2ND ACC 19B OF 9 DEC 53 BODIES ************************************************** 2ND ACC 19B OF 9 DEC 53 "BODIES" Transcript of Taped Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard 2 ACC 19B - 5312 C09 Date of Lecture - December 9, 1953 BODIES This is the afternoon of December the ninth and we're going to take up some specific examples of patter on SOP-8C. In the process of running SOP-8C, there are many things which you can do right. There are few which you can do wrong. In view of the fact that almost any preclear, when you first lay your hands on him, is in a "I mustn't be hit" or inverted "I must be hit" frame of mind, you see, I mustn't be hit or I can be hit. It is very easy to invalidate a preclear. Now let's get this one ..just get this one down real good. Let's get this down real good. Invalidation by words is the symbolical level of being struck. You got that? Invalidation by words is the symbolical level of being struck. If a person is afraid of being hit, he is afraid of being, quote, "invalidated", unquote. You see that? All right! Now let's, let's take a look at inversion. You know things .. DEI, desire, enforce, inhibit ... you get things inverted. A fellow can run just so long on, I have to have something, until he gets into, I can't have it. Now, he'll run I can't have it just so long until it all of a sudden it is a terrific desire. He's got it down to a lower one, you see. Now, if he desires it, something is going to see to it that enforced havingness takes place and as soon as enforced havingness takes place, he's going to be inhibited in having and so he can't have it again.. And after he can't have it on this lower inversion, then after a while he realizes, I can't have that, he gets a terrific desire for it. He gets curious about why he can't have that and so he gets a desire for it. As soon as he gets a desire for it, it gets enforced, that he must have it, and then, this is obsessive and he doesn't like that. So, he decides that he better not have it, so he can't have it, again. All the time he's getting down on a lower grade of "it" - whatever "it" is. In terms of sensation, it starts at the top with a complete serenity and at the bottom winds up, goes through sexual sensation, and winds up at the bottom on an utter sort of a gooey degradedness. Sexual sensation too greatly condensed is degradation. And force, any type of force of this character is given a symptom of degradation. All right! Now let's look at this inverting thing. Realize then that a preclear is in a body, being protected by the body, after a while, so that he won't get hit. He gets the idea, he's in there, he mustn't be hit. Well, that's the antithesis to perception because in order to perceive, he has to be hit. He has to be hit by the wavelengths of the things he's trying to perceive, so if he can't be hit, you see, he can't perceive. (An aside)..No answer my dear Watson .. The next point in the line is DEI, you see. He mustn't be hit, he mustn't be hit, he's gotta be, see. That's the next thing. He desires to be hit. So, he sits around waiting for you to invalidate him. You see how it goes on the far shoot line? He says for a long time, I mustn't be criticized, I mustn't be invalidated, I mustn't be criticized, and he's gotta be. One day, he suddenly wakes up and says, "I must be hit". You'll find this preclear going sslup to every electronic they can lay their hands on. Bong - bang - somatics. They gotta have somatics, they gotta come in on them. They have to be insulted. They will work with you until you finally insult them in some way or another because they call an insult on this basis, invalidation, see. Now, they get on a "I mustn't be invalidated", see. In other words, I mustn't be hit is the force level on this. Now, the symbolical level is, I mustn't be invalidated and then that goes, eventually, into I must be invalidated. Now there's, what we call, a motivator hunger. Now, when you surfeit a motivator hunger, you have satisfied an appetite which bumps them up one small gradient on the tone scale. And, you'll find some preclears that you have going through this motivator hunger, or overt hunger, and that’s just this, "I must be hit", and so forth. Now, it goes this way too, "I must hit", "I must not hit", see, "I desire to hit", then, "I must not hit".. I beg your pardon.. "I desire to hit", then "I have to hit", and then, "I must not hit". And some people will run this cycle in one fight. Often they'll slug somebody - crash - boom- down somebody goes, and the next moment they're being very sympathetic about the whole thing. You get that? See, I must not hit, I must protect now. Now, a Thetan early on the track ran this with bodies very rapidly. I mustn't, I just gotta knock 'em off, and then, poor bodies. And he's run back and forth on this about bodies and you’ll find a preclear doing this under processing. "Bodies - I don't want anything to do with bodies - mest universe (mumbling ...) .." and the next thing you know, what do you know, "bodies are just lovely - wonderful, wonderful". So, you've bumped him up the tone scale. You're running the DEI cycle backwards. "I can't have bodies" into "I must have a body", into "I want a body", again into, "aw I can’t have one", but milder, you see. And then, "well I better have one", "well it's kind of nice to have a body", and then up we go a little bit higher on the thing and that ... "well there are a lot of people, sometimes I don't want a body and a lot of people, they don't want bodies either", and then he goes up a little higher, and "yeah I could have a body if I wanted one". You see, you're running the DEI cycle backwards, it's IED, upscale. So, that you'll find a preclear suffering consistently and continually from this invalidation trouble - invalidation and evaluation. Now as we go down scale with a preclear, we find that evaluation becomes more and more harmful because it impinges upon his knowingness. Invalidation, is actually . goes straight up against motion and knowingness goes into space and above that knowingness itself. You see? So, we've got the two things. We've got motion and impact under the heading of invalidation and we have cut down knowingness under the heading of evaluation. So, we've got these two categories sitting side by side. Now, these two categories are in the symbolical level too. So, there's evaluation by telling a person what his words actually signify. This would be the same thing as cutting his knowingness down because you're telling him something he doesn't know. The only thing wrong with instructing in anything is that it informs people of things they don't know. Well, there is a time when you have to tell anybody some sort of a scale of knowingness so that they can go back up grade. At any class unit under instruction in Scientology has to fight back up through this one because they’re being told that they don't know when they're being told techniques, when they're being told what these things are. But this is a fast route and the only excuse for it is, it’s far less harmful to do this because it puts them on a route to being able to know for themselves. So, what they don't know turns into in Scientological instruction, turns into what you can know, and what I'm giving you is headed that way. It's what you can know. It's what you can do, it's what you can know. But if we cut this down, on some preclears it comes under the heading ... they hit pretty low, and it comes under the heading of evaluation, so that they shudder back from... sometimes an auditor will shudder back from being told a workable way to do something simply because he’s trying to protect his own knowingness. And now, what's the remedy is for that, is not to refrain from telling him how to do something, but to tell him how to do that which corrects the fact that he's shuddering back from being told something. See, his knowingness. How does he, how does he get out of the state of mind whereby he thinks his knowingness is being cut down by learning how to know, see. How does he get out of that. That would be the way to handle that problem in the same way evaluation. We can cut right straight through the whole problem of invalidation same way as evaluation. We cut through the whole problem of invalidation, now very simply by curing people of fear of being hit. Now, people are actually afraid of being hit by words. You can take somebody who's terribly bad off and you can make him utter a word and then reach out and catch it. Now, you wouldn't think this technique, this technique would actually find anybody serious at all. You say, now say cat. Now say, look at the word cat and say, gee, that'll be training and reach out and grab it and put it in your pocket. Hide it. You know, I have seen somebody keep this up for an hour. I just sat there wondering how long they could go on with this. They just went right on because it doesn't, it doesn't point out what they're doing immediately, you see. Why, it's just not going to. What they'd have to do is move the postulate around for a while until it stopped evaluating for them. Now the other thing a preclear doesn't know is the difference between a postulate and a word with meaning. A big difference. I could throw all of you people in your ear with this, but I'm gonna try not to (laughing). It'll leave you utterly baffled (laughing), it's a horrible thing to do anyway. A statement is sym... a consecutive meaning in symbolic terms. You see, it's a symbolized meaning. A postulate has nothing to do with meaning. A postulate has to do with straight command and determination by, and it's not made, a horrible thing (laughing), and it's not made with symbols. The place where, the place where people over in India, go appetite over tin cup a lot of times is that their rituals are perfectly valid but they use them in words with people who can use only words. So, the things which they start stacking up as mechanisms and so forth, are word mechanisms. They're not postulate mechanisms. Now, actually, if you want to know what I'm talking about right then - 'til you all of a sudden see a postulate. Anytime you're moving an idea around, you ordinarily are not moving a postulate around, you're ordinarily moving a symbol around, but by that process you eventually come out through the top and say, what the hell am I doing with these symbols. Of course, this is about the same time that the lightning will crash, as far as that's concerned. It's pretty high. But a postulate is above force and a symbol is subject to force. The difference between a postulate and a symbol is the position on the tone scale. We have to go up through force and be able to handle force before we really recognize a postulate for what a postulate is, otherwise it is all, a hundred percent, meaning, significance, whereas a postulate is a direct command. You could make a preclear run a postulate out. But a postulate is not a feeling, it's not force, it's not a symbol. You might say it's an intention, and very high. It's an intention which will not be brooked but that again brings about the idea of effort, determination, see. Heavy effort, determination, well that isn't what a postulate is either. The mountains will now collapse, dealt with the most serene hand imaginable, would simply be in terms of a whole flock of mountains collapsing, see. It wouldn't be a big symbolized thing. It's just the fellow's self-determined intention that something happens and it happens. Now, a preclear becomes very frightened of this as long as he can't use and isn't accustomed to handling force. So again we have the problem of perception. Perception is a problem of force. He doesn't want to think on something for two reasons: one, if he thinks where he is, they'll know too. You know, he's afraid he'll let it out. He's afraid his mind will be read. Somebody can find him. He's been told this often enough. It's one of the biggest electronic tricks on the track - was to tell somebody that he had to think right thoughts. That he had to think thoughts which were properly protective to the State, and if he thought thoughts which were not properly protective to the State, he could be arrested and things done to him. And if he thought thoughts which were not properly protective and which yak, yak, yak, and so forth, to the State, he would be located by the fact that he was thinking them. So, a person gets afraid to think for fear he will be located, and people who are difficult to locate, are afraid of being located. And here we have a single problem in fear to be handled as a postulate - afraid to be located. Some version of that, symbolically placed and put. And we handle that around until all of a sudden he realizes it's nonsense. He can think a thought without being located up in the sci-galaxy where they're still looking for him and have big posters all over the place, he thinks. Where they still have his records and he thought the wrong thought up there. Well, that's just another method of making a Thetan wrong. So, very often, your preclear will become very disturbed and he's unaccountably disturbed. Well now, it will lie in three spheres only - evaluation - invalidation - and location. He's afraid to be located, he's afraid to be hit, and he's afraid to have his knowingness cut down. The evaluation, he's afraid to have his knowingness cut down because that's less space in his terminology. He's afraid to be hit, so he naturally is afraid of any symbol which goes counter to his motion. A symbol which is counter to his motion is very upsetting to him and he is afraid he will be located. Just that. Basically he was made afraid of his own power. He destroyed things which he desired to persist or he built a Frankenstein's monster, and this we call the Frankenstein effect. The fellow is sure that if he builds something and gets it all beautifully created and it actually would walk and talk and do something or other. It would go off down the street and while down the street would do something very destructive but just before it did something destructive, he would say, Stop, and the thing won't stop. Well, we've run immediately into resist all effects. See. He built it to resist all effects and then because he desired randomity, didn't put in, except his own. So he built something to resist all effects. Well then, pray tell, why is he upset that it resists all effects. Yet he is, because it does a lot of effects which are elected as bad cause. So in auditing an individual one does deal immediately and intimately with these factors, continually deals with these factors of evaluation, invalidation and location. And he deals with another factor - automaticity. He has set himself up, the auditor, as an automatic machine which directs the preclear. Therefore he's liable to throw into restimulation that machinery which the preclear has which sends him places. Almost any preclear has got a machine which sends him places. So we run into a condition where the auditor says, "Are you here?" and points to something, and that puts the preclear there. The auditor isn’t doing it. The auditor has triggered the machine which sends the preclear to any place the preclear thinks of. The preclear's got that kind of a mechanism. So, let's not overlook this. You can ask a preclear only about four times, are you in the corner of the room, or something like that, and if he's got one of these machines, he'll trigger. That's why we say "not". He hasn't got any machine that tells him where he's not, and that's why we stress "not" as a postulate. Now, you can set up some preclear this way, you can say, "Are you on the desk?", "Are you in the chair?", "Are you here and there?". You're, you're offering him places to be which keys in the automatic machine that starts sending him places. Almost any preclear has one of these things. What do you do with the machine? Well, it's ... it comes under the heading of Step four. You've wasted and so forth. Well, what if it turns up, up here by location. Well, it won't turn up here in Step one, if you ask him where he's not, and that's why you ask where he's NOT, in Step one, so you don't key off this machine. He's got it. It's all set, ready to go. Now, it could be defined as people learning how to use and handle a life unit, and a life unit at this stage of Scientology, advanced as we are, could be characterized like a watch and you could actually put it down in terms of learning how to keep a watch running. You don't have to be able to build a watch to keep a watch running or repaired, but the main difference is, the potentialities of the preclear are so enormous that this fact over shadows many other factors when you're working with him. You say, "Gee, he is capable of so much". Well, in SOP-8C we're telling you how much of him has to be handled. You get that? That's, how much of him has to be handled, that's all, and to this degree he is like a watch. You, to some degree are like, if you're doing something for a Thetan, you're doing something right - watch repairing. I mean, it's very predictable. The facts that are going to be wrong in this case, and they're not going to be something horrible and huge and unimagined that hasn't ever been encountered before. You'll never run into it. I guarantee it. You just won't ever run into it. You can run into a very imaginative Thetan. Though unfortunately, in this universe, for the purposes of auditing, his imagination, when he tries to throw you for a loop with his imagination will boil down to these seven steps. Why? Because this is modus operandi of a Thetan in the MEST universe and the MEST universe has got him pretty tame and there's only certain factors there that the MEST universe is leaning against him on. So you don't have to handle all this vast array of potentiality that an individual has - enormous talents, imagination, and so forth -, mostly because they can't be effective in this universe. You're only trying to free him up to a point where he can recognize that he can have freedom and after that all the freedom he gets will be given to him by himself. You get him up to a security where he knows he can have freedom and he's on his own. You can't go any further with the thing. Now, his individuality sets in, actually, way above the level when you suppose it does. The stimulus response mechanisms of the body and of the Thetan himself are very predictable. You are working with a predictable organism. Duplication - creation - survival - destruction - eight dynamics - automaticity - location in the MEST universe - creation of space - handling of postulates - his fight with barriers, being able to go through ‘em and not go through 'em. He just about said it, right there. I mean, this is all you're handling. What we've done is take this enormous problem, this problem that was bigger than universes and it had just so much data in it and we keep boiling the data down and throwing out the irrelevance. There's nothing irrelevant in SOP-8C. The only thing that isn't remarked on the brief form for student use, which is issued at this time, is acceptance level, processing acceptance level. And acceptance level , of course, should come in down there under perception, and doesn't quite belong, but does belong in Step seven. Acceptance level: An acceptable state of blindness, an acceptable state of illness, and so on, this is an acceptable state of being afraid. During World War II, all the young officers had an acceptable state of being afraid. Older officers, who weren't this indoctrinated and didn't see you had to have an acceptable rate of being afraid or officers, who actually were officers instead of college boys in cute clothes, they were, they were utterly ... I mean, they almost vomit listening to these young fellows. These kids who stand around and they'd say how they ducked and how they got out of this and how they got out of that and how scared they would be if they'd been in that fight. And boy, were they running a big agreement on fear and you of course, would assume immediately that if young officers in groups, young men at the age when young men are athletic and adventurous and so forth, you would assume that these people were, were you know, just kidding. Well, they might have just been kidding at first but they weren't as the war went on. A lot of them did many, many brave and heroic things. They got startled out by an acceptance level, startled out of acceptance level into necessity level in many places and, very fortunately, not all the young fellows were like that. Very far from it, but they actually had themselves talked into it so that, so that about two years, three years deep into the war, these boys were green around the gills at the thought of danger, couldn't tolerate the thought of danger. I used to, I used to heckle this sort of thing. Very wicked of me, I know, but something like sound the GQ in officer’s quarters only, and fire such a flock of blanks out of a victory model or stern gun, very effective. It got them out of ... it eventually broke their fear neurosis on coming up to the bridge. I did start doing things like that after I found out that they couldn't find the General Quarters stations 'til a half an hour after the alarm was over. Credible - oh yes, that's very credible. One fellow, who really got green, he went down the ladder and decided he would hide in the magazine and then found out it was his own magazine. He should have known better than that and (laugh) the shells were rolling around loosely in it. (laughing) It was upsetting to him. After a few things like this happened, we took the only type of processing there was, which was just experience. You know, I mean, it's all you could do to some fellow - it's experience. Made enough uproar around 'til we conditioned them. I think the U.S. Army was doing something of conditioning at the end of the war, but they never got the idea, mostly because the officers in charge of the organizations never would have credited this new level of agreement on: - let's all be scared - that's the way to be acceptable to everybody in the troops and everybody and just be scared stiff all the time. You see ‘em say, "Gee, I'm not brave, I wouldn't know what to do if I had to do something" and "Gee, I was way back of the lines when that happened" and patter, patter, patter, patter, patter, see. It just gradually eats in, eats in, eats in. You run across a preclear almost anywhere, anytime, he has had certain patterns of agreement on fear. Now, you don't have to know. I'm just giving you an example of how big it can be and how little of it you have to handle. Now, you see, it’s a big subject - the war and morale and cowardice and agreement and what would Thetans do under that circumstance. Well, you don't have to be able to predict their behavior because almost anybody has been in some kind of a situation back up on the track where it was fashionable to be frightened. In Greece, the days when Greece was really caved in, it had become very fashionable to be very effeminate about everything, war, male, and one dusted his finger tips daintily with a silk lace handkerchief, and put a perfumed apple to his nose and said, hmhm. That was in the days when they'd send over one squad of legionnaires from the tenth cohort of Rome, or something, to take garrison at the northern end of Greece and all would remain calm through out Greece. Greece was a slave at that time. So, fear in it's exhibition and agreement upon what one should be afraid of is an index to the degree of hypnosis under which your preclear is laboring. Why hypnosis? Well, it must be an agreement on fear, hmm? So a deep agreement on any subject is a hypnosis. So he's just hypnotized into believing he's afraid. He doesn't start out being afraid, you see. He just gets into agreement with everybody and then he finally agrees that this is the thing to do, to start making postulates about being afraid when he's run through society after society, after society on whole track doing this. Anybody who has formerly been in space operas finally agreed that it was dangerous and upsetting to hit a meteorite flight with a ship at two light years per second, or something. Anybody, almost anybody has agreed, finally, that this, that this is not an optimum experience and one should be afraid that it will happen. What do you know, they didn’t start the track early like that. They just reported back to base and got a new ship and body, until, what do you know, you were up there on Blue Run 68 and shot full of holes. Why don't you sweep that area up? Where's my body? Now, a Mark VIII body, okay. I see they've improved the wristlets. That's about as emotional as it was, and then after a while I suppose somebody started a college or some place and they got scared all over again. It got fashionable and then one day they said, "Gee, I wouldn't like to go on that run because gee, I might get on Run 68 and there might be a dust speck there and it might dent the windshield, so we won't go in for space opera anymore." "Where's a nice safe planet?" (Laughing) See, that's agreements on fear. Well, if you get a preclear sitting in a chair or being in the center of the room exteriorized, and have him put into the six walls of the room, fear, you've got in essence, an agreement on fear. He has certain banks of fear and certain postulates about what he should be afraid of. In other words, what is sensible. What to be afraid of and what is sensible are synonymous remarks, you know. And he sits in the center of the room and puts some fear into the wall. We have in essence, a double terminal agreement, see that. So you’re running it out. So you make it possible for him to agree on any god's quantity of fear because what he's basically afraid of is the emotion known as fear. I don't know if anybody here might have ever had the experience of actually becoming terrified. I mean really terrified. That's, that's, that's a bad experience. I'm sure you've had it some place on the track but in this lifetime, I don't know. It might have happened because it's a sort of uncontrollable proposition. But what one has started to fight, you see, and resist, one thinks one might be afraid of something and then he starts to resist it and then he resists it harder and it resists him and he resists it, and all of a sudden he gets bang and it blows up a great big piece of fear someplace, you know. He's just got lots of it and it's overwhelming fed to him in this much dosage in this space of time. It might be set off by a shell and oddly enough, maybe two or three years after the war, it might be set off by an automobile backfiring in the street. So, it goes into terror. And that is grim stuff. I mean, he goes out of control. And when he's had one of these experiences, and you as an auditor auditing him and you don't know about this experience, oh no, no, you're just not going to get any place with this case, not unless you start specializing on fear, one way or the other. You just start straight out and start specializing on fear but then you've got that ... already it's down here as one of these steps. So, we cut down the tremendous unknowness of each experience, and everything, down to a rather pat step. Mind you, if you're dealing with a current lifetime, you're dealing with a dual fear. The GE and he were scared at the same time. So, this puts fright solidly on the track in one chunk. Very often, by the way, a person has spent part of his life terrified or scared or very upset about something and has gotten over it and will tell you, every once in a while it's customary for him to tell you that, well he's all over that, he doesn't have that anymore - ahuh. That's not true. He has conquered it by suppressing it and you're trying to set him free and he's trying to suppress something. So the harder you try to set him free, the harder he's going to recognize that you're this fear charge which is going to .. he has to suppress, so he starts suppressing you and suppressing the auditing and so forth. But again we're dealing with a central emotion there - fear - terror. It's better to just locate it and be real smart about it and locate it right straight off and handle it and let that go to that, see, with and an E-meter. That’s the best way to do it, cuts short the auditing or just start handling it and putting it in the walls. That's all. You just recognize your case is not making progress after you've run the first three steps, and you've run them rather rapidly. He just doesn't show any signs of shaking out of it, so you could just say, well the hell with it, put fear in the bulkhead. Well, he right away is being kind of upset with you, maybe at the idea that you've suddenly saddled him with having been afraid of something. Well, I would like to see the Thetan on the whole track that had never been scared this way because he's gone in through consecutive agreements with fright. Now you could know all about all the societies he's gone through but all we're interested in any society he's gone through is contained on these two pieces of paper, SOP-8C. That's the only mechanisms we're interested in. We're not interested in the other mechanisms he's gone through. But he feels he has frightened up something and if you just dig it up and handle it and fear on that particular subject, just postulates and so forth, you'll make lots of space. But there's where judgment comes in, in using these, these two pages. Now that's about the only place it comes in. You have to know what you're doing. The human mind is always a servo-mechanism. I'm sorry if I've maligned the young officers of World War II, I would rather shoot them (laugh). The point is that the human mind is a servo-mechanism to all mathematics. So the human mind is a servo-mechanism to all mathematical or symbolical communication systems. Western Union is a symbolical communication system if you want to know precisely what I mean by a communication system. A conversation down on the corner depends upon a specific and direct and very, very critically pinpointed communication system between two people. There's one Thetan who was using certain apparatus in order to force air in certain directions across certain tensions which makes air vibrate in a certain way against somebody else's ... other Thetan's ear drums. The information is taken there, is re-rationalized, is put into the vocal chords of a second Thetan and they set the air in vibration which goes into the ears of the first Thetan. That's a relay system. It's a real complex system. But a Thetan gets sold on one of these communication systems and he wants to make it rigid, and it's another thing you might run into. It's slightly outside our sphere of interest, but he runs into one of these communication systems. It's so lovely, it's so patterned, it's so good, and he'll set it up as a system. He sets it up as something to do, rather than something which will do something. So you can audit somebody after a while with a specific system that has no surprises in it and he'll pattern it as a system, and after that you audit what he's audited as a pattern system. You see, you've audited what he set up as a pattern system after you've audited him too long. The way to really wreck him and upset him endlessly in doing this and throw it out the window, is simply to audit communication directly. We notice this, this auditing has gotten down to a long grind on some preclear. He's not making any progress, he's just going through the motions. We can assume that he has set up some kind of a communication system on the subject and if he's being audited partly over a pat thing like SOP-8C, why he's too willing to set up a communication system. What he's unwilling to face is the effort of communication. Well, why won't he face it? It's because we go right straight back ... see how nice these factors work out ... we go right straight back to invalidation. Well why do we go back to invalidation? Because a communication system has to do with a motion of particles through definite relay points and this means that the individual is afraid of being hit. So, he doesn't go near the relay points, he stays on the line and therefore he's afraid of being hit. So, you just handle it as afraid of being hit, or must hit, or must be hit, see, or mustn't be hit. He's afraid of being hit, and we're back again to fear. He's not dangerous to a communication system. A communication system is dangerous to him, so he just steps off. He sets it up as a system as soon as he can and then steps off the lines, gets off the lines and skips it. See that? So after that you're auditing something else. Anybody who will self-audit, this is some thing an E-meter will tell you faster than the preclear, anybody who self-audits rather consistently and continually runs a liability of simply setting it up as a circuit. He just sets up a communication system on the subject of auditing, and anybody who is audited long and arduously and monotonously, will set up a communication system which eventually will start to audit him. See, he sets up a circuit and the second the auditor is gone, that circuit is still there. Well, communications get scarce and they are the most intimate form of havingness and not havingness. People don't want communications or they want communications or they must inhibit communications - DEI. What is a communication? A communication is a meaningful particle, and we go into immediately, the fact they are symbolical postulates. So we handle a lot of symbolical postulates and we will stop this self-auditing. That breaks down that easily. There's an enormous number of things that get cared for without your worrying about them too much. You can care for the preclear about ... you can care for the effects which have accrued over a thousand different civilizations on one individual. You can just care for it, that's all. You don't have to take knowledge of these to do so. And there's this enormous randomity. How many things he can do, how many things he could be capable of. There's only a few of them in which we're interested and they go back again to evaluation, invalidation, and location in general. That's all they go to. And when they simmer down to ... oops (something with the microphone)... makes good sense. Invalidation, that's arrival of particles. He doesn't want to be cause. That means he doesn't want to dispatch particles. So, that's not starting particles. He doesn't want to be effect, well that's not arriving particles. He'll symbolize this in hundreds of ways. He's just not arriving. You tell him put something out on something, he doesn't arrive. You have to ask him sharply a few times, if he's got any doubt about his case, he isn't arriving. That's the main thing that's wrong with his case, he's just not getting there, and there are many ways to make him do that, but they're all right here. Tell him be close to it for a while and then tell him be closer to it and finally let him arrive at it. Another thing the ... a communication has to start and it has to arrive. You're essentially dealing with a communication system when you're dealing with a preclear postulates, symbols, and aberrations. So, the study of the communication systems brings us right around, however, to these seven steps again and we still got the factors which we need to have to handle the communication system. Now, when we say a fellow is not there by location, you know, where is he not, why he'll be happily not in lots of places, see. That's what he's happiest about. It'll finally pin him down so he is some place but it isn't up to the auditor to put him any place, because if he announces where he is, then he has arrived. So, we're up against the powerful can't arrive, the fellow who mustn't depart. Now the reason people mustn't depart is because they have to know before they go. And the reason they can't arrive is, the MEST universe cycle is that people who are at the point of arrival of a communication line are hit by a particle. You wonder what, what's happened to this man's perception, what's happened to this preclears perception. How can it be so far out. Well, he just never bothers to be at the point where it’s being received. He'd just rather set up something else. So, we have people using all sorts of shifty methods of not being at the point where the particles are arriving and they use, what you may call it, a remote viewpoint system. Remote viewpoints are put around and they catch the particles incoming. Therefore the person's, the person's vision is pretty poor, pretty poor, and what they look at is not always what they are looking at because they'd just as soon be discharged at by a facsimile as by a MEST wall, I mean they're both very dischargable things. MEST walls, everybody knows, continually shoot people. Now you'd think so, the way people dodge off 'em. So you have a communication difficulty, a perception difficulty, you're right back here on barriers. But remember that the Thetan considers himself a barrier if the Thetan has to have barriers. The Thetan himself cannot be hit, but if he thinks in terms of barriers all the time, he thinks of himself as a barrier. He wants to stop other people’s intention. You know, he wants to get at himself, therefore, to put up something to catch it. He won't let it go on through and then he gets afraid of it after a while because he's put up too many things. Using a body as a bullet proof vest is not successful. It doesn't work well. So, as we go through this and look at various parts of this, we discover that perception comes under the heading .. perception is as good as the person that isn't afraid of being invalidated. A person is afraid of being invalidated just as much as they're scared of being hit by particles or afraid they'll hit particles, of course. Well, the main puzzler on that line is invisible barriers. Now. w'’ve got invisible barriers in Step four and of course invisible barriers belongs, very definitely, in Step seven. I notice that it's not written in Step seven. You ought to make a note ... a motion of it there, invisible barriers are far more important to some preclears than others. A preclear will sit there and he can run a mockup with his eyes open but he can't run a mockup with his eyes shut. In other words, he's got to look at a mockup through an invisible barrier. He must be reassured that he has an invisible barrier up before he dares put a piece of energy up. You'll find other preclears that'll sit and look out the window. The invisible barrier has such magnetic attraction for them that they can do nothing but face an invisible barrier. The air screen of earth is an invisible barrier. It's nice, a cushiony invisible barrier. If you've ever been up on the moon, you know that about thirty thousand meteors a day hit the moon. Boom, boom boom, boom, boom, boom - crash, crash, crash, crash, crash. It's very, very meteortorous in outer space, very. And if you object to being hit, why there's no sense in you standing some place between here and the sun because we occasionally see them at night when they come in and hit the outer atmosphere and come in far enough. The earth is a very, very thoughtful ... boy, the modus operandi, the way that some of these planets are set up to operate. Some of them are trickier than others. The earth is just wonderful. I mean, it's got this big screen and that filters the heat of the sun very nicely, and of course, radio engineers think it's put up there exclusively to turn the radio waves back, but that's not true. It was set up there originally to catch meteors. The meteors come in and they burn up before they hit because just ... many more meteors would hit earth than are currently hitting the moon if you didn't have an air screen. So you have this terrific invisible barrier in which you're utterly dependent. Nobody ever pays any attentions to it and then somebody comes along and wonders why he has asthma, you see, air, air. And the body's got to have a big reason for everything, terrific reason, you know. So they have to breathe the air and that gives them energy, or does it. See, I mean there's a big reason but the point is that air is an invisible and necessary barrier. Now, we get sound being very aberrative to people, terrifically aberrative, and sound goes through space and hits and ... objects. It's the motion of an air particle - ba ba ba ba, that’s all sound is. It's motion of an air particle going rapity rap rap rap rap on somebody's body. You can get a concussion off of sound. The reason preclears get scared of sound is very amusing. Very early on the track the only time they ever heard a sound when it was contained in an electronic blast. It took particles in the electronic blast to convey to them the sound wave, otherwise, everything was completely silent. The silence of a vacuum, and then somebody would set off one of these big electronic blasts, which is only possible in vacuums. Big enough with that little current and of course, when they'd be hit by the electronic blast, they would get a sound. So, earth here kind of backfires, you see. It restimulates electronic blasts on the track. You don't have to worry about that, though. Because you start turning on perceptions, and as you cure a person's fear of being hit, you cure his fear of sound. See, it's ba ba ba, the invisible barrier. The invisible vibration. Now you can have a person move a sound around, by the way, if you can make him get any kind of a sound no matter how light or how imaginary or anything else and make him move it around positively and make it arrive in various places. You'll turn on his sound because sound always has moved him around, he's never moved sound around very much. You are a big competition in the MEST universe on the subject of sound. You go out here and listen to these diesel trucks and you listen to ferry boat whistles and all this sort of thing. Now, that's big sound and then you go out and you decide you're gone yell out loud, when you're a kid, and you don't. And you go around and you say, well, why can't I have a siren on my bicycle. You go down and maybe you find one, maybe you buy one. The police, the police are more aberrated than you are and they are very conscious of the fact that nobody must get into competition with them and if there's any way, probably the only way to get into trouble in a police state, is to imitate the government or the police. That's the only way really to get into trouble when justice begins to deteriorate. In other words, collect taxes or extort money and if you do either of these two things, you’re in real trouble with the cops. Furthermore you mustn't use any force against somebody. That's strictly police prerogative. So, competition is what they're most afraid of. Well actually, that's what a Thetan is terribly afraid of. He's afraid of competition and superiority like mad. Now he'd love to stay in one place if he could, but he can't because the place would get too bombardive. That's true too, by the way, I mean, if you stayed in one place consistently being hit by every wave that came in and receiving every wave that came in and letting no waves go through, you would soon have considerable mass. You see what an awful lot of data there is here? Are you getting kind of snowed under? Huh? There could just be thousands and thousands and thousands of reasons why, couldn't there? Well we've boiled it all down, this tremendously complicated object known as the Thetan, we've narrowed it all down to certain definite things that he must be able to do. When he can't do them, we remedy the fact that he can't do them and make it possible for him to do them and after we've done that, why the rest of it works out of its own accord. That's what it amounts to. So, we make it possible for him to do things. These are the things, these seven steps, that you ordinarily not find him being able to do. One or the other of them will be poor. We will improve these abilities and you've got a good guy, you got a good girl in your hands. That follows. This has been following through now for a year. This we find 8-C, which you see here, is after a lot of study of an awful lot of people working on something. It is an introduction of a lot of new material, it's new organization. Organization isn't terribly important to a Thetan but it's terribly important in a modus operandi. It's harder to organize data than to originate it any day of the week because organization is the thing people agree with. They don't agree with the postulates, they agree with the way the postulates are organized, hence you have symbols being so heavy. Now taking up here all these things. Your own patter, conversation with regard to them then should minimize reaching for significances, trying to find out something that lies beyond the something. You know, the invisible barrier of something you look beyond that's into the future, and so forth. Looking beyond is looking for significance. The physical action of trying to find deep significance is looking beyond an invisible barrier, see, they're synonymous. Therefore, you cut your patter down to a point where you're dealing with just this material on these two sheets and trying to find out what he isn't doing and what he is doing and making it possible for him to do it. The thinkingness and knowingness and lookingness which you apply then is consistently, should be delivered toward relocating, reestablishing, for the preclear, his ability to do these things. The only thing that will interrupt you in this, if you yourself are being hit by one of these dunce caps which has inverted, which has got to fail. If you've got to fail, why, you're just being hit by the fact you've gone into too many heads and you're carrying too many cords of stuff. Now it isn't that you ... there aren't lots of things that you could know with profit, believe me, you always know something with profit and by storing you under here with lots of data and lots of --I Just love to give you a big broad view and maybe many of you right now think you're looking at this big broad view of all of the Thetan's adventures and potentialities and what he can do, and you have to know all about this, and gee whiz, gee whiz, my gosh. No sir! It's just these things that's important and whatever adventures he's ever had it's just these importances, one after the other that , which we comb through and we find out and we remedy these importances as we go through. Your individual is able then to function much, much better. He can function because this is generally what's wrong with him that has to be right with him. Now when you discover something he can't do - yes, it has a significance for you. It means you've hit a step which has to be gone over. You probably have to go over it with a gradient scale and there's where your side knowledge comes in. You don't make him lose all the time. You make him win. So, you keep your patter real simple. You ask him to do real simple things. You don't have to ask him to do anything complicated. If your imagination suddenly dictates that you should do something complicated, always ask yourself, is this too much for the Thetan that we're trying to do to him, because if we give him something that's terribly complex and he gets lost - that's all. There's another one to remember, is don't give him two things to do before he's executed one. That's always a good one. You give him one thing to do and when he has done that, give him the next thing to do. You might know the next thing for him to do a long time before he does but if you give him two consecutive things to do, or three consecutive things to do, one right after the other, it's kind of poor and if they're contradictory, it is murder. He isn't tracking with you. In other words, you've gone out of communication with him, which is going out of agreement with him. No, no matter how many factors have been gone through in all of this material here in the last twenty-five years that I have handled, it has always gone through a boil down of this material. And where the material which you're holding right in your hands ran through rather cleanly any piece of information, the information would hold good and would work. Getting rid of information on the subject itself was more important. Now this is actually an action. This is a piece of doingness, this 8-C, it's action. You'll find out, oddly enough, that 8-C will handle anything that's been proposed here in the last three years in the public eye. It will, it'll handle anything , and just for your own edification, you ought to go back and get a hold of a copy, and take your old copy and ... we can get it now, by the way, of Dianetics Modern Science of Mental Health. Shortly should have, or we have now, Science of Survival. Very interesting! It proposes an awful lot of things. 8-C handles them. Take, "What To Audit" (History of Man - ed), very interesting book. There's a lot of preclears, by the way, a lot of preclears have startled very non-believing auditors into What To Audit fans. These auditors have become What To Audit fans after they've seen somebody in the tumbler. Somebody in one of these engrams - they've seen 'em. They didn't have to look very hard to see 'em either. Take old Fac One, that’s the most viscous of them all, even yet. You find more people caved in with Fac One. It's kind of a relief to a preclear after he's been in a Fac One and has had some kind of a compulsion toward cameras that he couldn't do anything about, you see, he didn't really take a picture, he just had a camera, to be out of Fac One and interested in photography and taking pictures. It's a lot of fun, taking pictures, but it's no fun to be in Fac One taking pictures. And there's all sorts of bric-a-brac around in terms of information there in What To Audit. It's just fascinating. It explains many of the things which you could possibly see in a preclear. Look at 8-80, old 8-80. Good material. It's a better material at this moment than it was when it was written and we look over 16-G, that becomes very important. And when we handle most of the Doctorate material, it is in Scientology 8-8008. We have that now. You know, printed edition. But Scientology 8-8008 contains background theory for most of this stuff and contains the background theory of the Doctorate Course. Well, that's a tremendous amount of data, isn't it? It's really true that a person feels he should go over it just so that he can take a look at it and he should before knowing his preclear well and a lot of other things because there's a lot of high adventure in it. There isn't a lot of things wrong. It really opens the door to what you can do. What's important for you right now, important for you right now to recognize that an apt, brief, in good communication use of just this, SOP-8C, and these steps remedy anything that has been mentioned for three years and remedy it better and faster than any earlier technique used in this order. Now I've gone and gotten you all upset on a couple of loads of data and I hope at the same time, I have given you a bit more confidence. You don't have to know all that. It's darned interesting. What you have to know, and know how to do, is 8-C and you'll get results if you do it. The only bad results I have found and had reported in this unit, had been from actually flagrant breaches of 8-C. Very flagrant, and just wild, and nobody could do this. Okay? ************************** (end of lecture)