Originally dated 19 Jan 1986,
issued in March 1986,
cancelled 18 April 1988



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Flag Order 3879 of 19 January 1986, entitled THE SEA ORG & THE FUTURE. stated that Pat Broeker and Annie Broeker had been promoted to the rank of "Loyal Officer". In the months that followed after this FO was issued, it was found that they were involved in a serious out-ethics situation. On 17 July 1987, they were confronted with the fact of their out-ethics and they resigned this rank.

Full investigation revealed that the Flag Order 3879, THE SEA ORG & THE FUTURE, had not in fact been written by or seen by LRH, nor were the contents of the issue based on any advice, request or note from LRH. The Flag Order was fabricated by Pat Broeker.

Therefore, Flag Order 3879, THE SEA ORG & THE FUTURE, is CANCELLED.

With the cancellation of this FO the rank of "Loyal Officer" is also hereby cancelled, as there is no such Sea Org rank in any Source materials.

In a further attempt to boost his status, Broeker had claimed to have worked closely with LRH during several years prior to January 1986. Thorough investigation has since revealed the fact that during the time period Pat Broeker asserted he was "working close to LRH", Broeker was absent for extended pertods of time under false pretenses and was in fact almost never at the same location that LRH was.

Additionally, when he was with LRH prior to 1986, he was there only as domestic staff, not in any technical or administrative capacity.

Pat and Annie Broeker are currently under standard justice handling and are being dealt with appropriately.


Though LRH did not write the FO "THE SEA ORG & THE FUTURE," his estate planning definitely took into account the future of Scientology and the Sea Org and this is being executed as intended. LRH also made plans for the eternal existence of Scientology technology, which he commented on in Ron's Journal 34, THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY, and these plans have been activated and are being cared for by the appropriate Church executives.

LRH's intentions with regards what needs to be done in and with Scientology were clearly expressed in his HCOBs, HCO PLs, EDs, tapes and advices, including directions for the issuance of previously unreleased materials which are being complied with.


FO 3879 CANCELLED - 2 -

In the tape Ron's Journal 38, TODAY AND TOMORROW: THE PROOF, LRH described the current set-up of International Management and the role of all Scientology staff and public in keeping Scientology working, and if you have any questions concerning Church management structure you should listen to that tape.

The cancellation of FO 3879 does not change or affect any existing org boards, strategies, plans or programs. It removes a lie from the lines.

Capt. David Miscavige
Chairman of the Board,
Religious Technology Center


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