L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology:
An annotated bibliographical survey of primary and selected
secondary literature
Marco Frenschkowski University of Mainz, Germany
A. Primary sources: writings by L. Ron Hubbard
B. Secondary literature
IntroductionNo New Religious Movement has been a subject of more
public interest and of more heated discussions in Germany during the last
two decades than Scientology. I first became interested in this debate in
the early Eighties, but only in 1996/1997 - after completing a similar
project about Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky - I seriously started to
search for available material on Hubbard and the movement he founded. Only
then I became aware of the rather paradoxical situation in Germany, that
there exists a large New Religious Movement (whose status as a religion
nevertheless is doubted by some) which is being discussed on German TV
almost every week, which forms a topic of forensic debate in many legal
proceedings, and which is the one movement treated most extensively in the
official report on New Religious Movements published by the German
parliament (Endbericht der Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages
"Sogenannte Sekten und Psychogruppen", 1998) - but nevertheless has
almost never been treated on an academic level of research.
One simple reason for this situation immediately became clear to me: no
German public (or academic) library has a collection of the pertinent
material deserving the name. Some of the critical books about Scientology
(Kaufman's, Haack's, Thiede's) are easily available. There is also no
dearth of books by former Scientologists that want to expose the movement.
Some of these are quite valuable (as Atack's A Piece of Blue Sky).
Others are not. Also they are extremely repetitive. When turning to the
sources (that is, the writings of L. Ron Hubbard) I quickly discovered
that they were hardly read by critics and sometimes not much more by
sympathisers. Of the large output of Hubbard, the same 5 or 10 titles
turned up again and again. A first step into research seemed to me to
compile a bibliography of material available and to get a personal look at
Hubbard as a writer. A minor outcome of this is my biographical article on
Hubbard forthcoming in the supplements to
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (Verlag Traugott
Bautz, Herzberg). This article contains as an appendix also a bibliography
of which the following is an abridged, but also annotated version.
Observing the public discussion about Scientology in Germany while not
being directly involved I became increasingly critical about the
journalistic and sensationalist concentration on "atrocity tales". I only
slowly realised that being an ex-scientologist is one of the most
lucrative religious markets in Germany. People affiliated with Scientology
just for a few weeks (!) who obviously had not read a tenth of the
material already known to me wrote lengthy exposures of Scientology that
were completey interchangeable, quoting always exactly the same material
spiced by a very few personal experiences, to be used by the still growing
anti-cult market. Christian apologetics has produced at least two
excellent major studies on Scientology and a few minor ones, but is highly
biased and very often completely unable to get a feeling for the dynamics
of a non-theistic religion. The counter-cult publications also contain
some quite comic Anti-Americanisms and rather violent reactions to the
(very!) "American" side of Scientology.
A main drawback of the public discussion was that ex-scientologists
formed a main and very often the only source of information. Now apostates
have a special impact for exposing Human Rights violations in religious
groups and similar problems. But what would we say of a book - let's say -
about the Roman Catholic Church that almost only relied on statements
made by apostate priests, while almost never taking into account the
writings of e.g. catholic theologians? Wouldn't we consider such a
procedure highly unfair (though very much conseding the importance of
critical questions asked by apostates)? So I decided that my articles
should give more attention to Hubbard's own writings.
The following survey of primary and selected secondary literature wants
to contribute to a fair study of Scientology and especially its founder,
L. Ron Hubbard. Being a Protestant theologian, I regard it as highly
undesirable that Scientology grows. I regard Hubbard's and Christian views
on man, on the deity, on salvation as not reconcilable. But being also a
scholar of religion I see basic fairness as a prerequisite of studying a
religious movement: which means to look for the best sources, for
all sources, for sources of all kinds, but most of all for original
and authentic sources. As this is a somewhat abridged, but also
reorganised and annoted version of a bibliography going to appear as an
appendix to a biographical study of Hubbard, I have given most attention
to material by and about Scientology's founder himself. I annotate only
some of the material with a few remarks, the main reason being simply that
this English version (written at the request of my colleague Andreas
Grünschloß) had to be produced at very short notice.
A. Primary sources: writings by L. Ron Hubbard
1. Hubbard's literary output (fiction)As is well known, Hubbard
started his career as a writer in all genres of popular literature. In the
Thirties he wrote mainly adventure fiction, aviation stories, travel
stories, but also mysteries, western, romance, and even some love stories.
Later he concentrated on fantasy and especially science fiction. Many of
his yarns touch religious aspects of man: his desire for transcendence and
immortality, his struggle for happiness and freedom, his fascination with
the starry heavens, his wonder about his own future. None of this fiction
is "religious" in a traditional sense of the word, nevertheless is
deserves some attention in the light of his later developments. Also in
his later years - after founding Dianetics and Scientology - he turned
back to the SF market with some major novels. I start with a few remarks
on these texts as they are almost completely unknown in Germany.
For the literary part of Hubbard's oeuvre exists a fairly complete and
dependable bibliography: William J. Widder, The Fiction of L. Ron
Hubbard. A Comprehensive Bibliography & Reference Guide to Published
and Selected Unpublished Works, Los Angeles 1994. As many other books
written from the Scientology point of view, Widder much overrates
Hubbard's importance for genre literature; nevertheless he gives a
complete listing and short plot summaries of the relevant titles and even
lists unpublished piece (to be published at some later time). The history
of religion scholar who wants to gain some first hand acquaintance with
Hubbard as a fiction writer might start with the following texts that are
of some interest in the light of Hubbard's religious and philosophical
ideas (I give only first publication dates. All titles are available in
many reprints):
- Dead Men Kill, Thrilling Detective 11, 2, 1934, pp. 12-52.
Weird menace tale.
- The Ethnologist, Argosy 269, Nov. 28th., 1936, pp. 112-122.
About out-witching a witch-doctor...
- Buckskin Brigades, New York 1937. This is Hubbard's first
novel, an adventure yarn about the North Western fur trade and the
Blackfeet Indians that reflects Hubbard's own experiences growing up in
frontier Montana and his early contacts with Blackfeet Indians (of which
he is said to have become a tribal blood brother at an early age).
- The Dangerous Dimension, Astounding Science Fiction 21, 5,
July 1938, pp. 100-112. Hubbard's first Science Fiction story already
showing many themes of his later and more mature work: meek, diffident Dr.
Mudge undergoes an astonishing personality change when he discovers a
mathematical formula that enables him to go wherever he wants - by just
thinking about the place. Of course there is one place about which he
desperately tries not to think... Mind's superiority over matter already
forms the central topic in this still fresh and entertaining tale.
- The Tramp, Astounding Science Fiction 22, 1, Sept. 1938, pp.
70-86/22, 2, Oct. 1938, pp. 90-105/22, 3, Nov. 1938, pp. 46-65 (as a book
Los Angeles 1992). A predictable but not uninteresting tale about a tramp
who after having had to undergo brain surgery by chance develops
miraculous powers so far only sleeping in him and is destroyed by his not
being able to cope with the new situation.
- Slaves of Sleep, Unknown 1, 5, July 1939 and the sequel The
Masters of Sleep, Fantastic Adventures 12, 10, Oct. 1950, pp. 6-83
(both titles as a book printed together Los Angeles 1993). Masters of
Sleep (written when Dianetics had just come out) is one of the
very few titles of Hubbard that make open propaganda for Dianetics. Also a
tale about personality changes through the integration of waking
consicousness and dream consciousness.
- The Indigestible Triton, Unknown 3, 2, April 1940, pp. 9-80. A
humorous fantasy yarn.
- Final Blackout, Astounding Science Fiction 25, 2, April 1940,
pp. 9-37/25, 3, Mai 1940, pp. 11-147/25, 4, Juni 1940, pp. 113-151 (as
book: East Providence, RI 1948). This certainly is Hubbard's most
controversial literary work (he was quite unsure about its merits
himself). Written before the American participation in WWII and before the
existence of nuclear weapons, it tells the tale of a Europe weakened and
devastated by decades of war. In some regards it is one of the early
post-nuclear fantasies, though written before the first atom bomb. England
only recovers its strength by the benevolent rule of a military dictator,
who in the end sacrifices himself to free England from an impending
American invasion. Final Blackout has been read as decidedly
anti-faschist but also as pro-faschist. The hero (the "lieutenant" who in
the novel never receives a name) certainly is an alter ego of how Hubbard
liked to see himself: a man of action, very sure of his decisions, cruel
but willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, not understood by
his contemporaries but almost adored by later generations who have at last
realised for which goals he worked.
- Fear, Unknown Fantasy Fiction 3, 5, July 1940, pp. 9-84 (as a
book Los Angeles 1991). Though Hubbard in his fiction on the main is just
a competent second rate author, he has written a few major items also from
a more sophisticated point of view. Fear is such a piece, a tale
about a man who does not believe in demons and encounters the demonic
forces in himself. Stephen King called this one of the major weird fiction
tales of the 20th. century, which indeed it is, especially by its
imaginative use of the prosaic and its demythologizing of traditional
weird fiction themes. I have reviewed it at length in Das schwarze
Geheimnis. Magazin zur unheimlich-phantastischen Literatur 3, 1998,
pp. 145-147.
- One Was Stubborn, Astounding Science Fiction 26, 3, Nov. 1940,
pp. 82-95. Enjoyable though not very logical philosophical entertainment.
- Typewriter in the Sky, Unknown Fantasy Fiction 4, 3, Nov.
1940, pp. 9-67/4, 4, Dec. 1940, pp. 127-162 (also as a book Los Angeles
1994). Classic fantasy tale about a man who discovers he is part of
someone else's imagination.
- The Great Secret, Science Fiction Stories 3, 4, April 1943,
pp. 81-85 (also in: L. Ron Hubbard Classic Fiction Series. SF Short
Stories 6, Los Angeles 1998, pp. 1-13). Almost a Buddhistic parable as
it might have been written by Gustav Meyrink.
- Ole Doc Methuselah, Astounding Science Fiction 40, 2, Oct.
1947. First part of a cycle of tales about a cosmic physician, very funny
and entertaining. Published in book form Los Angeles 1992.
- Death's Deputy, Los Angeles 1948. Haunting tale about fate and
- The Kingslayer, Los Angeles 1949. A young man is recruited to
try the assassination of the world's secret dictator, who at last is shown
not have been a dictator after all and actually turns out to be the hero's
own father who wanted to test his son destined to become his successor.
Important for what it very clearly shows about Hubbard's personality.
- To the Stars, Astounding Science Fiction 44, 6, Febr. 1950,
pp. 5-45/45, 1, March 1950, pp. 78-123 (as a book Los Angeles 1995).
Melancholy tale about interplanetary travel and the effects of time
dilation. The space voyagers are the outcasts of society, as they cannot
form any normal relationships with those living on planets (hundreds of
years have passed when they return through the time dilation effect), but
they are also the only ones to guarantee man's survival as a species.
- He Found God, Meta SF Magazine 1, 1, Sept. 1982, pp. 5-9
(available in: The L. Ron Hubbard Classic Fiction Series. Fantasy Short
Stories I, Los Angeles 1993). One of his very few later short stories.
- Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000, New York 1982.
After decades of writing only about Scientology, in the early Eighties
Hubbard with this 1000-page novel returned to the SF-market.
Battlefield Earth is a long tale about a future mankind that has
been subject to thousand years of slavery to some alien life form (who in
the end are revealed to have been some kind of evil cosmic
psychiatrists...). One man gains access to their technology and overcomes
slavery. (He is described very much like the young Hubbard...).
- Mission Earth, Los Angeles. A decalogy (group of 10 volumes)
comprising the following parts: I. The Invader's Plan, 1985. II.
Black Genesis, 1986. III. The Enemy Within, 1986. IV. An
Alien Affair, 1986. V. Fortune of Fear, 1986. VI. Death
Quest, 1987. VII. Voyage of Vengeance, 1987. VIII.
Disaster, 1987. IX. Villainy Victorious, 1987. X. The Doomed
Planet, 1987. This is not a series, but a single novel in 10
volumes. Hubbard's magnum opus, but certainly not his best SF
writing. In a long preface Hubbard explaines Mission Earth as a
piece of satire. A possible invasion of the planet Earth (which in the end
does not take place) is seen completely through the eyes of
extraterrestrials. This rather uncommon idea is made a vehicle for a heavy
satire on many aspects of American life: public relations, the income tax
system, modern psychology, ideas about educational reform, homosexual
liberation, and many other topics form the subjects of a very sarcastic
settling with modern America.
The satire is not humorous, but biting and harsh, which makes the
novels not easy to read. Also Hubbard somehow had lost contact with
developing narrative techniques: he writes exactly as he had done 40 years
earlier. When read as entertainment Mission Earth is disappointing:
it does not entertain. Many of the scenes (especially some sexual
encounters) are incredibly grotesque, not in a pornographic sense, but
they are violently aggressive about modern American ideals. The Mission
Earth novels on the whole are a subversive, harsh, poignant attack on
American society in the 1980ies. As such they has so far received almost
no attention, which perhaps they do deserve a bit more. They also have
some quite interesting characters, especially when read with a
deconstructionist approach. These 11 later novels by Hubbard are
not Scientology propaganda literature, but have some topics in
common, especially the very strong opposition against 20th century
psychology and psychiatry, which is seen as a major source of evil. All
open allusions to Scientology are strictly avoided. They are not as
successful in their use of suspense and humour as Hubbard's early tales,
but have to say perhaps more about the complex personality of their
When reading Hubbard's fiction myself, I had expected him to be
third-rate hack writer as he is mostly seen by his critics. He is not.
Before founding Dianetics he was a good, competent second-rate writer in
many fields writing not for self-fulfillment but for a living. In this
regard he is much overrated by Scientologists but also much underrated by
critics who read him only with the glasses of antipathy against
Scientology. Hubbard's literary output is enormous (about 220 tales and
novellas, about 20 novels besides many poems and some pieces for the
theatre; also film scripts). These items have become available almost
completely in the last years in carefully edited, but also very expensive
reprints published by Author Services, Los Angeles. A bibliography of some
more recent editions is given in my study on Hubbard as a writer to appear
in Quarber Merkur (see below). The insights these texts allow into
the mind and soul of Hubbard have so far never been seriously used for an
understanding of Scientology.
2. Hubbard's books in the fields of Dianetics and ScientologyI
first give a complete listing of relevant titles and then add some
recommendations what perhaps to read first for those who want to gain some
first-hand acquaintance with Hubbard's ideas.
Dianetics: The Original Thesis, Wichita, Kansas, 1951 (Los
Angeles 1977; originally written in 1947/48 and now republished as The
Dynamics of Life. This is Hubbard's first major statement about
Dianetics); - Terra Incognita: The Mind, in: Explorer's Club
Journal, Spring 1950 (a short article that introduced Dianetics to the
prestigious Explorer's Club of which Hubbard had become a member in 1940);
- Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, New York 1950
("Book 1", of which 20 million copies are said to have been sold by 1999);
- Notes on the Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, Wichita, Kansas 1951; -
Science of Survival: Simplified, Faster Dianetic Techniques,
Wichita, Kansas 1951 (later published as: Science of Survival:
Prediction of Human Behavior); - Self-Analysis, Wichita, Kansas
1951; - The Dianetics Axioms, Wichita, Kansas 1951; - Child
Dianetics. Dianetic Processing for Children, Wichita, Kansas 1951; -
Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Wichita, Kansas 1951; - Handbook
for Preclears, Wichita, Kansas 1951; - Individual Track Map,
Phoenix, Arizona 1952; - A Key to the Unconscious - Symbolical
Processing, Phoenix, Arizona 1952; - What to Audit, Phoenix,
Arizona 1952 (later republished - minus one chapter - as: History of
Man, London 1952 and most recently as: Scientology: A History of
Man, Los Angeles and Copenhagen 1988); - Self Analysis in Dianetics
- A Handbook of Dianetic Therapy, London 1952; - Scientology
8-80, Phoenix, Arizona 1952; - Scientology 8-8008, London 1952;
- How to Live Though an Executive: Communication Manual, Phoenix,
Arizona 1953; - Self-Analysis in Scientology, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 1953; - This Is Scientology. The Science of Certainty,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1953; - Group Auditor's Handbook, Vol.
I, Phoenix, Arizona 1954; - Scientology: Auditor's Handbook -
Including Intensive Procedure, Phoenix, Arizona 1954; - Group
Auditor's Handbook, Vol. II, Phoenix, Arizona 1954; - Dianetics
55!, Phoenix, Arizona 1954; - Dianetics: the Evolution of a
Science, Phoenix, Arizona 1955 (written already in 1950); - The
Scientologist. A Manual on the Dissimination of Material, Phoenix,
Arizona 1955; - The Creation of Human Ability, London 1955; -
Key to Tomorrow, Phoenix, Arizona 1955 (later as: Scientology:
Its Contribution to Knowledge); - Straightwire: A Manual of
Operation, Washington, DC 1955; - Scientology: The Fundamentals of
Thought, Washington, DC 1956; - The Problems of Work,
Washington, DC 1956; - All About Radiation, London 1957 (with the
rather strange subtitle "by a nuclear physicist and a medical doctor",
none of which Hubbard was; today published by Dr. F.R.Spink and L.Ron
Hubbard, Introduction by Dr. G. Denk, Los Angeles & Copenhagen 1989);
- Axioms and Logics, London 1958; - ACC Clear Procedure,
Washington, DC 1958; - Ceremonies of the Founding Church of
Scientology, Washington, DC 1959; - Have You Lived Before This
Life?, East Grinstead, Sussex 1960 (augmented with an essay in the
editions from 1977 on); - E-Meter Essentials, East Grinstead,
Sussex 1961; - The Book of Case Remedies - A Manual Covering Preclear
Difficulties and Their Remedies, East Grinstead, Sussex 1964; - The
Book of E-Meter Drills, East Grinstead, Sussex 1965 (revised version
1988); - Scientology: A New Slant on Life, East Grinstead, Sussex
1965; - Introducing the E-Meter, East Grinstead, Sussex 1966
(revised version 1988); - A Test of Whole Track Recall, East
Grinstead, Sussex 1967 (later a part of Mission into Time, 1972); -
Introduction to Scientology Ethics, East Grinstead, Sussex 1968; -
The Phoenix Lectures, East Grinstead, Sussex 1968; - A Summary
on Scientology for Scientists, East Grinstead, Sussex 1969; - The
Best of the Auditor, East Grinstead, Sussex 1969 (collected magazine
articles); - Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics,
Copenhagen, Denmark 1970; - Mission Into Time, Los Angeles 1972
(with important preface); - Organization Executive Course, vol. 0-7
(sic), Los Angeles, Kalifornien 1973 (rev. edition 1991); - The
Management Series 1970-1974, Los Angeles 1974 (rev. edition in 2 vols.
1983, in 3 vols. 1991); - Hymn of Asia: An Eastern Poem, Los
Angeles 1974; - The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology,
Vol. I-X, Los Angeles 1976 (rev. edition 1991); - The Volunteer
Minister's Handbook, Los Angeles 1976; - The Volunteer Minister's
Booklets, 9 booklets, Los Angeles 1977; - The Technical Bulletins
of Dianetics and Scientology, Vol. XI, 1976-1978, Los Angeles 1979
(rev. edition 1991); - Research and Discovery Series I, Copenhagen
and Los Angeles 1980 (lectures in chronological order); - The Technical
Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology, Vol. XII, 1978-1979,
Copenhagen/Los Angeles 1980 (rev. edition 1991); - The Way to
Happiness, Los Angeles 1981; - Research and Discovery Series
II, Copenhagen and Los Angeles 1981; - Research and Discovery
Series III, Copenhagen and Los Angeles 1982. IV, ibid. 1982; -
Management Series I+II, Los Angeles 1983; - Research and
Discovery Series V, Los Angeles 1983; - The Original L. Ron Hubbard
Executive Directives, 2 Bände, Los Angeles 1983; - Research and
Discovery Series VI + VII, Los Angeles 1984; - The Future of
Scientology and Western Civilization, Copenhagen 1985; - Research
and Discovery Series VIII + IX, Los Angeles 1985; - The
Organization Executive Course 0, Los Angeles 1985; - The Hope of
Man, Los Angeles 1986; - The Game Called Man, Los Angeles 1987;
- Individual Track Map, New Edition, Los Angeles 1988; - E-Meter
Essentials, Los Angeles 1988; - Introducing the E-Meter, Los
Angeles 1988; - The Book of E-Meter Drills, Los Angeles 1988; -
Understanding the E-Meter, Los Angeles 1988; - Basic Dictionary
of Dianetics and Scientology, Los Angeles 1988; - Research and
Discovery Series X, Los Angeles 1989; - Clay Table Processing
Picture Book, Los Angeles 1989; - Hubbard Key to Life Course
Books, Los Angeles 1990; - Hubbard Life Orientation Course
Books, Los Angeles 1990; - Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective
Purification Program, Los Angeles 1990; - The Management Series
Policy Volumes, 3 vols., Los Angeles 1991; - Understanding: The
Universal Solvent, Los Angeles 1991; - Knowingness, Los Angeles
1991 (these two volumes form an anthology of "fine sayings" and are used
as a kind of devotional literature); - The Technical Bulletins of
Dianetics and Scientology, 18 vols., Los Angeles 1991; - The Book
of Case Remedies, Los Angeles 1991; - Art, Los Angeles 1992
(collects essays on art in all forms); - Assists Processing
Handbook, Los Angeles 1992; - Group Auditor's Handbook, Los
Angeles 1992; - Introduction and Demonstration Processes Handbook,
Los Angeles 1992; - Research and Discovery Series, augmented new
edition. Los Angeles vol. 1-4, 1994; vol. 5-8, 1995; vol. 9-10, 1996; vol.
11-12, 1997; vol. 13, 1998; - Introduction to Scientology Ethics,
rev. edition, Los Angeles and Copenhagen 1998.
These are only the publicly available titles by Hubbard. There
is also much material regarded as confidential by the Church of
Scientology. This refers especially to the so called OT materials and New
OT materials that are delivered to Scientologists who have attained the
status of "clear". Some of this material has been published by
ex-scientologists; it is also available on some internet sites. The Church
of Scientology has denied the reliability and authenticity of some of
these irregular publications. Hubbard's many smaller pieces addressed to
Scientologists, as e. g. the "LRH Executive Directives" or the "Hubbard
Communications Office Policy Letters", are available in the above
mentioned collections (as The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and
Scientology, 18 vols., and others). They are completely listed in
What is Scientology?, 1998 edition (see below), pp. 891-971.
There are also many books published by Scientology organisations as
"based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard". These usually are selected and
thematically linked passages from his original books. For serious research
I recommend using original material, not such compilations. As far as I
know no effort has been made so far to compare early and late editions of
Hubbard. It is not known whether the recent editions have been adapted to
the later developments of Hubbard's ideas.
Scientologists usually try to sell first Dianetics: The Modern
Science of Mental Health, New York 1950, of which many reprints exist.
This was written for a general public and can easily be read, but it gives
only a very small part of what Scientology (that only developed later from
Dianetics) is about. I do not recommend it for getting a first idea about
Scientology. When it came out in May 1950, it remained a New York Times
bestseller for 28 consecutive weeks, which is quite illuminating about the
American situation in the early Fifties. A more general overview is
Scientology: the Fundamentals of Thought, Washington, DC 1956,
which contains a description of many of Scientology's fundamental
concepts: the conditions of existence, the parts of man (thetan, mind and
body), the ARC triangle, the cycle of action. Hubbard saw this as his
first "real" Scientology book. Science of Survival: Simplified, Faster
Dianetic Techniques, Wichita, Kansas 1951, today available as
Science of Survival: Prediction of Human Behavior, is quite
interestig for the so-called "tone-scale", Hubbard's psychology. To get a
feeling for the pragmatic approach of Scientology and its appeal to
devotees Scientology: A New Slant on Life, East Grinstead, Sussex
1965 is a recommended item. This is a series of popular essays which
perhaps best describe what Scientology means for "normal people". For the
therapeutic side of Scientology and its different "technologies" the best
introduction is The Scientology Handbook. Based on the Works of L. Ron
Hubbard, Hollywood, California 1994. The Way to Happiness, Los
Angeles 1981, is Hubbard's "common sense ethics", a book given freely away
by Scientologists as a gift.
The more esoteric side of Scientology teaching has as its basis the
belief in "past lives" (like Crowley, Hubbard did not like the term
reincarnation). He tried to give some kind of proof to this in Have You
Lived Before This Life?, East Grinstead, Sussex 1960 (augmented with a
new essay in the editions from 1977 on). A more general overview of man's
"cosmic history" is given in Scientology: A History of Man, Los
Angeles and Copenhagen 1988 (first published 1952), which starts with the
sentence: "This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty
trillion years". Both are very strange books easily ridiculed. They should
perhaps be compared to Buddhist or Hindu scriptures about reincarnation.
Many Scientologists are not very much interested in these mythological
matters and try to make them look only supplementary to the fundamental
"life improvement approach" of Scientology. They have never been studied
from the point of view of comparative religion.
Mission Into Time, Los Angeles 1972 is another strange but
important book. Its preface gives an early biographic overview about
Hubbard's life from the Scientology point of view and relates his travels
in the Mediterranean in 1968 to check his "recall" of incidents occurring
several thousand years ago. As in all such books, this never reaches the
dignity of a "proof" but illustrates how Hubbard saw his earlier "past
lives". These three books are quite important for the inner side of
Scientology and its founder. Another such title is Hymn of Asia: An
Eastern Poem, Los Angeles 1974 (written in 1955/56), where Hubbard
speculates whether he might be Maitreya (Mettaya), the future Buddha
spoken of in Buddhist literature.
I would not advise German researchers to use German translations of
these titles. The translations available from the Church of Scientology
usually are quite accurate but a bit lifeless and wooden by their slavish
dependancy on the English versions which makes them not too easy to read.
For serious research only original editions can be used, anyway. Nobody
would claim to do research on the New Testament when just reading a
translation: in the field of New Religious Movements this kind of second
hand research is still quite common.
For Scientology it is impossible for a very special reason:
"Scientologese". Hubbard had a bit of a kink creating new words and
artificial composita (words like knowingness, enturbulation, MEST). He
also used some words in a very special sense (like his favourite "to
handle" which is the one word he could not abstain from employing in his
own special way even in his late SF novels). It has also often been
asserted that words like "ethics" do not exactly have the same meaning for
him as in everyday language. For this reason more specialized Scientology
literature cannot be used without giving attention to Hubbard's language
and his own definitions (he was very careful about exactly defining how he
used words, indeed more so than almost all religious personalities of the
20th. century). His special vocabulary is documented in some reference
- Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, Los Angeles
1975. Rev. Ed. 1987 (new edition in preparation)
- Basic Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology, Los Angeles
- The Policy Subject Index, Los Angeles 1976
- Modern Management Technology Defined - Hubbard Dictionary of
Administration and Management, Los Angeles 1976.
A study of Hubbard's artificial language and often very unusual
definitions is an undertaking very well worth the trouble. ("Art" for
example is defined as "the quality of communication").
B. Secondary literatureA complete bibliography does not exist so
far. Some major monographs have fairly comprehensive overviews, especially
Haack's classic German language monograph (see below).
3. Studies about Hubbard as a narrative writer
Most more general reference works on popular literature and especially
on Science Fiction mention Hubbard at least en passant. In the
Fifties and Sixties a vehement discussion about the merits and demerits of
Scientology took place in some of the great Science Fiction magazines (who
had their hey day in the Fourties and started to decline in the Fifties,
loosing their market to the pocket book). This material from magazines has
never been collected so far.
On the other side there are not many dependable discussions of
Hubbard's literary output from a point of view dedicated mainly to genre
history. Very few books on general American literature (that is,
main-stream literature) mention Hubbard, but most histories of SF do. The
most useful general introduction to the SF field at the moment is John
Clute and Peter Nicholls (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Science
Fiction, London 1993 (new edition), pp. 187s. 327. 592s. 1078.
1268-1270. A scholar who wants to get a feeling for the SF genre is
strongly advised to start with this reference work, that for sheer
comprehensiveness, objectivity and clear presentation is unsurpassed. A
quite good short German introduction is: Klaus Geus, Science Fiction
und Dianetik, Bonsai 6/Zimmerit 5, Aalen und Gärtringen 1995, pp.
20-26. I cannot recommend the articles on Hubbard in the German standard
reference works in the fields of fantasy and SF: Heiko Langhans and Uli
Kohnle, L. Ron Hubbard. Biographie. Bibliographie, in:
Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur, 7.
Erg.-Lief., Meitingen 1986 and Hans Joachim Alpers/Werner Fuchs/Ronald M.
Hahn/Wolfgang Jeschke (ed.), Lexikon der Science Fiction Literatur.
Augmented New Edition, München 1988, pp. 566s. These are well-known
reference works in the field, but the articles about Hubbards are not too
well-informed and very polemical. One does not get a feeling that the
authors have read the original English language versions of most of
Hubbard's literary works.
A not to be neglected source is The John W. Campbell Letters,
vol. I and II, ed. by Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine and
George Hay, Franklin, TN 1985-1993. John W. Campbell (1910-1971) of course
was the most important SF editor in the "golden age" of SF (as the time
between 1938 and approximately 1950 is often called). He is probably the
one individual who did most for Science Fiction to become a part of
American popular culture. When Campbell first encountered Dianetics, he
was immediately spell-bound: the young "science of the mind" promised to
fulfill many of the ideas, expectations and secret hopes of SF
afficionados. He gave Hubbard much encouragement and supported him for
some time. Eventually he became disillusioned, like A. E. van Vogt, James
Blish and many other authors and fans from the SF scene. In some regards
his story is quite typical. His letters give some rare insights into the
SF movement of the time when Hubbard became notorious, and discuss him
I only give the titles of some more specialized literature on Hubbard
as a writer: Jürgen von Scheidt, Descensus ad Inferos.
Tiefenpsychologische Aspekte der Science Fiction, in: E. Barmeyer
(ed.), Science Fiction. Theorie und Geschichte, München 1972, pp.
133-163; - Lester del Rey, The World of Science Fiction, 1926-1976: The
History of a Subculture, New York 1979; - John P. Brennan, L. Ron
Hubbard, in: Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers, ed. by
Curtis C. Smith, London 1981; - Charles Platt, Dream Makers II, New
York 1983; - Carl B. Yoke, Art. Slaves of Sleep, in: Survey of
Modern Fantasy Literature, ed. by Frank N. Magill, vol. IV, Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1983, pp. 1763-1765; - Neil Barron (ed.), Anatomy of
Wonder. A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, New York & London
3rd. ed. 1987, pp. 147 and 265; - D. Coopers Vesco, Scientology and
Science Fiction, Science Fiction Eye 1 (4), August 1988, pp. 2-3; -
Albert I. Berger, Towards a Science of the Nuclear Mind: Science
Fiction Origins of Dianetics, Science Fiction Studies 16, 1989, 2, pp.
123-144; - Neil Barron, Fantasy Literature: A Reader's Guide, New
York u. London 1990, p. 174; - Montgomery Lee, Big Sellers 5: L. Ron
Hubbard, Interzone 35, Mai 1990, pp. 31. 33-43; - Alexei Panshin,
L. Ron Hubbard: Science Fiction Giant?, New York Review of Science
Fiction 25, September 1990, pp. 12-17; - Linus Hauser, Science Fiction,
Neomythos und Neue Religiosität, Das Science Fiction Jahr 9, ed. by
Wolfgang Jeschke, München 1994, pp. 509-572; - id., Scientology and
Science Fiction, in: Friederike Valentin/Horand Knaup, Scientology
- der Griff nach Macht und Geld. Selbstbefreiung als Geschäft,
Freiburg a. o. 1992. 4th. ed. 1997, pp. 53-69; - Jörg Weigand, Hubbards
"Klassiker", Sagittarius 30, Febr. 1999, pp. 24-27.
The articles by the Roman catholic theologian Linus Hauser (though also
not too well-informed) are sensitive to questions history of religion
scholars might ask. Insofar they are certainly a step in the right
direction. Nevertheless they start to mix religious judgements and
literary evaluations much too quickly. I have tried to give an as I hope
balanced view on Hubbard as a writer and on his theoretical views on SF in
the following article: Marco Frenschkowski, Science Fiction und
Scientology. Beobachtungen zum Erzählwerk L. Ron Hubbards. Forthcoming
in: Quarber Merkur, ed. by Franz Rottensteiner (1999/2000). This
contribution is part of an ongoing project of research into the exact
relationship between artificial mythologies, fantastic and supernatural
literature, religious traditions and the late 20th. century religious
4. L. Ron Hubbard: biographical material and similar matters published
by Scientologists
I mention first L. Ron Hubbard - Images of a Lifetime. A
Photographic Biography, Los Angeles, CA 1996, a splendid photographic
picture book, given freely away by the Church of Scientology, but
containing very little real information. An ongoing project of collecting
and presenting biographical material on Hubbard by the Church of
Scientology is The Ron Series, a collection of booklets devoted to
different aspects of Hubbards life and oeuvre. It started publication
with: L. Ron Hubbard: A Profile, Los Angeles 1995 (German edition
as: L. Ron Hubbard. Ein Porträt, n. p. 1995). Further titles from
the series are: L. Ron Hubbard. The Music Maker, Los Angeles 1995;
- L. Ron Hubbard. The Poet and Lyricist, Los Angeles 1995; - L.
Ron Hubbard. The Humanitarian: The Road to Self-Respect, Los Angeles
1995; - L. Ron Hubbard. The Philosopher: The Rediscovery of the Human
Soul, Los Angeles 1996; - L. Ron Hubbard. The Adventurer and
Explorer: Daring Deeds and Unknown Realms, Los Angeles 1996; - L.
Ron Hubbard. The Humanitarian: Education, Los Angeles 1996; - L.
Ron Hubbard. The Humanitarian: Rehabilitating a Drugged Society, Los
Angeles 1996; - L. Ron Hubbard. Letters and Journals. The Dianetics
Letters, Los Angeles 1997; - L. Ron Hubbard. The Writer: The
Shaping of Popular Fiction, Los Angeles 1997; - L. Ron Hubbard.
Letters and Journals. Literary Correspondence, Los Angeles 1997; -
L. Ron Hubbard. The Humanitarian: Freedom Fighter: Articles and
Essays, Los Angeles 1997; - L. Ron Hubbard. Letters and Journals.
Early Years of Adventure, Los Angeles 1997. Many further issues are in
preparation. Non-Scientologist readers immediately recognize some parts of
Hubbard's life are here systematically left out: no information whatsoever
is given about his private life (his marriages, divorces, children), his
legal affairs and so on. Nevertheless the series makes available material
otherwise unknown, if cautiously used. A full biography is in preparation.
Other relevant titles by Scientologists are:
Hubbard College of Scientology, Ceremonies of the Founding Church of
Scientology, East Grinstead, Sussex 2nd. ed. 1966; - Catherine
Briggs/Colin Chalmers/Margaret Chalmers/Doreen Elton/Gladys
Goodyer/Chatherine Steele/Dorothy Penberthy, Scientology and the Bible
- A Manifest Paralleling the Discoveries of Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard
with the Holy Scriptures, East Grinstead, Sussex 1967; - Dianetic
Information Group, A Selection of Articles on Dianetics by Members of the
Medical Profession. Series One, East Grinstead 1971; - Glaube und
religiöses Brauchtum der Scientology Kirche, ed. by the Scientology
Kirche Deutschland, München, 1973; - Omar V. Garrison, The Hidden Story
of Scientology, London 2nd. ed. 1974 (German as: Geheimreport
Scientology, Wiesbaden 1984); - Scientology Kirche Deutschland (ed.),
Der Klerus der Scientology Kirche, München 1974; - id., Kultus
und Dogmatik der Scientology Kirche, München 1974; - Holger Loges,
Scientology Expansion, München 1975; - Peter Ginever and André de
Groot, Auf der Suche nach dem Dialog, München 1978; - Lance J.
Klass and Paolo Lionni, The Leipzig Connection - A Report on the
Origins and Growth of Educational Psychology, Sheridan, Oregon 3rd.
ed. 1978; - Scientology: Documenting the Truth, Los Angeles 1978; -
Uwe Klähn, Was ist Scientology? Eine Religion, eine Wissenschaft - Die
Betrachtung einer Bewegung unserer Zeit aus der Sicht eines
'Insiders', Stuttgart 1980; - Ruth Minshull, Einführung in die
Ethik der Scientology, Copenhagen 1989; - What Is Scientology? The
Comprehensive Reference on the World's Fastest Growing Religion, Los
Angeles, CA 1992; - The Scientology Handbook. Based on the Works of L.
Ron Hubbard, Hollywood, CA 1994; - The Church of Scientology. 40th.
Anniversary, Los Angeles 1994; - Die Fakten hinter den
Schlagzeilen, ed. by the Church of Scientology, Los Angeles, CA 1996;
- Scientology. Lehre und Ausübung einer modernen Religion. Ein
Überblick aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Vorgestellt von der
Church of Scientology International, Copenhagen 1998 (containing also
seven long expert statements about the religious status of Scientology by
well-known scholars of religion); - Vom Rechtsstaat zur Inquisition.
Zur Methodik des grundgesetzwidrigen Umgangs mit Minderheitsreligionen in
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Beispiel Scientology, ed. by
Scientology-Kirche, Los Angeles, CA, 21998 (full analysis of the German
situation from the Scientology point of view; quite well-informed).
The official "guide-book", so to say, and the best general introduction
to Scientology at the moment is What is Scientology? Based on the Works
of L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles and Copenhagen 1998. No serious
discussion about Scientology is possible without taking into account this
"official" representation.
Of course there also exist many magazines edited by the different local
Churches of Scientology and affiliated organisations. I might mention:
Ability. Minor Issue, Bi-Monthly, Washington; Advance!, Los
Angeles; Centre, Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex; Die
Brücke, Wien; Freedom, Los Angeles; Freiheit, München;
Neue Zivilisation, Hamburg; Source. Magazine of Flag Land
Base, Tampa, Florida; The Auditor, Los Angeles; Theta,
Stuttgart; Ursprung, München.
5. L. Ron Hubbard: biographical studies and related material by
I first mention the more important titles and then add some minor other
- Robert Kaufman, Inside Scientology. How I Joined Scientology and
Became Superhuman, London 1972/New York 1972 (German as:
Übermenschen unter uns, Frankfurt a. M. 1972). This was the first
book by an ex-scientologist to publish extensive material from the
OT-courses seen as confidential by the Church of Scientology. It is still
a major item for Scientology in the Sixties.
- Christopher Riche Evans, Cults of Unreason, London 1973/New
York 1974 (German as: Kulte des Irrationalen, Reinbek bei Hamburg
1976). Another still-important early item.
- Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack, Scientology - Magie des 20.
Jahrhunderts, München 1982. 3rd ed., (slightly) augmented and revised
by Thomas Gandow, 1995. This is the single most influential critical book
on Scientology in Germany. It is discussed at greater length below.
- Brent Corydon and L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., L. Ron Hubbard - Messiah or
Madman?, Secaucus, N. J. 1987. Another very important book but also a
deeply problematical item. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. (who in civil life uses the
name Ronald DeWolfe) is Hubbard's eldest son (born 1934 from his first
marriage) who till a break in 1959 was his father's confidant. Bent
Corydon is a former Scientologist who undertook to write the above
mentioned book. Contrary to the title Hubbard Jr. is not co-author, but
just contributed some intrviews used by Corydon. After the publication of
the book Hubbard Jr. signed an affidavit in which he denied many of the
statements made in the book (copy in my possession). He says he never had
access to the manuscript and only was given a copy of the book using his
name when it was already in print. It is usually assumed that the Church
of Scientology paid Hubbard Jr. for this statement. This cannot be proven.
A legal affidavit has to be taken into consideration. Many of the claims
made in Corydon's book are very sensationalist. It is quite believable
that Hubbard Jr. was not happy with the book even when he wanted to expose
the darker side of his father.
- Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron
Hubbard, New York 1987. London 1988. The most important critical
biography of Hubbard. Like Haack's and Corydon's books it is extremely
polemical and very much tries to pull Hubbard to pieces who is seen as a
dangerous megalomanic and notorious liar (especially when talking about
himself). Miller has definitely exposed some inflated statements about
Hubbard's early achievements, as they are represented e. g. in the preface
to Mission into Time. On the other side the Church of Scientology
has been able to disprove some of Millers assumptions. Hubbard's
assertions about his military career in WWII, e.g., have been much nearer
to the truth than Miller is trying to show, as can be seen from his naval
records that have been made public during the processes following the
publication of Bare-Faced Messiah (a complete set of the relevant
documents is part of my collection). The Church of Scientology has also
been able to verify Hubbard's statements about "Comander Thompson", the
source of his early acquaintance with Freudian psychoanalysis. Joseph
"Snake" Thompson (1874-1943) was Commander in the US Navy Medical Corps;
his personal relation with Freud is documented by a letter written by
Freud and addressed to him (in the Library of Congress, Washington. Copy
in my possession). This material so far is not part of any bibliography of
A topic of special interest has been for many years Hubbard's
short-lived acquaintance with the nuclear physicist John ("Jack")
Whiteside Parsons (1914-1952) who was also a devotee of the founder of
modern neo-pagan "magick", Aleister Crowley. In the winter of 1945/1946
Hubbard lived in Parson's house in Pasadena, CA and took part in Parson's
magical experiments to produce a "moonchild". This connection has been a
subject of much speculation, especially in the books of Brent Corydon,
Miller and Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack. A better discussion can be found in
Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky (see below). Nevertheless it remains
quite obvious that Hubbard did not take much inspiration from Crowley and
Parsons. Some sources for the Hubbard-Parsons connection became available
only in recent years. It is discussed also in the most thorough biography
of Crowley: John Symmonds, The King of the Shadow Realm. Aleister
Crowley: His Life and Magic, London 1989, pp. 562-565.
Which brings us to Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky. Scientology,
Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed, Secaucus, N. Y. 1990. This is
the most thorough general history of Hubbard and Scientology, very bitter,
but always well-researched and on the whole to be prefered to Haack. It
has a very fine documentation and omits many unproven sensationalist
claims made by Corydon and others. Atack - who was a Scientologist from
1974-1983 - is also violently opposed to Scientology, but tries to stick
to facts (whereas Corydon often speculates). The starting point for all
further researches. Atack has since then only written minor pieces on
Scientology, but is a collector of pertinent material much of which he has
made available on internet.
Other more general articles on Hubbard include:
Who's Who in America, 40th. ed., vol. I, Chicago, Il. 1978, p.
1574; - Contemporary Authors, vols. 77-80, ed. by Frances Carol
Locher, Detroit, Michigan 1979, pp. 254s.; - Dictionary of
International Biography, ed. by Ernest Kay, 19th. ed. "1986", London
1985, p. 330; - Contemporary Authors, vol. 118, ed. by Hal May,
Detroit, Michigan 1986, p. 230; - John Gordon Melton, Religious Leaders
of America. A Biographical Guide to Founders and Leaders of Religious
Bodies, Churches, and Spiritual Groups in North America,
Detroit/London 1991, pp. 215s.; - Volker Albers, Vom Science-Fiction
Autor zum Sektenguru. Die Lebensgeschichte des L. Ron Hubbard, in:
Jörg Herrmann (ed.), Mission mit allen Mitteln. Der Scientology-Konzern
auf Seelenfang, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1992, pp. 56-69.
Newspaper Obituaries: Chicago Tribune, Jan. 29th., 1986; Detroit News,
Jan. 28th., 1986; Los Angeles Times, Jan. 28th., 1986; Newsweek, Febr.
10th., 1986; New York Times, Jan. 29th., 1986; Publisher's Weekly, Febr.
14th., 1986; Time, Febr. 10th., 1986; Washington Post, Jan. 29th., 1986;
Washington Times, Jan. 29th., 1986.
6. Selected general literature on Dianetics and Scientology
I begin my short overview with remarks on three important authors who
write on an academic level of research: Roy Wallis, Friedrich-Wilhelm
Haack and Werner Thiede.
There are so far very few professional sociologists of religion who
have studied Scientology. The most important one is Roy Wallis, whose book
The Road to Total Freedom: A Sociological Analysis of Scientology,
London 1976. New York 1977 already forms something of a small,
well-balanced classic. But it is now sadly in need of an up-date. Other
writings by Roy Wallis about Scientology are: The Sectarianism of
Scientology, A Sociological Yearbook of Religion in Britain 6, London
1973, pp. 136-155; - id., A Comparative Analysis of Problems and
Processes of Change in Two Manipulationist Movements: Christian Science
and Scientology, in: Contemporary Metamorphoses of Religion? Acts
of the 12th International Conference for the Sociology of Religion,
The Hague 1973, pp. 407-422; - id., Scientology: Therapeutic Cult to
Religious Sect, Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological
Association 9, 1, Oxford 1975, pp. 89-100; - id., Societal Reactions to
Scientology: A Study in the Sociology of Deviant Religions, in: id.,
Sectarianism: Analyses of Religious and Non-Religious Sects, London
1975, pp. 86-116; - id., Dianetics: A Marginal Psychotherapy, in:
R. Wallis und P. Morley (ed.), Marginal Medicine, London, New York
1976, pp. 77-109; - id., Poor Man's Psychiatry? Observations on
Dianetics, a Marginal Psychotherapy, The Zetetic 1, 1, Ypsilanti,
Michigan 1976, pp. 9-24; - id., Scientology: From Psychotherapy to New
Religion, Psychology Today (UK Edition) 2, 10, 1976, pp. 12-19; - id.,
Coping with Institutional Fragility: An Analysis of Christian Science
and Scientology, in: id., Salvation and Protest: Studies of Social
and Religious Movements, London 1979, pp. 25-43; - id., The
Elementary Forms of the New Religious Life, London 1984.
In 1974 another very important writer started to publish about
Scientology: Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack. As he wrote the single most
influential book on Scientology in Germany, a few words about Haack might
be desirable. Haack (who died in 1991) was "Sektenbeauftragter" of the
Protestant Bayerische Landeskirche and is usually seen as the most
outspoken proponent of a stricly Christian apologetic approach. He also
coined the label "Jugendreligionen" (youth religions) in 1974. Some of his
books ran into as many as 24 editions. A good bibliography of his writings
(with excellent English annotations) can be found in Elisabeth Arweck and
Peter B. Clarke, New Religious Movements in Western Europe. An
Annotated Bibliography, Bibliographies and Indexes in Religious
Studies 41, Westport, CN/London 1997, pp. 88-99. It cannot be denied that
Haack in some regards was a problematical personality. On the other side
he was an excellent researcher almost fanatically devoted to getting
first-hand material. As a collector of source material on New Religious
Movements in many quite different fields he is unsurpassed in Germany. His
extreme and sometimes very unfair polemics have made him a primary target
of counter attacks by Scientology and many other organisations. On the
other side his books are absolutely indispensable for the rich
documentation they contain, and this especially is true for Scientology
- Magie des 20. Jahrhunderts, München 1982. 3rd ed. augmented by
Thomas Gandow 1995, his major study on the topic. Still no research on
Scientology is possible without a careful reading of this study. In the
Seventies and Eighties Haack's book were read widely and formed a main
source of information on New Religious Movements and the religious
sub-culture for German society for many readers (that a New Religious
Movement might form a part of the German religious main culture was
completely unthinkable in those not so far-away days). One of Haack's
seminal more substantial publications in the field was Von Gott und Der
Welt verlassen. Der religiöse Untergrund unserer Tage, Düsseldorf
1974, which on pp. 140-158 also deals with Scientology. Later relevant
writings include: "Täglich war ich diesem Druck ausgesetzt" -
Erlebnisberichte zu Scientology, München 1983; - Scientology,
Dianetik und andere Hubbardismen, 21990 (3rd. ed., revised by Thomas
Gandow, München 1993).
Another important writer with a counter-cult apologetic approach is
Werner Thiede (born 1955, another theologian of the Protestant Bayerische
Landeskirche). His Scientology - Religion oder Geistesmagie?,
Konstanz 1992. 2nd edition (R. A. T. 1), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1995 is at the
moment the most sophisticated treatment available on Scientology in
Germany, though I completely disagree with him on many points. This book
is well-researched on Hubbard's own writings, but not on Hubbard's
background. He denies the religious status of Scientology, a question I
discuss more fully in a forthcoming paper. Other important articles and
books of his include: Scientology und Religionswissenschaft. Zum
Thesenpapier des REMID, Materialdienst der EZW 55, 5, 1992, pp.
149-156; - id., Politische Aktivitäten contra Scientology,
Materialdienst der EZW 57, 2, 1994, pp. 57-60; - id., Unterwegs zur
OT-Zivilisation? Geistesmagische Utopien der Scientologen,
Materialdienst der EZW 57, 10, 1994, pp. 282-294 (= Sonderdruck Nr. 22); -
id., Scientology - der Magie-Konzern. Medienpaket mit 18 Dias,
Ton-Cassette und Begleitheft, Offenbach 1994; - id., Art.
Scientology-Kirche, Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, vol. IV, 1996,
pp. 158-160; - id., Problemfeld Scientology: ethische und juristische
Aspekte einer selbsternannten "Kirche", Ethica 1, 1993, pp. 339-359.
Other secondary literature, with special emphasis on books about
the European discussion, I give here only in a general chronological
list, without much annotation:
(1951--1979) Ricardo Olives, Dianetik - die Psychoanalyse
von morgen, Büdingen-Gettenbach 1951 (this seems to have been the
first booklet on Dianetics in Germany. Non vidi); - Report of the Board
of Enquiry into Scientology, Anderson, K. V., Q. C., State of
Victoria, Australia 1965; - Maurice C. Burrell, Scientology: What It Is
and What It Does, London 1970; - John A. Lee, Sectarian Healers and
Hypnotherapy - A Study for the Committee on the Healing Arts, Toronto
1970; - George Malko, Scientology - The New Religion, New York
1970; - Paulette Cooper, The Scandal of Scientology - A Chilling
Examination of the Nature, Beliefs, and Practices of the "New
Religion", New York 1971; - Sir John G. Forster, Enquiry into the
Practice and Effects of Scientology, London 1971 ("Forster-Report"); -
Hannelore Schilling, Dianetics - Scientology - Scientology Kirche,
Materialdienst der EZW 36, Stuttgart 1973, pp. 162-171. 178-187. 208-213;
- Harriet Whitehead, Reasonably Fantastic: Some Perspectives on
Scientology, Science Fiction, and Occultism, in: I. I. Zaretsky and M.
P. Leone (ed.), Religious Movements in Contemporary America,
Princeton 1974, pp. 547-587; - Torkil Olesen, Scientology - science
eller science fiction? [Scientology: Science or Science Fiction?],
Mission. Nordisk Missions Tidsskrift 86, Copenhagen 1975, pp. 121-126; -
Jochen Maes, Geschäfte mit der Sucht. Von der Droge in die Sekte.
Scientology Sekte Narconon e. V.: Staatlich bezuschußte Heilslehre,
Berlin 1977; - Svante Nycander, De fördömda Scientologerna,
Stockholm 1977 (mainly about NARCONON); - Aktion Bildungsinformation e. V.
(ed.), Die Scientology-Sekte und ihre Tarnorganisiationen.
Informationen über die größte der neuen Sekten, Stuttgart 1979.
(1980-1985) Trevor Meldal-Johnson and Patrick Lusey, The
Truth About Scientology, New York 1980; - Eugene H. Methvin,
Scientology: Anatomy of a Frightening Cult, Reader's Digest 116
[697], 1980, pp. 86-91 (German version in: Das Beste aus Reader's
Digest, Mai. August. Sept. 1980. Jan. 1981; also published separately,
much differing from the English version); - Henri Nannen (ed.), Die
himmlischen Verführer. Sekten in Deutschland, Hamburg 1980; - Ingo
Heinemann, Aus der Schule in die Sekte. Wie die Scientology-Sekte mit
Hilfe einer Tarnorganisation um Nachwuchs wirbt, Stuttgart 1981; -
id., Die Scientology- Sekte und ihre Tarnorganisationen, Stuttgart
n. d.; - Jens Johansen, New Leadership in Scientology, New
Religious Movements Up-Date V, 3/4, Aarhus, Dec. 1981, p. 85; -
Pastoralamt der Erzdiözese Wien, Erfahrungen mit Scientology,
Dokumentation 2/81, Wien 1981; - id., Scientology in Theorie und
Praxis, Dokumentation 2/83, Wien 1983; - Eileen Barker (ed.), New
Religious Movements. A Perspective for Understanding Society, New York
1982 (important collection of articles); - Ingo Heinemann, Die
Scientology-"Kirche" ist ein weltweiter Konzern zur Vermarktung des
Copyrights des Gründers, Aktion Bildungsinformation, Stuttgart 1982; -
Anders Hydén, Scientologykirkan [The Church of Scientology], Lund
1982; - J. Gordon Melton and Robert L. Moore, The Cult Experience:
Responding to the New Religious Pluralism, New York 1982; - Wolfgang
Redtenbacher, Scientology, in: "Jugendsekten" und neue
Religiosität: Notwendige Anmerkungen, ed. by H.-W. Baumann a. o.,
Gelsenkrichen-Buer 1982, pp. 32-52; - Hans-Diether Reimer, Scientology
und Religion, Materialdienst der EZW 45, 9/1982, pp. 244-253; - Hugo
Stamm, Scientology - Seele im Würgegriff. Übermenschen zwischen
Ausbeutung und Psychoterror, Horgen 1982; - Frank Flinn,
Scientology as Technological Buddhism, in: Alternatives to
American Mainline Churches, ed. by Joseph Fichter, New York 1983; -
James Beckford, Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to the New
Religious Movements, London 1985; - Diane Choquette, New Religious
Movements in the United States and Canada: A Critical Assessment and
Annotated Bibliography, Bibliographies and Indexes in Religious
Studies 5, Westport, CN and London 1985; - H. J. Geppert, Götter mit
beschränkter Haftung. Die Jugendsektenszene, München 1985; - Peter
Jennrich, Die Okkupation des Willens. Macht und Methoden der neuen
Kultbewegungen, Hamburg 1985; - Rodney Stark and I. Bainbridge, The
Future of Religion, London 1985; - Eric Townsend, The Sad Tale of
Scientology: A Short History, 1950-1985, Stockport 1985.
(1986-1989) Maximilian Alexander, Die falschen Propheten -
Schein und Wirklichkeit der Sekten, Düsseldorf 1986; - Richard
Behar, Prophet and Profits of Scientolology, Forbes 138, October
27., 1986, pp. 314-320; - Giovanni Filoramo, I nuovi movimenti
religiosi. Metamorfosi del Sacro, Rom-Bari 1986; - Stewart Lamont,
Religion Inc.: The Church of Scientology, London 1986; - Helmut
Obst, Neureligionen - Jugendreligionen - destruktive Kulte, Berlin
1986. Augmented edition as: Neureligionen, Jugendreligionen, New
Age, Berlin 1991; - David G. Bromley and Philipp E. Hammond, The
Future of New Religious Movements, Macon 1987 (important collection of
essays, which contains, inter alia: William Sims Bainbridge,
Science and Religion: the Case of Scientology, pp. 59-79; - Roy
Wallis, Hostages of Fortune: Thoughts on the Future of Scientology and
the Children of God, pp. 80-90); - Asociación Pro Juventud (ed.),
Las sectas como problema social. Ponencias presentadas y communicados.
Actas del Premier Congreso Internacional sobre Sectas y Societad, November
27-29, 1987, Barcelona 1988; - Julia Darcondo, Voyage au centre de
la secte, Paris 1988 (important book by an ex-scientologist who is
also a psychologist); - Ministerium für Kultus und Sport,
Baden-Württemberg, Bericht über Aufbau und Tätigkeit der sogenannten
Jugendreligionen, Stuttgart 1988; - Eileen Barker, New Religious
Movements. A Practical Introduction, London 1989. 2nd. ed. 1992; -
Erich Geldbach, Neue religiöse Bewegungen und neue Religiosität,
in: Im Lichte der Reformation. Jahrbuch des Evangelischen Bundes
XXXII, Göttingen 1989, pp. 148-191; - Pepe Rodríguez, El poder de las
sectas, Barcelona 1989; - César Vidal Manzanares, El infierno de
las sectas, Bilbao 1989.
(1990-1993) Johannes Aargaard, Denmark vis-à-vis New
Religious Movements. Paper Presented to the "Conference on New
Religious Movements: The European Situation", Lugano, Switzerland 1990; -
Harald Achilles, Kann das Grundgesetz die Scientology-'Kirche' vor
Wucher-Prozessen schützen? Anmerkungen zu einem bedenklichen Urteil,
in: Forum - Materialien und Beiträge zum religiösen Dialog (Frankfurt a.
M.) 6, April 1990, pp. 42-45; - id., Grundgesetz und 'Jugendsekten'.
Juristische Aspekte der Auseinandersetzung am Beispiel der
Scientology-Kirche, Materialdienst der EZW 55, 5, 1992, pp. 144-149; -
Juan Bosch, Bibliografía española sobre sectas y NMR, Cuadernos de
Realidades Sociales 35/36, Madrid 1990, pp. 7-15; - Hans Gasper, Joachim
Müller und Friederike Valentin, Lexikon der Sekten, Sondergruppen und
Weltanschauungen, Freiburg i. Br. u.a. 3rd. ed. 1990; - Massimo
Introvigne, Jean-François Mayer and Ernesto Zucchini, I nuovi movimenti
religiosi. Sette cristiane e nuovi culti, Turin 1990; - Massimo
Introvigne, I nuovi culti. Dagli Hare Krishna alla Scientologia,
Milano 1990; - Burkhard Schröder, Spuren der Macht, Reinbek b.
Hamburg 1990; - Klaus Bannach, Scientology Church, in: id. and K.
Rommel (ed.), Religiöse Strömungen unserer Zeit, Stuttgart 1991,
pp. 85-90; - Detlef Bendrath, Information und Material zu
Scientology/Dianetik, 2nd rev. edition, Nordelbische Reihe für
Weltanschauungsfragen 4, Kiel 1991; - William Seward Burroughs, Ali's
Smile. Naked Scientology, Bonn 3rd. ed. 1991. 4th. ed. 1995
(collection of critical articles about Scientology by the well-known
writer, who was a member of the Church of Scientology - even a "clear" -
in the Sixties, with texts both in English and German. English texts
collected first in 1972); - Reinhart Hummel, "Der Tod ist eine
technische Angelegenheit". L. Ron Hubbards scientologische
Reinkarnationsvorstellung, Materialdienst der EZW 54, 11/1991, pp.
322-330; - Joachim Keden, Information über Inhalte, Praktiken und
Anwerbemethoden von Scientology, Materialdienst der EZW 54, 7, 1991,
pp. 205-207; - Rolf Kühn, Gutachten zum
Scientology-Persönlichkeitstest, Journal Frankfurt, 23, 1991, p. 35; -
Karl H. Schneider, Der kosten- aber nicht folgenlose
Scientology-Test, München 1991; - Margery Wakefiel, The Road to
Xenu. A Narrative Account of Life in Scientology, together with Bob
Penny, Social Control in Scientology, Oklahoma City 1991 (these
texts haven been available as public domain documents on internet since
1993); - Hinrich C. Westphal, Scientology - der progammierte
Mensch, Materialdienst der EZW 54, 6, 1991, pp. 167-171; - Harald
Achilles, Grundgesetz und "Jugendsekten". Juristische Aspekte der
Auseinandersetzung am Beispiel der Scientology-"Kirche",
Materialdienst der EZW 55, 5/1992, pp. 144-149; - Wolfgang Behnk,
Thetan ist uns heilig. Streitgespräch in der deutschen
Scientology-Zentrale, Evangelische Kommentare 25, 5/1992, pp. 287-289;
- Hartmut Hauser, Sekte mit Machthunger. Wuchernde Scientology
Church, Evangelische Kommentare 25, 5/1992, pp. 289-293; - Hansjörg
Hemminger, Das Buch Nr. 1: Dianetik, Materialdienst der EZW 55, 5,
1992, pp. 129-143; - Jörg Herrmann (Hrg.), Mission mit allen Mitteln.
Der Scientology-Konzern auf Seelenfang, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1992. 3rd.
ed. 1993 (important collection of critical essays); - Junge Union
Nordwürttemberg, Scientology Church. Darstellung der Praktiken einer
"Religionsgemeinschaft", Stuttgart 2nd. ed. 1992; - Cornelia Luschnat
and Norbert J. Potthoff, Totalitäre Thetanen. Macht und Ohnmacht des
Individuums, 1992; - Helle Meldgaard, Scientology's Religious
Roots, in: Studia Missionalia 41, Rom 1992; - Ulrich Müller and Anna
Maria Leimkühler, Zwischen Allmacht und Ohnmacht. Untersuchungen zum
Welt-, Gesellschafts- und Menschenbild neureligiöser Bewegungen,
Regensburg 1992; - Norbert J. Potthoff, Was ist Scientology? Die
Zeitbombe in unserer Gesellschaft, Krefeld 1992; - id., Netzwerk
Scientology. Organisationen, Tarnfirmen und weltweites Netzwerk,
Krefeld 1992; - id., Scientology & Wirtschaft. Der WISE-Report. Das
totalitäre Scientology-Konzept in Wirtschaft und Politik, Krefeld
1994; - id., Im Labyrinth der Scientology, Bergisch-Gladbach 1997;
- id./Sabine Kemming, Scientologyschicksale. Eine Organisation wird zum
sozialen Störfall, Bergisch-Gladbach 1998; - Heinrich Steiden and
Christine Hamernik, Einsteins falsche Erben. Die unheimliche Macht und
Magie von Dianetik und Scientology, Wien 1992; - Friederike Valentin
and Horand Knaup (ed.), Scientology - Der Griff nach Macht und Geld.
Selbstbefreiung als Geschäft, Freiburg/Basel/Wien 1992. 4th. ed. 1997
(one of the very few better collections of articles); - Christian von
Somm, Operating Teutons: The Church of Scientology in Germany,
Religion Today 7, 2, 1992, pp. 15-16; - Anonymus, Entkommen. Eine
Ex-Scientologin erzählt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1993; - Hans Michael
Baumgartner (ed.), Verführung statt Erleuchtung. Sekten, Scientology,
Esoterik, Düsseldorf 1993; - Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Active New Religions, Sects and Cults, New
York 1993; - id, Annotated Dictionary of Modern Religious
Movements, Danbury, CT 1993 (available also as a CD-ROM); - Liane v.
Billerbeck u. Frank Nordhausen, Der Sekten-Konzern. Scientology auf dem
Vormarsch, Berlin 1993. Rev. paperback edition München 1994 (good
documentation on newspaper articles; like almost all books written by
journalists very poorly researched on historical matters); - Serge
Faubert, Une secte au coeur de la République, Paris 1993; -
Liselotte Frisk, Nya religiösa rörelser i Sverige. Relation till
samhället, världen, anslutning och engagemang [New Religious Movements
in Sweden. Their relationship with society and world. Membership and
engagement], Åbo 1993; - Handbuch religiöse Gemeinschaften, ed.
"für den VELKD-Arbeitskreis Religiöse Gemeinschaften im Auftrag des
Lutherischen Kirchenamtes" by Horst Reller, Manfred Kießig and Helmut
Tschoerner, Gütersloh 4th. ed. 1993, pp. 861-886 (many mistakes); - Ian
Harris, Stuart Mews, Paul Morris, and John Shepherds (ed.),
Contemporary Religions: A World Guide, Harlow, Essex 1993; - Junge
Union Deutschland. Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz (ed.), Das 1. Wormser
Scientology-Tribunal 27.-28. Nov. 1993, 1993; - Christoph Minhoff and
Martina Müller, Scientology. Irrgarten der Illusionen, München
1993; - Ulrich Müller and Anna Maria Leimkühler, Zwischen Allmacht und
Ohnmacht, Regensburg 2nd. ed. 1993; - Hans Ingo v. Pollern,
Gefährliche Seelenverkäufer? Scientology und was dahintersteckt,
Freiburg/Schw. 1993; - Paul Ranc, Une secte dangéreuse: La
Scientologie, St.-Légier, Schweiz 1993; - Silvia Redhead and
Ralf-Dietmar Mucha, Der teure Traum vom Übermenschen. Eine ehemalige
Scientologin berichtet, München 1993; - Markus Schmidt,
Scientology: Entwicklung - Praxis. Stellungnahme, Werkmappe Sekten,
religiöse Sondergemeinschaften, Weltanschauungsfragen 66, Wien 1993; -
Schwerpunktheft "Scientology": Spirita. Zeitschrift für
Religionswissenschaft 7, Issue 1/93 (recommended for its approach, but
not too well-researched).
(1994-1995) Matthias Branahl and Angelika Christ,
Scientology. Anmerkungen für die wirtschaftliche Praxis, Köln 1994;
- Ursula Caberta, Probleme von Scientology-Aussteigern: Nachsorge und
Selbsthilfe, in: Anstösse. Beiträge zur Landespolitik Heft 1,
ed. by the SPD-Landtagsfraktion Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 1994, pp.
22-24; - Michael Dönz, Im Netz von Scientology verstrickt... und wie es
mir gelang, mich zu befreien, Frankfurt a. M. 1994; - Klaudia
Hartmann, Scientology, in: H.-J. Beckers and H. Kohle (ed.),
Kulte, Sekten, Religionen. Von Astrologie bis Zeugen Jehovas,
Augsburg 1994, pp. 293-300; - Hans Kind, Ausgewählte Zitate und Auszüge
aus dem Schrifttum von L. Ron Hubbard mit bibliographischen Belegen nach
Themen geordnet und kritisch kommentiert, ed. by the Verein
Informations- und Beratungsstelle für Sekten- und Kultfragen, Zürich,
Zürich 1994; - id., Auditing und andere Psychotechniken aus
wissenschaftlicher Sicht, in: Anstösse [as above] 1994, pp.
6-9; - Wolf Lotter, Das Heilsimperium, profil 25, 49, 1994, pp.
66-73 (Interview with David Miscavige); - Renate Hartwig, Scientology -
ich klage an!, Augsburg 1994; - id., Scientology. Die Zeitbombe in
der Wirtschaft, Pfaffenhofen 1994; - id., Scientology. Das Komplott
und die Kumpane, Regensburg 21996; - id., Abenteuer Zivilcourage.
Scientology contra Demokratie, Gerlingen 1997; - id., Im Visier von
Scientology. Haben Justiz, Sektenbeauftragte und Politik versagt?,
Landsberg 1997 (violent anti-cult approach. Much on human rights problems
of Scientology; not interested in the teachings or the self-understanding
of members of the Church of Scientology); - Christoph Minhoff and Martina
Müller, Scientology, München/Dillingen 1994; - Jon Atack,
Scientology Goes East, Berliner Dialog 1, 1/1995, pp. 5-7; - Centre
des documentations / d'éducation et d'action contre les manipilations
mentales (CCMM) (ed.), Les sectes: état d'urgence, Paris 1995; -
Angelika Christ and Steven Goldner, Scientology im Management,
Düsseldorf 1995; - id., Sekten in der Wirtschaft. Forum Spezial 10,
ed. by SINUS-Sekten-Information und Selbsthilfe e. V., Frankfurt a. M.
1996; - Peter Köpf, Stichwort Scientology, München 1995; - K. van
Gorden, Dianetics and Scientology, Grand Rapids 1995; - Elke
Nietsche, Alptraum Scientology. Ein Tagebuch aus Leipzig, Berlin
1995; - Steffen Rink, Thetanen unter uns? Scientology, die Bestgehaßte
der "Sekten", Connection XI, 2, 1995, pp. 48-53; - Tom Voltz,
Scientology und (k)ein Ende. Ein Insider packt aus, Düsseldorf 1995
(Paperback edition Freiburg/Basel 1997 as Scientology. Ein Insider
packt aus. This is one of the very few books by an ex-scientologist
that gives a complex, ambivalent, and not too black-and-whitish picture of
the inner side of Scientology. Recommended).
(1996-1999) Alan W. Black, Ist Scientology eine
Religion?, Los Angeles 1996; - Bundesministerium für Familie,
Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (ed.), Die Scientology-Organisation.
Gefahren, Ziele und Praktiken, Bonn 1996; - S. A. Kent,
Scientology's Relationship with Eastern Religious Traditions,
Journal of Contemporary Religion 11, 1, 1996, pp. 21-37; - J. Gordon
Melton, Encyclopedia of American Religions, Detroit a. o. 5th. ed.
1996, pp. 695s. (Excellent. The EAR is the leading reference work in the
field of religious pluralism, far surpassing everything available in the
German language); - Claudia Nolte, Gefahr Scientology. Ideologie mit
totalitären Zügen, in: MUT 348, August 1996; - Scientology - eine
Gefahr für die Demokratie. Eine Aufgabe für den Verfassungsschutz?,
ed. by Innenministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf 1996 (containing
also the text of the expert evidence by Hans-Gerd Jaschke); - Peter
Voßmerbäumer, Inside Scientology. Meine Erfahrungen im Machtapparat der
"Church", München 1996 (important insider informationen; but faulty
and not dependable in some biographic statements about Hubbard); -
Elisabeth Arweck and Peter B. Clarke, New Religious Movements in
Western Europe. An Annotated Bibliography, Bibliographies and Indexes
in Religious Studies 41, Westport, CN/London 1997 (very important
bibliography with good annotation); - Elisabeth Arweck, A Comparative
Study of Responses to New Religions in Britain and Germany, Diss.
King's College, London 1997; - Alan Black, Is Scientology a
Religion?, in: Australian Religious Studies Review 1997; - Ursula
Caberta and Gunther Träger, Scientology greift an. Der Inside-Report
über die unheimliche Macht des L. Ron Hubbard, Düsseldorf/München
1997; - Dorte Refslund Christensen, Scientology. A New Religion,
Munksgaard 1997; - Peter B. Clarke, New Paths to Salvation: The Rise of
New Religious Movements in Western Europe (1960 to the Present),
Cambridge 1997; - Jutta Elsässer, Scientology. Ich suchte das Licht und
fand die Dunkelheit, München 1997 (paperback edition München 1999); -
Hansjörg Hemminger, Scientology. Der Kult der Macht, Stuttgart 1997
(popular book from a Christian counter cult approach. Some information on
recent developments); - Frank Nordhausen and Liane v. Billerbeck,
Psycho-Sekten. Die Praktiken der Seelenfänger, Berlin 1997. Rev.
paperback edition Frankfurt a. M. 1999, pp. 421-474. 486-522; - Peter
Reichelt, Helnwein und Scientology. Lüge und Verrat. Eine Organisation
und ihr Geheimdienst, Mannheim 1997; - Heike Schmoll, Scientology
vor Gericht, FAZ Nr. 263, Montag, Nov. 12., 1997, p. 16; - Thomas
Schweer, Scientology, in: Handbuch der Religionen, Lieferung
IX, ed. by Michael Klöcker and Udo Tworuschka, Landsberg am Lech 1997; -
Reinhart Hummel, Neue religiöse Bewegungen und "Sekten",
Theologische Literaturzeitung 123, Heft 4, April 1998, pp. 323-334; -
James R. Lewis, The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects and New Religions,
New York 1998; - Joseph Mallia, Judge Ford: Hubbard Lied About
Achievements, in: Boston Herald, March 1st, 1998. Forthcoming: Thomas
Kruchem, Staatsfeind Scientology?, München 1999.
A collection of influential magazine and newspaper articles would be
desirable. I mention the following articles: Newsweek, Sept. 23., 1974;
Time, April 5., 1976; Time, Mai 6., 1991; Los Angeles Times, Juni 24.-29.,
1990 (very important and well-documented series of articles making public
some OT materials). See also Der Spiegel, 33, 1968, p. 77; 29, 1970, p.
93; 35, 1972, pp. 60-64; 1, 1973, pp. 46-48; 10, 1993, pp. 84-92; 39,
1995, pp. 105-114. Elaborate, well-reseached articles (some of which have
won many journalistic prizes) on recent developments in Scientology are
regularly being published by the St. Petersburg Times, Clearwater,
>From the many official documents I mention for the German situation
the following two, which are of primary importance:
- Endbericht der Enquete-Kommission des Deutschen Bundestages
"Sogenannte Sekten und Psychogruppen", Bundesdrucksache 13/10950, Bonn
1998. This is the official paper summarizing the results of an
investigation into the general situation of New Religious Movements in
Germany during the years 1997/1998.
- Abschlußbericht der Arbeitsgruppe SC der
Verfassungsschutzbehörden. Zur Frage der Beobachtung der
Scientology-Organisation durch die Verfassungsschutzbehörden,
Innenministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Abteilung
Verfassugsschutz, Düsseldorf 1997 (this gives on pp. 147-155 an overview
about the forensic situation).
Much material is also available on Internet. But this only
seldom reaches the dignity of a real publication. I have decided not to
include websites in this bibliography.
7. Library holdings
Most German publications on Scientology are based on an almost
incredibly small collection of source material. There are not many fields
where it is deemed possible to form general statements about an author
after having read 1 or 2 % of his books. In the study of New Religious
Movements (not only Scientology) this is still very common. Notable
exceptions are the books by Haack and Thiede which make use of a larger
percentage of Hubbard's own writings, but still do not reach the coverage
of sources that would be expected in many other fields of research.
Hubbard's output in the field of popular literature and the discussion
about it can only be studied in American libraries like the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Science Fiction Society Library (Cambridge, MA),
the excellent Science Fiction Collection (the so-called J. Lloyd Eaton
Collection) of the Riverside Library of the University of California,
Riverside, CA, or the University of Kansas Kenneth Spencer Research Libray
(which is also the official repository of the Science Fiction Research
Association). Deservedly famous is also the Bowling Green State University
Popular Culture Libary in Bowling Green, Ohio, which holds many rare
magazines. The best German library specializing in all kinds of fantastic
literature and science fiction is the Phantastische Bibliothek
Wetzlar, Friedrich Ebert-Platz 3, 35573 Wetzlar, but this fine library
does not collect the American and English editions, only German ones.
There exist also some private collections that are open to qualified
Critical material about Scientology is to a small degree available
through German University libraries, if one is willing to depend heavily
on interlibrary loan. Some Church institutes have small collections in the
field, but these are usually restricted to material easily available in
Germany and just accumulated over some years. The major books by Thiede,
Atack and Haack are at the moment of my writing still in print and so can
be easily procured. No German public library - that is, no library owned
by the state or the great churches - has a complete set of Hubbard's
writings. The best collection is available at the University Library of
the University of Tübingen (about 80 titles). Church of Scientology offers
to present free sets of books have regularly been turned down by the said
libraries. On the other side the larger Churches of Scientology have
libraries of their own that are open to the public (by arrangement). I
have used the Library of the Church of Scientology Frankfurt where I had
free and uncontrolled access to all material. For more advanced researches
use should be made of the Library of the Scientology center at Saint Hill
Manor, East Grinstead, U. K., which has the best collection on Scientology
history in Europe. Also some scientologists have good private collections
and are usually quite willing to help when treated with some basic
fairness. A very good collection of material not owned by the Church of
Scientology (on all New Religious Movements) has been accumulated by the
Institute for the Study of American Religion (ISAR). This collection is
now part of the Davidson Library at the University of California, Santa
Barbara, where it exists as the American Religions Collection and is open
to the public. Other Institutes in America and Europe have similar, but
usually smaller collections.
Copyright © Marco Frenschkowski 1999First published
in Marburg Journal of Religion |