5 May 1979 CADET GO ED #4
From: Assistant Guardian Cadet PARENT BRIEFING ON ANNEX AND PT SCENE I wanted to let you all know what the PT scene is and why we moved to the Annex and what is in store for,the future. The main thing that led up to the move to the Annex is that the Fountain Building is illegal for organized child care. This is for a number of reasons, i.e. the building is not the right type of construction for group care of children (not what they call Type I construction - concrete and steel), no children may be cared for above the first floor when they are under 5 years, all children's rooms must have an exit directly to the outside of the building, etc. These are all City Codes for the safety of children. Then in Feb. the Hepatitis scene happened and we were swarmed over by County and State Health Inspectors. The County Inspector (an ally) found out about the existence of the Fountain and said this is not OK and let's quickly worin together and handle it. He continually predicted an attack from another agency and was not able to say which one. We found the Annex could be used and was legal with a small amount of renos and started to work. Sure enough, we-were raided by 2 Special Agents of the State. But because of our taking full responsibility for our scene and well into having the Annex ready for use, there was nothing they could do to us. I will not go into detail of what they could have done but will indicate that we were suited in 1974 for running illegal child care and this would have been our second offence. First time we got probation and you could imagine what the second offense would have gotten us. Now all the Potential flaps have been handled in good Sea Org style but we are not out of the woods yet. Moving into the Annex we still must have inspections and show we are able to care for our children properly, we will have approval from City, County Health, and State Health to run the day care center at the Annex when we are done from 7 a.m. to midnight. The Annex is the only place where we can legally and Safely care for our children as an organized group. This is why the policy that no organized children can be cared for at the other buildings. Also this comes down to the fact that the children will stay at the Annex until after org hours each day. So if you take a look at this, you will see that we are changing condition for the better for our children. The data I present here is not meant to upset or worry anyone. It is put out to clear the air and de-PTS the situation. We have upgraded the condition for the children, and are no longer hiding of running a withold on anyone, and the flows are broken open and continue to improve. The night scene of taking your children home with you is temporary and is done to handle the above mentioned items. The future is that we will be moving to our final location. This is being done in a new unit of time. The lines for getting this property have been streamlined by the Commodore. There is a Building Investment Committee at Flag which is assisting on this, along with CS-E and Estates Bureau WUS. We have many commlines and resources for finding a place that will fit our needs and is CLOSE. I can and will get us 24 hour care at that time which will end the night scene here. We don't have the facilities to have it now but will have it soon. I'm very optimistic about this. So please bear with us, what we are doing is the only sane thing to do and is for the good of the group. Your PLC Reps can probably answer any question you have on this or has a line to me for clarification on any point. We are entering a new era for our children in PAC.
Stephen LeMarr BDCS:LS:SL:el |