Från: FZBA Scandinavia Ämne: FZ Bible - Melbourne Congress 8/8 Datum: den 10 januari 2000 14:04 MELBOURNE CONGRESS - PART 8 OF 8 Brought to you by: FreeZone Bible Association of Scandinavia ========================================= CONTENTS Part 0: Introduction Part 1: Welcome Address Part 2: Recent Developments on OT Part 3: The Route Through Step Six Part 4: Importances Part 5: Valences Part 6: Final Lecture Part 7: Glossary (A-K) Part 8: Glossary (L-Z) ========================================= STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoners are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heretics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judaism form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ========================================= GLOSSARY (L-Z) LABOR PARTY: a major British political party organized to protect and further the rights of workers. Originally formed as the Labor Representation Committee in 1900 it was renamed the Labor Party in 1906. Holding mildly socialist policies it rose quickly to power through the 1930s and 1940s. It caused increased nationalization of industry and enacted many social reforms, including a national health service. At the time of this lecture it was the leading political party in Britain. Because right away, the first thing that the socialists and laborers and so forth -- the Labor Party are the people who don't work. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) LAMANISM: reference to Lamaism, a form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet and Mongolia, characterized by elaborate ritual and belief in good and evil gods, demons, ancestral spirits, etc. You're told in Lamanism that man is a separate soul and that he can exteriorize. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) LAMP, SERVANT OF THE: reference to a jinni (a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and either help or harm people) in a lamp who is under the control of a summoner. For example, in one of the stories of the Arabian Nights, a boy named Aladdin accidentally rubs a lamp and learns of its magic power as two jinnis appear to do his bidding. He isn't a servant of the lamp or the body, you know. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND: the economic statement that the competition of buyers and sellers tends to make such changes in price that the demand for any article in a given market will become equal to the supply. In other words, if demand exceeds the supply the price rises, operating so as to reduce the demand and so enable the supply to meet it, and vice versa. And that's -- beside from the law of supply and demand, which is part of that - - that's about all you need to know about inflation and deflation and economics - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) LEE-ENFIELD: a type of rifle invented by Scottish-born American James Paris Lee (1831-1904). The Lee-Enfield rifle was adopted in 1904 by Great Britain for both infantry and cavalry and was used extensively in World War II. It was also greatly used in the British Commonwealth. See also World War II in this glossary.. And what was guarding the shores of Australia was a six-inch gun in charge of some naval -- Australian naval reservists down at the mouth of the Brisbane River, a few territorials with Lee- Enfields and Hubbard with a submachine gun. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) LEIPZIG, GERMANY: a city in southeast Germany; the location of Leipzig University, where Wilhelm Wundt and others developed "modern" psychology. See also Wundtian in this glossary. Now, that tells us where we are in relationship to Wundtian psychology which was invented in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany on the premise that man is an animal that reacts on neurons and synapses. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov 59) LIBIDO: (psychoanalysis) sexual instinct or sexual drive. "It means a suppressed bearing on the libido." - Importances (8 Nov. 59) LIBIDOECTOMY: a humorous, coined word from libido and the suffix -ectomy, a surgical operation. "I think - wuldn't be any chance of you having a libido ectomy would there?" - Importances (8 Nov. 59) LIGHTS: the information, ideas or mental capacities possessed. They -- by their own lights and their own values, why, they think they're doing right. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) LIMITED: (chiefly British) of or designating a company in which the liability of certain of its partners is limited to the amount of their individual investments. This means a great deal to Scientology in general because what it does is tie up, under a public limited company status, all of the various branches and divisions of Scientology throughout the world. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) LINCOLN CAR: a car manufactured by Lincoln Motor Company, a United States firm founded in 1917. For instance, the last Lincoln car that was built in the United States is a wonderful example. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) LORD KNOWS: (colloquial) only someone more powerful than man can possibly know or realize (usually used to express the speaker's inability to understand or foresee something). Now, the first time this was ever noticed was in one of the unwritten Vedic hymns, Lord knows how long ago. The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) LOW-SCALE: low on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. And you see somebody trying to get along and create a job and you see other people in the organization, very low-scale people, something like that, cutting this person to pieces. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) MACARTHUR: Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) US general; supreme commander of Allied forces in the southwest Pacific during World War II. See also World War II in this glossary. I sent four ships to MacArthur and everybody says, "You mustn't send them."' - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) MAD, LIKE: (colloquial) very much, hard, fast, etc. Boy, the somatic flies off like mad! - Importances (8 Nov. 59) MADE, HAVE IT: (slang) be certain of success; have all conditions favorable to one's own success. And then I look forward to all the franchise holders being connected up by teletypewriter, and we'll have it made. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) MALAYSIA: a country on the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia which was under British rule for many years. In 1942, during World War II, Malaysia was captured by the Japanese. See also World War II in this glossary. "There are 250 refugees who have just dropped back from Malaysia and Singapore that nobody's taking any responsibility for, and you have about 200 naval personnel drifting through this port that nobody's taking any responsibility for." - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) MAN OF THE YEAR: a person considered to be an outstanding example of mankind in a particular year. For example, every year since 1927 Time magazine's Man of the Year has been chosen with the stated guiding principle of identifying the person who, for better or for worse, has had the most impact on that year's events. And I -- although one time -- one time they sarcastically said they had had many nominations for me as Man of the Year -- and they had had, but they, of course, thought this was very bad. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) MCCOY, REAL: the genuine article; the person or thing as represented. This phrase originated in Scotland as the real Mackay and referred to people and things of the highest quality, and in particular to a brand of whiskey. Later, in America, the phrase was used in reference to an outstanding boxer by the name of McCoy, retaining its basic meaning of "the real thing." They only attack the real McCoy. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) MEDICAL EXAMINER: a government official who performs examinations of bodies after death to determine the cause of death. Nowadays with the embalmer's art being what it is -- and by the way, the medical examiner of the city of New York explained to me one day, he said, "Well, the Egyptian, well, he might have thought he knew a thing or two." - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) MENTAL IMAGE PICTURE: a mental copy of one's perceptions sometime in the past; three-dimensional color pictures with sound and smell and all other perceptions, plus the conclusions or speculations of the individual. For example, if a person was in a car accident, he would retain "pictures" of that experience in his mind, complete with recordings of the sights, physical sensations, smells, sounds, etc., that occurred during that incident. For further information on mental image pictures and how the mind works, read Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard. You make a picture, a mental image picture, more visible and more solid for an individual whose engrams are still live with big claws. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) MEST CLEAR: an individual who no longer retains engrams, these having been erased by Dianetics processing. MEST is a word coined from the initial letters of matter, energy, space and time (the component parts of the physical universe) which is also used as an adjective to mean physical -- as in "mest universe," meaning the "physical universe." See also engram in this glossary. And that was sufficiently effective that it led in -- well, it's less than 50 percent of the cases -- to what you might call a MEST Clear. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) METER: short for E-Meter. See E-Meter in this glossary. And the people that read high on those meters, they're just unwilling to talk to the auditor. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) MISEMOTION: a coined word in Dianetics and Scientology, often used loosely to refer to anything that is unpleasant emotion, such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy or a death feeling. The full meaning of misemotion is an emotion or emotional reaction that is inappropriate to the present time situation. It is taken from mis- (wrong) + emotion. To say that a person was misemotional would indicate that the person did not display the emotion called for by the actual circumstances of the situation. Being misemotional would be synonymous with being irrational. One can fairly judge the rationality of any individual by the correctness of the emotion he displays in a given set of circumstances. To be joyful and happy when circumstances call for joy and happiness would be rational. To display grief without sufficient present time cause would be irrational. And that people had mental image pictures and that these pictures were the cause -- the recording of them, the cause of the continuance of pressure or bad feeling or misemotion or something of the sort... - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) MISHMASH TOOL COMPANY: a made-up name for a company. So if you have somebody -- there's a job called governor general of the Mishmash Tool Company, see. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) MOCK (SOMETHING) UP: create a mock-up of (something). A mock-up is a full-perceptic energy picture in three dimensions, created by the thetan and having location in space and time. A mock-up is more than a mental picture; it is a self-created object which exists as itself or symbolizes some object in the physical universe. The term was derived from the World War II phrase for miniature models that were constructed to symbolize weapons (airplanes, ships, artillery, etc.) or areas of attack (hills, rivers, buildings, etc.) for use in planning a battle. See also thetan in this glossary. If he wants to see again his being beheaded, whenever it was, he can mock it up, and look at it and even put the pain into it and go the rest of the way through the thing again. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) MORSE CODE: a system in which letters, numbers, punctuation and other signs are expressed by dots, dashes and spaces, wigwags of a flag, long and short sounds, or flashes of light. Morse code is now used mainly in signaling and in some telegraphy. And then having established this fact, they have to choose whether or not it's going to be verbal communication or done by Morse code or something. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) MOTIVATOR: an aggressive or destructive act received by the person or one of the dynamics. The reason it is called a "motivator" is because it tends to prompt that one pays it back - - it "motivates" a new overt. See also overt act in this glossary. See, he then dreams up motivators. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) NAME, RANK AND SERIAL NUMBER: precise identity. Informal usage from a familiar clause of a US code of conduct for American men taken prisoner which states that a prisoner is "bound to give only name, rank, service number and date of birth." And I gave my name, rank and serial number. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) NAV: short for naval. Reason, you see -- the reference was 'All NAV (something or other, something or other)" which the -- any officer who had served in these waters and area up to the beginning of summer of 1942, would not be returned to these waters for a year. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) NAZI: of or concerning the National Socialist German Workers' Party which, in 1933, seized political control of Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). In alliance with Italy and, later, Japan, Nazi-controlled Germany entered into a large-scale war with many other nations of the world, which came to be called World War II. The Nazi party was officially abolished in 1945 at the conclusion of the war. Nazi comes from the German word Nazi(onalsozialist). See also Hitler and World War II in this glossary. [Definition of Aryan] in Nazi doctrine . NECK, ON (SOMEONE'S): (informal) making insistent demands of (someone); being an annoyance or bother. Because you'd have every patient who was disgruntled and upset and had been cut to ribbons and chopped up and charged to death and so forth, you'd have them right back on their necks. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) NE PLUS ULTRA: the utmost limit to which one can go or has gone; the furthest point reached or capable of being reached. In Latin, it means "(let there) not (be) more (sailing) beyond," alleged to have been inscribed on the Pillars of Hercules (two headlands on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar). The exact location of something happening and an immediate address to an injury gives you Scientology at the ne plus ultra. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) NEURONS: the main units that make up the nerves. They consist of cell bodies with threadlike parts that carry signals to and from the cells. Now, that tells us where we are in relationship to Wundtian psychology which was invented in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany on the premise that man is an animal that reacts on neurons and synapses. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) NEUROSIS: a condition wherein a person is insane or disturbed on some subject (as opposed to psychosis, wherein a person is just insane in general). He said, "You'll be very interested that it has neuroses." - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) NORTHERN LAKES: the Great Lakes, a series of five lakes between the United States and Canada, comprising Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Superior. And once upon a time there was this big battle up in the northern lakes. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) NOT-IS: try to create out of existence by postulate or force something which one knows, priorly, exists. They just not-is it and brush it off and say, "Well, we're all going to stay blind to this if we possibly can and maybe it won't happen." - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) O-GAY-PAY-OO: phonetic representation (as pronounced in Russian) of OGPU, an organization (1922-1923) for investigating and combating counterrevolutionary activities in Soviet Russia. Crime rampant. Send for the O-Gay-Pay-Oo and J. Edgar Hoover, see. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) OLD SCHOOL TIE: (informal) the clannishness and conservatism conventionally associated with graduates of certain English schools. This expression comes from the necktie, worn by former students, which is striped in the distinctive colors of any of these exclusive English public schools (schools where one pays tuition)'. Now, you ever hear of the "old school tie"? - Valences (8 Nov. 59) 1.1: the numerical designation for covert hostility on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. There's many a wife who is just furiously angry with the husband -- privately, covertly, down at 1.1, you know, on the subject -- who is simply angry because she has done something to the husband. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) ONLY ONE: an individual who is operating on only the first dynamic and is not actually aware of or operating on any other dynamics. In this state the individual must have no effect on self and total effect on everything and everybody else. See also dynamics in this glossary. And he's so individuated, in other words, he's so "only one" -- of course an auditor has no part in the session at all. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) OT: abbreviation for Operating Thetan: a being "at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life." Operating comes from "able to operate without dependency on things." See also thetan in this glossary. Well, some recent developments have occurred technically in the field of Scientology which give us the courage to go for broke on OT. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) OTHER-DETERMINED: determined by something or someone other than oneself And the person says, "I don't create it. It's totally other-determined." - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) OVERT: short for overt act. See overt act in this glossary. All the overts on it have all disappeared. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) OVERT ACT: an act by a person or individual leading to the injury, reduction or degradation of another, others or their persons, possessions or associations. An overt act can be intentional or unintentional. Also called overt for short. He is angry at his wife simply because he is guilty of overt acts against his wife. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) OVERWHUMP: a coined word meaning overwhelm extremely. And you actually avoid them or cease to try to overwhump them or cease to try to do something for them. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) OXFORD: short for Oxford University; one of the world's most prestigious universities, located in Oxford, England. There are even fellows who have been sent to Oxford (it's not "Oxford" you know, it's "Oxford") -- there have been fellows sent to "Oxford"... - Valences (8 Nov. 59) PANZER DIVISION: an armored division of the German army, especially in World War II consisting chiefly of tanks and organized for making rapid attacks. From the German word panzer meaning "armor." Armored vehicles played a vital role in early German success and later the victory of the Allies in World War II. See also World War II and Allies in this glossary. In the Second World War they wound up with their panzer divisions and all kinds of subdivisions and battle tactics and names and nomenclature and so forth. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PASS: (slang) a gesture, action or remark that is intended to be sexually inviting. As I remember vividly, as a young man about seventeen, getting into severe trouble with a Japanese host -- I didn't make a pass at his daughter. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PC: abbreviation for preclear. See preclear in this glossary. There's this picture of a fellow being beheaded, you see, and the pc, when he gets a little tired or something like that will notice kind of, you know, that he has this picture of this fellow being beheaded, you know? - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PE: short for Personal Efficiency Course, an introductory course for new Scientologists which contained lectures, communication drills and auditing. See also PE Co-audit in this glossary. They can't say, "Well, if we just get a PE going and if we get our friends interested in the PE and we just get people coming in -- small groups -- and eventually we'll make the grade." - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) PEARL HARBOR: a major United States naval base in Hawaii that was attacked by the Japanese Air Force on 7 December 1941 with great loss of American lives and ships. The attack on Pearl Harbor catapulted the United States into World War II. See also World War II in this glossary. The US fleet was on the bottom at Pearl Harbor -- thud. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) PE CO-AUDIT: short for Personal Efficiency Co-audit, a part of the Personal Efficiency Course in which students co-audited each other on precise processes. See also PE and co-audit in this glossary. That's why that particular process is relegated to PE Co-audit and for large groups and so on. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PEGGED: fixed, as if with a peg; confined; restricted. Keeps your personality pegged there whether you like it or not. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) PENTAGON: the five-sided building in Arlington, Virginia, in which the offices of the US Department of Defense are located. Got the officer of the day right in the Navy Department in the Pentagon in Washington, and I said, "This is Hubbard, Senior Officer Present in northern Australia." - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) PERRY, OLIVER HAZARD: (1785-1819) American naval officer. He was ordered to build a fleet on Lake Erie in the northeastern United States in order to prevent British advance during the War of 1812. On 10 September 1813, the Battle of Lake Erie was fought in which Perry heroically forced the full surrender of the British vessels. And somebody, I think it was Oliver Hazard Perry or some such great naval hero said -- after they'd whipped a British vessel, he says, "Don't cheer, boys, the poor devils are dying." - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PIECES, CUTS (SOMETHING) TO: destroys or defeats (something) completely. And he takes the various departments of the government and cuts them to pieces and changes them all over and stands people up against the wall and shoots them down with machine guns and so forth. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PITCH: (slang) a line of talk, such as a salesman uses to persuade customers. And that the central and principal truths of man be known, merely as truths -- not as pitches and curves to serve some different reason or purpose. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) PITCH, GET IN THERE AND: (slang) make an effort; work diligently; refuse to be defeated. A variation of in there pitching. We wouldn't be anyplace, because you have to get in there and pitch, you know? - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PLAYER PIANO: a piano fitted with an apparatus that enables it to play automatically; by "reading" a specially coded perforated paper roll, the playing mechanism activates the piano's keys and plays the tune. And you can play on him like a player piano, you know. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) POSTULATING: making a postulate, a conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself to resolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a pattern of the past. For example, a person says, "I like Model -- T Fords. I am never going to drive another car." Years later, no longer consciously aware of this postulate, he will wonder why he is having so much trouble with his Buick; it's because he has made an earlier promise to himself. In order to change he has to change that postulate. Instead of just postulating it out of the way or doing something effective and efficient, why, I decided there might be some better way of going about this. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PRECLEAR: a person not yet Clear, hence pre-Clear; generally, a person being audited, who is thus on the road to Clear; a person who, through processing, is finding out more about himself and life. See also Clear in this glossary. They were using Book One to audit with and they'd simply open Book One, you see, and read it off to the preclear. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PRENATAL: a Dianetics term which is used to denote an engram which is received before birth. See also engram in this glossary. I put him in a prenatal and he rolled up in a ball on the floor. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PROCESS: a set of questions asked or commands given by a Scientology or Dianetics practitioner to help a person find out things about himself or life and to improve his condition. And you'll get shifts of emphasis on various types of processes, shifts of emphasis this way and that. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PROCESSING: the application of Dianetics or Scientology processes to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of processing is: The action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer) getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer. Also called auditing. It does the training, the processing. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PROFILE: a specially prepared graph which plots ten traits of a person's character based upon a personality test administered to him. Id like to release for the first time at this congress the solution to a problem which you will find as far back as Book One and which is probably the main thing that keeps a profile or your graph on tests and so forth right where it is. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) PROSEPAH: a made-up word. Well, it might have been better insight or faster skill or closer "prosepah." - Importances (8 Nov. 59) PSYCHIATRIST: a physician engaged in psychiatry. See also psychiatry in this glossary. I'll shorten it and merely say they're psychiatrists. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PSYCHIATRY: the supposed medical practice or science of diagnosing and treating mental disorders. In psychoanalysis, old-time nineteenth-century practices, psychiatry, all these old- hat sort of things, they're legion - the examples -- that they -- a practitioner starts to help somebody and instantly kills him. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PSYCHOANALYSIS: a system of mental therapy developed in 1894 by Sigmund Freud. It depended upon the following practices for its effects: The patient was made to talk about and recall his childhood for years while the practitioner brought about a transfer of the patient's personality to his own and searched for hidden sexual incidents believed by Freud to be the only cause of aberration. The practitioner read sexual significances into all statements and evaluated them for the patient along sexual lines. Each of these points later proved to be based upon false premises and incomplete research, accounting for their lack of result and the subsequent failure of the subject and its offshoots. See also Freud, Sigmund in this glossary. I define psychology, or tell them about psycho analysis and define psychoanalysis and tell them the facts, you know -- brrrrrrrr -- and they're this and that and so on, and so it all adds up this way and so forth. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PSYCHOLOGIST: one who practices psychology. See also psychology in this glossary. You walk up to a psychologist, you say, "What do you know about mental image pictures?" - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PSYCHOLOGY: the study of the human brain and stimulus-response mechanisms. It states that "Man, to be happy, must adjust to his environment." In other words, man, to be happy, must be a total effect. Now, that tells us where we are in relationship to Wundtian psychology which was invented in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany on the premise that man is an animal that reacts on neurons and synapses. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) PSYCHOTIC: insane; characterized by psychosis, any severe form of mental disorder; insanity. This is typically a psychotic reaction. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) PUMPKINS, SOME: (slang) someone very effective, impressive, etc. The expression possibly comes from the fact that in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries a man or woman of Boston was sometimes called a pumpkin because of the number of pumpkins raised and eaten there. She's actually some pumpkins. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) QUANTA: (physics) the plural of quantum, the smallest quantity of radiant energy (energy transmitted in wave motion), such as heat, light, x-rays. Now, you can get people out making atomic bombs, and figuring out quanta, and missiles and bigger missiles and rarrr, and brrrr and fixing it up so they land flags on the Sea of Dreams, and -- and accidentally land in the Sea of Violence. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) QUANTA OF THE INVERSE ELECTRODE: a humorous and significant- sounding made-up phrase. Let's erect something here that has glittering metal bars and balls and transformers and dials and all sorts of things and then write a textbook that has to do with the quanta of the inverse electrode. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) QUANTUM MECHANICS: the branch of physics that deals with atomic structure and phenomena. And you can go off into complications that have gimmicks and ruddy rods and quantum mechanics and everything else all piled on top of this thing, gah-woof! - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) RAILS, OFF THE: in a disorganized or confused state. A reference to the rails that a train runs on. And you can always tell where we're just a little bit off the rails because a little kid can't understand what we're talking about. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) RANDOMITY: a consideration of motion. We have plus randomity and we have minus randomity. We can have, from the individual's consideration, too much or too little motion, or enough motion. What's enough motion measured by? The consideration of the individual. The term randomity is often used to mean simply too much motion or action. No randomity in that person's vicinity and somebody who makes some randomity and apparently has a lot more noise around him., and so forth, gets promoted and that person doesn't. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) REACTIVE BANK: same as reactive mind, a portion of a person's mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus it will automatically create a certain response) which is not under a person's volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. Now, let's take a reactive bank; there it is. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) READ HIGH: register high on the E-Meter tone arm. See also E- Meter and tone arm in this glossary. And the people that read high on those meters they're just unwilling to talk to the auditor. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) RETURN: cause a preclear to go into a past period. A person can "send" a portion of his mind to a past period on either a mental or combined mental and physical basis and can reexperience incidents which have taken place in his past in the same fashion and with the same sensations as before. Return him to the incident necessary to resolve his case, run him from the beginning to the end of the thing through and through and through, make him reexperience the thing fully and totally and so on, and get rid of his sciatica or baldness or almost anything! - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) RIBBONS, CUT (SOMEONE OR SOMETHING) TO: a variation of cut (someone or something) to pieces. See pieces, cuts (something) to in this glossary. Then all that person can do is cut him to ribbons! - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) RIGHT BOWER OF THE VORTICAL CURVE PUT ON BY GOD: a humorous and significant-sounding made-up phrase. But, if you don't understand those words -- if "telekinesis" is "the right bower of the vortical curve put on by God," you say, "Well, that's -- I don't know about that " - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) ROCK: a reach and withdraw mechanism which a person has used to reach people or things with. The cycle of the Rock is: A person (1) failed to communicate himself; (2) started using something to communicate with; (3) put the last item on automatic and it created for him; (4) it failed. It is the first shift of valence, the loss of identity of self and the assumption of identity of something else. See also valence in this glossary.... and finally they'd come down to the first time the person ducked his own identity and assumed another identity and we call that the Rock. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) RUBENS: Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), diplomat, scholar and the most famous Flemish painter of his time. He painted historical and religious scenes, landscapes and portraits of kings, statesmen, friends and family members. Rubens' pictures are full of action and crowded with figures. He is especially noted for his brilliant coloring. "Compared to Rubens - ha!" - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) RUDDY ROD: a made-up term. And you can go off into complications that have gimmicks and ruddy rods and quantum mechanics and everything else all piled on top of this thing, gah-woof! - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) RUN OUT: cause (through auditing) something in the reactive mind to vanish entirely, at which time it is filed as memory and experience. See also reactive bank in this glossary. He doesn't run out old communication, he adds on new communication, don't you see? - Importances (8 Nov. 59) RUSSIANS, MAP SHOT BY THE: reference to the first successful photographs of the far side of the moon which were taken by a Russian satellite in October, 1959. And the last map shot by the Russians when that thing went around back there -- its photographic quality is very sour, but it shows that they more or less did send something around the moon. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SAINT HILL: the English residence of L. Ron Hubbard, located in East Grinstead, Sussex, which was also used at the time of this lecture by HCO Worldwide as the communication center of Scientology. See also East Grinstead and HCO WW in this glossary. And here's from Saint Hill: "Have a star performance congress in all respects." - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SCIENTOLOGY: comes from the Latin scio, which means "know" and the Greek word logos, meaning "the word or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known." Thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing. Scientology is an applied religious philosophy developed by L. Ron Hubbard. It is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. This means a great deal to Scientology in general because what it does is tie up, under a public limited company status, all of the various branches and divisions of Scientology throughout the world. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) SCS: abbreviation for Start-Change-Stop. See Start-Change-Stop in this glossary. You try to run something like old Start-Change- Stop on him, old SCS, something like that -- boy, they practically fly out the windows. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) SEA OF DREAMS: the name of a sea (a large, dark area) on the surface of the moon which was first photographed in 1959 by a Russian satellite. Now, you can get people out making atomic bombs, and figuring out quanta, and missiles and bigger missiles and rarrr, and brrrr and fixing it up so they land flags on the Sea of Dreams, and -- and accidentally land in the Sea of Violence. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SEA OF VIOLENCE: a made-up name for a sea (a large, dark area) on the moon. Now, you can get people out making atomic bombs, and figuring out quanta, and missiles and bigger missiles and rarrr, and brrrr and fixing it up so they land flags on the Sea of Dreams, and -- and accidentally land in the Sea of Violence. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SECOND WORLD WAR: same as World War IL See World War II in this glossary. In the Second World War they wound up with their panzer divisions and all kinds of subdivisions and battle tactics and names and nomenclature and so forth. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) SELF-DETERMINED: capable of exercising self-determinism: a condition of determining the actions of self; the ability to direct oneself. And when you're handling pictures directly that's the only thing that happens, is the picture goes from totally other-determined to self-determined. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SENIOR OFFICER PRESENT: the senior ranking officer within prescribed geographical limits. Before the Yanks came I was Senior Officer Present of northern Australia, not because I had any rank, but because there wasn't anybody else there. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) SESSION: a precise period of time during which an auditor audits a preclear. I've had a person, by the way, read a session to me out of Book One. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SHORTS OUT: (in an electrical system) makes a short circuit, a usually accidental low-resistance connection between two points in an electric circuit that causes too much current flow and often results in damage. And of course, this shorts out all the fuses in all the power plants in the city. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) SHOW ON THE ROAD, KEEP THE: keep (an organization, plan, etc.) in active operation; keep (a plan, idea, etc.) in effect. I just give it to you as a practical statement of how to keep the show on the road. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) SINGAPORE: an island off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. There are 250 refugees who have just dropped back from Malaysia and Singapore that nobody's taking any responsibility for, and you have about 200 naval personnel drifting through this port that nobody's taking any responsibility for. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) SIX-INCH GUN: a gun with a barrel six inches in diameter. And what was guarding the shores of Australia was a six-inch gun in charge of some naval -- Australian naval reservists down at the mouth of the Brisbane River, a few territorials with Lee-Enfields and Hubbard with a submachine gun. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF EPILEPSY AND THE HELP OF EPILEPTIC CHILDREN: a made-up name for a society. The Society for the Prevention of Epilepsy and the Help of Epileptic Children becomes the Society for the Punishment and Vivisection of Epileptic Children. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) SOCIETY FOR THE PUNISHMENT AND VIVISECTION OF EPILEPTIC CHILDREN: a made-up name for a society. The Society for the Prevention of Epilepsy and the Help of Epileptic Children becomes the Society for the Punishment and Vivisection of Epileptic Children. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) SOMATIC: a physical pain or discomfort of any kind. The word somatic means, actually, "bodily" or "physical." Because the word pain has in the past led to confusion between physical pain and mental pain, somatic is the term used in Scientology to denote physical pain or discomfort. Well, the reason why he gets hit in the face every time he thinks of spaghetti -- he gets a somatic, you know, every time he thinks of spaghetti or something -- some other ridiculous thing like he hears a typewriter running and gets a cold. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) SPACE OPERA: time periods on the whole track millions of years ago which concerned activities in this and other galaxies. Space opera has space travel, spaceships, spacemen, intergalactic travel, wars, conflicts, other beings, civilizations and societies, and other planets and galaxies. It is not fiction and concerns actual incidents and things that occurred on the track. See also whole track in this glossary. And of course, this is whole track and space opera and isn't happening here on Earth -- is it? - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SPARK: reference to the electrical spark which ignites an internal combustion engine. See also starting bar in this glossary. I forgot to turn the spark off, you know, and almost broke my ankle. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) SPIN (ONESELF) IN: (slang) cause (oneself) to go into a state of mental confusion. And you're told at the same time that all he has to do is totally introvert and sit in one place and supermeditate and spin himself in 100 percent and he will go out the bottom! - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) SPONTANEOUS FROGATION: joking reference to spontaneous generation, the now discredited theory that living organisms can originate in nonliving matter independently of other living matter. There's been a spontaneous frogation of some sort, and boom! - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) SQUARE (SOMETHING) AROUND: (colloquial) put (a matter) straight; settle satisfactorily. Originally, a HASI was set up in Melbourne that wasn't even authorized and there was no way to straighten it up or square it around or do anything for it at all, and it limped along and kept falling on its face and being set back up again and people would work at it and sacrifice their time, energy and so forth to keep it going. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) STAGE OF THE GAME, AT (SOME): at (some) time during an activity; at (some) point. In other words, the simplicities are all taken care of, and somebody is using a language which at this stage of the game is incomprehensible. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) START-CHANGE-STOP: a process which addresses the three parts of control -- start, change and stop. You try to run something like old Start-Change-Stop on him, old SCS, something like that -- boy, they practically fly out the windows. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) STARTING BAR: on older motorcycles, a metal bar which stuck out on the side of the engine. When forcefully pushed down with the foot it caused the engine to move into position for starting. If the spark was on at the time that the bar was kicked down, the engine could start unexpectedly, causing the bar to come flying back up, sometimes hitting and causing damage to the ankle from the force. And I touched the starting bar a few times and ran the somatic out a little bit. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) STENO: short for stenographer, a person skilled in shorthand writing; specifically, the skill or work of writing down dictation, testimony, etc., in shorthand and later transcribing it, as on a typewriter. This little girl is the HCO Steno, HASI London, so she sent it through for HCO London. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) STEP 6: a processing procedure by which the preclear was actually creating the physical universe. It consisted of having the preclear make, with his own creative energies, a mock-up. See also mock (something) up in this glossary. One of those was a thing called Step 6. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) SUBJECTIVE: proceeding from or taking place in an individual's mind. And a little later -- this was -- very great subjective reality occurred on this one because a little later I was kicking over a racing motorcycle -- I like to do things like that, stupid of me, but I do -- and I was kicking it over and it was very high compression and it almost broke my ankle. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) SYNAPSES: the points of contact between adjacent neurons, where nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to the other. Now, that tells us where we are in relationship to Wundtian psychology which was invented in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany on the premise that man is an animal that reacts on neurons and synapses. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) TAKING IT: resisting or enduring hardship, abuse, etc. Just taking it from every corner, just to earn the bread of the family. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) TELETYPEWRITER: a form of telegraph in which the receiver prints messages typed on the keyboard (like that of a typewriter) of the transmitter: the striking of the keys produces electrical impulses that cause the corresponding keys on the receiver to register. Some of the HASIs are now connected together by teletypewriter, and all of them will be soon, and you will be connected up with the rest of them by teletypewriter soon, too. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) TERRITORIAL: (military) a member of a territorial force (a force organized for territorial defense). And what was guarding the shores of Australia was a six-inch gun in charge of some naval -- Australian naval reservists down at the mouth of the Brisbane River, a few territorials with Lee-Enfields and Hubbard with a submachine gun. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) THEE: (archaic) you. And the trick is, there's no space anyway, really -- space is a mechanism that thee and me dream up. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) THETA CLEAR: a being who is reasonably stable outside the body and does not come back into the body simply because the body is hurt. Now, Theta Clear, of course, is more what we're angling for. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) THETAN: the person himself -- not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term was coined to eliminate any possible confusion with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter theta (0), which the Greeks used to represent thought or perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. It is also 0, or "theta to the nth degree," meaning unlimited or vast. Now, who are you? Go on, who are you? 'A thetan." - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) THINGAMABOB: (informal) a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name. And the last one went on total automatic and it's just got gadgets and gimmicks and thingamabobs and you press buttons and they operate solenoids and doors open and windshields flap up and little men come up and dust off the radiator cap. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) THINGUMBOB: a variation of thingamabob. See thingamabob in this glossary. Think of the wonderful thing it would be to have a society totally capable of all scientific developments and thingumbobs and doingnesses and everything else and have at the same time people with judgment, courage and decency enough to handle them! - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) THROAT, CUT (ONE'S): brought about (one's) own ruin. And whatever a person absolutely refuses to create, if it has ever cut his throat, will then continue to cut his throat. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) THUGGEE: (India) reference to a thug, a worshiper of Kali who practiced thuggee, the strangling of human victims in the name of religion. Robbery of the victim provided the means of livelihood. They were also called phansigars (noose operators) from the method employed. Vigorous suppression of the thugs was begun in 1828, but the fraternity did not become completely extinct for another fifty years or so. See also Kali in this glossary. She, by the way, although I tagged a couple of people there in India with this fact -- I said, "That used to be the goddess of the thuggee, didn't it? You know, the killer, the fellow who went down the highway and killed off all the pedestrians." - Valences (8 Nov. 59) TIME MAGAZINE: a weekly newsmagazine in the United States, co- founded by Henry Luce in 1923. Time has a history of presenting biased articles, tailored to fit the editorial slant of the magazine. It is published by Time-Life in the US. The great opponent of Dianetics in the United States was Time magazine and you would have thought Time magazine had been personally insulted and assaulted and called by name the day that book was published in the United States -- Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) TONE ARM: a control lever on the E-Meter. The tone arm registers density of mass in the mind of the preclear. This is actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance, etc. Therefore, the tone arm registers the state of the case at any given time in processing. As a person is processed, mental mass shifts and dissipates, and the auditor moves the tone arm to compensate for these fluctuations. Tone arm action refers to the measurement of how much the auditor had to move the tone arm downward (counterclockwise) during a session, and is used as an index of case improvement in the preclear. Tone arm action is measured in units called divisions. A division is the distance between any of the two consecutive numbers appearing on the tone arm dial. See also E-Meter in this glossary. And you're sitting there and the tone arm is sitting at about 4.5 or 5.0 -- as the auditor -- and you just can't get this pc to talk and it's high arm and then you don't seem to get any facts out of the case and just can't seem to break it down and case making no progress and so forth, - Importances (8 Nov. 59) TONE SCALE: a scale, in Scientology, which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, serenity, enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, no sympathy, fear, grief, apathy. An arbitrary numerical value is given to each level on the scale. There are many aspects of the Tone Scale and using it makes possible the prediction of human behavior. For more information on the Tone Scale, read the book Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard. You get, by the way -- your Tone Scale goes down and your cycle of action follows the Tone Scale down. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) TOP-DRAWER: (slang) of the highest quality; most superior. If the Southern Hemisphere is self-maintaining, if it is a total economic unit, if its know-hows and so forth are top-drawer, it'll continue to have a civilization that may very well be the only civilization left on Earth. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) TOUCH ASSIST: a reference to what is now called a Contact Assist, the most common assist for accidents and injuries, which consists of touching the injured body member exactly on and in the place it was injured. The person moves slowly through the accident just like it happened over and over again until the exact somatic turns on and then blows off (pain gone) accompanied by a cognition (a new realization of life). See also somatic in this glossary. Took the motorcycle back to the place it had been at the moment I tried to start it and got kicked, and finished out the touch assist on the exact place and it ran out in another five minutes, swelling in the ankle went down and so forth. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) TRACK: short for time track, the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulate through a person's life or lives. It is very exactly dated. The entire sequence of "now" incidents, complete with all sense messages, picked up by a person during his whole existence. The term is also used loosely in reference to the past in general. In other words, we eventually found the first time on the track that this happened. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) TURNS (ONESELF) IN: hands (oneself) over, as to the police. See, the swindle is that the individual turns himself in. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) TWO-WAY COMM: short for two-way communication: a two-way cycle of communication. For example: Joe, having originated a communication and having completed it, may then wait for Bill to originate a communication to Joe, thus completing the remainder of the two-way cycle of communication. Bill does originate a communication, this is heard by Joe, answered by Joe, and acknowledged by Bill. Thus we get the normal cycle of a communication between two people. And they find out that they patch this up most easily by exposing it and getting the two-way comm out of the road and so forth. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) UNIVAC: abbreviation for Universal Automatic Computer; an early, general-purpose computer for commercial use. Most of the scientific thinking done today is done by ENIACs, UNIVACs and other peculiar electronic equipment! - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) UNTO: (poetic) to. It's "'Out of the infinite nothingness there arrived a form which in various aggressions and recessions proceeded on through the infinity unto the time it declined, degraded and disappeared." - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) VALENCE: the combined package of a personality which one assumes as does an actor on a stage, except in life one doesn't assume this knowingly. One's own valence is his actual personality. "Out of valence" describes someone who has assumed the personality of another. And I was out of valence -- I was way back on the backtrack -- thought I was running a doll or something of this sort. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) VALVES: the devices in the engine of a car which allow the fuel and air to go into the cylinder (intake valve) and waste gases to leave the cylinder (exhaust valve). Yeah, they wouldn't really consider it a funny question if you said, "How does a motor with bad valves feel?" - Valences (8 Nov. 59) VEDIC HYMNS: the oldest scriptures of Hinduism; religious hymns which are about the earliest known material or knowledge here on Earth in the form of data. Now, the first time this was ever noticed was in one of the unwritten Vedic hymns, Lord knows how long ago. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) WAR DEPARTMENT: a former federal executive department organized in 1789 to administer the military establishment. In 1949, it was reconstituted as the Department of the Army, a division within the Department of Defense. By the way, they dug out the War Department in the United States the other day. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) WASHINGTON: short for Washington, DC: the capital of the United States and also the location of the Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, DC. DC is an abbreviation for District of Columbia which is a federal district that occupies the same area as Washington, DC and is under the control of the federal government directly rather than being a part of any of the states. They've got it all planned out -- all planned out in Washington that they have a warning -- air-raid wardens, you see, and they're out on the outskirts of the city and they look up, you see, and they identify the guided missile... - Welcome Address (7 Nov.59) WEIGHT, PULL (ONE'S) OWN: (colloquial) take (one's) fair share of the work or responsibility. The only thing I think you could do for those people is help them all you could to salvage them and bring them up to a point where they could pull their own weight in the society. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) WHATNOT: a minor or unspecified object or article. where the whole solution to the civilization hangs on whether or not somebody got the right whatnots in the test tube. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) WHITE, MRS.: a made-up name. "So the best thing for you to do, Mrs. White, is to go out and have affair with another man and that will discharge this compulsion to be faithful." - Importances (8 Nov. 59) WHOLE TRACK: the moment-to-moment record of a person's existence in this universe in picture and impression form. And of course, this is whole track and space opera and isn't happening here on Earth -- is it? - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) WIND UP: (informal) arrive in a place or situation as a result of a given course of action. And you're doing what you thought was best and they never accepted your help and they never got better, and boy, you wind up willing to kill them! - Importances (8 Nov. 59) WITHHOLD: an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. A thing the person did that he or she is not talking about. A withhold is always the manifestation which comes after an overt act. Any withhold comes after an overt act. See also overt act in this glossary. Person who's sitting there, withhold, withhold, withhold, withhold, withhold, see -- total individuation. - Importances (8 Nov. 59) WORLD WAR II: (1939-1945) the war between the Allies (Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the US, etc.) and the Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan, etc.). They were getting rid of some of the supersecret files and they found one of the supersecret war devices of World War II was the bow and arrow. - Valences (8 Nov. 59) WUNDTIAN: of or having to do with the doctrine, school or theory of Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), German psychologist and physiologist (expert in the study of the functions of living things and the ways in which their parts and organs work); the originator of the false doctrine that man is no more than an animal. See also psychology in this glossary. Now, that tells us where we are in relationship to Wundtian psychology which was invented in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany on the premise that man is an animal that reacts on neurons and synapses. - Recent Developments on OT (7 Nov. 59) YAK: a made-up name for a drink. A sailor of the future in a space fleet: He's sitting in some low dive, swilling yak or whatever he's drinking. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) YANK: (informal) short for Yankee, a native or inhabitant of the United States. Before the Yanks came I was Senior Officer Present of northern Australia, not because I had any rank, but because there wasn't anybody else there. - Welcome Address (7 Nov. 59) YAP: (colloquial) noisy, stupid talk. I've followed an awful lot of squawks and beefs and yaps, to be very colloquial, down of auditors' misconduct and all this sort of thing, and amongst trained Scientologists they just didn't have any real basis in fact at all. - The Route Through Step Six (7 Nov. 59) YEP: (slang) yes; an affirmative reply. Yeah. Yep. Yes. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59) YIK-YAK: a coined word meaning talk, especially idle, or empty chatter; mere babble. Yik-yak, yik-yak, yik-yak. - Final Lecture (8 Nov. 59)