SEA ORGANIZATION 9 April 1973 FLAG ORDER 3307 FAMILY DAY The future of the Sea Org lies with its young members and young children of Sea Org members. As members of and beings associated with the most ethical and dedicated group on this planet, they will be called upon to be the future leaders of the Orgs, Ships and activities. Although young in body they are more than willing to take up larger responsibilities befitting their abilities and know-how. To honor the important members of our team and to strengthen them, a Special Day is hereby set aside as their personal holiday. "Family Day" is established as the first Sunday of June each year. The purpose of "Family Day" is to bring young Sea Org members and children of Sea Org parents even closer to their parents (or where their parents are not in the area, their Guardian's or Minor's mates). On the first Sunday in June each year all young Sea Org Members (and young children of Sea Org Members) and their parents (or Guardian's/Minor's Mates as the case may be) are herwith granted a Special Day of Liberty to be spent together doing whatever they would like to do. A dinner and other festivities and ceremonies can be arranged if agreed upon by survey among the people involved. The important thing is that the holiday does occur. Executives in any Sea Org area are responsible to see that it does. By strengthening the family bonds of young Sea Org Members and children of SO members we can help bring about a world-wide atmosphere of youth who can and do take responsibility for creating a better world where all dynamics can survive at the highest level of understanding.
Neil Sarfati LRH:CJ:DZ:PC:NS:sr |