PAC Sea Org Orgs PARENT'S TIME Exerpts from ED #3, Cont'l Office of LRH US from L. Ron Hubbard. "However, I have found the why of this scene. Parents bringing children into the SO dump their parents hats on the SO and the SO instead of taking responsibility dump the hat back on the parents resulting in a totally cross ordered and scrambled scene that no stable organization can be gotten into. I found for instance that everyorder I issued about children at Flag was at once referred to a parent and not one personnel to whom such an order was issued ever carried it out. This cost children Flag. It is making the trouble in Pac. "As soon as you have that why some sense can be made out of the scene and it can be advanced toward and Ideal. But no ideal was ever stated. This would be competent and well trained children who are a credit to the SO and are resources. "You want a dormitory. You don't have to have areas where parents live with their children. Parents can visit their children and we will make that easy and are already doing so. ..." L. RON HUBBARD A time period is to set in each Org's Crew Schedule for Parents to have time to spend with their children. A stable standard time (suggested one hour minimum) should be established between the Org's Cadet Org Liaison Committee Representative, or Parent's Committee, and HAS, ad published in the Org's schedule ED. This parent time is kept to and enforced just s any other point of the Crew's schedule. Any parent consistently not spending Parent Time with their children should be taken note of and handled by the Cadet Org Liaison Representative, or Cadet Org Liaison Committee MAA, in liaison with the Staff MAA. Responsibility for the 2nd Dynamic requires some time spent with it, and this time needs to be provided whereby it can take place without any other distractions or requirements from other Dynamics. Pac CO's Conference is in agreement with the above and each Co in each Pac Org will ensure Parents Time in scheduled in their org.
Bill Price