SEA ORGANIZATION 3 September 1968 FLAG ORDER NO. 1287 CADETS CADETS WHO GOOF ARE NOT TO BE RETURNED TO THE NURSERY. All this does is enturbulate an Upstat area. The younger children listen and get led astray by the older children, and soon more ethics is needed and nothing good has resulted in this action. What the Master at Arms has done in effect is turned his job of putting ethics in on the cadets over to the nursery crew - he is shunting his responsibility. Adults who goof are not reassigned somewhere else - they are either assigned a condition, fined, made to work longer hours or lose privilege - so should it be with the cadets. Delivering then to the Nursery is not a from of Ethics an is to be discontinued at once as an onturbalative action.
Irene Dunleavy LRH:ID/mps |