IMPORTANT For quite some time now the care of PAC SO children had been extremely neglected, with a great number of children having just about knowledge of Scientology or the Sea Org, and rapidly developing criminal tendencies so that they are actually becoming liabilities to the Sea Org, as videnced by numerous fires, thefts, truancy, vandalism and out 2D. The CEO has been totally disorganized with no HCO or Qual so that the CEO has been mainly a group of nannies with no Org structure. The staff that have been given to the CEO by the PAC Orgs have in many cases been unqualified, which shows the lack of importance attached to SO children by many PAC staff members.
No effective handlings in that area have been done by those
who should have taken responsibility.
In order to facilitate the task of getting this area to rapidly approach a more ideal scene, all parents and others regardless for their positions are hereby warned that any comm into the Cadet Estates Org which violates in any way the Dev-T Series ill be considered to be an attempt to impede the efforts to restablize that Org and will be subject to ethics action. All who wish to comm into the Cadet Estates Org are urged to get familiar with the new Cadet Estates Org Org Board and to address their comm accordingly. Parents are also urged to fully wear their hats as parents, as regards parent time, clothing, landry and doling their part to educate their children so that they may become true Scientologists and Sea Org members. Parents neglecting their responsibilities as above will also be dealt with with ethics action. We want to make this area stable and an actual asset to the SO. Here's to a new era for the future Execs of Scientology!