From: Secret Squirrel Subject: FZ Bible Level 4 Tapes 08/12 Date: 12 Nov 1999 00:00:00 GMT Message-ID: <2a9d7fcba1ed5446b327b9a0088f3586@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Organization: Mail-To-News-Contact: Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LEVEL 4 ACADEMY TAPES 08/12 ************************************************** ACADEMY LEVEL 4 TAPES - Contents SHSBC = St. Hill Special Briefing Course ren = as renumbered in the new BC cassettes. 01 SHSBC-299 ren 328 27 Aug 63 Rightness and Wrongness 02 SHSBC-300 ren 329 28 Aug 63 The Tone Arm And The Service Facsimile 03 SHSBC-301 ren 330 29 Aug 63 The Service Facsimile 04 SHSBC-302a ren 331 3 Sep 63 R3SC 05 SHSBC-302 ren 332 4 Sep 63 How to Find a Service Facsimile 06 SHSBC-303 ren 333 5 Sep 63 Service Fac Assessment 07 SHSBC-304 ren 334 10 Sep 63 Destimulation of a Case 08 SHSBC-306 ren 335 11 Sep 63 Service Facs and GPMs 09 SHSBC-305 ren 336 12 Sep 63 Service Facsimiles 10 SHSBC-307 ren 337 17 Sep 63 What You Are Auditing 11 SHSBC-308 ren 338 18 Sep 63 Saint Hill Service Facsimile Handling 12 SH Spec-73 ren 436 2 Aug 66 Suppressives and GAEs Many but not all were checked against the old reels (as noted on the individual transcripts.) ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heretics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judaism form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** SHSBC-306 ren 335 11 Sep 63 Service Facs and GPMs SERVICE FACS AND GPMs [Based on the clearsound version only.] A lecture given on 11 September 1963 Well, what's - what's this today? Audience: 11th of September. I didn't mean that, thank you for the date, but - yeah, just taking a look at you, I supervise a lot of your cases, more than you think. And every once in a while, why, with a horrible shudder vou realize I've been looking over your shoulder but - I always take a look at you, my perceptivity on a pc is pretty good, I know how you're getting along. And as auditors, same way, I know how you're getting along, see - it's very easy. How caved in does your pc look. So you see, if you have a dominant number of the class caved in, why the auditors aren't doing so good. Now, what's the date? Audience: September the 11th. Eleven September, AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. And this lecture slightly exceeds its normal scope of lectures. Have a lot of bad news for you - a lot of good news for you, a lot of bad news. And on May the 8th, The Nature of the GPM says that the early GPMs contacted on the pc are implants and it says, down there its tenth, twelfth paragraph something like that - this does not mean that the pc's own GPMs do not exist. Do you remember that? Audience: Yes. The pc's own GPM has the power and velocity, over an implant GPM, of somewhere between a thousand or a hundred thousand to one. Actually, a much greater figure of magnitude. I just threw that in, just to give you an idea that there's magnitude difference, see. Now hold your hats. The whole of the implanted GPMs: between-lives area, screens, implant GPMs, the Minion goals, the Helatrobus Implants and the Train goals - all this sort of stuff, all those GPMs, all those implant GPMs - are one RI in one of my GPMs. Audience: Hmmm. Wow. Whew! Interesting, huh? One RI. One RI. The name of the RI is "goals" - "oppterm goals." Which is one of something on the order of a hundred RI personal GPM, which extends from trillions-thirty, to trillions-twenty on the time track. But which is actually still going. Now several things are - need clarifying. A lot of you have been protesting, this - you wonder why this is part of the service fac - well, you'll get around to that in a minute - but several things need clarifying. And one is the length of the time track. And a lot of you have had considerable protest on the subject of the length of the time track. Because trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions of years, you know, T-T-T-T-T-T-T- T-T-T-T, you know and, "Ohhh, my God, ho-ho-ho! Ohhh, ho-ho dear! Getting so long. Da-dsa-dya-dya-dya - ohhh! Uhhhh!" You hear that around every once in a while. You probably felt like that yourself, you know. Well, I just have good news for you in that particular department. What I would choose to call "modern times" extends from trillions-thirteen till now. That's modern times. The stuff that's more likely to influence the preclear in present time. Well, this is very germane. Because you now have your paws on Scientology III, just about the handsomest little package of stuff you ever had anything to do with, called a service facsimile. First introduced as Routine 3SC. Correct? Audience: Mmm. Yes. What you're doing is fooling around with the pc's current RI in his existing goal line of his current truncated goal. And you're fooling around with one little RI, see. And you've got this, and it's in present time and of course there's an opposition to it. And you can get your hands on the opposition, and you can get your hands on the RI and you can fumble and fool around with this, and almost any way you look in it, or almost any way you carve on the edges of it you're going to make a Clear. Well, what are you doing? You're actually clearing a dumbbell pair of the pc's own GPM out of sequence on the track, see. That's all you're doing. You've got your paws on what he is doing right now. Well, of course in fumbling around it'd be very easy for some of you to lay your paws on what he was doing last night. Oh, take or minus trillions-five years ago, see. "Last night," you know, what he was doing. You're liable to get your paws on that. See, but that's still all right. But of course the pc's goal is going to fall out of this thing, with a thud, like Ann's did last night. Listed goals and one rocket read, and so forth. Wasn't listing goals, listing ideas on the service fac, you see. And one of them rocket read. Well, it's the greatest probability that while you're looking for the service fac, that which rocket reads is the pc's own goal. So. Now, at this point you should however be very wary, as I told you in the last lecture. I've been aware of this, I've been holding out on you for a couple of days here, I've been aware of this. But I didn't believe it. I really didn't believe it very hard. And I had to do some more looking at the thing. That is to say, I just didn't believe the magnitude differences. I've been looking for enough - if you are a powerful character... Let's put it this way, if you are a powerful character that once had muscles, and played billiards with planets, and we've got to look for some order of aberration to reduce that power that's comparable to that power, right? The degree of aberration necessary to reduce that much power must be comparable to the power reduced. And we have there a law or a rule. Do you see that? Audience: Mm-hm. Yes. You don't take - you don't take - you don't take Big John from the north woods, you know, that was customarily picking up Douglas firs a hundred and seventy-five feet tall and picking his teeth with them, you know, the Paul Bunyan type legends, you see - and drop a tack hammer on his toe and have him crippled for life. You see? That just doesn't happen. No, I'm afraid you would have to have - you would have to have quite a few forests fall on his head, see, for him to get a headache. Well, the forests that have fallen on the head of the thetan of course, are these GPMs. Now, we look it over, and so they put you on a monocycle, and you went pocka-ting down between a couple of rows of things that spat at you, see, and great. Great day, fine, all right, all right. I don't even care if I key you in, because what am I keying in? You can always scratch a mosquito bite, see. If you went down the line with these things barking and firing at you and that sort of thing and they said that you were absolutably no good and that sort of thing. Bull! The only thing they did was get you very confused as to which was your goal and which was their goal. And that little tiny GPM that they installed had the power of being installed backwards, and being installed according to the actual pattern of GPMs, had the power of getting a thetan confused. So he didn't want to really look over that; he didn't want to have too much to do with that. You see why? It's backwards, you know, they implanted them from the top to the bottom. Well an actual GPM is run from the bottom to the top, the way it was lived. See, you don't run an actual GPM from its top oppterm down to the goal at the bottom. You take the goal at the bottom and you list it back up to the top oppterm, you got that? Otherwise it doesn't make any sense at all. They will list backwards, but you'll find yourself being thrust forward in time and it's hard to do. The liability of reaching the goal is of course the goal is the furthest item from present time, being the bottom terminal, and when you get your pc to reach down for that goal, this is what I wanted to give you, as just a little tip. I didn't want you getting too adventurous here. Because when you have the pc reach for that goal and examine that goal, he actually is to some slight degree moving through time between that goal and present time, don't you see. And he lives up the whole track. And the wild part of it is it looks just like - well, I don't know if any of you have ever looked down the Helatrobus Implants, and just looked down between the row and it was all nice. It was all clean, you know, you could see all the stuff, and you looked down to the end and you say "I wonder what that item was, or that one." What happened, see? You got a sort of a tunnel of blackness occurs the whole way along, if you had some sensation of that particular character. Well, that's what happens when you reach down the GPM. Well, the same thing happens when you make a pc reach down his GPM channel. Only this is something of the order of you can reach down a GPM in the Helatrobus Implants, you see - and the pc manages it - it isn't so good. He doesn't like that, he didn't think that was so good. I mean, that's his - that would be his ordinary reaction, don't you see. But he looks down his own goal channel like this, and scrapes up and down his own goal channel, and mucks around in it any length of time, reaching back to the goal and reaching something else, and so forth. And it's something like having your head shot off with a sixteen-inch cannon, see, because the residual charge is - oh, I'd - it'd be almost impossible to state the difference of magnitude. The charge is great. I'm not trying to scare your own GPMs, but I'm just giving you an idea as auditors. Now, let's say, let's say, that somebody has a goal "to be sexual" or "have sex" or something like this, you see, or "to create," "create my own universe" or something like this, see. Let's say that's the pc's own goal, see. And you're clobbing along here with a service fac, see. You're looking at a service fac, and he lists it. It's "to have my own universe" or something like this. You take this up and you put it in red, with a great big square around it on the auditor's report. You understand? So it's big. So that nobody can miss it while they're going through folders and that sort of thing. You put it up there because that's very important. It's infinitely more important than any implant goal, see. Put it up there so it's big. And then don't start mucking about with it. On any process except 3M2. Oh, you can list it and get its oppterms and oppterm that, and so forth. You've got all the technology; it'll be back on your checksheets tomorrow morning. But, you get the - all the technology exists for this stuff, you see. Well, what if you used that "to have my own universe" as the service facsimile? Ho-ho-ho-ho! You're running something back at maybe trillions twenty-one. You're not running a service facsimile. You're making the guy look down this channel, see? Because that the goal, clean statement of, you see, is the first RI in the GPM. No pardon me, pardon me, it isn't. There is an - probably an earlier one, which would be something like "a being with the idea that 'to have my own universe.' " "The being with the idea to have my own universe" may come previously to that, don't you see. Because he hasn't become the postulate yet. But nevertheless, you've got something that's down there at the beginning of this track. See, and there's at least a hundred RIs between where you are and it. At least a hundred RI's and you go charging down there to run this as a service fac and yeah, it'll make a lot of sense and, yeah, you'll get a free needle, yeah, you'll get some tone arm action, yeah, there's nothing like that. But sooner or later somewhere along this line the pc's scuffing back and forth, commuting you see, he's gonna rough up the rest of his track. And oddly enough, it lies in a channel, which looks not unlike one of these implant goal channels. Of course there aren't any firing mechanisms or anything like that but that's all arranged. A pc's own GPM looks like a black island. I've already given a lecture on this and described all these and so forth, a long time ago - spring I guess it was. And - but they - they look like a black island floating and so on, and they're quite meaty. And they have specific, distinct sizes and all of this sort of thing. Well, you get the pc scruffing back and forth, recognize that you're running him from the bottom of an island of solid mass maybe three-feet thick by seventy-five feet long, by maybe thirty-feet wide, and you're just running him up through the middle of this thing, you know and you're running him back through the middle of the other and you're running him back up there again and uhhh! Hey, hey! And all of a sudden no tone arm action, nothing else. You won't be able to continue your activities with a service facsimile. You see that? Fortunately, not all is lost. All you would have to do in this particular regard is just break out your little pencil and a hundred and seventy-five reams of paper, and go to work with 3M2 - with all of its various complicated laws and that sort of thing, taking the first item you found down at the bottom of it such as the goal and working on through. And working out the GPM. In actual fact the beauty - the beauty of the pc's own GPM as compared to an implant GPM is the pc's own GPM disintegrates. And the pattern of the needle action, you get quite a bit of tone arm action. When you start in, it's kind of stiffish, and then the needle starts getting freer and the tone arm starts waving more. And as you get down about three-quarters of the way toward the top of the thing, just as it's given on your early plots, those early plots, "to scream" and that sort of thing, they're all quite valid, you see. They're your own GPM patterns, you see. That's the way they look foreshortened, but nevertheless those releases are all quite accurate. And you get up - you get up about three-quarters of the way, and you all of a sudden start seeing that thing start rocket reading blowdowns. Rocket reading blowdowns. Psssww Psssww Psssww Psssww! Then you start watching this tone arm come on down here toward Clear read, pssww-pssww! and it'll just go on that way - it'll go on and it'll go on and it'll go on. Then you find another RI, you see. And then it starts going some more and it starts blowing down. And this thing practically disintegrates. You've got an automatic disintegration, is what happens. Sometimes your pc'll sit there in session; he'll look at one of these huge islands, which has been black and is now turned grey and it'll be buckling and quivering and buckling - no, that's the wrong word. It's shaking. Something begins to buckle, you've got something on top of it. But you'll see it shaking and shivering and fraying. It looks like - it looks like some jello. It looks like a piece of opaque jello that somebody has left in the sun. It ceases to be so hard and fast, and it sort of drips away and it shatters. Well, actually that charge isn't going through your meter or through the pc, fortunately. You're only getting a small indication of the amount of charge going off. I don't know how much charge is going off one of these things, but I should think an early track GPM is probably losing a megatron or something like that. I'd say, at least. But it's simply disintegrating into the never-never land and you don't notice it. But you do see it on this meter. And the pc is fended off from the thing, don't you see - he's - it's over there, it's over there, maybe eight, ten, fifteen feet away from him. And it's going apart rather quietly. But it's that much force that is dissipating. And you just get a kickback on the meter which is almost telepathic in its lightness. See, there's hardly any kickback coming at the pc. You understand? Well, there's enough charge to make Paul Bunyan into a punk, see. See, there's enough charge to take a guy with the total capabilities of an OT and reduce him down to somebody that when the medico trims his fingernail or something like that, he has an awful time. You get the idea? See, there's enough charge to aberrate. Aberration must be equivalent to the amount of power aberrated. And it's the pc's own GPMs. Now, there's various - various data extant in this particular field. It's covered under the techniques called R3M and R3M2 - was its final consolidation. That technology all exists. Now, what you - what this lecture's principally about; the technology all exists, the lectures exist, and so forth, pc has his own goals, his own GPMs, and these RIs have a tremendous amount of mass. One RI, you see, is maybe a hundredth or a two-hundredth of a big GPM, see. And this reliable item is the pc's own reliable item, is floating round here in present time. In fact he's busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, the nut, making himself, making himself an RI and it has an opposition. He's busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. See. Now, it has a central postulate of its own and it's dependent on the goal, also. In other words, all these RIs - oppterms or terminals - have in common the goal. They all have the goal in them. Because they're part and parcel of the goal. But they have their own significance with regard to the goal. Let"s take the goal, let's imagine there is such a goal, "to go to school. Such a goal would never exist, so we just take it so it's non-restimulative. All right. Well, you've got an RI up toward present time - got an RI up toward present time, that'll make you very, very upset, you see? Because it apparently won't have anything to do with anything. And you don't understand it really until you get the goal. But the confounded thing is baffling to auditor and pc alike. Because it's to - "to ring bells" or "to ring the bell" or something like this, you see. What the hell? What does it go up to? The guy wanted to be a fire engine laddie or what's he want to be, you know? I mean, what is this thing? What is this thing? A service fac "to ring the bell," see. It nevertheless will run because it's part and parcel of "to go to school." Naturally, why, in small schools, why, the better pupil was called on to ring the bell in the morning and that's - see, there he is, you see. You might find something, "to get a gold star" and you think of gold star mothers and that sort of thing, and it's some confounded innocuous thing like, you know, "to get A." Or you're liable to get an oppterm of "people who bring their lunches." Creak your brains, you know? How in the name of common sense is this an aberrative factor in anybody's case, you know? Well, you don't have the GPM goal, so of course the RI all by itself doesn't make much sense. But it's hanging out everyplace and you can come around the perimeter of it and you can take your techniques which are given in R3SC, and they'll land you somewhere in the perimeter of the oppterm or terminal of the pc's own GPM as it applies more or less to PT or some old one that's in restimulation in PT, and will be the source of his present time restimulation as per the graph I gave you yesterday. And of course you can knock that thing in the head and get yourself a lot of nice tone arm action - wonderful tone arm action - particularly because it's in formation, don't you see? It's an RI in formation. And you can knock it all to pieces and you can pull its central postulate, and so forth, and you get all kinds of interesting meter phenomena and all that sort of thing. But when you try to make it make sense, it very often doesn't. And it may not make sense, it may clear the pc up very nicely, but make no sense at all until someday he's run on R3M and we find out this bing to ring - "to ring the bells," is the goal "to go to school." And he'll let out a war whoop in the session and suddenly add it all up, don't you see. Well, the GPM will be somewhat disintegrated already. You've already tackled this thing obliquely. So that's actually what you're auditing. I thought you might like to know. Now, well, you've got tremendous complexities enter into this situation. I hit one last night. I might as well tell you about. Now, you actually can assess for a service facsimile without a meter, on this basis only: Write a list until the pc seems easy and - thinks it's complete and then just look on the list for the one that makes the least sense. And you should know that as an auditor because it'll help you a great deal. You don't have too much to do with significance on this sort of thing. But it's the one that makes the least sense. It's a lie, it isn't true, and so forth. And we had a list going last night; I was being audited and one appeared on the list, "abandon all help," as a solution to anything that was gone. Now, you add that up, I couldn't! But it tore a somatic off of my jaw the like of which I haven't felt in a long time, you see. And the auditor went on another column of listing and nulling and so forth, and it went in and it went out, because it was being suppressed. It was worrying me, see. Not necessarily because it wasn't sensible - but because it wasn't sensible I suppressed it and it stopped reading. So another one or two which were only locks on it, started reading. They read momentarily, you see, because I'd abandoned it. They were reading by the bypassed charge on it. That's an interesting solution, isn't it? "Abandon all help," if something is gone, you abandon all help. Well, it didn't make any sense at all to me, but I happened to know what GPM that it's coming from, it's the GPM "to be free." And it's simply an RI and it becomes completely sensible. One of the ways of being free is to abandon all help. See? Perfect method of becoming free. If you need no help from anyplace, why, naturally, you can be free. So you see, it makes sense in its own GPM but doesn't make any kind of sense at all. And yet, would audit - yet would audit very nicely. Pc cognited on it all over the place, and straightened it all out, and free up the needle and free up the tone arm and everything go along fine, even though it didn't make any sense. And wasn't compared to the goal, don't you see? Because the RI that it was being listed against was not the right RI, probably. But it just popped up because it's a PT solution, see, of the GPM line, so therefore it's an RI of the GPM line "to be free." Method of being free - abandon all help. Well, that wasn't actually an RI. I don't even know what RI it is out of, but it's the central postulate of the RI. See what I mean? And what you're handling is the central postulate of the RI when you're handling a service facsimile, so you get a disintegration. I see I've left you adrift, here. You thought the central idea of an RI made the RI. Well, that's perfectly valid. But it all too often simply describes what makes the central postulate. See, we know a little bit more now about the RI. Let's take - let's take the RI "a lame man." See, we've never really gone into the anatomy of a reliable item of a GPM, because we were dealing so many months now with these confounded implant GPMs and that sort of thing, I never bothered to go forward on the thing. Well, what makes this "lame man" RI hold together? Why does he assume the identity of a lame man? See? Well, he assumes it because it's got a solution in the middle of it, which is an id'ee fixe, which then prevents him from looking at anything else, and it may be "lameness." See, although the item is "a lame man," the postulate which brings that into action, you see, is "lameness." Do you see that it's not quite safe. Now sometimes they are more distant than that. You see? "Not walking," let us say, is the principal idea. And you get that perfectly validly as "a lame man," don't you see? Or "an immobilized person." You've got that as an RI. Now that characterizes simply the identity of the RI. That is the beingness of the RI. What is the thinkingness of this RI? The thinkingness of the RI might be different. Not always, because sometimes the RI comes up as its own thinkingness, don't you see. But particularly a beingness RI, or some conditional RI, may have at its core an idea. And it's this idea which is an automatic solution. Well, an RI always has an idea at its core. But sometimes it's a new idea which makes the RI, don't you see? And that whole mass come together, is a GPM. So you have this huge mass, huge block of energy with its separate items and so forth in it - it's hardly distinguishable as separate items because it's all squashed together, there's been so much attack and so little inspection. And this whole GPM is dominated by one idea - let us say, "to go to school," see. That's one idea. And that is common to every RI or identity in that, see, which is what accumulates it. But that idea all by itself is no inspection. Solve all problems, "to go to school," see. See, if you have a headache, go to school, you see. If you have something of the sort and if you didn't know something, go to school, and so forth. You get the idea, see? It's totally uninspected. Totally uninspected solution. So because it's uninspected and automatic and fixed, it then generates into it this second step of identities which have this as a central idea, but the identities already have their own characteristics. See, they've got this idea is dominant, see, but their characteristics of the identity would be something like way up at the line, up here some place, you know, a terminal, after he's no longer able to carry out the postulate, becomes something on the order of "an idiot child," see. And you go into the basis of an idiot child to find out what it is, is "people like unintelligence," see? Or, just "unintelligence" seems to solve everything. So the central idea of this RI, "an idiot child," may be "unintelligence." But the RI is "an idiot child" and the reason it could get formed in the first place is he already had the id'ee fixe of the goal. So you've got actually three ideas in connection with this thing. One is the GPM's central goal - which is the first postulate of that GPM - plus the central idea of the RI, which in itself, in its peculiar way forbids inspection, and the resultant mass, caused by the goal noninspection and the RI central idea noninspection, we have as an identity or an individuality. We have this as the third step. So we would say, the goal, "to go to school," central idea, "unintelligence," results in the RI, see, "an idiot child." Do you see that? Well, that's characteristic of all - of all RIs. And that is the anatomy of an RI and it also happens to be the anatomy of what you've got as a service facsimile. That which is not inspected tends to persist. And that is your basic rule, this little Hobson-Jobson on one of our earlier ones, "that which is not admired tends to persist," And your little rule there - that which is not inspected tends to persist. Why? Because it's never as-ised. That which you look at will tend to - and inspect, tends to become - well, it doesn't tend to remain in an aberrated state, don't you see? But that which is never inspected, of course, has this factor of uninspection which adds mass. Now, because it is - not just because I just used this - because it is actually quite unintelligent. What happens? Well, a person gets hell knocked out of him, that's what happens. And he can never attack the right enemy. He's got some idea, you see, an idiot child is liable to attack bright kids, see. Something like that. Well, anything that's characterized as "bright kids," he attacks, see. So, it's a perfect invitation to attack. And because there's constant attack and constant overts going on and constant withholds going on and constant battle going on, it of course accumulates an awful lot of mass. And there's where the mass comes from of an RI. It's quite interesting that an idea is most easily substituted for a thetan. You - an idea doesn't have any mass connected with it basically, and it appears to be - have some wisdom in it and that sort of thing. It's very easily substituted for a thetan. So somebody can walk around as "the guard." See? He isn't a thetan, he's "the guard." Got the idea? And you probably had something to do with guards and they have rather unintelligent activities. You say, well, "I left my lunch on the counter in the washroom and I'd like to go in and get it." "Yes? Hmmm. Do you have a pass? Hmmm What department do you work for? Hmmm. Have to call the security chief, I'm sorry. I have a young lady out here, wants to get back into the building. Security section." You can see it now, it goes straight up to the president of the company, the FBI is called in and so on. The federal government is justified for its existence, don't you see. There's telegrams going out in all directions and so forth, and you're standing there, you left your lunch in the washroom, see. I mean that was all there was to understand there. But not the guard. He's the guard, see, and so he doesn't - it's not his to understand anything. He's just there to be the guard. Do you understand that? Well, that's an identity which is substituted for a thetan, see. Well, now similarly, any idea is liable to become a substitute for a thetan! Because a thetan does it himself. He has some bad luck, see. He's had some bad luck. Last three or four mountain ranges he built, fell down. Bad luck. Overbalanced the planet and it started going in the other direction, you know. The poles appeared at different places than they were supposed to, you see. So, on the idea of planets, "never build mountains." That solves it, doesn't it? Well now, all the confusion of the accident which has just occurred, is now prevented from ever occurring again by "never build mountains." And that holds in place then, all uninspected, all of the confusion he just got into by building three mountain ranges where he shouldn't have built them, see. So all that confusion and randomity is held in place, because it isn't inspected, it's solved - "Never build mountains," see. That's it. Now, he's got it all taped, you see. And that's his idea. Now, if we go along and follow his career, it's sooner or later, why we'll find him running a society which prevents the building of mountains. Society for the Prevention of Building of Mountains, you see. He shifted his identity only to the point where he's the president of it, you see. But you see, you"ve got the substitute of an idea for the being in this particular case. He just had this as a solution. But this solution he kept working at, and it itself then gets battered and hammered by the environment. The environment that has a solution in it, you see, "never build mountains," rather tends to push against this bloke. See, so that accumulates more mass, you see, by reason of this thing, and then he fights back and that accumulates more mass and then eventually he becomes the idea "never build mountains," don't you see. And it might appear as some different RI, but you look there and you'll find, "never build mountains" has been substituted for a thetan, you see? So, that's the history of a person's lessening abilities. See, these RIs, these substitutions, all of this sort of thing. All of his O/Ws and various things, all get piled up on one of these id'ees fixes. The biggest id'ee fixe that a person can have is a goal. Biggest one. That develops into a GPM. Not all goals develop into GPMs, but those he's got have developed into GPMs. So here's a GPM floating there, and finally life becomes completely unlivable, and he doesn't want anything to do with it anymore, so he abandons all that and gets a new goal. If you want to see - the Helatrobus Implant people did an interesting job of tracing the deterioration of the thetan, but actually the Bear and Gorilla goals are a better one. They're a better model. And those which we turned out in the last year here - that don't have the positive items in it, you know - those that just show you the - you know like "to scream." You know, those GPMs which came out? They're graduates up the line. Well that's what a pc's own GPM looks like. Because he keeps moving off of these id'ees fixes, abandons those and has to have a new id'ee fixe to solve the situation which he's just solved, but which wouldn't stay solved. Once you start solving things in this peculiar,fashion, you eventually wind up with GPMs. That's all you can say about that. Now, you find this pc with R3SC, I'm not talking to you too much about GPMs although they come into this naturally, and because I'm also telling you what the score is with regard to them. Horrible feeling of exhaustion just swept over me in the idea of having to cover all the ground that we have covered before on the subject of R3M, and the pc's own goals and GPMs. And just to help you out on this, that ground is all there. I'm talking about reevolving it. The only part of it that needs reevolving perhaps is mostly done - and that's how do you find the pc's own goal and how do you separate it out from an implanted goal because they both read the same when you first find them on the meter. And it's much easier to find implant goals than it is own goals, and you try to run an implant goal, as though it were the pc's own GPM, and he doesn't have a goal under that heading, but there's only an implant goal, and you're running the Helatrobus Implants with the wrong items, don't you see? This is all very involved. But if you keep an eye very cleanly out, while you're doing service facsimiles, why, the Helatrobus Implants and other implants of that character didn't have the power actually to do very much to generate the RI which you find as a service facsimile. They might have monitored it somehow, made the guy resentful of hockey sticks or something like this or monocycles. He probably can't stand monocycle acts in the local vaudeville. But what's your - what's your application here? That you must be very alert to anything you find that rocket reads while doing R3SC - and you must be very careful not to tackle it head-on as the service facsimile. Why? Because it doesn't run well with your service facsimile technology. You're going to run a GPM with your service facsimile technology? I rather think not. But you can run one RI with your service facsimile technology. See, you can run an RI with it. You understand what I'm talking about now, do you? That thing that rocket reads, pssw! Every time he gave you this solution which he's selling you as the service fac and cogniting on, well, don't shut him down in his cognition, but don't let him wander too much on the track either. Because you've got your hands on something which lies trillions multiple in the past, see. And you haven't got anything - have anything to do with his present time. You've got something that belongs and can only be handled in Scientology IV. But there are other ways of attacking this situation. Now the beauties of R3SC is it doesn't matter which side of this orange you start peeling. See, here's this RI that's monitoring his present life. It doesn't matter which side of it, it doesn't matter if you take out that little green thing at the top or the navel at the bottom or peel off some slabs or actually blot the oil off of it - you're going to do something, don't you see. And next thing you know you're going to start cutting up this RI - because it'll chop up just like anything else. And charge is going off of this thing madly in all directions and so forth, and he'll eventually become very calm about it. Now, if you leave - if you find one of these things - here's another liability - if you find one of these things, if you find an RI and you've got yourself a pc on whom energy is going: Nnwwaaam, waaaooww, waaaooww, waaaooww, rrrrr, creak, rrrr, brrrr, brrrr! He's left session, you see, and he's walked out three doors - only there's only one, you see. And he lays down at night in bed after the session and he'll fowndeh and it's started going: whooooo, wawww-whoooooo. And he got up and hastily turned on the light and four o'clock in the morning he's still sitting at his window looking out into the street and tr-trying-not-to-to-breathe-too-deeply- because-every-time-he-does, he goes: whoooooo, wwwwllll, whooooo! It's ghastly! Most ghastly sensations, you can feel like, you know, these suction cups they clean out WCs with, you know, you could feel like you're inside one of those things, you know, being spronged and bonged. Or inflated and deflated rhythmically by an air pump or something like this. And things go around, creak. The guy's shoulder, for instance, moves over into the middle of his chest. And won't go back. And his chin suddenly moves up, as far as he's concerned, looks to you to be mostly - in fact he might even look better! But from his point of view the chin is apparently at the top of the crown of his head. Just occupational hazards. Factually not even very dangerous. But they certainly are frightening! Because you've come in close to the middle of a GPM. Now, your first - your next reaction from this pc, you're entitled to know what it is. "The GPM is something else. I mean, the RI. The thing is something else. You haven't got the guy's service fac - it's all been a mistake. Actually, his service fac has to do with not liking Patagonians." That's far enough away from what he's just been in. See, he's got himself - he's got himself a qualm. This is a new - a new illness that occurs in Scientology, and that is "the qualms." Q-u-a-l-m-s. And the cause of it is getting into or into the fringes of, the service facsimile and deciding that we have come close enough. See, he wasn't close enough in to be pulled into the thing, but he was close enough to be whooooo, ohhhh, nooooo, ho-ho. And he wants to change his mind. And he'll give you another service facsimile. So you get an invalidation of what you found, going on almost continuously in RSSC. And you can Q-and-A with that invalidation. You can Q-and-A with that invalidation, just so much without restimulating the living daylights out of the case. The way to repair it if you restimulated the case and he's apparently getting worse or something under R3SC - is go back and pick up everything that has been found on the pc. One of the first requisites is to keep good records. And pick up everything that has been found on the pc and guessed at as a service facsimile, and finish it off according to the rules of the game. Just finish everything off! Elementary. Now, the best way to finish these things off is with the - with the lot. You give it the lot. That's all of R3SC steps. If you find "blackberries" and I know, you've said it was wrong, and it wasn't an idea and it wasn't a postulate, and actually it was an identity and it was an item, and it just turned on a - turned on a pain, and then didn't do much and it was abandoned and then you found - and you found "going down," for some reason or other, and that was just touched up lightly, but the pc couldn't see how it made anything wrong, don't you see, so that was abandoned. You look for another one, and then the pc went into the qualms and you found one that had to do with "to be little" or something of the sort, and this was awful close to it, and you decided that - you and he both decided that must be a GPM because it was too gruesome to be confronted. And about the fifth or sixth one along the line, you'll have gotten tone arm action, but you'll also have an awfully confused pc. But you should realize that what you're doing is picking up a stable datum and leaving the confusion alive. And the net result is this: The pc's memory will, (quote) tend to deteriorate (unquote.) In other words, he'll just get foggy, don't you see. Because you've left half or three-quarters of the confusion, attendant upon that stable datum, still around. You've taken the stable datum out somewhat and you've left the confusion - but the stable datum couldn't be all the way out or the confusion would have disappeared! So the pc who feels confused, on R3SC, is either in the process of having a stable datum audited out, or you've - or some other auditor has abandoned stuff that is close in to the case and has left it in a confused restimulation. The repair on it is just take everything that's been found on the case and worked at in this particular way and simply give it the lot - that is, all the steps of R3SC. Just give it the whole works. Now, let me say something here about running this, because it's very germane, it's not out of place at all because you're dealing with RIs. The postulate is so far downscale, if you find the center of the RI, that postulate is so far downscale that it is probably twenty tone arm divisions below "hide." That's not just a hyperbolical statement, that's probably where it is. It's an idea that's turned into MEST - way down scale. And it runs to cognition. You only run it to cognition, but it enters at any one of these stages: A solution - making a good record of this - a solution, right-wrong process, make you right, others wrong - domination - survival. It enters anyplace. Anyplace. And you run it to cognition. Now, you say to the guy, you say to the guy, "Well, would that make others right?" "Oh, yes, it would make others right. It would - pardon me, make others wrong." He'd say, "Yes, it'd make others wrong, so forth. But, hey! It'd also make them right." You say, well, it can't be the service facsimile, because it didn't make others wrong and make him right, and abandon it. Ha-ha! Wait a minute. The run was only - the run was a twelve-second run. It ran twelve seconds to cognition before it changed that level of that scale I just gave you. Understand? In fact one of you poor Zed students got sent to Siberia for doing that. The pity of it is, is the Zed students that that happened to, you know, they didn't have the data on what they were supposed to have disobeyed yet. Unjust, isn't it? Now, the upshot of this process ... Now, this is - I should give you practically a whole lecture on just this process, and probably will. You'll be hearing a lot more of it. But if you consider this process here as this picture of survive, you know, I mean that's "help own survival-hinder the survival of others," you know, that sort of thing. "Dominate," which is "help you escape domination" and "achieve the domination of others." And "right-wrong." And if that's the way you look at it, and you always enter here at "right-wrong" and then expect it to go to "dominate" and expect it to go to "survive" - that's only gonna happen if you've got a first cousin to the service facsimile RI, of the pc's present time GPM series. In other words, you've got something that does him a lot of good, don't you see, and he gets some automaticities on it, and everything is going along fine. But if you've got a real, honest-to-Pete, honest-to-goodness GPM, it doesn't go at this level. The idea doesn't come in here at right-wrong, and then proceed up to dominate and then go to survive, see? Actually, this is what the picture looks like. Much more germane. It goes solutions... Well, let's take this at this level. It goes solutions, dominate - pardon me, solutions, right-wrong, dominate, survive, dominate, right-wrong, solutions. Horrible, isn't it? And here of course is your next right-wrong and your dominate and your survive. You understand this? Female voice: Yeah. And so, that it actually, actually just builds up into ... You understand? It might enter here anyplace. Because it goes on - that's your top one, let us say, here. See, that band is okay and if it were a light perimeter idea which is still intelligent, and if you start abandoning service facsimiles because they're not sensible, you will only get this light variety. Because a real service facsimile is about as sensible as an admiral's hat on a cow, see. And so your entrance point here, your upper entrance point would only be in that proper, exact order, nicely, nicely, nicely - if the idea were still intelligent or still knowable or still sensible. Ah, but the GPM does not look very sensible and when it's a rather weird solution of some kind or another as it would be if it were the center of the RI, it's liable to enter in almost anyplace down here. So, what's the net result of this? You find this thing, "to kiss cows," you see, or something like that or "cows are kissable" or something of this sort and it's on a list - it's on a list of "how to repair motor vehicles." "How would you go about repairing ..?" "What's a safe solution to motor vehicles?" And we get "cows are kissable." Well now, if we were psychologists, we would of course throw that one out because it doesn't fit the rest of the data. But that's what's wrong with it, it doesn't fit the rest of the data. It's the service facsimile. Now, "cows are kissable," the pc may sit there for a little while and say "Right-wrong, eh? Wouldn't make anybody right. Wouldn't make - wouldn't make anybody right or wrong." "Well," you say, "Well, all right, then, let's just abandon it." Or "Let's just prepcheck it." Oh, no, no, the only thing he's done here is give you this scale. And you say, "Well, how does it fit in with domination? Do anything with domination? Do anything with survival? Is it just a solution?" "Oh, survival! Well, of course! It's total survival. There's no question about its being survival. That's it." Oddly enough, he's answered the question and cognited in that one sentence. And he's simply said, "It is." Which of course is a cognition, because it's a recognition. It is survival, see. And you say, "Well, how are we going to run a process on this, you know. We're auditors so we've got to run processes." Well, the way you run a process is try to find out what level you can run a process on and not cut the pc's itsa line while you're doing it. Because you then spring back to him - you spring back to him, "Well, has this been a solution?" "Oh, yes, solutions, oh my God. It's a solution. All I've ever done is just solve this, solve that, solve the other thing and so on, and so on, and when I was getting prepschool and so on and solved that solution and so forth. And I always use this solution and so forth, when I have to do - when it has to do with buying peanuts. Every time I buy peanuts I use this solution. Of course, it's just been a solution and so on - it's been a solution, been a solution, been a solution - it's been a solution, it's been a solution, it's been a solution." It's half an hour later, you see. "It's been a solution." And he says, "You know, I don't think it's... I've just taken a look at this, and I - I really don't think it's the best solution in the world to buying peanuts. It isn't quite applicable." Cognition, see. All right, now let's shift it. Now, let's shift it. And we say, "Well, how would it - how would it make you right?" Or "How has it made you right?" "Oh, I've used it quite a bit. It - it does. It - it makes me right. That's why I use it. It makes me right." That was the cognition. That's the end of that process. All right, "How would it make others wrong?" "Oh, well, now that's another thing. It really, it's kind of hard to re - realize, maybe, but it makes others wrong and it - so on and so on and so on and so on and so on..." and fifteen minutes later, why, "... and so on. It also makes me wrong. I didn't really realize that, but it also makes me wrong, somewhat." That's your cognition. All right, you say, "How would it help you dominate others?" "It wouldn't." "Well, how would it help you escape domination?" "Wouldn't." "All right, well, how would it help you survive?" "Oh, well, that's something else." Twelve minutes later you have now found out, cognition, see, of some kind or another. Like, "It helps everybody survive. That's why I picked it up, you see, it helps everybody survive." You're back there chipping it apart, you see. "Well, how would it hinder the survival of others?" "Well, it wouldn't." "Well, when have you used it as a solution?" "Well, I've been damn fool enough to use it for a solution for a long time. But I answered that question a while ago, didn't you hear me?" You've had it. What'd you stick your foot in that for? "All right, let's check this over now. Let's check this over now, let's check it on the meter. 'Survival?' 'Domination?' 'Right-wrong?' And 'Solution?' 'Wrong' still reads. How would it make wrong?" "Oh, well, yeah, I - I've been kind of withholding that, there's some other ways this works, that makes a lot of other people wrong, don't you see. If they had it, it would really make them wrong, if they had an idea like that." "All right, that's fine. That's fine. Very good. All right, how is this thing going now?" Well, you've put in a little whatsit line there and he tells you all about it, and so forth, and you uncork your Prepcheck. And you just give him an eighteen-button Prepcheck on the subject, and your tone arm action somewhere along that line starts to die down. Gives you a little bit more yip-yap about it and that is it. That is the end of it. Do you see how that's run? Unfortunately - unfortunately, the auditor is always in the liability of hitting the GPM. And as long as this technique is around, you're going to have auditors grab "to go to school" and run with the ball and have a pc not going Clear on the service fac and get all chopped into something that's only resolvable with 3M2. And why? Well, actually they didn't pick up this pc's service fac, they got the pc's goal. This is counterbalanced by the fact that if you got the pc's goal you're rich, because it's very, very hard to sort the pc's ozun goal out of the implanted GPMs - it's because they both rocket read. Going to - somebody's going to ask me the question, I'm sure, "Does the pc's own goal and own RIs rocket read?" And the answer is "Yes." In fact that is probably what makes implant goals rocket read. They're probably rocket reading off the top of the pc's own RIs. Secondary RR and that's the only thing that makes them rocket read. Pc's own goals rocket read. Now every RI, including the one that the service fac may be in, may rocket read. And the GPM goal that the pc is sitting in is going to rocket read. That goal is going to rocket read. But your GPM does not need to rocket - pardon me - your GPM, to run it, has to rocket read, RIs to be acceptable have to rocket read, and not turn on mass when they do. But - just slide some 3M2 sideways in there. But the service fac doesn't have to rocket read. You're under no compulsion to accept a rocket reading service fac. As a matter of fact there's some liability in doing so. It isn't necessarily true that you should reject all rocket reading service facs, but be perfectly calm about accepting a service fac that just goes on a little eighth-inch tick. Perfectly calm. You're not going to do anything to this character, anyhow. You're just going to have him straighten out his survival, and you're gonna loosen up the needle, and free up the needle and you're going to get some TA motion. Now you actually have to be pretty knuckleheaded to do R3SC wrong, even though it has the liability of being part of the pc's GPM and so forth. You really have to work at it to do it wrong, and the best way to work at it is to be completely unthorough. Go over little things and little things and little things and little things, and pick up this idea and throw it away, and not put it through the grinder, you know, and get that idea off of him and pitch it overboard and not put it through the grinder, you see. And then knock this one out and I mean push it into view, and pc says, well he's cognited on it's a service fac, so you say well, we don't have to run that then. Because the end product will be a very confused pc. His - you've half - see, every time you restimulate a stable datum, which is what a service fac is - a very aberrated stable datum - they're a sufficiently aberrated stable datum to wonder - make you queasy about ever getting another idea so long as you live! I know I was thinking the other day, damn me, if I ever solved anything again I ought to kick myself. I mean, you see how much trouble you can get into with solutions. That fortunately is not the case, don't you see. You can go on and live life. But, the point - the point is that every one of those things that are perimeter solutions on the center of a service facsimile, which is simply the pc's current RI. If you want to get very technical about what it is, it's his current solution, see, monitored by the goal, see? That's all it is. He's generating it, that's for sure! It's his solution. And it's aberrated as you can come, because it's an uninspected solution. He - actually, was a perfectly decent solution when he first got ahold of it, but now it's living his life for him, don't you see? And therefore it doesn't take care of the environmental restimulation. Doesn't even vaguely take care of his life for him. Doesn't write any letters for him, it doesn't issue him any paychecks, it doesn't box any policemen, it doesn't do anything. It just sits there and keeps him from doing anything. Well, when you move that thing, all the policemen he's not boxed, all the letters he's not written, all the inspections he's not done - start hitting him in their aggregate. So all you've got to do is disturb it and move it slightly out of the way, and some of this confusion starts generating. And the pc starts feeling confused. And you'll - running R3SC you'll have some of the most confused pcs in sessions you have ever seen. You've got to adjust to this as an auditor. You've got to adjust to this as an auditor. Don't go arguing back at the pc because he says, "But you haven't started the session yet!" And you've said "End of session," so that the two teams on both sides of you are going to ask that you calm down, and so forth, and the pc just knows you never started session, that's all. Just knows you never did. And pc is going to walk out, and then suddenly come back and ask you to end the session, you know? And leave his books, you see, leave his books on the chair - leave his books on the chair and then get a taxicab to go home for them. You watch this, see. Well, that is simply ordinary. That would be ordinary in running R3SC. Quite an ordinary state of mind. Now, if that's an ordinary state of mind, what is the state of mind of the bloke who has had five service facsimiles picked up, partially run and thrown away, by the auditor. Now he's got five zones and areas of confusion which are knocking his block off. Well, man, if he can tell the time of day, he would be very, very lucky! It's not terribly dangerous, but it's useless to put a pc into this particular frame of mind. It's silly. Now, you'll find out inevitably that this happens accidentally. Just in sorting them out, you miss one, you miss two, you see. Something like that. You couldn't get one to run yesterday. Something is sitting in the middle of what you are trying to do and you can't get the pc to talk about it, something like that. So you go on with your assessment. And you think you've now got one for that session. No, you've got the second one for that session, don't you see? Pc is so confused and stony he actually can't tell you about the one he got. See, the first one you got. Now you're already en route to the second one, without recognizing that you have found the first one, you understand? So it's a very good thing to review the auditing you've done every now and then and clean up what you've left behind. There's no crime in having three service facsimiles up in the air like Indian clubs, as long as you're on the stage to eventually catch them, you see? There's no crime in having three in the air. The only crime is not being there to catch them as they come down, you see. Finish them all up in other words. You're going to be fooled on a lot of service facs because they're so far downscale that they don't run according to the steps of R3SC, you have to jumble the steps, don't you see? Well, actually you don't really change the steps, but it just doesn't hit at this level, or hit at that level and so the pc says it isn't and it isn't - and then you tell the pc, "All right, well then it can't be a service fac," you see, because it didn't enter at the level of right-wrong. Well, this is a serious blunder, in actual fact. It'll very often enter at the level of solutions; it'll very often enter at the level of "domination," quite often enter at the level of "survival," you see, when it won't enter at any other but the level it enters in on. That's the one. That's the entrance point. Now that's - a real service fac behaves in a most outrageous fashion, in that regard. And something that isn't a service facsimile but simply gives you fine tone arm motion is more likely to behave perfectly. You still follow the steps of RSSC, see. You still do all those things. But, just because the pc can't do one of the steps is no reason to abandon it as a service fac and simply prepcheck it or something like that. No, try to enter these other points. Try to enter these other points, and you all of a sudden will trigger the automaticity, on occasion, that you've been looking for. You'll all of a sudden realize that you're running some perimeter thing. The main thing is to get tone arm action. That's the main thing for you to get. That's the big thing for you to get, tone arm action. Administratively, remember to keep your weather eye peeled for the pc's goal, because this is the best goal finding method that we've had to date. The best goal finding method. You're actuallv unburdening the bank to the pc's goal. And all you do is run service facs - if you're actually hitting - you run service facs, until the pc's in pretty good shape, see, and has handed you his goal. Elementary. Means some pcs will be on a long run, see, before they do. But if that's the case then they should be. They should have been on a long run. Now, you're cutting down the environmental restimulation of the pc, constantly and continuously as you're addressing the service facsimile. Chronic present time problems, hidden standards, the other things, the very things which attract present time problems to the pc are of course contained in the RI of his own GPM which he is now in the process, laboriously, of forming, by being a blind nut. Naturally. He's got an RI, "a lover." That's the RI he's forming in this lifetime. See? On the goal "to be famous," not the goal "to be sexual." See, and there he is forming up this RI, "a lover," see. And its central postulate doesn't have too much to do with this, it's "to be good." That's its central postulate. You find "to be good," you don't connect it with "a lover" see, and you certainly don't connect it with "to be famous," you see. You'd naturally say it's a sexual goal, you see. And "to be good" is a disciplinary goal of some kind or another, and all kinds of ramifications. And we don't dare run "to be good;" it doesn't rocket read, but it sounds like a goal, don't you see. In other words, you can have a picnic walking through this forest of spears. You can have a picnic. But of course, that's nothing, because naturally the pc's whole bank is booby-trapped with these GPMs that have been implanted, so they read like goals too. That's the one you worry about. Don't worry about doing these RSSC things, just go right ahead and do them, get lots of tone arm action and so forth. You'll get action, tone arm action, on the pc's own goal line - much, much, much, much better, infinitely better tone arm action, than you ever got on any implant GPM. And actually this whole thing has been resolved on the basis of looking for tone arm action. We finally come back to: Tone arm action is best found on the pc's own GPM channel. You can use almost anything. You can use almost anything in the way of RIs, to do this RSSC stunt; you can do this stunt on any GPM RI found. The best way of handling it, however, is to oppose it with 3M2 if it's a backtrack thing, run it as a GPM. But you're not looking for that right now, you're trying to get down the environmental restimulation of the pc - calm him down, cool him off, and so on, so as to cut down the session environment restimulation and square him away. And you best do this with RSSC. R3SC will eventually lead in to a differentiation by the pc and by you as the auditor, of which is and what is the pc's own goal. When you've got that you can run 3M on it and actually the pc will fly like a bird. You won't have seen tone arm action the way you see tone arm action on a real GPM. The only thing that puts it in the shade is R3M2 - is complicated, it is delicate to run, it is hell on the pc, you can miss items like crazy and the fact that you're running those GPMs over the top of falsely implanted GPM probably makes it a picnic, the like of which we never heard of. So let's just quietly worry right now about R3SC and meet the other dragon when we turn the corner of the road. Okay? Thank you. [end of tape.]