THE ROUTE TO INFINITY THE TECH 80 LECTURES OF 1952 [in this case we have included everything provided by the CofS along with the transcripts including the editor's introduction, glossary, bibliography, etc. - FZ.B.A.] TO THE READER: Scientology religious philosophy contains pastoral counseling procedures intended to assist an individual to gain greater knowledge of self. The mission of the Church of Scientology is a simple one: to help the individual achieve greater self-confidence and personal integrity, thereby enabling him to really trust and respect himself and his fellow man. The attainment of the benefits and goals of Scientology philosophy requires each individual's dedicated participation, as only through his own efforts can he achieve these. This publication is based on the religious literature and works of the Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard. It is presented to the reader as part of the record of his personal research into life, and the application of same by others, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the Church or the Founder. Scientology philosophy and its forerunner, Dianetics technology, as practiced by the Church, address only the "Thetan" (Spirit). Although the Church, as are all churches, is free to engage in spiritual healing, it does not, as its primary goal is increased spiritual awareness for all. For this reason, the Church does not wish to accept individuals who desire treatment of physical or mental illness but prefers to refer these to qualified specialists of other organizations who deal in these matters. The Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used in the Church confessional. It in itself does nothing, and is used by ministers only, to assist parishioners in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail. We hope the study of these lectures is only the first stage of a personal voyage of discovery into this new and vital world religion. Church of Scientology International THE ROUTE TO INFINITY Transcripts and Glossary Technique 80 Lectures by L. RON HUBBARD CONTENTS Introduction............................. xi 19 MAY 52 Beingness...................... 1 19 MAY 52 Outline of Technique 80........ 9 19 MAY 52 Wavelengths of ARC............. 23 20 MAY 52 Decision....................... 35 20 MAY 52 Decision: Cause and Effect..... 49 21 MAY 52 Therapy Section of 80: Part I . 59 21 MAY 52 Therapy Section of 80: Part II 73 Appendix ................................ 87 About the Author ....................... 103 Glossary ............................... 107 Bibliography ........................... 110 Important Note: In studying these lectures, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand.The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER a word that the person did not have defined and understood. Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing you didn't know what you had read? Well, somewhere earlier on that page you went past a word that you had no definition for or an incorrect definition for. Here's an example. "It was found that when the crepuscule arrived the children were quieter and when it was not present, they were much livelier." You see what happens. You think you don't understand the whole idea, but the inability to understand came entirely from the one word you could not define, crepuscule, which means twilight or darkness. It may not only be the new and unusual words that you will have to look up. Some commonly used words can often be misdefined and so cause confusion. This datum about not going past an undefined word is the most important fact in the whole subject of study. Every subject you have taken up and abandoned had its words which you failed to get defined. Therefore, in studying these lectures be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined. Definitions Words with hard-to-find definitions have been defined in the glossary included in this publication. Words sometimes have several meanings. The definitions in this glossary only give the meaning that the word has as it is used in context. This glossary is not meant as a substitute for a dictionary. The Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary and the Modern Management Technology Defined dictionary are both invaluable tools for the student. They are available from your nearest Scientology church or mission, or direct from the publisher. Student Use of Transcripts The tape transcripts in this publication serve a vital purpose for students. With a written text of the tape in hand, students can follow the tape rapidly and spot their misunderstoods. Such transcripts do not supplant the tapes, as how the words were said and how preclears in auditing demonstrations actually responded are quite important. L. Ron Hubbard ======================= Introduction What are the capabilities of a theta being? Just how powerful is a being who cannot die, who natively is not even a part of the physical universe? What forces, in the span of the whole track, could be responsible for bringing that vital being down to such a state that he would think he was a body? These questions were answered by L. Ron Hubbard. In May 1952, having just recently moved to Phoenix from Wichita, Kansas, Ron began establishing a strong position. He was building the first Scientology community on a plot of land just east of Phoenix on the edge of the desert. This community would be the center of Scientology activities for many years. He was looking to the future and building the nucleus of what would soon become the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, the first international organization. In early May, Ron invited auditors to Phoenix for a special course on the first of a pair of techniques he was finalizing research on. Technique 80 was released in a three-day series of lectures beginning on 19 May 1952. Ron spoke during these lectures of his whole-track research, newly discovered principles and the means for freeing a thetan. In three open-air lectures, given two hours nightly in the orange groves on the land east of Phoenix, he taught the attending auditors the theory and practice of a highly advanced procedure for freeing a being from his time track - Technique 80. The material Ron covered in these lectures is designed to remove the barriers a person has put up, keeping himself from arriving at sane, prosurvival decisions. The first evening's lectures, "Beingness," "Outline of Technique 80" and "Wavelengths of ARC," form the basis of an article well known to Scientologists, "Dynamics and the Tone Scale." This article, first published in 1952 as a summary of the lectures in Professional Course Booklet 29, was reissued as an HCO Policy letter on 23 October 1981. In these lectures, Ron bridges the gap between the ideal and the current scene, including exact data to help you create your future the way you want it. Prepare yourself for an expansion of causative beingness across all of your dynamics. Technique 80 is your route to infinity. ==================================== Appendix 1. The Circle and ARC Triangle 89 2. Tone Scale and Dynamics 91 3. Wavelength of ARC Scale 93 4. The Tone Scale of Decisions 95 5. Expanding Periphery of Dynamics 97 6. Dianetics Jingles 99 ==================================== APPENDIX 1: THE CIRCLE AND ARC TRIANGLE [If you print the book - you need to complete this chart by hand - connect the dots of the triangle, then, arc a circle around the triangle - touching the points of the triangle and the A-R-C outside the circle. The 0 is inside the circle under the base of the triangle - Infinity (oo) is inside the triangle under the A. - (FZ.B.A.) ] A . . .oo . . . . . C.........R 0 ========================== APPENDIX 2: TONE SCALE AND THE DYNAMICS 8 | 40.0 || TO BE | d || 7 | || | y 32.0 || 6 | || | || t 5 | n || | 22.0 || 4 | a || o | || 3 | 15.0 || | m || n 2 | || | || 1 | i 4.0 || e | || | c || | 2.0 || | s || | 1.5 || | || | 0.5 || | || | 0 || NOT TO BE This diagram is referred to in the first lecture of 19 May 1952. ============================================ APPENDIX 3: WAVELENGTH OF ARC SCALE [Note: This chart is handwritten by LRH. The oo is an infinity sign. WL = Wavelength. cm = centimeters (FZ.B.A.) ] 0 __________________________oo WL or 0.0 WL. 39.0 __________.00000000000000000000000002 cm. aesthetics 8.0 ______________________ .0000002 cm Analytical Thought 1.5 ______________________ .024 cm Emotion Tone WL. This diagram referred to in the third lecture of 19 May 1952. ========================================= APPENDIX 4: TONE SCALE OF DECISIONS Unaberrated conduct to a marked degree is the making of decisions which can be put into effect as opposed to making decisions which cannot be put into effect and down to indecision and lower to irrational decision into effect, down to indecision and down to the decision not to be. This scale handwritten by L. Ron Hubbard, is referred to in the first lecture of 20 May 1952 ============================================ APPENDIX 5: EXPANDING PERIPHERY OF DYNAMICS [This diagram cannot be duplicated here - it consists of concentric circles with the innermost circle being the 1st dynamic and the outermost circle being the 8th dynamic - FZ.B.A.] This diagram is referred to in the second lecture of 20 May 1952 ================================================= APPENDIX 6: DIANETIC JINGLES [This is a reproduction of the mimeographed handout of 21 May 1952. Mentioned by Ron at the end of the final lecture] Anything you can take, you can make. Anything you can see, you can be. Anything you shun will have won. Anything you have done you can do. Anything that is work is a shirk. Anything you desire means expire. If you ever need bait just create. If a motion comes in, use and win. If a motion you won't use you will lose. If all motion comes in, that's a sin. If motion from you flows, the world glows. If beauty you desire, beauty transpire. If tone tends toward spin, you're taking motion in. If tone is to soar, create even more. If you don't want the real, always steal. If you want the whole sky, never buy. If you don't want remorse, just be source. If you don't want to see, with all motion agree. If you want to be tall, just be all. If you ever repent, you are spent. If you act in today you keep morrow away. If you act in the past, you won't last. If you say you aren't God, you are sod. If you have to be liked, you are spiked. If you choose to agree, you're a tree. If you want others' gain, you're insane. If all things you eschew, they are glue. If your body you'd leave, don't believe. The way out of MEST ain't detest. If you'd soar to the blue, just go through. If all things you would flee, these you'll be. If you want to destroy, just annoy. If you just want to heal, make him real. All the things that come in are a sin. Whatever is cause, to it everything draws. Whatever is wrecked was effect. If high tones shun the low, the suns brighter glow. When a high tone fights entheta, he comes in very later. Entheta is just matter kicking up a final splatter. If your MEST is in disorder, your case is on the border. If your MEST is in good shape, you haven't time to hate. If all things you would create, you'd better be in time and date. If through other's thoughts you plow, you will come at last to now. If you don't want to be attacked don't draw back. If all evil you'd burn down simply up and build a town. There is no trick to being unless you spend your time agreeing. If you don't have a datum, create 'em. The only unknown are in other men's domes. The real universe is a hearse. The right way to be is to be. When aesthetics are sex, there've been wrecks. If you want to be pure don't endure. If you want to last just move fast. If all things you'd deserve, don't preserve. If the world's all your brother, you're just another. Those who gave us mystic were sadistic. No wise man should stammer because another shuns his grammar. Don't ever go down scale, because MEST won't get up and cheer and hail! If you would overrate, just let it make you rate. The bottom of disease is anxiety to please. You can blame your whole confusion on the fact you bought illusion. The always last sung song, "I was wrong." You'll never climb a steeple if you worry about people. If you can't bring yourself to killing, you are another's willing. If all misery is bested, you've the universe invested. Just because it made you fall doesn't prove that it is all. If you get caught in the middle, it's because you've bought a riddle. If you want things in delirium, just get serium. If the engrams you'd keep in, study hard to know of sin. If you want an empty larder, tell yourself you must work harder. If your vision is all blurry, you've bought another's worry. If you want to be in chains, let some other buy your brains. If from another's grace you'd fall, just pretend that you aren't all. If you find yourself well under, it's because you defined blunder. The entire source of pain is an effort to abstain. A calm and peaceful mind has refused to put trouble behind. A really sharp obsession is from lack of self-confession. If you want to really let it, forget it. If you want to get real tragic, forget it was just magic. If you really want the stutters, respect the rights of others. If you want to be tearful, be careful. The upset of tradition is the way to eat roast pigeon. The craving for a drink is creation of a brink. The desire to be hugged is a craving to be drugged. A creeping inhibition is a stable definition. The only reason some people find ambition is a spike is they don't try to be, they try to be like. If you're awfully deject, you're defect. ================================================ ABOUT THE AUTHOR [Note: this is by the CofS editors rather than by FZBA or by LRH himself. - FZ.B.A] Mapping the degeneration of thetans along a descending path trillions of years long was no small task. Finding the reasons for that decline and the present degraded state of mankind and bringing about the means for its reversal are accomplishments unparalleled anywhere in the vast span of our history. These achievements could not have been accomplished by an ordinary man. L. Ron Hubbard explored and charted the nearly infinite history of the beings known on Earth as the race of man. This was neither a pleasant nor friendly history to research. The quest required a high level of courage and confront on the part of the explorer. As Ron said, "The most incredible adventure of all was to advance a solution to the riddle of man's being and destiny. For the hiding place was strewn with the bones of those who tried in ages past." Exploration and adventure were the way of L. Ron Hubbard's life. From the open ranges of his home state of Montana to the hills of China, from the frigid coast of Alaska to the jungles of South Pacific islands, whether working with men on expeditions or teaching inexperienced naval crews to survive the ravages of a world war, Ron saw life from all angles. Armed with a keen intellect, boundless energy, limitless curiosity and a unique approach to philosophy and science which emphasized workability and practicality over all else, Ron embarked upon his study of life and its mysteries while still in his teens. In his early years he traveled extensively throughout Asia and the Pacific. He saw firsthand the use of Far Eastern philosophies. And on a voyage from Seattle to Washington, D.C., he was befriended by a student of Sigmund Freud, who subsequently taught him the meager amount of knowledge that existed in Western understanding of the nature of man. Later, when attending college in the United States, Ron saw that man had no working knowledge of the mind - no way to increase a person's ability to overcome the mental barriers in his life. He observed Western civilization advancing in the physical sciences with no corresponding advance in the humanities. Man's understanding of himself and knowledge of the mind had not moved forward from the level of "knowledge" possessed by a medicine man in the jungles of North Borneo. Ron began to investigate this serious gap in man's knowledge about the underlying principles of life, financing his research through his fiction writings. He became one of the most prolific and well-known authors of the heyday of popular adventure and science fiction in the 193Os and 194Os, interrupted only by his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Partially disabled at the war's end, Ron continued his research, making breakthroughs and developing techniques that enabled him and others to regain their health and to achieve greater happiness and ability. It was from this research that the basic tenets of Dianetics technology were codified. In this research he began an exploration of man's past, because he found that areas of the past which men could not remember could have disastrous effects upon their present and future lives. He first discovered that men could be made to remember into areas of their lives which, according to medical and psychological theories, could contain no memories. Yet, he found that people, when being processed on early Dianetics techniques, could recall incidents that happened to them while they were still in the womb. Ron first published his discoveries in 1948 in "Dianetics: The Original Thesis", and when "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" was published in May 1950, it marked the beginning of a new era for man. This instant and continuing best seller contained a practical technology which anyone could use to achieve results, something sadly lacking in any of the past practices of "mental healing." As Dianetics became a rapid grass-roots success, Ron advanced his research. He found that people could recall events that occurred prior to their current lives, incidents that had to be handled before the person's difficulties would resolve. Although Ron had not specifically instructed these people to look earlier than their present lifetimes, earlier life experiences began to appear in auditing sessions with regularity. Further research not only confirmed these facts but began to reveal that many people had certain incidents in common. This led Ron to begin a concerted effort to lay out a map of the whole track of mankind's past, spanning trillions of years. Before Ron began this exploration, the history of the race was unknown beyond a few thousand years, and even within that small span there were distorted areas and unknowns. Man had forgotten so much of his past that its existence was even denied completely; men were forcibly taught that the race had begun spontaneously a mere few thousand years before. Others taught that man was no more than an animal that had originated in the primordial mud of this planet, and that a person was born once and was destined to live a single life. Ron's confirmation of man's true immortality formed the foundation for many further discoveries, and in the course of his explorations, he found methods for returning man to his full potentialities: ways to cast off the chains of control imposed by those who would enslave him through ignorance of his past. And he made these methods available for others. Ron always devoted himself to helping others and to developing techniques that would ensure the route to a higher level of understanding could be traveled by anyone. All that he has ever asked in return is that the technology he developed be kept pure, that it be made available and that it be applied correctly. His works - including a staggering number of books, taped lectures, writings, instructional films, demonstrations, briefings, all delineating this priceless technology and its application - fill library shelves on every continent. He created and made known the knowledge and technology necessary to change the face of civilization on Earth. I "I like to help others," Ron said, "and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days. "These shadows look so thick to him, and weigh him down so, that when he finds they are shadows and that he can see through them, walk through them and be again in the sun, he is enormously delighted. And I am afraid I am just as delighted as he is." The goal that Ron has encouraged others to share is to create "a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights." Before Dianetics and Scientology, this was only a dream. But the technology Ron made available as a result of his research has made this much more than a dream. When one understands even a part of Ron's technology, one can turn this dream into a goal. When one starts to apply his technology, one sees that this goal can be attained. And applying his technology is all that needs to be done to achieve it. - The Editors ============================================================== GLOSSARY [as provided by CofS with the transcripts - FZ.B.A] Aristotelian logic: two-valued logic, right and wrong - an absolute scale. Something was absolutely right or it was absolutely wrong. Originated by Aristotle, 384-322 B.C., famous Greek philosopher. - Research and Discovery Series Volume 5; Webster's Biographical Dictionary Bacon, Roger: 1214?-94, English philosopher and man of science. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Buck Rogers: a comic-strip character who sailed off to Mars or Venus and had 107 incredible adventures. - Handbook for Preclears Carnegie, Dale: 1888-1956, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, published in 1936. - The People's Almanac Chrysler Building: a building in New York City. When completed in 1929, it was the world's tallest building, 1,046 feet high. - Collier's Encyclopedia Clausewitz, Karl von: 1780-1831, Prussian army officer, best remembered for his books on the science of war. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Czech glass: delicate blown-glass work produced in Czechoslovakia. - Collier's Encyclopedia Daniel: a Hebrew prophet captive in Babylon who, according to the Old Testament book of Daniel, was delivered by God from the lions into whose den he had been thrown for refusing to obey a decree of the king. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary; Bible, Daniel 6:9-22 dropping the whole curve: taking an emotional curve and building a guy way up to the top of this curve and then dropping him in the least possible time as low as you can on the curve. - Tape 28 December 1952 (should be 28 Dec 51 - FZ.B.A.) Eisenhower, Dwight David: 1890-1969, thirty-fourth president of the United States, 1953-61. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary ENIACs: the first electronic digital computers, built in 1943. The name stands for "Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator." - Computer Dictionary for Beginners FDR: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945; thirty-second president of the United States, 1933-45. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Flatiron Building: a building in New York City, completed in 1902, the first building to use the principle of a steel frame to support the building, making possible the construction of skyscrapers. - Collier's Encyclopedia (a triangular building regularly shown in the opening credits of the sitcom "Suddenly Susan" - FZ.B.A) Freud, Sigmund: 1856-1939, Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis. -Webster's Biographical Dictionary git-box: also "git-fiddle," a guitar. - Dictionary of American Slang; Webster's Third New International Dictionary Goldberg, Rube: original name, Ruben L. Goldberg, 1883-1970; American cartoonist and sculptor, creator of extremely intricate diagrams of contraptions designed to effect relatively simple results. - American Heritage Dictionary Group Dianetics: once called Political Dianetics, embraces the field of group activity and organization to establish the optimum conditions and processes of leadership and intergroup relations. - Tape 9 November 1950; DMSMH. This: a special posture in a system of yoga exercises. - Editor Krishnamurti, Jiddu: born 1895, a Hindu religious figure and author who toured the United States and Europe in the 192Os and later. - Columbia Encyclopedia Little Audrey: a little girl who was the chief character in a series of comic books for children. - Editor Logics: the forms of thought behavior which can, but do not necessarily have to, be used in creating universes. The Logics are a method of thinking. They apply to any universe or any thinking process. The Logics are included in Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Handbook for Preclears and Scientology 0-8. - Tape 10 November 1952 Morgan, J. P.: John Pierpont Morgan, Jr.; 1867-1943; succeeded to his father's position as head of J. P. Morgan & Co., acted as agent of Allied governments in floating large loans in the United States during World War 1. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Moses: Hebrew prophet and lawgiver who, according to the biblical book of Exodus, led the Israelites from Egypt through the wilderness to Canaan, circa 1200 B.C. according to some authorities. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary mote: to move speedily. - Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Nation, Carry: 1846-1911, American temperance agitator. Resident in Kansas, a prohibition state, she maintained that, since the saloon was illegal in Kansas, any citizen could destroy liquor, furniture and fixtures in a place selling intoxicants. Armed with a hatchet, she went on wrecking expeditions through Kansas cities and towns (1900-1910). - Webster's Biographical Dictionary om mani padme om: "Om, the jewel, is in the lotus: Amen," the mystic formula of the Tibetans and northern Buddhists, used as a charm and for many religious purposes. The lotus symbolizes universal being, and the jewel the individuality of the utterer. - Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Pogo: a popular comic strip by artist Walt Kelly. Kelly illustrated a fanciful tale of evolution for Life magazine in its issue of 18 February 1952. - Editor Revere, Paul: 1735-1818, American patriot; silversmith and engraver by trade. Designed and engraved first official seal for the colonies, and the state seal for Massachusetts. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Rhine, Joseph Banks: 1895-1980, an American psychologist known for investigations in parapsychology. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Shakespeare, William: 1564-1616, English dramatist and poet. Many of Shakespeare's plays are still being produced today. The quotation mentioned in the text, "To be or not to be, that is the question," is from Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary Tombstone: city in the southeast corner of Arizona, formerly (circa 1879-87) a mining center widely known for its rich mines and its lawlessness and crime. - Webster's New Geographical Dictionary WAC Corporal: an early two-stage rocket used for atmospheric research. It was one foot in diameter and sixteen feet long. - American People's Encyclopedia war neuroses: cases of hysteria or anxiety occurring in soldiers during war; it has been attributed to their war experiences. - Webster's Third New International Dictionary Woolworth Building: a skyscraper in New York City, completed in 1912 and long the world's tallest building, towering 792 feet in height. - Collier's Encyclopedia Wright, Frank Lloyd: 1869-1959, famous American architect. - Webster's Biographical Dictionary yeomen: commoners of respectable standing, serving as foot soldiers. - Oxford English Dictionary Zeros: Japanese fighter planes used in World War II. - Illustrated Encyclopedia of the World's Aircraft ========================================================== BIBLIOGRAPHY [as included with the CofS transcripts, note that this is from the mid 1980s - FZ.B.A.] Buy these books by L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics: The Original Thesis - Written two years before public release of the Dianetics discoveries. Also under a new title, The Dynamics of Life - available at bookstores everywhere. Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science - L. Ron Hubbard's exciting story of the first quarter-century of Dianetics research. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health - A spectacular international best seller from the moment of its publication in May 1950, this is the book of man's most advanced knowledge and technology in the field of the human mind. Notes on the Lectures - From two major lecture series given in the autumn of 1950. Child Dianetics - Compiled by the technical staff of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation from the research files and lecture materials of L. Ron Hubbard, with an introduction by him. Science of Survival - The book which is startling the scientific world with its accurate methods of predicting human behavior and its insight into the activities of man. Included with the book of over five hundred pages is the famous Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. Self Analysis - A simple self-help volume of tests and processes based on Dianetics discoveries. Advanced Procedure and Axioms - Advanced Dianetics discoveries and techniques comprising a research breakthrough by L. Ron Hubbard beyond the field of the mind into codification of the basic principles of existence. Handbook for Preclears - Designed for use as a self-help volume and for use by the trained auditor and intelligent layman to apply to others. A History of Man - A list and description of the principal incidents to be found on the time track of a human being. This is a cold blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years. Scientology 8-80 - The discovery and increase of life energy in Homo sapiens. Scientology 8-8008 - The complete treatise of the anatomy of universes and the role played in them by a spiritual being - the beingness of man in relation to the universe of matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective. How to Live Though an Executive - A must for any executive or anyone who works near one. Hundreds of applications in every phase of life. L. Ron Hubbard's earliest work on the subject of organization. The Creation of Human Ability - A huge number of processes for use by Scientology auditors, with full elucidation of the major philosophical and technical breakthroughs made by Ron, from which the techniques were derived. Dianetics 55! - This best seller defines clearly what, by 1955, the impetus of Dianetics discoveries and successes had produced - which is Scientology processing technology. Much newly codified theory and auditor technology. The Six Levels of Processing, communication formula. Indispensable auditor know-how. Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought - Basic book of Scientology theory and practice. Book One of Scientology applied religious philosophy. The Problems of Work - Scientology technology applied to the workaday world. All About Radiation - Bluntly informative. A vital application of Scientology observations and discoveries. Control and the Mechanics of S. C. S. - Edited from the tape lectures of L. Ron Hubbard. Scientology: Clear Procedure - Clearing procedures of 1957. Have You Lived Before Tbis Life? - When Dianetics discoveries touched off the Bridey Murphy craze, conservative investigators were justifiably upset. Now quite conservative, trained Scientologists have tested a series of seventy cases. Their fascinating findings are given in this book. Axioms and Logics - The Scientology Axioms, the Prelogics, the Logics, the Dianetics Axioms. E-Meter Essentials - More advanced aspects of E-Meter use, plus the phenomena behind many of the meter readings. The Book of Case Remedies - The trained and student auditor's manual covering preclear difficulties and their remedies. Loaded with brilliant LRH case resolutions and technical notes, the book is as fascinating as it is important. The Book of E-Meter Drills This book teaches one all phases of E-Meter operation with hands-on exercises. Scientology: A New Slant on Life A collection of all-time favorite essays by the Founder of the Scientology applied religious philosophy. Introducing the E-Meter - This is a basic booklet that introduces you to the Hubbard Electrometer or E-Meter religious counseling device and its operation. The Phoenix Lectures - The celebrated 1954 Phoenix Professional Course Series in book form. L. Ron Hubbard's first and comprehensive discussion of the Scientology Axioms and other fundamentals on the subject. Introduction to Scientology Ethics - How to make a safe environment in which individuals and organizations can continue to succeed in their lives and jobs. Scientology 0-8 - Scientology fundamentals: the codes, scales and Axioms. Background and Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology - The background and religious antecedents of the Church of Scientology, the Creed of the Church, instructions for service, general sermon outlines, many ceremonies as originally given in person by the founder of the Scientology philosophy. The Basic Scientology Picture Book - A visual aid to a better understanding of man and the material universe. The Basic Dianetics Picture Book - A visual aid for a quicker understanding and dissemination of Dianetics pastoral counseling. Mission Into Time - In 1968, L. Ron Hubbard led an unusual expedition into the past, with a crew to check on his recall of incidents occurring several thousand years ago. Dianetics Today - The book which gives Dianetics technical breakthroughs since 1950, a follow-up to Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Hymn of Asia - Ron's poetic address to the world. Destined to be among the greatest of religious classics of mankind. Contains colorful and splendid artwork and photography. Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary - Released in 1975, this book is the key to greater awareness and a fuller understanding of Dianetics and Scientology technologies. The Organization Executive Course (OEC) - The Organization Executive Course volumes consist of eight large-format books containing L. Ron Hubbard's incredibly workable organizing technology - the how-to of running any post or job or organization. The Management Series, Volumes 1 and 2 - Completely updated and rereleased between 1982 and 1983, these volumes contain phenomenal developments in the field of management. The data in this series enables any person to increase production and income through the application of sophisticated and highly developed administrative technology. Volume 1 contains the policy letters which comprise the Data Series, Establishment Officer Series, Organizing Series and Target Series. Volume 2 contains the Administrative Know-How Series, Executive Series, Marketing Series, Personnel Series, Public Relations Series and Finance Series. Both include a very extensive and complete subject index. The Policy Subject - Index An index of all HCO Policy Letters from the first, right up to August of 1975. It lists all of these policies under likely titles. You don't have to know the exact title or the date of a policy to find it. The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology - Twelve volumes, containing all of L. Ron Hubbard's technical bulletins and issues from 1950 to 1979. Every question a person may have concerning technology can be answered directly from the pages of these books, which also include a 250 page master subject index containing over 20,000 entries. The Volunteer Minister's Handbook - Compiled from the materials of L. Ron Hubbard, with a magnificent introductory photo series by him showing religion through the ages. The fundamentals of how to help one's fellow man. Modern Management Technology Defined - Hubbard Dictionary of Administration and Management - A comprehensive dictionary covering the entire range of business terminology, including such areas as personnel management, interorganizational communication, financial management and data evaluation. This book provides the key to new clarity and understanding in the field of management. What Is Scientology? - A definitive collection of facts and figures on and about what millions consider to be the most extraordinary phenomenon of our time. What is it all about, this Scientology religion? Where is it headed? What makes it the fastest-growing self-betterment and reform group in the world today? The answers to these and many other questions on the subject are contained in this book. Research and Discovery Series: Volumes 1-9, June 1950 through December 1951 The first nine volumes of a large series covering the only research and development record of Dianetics and Scientology technologies. The Research and Discovery Series gives the complete record of Ron's research trail, from the fundamental Dianetics discoveries which bring man for the first time out of the mud, to the advanced Scientology technology which returns him to Operating Thetan. You don't have all the tech without the Research and Discovery Series! The Way to Happiness - Possibly man's first moral code based wholly on common sense. Twenty-one precepts based on observation and knowledge of the nature of man. Read it and share it with your friends. Available in packets of twelve. The Study Tapes and Student Hat Pack - Success in today's world depends upon an ability to read and understand information rapidly. The Student Hat Course and The Study Tapes by L. Ron Hubbard can show you the way to quickly learn and apply any new subject and give you the study tools you need to get trained for life. The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures - A famous lecture series given in 1952 in which Ron explains the nature of the human being and his relationship to the physical universe. The lectures are recorded on high-quality ClearsoundTM cassette tapes. Transcripts of these lectures are available only with the cassettes. Each contains a glossary, complete index, and lecture charts as well. Understanding the E-Meter - A large, illustrated book that fully explains the basics of the E-Meter device, how it works and how it can measure the electrical activity of thought. Any question about the operation of the meter can be answered with this book. Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology - A simple dictionary of terms, ideal for the new Scientologist or for explaining Scientology philosophy to your friends and relatives. Introductory and Demonstration Processes and Assists - Ron said about this one, "HGCs, field auditors, Book Ones, and 'coffee shoppers,' here you are! I refuse to take responsibility for any miracles you pull off. But for sure you are going to make some eyes pop." Purification: An Illustrated Answer to Drugs - Drugs and chemical deposits stop spiritual improvement. This illustrated book tells about the amazing Purification Rundown, a program designed to rid your body of accumulated drugs and toxic chemicals and open the way for spiritual improvement. Purification Rundown Delivery Manual - This book is used by anyone who does the famous Purification Rundown. It is designed to get a person through the program to the best possible result. Clearsound Cassette Lectures by L. Ron Hubbard - Available now in Scientology bookstores are a large variety of fascinating and informative lectures by L. Ron Hubbard on subjects ranging from marriage and children to money and Dianetics processing. With excellent sound quality, enhanced by Ron's new Clearsound state-of-the-art recording technology, these lectures give the information to lead you to success in your life. The Hubbard Dissemination Course Manual - For the first time the exact, original LRH tech on successful dissemination has been brought together into one single, easy-to-use source - The Hubbard Dissemination Course Manual. Here is all the data you need to contact, handle, salvage and bring to understanding another person, laid out on a gradient exactly as Ron wanted you to receive it. Also available in hardcover edition. Both versions come complete with course checksheet. Academy Levels Cassettes and Packs - The ability to be successful in life is not something that comes by itself, you have to get trained for it. The forty-six lectures on the Academy Levels and the materials in the new beautifully produced packs for these levels contain the data you need to really get trained for handling life. Once you're trained for life, you can make your success! New Era Dianetics (NED) Cassettes and Pack - The materials of the New Era Dianetics cassettes and course pack give you a detailed understanding of the reactive mind and the technology for producing Dianetics Clears. This is the technology that makes possible the mass clearing of this planet! The Time Track of Theta: More on the History of Man - In four lectures, given in 1952 as part of the Hubbard College Lectures, Ron describes the difference between the protoplasm line and the theta line, the principle incidents on the theta line, the relation between the individual and the physical universe and a great deal more, resolving questions that have puzzled man since the time of cavemen. Deluxe package with Glossary and Charts included. The Phoenix Lectures - Mysteries vanish as you hear Ron's 25 lectures given to Professional Course students in Phoenix, Arizona in 1954, covering these topics and many more: how to use the basic laws of life - the Axioms of Scientology - to achieve your goals; how to apply the Four Conditions of Existence to change things for the better; how to be at cause over Time by knowing its secrets; how this universe was made - and what you had to do with it. The Power of Simplicity - Increase your ability to duplicate the incredibly powerful simplicity and applicability of Scientology philosophy and tech. In these twenty-six brilliant lectures given at the 15th American Advanced Clinical Course in 1956 at Washington, D.C., Ron covers the simplicity of ability, games, duplication, the "story of a static," the "basic postulate," the relation between simplicity and complexity, and many other vital topics. A Series of Lectures on the Whole Track - Increase your awareness and gain certainty on the whole track! The six astonishing lectures in the "whole track tapes" by Ron cover the history of this and other planets, battles between the great forces of space opera civilizations, and the relationship of the whole track to sanity and OT states. ************************************* (end of Route To Infinity materials)