21 December 1978


(To be placed in every SO Members Hat)

As some Sea Org members feel there are confusions on the SO second dynamic rules, this issue clearly lays them out. Any violatio of this F.O. (and other issues in relation to the subject) will be considered out 2-D and dealt with severly.

  1. 2D couples may not live of sleep together under any circumstances unless legally wed. Legal marriages are required.

  2. Women have their own quarters. Man may not enter these and visa versa.

  3. S.O. members may not engage in any sort of 2-D activities with public students of pc's.

  4. No new 2-D relationships may be created while one or both members are legally married to another person. It is the ethical responsibility for one to terminatedly end cycle on a 2-D before starting up a new 2-D. Adultry is against the law.

  5. No heavy petting is acceptable among un-wed S.O. members.
The reasons for the above rules are obvious. We are a church and violation of these are out PR.

This also avoids any possibility of the second dynamic impeding the forward progress of the S.O. and S.O. members in any way.

The Sea Org is an elite group and therefor should have very high and optimum ethical standards.

Orgs that go out 2D spin in and go to blazes. It is the best way in the world to crash an org or activity.

Internal super emotional charge this can generate brings about fights etc which nobody wants anything to do with.

If you want to blow up your life in your org - go out 2D. So if you do it we know what you're trying to do.

as assisted by
CPO Julie Caetano
and Tammy Ganton
Commodores Messengers