From Mon Jul 12 15:13:59 1999 Path:!newscene!novia!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Date: 12 Jul 1999 22:13:59 -0000 Subject: FZ BIBLE 10/11 MORE 3RD ACC TAPES (1954) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 457 Xref: newscene alt.religion.scientology:864036 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST FZ BIBLE 10/11 MORE 3RD ACC TAPES (1954) ************************************************** Here are another 11 of the 3rd ACC (Advanced Clinical Course) lectures of early 1954. These are based on existing freezone transcripts. We had 2 of the reels (3ACC-04 and 3ACC-63) which we used for a second proof to ensure the accuracy. We did not have reels for the remaining 9 (they must exist in the freezone somewhere because they were transcribed). There are some problems with the transcripts for 3ACC-23 and 3ACC-41, as noted in those files and if anyone does have these tapes, please verify these transcripts. In all cases, we also consulted Alphia Hart's notes on the 3RD ACC which were taken during the lectures and any descrepancies or missing sections have been marked. 3rd ACC lectures 24, 25, 32, 35, 42, and 66 were posted earlier this year as "FZ BIBLE 0/6 SOME 3RD ACC TAPES (1954)" 3rd ACC Lectures 6A, 6B, 8, and 44 were posted last year and reposted earlier this year. We are sorry to be issuing this ACC in bits and pieces but NONE of these lectures have been available from the Cof$ for many years and we are finding them a few at a time amoung old timers in the freezone. ************************************************** CONTENTS: 1. 3ACC-04 BOREDOM, PACE OF LIVING, TRUTH 2. 3ACC-07 PROCESSING DEMO: RANDOMITY PLUS AUTOMATICITY 3. 3ACC-23 LABELS: BEINGNESS AND JUSTICE, CONT. 4. 3ACC-37 LIVINGNESS PROCESSING SERIES (DYINGNESS) 5. 3ACC-40 GOALS OF 8-O (OT) ABILITIES 6. 3ACC-41 BASIC DATA ON 8-O (OT) 7. 3ACC-43 O.T., INVERSION: COURAGE AND MOBILITY 8. 3ACC-57 GROUP PROCESSING ON CERTAINTY, 8 DYNAMICS 9. 3ACC-59 GROUP PROCESSING, AUTOMATICITIES 10. 3ACC-63 GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS - BEING MEST 11. 3ACC-67 GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS: RESIST EFFECT Jan to early Feb 1954. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 3ACC-63 GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS - BEING MEST [Proofed against old reels.] GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS: BEING MEST 5402C10 3ACC-63 February 10th, 1954. There's a great deal of material that I have given you in the last five and a half weeks, a great deal of it, and you'll find this material dropping into line, little by little, as you work upon people. There are some processes which are horrible to do and which are tremendously effective. I heard yesterday, one of you saying that, "You, of course, are using us as experimental subjects." No, it's true. The material I have been giving you up to date is not experimental material. It's long since passed out of that stage. However, there is a process which works individually excellently, which I have never before used on a group, and I'm going to use that process on this group this morning. We have here a great dearth of emergency auditors, right this minute. (laughter) Well, I tell you what. If you find yourself suddenly going off the deep end and into never-never land, you just take your chair into the front room in there, the one that has the carpet in it, and sit down and hold the two back anchor points of the room, until you feel you're back to battery. OK? If you do that? Alright. We'll just get down to business here on this process. Alright. You're aware of beingness processes, aren't you, you be this and be that and so forth, and this takes off the automaticity. Alright. I want you to BE the MEST universe. Just that. Now let's be the MEST universe. Let's be the MEST universe. Now let's be the MEST universe by spreading infinite distance of blackness in all directions, and being that infinite distance of blackness in all directions. Just be that blackness. And just be it, that's all there is to it. Now let's sit there and be that blackness, infinite distance of blackness in all directions, and sit there and don't think. Come on, let's just be it, and sit there and don't think. Find yourself wandering off from beingness, let's just be this infinite distance of blackness. Infinite space in all directions, all black. Now all black in all directions, just be that. Don't be a point putting blackness in all directions, just be the blackness in all directions. Alright. Now let's be the blackness in all directions, and embrace a point, you, a thetan. Now let's put you, a thetan, into the middle of all this blackness and as the blackness, just dispassionately communicate at it and pound at it, reducing it in size and putting out the light. Be this infinite blackness now, and have this point in the middle of the infinite blackness, and you're just pounding at it with blackness until you put out its light. And when you put out its light, then pound it some more. Pound it from all directions. Just be infinite blackness now, not worry about anything else. Let's not just sit there and LOOK at infinite blackness, the hell with that. Let's BE the infinite blackness. Now let's throw away that infinite blackness, and be another infinite blackness, MEST universe. Same thing. Be it again. Now have a point of light arrive in it and put its light out by pounding it from all directions, making it small and tiny. Now sweep that aside. And be infinite blackness again, infinite blackness, and have a small dot of light arrive in the middle of the infinite blackness, and have the dot of light move to the right. And you move as infinite blackness to the right, so that it can't move out of you. Now have it move to the left and you move, as infinite blackness, to the left, so that it can't move out of you. Now have it move up and you as infinite blackness move up, so that it can't move out of you. And get this dot of light being you, a thetan, but YOU'RE the infinite blackness right now. Get it getting very discouraged because it can't move out of you, infinite blackness. Alright. Throw that away. And be infinite blackness in all directions, and sit there and don't think. Be infinite blackness in all directions, just sit there and don't think. Be the MEST universe now, infinite blackness in all directions, and just sit there. Alright. Let's throw that away. Now let's be infinite blackness in all directions, and have a dot of light, you, a thetan, arrive in the middle of the infinite blackness, and then you just communicate at it to reduce it down to nothing. Now set that aside and be infinite blackness again. Have you, a thetan, arrive in the middle, now this time just dispassionately, indifferently, smash it down to nothing, so that it can't radiate and so that it won't exist anymore. Now one after the other, similarly handle NEW tiny spots of light. And fix them, each one, immobile, so that it cannot move. Alright. Set this aside. And now stretch, in all directions, as infinite blackness, and wait hopefully to trap and immobilize any and all dots of light which enter you. Take any pleasure you may feel in doing this. Alright. Set that aside. And now press as infinitely black in all directions, and have a dot of light enter you and take pleasure in the fact that you gradually, remorselessly crush all of its life, hopes and dreams. Be completely remorseless about it. Now set that aside. And let's mock ourselves up as the IDEAL TRAP. The ideal trap, and see the small dot of light and put it out. Get the emotions, if any, of the trap. And one after the other, have small dots of light enter and you put them out. Put them out forever and very finally. Alright. Set that aside. And now again, be a trap of infinite distance, infinitely black, and have as your sole purpose in life, getting something lost. Now throw that away. And this time, be a trap and figure out NEW designs as to how you can get something more THOROUGHLY lost, such as a thetan, bright, guileless and innocent. Alright. Set that aside. And again, be a trap of infinite distances and infinite blackness, and sit there and wait for a little dot of light to make a mistake so that you can close upon it. Now wait for it to make a mistake so that you can punish it. Just sit there and wait, it'll make a mistake, you be sure and certain about it. Now set that aside. And just be an infinite distance of blackness in ALL directions, and just sit there and don't think. An infinite area of blackness, and sit there and don't think. Alright. Set that aside, now. A little different now. Mock yourself up as a solid rock, and have a thetan hit you and feel some satisfaction in having stopped him, cold. And then rapidly, one after the other, have thetans hit you. You feel real good about it. Utterly dispassionate about it. Alright. Now sit there now as a solid rock, and get a sort of a suction action, a pull-in action, so that any thetan anywhere around cannot help but close in and hit you. Be gravitic, in other words. Set that aside now. And be another solid rock and be very gravitic. And be very sure that because you are sitting there, thetans are going to hit you sooner or later, and stick, and never be able to get off of you. Get the enormous power of drag-in which you have, you can just pull them in, and compel their attention to you. Alright. Put that aside. And let's be an even MORE solid and dense rock that just waits for thetans to pass by so that they will stick, and hurt themselves. And now get a little pleasure out of the fact that it's going to hurt them REAL bad. And now, just by the fact that they're sticking to you, get the fact that this puts their life out. Set that aside. And be a solid rock again, and by pulling in, impede the motion of thetans. Get them to pull against you so that they snap in on you, and put their life out on you. And get whatever emotion you feel you should have as a rock which is out to get thetans. Alright. Now set that aside. And be infinite blackness in all directions for the sole purpose to get thetans to come in, and get very worried and anxious about being lost, and so beat themselves out in just the distance only, by distance alone just beat themselves to pieces. And get this as a solid mission in life. A mission, to be infinite blackness, and to worry and make anxious, thetans. OK. Set that aside. And now just BE the MEST universe as you now conceive it. Be IT, its personality, its mission and purpose, waiting for you, a thetan. Or doing things to you, a thetan, just be the MEST universe. Just be it some more, be the MEST universe now, with the mission of damping the life out of you, a thetan. Only you're very detached from you, a thetan. OK. Set that aside, set that aside. And be a sun which pushes out, yet pulls in, waiting for a thetan to get trapped into it. Now get the emotion you should have at the good work you were doing of making all life extinct. And get what you would do if there were any slight rebellion turned up, you'd just fry something to a crisp. Alright. Set that aside. And be a sun again, ready to pound anything to a crisp that dare be alive around you. Now be very antipathetic toward life. You just don't like it. It moves, it's inventive. And get you, a thetan, out there being, moving, be the sun, and get a critical eye on you, a thetan. And get your plans as to what you're going to do to this thetan, how you're going to fool it. Alright. Set that aside. Now be infinite blackness in all directions, infinite blackness. Have you, a thetan, move into the infinite blackness, real bright, and you just get it lost and put its light out, all the time communicating at it obsessively from all directions, pounding it down to nothing. No matter where it turns, you're going to pound at it, dispassionately, remorselessly, forever. Now be infinite blackness in all directions, granular or otherwise, however it may seem to you you should be, and have distance into which things could get lost utterly, and be unable to locate themselves. Get as your main goal the discouragement of any life, motion, livingness, ideas, thoughts, dreams, hopes. Set that aside. And again, be infinite blackness, this time with some tiny lures in it, you know, spots of light and so forth, so as to bring things into it, and then get them lost. And get you, a thetan, in the middle of all of this blackness, and get what you as the blackness are going to do to this thetan. And how STUPID it is of the thetan to resist. Now set that aside. And be infinite blackness, crouched, waiting, remorseless, and have you, a thetan, appear, and you just pound its life out by communicating with it, all the time, forever. Now get the various tricks which you would have to employ to prevent its escape. And get how righteous and what a good work this is on your part as infinite blackness. Alright. Set that aside. And again, be infinite blackness, but this time have little tiny islands in you where a thetan can dream up just enough hope so that the hope can be crushed out. And get your regard for life in general, as this infinite blackness. And your regard for you, this little dot of light, in particular. Alright. Set that aside. And again, be infinite blackness, with a complete certainty of victory over this little dot of light, a thetan. OK. Set that aside. And now again, be huge unlimited blackness, enclosing this tiny little hopeless helpless speck, you, a thetan, and get how utterly remorseless you are and what a pleasure this gives you to be that. Alright. Set that aside. And be a black expanse. And have you, a thetan, come into it, and you as a black expanse move in any direction the thetan moves, so as to make sure it gets nowhere. Alright. Set that aside. And be an enormous black expanse, and just be unchangingly remorseless. And have a little dot of light appear in you, and now punish it for communicating. YOY are the one who's going to communicate, IT's not supposed to communicate. Pound it so it won't. OK. Set that aside. And now be infinite mass. Infinite mass in all directions. But be mass embracing a tiny dot of light, a thetan, and just crush it on down to nothing. Now if, as you're doing this, people slip in and out, just skip 'em. You may start recognizing the people dramatize this. Just skip the people and be the universe, recognizing the people, simply copy it, we're not interested in people. Alright. Set that aside. And be infinite black mass now. And a little dot of light innocently enter in, and just get all the things you can do to it. And do 'em. Alright. Set that aside. And again, be an infinite mass of ANY color, white or black, whatever color seems to you the one it should be. Have a dot of light enter in, and get how you must convince it that it cannot escape, and do those things that you must do so that this dot of light cannot escape. Now get as your mission, making it afraid. Now get as your mission, making it insane, so that you can then check it some more. OK. Set that aside. Now be god as an infinite blackness, concentrated upon you, a thetan. Get how all powerful and how out-swelling you are, concentrated upon you, a thetan. Get what your regard for this thetan is. Now be very saintly as you crush its life out, and trap it forever. Oh, be saintly about it. OK. Be an infinite black expanse, filled with galaxies and other things, and just sit there, not liking life, but not thinking. Just sit there as this vast expanse, not liking life but not thinking. Alright. Sweep that aside. And be ANOTHER infinite expanse. And sit there and don't think. OK. Sweep that aside. And be a rock. Be a BIG one, planetary size. And have a terrific drag-in, so that any bit of light that comes by cannot help but be pulled in on you and stick. And get as your mission, the accumulation of these bits of light and immobilizing them. Pull them in, one after the other now, stick'em. And get as your mission, never to let them go. Alright. Set that aside. And be this enormous black expanse, space in all directions, have a dot of light appear in you and when it moves to the right you move to the right. When it moves to the left you move to the left. And so on and so on, so that it cannot escape. And get it getting smaller and smaller, more and more hopeless, and be very satisfied about this as you do it. Alright. Set that aside. And now be an infinite black expanse with the sole mission of damping out and extinguishing any energy put out by that small dot of light, you, a thetan. The mission of extinguishing any energy output that it has. Be this expanse with that single mission. Alright. Set that aside. And be an infinite universe with the sole mission of convincing you, a thetan, that you must not touch any part of you, a universe. Be the universe with a mission that you must convince this thetan it must not touch any part of you. Alright. Set that aside. And be any concept you may have of the MEST universe, but be it. And then regard you, a thetan. Alright. Set that aside. And be a huge, black expanse, and sit there and don't think. OK. Now set that aside. And be a planet, thirsty, hungry, pulling in any life that you can get, cravenly. Now be the center of that planet, unable to locate yourself because you can't tell which way is up. Now be the planet, very happy that the center cannot locate where it is or what it's doing. OK. Now let's look up and get how the right-hand front corner upper of the room, right-hand front upper corner of the room, locates the upper front left-hand corner of the room. How the front of the room tells where the back of the room is. Where the left wall of the room tells where the right wall is. How this house tells where the house next door is. How the street tells where this house is. How the town tells where the street is. How Earth tells where the town is. How the perimeter of Earth, the periphery of Earth tells where the center of Earth is. Where the center of Earth tells where the center of the sun is. How your head tells where your feet are. How the back of your head tells where the front of your head is. Alright. Now let's check off some places that you're not pulling in perceptions on. Let's check off some objects which are not, at this moment, victimizing you. Now let's check off some masses and terminals which are not sitting against your chest. Get some more of them that you're sure aren't sitting against your chest. Get some certainty on this one. Get at least one that you're absolutely sure isn't against the front of your chest. And then some more of them. Now let's get some things which are not giving you orders. Now let's check off some things that aren't naming you or calling your name out. Now let's check off some people who aren't going to murder you in the next thirty seconds. And now some terminals or masses which are not immediately against your chest, as a body of course. Now let's check off some things you do not, at this moment, have to do. And some houses or rooms in which you are not at this moment trapped. And some places where you are not. Now let's find two pieces of MEST, or the two back corners of the room, and hold onto them, and sit there and don't think. OK. Now let's recall something that's real. A time when you were in good communication. A time when you felt some affinity for something. Locate something real in the environment, reach for it and withdraw from it. Find something else that's real, reach for it and withdraw from it. Find the floor beneath your feet. OK. (end of tape)