From Thu Sep 17 01:43:02 1998 Path:!novia!!!!!!!!mail2news Date: 17 Sep 1998 08:43:02 -0000 From: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Subject: FZ BIBLE 3/3 3RD ACC Tape 6 SYMBOLS & GROUP PROC Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 696 Xref: alt.religion.scientology:527294 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST TAPE LECTURE 6 JAN 54 3RD ACC #6A/B Part 3 of 3 "SYMBOLS AND GROUP PROCESSING DEMO" Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But the Christians are not good and obedient Jews and yet are allowed to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** (This was a long 2 hour lecture packaged as two one hour lectures, number 6A and 6B. We need to post it in 3 parts to remain under the 32K limit of our posting techniques, so the break between 6A and 6B is in the middle of part 2 of 3.) Transcript of Taped Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard Third ACC 6B - 5401C06 January 6, 1954 "SYMBOLS AND GROUP PROCESSING DEMO" Part 3 of 3 (continued from part 2) Now, let's take this thing called a "name". An awful lot of preclears are in terrible shape simply because of their name. You take the fellow's name and you move it around as a symbol and moving postulates and all of a sudden the case begins to free up. Silly name. There was a case, a notable case that had been audited by practically every auditor in the ... in greater New York - and was audited by a member of the first unit and this case's name added up to water. And all this case ever did for an auditor was blow grief charge and got no better. This case was being the symbol - being water - and would just dramatize this, and continue to dramatize this, and continue to dramatize it until all of a sudden why the auditor would say, "Well, we blew that big beautiful grief charge and so the case would be better", but the case was no better. So this became an enormous mystery. So a thetan becomes something and sells himself on the idea he is IT, merely because he is so exhausted in this combat with symbols, freedoms, ethics, ideals, evils. These things become symbols and he avoids them one way or the other and then he doesn't know what to avoid because they're mobile and he never knows where they'll turn up or anything else. His identity is something that is quite treacherous. Identity is a very treacherous thing. It turns up in police stations. Most of the boys having trouble exteriorizing, by the way, have a record a light year long. That's right, they have a record a light year long. That doesn't mean they're criminal on earth or in this lifetime but they've had their days. Put them on an E-meter and you keep knockin' it off the pin. They're wanted in this Galaxy and that Galaxy - that sounds like a space opera but it happens to be very true. Now ... now, they're dodging. They're dodging the symbol called "Law and Order". Well, can't they create law and order? Well, they sure can. Well, what are they dodging law and order for? That's because they know they have an identity. But do they? An identity is forced upon one until he believes he'll desire it. He'll begin to resist an identity until he is an identity. The one thing, I can tell you, in common, every thetan has in common, is a terrible background of resistance to bodies. Oh but ...(Garble) the last thing in the world a thetan would be, would be a body. So here you are. That's resistance to a symbol in essence because that symbol is an identity and as an identity it fixes the individual instead of him fixing it. Now we have a problem with any symbol. Is the individual fixing the symbol or is the symbol fixing him. And the way you keep symbols from fixing the individual that are pinning him down is very easy. You just mock it up, and move it around, until he realizes he's moving it, it's not moving him. Let him find it, in other words, it's an end of cycle processing to mock up symbols. Here, he's been looking for a symbol. All right, have him mock up a symbol called freedom. Whole populaces have gone to their death, whole civilizations have been destroyed simply by people looking for freedom. The greatest slaveries ever established on earth were established in the name of freedom. Why? Because everybody is trying to close terminals and locate it and find it, and so forth, and they were trying to find freedom by avoiding slavery. So they closed terminals with slavery and there they were. Freedom was the opposite to slavery so they had to fight slavery in order to have freedom and that made slaves out of them. This is the most elementary of problems. It is not even difficult but it lies in this exact field: A thetan conceives that he has mass if he conceives that he is a symbol. If he is an identity why then he feels he has mass so he becomes to that degree, hard to exteriorize. There are several ways to solve this. He believes his entire dependency ... his entire beingness depends on his having a name. If that's what his entire beingness depends upon, why good heavens, of course, then he's going to be nailed down. How else could he be nailed down but by resisting a symbol - a name. He didn't want a name at first, that's why he thinks he has to have one. And we get this - what you resist you become. An individual resists having an identity and eventually becomes an identity. Well then, this is the problem in exteriorization, it's that intimate. Anybody who's difficult to exteriorize is simply ... be three feet in back of your head, be three feet in back of your head - is a symbol. He's not a being without mass and there are many symbols which are greater than he. One of the ways of doing it is simply, let's take a look over the numbers of symbols which are greater than himself in terms of an E-meter. Just ask him that on the eight dynamics. What symbols, what words are bigger than you are. You'll get the most interesting responses on the needle. Then you simply have him mock these up and move them through space from point to point, back and forth, up, down and around until he's moving them, they're not moving him. He says, "Well I'm not ... I'm bigger than that." Next thing you know, you say, "Be three feet in back of your head", and he is. Your problem with exteriorization then, departs from an understanding of this: That a thetan in a creative state does not himself have mass - and an understanding of how he gets mass. He gets mass by becoming himself, a symbol. Of course, the last thing in the world he is, is a symbol. It's like a fellow who makes drums all his life and eventually sits down in the corner curled up like a drum and expects somebody to beat on him. This fellow hates drums, so he becomes a drum. See that? Now why is this? Why does a fellow become what he resists? Well he just sweeps down on it in this fashion. He starts fighting it with energy and he gets more loses than he gets wins and so he gets to be it. Now, let's get that much more simply. Let's get the problem of a stuck flow. The fellow talks in one direction too long, he'll get a stuck flow. Now, the way you unstick this flow is to reverse it or to turn it and get some mock ups and get it bunched out of line, get it squared around and knock it off. Now when he starts resisting something, very arduously starts resisting something, you know - crush, crush, crunch, crunch - he gets a stuck flow. Similarly, when he starts giving postulates towards something. In other words, commands are orders in one direction and it never gives any back - he gets on a stuck flow. He eventually gets to the point where he can't force anything along that line and the line itself will collapse and that is the end product of a stuck flow. It collapses into a mass. All communication lines eventually wind up to be one terminal, both ends. Anytime they stick too hard on a flow, why they'll eventually do that. TBD So, your thetan stood outside the body for a long time giving it orders. telling it to destroy itself or something. Eventually, eventually why the very mass of material that she put out in one direction became a stuck flow and we got a collapsed terminal proposition. Now, what's a collapsed terminal? That's something that should have two ends, which now has both ends in coincidence. Both ends in the same place. Now, that's a collapsed terminal. You're going to hear this phrase an awful lot - collapsed terminal. Better get used to it. You'll notice many preclears have collapsed terminals. Well, right next door to a collapsed terminal is becoming the thing you're collapsed with. You're right there, so you must be it. That's the immediate assumption. Now thought is very agile but when it gets fixed in the terms of a symbol, it becomes much less agile. It loses its creativeness. Let's take the plight of the writer, who writes, writes, writes, writes, writes western stories. He will eventually start wearing western clothes, even though he lives in the middle of Brooklyn. It's inevitable. He becomes the mass of symbols which he puts out. A method of whipping this, for a writer, a method of whipping this is a very simple one. Just write in that many lines that you can embrace. Never bother about names, identities, things like that, assigning yourself Henry Pillbaum and ... I used to write western stories many, many years ago and my name was W. R. Colt. You will still find me in the library. And the funny part of it was, was all the time I was writing western stories, I was really interested in yachting. I never had anything much to do with the west and, and as a matter of fact, tried not to close terminals with it because of my early boyhood misadventures with mustangs, which I do not consider very romantic. They are very bad transportation but they work if you hit them hard enough in the head with a leaded quirt. The SPCA and I have never seen eye to eye (laughing) on the subject of horses which would buck you off and tromp on you. I always ... I asked ... when I was six, by the way, I remembered this the other day when I was talking about this to Congress. I had an argument with the SPCA when I was six. I had managed to bring to curb by running him into a brick wall, a 1200 pound Kentucky saddler and somebody had placed it off as a riding horse and I couldn't stop him. And, he was going places and he wasn't bright enough to climb the wall or do anything imaginative like that so he merely ran into it. Of course he fell down so I sat on him waiting for him to more or less come to and shake himself out of it. This lady came up, and lo and behold, it was the SPCA because this happened within half a block of the capitol of Helena, Montana and they had quarters right in that vicinity in those days. And she started to sound off about cruelty to horses and I don't know where she got off bawling out a six year old boy who had just almost lost to a 1200 pound horse but we had quite an argument which almost put me in police court. Which was to the effect, I said rather profanely, that she ought to engage herself in forming a society for the prevention of cruelty to children by horses (laughing). And that she belonged to the wrong gang. She didn't appreciate this. She went and told some of my relatives and they of course told me off. She was a very influential person. I think her husband was the Treasurer of the state of Montana, or something you know, I mean something influential. They had money, had the state's money anyway. Now when it come to any of your stuck flows, what happens, what happens on the management of a horse. You just manage enough horses and you lose a few times and you got a continuous flow of commands going to this horse, and going to this horse, and just go down to Virginia some time and find out what happened to some of those fine old families. You go in and knock on the door and they say, - whihihin. Here you have a, here you have a problem, you have a problem and symbols. The horse is a fixed idea. He doesn't want to do what you want to do. It's one fixed idea, so you fix a lot of ideas into him that he does want to do it. You fix them in, in various ways. With sugar, with leaded quirts, with spurs, with petting. It's all done and nearly every rider does it with all those - unless of course he's smart enough to simply be the horse because that's where he'll wind up anyhow. So, the problem is however, if you're unwilling to be a horse and insist on using a horse, then you will of course, become the horse against your wishes on an inversion. Which makes you a compulsive symbol. You know, you're compelled to be a symbol. That individual who can fluidly BE something and then BE something else, is a very dangerous fellow indeed. He's not fighting. That's not fair. He's happy though. So anyway, as a writer I used to solve this rather uniformly. I wrote stories in rotation. I would write a western story and then a sea story, and then I'd write a detective story, and then I'd write a flying story, and then I would write an article for somebody or other, and then I would write for one of those super slicks, which by the way, paid me much less than the cheapest pulp. And yes, I wrote in one time to the American Mercury, and asked them why didn't they bring their rates up to what they were, a pulp paper because they were published on pulp. And shortly afterwards, after I'd gotten busy on this and made jokes out of it and talked in front of the American Fiction Guild on the subject of the pulps and kept describing the articles in the Mercury, and so on, why they began to frown on this sort of thing and my name became non persona grata with them. So, I had to sell them under two other names. Now as long as one was willing to do that, that was fine -that was just beautiful. But then one day why you up and you write yourself something and you're silly enough to use your own name on it and you get fixed with an identity of having done something. So there you are. And actually anybody's career, whether as a writer or as a Homo sapiens, or a street car conductor, or any other darn thing, winds up the same way. He starts out playing a game of street car conductor and then he knows he doesn't want to be this street car conductor, he resists being this street car conductor and then he becomes the street car conductor - a symbol. So you only become a symbol by resisting something. Being something is quite something else than being a symbol. You understand that? You can Be a man, you can BE John Jones but if you can BE John Jones, then you want to be free to unBE John Jones. And the freedom of beingness should be equaled, in every case, by the freedom of unbeingness. And if you can parallel your freedoms so that you have the freedom to BE and the freedom to unBe as well as the freedom of not to Be, why of course you exteriorize beautifully and you're very happy and all things work out wonderfully and also all the problems of auditing are solved for the auditor before he gets there. When the auditor gets there, if he takes what we've been talking about this morning, and uses this, why he'll find out that he finds processing very simple because obviously the fellow is sitting there in front of him, the preclear, is being John Jones, a body. Earth - Galaxy 61 - 1954. There he is. The fellow isn't happy or he wouldn't be there. Well what's he unhappy about? Well he must be unhappy about being a symbol. Well let's take the biggest symbol that he is and just have him BE it, and then unBE it, and then BE it and then unBE it on some sort of a gradient scale which will eventually rescue, to the individual, his freedom to BE or not to BE, no longer a question. And that, in essence, is your highest echelon of processing. You can develop any God's quantity of techniques out of that. TBD The only thing adults should need to know about that would be a little bit more about the theory of communication because communication, cause and effect, and duplication are all tied in very tightly. We covered enough of them all morning. It's not a very big subject. I mean, the subject of communication is idiotically simple. The trouble with it is, it's so simple everybody misses it. It's like this business of symbols - you use that definition for a symbol and you will win. It isn't whether or not that definition is good in the field of English or in the field of medicine or in the field of writing. We're not interested in whether or not this is true or .. . All we're interested in is, does it serve our purposes in Scientology and to that limited degree, it serves our purposes admirably. We, during the whole first book, spent all of our time chasing the symbol known as an engram. Which is to say, an idea or a series of ideas known as perceptions fixed in a mass which was mobile and we were trying to solve this mass of energy which had these fixed ideas in it because this mass of energy, with its fixed ideas in it, was bigger than the preclear and so could victimize him and make him sick. Well, we had means of eradicating it one way or the other with greater or lesser success. And so as we could knock out that mass called a symbol we could make our individual relatively well as a Homo sapiens. We were still processing the bigger symbol. See, we were processing minor symbols to alleviate a bigger symbol - a body. Now the technique's sort of thin on those gradient scale of what we're going in to. Well all right, we have then, in all the processing we're doing, the problem of identification and differentiation, as we always have had. We can sum that up now in terms of communication, we can sum it up in numerous ways, but the simplest statement that we can make of any of this is, the right to BE and the right to unBE and if a person has fought being something for a long time then he is it compulsively. He has no more determinism about it. But if he simply merely became it, you know, he just decided he'd become that and then he decided he doesn't become it. Nothing is ever simpler. No thetan ever snapped into a body unless he laid his hand on it in anger. You just don't walk up to a body and put a beam on him and snap in. You don't even walk up to a body and put a beam on it and have it be hurt badly and snap in. You have to walk up to the body with the intention of anger in order to snap into one suddenly and unexplicably. You have to have conceived that bodies are evil and therefore something to be resisted in order to be trapped in one. You have to conceive that theta traps are very bad in order to get trapped in a theta trap. It's almost impossible for a thetan to get trapped but there is the one modus operandi of his getting trapped - being afraid of getting trapped, of course, and he postulates that he's afraid of getting trapped in order to set an example so other thetans will be afraid of getting trapped. And they will get trapped, so he does too. Fellows go down to the Gold Coast and the Ivory Coast and the slavery coast of Africa and spread Christianity in order to buy slaves. Boy, they've got to be the most psalm singin' prayin' people you ever heard of. And Christianity, at the time they were using it, was no more than a tool, an effort to get some slaves trapped. You know, make the tribes docile enough so they wouldn't fight against being bought. And they wound up as devout Christians - the people who were doing this. Fascinating, isn't it? So, that to be caught in a trap, you must have set the trap yourself. So in any case, as you go along and run any case, you want to know what's wrong with the case, you could be, very self righteously, accusative of the case and say, "When did you do it?" "Because everybody's mean to me", "When were you mean to everybody?" Unfortunately, this individual's recall is not adequate to tell you this because it goes over too many millennia. So, does processing get a little simpler to you, right there? All right, now let's just look at what else we were doing there this morning. This condensed scale of energy - it's this ... it's ... of lookingness and ... when you go into energy you go down from knowingness into the rest of the band and that band is knowingness, lookingness, emotingness, effortness, effortingness, thinkingness - (to audience) You know where it goes there? (Answer from audience which is inaudible) That's right, thinkingness. Thinking condenses and becomes a symbol. A symbol is condensed thinking. You know where it goes then? (Audience answer not audible) Not that directly. It goes into eating. It enters the applause scale at that point and that drops down to eating - and you know what condensed eating is? Sex. So you see what a terrific band of understanding we're looking at here in terms of human experiences. It's a big band. Actually condensed eating is sex. But you go on up there, you go into the applause scale, then you get up into symbolisms, and then you get up into thinkingness, and then you get up into effort. Effort is pretty high. But you get this thing repeating over and over and over and when it's repeated and repeated and repeated, why as it goes down the scale, why it evidently becomes mest. We cannot justify that in just one, two, three, you know. I mean, we can't say absolutely this is the case. It just happens to be an existing theory. The rest of this is not existing theory. The rest of this happens to be a lot closer to fact than the acceleration of gravity is 32.2 feet per second. When we get down to sex, you know, eatingness and then sex and above that symbols and above that thinking and effort, and so on, when we're dealing with these things, we're dealing with a fact that is better and more useful than 32.2 feet per second. The definition of a symbol is actually a little more valuable to you than any of the definitions of physics because it was in desperation of chasing symbols that man located physics. Okay! Now you remember the other day I told you we were shifting a little bit. I said we had an extra period. I didn't say we were changing anything. I said the schedule that was drawn up in Camden, and so forth, had a fifth period in it. I was trying to mark out your fifth period for you. That's because we occasionally shift the first period into the fifth period as far as the auditing assignments are concerned. Now isn't that mean? A lot of days you get the best possible time of the day to be audited and a lot of times the lousiest. So, I notice here however that we have not run over too badly so as to wipe out the --. I was not even going to mention that. Because I have the little task of training you up and doing this and that and so forth. I'd like to spend more time with you than is actually allowed by the auditing program as it is and that's why that fifth period is hitting in that extra recede(?) in the first period when necessary. That's so as the people, the poor auditors in the first period, won't miss the experience. Nothing to do with the preclear. Well, do you feel better or worse for that little run this morning? Audience: Better. A little bit better. Well, fine. Now let's just take two seconds here and do the rest of it. Okay - Be a body - be a girl's body - be a boy's body - be an old man's body - an old woman's body - a young girl's body - a young boy's body - be an Eskimo's body - be a cat's body - be a horse's body - be a dog's body - be a cat's body - be a stone - be a body - be a stone - be a body - be a book - be a body - be a book - be a body - be a book - be a body - be the letter Alpha - be a body - be freedom from want - be a body - be a murderer - be a victim - be a murderer - be a victim - be a murderer - be a victim - be a murderer - be a policeman - be a victim - be a doctor - be a murderer - be a policeman - be a hospital - be a stone - be a hospital - be a stone - be a hospital - be a stone - be a hospital - be a stone - be a hospital - be a stone - be a victim - be a murderer - be an electric chair - have the emotions of an electric chair - be a victim - be a murderer - be a burglar - be a sidewalk - be the sky - be a wood - be a sky - be a wood - be a sky - have the emotion of a sky - be a wood - have the emotion of a wood - be a murderer - have the emotion of a murderer - be a victim - have the somatic of a victim - have the emotion of a victim - have the viewpoint of a victim - have the knowingness of a victim - be the symbols of a victim - be the applause of a victim - be a police officer - be the police force - have the viewpoint of a victim - have the viewpoint of a murderer - be a duck - have the emotion of a duck - have the motion of a duck - be a duck hunter - have the emotion of the duck hunter - have the viewpoint of a duck hunter - have the lookingness of a duck hunter - Have the knowingness of the duck hunter - be a duck - have the emotion of a duck - have the knowingness of a duck - have the lookingness of the duck - have the effort of the duck - be the duck hunter - be the gun - be the bullets, the pellets - be the pellets in the duck - be the duck - have the emotion of the duck - be the duck hunter - have the eatingness of the duck hunter - be the eatingness of the duck - be the eatingness of the duck hunter - the eatingness of the duck - be the duck eating - be a fish being eaten by the duck - be the fish - swim - be the motion of the fish - be the emotion of the fish - be the motion of the body out on the sidewalk - be the motion of the body out on the sidewalk - now, be the body - now be the room - now be the motion of the body - now be the motion of the body out on the sidewalk - now be the corner - now be the motion of the body walking down to the corner - Okay - Be a 1000 feet up - give me some places where you're not - a place where somebody else isn't - be yourself - give me some more places where you're not - Okay - Now give me several things that you can lose - several things that you can afford to lose - now check over some things you have not lost - now some things which you own - now some things which you know with absolute certainty that you do not own - be them - be them - one right after the other - Okay - Find the two back points of the room. Now sit there for a moment and look and don't think - now look through whatever you're looking at - Okay - what you got - okay Feel better? You're hungry? Put some people in your stomach. (Laughing from a remark made by someone in audience) Love ya. Cannibalism, for the duration of this class at least, doesn't know. How do you feel? Feel a little better? Alan, did you exteriorize on that the first time? A little patty-cake way of exteriorizing. Did you? Alan says: I don't know. He doesn't know. We have to solve on some of these cases, degradation because of exteriorization before that exteriorized gets apart. Most of the people here who aren't exteriorized right now had, at one time or another, felt very degraded for having done so and that's what you have to solve the case. Well, that's beside the point. SOP 8-C is still very much in order. This has it (garbled) (Someone in a coughing fit) Cheryl, be your lungs, be your body, be your lungs, be your body, be somebody else's lungs, (she's trying to stifle a cough or something and hysteria of laughter breaks out in the class) Well, is that what you did? .... (garbled) Is that what you did? Do you have a bag or something? Be somebody else's lungs now, be somebody else's lungs - be those lungs with TB (Tuberculosis) - now add lung fever - now breathe and pant in mid air as the lungs - now get a gleeful feeling of actually lousing them up - Forget what you do with this person with your TB and so forth, just fix him up but good. - Now be the person - now be the lungs - now be your lungs - now be the effort of your lungs. Okay? Are you still holding back a cough? Are you still afraid to .. (garbled) All right. Okay. That better?. I hope you feel better. The practical truth of the matter is, you characters, I didn't process you this morning to make you feel better. I tried to give you the opening gun on randomity and automaticity of beingness and resistance. You know, you've been resisting things all day? (lecture Ends abruptly here.) **************************************************