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NameLast modifiedSize
folder-parentParent Directory
folder5105c21 Science of Survival Lectures2022-02-21 11:31
folder5200c00 tape transcripts2022-02-21 11:31
folder5204c15 History of Man lectures2022-02-21 11:31
folder5205c19 Technique 80 Lectures2022-02-21 11:25
folder5207c23 Whole Track2022-02-21 11:27
folder5210C01 Standard Procedure for Theta Clearing2022-02-21 11:28
folder5210c30 Lectures of November 19522022-02-21 11:30
folder5211c06 Secrets of the MEST Universe2022-02-21 11:27
folder5211c10 Logics and Axioms Lectures- The Perception of Thruth2022-02-21 11:30
folder5212c01 Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures2022-02-21 11:31
folder5300c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:31
folder5303c23 Admiration and Beingness2022-02-21 11:24
folder5303C23 Spring Lectures 19532022-02-21 11:25
folder5310c01 London Group Course2022-02-21 11:31
folder5310c06 01ACC Ext & Phenomena of Space2022-02-21 11:22
folder5311c17 02nd ACC2022-02-21 11:24
folder5401c06 03rd ACC2022-02-21 11:29
folder5402C16 04th ACC The Group Processing2022-02-21 11:30
folder5403c29 05th ACC Universes2022-02-21 11:27
folder5406a16 07ACC SCIENTOLOGY ITS GENERAL BACKGROUND2022-02-21 11:25
folder5407cxx Phoenix Lectures2022-02-21 11:22
folder5410c04 08th ACC2022-02-21 11:25
folder5412c06 09th ACC Solution of Entrapment2022-02-21 11:28
folder5500c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:30
folder5501c19 Personal Achievement Series2022-02-21 11:30
folder5508c23 Conquest of Chaos2022-02-21 11:28
folder5512C01 Game of OT London Auditor Meeting2022-02-21 11:28
folder5600c00 Lecture Transcripts2022-02-21 11:30
folder5608c31 Games and Play2022-02-21 11:31
folder5610c08 London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health2022-02-21 11:28
folder5610c15 15th ACC POWER OF SIMPLICITY2022-02-21 11:29
folder5610c18 Organization Series2022-02-21 11:30
folder5700c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:30
folder5701a02 16ACC Anatomy Of Cause2022-02-21 11:31
folder5702c26 17th ACC (saved)2022-02-21 11:27
folder5707a15 18ACC Illusion or Truth2022-02-21 11:23
folder5707c05 Freedom Congress2022-02-21 11:30
folder5712a29 Ability Congress2022-02-21 11:28
folder5800c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:23
folder5807c04 Clearing Congress2022-02-21 11:23
folder5807c14 20ACC First Postulate2022-02-21 11:24
folder5810c18 London Clearing Congress2022-02-21 11:23
folder5900c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:25
folder5901a03 Success Congress 19592022-02-21 11:30
folder5904c06 Skills of a Theta Being 19592022-02-21 11:28
folder5904C06 Special Hubbard Pro Auditor Course 592022-02-21 11:29
folder5909c00 Dianetic Lectures and Demo's2022-02-21 11:30
folder5911c07 Principles of Creation Melbourne2022-02-21 11:32
folder5911c09 Responsibility of OT 1st Melbourne ACC2022-02-21 11:28
folder6000c00 Creating the Second Dynamic2022-02-21 11:27
folder6000c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:31
folder6001c01 State of Man Congress2022-02-21 11:30
folder6012C01 AHMC2022-02-21 11:31
folder6100c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:24
folder610101 3 rd SOUTH AFRICAN ACC2022-02-21 11:25
folder6105a07 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures2022-02-21 11:27
folder6112c30 Clean Hands Congress2022-02-21 11:30
folder6112c30 Havingness2022-02-21 11:22
folder6200c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:29
folder6201c25 Time Track of Theta2022-02-21 11:30
folder6201C25 Whole Track Lectures2022-02-21 11:25
folder6210c09 Creation of a New Civilization2022-02-21 11:27
folder6300c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:23
folder6303c28 False Purpose RD Lectures2022-02-21 11:25
folder6303C28 GPM-Tapes2022-02-21 11:29
folder6305c16 New Era Dianetics2022-02-21 11:27
folder6305c22 Helatrobus Implant2022-02-21 11:30
folder6307c24 Professional TR's Tapes2022-02-21 11:22
folder6400c00 Class 5 Graduate Auditor Course2022-02-21 11:30
folder6400c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:28
folder6409c22 Study Tapes2022-02-21 11:31
folder6410c27 FPRD Course Lectures2022-02-21 11:31
folder6411c10 Essentials of Auditing Lectures2022-02-21 11:32
folder6500c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:28
folder6600c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:22
folder6608c02 SP-PTS Course Lectures2022-02-21 11:25
folder6608c23 MoneyTapes2022-02-21 11:30
folder6700c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:31
folder6800c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:23
folder6809c24 Class VIII course2022-02-21 11:29
folder6900c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:25
folder7001C18 FEBC Tapes2022-02-21 11:30
folder7200c00 Tape Transcripts2022-02-21 11:31
folder7203C01 ESTO TRANSCRIPTS2022-02-21 11:31
folder7203c30 Expanded Dianetics Lectures2022-02-21 11:25
folderAcademy Level 1 Transcripts2022-02-21 11:25
folderAcademy Level 2 Transcripts2022-02-21 11:23
folderAcademy Level 3 Transcripts2022-02-21 11:27
folderAcademy Level 4 transcripts2022-02-21 11:29
folderAcademy Level VII (conf) SHSBC-415 TAPE2022-02-21 11:29
folderAcademy Level Zero Transcripts2022-02-21 11:29
filerj67.htm2022-02-21 11:2729 KB
fileThe ARC Triangle.doc2022-02-21 11:29392 KB
fileTHE PARTS OF THE MIND.txt2022-02-21 11:2736 KB
fileThe Role of Earth.txt2022-02-21 11:2454 KB