From Thu Dec 31 14:50:07 1998 Path:!novia!!!remarQ73!!!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news Date: 31 Dec 1998 21:50:07 -0000 From: Secret Squirrel Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to . The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable. Subject: FZ BIBLE TAPE 3ACC-8 COMMUNICATION Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, Message-ID: <4ecc53df46ec847bbf1d733a8618bd1f@anonymous.poster> Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 1079 Xref: alt.religion.scientology:589665 FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST TAPE 3ACC-8 7 JAN 54 COMMUNICATION ************************************************** Thank you to all those who are helping to post the tech to the net. We are posting 2 more lectures to help ring in the new year. FZ BIBLE TAPE 2ACC-23A CAUSE AND EFFECT FZ BIBLE TAPE 3ACC-8 COMMUNICATION These were transcribed directly from the reels. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** TAPE 3ACC-8 7 JAN 54 COMMUNICATION Transcript of Taped Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard 3rd ACC # 8 5401C07-3ACC8 Dated: 7 January 1954 Lecture 8 of the 3rd Advanced Clinical Course Title: COMMUNICATION (60 min long) (transcribed directly from the reels) (rerecorded by HCO tape unit at St. Hill in the 1960s) This morning we're going to cover the entire subject of communication and then we're going to go look at it again so open up your ears and let's go. The subject of communication consists of these parts: 1. The communication line and 2. The two terminals It is intimately connected with cause and effect and when you put distance into cause and effect you get these agents, inevitably. It has this peculiarity. It is a complete duplication if it is a perfect communication. A perfect communication is a perfect duplication. Therefore an individual is caught between doing a complete duplication of what is communicated to him and being different and therein lies the entire anxiety of a thetan. There isn't any more or less than that. Simply that a perfect communication is a duplication and the thetan doesn't want to duplicate this exactly when he's in effect, and as a result he tries to be different and winds up in his being unable to duplicate - he thinks. Unwillingness to duplicate a communication is unwillingness to duplicate and unwillingness to duplicate then makes it necessary to change position in space. In order to keep from duplicating one has to change position in space if he's being duplicated to. Otherwise he's gotta hold the incoming communication rigidly in some fashion and not be part of it or one is a complete chameleon and simply turns into everything that comes his way. Now, let's examine communication. Drawing a two-dimensional graph on the subject of communication - just put a line down - and at one end of this line let's put C - that stands for Cause - and at the other end of this line let's put E - and that stands for Effect. Now at the C end of the line, let us put also A - capital A - and at the E end of the line, let us put a capital B. Therefore we have a line A - B - one end of which is cause and the other end of which is effect. Now let's draw another line and label ... and, the end of that line which is B on the first line, let's call it A - and then let's put C there with that A. Now your line goes back over, it's parallel to the other line, and where we had an A on the first line, we now have a B on the second line and we also mark that capital E. This is very easy to disentangle. It's simply two lines and the right hand side of the lines, of both lines, have A C - B E. And the left hand side have E B - A C. It's very simple, isn't it? Now we've got a two-way communication channel but there's no reason whatsoever why a communication line has to be in two directions but you have a graph there of a conversation. A fellow says "Hello". He's cause - that's at point A. That's what's known as a dispatch point ... or a source point - that's much better! And he says "Well" and the fellow over here at B says "Uhuh". Well now, that's E and that's the receipt point. So let's get this real clean here. These are actually source point, receipt point - exact terms that we're going to use for some time, I mean given something different than just a descriptive term. The fellow who says, "Uhuh", of course has started in at his end of the line and now he's Cause and it goes back to the other fellow who is now Effect of "Uhuh". The first fellow is Effect of "Hello" and the second fellow is Effect of "Uhuh". The first fellow originated "Hello" and the second fellow originated "Uhuh". Now that's your communication line working both ways. Why does it work both ways? In this particular case merely because you're interested and you have heard a lot about conversation. Well, conversation, and I want to make it very clear to you, is a two-way communication channel. It's actually two communication systems. A communication system is only this: A communication system is only that first line - A to B - which the A end is Cause and the B end is Effect. All right, now let's put a click in at New York City.... No - let's put a click in Rome and the communication line is going to Milan. So we get a click at Milan. Now we might use the same piece of copper wire to put a click in at Milan and get another click at Rome but it hasn't anything to do with the communication system. That's simply re-using the same line twice and re-using a duplicate system. Therefore, for the purposes of our system, a fellow shooting another fellow is in essence communicating with him. See that - for our purposes, that's perfectly valid. The sun shining upon you is, for our purposes and by the way perfectly factually, communicating with you. Now we got ARC - A stands for Affinity - R stands for Reality - and C stands for Communication. ARC when combined together relay gradient scale which made up the Chart of Human Evaluation. Now, ARC inter-woven in this fashion is a degree of understanding. What we know as understanding. All mathematics can be worked up from ARC by the way. It's very, very interesting but it's just right there, pat and perfect. But, let's take a look at poor old ARC. Now, ARC is very good. A fellow can't live on the Third Dynamic worth a nickel without some ARC and yet at the same time, the most complete ARC there is. The most complete there is, is one dot - complete identification. Now, let's just look at that. That's a little play with words. When you realize that some day, a wee chill of horror is going to go through you. The task of the thetan is to interpose some distance on a communication line and as long as he can keep some distance on a communication line you know, not too much distance and not to little distance, he's all right. But when he becomes unable to interpose space between two terminals, which is, say two terminals, point A, point B, when he becomes unable to impose some space or imposes .... or is unable to limit the space between A and B, it's a unit condition, and A and B goes zee - it gets infinitely long or infinite distance or they go smash and collapse together. Well, when he's unable to control this distance he goes down on the one hand toward a complete identification when there's no distance in there and on the other hand, why he goes up toward an infinite difference which isn't good either because then he can't communicate with anything so he gets entirely lost. So when his inability's become great, he gets entirely lost, which you call a dispersal case. Or, the two terminals collapse and he gets entirely identified, which is your valence case, see. All right now, what else is this communication line good for. Well, believe me it's good to solve every case you're ever into. It's that little graph - A and B - because also this thing is an electric motor. Essentially, an electric motor has two electrodes - yeah, two terminals and one of them communicates to the other and then that one communicates back again and as they go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, mechanically having distance imposed upon them actually, they generate an electrical current. So, that those having trouble with communications is also having trouble with terminals, so his havingness is all shot and a fellow who can't exteriorize is having terminal trouble of one kind and another. Now you understand that one fellow can be having trouble with one peanut whistle worth of stray energy and the other fellow begins to have trouble with a hundred thousand volts - but it doesn't matter then what your force of the individual is or power or anything of the sort, just because he can't get out of his head, has nothing to do with his power potential. As a matter of fact, in this universe it works quite in reverse. The power he fights, he gets himself into a smashed down condition very easily. All right, let's do a ... what's this all about? Actually I've told you practically all there is to know about communication. There really isn't anything else to know about communication. But, let's look at valences and let's look at terminals. Well then, let's find out that the star Sirius shining upon us then is conveying to us a message called Sirius, see. The star Sirius shining upon us conveys that message. Now, in order to receive it utterly, we actually, some portion of our beingness must duplicate Sirius. But do an exact reverse, direction reversal duplication. You see that? An exact direction reversal duplication. You know who's feeding that direction reversal? - Right's left, and left's right. Maybe I communicated it a little too seriously. No pun intended. You see how that would be? Because point B is obviously a mirror image of point A. This is so much so that actually if you were to turn the dot and dash around and inspect them, you'd find out that they were writing backwards on the telegraph line but because they are occupying different intervals of time, you don't notice this. You send a dot, it's a dot. It doesn't matter whether it's backwards or frontwards. A dash is a dash. It still doesn't matter whether it backwards or frontwards because you've entered into a time element but if we sent an instantaneous impulse down this telegraph line why the electronic picture is in reverse to the eyes at the other end. And so it is with somebody standing up facing a group. He says to this group, "All right now your left hand", and of course that's his right hand, and so he has to reverse his directions in order to give directions to the group, see, because he's communicating. So his image actually is arriving in reverse. Now it not only arrives in reverse, but arrives upside-down. Why would it arrive upside-down? That's a very mysterious thing and yet a thetan has an awful lot of trouble with images arriving upside-down and quite often, when he comes out of his head, will smash against the ceiling. He's got his gravity in reverse. See this, because the guy's reversed in a horizontal plane then doesn't mean that this law gets excused in the vertical plane. It actually doesn't. He's just right side up, he happens to be, that's all. When you look this over ... the best way to look this over - I've lost you a little bit there - but the best way to look this over is to demonstrate that the image reverses itself at its receipt point and you're so accustomed to thinking that this reversal is occurring only in the horizontal plane because you live on Earth where everything is parallel that way, that you don't realize the degree of flexibility. Now, what you're actually communicating with, with an individual, his head and his feet, you see, and your head and feet happen to be in the same vertical plane, whereas your right and left side are not in the same you see, they are reversed. Now we're gonna have to get some cards and I'm gonna show you how this works out but it's terribly unimportant. What is important is the fact that you find most of your preclears have a direction reversal. They'll stammer for a minute. They'll start to go to the right before they go to the left and this is so hard for if you were to put up a sensitive electronic meter on the street, you'd demonstrate that, that every chauffeur, that every driver when he starts to turn left does a tiny little quick impulse to go to the right before he turns left. In other words, his training is a little bit deeper, it's a little bit stimulus response - this is very peculiar. You watch a company of soldiers and so forth, and they have been drilled one way or the other. Well of course this child was ... this driver as a child was taught in a schoolroom so anything he's taught he tends to get backwards. I hate to, I hate to hang that on you as a necessity. It isn't a necessity. It is merely symptom how deeply stimulus response the GE has become. It has very little to do actually with the state of beingness of the thetan but the fellow's body is in a motor rapport with all other bodies which is why we defined mesmerism so closely the other day and nailed it down by letting you get it wrong. GE is the motor rapport and the GE gets it backwards. Now, the thetan doesn't get it backwards but the thetan has got to smash through all these stimulus response mechanisms in order to get an action. Therefore, a thetan is just purely and clearly directing out of whole cloth an untrained puppet. If that thetan ... if the puppet's in good condition and if the thetan is looking and his final urge .. , he isn't depending on any automaticity, can make an almost instantaneous reaction on the part of the puppet. But the more stimulus response we enter into the puppet by the last instantaneous reaction there is and so we get communication lag. Now, communication lag is that degree to which the thetan is depending upon the automaticity of the body - and that is communication lag. Now while the boy is interiorized, you start to give him SOP-8C and you find out he's slow, he's way down. Now, if you exteriorize him you'll find out that this condition is not quite so bad and then goes away quite rapidly and the first thing you know, boy you can check him through the darndest things and you just get - pang, pang, pang, pang - there's nothing to it. See what's happening there? While he's interiorized he is getting upscale and therefore more and more instantaneous and he simply starts plowing through all tangled networks and making direct connections and as soon as he starts to do this, he starts to knock out the stimulus response system he has to control the body like mad. As a consequence his reaction time gets faster and faster and faster on SOP-8C. Now, it would be fun if the Psychological Foundation of yesteryear where the unit is being held, it would be quite a bit of fun if we met some of the equipment which was here once - the stimulus response equipment. What we could do is put somebody on one of these stimulus response machines and find out how long it would take him to press a button after he saw a light flash and then get him some 8C and see how long it would take him to press the button when the light flashed and it would be quite astonishing to you to see communication in action because in essence that's communication. The light communicates to the thetan and the thetan then directs that the button be pushed and he pushes the button. I don't care if he's in a body or if he's in a puppet or in a doll or anything else, that's all that's going to push that button for you. And so we have the interesting condition of the light communicating to the thetan and the thetan communicating to the button and so we got a two-way channel which is the first thing we drew about. I have passed that two-way channel - it's as fast as it isn't automatic. Direct - that's a direct ratio - it's as fast as it isn't automatic - inverse ratio. The more electricity that enters into a communication line, the slower the line is. Now, in Western Union Telegraph operation you get more and more relays entering into the line and apparently you're system as it becomes more and more automatic, becomes faster and that is not the case if you will examine the actual length of time it took for the message to go through this automatic machinery you would find out that it was exceeding longer and longer and longer a straight wire problem. You know, we just had a click going in on one end of the line and a click coming out at the other end of the line. It would be quite fast but as we fit in relays and things to receive it and things to pull back and unback and things to connect and unconnect and dials to go and all that sort of thing - the more stuff that goes into that line the longer it's going to take that electronic impulse to come back. Well that's purely mechanical but that's what Mest does. Mest puts time into a communication line. There isn't any communication line in time in a thetan. A thetan does not consider communication line in time - he is instantaneous. And the more noise then we enter into or the more circuits or the more wire - you see it takes up an actual finite time for an electrical impulse to travel a foot on an electrical wire. It takes time for it to do so. And that time itself is communication lag and time then applied to communication gets very interesting. A star blows up out here a few light years away and a million years later, why we see the star blow up. Oh boy! Now a thetan with no dependency upon Mest and no great agreement with Mest at all will have seen the star blow up the instant it blew up and so we get these strange things that are unaccounted for right down the track where the fellow knows something is going to happen. Well the funny part of it is, it's all an instantaneous problem anyway and so the thetan can receive messages before they are sent - Mest wise. See it's instantaneous.. Now that shouldn't exceed your understanding very far at all. If the thetan is always in unit time, he's, always in unit time whether the year is one thousand or the year is two thousand and all you're getting there is a shift of particles and if Mest itself in the co-motion of these particles, is itself time, then you see if there's no co-motion of particles, there's no time for the thetan. See, that's very simple. So, naturally what happened to you in the year two thousand - accept this - what happened, happened to you in the year two thousand, happened to you - that's all. It will happen to you. What happened to you will happen to you because it is happening to you because it hasn't happened to you yet because it's happened to you already. I mean uour tenses, it don't make sense. You just feel tense in the English language and throw it out the window because it doesn't make any sense to anybody. See, therefore you start letting past and future as blocks out of a thetan and of course his reaction time starts up and his communication time starts up like mad and as you enter Mest thoroughly he becomes more and more anxious about the past and future. You see? He becomes more and more anxious about the past and more and more anxious about the future because he thinks that he has to wait for the particles to move before he can have. His havingness then depends entirely upon the motion of the particles around him. But of course a thetan can mock up something which can endure a billion years or endure a split instant. It just doesn't matter which - he would have it. You see that? I'm overhearing there's a long heart-felt sigh over there. (laughing) Well therefore a mock up, not really made out of Mest energy and not perceived in Mest space, is itself either timeless or a split instant of time. This doesn't matter which you said. You could actually find the mock ups which you made eight billion years ago - quote "sitting right around you" unquote - because here then we get the problem of distance. If we're not using Mest space, if we tailored up our own universe, why it doesn't have this identical time line because you haven't set it up on the same co-motion of particles. But of course at this point we go adrift, we go off into theory and we go off into an awful lot of things and we're not even interested in that. The point is that an engram can stay in suspension, which is the only point I'm trying to make, because it hasn't happened and now will happen. An engram is happening. See, that operation that you're in, you're still in the operation. I didn't want to encourage you this morning - make you feel better - it hasn't stopped happening just because Mest said it did. But you dive over from this operation. You wanted this operation not to happen anymore so you say "Well I'm an old pal of Mest - that's the physical universe - the particles have moved on" - hah - they have not. Now as far as the actual operating chair and the motion of the fellow doing the operation and all of this sort of thing and the position of your Mest body - yeah, this is all composed of Mest particles. You understand that? So the particles have changed pattern but all we're interested in is the thought aspect of this and if you're interested in the thought aspect of this operation, it is happening, see, because as far as you're concerned, why it's happening, that's all. It never will be otherwise. It always is happening. So, you decide that's the best thing in the world for you to do, that is to get lots of distance between you and that operation and that's why fellows start running. He was unwilling to do a duplication at that point so he makes Mest his ally. He no longer wants to be at that point. I'll ... It's probably not very clear but a little bit later on in this course I'll ... I want you to listen to this tape again and you'll wonder what the hell was I confused about. It's simple. One of the things, the misapprehension under which you're laboring, is that theta has a position. Theta makes positions and then views from any position and you're just as much a thousand feet back of your head as you are in your head any day of the week. There is no difference between Mest. Therefore when you say somebody's in his head, this gets very silly. You know, a fellow gets very silly - he's in his head - but he's also a thousand feet back of his head. It all comes down to - what is he looking at? See, he's not looking at anything a thousand feet back of his head. He's looking at things in his head. In other words, he's geographically located his viewpoint. All that takes is merely a conviction that he's in his head. That's all it requires. Now, you can get the equal conviction and again, if we had some of the equipment around here such as blackjacks and PDH (pain, drug, hypnosis) equipment that's used in the science of psychology it would be very easy for us to demonstrate this clearly. You simply hit somebody over the head hard enough, you know, and he know he's there. He's received that impact. In other words he, he, he notices, he notices a fast change of Mest and he decides that he can feel this. He's decided no bluffing. Well, he would be more convinced he was in his head if he were hit in the head, wouldn't he? Well, if we were to proof him up a little bit so that he were a bit jugged up and he were let us say in a state of high recipiency, we could take him and put him in one corner of the room and then we were to take a basketball and we were to take a blackjack and we were to start hitting this basketball in the other corner of the room, you see, he's sitting in one corner and the basketball is in the other corner, and we were to start hitting this basketball and... [gap] let's concentrate... just looking at the basketball, you see, and swearing and damning this fellow by name as we hit the basketball, he will get into the basketball because he's in the basketball in the first place, as well as in his head...because there's no science involved here. You see, it gets a very very interesting problem. But he can make up his own universe and say its size and so and so and so and he becomes very comfortable. His mock ups are far better, his running concepts far better in spaces he himself makes than space which he has borrowed from the Mest universe. Now you felt one boy ... I'm sorry I have to go this way in because... on space because one or two of you are liable to be confused about it a little bit later on, but one fellow puts up in this room, he puts up eight balls in this room and they're oriented against the corners of this room, you see, and they're oriented perfectly, and he thinks he's made some space. No he hasn't. He's put up eight balls. You know, to make some space, he has to put up the postulate that he's making some space and then he puts it up without any regard to Mest universe units and he has made his own space. Now in the later... latter stage it's very easy for him to make mock ups and in the earlier, it's not easy for him to make mock ups. He might as well have forgotten to put up the eight balls just because - he just put up eight balls in the room. Where did he put them up? Well he put them up at the front of the room and they're in such and such a relationship with the corner. In other words he oriented his anchor points against Mest. He let Mest tell him where to put his anchor points. Therefore, people who put anchor points around the body and orient the anchor points by the body, don't make space. Even though they're still in their body, if they simply close their eyes and merely put up eight anchor points from where they are viewing them, they will have made their own space. You see, it's totally a matter, totally a matter of orientation from self and the orientation of self is simply that viewpoint which one happens to be using. There is nothing more simple than for a fellow to duplicate himself any place in the universe because he isn't any place in the universe because he is every place in the universe. Any one of you immediately, any one of you immediately answers up to the definition that has been given the anthropomorphic itself entitled God. Any one of you - because you're everywhere on omniscient and omnipresent, and on the bus (laughter), and everything - mm. Well, that doesn't mean you're infinitely large. It does mean you're as big as the Mest universe. It could mean that you're as small as the Mest universe. You see what we're boxing with and what makes all this a ... you could make these terrifically incomprehensible remarks, is because all language is oriented against Mest. Language is defined by Mest. So, the second we start talking about these things with Mest language, it becomes balderdash. You can say, "Well, I guess I will have eaten lunch a couple of hours from now last year" and it makes just as much sense as anything else you would say in Mest language because the element of time is entered by the co-action and co-motion of particles. And you are not a particle and thought isn't a particle and beingness isn't a particle and time is an idea of where the particles are located. You want to know why this fellow gets into a screaming fit and the guilt comes over him overpoweringly about something he did someplace or another - well gee whiz, for all intents and purposes he's doing it that moment. It isn't that he has a picture of it which he's running out. He can make a picture of it and then run out the picture of it. It's whether or not he's afraid of it and the running of an engram was much less the problem of smoothing out energy than it was the problem of demonstrating to an individual that he could experience something again safely. It re-confirms to him continuously that he can survive anything and as a result, he then changes his attitude toward existence and he thinks he doesn't have to carry that somatic anymore - he doesn't have to do this and he doesn't have to do that. So your therapy in Dianetics was simply aimed towards showing an individual that he could do it again and it wasn't necessary for him to brace himself all the time for fear it would happen again. He is all the time saying, "It mustn't happen again, it mustn't happen again" and over on this side on pleasure moments, "It must happen again, it must happen again" and of course he couldn't make either one stick. And in this confused state, you could run out engrams. The actual picture you ran out, however, he made at the instant you ran it out. It was made by an automatic machine. There isn't a person present hasn't an engram if you want to call an engram a piece of Mest. You know, let's call this disk here an engram, see, because it's a mass of energy and so forth. Well, it would drift along in time - now I've changed its position, you see, something that should have changed position, that's all. All right, let's go a little bit further now. You don't have this engram, if this is an engram, see. It isn't a mass of energy which you would have in your pocket and which would then get out and rub across your face in some fashion or another and destroy. What you would have to do with this, quote, "package of engrams" unquote, would have an ...or an engram, you would have to have an automatic machine that built it all the time and rebuilt it all the time and in the absence of such an automatic machine that kept building it all the time, you wouldn't have one. Can you see that? If you've got a pretty mock up from the year 1860, you've got a pretty mock up from the year 1860, that's all. You'd got it then because you knew you had it. You've had it here because you knew you'd had it again. You follow this closely? You just know you have it - so you have it. But you have to actually, to have substance to it, you'd have to rebuild it again. Now it so happens that a thetan can do this. He can build it again. Now he can go further than this, he can go further than this. He can actually build a piece of Mest and by nailing it into the relation of these particles, have it age and do everything else that these particles do as long as he makes it in relationship to, and in complete agreement with Mest universe particles, it'll go along as a piece of the Mest universe. So, are you making a mock up in your own universe or are you making a mock up in the Mest universe. If you're making a mock up in the Mest universe it'll age and deteriorate and nail down and so forth and you put it down on the corner of the street down here a block away and it's right there, it's on the concrete and there it sits and so forth. Well, you come back a thousand years from now and the concrete might have gone away but that mock up will have aged only to the degree that the imagery which you actually hung up there in connection with Mest energy would have aged. The theor .... the difference here ... now, I'm not talking in contradiction, I'm not talking in contradiction for several reasons. Nobody else agrees very much to your mock up. That's why you have a ... you have no responsibility toward somebody else with regard to your mock up. You can do very much what you please with it and when somebody says they can see them then you get a little bit upset because that limits your ability to (indistinguishable) them. If enough people sit around and agree they can see them, it has materialized theoretically. But all this, why? Because you are going on a standing ... from a standpoint of knowingness. You know you communicate. You know there is a difference. You know there is a particle. You know there is a postulate. You know there is your own universe. You know all these things-- Now we have to establish to line the guy up hale again if just to discover his pattern of agreement. If we discover his pattern of agreement, we also discover his pattern of communication and his feelings of affinity all the way up the line because we have to quote "backtrack" over the agreement in order to undo the problem merely because he has a vested interest in life. No matter how bad off he thinks he is, he still has a vested agreement which he has to keep agreed with to some degree, so you have to be able to chip this off for him, you know kind of break it up at the edges a little bit and straighten it out and restore to him enough fluidity so that he can re-establish his agreements without, at the same time, wiping out his vested interest in the Mest universe. You see that? And so, we're up against the problem of havingness. We can process a preclear thoroughly by simply making him change his mind and put him back in the same state he was in in the year zero, see, change his mind. The only reason he won't change his mind is because he feels he has a vested interest. You know it's very remarkable. Some fellow starts to commit suicide and he bangs himself up one way or the other and by god, almost uniformly, he's on the verge of death but he's recovering this slightly, you know, and he's gonna die anyway. But why? The Mest universe turns on real bright and he turns on real bright and boy does he wanna live - wheee! You've never seen a surge toward life that an individual gets when he really knows he's going to die. It all gets so pretty. It's rather pathetic even without the emergency wards in hospitals in big cities. Watch people brought in who have committed suicide, and you'll see guy after guy after guy after guy. His vested interest is very great, suicide didn't solve it but he thought it would. You know, suicide is occasioned by the fact that people think they only live once. You know, they think they can destroy themselves and they thought this destroying themselves would close terminals with it and then they think they're going to wipe themselves out utterly. In such a way death becomes very convincing to an individual and he forgets his past and he forgets that he's lived before and all that sort of thing and he's lost all his vested interest suddenly, you know. Everybody in the Mest universe, everybody in this agreed upon plane has agreed at this particular time that when a fellow's dead he no longer owns his possessions, see. In real, you can only go so far in writing a will to dictate what's going to happen to your possessions. The law limits it quite sharply. A freakish will is very easy to undo. You simply say the man exceeded his rights. What's his right. His right is to handle and control his property after death. He doesn't have that right. And so we've agreed on this in all different directions. Now I haven't gotten you too far adrift because you will begin to realize, as you sit there after a while, that we're talking about knowingness and we can go on and talk the longest chain and this and that and comparisons in this and that direction that you could possibly think of . I mean you can go on and on and on with this stuff. I mean we could talk for a year, two years, three years of strange comparisons and idiosyncrasies and oddities and tenses and so on and we would get no place because we're talking about something which doesn't have anything more than knowing that it has. If it knows it has, it has. If it knows it doesn't have, it doesn't have. If it knows something exists, it doesn't exist but everyone here has a tremendous responsibility toward everyone else and so we've all agreed mutually upon this and upon that and so forth. So we take these things apart very gently. That's when we don't run things by brackets, we don't run out former agreements. And when we leave the bracket alone and forget to run things in brackets, why the fellow's case hangs up. Why? because we've hung him up with his agreements with the past and with the people around him as to what he owns and what he doesn't own and of course he doesn't change very much. See this? Well then when you consider time and the thetan you find out that there's a tremendous communication lag in Mest. We've agreed that there is. A sun explodes and a million years later we see it. Okay? The sun up here explodes and it would take an hour or two - I've forgotten how long it is. Is it three hours, something like that - what is it ? : Eight minutes. : No, eight minutes. - Yeah, eight minutes, that's right. I keep forgetting what system I'm in. Anyway, this sun up here is quite, quite close but it still would take a little while for us to find out. It takes a finite time. All right, now let's see what happens to a thetan who wants to avert an accident at a distance. The reason why you don't believe in distance anymore is because you can't avert an accident at a distance. You've already agreed the Mest universe is here, the distances are so much, and it takes particles so much time to travel from this spot to that and then you see a fellow you know, who is a couple dozen light years away, is about to fall in a well. You see this, using photons ... or ... you know ... I mean ... let's dream up a little space opera here. Now, you've got a televised screen in front of you - you know, televisio and you see that another ship in the fleet is about to crash, something of the sort, and your brother is on that ship. And boy, right away you say, "The hell with this" and you simply appear or materialize in that area and put enough beams on that ship to cushion its fall. Now that would be all very well ... you actually have it in your power to do that. You can change particles and suddenly shift agreements like mad but you'd be too late. By the time you put a beam on the ship it would have crashed and so it would look to you that by putting a beam on the ship it crashed. It would look to you like you were assisting an accident. Well, do you know what sound does? Sound travels at eleven hundred feet per second. The bullet of a modern rifle reaches you a long time before the report of a gun. Eleven hundred feet per second -- the bullet of a modern rifle -- at least twenty-eight hundred feet per second, that's a military rifle, and so it takes a long time for the report to reach you, the bullet got there in a hurry and after you're shot and you're already falling, why you hear the gun go. Different communication speeds - communication - communication by sound, communication by bullet. Well, you actually have no communication speed between your being standing there ready to be shot and there's no communication lag between the moment the trigger's pulled clock-wise and you're standing there clock-wise. Now, if your level of knowingness was very good, you would know when the trigger was going to be pulled. You see, there's no difference between those two things clock-wise. You could actually be over there and be back of the gun faster than the bullet could travel from the gun to you. Now, the funny part of it is that you could know when the trigger was being pulled and duck. In other words, it would take a while for the particle to get to you and you wouldn't be there any more and there you'd dive and therefore you get the unkillable soldier. He knows which direction what's going. Communication lag - going to present time in the Mest universe is going to baffle some of you so pick up your ears. We're not talking past tenses and future tenses now - there is present time. If you stopped all the particles throughout this universe at the same instant and then inspected all of them you would find that every single one of them was in the present time that you stopped them in. You see that? You stopped all the particles in the universe and then inspected them, you'd find out where they all were at this instant that you stopped them. Now, let's stop them at present time instant. Therefore it's present time all over the universe at the same unit instant. So you'd just stop all particles and you'd look at them and there's present time. All right! A person gets confused about present time simply because of this: - a star explodes and a million years later he sees it. He isn't stopping all particles or he isn't looking at all particles simultaneously. He is looking at the particles and the communication lag because it's going to take the particles from the exploding sun that long to reach him. You see this? The particles are going to take time to get to him. Well now, if he depends upon Mest for all his communications he isn't going to know about the exploding sun until a million or two years have gone by that took the light to reach him. But if his level of knowingness is great enough so he can be anywhere in the universe if he wants to be in the same instant then enters the greatest of ease. He knows the sun explodes at the moment it explodes. And so again, we get communication time lag because it's communication time lag then consists of time itself, the length of time or the distances it takes for particles to travel through Mest. The more an individual agrees with Mest, which is to say the more he depends upon Mest the greater time lag he himself has and the less ability he has to know. Therefore agreement with Mest is very poor. Once you depended on Mest to bring you all your messages and you depended on it to do everything, why it gets very bad. Now, there is a test on this. You can do this with a preclear with ease. You can have him mock up this room as this room, and then mock up this room as this room, then mock up this room as this room, and mock up this room as this room, and mock up this room as this room, and keep that up for several hours. Just a duplication of this room at the instant that the room is in, you know, and never let him vary a factor about the room and insist that he duplicates this room exactly and so forth. We find out that the therapy in an interesting fete that would go up and he would get interested in it from the standpoint of duplication and then after a little while it would begin to fall off and then all of a sudden you'd find it pretty flat. Why? You forced him to agree with Mest. Now let's make him duplicate this room and then duplicate this room with calico walls and then duplicate this room a little bit bigger and then duplicate it a little bit smaller. Now make him duplicate it a little bit bigger than his own concept of this room and a little bit smaller than the concept he had of this room and then, and then duplicate this room in the year 1770 and then duplicate this room this way and duplicate it that way - and that is to say, make him set up the room and then get a duplicate of it. He can set up the room with calico walls and then make him get a duplicate of this room with calico walls. You keep on doing this and the next thing you know his perception is going way up. Why? Because you're breaking him away from agreeing with Mest and it is agreement with Mest which gave him the communication lag and gave him the idea he could only be in one place at one time. How does a thetan duplicate, himself. Everyone of you has the ability of granting beingness to another point of space which is you and then knowing in that point of space. Every one of you has this and this in essence would be the duplication of your own personality. Now you could do this well enough so that other points of space ... while you stood right where you were, it would really be a scarcity of your attention that inhibited you from doing this, you could stand right here in this room and duplicate yourself in a point of space over at the Westward-Ho and while you were still here fully knowing, you could be in the Westward-Ho fully knowing, see. Therefore, sending somebody around in change of space does not send in a unit dot of something to here or there but is making a person know he is over another pattern of particles. Now, we get the shifting of location is in itself communication so you have quote, "Mest" communicate to you continuously. Well, that makes you have to duplicate Mest in order to receive a communication of the Mest and if an individual thinks there's danger in duplicating this communication, in being this communication, he resists while he eventually plows in and obsessively becomes it, see. He begins obsessively to communicate with Mest. So, he sees a, he sees a picture on the wall and he will have a flat feeling on his head, very flat feeling. It's the picture on the wall and you want to know what the strange GE somatics are. They are quite often nearly in the field of mesmerism. The GE is mesmerized by Mest. He's hit it too long and he's no longer able to maintain his own identity well enough so he just duplicates Mest obsessively. He doesn't like it - he fights it - and Mest is not something he wants anything to do with and as a consequence the funny feeling he's got on his face is the picture on the wall or the chalky feeling in the rock or something. Somebody who's kind of bad off can be walking along the street or something and then feel a little bit bad and then they'll attribute it to the past or something they ate or something of the sort where as a matter of fact with a rotten fish hanging out some place. They just duplicated it and ... it's, it's quite amusing to you as an auditor when you're auditing somatics or ill health you have many choices of eradication of a somatic. First there's to eradicate, of course, obsessive duplication and the part of the body - that's first and that's done in several ways but the next one is just an auditing. You see somebody in a service station and he doesn't feel very good. He hasn't been well lately and so forth and you have immediately another choice - what's he duplicating around the service station. That's his immediate environment. Well, how do you solve this? You just tell him to look at it, that's all. You make him look at it and as soon as he really starts looking at it he is duplicating by consent. Now as soon as he duplicates by consent he isn't duplicating by fighting, so by duplicating by consent he then stops obsessively duplicating and merely starts to consciously duplicate. In other words, you cut out the automaticity of obsessive duplication. Here we get automaticity of communication. An obsessive duplication would be an automaticity. It would be something without his consent. Something that would go on operating hour after hour, day after day, he would be doing this all the time. Now let's, let's get it over to the point where we're getting into consent to be the point B on our communication line. See, we're getting into consent to be the receipt point and we make him intentionally become the receipt point and we have done just what I said yesterday - we said, "All right, now look, when we ... whenever a preclear has something strange happen, make him do it again" and the item will fall under his control and the second it goes under his control he of course is no longer plagued with this automaticity because he put it there in the first place so you make him take it over again. You make him knock out the separateness of it and the forgetter mechanism in it by making him do it. So, if this man is obsessively duplicating then let's run this sort of a task on him. Let's just simply, without going into anything that looks to him like necromancy, which like ... all right, now get your body ... make your body stand there like a gas pump. would be out for him, now make it stand there like a water bucket, now make the inside of it feel like a water bucket, see, now make it feel like an air hose and so on and we could do this until all of a sudden he found one that was very nerve wracking to him and then we just make him be that by choice one way or the other and all of a sudden that automaticity keyed out and he'd feel all right. But that's an extreme thing, you see. That would look too much like necromancy to him. He wasn't particularly indoctrinated into this, he thinks you were playing tricks on him or something. So, you would tell him, actually though, just look around now. We start with looking around. Of course he's ... he is now, with his consent, being receipt point. You ask him to actually look at the service pump, you ask him to look at the air hose, you ask him to look at the water bucket, you ask him to look at that, and you proceed to ask him to what does he contribute his cause or anything that would put his attention on the cause of his trouble. Is there anything around here you don't like, is a good way to go about it. You make him look at this, "What is there about the gas pump you don't like exactly?" "Oh, I don't know..." He never noticed before it has handles. (mumble) But in order to look at something he has to duplicate it with his consent. And so it will feed out his automaticity before he's looked around very long why the automaticity of obsessive duplication of some object, which he despises, in the vicinity ceases. See, that present time problem is solved. Now, automaticity can be keyed out by making a person be cause - there's automaticity by perception - make the person be cause, or at the cause, or A point of the line. Well now, the way you do that is, "All right, get a mock up of the gas pump." This is all of creative processing, see. And the other one is, be receipt point. Be perfectly at ease about receiving something. Well now, you find many people have, have problems against being the receipt point and have obsessively put themselves into a situation of being cause. In order to keep from being receipt point, the fellow says, "I'm going to be Cause, - I'm gonna be cause, I'm gonna be cause, I'm gonna be cause, I'm gonna be cause and therefore I don't have to be a receipt point." Well of course, the communication line has two ends and this fellow nailed himself down in his head like he had spikes in it because he is at the cause point and he won't go around to the receipt point. If he won't go around to the receipt point then every automatic machine he has which duplicates goes into completely random action and becomes his enemy. Every automatic machine he has then becomes his randomity and boy, the weirdest, strangest, most horrible things happen. Why, of course everything is inexplicable because in the automatic machine he has at point B - not at point B - but any automatic machine he has which duplicates in any way as a receipt point of course goes into full operation as his randomity. So just exactly fifty percent of his basic communication set up goes into action against him. He'll only be cause point, he'll only be cause point, he'll only be cause point. All right, now what do we do with this Fellow? Well, we just make him look around. If he can do that, "just identify what in the environment is your exact trouble", you know. All we're doing is making him duplicate with his ch... with his consent. We're taking, at least, sight over. Now if you're harder to take sound over because you don't get sounds occurring at the ... you don't get sounds ... random sounds occurring at the request of the auditor but you do get random sights occurring at the request of the auditor - pretty much, I mean, all sights of objects and so forth. So sound is a little harder to process and for that reason most auditors leave it alone and leave the case hang up on it. They leave the case hung up on sound. They'll try to run back track, in other words, to get sound, "Well let's see, let's get the time you were listening to the symphony - now be the symphony". Of course the only way a guy can ever listen to a symphony is to be the symphony. The only way you can ever receive any communication is to be that thing which is communicating to you. That's duplication. (lecture ends abruptly) *********************************************