CEDARS ORGS CHILDREN IN CEDARS Recently there has been an implementation of poeting graduated Cadets into CEDARS Orgs. At the same time, the number of children runing around the Complex unsupervised has greatly increased, due to out-control on the CCO'S part, and out control of the posted kids by Orgs ooncerned. The following LRH quote applies:
"THERE ARE TO BE NO CHILDREN AT CEDARS. NONE. In order to fully enforce the above, the following rules are laid down:
If a Cadet has graduated, and ia responsible enough to hold a post and does so, he is considered a staff member rather than a child. If he cannot assume that responsibility and keep a staff schedule, he does not bolong at CEDARS. CCO staff and the Cadet Org Coordinator are held fully responsible for controlling those children under their care and for enforcing the above LRH Order. Non-compliance to LRH Orders will be handled in Ethics with the proper Ethics gradient. Org HCOs are responsible for posting graduate Cadets and seeing that they stay on schedule. If HCOs find that they are running a "BABYSITTING SERVICE" they are to return the personnel to the CADET Org. Seniors of these personnel, who are found to be letting them run around or get into trouble will be reported to ethics for appropriate handling.