is the fact that the PC knows nothing about it. Pretended knowingness will get in your road, and you'll buy garbage. Then one day you'll invalidate a PC's data. But do run the engram. Don't jerk the PC's attention off the engram. when he's got all the unknownnesses out of it, has no more somatics, have him go through it a few times to see if there's anything 103 missing. See if he's got sonic and all the other perceptions out of it. Don't try to force them to be there. Just note it, so when you've run a few more, you can go back and run it. Perceptions are the last thing to turn on. Just be sure you get all the perceptions out of it eventually. Don't make it too real to the PC; let it be comfortably real. Perception is something which turns off gradually. Somatics are right now.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=13/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=53 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-53 Sec Check and Withholds    6109C13 SHSpec-53 Sec Check and Withholds On sec checks, if people argue that rights of privacy shouldn't be invaded, e.g. in a public meeting, the answer is in the HCOB 8Feb60 "Honest people Have Rights Too". This has been so neglected on this planet that only criminals have rights. At Saint Hill, among the domestic staff, the ones who had withholds always got rid of the good staff members. It always works this way. The ones with withholds will tell lies about the good ones and seek to get rid of them because they can't bend them down to their level. Good staff members are made nervous, upset and uncertain about their future in the presence of insecure people spreading entheta. Withholds cause people to get individuated more and more, to the point that they're not even themselves. A guy who shoots ducks can't be a duck. The more individuation occurs, the less likely a person is to be able to walk out of anywhere. It's like backing up through a succession of isolation rooms. A person, to be in good shape, must be able to be almost anything. To the degree that you can't be something, you have overts on it that you are withholding. It's well known in the motorcycle world that some people have so many overts against motorcycles that to touch one produces disaster. You can stop automobile accidents by having the person reach and withdraw from a car. He'll drive better and stop having accidents. You could also run start-change-stop on the vehicle. This process could give you somatics as the overts start blowing. The best way to blow overts is with the sec check, because the overt only remains bad if it's withheld. Wars get fought because it's so horrible to have a war that it gets put on automatic. That is individuation from a subject and loss of control of it. If you can be something, you won't have to become it. There's another mechanism, too: after you backed yourself out of life to the end of the corridor, you snap terminals and obsessively become the thing you were trying to leave. This is valence closure. It's the withholding of overts that does it. Where you have a PC who's loaded with withholds on a sec check, you've got someone who can't be. And you are trying to find valences. You can't find valences easily on someone who can't be. But you can find the fixed valence he's in, because it's this mechanism -- the mechanism of O/W causing valence closure -- that has led to his becoming that valence. So you could find someone's terminal without completing his sec check. But he'll be hard to get into session if he's got lots of withholds, because of the resultant individuation. He gets easily upset because he can't be a PC and is critical of the auditor because he has withholds, You can run, "What are you willing to be? / What would you rather not be?" Two things will occur if you run it very much: It will soften him up on a security check, because beingness and 104 withholds are opposed and one solves the other. However, it also walks the PC into his valence chain without identifying the chain, so it can get him into engrams he's not ready to run. You must remember that she somatic is where it is on the track and in no other place and it will release only from that place. So you can walk him away from that place on the track, which keys it out, or you can walk him into that place on the track and as-is it. That's all processes can do with somatics, Withholds will often soften up and knock out present-time somatics by walking the person away from the area, and maybe that's a good thing. He could be stuck tightly into an engram in life, and you can move him out of it until you're got him in shape to run it out. He could be so tightly in it he couldn't put his attention on the session. The best approach to this is a security check. You could even run it on the basis of his chronic PTP somatic. It knocks out his obsessive individuation. This is an assist that walks him out of the valence he's been stuck in He's always got the chronic somatic on the chain of the valence which will be his terminal. That's why you have to get the correct goal and terminal, because there's only one valence chain in which he's stuck. The end product of no withholds is good communication, not clear. Sec checks can be tailored to hit the area of the person's PTP so as to key it out so you can make progress with the case.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=19/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=55 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-55 Q and A Period: Prehav, Sec checks, ARC Break Processes    6109C19 SHSpec-55 Q and A Period: Prehav, Sec checks, ARC Break Processes [Details on prehav processes] With the 5-way brackets and different flows, you are trying to knock off the PC's obsessive valence, which he's stuck in by some stuck flow. E.g. a sergeant always orders troops; no one orders him. Thus he gets a stuck flow and eventually does something weird like becoming a troop or inability to accept orders from officers. If someone kept giving orders, it would unstick the flow, eventually. Flows are the mechanism by which someone snaps terminals and gets valence closure. You run a body continually; it never runs you. So you're in a body. One day you get a reaction from a body and you succumb. The stuck flow has snapped and is making the body and you succumb. The stuck flow has snapped and is making the body run you. If you start consciously driving a car you've been driving unconsciously, i.e. you start taking the car somewhere instead of just letting the car take you, all sorts of weird things are liable to happen. You might lose your ability to drive temporarily. In driving the car unconsciously, you've already succumbed to a stuck flow. We have the idea that a skill should be unconscious so one doesn't have to think. This is a big reactive trap. When one has run out all the flows on a terminal that the PC has as an obsessive valence, you'll have discharged the PC's compulsion to be interiorized into it, or to command it or be unconscious about it. The overt act / motivator phenomenon has to be part and parcel of this stuck flow phenomenon. E.g. a sergeant tells his troops they're going for a picnic. When they get out in the field, they find they have to build fortifications. The lies and prevarications are part of what causes the valence closure. If you start teaching a student about scientology and pushed a bunch of false or misinterpreted data on him, that would be an overt. In order for the stuck flow to come about, you have to have an individuation and unease, an unconscious reaction, plus something 105 unknown, something hidden. An overt in instruction at Saint Hill, far instance. On the auditor process: a beingness is in the middle of a confusion, so the process, "What are you willing to be? / What would you rather not be?" is a limited process. It picks the stable datum out of the confusion, which is reverse auditing. It is very good only on a limited basis. If you were going to run a case with this, you'd have to run some 1A processes (Problems and sec check processes alternated. See HCOB 6Jul61 "Routine 1A".) as part of the auditing command.(See also p. 57 paragraph 4 for the theory behind this.) E.g. for a long run, use: 1a What would you be willing to be? b What would you rather not be? 2a What would Another be willing to be? b What would another rather not be? 3a What confusion could you confront? b What confusion could another confront? You can use "problem" or "motion" in the confront command, instead of "confusion", whichever reads best. To run a whole case with it, add two more commands: the negative confront parts. That could run the whole case to clear, maybe, after a very long time. If you ran it without the problems part, it would run the PC right into engrams within a few hours. On withholds, you first find some doingness, e.g. fish around for anything he thought he should tell you that he's forgotten about. Clean up with 2wc if possible first, asking, "What was it? when was it? What sort of thing would you find it hard to tell me?" etc. You could use Peter Williams, version of O/W: "Think of something you've done/withheld," for 3 or 4 cycles, then, "Is there anything you'd care to tell me?" to give the PC a chance to get the withhold off. You could use this latter after 2wc doesn't get it. Or you could use, "What is unknown about my reactions?" to shake it out, clearing the auditor so the PC can talk to him. You are not trying to run a sec check on the PC however. If you get a read on withhold, the PC tells what it was and it still reads, you release it with, "To whom wasn't that known? / To whom shouldn't that be known?". This is the nastiest withhold process ever dreamed up! This process cleans up basic-basic on the ARC break chain: "What didn't an auditor do? When? / What weren't you able to tell an auditor? When?" You can clean up the immediate session ARC break with, "What weren't you able to tell me?" "When?" Or a shorter process," What didn't I do? When? / What weren't you able to tell me? "When?" This is the final descendant of the discovery that communication is the most important corner of the ARC triangle. As long as you run a recall, it's perfectly safe to run, "What weren't you able to say?", but don't put it in the present or future, or it will be an out-of-ARC process, e.g. "What wouldn't you be able to say?" This could even be unanswerable. You can use the past tense process with specific terminals, e.g., "What weren't you able to tell your mother?" Psychotics have gone sane on, "Think of communicating with somebody," run for 25 hours, despite the stuck flow aspect. But it wasn't communication that aberrated anybody; it was the not-communications. So a recall on the not-communications operates as a very powerful process. To round it out as a total valence process, get the other flow, "What wasn't (terminal able to tell you? When?" That would be a powerful valence splitter. So skip Prehav 13* as a way to clean up PTP's with present time environment terminals. Run the above. * Prehav 13 is a process which combines overt running with prehav assessment and running of brackets, relative to a list of charged terminals. See tape 6106C21 SHSpec-17. 106 There's a booster to this. The PC is in a position where he is expecting somebody to do something because he is depending on somebody to do something. If somebody doesn't do it, he's left in She soup. So in a session for an auditor not to have done something and for him not to have been able to tell the auditor is a frequent source of ARC breaks. Running that out picks up all the times he wasn't in session and cleans up past sessions. To make a long run out of this, use, "What didn't an auditor do? When: / What didn't you do? When?" and "What weren't you able to tell an Auditor? When? / What didn't an auditor tell you? When?" That Would made a well-balanced process to clean up the PC's auditing track. She full dress parade would be to assess all the people who the PC is having ARC breaks with, take the best reading one, and run it in the above commands. This moves the valence out. Don't run it very long on any of these terminals, or it's dangerous. Use it especially on terminals who are connected to the PC but object to scientology. If you put ritual ahead of getting auditing done, you would be wrong every time! Form can get in your road. The time for using perfect form is when everything is going well. The whole world of diplomacy is a world of form rather than doingness. The idea that the safe thing to do is to adhere to ritual because then you are not responsible is the whole basis of diplomacy. If you think form will get you out of trouble where you need wit, you are wrong. Always put getting the job done ahead of doing it by the rules. The rules will only fit a majority of cases. Being well trained to use form doesn't excuse you from being clever when necessary, staying within the Auditor's Code.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=56 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-56 Q and A Period: What is knowable to the PC.;    6109C20 SHSpec-56 Q and A Period: What is knowable to the PC.; Attention, etc. Why do you get a reaction on the meter at all? That which is in the ken of reaction is in the knowledge of the PC. That which will react is knowable. An E-meter can only react on those things which are instantly and immediately restimulated by the preclear himself. The reason why you assess for an engram is not to find the hottest charge. The reason you assess is to find out what is real to the PC -- what the PC can connect with. E-meters always used to be backed up with clever interrogation. This is especially true in sec checks. If something reacts, it is real. Don't enforce a reality on the PC contrary to what the PC says. Groupers give the PC an apparency that all time has jammed. A grouper is a number of incidents becoming apparently located in one time instant. The "collapse of track" that the PC experiences when they hit him doesn't in fact occur in session. It occurred at some earlier track point. The anatomy of a grouper is commonly a cold-installed vacuum associated with implants. A person who has a grouper has implanted people. The only thing which can mash electricity like that is a cold vacuum. You could brainwash someone by smashing dry ice in his Face and holding it there. His bank would collapse. Cold is extreme stillness. Time is a temperature. No temperature equals no time equals no motion. Therefore you must not run 107 no-motion, particularly near a grouper. So all you can run in the vicinity of a grouper is motion and time. It doesn't necessarily work fast. Add unknownness to that and it really gets interesting. You could ask, "When was the time unknown to you? What haven't you known about time? What time was unknown? To what person has time been unknown?". "What motion wouldn't you care to undertake?" gives motion and restraint, or "What motion was unknown?", which runs surprises and produces mean somatics. The grouper will look like it's stacking up and getting worse no matter what you are doing, but it's not. That's just the apparency. You could relieve the grouper by running out the auditor and the session where he hit it. All you have to do to free up a grouper is to find the picture that the PC isn't grouped in and run it. This rehabs his confidence in his ability to run pictures. What does a grouper look like? Like an art gallery, all of whose pictures were thrown in a heap and glued there. The incident which produces one is like this: a rocket jockey lying on a bed. being hit by electronic rays, so as to prevent him from exteriorizing and going back to running one of those planes that's been strafing the capitol. They do an implant in which he thinks he's being hit by moving rays, when implant they move in a cold vacuum on him and plow it straight into his body. A thetan doesn't move out of that easily, especially if he's done it to others. The incident is of a person lying on a bed with pictures flying at him. In running it, keep the PC's attention on the bed, not the pictures. Find whether he's administering the implant or getting it. Keep his attention on the bed and off the pictures. Use, "What don't you know about that patient?", etc. You can unveil a grouper by running ARC break straightwire. Flatten this before starting to run the grouper. And always assess engrams. Don't take one up just because the PC seems in it. Don't run the grouper. Get the PC out of it. A PC is so fixated on it; he is so sure it happened in session that he thinks the session should cure it. It was intended when put there to keep the person from getting out of it. What kind of person applies groupers? Just about everyone in space opera is liable to decide the enemy's habit of exteriorizing from a body that's been shot down, getting a new body, etc., must be stopped. He must be made to forget the information. Specialized implanting was the answer. The most antipathetic things about the implant are that it's cold, lonely, black, etc. Put those things together and you get a grouper. Someone who's alone in his scout craft for a few years has only his own pictures to look at; he'll self-audit. Space itself does a lot of brain-washing. You hit a meteorite shower and suddenly you're in space falling into the sun, having just been hit with a red-hot object. This mades a hefty engram. When they implant the guy, it's presented as a big ARC break, betrayal, etc. He gets the implant and never knows if they are his pictures or theirs. The pictures will all be of a class. He'll be sure they're not his, which is a nice trick. He disowns them; he takes no responsibility for it. He dramatizes the irresponsibility by saying it happened in the session and he can do nothing about it. But you can always find other pictures he can run, and some day he'll run the overt side of it. 108 A grouper turns on with a big somatic that makes the PC very uncomfortable. This somatic can be turned off with, "What was unknown about that pain?" That's a very good assist, too. A PC who's gone into a grouper can be hard to audit, so it's a good thing to find out what he's in. When running engrams, look at why you're running a particular engram. It's on a terminal chain and should be run as, "What don't you know about it?", etc. You're trying to get the PC, as "you" to run a package called a valence. The engram is the engram of the valence the PC is in, so you should mention it while running it. If you found as a terminal "a looper", you should use that in running it as, "What wasn't known to a looper?" This also applies to running groupers. It's a more serious problem when you have a PC who's in a grouper and you don't know his goal or terminal. Well, go ahead and find the goal and terminal. Running engrams in scientology, you run them more symbolically than verbally. The same mechanisms are present as in Book I: bouncers, groupers, deniers, call-back, etc. You should use this trick when you find a still picture: direct the PC's attention to the motion on the other side of it, or just before or after. The Egyptian area is a bad one to get into, because it's confusing and violates the pcs' beliefs. It was space opera from one end to the other. It was a battleground between two space groups. Pcs have trouble running it because it violates their reality, as gotten from history books. LRH ran an incident of Egyptians printing books of orders of the day from the invader force. He knew there must be motion, and sure enough, he found a battle after the death of the Pharoah. Always audit the motion, the heat. Never call for the still or the cold, and you'll keep your PC out of groupers. It is what happens in the picture. The picture is held in place by an avoidance of motion or a not-knownness on the subject of motion, not by someone saying, "Stay there." You audit the motion, not the words and not stillnesses.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=21/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=57 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-57 Smoothness in Auditing    6109C21 SHSpec-57 Smoothness in Auditing If an auditor keeps going for total perfection in his auditing, he will miss the state of acceptable mediocrity in his frantic figure-figure desperation for technical perfection. It is better to do some personalized auditing with a majority of rightnesses and have wins. The PC forgives anything but no auditing. If the auditor is worried about the ritual instead of getting in comm with the PC, the PC has no person to talk to and goes out of session. If the PC is already starting to tell you about his case before you get him in the chair, don't worry about the formal procedures; just audit the PC. The session starts when the PC recognizes you as the auditor, not when you say, "Start of session!" Difficulties in starting sessions always come because the auditor doesn't recognize the start of session. The PC may be leery of going into session because he's been denied sessions too often, but you can handle it with ruds. If you see that a PC is interested in his case and starting to talk to you about it, you'll see he's in session. If if happens in public, say, "I'm sorry. Here's my card. Come see me at 2:00 Tuesday ." This will work to have him not be ARC broken. LRH's difficulty is getting people out of session, not into session. If you work very hard to start a session, you'll have a 109 corresponding amount of trouble doing it. How do you handle the situation of the PC telling you before you've "started" the session, about his case? You hear him out, but not all the way. There's a difference between just listening to the PC and auditing the PC, The liability of letting a PC run on and on is that he'll lower his havingness and slip downtone. Auditing consists in directing the attention of the PC. Your questions are what direct his attention to where you want him. How do you interrogate? You should have knowledge enough of the mind to know what to ask. Be smooth; don't ARC break him. If he's nattering away about something, you want to get him to look at his own overt. You don't get far with a direct, "What did you do?" You can always ask, "When did it all start?" You don't want to shift the PC's attention too abruptly. You can ask him a question he can't answer immediately and put him in the chair during his comm lag. You've got to size up the situation, obnose what needs handling, and direct his attention there. You'll seem very smooth to the PC if you can shift his attention deftly, without his awareness of being pushed around. This gives you altitude. You may be weak at directing the PC's attention because you have low reality on the PC's ability to direct it himself. His attention must at one time have been a restraining factor for keeping things from coming in on him. When we get on the subject of something he's been restraining from coming in on him, the PC's attention wanders or disperses because he can't control it, because it has been overwhelmed. That's what aberrated him. If the auditor doesn't direct his attention, it will be directed by the valence he's in. And the valence will do God knows what with it. If you leave a session on automatic, you're asking for it to be taken over by the valence. Don't blame the PC, who has very little energy to exercise at this point, for what goes wrong in the session. You can almost predict how he'll react, once you know his terminal, if you lose control of the session. How do you direct the PC's attention? The PC has put his hope for survival (which is totally useless, since he can't help surviving) in a beingness, a valence, to do it for him. So these beingnesses have a lot of survival mixed up in them. Once you have survival on a via, however, it becomes succumb. A valence's actions are usually out of time. It is incapable of change because its characteristics are all set for survival, i.e. continuing unchanged. Past civilizations have tried to use punishment to change a valence. That doesn't work. If you do break the valence, you have nothing, not even a person. An operating valence is better than nothing, but a person is far better. A genetic entity is a super packaged valence. A meat body isn't necessarily a bad body form. It should be possible to smash it into a wall without even bruising it. If you can heal a body with an assist, it must have been the thetan who was perpetuating the process of destruction. There's no real liability in running a meat body in our mechanized society, unless one is in a body oriented to fighting lions. A fixed condition of a valence which is unchangeable and out of date, will make an unhappy person. Medicine has never been able to handle a readjustment of beings or handling valences. Processing does have an effect of valences, which will object to it. The most basic processes don't clear someone unless his valence gets audited out. The PC is unaware of being who he is being. The valence is of no help to him. It is an addiction to some skill and beingness package. You can't excel when operating as a valence because it is a non-sentient operation, an operation 110 in the absence of knowingness. When a thetan is overwhelmed and has totally given up, so that he becomes the valence that did him in, he can't even do a good job as that valence, because of his own overts against that valence/beingness. The PC's basic impulse toward the valence is destruction of the valence. Every time the thetan wakes up even slightly, in a situation requiring decision, it will be a destructive decision for the valence. This should make your job as an auditor very easy. You'll also understand the activities of men better. And what you are trying to do is to direct the PC's attention toward eradication of all the points on the track which made him a slave to a valence. If you fail to direct his attention, there's nothing else there. If you overwhelm him, he'll dramatize the valence. The more you know about the valence, the easier it is to audit the PC and to predict what the valence will do. So when the PC does that, you know you'd better get ruds in. You need ways to observe the PC to know better when he's out of session. If he's in the valence that he dramatizes, he has a rudiment out. You don't necessarily put ruds in at the exact point you see it. If he's in the middle of some engram, you'd do better to direct his attention to keep control from the valence. Anything you're doing which detracts from directing the PC's attention, overcoming valences, rehabilitating the thetan so he can operate again, is utterly unnecessary. Don't worry about directing your attention and your technical perfection. Do direct the PC's attention. Fortunately, auditor and PC very rarely have the same terminal.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=26/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=58 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-58 Teaching the Field -- Sec Checks    6109C26 SHSpec-58 Teaching the Field -- Sec Checks One can always add to sec checks, but never subtract from it for a given person, depending on his interests and activities. This gets complicated enough to be real to someone who's having difficulty in life. There are lots of different sec checks. For instance, you could use the children's sec check to help restore a person's memory of childhood and get all the results Freudian psychiatry sought. If an auditor can run some process with great confidence of good results, have him run that on every PC, regardless of what the PC needs. You try not to give him a PC who can only be run on something else. On sec checks, you get fast wins. This gives an auditor reality fast. Any auditor who has gotten tired of auditing or upset with auditing has had a lot of loses. Someone who doesn't want to learn how to audit has had a long series of disasters with trying to help people. An auditor who has an exaggerated idea about what ought to happen in session, who gets frantic, changes processes continually, has had loses with auditing. So you want to give him something that gets a fast result in order to restore their confidence in their ability to help. A sec check is a good way to get results on PC's who just never cognite; who never give you a, "What do you know!" about their cases, especially if you use sec checks that hit on the PC's particular areas. You can even cure a psychosomatic illness by using the PTP of long duration as the subject of the sec check, looking for hidden standards, which is the one thing on which his attention is fixed. You pay attention when the PC tells you what would have to happen for him to know scientology works, which could be something on any of the eight dynamics. 111 When you get one that is extensional, i.e. where something would have to happen to someone else, you'll find that it is easy to audit this on a sec check. You get all their overts on the other terminal with it. This works very well because you're separating valences and terminals. Withholds add up to lots more than just withholds: overts, secrecies, individuations, and games conditions. We're asking the person to straighten out his relationships with another terminal. The normal sec check is addressed to the individual versus his society or family, because it's what people would consider reprehensible that makes it a withhold. You could have special mores between husband and wife or auditor and PC. If a person transgresses against a moral code, he individuates; if he individuates too obsessively, he snaps terminals and becomes it. The security check clears this all up. To get rid of a chronic somatic, you must first find something the person really thinks is wrong, that he wants to recover from. You can't assume that if it's wrong, he wants it fixed. It could well be a solution to some other problem; it could be a service fac. This generally starts somewhere 'way back with some series of withholds. Illnesses are protests against life, so you can tailor a sec check to reach the areas of life the person is protesting against and run it. The psychosomatic illness will disappear. It does take a lot of figure-figure and detective work, the sort of problem about a case that many auditors just love. So get the thing the person wants to handle, trace it back to some area or activity. You are looking for activities which had to do with changing the position of mass. The massier it is and the more change of positions, the more aberrative it is. Sec check the person's handling of masses and changes of space. If you have no clue on that, go into his most confused motional areas. If he's now motionless, find what he was doing prior to becoming so motionless and find an area of intolerable activity. Run a sec check on that area of activity. Get all the items and terminals in that area and invent all possible overts against them. A crude way to do it is to use a modification of an existing sec check. It is better still to mock up a new one using all the crimes you could do in an area of tight mores. You could handle someone whose goal is to fix up his memory both by, "What wouldn't you mind forgetting?" plus O/W on various terminals with deficient perception plus find who didn't remember well or who insisted he remember and sec check him on those people. This will spring him into his "What do you know!" on the subject. You can assume if he doesn't cognite that he's really pinned down on the area by withholds from you, from the area, and even from himself. The sec check will increase his freedom to know, which is the opposite of the not-knowingness enforced by O/W. So make a list of all the items you can think of from his area of difficulty, ask if he's done anything to or interfered with those items and activities. His cognition may come out little by little, or at last with a bang. The rule is that any zone of life with which a person is having difficulty is a fruitful area for a security check. Any area where the person is having difficulty, he's stupid. Stupidity is not-knowingness, which occurs through overts. But the overt has to be hidden, so it's withheld, so withholds add up to stupidity, so he has trouble in the area. 112 You must always assume a psychosomatic difficulty is a solution after the fact of a confusion. A confusion consists of change of position of particles in time and space, predicted or unpredicted. If they are unpredicted changes in space, you'll have a confusion. The PC puts attention on one particle as a stable datum. This is fine, except that he ends up with a psychosomatic complaint. To resolve the complaint, find the prior confusion and do a good security check on the things in the vicinity of the confusion to get off the overts that made it necessary to pull in the somatic. All sec checks add up to very thorough key-outs.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=27/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=59 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-59 Q and A Period: State of Beingness    6109C27 SHSpec-59 Q and A Period: State of Beingness An overt act is an effort to individuate or withhold self from something. You cut comm with the thing, postulate separateness, use effort to withhold self, get involved with it, and become it: 1. Cut comm with something. 2. Postulate separateness. 3. Use effort to withhold self. 4. Get involved with it. 5. Become it. Whenever you are avoiding something, you'll be making energy pictures of it whenever you see it. So the bank gets full of the thing you are avoiding and you'll start being it. You never look at the pictures of the thing, so they don't as-is, so they can become rather dominant. You have to have postulated that the thing can overwhelm you before this sequence can start. When you start auditing somebody, he can't see that he has done anything to the objects he is being, but as he confronts more, he can individuate himself from his pictures. Valences start to separate, and on sec checking, he will come up with more withholds. An individual is not responsible for the things that have overwhelmed him to the point where he is being them. Processing lets him as-is some of his pictures so that he can stop being the thing and see that he has overts against it. So getting more withholds on subsequent sec checks is an index of case progress. A theta clear is someone who operates exterior to a body, without need of a body. Theta clears are clear on all dynamics. The state of MEST clear has been upgraded because of the stability of the state. Operating thetan is a different state. A clear would be someone who didn't have a bank troubling him and was not influenced in favor of one dynamic over another and not dependent on MEST for survival. OT would be someone who is in a state of being quite manipulative of MEST, a starter of whirlwinds, etc. This doesn't necessarily mean he's un-aberrated. The best statement of this definition is that OT = someone who has no consequences connected with creation. It has been a state which others have feared and have sought to suppress. There's a fourth state, which is release. This is when you've found the PC's goal, terminal and level and run a sec check on him. When a release has the idea that his new freedom is really a betrayal, he hasn't quite made it. He must know he won't get any worse. A MEST clear is one who has completed Routine 3. He has a persistent F/N. He'd have to have had his PTP of long duration handled. 113 The common denominator of all cases that have bodies is that their attitudes of havingness are incorrect. They have anxieties about getting food, air, etc. You clear a clear of hunger. A clear tends to go onto the fourth dynamic with a crash; he gets very aware of the need to do something about it. Clears tend to lead and infect people with their enthusiasm. The only problem is that the clear's reality is beyond that of the surrounding populace. The most you can realistically do is to get them started and have an HGC to clear them. The clear will go on past awareness of the problems of the fourth dynamic to the fifth, seventh and eighth, then back to the sixth. By this time he'll be upwards towards theta clear. If at this point he felt there was a need to do something about Mankind, he'd do it, e.g. straightening out people's games conditions, etc. The best thing you can do for a society is to rehabilitate knowingness, so people can work things out for themselves. Those solutions which restore comprehension are the only ones which really work, in the long run. The more people who are responsible, able to decide, able to tell right from wrong, the better things will be. A person has as much power as he can trust himself to have. At the lower and of the spectrum, you have a criminal who responds only to exterior stimuli. In this case there's no sentience left, so where many people are at this level all you get in a confusion: the randomity of MEST. The police make the error of granting him more beingness than is warranted. The trouble is that society is rigged for people to be responsible in. If there are large numbers of people being irresponsible in it, it's hard to see how it can go on running. If you want to disestablish a chaos, all you need to do is to return responsibility to the area.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=28/9/61 Volnum=1 Issue=60 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-60 Grades of Auditors    6109C28 SHSpec-60 Grades of Auditors [Describes three classes of auditors. For details, see p. 152, below, and HCOPL 29Sep61 "HGC Allowed Processes".] When you run into the imponderables -- the PC whose case doesn't move -- you're tempted to use some extraordinary solution instead of finding the gross auditing error. This permits the error to go uncorrected. You'll be adding new errors to old ones. The error may be that the PC isn't doing the auditing command, which could involve the PC doing something different or doing something else in addition to it. If the PC has a hidden standard, he'll do something else to produce an effect on his hidden standard. When a PC has a PTP of long duration, he'll always try to create an effect on it with whatever auditing command has been given, so you can't just audit over it. You have to get ruds in and also be curious to know what the PC is doing with the command. The PC with a PTP of long duration will apply the auditing command, not to his terminal, but to a terminal of his problem. It is a good idea to ask the PC what his idea is of the terminal he is running to be sure it's the one you assessed. Now that you have the rule of the prior confusion, you have an undercut to the PTP of long duration. The terminal the PC is complaining of is the solution to the prior confusion and is a stillness, a no-motion point. You don't audit stillnesses anyway. You get rid of the chronic somatic by finding the prior confusion by assessment. Take the personnel of the prior confusion and sec check them. This is a bit similar to 114 doing O/W on the terminal of the PTP, but better, since it is auditing a confusion, not a stillness. This might even apply to engrams. You could find where the fellow is stuck, assess the prior confusion and sec check its terminals. That's just a guess, at present. Don't Q and A with the PC telling you he can't confront the confusion. Get the terminals involved and sec check them on a check made up to apply to the possible overts. General O/W may be too permissive to get him to confront it. So that's the anatomy of a stuck point on the track. This also predicts that a lot of confusion went on before the person picked up the valence he's in. There's a possibility that you might get the valence and goal to blow by looking at it, but it's not likely. The earlier on the track they were, the beefier they were as thetans and the more confusion there would be. It gets pretty unreal when you get them looking at it now, if they can even confront it at all. Other gross auditing errors which could be preventing the PC from making progress could be grossly out ruds, or the auditor having an attitude that drives the PC out the bottom. Or try to audit a scientologist who has been around awhile without sec checking him on the auditor's sec check and the last couple of pages of HCOWW Form 3.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=4/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=61 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-61 The Prior Confusion    6110C04 SHSpec-61 The Prior Confusion A chronic somatic is the stuck point on the time track which is the stable datum of a prior confusion; so is a hidden standard. It's easy to miss this because the confusion is earlier and is confusing. The stable datum isn't in the middle of it if it's aberrative. You can always adopt a stable datum in the middle of a confusion. It's the one chosen later that sticks you on the track. This isn't necessarily logical. It is true because it is observed to be true, not because of any theoretical reason. The way to blow the chronic somatic is to blow the confusion immediately before its start. It may be tricky to get the PC to look at the confusion, not at the stable datum; his attention bounces to later periods. The confusion has a lot of unknownness in it, which may be masked by a lot of pretended knowingness. When looking for the prior confusion, don't get just whatever was there right before; it may be six months earlier. Lots of odd forgettingness turns up as you look. Forgettingness is caused be inability to confront a motion. The confusion area is a not-know area, which the guy handles with a know later, even if it's stupid and painful. It's still a knowingness. All psychosomatics and hidden standards are a cure for mysteries. One can get a feeling of relief following a confusion that isn't really much relieved. It can be just from getting a knownness following a confusion. A chronic somatic can be a knowingness. If it's being used as a hidden standard, it is being used for knowingness. There must have been some confusion before it. [This could be an explanation for the phenomenon of getting somatics following misunderstood words.] It can take some time for the PC to sort out when the somatic started and what the prior confusion was about when it started. You can ask, "When did you notice it earlier?" or, "What happened before you noticed?" It's not a repetitive command. You can even, by assessment, get the PC to look at the confusion accurately enough so it will as-is and blow. 118 Where the PC is not making progress on Routine 3, you can bet that the PC has not done and is not doing the auditing command. The PC may be being the auditing command. He does the command and applies it to some area of the mind or body and looks at it to see if anything happened. You are auditing a PC whose attention is fixed on some special area and is doing something extra with the command. It indicates out-ruds, since the PC isn't under the auditor's control, but is putting in a self-audit step on each cycle. Any PC who hasn't gone clear in 150 hours is doing this. He may resist telling the auditor what he's doing, also. If you ask him, "When did you start to notice the (thing he's complaining of)?" and he gives a non-sequitur answer, you can see him bounce out of the confusion and up to PT. This tells you that you are on the right track. You have to direct his attention to the right area to get the confusion; don't just give him carte blanche to natter about the terminal he's fixated on. Keep guiding him to the occluded area that precedes the somatic, or whatever. Ask about confusions or upsets or whatever you can get. This sounds like a long process. This phenomenon can show up when you run an engram. You start with the motionless point and search around to find the earlier action parts. Just auditing the motionless part with the chronic somatic in it won't resolve it. Even when running an ordinary engram as part of Routine 3, if part of the engram sticks, get the earlier part of the engram. A more basic question arises here: "How does a person get stuck on the track in the first place and why is one on a time track at all? Could it be that there's a confusion at the beginning? What is time?" Maybe it's a retreat from a confusion we did not care to confront. A person's ability to confront confusion could just blow chronic somatics, but it's not to be counted on. It might be necessary to get several hidden standards out of the way. So it might be well to clean them up well before getting into prehave levels, using prior confusion assessments and sec checks.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=4/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=62 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-62 Moral Codes: What is a Withhold?    6110C04 SHSpec-62 Moral Codes: What is a Withhold? No one is non-security checkable. It's just necessary to find the areas where he has what he considers to be overts. If he doesn't read on a standard sec check, it just means those things aren't transgressions against his moral code. A criminal's moral code is about the reverse of a law-abiding person's. All pcs have moral codes against which they have transgressed. You'll only get withholds off a case when you locate the code against which the PC has transgressed. A withhold is an unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. A moral code is that series of agreements to which a person has subscribed in order to guarantee the survival of a group. Man has learned, down the track, that where he has agreed on proper conduct, he has survived, and where he hasn't, he hasn't survived. So people agree on what is moral, i.e. survival-conducive actions. The U.S. was founded on an agreement, the Constitution. Wherever it has been breached, the country has gotten in trouble. The reason for the trouble is that there aren't any other agreements than the basic agreement. There aren't modified agreements. You start with a moral code, which eventually gets interpreted and altered, and people no longer knew what was moral. It thus 116 got to be a confusion. People tried to enforce it, but the confusion increased. Finally, people dispersed and left the group and formed or entered other groups. There, they got new moral codes, which eventually got diluted. Time marched on and more confusion entered, etc., etc. The cycle of action of civilizations is: 1. An agreement on optimum conduct 2. A disbanding of the group 3. A formation of a new group with a new agreement on optimum conduct. 4. A disintegration of this agreement. 5. Etc., etc. The disintegration occurs because of the individuation that results from overts. Moral codes can also disintegrate when attacked by another code that gets imposed on them, e.g. by colonialists on native peoples. One reason auditors find scientologists harder to audit than non-scientologists is that when you flub you've transgressed against the survival codes of the group. This is why the last two pages of HCOWW Form 3 straighten out old-time scientologists who natter about scientology. The most important code to the person is the one by which he is currently living. If you transgress against the code of your group, you tend to feel like an outsider. If the group is scientology, the transgression prevents one from making progress in auditing. A transgression of a moral code separates the transgressor from free communication with the group. The seriousness of the transgression is monitored by the degree of cut comm and impossibility of communicating, which is accomplished by pretending to be a member of the group when he's transgressed. He individuates and thus the group disintegrates. Another element of this is co-action: mutual action toward a common goal. The crew of a ship is no good until it has been through some common danger. A business group could get cohered if management let everyone in on the attacks against them; otherwise not. A group becomes a group when it encounters danger to its survival. The common denominator of the moral codes and of transgression is, "One must not injure the survival of a fellow group member." Therefore a manager or leader of a group tends to be isolated from the group because of the occasional necessity for injuring the survival of a group member who has transgressed against the others. If the leader has led a slightly detached life so he hasn't been affected by the offender's transgressions, he commits an unmotivated overt when he kicks him out. He gets these undisclosed overts against ex-group members. He seldom tells the group why the ousted group member has to be ousted. because he thinks it will be too enturbulative. This is so widely true that man has accepted the idea of the loneliness of command as natural when it isn't. You can change a group's leader, but if the new leader changes the mores of the group, there will be trouble. The leader of the group can destroy it. This leads to the popularity of such things as socialism and communism. Why is the old soldier always degraded? It's not because the military in itself is bad; it's because he's a group member who is no longer part of the group. His old mores no longer 117 apply. He is degraded not even because of his overts. He is degraded because when a person is no longer a part of a group, he feels automatically that he must have overts against it and was driven out of it, even if he didn't have any overts. Because the result exists, people feel that the crime must have existed. people will feel responsible for effects they haven't really caused. This is the same mechanism. So you'll find yourself processing someone at times who feels he has tremendous overts against a group which you as an auditor can't find on the meter. It's simply because he is no longer a member of the group, whose purpose may have ended. He'll be very happy to get off his transgressions, because it will make his no longer being a member OK. It justifies the state he's in. What actions are necessary to cohere a group? Co-action in the direction of survival with two or more people inevitably results in a social more. If one of the group dies, the other (in a group of two) will feel he must have transgressed and will be glad to find what his overts were so that it makes sense to be no longer a member. The co-action doesn't even have to be toward mutual survival. It can be opposed, e.g. two fighter pilots who are enemies. They will have a certain fellow-feeling, and if they withhold their failure to kill the other from their own groups, they've got a bit individuated from the groups, etc. So this gets complex, on the basis of agreement. What is agreement? It is two or more people making the same postulate stick. If they go into mutual action toward survival, they have co-action, and they confuse one with another. They don't quite distinguish whose is whose, and they misown action in their vicinity. Engine drivers start sounding like engines after awhile. They can be un-identified by having them get the idea of mutual action with the motor. That is the source of overt acts: you have mutual action with something else, you do something cruel to that with which you have mutual action, and you experience the somatic. That's the exact mechanics of the overt-motivator sequence. After you've had a lot of group co-action, you embark upon a cruel action to that with which you have co-acted, and you will get the somatic. The group dramatizes it with, "You must be punished for your act," but that's not part of the mechanism. Religionists who push the Golden Rule are forcing into existence something that already exists. Overt/motivator sequences become very pronounced when cruel actions against one's group members are engaged in while withholding. One is really a member of the group but engages in a cruel action against another member and tries to back out. Why does one try to withhold? It is because he doesn't want the effect of the co-action. He tries to individuate, disowns the co-action in an effort to avoid the motivator. He doesn't want the somatics of co-action that experience has taught him will inevitably occur. We're down to fundamentals of non-differentiation and identification. He identifies his action with every group member's action, so he withholds self in an effort to escape. If you ask him to recognize his co-action with the group member he has injured -- the co-action prior to the overt, the overt will blow. The more commotion, action, withholds, and nonsense preceded his overt act, the more it will hang up and the more he will try to withhold it. He can only suffer from his overt 118 because of former co-action. Because he is involved with mutual action toward survival, every time he has tried to back out of mutual action, he has sought to deny the mutuality of the action. He thinks he can avoid the overt-motivator sequence by denying it, so he individuates. You have to knock out the individuation before he can walk out. The action he takes to escape punishment is the action which settles in the punishment. Withholds and overts will become visible as you uncover the confusion and co-action which preceded the overt. When he blows the withhold, he can move again on the time track. Every time he withholds, he parks himself on the time track, so it eventually becomes one big Now, which is the Reactive Mind. He has never really succeeded in individuating from any group he has belonged to. Therefore all groups newly formed are formed by transgressors, so if scientologists could get off that mechanism, they could form the first true group since the beginning of the universe! One reason a withhold sticks on the track is that it's a no-action -- a no-motion point. When the PC has a picture where nothing is happening, get the earlier commotion or confusion, and the overt will show up. One can withhold oneself as well as data, thoughts, or deeds or objects. Withhold of self is the commonest. When you clear somebody, you clear the identities which the person has teamed up with and their withholds and now-I'm-supposed-to's. There's a process that hits at this. Find something the person has identified with something. Tell him to think of a mutual action with first the one thing, then the other, and the identifications will spring apart. Fifteen or twenty other subjects will emerge as you go; don't Q and A with them; stay with the original two. A broader, simpler process would be, "Tell me a group you are no longer part of."  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=5/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=63 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-63 Sec Checking -- Types of Withhold    6110C05 SHSpec-63 Sec Checking -- Types of Withhold Punishment following the revelation of withholds is a mechanism of older groups by which they sought to enforce their mores. It is a bad mechanism, since it encourages withholding. If you, the auditor, are worried about your own withholds or trying to present an image of sinlessness because you're a scientologist, you'll Q and A at times with the PC's withholds and start mutual avoidance of certain subjects. The auditor must have the courage to ask the sec check questions, no matter how crude and nasty it seems to do so. It's rough enough if your withholds are off. If they aren't, you'll back off the subject altogether. Auditors, instructors, etc., can back off from being sec checked because of fear of loss of reputation or image. They'll then slack off sec checking other people. If you find someone who is ducking being sec checked, he will also duck sec checking. But it is not true that to be a good auditor you must never have done anything wrong! If you let yourself take that viewpoint, you are surrendering to an ought-to-be, which action would slow the progress of scientology by putting every good auditor in lousy case shape, along with every good exec. 119 The mechanism by which Man has been governed had in it the idea that Man was evil and therefore has to be held in line by evil practices. They never noticed that the evil in the world stemmed from holding men in line. A society without ARC is a society which will inevitably have crime. Man is good, but only to the degree that he is in ARC with existence. The primary mechanism someone uses who is out of ARC with existence yet trying to survive, is to withhold. Society is forced apart to the degree that people are made guilty. To prevent murder, don't hang murderers; make it unnecessary for people to resign from the human race. People get grievances about things. There's no agency in society to remedy the grievance, and they end up committing desperate overts. The unintentional withhold is something that occurs when the person is not able to tell anybody, though he's willing to. This could be because no one is there, or no one is listening. It happens in insane asylums all the time. You get this peculiar kind of withhold which you mustn't overlook in sec checking. Then there is a kind of withhold where the PC knew that he was withholding because he'd be punished if others knew. Or there's a withhold which would damage his beingness or reputation, not necessarily a doingness that's withheld. It could be a beingness. A group is based on communication. Withholds all add up to cut communication, so it falls apart to the degree that there is no communication. Up to a point, withholds appear to cohere a group. A sec check is dedicated to the restoration of communication. If comm were restored totally in any past group, the PC will no longer be hung in that group. He will not be parked on the track, so he will be more able to be a part of his present group. The group you are most concerned with in auditing isn't the group called scientology; it's the little group which is the session. When the individual is too individuated, end develops an unintentional withhold in that group, or the auditor conducts himself in such a way as to bring about punishment because of a withhold or crime, or demands specious reactions from the PC, the auditor has shot the session group. Auditing is a third dynamic activity. For the session to be a good group, you've got to get all three kinds of withholds off: 1. Unintentional withholds. When no one will listen to the PC. Hence the process, "What weren't you able to tell an auditor?" 2. Reputational withholds: a defense of one's beingness. E.g. one's family came from the wrong side of the tracks. 3. Withholds for fear of punishment. The only thing that can deteriorate a graph is ARC breaks. The basis of an ARC break is being made to have an unintentional withhold from that immediate group. That's more serious, evidently, than an intentional withhold, as far as session results go. Then there's the enforced withhold on the basis of improved state. Someone who is pretending to audit gets no result but seeks to convince the PC that he's much better. Here, the PC thinks he'd better not say otherwise. Then you've got the withhold of protecting beingness. This is the reputational withhold. It's 120 pretty rare on this basis. But you can also have the propitiative PC who tells the auditor it's all fine because he doesn't want to make the auditor feel bad, when actually, he still has his headache, or whatever. Rudiments are aimed at handling these withholds. The ARC break questions ask for unintentional withholds: "What couldn't you tell an auditor?" and "What didn't an auditor do?" The latter question is going after an auditor in a games condition. Unintentional withhold and games condition questions go together. Compartmenting a question: You take the words, get the charge off them, you get reads off any phrases in it, then if it still reads, the read is on the question. Never leave a question still reading. It will throw the PC out of session immediately. You can leave it for the next session, but tell the PC that that's what you are doing. Another important point is to select a sec check relevant to the PC's activities. Sec check against the reality of the PC, taking into account the moral codes by which he lives. Never treat sec checking as a repetitive process. It's for getting off withholds, so vary the question and be real. Be inquisitive, nosey, and imaginative. There's an overt act consisting of enforcing the mores of a group to make others withhold. That's the make-guilty action which also acts as a withhold. E.g. a girl says, "No, I never raped anybody; I've been raped," and the question keeps reading. Don't Q and A by auditing out the rape; get the overt, which is gotten by, "Whom have you made guilty of rape?" You'll find the make-guilties lie on an actual "done" anyway, so always come back to the original question, with the same wording as you first used. If a PC thinks a question is insulting, he is telling you that he has done the thing.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=10/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=64 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-64 Problems Intensives    6110C10 SHSpec-64 Problems Intensives "Supposing that dianetics and scientology did everything they were supposed to do. What would your problem have been before you came into it -- your own personal problem?" That is the approach you should use on a PE course. Give all the "firsts" of scientology and dianetics; give a very broad, complete description. Then ask, "What is the problem that would make you come into scientology?" This is assuming that everything that was said about scientology was true. You restimulate their PTP of long duration, then ask, "What is your problem?" The problem is now staring them in the face and in some percentage, they will, for the first time, recognize the source of some discomfort. Then give them some data about processing and get them into the HGC. That should be the first lecture on a P.E. course, because it gives a stable datum, a conditional but desirable stable datum. On a certain number, you will produce a startling change. There's a new addition to a PC Assessment Sheet. It gets you a list of things. You take the best-reading and run a list of processes on it. Reassess the list of thinks and repeat the process. It gets the prior confusion and handles it with ruds, problems processes, and sec check on the personnel in the prior confusion. The first list asks for times the PC's life changed. Ask when the changes occurred. 121 Each of them will be handled with the problem that existed just prior, as well as the prior confusion. The change was a solution. Get the changes of life-style also. The "when" doesn't have to be very precise. Now get the best-reading change and ask, "What problem did you have immediately before that change?" Get him to state the problem, not just a fact. It should have a a question, a mystery about it, a how, why, or what. Then just run the problems rud process, until flat e.g. when the somatic that got going quiets down. It gets at the PTP of long duration, which gives hidden standards. Run it by the TA. After it is flat, ask, "What was the confusion in your life just before that?" Then assess the people in that confusion. The idea of listing and asking for another person in the confusion will put the PC back in the confusion and stop him from skidding forward, and you'll wind up with a list of personnel. You sec check the list. This requires some acumen to mock up the sec check. It's really a glorified O/W, and you could just run O/W except that it has some danger, since it's running against a terminal which hasn't been assessed. So it's better to sec check. If a terminal is not on a goals line, running it can beef up a case unless run on a sec check. The sec check needn't be awfully extensive, though doing it very thoroughly will give a better result. You continue the process with the next best-reading change, etc. When all is done, we could say that the person was a release and has no hidden standards and would do auditing commands. This fully supplants Routine 1A as a way to handle problems. The reason you are handling hidden standards is not because the individual has his attention stuck someplace, nor because the PC vias your auditing commands through it, though these things are true. You are running it because to the PC it's an oracle. He's not really analytically checking his eyesight every session to see if auditing is making it better. His eyesight somatic knows, and that's the only data there is. Observation and experience have no bearing on his knowingness. It's more than a PTP of long duration of a specialized sort. It's a pretty vicious proposition. The PC does it every command or every session. If he does it every command, it knows and he doesn't. So he has to consult it to find out. He does it in life all the time, too, unbeknownst to you. He judges goodness and badness, truth and falsity by whether he gets a somatic which comes from some circuit or other. A criminal knows right from wrong because a circuit is restimulated or not. Therefore the cops are crazy, because the little green light in his skull lit up when he was about to commit his "crime". He's baffled when he's arrested. He "knows" nobody can tell right from wrong, or he knows by the way he feels whether he's doing right or wrong. The way people get that way is thus: 1. They are a thetan, as themselves. 2. They get so invalidated or invalidate others so much that they get overwhelmed with their own inval and they pick up a valence. 3. Somatic overwhelm. While being the valence, he got a hell of a somatic. An impact is easily substituted for knowingness. It can also seem to be punishment for some unknown crime, so he's got a terrible problem: What has he done to be punished for it? He doesn't know; he just feels guilty. Anyway, impact seems like knowingness. One's own knowingness as a valence is in validated so he's got an impact knowingness which he keeps 122 around, which is part of an engram on his goals-terminal chain. The engram presents a problem because it is not reachable, because it's in the middle of the goals-terminal chain. Since the PC's own knowingness has been invalidated, he can only go on being validated in his knowingness as a circuit. But he has to be careful because it knows more than he does! Superstitious peoples, who have very little and have been knocked around badly, have catalogs of superstitions, which are sort of third dynamic circuits. This moves out into a secondary state: the circuit is now audible; it dictates to him, gives him orders aloud. This is the final result of a valence which has been overwhelmed by a somatic, which has been overwhelmed by another thinkingness, etc. [See Fig. 4]. It is not an endless number of valences, but there can be a nearly endless number of hidden standards. A real hidden standard is something the PC consults with each command or each session. "Consults" is the clue. The hidden standards key in because of problems of magnitude or because of prior confusion. The usual course of human events is: The individual went through a lot of trouble and a lot of confusion. He couldn't quite figure any part of it out, and it left him hung with a problem, which he up and solved by changing his life in some way. He may get the idea when there's a change, there must have been a problem before. There isn't always a problem. Other-determined changes don't necessarily have problems before them, but they won't assess on the meter. He solves the problem with a hidden standard. Where does a circuit come from? They're different from valences. A valence answers the question of who to be or how to be right with a beingness. A circuit answers the question, "Without changing a beingness, how do you know when you're right?" A circuit furnishes information; a valence furnishes beingness. A circuit can step up from furnishing information to furnishing orders, and then it can step up to furnishing orders below the level of consciousness, always expressed faintly at least in somatics. Most people live in haunted houses. They think there are other thetans in their bodies because of the commands of circuits. A circuit can be set up easily and isn't a bad thing unless it's out of his control, forgotten as to authorship, etc., controlling the fellow, with him taking no responsibility for it. A thetan can do anything a circuit can do, and more. The basic of circuit trouble is setting something up and taking no responsibility and leaving it on automatic. If he's done this, he has some God-Awful problem just before he did it. Just before he has the problem, he was in fantastic confusion, and before the confusion, he had fantastic numbers of withholds from the people in the confusion. Those conditions must all be present to get circuit trouble, and you have to pay attention to all of them to unravel the circuits. To get into that state, he'd have to have been pretty active, and to have started withholding everything from everybody, he was in contact with, about everything, or about something special. He's not free to communicate. Things start going wrong, since his comm is messed up. Life got very confused, eventually became an awful problem. Then he solved the problem. If he had enough overts and withholds, he'd blow, which brought about a change. The change is now the tag you can use to get back to all the stuff behind it. FIGURE 4 DWINDLING SPIRAL OF CIRCUIT FORMATION 1. The thetan being as himself. 2. He gets invalidated/overwhelmed as himself. 3. He picks up a valence. 4. The valence gets overwhelmed by a somatic. 5. The valence's knowingness is invalidated. 6. The PC, as the valence, sets up a circuit to use the "impact knowingness" of the somatic as a senior source of knowledge, so he can go on being validated in his knowingness. The circuit now does the observing and knowing. 7. The circuit becomes audible. 8. The circuit gives orders. 9. The circuit gives orders below the level of consciousness, always expressed at least faintly in somatics. 123 The point of change is a withdrawal; so is the original O/W. Both key in circuits. [Cf. page 47, where LRH points out that circuits are a substitute for confront and gives more data about what circuits are used for.] The whole story is repetitive out-of-communication, with a periscope that looks for him and tells him. That's the hidden standard, seen as a circuit. Experience must not approach this person, and since auditing is an experience, he never allows it to approach. You are trying to audit the person, not the via. Thus case gain is slow at best. The Problems Intensive hits all this and knocks the circuits out of the road. It can be done with imprecise auditing, and it starts with a PC assessment which is less accusative to the new PC than a sec check assessment. He gets familiar with sec checks on a gradient, dealing with specific people, interesting areas to him. It makes practically any level of case processable and can be done by the most self-conscious auditor.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=65 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-65 Problems Intensive Assessment    6110C11 SHSpec-65 Problems Intensive Assessment The PC assessment form is of vast use to the auditor to know what is going on is the PC's life. If you have a new PC -- new to scientology, do one. Even if the PC is just new to you, do one. It gives the PC some confidence to know that his auditor knows something about him. It should be done by the auditor who is going to audit that PC. This will relieve the PC's sneaking suspicion that the auditor knows nothing about him. If the PC knows about something, it isn't aberrative, so this is a negative assessment, since whatever is known there isn't aberrative. Number of times divorced is an important one, especially if it doesn't correlate with number of times married, since you've then got big withholds to get off. Educational level is another area for withholds. Pcs can be ashamed of how little or how much they've had. Jobs, accidents, illnesses: this starts to get into an interesting zone: engrams he never mentions. Watch out for restimulation in these areas, if you ask any details about them, This can throw the PC right into engrams, The auditor gets data while doing this form that tempts him to take things up with the PC, but don't do it! Acknowledge and go on without creating an ARC break. Don't let the PC talk his havingness down, in the accidents and illnesses area. If the PC is very chatty, give him an R-factor beforehand that you only want to know briefly about each thing. The some applies to the present physical condition. We're very interested in whether there are any withheld physical conditions or worries about health they haven't told anyone or diseases they'd hate to have anyone know about. Pump the PC; get all the withholds off, because this is a serious withhold on the case. On mental treatment, be equally sure to get off any withholds. It would be not OK to be getting other treatment, physical or mental, at the same time as auditing. The usual cause of high tone arms on pcs who leave with low TA and come back with high TA is some withhold about their physical condition or concurrent mental treatment or some bug on the subject of the mind. Get the withholds off on the subject or you won't be his auditor, because he won't be willing to talk to you. If you do get them off, you'll be his auditor because you know things about him no one else knows. 124 [Details on how to find changes the PC has had in his life and running them.]  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=12/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=66 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-66 Problems    6110C12 SHSpec-66 Problems Rockslams always take precedence over other needle phenomena. A rockslam is a very badly overrun flow. A rise, on the other hand, means nothing because you don't know what turned it off. It's a latent response to something that exceeded the PC's reality, so you can't tell where it come from. The rise means something: it means the PC isn't going to confront something, but you can't spot what, so it's not worth pursuing. Also, the PC wouldn't respond to auditing of it anymore, since it's beyond his reality. Sometimes, when the PC has an ARC break, all the needle will do is rise. When you get ruds in, the needle won't rise much. Note that, on running a problems intensive, you get the problem before the change, it can turn out to be a problem he's had for hundreds or millions of years. So don't ask for the confusion before the problem. You want the confusion before the this-lifetime change. You must realize that the only reason that people move slowly and get parked on the track or anything else is that problems become timeless. The timelessness of problems composed the reactive mind. People and organizations are slow he degree that they have problems they can't solve; they are inactive to the degree that they have problems they can't solve. Most of their actions are reactive. Every new action adds into the old problem, to the point of feeling it doesn't matter what we do. Also, the magnitude of the problem can make any other non-connected thing seem very trivial. Other people's reality is viewed apathetically, since he's so overwhelmed that he can't look at it, no matter how immediate it is. Such people react to everything in life this way. It's an apparent apathy which is apathy toward life, the person being in terrific agony about the problem. He can't even articulate what the problem is. If you ask him to take his attention off the problem, he knows it'll eat him up. He has no attention to spare for you or for auditing. You often have a PC who is escaping from present time by being in the past. You can make a mistake by believing he'd audit better on his terminals line, so you should skip ruds and any this-lifetime difficulties and just go back on the line. No. The PC is back on the line because it's safer. One of the symptoms of that is the PC who never gets a picture. Pictures are dangerous. They became dangerous at some time in the past, possibly during a session. Getting rudiments in on someone can turn on his pictures. Rudiments can show someone who has never had auditing that life is solvable at these little finite points. It's a characteristic of a PC who is in apathy that he has got to solve it all at once, now. Move the apathy off and you'll get the franticness. They won't do the available auditing command you've given them. They'll take it and make it something to resolve their whole case by one answer. Why? Because their whole track is collapsed. The fact that problems are timeless and problems join to problems makes it all a timeless explosive stratum. And anything that explosive about which they worry that much, must be solved explosively: A desperate solution for a desperate problem, which occurs at one point. People look for one 125 command -- one magic word which will make the PC go clear. This becomes what the PC wants when he can't do any of the little things. In desperation he will have to do one of the big ones. Auditing, however, is done by gradients; it depends for success on reaching a reality a PC can tolerate, getting to a picture the PC can see at this moment of time in session. What the PC really can do are little gradients. You've got to find the gradient which is real to the PC. Something confrontable, not the explosive, right now effect. There are people with a frantic desire to have lots of money right now. They may have fantastic schemes to get it, very unworkable ones. If you asked them, "How much money could you have?" and sorted it out on the meter, you'd find that while they said, "Oh, millions!", the amount that would be real to them would be a farthing, a nickel -- something so small that they don't make that coin. It's the other side of the circle. They think in terms of millions, while they get poorer and poorer and poorer. The case that has to have total change now and the case that makes no change now are almost the same case. The case that just sits there apathetically knows that there can't be a big enough change or a big enough effect right now to solve his problems, so he's given up on the idea that anything is going to happen at all. He has cancelled all this out. He is on a lower rung than that. He can't have a change, because there's no change tiny enough, until you figure out what it is. How did he get into this state? By having problems that were so overwhelming that he must keep his attention on them all the time, and he knows nothing could be done about them, but they are terribly important, but you have to do something about them, but nothing can be done about them, so that everything else in life is trivial, including your auditing command. Your command has nothing to do with his problems, unless you have his exact problem, in which case your commands will have something to do with his case. That's actually the only process that will work on him. The whole of this problems intensive is to find where the PC is stuck and what problem he's looking at. The trick is: he doesn't know, or he wouldn't be overwhelmed with it. The problems he glibly tells you aren't it. A proper assessment will get you the right one, not one with a lot of figure-figure and must-have-been. The clue to this is that he's figuring from a different time band and the real problem is this moment in time, the time band of the PC; it's now. If the PC were looking at the problem he is stuck in, he wouldn't say, "A person who would have had that problem then," because he is in "then"; he's in that problem and no other. A PC who is ARC breaking or getting apathetic during a goals or terminal assessment is doing it because you're taking his attention off the only thing it's safe to keep it on, which is the problem he's stuck in. If his ruds are very well in and he has a lot of confidence in the auditor, you can do it and he'll feel fine, but he still has his attention on the problem. Now when you try to run his prehav level on the terminal, it takes too much attention, so he puts that on a via so he can keep his attention on the problem. He is ARC breaky and gets upset, or he's apathetic and just grinds, if he's lower on the scale. In this case, he'll be running with his attention at monotone, because most of his attention is glued to a problem so horrendous that if it were solved, the whole universe would blow up. It's even too much effort to say what the problem is, so it all operates 126 as a withhold. Every time you have an ARC breaky PC, you have violated to some degree fixation of attention on problems. You've asked him to do something he doesn't consider safe, and he is protesting having his attention shifted. If someone is in this state, you have to work like mad to keep his attention centered where it is centered and not shift it around. So it's about the hottest thing you can do with a case to give a problems intensive. We're getting the backtrack problems which slide up and become PT problems of long duration, the problems which underlie the hidden standards and the prior confusions which made the hidden and the problems necessary. It works because you are putting his attention where it already is, so it goes easily. Auditors blame themselves because PC's ARC break. So if you can get a certainty as an auditor on exactly why a session goes wrong and see the exact mechanism and its magnitude, exactly when and why a session detours; if you can see that the PC's attention is fixated on a problem of great importance to a degree that any shift of attention causes him to go through this ARC break phenomenon, you will see that all you have done is to disturb his attention. You very often have been running pcs with PTP's without recognizing any part of it. Very often a PC has unknowingly to himself stated his problem to you many times, and you have never heard it as a problem, so you go ahead and solve it. A problem is a problem. It is what the PC is worried about, and feels he has to do something about or that he can't do anything about. Auditing the problems intensive, he may give it to you again and you'll suddenly recognize it as a problem. Don't feel silly about it. But do recognize that there aren't problems which should be solved as opposed to being run, as far as PTP's of long duration are concerned. Furthermore, the problem you think you see, some usual problem, may well not be the problem at all. E.g. the instructor who has a problem with students that turns out to be the problem of not believing auditors can audit, including his present auditor, so how could he get auditing? Problems about scientology are of the order of magnitude of withholds on the subject of scientology, in terms of stopping case gain. The fact that he's in a session acts to restimulate the withhold or the problem, and everything you are doing restimulated it. Don't solve his problem about auditing by giving him more or better auditing. The PC has a PTP and will behave like a case with one no matter what you do to solve it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=17/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=67 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-67 Problems Intensives Procedure    6110C17 SHSpec-67 Problems Intensives Procedure Heroic measures have been used, on the time track, when lighter efforts to get into communication have failed. Brutality follows failed communication; overts are always to be found in the wake of no-communication. The auditor who gets annoyed with the PC has just failed to audit the PC; he has just failed to get the PC to communicate. He has had no methodology, or he hasn't applied it. If this were widespread, scientology would go the way of all former religions -- towards ritual and brutality. The real overt is not bad auditing, it's bad dissemination, i.e. bad teaching, bad comm of how to apply, not insisting that it be done right. It's your inability to get information from PC's which leads to your not trying to get any, which drives 127 you into a vicious frame of mind about PC's, which drives you into not wanting to audit any at all. The auditor who has withholds won't ask for withholds. If on top of that, he can't get information from the PC and doesn't know how to go about it, he'll end up not auditing. That's why any auditor who is not now auditing, isn't auditing: he's lost his confidence in his ability to obtain the information necessary to resolve the case. As long as you have social mores, people will violate them and go out of comm with the group. The auditor-PC relationship is a group, and if they are out of comm with a group, they will tend to be out of comm with all groups. You've got to raise their group consciousness before you get an auditor-PC relationship. So, by using the White Form, you get the withholds off from the sections where they are likely to be concealing anything: present physical condition, 2D stuff, crimes, past mental treatment, etc. All societies set themselves up to be ill, because as soon as you have a bunch of thou-shalt-nots, you will get the two phenomena of withholds and make guilty. So you get people out of comm, no as-ising of those conditions, so civilizations grow ill and die. When mores are your sole method of being civilized, you'll get destruction. Scientology is the first civilization not to operate this way. As long as you can get people to talk, so that they can as-is sin instead of repressing it, you can truly handle the ills of civilizations. Up to now, repression was the only available method. Someone could prove that civilization was made possible only by this mechanism of withholding and making guilty, but only as long as his premise was that Man is basically evil. You have to process somebody and find they are nicer people than you thought previously before you can accept the idea that another basis for civilization is possible. Otherwise you'd think that if you freed Man, he'd become more evil. If you audit someone and see him becoming more vital, active, polite, and freer, you don't get the impression that he's more evil at all. Where an individual has withdrawn out of earlier groups, he becomes harder to process in the group called auditor-PC and harder to get along with in the group called scientology. A failed group member doesn't make a good group member. This applies to this lifetime; former lives have an effect, but the force comes from the this-lifetime groups that he has left. You could do a sec check on each of the groups they had left to get them going into session more easily. Pay particular attention to this with people who are renegades from groups which intended to help: doctors, psychiatrists, etc. Run out his O/W's on that earlier group. You have to be clever to do it, because you have to find out the mores of the earlier group. So do get all you can on his former groups, at least as to what he's been in and left. Only take self-determined changes for the problems intensive processing. They don't give you anything to handle, e.g. graduation. But, e.g., dropping out of school you would be interested in. What you want is his solutions to problems he didn't know he had. Other determined changes aren't his solutions. You'll get reads on them because they are charged, but they are not what you want. [Details on running the process] Stable datum: If you have to remedy havingness a lot, ruds are out. 128 Never run a stop. Avoid stills. Unless you've got movement in the command, the mechanics of the prior confusion will hang you up in the stillness. If you can get the PC to restate it so it's got action in it, great. A "preventing" type action is questionable, but it will run, perhaps slowly, but better than a stop. [More details on procedure]  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=18/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=68 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-68 Valences -- Circuits    6110C18 SHSpec-68 Valences -- Circuits "Are all thetans equal?" some pcs ask. All cases are rough, but some are rougher than others, regardless of equality of thetans. However, we find that all beings in this area of the universe have the same type of aberration, differing only in magnitude of aberration. This is contrary to Kraepelin's index of insanity, which points out its many different manifestations. The only question answered by such a classification is that of how aberrations manifest themselves. But all aberrations arise from the same causes, having only different manifestations and magnitudes. The reason why we are clearing people is that we are taking people out by the same route they went in. So you have to parallel what the mind is doing. It works like this: a thetan, being and acting in this universe, loses confidence in himself, in his ability to do and to survive. Having lost that confidence, he then assumes an identity which he considers will stand instead of self. He himself goes down into degradation. What he is overwhelmed by, or what he has overwhelmed consistently, is adopted by him as a package of behavior, and that is a valence. A valence is a substitute for self, taken on after the fact of lost confidence in self. As a thetan sinks into degradation and lost confidence in self, he goes down into personal oblivion so that he has no further memory of self but only memory of a valence. Having taken on this valence, he then carries it on as a mechanism of survival. He does a life continuum, actually, of what he has overwhelmed or what has overwhelmed him. At the point of degradation, you will find it backtracking this way: just before he assumed the valence, he has a problem concerning his own survival that he himself could not solve as himself. Just before that problem, there was a tremendous confusion in which, by process of overts and withholds, he became enturbulated at himself. These overts and withholds were against the various dynamics. That was the route by which he went in. He missed his way and had overts and withholds against the mores of the group in which he was operating, and he lost confidence in himself completely. He felt he couldn't go on as himself, which gave him a tremendous problem relating to survival. He felt he couldn't solve this problem, so he adopted an identity he thought would stand as a solution to this problem. Then he went on as that identity. Now that identity was in turn submerged by the same cycle. As the identity, while a member of the group, the thetan committed overts and had withholds from members of the group, which produced an insoluble problem. The thetan usually "solved" the problem by the acceptance, not of another valence, but of a change to another status. The cycle is always the same. While a member of a group, having certain goals, he commits overts and has withholds from other group members, from which arises a confusion. This confusion summates into a problem, which he 129 then solves by _______ . The _______ is the only variable. Early on the track, the thetan always used a valence. But the common denominator of all his solutions is change. This has always been an element. That is equally true of the first assumption of a valence and of every new lifetime, etc. The whole of the Buddhist concern was the life-death cycle. The goal of the Buddhist is to escape the cycle; he's afraid of change because he could become responsible for wider changes. This is almost on the principle that "If I shirk enough responsibility, I'll just float out of my head." Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It is true that occasionally, accidentally, a thetan can sit down and go out of his head, sproingg! The way he does it is that he has set up an escape mechanism to spring him out of dead bodies like a fighter pilot ejection seat. Usually they don't work. Every now and then one works. It's actually a mocked up heavy-energy guillotine. Pcs think that if they feel enough pain they won't be able to think, so they set this up to be triggered by pain. At a certain time, they get enough pain and the guillotine is supposed to knock off the body. So people wind up by now with the belief that you have to kill a body to get out of it. Actually, unless you had overts on the body, you would practically float out of it. People who are going around sick may have triggered the ejection mechanism and had it fail to kill the body or eject them. It's a failed solution. One of the mechanisms of the series of truths the Buddhists believed was that the world was horrible, poverty stricken, etc. The basic truths they put out were so interlarded with these other exaggerations, overts, and unkind thoughts, criticisms, and so on, that it operated as a self-trapping mechanism. If you get a guy to be still long enough, you will key him in like crazy. All the motions of the past will come in and kick him in the head. Why do you find a PC sitting in the middle of a problem, sitting there with that solution. And why is it such a still solution? It's a still point on the track, and every time the PC has tried to rest, he's practically been overwhelmed. When you get the problem out of the way and look back for the motion and confusion, the motion and confusion run and the still spot disappears. The still spot is held there by the pressure and duress of an active spot behind or earlier than the still spot. So when the PC tries to rest, the motion threatens to overwhelm him as it gets restimulated, so it's upsetting to him to be still. There's nothing to do, once one has blown out of one's head, so the goal of the Buddhist must have been to do nothing. That is the defeatist goal. People in defeat will say they want to do nothing, in some variety of ways. Of course the nothingness is the point of overwhelm. So people who yearn for nothingness inadvertently yearn to be overwhelmed. So every great culture strives for peace. They get so much peace; there's so much peace everywhere that some barbarian comes along and knocks the whole thing off. They achieve perfect no-motion, which is death. So a thetan's ambitions can often be contrary to his best interests. This is not surprising, in view of the fact that there are no real liabilities to being a thetan, except the liability of no interest, inaction, nothing to do or have or be, nowhere to go. When you see people preaching these, you see people in the finest possible games condition. They are playing a game of seeing other players overwhelmed, using the mechanisms of the track which would most easily overwhelm the other players. It is not really in the best interest of the other to advise rest, peace, and inaction. 130 The proof of this are all over the place. E.g. a soldier gets wounded, gets front-line first aid. Result: a lower death rate for wounds treated there than for similar wounds treated at the base hospital. Society subscribes to the idea that someone can kill himself with work. This is a complete red herring. How does a thetan get sick? You know that when you release the still he is stuck in, he'll get well. What has happened to a thetan that he doesn't just heal up an injured body on the spot? He has been leading too quiet a life, that's all. People in circuses take falls that would kill a regular person. The only reason an injured body doesn't spring back into shape is that it's held out of shape by stills. Things wrong with people are held wrong, with considerable energy. The effort it takes to stay crazy must be fantastic. The best way to get sudden recoveries is to run withholds, because withholds are the motion before the still that was going on while the person was not participating with the motion. He was withholding himself from the motion, so he was already being slightly still. He eventually withdraws so hard from the motion and commits so many overts against the other participants in the motion that he backs out all the way and becomes still. When you haven't any right to be part of a motion any longer, you have only one other choice -- to be still. That's the mechanism by which you can get confusion, overts and withholds becoming a problem: a problem is the still. After the problem comes the solution to the problem. Of course, since the problem is motionless in time, the solution becomes continuous in time. Now the thetan has the problem of how to get some motion. Although motion is evidently "bad" for a thetan, he nevertheless likes to move and insists on doing it. If he hadn't done so much motion in the past, his present "still" would be OK. But as with a car, having its bumper up against another car's bumper should do no harm, unless it was previously traveling at 165 miles per hour. It's the motion prior to the still that produces the impact. There's nothing wrong with a still if there hasn't been some motion. And motion is fine, if a still doesn't occur. If you can tolerate both motion and stillness, you won't have any trouble but there are certain motions and certain stills a thetan cannot tolerate. You could move insane people up the track just by giving them a huge boulder in the middle of the courtyard to look at, to familiarize themselves with a still. If we look at how a thetan got aberrated, we see that it's a cycle of action: 1. Overts against co-action 2. A confusion leading to 3. A problem, which is a stop, leading to 4. A change to solve the problem. The cycle keeps repeating itself. The thetan keeps picking up new bodies, who are somebody else. This really makes it complicated, since each of them is an identity. He doesn't stack up any new valences, however, because the basic valence is in there so solid that transient valences don't overwhelm it. The basic valence, motivated by the basic goal, is the biggest single change that takes place in a lifetime that is available to an auditor. It is available on anyone with whom you can communicate. If you can't communicate, you can still use CCH's. They aren't used otherwise, now that the problems intensive can be used to get off hidden standards. 131 What other changes besides valences are available? One is a new body. Every death is preceded by an unsolvable problem to which death was the solution. A new body is a solution to death, which left the thetan in inaction. All illness evolves from unsolved problems; it's always a gradient scale of dying. People even get sick when they win a prize or get new possessions beyond what they feel they should have to survive. It can be too much change and too much havingness -- unsafe because of one's liability to being attacked. Thetans aren't stupid. One of their aberrations may be a stupidity, but according to the computation on which they are living, what they are doing is very clever. You'll always find that the very stupid have a great belief in their cunning; often, too, the very bright consider themselves to be stupid. How many changes can occur just after a problem? In terms of mental changes, very few. They could suppress or enhance certain characteristics, get rid of or adopt certain manifestations, and that's about all. The earliest step is taking on a valence. A valence both limits and exaggerates a person's own skills. A thetan can only set up a valence or a circuit to do what he can already do. A thetan can, without a body, walk out on a stage, pick up a 1000 lb weight, turn it around and drop it. But he's so dedicated to the idea that it takes a strong man's body to do it, that he only does it when he's in a strong man's body. Then it gets to the point that he can only do it when in condition, when he's well, when he's employed to do it, when he has no problems with his manager, when he believes in himself and feels powerful. These are all vias. The basic truth is that he can just do it. Each of the limitations and vias he puts in there is a solution to a problem he couldn't otherwise solve. The problem got there because he was trying to get something done as part of a group, and in that motion has overts and withholds, and these resolved into a problem. The whole cycle has to take place every time to wind up with a solution like that. The problems and changes you are interested in as an auditor are not very many. You are not interested in his being in a body; he has been in and out of bodies before, or he wouldn't be here. But what is he doing with this body? He isn't being the body he is in; he is being a valence which is in a body. In other words, he's a failed thetan being a failed valence in a body. Up to this point, he'd be easy to communicate with, but new problems and changes interpose such things as constant somatics. Then you are auditing him through the problem which is the constant somatic. A circuit is like a subsidiary valence. It is a mechanism which modifies a valence, a solution to the realization that the valence can often be wrong, so it needs to be dictated to or to have things hidden from it. So when the thetan, as a valence, runs into a problem where the valence has failed, he sets up a valence that can think and a circuit to modify the thinking of the valence. After the thetan has failed, everything he adopts after that is subject to failure, and each one of them becomes a barrier to processing. A circuit modifies the thinkingness and doingness of the valence; it is a dictational machine. Circuits slow down or speed up, show things or hide things, etc. If they get too wild and complicated, the person can modify the circuit with a somatic. When you get this much bric-a-brac, somewhere along the line you could get a hidden standard, which knows more than the valence, which knows more than the thetan. 132 A hidden standard is just something which knows better, to which the thetan is paying attention. The thetan's concentration on this item can be so great, the dependency on it so heavy, that the thetan only knows if it knows. If it tells him, it's true; if it doesn't tell him, it's not true. When you are auditing him, he lets it tell him. He pays so much attention to it he hardly sees you at all. To some degree, everyone's attention is absorbed in some part of the bank, but where a total overwhelm exists, attention is so absorbed that only it knows. People run totally on social circuitry. For instance, parents often have totally unreal ideas about their children, whom they have never observed at all. Circuits are often so idiotic that when they are activated by what they are set up to produce, they criticize as if it weren't there. E.g. one has the circuit, "A child's appearance should be very good." So if a child's appearance in the vicinity of someone with that circuit is very good, he's criticized; if the child's appearance is very bad, he's ignored. This confuses children and causes them to feel betrayed. Most things that a person protests against he will do himself. We call this hypocrisy; it's caused by circuits. Circuitry is an escape from knowing and confront, vias used by the thetan to divorce himself from life. When you audit him, you are a part of life, and you will hit his interpositions. You will thus be auditing a circuit, which prevents him from being able to go clear on straight Routine 3. If you get off his PTP's, ARC breaks, objections to the room, etc., he is less likely to interpose vias, and you can then talk to the PC, not the circuit. But people have problems of such magnitude on the recent backtrack that they set up a permanent circuit, so you are always auditing away at the circuit and making slow progress. The problems intensive directly handles and knocks out circuits so that you can audit the PC out of the valence he is in.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=19/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=69 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-69 Q and A Period -- Flows    6110C19 SHSpec-69 Q and A Period -- Flows [Pointers on running problems intensives] Any auditing command has the potentiality of flows in it. If the PC is running a command with the flow always from A to B, the PC could go into an occlusion. You could then have him run it the other way a few times, and it will un-occlude. All stuck flows give stuck needles. You see this in withholds, too. A withhold is a non-permitted flow, so anything going in against it sticks; nothing can backflow. You'll see the TA rise and the needle stick. The more you make him conscious of it, the more tightly he squashes himself with the withhold. You finally trigger it. This reverses the flow and you get blowdowns. In a withhold, the PC regrets the backflow. E.g. he should not have back-flowed the bullet when he killed the king of France. He shouldn't have backflowed in the first place, so he is withholding it. He can receive everything you tell him about the king of France, but nothing can come out about the king of France. Watch the needle go up and stick. The more questions you flow in, the more he packs it in. When he stops withholding, the T.A. goes down from reversing the flow. There are lots of directions of flows, but five, or ten, ways seems pretty adequate. If you only run PC to another and another to PC, you can start getting the other person's flows jamming, and you will again get a stuck meter. This doesn't pose 133 a problem if you are running it for a short time only. You can overrun a flow on a prehav run, or all flows can run out. [?] You can run a flow too long in one direction and get a high TA. Then it can blow up with a blowdown. You can overrun it, in which case, the more you run it, the more stuck it is going to get. The mind is capable of a considerable resurgence. By getting in ruds, you give the mind the freedom to look at PT. With that freedom comes the ability to as-is. This makes it possible to use a five-way bracket instead of a 32-way bracket. Auditing is not an absolute practice, fortunately. If everything bad that ever happened to the PC had to be audited out, you'd be at it forever. If you pull certain pins, enough will blow so that the mind can resurge, if the ruds are in. A problems intensive is run so that the mind can resurge enough to let you run goals easily. Auditors can have trouble with the idea of flows if they don't realize that the mind is full of particles. Thoughts get connected with the particles and the particles get connected with solids and masses. So the PC tries to think and runs into solids. You try to audit him and run into particles. There's nothing wrong with the PC's thinkingness per se; the trouble is that it gets joined up with energy, space, time, and particles. So he can't think of time without getting space, or of a thought without getting particles or masses. He can't differentiate amongst these things or amongst the dynamics. The preclear identifies the sixth dynamic particularly with with all the dynamics, and the seventh dynamic gets identified with the reactive mind. Thinkingness only goes haywire when a person can no longer differentiate where he should or associate where he should. He identifies even on a semantic level, e.g. "He road a boat." You can get some amazing results with semantics, like the airline pilot who came in looking for the phrase that gave him a compulsion to have accidents while flying. His mother has said, "He's no earthly good," which reactively made him fly, even though he hated it. [Leukemia was once found to be caused by the mother's phrase, "It would turn your blood to water!"] But auditing by phrases requires a very good auditor, and it doesn't work on everybody. If it worked well and easily, we'd still be doing it. It is a mistake to let the PC run only one-way flows. The PC has been motivating for years and years, not just in session. What is holding it pinned is lack of any reverse flow. It looks moral to the PC, but it's not. It's that he started an outflow along a certain tone level, making a line along which an interchange could occur. Having done so, he can be inflowed on at that level. This is all based on the horrible fact that a thetan can never be inflowed on until he has outflowed. How could he have been located by someone else otherwise? This leads to the "safe" solution of never being anywhere or saying anything. Of course, then you'll never do anything or see anything, and nothing will ever happen ever. The police evidently operate on this, since it's being there and communicating that are punished. Someone in apathy has solved life this way, and he's easy to inflow on, so he gets kicked. If he's not careful, though, he may get a reputation for being a good listener. Yet people get taught this, "Be a good listener; don't be obtrusive; be a little late," but it backfires. When making up auditing commands, be sure it is understood and that it reads on the meter, and that it is explicit, and that you get it answered every time. And don't set up a stuck flow 134 situation. Even a flow of giving punishment to someone will violate games condition because it is giving something to an enemy, so it makes one feel degraded and start figuring on it. War is degrading because soldiers are always giving things to their enemies. This sets up a bad games condition. An auditor shouldn't run a contrary-to-games-condition process which is all give or one that violates flows with all receive. There are wordings that allow for any flow, e.g., "What was happening?" or "What was unknown? If the PC can't run "unknown", you can use "forgotten", the lower harmonic of "unknown". Use any of the not-know words if necessary; don't leave the problem unrun. If you start getting into a stuck flow on a process, you can just end the process without too much fuss and add another flow to it, e.g. by saying, "Now we are going to add another side to this...." If your intention is to get auditing done rather than to follow a ritual, it'll go down just fine. Anything that goes wrong to a PC in session is registered by him on the basis of a scarcity of auditing and is best remedied by giving him auditing. If you run withholds a lot (e.g. unkind thoughts), you can wind up with a stuck flow unless you run the overt as the outflow. [In the problems intensive, the O-section is a list of self-determined changes the PC has made in this lifetime. The list is assessed out by elimination, and the item is then handled in the P-section. The auditor gets the problem that preceded this change; he runs it on, "What is unknown about that problem with (the terminal in the problem)?" or some such process. Later version omits running it. Then the confusion prior tc the change (later -- prior to the problem) is located, and the dramatis personae of the confusion are sec checked, getting off all the O's and W's in the area of the confusion, until the problem no longer reacts. Then another self-determined change is assessed out, etc. A later version of the Problems Intensive is given in HCOB 9Nov61 "The Problems Intensive -- Use of the Prior Confusion"] The number of problems a person has determines how fast or slow he will audit, and his speed of accomplishment in life in general. So he'll speed up in life when you get his problems out of the way.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=24/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=70 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-70 Clearing    6110C24 SHSpec-70 Clearing Auditing is a third dynamic activity. Most aberration stems from group mores, because there was an agreement (agreement is high on the reality scale). As an individual agrees to something, then disagrees to it, he runs a contradiction on his own postulates. When a thetan becomes a member of a group, he agrees to certain things, then finds he can't uphold them and disagrees with those things. This activity is high on the reality scale. Having agreed to something, then disagreed with it, the thetan doesn't normally as-is his original agreement. Thus he finds himself in disagreement with himself, since it was originally his own agreement. This is apparently the first and foremost invalidation of a thetan. He invalidates himself by first agreeing, then disagreeing with his own agreements. In between the agreement and disagreement, we get a further set of agreements and activities, all of which are lesser in value, but which bring about complexity. 135 So you get an area of mutual motion with the group, and even a confusion of ownership of motion. You get a whole series of problems from this. This gets us back to something that has been a question since 1948: If the thetan was making his pictures, why did he create the particular ones he's got? Why his proclivity for morbidity? We find the answer in the fact that he can't differentiate between his own actions and other people's. He's not sure who caused these communication lines and actions. All motions are, of course, caused individually. There is no such thing as collectively caused motion. Governments err by thinking that there's some entity called "the people", when in fact there are just individuals. But in his third dynamics, the PC got into this confusion of mutual motion. He then defends himself by backing out of it. He says, "Well, it was all bad. Here I am outside of it. At least I am still an identity." A thetan has gone through this over and over. The dynamics give us an excellent picture of the confusion of mutual motion. The sixth dynamic is exclusively a co-motion, an undifferentiated one. All the collective, undifferentiated co-motions of the past become matter, energy, space, and time -- the sixth dynamic. Nobody can say what he did. A thetan in this universe can only say, "That was our activity." This is OK until you get a failure. For instance, it's "We built this bridge," until it collapses, at which point it becomes, "They built this bridge." When mutual co-motion comes a cropper, people deny their part in it. At any given time, an individual is a member of at least two or three groups. He has been on the track for +200 trillion years, which makes a lot of groups. So it is impractical to run out his co-action with all his groups. For instance, every time he died, he left a group. But we are assisted by automaticity. All overts and withholds are preceded by co-action. You can straighten out the people involved by running O/W, or you can free the effect of the O/W by differentiating the co-action. This is a basic discovery: that you can knock out the co-action preceding the O/W. He can't face the co-action sometimes until you get off some of the withholds and overts. A body of agreement has been violated and thereafter will remain aberrative. That's where you get the packaged "Now-I'm-supposed-tos", the packaged postulates -- valences enforced by group mores. Someone who is withholding himself from his former group can't even tell you what really went on in it until he his gotten off some of the O/W. His withholding is not only in the physical universe but in the mind also. You could have a group whose mutual action is all mutually destructive, at first glance. When you process the PC, you are just asking him to stop withholding himself mentally, just because he is withholding himself physically. He'll resist because it feels like being asked to return to it physically. The reason you have to have ruds in in order to find a goal or terminal is that you are asking the individual to walk very closely to the fact of an identity from which he is withholding himself while being the identity. He's not executing the goal while executing the goal. You are asking him to look at something that he is in the middle of. When you run groups, you are asking him, "What group co-motion are you still in the middle of that you're now having nothing to do with?" This confuses him, but it works out very well. You go back through his O/W's to co-action. Eventually you could even get the mutual agreements. Each step asks him to confront a little more than he would be comfortable 136 confronting. So you'll find his goal and find his terminal. Fine. That's oriented towards the future and away from the unpleasant past. But then you ask him to go back over the past, and suddenly you get all the reasons why he doesn't want to go clear. Facing all those prior groups and people and activities is something else. Yesterday should remain buried. This is the most critical period of processing. For one thing, if you have the wrong goal and the wrong terminal, you will throw the PC in over his head and it will take experts to bail him out. It's not a light thing to attempt. The PC doesn't want to face what he has left, so you had better be prepared for evasions, ducks, and dodges, ARC breaks, etc. Even if he's aberrated now; he knows he's alive. He's not so sure he will be alive if he confronts this. He died last time, didn't he? A PC can also slide out from under the terminal up into degradation. This is an alarming fact of running terminals. The PC looks very pitiful as he comes through the degradation and may not feel at all like going on. But all his escape mechanisms are reactive. By keeping rudiments in and carrying on straight ahead, you will succeed, because the PC himself is really with you all the way. The objections are all reactive. You may have a smooth trip through it, too. Not all pcs go through degradation. Degradation is a lower harmonic of apathy and is the first emotion the PC encounters on the road up, even if he's below it. He goes through the band of death on the way to apathy, then on up the tone scale. There's a sort of hurdy-gurdy that goes on. There's the PC and the valence, and the PC is as overwhelmed as the valence is high toned. During processing, the positions reverse. At one point, they are level. At this point, the "now-I'm-supposed-tos" don't work well and the PC still doesn't decide well what to do. Then the valence goes down and the PC up. The PC and/or the valence may hit the boredom band. It is important not to leave it there, but to continue. [See Fig. 5] FIGURE 5 TONE LEVEL OF VALENCE AND PC [GRAPHICS INSERTED] 137  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=26/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=72 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-72 Security Checking -- Auditing Errors    6110C26 SHSpec-72 Security Checking -- Auditing Errors All the heretics the Catholic Church has had trouble with were produced by the mechanism of incomplete confessions. This is poetic justice, since the Church buried most of the earlier knowledge that had been around. So a sec check, the very thing which is supposed to prevent dissension, upsets, and slowed cases, if badly done restimulates a heresy of some sort which eventually brings about an overthrow of the group, sooner or later. The cycle is that this overt, not being pulled, but restimulated, causes the PC to lessen it by running down the target of the overt. This is a new overt, which then makes him also run down the group that failed to pull the withhold. If you fail to pull the withhold, you will get the effect of the succeeding overts, as the PC makes nothing of the people who might find out. This is part of lessening the missed overt. It also serves to make it such that no one would ever believe those people if the overt ever does come out. The amazing thing is that the withhold, as it's pulled, transmutes from a smoking volcano before it is pulled to a limp dead fish as it's gotten off. So, if you start to release it but don't carry through, you've left the PC with a live head of steam which will frequently explode. The way to have accidents with a dangerous object is to know it's dangerous and not know how to handle it. We've tended to tell students that you can't do anything wrong with auditing, in order to inspire confidence, and to a degree it's true, but now that we have accomplished a speed-up of getting rid of the basic core of reactivity, we've paid for it with a loss of the safety mechanisms of older processes, like conceptual processes, objectives, etc. Now we have to run things that make people pretty uncomfortable when it is done wrong. This is not permanent, but it can be quite uncomfortable at the time. Part of the trouble, too, is that the auditor can be looking very pleasant, doing his best (though he has make GAE's) so that the PC, when he finds himself looking awful, blames himself for it and feels it couldn't be the auditor's fault, when in fact it is his fault. The common denominator of GAE's is some degree of no auditing done. Where there have been errors, it is mostly incomprehension of auditing directions. Examples are leaving a withhold question unflat, doing a wrong assessment or using a wrong assessment, running a prehav level until the TA is moving and leaving it, failing to continue to sec check a PC as his case advances.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=31/10/61 Volnum=1 Issue=73 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-73 Rudiments    6110C31 SHSpec-73 Rudiments Those things that are closest to present time have a greater influence on the PC than the whole track, in his estimation. So you have a PC who is convinced that anything wrong with him must have happened in this lifetime. This is one of the things wrong with him -- that he thinks he can get this aberrated in fifty years or less. As far as the basic seat of aberration is concerned, it is all "way prior to this lifetime. To the PC, what has happened in the last twenty-four hours is more important than what has happened in the past month, but it isn't, really. From the PC's viewpoint what has happened in the session is more important than what has happened in this day, hence the violence 138 of session ARC breaks. Because of this evaluation of importances, you can't audit over the ARC break. As it recedes into the past, it loses importance. The analytical mind fixes its attention closest to all of the havingness, which is in present time. So there's always the disagreement in the session that what's really wrong with the PC is in the yester-lives, but the PC thinks it's something wrong right now. If you treat what is wrong with him now with heavy actions, as if it were a tremendous barrier, the PC will think so too. Thus you can validate the PC into out-ruds. An auditor has to adjudicate whether it will do more damage to get the rudiments in or to audit with them out. A goals run is very difficult with the ruds out, but you can attack ruds with such ferocity that the PC gets convinced that they must be really out, so they go more out. If the TA starts going up while you are getting ruds in, lock very pleased, as if you'd just gotten ruds really in, wind up the ruds and get back on the goals terminal line. Ruds a bit out is better than ruds 'way out. [Details on goals running] You will sometimes find the PC planting his heels in. Examine the case from the aspect of its goal; examine the goal from the aspect of what dynamic it is an overt against, and you will find out how a PC got a goal in this solid. He had this goal as a perfectly honest goal, perhaps, and nobody wanted this goal because it didn't fit in with certain dynamics. They invalidated it, and he reasserted it, etc., etc., to the point where he pretty much dropped it. When you first pick it up, you find it behaves like an overt. You can run it as an overt, which is why the two-way flow run on it works. You can ask, "What would the goal _______ do to a group?" and find how it could be lots of overts against groups. This means it has been invalidated a lot, which is why it goes out so easily. Any goal that isn't an axiom is out of agreement to some degree with groups the PC has been associated with. Thus it has been invalidated on other dynamics and so becomes a source of invalidation. He uses it to invalidate and others invalidate it. So if you, as the auditor, invalidate it even slightly, out it goes. The terminal, being an outgrowth of the goal, is similarly fragile. Not accepting the PC's handwritten list resulted in the goal getting lost. The PC didn't mention when the auditor got a new goals list with the meter. Don't run any processes, e.g. sec checks, on any specific terminals other that the goals terminal line terminals, except O/W, and when the PC runs out of O/W against the terminal, don't force it on the terminal anymore. The PC will ARC break as his attention is newly forced on the terminal.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=1/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=74 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-74 Formation of Commands    6111C01 SHSpec-74 Formation of Commands [Details on formulating commands for goals processing] You can have difficulty with some standard command like, "Think of a _______ ." In About 50% of cases, the PC won't make sense out of "think" and it won't read. You could clear the word very carefully, get all his considerations, process the condition, etc. or, better yet, find a substitute the PC can understand. Often, "Get the idea" will work, but if the second part of the command has it in another form, then what? Well, square it around so it makes sense. (Cure for inability to think: "Look around and find something that's not thinking.") Be sure it's clear to the PC. Don't find that you are having trouble with it after you have run it for three hours. But don't go to the extreme of clearing the 139 same command every session either. Just clear it when you first use it. Even if it looks fine to you, see if it makes sense and is answerable to the PC. Mental concepts can exist in the absence of words. When you are forming commands, it's concepts you want to communicate. Words express the form and character of the think. A thetan, in order to communicate, goes through MEST and, to hear, takes the communication out of MEST. That's how he keeps off other thetans. The whole business of forming commands uses that mechanism. The command should, of course, always be duplicated. That's a havingness factor, as well as not attracting the PC's attention, and it makes him think a repetitive thought which will eventually as-is his circuits. Don't get pedantic about it. Process in the language he speaks, including dialects and colloquialisms. If you are trying to compose commands without a knowledge of the basics of scientology, you'd do better to go hang yourself. One of the basics is to make sense. Remember that if a word was something the PC was quite rational about, it wouldn't read in the first place. And it's not up to you to run a language school for a PC. Often he will cognite on what it means as you run it. But if you have to change wordings to make the command grammatical or sensible, be sure to get one that reads and has the same sense to the PC. Your commands are always being formed and cleared up against the raw stuff of which aberration is concocted. As a result, it becomes a tricky and vast subject. The fundamentals of the mind are simple and not very many. The difficulties of clearing and forming commands can cause the auditor to give up and just take commands LRH has given. Even if you do this, try at least to understand the thought behind the command which is meant to be transmitted to the PC. if it doesn't transmit because of some weirdness, fix it up so it fits and transmits. LRH expects that you would make sure it's answerable. Don't change any commands that you are already running, no matter how much better you now see you could make it. Realize that commands are communication, not semantics.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=2/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=75 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-75 How to Security Check    6111C02 SHSpec-75 How to Security Check The answer to why the bank beefs up when non-goals-terminals are run is this: When you run the terminal which is not the goals terminal, his attention is too bound up in his own terminal and goal to as-is the collapsing mass. So the mass the auditor pushes in on the PC, connected to the new terminal, doesn't get as-ised. The PC doesn't have enough attention units to as-is anything except the goals terminal, so the bank beefs up. Similarly, your E-meter starts up, the TA rises, to the degree that the PC is not as-ising what you are throwing in on him. The worst thing about E-meters is TR-0. TR-0 goes out and the meter doesn't work. An E-meter is a deadly weapon. You can slaughter a PC if the E-meter is not used correctly. You do this by missing instant reads. If, in addition, you took up latent reads and let the PC get off other people's overts, the session itself would be an overt, and the PC would feel worse afterwards. A more dangerous mistake is missing an instant read and leaving the question live, which can often result in the PC nattering, criticizing you and the organization, etc. Very funny. If you miss the question, he doubts you, your ability, the tech, etc. When you clean it up by pulling the withhold, the natter stops. A latent read has a comm lag of 0.5 sec or more. 140 You could sec check a person into a high TA by making sure all the ruds were out, so his attention would be dispersed. Audit what the PC is stuck in. When a PC's attention is too bound up in one area, the PC cannot as-is anything else, so the TA goes high and sticks. It's not that the TA's going high should be utterly avoided. But the TA goes high because more is being thrown in on the PC than the PC can handle or as-is. If, during a run, the PC hits an engram, he may not be able to as-is it, if you start directing his attention to all the details, etc. and start running the engram. So just acknowledge it and carry on [with the goals or terminals run you were doing]. The auditor can push mass, circuits, pictures, etc., in on the PC and can move his track more easily than the PC, hard though it may be for auditors to recognize this. So your interrogation of the PC can pin his attention on the track. It's Ok to be curious enough to find out what he is looking at or doing, but not to start running it. Of course you can move him out of it by asking for earlier or later incidents. The reactive mind is always keyed to other-determinism and never to self-determinism, so the auditor can always move it around. High TA is often cured by getting off a withhold, even a small one. Getting off any withhold will make the TA go down. [Data on sec checking by dynamics] The trouble with the sec check is usually that the auditor is working from his own viewpoint and not from the PC's. A thetan is not natively a member of any culture. Thetans have come down the track accumulating various mores and civilizations and group ideas. Some have come down the track without finding out that groups exist. They've collected various things, but their mores register on the dynamics [rather than relative to groups.] Make sure you sec check what the PC considers an overt, even if to you it seems trivial. People are different. Men are so busy being ordinary that they don't recognize that every one of them is slightly, somewhere, extraordinary. This professional ordinariness is a great repressor; it not-ises the differences. Unless you can re-establish difference, you can't re-establish differentiation. The easy way out, the easy solution, is to say that it's all the same; they are all alike, all bad, so now I'm warned and safe, if miserable. That's such stupid reasoning that it's no wonder countries go down the drain of "all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others". Perhaps thetans were all equal at the beginning of the track, then became unequal and masked it with a pretended equality. [Details on problems intensives and sec check procedures] It is interesting that you can sec check out of existence every out-rudiment: the room, PTP's, the auditor, ARC breaks. Just get the prior confusion . A rudiment can't hang up unless there's an unknown, and an unknown can't exist unless there's a withhold. Here we have a class of things that all go together: unknowingness, forgettingness, stupidity, and withholds. They are like A, R, and C in the ARC triangle; they go up and down together. You are not likely to get a factual answer to the question, "Have you ever made someone guilty of something?" The thing that is wrong with the PC is that he has never successfully made anybody guilty and he is still trying. The basis of his aberration is the effort to made someone guilty, not the accomplished fact. You should ask, "Have you ever attempted to make anybody guilty of _______ ?" The only reason anyone has a victimish, motivatorish attitude is in an effort to make someone guilty. It may have even been a successful effort, but the person making the effort doesn't know about it. 141 It is a debatable point whether you should ever take an unkind thought as an overt. Sometimes it does seem to be the only available overt, and the person does feel friendlier and better for having gotten it off. But there appears to be evidence that a person with a body of unkind thoughts against someone or something has an actual overt which is being withheld. The unkind thoughts are evidently just evidence that overts exist. So if you don't get the overts, you are leaving them with unflat sec check questions. Critical thoughts don't aberrate people. But the PC may not be able to reach the underlying overt. So if he can't, make a note, so that you can return to it.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=8/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=77 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-77 Checking Case Reports    6111C08 SHSpec-77 Checking Case Reports [Details on running Routine 3A. See HCOB 7Nov61 "Routine 3A". Also see 6111C08 SHSpec-76 Routine 3A, which was deleted from the SHSBC Checksheet. See definition of Routine 3A in the tech dictionary. Routine 3A involved finding a modifier for the goal, a modifier being "that consideration which opposes the attainment of a goal and tends to suspend it in time. Example: goal, "to be a willow wand"; modifier, "so as never to be reached."] There are two or three civilizations, 'way on the backtrack, where the language was English. Never be ashamed to be clever as an auditor. It is not the same as being a squirrel. A squirrel doesn't understand any of the principles, so he makes them up to fulfill his ignorance. If you do know the principles and never get clever, you're a knucklehead since there aren't textbook solutions for every situation. After the PC has told you fifteen or twenty times, "You keep asking for the modifier, but I just can't reach it," ask him if "but I just can't reach it" is the modifier. When a PC is ARC broken, he gets into a kind of numb games condition, where he has no fluidity of mind or flexibility. If you try to audit a PC in a wooden, sullen state, you are highly unlikely to get anywhere. [More details on running of Routine 3A]  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=9/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=78 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-78 Effective Auditing    6111C09 SHSpec-78 Effective Auditing There is only one thing that can make an E-meter lie and that's a bad auditor. Where an auditor has withholds, he won't want to get others' withholds off, so he won't want to believe the meter. Auditor diffidence is also based on a fear of what they might hear from pcs, such as gossip about themselves. Pc's do appreciate auditor control in session. On a sec check, the PC may not know what it is that's giving a read. At that point, you get helpful, ask a lot of various things to help him locate it, compartment the question to see where the read is coming from, etc. But if the PC is resisting, not even trying to look, acting resentful, etc., don't be a softy. Get as tough as necessary to get the withhold. The PC has gone into a games condition, and you have got to get him out of it. You have to be able to judge what's happening to the PC and not expect there is a ritual way to handle him. The technology and procedures of scientology are to assist you to audit the PC, not to hide behind. There is no substitute for a live auditor, particularly in sec checking. This doesn't mean you should always he sweet. 142 Don't overwhump the PC, creating missed withholds of nothing. Don't be a robot. Don't ignore the PC's answers, creating an enforced withhold. Don't do something that suddenly shifts the PC's attention, like going from no interest to enthusiastic interest in a jump. It takes a certain amount of auditor to make an auditing session. Some auditors can put too much there, with distractive comments, and so forth. If the meter breaks in mid-session, don't do anything at all about it except carry on with the session, until you can declare a break. Then fix the meter and restart. Never distract the PC's attention out of session. Fiddling with the meter can cause the TA to climb as much as two divisions. Don't develop a nice calloused death mask in lieu of TR-0. Process the PC in front of you. Just get brave. The way to get your ruds in, as an auditor, is to just relax, look over the situation, even if it takes a bit of time. Find out what is going on by asking, "What is going on?" You ask him. That's different from a ritual. Do you know that with one single question that is heartfelt and meant by you, you can put all the ruds in, just like that? How do you run a sec check on a tough PC with lots of withholds when the meter is broken? You don't. You run some havingness and confront and end session and get a new meter. But never distract a PC's attention from the session. You can be as interesting or as interested as you please, as long as it's relevant to the session and to what the PC is doing. What upsets the PC is an irrelevancy to his case. It's not what you do; it's how relevant your actions are. You must have your attention on the PC. The auditor could dance a jig as long as it is relevant to the pcs case. You'll drop some of your shackles and death masks when you learn this. Differentiate between what you can get away with and what you can't. All the PC demands is that the auditor be effective and his attention relevant to the PC's case. That's what the auditor violates when he gets in trouble with the PC. The whole pattern of ARC breaks is that the PC ceases to believe that the auditor's attention is relevant to his case. Per the Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures, the highest level [of reality] is conviction. This is above agreement, communication, above mechanics. It's a belief. The PC must stay convinced that the auditor is interested in auditing him and interested in auditing his case and doing it effectively, with attention on the PC. This conviction takes something to achieve. It can be accomplished, if you know enough about the mind and have enough reality on its mechanics. Knowing these things, you are never debarred by the mystery of it all. The PC looks like something that can be resolved. If you know the mechanics of how he operates; and if you know all the parts of his mind, you understand enough of what he is doing to form ARC with the PC. Now your interest and attention is on the particularities, the specifics of his difficulties. If you are comfortable with the basics and the mechanics, you'll be able to handle people's upsets effectively. Somebody who understands life can talk about life, and other people know he understands life even if they don't know what he is saying, oddly enough. So if you, who could be looking and interested, aren't doing it with the PC, he has been out. It's upsetting that you don't do what you could be doing. People do not forgive no auditing or being ineffective. So audit the PC and be effective. The PC 144 wants your attention cn his case. If you start to tell him about your case, forget it! No matter how kindly your motives are, just be sure you are effective and that your attention is on his case. [Details on modifiers] The ARC the PC forms with the auditor is not just from sweetness and kindness. It's from auditor control, interest, and effectiveness. Student auditing can well be slow because the PC can feel the student is auditing in order to learn about it, not because of interest in his case. If an auditor goes and carelessly sleeps with the PC, he'll get no auditing done thereafter. He's no longer interested in the PC's case, he's interested in the PC's body. Being complimentary to your PC goes only so far; then it becomes interest in the PC's body, not in his case, so it is no longer effective. Out of session compliments may be fine. Every skill you have in auditing routines: sec checks, model session, problems intensive, has a certain form which rather guarantees interest in the PC's case. Don't let it ride on automatic, however, or it compounds the felony. You get the situation where the ritual is interested in the PC's case, but the auditor isn't. The PC gets a weird unreality about the whole thing. The auditor has to be interested in the PC's case and determined to do something effective about it; then, through the media of E-meter and procedure, he gives the auditing commands. The commands are vital but secondary. They do nothing by themselves. In sec checking, if the auditor does not become visible and real to the PC, no withholds will read. You get reads on the meter in direct ratio to your reality to the PC. This is true in assessment, too. Your presence is as poor, in the PC's opinion, as you have to keep the rudiments in. The auditor is as real and has as much presence to the PC as the ruds stay in. Interest must be present to get reads and restimulate the PC. The more presence you have, the more you can get out of the PC. It can disturb a PC to have some overt or partly known thing and to hear, from some non-present and non-located terminal a question about it that doesn't restimulate it. When it's a thetan to thetan question, there's live interest and communication and you get reads and answers. The bank is responsive to your presence. You can handle it better than he can. If you never order his bank around, nothing happens. The way to get a PC into session is to audit him. Do something effective. Beware of mechanical distractions of all kinds. Pcs who are ARC broken about "unflat processes" are really upset about moving off an effective process to something ineffective. If it's effective, run it through to the end, even if it's rough. The only sin is not auditing, especially when you've started auditing. If to be effective, you have to throw down the meter, OK. And that's sometimes what it takes. Put your attention on the PC and what he's doing. The PC will even forgive something like this, "Just sit there and shut up for a minute and let me think. You've presented me here with a rough one and I'm not quite sure which way I'm going on the thing, so just be quiet for a moment and lemme figure this out! Shut up, now? Jesus, you've got a rough case! ... All right. This is what I'm gonna do...." The PC will accept this because you are going to do something about his case. 144  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=16/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=81 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-81 Points in Assessing    6111C16 SHSpec-81 Points in Assessing Assessment by elimination started because auditors had trouble differentiating which read was biggest. It was found that you could assess down to one item left. The phraseology in the modifiers gives the illusion of elsewhere, and the PC responds with a total dramatization of the modifier. A call-back like, "but I will leave and come here" gets the PC in PT. Anything you can give which acts as a command to move in some direction will be a bouncer. A denyer is something that denies knowledge of something. Stickers, formerly called "holders" park the person on the track. It's an oddity that these modifiers exist and are appended to the goal. [More details on running Routine 3D. See 6111C14 SHSpec-79 Routine 3D,  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=21/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=82 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-82 Running 3D, HCOB 20Nov61 Routine 3D Commands", and HCOB 3Dec61 "Running 3D Levels"]    6111C21 SHSpec-82 Running 3D, HCOB 20Nov61 Routine 3D Commands", and HCOB 3Dec61 "Running 3D Levels"] You'll find that the majority of the skills a PC has in this lifetime are those of his goals-modifier terminal. He'll push his education just as far as it would be needed by his goals terminal. Even though it's no longer an existing doingness. A goals terminal, when found, is only the total answer to the current case from the mental aspect basis. It will take care of so much in a lifetime that it would be easy to make the error of considering that one goals run of Routine 3D and one level knocked out should resolve the whole case. Not so. It will go a long way, and it looks as though the case should be resolved, but the PC will still have chronic somatics, circuits, and a whole new goal-valence chain to get out of the road. You've just gotten off the most available series out of 12, 15, 20. They resolve the case, not just the first one. After all, how did the PC get in such lousy shape that he could get this valence? A PC will try to make an all out of a valence, when there's really a whole series of layers.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=22/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=83 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-83 Reading the E-meter    6111C22 SHSpec-83 Reading the E-meter It is a horrible fact that the request for the extraordinary solution if prompted always by the gross auditing error. Your sense of propriety may be so violated by the magnitude of the outness that you don't see it. For instance, the auditor runs a session with the E-meter broken, or no sessions are given at all. Not reading the E-meter is a GAE. The early E-meter (1951) wouldn't read because the electrodes were little quarter-inch bars. Soup cans were substituted and then you could see that something was going on. British meters started being supplied with aluminum pipes. They aren't as good as cans for a can squeeze. The meter was first used for dating incidents on the track. Ron found that the on-the-beach incidents gave 16-dial drops. At that point, he still thought that the higher the TA went, the clearer the person was. For the first five months, LRH had no reality on the meter and would take his own judgment instead of the meter's, every time. For the next three years, LRH had to get used to every new meter. They were variable. That is why they are made standard, now: so you don't have to learn each one's idiosyncracies. 145 One reason why E-meters weren't used in the mid "50's was that they got too complicated. Don Breeding, Joe Wallace, and Jim Pinkham eventually, in the late '50's, designed one for LRH in Washington, with a simple, basic circuit design. They were transportable, unlike the Volney Matthison models, which were mains meters with high current that could, if malfunctioning, deliver a potent electric shock. Some pcs now can feel current from a battery meter. They are just hypersensitive to electricity. The British Mark IV is now standard. Its behavior is very similar to the American meter. The tone arm was originally believed to indicate the tone of the PC, on the tone scale. Hence the name, "tone arm". It's really a complete misnomer. Lie detector operators go wholly on body motion, plus respiration, pulse, and blood pressure. Since the E-meter can measure the mental reaction of the PC [e.g. as given in the instant read], it is well in advance of lie detectors. Also, unlike a polygraph, the E-meter is a PT machine. Furthermore, there are only two hundred people out of thousands trained in the use of polygraphs who can really use them. The E-meter is a present time machine. You use its information as you get it, not after some comm lag. You've got to catch the read when it happens. You've got to know that, in checking ruds, a stop on the rise is a read, and that it's got to be an instant read. It registers the moment the sense gets to the PC. If the PC is trying to sell you on something, the read will be latent because the PC takes an instant to get it and respond. but the reactive mind doesn't; it has no time in it and reads instantly. You have to be satisfied that the meter works. Get to where it is an unimportant, albeit vital, part of the session, and you can have your attention on the PC instead of the meter.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=23/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=84 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-84 Auxiliary Prehav 3D Scale    6111C23 SHSpec-84 Auxiliary Prehav 3D Scale [This scale is contained in HCOB 23Nov61 "Aux. Prehav 3D Scale". First part of tape contains details on running Routine 3D. GPM mentioned for the first time, here, at least in non-confidential tapes. It's also mentioned in HCOB 20Nov61 "Routine 3D commands". So that it appears that the GPM comes into existence with Routine 3D.] Run inexpertly, Routine 3D slams the gates shut for the next hundred trillion years for a thetan. What it takes is expertness in metering. If that's what it takes, you'll do it. Back a few years ago, LRH decided, "Well, if that's what it takes to break this barrier and push this thing through for a big win for all of us, well, that what it takes." [Quote:] "It isn't a question of me being bright, or me being extraordinary. I do know where I came from, you see. I used to tell my grandfather... to explain my red hair to him. I fell off Mars and got into a bucket of red paint. was two when I was telling him that, and he thought I was joking! It wasn't a question of what I could do or what my ability was. It was a question of what would it take to get it done. All I'm asking you to do is -- do the impossibility of do it. I couldn't possibly have done it; you can't possibly audit it. I did it. You do it. Is that a good bargain?" That's what it takes. 146 If you don't know how to read a meter, of course you don't have much confidence in your ability to run one, and after someone has thrown the meter at you or you've thrown the meter, and someone has missed your withholds a few times, of course, your ability to read a meter deteriorates like mad. What you are really beaten by is not the meter, but the operator of the meter. Einstein had the concept of the observer. He even wrote a paper on the subject, entitled "The Viewpoint of the Observer" An observer is somebody who, without the introduction of an opinion, can look exactly and directly at a needle or registering item and say exactly what it did without further introduction of an opinion. Psychologists and psychiatrists do not observe. They are so interested in doing something that they never notice what they are doing it to. Thus, these disciplines, not knowing what an observer is, have denied us data because they introduced opinion and evaluation. The ability to observe as a single action is what is required to run an E-meter. If you take that as a separate action of the auditor, you will get the whole problem compartmented properly. And only when you do that action do you do anything else. We don't sit there and worry about what we will do if the needle does something. Why should the observation of the needle assault reality? It's just an observation. Keep the observer independent of the doer and you are all set. The needle acted in a certain way. What it means and what you will do about it are utterly separate from the observation that it acted in a certain way. Try just observing a tree sometime, with no opinion or think. You'll find it very interesting. Now look at the tree when the wind is blowing. If you can hold this as an observation, independent of an emotional reaction, opinion, doingness, summation, or prediction, fine. It is characteristic of the human race that they predict without bothering to see. As far as the E-meter is concerned, an auditor must be purely an observer who can look and see exactly what the needle is doing. It may take only one tenth of his attention, but it must be pure attention. The analysis of what the PC's mind is doing is another activity, a perfectly valid one, but one which follows the observation. One must not be so fond of one's theories that one slants the observation to prove the theory right. The fact that LRH is willing to observe and very seldom goes to sleep and keeps his mind on what he's doing, as an auditor, is what gets him good auditing results. To observe for one second is a skill of sorts. That's what metering takes. What happens is what happens, with no alter-is connected with the observation. Where you have a bad assessment, it's because hopefulness or pessimism has entered in. You need the willingness to put something to the pure, reliable test. An observer needn't know anything about scientology or the mind. All he needs to know is whether something happened or not, and what. Pure observation is a nice trick. If you get a PC who talks during an assessment, just get him to shut up so you can assess. He won't ARC break as long as he sees he's getting your attention. You don't care what he does, as long as he holds the cans and lets you assess. The mechanics of it is thus: It doesn't matter whether he is thinking about it or not. You're assessing his bank, and no power on earth could prevent his bank from reading on the right level for that terminal. Many systems may be followed, but they would all share the principle of getting the maximum number of 147 levels in a minimum time with a minimum restimulation of the PC. If you jar someone's attention onto his terminal, it'll stay there awhile -- for several levels. You can take advantage of that by assessing several levels without repeating the terminal.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=28/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=85 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-85 Havingness    6111C28 SHSpec-85 Havingness Havingness doesn't have to go with confront. If you are running a subjective process on a PC, that is the "confront" part. Havingness is an adjunct to any subjective process. It goes out about every six months and comes in again six months or so later. Why does the meter get stuck? One reason is that ARC breaks get so furious that nothing reads. Everything has gone out. He's in a games condition and won't let anything have any command over him. No one else is permitted to have anything. You can fix it by running havingness. The two hundred lie detector operators who can make it operate do so because they can get into ARC with the person on the lie detector. The E-meter likewise won't register in the presence of an operator who has no faintest command value over the person on the meter. You can err by thinking that if it doesn't read on the meter, it doesn't exist. This can make one invalidate the meter. At that moment, you must be able to obnose the PC and see whether he has an ARC break. The ARC broken PC won't confront the auditor, looks glum, gives short answers, gets no TA or a rising TA that sticks. The latter indicator is not diagnostic in itself. The TA stays up because the meter is inoperative. So you must look at the PC and see his indicators. An auditor can make another error. A lot of people have the idea they can tell better than the E-meter what a person's terminal is, because there is something they can know better than the E-meter. That's because they do know that the PC is not with the session, have asked the PC for an ARC break, and have gotten no read. That is the situation where they know more than the meter. This doesn't mean they know better which is the PC's terminal. So be relaxed but not careless. What could stand between you and a rapid assessment is an ARC broken PC who is not registering on the meter. Someone who is nattering about how scientology is a fraud, etc, etc. can be shut off by asking them, "Why can't you talk to anyone about your difficulties?" A new rudiments question, then, is, "Could you talk to me about your case?", which combines the elements of in-session-ness. If he's got an ARC break, he won't answer it positively. Then you've got another series of questions to get him in session. [See HCOB 30Nov61 "ARC Process 1961"] The ARC break process is the best Havingness chewer-upper there is, next to Routine 3D. Hence the importance of havingness. In the first place, the thetan doesn't want this mass he has, but it is mass, and a thetan's motto is, "Anything is better than nothing." But this mass is an introversion mass, and the more you run the mass, the less he's got the physical universe, so even if the mass didn't increase, it is introverting him, and the more a PC introverts, the less universe he has, so he would get the feeling of losing havingness just by contacting some introverting thing. Something that introverted him badly would give him the feeling of no havingness. It has always been there. Whenever he has gotten sick, this mass you are running out caved in on him. 148 Don't be amazed to find the PC running a fever while running 3D. Just keep on smoothly handling him. The formula for getting rid of havingness is, whatever the person's attention is on, put it on something else. For everything he has at the moment, tell him he's got to have something else. This is more effective than brainwashing. It's the suddenness of the shift that is unsettling. When you are running a person's ARC break and he's out of ARC with you, he wants to go out of the session. He starts by feeling he's not getting auditing, then, that he should be thinking about something else, then that he will physically leave the session. Catch him one step back, run havingness. You will get command value as he's looking around the room and you will heal the ARC break. Almost any PC, run long enough on havingness, will get all his rudiments in. The earliest rudiments process was, "Is it all right to be audited in this room? Is it all right for me to audit you?" We're just about back there. Havingness is that activity which is run when needed, and when it will not violently deflect the PC's attention. Don't underrun it, once started. Of all processes, the right havingness process is the safest process to run on anyone at any time. It cannot be overrun. If the PC comes into session with bounteous PTP's, ARC breaks, ruds wildly out and you are going to straighten them all out, wouldn't it be nice to get them all out of the road? Ask the room question first, consult your humanness and decide whether he is in any kind of shape to be audited. If not, start by running havingness. This will start to extrovert him and make it easier for him to run ruds and to audit him on what you want to run. Don't collide with the PTP at all. The terminal is wrong. Havingness isn't run against a can squeeze. It's run against the PC's ability to have large objects in the room . It's tested on a can squeeze. You always run havingness until the PC can have large objects in the room. The old rules of havingness applied to running it paired with confront. The can squeeze check needn't be done more than two or three times a week, and the test of "enough" havingness is when he can have large objects in the room. The havingness/confront system ran large sections of case, but havingness isn't residual in this system; it was loaned to it. A PC with reduced havingness is picky and choosey [about room objects]; he's cautious. With havingness up, the PC is relaxed and unconcerned. He is bangy. If havingness is working, the TA goes up and blows down. Havingness runs the bank, if you run very much of it. The reason you don't run a lot of havingness along with confront is that the confront runs the bank faster. The havingness was to keep the PC's attention flexible. Havingness processes from the thirty-six presessions are run by themselves. You don't need confront when running sec checks, terminals, 3D, etc. The depth of reach of the processing is accompanied by reduction of havingness in the extreme. So run a lot of havingness. Don't be upset when the PC goes into and out of PT. That's the havingness running the bank. It's signalized by the PC apparently doping off, but he isn't, actually. The PC can see but not look. Don't stop the process when he has gone blah. Run the process until he is back amongst us. That's the second rule, along with the large objects rule. Keep giving him the command at the same rate even though he's all blah. He's still doing the command, no matter what he is doing with his eyeballs. The PC does not have to tell you that he has executed the auditing command. 149 The PC can get into trouble with havingness by having things he can't see with his eyes. If he looks too much without looking, he could be having bank, in which case his havingness goes down instead of up. Become wary; pcs do this. A person can be going around in life his whole lifetime without ever having seen any part of the physical universe. It's a shock to get reality on it. The PC puts up a picture of the shelf and looks at that. He sometimes discovers, while running havingness, that he is doing this. The reason you have different havingness processes is that people have different degrees of perception. Someone with poor sight ability would do better on some other perceptic. If there are thirty-six havingness processes, you can be sure that there are more. Even thirty-six is more than is usually needed, however. You can run a havingness process five times, test it, then, if it loosened the needle, run it twelve commands, test again to be sure. If the needle is looser, OK. If not, look for another one. If the needle was tighter, don't put in any randomity. Go immediately to another process. Don't look dismayed if the needle does tighten. In the interest of having a standard posture from which to do the can squeeze, get the PC to put his hands in his lap. Having found the PC's havingness process, start the session. Run havingness to the large object rule, especially if you had trouble finding the havingness process. Now run ruds. You'll have minimized the number of ARC breaks you will get. The PC is in a games condition with you because his havingness is down. Get his havingness up and the games condition will vanish and his ruds will tend to be in and can easily be checked, because your meter registers better. If necessary now, you can run the ARC process. It eats havingness, so when he cycles into PT or has a good cognition, acknowledge the hell out of it and run havingness. You'll get a BD of that tight TA and can go on and run the ARC process better and longer and faster. Running havingness helps the PC give up his old havingness of old pictures. You are getting him to realize that there is other havingness. The common denominator of all goals terminals is games, and the common denominator of all games is can't have. Keep it remedied, or you will get a games condition.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=29/11/61 Volnum=1 Issue=86 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-86 E-meter Tips    6111C29 SHSpec-86 E-meter Tips [Various helpful hints about care of meters and detecting malfunction of them] LRH had a "beep meter" which you could influence with energy flows. You can do this to a person's body, too. The "beep meter" detects pain in the body; when held in the area of pain, it goes "beep". A person can do it remotely by "seeing" a black area in the person who is holding it and turning it white. Someone who isn't a scientologist can't do it, just because of not being in good enough shape -- not having enough "horsepower". As a thetan, you can knock the needle with a beam. It looks like a body motion, a jerky tick. If the PC is influencing the meter, the read will be latent. He can't hear the command and put the meter into action as fast as the reactive mind can. 150  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=6/12/61 Volnum=1 Issue=89 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-89 Sec Checks Necessary    6112C06 SHSpec-89 Sec Checks Necessary The more aberrated a person is, the more only-one he is. He moves in towards clearing from his lonely vigil on Cloud 69, where he has been keeping watch against all comers, and where he learned never to take any orders. Then you step up with your E-meter and give him an order. You get no response. The symptom of extreme aberration is total unwillingness to receive any help. You can be fooled by the fact that people or countries who are very low-toned will beg for help. You are fooled if you don't notice what is done with the help when it is received. It is wasted and/or used to make the helper wrong. They use help as a trap to show you how ineffectual you are. India is in that condition now. You will also find this in insane asylums. You will see a person on post somewhere who has to do everything himself. He is proving that he must not be helped. When you are auditing a PC who can be helped, things go pretty smoothly. When you are auditing someone who is being an only-one, he is out of communication, very suspicious, and possibly unwilling to be helped. Even if he's OK on help, you still have the communication barrier. Until that is knocked apart, you won't find your meter reading on the PC. He will be hard to assess if his communication level is going in and out during the assessment. The average wog is highly suspicious. He is highly alert. His ability to be hurt is so enormous that he thinks he has to protect himself with all sorts of barricades. And amongst these is no help. The more aberrated a person is, the more "only-one" he is. Take someone who is not even vaguely in comm. We are going to assess him to discover something about him. If he feels that anything about him will be used against him, you will get only a total defense. So your first effort in clearing anyone is to get that person into communication, not only willing to talk to you, but when you talk to him, it means a little something, so that when you talk to him he can receive it. You could sec check a person whose help factor was 'way down if you got the exact right questions, but you couldn't assess him. Remember, there's no charge on assessment. He's not trying to withhold anything from you. He's not trying to give you anything. He's just meat. The only place a meter has a hole in it is with ARC breaks, and you can repair that with an ARC break process. But that isn't good enough for assessment. The person has to be in good communication with the auditor to get an accurate, rapid, assessment. Or the auditor has to have fantastic altitude, in which case he'll get reads. The rudiments can be found to be in for one auditor, yet he'd be unable to get reads on assessment. That just means the meter isn't registering for that person. Another auditor could find ruds out and be able to assess the PC. So the meter is registering for him. This is not spooky. The only-one PC who is not part of the human race won't let anyone have command value over him. The first barrier you have to cross with him is getting him into communication. Speed of assessment depends on degree on willingness to communicate with the auditor. Altitude is the command value you have over the PC. An auditor has to have confidence in his tools and what he is doing. If he lacks it, the PC can tell and assigns him a lower altitude accordingly. An inexpert auditor who is not in comm with the E-meter and a hostile PC who is not in comm with the human race will 151 give you a debacle. It is much more economical to sec check someone for seventy-five hours and put them in communication with the human race than to assess them for seventy-five hours. The assessment will go nowhere, but the sec check will make him feel better. [Details on goals running and assessments] Unburdening is the mechanism of the way we are handling the GPM. We're taking the solutions off the top of it, and it de-intensified as a problem, because these terminals are as much a problem as they have been solved. The trick is to solve it without solving it again in a way that pulls it in on the person. You do it by taking off the solutions, which is how it should have been solved in the first place. The other barrier in your road is that the PC, at the outset, is uncertain that anything can be solved. Find out what, in life, he is having most trouble with. Find out who had that trouble. Briefly sec check that terminal. He'll feel different and gain awareness that change is possible. You can even Q and A with his feeling that nothing works. Find someone else who felt that way and run O/W on the person. You can always count on whatever the PC's complaining about being present in another person, keyed in by his O/W on the person. It's also always on his own goals line, so you are unburdening him with it. Try to handle something for the PC. It will make your meter read better. You can always find something the person will remember that will key out. That was the procedure in 1950. The only trouble was that it only worked for 20% - 30% of cases, and people tended to key it right back in because no O/W was run on the person who had it. You can always run a terminal for a little while. You could find eventually that you were the pcs opposition terminal, sitting right there going in the teeth of his worst aberration. Auditing will nevertheless work over the top of this. Your job in handling a PC is to get the PC to sit down and have some confidence and read on a meter. It could take up to seventy-five hours to get the PC into that state of mind, but it is necessary to do so. Don't be in such a hurry. He has been crazy for the past 100 trillion years. As far as auditor training is concerned, it's obviously better for the auditor to have a degree of confidence and expertness and to know what he has been doing, because the PC's confidence will go up at once. So you will get something like a 3D. It all works itself out for us. The PC is being run on security checks and the auditor is gaining confidence in his metering at the same time. We trust the auditor won't miss too many sec check questions. If the auditor isn't too familiar with the meter, have him spend half an hour on end ruds so he can get, "What sec check question has been missed?" cleaned up well. This keeps pcs from being upset. Pcs will also be upset by not being asked for the withhold behind the critical thought. Asking for critical thoughts is just a trap for the PC to get in on the overt slippily. 152  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=12/12/61 Volnum=1 Issue=91 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-91 Sec Checks in Processing    6112C12 SHSpec-91 Sec Checks in Processing What every good auditor should have: 1. A British Mark IV Meter 2. Someone to handle appointments, money, etc. 3. Two understudies who have had good HPA training and who need some real brush up to Class II. [See HCOPL 26May61 "Modification of HPA/HCA, BScn/HCS Schedule" Per this P/L, the HPA course consists of two Units: Unit 1 and Unit 2. Unit 1 consists of TR's, metering, model session, and ruds; Unit 2 consists of the 36 pre-sessions, finding the Hav and confront process for the PC, general assessment and running pcs on prehav scale (not SOP Goals), and sec checking.] [For definition of classes of auditors, see HCOPL 29Sep61 "HGC Allowed Processes" Class I refers to relatively unskilled HCA/HPA graduated or field or staff auditors, etc. This auditor is allowed to audit only a process that he has had success with on pcs, regardless of the HGC pcs case requirements. Class II auditors have passed HCO quizzes on E-meter essentials, Model Session, sec checking, and tape 6109C26 SHSpec-58 "Teaching the Field -- Sec Checks". They are only allowed to audit sec checks. Class III auditors may audit Routine 3, but not run engrams. Class IV auditors are releases, have had their goal and terminal found, and have had engrams run on their goals terminal chain and have excellent subjective reality on engrams. These auditors may run Routine 3 and engrams on HGC pcs.] Unless an auditor has these things, he will get no auditing done. He'll either spend all his time setting up cases or, more likely, he will try to assess a Routine 3D on someone who isn't set up and fall on his head. He also needs someone to handle the admin end. You can easily get pcs with an ad like "You can always talk to a scientologist about your difficulties." Having someone doing admin is always a security that the people you help will pay you for the service. It is not really too bad that it takes some skill to apply Routine 3D. If you let loose a powerful technology which anyone at all could apply, you'd be in trouble. Technology that doesn't require a skilled applicator is what this world mainly suffers from. For instance, any government official can push the button on an atomic bomb. If tech requires no skill, you can't build an ethic into it. The broad program on which we are operating is concise and broad. We have central organizations and offices all over Earth which suffer mainly from lack of technology. That they will now have. The policy is to build in self-reliance within a fixed pattern in the central orgs. Field auditors have been attempting to put up a standard and having it collapse. They generally don't get as consistently good results as HGC's, which is why HGC's got started in the first place. The basic reason for success in the HGC's is the stiffer discipline there. The central organization, as long as it is impoverished and feeling bad, tends to go into games conditions with other orgs or field auditors. This is simply because of lack of success. When there's scarcity and 153 havingness is low, there's a games condition. Scarcity is repaired by technical excellence. The briefing course was instituted for only one reason: to get the highest possible level of technology. Step 6 would work today, but in fact it didn't work because it was never done. In running Step 6, before you had the PC make the object bigger, smaller, etc., you had to find a null object on the E-meter. Wherever it beefed up banks, a null object wasn't found. Relate it to the GPM -- if you found an object which quivered on the meter, you would be onto the GPM and you wouldn't dare to do anything with it. But you could take something not related to the GPM and exercise the PC on creating and mocking it up without antagonizing or messing up particularly the GPM. The PC with some of the automaticities of mocking things up off could theoretically have the GPM evaporate. [Details on running Routine 3D] A Q and A puts the withhold in to stay. When the PC gives you the withhold, that is all you need. If it still registers, there's another withhold. It's not more on the withhold he has given you. The reason you vary the question in sec checking is just to get more withholds, to help the PC out. But you always end up by asking the original question to see if it is cleared. If you add any new sec check questions, make them pertinent to what you are doing. If a burst of misemotion occurs on a sec check or Class II activity, it is turned off by what turned it on. That is true of all secondaries, particularly of an assessment, running havingness, or a sec check question. If a withhold turned it on, some withhold is keeping it powered up. So get the withhold. If misemotion is turned on by havingness, you can find out what is happening if you like, but continue the process that turned it on. It's a cruelty to do otherwise, no matter how kind it may seem. Any other process you may switch to is so much less powerful than what you have been running that it won't handle the misemotion. It takes more of the same. The greatest cruelty is being kind to the PC. It will not help a PC to omit sec checking him or to rush him into an assessment. He will never get through Routine 3D levels if you do. If you left a sec check question unflat in one session, don't spend the session getting ruds in. Flatten the question. If the TA has soared meanwhile, find out what has been going on. If bypassing a PTP upsets the PC, go back to the earlier withhold that preceded it (It could be some undelivered comm). If the session looks confused to the auditor, the PC will get upset. The PC is trying to make a session out of it, so he is harder to audit if the auditor is confused, because the PC reacts to the confusion of the auditor. An unskilled auditor has much tougher pcs than anybody else. Then, because it is all so complicated, the unskilled auditor sees nothing wrong with adding more complications, so he puts in additives. The job is to teach people not to put in lots of useless stuff. Keep it very simple and they will win. 154  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=14/12/61 Volnum=1 Issue=93 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-93 Anatomy of Problems    6112C14 SHSpec-93 Anatomy of Problems A problem is postulate counter-postulate, force counter-force, idea versus idea, solution versus solution. You have two people in collision, in trouble with each other. To be in trouble with each other, they have to be in the same time stream and they have to be able to communicate. Do you realize that you, with your problems, are on a separate time stream from the physical universe and that's why you are not in present time? So even in an individual you have two time streams. How do you suppose a PC got out of PT? He must have started off in some instant of time that went on this same time-stream, but he went [off] on a spur line. During the middle of, say, a race, he finds his watch missing. It's an important thing to him, and he loses it. While he is at the racetrack in a time-stream called "the race", he tries to go back to the time he lost the watch, and therefore, on the subject of the watch, he has a departure in time from the time-stream. He starts running on a back-time-track while time goes forward on the agreed-upon time track. He is trying to find out what happened, not to stop time. He just wants to see what happened. A thetan has the facility of running on another time stream. So he goes off sideways, worrying about it. He has a problem now. And because he hasn't solved it very well, he gets stuck in it, but then he really gets stuck by solving it. He becomes the foe of all pickpockets so he won't lose his watch. But he's already on a slightly different time-stream, and he remains on it because he started it. You normally refer to this sort of thing as a game -- a rather downgraded one. He isn't really hung up in a moment of this time-stream but in a moment of departure. The rest of the time, he sort of makes time himself. It becomes an endless affair that can float along forever. So you are running along in session and he suddenly has a picture of a racetrack. That picture exists in another time-stream, which he can slip into. How about the fellow who didn't enter this universe at all? You never met him; he isn't on the time-stream. Can you have a problem with him, when you have never met him and never will? You've never had anything in common with him; you've never communicated with him; you've never gotten any O/W's on him. So how can you have a problem with him? You can't. So all problems have their own time-stream between the two beingnesses, ideas, forces, or whatever. They must also have a means of communication. Two armies will maneuver forward until someone fires a shot. That's a communication which everybody can understand. Now the communication enlarges and they can really have an agreement (not a disagreement) to have a war. Now they can have problems with logistics, mechanics, propaganda, and how to have motivators big enough to justify the overts. Where you see an argument, there must have been a prior agreement, even a light one. [Cf. the idea that there can be no ARC break without prior ABC.] This is why the goriest wars are civil wars. The defeated in a civil war are treated like criminals, not just losers. This is because there has been a tremendous amount of agreement, so the ARC break is very severe. Similarly with serious 2D upsets. There couldn't be a wild disagreement, resulting in a problem unless there was some prior agreement. The problem is as large as there has been agreement. France and Germany have common blood going back to the conquest of Gaul by the Franks. 155 There might be a road out on the solution of a problem in the recognition that a 3D is based on a one-time total agreement. Remember about games: pan-determinism, self-determinism, other-determinism? A person gets on one side of a game to the degree that he has reduced his pan-determinism, accepted other-determinism, and considers himself to be operating on self-determinism. There are always these factors. There must be an outside disinterested arbitrator to resolve the problem. That's where the auditor comes in. Routine 3D is one of the roughest ones to figure out. Even LRH had to have outside help to the degree of someone else reading the E-meter, to figure it out. It was so involved that it was all self-determined or other-determined, with no pan-determined factors at all. It looks at first to the PC like there are at least forty or fifty vital factors. It takes the auditor to shake it all down to five. The auditor does it by listing and assessing, down to one item which will either be totally right or utterly wrong (oppterm). That is, it will be either totally self-determined (terminal) or totally other-determined (oppterm). Notice that any item you choose will get one of three reactions from the PC: 1. He doesn't know if it is right and doesn't care. This is rare. It could be a wrong item or he could be ARC broken or groggy. 2. It could be self-determined or other-determined. 3. The PC could do a flip-flop between self- and other-determinism. This phenomenon is a lower scale mockery of pan-, self-, and other-determinism, the three factors present in all problems. The PC just dramatizes these as he gets into the GPM. He'll be on one side for a few days, then go into "Don't know," then go pan-determined for a bit: "I can have both viewpoints. I'm really something else," so just run the side you can chip at best and if you are not making progress, you have chosen a side he can't confront. There are levels of confront to consider. If we were going to run only one side, it would be vital to get the right one. You could just run the right side of the right levels, and he'd go clear. But you can't always expect it to happen. The harder he is enmeshed in the GPM, the less distinct it is to him that either side is real. Or he is liable to be very fixed in one side and not at all in the other. As you run him, he has a hard time of it. If you pick the wrong side for him, he will run a long time. The GPM is a problem. Before it was a problem, it was an agreement, and after it was an agreement, it was a game. There was a time continuum; and these two elements [beingnesses?], and ideas which make up the 3D [3rd dynamic?] existed once in their nuclear form as a total agreement: 1. They were in the same time-stream. 2. They were in perfect communication. 3. They had tremendous agreement and goals on what they were doing. They had all these things in common, and then they started to depart, one from the other, and got into a game, which got very thorough. The game deteriorated into a problem and stuck. I.e.: 1. There was a long period of total agreement. 2. Then there was agreement on the game they got into. 3. Then it got to be very deadly and got beyond a game into being a problem. 156 But having originated with its own time-continuum, the problem continues up into present time as a GPM. The easiest way to approach it, for most pcs, is to find that side they can most easily fight. That will give them big case gains and will take big solutions off the top of the problem. But recognize that we have a long way to go after having taken the solutions off the top of the problem. The end of the auditing is not just reaching the end of the prehav levels but could be expected to go on further. You now have the self-determinism / other-determinism softened up a bit. You still have to attain self-determinism for the other side for the PC, and pan-determinism. The PC is really on neither side. The PC has been waterbucks; he has been tigers. Before there were waterbucks and tigers as enemies, the PC couldn't have told the difference between them. They would have had the same goal. They weren't very solidly waterbucks or tigers yet. Their "now-I'm-supposed-tos" weren't yet congealed to that extent. Then they started separating out distinct characteristics which were only waterbucks' or only tigers'. Then they solved problems different ways and the game deteriorated into some very standard "now-I'm-supposed-tos". Those were specialized forms of self-determined survival that had nothing to do with pan-determinism but a great deal to do with other-determinism. The truth of the matter, however, is that the PC is neither side -- tiger or waterbuck -- and is capable of being either. The PC shifts from one side to the other just because you have audited him a lot, just because you have done listing and nulling of his items. That's a tremendous amount of auditing. His "now-I'm-supposed-tos" are shook up like dice in a box. Now he will dramatize both sides, while before you started auditing, he was fixed in one side and dramatized it on a stimulus-response basis. So the PC is assessed. You've got the Routine 3D package, and now you want to find the right side for the PC. The only thing that makes it the right side is that the PC can run it with benefit. Ti's the side he can run best to run out somatics and break up the GPM. It's not that the PC is that side, because the PC is equally the other side and is neither side, in truth, and is capable of being both. Both sides are equally other-determined to him. But one side is higher than the other on the tone scale, so it is easier to view as the ally and harder to buck in auditing. But the PC has used both sides, down through the ages, until he has so many overts on himself as a waterbuck that these overbalanced and he became a tiger. You are trying to establish the pan-determinism of a thetan who has gotten so biased that he can't tell a good action from a bad action, because the "now-I'm-supposed-tos" all fit in this exact pattern. And he has some game running that has resulted in an insurmountable problem which has given him his total package of "now-I'm-supposed-tos". All "now-I'm-supposed-tos" were part of some old problem and earlier than that, some old game, and earlier than that, some old agreement. The PC's pan-determinism has been submerged, and he is being obsessively self-determined, which pins him thoroughly on a dynamic, and he is no longer loose on the dynamics. 157 Your first attack on a Routine 3D package is just to find the "only-onlyness" of it. Does the PC think of himself mostly as a waterbuck at this moment? The easiest side to run is usually the lower toned side. If you run the PC as it, because of the trick of the commands, you get more attack against the weakest side of the GPM, so it runs more mass and more flows, and it is easier for the PC to handle. The other side may either totally slay him or have no reality at all. He is not capable of attacking tigers because they are too much for him. They don't exist for him. If you run this one, watch out. The PC may get so overwhumped that before the PC realizes it, he is down the tubes. Even so, if you kept attacking, something would happen. It would be uncomfortable for the PC; he would ARC break easily, but he'll try it. But he doesn't get reality out of it; that's the basic liability. Could you just blow one of these things up? No. In the early stages of the run, if you ask the PC what he would think of blowing it up or wiping it all out at one fell swoop, he'd go into an awful confusion. He hasn't got it differentiated enough to do much about it. He couldn't attack one side of the problem because it was too big for him to find it real. What will be his reaction to wiping out the whole thing? That's about seven times as unreal. The idea of this game ever having an end or a beginning is preposterous. In view of the fact that there are confusions on down the line that tend to bang the PC up into the problem, as you audit the thing, you keep on hitting confusions of one kind or another. It keeps banging the PC up towards PT, so the track to him looks shorter and shorter. He thinks maybe he was only a waterbuck for one lifetime. Then it broadens out again, and he'll feel he was a waterbuck for a very long time. What remains to be sorted out is the easiest way to beat the GPM. Over a month or two you might be able to take pieces of it the PC can find -- conflicts -- and date them on the meter and get the whole track plotted on the subject. That would soften up the GPM just by getting it aligned and assigned correctly on the track. During that time, you wouldn't have to figure out which side the PC was on. This is a feasible method of clearing somebody. It would mean teaching people to date on the E-meter, which is quite a skill. But it could be done, and it's quite a tool. Or you could find every confusion that might precede any stuck picture the PC has on the subject of waterbucks vs tigers. Find what the person was at the time and what they did. It would be an interesting gimmick to make a list of the number of goals the terminal and oppterm have in common or of the points on which they would be in agreement, or you could ask, "What game would a waterbuck play with a tiger?" and vice verse. It would all run out the center of the problem, once the prehav runs have straightened it out somewhat. All you are trying to do it to establish the pan-determinism of the thetan, who has gotten so biased that he can't tell a good action from a bad one because the "now-I'm-supposed-tos" all fit in this exact pattern, and he had some game going which has become an insurmountable problem which has given him his total package of "now-I'm-supposed-tos" -- you are trying to establish the PC's pan-determinism so he can breaths. Before auditing, the PC is being solution, solution, solution. The next thing you see with auditing is problem, problem, problem. When this is peeled off, he is game, game, game. 158 The TA goes up on the PC because he is breaking the mores of the terminal, not necessarily those of society or his present group. A guy whose terminal is a cat burglar will get a high TA when he goes to bed at night because he refused to dramatize or went against the terminal.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=20/12/61 Volnum=1 Issue=95 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-95 Upgrading of Auditors    6112C20 SHSpec-95 Upgrading of Auditors Most people are diffident about tampering with other people's minds. No better mechanism could be devised to keep a race enslaved. It means, "Take no responsibility for anyone's thinking but your own, and not even for that," and you will stay in every implant you have ever been handed. This ensures that no revolt will ever come out of any planet. This is the principle of the boxer. If your opponent is knocked out, he's safe, but there is no game. This is Galactic Council thinking, i.e. the thought of super-governments which are slave-rule governments. These governments are in a bottom-scale no-games condition when they know all about it and nothing ever happens. They go for this kind of concentration camp populations where everybody is out of the running and giving no trouble. The first thing you do to create this condition is never to let anyone tamper with anyone's mind or thinking. It guarantees that no one will ever as-is anything. It's put over as the principle that the "right to privacy" is paramount. Some auditors are more affected by this than others. These are auditors who are withholding their terminals. They have a terminal and an oppterm and they are withholding both of them because they have been thoroughly punished for having been it. So they know that's the safe thing to do -- to withhold the terminal. First one has the "right to privacy" of minds. It is no accident that in 50,000 years, no one on this planet has come close to even the edge of scientology. The right to freedom is one thing; the right to privacy is something else. Galactic thinking approves of the second, not the first. LRH's opinion is the opposite. The trouble with the Galactic thinking that would make a criminal into MEST by implanting him is that it's unsuccessful. You can't guarantee that he will stay MEST, just as you can't guarantee that a planet won't revolt. You can't guarantee that wisdom won't get abroad. All you can guarantee is that thetans are basically good but get all mixed up. But when you unmix them, they revert to being good. This is unpopular in galactic councils because it makes people so active and unpredictable. These truths may or may not be known to galactic rulers. Case advance results in greater controlled motion. Motion in the vicinity of insanity is uncontrolled, random motion. Directed, controlled motion is preferable. But don't try to sell the rulers of the universe on this because it would mean their losing power. You will observe that people who aren't totally spun in are willing to inquire into others' minds because they haven't accepted the idea that everything will be all right if you just be quiet. Auditors fall into three categories: 1. The fairly free individual who hasn't taken his terminal too heavily. He hasn't quite subscribed to the philosophy that he's a slave; he'll charge in. 2. The individual who can recognize intellectually that it would be all right to invade the privacy of others and that the only way he could set them free is if this sort of thing occurred, but who has a terminal so worded that he withholds it violently. 159 It's hard to get this kind of auditor up to Class II because his terminal gets in his road. His terminal seems dangerous, so he will hold it out of action, which makes it go into action. Withholding of the terminal is the key to the 3D package. That's what makes it go out of sight. It's fantastic that you can get to it at all. The degree that the PC withholds PT overts is the degree to which he is withholding his terminal. If he is doing it hard, he will have trouble getting other people to give up their withholds, as he will have trouble doing good sec checks, even though he knows intellectually what he should be doing. He can be educated into doing it right. 3. The third category of individual is too mixed in to be able to audit at all. He forms a large percentage of the human race. He is often found in government, where his galactic thinking is the norm. He won't even try to get off withholds. Conduct in session is monitored by the terminal package. It shows up as unwillingness to get off withholds plus a doubt about it which also comes from the pulled-in mass of the terminal. The modifier modifies their conduct whenever ruds are out. They'll dramatize it when ruds go out. Oddly enough, auditors don't have cases. The modifier doesn't much influence their auditing. What influences the auditor is the amount of withhold on the terminal. There is another factor in the plan of auditing. Every withhold the PC has is stacked up on top of withholdingness of the terminal. Since present time has greater value than past time, present-life overts and withholds have the terminal so glued down that it is virtually unassessable at first. Sec checking gets the withholds off so the terminal can come to view. This gives us an estimate of how long it will take to get a PC ready to be assessed and how long it will take a given auditor to get assessed for his terminal. It's not necessarily the more violent or secret types of terminals that get the most withheld. But the person's reaction to sec checks and ability to sec check is what alerts you to how quickly or easily they will be assessed. One is only worried or concerned about a subject when there's a not-know on the subject. Therefore, you can handle a PC to the degree that you understand pcs, because you can see what's happening with the PC. Someone who has never had bad auditing won't necessarily audit well, because he has no reality on what it is like to audit poorly. Getting some bad auditing would really make a citizen out of him and give him an appreciation of a perfectionist attitude toward training, which prevents the technology from getting lost. There is a value in having been aberrated. It gives you a wealth of experience that you can gain in no other way, even if, at present, it's unavailable to you. It is the experience of a knucklehead, of course, and a few trillion years of such experience should be enough. It's time now to get experience in other lines than that of your terminal. When life follows a pattern from an aberrated to a sane state, the best way to accumulate experience in that direction is to take someone who is aberrated and teach them something and improve them at the same time. Misadventure can be a teacher. It is the only teacher if you have to learn solely by experience. Clearing would have no value whatsoever if it was a matter of just taking a pill or having some magic formula to get it. No one ever appreciates his freedom unless he has had to work for 160 it. If a person doesn't have to work for his freedom, he never finds out that he is free. You could even clear someone who doesn't realize that anything has happened, that anything was improved, or that they are going anyplace. He has no purpose to which to put his new breadth of skill, and it's more than he needs on this cotton-picking planet. The net result is a feeling of a lose for you. You've taken the chains off a fellow and the chains left some rust marks, and he keeps looking at the rust marks and he still thinks they are chains. Then one day he realizes he's not wearing any chains and goes into overwhelm and sets you up as a household deity.  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=10/1/62 Volnum=1 Issue=98 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-98 Sec Checks -- Withholds    6201C10 SHSpec-98 Sec Checks -- Withholds The process, 20-10, is used to handle psychosomatic difficulties, using Class II skills and sec checking. [20-10 is a process where ten minutes of havingness is run for every twenty minutes of sec checking. This is run for 75 to 200 hours before attacking Routine 3DXX. See HCOB 11Jan62 "Security Checking. Twenty-ten Theory".] There is danger in sec checking by ritual. You should do it by fundamentals. Here's what happens: because you don't quite grasp the fundamental, someone stiffens up the ritual. Then it stiffens again, and you become a ritualist and can depart from effective auditing. The thing to do is to get the job done. Auditing is what you can get away with with the PC. Because you can't get away with everything, a ritual gets set down, circumscribing what you should try to get away with. Model session is a good thing to use, except with a few pcs, who would never get past the third question [See HCOB 21Dec61 "Model Session Script, Revised"7]. You can imagine a case that is so critically poised that you have to find out what the mind is doing in order to parallel it. If you tried to do a Model Session to find out, you would be in a cul-de-sac, because the case doesn't have that much attention concentrated. For instance, take a madman, who could still be handled with basic sec checking. He is insane because he keyed in an insane valence by withholding. It's not this lifetime that aberrated anyone. People say that you can't understand the mind because this lifetime doesn't explain why people are aberrated. Someone who is insane got that way by keying in implants that he gave, to drive enemy troops insane, to prevent them from coming back, plus some similar overts which developed an insane valence. Insane people can go in and out of valences very easily. It is the not-know they have run on other people that results in the withhold on themselves. So what basic question could you ask this fellow, which he could answer to start keying out the insanity? You could ask, "What don't people know about you?" He would answer it. It is so fundamental that he couldn't help answering it. A case could be so attentive to its difficulties that it is already in session. To try to fly ruds would be to distract the PC's attention from his case. With a deranged person, the "don't know" question works well. It cross-cuts the O/W questions. When a case does not consider something an overt, he will still answer up to not-know and will come up to recognizing his withholds. You can use such questions as, What don't I know about you? What don't you know about your condition? What don't others know about you / your condition / what you are doing?" 161 Auditing by fundamental would be to restore the PC's communication with society or the group with which he is connected. You would expect a person who is having a hard time with the social structure he is in to have withholds from that social structure. You see this in vignette all the time. You missed a withhold and the PC got upset with you. It's a reversed comm line. He has PTP's because he has withholds from people. A withhold is a withhold whether the PC considers them withholds or not. For instance, if the PC withholds losing his temper with people, it's laudable, but it is still a withhold. If, in finding withholds, you don't look for such withholds, or for simple withheld communications, you will have a devil of a time keeping ruds in. The PC is a busy little beaver, sitting there thinking and withholding critical thoughts, etc. Withholds are not confined to crimes. The magnitude of the crime does not establish the magnitude of the withhold. It is the force with which he is withholding. So anything the PC is withholding is a withhold. Anything he is not communicating is a withhold. When you realize this, you will get ruds in with a clank and be able to assess just fine, and sec checking will go fine. Sec checking will fail if you expect the magnitude of the withhold to give you the magnitude of the recovery. It is the magnitude of the restraint, of the withholding, that does it. The way to find what the case is withholding is to get what any part of the eight dynamics doesn't know about him. The way you have gravity is by withholding self from space. Most of your sec checking will be on the third dynamic, since it is the most complicated, and there have been so many groups on the track. But you might do well to look at the others, too. The second dynamic is, of course, loaded with mores to violate. A withhold is restraining self from communicating. The corresponding overt is restraining another from communicating. When someone is withholding some action, he gets into the valence of someone who would do the action. Moral Codes are patterns of behavior on all eight dynamics. That means you are triggering those moments when the PC was not communicating, perforce. He should have been talking and he wasn't. That's what it amounts to. The ability of a thetan, in this universe, is expressed along the lines of reach and withdraw, in various directions. When a person should be reaching and is withdrawing, that is a withhold. Then there are overts of omission. He should be reaching and he is not. For instance there may be times when a soldier should have attacked and he ran. These are overts of omission if they are the reverse of a "now-I'm-supposed-to". It all amounts to failure to communicate with the environment, or restrained communication with the environment, which ends up as not being here in the environment, which ends up with the environment pulled in on oneself. You could ask, "What should you have communicated?" and get some marvellous results. "Where should you have been?" gets off effort withholds. Withholding is worse than just not reaching. A very withholdy PC will stack up withholds on a subject. The tiniest impulses to withhold will remain as withholds if the PC has a set of withholds on a subject. This PC will have loads of critical thoughts. If you are not sec checking, it's valid to ask a PC, "What are you withholding?" and if you don't get a fall, don't press it. But don't think he is not withholding, because he is. You don't have a missed withhold to contend with, 162 but the PC has at least some laudable withholds. That's OK; he can be in session. But he still has a withhold. You only have to do something about it if he gets upset and goes out of session. Then you will have to find it. "Ruds in" merely means "in condition to be audited." You can always find the ruds out if it is your purpose to audit the case by rudiments. When you sec check, you try to restimulate the withholds so you can clean them up. This has an opposite purpose from ruds. The auditor's mission in sec checking is to stir up things the PC doesn't feel OK about communicating, so that the withholds can be gotten off, because that is what aberration is made of. So be suggestive, knowing fundamentals. Use, e.g., "What doesn't _______ know about you? What have you done that _______ wouldn't like?" And don't miss withholds. The fourth dynamic is a whole species, not just "mankind".  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=11/1/62 Volnum=1 Issue=99 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-99 How to Audit    6201C11 SHSpec-99 How to Audit If a thetan can communicate directly and straightly with things, he begins to communicate more directly with his body. Since the eyes are the most direct comm route from a thetan, when you've done something with a thetan, you will notice the eyes changing color. "If I can't make a PC's eyes change color, I don't think I've done anything." Making somebody well is not much of a trick. Bodies are OK, but to fixate on one totally is silly. If you are dealing with a technology that can restore the comm lines of a thetan, you are going to find psychosomatics knocked out. With 20-10, you may also find pcs getting a whole new set of psychosomatics. A body responds in direct ratio to the communication level of the thetan running it. A body will also run on complete automatic, so a body can be in good shape when the thetan is nowhere around, and because the thetan is nowhere around. You will see some people -- Hollywood starlet types, for instance -- who are simply Operating Bodies". These are people who are so irresponsible that they don't have enough thetan horsepower to make a body sick. Similarly with the "dead thetan" case, which reads at clear but with a stuck needle, aberration on help, etc. If you process such a PC, hs will come uh into some degree of density. If you don't get some physical changes, you are doing something different from what LRH is trying to teach you with current technologies. "A lot of you think you are doing fine. I don't think so yet, because I haven't seen you changing the color of anybody's eyes.... I can, so why can't you? ... I'll audit a PC until their eye-color changes. Maybe it's just a very faint change, and maybe it's from brown to blue, but it's a change, because that's the most direct channel of communication from the thetan to you and to the outside world, and if you can improve that channel of communication from the thetan outward, it can't help but do something to his eyes. They'll at least sparkle or glisten differently." "I'm asking you to audit the PC who is sitting in front of you and not somebody else, and not some synthetic person that you dreamed up.... Audit the guy who is there, please." To produce disaster, miss a withhold and you have had it. The next time the PC has an ARC break, just follow it back to the withhold. You can always hold a PC in session with technical tricks, but don't stop with tricks. Audit the person in front or you -- that person! He is no mystery, as far as fundamentals are concerned. He is nevertheless an individual, peculiar, handmade mud pie. You have 163 got to be able to put your finger on any button that is in there to be pressed and produce a considerable reaction in the PC. You have to be able to advance the PC's communication, and that is all you are trying to produce. All that is wrong with the PC is that he has shortened the reach of his communication. As his ability to reach -- which is to say, to communicate -- decreases, he considers that he is aberrated When you audit this person, all you have got to do is to extend his communication reach. Workable processes have all done this. The PC's inability to reach can come about from two things: 1. He is restraining himself from reaching, in some fashion. 2. He doesn't know what to reach into or at. Auditing the second button gives you the biggest gains. For instance, Routine 3D straightens out the messed-up condition inside his mind. On the first button, the auditor has to figure out what the restraint of reach is about. We call this "withholds". How is he restraining himself from reaching? He has overtly reached at some point; then he has decided that was a bad thing to do, so he withholds the reach next time. This gives you a confusion followed by a rest point, the withhold, which locks it on the track and makes it float rather timelessly. This is not as bad as a problem, but it is similar. Now that the thetan has decided he must never exercise that type of reach again, he has forgotten what type of reach he was exercising that he mustn't reach again, so he is now in a total confusion as to what he is withholding. So how are you going to get off this person's particular and peculiar withholds? Not by virtue of any form LRH has made to get at his withholds. He is, after all, unique. An auditor can get so lost in the infinite variety of the PC's 3D package and the complexity and idiocy of the PC's withholds that the auditor believes he can't reach. But that's the auditor's belief that he can't reach. The reason the PC won't reach into black masses, or valences, is that they are enturbulative. After all, they did kill him many times, so he knows better than to touch them. They give him somatics even in session: colds, etc., when he forgets himself and takes a direct (and instantly forgotten) look at them. People complain about scientologists' lack of sympathy. But "once you have learned to handle something to the [degree that we have], confound it! You just can't bring yourself to worship it anymore." You know too much about the cause and effect of it all. What are a person's basic withholds? They could be anything, but he knows he will be punished for getting them off, because he's made people guilty for doing such things. This is a great mechanism. He really knows his withholds have nothing to do with his state of health or his brightness. Ha!! A person can't improve his reach and communication while simultaneously restraining his communication. So an auditor has two zones of action. In dianetics, he has pictures, which are a shallow look, compared to valences, which are whole packages of pictures. Each valence represents at least one lifetime. So what things are keeping the PC from communicating? He is impeding his own reach by having things he feels he cannot communicate. Now it is up to the auditor to get these off, by whatever means are effective. He has to be able to get that PC's withholds. All you are trying to do is release the comm lines that the PC has pulled in on himself so he can widen the zones into which he can again reach. 164 All you have to do to get withholds off is to find where the PC isn't. How come he blew from some elsewhere? He is at least withholding himself from all the places he is not. That is not aberrative in itself. But you could say to the PC, "Where haven't you liked to be?" The PC says, "I never liked to be at the seashore." OK. He's not at the seashore and doesn't want to be. All sorts of withholds could be developed from this. Ask him, "What have they done to you at the seashore?" and, "Who was it who did it?", then, "Rave you thought any critical thoughts about (the person)?", then, "What have you done to (the person)?" So the procedure is: 1. "Where haven't you liked to be?" 2. "What have they done to you at (Location)?" Get details. 3. "Who did it to you?" 4. Get any critical thoughts about the person. 5. "What have you done to (that person)?" In running 20-10, running havingness will get the PC to give you more withholds. If the PC considers that he doesn't have any withholds, you can run what the person about whom he is critical doesn't know about him, and he will eventually come up to seeing his withholds and overts. The trick is to audit with the ruds in and run the ruds, so they stay in, and then throw the PC around. Stir up the PC's bank and get the withholds. Don't muddy the still waters of the rudiments, so that the PC never dreams of being anywhere but in session. Then churn up the PC's bank in the body of the session. The PC has been careful not to do this for trillenia, so it is the auditor who has got to make something happen. So when you get something reading on the meter, get the PC talking about it. Get his critical thoughts and let him get off the motivators and finally go on to the trap: get the overts and withholds. [Technique of running hidden standards, etc., with Routine 3D]  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 3 iDate=16/1/62 Volnum=1 Issue=100 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SHSpec-100 Nature of Withholds    6201C16 SHSpec-100 Nature of Withholds We are not trying to teach you not to have withholds. It is OK not to do everything that occurs to you, good or bad. We are trying to get you out of the tangle you got yourself into: "What do you mean, having such terrible impulses?" Why does the PC have these impulses that he now has to withhold? The withhold is that area of motionlessness following that area of doingness which you shouldn't have done. This classifies actions into things you should have done and things you shouldn't have done. Of course there are laudable withholds, e.g. not to have gotten angry or done some overt. A laudable withhold is something society expects of you, providing you have these other impulses to do things you "shouldn't", according to society. So all actions divide into laudable and undesirable. A laudable withhold goes with an undesirable action: withholding self from doing it, and the laudable action goes along with an undesirable withhold. So society can always enforce mores by making some actions and some withholds laudable. But since there are so many groups, whose mores conflict, one can get rather confused. The same action in different times or places can be "good" or "bad". There is no action that is good in all times and places, and there is no withhold that should be withheld at all times and places. It all depends on viewpoint. 165 When sec checking, we must then be dealing with another factor. People compute that good people withhold more than bad people, so the "gooder" you are, the less you communicate, so the "goodest" people are in cemeteries. We must be doing something other than pulling withholds. We are. We are remedying the compulsion or obsession to commit actions that have to be withheld. Sec checking is to remedy unreasonable action, that's all. What you want to rehabilitate is his ability to determine his own actions. This also rehabilitates his communication, as well as covering whatever mores he will wind up with. Control of communication downgrades into MEST as control of reach. Communication is the ability to control an outflow or inflow or stop it. This downgrades into control of reach. Where you have a person who is unable to leave his house, the trouble is not the house but Picadilly Circus. The PC is afraid that someday he will be in Picadilly Circus and take off all his clothes. But he has forgotten this. All he knows is that he mustn't leave home. He has occluded the overt and the withhold. The mechanism is that the PC can be so worried about taking his clothes off in Picadilly Circus that he will think of nothing but withholding this. This circumscribes his life considerably. [This is the mechanism of phobias.] Having to remember to do some desirable action is a similar attention trap, e.g. the superstitions that kids get into. If we educated the same man never to outflow and never to withhold either, both equally balanced, we would have an insane ridge. He would get stuck in an inaction because he would forget what he wasn't supposed to do and what he was withholding. He would have a covered overt and a covered withhold and be motionless. In some sphere, he would not be free to communicate because he couldn't find out what the desirable action was. The average person is in this condition. He doesn't know what he must reach and what he must withhold, but the habit pattern of caution stays with him. All psychoanalysis trained people to be was cautious. Someone with an enforced outflow has a similar problem. He must go, or do, or whatever, without knowing why. In order to restore control over one's reach / not reach, be reached / not be reached, one must get these unknowingnesses out of the road or the person will sometimes be nervous to the point of collapse when you ask them to do something or other. In order to aberrate somebody, establish compulsion to reach or to withdraw (withhold) as an absolute necessity, then shift them in time and place to produce no necessity for this, so they forget it; make an unknowingness out of it all. Do this several hundred thousand times, and the person will start to feel he didn't know what he should be doing. When a person gets very bad off, any decision to act causes him to withhold and vice versa. Government programs are good examples of this. Some people are totally susceptible to any inflowing action of any kind. Anything that happens to them in society causes them to have an instant reaction to have that with them. In assessing such pcs, if the auditor suggests some item, they will take it. Even if they are assessed by an auditor with a degree of altitude, they will hold like briars to whatever is found, right or wrong. You can test such an item by getting in suppress, inval, and eval on the item and see if it is still in. The average person is on a gradient scale of this sort of thing. He sees a few things which restimulate him and put him on a total effect basis. 166 The only thing wrong with that total effect basis is that a person has no command over his reach and withdraw, so he is not master of his actions and can't be sensible about what he does. I.Q. is one's ability to govern one's environment. Scientology is almost alone in considering that Man should have any self-determinism, because others, falling short of this, have looked on the fact that a criminal has a compulsion to commit crimes. Being unable to do anything for a criminal, they think the only answer is to make the criminal withhold his crimes harder. That philosophy doesn't work. You can compel someone not to do something to the point where he can do nothing else. He withholds so far that the withhold fails, and it becomes a compulsion. That is the danger of the philosophy that the more "good" withholds we have, the better off we are. The basis of action in human beings is: 1. He doesn't know what his compulsive actions are, so he doesn't know what he is withholding. Not-knowingness is the common denominator of all O/W's that are operative on the individual. 2. The half-knowns that arise in sec checking, where the PC knows and you don't, are also a source of trouble. Withholds are half a "know". If the PC knows something, that is not enough. The auditor has to know it too. The PC will get upset if you go on not-knowing about it when he knows. The half-know is very uncomfortable. It won't duplicate, so it won't blow, so it is an upsetting thing to have. The withholds don't have to be serious. In session, they can be very trivial bits of non-communication which multiply. They are relatively unknown to the PC as they drift by. An invalidation often betokens a withhold, so check for inval and withhold to keep the ruds in and the needle clean during sec checks and assessments. Withhold is the common denominator of every out rudiment. The only exception is where you are running the session for form's sake and not for the PC, where you are not auditing the PC who is in front of you, where you have disobeyed the Auditor's Code through not being in communication with the PC and have set up an unintentional withhold for the PC throughout the whole session. The PC who cannot talk to the auditor, because the auditor is not really there, is on an unintentional withhold, which still causes an ARC break. You must run the session for the PC. The PC owns the session. Almost all breakage amongst children is due to their being put on an unintentional withhold. All withholds must contain an intention to communicate. The intention to reach must exist before a withhold can occur. There must have been an intention to communicate before there is an ARC break. Therefore, a PC being audited by someone who is out of comm with him will ARC break. Remember that every session you run is for that PC and by the auditor, and for no one else. In training, you could get auditors to make a long list of all the reasons why they were running a session. You are liable to get fabulous things, not including that it is for the PC. It is the PC who owns the session, not the auditor. If you master that point, you will overcome most of your difficulties with auditing and any distaste you might have for it. If a PC feels that he can't comm to the auditor, this equates to the fact that he must be withholding. This restimulates other withholds of undesirable action. The restimulated withhold may be a failed withhold which brings about obsessive action at once, and 167 the PC finds himself in the God-Awful position of engaging in actions he knows are reprehensible and incapable of stopping himself from acting. He wonders how he got in this position as he berates the auditor. He feels bad about the fact that he is doing these actions while he is doing them. So you, by letting him have a session withhold, are likely to get him into this weird action which amazes him most of all. TR-0 and TR-4 are the most important TR's from the standpoint of getting and keeping the PC in session. TR-0 is important from the auditor's viewpoint, TR-4 from the PC's. The way to handle TR-4 is to be sure that it is the PC's session. Just give him the session. In sec checking, you are trying to discover the actions that are considered undesirable by the PC and the withholds that restrain them. You get off the withhold by blowing the prior confusion. When you are sec checking, you are on the business of the prior confusion and the motionless point. The prior confusion is the overt; the stable datum is the withhold. The anatomy of withhold is: 1. Done undesirable action. 2. Stop undesirable action. 3. Natter. The guy can't reach and he can't withhold, but he can natter. When you have the withhold, you have the motionless point, but you must get the prior confusion; you must get what the flowed, since this PC is the one who is there being audited. [This is why you must get the done in pulling a withhold.] Use the critical statement to find the overt. But don't pull the unkind thought; pull the overt underlying it. This overt is what gives you a sort of motor action. Natter is not necessarily motivatorish. To get the charge off Step 2 (above), you can ask the PC, "Have you ever done that since?" The PC will think you are asking for more overts, but in fact you are getting him to spot whether he has been withholding himself from doing it ever since. He will be relieved when that withhold is off, because the stress of maintaining the withhold is relieved. He can feel uncomfortable just getting off the fact of having done some undesirable action, because you have unstrapped some of the restraint against doing it again. He won't feel relief from the session, because the full extent of the withhold isn't off yet. So ask the above question. The PC may not be entirely happy about giving up the withhold. Doing this may trigger off ways he was restraining himself without getting the overt. He may be afraid to get all the withhold off because he might do the action! So make it a rule always to find the overt. Also, ask for other times he did it and didn't do it. [Get all.]  L. Ron Hubbard