From Mon Aug 31 13:23:11 1998 Path:!novia!!!!!!!!mail2news Date: 31 Aug 1998 20:23:11 -0000 From: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Subject: FZ BIBLE 1/3 SHSBC-344 ITSA MAKER LINE Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <31a477b71123203d28c8f2d360c7185e@anonymous.poster> Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 550 Xref: alt.religion.scientology:519354 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST TAPE LECTURE SHSBC-344 16 OCT 63 THE ITSA MAKER LINE 1/3 Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But the Christians are not good and obedient Jews and yet are allowed to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** THE ITSA MAKER LINE Tape lecture of 16 Oct 1963, SHSBC-313 renumbered 344 (continued from part 1) Seen doors go out of plumb and out of plane and walking down floors which are suddenly tipping like the deck of a rolling ship. Somebody skipped a GPM or two on you, you know. They - they went for some ... Everybody got brilliant at this particular point, and you had a GPM called "to catch catfish," you see. And they did a goal oppose list for the next earlier GPM. And they got "to be a horse." And the pc said brightly, "Oh, that's the next goal. Yes. 'To catch catfish' opposes 'to be a horse.' " And the auditor says, "Well, I don't know if quite true." See - reasonable. You know it's, "I don't know if it would be quite true. It's uh - I guess it would be all right. Well, we'll go ahead and find the items in it, you see. And the next thing you know, why, corners of the room are going at forty-five degree angles to the pc and their chin is over here a foot and a half from the bottom of their face, you see. And if a doctor would examine them at that moment, they'd say, "An advanced case of coronary thrombosis, you see." The pc's heart is leaping, you see - air bubbles coming out of his bloodstream. Like these divers in fish tanks, you know. Good. Well, actually, that takes an awful level of understanding. That takes an awful`level of determined push-ahead. It takes a terrific amount of education to know what's happening_to you. You'd say, "Well, huehhh!! there's something wrong in the bank. I didn't feel like this on Tuesday. Let's see, what in the name of common sense were we doing on Tuesday? Prrooo! Didn't feel like the - what did we do on Monday? Hrroooh." And finally after a few sessions of wrestling around and it gets worse, and it gets horrible, and now you've got half the bank found in the wrong GPM, you see, why - auditor gets enough Suppress off, and the pc gets enough momentary itsa on the bank and between the two of them, why, they suddenly find out that "to be a horse" - "to be a horse" was an actual goal but not an actual GPM, and that "to catch catfish" goal oppose list is not complete, and that they haven't got a GPM that they've been running items out of. That, in addition to jumping a couple of goals, you see. They didn't jump a couple of goals - they just missed them all, see. Then all of a sudden - snap, snap, pop, tick, bang! - and no coronary thrombosis and the room is all level, and you meet the guy that afternoon and he's saying, "Yabbledee-yabbledee - yabbledee-yabble. Everything's fine. Everything is fine," and so on. He hasn't even found the next goal yet. They just found out why, you see. He's fine. Everything's fine. And you say, "Well, how about that .. ." You can just see now some medical attendant in some organization who wasn't in the know, you know. He'd be coming up there with a little black bag, "Now, Mr. Smith, how is your coronary thrombosis this afternoon?" The pc says, "Coronary thrombosis. What coronary thrombosis? You mean actual goal-osis?" No. It takes - takes a level of nerve. That's another comment that we can make on this definition of the common people, see. We're talking about a Level I, yeah, common people. But you're talking about - you're talking about way upstairs stuff when you're talking about Level IV. Don't kid yourself, now - don't kid yourself. All you've got to do is make a bum error on the present time GPM and start running one that ain't it, and your pc's had it and so have you. And because you won't have a snowball's chance of getting anyplace. The pc will go into the creaks. Half a dozen banks should be there. Do you know how - how far the mistake can be? Do you know how wide the mistake can be for a present time GPM? How wide that mistake can be? You can get the fourteenth GPM from present time registering as the present time GPM. And then every day or so find a new GPM that's closer to the present time that is now incontrovertibly the present time GPM. No slightest argument about it. Every day, find another one. And finally discover that when you found that first one that you were sure was it and that checked out on the meter - meter rocket read! Present time GPM? Rocket read, see. Why? Well, actually, you merely found the GPM in which the pc was most firmly stuck. So, of course, it looks like a present time GPM. That looks like present time to him - so of course it registers. Nothing to that. And in addition to that, GPMs are timeless by construction because of the RI balance. They float in time like goals, so of course these GPMs will register as any place. It takes a considerable trick to date one. And after I've dated a GPM, I always say "maybe." You know, done a terrific job of dating with the greatest care in the world. Everything proved out perfectly that this GPM was at trillions one hundred to trillions ninety-one. Proved it conclusively! Well, I will learn out of that, that probably it is not the present time GPM - maybe. Because these things - these things, of course, are constructed to be instantaneous. Go back to your early material on GPMs. They're instantaneous. They haven't got any time in them. So of course you can't date them worth a nickel, so of course you can make mistakes of this particular character. Well, I know one case that has had a GPM that people have been trying - it's perfectly valid GPM - that people have been trying to run items out of now for a couple of years. Sounds like a long time, doesn't it? They haven't found any yet! I think they got the top oppterm once. It's probably - It's probably fifteen, twenty GPMs from present time! No, it isn't Suzie. I've got - I've got several pcs that don't really know they're on my critical list, you know. But I watch this - I watch this. And I watch people trying to list for something and find something there and so on. There, you can't run it. It's just this: You can't run a GPM that is not the present time GPM! There's only one way that GPMs can be safely programed, and that's find the present time GPM without any doubt whatsoever, and then doubt it, and get its top terminal and oppose it, and run the - now I'm giving you a different kind of programing here - and you run that all the way back to the beginning of track - finding RIs and GPMs in proper sequence - all the way to the beginning of track without skipping a single pair of RIs, without repairing anything and without missing a single goal as you go. Got it? And when you get it all the way back to the beginning of track, and you get the first postulate that the pc ever made - let me call that to your attention; that's prime postulate - when you run this out of the pc, don't be startled if you see the rafters kind of go errrrrutah. When you got that, then you go back and repair it. Go back and run it all again and find out if there was anything missing. But listen - if you try to repair it before then, you won't make it. I've got the later data on this. You cannot repair a GPM on the run. You just find the RIs for the next GPM you should be in. It's too horrible for words. Or you pull RIs out of implants. Or you pull RIs from elsewhere. You can always repair and find new RIs for a GPM you just completed. So you don't run them from the top to the bottom and then go back to the top and repair them. Because you never go back to the top and repair them. The only thing that happens is you find RIs out of the next one, without the goal. See, it's in a horrible mess. So, of course, you can't take any chances with this thing. The odd part of it is that if you do it right, it runs off like a well-oiled dream. It is the most invariable process anybody ever heard of! It is just like a Swiss watch. It just runs off perfectly - runs off just exactly according to R4M2. It's just perfect - I mean there's nothing to it! Like falling off a log! But you make one mistake, and now you have five hundred thousand words required of written material to take care of the repair. You got it? I mean, to do the process itself is very, very easy. You make one mistake and you got complications. It's nothing, for instance, to throw away three sessions, just because you made a stupid boob in one. You just can't find out what's happening. It just, "Ooh, bleah, whoo-my God." And you'll find out it is some stupid boob error. And then you get errors and then you lose the error, you know - and then you find what the error was, but then you lose the error - and you find out that wasn't the error but something else was the error. You got the idea? It can get horrible. But the repairs of it are quite feasible providing they're gone at sensibly. But there is a way to run them. There isn't much to running them. You can run them very rapidly. I find an RI every ten minutes of auditing, routinely - racketa-packeta-packeta-packet. Takes me about an hour and a half to find a goal on a pc. Next goal. There's nothing much to this but it's a precision line of auditing. And it is no line of auditing to be done by somebody who hasn't got a tremendous grip on auditing itself, and who is still trying to find out which is the tone arm - "Oh, that's the tone arm. No wonder I couldn't find the goals list on the pc. It's kept in the tone arm, isn't it? I've heard ..." You know? You can't do auditing like that. So you wind up, of course, with Scientology Levels I, II and III, which is your professional address to the situation. You wind up with Level IV. If you think you're going to go out and find goals on the general public, you might as well just forget it. You're not - that's all. Oh, you can find some goals. You can find some implant goals. You could - you could mess around with this. They'd say, "What do you know? This is unbelievable," and so forth. You might even do something, accidentally. You might even do something. But what you'll pay for it in terms of a pc you can't handle, in terms of a pc who will chicken out, in terms of a pc whose confront and education don't even vaguely compare with what he is doing - do not make it worthwhile. You have now terrific processes at Levels I, II and III, so you'd better learn all there is to know about itsa and what makes itsa and all this, and be able to just sit there cold - knowing nothing much about the pc, you should be able to sit there cold - plug in your E-Meter, give a pc the cans and turn on thirty-five divisions of tone arm in your first two and a half hours on any raw meat pc in any place. Now why can't you? And it'll be lack of or noncomprehension of some of this data like the itsa maker line, see. What is this line? Well, now you get fouled up as to what this line is and you're not going to get TA divisions. You know what this line is, why, it's like a breeze. Now, let's get back on that. I was just trying to get your frames of reference in with regard to where this technology fits. Naturally, this same itsa maker is what's banging in at the GPMs. It's the same thing you're controlling in Level IV. But all Level IV is done with formal auditing. You try to do this other type of auditing and you're going to lay an egg. You're going to let the pc itsa his own GPMs? What - how many telegraph poles do you want this pc to be wrapped around? Plenty! But, if you are doing Level IV without a complete command of the pc's communication cycles and communication lines, you will also wrap him around a telegraph pole. Now, let me show you some misways of handling this situation. One is just not understand what it is. And the other is have some wild preconceived idea or - even some Scientology datum magnified out of all proportion, magnified out of all proportion to its actual relationship, such as "pcs never answer the auditing command." So there of course, you can never trust this itsa maker line. See? You can never trust it. So therefore, you transpose the itsa maker line over to your meter. So you do nothing but ask the meter what is going on with the pc; never ask the pc. You have now effectively shut off the pc's itsa maker line from aud - from the pc as a thetan to his own bank - that line. That's the itsa maker line, see? And you've cut that line. By doing what? By trying to read it all out from underneath the pc. Now, the meter actually can operate as a sort of thetan. You and the meter can be a sort of a substitute thetan. You realize that? You got a bank sitting across the table from you, and you by putting in whatsits can kick things that - in the bank that read that the pc isn't perceiving. Well, this is absolutely vital at IV, which is why I've spent some time talking about IV - because all of IV and GPMs are sub-itsa. The itsa maker line playing over the tops of these things sees a bunch of black Alps - but the meter and the auditor can undercut that bank, since they are not influenced by those direct and immediate bumps and the significances in them. So they can undercut these things and find out what goal it is, because it rocket reads while the pc is still wondering what goal it is. Yes, but you can get too much of that kind of thing too, very, very easily. You can say, "Well, me and the meter know and the pc doesn't know. So therefore, there's no sense in paying any attention to the pc." So we cut his itsa maker. And we find session by session his R-factor drops on his bank. We try to do it all very mechanically. We should do it mechanically, but we do it mechanically by cutting his line. Now, we'd have to have a wild idea of what this line is, in order to pull such goofs as this. We say to the pc, we say, "Well, give me - give me a goal now on this list." And the pc gives you a goal on the list and so forth, and you're asking the pc, "Is it an actual GPM .. ." - you're asking via the meter, see - "Is it an actual GPM or is it an implant GPM or something?" And the pc pipes up and he says, "You know, I think this is an implant GPM. I can see the Helatrobus Implant areas. Yeah, I think it's an implant GPM." Now here's the way to cut the rug right out from underneath the pc, see, is say, "All right. Thank you. Thank you. Is it an actual GPM? Is it an imp..." All right. Here's another way to cut the rug out from underneath the pc: "Oh, I think," he says - you're asking these questions of the meter and the pc answers them, see - and the pc says, "I think it's a - it's an actual - I think it's an implant GPM because I can see the Helatrobus Implant areas. I mean they're right here. I can see them." And the auditor says, "Oh, all right. Well, is it also an actual GPM?" And the pc says, "I - I don't think so. I really don't think it is." "All right. You mind if I check it on the meter?" "No, no. Go ahead." "All right. Is it an implant GPM? Is it an actual GPM? I get a read here also it's an actual GPM. What do you think about that?" "Well, it could be. Yeah, as a matter of fact, it probably is. Oh, that's what that damn big black mass is floating over there - that's it." You understand? But we know of the existence of this itsa maker line, you see. We know of the existence· of the line between thetan we're auditing and his bank. We know of the existence of that line. Now watch the first one again. "Is it an actual GPM? Is it an implant GPM?" Pc says, "You know, I think this is an implant GPM. I can see the Helatrobus Implant grounds here." "Oh, yes. Well, thank you. Thank you. Is it an actual GPM? An implant GPM?" Now what, in effect, have you done? What have you in effect done? You"ve cut the itsa communication line, you have not permitted an itsa to flow on it, you have invalidated the thing that he is looking at and you have cut his communication line to his own bank. Now, don't sit around afterwards and wonder why you have an ARC break. You know, that's how many lines are cut by this simple, stupid action. And yet you say, "It's the most obvious action in the world." And you say, "Well, Level IV is a very mechanical process. And you should do it just bangbang-bang!" See? And all right, you're doing it bang-bang-bang! What gets in your road? This itsa maker line from the pc to his own bank. That gets in your road terribly! And you've also heard that you mustn't let him wander around on the backtrack because he'll overrestimulate himself and you won't get any tone arm action, see. So every time you find him looking at the backtrack, drop your E-Meter. See, get his attention - get his attention over on you! And you won't get any TA. Youll just have ARC breaks galore, all the time! So just start inspecting the number of things you could do with a careless action of that particular character. You just refuted what he said, is what it looks like in the first place, but you'll be surprised the nuances that can exist with this sort of thing. Now, it isn't for you simply to be careful, careful, careful from here on out not to commit these crimes. That is the wrong approach. You just know what it is and know how to handle it. Even a nitroglycerin expert gets so he takes a pint of a - flask of the stuff and shoves it in his hip pocket and goes out for a ride on a rocky road in an old Ford. And he never gets blown up. It's always somebody who wanders in carefully and stumbles over the cork that somebody's left around, see. That's the person that gets blown up, see? You just move yourself up into the category of the nitroglycerin expert, that's all. You're handling very deadly stuff. All right - know what it is. Examine it. Get familiar with it. And you won't go on being careful all the time not to cut the pc's itsa line - you just won't. And on occasion you may find good reason to do so. You know what's going on. Now, all sorts of things - things we used to call intuition, an intuitive sense - can suddenly be born in you just like that. You suddenly develop the facility of seeing that the pc is looking at something. You don't just neglect the whole existence of this itsa maker line. You just don't neglect the whole existence of the bank and just keep running it on the meter, running it on the meter, see. You glance up sideways with this walleyed look, one eye on the meter and the other on the pc, you see - with the reflection of the retina, this is done. And you notice - you notice that the pc is introverted. And you will know exactly what he's doing - he's looking at a piece of the bank. So you won't keep wondering if the pc has said everything he wanted to say about something. You'll have developed the facility of taking a look at the pc and see that he's looking at something and leave him alone until he's through looking at it. And he'll be sitting there - and actually - actually, it's quite visible. The pc's sitting there and he's looking at you and he's rather foggy-eyed most of the time, let us say, since he's somewhat introverted. And you say, "All right, now. Is this your item?" Or "Is that the problem that you were worried about at that time?" Or whatever the hell it is you're asking him. It doesn't matter, see. And you're saying this to·him, "Is that your item?" And the pc goes sort of, "Uh, yeah. Yeah. I think it is." See? And you just get so you can tell. You hear me? You just get so you can tell when that inspection is taking place and not go, "Yeaow-yeaow-yeaow! Bark-bark-bark! Eba-eba-eba! Yelp-yelp-yelp, yap-yap-yap-yap-yap-yap-yap!" Why do I say that? Because some auditors remind me of terriers or something of the sort of thing. What do they do? It's actually just like - if you visualized a piece of string over here from a thetan to his bank - it almost seems to the pc as though the second he starts to put this piece of string down to his bank, the auditor reaches over, grabs the end of it very hastily and puts it out here on the auditor. "This is where it ought to be. Now, what did you think about that? Where's the - why - why aren't you itsaing anything?" Got ahold of the piece of string, see? "Why aren't you itsaing anything? Now, I'11 put - put your - put this piece of string down on some part of your bank and tell me something about it. No, I'm not going to let it go. You just put it .. ." The pc goes, "Oh, my God - what's happening to me?" you see. "What's happening?" Well, what's happening to him is, is the itsa maker line is being carefully held out - carefully pulled out from any possibility of bank inspection - and the pc is being given whatsits. That's the actual situation. It isn't that the pc - it looks to the pc, and he will say, that the auditor is asking whatsits and he's not being permitted to answer. That's what he usually feels is happening and that actually is usually not what is happening. The auditor is perfectly willing to have him answer. But the auditor's putting in whatsits while not permitting the pc to look for the answer in the bank. The auditor's carefully keeping this string from thetan to bank pulled out so that the bank end of the string is over here on top of the E-Meter, or into the session. And of course, your pc's out of session all the time, all the time, all the time. What's the definition of session, see? It's only willing to talk to the auditor. Just willing, you know. Not talking to the auditor. Just willing. And it's really not - and that definition could be revised and made better - it's not just "interested in own case," but "passing this inspection line over his own case"-not passing it over the auditor of the session. TBD Now, one of the things that you get as an auditor is when you've grabbed this line inadvertently - and oh, count on the fact that you're going to make two or three blunders with this per session when you are a complete expert, see. Actually profess - perfection on this is unobtainable because you're going along at a mad rate and you're trying to push along through and get a goals list finished by the end of the session or you're trying to sort out a service facsimile, little list that you have in front of you, don't you see? And actually in Level IV - Level IV particularly - your nulling is done "Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark." There are very few auditors can talk as fast as the meter can respond on nulling. You just get it out of your mouth and you're reading the next one, see. There's that tenth-of-a-second pause to let the meter read. Didn't read - that tenth-of-a-second told you so, you've said it very fast and very rapid. Man, I tell you, a good auditor - a good auditor can take a cracking awful big list and just mow it down, man. And you're going down this list - and all of a sudden, why, the pc says, "Hey! I - I thought of another - I thought of another - I thought of another item. It's 'a cat whisker.' " See? Something like this. And you're intent on going down the list. And the pc - you don't - you don't really get the pc's lift of his head, you see, and his "going to tell you," see. And if you just missed it entirely, you'd get a hell of an ARC break - but you pick it up just a little bit late, you sec. It's just a little bit crude and crummy and you realize you've slid over the last ten nulling items without the pc's attention on the list or something wild - it's usually the last two or three, don't you see. You've goofed it up one way or the other. Well, no matter how perfect you are, you're going to goof it up sometimes or another. Pc's going to be sitting there and you'd swear he was bright, bushy-tailed, right up in PT, answering the end of session, and then my God! He was examining - he was examining his session goals and you were trying to ask him about his gains. You've overridden the pc's comm line. It's how adroitly you can wiggle out of what you get into, that is the mark of the expert. It's not staying out of everything. Most of my auditing is highly swift and effective simply because it is very brassy. I know I can get a pc out of anything I get the pc into. And I know I'm not going to get the pc into any more than I can possibly help. So therefore, it just adds up to a "to hell with it." And I just know the factors I am dealing with and I shift those things round in a session - click, click, click, bing, bang. So this particular pair didn't quite mesh over here in the corner and the pc said, "Rrrrrr." And I'11 trace it back to some auditing error I just made two seconds ago and so forth, patch the thing up in a hurry and I'm off and away, see. One thing I do that I hope you will be able to acquire someday is spot the birth of an ARC break upwards to an hour and a half before it happens. Please develop that facility. Know - don't be so reasonable! ********** continued in part 3 **********