From Mon Jul 12 23:46:19 1999 Path:!newscene!novia!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Date: 13 Jul 1999 06:46:19 -0000 Subject: FZ BIBLE 8/11 MORE 3RD ACC TAPES (1954) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <7788f96e28ad1b115a8e69e15a88666a@anonymous.poster> Sender: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. From: Secret Squirrel Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 579 Xref: newscene alt.religion.scientology:865460 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST FZ BIBLE 8/11 MORE 3RD ACC TAPES (1954) ************************************************** Here are another 11 of the 3rd ACC (Advanced Clinical Course) lectures of early 1954. These are based on existing freezone transcripts. We had 2 of the reels (3ACC-04 and 3ACC-63) which we used for a second proof to ensure the accuracy. We did not have reels for the remaining 9 (they must exist in the freezone somewhere because they were transcribed). There are some problems with the transcripts for 3ACC-23 and 3ACC-41, as noted in those files and if anyone does have these tapes, please verify these transcripts. In all cases, we also consulted Alphia Hart's notes on the 3RD ACC which were taken during the lectures and any descrepancies or missing sections have been marked. 3rd ACC lectures 24, 25, 32, 35, 42, and 66 were posted earlier this year as "FZ BIBLE 0/6 SOME 3RD ACC TAPES (1954)" 3rd ACC Lectures 6A, 6B, 8, and 44 were posted last year and reposted earlier this year. We are sorry to be issuing this ACC in bits and pieces but NONE of these lectures have been available from the Cof$ for many years and we are finding them a few at a time amoung old timers in the freezone. ************************************************** CONTENTS: 1. 3ACC-04 BOREDOM, PACE OF LIVING, TRUTH 2. 3ACC-07 PROCESSING DEMO: RANDOMITY PLUS AUTOMATICITY 3. 3ACC-23 LABELS: BEINGNESS AND JUSTICE, CONT. 4. 3ACC-37 LIVINGNESS PROCESSING SERIES (DYINGNESS) 5. 3ACC-40 GOALS OF 8-O (OT) ABILITIES 6. 3ACC-41 BASIC DATA ON 8-O (OT) 7. 3ACC-43 O.T., INVERSION: COURAGE AND MOBILITY 8. 3ACC-57 GROUP PROCESSING ON CERTAINTY, 8 DYNAMICS 9. 3ACC-59 GROUP PROCESSING, AUTOMATICITIES 10. 3ACC-63 GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS - BEING MEST 11. 3ACC-67 GROUP PROCESSING ON CLASS: RESIST EFFECT Jan to early Feb 1954. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** 3ACC-57 GROUP PROCESSING ON CERTAINTY, 8 DYNAMICS [An existing freezone transcript from old reels. Checked against Alphi Hart's notes. Need reel for proper proofing.] 3rd ACC Lecture 57 GROUP PROCESSING ON CERTAINTY, 8 DYNAMICS (Alternate Title: Time Process) 5402C05, 3ACC-57 February five, one-nine-five-four, Earth time. Now it may have occurred, or it might not have occurred to the cases that are well up the line, it may have occurred to these cases that I have been talking in these series and so forth, mainly about resistive cases and difficult cases and exteriorization cases and so forth. This is not true. It's not true. The theory about which I have been speaking, consistently and continually has been applicable all up and down the line of livingness. Now the case which is doing well does better and better and better, by an application of these very processes. You can take a preclear who is well exteriorized, and is apparently in excellent condition, and can sit around and do almost anything, and then just start in, "Alright. Now let's get the most certain thing that you can get about yourself, about sex, and so forth." And this guy; you understand the tremendous difference between a person interiorized, in a body, and exteriorized. A tremendous difference comes about because all he has to do while exteriorized is to change his mind. And he can get rid of almost anything, simply by changing his mind. It's very simple. So you say, "What's the most thing you're certain of about children?" And he says, all of a sudden he says, "Hm. That's very peculiar. Oh they aren't so bad, you can take 'em or leave 'em, eat 'em or not eat 'em." Something of the sort. But the reactions you're getting off of the case are very fast reactions. The person will suddenly recognize that he has his certainty on some basis or another, and he will simply flip it over onto another basis. This individual is able to release a lock, with ease. Now let's take another process, which I'm going to run on you right this moment. And this process is itself, of course, one of the time processes. But this can be run with great gain in perception and so forth, on a person exteriorized. Now anybody present who is exteriorizing easily, those present just should exteriorize, or be well outside. And let's get this, and others just right where they are can do it, and let's get this now. Alright, give me some objects which are not this moment shooting at you. Coming in at you. Or shooting at you. Got some? Alright. Now get some that you're not trying to throw away from you. Now get some that you're not trying to keep away from other objects. Get some other object, and get some objects that are, you're not trying to keep away from it. Now get some objects you're not trying to make leave this same thing. Now some objects you're not trying to keep away from this thing. Now some objects you're not trying to make leave this thing. Now get something you could make leave this thing, if you had to. Now get some that you could make come in on this thing, if you had to. OK. Now give me some places you are not. And now some places you're not trying to protect. Some places you're not trying to protect. And now some things you don't need a deed of title to. And now some things you wouldn't mind looking at, if they appeared suddenly. And some things which, if they appeared suddenly, would not immediately drive you away from or out of something. And now, let's fix your attention on something. Now let's unfix it. And now let's fix your attention on something, and let's unfix it. And put your attention on something. And take your attention off of it. And put your attention on it, and take your attention off of it. And put your attention on something, and take your attention off of it. OK. Now let's mock-up somebody and have this person's attention fix on something. And now unfix from it. And fix on something. And now unfix from it. And now fix on it. And now off of it. And now on it. Now off of it. OK. Let's throw that person away. Now let's mock yourself up walking in a certain direction, or moving in a certain direction, and erect a barrier in front of yourself. Now walk in another direction and erect a barrier in front of yourself. Now get yourself walking in another direction and erect a barrier in front of yourself. Now have you try to back up from something, and erect up the barrier behind you. And have you try to back off from something else, and you put a barrier behind you. And have you try to back off from something else, and put another barrier behind you. Alright, throw all that away. Now have you walk forward and throw a whole bunch of people in front of you to stop you. Now try to walk in another direction, and have a whole bunch of people appear in front of you, and stop you again. Now try to walk in another direction, and have a bunch of people pop up and stop you again. Now try to walk in another direction, and have a wall of sound stop you. And try to go in another direction, and have another wall of sound stop you. And in another direction, and have another wall of sound stop you. Now start to walk backwards, and have a wall of sound hit you from the rear and stop you. Try to back up again and have another wall of sound hit you from the rear and stop you. Now try to walk forward again, have a wall of sound hit you, and walk right on through it. Now walk forward, in another direction, and have a wall of sound hit you, and walk right on through it. Now go in another direction, hit a wall of sound, and walk straight on through the wall of sound. Now another direction, go through a wall of sound. And throw all that away, and let's walk forward and have a wall of people suddenly stop it, and you go right on through the wall. And another wall of people to stop it, and you go on through the wall. And another wall of talking people stop it, and you go right on through the crowd. Boot them out of the road, get through it somehow. And another wall of people, and this time pick up a couple of text books full of information, and walk on through the crowd. Now let's be stopped by another wall of people, and pick up some enormous text books, and walk on through the crowd. And have another wall of people appear there, and shoot them all down with machine guns, and walk through the crowd. OK, throw all that away. Give me three places where you're not. Three places where you're not unconscious. Give me three beings that you are not. Three unconscious mock-ups that you're not. Now three places where you are not being stopped by people. Some places where you are not stopping people with noise. Some more places where you're not stopping people with noise. Now give me three places in this universe that you could successfully inhabit. Get some certainty now that you could inhabit. And now some places in this universe that you could guard. Some certainty now, places you could guard. Now some places where you wouldn't be thrown in jail. Some places where you are not being audited. Now give me the most certain thing that you can get on the first dynamic. The most certain thing you can get regarding your sanity. The most certain thing you can get about your power or force. Again, the most certain thing you can get about your power or force. The most certain thing you can get about sex. About children. About groups. About man. About insects. About insects. About insects. About wild animals. About shell fish. About domestic pets. About other worlds. About space. About energy. About sand. About radioactive masses. About clouds of gas. About distance. About time. The most certain thing you can get about distance. About time. About distance. About time. About distance. About time. About this universe. About spirits. About ghosts. About other thetans. About god. About the devil. About infinite space. About god. Now get the most certain thing you can get about sex. About eating. About symbols. About thinking. About effort. About emotion. The most certain thing you can get about apathy. About ownership. About protection. About hiding. About grief. About apathy. About protection. The most certain thing you can get about ownership. About hiding. The most certain thing now that you can get about fear. About grief. About apathy. About protection. Ownership. Hiding. The most certain thing you can get about anger. About fear. Grief. Apathy. Protection. Ownership. Hiding. The most certain thing now you can get about resentment. About anger. Fear. Grief. Apathy. Protection. Ownership. Hiding. The most certain thing you can now get about boredom. Resentment. Protection. Hiding. The most certain thing you can get about enthusiasm. Conservatism. Serenity. Hiding. Ownership. Protection. Apathy. Grief. Fear. Anger. Resentment. Boredom. Conservatism. Enthusiasm. Tiredness. Barriers. Enthusiasm. Tiredness. Barriers. Enthusiasm. The most certain thing you can get about tiredness. Barriers. Enthusiasm. Barriers. Tiredness. Barriers. Enthusiasm. Degradation. Mass. Nobility. Degradation. Mass. Nobility. Degradation. Mass. Nobility. Degradation. Mass. Nobility. Cowardice. Pain. Courage. Cowardice. Pain. Courage. Affinity. Love. Agreement. The most certain thing you can get about agreement. About disagreement. Hate. Affinity. Cause. The most certain thing you can get about cause. Effect. Cause. Effect. The most certain thing you can get about cause. Effect. Cause. Effect. Distance. Distance. Livingness. Distance. Communication. The most certain thing you can get about communication. The most certain thing you can get about smelling. About hearing. About speaking. About others speaking. About noise. About music. About bombs. About sight. The most certain thing you can get about sight. About being seen. About sight. About being seen. About existence. The most certain thing you can get about existence. The most certain thing you can get about knowing. About ignorance. About data. About knowing. About being right. About being right. About being nothing. About being wrong. About knowing. About acting. About having. About knowing. Alright, get with some certainty three masses in which you are not interiorized. Three masses from which you do not have to exteriorize. Three things which you are not being called upon to abandon. Which you're not being called upon to own. Some things with which you're not playing catch. Some items or objects which you are not trying to start. Which you're not trying to stop. Which you're not trying to change. Which you're not trying to start. Some things which you're not trying to stop. Some things which you're not trying to change. Some things which you don't have to control. Some things which somebody else doesn't have to control. Some things which are not funny. Some things which somebody else believes are not funny. Which you believe are not funny. Which somebody else believes is not funny. Which you believe are not funny. Which somebody else believes not funny. Which you don't believe are funny. Now let's find some things that are not wrong. Let's find some things which you consider right. Some places you don't have to go to at this moment. Some illnesses you do not have at this moment. Some hard items with which you are not playing catch. Some things that are right with your body. Some things that are right with you as a thetan. Some things you don't have to resist. Now let's recall something that is real to you. Now let's find some raw dirt someplace, and paw it. OK. Be where you please. Find the realest thing you can find in your environment, reach for it and withdraw from it. OK. Now there's an example of processing which can hit both strata. Now who, that was already certainly exteriorized, got a bigger lift from the processing itself? OK. All too much we grind away on the exteriorized thetan, on a thetan, in terms of the MEST universe, just as if, as if this was all there was to know. Now I'm going to give you some processes, which those who are not certainly exteriorized can do in a vague, mild way, and should try to do. OK. Now, get, be some distance from the chair. Take a look at the foggiest part of the environment, you know, anything that looks a little unclear to you, and duplicate it. And continue to duplicate it, many times. Duplicate its fogginess, its uncertainess. A lot more times. OK, throw it away. Now let's find or make a nothingness, and duplicate it a great many times. Throw it away. OK. Find a MEST object and get the idea of stopping your sight on it, so that you could see it. Now just continue to put your sight out on it and stop it. And put your sight out on it and stop it. And put your sight out on it and stop it. And put your sight out on it and stop it. Stop your sight, not the object. Continue to do that. OK. Now confront this object, and just look straight through it. And look through it again. Now find another object and look straight through it. And another object and look straight through it. And another object and look straight through it. Just continue that as an exercise. Now find a barrier, find a barrier. A good, formidable barrier. Look straight through it. Find another barrier and look through it. It doesn't matter if you're doing it imperfectly at first. Relax. And another barrier and look through it. Alright. Now find some MEST object that you can feel. A MEST object that you can feel. Now feel it. Now feel at it and pass straight through it, feeling nothing. Feel it, feel through it. And continue that exercise. Feel it, feel through it. Feel it, feel through it. OK. Alright, now be where you please. Be where you please. Is the formidable character of barriers sort of breaking down on you? Hm? Breaking down a little bit? Anybody have any difficulty with that last one? Hm. Alright, now this next one, those who are not certainly exteriorized should not do, because this is some change of space and exteriorization/interiorization, so just relax and take this as an example of how you process somebody, doing this. And those that can certainly exteriorize, let's do it now. Let's be way back. Find a barrier. Now be on the other side of it. Be on the first side of it. Second side of it. First side of it. Second side of it. Now whiz, whiz, whiz, just back and forth, picking up speed. Going through the barrier many times. OK, be on this side of it. And now let's take up space as a barrier. You measure off a big distance. Just look around you and find what you conceive to be a big distance. And get something to mark the finite end of this distance. You know, "Gee, this is a long way off." Now mark where you are, and mark the other end of the distance. Now be in the place where you measured the distance. Now just be in the position at the other end of the distance. The first position. Be at the end of the distance. Now just continue to swap those two positions, one after the other, each time getting what a tremendous distance this is. Just be in one point and then be at the other place. Don't move through the distance, just be at one point and then the other point. OK. That working alright? These two points collapse on anybody or anything like that? They came together? Did they separate again? Well let's do some more 'til they separate. And if they've come together, get the, let's get a big distance now, and mark it by a planet or a star or something. You got that? Alright, let's get another distance marked by a planet or a star. Alright, be in the first position. Be in the second position. The first position. The second position. The first position. The second position. Are they coming together? Oh, they feel like they're stretching together, huh? Well just be the whole space between them. Is that easy to do? Alright, now be the space of one position. Be the whole space. Be the space of the other position. You got that? Alright, be in position one. Position two. Position one. Position two. OK? Get a little better? Alright, this next one now. Now let's be above the north pole, Earth. Let's be above the moon. Now be above the sun. Above Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. Moon. Sun. Earth. What happened? Yeah? OK. Good. Alright. Now, let's be above Earth. And now let's locate where the other side of Earth is. And be in the first position again, and this time mock yourself up as a dive bomber and dive straight through Earth and out the other side. Now let's dive back through Earth again. Now let's dive back through Earth again. Now let's be in the center of Earth and have a number of objects fly off the surface of Earth into the sky. Now right while you're in the center of Earth there, just look all around and find no Earth at all. Now find only the, the thinnest crust of Earth, the rest of it hollow. Now find it all solid. Now just a crust. Be in the center now, just a crust. All solid. Just a crust. All solid. Just a crust. All solid. Not even a crust. Alright, be right there and look at the sun. Now put Earth there again. OK. Now, let's be outside of Earth. Center of Earth. Outside of Earth. Center of Earth. Outside of Earth. Center of Earth. Outside of Earth. Outside of Earth. Center of Earth. Other side of Earth. Center of Earth. Opposite side of Earth. Center of Earth. Opposite side of Earth. Center of Earth. Opposite side of Earth. Center of Earth, and own Earth. Now feel some courage about Earth in the center. Now be outside it and feel some courage about it. In the center of it and feel some courage about it. And the outside of it and be, feeling some courage about it. And the center of it. Now be up near Mars. Now be in the center of Mars. Outside of Mars. Center of Mars. Outside of Mars. Center of Mars. Now make something fly off the surface of Mars into the sky. Something else. Something else. Something else. Something else. Something else. Something else. Now be outside of Mars. Now let's mock ourselves up as a dive bomber and dive straight down to the surface of Mars, and right on through into the center of Mars. And feel the density of it. Now zoom right out of the center of Mars, past the surface of Mars and way out into the sky beyond Mars. Now duplicate Mars. Duplicate it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Be way out from the solar system. Throw away those duplicates down there, make them disappear. Way out from the solar system, and duplicate the solar system. Again. Again. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Change it. Change it again. Change its color. Throw it all away. OK. Be in the center of this galaxy. Any approximate center. Look in all directions. Now look in all directions, find no galaxy. Look in all directions and find a galaxy. Look in all directions and find no galaxy. Look in all directions and find a galaxy. Look in all directions and find no galaxy. Look in all directions and find a galaxy. Be at the far end of the galaxy from here. Be here. The far end of the galaxy. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and enjoy it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Duplicate it and feel courageous about it. Now duplicate the nothingness in it. And duplicate the nothingness in it. And duplicate the nothingness in it. And duplicate the nothingness in it. And duplicate the nothingness in it. And duplicate the nothingness in it and feel courageous about it. Do it again, and feel courageous about it. Do it again and feel courageous about it. Do it again and feel courageous about it. Do it again and enjoy it. Do it again and enjoy it. Do it again and enjoy it. Do it again and enjoy it. Do it again and enjoy it. Throw away all your duplicates. OK. Be in your own universe. MEST universe. Somebody else's universe. Your own universe. MEST universe. Somebody else's universe. Go on, you can find one. Own universe. MEST universe. Somebody else's universe. Own universe. MEST universe. Somebody else's universe. OK. Mock-up some space. Put a dog in it. Change it to a cat. Change it to a horse. Change it to a thetan. Change it to you. OK. Do what you please with it. Find some sand. Taste it. Smell it. Find nothing there. Find something there. Be somewhere in the vicinity of this room, take two particles and mock them up, pull them apart. Push them together. Pull them apart. Push them together. Pull them apart. Push them together. Pull them apart. Push them together. Pull them apart. Throw them away. Get something to fly away from you. Something else to fly away from you. Something else to fly away from you. Something to fly to you. Something to fly to you. Something to fly to you. Find some sand and paw it. Get some sensation from your body. Get no sensation from your body. Get some sensation from your body. Get no sensation from your body. Have your body find the floor beneath its feet. End of session. (end of lecture) ***********************