Type = 11 iDate=9/12/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 6RA EFFECTIVENESS OF OVERTS IN PROCESSING  Type = 11 iDate=10/7/64 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=9/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 DECEMBER 1974 Remimeo Cancels HCO B 10 July 1964, R as Integrity Processing Series 6R HCO B 10 July 1964, "Overts -- Order of Effectiveness in Processing" remains as originally issued. Cancels BTB 9 Dec 72, "Why Overts Work" Integrity Processing Series 6RA EFFECTIVENESS OF OVERTS IN PROCESSING (The data in this Bulletin has been taken from HCO B 10 July 1964. It is useful in Integrity Processing.) ARC BREAKS The commonest cause of failure in running overt acts is "cleaning cleans" whether or not one is using a meter. The pc who really has more to tell doesn't ARC Break when the Auditor continues to ask for one but may snarl and eventually give it up. On the other hand leaving an overt touched on the case and calling it clean will cause a future ARC Break with the Auditor. "Have you told all?" prevents cleaning a clean. On the unmetered pc one can see the pc brighten up. On the meter you get a nice fall if it's true that all is told. "Have I not found out about something?" prevents leaving an overt undisclosed. On the unmetered pc the reaction is a sly flinch. On a metered pc it gives a read. A pc's protest against a question will also be visible in an unmetered pc in a reeling sort of exasperation which eventually becomes a howl of pure bafflement at why the Auditor won't accept the answer that that's all. On a meter, protest of a question falls on being asked for: "Is this question being protested?" There is no real excuse for ARC Breaking a pc by: 1. Demanding more than is there or 2. Leaving an overt undisclosed that will later make the pc upset with the Auditor. WHY OVERTS WORK Overts give the highest gain in raising cause level because they are the biggest reason why a person restrains himself and withholds self from action. Man is basically good. But the reactive mind tends to force him into evil actions. These evil actions are instinctively regretted and the individual tries to refrain from doing anything at all. The "best" remedy, the individual thinks, is to withhold. "If I commit evil actions, then my best guarantee for not committing is to do nothing whatever." Thus we have the "lazy", inactive person. Others who try to make an individual guilty for committing evil actions only increase this tendency to laziness. 268 Punishment is supposed to bring about inaction. And it does. In some unexpected ways. However, there is also an inversion (a turnabout) where the individual sinks below recognition of any action. The individual in such a state cannot conceive of any action and therefore cannot withhold action. And thus we have the criminal who can't act really but can only re-act and is without any self direction. This is why punishment does not cure criminality but in actual fact creates it; the individual is driven below withholding or any recognition of any action. A thiefs hands stole the jewel, the thief was merely an innocent spectator to the action of his own hands. Criminals are very sick people physically. So there is a level below withholding that an Auditor should be alert to in some pcs, for these "have no withholds" and "have done nothing". All of which, seen through their eyes, is true. They are merely saying "I cannot restrain myself' and "I have not willed myself to do what I have done". The road out for such a case is the same as that for any other case. It is just longer. The processes for levels above hold also for such cases. But don't be anxious to see a sudden return of responsibility, for the first owned "done" that this person knows he or she has done may be "ate breakfast". Don't disdain such answers in Level II particularly. Rather, in such people, seek such answers. There is another type of case in all this, just one more to end the list. This is the case who never runs O/W but "seeks the explanation of what I did that made it all happen to me". This person easily goes into past lives for answers. Their reaction to a question about what they've done is to try to find out what they did that earned all those motivators. That, of course, isn't running the process and the Auditor should be alert for it and stop it when it happens. This type of case goes into its extreme on guilt. It dreams up overts to explain why. After most big murders the police routinely have a dozen or two people come around and confess. You see, if they had done the murder, this would explain why they feel guilty. As a terror stomach is pretty awful grim to live with, one is apt to seek any explanation for it if it will only explain it. On such cases the same approach as given works, but one should be very careful not to let the pc get off overts the pc didn't commit. Such a pc (recognizable by the ease they dive into the extreme past) when being audited off a meter gets more and more frantic and wilder and wilder in overts reported. They should get calmer under processing of course, but the false overts make them frantic and hectic in a session. On a meter one simply checks for "Have you told me anything beyond what really has occurred?" Or "Have you told me any untruths?" The observation and meter guides given in this section are used during a session when they apply but not systematically such as after every pc answer. These observations and meter guides are used always at the end of every session on the pcs to whom they apply. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1964, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (The 5 December 1974 reissue of HCO B 10 July 1964, which the above HCO B cancels, was taken verbatim from HCO B 10 July 1964.) 269  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=10/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 7 FUNDAMENTALS  Type = 11 iDate=10/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 10 DECEMBER 1972 Reissued 12 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 7 FUNDAMENTALS The most fundamental thing to know about Integrity Processing is that a case with withholds will not clear. And the next most fundamental element to know is that: A CASE WITH WITHHOLDS WILL NOT CLEAR. Perhaps, if this is repeated loud enough and long enough, not only Preclears, but perhaps even Auditors will realize that this is an absolute, unavoidable truth, one which can not be overlooked or neglected at any time, under any circumstances. First of all, what is a withhold? A withhold is a no action after the fact of action in which the individual has done or been an accessory to doing something which is a transgression against some moral code consisting of agreements to which the individual has subscribed in order to guarantee, with others, the survival of a group with which he is co-acting or has co-acted toward survival. Because a withhold is a no action Or a no motion after doingness, it naturally hangs up in time and floats in time due to the actions or the overts which preceded the no action or no motion of the withhold. The reactive mind is, therefore, the combined withholds stocked up which the individual has against groups from which he feels that he is individuated but from which he has not separated due to the fact that he has these withholds in his bank and also all the combined agreements toward survival of all these groups, from which he is not separate, and which he uses reactively to solve problems now without inspection. Example: The individual belonged at some time to the Holy Fighters. One of the mores of this group was that all should be destroyed who do not accept the Word. The Holy Fighters went out on a punitive expedition against a neighboring tribe who would not accept the Word, but accepted some other belief. There was a great battle with much killing; however, during the battle, the individual took pity upon a helpless child and did not kill him, but took the child off the field of battle, gave him food and drink, and left him, returning, himself, to the battle. After the battle was successfully won, the Holy Fighters had their usual service during which all spoke Of how they had killed all non-believers. Our individual withheld from the group that he had not only failed to kill, but had saved the life of a non-believer. Thus we have the no action of the withhold after the overt or action of saving the child, all of which added up to a transgression against the mores of the Holy Fighters. Because of such similar transgressions, the individual finally individuated from the group of Holy Fighters and became a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Kindness to Humans, which itself had its own agreements to survival and with which the individual agreed; however, when difficulties or problems arose, the individual instead of treating all with kindness tended to covertly try to destroy all who would not accept the tenets of kindness. So he reactively was solving the problems of the Society of Kindness with a survival mores of the Holy Fighters. Due to all his transgressions and withholds of his destructive impulses while a member of the Society for Kindness, he finally individuated from this group. 270 Now he is a member Of Anti-Emotions, Incorporated, but he finds that he can't rule out all his emotions, but tends to be destructive and kind at the same time. So he is still solving problems not only with the mores of the Holy Fighters, but with those of the Society for Kindness to Humans. And so it goes. Processing this individual we will find that he has all these withholds Of Overts against the Holy Fighters, the Society for Kindness to Humans, and Anti-Emotions, Incorporated. After we have pulled all these Overts, he will truly be separate from these groups and no longer reactively use their survival mechanisms as solutions to problems. Further the action of withholding is one point where the Preclear does what the reactive mind does. He withholds his own overts of transgressions against the moral code of a group in order to avoid punishment, thusly enhance his own survival, and he withholds himself from the group finally in an effort to avoid committing further overts. So just as the reactive mind contains all past survival agreements which are used to solve problems threatening the survival of the individual, so does the individual decide to withhold transgressions, in Order to survive himself, and withholds himself from groups to avoid committing overts. Withholding and surviving occur at the same time. So the communication bridge between the Preclear and the reactive mind is the withhold. The pulling of overts which have been withheld then is the first step towards getting the Preclear to take control of the reactive mind. The more withholds he gives up, the more the old survival mechanisms of the reactive mind are destroyed. Further as a withhold of an overt creates a further overt act of not-know On the group with which one is co-acting toward survival along an agreed upon moral code, so we are running off all the ignorance created for others by an individual which results in ignorance to himself. In this fashion, we are processing the individual up toward Native State or Knowingness. Therefore, in doing Integrity Processing on a Preclear, you are really attacking the whole basis of the reactive mind. It is an activity which the Auditor should earnestly and effectively engage upon. In doing this the Auditor always assumes that the Preclear can remember his overts and can Overwhelm the reactive mind. Just as with the CCHs so with Processing Checks, any Objections raised by the Preclear as regards Integrity Processing are only a confusion being thrown up by the reactive mind, but the individual is really trying to look for what is there despite the reactive mind's doing this. This is why any failure to pull an overt is considered a crime against the Preclear. The Auditor in failing to pull an Overt has given the reactive mind a win and the Preclear a failure, and has further given the Preclear another overt against the group he is now associated with, namely, that of Scientology, because he has succeeded in withholding from it. So in Integrity Processing the Auditor must get the Preclear to answer the question without developing meter-dependency. This creates confidence that the Auditor and the Preclear are really working together to overwhelm the reactive mind. If the meter gives an instant read to the question then the Auditor uses the E-Meter to assist the Preclear in pulling all further overts and takes it earlier similar to get an F/N ON THE QUESTION BEING ASKED. A stable datum as regards this is that if the question reacts, there are withholds there or not all about a particular withhold was pulled. Never allow a Preclear to persuade you that it is only already pulled withholds which are still reacting. A withhold pulled will not cause a question to still react; it can only be that not all about the withhold was pulled or that there are further undisclosed withholds on that question, or it is a false read (withhold of nothing) in which case the question will F/N on false. DO NOT LEAVE AN INTEGRITY PROCESSING QUESTION UNTIL THE AUDITOR, THE PRECLEAR, THE REACTIVE MIND, AND THE E-METER ARE IN 271 ABSOLUTE AGREEMENT THAT THERE IS NOTHING MORE ON A PARTICULAR QUESTION. THIS WILL BE RECOGNIZED BY THE EP OF F/N COG VGIs ON THE QUESTION. Remember the E-Meter is not bound by the Auditor's Code. If it reacts on a question, then the Auditor must take that question to full EP with an F/N. A question, having once read, is NOT nulled to a no-read. It is audited to an F/N. Obtaining a read and taking the read to F/N depends on good Auditor presence and excellence of TRs, Basic Auditing and Metering. A Processing Check question must never be left without F/Ning. If the Preclear's intensive is terminating, you must complete that question no matter how many extra hours you have to put in on the Preclear. Do not end session without carrying the question you are working on to EP. Any failure to pull an overt is a crime against that Preclear. Eliminate all "unkind thought" questions in Integrity Processing. Use "done anything to" type questions. Unkind thoughts are merely tags telling you that the Preclear has actually done something. Unkind thoughts are merely a mechanism of lessening the overt. In pulling overts, be careful that you do not allow the Preclear to give you his justifications for having committed it. In allowing him to give you motivators or "reasons why" you are allowing him to lessen the overt. You are only interested in what the Preclear has done, not what he has heard that others have done. So never allow a Preclear to get off withholds to you about others, except in the case where he has been an accessory to a criminal act. "Other people's overts" are handled by asking the Preclear, "Have you ever done anything like that yourself?" Remember that your duty as an Auditor is to simply employ your skill to obtain a greater decency, ability and integrity on the part of others. You do this by performing well your function of clearing the meter and getting off all overts and withholds. An Auditor is not an enforcer of public morals. If an Auditor tries to make a Preclear guilty, he is violating Clause 15 of the Auditor's Code, which says: "Never mix the processes of Scientology with those of various other practices". Punishment is an old practice which is not part of our activities in Scientology. Audit against the reality of the Preclear and his moral code and do not try to make him guilty. The value of any withhold is only the value the Preclear puts on it. As a case improves, his responsibility level will increase, and if his responsibility level is increasing he will get off further, new withholds. If an Auditor is not getting new withholds coming off a Preclear, he had better look for a gross error in his auditing. He either is disinterested and unwilling to help the Preclear, or he is technically unskillful on his TRs, Basic Auditing and the E-Meter, or he does not have the Preclear in session or he has withholds himself. Only an Auditor with withholds will fail to pull them on others. The number of withholds a Preclear has available at any given time depends upon those that are available at that given time. To clarify this point, assume that all Preclears have the same set number of withholds. Well, the number available within the realm of the Preclear's present state of reality and responsibility will naturally vary. Preclears with a high reality and responsibility level will have more withholds available for pulling than Preclears with a low reality and responsibility level. This is why it is so important that Processing Checks be continued throughout auditing. His reality and responsibility level will increase throughout processing bringing to light many new overts. If these are not pulled, the Preclear will be forced into unintentionally withholding them and his case will bog down and not progress. There are prepared Integrity Processing Forms to assist you in pulling withholds. In using these, an Auditor must never, never omit a question on any of these, but he 272 can add questions to them. Then there are specialized Integrity Processing Forms tailored to fit the professional or present activities of the Preclear, and special forms to cover the transgressions of the Preclear against the moral code of any group with which he has co-acted. On the latter, as a person in one lifetime only has belonged to many different groups, you can see the tremendous possibility of Integrity Processing applied to the moral code of all groups on a whole track basis. Particular attention must be paid to the present group with whom he is currently co-acting, namely Scientology. This is why it is important to do the last two pages* of the Basic Integrity Processing Form and others specifically related to the subject of Scientology as applicable on all Scientologists first, because in the first place he is expecting something to help him against which he has overts and to that degree these overts are overts against himself as they will, if not pulled, prevent him from being helped, and in the second place overts against current groups are most important, then overts committed in this lifetime, and then overts committed on the track, the reason being that he is still connected with these current groups and with this lifetime. Integrity Processing is a most fruitful source of cognition, because you are pulling off the Preclear's not-knows on the Third Dynamic, which have kept others in ignorance and himself in stupidity. Besides this, you tremendously increase the Preclear's ability to communicate. And on top of all this you make a Preclear much easier to audit. And if all his withholds are pulled, he can be cleared. Pretty good gains to work for? Well then, let's get busy. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (*"The last two pages" refers to questions 71 to 86 of BTB 24 December 1972R, Issue I, Revised and Reissued 18 July 1974, Integrity Processing Form 1, The Basic Integrity List, page 294.) 273  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=11/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 8RA THE TECH AND ETHICS OF INTEGRITY PROCESSING   Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 11 DECEMBER 1972RA Revised 13 May 1975 Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 8RA THE TECH AND ETHICS OF INTEGRITY PROCESSING (Compiled from a Briefing to 3rd Mate and 4th Mate Flag given by L. RON HUBBARD.) HCO is primarily interested in JUSTICE. The method of justice practiced in the 17th and 18th Centuries was to catch the offenders and hang them, thus keeping the countryside "quiet". Although useful as a method of quieting things down, however, it doesn't do people any good to be hung! You will find the remedy expressed in this rule: WHEN YOU GIVE INTEGRITY PROCESSING TO A PERSON WITHOUT FINDING THE EARLIER BASIC, YOU HANG THEM. If you can't chase back an Integrity Processing question to an F/N you are going to get continuous Ethics trouble from that person from then on until it is remedied. When you give a guy Integrity Processing and it doesn't produce anything and the needle is clean you should indicate that the Integrity Processing was unnecessary. You will probably get an F/N. HCO's interest in someone is normally in what is going on, what is he up to NOW. So one tends to omit to ask how come this guy has been committing overts for the past two-and-a-half years -- the same ones -- and it is still going on? Back in that earlier zone is one hell of an overt, continuous overts against Scientology or LRH. So what is it? You should trace it back and you could find a dilly! It's the EARLIEST item available on that chain that will get the F/N. And remember that overts of Omission are always preceded by overts of COMmission. So you should ask yourself, "How come all these overts of omission?" There's an earlier overt of commission, you can be sure. This gives us another rule: IF YOU CANNOT F/N A QUESTION, YOU HAVEN'T GOT IT. Now it could be the buttons are out (invalidate, protest, action unnecessary). Did you know you can beef up a TA (send it up high) by doing an unnecessary action? It acts somewhat like forcing a wrong item on a pc. It puts him on a protest, a rejection and an effort to stop the action. That is where a lot of the unpopularity of earlier techniques stems from. Of the rudiments ARC Break, problem, withhold, Integrity Processing specializes in Overts and withholds. So the full panorama of Integrity Processing buttons is Ruds plus False, Suppress, Invalidate, Evaluate, Protest, Unnecessary. So if the TA goes up during Integrity Processing you should check buttons. If it doesn't handle rapidly and easily revert to the L1RA (Integ Repair List). 274 IF YOU CAN'T GET AN F/N ON INTEGRITY PROCESSING AND HAVE TO END SESSION YOU MUST HAVE A LINE TO QUAL THAT CLEANS IT UP WITHIN 24 HOURS. Every time an Integrity Processing action won't fly it has got to be a 24- hour urgent repair. The Integrity Processing Repair List consists of the ruds and buttons. People ARC Break with the physical universe, with fellow men, feel wronged in some way and have to take it out on somebody, and so commit the overt. But the somebody they attack is not the source of the upset. They misidentify the source. If their think was straight they would be able to see what the score was and have no charge on it. An Overt therefore is Preceded by an ARC Break, and you will find an ARC Break is the result of a problem. So each time you don't take a question to F/N you run up against this. This gives another way for them to get unpopular. But if it didn't F/N, you also know it was necessary to give the person Integrity Processing! If you give a person Integrity Processing and you see a trail of catastrophes in that person's wake afterwards you know it didn't fly. Similarly a person who makes huge overts out of every little action, which is in essence self-invalidation, has behind that somewhere a huge overt -- big enough to set the police of several galaxies after them! If it doesn't F/N you haven't got it! THE E-METER AND THE CRIMINAL The joker in all this is that the E-Meter reads on Reality. So you can have a guy who reads on none of your questions, but you find out the next day he had done exactly what you asked him. Yet it didn't read! A real criminal just doesn't read on having killed his grandmother in cold blood five minutes before the Processing. Even if he admits it it doesn't read! But a real criminal won't clear and won't F/N. Occasionally they will R/S. You have to handle it on a gradient Of reality. "Why wasn't that an overt?" is one way you could try. He would at first be very surprised at the very thought of it being an overt. But you could get a stream of justifications off. Another way is to magnify the overt. You can use that on a "no-overt" case. The Tech of it belongs in the field of auditing. Any time Integrity Processing is done the session reports must go into the pc folder otherwise the C/S can make an error in C/Sing because of the omitted data. One does not do Integrity Processing in the middle of other auditing rundowns. The action therefore requires C/S clearance. HCO AND CASE GAIN (See HCO PL 20 July 1970, "Cases and Morale of Staff") The percentage of people who have case gain will be proportional to the level of morale in your Org. So it is Of interest to HCO to ask the C/S how many no-case-gain cases he has (Pile 4), trace them down and isolate them. The names of those not doing well (Piles 2 and 3) should also be known and the numbers so you can make sure the greater percentage is getting good case gain. HCO can get trouble stemming from lack of staff case progress. For instance you find an Exec giving excuses for not doing his job. It can be due to a no-case-gain under him enturbulating seniors and associates. They in turn, not recognizing him as the 275 source of the enturbulation, buy the stops and the "can't be dones" and find some other excuse as to why not to do their job. Recognize that when someone dumps his hat on you he has overts, man! An Executive instead of reporting that people don't want to work in his division should be asking, "How come they don't want to work in the division?" Things will get better to the degree that such cases producing stops and "can'ts" have a line for them to be handled on. Begin a campaign to get all these cases winning. If there is any query as to which of the four categories of case folders (per HCO PL 20 July 70) a person belongs on, it goes on the one lower. For instance a category, Pile 2, queried as to status immediately becomes Pile 3. Pile 4 cases are given Integrity Processing. Such processing is however not limited to such cases. It is extremely valuable processing to raise the cause level of staff, students and others. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides and the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:RS:MG:AL:BL:nt.rd Copyright $c 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 276  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides and the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=12/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 9 RUDIMENTS  Type = 11 iDate=12/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 12 DECEMBER 1972 Reissued 10 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 12 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 9 RUDIMENTS All Integrity Processing must be done in Model Session form with a rud flown at start of session if no F/N. This is because wildly out rudiments can cause the Pc to be so far out of session that the meter will not read on charged questions. This is particularly true in the presence of weak TRs. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 277  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=13/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=1/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 10R INTEGRITY PROCESSING QUESTIONS MUST BE F/Ned  Type = 12 iDate=13/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 DECEMBER 1972R REVISED & REISSUED 1 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo CANCELS BTB OF 13 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 10R INTEGRITY PROCESSING QUESTIONS MUST BE F/Ned The main danger of Integrity Processing is not probing a person's past but failing to do so thoroughly. When you leave an Integrity Processing question "live" and go on to the next one, you set up a nasty situation that will have repercussions. The person may not immediately react. But the least that will happen is that he will be more difficult to audit in the future, and will go out of session more easily. More violently, a pc who has had an Integrity Processing question left unflat may leave the session and do himself or Scientology considerable mischief. About the most unkind thing you could do to a person would be to leave an Integrity Processing question unflat and go on to the next one. Or to fail to obtain an F/N on withholds in the rudiments and go on with the session. One girl, being audited, was left unflat on a withhold question. The Auditor blithely went on to the next question. The girl went out after session, and told everyone she knew the most vicious lies she could create about the immoral conduct of Scientologists. She wrote a stack of letters to people she knew out of town telling gruesome tales of sexual orgies. An alert Scientologist heard the rumors, rapidly traced them back, got hold of the girl, sat her down and checked auditing and found the unflat withhold question. The withhold? Sexual misdemeanors. Once that was pulled, the girl hastily raced about correcting all her previous efforts to discredit. A man had been a stalled case for about a year. He was violent to audit. The special question was finally asked, "What withhold question was left unflat on you?" It was found and handled. After that his case progressed again. The mechanisms of this are many. The reactions of the pc are many. The summation of it is, when an Integrity Processing question is left unflat on a pc and thereafter ignored, the consequences are numerous. THE REMEDY The prevention of Integrity Processing being left unflat is easily accomplished: 1. Develop excellent TRs and Basic Auditing. 2. Know the E-Meter. 3. Work only with an approved E-Meter. 4. Know the various bulletins on Integrity Processing. 5. Get off your own withholds so that you won't avoid those in others. 6. Apply correct Integrity Processing procedure and handle each reading question to an honest F/N on that question. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1972,1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 278  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=12/2/73 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 11R GENERALITIES WON'T DO   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 DECEMBER 1972R REVISED 12 FEBRUARY 1973 REISSUED 1 NOVEMBER 1974 (Only change is signature.) Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 11R GENERALITIES WON'T DO The most efficient way to upset a pc is to leave an Integrity Processing question unflat. This is remedied by taking each reading question to an F/N on the question. The best way to "miss" an Integrity Processing question is to let the pc indulge in generalities or "I thought...." A withhold given as "Oh, I got mad at them lots of times," should be pulled down to when and where and the first time "you got mad" and finally, "What did you do to them just before that?" Then earlier similar if no F/N. The pc who withholds somebody else's withholds and gives them as answers is a card. But he isn't helped when the auditor lets him do it. Situation: You ask the pc for a withhold about Joe. The pc who says, "I heard that Joe...," should be asked right there, "What have you done to Joe? You. Just you." And it turns out he stole Joe's last blonde. But if the auditor had let this pc go on and on about how the pc had heard how Joe was this or that, the session would have gone on and on and the Tone Arm up and up. We have pcs who use "withholds" to spread all manner of lies. We ask this pc, "Have you ever done anything to the Org?" The pc says, "Well, I'm withholding that I heard...," or the pc says, "Well, I thought some bitter thoughts about the Org." Or the pc says, "I was critical of the Org when...," and we don't sail in and get WHAT THE PC DID, we can comfortably stretch a 5- minute item to a session or two. If the pc "heard" and the pc "thought" and the pc "said" in answer to an Integrity Processing question, the pc's reactive bank is really saying, "I've got a crashing big withhold and if I can keep on fooling around by giving critical thoughts, rumors, and what others did, you'll never get it." And if he gets away with it, the auditor has missed a withhold question. We only want to know what the pc did, when he did it, what was the first time he did it and what he did just before that, and we'll nail it every time. THE IRRESPONSIBLE PC If you want to get withholds off an "irresponsible pc" you sometimes can't ask what the pc did or withheld and get a meter reaction. This problem has bugged us for some time; I finally got very bright and realized that no matter whether the pc thought it was a crime or not, he or she will answer up on "don't know" versions as follows: Situation: "What have you done to your husband?" Pc's answer, "Nothing bad." E-Meter reaction, nul. Now we know this pc, through our noticing she is critical of her husband, has overts on him. But she can take no responsibility for her own acts. 279 But she can take responsibility for his not knowing. She is making certain of that. So we ask, "What have you done that your husband doesn't know about?" And it takes an hour for her to spill it all, the quantity is so great. For the question releases the floodgates. The Meter bangs around. And with these withholds off, her responsibility comes up and she can take responsibility on the items. This applies to any zone or area or terminal of Integrity Processing. Situation: We are getting a lot of "I thought", "I heard", "They said", "They did" in answer to a question. We take the terminal or terminals involved and put them in this blank: "What have you done that _____________ (doesn't) (don't) know about?" And we can get the major overts that lay under the blanket of "How bad everyone is but me." This prevents you missing an Integrity Processing question. It's a bad crime to do so. This will shorten the labor involved in getting every question flat. And if your pc is withholdy you can insert this "Have I missed an Integrity Processing question on you?" while doing the processing. Always clear up what was missed. A pc can be very upset by reason of a missed Integrity Processing question. Keep them going up, not down. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright$c 1972, 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 280  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=1/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 12R WITHHOLDS, MISSED AND PARTIAL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1972R REVISED 1 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 12R WITHHOLDS, MISSED AND PARTIAL I don't know exactly how to get this across to you except to ask you to be brave, squint up your eyes and plunge. I don't appeal to reason. Only to faith at the moment. When you have a reality on this, nothing will shake it and you'll no longer fail cases or fail in life. But, at the moment, it may not seem reasonable. So just try it, do it well and day will dawn at last. What are these natterings, upsets, ARC Breaks, critical tirades, lost students, ineffective motions? They are restimulated but missed or partially missed withholds. If I could just teach you that and get you to get a good reality on that in your own auditing, your activities would become smooth beyond belief. It is true that ARC Breaks, present time problems and withholds all keep a session from occurring. And we must watch them and clear them. But behind all these is another button, applicable to each, which resolves each one. And that button is the restimulated but missed or partially missed withhold. Life itself has imposed this button on us. If you know about people or are supposed to know about people, then these people expect, unreasonably, that you know them through and through. Real knowledge to the average person is only this: a knowledge of his or her withholds! That, horribly enough, is the high tide of knowledge for the man in the street. If you know his withholds, if you know his crimes and acts, then you are smart. If you know his future you are moderately wise. And so we are persuaded toward mind reading and fortune telling. All wisdom has this trap for those who would be wise. Egocentric man believes all wisdom is wound up in knowing his misdemeanors. IF any wise man represents himself as wise and fails to discover what a person has done, that person goes into an antagonism or other misemotion toward the wise man. So they hang those who restimulate and yet who do not find out about their withholds. This is an incredible piece of craziness. But it is observably true. This is the WILD ANIMAL REACTION that makes Man a cousin to the beasts. 281 A good auditor can understand this. A bad one will stay afraid of it and won't use it. "Have I missed a withhold on you?" can be used in Integrity Processing if the preclear gets upset or critical during session. Any ARC Broken pc should be asked, "What withhold have I missed on you?" Or, "What have I failed to find out about you?" Or, "What should I have known about you?" An Integrity Processing Specialist who cannot read a meter is dangerous because he or she will miss withholds and the pc may become very upset. Use this as a stable datum: If the person is upset, somebody failed to find out what that person was sure they would find out. A missed withhold is a should have known. The only reason anyone has ever left Scientology is because people failed to find out about them. This is valuable data. Get a reality on it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 282  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 13 HELP THE PC  Type = 12 iDate=16/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 DECEMBER 1972 REISSUED 7 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo CANCELS BTB OF 16 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 13 HELP THE PC In general, when getting rudiments in or getting off missed withholds or invalidations, help the pc by guiding his attention against the needle. This is quite simple. The auditor asks the question, the needle instantly reacts, the pc (as he or she usually does) looks puzzled if the auditor says "It reacts." The pc thinks it over. As he or she is thinking, the auditor will see the same reaction on the needle. Softly the auditor says "That" or "There" or "What's that you're looking at?" As the pc knows what he or she is looking at at that instant, the thing can be dug up. This is auditor co-operation, not triumph. Most often the pc does not know what it is that reacts as only unknowns react. Therefore an auditor's "There" when the needle twitches again, before the pc has answered, co-ordinates with whatever the pc is looking at and thus it can be spotted and revealed by the pc. This is only done when the pc comm lags for a few seconds. Remember, the pc is always willing to reveal. He or she doesn't know What to reveal. Therein lies the difficulty. Pcs get driven out of session when asked to reveal something yet do not know what to reveal. By the auditor's saying "There" or "What's that?" quietly each time the needle reacts newly, the pc is led to discover what should be revealed. Auditors and pcs get into a games condition in Integrity Processing and rudiments only when the auditor refuses this help to the pc. New auditors routinely believe that in Integrity Processing the pc knows the answer and won't give it. This is an error. If the pc knew all the answer, it wouldn't react on the meter. Old-timers have found out that only if they steer by repeated meter reaction, giving the pc "There" or "What's that?" can the pc answer up on most rudiments questions, missed withholds and so on. But don't use steering to harass the pc, or cut his comm, or draw attention to the auditor. This is the only use of reads other than instant reads on the E-Meter. Help the pc. He doesn't know. Otherwise the needle would never react. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 283  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 14 HAVINGNESS  Type = 12 iDate=17/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 DECEMBER 1972 REISSUED 7 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo CANCELS BTB OF 17 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 14 HAVINGNESS All valences are circuits are valences. Circuits key out with knowingness. This is the final definition of havingness. Havingness is the concept of being able to reach. No-havingness is the concept of not being able to reach. A withhold makes one feel he or she cannot reach. Therefore withholds are what cut havingness down and made runs on havingness attain unstable gains. In the presence of withholds havingness sags. As soon as a withhold is pulled, ability to reach is potentially restored but the pc often does not discover this. It requires that havingness be run to get the benefit of having pulled most withholds. Therefore havingness may be run in conjunction with Integrity Processing but may NOT be used to hide or obscure the fact of failure to F/N an Integrity Form question. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 284  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=18/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 15R ASPECTS OF INTEGRITY PROCESSING   Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 18 DECEMBER 1972R Revised 13 May 1975 Remimeo (Revised to omit 1st para) Integrity Processing Series 15R ASPECTS OF INTEGRITY PROCESSING Integrity Processing is a specialized type of auditing, and it takes a lot of skill and at times some courage to do it well. Auditors must not be kind nor yet unkind. This does not mean that you steer a lukewarm middle course between kindness and unkindness. Neither of these two impostors have anything to do with it. You just go in and audit, you go in to find -- and that means dig for -- OVERTS. If you go in with Pc's needle clean and your questioning can get that needle to react, then you are winning. The success of an Auditor can be measured by the extent to which he can get reactions on the needle and then cleaning those reactions getting more reactions and cleaning those and so on. The skilled Auditor gets to the root of the trouble and clears up a whole batch of overts at once by handling chains of overts to F/N. Integrity Processing is done in Model Session. The beginning rudiments are put in and by the time you start the body of the session, in this case the Integrity Processing, the Pc should have an F/N. The next thing is to tell the Pc that you are going to help him to clean up, and really clean up, the questions on the Form that you are using. REMEMBER IT IS THE QUESTION YOU ARE GOING TO CLEAN -- NOT THE NEEDLE. You've already got a clean needle and you could probably keep it from reading on questions by bad TR 1, failure to dig, or just sheer bad auditing. The next action is to announce the first question that you are going to handle, at the same time watching the meter for any read on first calling. It can be important to groove in the question. There are a variety of ways to do this, e.g. ask what the question means. What period or time the question covers. What activities would be included. Where the Pc has been that might be something to do with the question. If any other people are likely to be involved. In other words, you are steering the Pc's attention to various parts of his bank and getting him to have a preliminary look. When this has been done using very good TR 1, you give him the question again. A small tick may now have developed into a real LF or BD. You take your Pc's answer and get the specifics. If he gives you a general answer you ask him for a specific time (or a specific example). DON'T ACCEPT MOTIVATORS. If he gives you a motivator you say, "OK, but what did you do there?" and you want something before the motivator. Example: Pc: "I got mad at him because he kicked my foot." Aud: "What had you done before he kicked your foot?" In this case the Pc is giving an overt, "I got mad at him," but in fact he is cunningly selling the motivator "He kicked me in the foot." So the rule here is, "Go earlier than the motivator." Similarly you don't accept criticisms, unkind thoughts, explanations. You want what the Pc has done and you want the Time, Place, Form and Event. When you have succeeded in this you don't leave it there. You ask for an earlier time he had done something like it and you keep going earlier. What you are after is the earliest time he stole, hit somebody, got angry with a Pc or whatever is his "crime". Get the earliest one and you will find that the others will blow off like thistledown. Keep a sly eye on your meter and you can tell when you are in a hot area. Use it to help you to know where to dig, but don't use it to steer the Pc at this stage. This 285 encourages laziness on the part of the Pc. You want him in there foraging about and digging up his bank in the process. Having once gotten a read on the question, the question is not further checked on the meter. One simply follows the chain back earlier similar (same chain). Use standard Integrity Processing procedure until an F/N is obtained with cognition and VGIs. If you do this properly you will have a well satisfied Pc. If he ARC breaks then you have missed something, so pull your missed withholds. A rising TA is a clue to something missed Or a bypassed F/N. If Pc isn't happy -- very happy -- at the end of a question then you have missed something. Pcs will tell you a hundred and one things that are wrong with your auditing, the D of P's instruction, the form of the question, etc., but they all add up to the same thing -- something has been missed. One word of warning. If you leave a question unflat, mark it on your Auditor's Report and TELL YOUR PC it isn't flat. It is very bad practice to end session on a question without first F/Ning that question. Good digging. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by Board of Issues Commodore's Staff Aides for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:RS:AL:MG:BL:clb.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 286  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by Board of Issues Commodore's Staff Aides for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/6/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 16RA INTEGRITY PROCESSING INFO  Type = 11 iDate=6/6/68 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=19/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 JUNE 1968RA Revised 13 May 1975 Remimeo (Cancels HCO B 6 June 68, "Sec Checking info", and BTB 19 Dec 72, Integrity Processing Series 16, "Auditing Errors in Integrity Processing".) Integrity Processing Series 16RA INTEGRITY PROCESSING INFO 1. Use the question as a guide for digging, not as a rote question. 2. Follow each non-reading question with suppress and leave each reading question only when it has been taken to EP (per HCO B 13 Dec 72R, Integrity Processing Series 10R, "Integrity Processing Questions Must Be F/Ned"). If suppression is found, start the cycle over with the question itself after suppress is clean. Realize that withholds exist, that they can be suppressed and that they can be restimulated and pulled. Once you have EP, however, don't recheck the question. 3. Suppress is always asked "repetitively" and not as a "fast check". 4. An R/S means CRIMES that MUST be pulled. A sporadic R/S can be turned on full by varying the question that produced it; the R/S will become wider and more chronic as the exact crime is approached. When the crime is found the R/S will become very pronounced, and then vanish. That's CRIMES, not "failed to wash the car". 5. A DR (Dirty Read) is not an R/S but can sometimes turn into an R/S by probing if a crime is present. It is noted on the worksheet as a "DR" though, never as an R/S. 6. The specific details of each misdeed must be gotten. Don't buy generalized overts, motivators and justifications. 7. You still use a comm cycle. Avoid heavy accusation. 8. ARC Breaks must be clean -- you can't audit over an ARC Break. 9. Check for missed withholds every few questions. 10. Clean up the Integrity Processing Form at the end with such questions as "1/2 truth" and "Have you gotten away with anything?" etc. 11. Follow questions with "Have you told me more than was there?" on a Pc who tends to dub in overts or motivators. 12. Limit the Pc to this life if he takes up running track in an effort to avoid this life offenses. 13. Clean up any DN as soon as it appears by checking for a missed withhold or getting all? of the one you're on. 14. Watch the Pc's indicators, e.g. for signs of missed withholds. 287 15. Keep track of the TA position during Integrity Processing. If a question sends the TA higher and if it then remains higher, something was missed on that question. 16. Pursue each chain to basic. 17. Pat "No's" can be handled by asking for overwhelmingly large overts, e.g. "Have you robbed any banks?" (Murder technique) or by reverse questions such as "Tell me about when you have not stolen something." 18. A question that reads sporadically isn't quite the right one and needs to be varied. 19. Keep aware of the needle -- especially when a question is first called. Also, questions sometimes will show a need to be compartmented, e.g. "Rave you ever stolen (read) anything?" Here the read on "stolen" should be pursued. A Pc with a known withhold can have a prior read and not an instant one -- this is something to watch for. 20. Keep your TR 1 in. Otherwise questions will not read due to lack of Auditor impingement. 21. Keep your TR 2 in. Otherwise the Pc will feel his answer has not been accepted and it can put a Pc on a withhold of nothing. 22. Help the Pc give a withhold he's having trouble presenting. One way is by having him tell you what subject it's about or "part of it", another is by use of the overwhelmingly large overt approach: "Well, did you murder someone?" 23. Cut any natter line, pin down the critical thoughts and motivators and get the prior overt. The person getting Integrity Processing must not be allowed to sit and natter about a person or an Org, etc. 24. A person who has a valid EP on an Integrity Processing Form has the whole form ended off. It's the subject of the Integrity List which EPs, not just one question. 25. Beware of a "false read", which is thinking something read which didn't. Protest can then give you a read. Clean up questions with "Protest", "Suppress", "Inval" buttons where the Pc says there's nothing there. Then if it still reads on check, there is something there. False reads (saying something read which really didn't) can wreck a case. Can also check for demanding a withhold he doesn't have. 26. Make sure you get the question answered -- question: "Did you steal the tools from the tool shed?" is not answered by "I have a thing about keys." Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:RS:MH:AL:nt.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 288  Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=23/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 17R C/Sing INTEGRITY PROCESSING  Type = 12 iDate=23/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=20/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 23 DECEMBER 1972R Revised 13 May 1975 Remimeo (Cancels BTB 23 Dec 72, same title, Integrity Processing Series 20, and BTB 20 Dec 72, Integrity Processing Series 17, "Sequence and Use of Integrity Processing Forms".) Integrity Processing Series 17R C/Sing INTEGRITY PROCESSING Integrity Processing as auditing is C/Sed. The C/S ensures Integrity Processing is not entered into a Pc pgm in the middle of another rundown or auditing action. When required it may be entered into a pgm at a suitable rest point but any current process or rundown in progress on the Pc would be completed first. The C/S should not use this to unduly delay Integrity Processing when required, as a person withholding overts will not make gains until those overts have been pulled. The Auditor must be qualified as a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. This is a new tech. Its practitioners must be specialist trained. Standard C/Sing rules apply. In addition the C/S looks for the following key points. 1. Any non-sequitur F/N on some other subject. Ensures that each question is F/Ned on the subject being asked about. This is the primary thing the C/S inspects. 2. Check that each reading question was taken to an F/N. 3. Check that any R/Ses were recorded clearly and noted at the front of Pc folder for future use. 4. Ensure that an Integrity Processing Repair List (L1 RA) is used if session ends with no F/N or Pc at all upset or gets sick shortly after Integrity Processing. Examiner 24 Hour Rule must be rigorously applied. No. 1 above is of prime importance. Don't permit Auditors to go into some unusual solution such as checking the question after it has been taken to F/N. That could wreck a case. The Auditor simply audits, keeps the Pc on the right chain going earlier as necessary to ah F/N. It is the C/S who checks to see that it was in fact the question being asked that F/Ned. This is done by checking for any non-sequitur answers that F/Ned on some other subject. If a person falls on his head after an Integrity Processing session an L1 RA is given. However an FES to find missing questions that F/Ned on something else is done. The whole essence of this is contained in F/Ning every item; getting question asked to F/N, not some other; Integrity Processing Repair List L1 RA; fines for missing withholds; and Expanded Dianetics for R/Sers (revealing and recording R/Ses and R/Sing statements for later use in Exp Dianetics). This is what has made this a major new tech that gives fabulous case gains too. 289 It is the duty of the C/S to ensure the tech is known and correctly applied. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS: RS:AL:MG:BL:clb.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 290  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=21/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 18 FORMULATING INTEGRITY PROCESSING QUESTIONS  Type = 11 iDate=21/12/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 21 DECEMBER 1972 Reissued 1 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 21 DECEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Series 18 FORMULATING INTEGRITY PROCESSING QUESTIONS Withholds add up to overts, secrecies, individuation; they add up to games conditions and a lot more things than just O/W. Although we call them withholds we're really asking a person to straighten out his interpersonal relationships with other terminals and groups. Our normal Integrity Processing is addressed to the individual versus the society or his family or group because it's what people would consider reprehensible that makes a withhold. That is the basic center line of Integrity Processing, transgressions against the mores of the group. You can have a special mores between the individual and different groups, between the son and the mother, between the husband and the wife, between the staff member and the organization, or between the Auditor and the Preclear (to which the Auditor Integrity Processing Form is directed). It's a moral code that you are processing one way or the other. You're straightening out somebody on the "now I'm supposed to's" against which they have transgressed. And having so transgressed they now are individuated. If their individuation is too obsessive they snap in and become the terminal and can assume the characteristics of that person. In dealing with this you go straight to the person's handling of masses and changes of spaces or into his most confused motional areas (not emotional). A person has been a recluse and stayed inside a house ever since he was 20. You don't start running houses in his Integrity Processing. You find what area he was in before he was 20. Staying in the house is a solution to something. We find an area of considerable activity that lies prior to the difficulty and then run Integrity Processing on that area. We find there was one boarding school he absolutely detests. That's what we handle. Every question would have to do with that boarding school. There are students and boys and instructors and coaches and headmasters and buildings and athletic equipment, etc. Write them all down (you don't ask the Pc) then work out all the types of crimes he might have been able to commit against those items. In this way you compile a whole Integrity Processing Form to suit the situation. Most often one takes the most appropriate issued form and simply adds a few questions to cover the special situation. You can always add some questions but don't omit any. When you want to handle a specific area or activity it can be more satisfactory to compile a special form covering all the things you think of that he could have done in that area that he is never going to tell anybody. 291 This is particularly so when the area has its own special tight mores he has cut up against and so has individuated himself from that area, cannot as- is any part of the track and of course gets trapped in that particular zone and activity. Forget is a version of Not Know. So any sensory perceptic shut-off is an effort not to know and you have a target. So you can do little special Integrity Processing Forms to go along with a special zone of activity and eventually you'll get a "What do you know!" There is no use telling him what he has been doing wrong. He is too in the thing to see it. You can see it because you're outside it. You just put "Have you ever done anything to ______________" to a whole list and you've got a formulized method of getting together an Integrity Processing Form. A cognition is totally dependent upon a freedom to know. Overts and withholds are dedicated to Not Knowingness. It takes the guidance of the Integrity Processing Form list of questions to handle this. The formula then is to just make a list of all the items you can think of that have anything to do with the target and write up a list of possible overts against them or questions that call for overts. Has he done anything to _____________ Has he interfered with anything about ______________ etc. Don't include questions that call for motivators or justifications. The first rule is -- any area or zone of life with which a person is having difficulty in life, or has had difficulty, is a fruitful area for Integrity Processing. You'll find out every time he's got withholds in that zone or area. The second rule is to break the problem down to its most fundamental expression. Then write down those nouns associated with it and those basic doingnesses associated with this fundamental expression. Then just phrase up your processing questions on the basis of "Have you ever _____________" and any other verb you want to put in. "Have you ever done ______________" "..... prevented ______________" etc. You don't have to get too fancy as the needle will fall when you get close to it. That area where an individual is having difficulty he is stupid. Stupidity is Not Knowingness. Not Knowingness occurs through overts. But the overt has to be hidden so it must be an overt which is withheld. These withholds then add up to stupidity, so of course he has trouble. There isn't anything complicated about it at all. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 292  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=22/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=13/5/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Series 19R ORDERING PERSONNEL TO INTEGRITY PROCESSING   Remimeo C/S Staff C/S  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 22 DECEMBER 1972R Revised 13 May 1975 Remimeo C/S Staff C/S Integrity Processing Series 19R ORDERING PERSONNEL TO INTEGRITY PROCESSING Integrity Processing may be required on any Academy student, org staff member, or HGC pc where lack of progress, effectiveness or case gain is evident due to overts or withholds from the organization, or where there is a possibility of a threat to a Scientology Organization. HCO or Executives may request such processing of their staff members. Neither Tech nor Qual are bound by such requests as an FES could reveal that the trouble stems from "out lists" or other matters needing correction. They should however take cognizance of such requests and do all possible to get the person handled and the Integrity Processing delivered with minimum delay when warranted. Integrity Processing is not punishment in any way. It is auditing, must be C/Sed, must be delivered by a qualified Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist and will help the person by giving fabulous case gains when done correctly. Compiled from LRH briefings and materials Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:RS:AL:MG:BL:clb.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 293  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 Revised by W/O Ron Shafran CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=24/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=18/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Form 1 THE BASIC INTEGRITY LIST  Type = 11 iDate=24/12/72 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 DECEMBER 1972R Issue I Revised & Reissued 18 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1972 Issue I SAME TITLE (The only revision is on this page, paragraph 1: HCO B 5 DEC 72 is revised to read BTB 5 DEC 72.) Integrity Processing Form 1 THE BASIC INTEGRITY LIST For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 DEC 72 for procedure. AUDITOR: ___________________________ PRECLEAR: ____________________________ ORG: _______________________________ DATE: ____________________________ 1. Have you ever lived or worked under an assumed name? _______ 2. Have you given me your right name? _______ 3. Are you here for a different purpose than you say? _______ 4. Have you ever stolen anything? _______ 5. Have you ever forged someone else's signature? _______ 6. Have you ever blackmailed anybody? _______ 7. Have you ever done anything for which you could be blackmailed? _______ 8. Have you ever smuggled anything? _______ 9. Have you ever been in prison? _______ 10. Have you ever indulged in drunkenness? _______ 11. Have you ever done any reckless driving? _______ 12. Have you ever burglared any place? _______ 13. Have you ever embezzled money? _______ 14. Have you ever assaulted anyone? _______ 15. Have you ever told lies in court? _______ 16. Have you had anything to do with pornography? _______ 17. Have you ever committed arson? _______ 18. Have you ever been a drug addict? _______ 19. Have you ever peddled dope? _______ 20. Have you had any dealings with stolen goods? _______ 21. Do you have a police record? _______ 22. Have you ever raped anyone? _______ 294 23. Have you ever been involved in an abortion? _______ 24. Have you ever committed adultery? _______ 25. Have you ever practiced homosexuality? _______ 26. Have you ever had intercourse with a member of your family? _______ 27. Have you ever been sexually unfaithful? _______ 28. Have you ever made a practice of sexual perversion? _______ 29. Have you ever slept with someone you shouldn't have? _______ 30. Have you ever committed culpable homicide? _______ 31. Have you ever bombed anything? _______ 32. Have you ever murdered anyone? _______ 33. Have you ever kidnapped anyone? _______ 34. Have you ever traded illegally? _______ 35. Have you ever betrayed anyone for money? _______ 36. Have you ever threatened anyone with a firearm? _______ 37. Have you been in illegal possession of firearms? _______ 38. Have you ever been paid for giving evidence? _______ 39. Have you ever destroyed something belonging to someone else? _______ 40. Have you ever been a spy for an organization? _______ 41. Have you ever been an informer?? _______ 42. Have you ever been a member of an illegal organization? _______ 43. Have you ever falsely reported? _______ 44. Have you ever had intercourse while under the influence of drugs? _______ 45. Have you ever had intercourse while under the influence of alcohol? _______ 46. Have you ever used drugs or alcohol to procure sex? _______ 47. Have you ever ill-treated children? _______ 48. Have you ever taken money for giving someone sexual intercourse? _______ 49. Have you ever had any connection with a brothel? _______ 50. Have you ever gotten another into trouble for something you did? _______ 51. Have you ever been a spy for the police? _______ 52. Have you done something you are afraid the police may find out? _______ 53. Have you ever falsified the books in any firm you worked for? _______ 54. Have you ever disclosed confidential data? _______ 55. Have you ever done anything your mother would be ashamed to find out about? _______ 56. Have you ever purposely injured yourself? _______ 57. Have you committed any overts against yourself? _______ 58. Have you committed any overts against your family? _______ 59. Have you ever harmed an organization? _______ 295 60. Have you ever betrayed the trust of a group? _______ 61. Have you ever killed or maimed animals for pleasure? _______ 62. Have you ever mistreated animals? _______ 63. Have you ever administered electric shock? _______ 64. Have you ever tried to make someone insane? _______ 65. Have you ever maliciously destroyed trees or plants? _______ 66. Have you ever destroyed or damaged another's property? _______ 67. Have you ever taken part in sabotage? _______ 68. Have you ever harmed a religion? _______ 69. Have you ever persecuted another for their religious beliefs? _______ 70. Have you ever violated the tenets of a religion to which you belonged? _______ 71. Have you ever injured Dianetics or Scientology? _______ 72. Have you ever committed any overts on a Scientology Organization? _______ 73. Have you ever belonged to a group opposed to Scientology? _______ 74. Have you ever stolen anything from a Scientology Organization? _______ 75. Do you have any overts on LRH? _______ 76. Have you done anything you wouldn't want LRH to know about? _______ 77. Do you have any overts on Mary Sue Hubbard? _______ 78. Is there something Mary Sue Hubbard shouldn't know about you? _______ 79. Have you ever injured any Scientologists? _______ 80. Have you ever betrayed Scientology? _______ 81. Do you know of any secret plans against Scientology? _______ 82. Have you ever taken money to injure Scientology? _______ 83. Have you ever used Dianetics or Scientology to force sex on somebody? _______ 84. Do you know of any plans to injure a Scientology Organization? _______ 85. Have you done something that should never be found out? _______ 86. Is there something you have avoided telling me? _______ Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd by Flag Mission 1234 Copyright $c 1972, 1974 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis by L. Ron Hubbard 2nd: Molly Harlow ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY [Questions 57 and 58 on the previous page have been corrected per HCO PL 7 April 1961RA, Revised 30 May 1975, Johannesburg Confessional List -- Revised, a complete copy of which is in Volume VIII, page 419.] 296  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=24/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=18/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Form 2 GENERAL STAFF INTEGRITY LIST  Type = 11 iDate=24/12/72 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 DECEMBER 1972R Issue II Revised & Reissued 18 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1972 Issue II SAME TITLE (The only revision is on this page, paragraph 1: HCO B 5 DEC 72 is revised to read BTB 5 DEC 72.) Integrity Processing Form 2 GENERAL STAFF INTEGRITY LIST For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 DEC 72 for procedure. AUDITOR: _____________________________ PRECLEAR: ____________________________ ORG: _____________________________ DATE: _______________ 1. Have you stolen anything from a Scientology Organization? _______ 2. Are you here only to get free processing? _______ 3. Do you intend to leave this Organization once trained? _______ 4. Have you audited outside Pcs for money while a member of this Org? _______ 5. Have you fed Org Pcs to Outside Auditors? _______ 6. Have you broken contract with an Org? _______ 7. Have you ever shifted the blame to an innocent staff member? _______ 8. Have you offered or delivered free service? _______ 9. Have you accepted services from this Organization without being invoiced? _______ 10. Have you ever advised anyone against joining staff of a Scientology Organization? _______ 11. Have you ever advised anyone not to take services at a Scientology Org? _______ 12. Have you ever given Scientology materials to a group opposed to Scientology? _______ 13. Have you ever said discreditable things to the press or public concerning Scientology? _______ 297 14. Have you ever refused to comply with the legal orders of your senior? _______ 15. As a staff member have you given false reports? _______ 16. Have you falsified a statistic? _______ 17. Have you given false evidence to an Ethics body? _______ 18. Have you ever obstructed an Ethics investigation? _______ 19. Have you withheld data to protect yourself or another? _______ 20. Have you ever third partied a staff member? _______ 21. Have you feigned illness to avoid work? _______ 22. Have you caused upset to a public Pc or student? _______ 23. Have you prevented another from wearing his hat? _______ 24. Have you done anything to get another removed from post for your own personal gain? _______ 25. Have you ever engaged in a power push against a senior executive? _______ 26. Have you ever used a Scientology position to obtain unusual favors? _______ 27. Have you ever personally accepted a commission, percentage, bribe or gift for giving any firm or person this Organization's business? _______ 28. Have you ever advised anyone against following policy? _______ 29. Have you prevented another from learning his post? _______ 30. Have you prevented another from studying or training? _______ 31. Have you ever slowed things down just because your seniors wanted them speeded up? _______ 32. Have you done anything to get another staff member in bad repute? _______ 33. Have you ever damaged Org property? _______ 34. Have you wasted Org supplies? _______ 35. Have you juggled Org accounts? _______ 35A. As a staff member have you produced any overt products? _______ 36. Have you taken credit for the work done by another? _______ 36A. Have you maligned another to enhance your own reputation? _______ 37. Have you caused or contributed to an Org mutiny? _______ 38. Have you encouraged another to blow? _______ 298 39. Have you done anything to damage the repute of a senior Scientology Org? _______ 40. Have you done anything to damage the repute of the Sea Org? _______ 41. Have you discouraged Org Pcs or students from advancing to a senior Org? _______ 42. Have you falsely reported to a Sea Org Missionaire? _______ 43. Have you ever falsely reported to Flag? _______ 44. Have you knowingly violated policy? _______ 45. Have you blamed others for not doing your job? _______ 46. Are you here purposely to upset or damage Scientology? _______ 47. While on staff of a Scientology Organization have you committed any civil crime? _______ 48. Is there something an Ethics Officer shouldn't know about you? _______ 49. Have you done something you wouldn't like LRH to know about? _______ 50. As a staff member have you committed some overt that hasn't been revealed? _______ Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 299  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=24/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=18/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Form 3 AUDITOR INTEGRITY LIST  Type = 11 iDate=24/12/72 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 DECEMBER 1972R Issue III Revised & Reissued 18 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1972 Issue III SAME TITLE (The only revision is on this page, paragraph 1: HCO B 5 DEC 72 is revised to read BTB 5 DEC 72.) Integrity Processing Form 3 AUDITOR INTEGRITY LIST For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 DEC 72 for procedure. AUDITOR: ____________________ PRECLEAR: __________________________ ORG: ________________________ DATE: ___________________________ 1. Have you ever evaluated for a preclear? _______ 2. Have you ever invalidated or corrected a preclear's data? _______ 3. Have you ever told a preclear about his case? _______ 4. Have you discussed a preclear's case with others? _______ 5. Have you disclosed a preclear's withholds? _______ 6. Have you made a preclear guilty? _______ 7. Have you altered or misapplied tech? _______ 8. Have you failed to keep an auditing appointment? _______ 9. Have you audited a preclear who was tired or hungry? _______ 10. Have you permitted a frequent change of Auditors? _______ 11. Have you sympathized with a preclear? _______ 12. Have you followed a preclear's instructions? _______ 13. Have you refused to accept a preclear's data? _______ 14. Have you allowed a preclear to end session on his own determinism? _______ 15. Have you ever walked off from a preclear in session? _______ 16. Have you ever refused to audit a preclear you could have helped? _______ 17. Have you gotten angry with a preclear in session? _______ 18. Have you not taken a process or rundown to full EP? _______ 19. Have you overrun a preclear? _______ 20. Have you mixed practices or advised other practices? _______ 21. Have you cut a preclear's communication? _______ 22. Have you failed to acknowledge a preclear? _______ 300 23. Have you failed to handle a preclear's originations? _______ 24. Have you harassed or distracted a preclear? _______ 25. Have you explained or justified auditing errors? _______ 26. Have you audited without folder study? _______ 27. Have you failed to follow C/S instructions? _______ 28. Have you falsified auditing reports? _______ 29. Have you falsely called F/Ns? _______ 30. Have you fed a preclear cognitions Or EPs? _______ 31. Have you failed to call F/Ns or give a Pc his win? _______ 32. Have you failed to fly a rudiment? _______ 33. Have you left a preclear ARC Broken? _______ 34. Have you failed to pull a withhold? _______ 35. Have you left a preclear with a problem? _______ 36. Have you failed to F/N all reading items? _______ 37. Have you given a preclear a wrong item? _______ 38. Have you audited without checking out on the materials? _______ 39. Have you run processes above your training level? _______ 40. Have you failed to follow the Grade Chart? _______ 41. Have you had a 2-D involvement with a preclear? _______ 42. Have you falsified auditing hours? _______ 43. Have you not done or completed cramming orders? _______ 44. Have you omitted vital data from worksheets? _______ 45. Have you delayed or not handled red-tags? _______ 46. Have you audited without handing in worksheets? _______ 47. Have you accepted incorrect C/S instructions? _______ 48. Have you audited without a program? _______ 49. Have you falsely reported your classification level? _______ 50. Have you failed to clear commands or all words in commands? _______ 51. Have you neglected to handle your own misunderstoods? _______ 52. Have you neglected to study the C/S Series HCO Bs? _______ 53. Have you given free auditing to public Pcs? _______ 54. Have you audited Pcs for private gain? _______ 55. Have you disclosed confidential data? _______ 56. Have you been critical of Pcs to others? _______ 57. Have you been critical of other Auditors to Pcs? _______ 58. Have you used tech for some other purpose? _______ 59. Have you continued to repair a Pc doing well? _______ 60. Have you given verbal tech data? _______ 61. Have you failed to apply study tech? _______ 62. Have you been insecure with materials? _______ 63. Have you falsified Auditor bonus claims? _______ 64. Have you failed to study your hat? _______ 301 65. Did you violate policy? _______ 66. Have you failed to complete intensives? _______ 67. Have you C/Sed in the chair? _______ 68. Have you wasted auditing time? _______ 69. Have you assumed you knew instead of using prepared lists? _______ 70. Have you failed to drill TRs regularly? _______ 71. Have you ever out of curiosity allowed a preclear to give up withholds of another? _______ 72. Have you ever failed to improve your ability as an Auditor? _______ 73. Have you ever used the wrong process on a preclear? _______ 74. Have you ever audited badly? _______ 75. Have you ever done anything weird or strange with a preclear? _______ 76. Have you ever advised someone not to be audited? _______ 77. Is there anything about your auditing activities which shouldn't be known? _______ 78. Have you ever falsely represented your achievements as an Auditor? _______ 79. Have you ever made false promises to a preclear? _______ 80. Do you have overts against the subject of Dianetics? _______ 81. Do you have overts against the subject of Scientology? _______ 82. Do you have overts on the subject of the mind? _______ 83. Do you have overts against a C/S? _______ 84. Do you have overts against a D of P? _______ 85. Do you have overts against a Tech Sec? _______ 86. Do you have overts against other staff members? _______ 87. As an Auditor have you done anything you shouldn't have done? _______ 88. As an Auditor is there something you have failed to do? _______ 89. Do you still have your attention on any of these questions? _______ 90. Have you thought of something you haven't told me? _______ Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 302  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=24/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=1 rDate=13/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Form 4 SUPERVISOR INTEGRITY LIST  Type = 11 iDate=24/12/72 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 DECEMBER 1972R Issue IV Revised & Reissued 13 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1972 Issue IV SAME TITLE Integrity Processing Form 4 SUPERVISOR INTEGRITY LIST For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 Dec 72 for procedure. AUDITOR: _______________________________ PRECLEAR: ___________________________ ORG: _______________________________ DATE: ______________ 1. Have you ever given a student verbal data? _______ 2. Have you taught a course without a checksheet? _______ 3. Have you given students checksheets other than those officially approved? _______ 4. Have you deleted materials from an approved checksheet? _______ 5. Have you failed to provide course materials? _______ 6. Have you failed to update and correct checksheets before issuing to new students? _______ 7. Have you permitted a student to falsely attest? _______ 8. Have you attested to a student's course completion without verifying his ability to apply the materials? _______ 9. Have you ever permitted a student to blow? _______ 10. Have you blamed others for poor course attendance? _______ 11. Have you become sexually involved with a student? _______ 12. Have you falsified statistics? _______ 13. Have you ever gotten angry with a student? _______ 14. Have you ever interrupted a student who was doing well? _______ 15. Have you ever failed to handle a bogged student? _______ 16. Have you ever made a student redo checkouts to boost stats? _______ 17. Have you ever lied to a student? _______ 18. As a Supervisor have you ever left a course unattended? _______ 19. Have you ever failed to refer a student to the materials? _______ 20. Have you ever failed to keep a course exactly on schedule? _______ 21. Have you failed to apply Word Clearing tech? _______ 303 22. When Word Clearing students have you ignored reads? _______ 23. Have you pretended you can read a meter? _______ 24. Have you ever used Supervisor status to obtain unusual favors? _______ 25. Have you passed a student just to be kind? _______ 26. Have you ever failed to correct a student's mistakes? _______ 27. Have you done something you wouldn't like your students to know about? _______ 28. Have you ever failed to fully apply study tech? _______ 29. Are you pretending that you know study tech? _______ 30. Have you failed to use Word Clearing? _______ 31. Have you done admin or other duties during course time? _______ 32. Have you ever allowed a course to be interrupted? _______ 33. Have you ever permitted a student to enturbulate a class? _______ 34. Have you ever offloaded students instead of handling? _______ 35. Have you ever failed to recover a blown student? _______ 36. Have you ever used your position as a Supervisor to procure students for another group? _______ 37. Have you ever subjected a student to ridicule? _______ 38. Have you C/Sed student sessions when not qualified to do so? _______ 39. Have you ever flunked a student who really knew the data? _______ 40. Is there something a student might find out about you? _______ 41. Have you ever run a slow course? _______ 42. Have you not studied your hat? _______ 43. Have you pretended qualifications not attained? _______ 44. Have you personally studied past misunderstoods? _______ 45. Have you ever invalidated study tech? _______ 46. Have you ever invalidated Scientology materials? _______ 47. Supervisor have you produced any overt products? _______ 48. Have you ever condoned out-tech? _______ 49. As a Supervisor have you ever done anything you wouldn't want LRH to know about? _______ 50. Concerning study or supervision have you committed any overt that hasn't been revealed? _______ Robin Hubbard Flag D of T and Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:RH.mh rd for the Copyright $c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 304  Robin Hubbard Flag D of T and Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=24/12/72 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=1 rDate=18/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Integrity Processing Form 5 STUDENT INTEGRITY LIST  Type = 11 iDate=24/12/72 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 DECEMBER 1972R Issue V Revised & Reissued 18 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 DECEMBER 1972 Issue V SAME TITLE (The only revision is on this page, paragraph 1: HCO B 5 DEC 72 is revised to read BTB 5 DEC 72.) Integrity Processing Form 5 STUDENT INTEGRITY LIST For use in Integrity Processing by a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. See BTB 5 DEC 72 for procedure. AUDITOR: ______________________________ PRECLEAR: __________________________ ORG: ______________________________ DATE: _________________ 1. Are you here for some purpose other than what you say? _______ 2. Have you falsified your qualifications? _______ 3. Are you trying to upset or damage Scientology? _______ 4. Have you done something you don't want this Organization to find out about? _______ 5. Have you had a sexual relationship with another student? _______ 6. Are you here to procure Pcs or students for another group? _______ 7. Are you here to get data for someone else? _______ 8. Have you ever cheated in an examination? _______ 9. Have you ever upset a classroom? _______ 10. Have you ever made trouble for a teacher? _______ 11. Do you have overts against students? _______ 12. Have you falsely attested to passing something? _______ 13. Have you ever given a twin a false pass? _______ 14. Have you allowed yourself to be passed on something you didn't fully understand? _______ 15. Have you pretended to know? _______ 16. Have you ever falsely signed off an item on a checksheet? _______ 17. Have you argued with a Supervisor? _______ 18. Have you ever refused to comply with a cramming order? _______ 305 19. During study have you ever failed to look up a word you didn't know? _______ 20. Have you ever checked out a student without demanding application? _______ 21. Have you ever flunked a student for something he really knew? _______ 22. Have you ever interrupted a student while studying? _______ 23. Have you ever disturbed a class? _______ 24. Do you have overts against the subject you are studying? _______ 25. Have you done something that makes you not deserve study? _______ 26. Have you not paid your course fees? _______ 27. Do you have unpaid debts to this or another Scientology Org? _______ 28. Have you ever studied in order to harm others? _______ 29. Have you ever used punishment to make others study? _______ 30. Do you intend using what you learn here for some unworthy purpose? _______ 31. Have you violated student rules? _______ 32. Have you stolen anything belonging to another student? _______ 33. Have you taken Org materials without authorization? _______ 34. Have you given another student verbal tech data? _______ 35. Have you been insecure with confidential materials? _______ 36. Have you read classified materials? _______ 37. Have you given Scientology materials to the press? _______ 38. Are you a member of a group opposed to Scientology? _______ 39. Have you ever caused a student to blow? _______ 40. Have you badly audited a fellow student? _______ 41. Have you ever made Scientology or a Scientology Organization look bad? _______ 42. Have you done something you don't want this Organization to know about? _______ 43. Do you have any overt connected with study or this Organization that you haven't revealed? _______ Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:mh.rd for the Copyright $c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 306  Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 21 iDate=18/9/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STUDY COMPLEXITY AND CONFRONTING   Remimeo Academies SHSBC  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 18 SEPTEMBER 1967 Remimeo Academies SHSBC STUDY COMPLEXITY AND CONFRONTING In some researches I have been doing recently on the field of study, I have found what appears to be the basic law on complexity. It is: THE DEGREE OF COMPLEXITY IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEGREE OF NON-CONFRONT. Reversing this: THE DEGREE OF SIMPLICITY IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEGREE OF CONFRONT and THE BASIS OF ABERRATION IS A NON-CONFRONT. To the degree that a being cannot confront he enters substitutes which, accumulating, bring about a complexity. I found this while examining the subject of NAVIGATION in order to teach it and clarify it. I found that Man had based the subject on an incorrect primary assumption. All subjects have as their basis a point of first assumption. In Man's technology this is usually weak and non-factual which makes his technology very frail and limited. To reform a subject one has to find this primary assumption and improve it. This reforming of technical subjects is of great interest to us because our subject Scientology is advanced even beyond the space travel technologies of very high civilizations. Yet it is flanked on all sides by Man's corny antique technology in the field of physics, chemistry, "mathematics" and so on. This tends to hold us back somewhat. We strained his tech forward to get the E-Meter, the one thing we had to have. In Navigation, Man bases the whole subject on the assumption that one can't confront where he came from or is going or where he is. It assumes he is lost. This is a basis assumption of non-confront. He can't directly see where he has been or where he is going at sea -- it is so large -- so he takes off from a point of no-confront in all his reasoning in the subject. Therefore he goes into a series of symbols and begins to substitute symbols for symbols. This winds him up in a mass of complexity. One spends 90% of his time in studying this subject trying to find out what symbols the symbols are meant to represent. He says in his texts "G.H.A." On search we find this means "Greenwich Hour Angle". On further search we find this means what angle some heavenly body forms when related to Greenwich as Zero. On further search we find the idiocy that the navigator's clock tells angles in HOURS when all he needs is a clock face giving 360 degrees. This is of course complete nonsense. Why hours, and two sets of 12 at that (midnight to Noon and Noon to midnight) when what he is trying to find out is how many degrees of time have passed. He refers his time to the Sun which, because of the rotations of Earth every 24 hours, appears at an increasing number of degrees from Greenwich England as the day advances. Because he starts from a no-confront of ship or plane position he then carries no-confront though the whole subject. If a man isn't lost as he begins to "navigate" he very often is when he finishes! Actually no ship or plane is ever lost as to position. One knows he is on Earth and 309 in what ocean and on what side of what ocean and the subject really should be one which merely lets one CORRECT his position a bit. Man in this subject of navigation even scorns direct observation (confront) and calls it "jackass navigation!" In actual fact real navigation is the science of recognition of positions and objects and estimation of relative distances and angles between them. The subject is made complex because it has become, in Man's hands, the substitution of symbols for symbols all based on the assumption that he can't confront his departure, his current spot or his point of arrival. Out of this, with further study in other fields, I found that any complexity stemmed from an initial point of non-confront. This is why looking at or recognizing the source of an aberration in processing "blows" it, makes it vanish. Mental mass accumulates in a vast complexity solely because one would not confront something. To take apart a problem requires only to establish what one could not or would not confront. The basic thing Man can't or won't confront is evil. These people who always rationalize evil behavior -- "He wasn't feeling well which is why he murdered the policeman," etc. -- can be counted on to voice some theetie-weetie (goodie-goodie) justification for somebody's thoroughly evil conduct. Mr. X wrecks a house and you remark on it and Miss Theetie Weetie will feel compelled to say, "Oh, Mr. X had a poor childhood and he didn't mean any wrong...." She can't confront the simple but evil fact that Mr. X is a complete dog. One feels his hair stand on end when Miss Theetie Weetie does this because one is observing a complete non-confront on the part of Miss Theetie Weetie. She is too unreal to do other than make one feel he has had an ARC Break. One will also find that Miss Theetie Weetie leads a horribly complex life -- adjusting her thinking to agree with "air spirits" and leaving her family because there might be mice in the basement. When no-confront enters, a chain may be set up which leads to total complexity and total unreality. This, in a very complex form, we call an "aberrated condition". People like that can't solve even rudimentary problems and act in an aimless and confused way. To resolve their troubles requires more than education or discipline. It requires processing. Some people are so "complex" that their full aberration does fully not resolve until they attain a high level of OT. A large number of people de-aberrate just by the education contained in Scientology as they find in our subject the natural laws of life and seeing (confronting) them, "blow" huge holes in their complexities and aberrations. Therefore the above laws are very important ones as they explain what aberration really is and why processing really works. Aberration is a chain of vias based on a primary non-confront. Processing is a series of methods arranged on an increasingly deep scale of bringing the preclear to confront the no-confront sources of his aberrations and leading him to a simple, powerful, effective being. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 310  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/9/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STUDY DEFINITIONS   Remimeo Student Hat All Courses HC Checksheet Study Series 1  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1970 Student Hat All Courses HC Checksheet Study Series 1 STUDY DEFINITIONS The following definitions are applicable to Scientology study technology: CHECKSHEET: A list of materials, often divided into sections, that give the theory and practical steps which, when completed, give one a study completion. The items are selected to add up to the required knowledge of the subject. They are arranged in the sequence necessary to a gradient of increasing knowledge of the subject. After each item there is a place for the initial of the student or the person checking the student out. When the checksheet is fully initialed it is complete, meaning the student may now take an exam and be granted the award for completion. Some checksheets are required to be gone through twice before completion is granted. CHECKLIST: A list of actions or inspections to ready an activity or machinery or object for use or estimate the needful repairs or corrections. This is erroneously sometimes called a "checksheet", but that word is reserved for study steps. CHECKOUT: The action of verifying a student's knowledge of an item given on a checksheet. TWIN CHECKOUT: When two students are paired they check each other out. This is different than a Supervisor checkout. SUPERVISOR CHECKOUT: A checkout done by the Supervisor of a course or his assistants. THEORY: The data part of a course where the data as in books, tapes and manuals is given. PRACTICAL: The drills which permit the student to associate and coordinate theory with the actual items and objects to which the theory applies. Practical is application of what one knows to what one is being taught to understand, handle or control. TWIN: The study partner with whom one is paired. Two students studying the same subject who are paired to check out or help each other are said to be "Twinned". TWO-WAY COMM: The precise technology of a process used to clarify data with another for the other. It is not chatter. It is governed by the rules of auditing. It is used by Supervisors to clear up blocks to a person's progress in study, on post, in life or in auditing. It is governed by the communication cycle as discovered in Scientology. METER CHECK: The action of checking the reaction of a student to subject matter, words or other things, isolating blocks to study, interpersonal relations or life. It is done with an E-Meter. COURSE SUPERVISOR: The instructor in charge of a course and its students. COURSE ADMINISTRATOR: The course staff member in charge of the course materials and records. 311 TECH SERVICES: The activity which enrolls, routes, schedules, distributes the mail of and assists the housing of students. STARRATE CHECKOUT: A very exact checkout which verifies the full and minute knowledge of the student of a portion of study materials and tests his full understanding of the data and ability to apply it. ZERO RATE: Material which is only checked out on the basis of general understanding. BLOW: Unauthorized departure from an area, usually caused by misunderstood data or overts. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: An authorized period of absence from a course granted in writing by a Course Supervisor and entered in the student's study folder. ROLL BOOK: The master record of a course giving the student's name, local and permanent address and the date of enrollment and departure or completion. QUAL: The Qualifications Division (Division V of an org) where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certificates and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. CRAMMING: A section in the Qualifications Div where a student is given high pressure instruction at his own cost after being found slow in study or when failing his exams. PROGRAMMING: The overall planning for a person of the courses, auditing and study he should follow for the next extended time period. STUDENT CONSULTATION: The personal handling of student problems or progress by a qualified consultant. HC: A HUBBARD CONSULTANT is skilled in testing, two-way comm, consultation, programming and interpersonal relations. This is the certificate especially awarded to persons trained to handle personnel, students and staff. These technologies and special training were developed to apply Scientology auditing skills to the field of administration especially. An HC is not an auditor but a consultant. HC is a requisite for Course Supervisors and Student Consultants. SCHEDULING: The hours of a course or the designation of certain times for auditing. OUT: Things which should be there and aren't or should be done and aren't are said to be "Out", i.e. "Enrollment Books are out." IN: Things which should be there and are or should be done and are, are said to be "In", i.e. "We got scheduling in." PACK: A pack is a collection of written materials which match a checksheet. It is variously constituted -- such as loose leaf or a cardboard folder or bulletins in a cover stapled together. A pack does not necessarily include a booklet or hardcover book that may be called for as part of a checksheet. MANUAL: A booklet of instruction for a certain object or procedure or practice. POINTS: The arbitrary assignment of a credit value to a part of study materials. "One page equals one point." "That drill is worth 25 points." POINT SYSTEM: The system of assigning and counting up points for studies and drills that give the progress of a student and measure his speed of study. They are 312 kept track of by the student and Course Administrator and added up each week as the student's statistic. The statistic of the course is the combined study points of the class. COMPLETION: A "completion" is the completing of a specific course or an auditing grade, meaning it has been started, worked through and has successfully ended with an award in Qual. SUCCESS STORY: The statement of benefit or gains or wins made by a student or a preclear Or pre-OT to the Success Officer or someone holding that post in an org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr.rd Copyright $c 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 313  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 2 CONFRONTING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JUNE 1971 Issue I (Corrected and Reissued 30 December 72. Corrections in this type style.) Remimeo Study Series 2 CONFRONTING The first requisite of any subject is the ability to confront the various components (things) (parts) (divisions) of the subject itself. All misunderstoods, confusions, omissions, alterations of a subject begin with failures or unwillingness to confront. The difference between a good pilot and a bad pilot depends of course on consistent study and practice, but underlying this, determining whether the person will study and practice, is the ability to confront the components of study and airplanes. A "quick study", by which is meant a student who learns rapidly or a person who grasps a subject quickly, has a high ability to confront that subject. In a dramatic profession, the wild animal trainer who could confront wild animals remained alive. The one who couldn't confront was too slow of perception to live long. In a more common line of work, the fast typist could confront study and typing in the first place and the slow typist couldn't and can't. The confusions about "talent" and "native ability" and such are resolved to no small extent when one recognizes the role played by the ability to confront. Basically, if one can just be there with it, he can then achieve the skill of communicating with whatever "it" is and handling it. Thus, before communicating with the components of a subject can properly begin, one must be able to be there comfortably with the components of the subject. All power depends upon the ability to hold a location. To communicate one must be able to hold to a location. This is even true in the physical universe. You can't move a chair unless you can hold a position yourself near the chair. If you don't believe it, try it. Thus the ability to communicate with precedes the ability to handle. But before one can communicate with something one must be able to be in a location near it. The age-old puzzle of how some scholars can get "A" on a subject they have studied and then not be able to apply even a scrap of the data is resolved by this fact of confronting. They can confront the book, the class and the thought. But they haven't attained the ability to confront the physical objects of the subject. At least such "glib" students can confront the book, the paper, the thought. They are part-way there. Now all they need to do is confront as well the physical things to which the subject is applied and they would be able to apply what they know. 314 Some people are not so lucky as to be "glib" students. They have to work up to "being there" with the book, paper, classroom and teacher. Thus "confronting" is actually the ability to be there comfortably and perceive. Amazing reactions occur when conscious effort is made to do this. Dullness, perception trouble, fogginess, sleep and even pains, emotions and convulsions can occur when one knowingly sets out to BE THERE AND COMFORTABLY PERCEIVE with the various parts of a subject. These reactions discharge and vanish as one perseveres (continues) and at last, sometimes soon, sometimes after a long while, one can be there and perceive the component. As one is able to confront one part he then finds it easier to confront other components. People have mental tricks they use to get around actual confronting -- to be disinterested, to realize it's not important, to be sort of half dead, etc -- but these discharge (run out) as well eventually and at last they can just be there and comfortably perceive. Eye blinks, swallows, twitches, aches, pains, are all systems of interrupting confronting and are the symptoms of discomfort. There are many of these. If they are present then one is not just being there and perceiving. Confronting on a via (using a relay point) is another method of ducking out of it. The worst off cannot even tolerate the idea of being there and perceiving anything. They run away, even go into emotional fits rather than be there and perceive. Such people's lives are a system of interruptions and vias, all substitutes for confronting. They are not very successful. For success in life depends not on running away from it but by being there and perceiving it and then being able to communicate with it and handle it. TERMS "A gradient scale" means a gradual increasing condition of, or a little more of, little by little. A "skipped gradient" means taking on a higher degree or amount before a lesser degree of it has been handled. One has to go back and handle the missed degree or thing or else one will have just losses on a subject thereafter. "Flattening" something means to do it until it no longer produces a reaction. "Overrunning" something means accumulating protests and upsets about it until it is just a mass of stops. Anyone can do anything forever unless he begins to stop it. "Invalidation" means a refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact. GRADIENTS Some of the things one would have to be able to be there and perceive in order to study, placed on a graduated scale of increasing difficulty are: Beginning at all. The classroom or work space. Paper. 315 Books. Writing materials. Sounds. A Student. The Supervisor. The area of the study subject's physical components. The motionless equipment of the subject. The moving equipment of the subject. Masses connected with the subject. The subject as a whole. The next stages would have to be confronting while moving. This requires a consecutive being there and perceiving even though one is occupying different locations. The next stages would be confronting selectively while moving despite other things seeking to distract. This Bulletin is not an effort to set out the numerous confronting drills. It is intended to set out the various axioms or laws necessary to an understanding of the subject of confronting itself. From these brief notes all the axioms can be derived. The fundamental and basic simplicities of confronting itself is the first thing that must be grasped. All complexity surrounding any subject or action is derived (comes from) a greater or lesser inability to confront. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.nt.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 316  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=22/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 3 CONFRONTING, ADDITION  Type = 11 iDate=22/7/71 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 22 JULY 1971 Issue II Remimeo Reissued 9 July 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1971 Issue II SAME TITLE Study Series 3 CONFRONTING, ADDITION (Reference: HCO B 2 June 71, Study Series 2, CONFRONTING) In reference to the gradient of study objects to confront, under the item "paper" the following procedure applies: The student would confront an HCO PL or an HCO B. It is tacked to the wall upside down so it can't be read. The student sits in a chair and confronts it. It is not the significance of the bulletin that the student is confronting, it is the bulletin itself, the physical object. This is continued until the student is able to be there and comfortably perceive the upside-down bulletin. It is usually done for 2 hours, no blink, no swallow, no twitch. Once this is accomplished, the student moves to the next gradient per the list in HCO B 2 June 71, CONFRONTING, Study Series 2. Hatted Scn Expeditor Taken from an LRH Note Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH: NR:mh.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 317  Hatted Scn Expeditor Taken from an LRH Note Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 21 iDate=13/5/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 4 Establishment Officer Series 17 Language Series 4 CHINESE SCHOOL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 13 MAY 1972 Remimeo Study Series 4 Establishment Officer Series 17 Language Series 4 CHINESE SCHOOL As very few Westerners have ever seen a Chinese or Arab school in progress, it is very easy for them to miss the scene when one says "Chinese School". The term has been used to designate an action where an instructor or officer, with a pointer, stands up before an assembled class and taps a chart or org board and says each part of it. It is very funny to one who knows or has heard a real Chinese school to see the class sitting there silently. This is strictly a Western pattern. This is how teacher does it in Omaha or Cornell. But never in Shanghai! A Chinese class sings out in unison (all together) in response to the teacher. They participate! The only Western near equivalent is a German beer hall where the audience choruses items sung out by the song leader. Chinese School, then, is an action of class vocal participation. It is a very lively loud affair. It sounds like chanting. In a real Chinese School the response is so timed that although spoken by many voices it is quite easy to tell what answer is being chorused. It is essentially a system that establishes instant thought responses so that the student, given "2x2" thinks instantly "4". For example, the instructor, tapping a big multiplication chart cries "Two Times Two". The class in one voice cries "Four". Instructor: "Five times Two". Class: "Ten". And so on and on and on by the hour. This gets more complex when, let us say, the maxims of good conduct or the Koran are being taught. In such cases the tablets or scrolls are on the wall. The teacher calls Chapter and verse and the students chant it. You could teach the Laws of Listing and Nulling, The Auditor's Code, Axioms and so on in this way. The tools are the same -- an instructor, a pointer, a chart or set of pictures or big scrolls, a class. There are two steps in such teaching. A. The Instructor taps and says what it is. Then asks the Class what it is and they chant the answer. B. When the Class has learned by being told and repeating, the Instructor now taps with the pointer and asks and the class chants the correct answer. DRILL The Instructor himself has to grasp the drill. Here is how it would go on an org bd. 318 A. Instructor taps Div 1. "This is Division One HCO Division." Class chants "Division One HCO Division". Instructor taps Div 6. "This is Division 6 Distribution Division." Class: "Division 6 Distribution Division." And so on until all divisions have been named a few times. B. Instructor taps Div 1. "What is this?" Class: "Division One HCO Division." Instructor taps Div 4. "What is this?" Class: "Division Four Tech Division." And so on and on. The divisions are then considered trained in on the Class. Next one would go to Departments. Then to philosophic names of Departments. Then to Sections. Then one would go to the titles of each Division Head. Then to Dept Heads. Etc. Etc. If one had a function org board of what each div and department and post did one would go on with the same thing. A Chinese School drill run for a short period each day will eventually cover an enormous amount of org bd. Newcomers to the drill have to be schooled in to catch up or join a new class. Anything can be taught by Chinese School that is to be learned by rote. The parts and actions are always the same. There is also a version that uses a text, preferably with a copy of it in each student's hands. It sounds the same. One is limited only by what he can put on a chart or even in a text where each student has a copy of the text open before him. Crude charts are easy to draw up with a felt (heavy ink) pen. The size of a chart is determined by the ability of the students furthest away to see it easily. Cloud types, pictures to be named in a foreign language, even slides of airplane types, anything can be Chinese Schooled that is to be learned verbatim. And you'd be surprised how many things should be. And if they aren't the person has a shaky foundation under the subject. Care should be taken to define strange words. But it is not really a problem or exercise in word clearing. It is verbatim rote teaching. And it works. And is lots of fun. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 319  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=30/5/72 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 5R THE PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN REVISED   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 MARCH 1972 REVISED (Revised 30 May 72) Remimeo Study Series 5R THE PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN REVISED Reference: LRH ED 174 INT Study and Tech Breakthrough LRH ED 178 INT Super-Literacy of 30 May 72 HCO B 4 Apr 72 The Primary Rundown Revised 30 May 72 HCO B 25 Oct 71 The Special Drug Rundown HCO B 20 Apr 72 C/S Series 78 (Repairing Whys) HCO PL 3 May 72 Ethics & Executives HCO PL 5 Apr 72 PTS Type A Handling HCOB 4 Feb 72 Study Correction List HCOB 21 Jun 72 Method 7 Issue III HCOB 21 Jun 72 Method 8 Issue IV WHAT IT IS The Primary Correction Rundown is a rundown given (a) To a person who fails the Primary Rundown because of High or Low TA or Study Troubles. (b) To every Course Supervisor regardless of his TA. (c) To persons whose literacy level is not adequate to do the Primary Rundown. (d) To persons on drugs or who have been on drugs. (e) To auditors who go too often to Cramming. (f) Auditors whose auditing errors show up later on pcs. (g) Staff members who are not able to maintain stats. (h) Staff members who get into Ethics trouble. (i) Students with low study stats. (j) Blown students. (k) Members of the public who wish to purchase a "Study Rundown" but who are not going to be auditors and who are not on major Courses (HSDC, Academy Class IV, or above). The Rundown consists of Ethics orientation on the first dynamic, Potential Trouble Source from connections with hostile elements, drug handling, case handling, the why of not using Study Tech or study, the Study Correction List and handling, Method 7, a review of Grammar, and then back to a Primary RD consisting of Method 1 Word Clearing, Method 8 on Study Tapes and Student Hat. The Primary Correction Rundown is actually a checklist where each one of these is done. This checklist is kept in his pc folder on the inside of the left front cover and marked off. 320 __________________________________ ________________________________ Student's Name Date Begun ________________________________ Org 1. C/S 53RC (HCO B 31 Dec 71 Revised to 16 May 72). Assess and Handle fully. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 2. HCO PL 3 May 72 with 2 lists Listing & Nulling on steps 3 and 4 of the PL. By an auditor. May require the repair of past Whys found by C/S 78. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 3. PTS Check by Auditor. Is he connected to anyone hostile to Dianetics or Scientology? Handle by PL 5 Apr 72. (It isn't necessary he leave to handle. A letter will do.) More extensive action can be done later when he gets a full PTS RD. Such persons can also be run as a Problem. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 4. Drug Handling. HCO B 25 Oct 71, The Special Drug Rundown. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 5. Case Handling. Pgm by C/S to cover obvious outnesses, GF Method 5, GF 40XR and other actions needful. (If chronically ill or has a psychotic history should be run on Expanded Dianetics if available, if not by objective processes and Dianetics.) (Can also be run on Triple or Expanded Grades.) DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 6. The Why of not Studying if never studied before in an org or not using Study Tech. Done as a BD F/N Item. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 7. The Study Correction List HCO B 4 Feb 72. Assess Method 5 with good TRs, good Impingement, good metering. Handle in full. If PTS shows up again do full PTS RD. Handle to a full F/Ning list on final assessment. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 8. Method 7 HCO B 21 June 72 Issue III. Done by a Word Clearer. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 9. Review of Grammar by a Word Clearer M4 with student studying between checks by himself and reporting daily. Use a simple grammar such as that developed for foreign language students. Do not use an American dictionary and an English Grammar or vice versa, either both American or both English. Must check out clean on Method 4 and know about grammar. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 10. Method 1 Word Clearing HCO B 30 June 71 Revised to 11 May 72, Word Clearing Series 8RB. All the misunderstood background words of all words on the list must be cleared. The list must F/N. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 11. Method 8, HCO B 21 June 72 Issue IV, Study Tapes. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ 12. Method 8, Student Hat. DECLARED AT EXAMINER. _______ WITH A FINAL CHECKOUT AT EXAMINER THE PERSON MAY BE DECLARED SUPER-LITERATE. This is the whole of the Primary Correction Rundown. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:nt.rd Founder Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 321  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 6 PRIMARY RUNDOWN NOTE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 APRIL 1972 Remimeo Study Series 6 PRIMARY RUNDOWN NOTE Reference HCO B 30 Mar 72 LRH ED 174 Int In going through the Study Tapes the first time, the student looks up every word. On this first time he does not study for the sense of what is being said. He only listens to words. In this and in Method 4 word clearing, when being checked he is asked "What is the definition of _____________ (word)?" He is NOT asked "Do you know the meaning of _____________ (word)?" To this he could answer "Yes" and believe he did. But when asked for the definition that he must then give, it is a different story entirely. This is also the right way to handle any defining of words. M2, M4. As well as Methods 1 & 3. Never let the student be unsure. Make him look it up. You will find that it is the simple word, "as", "such", "from", that really bogs reading, not technical terms. In the Study Tapes there are some photographic terms. Any photo dictionary can give these. Almost any camera store has such dictionaries. SECOND TIME The second time through the Study Tapes the student listens for the sense of the sentences. It is very revealing to do the Primary Rundown in this fashion. Some students are actually getting meaning out of something heard or read for the first time in their lives. No wonder school children, by test, get more stupid each additional year of school. This has been established by actual test, that they do. Each year they just have a higher mountain of misunderstood words! The Primary Rundown done HONESTLY is quite an adventure in opening up one's Communication Channels with life! L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mes.rd Founder Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 322  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=30/5/72 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PRIMARY RUNDOWN (REVISED)   Remimeo Tech Div  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 APRIL 1972 Remimeo REVISED 30 MAY 1972 Tech Div PRIMARY RUNDOWN (REVISED) References: LRH ED 178 INT SUPER-LITERACY LRH ED 174 INT HIGHEST PRIORITY STUDY AND TECH BREAKTHROUGH HCO B 30 Mar 72 THE PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN Revised 30 May 72 REVISED HCO B 30 Jun 71 Word Clearing Series 8RB Revised Issue II STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING Revised 9 Aug 71 IN SESSION METHOD 1 Revised 11 May 72 HCO B 21 Jul 71 Word Clearing Series 35 Revised WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST Revised 9 Aug 71 REVISED Revised 31 Mar 72 HCO B 21 Jun 72 Word Clearing Series 41 Issue IV METHOD 8 HCO B 16 Apr 72 HANDLING OF NO INTERFERENCE AREA Issue II PERSONS ORDERED TO A PRIMARY [now cancelled] CORRECTION RUNDOWN AND DELIVERY OF TECH DIV PRIMARY RUNDOWN HCO B 25 Oct 71 THE SPECIAL DRUG RUNDOWN Issue II [now BTB] HCO PL 19 Mar 72 Word Clearing Series 34 Issue III HIGH CRIME POLICY AND WORD CLEARING HCO B 3 Apr 72 Study Series 6 PRIMARY RUNDOWN NOTE To know about the importance of the Primary Rundown read LRH ED 178 Int. The Primary Rundown consists of word clearing and Study Tech. It makes a student SUPER-LITERATE. The Primary Rundown is given in the TECH DIVISION (Div IV, Dept 11). (The TECH DIV may also give that portion of the Primary Correction Rundown which calls for Method 1 and Method 8 of the Primary Correction Rundown which is described in HCO B 30 March 72 Revised 30 May 72.) SIMPLICITY The Primary Rundown is very simple in its steps. Do NOT add things onto it. Do not do something else. HONESTY The keynote of the Rundown is Honesty. The whole rundown can be wasted and the student fail and the End Phenomena missed if the student goes dishonest or he is just pushed for student points by the Supervisor. If done dishonestly the whole future study career of the student will be not only more difficult but may fail entirely. 323 Honesty means don't skip, don't brush it off, don't say it was done when it wasn't. Later checks of auditing or administrative failures contain checks of the Primary Rundown errors and honesty. The whole rundown would have to be done again. STEPS 1. Verify if student's Tone Arm on a meter is usually between position 2 and 3. If so he may proceed. If not he at once is sent to the Primary Correction Rundown as his case needs repair or handling before he can do the Rundown as mental mass will get in his way and he may get upset. This step is checked by the Supervisor. (The Primary Correction Rundown is covered by HCO B 30 March 72 REVISED 30 May 72. It consists of auditing and study correction actions.) 2. If the Tone Arm is usually between 2 and 3 on the meter dial the person is made into a Word Clear using Method 1 Word Clearing. (HCO B 30 June 71 Revised Issue II, Revised 9 Aug 71, Revised 11 May 72, WORD CLEARING SERIES 8RB.) This is done in the HGC or Dept 13 of Qual or may be done in a student Co-Audit. Failure to do this step or do it well will make Study Tech difficult. A good job on this Method One will give back a person's education and send his Intelligence Quotient up. It is not a quickie action. The person doing Word Clearing Method 1 on a person is doing an auditing action. It has to be done well to achieve the final result of becoming a Word Clear. If any errors are made or the person does not F/N at the Examiner (where he goes after each session for a meter check), HCO B 21 July 71 Revised (Revised 9 Aug 71, 31 Mar 72), WORD CLEARING SERIES 35, the Word Clearing Correction List, is used. It can be used as often as there are upsets. This step should be done before the next step is begun as it makes the next step so much easier. HCO P/L 19 Mar 72 Issue III, Word Clearing Series 34, HIGH CRIME POLICY, also applies. 3. If in doing Method 1 the person was found to be very deficient in Grammar and vocabulary, even though Method One was finished but took a very long time or be finished due to case, the person is sent to Dept 13 for the Primary Correction Rundown. 4. If the person did all right on Method 1, he is now put on Study Tapes. This is NOT just listening to Study Tapes, heaven forbid. This is HCO B 21 June 72 Issue IV, Word Clearing Series 41, METHOD 8. This is a long and careful cycle. It is completed in full. It consists of looking up every new word on the tape in a grammar or large dictionary and then listening to the tape. The full directions are given in HCO B 21 June 72 Issue IV, Word Clearing Series 41, Method 8. 5. The Student Hat is now done Method 8. This completes the Primary Rundown. If correctly done, the person will achieve the condition of Super- Literacy. This is fully described in LRH ED 178 International of 30 May 72. 324 COURSE SUPERVISOR It is up to the Course Supervisor to hold this line in. His students will not prosper if their study is begun without a Primary Rundown. It is a high crime to omit this vital step. NO INTERFERENCE ZONE Persons who are on Solo Auditing between R6EW and OT III may not be put on a Primary Rundown or a Primary Correction Rundown. See HCO B 16 Apr 72 Issue II. They may not be given Method 1 Word Clearing. They may only be Method 4ed on Solo Instruction Materials. BUT THEY MAY. NOT BE DEBARRED FROM STUDY. To all but those in the No Interference Area THE PRIMARY RUNDOWN IS THE REQUIRED FIRST STEP TO ALL STUDY. When on or after OT III, such persons must now do the Primary Rundown before any continuance of study. It now becomes Mandatory. CORRECTION RD The Primary Correction Rundown takes care of people who have trouble on the Primary Rundown. But do not lightly order the person to the Primary Correction RD. If they can get through the Primary Rundown with a bit of Supervisor time, let them go on through. But if they are nattery or upset or desperate even when given help, it is the Primary Correction Rundown which will handle. Do not just get rid of a Class to Qual. DRUGS Students who are or have been on Drugs need a Drug Rundown before tackling Method 1. Drugs fog up a student and prevent gains. And he loses the gains he gets. The answer is a full Drug Rundown. (See HCO B 25 Oct 71, "The Special Drug Rundown".) This will end off the drugs and let him live way above any plane he thought drugs put him on. We handle drug cases so easily it is foolish not to take this obvious step. The reason he went on drugs or alcohol also comes off. Then he can study and retain what he learns. OPEN DOOR The Primary Rundown is the open door to brilliance. Super-Literacy is a new state for Man, existing in the past only in a few, accidentally, who became the geniuses and great names of the race. LRH:nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright$c 1972 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 325  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/7/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN HANDLING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 JULY 1972 Issue I Remimeo PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN HANDLING (Refers to HCO B 30 March 72, Revised 30 May 72, "Primary Correction Rundown") Students who struggle with the Primary Rundown (HCO B 4 Apr 72, Revised 30 May 72) are given the PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN. Steps 1 to 9 of the PCRD (per HCO B 30 March 72, Revised 30 May 72) are paid for by the pc quite in addition to his Primary Rundown. IF available auditors exist on Course of a proper class and the pc is a student then these steps 1 to 9 PCRD may be done on a co-audit basis. BUT IF NOT WELL DONE OR MESSED UP OR DELAYED MUST BE DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR AT THE STUDENT'S OWN EXPENSE. A STAFF MEMBER stalled on the Primary Rundown is put through the PCRD in Qual or Qual and HGC for different steps. Qualifications is the Correction Division. PCRD is a Correction action. There should be word clearers in Qual. And these as Class IIIs should be competent to do steps 1 to 9 of the PCRD. The object of a PCRD is not to stall the person and keep him off the PRD. The purpose of the PCRD is to get the person through the PRD. Where people have been put off the PRD for any reason and are not industriously going through the PCRD IT IS UP TO QUAL TO MAKE SURE THEY DO GET THROUGH PCRD AND PRD. Orgs that offload pcs or students on the thinnest excuses or Qual Divisions that will not service and speed the lines have to be watched as the discovery of trouble on the PRD can be used to simply halt the student or pc. Instead of picking up the ball, a Qual has been known to just send students back to class without handling or put students to "doing their hats" or other nonsense. The idea is to complete somebody on what they are supposed to complete. FOLDER STUDY If you study the person's folder, particularly a staff member's, you will probably find that several of the steps 1 to 9 have already been done. These are checked off as done on the PCRD checklist. Any org that is worthy of the name has folder summaries in the inside left-hand cover of the current folder. It is very easy to locate what have been done. OUT LISTS It is not at all rare to find that various "whys have been found" but that the person is not doing well. This is a case of WRONG ITEMS and is handled by C/S Series 78. Thus steps 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the PCRD may consist mainly of correcting botched up lists. 326 IDLE STUDENT The problem of putting someone off the PRD onto the PCRD is that he is now "idle as a student". He cannot go forward on his studies as he has not done his PRD. In fact going on studying without the PRD is a waste of time as it's mainly misunderstood, glib and won't be applied. It is actually faster to do a PRD (or a PCRD) and then study than it is to study without the PRD or PCRD. And it is certainly far more effective. The thing to do is to get the student who is assigned to the PCRD through the PCRD. As noted above he may have several points already done. And the rest can be done easily and fast. RESISTIVE STUDENTS There are situations where you have students or even executives who will not even go to study. These are of course people who need the PCRD worst. But how to get them available even for that? In the case of a senior executive who will not study you can get a disarrangement of the study lines as they won't push and will even impede study -- for instance by not making staff go to study time or preventing them from going. Also policy and HCO Bs fall out or are not enforced and form of org is not held since reading and study are similar actions so standard actions are not known. Naturally such a thing has to be handled very fast. Because cooperation from such a student is VERY limited, time to do a whole PCRD is not possible. PRE-PCRD There is a PRE-PCRD action that handles this. It has 2 steps. A. Assess Method 5 C/S 53RC. Take the LFBD item and INDICATE it to the person. Don't handle it or the rest of 53RC. Just Indicate it to the pc. He will usually agree and cognite. The TA will come down further and the needle will float. That's it. B. Now take the Study Correction List. Assess it Method 5. Pick out the biggest LFBD you got. Indicate it to the pc. He will cognite, the TA will drop down and an F/N will occur. That's it. C. Put these 2 sheets in his pc folder for full handling of all reads by his auditor and add them to the pc's auditing program sheet inside the left front cover of the pc's folder. The result will often be magical. The person will become more agreeable about study or the Primary Correction Rundown. Of course they should now get a Primary Correction Rundown of which C/S 53RC is the first step anyway. This Pre-PCRD gets them started. And it only takes a little while. 327 EP The End Phenomena of a Primary Correction Rundown is "Can he now quickly and easily do the Primary Rundown?" If yes, and if it works out in practice that he can, that's it. Let him onto the Primary RD. But if he bogs, back to the PCRD. MORAL The moral of this HCO B is get them through the Primary Rundown. If they can't or don't go, do the PCRD. And if they're shunted to the PCRD get it DONE. And get them to the real EP which is SUPER LITERACY. The moral is, get them through. Don't idle about. Get it DONE. Then they will whizz along on fast flow study and you've got COMPLETIONS. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 328  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=4/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=7/2/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 7 STUDY CORRECTION LIST REVISED  Type = 11 iDate=4/2/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 FEBRUARY 1972RD Revised & Reissued 7 February 1975 as BTB (5th Revision) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 4 FEBRUARY 1972 SAME TITLE Study Series 7 STUDY CORRECTION LIST REVISED Ref: HCO B 19 Jan 66 Danger Conditions -- Technical Data for Review Auditors HCO B 9 Nov 67 Revision of Remedy A, Remedy B, and S and Ds HCO B 1 Aug 68 The Laws of Listing and Nulling HCO B 23 Nov 69R III Student Rescue Intensive Revised 26 Jun 73 HCO B 19 Mar 71 L1C HCO B 30 Jun 71 Word Clearing Series 8RB Revised 9 Aug 71 Revised 11 May 72 HCO B 9 Dec 71RA PTS Rundown Revised 21 Oct 74 HCO B 20 Jan 72 PTS RD Addition BTB 14 Aug 68R Remedy B -- Environment and "New Style" BTB 1 Dec 71R IV Effort Processing BTB 21 Jul 71 RD Word Clearing Correction List Revised BTB 1 Dec 71RB II Triple Ruds Long Duration Revised 6 Jan 75 BTB 1 Dec 71 III Rising Scale Processing This Correction List is first assessed throughout on the Meter with all reads and blowdowns properly noted (Method 5). It is then handled by taking up any Section 1 (rudiment type question) that read (ARC Brk, PTP, W/H). Thereafter it is handled on the basis of biggest reads first, then smaller reads until each read has been F/Ned by doing the action called for under the Question. Clear all words before assessment. Put in "R-Factor": "We are going to go over a list of possible study troubles. I am going to call out the question to see if it reacts on the Meter. Then after this action is done, we will take up the items one by one that were found to be active. You need not say anything during this assessment of the list. 1A. HAS THERE BEEN AN UPSET ABOUT STUDY? _______ 1B. HAVE THERE BEEN UPSETS IN GETTING WORDS CLEARED UP? _______ W/C Corr List and handle. 1C. HAVE YOU BEEN UPSET BY EARLIER STUDY REPAIRS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1D. DO YOU FEEL THAT IT WON'T DO ANY GOOD TO TRY TO HANDLE STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 329 1E. HAVE THERE BEEN UPSETS IN STUDY? _______ L1C "On study _______" each reading item to F/N. 1F. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK WITH ANOTHER STUDENT? _______ Triple "Do you have an ARC/B with another student" to F/N. Flow 2 "Does another student have an ARC/B with you" to F/N. Flow 3 "Does another have an ARC/B with another or other students" to F/N. 1G. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK WITH AN EXAMINER? _______ Triple "Do you have an ARC/B with an Examiner" to F/N. Flow 2 "Does an Examiner have am ARC/B with you" to F/N. Flow 3 "Does another have an ARC/B with an Examiner" to F/N. 1H. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK WITH A COURSE? _______ Triple "Do you have an ARC/B with a course" to F/N. Flow 2 "Does another have an ARC/B with a course" to F/N. Flow 3 "Do others have an ARC/B with a course" to F/N. 1I. HAVE YOU HAD A PTP WHILE STUDYING? _______ Triple "Have you had a PTP while studying" to F/N. Flow 2 "Has another had a PTP while studying" to F/N. Flow 3 "Have others had a PTP while studying" to F/N. 1J. IS STUDY A SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM? _______ What problem, 2wc E/S problem to F/N. 1K. IS A SUBJECT MAKING A PROBLEM THAT DIDN'T EXIST? _______ What problem, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1L. DO YOU HAVE A W/H FROM A SUPERVISOR? _______ What, who missed it, what was his action that made you think he knew, E/S W/H to F/N. Flow 2 "Does a Supervisor have a W/H from you" to F/N. Flow 3 "Do others have a W/H from a Supervisor" to F/N. 1M. DO YOU HAVE A W/H FROM A STUDENT? _______ Handle as in 1L. Flow 2 "Does a student have a W/H from you" to F/N. Flow 3 "Does another have a W/H from a student" to F/N. 1N. HAVE YOU EVER COMMITTED OVERTS ON A TEACHER OR SUPERVISOR? _______ Triple "What overt has a teacher or Supervisor committed on you" E/S to F/N. Flow 2 "What overt have you committed on a teacher or Supervisor" E/S to F/N. Flow 3 "What overts have others committed on teachers or Supervisors,, E/S to F/N. 1O. HAVE YOU EVER COMMITTED OVERTS ON STUDENTS? _______ Triple "What overts have students committed on you" E/S to F/N. Flow 2 "What overts have you committed on students" E/S to F/N. Flow 3 "What overts have others committed on students" E/S to F/N. 330 1P. HAVE YOU EVER LIED TO A TEACHER? _______ Triple "What lie has a teacher told to you" E/S to F/N. Flow 2 "What lie have you told to a teacher" E/S to F/N. Flow 3 "What lies have others told to a teacher" E/S to F/N. 1Q. HAVE YOU EVER CHEATED ON AN EXAM? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1R. HAVE YOU EVER DAMAGED STUDY MATERIALS OR BOOKS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1S. HAVE YOU EVER FAILED TO APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N: 1T. ARE YOU STUDYING FOR SOME OTHER REASON? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1U. HAVE YOU STUDIED SOMETHING OUT OF SEQUENCE? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1V. ARE YOU DOING THINGS THAT AFFECT YOUR STUDY? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1W. HAVE YOU OMITTED DOING PARTS OF A CHECKSHEET? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1X. HAVE YOU GIVEN ANOTHER STUDENT A FALSE PASS? _______ Who, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1Y. HAVE YOU PASSED A CHECKOUT, TEST OR EXAM FALSELY? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1Z. ARE YOU FALSIFYING YOUR STUDY STATS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1AA. ARE YOU NOT REALLY TRYING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Note: Take up the above Section 1 questions and clean up each one to F/N. The remainder of the list is done by biggest reads first. The whole assessment may be done before taking up any Q. But if the student is misemotional do Section 1 above, handle, then assess the remainder of the list and handle. 1BB. IN STUDY HAS THERE BEEN ANY MISREPRESENTATION? _______ What, by whom, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1CC. IN STUDY HAS THERE BEEN ANY NON-INVOLVEMENT? _______ What, by whom, 2wc E/S to F/N. 1DD. ARE, YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR STUDY TWIN? _______ Mutual ruds "Do you have an ARC/B with _______" "Does _______ have an ARC/B with you" "Do you have a problem with _______" "Does _______ have a problem with you" "Do you have a W/H from _______" "Does _______ have a W/H from you" "Have you committed an overt on _______" "Has _______ committed an overt on you" 331 (In extreme cases showing misemotion on this add to PTS R/D (a).) In case of "No study twin" as the answer, do only 2wc E/S to F/N. 1EE. HAS THERE BEEN NO ONE TO SUPERVISE YOUR STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1FF. HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS NOT BEEN ANSWERED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1GG. DID THE SUPERVISOR NOT SEEM TO CARE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1HH. DID NO ONE SHOW ANY INTEREST IN YOUR PROGRESS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1JJ. HAVE YOU NOT BEEN GIVEN WHAT WAS PROMISED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 1KK. IS YOUR POST MORE IMPORTANT? _______ Fly all ruds including overts "On your post _______ 1LL. IS YOUR ATTENTION ON YOUR POST? _______ Handle as in 1KK. 1MM. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR AUDITING? _______ What, 2wc E/S to F/N. If it's Lists, do an L4BR and handle. If this Q reads, note it for C/S. 2A. HAS THERE BEEN A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD? _______ Find it, get it looked up and corrected. 2B. HAVE THERE BEEN MISUNDERSTOOD SUBJECTS? _______ Give person Word Clear M1 or get the W/C M1 already done redone with the missing subjects added to the W/C M1 Standard C/S. 2C. HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS BEEN NOT-ISED? _______ Find it, get it looked up and corrected, each one found. 2D. ARE THERE PARTIAL MISUNDERSTOODS? _______ Find them, get them looked up and corrected. 2E. ARE YOU READING OR STUDYING SOMETHING APART FROM YOUR COURSE MATERIALS THAT YOU MISUNDERSTAND? _______ What, find the m/u/stoods, get them looked up and corrected. 2F. DO YOU HAVE A MISUNDERSTOOD FROM AN EARLIER STUDIED SUBJECT? _______ Handle as in 2B. 2G. DID YOU SUBSTITUTE A WORD? _______ Find the original word, handle it as a misunderstood. 2H. COULDN'T YOU SEE HOW IT COULD BE THAT WAY? _______ Find the m/u/stoods, get them looked up and used in sentences. 2I. DID YOU STOP YOUR STUDY OF A SUBJECT AT SOME POINT? _______ Handle as in 2B. 332 2J. WERE THERE TECHNICAL TERMS WITH NO EXPLANATION AVAILABLE? _______ Find them, get them looked up and used in sentences. 2K. DID THE SAME WORD MEAN SOMETHING ELSE IN ANOTHER SUBJECT? _______ Find it, handle as a misunderstood word in both subjects by getting the word used with the definition of each subject. 2L. HAVE YOU STUDIED AN INCOMPREHENSIBLE SUBJECT? _______ Handle as in 2B. 2M. HAVE YOU MEMORIZED DATA WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING IT? _______ What, find and handle the misunderstoods. 2N. IS THERE A DEFINITION YOU DISAGREE WITH? _______ Get off the disagreement by 2wc, then when cooled off, find and handle the misunderstood connected with it. 20. IS THERE A NAME OR TITLE OF SOMETHING YOU DISAGREE WITH? _______ Handle as in 2N. 2P. WERE THE NAMES OR TITLES GIVEN THINGS IN A SUBJECT MEANINGLESS? _______ What, 2wc to F/N, looking for any misunderstood also. 2Q. HAS THERE BEEN AN INCORRECT DEFINITION? _______ What, get off any disagreement, then get it defined correctly and used in sentences to F/N. 2R. WERE YOU NOT ABLE TO FIND A DEFINITION? _______ What, handle it as a misunderstood. 2S. DO YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE INCOMPLETE CHECKSHEET? _______ Find the earliest one, find and handle the misunderstoods connected with it. Do the same with each incomplete checksheet up to the latest one. 2T. DO YOU HAVE MISUNDERSTOODS IN THE SUBJECTS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Remedy A, then W/C M2 on earliest materials read or heard in Dn and Scn. 2U. ARE YOU HAVING ANY TROUBLE STUDYING DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY? _______ Remedy B, then handle as in 2B. 2V. HAVE YOU FAILED TO COMPLETE COURSES YOU TOOK? _______ 2wc "Tell me about courses you have failed to complete" E/S to F/N. Followed by W/C M 1 actions on courses named. 2W. DO YOU HAVE A MISUNDERSTOOD SYMBOL? _______ Find it, get it looked up and corrected. Then check for any more misunderstood symbols and handle. 3A. HAVE THE BASICS OF A SUBJECT BEEN OMITTED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3B. HAVE STUDY MATERIALS BEEN UNAVAILABLE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 333 3C. HAS THERE BEEN NO TRAINING AVAILABLE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3D. HAVE COURSE MATERIALS BEEN MISSING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3E. HAVE YOU BEEN TRYING TO STUDY A LOST TECHNOLOGY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3F. DID THE MATERIAL OF A SUBJECT NOT CONTAIN HOW YOU DO IT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3G. ARE YOU STUDYING WITH NO PROGRAM? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N: 3H. ARE YOU GETTING NOWHERE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, be alert for misunderstoods. 3I. DO YOU HAVE NO STUDY TWIN? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3J. WAS THE SUBJECT OF NO USE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, be alert for misunderstoods. 3K. DID THE SUBJECT HAVE NO APPLICATION? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3L. HAS STUDY NOT LED TO A FINITE RESULT? _______ What subject, look for m/u/stoods in it and handle. 3M. HAVE THERE BEEN INSUFFICIENT TERMS TO DIFFERENTIATE ASPECTS OF THE SUBJECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3N. HAVE YOU NOT HAD ANY REASON TO STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, be alert to any natter and pull the M/W/Hs. 30. HAVE YOU FAILED TO ACHIEVE A STUDY TARGET? 2wc E/S to F/N. 3P. WAS THE DOINGNESS CONVERTED TO SIGNIFICANCE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3Q. WAS THE SIGNIFICANCE DETACHED FROM THE ACTION? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3R. WAS IT ALL DOINGNESS AND NO SIGNIFICANCE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 3S. HAS THERE BEEN NO MASS WITH THE SIGNIFICANCE? With what piece of data, scout for any m/u/stood word, handle. Then get the data demonstrated in the session -- use a demo kit. 2wc it as needed. 3T. WAS IT TOTAL SIGNIFICANCE AND NO DOINGNESS? _______ Handle as in 3S. 3U. HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING SOMETHING WITH ITS MASS ABSENT? _______ Handle as in 3S. 334 3V. WAS THE MASS OF THE SUBJECT NOT AVAILABLE TO STUDY? _______ Handle as in 3S. 4A. WAS THE GRADIENT TOO STEEP? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4B. DID YOU SKIP A GRADIENT? _______ 2wc to find the m/u/stood word around the area Pc was studying when he was last doing well and handle. 4C. HAVE YOU STUDIED SOMETHING ON THE WRONG GRADIENT? _______ Find out if too steep, if so, handle as in 4A. If too shallow 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4D. DID YOU GO ON TO A MORE ADVANCED ACTION BEFORE ABLE TO HANDLE THE EARLIER ONE? _______ Find the earlier one, then find the misunderstood word and handle. 4E. HAS THERE BEEN A WRONG EMPHASIS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 4F. DID YOU HAVE TO LEARN TOO MANY OTHER THINGS BEFORE YOU COULD LEARN WHAT YOU WANTED TO? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4G. WAS A SUBJECT RELAYED TO YOU OVER TOO LONG A PERIOD? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 4H. DID YOU STUDY A SUBJECT FOR A LONG LONG TIME? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, handle any m/u/stood found. 4I. IS YOUR STUDY PROGRAM INCORRECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4J. WAS THE ORDER OF ACTION INCORRECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4K. DID YOU FEEL YOU HAD TO STUDY TOO MUCH TOO FAST? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4L. DO YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4M. HAVE THE TERMS USED IN A SUBJECT BEEN CHANGED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4N. HAVE YOU NEVER STUDIED THE BASIC FUNDAMENTALS OF A SUBJECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 4O. HAVE RELATIVE IMPORTANCES NOT BEEN EVALUATED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, look for misunderstoods and handle. 335 4P. HAS THERE BEEN A LACK OF THE RELATIVE APPLICABILITY OF THE DATA? _______ Handle as in 4O. 4Q. HAVE YOU STUDIED THE SAME SUBJECT MORE THAN ONCE? _______ "Why did you have to study the same subject more than once" 2wc E/S to F/N. 4R. DIDN'T YOU KNOW HOW TO STUDY A SUBJECT? _______ What subject, find and handle misunderstood words. 4S. DID YOU ALREADY HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT IN ORDER TO STUDY SOME SUBJECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 4T. DID YOU KNOW ALL THERE WAS TO KNOW? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 4U. DID YOU THINK YOU KNEW ALL ABOUT IT BUT COULDN'T APPLY IT AND GET RESULTS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any inval. 4V. DID YOU STUDY WITH FIXED OPINIONS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 4W. DID YOU ALREADY KNOW ALL ABOUT IT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any inval. 5A. WAS A SUBJECTS PURPOSE NOT DESCRIBED? _______ What subject, find and clear its purpose. If it doesn't have a purpose, prepcheck it to F/N. 5B. DID YOU NOT BELIEVE A SUBJECTS PURPOSE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 5C. WAS A SUBJECT'S PURPOSE NOT REAL TO YOU? _______ Find and handle the misunderstoods on it. 5D. WAS THE PURPOSE OF A SUBJECT NOT ATTAINABLE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 5E. WAS THE PURPOSE OF A SUBJECT NOT UNDERSTOOD? _______ Handle as in 5C. 5F. IS YOUR PURPOSE IN STUDYING A SUBJECT CONFLICTING WITH THE SUPERVISOR'S OR THE SUBJECT'S PURPOSE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. (Note well for Ex Dn C/S to Pgm E/Purp handling or upper level C/S to Pgm for L9S as case may R/S.) 5G. DID THE STUDY OF A SUBJECT NOT END UP IN A DOINGNESS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 5H. WERE YOU NEVER REQUIRED TO DO THE DOINGNESS OF A SUBJECT? _______ Handle as in 5G. 5I. DID YOU STUDY WITHOUT APPLYING THE SUBJECT TO LIFE? _______ 2wc on how the subject applies or can be applied to life. 336 5J. HAVE YOU HAD TO STUDY SOMETHING YOU WOULD NEVER NEED TO APPLY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 6A. HAVE YOU PRETENDED TO HAVE STUDIED THINGS YOU HADN'T? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 6B. HAVE YOU PRETENDED TO HAVE QUALIFICATIONS YOU DID NOT ACTUALLY ATTAIN? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 6C. HAVE YOU STUDIED A TECHNOLOGY THAT PRETENDED TO DO SOMETHING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 6D. HAVE YOU EVER PRETENDED TO KNOW A SUBJECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 6E. ARE YOU JUST PRETENDING TO STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get why. 6F. HAVE YOU STUDIED JUST TO LEARN A FEW GIMMICKS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 6G. WERE YOU REALLY STUDYING ONLY TO PASS AN EXAM? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get why. 6H. DID YOU HAVE SOME UNDISCLOSED REASON FOR STUDYING A SUBJECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. (Note well for Ex Dn C/S to Pgm for E/Purp handling or upper level C/S to Pgm for L9S as case may R/S.) 6I. DID YOU HAVE TO PRETEND YOU KNEW IT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get why. (In extreme cases showing misemotion on this note any names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D.) 7A. DID THE MATERIALS CONTAIN INCORRECT DATA? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 7B. HAVE YOU STUDIED A FALSE TECHNOLOGY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 7C. WAS THE DATA INCORRECT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 7D. HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING SOMETHING THAT WAS FALSE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 7E. IN STUDY HAS ANYONE TAUGHT OR GIVEN YOU FALSE DATA? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. (In extreme cases showing misemotion on this note any names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D.) 7F. WERE YOU NOT TAUGHT THE ESSENTIALS OF A SUBJECT NECESSARY TO GETTING IT APPLIED? _______ Handle as in 7E by getting who. 337 7G. WERE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO OBSERVE, UNDERSTAND AND DO? _______ Handle as in 7E by getting who. 7H. DID THE DATA NOT APPLY IN PT? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, get off any protest. 7I. DID YOU UNDERSTAND THE NAME BUT NOT THE THING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, be alert for any misunderstood word connected with it and handle. 7J. WAS IT TOO DIFFERENT FROM WHAT EVERYONE BELIEVES? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 7K. WOULD SOMEONE ELSE WIN IF YOU BECAME EDUCATED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. (In extreme cases showing misemotion on this note any names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D.) 7L. WOULD KNOWLEDGE MAKE YOU TOO POWERFUL? _______ Run (1) "What have you done with knowledge" (2) "What have you withheld". Alternate repetitive. (Note well for Ex Dn C/S to Pgm for E/Purp handling or upper level C/S to Pgm for L9S as case may R/S.) 7M. WILL KNOWLEDGE CREATE PROBLEMS FOR YOU? _______ What, 2wc E/S problem to F/N. 7N. DO YOU HAVE DISAGREEMENTS IN STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Then 2wc E/S to F/N "Tell me about things you agree with in study". 70. DO YOU DISAGREE WITH THE DATA? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Then "Tell me about data you agree with" 2wc E/S to F/N. 7P. DO YOU INVALIDATE YOURSELF IN STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N, followed by "Tell me about confusion that came before that" 2wc E/S to F/N. 7Q. DID YOU INVALIDATE A DATUM? _______ Handle as in 7P. 7R. HAVE YOU NEVER BEEN ABLE TO APPLY DATA? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. The C/S Pgms W/C M1 or gets the W/C M1 already done, redone adding any subjects Pc mentions in the 2wc, after this List EPs. 7S. ARE YOU NOT ABLE TO SUPPORT YOURSELF FINANCIALLY WHILE STUDYING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 7T. DIDN'T YOU DARE BELIEVE IT WAS THAT WAY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 7U. WAS IT UNBELIEVABLE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 7V. HAVE YOU CONTINUED TO STUDY A SUBJECT YOU HAD ALREADY GRASPED? _______ Find the point of win. Rehab it. (Upper level Auditor, date to blow -- locate to blow point of win.) 338 7W. IN STUDY HAS SOMETHING BEEN OVERRUN? _______ Handle as in 7V. 8A. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT? _______ Environment Remedy B. 8B. IS YOUR ATTENTION ON SOMETHING IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT? _______ Handle as in 8A. 8C. IS THERE A PARTICULAR SUBJECT YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH? _______ What, Remedy B New Style on it. 8D. ARE YOU TRYING TO DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH STUDY? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "What are you trying to do with study". (Upper level Auditor, date to blow -- locate to blow item.) 8E. ARE YOU TRYING TO SOLVE SOME MYSTERY? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "What mystery are you trying to solve". (Upper level Auditor, date to blow -- locate to blow item.) 8F. ARE YOU TRYING TO FORGET SOMETHING? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "What are you trying to forget". (Upper level Auditor, date to blow -- locate to blow item.) 8G. HAVE YOU EVER STUDIED FOR STATUS? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "Who or what would study for status". O/W on item to F/N. 8H. IS THERE SOMEONE WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM YOUR KNOWLEDGE? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "Who will benefit from your knowledge". O/W on item to F/N. 8I. IS THERE A SUBJECT THAT SHOULDN'T BE STUDIED? _______ L&N to BD F/N item "What subject shouldn't be studied". O/W on item to F/N. 8J. IS THERE A SUBJECT YOU DISAGREE WITH? _______ What. L&N to BD F/N item "On _______ what do you disagree with". Then run "What part of that disagreement could you be responsible for?" repetitive to F/N. 8K. HAVE YOU FELT STUPID ABOUT A SUBJECT? _______ 2wc to find what subject, what confusion existed just before that, find what was misunderstood at that time and clear it. Go E/S to F/N if required. 9A. HAVE YOU BEEN TAUGHT BY SOMEONE YOU DIDN'T LIKE OR HATED? _______ L&N "Who has tried to teach you that you didn't like" and L&N "Who have you taught that you didn't like" and L&N "Who has taught others that they didn't like". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9B. HAS ANYONE EVER CONSIDERED THAT YOU WERE STUPID? _______ 339 L&N "Who has considered you stupid (or mentally retarded)" and L&N "Whom have you considered stupid" and L&N "Who has considered others stupid". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9C. DID SOMEBODY MAKE YOU FEEL STUPID FOR NOT KNOWING IT? _______ L&N "Who has made you feel stupid" and L&N "Who have you made feel stupid" and L&N "Who has made others feel stupid". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9D. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN INVALIDATED BY AN AUTHORITY OF A SUBJECT? _______ L&N "Who has invalidated you" and L&N "Who have you invalidated" and L&N "Who has invalidated others". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9E. HAS SOMEBODY TOLD YOU YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO STUDY? _______ L&N "Who has told you you don't know" and L&N "Who have you told he doesn't know" and L&N "Who has told others they don't know". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9F. WERE YOU TOO EMBARRASSED TO FIND OUT? _______ L&N "Who has embarrassed you" and L&N "Who have you embarrassed" and L&N "Who has embarrassed others". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9G. HAS SOMEBODY TRIED TO CORRECT YOUR STUDY WHEN THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG? _______ L&N "Who tried to correct you when there was nothing wrong" and L&N "Who did you try to correct when there was nothing wrong" and L&N "Who tried to correct others when there was nothing wrong". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9H. WERE YOU MADE TO FEEL INCOMPETENT? _______ L&N "Who has made you feel incompetent" and L&N "Who have you made feel incompetent" and L&N "Who has made others feel incompetent". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9I. HAS A WIN BEEN INVALIDATED? _______ L&N "Who has invalidated your wins" and L&N "Whose wins have you invalidated" and L&N "Who has invalidated others' wins". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9J. WERE YOU MADE TO FEEL UNCONFIDENT? _______ L&N "Who has made you feel unconfident" and L&N "Who have you made feel unconfident" and L&N "Who has made others feel unconfident". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9K. WOULD YOU HAVE LOWERED YOUR STATUS IF YOU ADMITTED YOU REALLY DIDN'T KNOW? _______ L&N "Who have you not wanted present when your status was lowered" and L&N "Who did not want you present when his status was lowered" and L&N "Who have others not wanted present when their status was lowered". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9L. HAS SOMEONE EVALUATED AND GIVEN YOU THE WRONG ORDER OF IMPORTANCES? _______ L&N "Who has evaluated for you" and L&N "Who have you evaluated for" and L&N "Who has evaluated for others". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 340 9M. HAVE YOU BEEN INVALIDATED FOR STUDYING IT? _______ Handle as in 9D. 9N. WAS A SUBJECT TAUGHT TO YOU SUPPRESSIVELY? _______ L&N "Who has taught you suppressively" and L&N "Who have you taught suppressively" and L&N "Who has taught others suppressively". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 90. HAS SOMEONE TOLD YOU YOU CAN'T STUDY? _______ L&N "Who has told you you can't study" and L&N "Who have you told he can't study" and L&N "Who has told others they can't study". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9P. WAS A SUBJECT MADE TOO DANGEROUS TO DO? _______ L&N "Who made something too dangerous for you" and L&N "Who did you make something too dangerous for" and L&N "Who made something too dangerous for others". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9Q. DID YOU HAVE TO LEARN THINGS YOU WOULD NEVER DO? _______ L&N "Who made you learn things you would never do" and L&N "Who have you made learn things he would never do" and L&N "Who has made others learn things they would never do". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9R. WERE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO COMPLETE A COURSE OF STUDY? _______ L&N "Who has not allowed you to complete something" and L&N "Who have you not allowed to complete something" and L&N "Who has not allowed others to complete something". Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 9S. WAS IT ALL CHANGED AFTER YOU LEARNED HOW TO DO IT? _______ Handle as in 9R. 10A. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PUNISHED BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T LEARN? _______ R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate an incident when you were punished because you wouldn't learn." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when you were punished because you wouldn't learn?" Flow 2: "Locate an incident when you punished another because he wouldn't learn." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when you punished another because he wouldn't learn?', Flow 3: "Locate an incident when another punished others because they wouldn't learn." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another punished others because they wouldn't learn?" 10B. HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN IN TROUBLE BECAUSE YOU KNEW SOMETHING? _______ R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate an incident when another got you in trouble because you knew something." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another got you in trouble because you knew something?" Flow 2: "Locate an incident when you got another in trouble because he knew something." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when you got another in trouble because he knew something?" 341 Flow 3: "Locate an incident when another got others in trouble because they knew something." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another got in trouble because they knew something?" 10C. DO YOU TRY TO GET OUT OF CLASSROOMS OR SCHOOLS? _______ R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate a time when you were made to go to school or class." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier time when you were made to go to school or class?" Flow 2: "Locate a time when you made someone go to school or class." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier time when you made someone go to school or class?" Flow 3: "Locate a time when another made others go to school or class." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier time another made others go to school or class?" 10D. HAVE YOU BEEN FORCED TO BE EDUCATED? _______ Do a full Student Rescue Intensive using "Be educated". 10E. HAVE YOU BEEN FORCED TO BE TRAINED? _______ Do a full Student Rescue Intensive using "Be trained". 10F. HAVE YOU BEEN FORCED TO LEARN? _______ Do a full Student Rescue Intensive using "learn". 10G. HAVE YOU BEEN FORCED TO STUDY? _______ Do a full Student Rescue Intensive using "study". 10H. WAS THE SUBJECT OVERWHELMING? _______ R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate a time when someone or something overwhelmed you." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier time when someone or something overwhelmed you?" Flow 2: "Locate a time when you overwhelmed someone or something." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier time when you overwhelmed someone or something?" Flow 3: "Locate a time when someone or something overwhelmed others." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when someone or something overwhelmed others?" 10I. WERE YOU INVALIDATED BY AN EXAMINATION FAILURE? _______ R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate an incident when another invalidated you with an examination failure." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another invalidated you with an examination failure?" Flow 2: "Locate an incident when you invalidated another with an examination failure." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when you invalidated another with an examination failure?" Flow 3: "Locate an incident when another invalidated another or others with an examination failure." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another invalidated another or others with an examination failure?" 10J. DO YOU GET ANXIOUS OR MISEMOTIONAL ABOUT EXAMS? _______ 342 R3R Narrative Triple Flow 1: "Locate a time when another caused you to be misemotional about exams." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another caused you to be misemotional about exams?" Flow 2: "Locate a time when you caused another to be misemotional about exams." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when you caused another to be misemotional about exams?" Flow 3: "Locate a time when another caused another or others to be misemotional about exams." Going earlier: "Is there an earlier incident when another caused another or others to be misemotional about exams?" 10K. HAVE EXAMINATIONS NOT BEEN IN LINE WITH THE DATA STUDIED? _______ Handle as in 10J, or 2wc E/S to F/N if 10J already handled. 11A. DO YOU HAVE BAD EYESIGHT OR EYESTRAIN? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. C/S Pgms for Effort Processing and Rising Scale. (Upper level C/S & Pgms, if this persists, L10.) 11B. CAN'T YOU CONFRONT BOOKS OR PRINTED PAGES? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Note what pc can't confront so C/S can Pgm TR 0 on it for 2 hours. 11C. ARE YOU PROTESTING HAVING YOUR STUDY REPAIRED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11D. ARE YOU UPSET ABOUT THIS STUDY REPAIR? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11E. ARE YOU TOO PHYSICALLY UPSET TO STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Refer to Registrar for case handling or treatment. 11F. IS YOUR MIND IN BAD CONDITION? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Refer to Registrar for case handling. 11G. IN YOUR STUDIES HAVE THERE BEEN ANY IGNORED ORIGINATIONS? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11H. IN YOUR STUDIES HAVE COGNITIONS BEEN INVALIDATED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11I. HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN A SUBJECT WELL AND THEN HAD YOUR PASS OR TRAINING INVALIDATED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Get off any protest. (In extreme cases showing any misemotion on this, note any names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D.) 11J. HAVE YOU EVER FALSELY ATTESTED TO A COMPLETION WHEN YOU HAD NOT REALLY PASSED? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11K. HAS THERE BEEN NO STUDY? _______ L&N "W/W would prevent study?" Note item for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 11L. IS IT DANGEROUS TO STUDY? _______ Why? 2wc E/S to F/N. 343 11M. HAS THERE BEEN LACK OF TIME TO STUDY? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 11N. HAS THERE BEEN INCORRECT SEQUENCE OF STUDY DATA? 2wc E/S to F/N. 110. IN A SUBJECT HAS THERE BEEN OMITTED DATA? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 12A. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE WHO IS ANTAGONISTIC TO SCIENTOLOGY? _______ PTS R/D and handle PT connection through Ethics. 12B. IS SOMEONE CAUSING YOU ENTURBULATION? _______ L&N "Who has caused you enturbulation" "Who have you caused enturbulation" "Who has caused others enturbulation". Handle any PT connection through Ethics. Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 12C. IS SOMEONE TRYING TO STOP YOU FROM BEING MORE ABLE? _______ L&N "Who has tried to stop you from being more able" "Who have you tried to stop from being more able" "Who have others tried to stop from being more able". Handle any PT connection through Ethics. Note items for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 12D. WOULD SOMEONE CAUSE TROUBLE IF THEY KNEW WHAT YOU ARE DOING? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Handle any PTS situation through Ethics. If PTS situation evident note any names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 12E. HAS SOMEONE SAID YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE? _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. Handle any PTS situation through Ethics. If PTS situation evident, note names mentioned and their reads for C/S to Pgm for full PTS R/D. 13A. THERE IS SOME OTHER REASON NOT GIVEN. _______ 2wc E/S to F/N. 13B. THERE WAS REALLY NOTHING WRONG WITH STUDY IN THE FIRST PLACE. _______ Indicate to pc. 13C. REPAIRING STUDY WAS AN UNNECESSARY ACTION. _______ Indicate to pc. Rehab when he felt okay about study. Revised by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:JW:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 344  Revised by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=26/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 8 THE GLIB STUDENT   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1972 Remimeo Study Series 8 THE GLIB STUDENT The Glib Student can confront the words and ideas. He cannot confront the physical universe or people around him and so cannot apply. He does not see Mest or people. The reason for this is that he is below non-existence on one or more dynamics and so cannot align with the others. As a spirit or being in a body he has no past or future and so is just a social machine. Getting him up the dynamics by conditions by "Conditions by Dynamics", HCO PL 4 April 72 (Establishment Officer Series 14), fourth page, having him do general confronting and do TR Courses the Hard Way and having him run Objective Processes cures this condition. It takes a lot of work, a lot of auditing but it can be cured. Unless it is fully handled he will never see enough more than the paper and words to be more than a glib student who cannot apply. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes.jh Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (A copy of HCO PL 4 April 1972, Establishment Officer Series 14, Ethics, is in Volume VIII, page 75.) 345  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Study Series 9 CONFRONT   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 JANUARY 1973 (Reissued 6 April 74 -- Only change made is in signature) Remimeo Study Series 9 CONFRONT There are several choices in English on the meaning of "confront". These include the right one: To face without flinching or avoiding. An example in a sentence: "The test of a free society is its capacity to confront rather than evade the vital questions of Choice." There is another meaning "To stand facing or opposing, especially in challenge, defiance or accusation." English is a pretty limited language in many ways. I imagine the thought of facing something (which is what the word came from and originally meant way back -- "from" being "face") was so horrifying to the types who write dictionaries they knew it would be bad! In essence it is an action of being able to face. If one cannot, if he avoids, then he is not AWARE. Awareness is the ability to perceive the existence of. In the dictionary it also fails to confront that and says "Awareness: the quality or state of being aware." And Aware means: "marked by realization, perception or knowledge." So these chaps couldn't confront and so conceived awareness to be figure- figure. We are moving out of the range of language when we want to say: "He could stand up to things and wasn't always shrinking back into himself and avoiding, so he could be fully conscious of the real universe and others around him." And that's what Confront means. If one can confront he can be aware. If he is aware he can perceive and act. If he can't confront he will not be aware of things and will be withdrawn and not perceiving. Thus he is unaware of things around him. That's the tech of it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: ntm.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 346  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 1 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE   CenOCon  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue II REISSUED 23 OCTOBER 1974 (Only change is signature) CenOCon Tape Course Series 1 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE (HCO Policy Letter of 16 November 1970 Revised and Reissued as an HCO Bulletin. . Changes in this type style.) Translating Dianetic, Scientology study materials into foreign languages is inexpensively and effectively done by using "sight" (instantaneous) translation of bulletins, policy letters and tapes onto tapes The tape original is made, a copy master is made and thereafter copies can be run off for courses which can be attended by students, using only excellent tape copies and excellent reproduction equipment, and listened to with high fidelity earphones. Word Clearing Technology is used to prevent the student losing interest because of misunderstood words The tape players used must be equipped with a foot pedal start-stop control. The voice of the "sight" translator should be clear and the diction should be sharp and the tone should not be monotonous. A "sight" translator is one equally good in 2 languages who can hear one language and speak the translation into the other language without hesitation. (They are employed in the UN.) The material copied onto tapes can also be broken down into smaller reels for independent study. By taking exact notes of the "auditing commands" and important rules the student will have the texts he needs for later reference. The exact rundown of this is given: In translating the materials of a course from a textbook or materials in one language to another, the following steps are taken. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. A person fully competent in both the languages and their cultures is found and retained. 2. The materials to be translated are made available. 3. A tape recorder which can be started and stopped easily without leaving clicks on the tape is procured. (Not a dictation machine.) 4. An adequate supply of regular recording tape is made available. 5. Other materials such as paper and ball-points are made available. 6. A quiet place where interruptions and outside noises will not ruin the tapes is found and the person is set up there. 7. A person knowledgeable in the subject and the language in which the original is written is retained and assists the translator. 349 OPERATING TARGETS: 1. The translator (using Word Clearing Technology and a dictionary to clear up any misunderstoods) rapidly reads or goes through the materials to get a general grasp of the subject. 2. The technical assistant who knows the subject and the original language now goes through the materials with the translator. Every technical word or phrase or cultural idiom is underlined. 3. While underlining, the two persons decide on the correct translation of the technical word or phrase. 4. As these are decided, they are written down on note paper with a complete definition. 5. Each word, phrase and definition is translated into the language and written down on a separate sheet of paper. 6. The translated words, phrases and definitions will become a mimeographed glossary for the eventual student. 7. Each section and paragraph in the material is numbered. 8. With this glossary to hand, the translator now begins direct translation of the text onto tape. The number of the tape and its materials is given at the beginning of each tape used or new chapter begun. 9. The translator must be sure to read the materials in an interested voice and not let any hesitation or note of mystery creep in. The translator is actually lecturing and must sound so. 10. When the materials are complete, good production masters are copied off of the master tape. The master tape is set aside and not used further. 11. The production master is now cut into chapter lengths which are numbered the same as the book chapters. 12. Several sets of the Chapter Copies are now made and put in their boxes. Both tracks can be used. Even 4 tracks (not stereo) can be used. 13. The glossary in both the original language and the translated language is printed up along with course directions (which are described in another technical paper). The checksheet and course rules are also translated and printed in the local language. 14. The course is boxed in sets with the glossary and course directions. Following this system one can rapidly produce sets of materials without the delays always experienced in printing as well as with cost reduction. The tapes are listened to on individual tape players equipped with earphones and a foot pedal start-stop control (so the student's hands are free for taking notes and looking up words in the dictionary, etc). Learning rate in an aural society is much higher than in a society accustomed to print. Even an illiterate person or a slow reader can be taught such a means. A dictionary in the translated language must also be available in a classroom. The quality of the translator's voice and clear diction are highly desirable. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: nt.rd Copyright $c 197l, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 350  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  IMPORTANT Tape Course Series 2 DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES   Remimeo (Translate into the various Languages) Staff Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue I IMPORTANT Tape Course Series 2 Remimeo (Translate into the various Languages) Staff Supervisors DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES (HCO Policy Letter of 11 May 1971 -- Reissued as an HCO Bulletin) Tapes and book translations of Dianetics and Scientology are being made into other languages than English. It is necessary to know the MINIMUM materials an org in a non-English speaking country would need to function. It is not enough to have one book published. It creates a demand for services. The demand for service must be met. An HAS Course in the language is not enough since it is not income producing. Thus the org could not survive financially. It must survive financially to deliver the service. Even in a total socialism the service would have to be given. Giving service depends on an org having the means of training auditors who can audit well and establishing the organization. Then the org could audit preclears as well as train more auditors. If the auditors who are trained can audit well, they will produce excellent results and public repute will spread. An org must produce to survive. By production is meant training auditors who can audit, auditing pcs to a good result and making money, or in a total socialism, obtaining adequate support in ratio to production. If an org just teaches an HAS Course or tests people, it will not be able to survive for it will not be able to obtain enough funds or support. For this it is vital to train lots of auditors and audit lots of pcs. Without its staff knowing the basic data of organization, the org will have difficulties in giving service. The technology of administration is important. Thus we get the MINIMUM materials in the language vital to an org's survival: PRINTED MATERIAL The book DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH printed with hard covers in the language is vital. When members of the public read it and take an HAS Course they want training or processing or both. This book placed in bookstores, advertised in magazines, and sold by Field Staff Members and the org itself not only reaches the public but also in hardcover form pays for its own distribution. As a paperback it does not pay for itself. 351 To this add testing materials printed in the language for intelligence and personality testing and their marking directions. RECORDED TAPES Recorded tapes and tape players in the org to play to individuals in classes is the easiest form in which to deliver data. From such tapes students may take notes. As time goes on the tapes will be transcribed and the material printed or mimeographed. (This is not to be done by the individual orgs.) It will be found however that tapes will always be necessary even when some is printed as the volume of data is very great. Students should not be permitted to print copies of their notes and sell them as time has shown that such notes are not accurate enough and spread errors that show up in training and auditing failures. In reviewing, a student must be sent back to the original, not to his notes, so he can correct his notes and get the data accurately. Nearly all no-results are traced to altered data or poor training of the student, which amounts to the same thing. The MINIMUM list of tapes is: 1. Mini Course Supervisor Hat 2. HAS Course 3. HDC Course 4. Academy Courses Levels 0 to IV 5. Original Thesis 6. Notes on the Lectures 7. Hat of a Scientologist 8. Staff Status I 9. Staff Status II 10. A Translated Org Bd Given these bare essentials and teaching them well and using them will give an org sufficient survival to deliver results. If every bit of the above is known and used by a staff they will not have too much trouble. Set up and functioning and solvent, an org can then think about further materials. Class VI, a Class VII, a Class VIII and a Class IX Course materials on tape should exist in a Saint Hill org in the language of that country. For the org itself a Volume Zero of the OEC Course should exist on tape. 352 After that the full Course Supervisor's Course should exist. Then further books such as Dianetics '55!, Science of Survival and The Creation of Human Ability should come out as tape and then in published hardcover form. The full OEC should now be acquired on tape. The full Study Tapes should be to hand. The org will now be ready to use all the FEBC series and the FEBC tapes. The hardest idea for an org staff to get is the idea of production in terms of auditors trained who can audit, pcs audited to excellent results and money or support produced to keep the staff members and the org solvent. Because of this it is best for 2 or more bilingual executives to attain full FEBC training. However, with the above minimum materials fully studied and in use, an org can survive until it is ready to prosper. Note, at this writing many are working hard to complete the listed materials. They are not yet available in all languages. There is only one other type of item needed by an org and that is the E- Meter. Supplies of these must be arranged for. A country running in very high volume will probably manufacture its own meters against an exact prototype under existing international patents. ON SOURCE It will be found in all countries where Dianetics and Scientology and orgs have been successful that a key part of the success was keeping the subject "on source". The public at once distrusts persons or groups who alter the materials or "use some of them" or attribute them to others. This is quite factual and the public is right. All great and lasting successes have been made by orgs that were on source and whose materials were straight and correct and used that way. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 353  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=23/10/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 3R TEACHING A TAPE COURSE  Type = 12 iDate=21/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 NOVEMBER 1971R Issue II Remimeo Supervisors REVISED 23 OCTOBER 1974 Cancels BTB 21 November 1971 RA (Revisions in this type style) Tape Course Series 3R TEACHING A TAPE COURSE (HCO Policy Letter of 6 December 1970, Issue II, Revised and Reissued as an HCOB. Changes in this type style.) The instruction of students by tape is done by individual tape playbacks equipped with earphones and a foot pedal start-stop control. It is imperative that the earphone quality be of the highest, and the tape copy have very good sound quality. Otherwise students go to sleep over misunderstood words. The individual tape player method is used because (a) it can handle a large or small number of students, (b) it works where there is a trickle of students starting at different times, (c) it works where students studying subjects different from each other are using the same classroom. It takes more tape players and must be earphone equipped but it prevents students going past misunderstoods as can occur if they are all listening to a group tape play. The foot controlled start-stop pedal is necessary so the student can use his hands freely to take notes and look up words in the dictionary. It also enables the tape to be stopped instantly without the time lag it takes to reach for and push a finger button -- thus going past the place where the stop is desired. RULES & DESCRIPTION Only the Glossary, course rules and checksheets, with course description are translated into the language being used for teaching and mimeographed or printed into small booklets. The description must include how to handle tape players and caution against machine or tape damage and inadvertent erasure of a tape. (To guard against actual erasure it is wisest to tape over the record button or preferably, to have the recording unit disengaged. Also, it is sometimes possible to buy, at cheaper prices, playback units only (tape machines in which the recording unit hasn't been installed). They must however be of good quality. ENROLLMENT Enrollment is done no matter how informal the course is. A waiver of accident or damage holding the school not responsible, must be signed by the student and, if a minor, by his parents or guardian on any tape course. An enrollment invoice showing full course payment must be in the hands of the supervisor, giving the date of enrollment, home address and local address. 354 A roll book has every student's name, address and the course enrolled in and date. This must not be omitted as it is the only permanent record and is often resorted to to prove contentions. FILES A student file system must exist. A folder with the student's name on it and which will receive his completed checksheets, exam results, etc, must be made up at once. CHECKSHEET A checksheet for the course must exist, breaking the course down into small easily attained segments of Theory and Practical. It must be in the student's language. It has blanks opposite each segment so that a student checkout can be initialed with date by the person checking him out. NOTEBOOKS A student is expected to keep a notebook from his tape listening. This should be neat and complete. The student never copies out the whole tape. He takes exact verbatim notes of any Process Commands or Lists and notes down also the important technical rules. A sample notebook should be provided. A student should leave frequent spaces so he can enter new notes on a second and third play of the materials. CHECKOUT Where only tapes exist and a checkout is required students check each other out from the actual tape, not from their notes. "Give me an example," is the keynote of such a checkout. (a) What is the ______________, (b) Give me an example. PRACTICAL Each area of the course has demonstration and practical drills. These drills must be written up and must match the basic personal skills required by the materials. CLAY TABLE Clay table training is a vital part of the Course curriculum. The materials must be available. And clay, not just modeling clay, can be used. Flat surfaces must be provided. The description of clay table training must be part of early checksheets in the school. DEFINITIONS A student is drilled and does clay table on the glossary after he has been through the course once. 355 CHECKSHEET SEQUENCE The student is required to go in sequence through the entire checksheet. HCO PL of 31 August 1974, Issue II, "Fast Flow Training Reinstated" applies to Translated Tape Courses. The checksheet is arranged double-spaced for Tape Counter Reading, date and initial in the first of the three columns. For example: "Tape Counter Reading Column Retread Retrain ___________________ 1. Chapter III -- The Goal of Man ________ ________ ________ COURSE COMPLETION See HCO PL 31 August 1974, Issue II, "Fast Flow Training Reinstated". PROGRESS BOARD A student's progress is posted on a "progress board". SLOW STUDENTS Any student falling asleep or being very slow is handled with Word Clearing which is the subject of the Word Clearing Series Bulletins and later issues in these Tape Course Series Bulletins. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 356  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=22/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 4 TAPE PLAYERS -- DESCRIPTION AND CARE  Type = 11 iDate=22/11/71 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Course Admins Supervisors Students  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN Remimeo 22 NOVEMBER 1971 (Translate Issue II to Various Reissued 11 August 1974 as BTB Languages) CANCELS Course Admins HCO BULLETIN OF 22 NOVEMBER 1971 Supervisors Issue II Students SAME TITLE Tape Course Series 4 TAPE PLAYERS -- DESCRIPTION AND CARE Tape Players are the machines used on a Tape Course for playing back on already recorded magnetic tape. Tape Recorders are the machines used to record the tapes in the first place. Some tape machines will do both actions of recording and playback. On a Tape Course if these machines are used the button that is used for "recording" should be removed or sealed up so it can not be used. It will wipe the tape clean and lose the valuable course materials if pushed accidentally by a student. (This button is usually colored red.) Tape players come in many makes and models. The controls and switches are arranged in various places and styles but are all pretty much the same in function. 357 [GRAPHICS INSERTED] 1. Plug to electricity mains 2. Power inlet plug to tape machine 3. Plug in to foot pedal start-stop control. 4. Start-stop foot pedal. 5. Start-stop foot switch. 6. On/Off switch and volume control. 7. Power on indicator light. 358 8. Tone control. 9. Plug in for earphones. 10. Hi fidelity earphones. 11. New Tape to be played. 12. Playing head sensitive to magnetic sound impressions on the tape. 13. Tape passed through between playing head and felt pad. 14. Tape passed round roller protecting guides. 15. Empty tape spool. (Tape is wound onto this.) 16. Tape Counter window and zero setting button. 17. Recording key removed or sealed up. 18. Start key for starting tape by hand. 19. Stop key for stopping tape by hand. 20. Pause key (stops tape while held down only -- tape continues to play as soon as released). 21. Fast wind key forward. 22. Rewind key (fast backward). 23. Track Selector Switch (some tapes have several sound tracks recorded on the one side). 24. Speed Selector Switch (tapes can be recorded at different speeds and so some must be played at different speeds to others). 25. Indicator dial and buttons connected with recording -- not used when playing tapes. Here are some points to help you use the tape player: (a) When placing a tape on the machine, an arrow on top of the tape reel indicates an opening in which you place the tape end. Keep this end very small. Long loose ends break off and can jam the machine. (b) The dull brown colored side of the tape must always face inwards against the playing head when threading the tape. This is the side that Ron's lectures are recorded on. (c) To wind back or fast wind the machine always press the stop key first. Harm is done if the playing tape is suddenly switched over to reverse or fast forward by-passing the stop button. (d) The magnetic materials of the earphones can harm the tape so never leave the earphones lying on top of an uncovered tape player. (e) Keep all dirt out of the tape player and when away from the player replace the lid to avoid dust entering into the machine. (f) Every care must be taken to avoid rough handling of tapes. Do not misplace tapes into incorrect boxes and never permit loose ends to protrude out of the closed box. 359 (g) Switch off the tape player when not in use (break time) and when you have finished with the machine. This prevents overheating of inner parts and drive belts. (h) The tape counter indicator should be set at zero when you first start playing the tape. This counter will register your place whenever you stop the tape. Do not insert a piece of paper or anything else between the tape as a method of registering your place. (i) At the first sign of any fault with the tape player please call the Supervisor and report what it is to him or her. (j) Twisting or knotting the earphone cord is strictly forbidden as this leads to inner wire breakage, which results in a concealed fault that can be difficult to locate. (k) The metal "playing head" across which the tape moves when playing must be cleaned at regular intervals as it picks up dust from the tape resulting in blurred poor quality sound. This playing head should be cleaned after every 8 hours of playing time or whenever the sound becomes blurred. The playing head is cleaned by use of a cotton swab on the end of a toothpick and cleaning fluid. This is wiped with firm pressure across the playing head until the dirt and dust are removed and the metal is clean again. Great care must be taken not to scratch the playing head as the tape would then be damaged as it passed across. (l) The tape player must also be demagnetized after every 8 hours playing time. This is done with a special demagnetizer designed for the purpose. The playing head and all the metal parts on the tape "path" are demagnetized in this manner. These parts build up a magnetic attraction with continuous tape playing and this can be harmful to the quality of sound on the tape if not handled and removed as above. It is the Supervisor's or Course Administrator's responsibility to learn to do this action and to do it at least once per day on all tape players. (m) The moving parts of the tape machine mechanism also need regular cleaning and lubrication with a very fine lubricant. This procedure can be carefully learned by the Course Administrator from a professional at the job and can be done by him thereafter. Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BW:mh.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 360  Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=21/11/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 5 TRANSLATED TAPES FOR STAFF AND STUDENT USE  Type = 12 iDate=24/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=24/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=22/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to European Languages) All Students All Staff Tech & Qual Keepers of Tech  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 21 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo (Translate to CANCELS European BTB OF 24 NOVEMBER 1971 Languages) originally issued as All Students HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1971 All Staff Issue II Tech & Qual "COURSE MATERIALS" Keepers of Tech CANCELS BTB OF 24 NOVEMBER 197iR originally issued as HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1971 Issue III "ADMINISTRATIVE AND HAT MATERIALS" CANCELS BTB OF 22 NOVEMBER 1971 originally issued as HCO BULLETIN OF 22 NOVEMBER 1971 "TRANSLATION TAPES, USE OF" Tape Course Series 5 TRANSLATED TAPES FOR STAFF AND STUDENT USE Translated tapes shipped to Orgs and Missions are primarily for staff and student use. As follows: TRANSLATED ADMINISTRATIVE AND HAT MATERIALS Translated administrative and hat materials are translated onto tape in the item by item sequence of the hat checksheet or staff course checksheet. The checksheets are themselves not translated onto tape but onto paper and accompany the translation tapes along with a mimeographed glossary of technical terms and phrases, and course rules. Every Org with non-English speaking staff members needs translated tape copies of at least Staff Status I and II, OEC Vols 0-7 and the Professional Salesmanship Course BPL 22 July 74 with their accompanying checksheets, glossaries and course instructions translated onto paper. Training of staffs on admin and hat materials is done in the Academy, Div 4, Dept 11, under a Supervisor and in accordance with "What is a Course?" PL 16 March 1971. Translated administrative and hat materials may not be played to the Public. They are not for public issue or distribution free or for charge. TRANSLATED COURSE MATERIALS Use of Course Study Tapes is well covered in HCO B 10 November 71, Revised 21 Sept 74, "Tapes, How to Use", Tape Course Series 6R. This same issue applies to admin and hat materials also. Course materials may be heard by those persons who have legally enrolled on and paid for the course concerned. 361 Students and course graduates can buy translation course tapes from Pubs DK or their Org. Evidence of course enrollment or graduation from a Tape Course must accompany the tape order. Translated Course tapes may not be played to the general Public who are not enrolled on a specific course. They are not for public issue Or distribution, free or for charge. TAPE NOTES A notebook is to be used and kept neat and complete by each student. In order for the student to quickly find any reference on a tape after he has listened to it, he must mark down in his notebook the "counter" number on the tape machine at the beginning of each HCO PL, HCO B, Book, Chapter, etc, and also identify the type of machine. IMPORTANT: AT THE START OF THE TAPE, THE STUDENT MUST ENSURE THE COUNTER ON THE TAPE MACHINE READS AT 0. When checkouts are required, students check each other out from the actual tapes not from the notes. Tape notes may not be recopied by another or distributed amongst other students. They are for the student's own use, and are not for public distribution. Such notebooks may never be mimeographed or published as they often contain errors. PROTECTION To guard against any possibility of students reissuing their course notes in printed form or allowing another to recopy the tape notes, a Waiver is to be drawn up and signed by the student, or by his parents or guardian, if a minor, before commencing the Tape Course. The Waiver states that he understands the material is given him for training purposes only and should he reissue his notes to anyone outside the Org, or allow another to recopy he will be billed for $1,000. NO TRANSLATION TAPES MAY BE TRANSCRIBED IN WRITTEN FORM. THE TAPES ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT FROM PRINTED OR TAPE COPYING. CARE OF Translated tape packages are filed as a complete package altogether -- NEVER split up and filed by date order or in some other fashion. The Master Card File kept by the Course Admin is a record of what items are on what tapes. Each tape has its own Card File with contents listed and is the index of the actual translated tape package itself. Card Files can be made up from the tape box which has listed on the back the tape contents for sides one and two. Course and Hat Checksheets are filed alphabetically in file folders with their glossaries and course instructions and rules for student use. Qual needs their own Master Card File system for Library contents filed in alphabetical order which says where each tape and checksheet, etc, is to be located. CRAMMING Cramming of students and staff on translated tape material is done in Qual Div, Dept 15. Staff do not have to be enrolled on any course in order to be crammed. Public course students are sent to Cramming by their Course Supervisor or by the Student Examiner. 362 The Cramming Officer checks out staff and students from the translated tapes NEVER from the tape notes as notes are too far removed from the Source material and subject to misduplication. Before a Cramming Officer could give a checkout from a tape he must have listened to that section on the tape himself. In addition to Tech, Qual have their own tape players equipped with foot pedal start-stop control situated in Qual for student and staff member use in Cramming and Word Clearing. QUAL LIBRARY A special tape listening area needs to be set up in the Qual Library space where Org staff members can come and go at their own free will to listen to any taped HCO Bs, HCO PLs, etc, undisturbed. At least two copies of every translated tape package along with checksheets and glossaries are filed alphabetically in the Qual Library easily accessible for Auditors, C/Ses and student and staff Cramming purposes, Word Clearing and for staff who need to refer to or check out on individual issues contained within the translated tapes. STAY PUT Translated tape courses and translated administrative and hat materials on tape are the responsibility of and under the protection of Tech and Qual Divs. They may NEVER be removed from these areas as they invariably get lost or misplaced or damaged. AVAILABILITY Every effort must be made to make translated admin and hat materials and translated course materials readily available for student and staff member use and to remove any stops or arbitraries which might prevent staff or students knowing and applying the tech of Dianetics and Scientology. It is of vital interest to Keepers of Tech to ensure that full sets of translated Tech and Admin materials exist and are used. Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos CS-2 In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:mh.rd Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 363  Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos CS-2 In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=10/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/9/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT Word Clearing Series 25R Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1971R REVISED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo URGENT Word Clearing Series 25R Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE (Reissued 23 November 1971 verbatim additionally as a Tape Course Series HCO B.) FOREWORD The most appalling ignorance has existed on the use of magnetic recording tapes. It is therefore of the greatest possible importance that the subject of tape use be grasped and gotten rapidly into effect. Probably half the technology of admin and tech exists only on tape. Tapes, incorrectly used, can be the source of endless misunderstoods. Because tapes have been almost uniformly misused in the past, these misunderstoods have added up to a general misunderstood on the subject of tapes themselves. Students have been known to copy down the whole tape so they could study it. This is a complete waste of time and misuse of student study hours. Some orgs even played advanced study tapes to the public. European orgs have even played translation quality tapes (usually not auditorium quality) of OEC Volumes as raw public lectures! (And lost their audience through lack of quality and inaudible and strange words.) Casual staff briefing tapes, not okay for release, of very bad quality, have been played to staffs of other orgs and the public. There is no end to the abuses. Therefore, for the benefit of understanding words alone, it is VITAL that tapes be properly used and not abused. TYPES OF TAPES There are four classes of tapes. These are: 1. Course study tapes. 2. Public lecture tapes. 3. Briefing tapes. 4. Model performance tapes. 364 COURSE STUDY TAPES Tapes made for courses are of two varieties: (a) English, usually by LRH. (b) Translations, done by translators. They are FOR COURSE USE. This is what the org sells -- training on Tech or Admin. These tapes appear on checksheets and are done at the points of checksheets where they are called for, and are done by Method 2 for tapes or Method 3 for tapes as required. The foreign language tape courses are done from a special tape checksheet and are done exactly as laid down by Method 2 or Method 3. None of these tapes are all written out by the student and then studied. This is a waste of time. Further, such tapes are NOT played straight through with the student making notes of any misunderstood words "to look up later". This will blank out the tape content on the student's mind and knock out the student. So to play a course tape straight through to any student is to risk a stupidity and a blow. IT IS NOT DONE. It does not matter whether the student takes notes of misunderstoods or not. A COURSE TAPE IS NOT PLAYED STRAIGHT THROUGH. Only the earphone, foot-pedal start-stop control procedures are used. A course tape is NEVER PLAYED TO A GROUP OF STUDENTS. When played to more than one student, some student is going to get a misunderstood and there goes a blank student. Two students don't even listen to a tape even on Method 2 Tape Word Clearing! One has the meter and foot-pedal and the other the earphones. The word clearer stops at each read. He does not otherwise listen. Course tape quality must be good. All the words must be hearable and not inaudible. They must not be slurred or hard to make out. The earphones and tape player used must be high fidelity -- just any old earphones won't do. The tape player "playing head" across which the tape passes must be clean -- done by a cotton swab on a toothpick and cleaning fluid. The tape coating comes off on the playing head and after a time the sound is badly blurred. Using a course tape any other way is now FORBIDDEN. Tests have shown that violations of this are the reason for student failures and blows and out- Ethics. It goes without saying that the general handling of tape players and tapes must be well learned and practiced by Course Supervisors and students. PUBLIC LECTURE TAPES The probable reason stats fall after tape congresses is the misunderstood word. Congresses seldom use really high fidelity equipment. Further, tape copying is often done by outside firms and the tape copies themselves may be of poor quality. The combination is deadly. 365 We looked for the reason for stat drops after tape congresses and this is the only explanation which has come forth. Doingness congresses that are mainly seminars have been very successful. (By doingness is meant TRs -- training drills -- and other ACTIONS.) The relay of data to a public whose vocabulary is usually inadequate is not likely to win, as it hits their faulty vocabulary for one thing and uses new words for another. You can show somebody how to do things far better than you can tell him. This then extends into Div 6 Introductory Actions as well. The relay of data comes AFTER the demonstration in action terms. The possibility of possible bad playing speakers, possible low tape copy quality, the barriers of languages not learned in the first place and the introduction of new mental concepts combine into a hurdle that makes tape or film public presentation adventurous. Listening to public type tapes, by using foot-pedal start-stop tape players, is being put in a special public course category. Raw public tape and film presentations are however a must to keep the flavor and meaning of Dianetics and Scientology. So ensure excellent quality tapes and equipment are used with correct tapes for that public and you will have success. BRIEFING TAPES These are not to be confused with Special Briefing Course Tapes. A briefing tape is done to brief or debrief missionaires or to record a conference or to record special instructions to a person or group. It can then be used for reference or to settle any dispute. It can also be used to inform a staff or several staffs. A briefing tape is then a tape designed for a special and informed audience. If the tape quality is good and the audience is already a familiar or trained audience, a briefing tape can be played ONLY TO THE AUDIENCE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstood words and non-comprehension of what it is all about in general. "Ron's Journals" were staff briefing tapes. They began to be used for public. While they were not without success, one could no longer brief staffs on this line and the line was therefore cut. One could not make them with a security that they would be played to staffs. An isolated briefing to a single executive on "these are our future hopes" has been thereafter used as a staff briefing of many orgs as "these are your orders". Any tape is designed for a specific public. Briefing tapes are especially subject to abuse by being played to wrong publics. Any briefing tape which contains specific orders and plans which could be misunderstood should be played only to the individuals concerned with a stop- start foot-pedal and Method 3 Word Clearing, not going past any misunderstood. After a person has been briefed verbally, it is very revelatory to then Word Clear 2 the tape made at the same time. It will often be found that misunderstood words lead to potential alter-is in the actions required. Tape in this instance is an enormous help in assisting and clarifying briefings. 366 A group can be briefed if thereafter each is Word Cleared Method 3 or 2 on the tape afterwards, using standard tape word clearing. Needless to say such tapes must be of good quality. MODEL PERFORMANCE TAPES Tapes exist which give a standard of performance. In Dianetic and Scientology Auditing student auditors have never been known to achieve a high standard of session presence and Communication (and accordingly high results) without the careful study of tapes made of similar sessions by high level auditors. A student musician is unlikely to achieve professional performance level unless he has heard a professional play. It would take a film or live demonstration to communicate a high standard of performance in a purely action subject. For instance for centuries no one believed that Robin Hood could split his first target arrow with a second until a new generation worked on it and a few painfully recovered the lost art of archery and then demonstrated how it was done for others to see. Tapes and films serve a vital purpose in maintaining a performance standard. As these tapes and films show HOW it is done and the ATMOSPHERE and RHYTHM of ACTION they are not subject to word clearing. CONCLUSION Tape and film training is vital, valuable and has its role. But like showing a child how to open a book and read, there is exact technology in USING tapes and films. The first thing one must realize is that the use of tape and film is itself a technical subject that must be studied and learned. One does not naturally know it. The failures of universities to make educated and civilized men is because their own professors know nothing of misunderstood words and so lectured happily on and on to a snoring student body. One professor of physics used to open the classroom windows wide in freezing winter "to keep his students from going to sleep in HIS class". And then stood on the platform and defined nothing as he rambled on. All it did for his class was give them coughs between snores! The handling and use of tape and film in training and administration IS a subject. By failing to know it and use that information, one can block the road for himself and all others to being learned and being free. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 367  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=25/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 7 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER  Type = 12 iDate=25/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to European Languages) Supervisors Students Word Clearers Course Admin  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 25 NOVEMBER 1971R Reissued 7 July 1974 as BTB Revised & Reissued 21 November 1974 Remimeo (Translate to European Languages) CANCELS Supervisors BTB OF 25 NOVEMBER 1971 Students SAME TITLE Word Clearers Course Admin (This issue has been changed from TC Series 9 to TC Series 7. Points 10-19 have been revised.) Tape Course Series 7 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER Tapes of course materials must always be listened to through high quality high fidelity earphones. This permits the listener to be undisturbed by other noises in the area, as well as prevents others from being disturbed by the tape being played. High fidelity earphones permit the listener to have his undivided attention on the tape and produce a pleasant and easy to listen to sound which closely duplicates what is spoken on the tape. The tape player used must also be of high quality to reproduce the sound without adding to or distorting what is on the tape. Poor quality sound is difficult and annoying to listen to and causes misunderstoods by preventing the listener from hearing exactly what is said. Properly cared for and regularly maintained, a high quality player will last several times as long as one costing half as much which never does produce a good quality sound. SETTING UP THE TAPE PLAYER 1. The tape player is set up on a steady bench, table or platform at a comfortable height so the student can operate the controls easily when seated in front of it. 2. If possible, the tape machines should be set up so that the student is facing the Supervisor of the Course, rather than the student having his back to the Supervisor. This enables the Supervisor to spot easily if the student has gone dull or sleepy from a misunderstood word. 3. The tape machine is plugged in, switched on, to check if the power is on and that the machine is operating. 4. The tape machine must be the type that is set up to operate with a start/stop foot pedal switch. These can easily be obtained and fitted to existing tape players that do not already have them. This is very important as the machine will be started and stopped many times by the student (with his foot on the pedal) while he is using his hands to look up words in the dictionary, fill in his checksheet, etc. The connected foot pedal is placed where it is in easy reach of the student's foot. Test it to ensure it is working. 5. The tape player "playing head" across which the tape passes, is checked to ensure that it is clean. The tape coating comes off on the playing head and after a time the sound is badly blurred. If the playing head appears dirty or the sound is blurred, the tape head must be cleaned. This is done using a cotton swab on a toothpick and cleaning fluid. It is rubbed across the playing head until all the tape coating is removed. 368 6. The tape that is to be heard is obtained and put on the player and set up for start -- by passing the "colored leader" on the tape past the playing head and onto the empty spool. Make sure it is passed around the "roller guides" (designed to ensure it runs freely and doesn't catch and tear on any sharp edges). 7. Plug in the earphones, put them on, and switch on the tape to test them (to ensure they are working and the quality of sound is good). Adjust the tone and volume to suitable levels. Switch off the tape. 8. Place a good dictionary, a "demonstration kit", the Course checksheet and a notebook and pen where they are in easy reach while seated at the tape machine. 9. Set the "tape counter" at zero and the tape at the beginning (by winding it back if it has started into the Course lecture during the tests). USING THE TAPE PLAYER 10. Play the tape at its correct speed. 11. Listen to the tapes in the order they are entered on your Course checksheet. 12. Mark off each item on your Course checksheet as you finish listening to it (or when you have checked out on it if a checkout is required). 13. Mark the "tape counter reading" of each item on your checksheet as that item begins on the tape. This gives you a reference by which you can find any item later on. You may be required to restudy some items by the Supervisor and you may want to hear some of them again yourself to clarify them with later tapes. 14. If a word(s) or phrase on a tape cannot be understood, call for the Supervisor. The Supervisor listens to the tape and if he can't distinguish what is being said, with the help of the Course Admin, gets hold of the English text and locates the word or phrase, then using a good foreign language dictionary translates the word or phrase for the student. This cycle should only take a couple of minutes. 15. If a student bogs on listening to a translated tape, he is first Word Cleared. Should the confusion not clear up, the translated tape is compared to the English material and if found to be a translation error the Supervisor or Word Clearer, with the use of a good dictionary, translates the English text correctly for the student. The Supervisor makes a note of the translation error by entering the error on a card which is placed in the Tape Box for student use, and sends a report to TU Chief Pubs DK. 16. When rewinding a tape back a bit wait until the tape stops before you press the start button otherwise the tape is liable to break through mishandling. 17. Rewind each tape onto its correct spool as you finish listening to it and turn off the tape machine. Replace it in its box and return it to its correct place from which it came. 18. Replace the cover on the tape machine when the machine has been finished with. 19. Use BTB 26 November 1971 R, Rev. 17 Aug 74, "Handling Misunderstood Words on Tape Recorded Materials", and BTB 27 Nov 71R, "Method 2 Word Clearing on Tapes and Tape Courses". Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:BW:mh.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 369  Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=26/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 8 Word Clearing Series 26RA HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS  Type = 12 iDate=26/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Tape Course Students Translate into the various languages Students Supervisors Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 26 NOVEMBER 1971RA Revised & Reissued 17 August 1974 as BTB Remimeo Revised 21 November 1974 All Tape Course CANCELS Students BTB OF 26 NOVEMBER 1971 Translate SAME TITLE into the various languages Students Supervisors Tape Course Series 8 Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 26RA HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS Method 3 Word Clearing must be done routinely by any Course student. It is done by the student himself and also by the Supervisor on his students. METHOD 3 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES 1. The tape machine and tape are set up exactly as per Tape Course Series 7, BTB 25 Nov 71 R, Rev. 21 Nov 74, "Setting Up and Using a Tape Player". 2. Whilst listening to the tape, if the student hears a word he does not understand, he immediately stops the tape by means of the foot pedal start-stop control. 3. He writes the word down in his notebook and immediately looks up the word exactly per BTB 4 Sept 71R, Rev. 15 Dec 73, Word Clearing Series 22R, "How to Use a Dictionary", clearing all definitions and any not understood or misunderstood words in the definitions, and putting each into sentences. 4. Student then checks the tape for the exact use of the word in the tape. 5. Student then rewinds the tape to just before the word cleared above and relistens to the section to ensure that it is understood. 6. The student continues listening to the tape until he encounters another word which he does not understand, at which point he does the actions outlined in 3, 4 and 5 above. 7. If at any point the student becomes bored, feels blank, washed out, not there, starts yawning, dopes off or wants to blow, he must recognize that he has gone past a misunderstood word. 8. The student must turn the tape back to the point where he was interested and alert and check the section just after that for the misunderstood word or words, and clear them according to steps 3, 4 and 5. 9. The student then rewinds the tape back to the end of the section where he felt fine and relistens to the tape from that point on, picking up and clearing any other words found. 10. If the student starts to feel squashed, gets a headache, stomach feels funny, gets dizzy from time to time, or eyes start to hurt, the student should locate the section on the tape where he had a lack of mass, and either go and find the actual mass under discussion and feel and inspect it, if possible, or find a photo of it, or demonstrate the mass in clay with labels, or use his demo kit to demonstrate the mass. The student should then relisten to the rest of the tape from that section on. 370 11. The Supervisor must be alert to the manifestations of lack of mass and misunderstood words and quickly see that the correct handling is done rapidly. If he does not handle, he will shortly end up with no students. 12. If a student cannot locate the misunderstood word using Method 3, either on his own or with the Supervisor, the Supervisor should apply Method 2 Word Clearing to that section of the tape to quickly locate and handle the misunderstood words. If the student's TA is above 3.5 or below 2.0, end off and send the student to Qual for a C/S 53RI. 13. A Supervisor should check students who have just completed a tape and look tired or not there, by asking questions about the tape. If the student cannot answer or gives a wrong or altered answer, the Supervisor should make the student go back and relisten to the tape and find and clear the misunderstood words. The above procedure is very simple and the essential ingredients to have F/Ning students who know and can apply their materials. Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2rd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:DM:mh.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 371  Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2rd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=27/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 9 Word Clearing Series 27R METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES  Type = 11 iDate=27/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Supervisors Students  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 27 NOVEMBER 1971R Revised & Reissued 21 November 1974 as BTB Remimeo (Translate CANCELS to Various HCO BULLETIN OF 27 NOVEMBER 1971 Languages) SAME TITLE Supervisors Students Tape Course Series 9 Word Clearing Series 27R METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES Method 2 Word Clearing is done on the student by another student trained to do so or the Supervisor or a Word Clearer. The person doing the Method 2 Word Clearing must be trained in the use of an E-Meter and instant reads. There are two ways in which Method 2 Word Clearing can be used. As a study remedy on the area of current difficulty. As a study method on the whole material currently being studied (or the whole of previously studied materials). When used as a study remedy on the area of current difficulty, Method 2 is simply used to locate the misunderstood word or words that could not be located by Method 3 Word Clearing. It is done then and there in the classroom or Qual and does not require C/S OK. This is done by locating and clearing the word that caused the E-Meter needle to read (small fall, fall, etc). The student having Method 2 Word Clearing done on him holds the cans of the E-Meter (E-Meter electrodes) while he listens to the tape. He does nothing else, other than listen to the tape. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLVING STUDY DIFFICULTY ON A TAPE, WITH METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING 1. The tape machine has been set up as in BTB 25 Nov 71R, Reissued 7 July 74 as BTB, Revised 21 Nov 74, Tape Course Series 7, "Setting Up and Using a Tape Player". 2. The student, the classroom Word Clearer and the Course Supervisor have been using Method 3 Word Clearing as in Tape Course Series 8, BTB 26 Nov 71R, Revised & Reissued 17 Aug 74 as BTB, Revised 21 Nov 74, "Handling Misunderstood Words on Tape Recorded Materials". 3. The student is having trouble with the tape or the subject. The difficulty hasn't been resolved and the word causing the trouble hasn't been located. 4. The Course Supervisor or a trained Word Clearer now takes over to handle the difficulty with Method 2 Word Clearing. 5. The student either takes the tape he is having trouble with to the Supervisor/Word Clearer's desk (where another tape machine and an E-Meter are set up) -- or the Supervisor takes an E-Meter and sets it up at the student's tape machine. 372 6. The student is asked at which point on the tape he became bogged. He is then asked for the point on the tape when he was doing OK. The tape is then reversed to the exact end point of where he was doing well. The first MU will be just after that and there may be others. 7. The Supervisor/Word Clearer operates the foot pedal start-stop control of the tape machine as well as the E-Meter, and does worksheets of the Word Clearing. 8. The student listens to the tape. He also holds the cans of the E-Meter while he is listening to the tape. If the student's TA is above 3.5 or below 2.0, send the student to Qual for rapid C/S Series 53RI handling and return to course. 9. As the tape plays, the Supervisor/Word Clearer watches his Meter needle. As soon as the needle reads (small fall, fall, etc) the Supervisor/Word Clearer stops the machine by use of the foot pedal, and asks the student for the misunderstood word. It is extremely important that the Supervisor/Word Clearer stop the tape player at the exact moment of the Meter read, otherwise he may be asking the student for three or four or even six or eight words later than the reading word, and thus cause undue difficulty for the student. 10. If the student can't spot the word, the Supervisor/Word Clearer replays the last short section to assist the student to find the MU. 11. If the student still can't spot the word, the Supervisor/Word Clearer turns the tape back a little further and replays that whole section, using the tape counter numbers to guide his stopping and starting actions. He locates the MU. 12. All misunderstood words on tapes are cleared according to BTB 4 Sept 71R, Rev. 15 Dec 73, 20 July 74, WC Series 22R, "How to Use a Dictionary", clearing each word to F/N. 13. The student keeps hold of the cans and the Supervisor/Word Clearer locates the word in the dictionary, understands the definition himself and then holds it for the student to read. 14. The student reads all definitions out loud whilst the Word Clearer watches the needle in order to pick up any MUs in the definitions. 15. The Word Clearer ensures that the student puts each definition into sentences to ensure the word is fully understood, to F/N. 16. The Word Clearer ensures that the student has clarified the exact definition of the word as used in the tape, and plays back that section of the tape for the student, in order to ensure it is cleared. 17. The tape is now turned back to the beginning of the section where the student ran into trouble to double check that it is now resolved. There should be no reads, and F/N, on that section of the material. If there are any more reads, these are picked up and cleared, and the section replayed again, until there are no more reads on that section, and F/N on the repair. 18. The trouble is now resolved and the student is returned to normal study, where he is expected to apply Method 3 Word Clearing as a routine. 19. If the student's difficulty has not resolved, the student is sent to Qual for a Word Clearing Correction List, which will locate the cause of the trouble. 20. The student is returned to Course when the difficulty has been located and handled, resulting in an F/Ning student. 373 METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING AS A STUDY METHOD ON TAPE MATERIALS On some professional checksheets or special staff training actions, all the materials of the course are required to be done Method 2 Word Clearing. Also when earliest materials are being Word Cleared Method 2. Method 2 done for this purpose has steps as follows. A. The Case Supervisor OK must be obtained to ensure that the student is not in the middle of a major auditing rundown or process or due for an Interiorization Rundown, etc. (Word Clearing M2 can be done between the processes of a program.) B. The tape player is set up as given earlier. C. Note: If the student has a high or low TA on the Meter (above 3.5 or below 2.0 after the Meter has been turned on for a few minutes to warm up and the cans have been warmed by the student holding them for a few minutes) or if the student is in pain or upset -- the Word Clearer does not start metered Word Clearing. The Word Clearer informs the student, "I'm sorry we will not be starting Word Clearing at this time. The Word Clearer reports this in writing with the student's TA position to the Supervisor who forwards the report to the DPE so that the needed C/S Series 53RI session can be given the student. This must be done quickly so he can be gotten on to his Word Clearing. The student is immediately called in for C/S 53RI handling to the result of an F/Ning student at which point the student is returned to his course. D. Starting the Word Clearing is done by informing the student, "I am not auditing you." The tape is then started and the procedure is as given earlier in this BTB for Method 2. The only difference being that the whole materials are covered in this manner with the Word Clearer taking up and clearing all reading words (and any words originated by the student as misunderstood). E. Each word handled is cleared to Floating Needle on the Meter. F. The Word Clearing period is ended on Floating Needle. G. Note: If the Word Clearing bogs down and it can't be resolved, the Word Clearer or Supervisor must end off and send the Worksheets to the Review Auditor in Dept 14 at once, who will handle by doing a Word Clearing Correction List. Training & Services Aide by Order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright$c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 374  Training & Services Aide by Order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=17/8/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=8/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 42R Tape Course Series 10 METHOD 4 NOTES   Remimeo (Translate to European Languages)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 AUGUST 1972R REVISED 8 JULY 1974 Remimeo (Translate to (Revision in this type style) European Languages) (Reissued 24 October 1974 as a Tape Course Series) Word Clearing Series 42R Tape Course Series 10 METHOD 4 NOTES Too generalized a question in using Method 4 defeats its use and can restimulate a person badly. Example: "Is there anything in college you didn't understand?" That of course is just plain ridiculous as a question. "Have you ever heard anything you didn't understand?" would be similarly silly. BREAK DOWN THE MATERIALS When doing Method 4 you have to break down the materials (put them into small separate units) in order to ask questions. Example: We have Papers 1 & 2, both on the same subject. The wrong question for Method 4 would be "Is there anything in Papers 1 & 2 you didn't understand?" and not even give him the papers to see! The right way to do it would be to take Paper 1 and break it down into its obvious sections, give the person Paper 1 and let him look at it. Point to its 1st section and say, "Is there anything you didn't understand in this section?" while watching the meter. Then point to next section, do the same. Finish Paper 1. Then go to Paper 2 and do it the same. A person has to know what he's being asked about and has to be thinking of it when asked the question. TAPES Just as it would be ridiculous to ask, "Have you ever misunderstood anything you ever read?", it would be silly to ask, "Did you ever have a misunderstood on Tape?" The right way is to take the tape and put it on a machine and play a bit of it. And ask, "Is there anything in the first section of this tape you didn't understand?" while watching the meter. Then high speed the tape forward to another area and do the same. Thus the tape is covered. This can also be done from any tape notes, section by section. BOOKS Books are done chapter by chapter. 375 QUICKIE M4 Method 4 is defeated utterly by: 1. Bad metering, 2. Too general a question, 3. Not having the material to hand, 4. Not getting the person's attention on parts of the material, 5. Not taking each word found to F/N. Quickie M4 misses. It sets the person up for a loss in his studying. And we want him to actually succeed in his study, don't we? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 376  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=6/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=17/10/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 11R BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN  Type = 11 iDate=6/4/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Supervisors Cramming Offs  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 APRIL 1972RA Revised & Reissued 22 November 1974 as BTB Corrected 17 October 1975 Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Supervisors CANCELS Cramming Offs HCO BULLETIN OF 6 APRIL 1972 SAME TITLE Tape Course Series 11R BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN REF: Tape Course Series HCO Bs and BTBs: TC Series 1 HCO B 20 Nov 71 Issue II Reissued 23 Oct 74 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPES TC Series 2 HCO B 21 Nov 71 Issue I DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES TC Series 3R HCO B 21 Nov 71R Issue II Revised 23 Oct 74 TEACHING A TAPE COURSE TC Series 4 BTB 22 Nov 71 Issue II Reissued 11 Aug 74 as BTB TAPE PLAYERS -- DESCRIPTION AND CARE TC Series 5 BTB 21 Nov 74 TRANSLATED TAPES FOR STAFF AND STUDENT USE TC Series 6R HCO B 10 Nov 71R Revised 21 Sept 74 TAPES, HOW TO USE TC Series 7 BTB 25 Nov 71R Reissued 7 July 74 as BTB . Revised & Reissued 21 Nov 74 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER TC Series 8 BTB 26 Nov 71RA Revised & Reissued 17 Aug 74 as BTB Revised 21 Nov 74 HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS TC Series 9 BTB 27 Nov 71R Revised & Reissued 21 Nov 74 as BTB METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES TC Series 10 HCO B 17 Aug 72R Revised 8 July 74 & Reissued 24 Oct 74 as TC Series 18 METHOD 4 NOTES TC Series 11R BTB 6 Apr 72RA Revised & Reissued 22 Nov 74 as BTB Corrected 17 Oct 75 BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN TC Series 12R BTB 18 Feb 72R Issue I Reissued 3 Aug 74 as BTB Revised 23 Nov 74 TAPE TRANSLATIONS TO TAPE TC Series 13 BTB 9 Jan 74R Revised 21 Nov 74 TAPE COURSE CHECKSHEETS 377 It has been found, in many cases, that tapes with Scientology materials are not in use because of an individual WHY for each Org person concerned. As a great amount of the data of Scientology is contained only on tapes, especially in Europe where the written materials are also translated onto tape, it is vital that those concerned fully understand tape use and the operation of tape machines and that any individual WHY for non-use of tapes be found and handled. This BTB gives a rundown to handle the individual WHY and to get tape use understood and applied. The rundown is done in Qual by the Cramming Officer as a corrective action. HCO PL 30 August 74, Issue II, "Qual Stat Change", applies. BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN 1. FIND WHY he did not use tapes in the first place using BPL 6 April 1972R, Cramming Series 16, "How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle". There will be an individual WHY. It is seldom only misunderstoods. 2. HANDLE THE WHY. Handling of the Why is directly related to the Why that was found. It may require hatting, confront and reach and withdraw drills or other action as indicated. 3. WORD CLEAR METHOD 6 the individual words and symbols printed on the actual tape machines used in the Org by that person. 4. CRAM on appropriate Tape Course Series per standard Cramming Officer Tech. 5. WORD CLEAR METHOD 4 the person on Tape Operator's manual if he/she has read one. 6. If required, WORD CLEAR METHOD 2 the first tape materials ever heard. 7. Get Supervisors who fail to use translation tape courses crammed on HCO B 21 Nov 71 R, Issue II, Revised 23 Oct 74, "Teaching a Tape Course", and onto BPL 11 Dec 71 R, Revised 10 Apr 75, Issue I, "Hubbard Mini Course Supervisor Course", with special attention to section XI-A, "Tape Course Data for Supervisors". 8. Verify that the Situation of not using tapes is now handled. If not, verify the Why and correct or add to the Handling steps. If the Why does not verify, find the more basic Why and handle that. The end product is a person who can and will fully and properly use Scientology tapes. The actions must be done rapidly to TOTAL END PRODUCT. If you don't get the end product all the work is wasted. So use it well. Training & Services Aide by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:BL:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 378  Training & Services Aide by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=18/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=23/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 12R TAPE TRANSLATIONS TO TAPE  Type = 12 iDate=18/2/72 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Sight Translator Hats  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 18 FEBRUARY 1972R Issue I Reissued 3 August 1974 as BTB Revised 23 November 1974 Remimeo Sight Translator Hats CANCELS BTB OF 18 FEBRUARY 1972 Issue II SAME TITLE (Tape Course Series 13 is now Tape Course Series 12R) Tape Course Series 12R TAPE TRANSLATIONS TO TAPE (Adds to HCO B 20 Nov 71, issue II, "Course Translation to Tape", due to additional data on the subject of tape translations.) When translating tape lectures to tapes it has been found that higher quality translations are achieved by using tape transcripts instead of the actual taped lecture. A secondary factor is that using transcripts is easier for the Sight Translator and consequently speed of production and morale are increased. The method for translating taped lectures is as follows: 1. The Translator is provided with a typed transcript of the taped lecture. Transcripts used must be expertly done and edited so they read well. 2. The Translator (using Word Clearing Technology and a dictionary to clear up any misunderstoods) rapidly reads or goes through the transcript to get a general grasp of the subject. 3. The Technical Assistant who knows the subject and the original language now goes through the transcript with the Translator. Every technical word or phrase or cultural idiom is underlined. 4. While underlining, the two persons decide on the correct translation of the technical word or phrase. 5. As these are decided, they are written down on note paper with a complete definition. 6. Each word, phrase and definition is translated into the language and written down on a separate sheet of paper. 7. The translated words, phrases and definitions will become a mimeographed glossary for the eventual student. 8. With this glossary to hand, the Translator then takes the transcript to the recording booth and begins direct translation of the transcript onto tape. At the beginning of the tape the tape is copyrighted, title of the tape and number are given. 9. The translated master tape is then given to the recording engineer who handles the making of Production Masters, editing, copying. In other words, gets the tape prepared for distribution. 379 10. Pre-taping of transcripts before making the Translation Master tape is allowed and is covered in HCO PL 2 April 71, "Sight Translating Expertise". What is NOT done: A. Translating an English tape transcription into a foreign language on manuscript -- and then translating from the foreign language transcription onto a Master Tape. B. Transcribing an LRH tape into a foreign language and then transferring that onto tape. Correct sequence is transcription to English first, and then the translating onto tape. C. Translating directly from the taped lecture onto tape. D. Using transcriptions which are not expertly done. To do otherwise will result in alter-is and confusion of the material and misunderstoods for the student or staff member. E. Trying to sound as Ron would sound on one of his taped lectures. This is not required. Reading the materials in an interested voice and not letting any hesitation or note of mystery creep in is sufficient enough. The test is the translator must sound as though he is actually lecturing. Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 380  Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=9/1/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 13 TAPE COURSE CHECKSHEETS   Remimeo Translation Units Pubs Orgs  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 9 JANUARY 1974R REVISED 21 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo Translation (Only revision is change Units of Series No. from 17 to 13) Pubs Orgs Tape Course Series 13 TAPE COURSE CHECKSHEETS Translated Tape Courses differ from standard English courses in that the translated HCO Bs and PLs are recorded on tape instead of mimeoed on paper. Because of this difference, the checksheets must be laid out in such a manner that the student can easily find where each HCO B and HCO PL begins on the tapes. He must be able to do this without having to listen to all of the tapes or a whole tape each time he wants to find a particular piece of data from an issue. Tape counters are used by students listening to a translated tape course to keep a record of where the issues are located on the tape. As the student listens to the items through the tape, he writes the tape counter reading (as the item begins) beside the item on the checksheet. This gives him a tape counter reference for each item and makes it easy for any specific item on the tape to be located swiftly if he needs to listen to it again. SO tape course checksheets contain the tape numbers of each tape, and a space for the tape counter reading. The following is the exact procedure used by Translations Units in making tape course checksheets. A. The translator takes the English checksheet of the course he has translated onto tape and translates the checksheet onto paper with these additions: 1. Just before the first item on the checksheet is a brief explanation of the tape course. (See attached sample for text.) 2. The translator leaves more space than usual between items on the checksheet so there will be room to include the tape numbers on the checksheet. 3. An extra column is put at the beginning margin of each checksheet item for noting the tape counter reading of each item on the tape. B. Next, the tape numbers themselves must be entered on the checksheet, designating where each tape begins. For example: 12 09 71 would be the number of the tape made on the 9th day of the 12th month (Dec.) 1971. In addition to the tape number, the course and sequence are written out on the checksheet, with the tape number below it, i.e: HSDC -- Tape 1 Side A Tape Number (120971) All of this is entered in a "square" on the checksheet. An addition is made alongside this square as below: 381 e.g. HSDC -- Tape 1 Side A Tape Number (120971) Note: (Be sure to reset your tape counter reading to Zero.) The procedure for entering the tape numbers on the checksheet is as follows: 1. A full set of the tape copies (NOT Master tapes or Production Masters) for that particular course is obtained. The copies must be arranged in the proper sequence (Tape 1, Tape 2, etc), and must be in their labelled tape boxes. 2. The first tape is picked up, and the label on the back of the tape box is read. This label will list the items that are on the tape in the order they occur on the tape. The translator (or another person who speaks the language) looks at this label to determine the first item on the first side of the tape (Side A). 3. He then locates the same item on the checksheet, and enters the tape number just above that item on the checksheet. 4. He puts a "square" around the tape number on the checksheet. 5. Alongside the square he adds: (Be sure to reset your tape counter reading to Zero.) 6. He then looks at the side B of the tape box label and repeats steps 2-5. 7. The same steps 2-6 are done with each tape for that course. C. The final checksheet is checked on all the above points before being given OK to go to mimeo for issue. D. The checksheet is sent to mimeo, where it is typed on stencils, proofread, and run off. The final product is in the same format as the attached sample. ADDITIONAL NOTES It must not be assumed that tape course checksheets for the same course will be alike from language to language. Translators speak at varying speeds, so the number of items on each tape will also vary. Thus the first item on each tape will be different for each language. All of the above steps must be done for each course in each language. This special format for tape translated course checksheets appears on the attached sample. It is to be used in all tape course translations. SAMPLE TA PE COURSE CHECKSHEET FORMAT: (COURSE NAME) Usual Course introduction plus (Student's Name) (Org Name) ------------------------------------- --------------------------------- etc, etc. 382 The material on this checksheet has been translated onto tape into your own language. Play the tapes in the order shown on the checksheet and indicated on the tape boxes. Sign your initials for every recorded item (bulletin, etc) on the checksheet when you have finished listering to it. The name of every separate item is given on the tape before the item is recorded. Fill out the column "tape counter" with the numbers at the beginning of every item. This makes it possible for you to easily find a particular item if you wish to listen to it again. Make sure the tape counter is set at 0 before you start playing the tape, so that you can use the tape counter with success. Set up the tape recorder the way you have learned, and start. We wish you a very successful course. START! Course Name Tape 1 Side A Note: (Be sure to reset your tape Tape Number ( ) counter reading to Zero.) A R T E T T E R S E T A D Tape Counter Reading Column __________________ 1. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 2. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 3. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 4. LRH Lecture ______________ ______ ______ Course Name Tape 1 Side B Note: (Be sure to re-set your Tape Number ( ) counter reading to Zero.) __________________ 5. HCO PL ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 6. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 7. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 6. HCO PL ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 9. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ __________________ 10. PRACTICAL DRILL ______________ ________________________________________ ______ ______ 383 Course Name Tape 2 Side A Note: (Be sure to reset your Tape Number ( ) counter reading to Zero.) __________________ 11. HCO B ___ _____ ___ ______________ ______ ______ Sherene Hull Flag Mission 1248 I/C Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:SH: ah.mh.jh Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 384  Sherene Hull Flag Mission 1248 I/C Revised by CS-2 Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=23/11/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 14 TAPE COURSE SERIES REVISIONS AND CANCELLATIONS  Type = 12 iDate=20/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=12/1/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=21/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=30/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=22/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=8/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=24/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=24/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=28/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=11/1/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=6/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 12 iDate=12/9/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=22/9/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 23 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo Tape Course Series 14 TAPE COURSE SERIES REVISIONS AND CANCELLATIONS The Tape Course Series has been reviewed chronologically and, as a result, some Issues were revised and reissued and some were cancelled out altogether. In addition, the Tape Course Series has been renumbered for numerical sequence. The following is the list of Issues as they now exist: 1. HCO B 20 Nov 71 Issue II Reissued 23 Oct 74 Tape Course Series 1 COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPES 2. HCO B 21 Nov 7I Issue I Tape Course Series 2 DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES 3. HCO B 21 Nov 71R Issue II Revised 23 Oct 74 Tape Course Series 3R TEACHING A TAPE COURSE 4. BTB 22 Nov 71 Issue II Reissued 11 Aug 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 4 TAPE PLAYERS -- DESCRIPTION AND CARE 5. BTB 21 Nov 74 Tape Course Series 5 TRANSLATED TAPES FOR STAFF AND STUDENT USE 6. HCO B 10 Nov 71R Revised 21 Sept Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE 7. BTB 25 Nov 71R Reissued 7 July 74 as BTB Revised & Reissued 21 Nov 74 Tape Course Series 7 SETTING UP AND USING A TAPE PLAYER 8. BTB 26 Nov 71RA Revised & Reissued 17 Aug 74 as BTB Revised 21 Nov 74 Tape Course Series 8 HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS 9. BTB 27 Nov 71R Revised & Reissued 21 Nov 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 9 METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES 10. HCO B 17 Aug 72R Revised 8 July 74 & Reissued 24 Oct 74 as Tape Course Series 18 Tape Course Series 10 METHOD 4 NOTES 11. BTB 6 Apr 72R Revised & Reissued 22 Nov 74 as BTB Cancels HCO B 6 Apr 72 Same Title Tape Course Series 11 BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN 385 12. BTB 18 Feb 72R Issue I Reissued 3 Aug 74 as BTB Revised 23 Nov 74 as Tape Course Series 12R TAPE TRANSLATIONS TO TAPE 13. BTB 9 Jan 74R Revised 21 Nov 74 Tape Course Series 13 TAPE COURSE CHECKSHEETS CANCELLATIONS The following Issues are cancelled: 1. BTB 20 Nov 71R Revised 12 Jan 74 Reissued 8 July 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 1R COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE 2. BTB 21 Nov 71RA Revised & Reissued 20 Aug 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 3RA TEACHING A TAPE COURSE 3. BTB 22 Nov 71 Issue I Revised & Reissued 8 July 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 4 TRANSLATION TAPES, USE OF 4. BTB 24 Nov 71 Issue II Reissued 3 July 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 7 COURSE MATERIALS 5. BTB 24 Nov 71R Issue III Revised & Reissued 28 July 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 8R ADMINISTRATIVE AND HAT MATERIALS 6. HCO B 11 Jan 72 Tape Course Series 12 THE TAPE REFERENCE SYSTEM 7. HCO B 6 Apr 72 Tape Course Series 14 (Note: Rev. & Reissued as BTB, BASIC TAPE RUNDOWN TC Series 11. See above.) 8. BTB 12 Sep 72 Reissued 18 Sept 74 as BTB Tape Course Series 15 TAPE PLAYERS -- HOW TO KEEP THEM OPERATIONAL 9. HCO B 22 Sep 72 Tape Course Series 16 THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TRANSLATING Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos CS-2 In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:RR:mh.rd Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 386  Lt. Comdr. Robin Roos CS-2 In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=23/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 1 THE SECRET OF FAST COURSES  Type = 11 iDate=23/6/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supers Course Super Checksheets Cramming Offs Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN Remimeo 23 JUNE 1971 All Students Reissued 24 November 1974 as BTB Tech & Qual Course Supers CANCELS Course Super HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JUNE 1971 Checksheets Cramming Offs SAME TITLE Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 1 THE SECRET OF FAST COURSES BEFORE Study Trouble? Even a little? SEE THE WORD CLEARER! [GRAPHICS INSERTED ABOVE] 389 Don't suffer - See the Word Clearer. He'll help you a little. He'll help you a lot! A sweepingly fantastic discovery in the field of Education - LRH. AFTER [GRAPHICS INSERTED] "I've been to the Word Clearer!" ("And I use the 'Misunderstood Word Tech' when studying too!" WORD CLEARING! If it's used, your courses start running fast, your students start learning quickly -- with all stats going well. -- LRH. Training & Services Aide and Flag Artist Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:BW:RG:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 391  Training & Services Aide and Flag Artist Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=24/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 2 WORD CLEARING   Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Supers Checksheet Cramming Officers Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JUNE 1971 Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Supers Checksheet Cramming Officers Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 2 WORD CLEARING If anyone has "word cleared" you without these steps it is incorrect. (1) By Meter in Session: A full assessment of many many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and/or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N VGIs. (2) By Meter in Classroom: The earlier passage is read by the student while on a meter and the misunderstood word is found. Then it is fully defined by dictionary. The word is then used several times in sentences of the student's own verbal composing. The misunderstood area is then reread until understood. (3) Verbal in classroom: The student says he does not understand something. The Supervisor has him look earlier in the text for a misunderstood word, gets the student to look it up, use it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition, then read the text that contained it. Then come forward in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand. If any other word clearing is going on it is OUT tech. There is a C/S on HCOB 30 June 71 to be followed exactly on word clearing in a session. Do not follow any other version or excerpt. There is NO other way to do it. If you are not auditing this way or using word clearing this way or if words are not being cleared this way, report it to Ethics. Once development and issue has occurred the next step is to get it understood and applied EXACTLY. Then in both Tech and Admin we have successes. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 392  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=25/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  BARRIERS TO STUDY   Remimeo Tech & Qual All Students Supervisors Supervisor's Course Cramming Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 3R  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JUNE 1971R REVISED 25 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo Tech & Qual All Students Supervisors Supervisor's Course Cramming Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 3R BARRIERS TO STUDY There are three different sets of physiological and mental reactions that come from 3 different aspects of study. They are three different sets of symptoms. ( 1) Education in the absence of the mass in which the technology will be involved is very hard on the student. It actually makes him feel squashed. Makes him feel bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored, exasperated. If he is studying the doingness of something in which the mass is absent this will be the result. Photographs help and motion pictures would do pretty good as they are a sort of promise or hope of the mass but the printed page and the spoken word are not a substitute for a tractor if he's studying about tractors. You have to understand this data in its purity -- and that is that educating a person in a mass that they don't have and which isn't available produces physiological reactions. That is what I am trying to teach you. It's just a fact. You're trying to teach this fellow all about tractors and you're not giving him any tractors -- well he's going to wind up with a face that feels squashed, with headaches and with his stomach feeling funny. He's going to feel dizzy from time to time and very often his eyes are going to hurt. It's a physiological datum that has to do with processing and the field of the mind. You could therefore expect the greatest incidence of suicide or illness in that field of education most devoted to studying absent masses. This one of studying the something without its mass ever being around produces the most distinctly recognizable reactions. If a child felt sick in the field of study and it were traced back to this one, the positive remedy would be to supply the mass -- the object or a reasonable substitute -- and it would clear it up. (2) There is another series of physiological phenomena that exist which is based on the fact of too steep a study gradient. That's another source of physiological study reaction because of too steep a gradient. 393 It is a soft of a confusion or a reelingness that goes with this one. You've hit too steep a gradient. There was too much of a jump because he didn't understand what he was doing and he jumped to the next thing and that was too steep and he went too fast and he will assign all of his difficulties to this new thing. Now differentiate here -- because gradients sounds terribly like the 3rd one of these study hang-ups, definitions -- but remember that they are quite distinctly different. Gradients are more pronounced in the field of doingness but they still hang over into the field of understanding. In gradients however it is the actions we are interested in. We have a plotted course of forward motion of actions. We find he was terribly confused on the second action he was supposed to do. We must assume then that he never really got out of the first one. The remedy for this one of too steep a gradient is cutting back. Find out when he was not confused on the gradient, then what new action he undertook to do. Find what action he understood well. Just before he was all confused what did he understand well -- and then we find out that he didn't understand it well. It's really at the tail end of what he understood and then he went over the gradient you see. It is most recognizable and most applicable in the field of doingness. That's the gradient barrier and one full set of phenomena accompanies that. (3) There is this third one. An entirely different set of physiological reactions brought about through -- a bypassed definition. A bypassed definition gives one a distinctly blank feeling or a washed-out feeling. A not-there feeling and a sort of nervous hysteria will follow in the back of that. The manifestation of "blow" stems from this 3rd aspect of study which is the misunderstood definition or the not comprehended definition, the undefined word. That's the one that produces the blow. The person doesn't necessarily blow on these other two -- they are not pronouncedly blow phenomena. They are simply physiological phenomena. This one of the misunderstood definition is so much more important. It's the make-up of human relations, the mind and subjects. It establishes aptitude and lack of aptitude and it's what psychologists have been trying to test for years without recognizing what it was. It's the definitions of words. The misunderstood word. That's all it goes back to and that produces such a vast panorama of mental effects that it itself is the prime factor involved with stupidity and the prime factor involved with many other things. If a person didn't have misunderstoods his talent might or might not be present but his doingness would be present. We can't say that Joe would paint as well as Bill if both were unaberrated in the field of art, but we can say that the inability of Joe to paint compared with the ability of Joe to do the motions of painting is dependent exclusively and only upon definitions -- exclusively and only upon definitions. 394 There is some word in the field of art that the person who is inept didn't define or understand and that is followed by an inability to act in the field of the arts. That's very important because it tells you what happens to doingness and that the restoration of doingness depends only upon the restoration of understanding on the misunderstood word -- misunderstood definition. This is very fast processing. There is a very swift wide big result obtainable in this. It has a technology which is a very simple technology. It enters in at the lower levels because it has to. This doesn't mean it is unimportant, it means it has to be at the entrance gates of Scientology. It is a sweepingly fantastic discovery in the field of education and don't neglect it. You can trace back the subject a person is dumb in or any allied subject that got mixed up with it. The psychologist doesn't understand Scientology. He never understood a word in psychology so he doesn't understand Scientology. Well that opens the gate to Education. Although I've given this one of the misunderstood definition last it is the most important one. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 395  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=26/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=30/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 4R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM AND THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD   Remimeo Tech & Qual All Supervisors Super's Course Cramming Officers Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 JUNE 1971R Issue II REVISED 30 NOVEMBER 1974 (Revision in this type style) Remimeo Tech & Qual All Supervisors Super's Course Cramming Officers Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 4R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM AND THE MISUNDERSTOOD WORD (From LRH taped briefing to Lt. Bill Foster 14 June 71) Two-way comm where it has been described has been described for the use of an auditor, not a Supervisor of a Course. Supervisors not knowing this then run around itsa-ing students. They let the students itsa and they think they are going to get some place. It's the most incredible scene that you ever heard of and the boom could go bust only on this one point. I've got it narrowed down to th/s. Apparently no matter how many times the study tapes have been played, nobody has ever heard of them. I watched a recent course run to find out how deep they would let the students struggle -- how long it would stay bogged -- and it would have stayed bogged from here on out! And do you know what's out? It's the study data tapes just that -- and that's all that's out on a course. So when they say "2-way comm the students" you'll find the Supervisors instantly start to itsa them and are using auditor 2-way-comm on these courses. It doesn't belong on these courses. I'll give you now the total dialogue of a Supervisor: The Supervisor shows interest. There can be a little bit of chatter, like -- "I see you've just completed. Great!" -- something like that, or he shows interest -- "How are you doing?" Student replies -- "Ah well, I'm doing all right." Supervisor -- "Now are there any words there in that, that you have misunderstood?" Student -- "No... no...." Supervisor -- "Well what is the word that you didn't quite understand?" Student -- "Ah well... ah... this one." Supervisor -- "Good. Now look that word up.... Now what's the word in the paragraph above that, where's that?... Alright let's look that up. Now use it in a sentence a couple of times and I'll be back in a minute." 396 He comes back, the student gives him the sentences for it and straightens it out and he sees the student's got it. That's the 2-way comm of a Supervisor. If a Supervisor does any other thing you've got a wrecked course. I've got the proof of it. The way you teach a TR Course is you give the student the bulletin and you have him read it. You don't check the guy out on the bulletin, he just reads it. When you come back you say, "Alright, have you read it?" "Yeah. I've read it." "What word don't you understand on it?" You will find things like HCO B and TR, and you get those cleared up, etc. I am having some roaring success stories from FEBC students who are through this. One had gone through the bulletin 10 times and had found words he didn't know all 10 times, and he was all of a sudden finding-new things on the bulletin that he'd never heard of before. Another student had gone through it 20 times with the same result and they were doing fine and getting down to TRs and passing them. On a TR Course you give them the bulletin and let them read it and you find what word they didn't understand. That's the routine. Now that sounds so impossible -- and it's been on the study tapes for so long -- that you wouldn't believe that this thing is the key. Do you know there were students there for 15 or 20 days until we started doing this, then all of a sudden there was a breakthrough and their enthusiasm started coming up. They had been just going lose, lose, lose, out the bottom because Supervisors were letting them itsa. Maybe Supervisors thought they were auditors. They aren't. Neither are they supposed to give advice or tell students how -- or ask them if they blinked or anything else. The other thing they were doing was only emphasizing all the "can'ts". The students just went into despair. This was because the Supervisors were inviting all kinds of itsa and criticizing and so forth. You may say, "Gee! Everybody knows it's a misunderstood word." Yeah -- but they don't use it. Now I'll give you another one. I set up a test so that each student was brought up to the D of T who had a meter on his desk and he'd ask them if they had anything they misunderstood -- and see if they got a read on the meter. If it didn't clear up at once he'd send them back to get the definitions and look the thing up and of course use the word in a couple of sentences and then if it didn't 397 clear up he'd send them to the word clearer and really let them get worked over because it goes way back. They even found a student who had a misunderstood word clear back into his last life. There wasn't any other 2-way comm and no other interest and they just about blew the roof off with student stat points. This is the action of a Supervisor and that's ALL the action a Supervisor does -- and he can do that. The course has plenty of dictionaries and so on. Rut, the main point is, it is the misunderstood word. This has been proven again. On a TR practical. course it's the misunderstood word and the misunderstood action. On other courses it's just misunderstood words and misunderstood words and misunderstood words, one right after the other. As fast as they clear this up -- up the student's production goes. It's painfully slow on some of them at first and I suppose the Supervisors have so many misunderstood words of their own that they just won't key into doing this action and that's what's wrecking courses. It's elementary, and it's the wildest discovery of all time but they don't use it. If it is used, your courses start running fast, your students start learning quickly and all starts going well. Other course outnesses like Supervisors not giving anybody a pack or no one to give checkouts are all Administrative outnesses. As far as actual Supervision is concerned it's this other line of handling misunderstood words. The second that line is in there are wins all over the place. The second that line is out there is no delivery. If auditors are goofing, then in their training they have not been made to look up the misunderstood word and a lot of itsa has gone on and people have evaluated for them. Then these auditors having made mistakes they never corrected with this tech, think they need something new to run on pcs, but they just wreck new tech too. We are shooting for a target, using just this misunderstood word tech, of a reduction of time by about a third on all major courses. Just using this misunderstood word tech. That's all. If some student is a totally slow student, you can get him back to the first bulletin or book he ever read and make him get every word in it he didn't understand, and it will go up in a chain. People on courses were being itsa'd to death. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 398  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=2/12/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 5R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM EXPLAINED   Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Super Chksht Cramming Offs Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JUNE 1971R REVISED 2 DECEMBER 1974 (Revision in this type style) Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Super Chksht Cramming Offs Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 5R SUPERVISOR TWO-WAY COMM EXPLAINED (From LRH Lecture Tape 15/6/71 Briefing to Aides Council) I don't think from the day they were spoken until now, anybody has understood or used "The Study Tapes". This is the only piece of Technology that you use on a course. There is no other teaching technology of any kind used on a course. The 2-way comm HCOBs are Auditor 2-way comm. The Supervisor has to know 2-way comm simply so that he can ask these burning questions: "How are you doing?" (Not with a lot of student itsa.) "Is there any word you haven't understood?" "Look it up." "Use it in a sentence a few times." That's the TOTALITY. That's all there is to teaching a course as far as the technology goes. It's contained in the few words which I have just given you and there's no other technology. That's all there is to teaching a course because that's all that's wrong with students. You can monitor it this way. You can watch a student's stats day to day. His stats are down today compared with yesterday's so you go over and talk to him. He says, "Yes. I had a hard night last night, up all night arguing with my wife," etc -- which could go on for hours. But the Supervisor says, "Now yesterday or today what word did you run across that you didn't understand?" The meter gives a LF. He says, "Yes! Well I didn't understand the word 'waffle-waffle'." The Supervisor says, "Well let's look it up and get it defined." The student says, "Well it wasn't that word, it was the word before that." 399 Supervisor, "Good -- let's get this looked up and used a couple of times in a sentence." The student does and he gets an F/N and it's all fine. His study stats go back up. That's all there is to it! There are two ways to fail to communicate the tech. One is not to read the HCO B's and the other is not to use the misunderstood word tech. (Of course you can have no course and nobody there even trying.) The worst thing would be to pretend to have a course but have missing materials and Supervisors giving verbal advice or tech. That is deadly and will turn any Academy sour. Verbal tech comes about when course materials are not available to students and no or faulty Word Clearing is used. As long as the Administration of the course is in and all the course materials are available, the sole source Tech is this misunderstood word tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 400  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=28/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 6R METHOD TWO METERED WORD CLEARING IN THE COURSE ROOM  Type = 12 iDate=28/6/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Students Supervisors Supervisor Checksheets Cramming Off Checksheet Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 28 JUNE 1971R Reissued 1 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 Remimeo Tech & Qual Students CANCELS Supervisors BTB OF 28 JUNE 1971 Supervisor SAME TITLE Checksheets Cramming Off (Revision in this type style) Checksheet Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 6R METHOD TWO METERED WORD CLEARING IN THE COURSE ROOM This method of Word Clearing is covered in HCO B 13 June 70, Issue II, "Hubbard Consultant Study Stress Analysis" -- numbers 3 and 4. The student gets into study difficulty. He is put on the meter and the Word Clearer (or Supervisor) gives him the R-factor "I am not auditing you." He has the student read over the EARLIER passage on his study materials and the Misunderstood Word is found by meter read. The word is then fully defined by dictionary and is used several times in sentences composed by the student. The misunderstood area is then re-read until understood. If it does not fully resolve you may have to start the student reading earlier on the HCO B to locate an even earlier Misunderstood Word. It may go back to the previous HCO B or an earlier one on the same subject. The Word Clearer can 2-Way Comm ONLY to locate the material being studied when the trouble started. The student finds THAT material and brings it to the Word Clearer where the word is located and handled as above. On occasions a student has had to put a word into 6 or 8 or more sentences before he finally connects with it and owns it and the TA comes down and F/N VGIs. Each word c/eared is taken to F/N. This method of Word Clearing is not attempted if the student's TA is above 3.5 or below 2.0 and the student is sent to Qual for C/S 53RI handling. From data of the Flag Word Clearer Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Copyright $c 1971, 1974 of the by L. Ron Hubbard CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 401  From data of the Flag Word Clearer Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=29/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=17/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 7R IMPORTANT STEPS TO SPEED STUDENT PRODUCT FLOW (FOR SUPERVISORS AND TECH PRODUCT OFFICERS)  Type = 12 iDate=29/6/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Supervisors Supervisor Courses Cramming Offs Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 29 JUNE 1971R REVISED 17 NOVEMBER 1974 Remimeo Tech & Qual Supervisors CANCELS Supervisor BTB OF 29 JUNE 1971 Courses SAME TITLE Cramming Offs Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 7R IMPORTANT STEPS TO SPEED STUDENT PRODUCT FLOW (FOR SUPERVISORS AND TECH PRODUCT OFFICERS) Let us consider each student who is tearing along successfully in his studies to be an F/Ning student. As a Supervisor, you would want to handle anything that slowed or interfered with such a student's F/N. Using dope-off as the only detection of misunderstoods is Supervising at a below F/N level. The F/N went off long before the student reached the point of dope-off, so waiting for dope-off to occur before handling is waiting too long. Let us look at this from the point of view of the tone scale. If you consider that each student who is not at tone 5.0 during study has a misunderstood WORD -- and if you do something about the misunderstood word -- then you can drive up study velocity so that all students are flying along as F/Ning students. (It's not a misunderstood phrase or idea or concept but a misunderstood WORD.) This always occurs before the subject itself is not understood. In comparison with waiting for dope-off to occur before handling the misunderstoods, this method is like high level auditing where slowed F/Ns are taken as reads -- rather than TA rise being the read. An estimation of the tone level of students on one course showed them at about plus or minus 2.5. This would mean many students had a very tight meter needle if we compare them to the F/Ning student who is flying along successfully. This could be remedied. If you had this Problem of a group of students at tone 2.5 it could be approached this way: 1. Set up one or more Word Clearers in the classroom. 2. Start with the faster study students, but not those at tone 5.0 or above. 3. If TA above 3.5 or below 2.0 send to Qual for a C/S 53RI. 4. Word Clearer inspects student stats graphs and locates with simple two- way comm what was being studied at the specific period just before the graph levelled or started to go down. If the graph has not done either but just maintained at a low level, the Word Clearer selects out the earliest materials on the course. 402 5. Do Method 4 on the materials selected on each student, taking each word to F/N. 6. Any student with BIs which do not clear up, or who runs into trouble on Method 4 is sent to Qual for WCCL. 7. Push back the action so it's done within the first few days of course for all new students, Once all existing students are handled. 8. Keep in the M4 for all new students within the first few days as a standard action. 9. Do Method 4 or use other Methods of Word Clearing on all course students at the first sign of a non-F/Ning student. By eliminating all these slows (misunderstood WORDS), the students' average points will rise and you will get all students flying along as F/Ning students. The above actions can be done on all students who are not at tone 5 or above on courses, whether Superliterate or on Fast Flow courses. These are organizing actions to speed production flow, which can be done without shattering stops such as "all students off course Onto TRs". Quality will rise as well as speed. Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 403  Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=30/6/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=11/5/72 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 8 RB STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING IN SESSION METHOD I  Type = 11 iDate=30/6/71 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Secs C/Ses Auditors Word Clearers Only  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1971 REVISED Issue II (Revised 9 Aug 71) (Revised 11 May 72) Remimeo Tech & Qual Secs C/Ses Word Clearing Series 8 RB Auditors Word Clearers (Cancels HCOB 30 June 71 Issue II, Only 8R and 8RR) STANDARD C/S FOR WORD CLEARING IN SESSION METHOD I 0. Clear the words in the Word Clearing Correction List so as to have it ready for use in case of bog. 1. Fly a rud if no F/N. If TA High or Low do not try to fly an ARC Brk. Do a C/S 53RRR instead. (See Auditor's Rights C/S Series 1 if any trouble with this pc. If errors in previous word clear sessions use HCOB 21 July 1971 REVISED to handle word clearing corrections needed.) 2. Do not clear these words before assessment. ASSESS. R Factor: We are going to go over a list of subjects to see if there is any word you didn't understand while studying these subjects. (Assess the whole list rapidly and clearly, good TR 1 and noting every read from the meter.) Religion _______ The Mind _______ Ministers _______ The Spirit _______ Church _______ Bodies _______ College _______ Sex _______ Schools _______ The Insane _______ Sacrifices _______ Psychiatry _______ Surgery _______ Psychoanalysis _______ Medicine _______ Psychology _______ Electronics _______ Rituals _______ Physics _______ Rites _______ Technical Subjects _______ Ships _______ Dianetics _______ The Sea _______ Scientology _______ Military _______ Theology _______ Armies _______ Theosophy _______ Navies _______ Philosophy _______ Stars _______ Law _______ Heavenly Bodies _______ Organization _______ The Universe _______ Government _______ Planes _______ Written Materials _______ Vehicles _______ Text Books _______ Machinery _______ Practice _______ Motors _______ Science _______ Administration _______ Music _______ Healing _______ Arithmetic _______ Illnesses _______ Grammar _______ Spoken Words _______ The Humanities _______ TAPES _______ 404 Add items dealing with this specific Pc's life. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 3. Ask the Question, "Is there any word on this list you didn't understand?" Clear it. Then do Step 5 on it before going on. (Do not reassess this list because there was a list word not understood.) 4. Take the remaining reading items from the best read on down and with E/S pull each one to F/N. Get each word you find to F/N. There can be many F/Ns per subject. End off with a win on the subject. 5. "In the subject of _____________ what word has been misunderstood?" He MUST look them up, so have a good dictionary handy. Do not accept "I know the meaning" if the subject or word reads. CLEAR "GRAMMAR" or grammatical words out of a simple book of grammar, not a dictionary. It isn't an earlier time he misunderstood that word. It's an earlier word in that subject and it can be an earlier subject. Considerations about it and other questions are not touched. Overts, W/Hs, etc are neglected. They are not done on the subject of the word. They are done in the session ruds. Just do the process and it will eventually F/N on each chain. 6. When all reads on the first assessment are handled to F/N, REASSESS the whole list. Do not take off the list items already handled. 7. Repeat Step 4. 8. Repeat Step 5. 9. Repeat Step 6, etc. 10. IN CASE OF ANY BOG OR SOMATIC USE THE WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST TO CORRECT THE BOG. 11. A persistent F/N should be attained on assessing the whole list as the End Phenomena of the Word Clearing sessions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.bh Copyright $c 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 405  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=1/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 9 THE THREE TYPES OF WORD CLEARING  Type = 11 iDate=1/7/71 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Sudents Supervisors Supervisor Checksheets Cramming Off Checksheets Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1 JULY 1971 Issue I Reissued 21 September 1974 as BTB Remimeo Tech & Qual Students CANCELS Supervisors HCO BULLETIN OF 1 JULY 1971 Supervisor Issue I Checksheets SAME TITLE Cramming Off Checksheets Word Clearing Series 9 Word Clearers THE THREE TYPES OF WORD CLEARING [GRAPHICS INSERTED] "Verbal in Classroom: The student says he does not understand something. The Supervisor has him look earlier in the text for a misunderstood word, gets the student to look it up, use it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition, then read the text that contained it. Then come forward in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand." LRH (HCO B 24 June 71, WC Series 2, WORD CLEARING) 406 [GRAPHICS INSERTED] "By Meter in Classroom: The earlier passage is read by the student while on a Meter and the misunderstood word is found. Then it is fully defined by dictionary. The word is then used several times in sentences of the student's own verbal composing. The misunderstood area is then reread until understood." LRH (HCO B 24 June 71, WC Series 2, WORD CLEARING) 407 [GRAPHICS INSERTED] "By Meter in Session: A full assessment of many many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and/or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N VGIs." LRH (HCO B 24 June 71, WC Series 2, WORD CLEARING) Training & Service Aide and Flag Artist Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BW:RG:nt.mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 408  Training & Service Aide and Flag Artist Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=1/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=23/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Issue II SAME TITLE Word Clearing Series 10R SPEEDING UP A SLOW COURSE  Type = 12 iDate=1/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Supervisors Super Courses Cramming Off Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1 JULY 1971R Issue II Reissued 20 August 1974 as BTB Revised 23 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 1 JULY 1971 Issue II SAME TITLE Remimeo Tech & Qual Supervisors Super Courses Cramming Off Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 10R SPEEDING UP A SLOW COURSE Refer BTB 29 June 71R, Word Clearing Series 7R, "Important -- Steps to Speed Student Product Flow" Situation -- Course is slow -- down-tone not winning enough. Students are not F/Ning students. Solution -- The Word Clearer calls the students up (starting with the faster students). Gives an R-Factor: "I am not auditing you," and does Method 4 on selected materials which precede the student slow. [GRAPHICS INSERTED] 1. If there is no meter read the Word Clearer sends the student directly back to study. 409 2. If the meter reads the Word Clearer does M4 Word Clearing. Student after that returns to study. [GRAPHICS INSERTED] 3. If the student has real Bad Indicators of TA at 3.5 or above or at 2.0 or below, or trouble with M4, the Word Clearer sends him directly to Qual Word Clearer for a WCCL or C/S 53RI by a Qual Auditor, 410 [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Result of these combined actions = Average student points rise and all students flying along. Quality will rise as well as speed. Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:RG:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 411  Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=2/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 11RA WORD CLEARING SUCCESSES  Type = 12 iDate=2/7/71 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual All Students Supervisors Supervisor Courses ramming Cksheet Word Clearers All Staff  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 2 JULY 1971RA Issue I Revised & Reissued 27 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 2 JULY 1971R Issue I SAME TITLE (Revisions are in this type style) Remimeo Tech & Qual All Students Supervisors Supervisor Courses ramming Cksheet Word Clearers All Staff Word Clearing Series 11RA WORD CLEARING SUCCESSES A. WORD CLEARING SUCCESS FROM FLAG D OF T: "When Ron put in full Word Clearing technology the FEBC daily student points average was greatly increased. "First a Supervisor finds the misunderstood word using M3 Word Clearing. If he can't and doesn't resolve it then another Supervisor or Word Clearer would find it using the meter (M4). "If we couldn't find the word and resolve it, the student would get other methods of Word Clearing. "The word was always found on one of these steps. "The students soon became conscious of exactly what caused them to bog -- even slightly -- before full dope-off. "It's another incredible piece of technology. Jon Horwich Flag D of T" B. SUCCESSES FROM SUPERVISOR -- WORD CLEARING: "I found out meanings for words that I hadn't known before. It's a good action. W.T." "What a maze of unbelievable confusion can lead back to a simple little misunderstood word. Wow! What a win. Thank you. S.T." "The only reason a person gives up a study or feels bored about it is because of misunderstood words. Since I started clearing all the words things are different. I was planning to leave the OEC -- now I'm looking forward to finishing it. W.P." "Word Clearing! Again when LRH says a misunderstood word or symbol is behind all problems in study he means it. Clear them up and start seeing straight again. S.S." 412 C. SUCCESSES FROM METERED WORD CLEARING IN THE COURSE ROOM: "I just had some Word Clearing. I really cognited on what product and organize mean. It's fantastic. A.T." "Having the Word Clearer on course is really great. He has saved me what could have been many miserable hours wrestling with misunderstoods. "Use him. It's magic. D.G." "My last Word Clearing was on the cans and boy did I come out bright! Damn -- just do it like it says and what a winner!!! It was so good I told my friend and she's going in to get some too. Boy you can really have enormous wins doing this Word Clearing as per HCO B. Yes Sir!! S.C." "I just want to put down in a success form the wins I've had from the Word Clearer, Having him available to find that one word has helped me speed through the courses I've had. He may just sit in the course out of the way seeming to be unimportant at times but he is truly a big aid to all students. If you're having trouble -- use the Word Clearer. C.T." D. SUCCESSES FROM SESSION WORD CLEARING: "I just cleared up a whole load of misunderstoods on targeting and also on the Bureaux System. I was amazed how problems on targeting could originate from basic misunderstoods on photography (of all things) and how Bureaux went back to problems in filling out my tax forms for the Government (Jeez! Those tax forms are really screw-ball). "Thanks to Ron and my Word Clearer. J.B." "I just had a great Word Clearing session. It really cleared some big things up. I really loved it. It's very very basic and powerful. R.L." "It was fantastic! I found a basic big fat 'rat' (laughing) called enforced religion and blew it. A lot of things were intermingled with disagreement and protest. I reached several basics and felt tremendous relief to cast off another lie. Thank you Ron for this tech. M.O." "The Word Clearing session I had was really terrific. I thought I didn't have any misunderstoods as I always 'look them up in the dictionary', but in the session I unearthed basic misunderstoods which had caused me to go into apathy about discovering things about life -- and the reason for blowing from earlier subjects and throwing away old abilities. I'm very excited about what Word Clearing can do. It's like a Grade as it restores ability. "My thanks to LRH, for this great tech, and to my Word Clearer, for a great session. P.M." "What an experience! I had done it on a Pc and I saw his gains, but having had it done on me really gives a totally new reality. 413 "It reached so far and into such depths that I couldn't help but end up exteriorizing. "Since then I haven't stopped noticing things I had never seen before. It is the real proof that a block was removed from my ability to duplicate and understand. "ARC for the environment increased no end. P.D." E. SUCCESSES OF WORD CLEARERS: "Meter Word Clearing is a gas. Students are finding misunderstoods all over the track and blowing tons of charge -- brightening up and getting on with it. W.V." "If you consider the main purpose of Word Clearing to assist the student to study faster and easier, then it's always but always successful. Yet in the time I've been doing it I've seen case changes and other phenomena which I can only describe as fantastic through finding and clearing words by any of the 3 methods. "In a great percentage of students I've seen major case changes. A year's hang-up on a Dynamic disintegrate on locating and clearing a couple of words. A remarkable exteriorization on finding a very basic word. A renewed enthusiasm for a five-year contemptuously discarded subject, achieved in less than half an hour. The 'sourest' of people turns into a very cheerful person. Several 'chronic high TA' cases blow down from 5.0+ and float. Extreme natter and upset gradually fade right away as words were found and located. An amazing return of recall (whole track) and certainty, and many more I could name. "It's the first time I've spent so much time on a specialized rundown and it sometimes takes a great deal of confront and persistence to get through a student's confusion but you can be certain that by persisting, no matter which method you're using, you will always always always increase that student's understanding. "And often as a bonus give him a major case win (especially in the auditing rundown). "I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Love, R.H." Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 414  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=27/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 12RA IMPORTANT ALLOW NO BUGS ON WORD CLEARING PROCEDURE  Type = 11 iDate=27/7/71 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Staff Tech & Qual Students Auditors Supervisors Supervisor Courses Cramming Off D of P, C/S Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 27 JULY 1971RA Issue I Revised & Reissued 20 November 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1971R Issue I SAME TITLE (Points 1-10 have been revised) Remimeo All Staff Tech & Qual Students Auditors Supervisors Supervisor Courses Cramming Off D of P, C/S Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 12RA IMPORTANT ALLOW NO BUGS ON WORD CLEARING PROCEDURE Word Clearing technology is vital tech and must not become the effect of stops or slows of any kind. The requirement is that staff and students do get Word Cleared and that the technology is always in use on courses and that there is always -- from this point onwards -- someone in the Org who is qualified to do full session Word Clearing (M1) AND THAT IT DOES GET DONE. It is up to the D of T and the Tech and Qual Secs to see that it does get done. YOUR supreme test is to see that it does get done in spite of all the reasonableness as to why it can't or why it's not being done. Word Clearing is not a fad technology that goes out of fashion -- it is vital to all successful study. Word Clearing is as vital to study as TRs are to auditing. If you can't get Word Clearing done in your Org, you should telex your nearest FOLO and complain of the fact. If it is not remedied then, telex Flag and report the matter. Here are some specific points to prevent bugs: 1. That all Org Word Clearers are trained on the Professional Word Clearer's Course and Obtain an OK to Word Clear prior to Word Clearing in Tech or Qual. 2. That Method One Word Clearers who are Class III or above are posted in the Tech Div to deliver Method One Word Clearing to staff and students and Pcs in the HGC. 3. That Tech has its Own Word Clearers for students on courses. 4. That Qual has its own Word Clearers, including one or more who is a Class III or above Professional Word Clearing Course Graduate, who has the required Okays to Audit on WCCL. 5. That students and staff who wish to do the Method One Co-Audit on Course be allowed and encouraged to do so. 415 6. That Course Room Method Two Word Clearing does not require C/S OK and is used by Word Clearers in Tech. 7. That Word Clearing Method 2 on large bodies of data does require C/S OK. 8. That C/Ses who Case Supervise Word Clearing do the Professional Word Clearer's Course and do the Okay to Audit checksheet plus C/Sing exercises by the Cramming Officer to get an Okay to C/S Word Clearing Method One. The subject of Word Clearing is a particular technical subject and therefore the Course must be studied by all who deliver and Case Supervise Word Clearing Method One and the WCCL. 9. That all metered Word Clearing takes each word to F/N. 10. That all definitions of each word are fully cleared using sentences, per WC Series 51, BTB 16 Dec 73, Rev. 19 July 74, "Word Clearing Errors". Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 416  Training & Services Aide Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=2/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 13 WORD CLEARING CLARIFICATION   Remimeo Tech and Qual Students Course Supervisors Supervisor's Course Cramming Off Word Clearers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JULY 1971 Issue III Remimeo Tech and Qual Students Course Supervisors Supervisor's Course Cramming Off Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 13 WORD CLEARING CLARIFICATION Reference HCO B 24 June 71, "Word Clearing" Method No. 1 Word Clearing has yet to foul up any other auditing. When Method No. 2 is done it is far more likely to foul up auditing. Persons just reporting to courses are the first candidates for Word Clearing. Qual usually gets itself across numerous lines when it begins to Word Clear. I don't know why it should. The most fantastic figure-figure occurs around this action. It is wholly unlimited. If No. 1 Method is done on Monday, it can be done again, same actions, same list assessed, same items left on the list, on Tuesday -- and Weds and Thurs! It can even be done with no folder to hand. The only change would be to add some subjects if one wishes. But even that isn't vital. A pc has spoken millions of languages. The EP is not "He was word cleared once". It would be a persistent F/N on the whole list. Who knows what the word clearing will lay bare in other languages or when one will attain the EP forever. But there are too many strings being put into it like needing a folder, using tech pages, etc, etc. The action is in V. Well, why is Div IV getting in on it unless Div V is pulling it in? You frankly have no idea what it takes to get tech really applied. The simplicity of hats, lines and tech actions gets overlaid with complexities. Probably misunderstoods attract complexities. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 417  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=27/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=9/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 14 EP OF WORD CLEARING  Type = 11 iDate=27/7/71 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual All Supers Supervisor Courses Auditors Cramming Off Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 27 July 1971 Issue II Revised & Reissued 9 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) CANCELS. HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1971 Issue II SAME TITLE Remimeo Tech & Qual All Supers Supervisor Courses Auditors Cramming Off Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 14 EP OF WORD CLEARING This BTB gives an Observation by the Flag Word Clearer and some LRH C/S'd Word Clearing Sessions to clarify the EP required from full session Word Clearing. A) From the Flag Word Clearer: "The true EP of Word Clearing is an 'F/Ning List', meaning the whole list (all items and any added ones) F/N throughout the assessment of the full list with no reads or slows in the F/N as all the items are called. "As a point of interest I notice in looking back through the folders that TA action ceased as much as two or three sessions prior to a final full EP. "The majority of sessions have been about an hour to 2 hours long and have ended on a very big cog and wide, persistent F/N. "I've not then reassessed in that session but have done a new session the next day with the same phenomena. Finally on assessing the list the whole list has F/Ned with no reads on anything. "It's taken a number of sessions and in the last one or two the reads have been just stops or slows in an otherwise floating needle. "I recently heard of someone getting EP in one session. From what I've experienced on the LRH C/S'd sessions that sounds suspicious. It's not really harmful as from what LRH says you can always reassess the list later. "The still TA and the F/N that just slows as a 'read' when items are called is to me a good indicator that we're getting close to EP -- not that we've made it yet. R.H." B) Some LRH C/Ses from Word Clearing sessions are included here to give you a better reality on the EP that is to be attained. i) "Well Done Several Reading subjects not handled -- List not F/Ned. 1. Fly a Rud if no F/N. 2. Reassess Subject List, leave all items on it always. 3. Clear it up. LRH" 418 ii) "Well Done The EP is an F/Ning list. No evidence the whole list F/Ned. THAT is the EP. (May just be an admin error but it's an error.) 1. Fly a Rud if no F/N. 2. Assess Subjects List. If it does not fully F/N, handle those that read. 3. Reassess list. Get your EP. An F/Ning list. LRH" (On one specific case the following C/Ses were given.) iii) "Well Done TO WORD CLEARING Add 'Bulletins' 'Policy Letters' 'Despatches' to the list. Full clearing. LRH" iv) "V. Well Done 1. Fly a Rud. Check Protest. 2. Ask if any other subjects ought to be on list. Add. 3. Reassess whole list. 4. Continue to EP. LRH" Make sure you get full EP on Word Clearing. Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BW:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 419  Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=26/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 15R WORD CLEARING ANY WORDS ON ANY TEST AT ANY TIME IS A HIGH CRIME.  Type = 11 iDate=21/8/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 FEBRUARY 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 15R (Cancels HCO B 21 Aug 71, the original WC Series 15 by a Testing personnel) Reference HCO B 19 Dec 71, C/S Series 71, "D of P Operates by OCAs" HCO B 24 Feb 72, C/S Series 71 Additional WORD CLEARING ANY WORDS ON ANY TEST AT ANY TIME IS A HIGH CRIME. It suppresses tech results and obscures them. The whole of HCO B 24 Feb 72, C/S Series 71A, explains fully why one never word clears tests or even tells a person being tested to use a dictionary. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERSONS When testing persons who speak a different language than that in which the test is written, GET A TRANSLATED TEST INTO THEIR LANGUAGE OR TRANSLATE THE TEST WITHOUT ANY WORD CLEARING. MIS Us ON TESTS Where a person has a misunderstood word on a test, it usually remains misunderstood on the second test. Thus the test remains VALID as nothing has changed in it. If the person's IQ rises during processing he may very well also figure out the misunderstood word now on the second test and improve the graph. But that is a valid PROCESSING result, not a false one introduced by clearing test words. SUMMARY Auditing works when properly done and it does not need a side action of word clearing a test to better the graph. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ne.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 420  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=31/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 16R CONFUSED IDEAS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 AUGUST 1971 REVISED Remimeo Word Clearing Series 16R CONFUSED IDEAS Whenever a person has a confused idea of something or believes there is some conflict of ideas IT IS ALWAYS TRUE THAT A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD EXISTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THAT CONFUSION. Example: "I just don't understand this idea of opposing forces. I think it all ought to be rewritten and...." Method 2 Word Clearer: "Is there any word there you don't understand?" READ! STUDENT: "Oh no, I understand all the words. It's...." "What word is this that's reading on the meter?" "Er... ah... Forces?" "Yes, that reads and blows down. Let's look it up." "Oh no, I know what it means. It's the idea that...." "Let's look it up!" "Well, all right. Let's see D... E... F... FO... FORCES. Here it is. 'That which changes the motion of a body on which it acts.'" WD CLEARER: "Use it in a sentence several times." Student does. "... er... ah. I've got it. Hell I thought it meant police brutality! Couldn't figure out why two police forces would fight!" Word Clearer: "Now how do you feel about this idea of opposing forces?" "Oh, let's see. Why that's clear enough. Just like I'd never read it before!" METER: F/N. Every green body of students will argue and fuss about ideas or confusions in the directions or material they are given to read. They will generate weird ideas and erroneous concepts of what the text says. They do wrong things and say the text said to. They ask strange ideas of their instructors. They clamor for "clarifications". AND AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL THIS IS SIMPLY MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS. There is not also misunderstood ideas. There is only the misunderstood word which breeds, then, huge towering wrong ideas. A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD BREEDS STRANGE IDEAS. 421 [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Confused Concepts Or Ideas Of Material [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Misunderstood Word Detectable Only By Meter [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Picture of A Student's Mind L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 422  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 17 WORDS AND POSTS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 17 WORDS AND POSTS Those who do not want their posts generally do not know what their posts are. The reason they do not know what their posts are is a host of misunderstood basic words connected with that post. Put a person on a meter: Have the person read some of the material relating to his post or hat, beginning with the most basic material about it and starting at the very top of the first page, including even the heading and issue numbers. Watch the meter carefully. Halt the person at each read and whether he says he knows the meaning or not, if it read, have him look it up in a good (big) dictionary. Have him use the word in sentences of his own invention. Make him do this as long as it is bringing the TA down. If you get into trouble with him go back and find the misunderstood you missed. Keep hunting and keep working at it and his misunderstood words will blow and his inability to understand the post will blow. EXPLANATION Failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood words. Until you see it you won't believe it. One student who had studied his post for a third of a year was given Method 2 on its materials. It took 15 hours of Method 2 work, protests, blows, upsets to finally discover that he did not know what POST meant! OR what the words in the title meant. Another person studied half a year to be an administrator. Yet when he was given his personnel orders appointing him, and Method 2 was done on them, in the first 50 words of the personnel order there were 13 individual misunderstood words each one of which related to the post and were simple English. A similar ratio continued throughout the personnel order. He was about to fail with a fanfare. Behind post failure the explanation IS misunderstood words. Psychosis (evil intention) is the only other reason for failure but even this can be handled by auditing today. And even psychosis lessens when misunderstood words are handled. SUCCESSES It is not difficult to use Method 2 Word Clearing. One must be able to handle ARC Breaks, Problems and withholds and read a meter. One must have a very big dictionary available when little ones fail. One must be persistent and not buy explanations or let the person run away. And the Successes one has are fantastic! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 423  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=4/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 18R FAULTS IN WORD CLEARING COMMONLY MET  Type = 11 iDate=4/9/71 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Tech & Qual Students Supers Super Courses Cramming Off Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 SEPTEMBER 1971R Issue I Revised & Reissued 21 November 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue I SAME TITLE (Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Tech & Qual Students Supers Super Courses Cramming Off Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 18R FAULTS IN WORD CLEARING COMMONLY MET Word Clearing is a tremendously successful and simple activity when done correctly. The following faults have been isolated and are listed to assist students and Supervisors to increase their successes with Word Clearing. 1. METHOD NO. 2: A WORD READS. STUDENT SAYS HE KNOWS THE MEANING OF THE WORD AND WORD CLEARER DOES NOT TAKE IT UP. When a word is isolated as having read always get all its definitions defined with the dictionary and used in several sentences. 2. METHODS NO. 2 & NO. 3: ASKING THE STUDENT FOR THE MEANING OF WORD FOUND. Always get it defined with the dictionary. 3. ALL METERED METHODS: PUTTING THE STUDENT ON CANS AND STARTING HIM READING BEFORE TA HAS SETTLED. LOSES EARLY READS BY ADJUSTING TA. 4. ALL METERED METHODS: NOT CONTINUING TO USE A WORD IN SENTENCES WHEN DOING SO IS BRINGING THE TA DOWN. 5. ALL METERED METHODS: NOT HAVING STUDENT ON CANS TO INTERROGATE HIM AS TO WHICH TEXT MUST BE LOCATED TO WORD CLEAR. 6. ALL METERED METHODS: NOT USING SUFFICIENT 2WC TO LOCATE THE BOGGED AREA. 7. ALL METERED METHODS: WORD CLEARER CALLING WORD TO METER TO CHECK "IF IT READ OR NOT". 8. ALL METERED METHODS: TELLING STUDENT "THAT WORD READ". 9. ALL METHODS: ABANDONING A WORD. If it's not in your dictionary, get another or get the reference for the word from the Supervisor. Never leave it and try to carry on. 10. ALL METERED METHODS: ALLOWING STUDENT OFF THE CANS TO LOOK UP WORDS. 11. ALL METHODS: NOT ASKING A STUDENT WHO STILL DOESN'T COMPREHEND AFTER READING DICTIONARY, WHAT WORD IN THE DEFINITION HE DOESN'T FULLY UNDERSTAND. If that doesn't handle, go back to the word just cleared and pick up any by passed definition. Clear it up with dictionary definition, use in sentences and come back to original word. 424 12. ALL METHODS: USING OR ACCEPTING "WAITING FOR A METHOD NO. 1" AS AN EXCUSE NOT TO STUDY OR TO DO WORD CLEARING. 13. ALL METHODS: ALLOWING EXCESSIVE ITSA OR TALK. Note: Don't cut cognitions that occur after clearing a word. 14. METHODS 2, 3, 4, 7, 9: NOT OBSERVING WHEN YOU HAVE HANDLED THE CURRENT DIFFICULTY (AND ENDING OFF). 15. ALL METHODS: NOT GOING EARLIER ON SOMEONE WHO IS "ALWAYS LOOKING UP THAT WORD". Find an earlier time on the course he encountered that word. Have him read just prior to it. Clear the word found. You should now be able to terminatedly clear the troublesome word in the usual way. 16. ALL METERED METHODS: NOT REPORTING TO THE C/S ANY CASES WHOSE TA'S ARE HIGH AND DON'T COME DOWN OR WHOSE TA'S ARE BELOW 2.0 OR WHO ROCK SLAM. 17. METHODS 2-9: ABANDONING WORD CLEARING BECAUSE "HE NEEDS A METHOD NO. 1". 18. ALL METERED METHODS: NOT TAXING EVERY WORD TO F/N. 19. ALL METHODS: NOT RECOGNIZING WHEN A PERSON NEEDS A WCCL AND WORD CLEARING OVER THE TROUBLE. Every student and staff member should get a Method 1. They are different techniques and "needing a Method No. 1" is no justification for rabbiting on a student on Method 2 or other methods. Once you have begun a Method No. 2 you do not ever abandon it until you have found a word that considerably brightens up the student. CRAMMING OFFICERS & SUPERVISORS Cramming Officers are of course experts in Word Clearing and should have a meter permanently set up -- though most Word Clearing for Cramming is done by Qual Word Clearers. In handling misunderstoods as a Supervisor or Cramming Officer, particular note should be given to HCO PL 24 Oct 1968, "Tips in Handling Students" and BTB 22 April 1971, "Cramming". Their points can and should be used in Word Clearing. Last but not least 20. ALL METHODS: NOT KNOWING COLD, THE STUDY TAPES. Flag Word Clearer Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board Of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:RH:mh.jd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 425  Flag Word Clearer Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board Of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=4/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 19 ALTERATIONS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue II Remimeo Word Clearing Series 19 ALTERATIONS There is a basic law in Word Clearing: AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL ALTERATION OF MEANING OR ACTION IS A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD. This law at once explains why communication, ideas or application become falsified, twisted and corrupted. This law is of great use in Word Clearing: A. It indicates who has to be word cleared FAST, at once, NOW, before duties go off the rails any further. B. It detects the area just before which there is a misunderstood word. A is useful to the administrator. Knowing it and knowing Word Clearing and being able to do it himself or get it done, he can avoid wholesale dismissals, frantic transfers, general inefficiency and organizational strain. B is very useful to the Word Clearer. Example of B. A person can do everything on an order except "File the Folders" which he insists on delivering to a wrong room. Look over the order and find where in it it talks about filing folders. Just above or beside that will be a misunderstood word. Locate it, get it identified, defined and used in sentences. The person can suddenly file folders! Just BEFORE or WITH the point a person begins to alter will be found a misunderstood word. Thus 1. Discover what a person alters. 2. Find what came just before that. 3. Find the misunderstood word. 4. Get it looked up. 5. Get it used in sentences as long as it moves a meter tone arm. 6. End off on F/N VGIs. The ability to do it straight will have been returned. It is very magical. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 426  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 20 SIMPLE WORDS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971 Issue III Remimeo Word Clearing Series 20 SIMPLE WORDS You might suppose at once that it is the BIG words or the technical words which are most misunderstood. This is NOT the case. On actual test, it was English simple words and NOT Dianetics and Scientology words which prevented understanding. For some reason Dianetics and Scientology words are more easily grasped than simple English. Words like "a", "the", "exist", "such" and other "everybody knows" words show up with great frequency when doing a Method 2 Word Clearing. They read. It takes a BIG dictionary to define these simple words fully. This is another oddity. The small dictionaries also suppose everybody knows. It is almost incredible to see that a university graduate has gone through years and years of study of complex subjects and yet does not know what "or" or "by" or "an" means. It has to be seen to be believed. Yet when cleaned up his whole education turns from a solid mass of question marks to a clean useful view. A test of school children in Johannesburg once showed that Intelligence DECREASED with each new year of school! The answer to the puzzle was simply that each year they added a few dozen more crushing misunderstood words onto an already confused vocabulary that no one ever got them to look up. Stupidity is the effect of misunderstood words. In those areas which give Man the most trouble you will find the most alteration of fact, the most confused and conflicting ideas and of course the greatest number of misunderstood words. Take "economics" for example. The subject of psychology began its texts by saying they did not know what the word means. So the subject itself never arrived. Professor Wundt of Leipzig University in 1879 perverted the term. It really means just "a study (ology) of the soul (psyche)". But Wundt, working under the eye of Bismarck, the greatest of German military fascists, at the height of German war ambitions, had to deny Man had a soul. So there went the whole subject! Men were thereafter animals (it is all right to kill animals) and Man had no soul, so the word psychology could no longer be defined. THE EARLIEST MISUNDERSTOOD WORD IN A SUBJECT IS A KEY TO LATER MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS IN THAT SUBJECT. "HCO B" (Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin), "Remimeo" (Orgs which receive this must mimeograph it again and distribute it to staff), "TR" (Training Drill), 427 "Issue I" (first issue of that date), are the commonest misunderstoods. Because they occur at the beginning of an HCO B! Then come words like "a", "the" and other simple English as the next words that often read. In studying a foreign language it is often found that the grammar words of one's own language that tell about the grammar in the foreign language are basic to not being able to learn the foreign language. The test of whether the person understands a word is "does it read on the meter as a fall when he reads the word in the material being cleared". That a person says he knows the meaning is not acceptable. Have him look it up no matter how simple the word is. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 428  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 21 CORRECT SEQUENCE QUALIFICATIONS OF WORD CLEARERS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 21 CORRECT SEQUENCE QUALIFICATIONS OF WORD CLEARERS The principal methods of word clearing are numbered No. 1 for the full in- session rundown, No. 2 for the metered action of clearing up words in specific materials and No. 3 for looking up words seen and not understood by the student or reader. This is correct sequence for doing the three types of word clearing. By doing No. 1 in full session, using the list for assessment, one obtains the basic word and meaning errors of the past. By getting these out of the way, it is now possible to clean up current materials much more rapidly with Method 2, where the person is put on a meter and reads the material to another who is watching the meter and catching each read. With Method 1 out of the way, Method 2 becomes more rapid. Method 3 will then be done by the person himself because he now knows better. No. 2 and No. 3 can be used on and on one or the other. If you do it backwards, beginning with Method No. 3, much more time is consumed. If Method No. 2 is used without No. 1 being done, much more work has to be done to clean up an existing piece of study material or text. So the correct sequence is No. 1, No. 2 and then No. 3. This does not mean you cannot start with No. 3 or No. 2. It just means it is much faster to do them in correct sequence. PURPOSE CLEARING When purpose of the post is to be cleared it is done after Method No. 1 in general and Method No. 2 has been done on the duties and texts of the post. With all such material handled with word clearing it is time then to do a Purpose Clearing of the person's job or situation in life. PROGRAM Thus a general program could be laid down as 1. Handle all ARC Breaks, present time problems and withholds, or set up the case with a Progress Program. 2. Method No. 1 Word Clearing. 3. Method No. 2 Word Clearing on the materials or duties the person has. 4. Purpose Clearing of the purpose of the post. 429 (In choosing the materials to be cleared in No. 3 above choose the texts, handbooks or materials most closely related to the post and most basic to the post.) (In choosing the post, if the person is not employed remember that "student", "housewife" and even "a human being" are posts.) WD CLEARING WD CLEARERS When there is no qualified word clearer to word clear others, the program is changed for the word clearer to: 1. Choose 2 word clearers who then work on each other. 2. Any Progress Program for each one. 3. Word Clear the Word Clearing Series by Method 2. 4. Check out on the auditing required for Method 1. 5. Do Method No. 1 on each other. 6. Do Purpose Clearing on each other. This greatly reduces any errors in application. (Note: A "Progress Program" or a "Repair Program" is a Scientology auditing program to clean up upsets in life.) ("ARC Break" means A-Affinity, R-Reality, C-Communication, a break in any one of the three which has caused upset in the past.) (A Class III Academy Auditor qualification is required to do Method No. 1 as the action requires assessing and the handling of ARC Breaks, problems and withholds, for which a Class III is trained. Anyone who is able to handle a meter is qualified to do Method No. 2. Any person can do Method No. 3.) (Purpose Clearing also requires a Class III Academy Auditor.) (By "meter" throughout this series is meant an "E-Meter" which means an "electro-psychometer", an instrument which measures emotional reaction by tiny electrical impulses generated by thought.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 430  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=4/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=20/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 22R HOW TO USE A DICTIONARY  Type = 11 iDate=4/9/71 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 SEPTEMBER 1971R Revised 15 December 1973 Reissued 20 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1971R SAME TITLE Word Clearing Series 22R HOW TO USE A DICTIONARY YOU USE A DICTIONARY when Word Clearing. The misunderstood word is looked up in the dictionary and the meaning read Out loud and they tell you what the word means so that they know it WITHOUT AGAIN REFERRING TO THE DICTIONARY. Then the word is used in several sentences which clearly indicate that it consults their understanding. WORDS SOMETIMES HAVE DIFFERENT OR MORE THAN ONE MEANING. YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERY DIFFERENT MEANING SO ALL DEFINITIONS ARE LOOKED UP AND THE WORD IS FULLY DEFINED. YOU ALSO MUST CHOOSE THE DEFINITION IN USE IN THE SENTENCE SO THAT THE MATERIALS ARE UNDERSTOOD. THE ALPHABET Knowledge of the alphabet is the key to finding words quickly. The alphabet must be known cold. The Word Clearer who has to figure out which letter comes first, M or N or U or V, wastes many precious minutes which add up to many wasted hours. Words are arranged in alphabetical order in all dictionaries. All words beginning with the letter A would be in the first section, all words beginning with the letter B in the second section, and so on. Within these sections the words themselves are arranged so that each second letter in the word is in alphabetical order. (For example, the word fall precedes the word few, which precedes the word field, etc.) Near the top of each page, printed in bold type, are the first word and the last word on the page (in very large dictionaries it's every two columns). You can use this as a guide to quickly find the page that contains the word you are looking for. HOW TO BREAK UP A WORD Many words are in a combined form and by separating the word you can look up each part in the dictionary. By doing this, the meaning of the word often becomes clearer. Take the word Theo-logy. The first part, Theo- means god or gods and the second part of the word, -logy means discourse or expression or the science, theory or study of. When you put the two parts together, you have the science, theory or study of god. Sometimes in combining forms of words, a letter is changed, as in the word in-dividu(e)-ate. LOOK UP WORDS IN THE DEFINITION Many times when looking up a word, you will find in its definition other words which need to be looked up in order to understand the meaning of the original word. Therefore, each word given in the definition must also be clearly defined and understood so that there are no underlying misunderstood words on the word you are looking up. Large child's dictionaries are good as the definition words are simple. The so-called "Merriam Webster" dictionaries in the U.S. are almost useless and give out more misunderstoods in definitions than they clarify in clearing, don't bother 431 with them. The World Book Dictionary available from Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, U.S.A. is a huge and very good child's dictionary. In the U.K. the 18 volume Oxford series are good. USE A BIG ENOUGH DICTIONARY The smaller dictionaries (paperback or junior) seldom contain complete definitions of a word. Sometimes a most vital part of a definition is omitted. This can involve running around to look for another dictionary or missing the real meaning of the word. So always use a big enough dictionary. GET THE WORD USED IN SENTENCES AS LONG AS IT HAS TA The word, when it reads on the meter, is used over and over in sentences until it has no more TA. It doesn't matter if the word wasn't looked up in the dictionary as the word will still read if the word is misunderstood. The dictionary usually has several examples of use. These are not enough. The person has to make up several of his own before he really knows the word. WORDS OF A SPECIAL TECH REQUIRE A DICTIONARY OF IT IF POSSIBLE. Many students have been or are engaged in technical professions outside of Scientology such as engineering, computer programming, architecture, etc, and you will need a glossary or dictionary of the terms involved in these technologies. When Word Clearing someone on his post hat aboard the Flagship or a stationship you would need a nautical dictionary. BACK TRACK WORDS -- GET THE EARLIER MISUNDERSTOOD WORD Very often you will get a word off the track and you won't find it in any dictionary or glossary on this planet. You must get the earlier misunderstood word until you get the basic word that was misunderstood. FOREIGN WORDS -- GET A DICTIONARY OF THAT LANGUAGE There are two kinds of foreign language dictionaries. One is a dictionary entirely in the foreign language. The other is the English/Foreign language dictionary, in which one half of the dictionary is English words with the foreign word next to it, and the other half is the foreign word with its English counterpart next to it. You would use the all foreign dictionary only with a person who knew that language fluently. YOU USE A DICTIONARY. IT IS ALWAYS A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD, NEVER A CONCEPT OR IDEA. Revised by W/O Ron Shafran Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 l/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:RS:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 432  Revised by W/O Ron Shafran Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 l/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=13/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 23 TROUBLE SHOOTING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 23 TROUBLE SHOOTING In Word Clearing the troubles are actually very few. However there are a few. It is possible for an auditor or student doing word clearing on another to get misunderstood words himself unless he also looks at the definitions and understands them at the same time he is clearing them on the other person. This requires no extra step. In fact it would be rather hard not to also see the definition of the word. A person trying to "blow" (leave) and refusing further Word Clearing almost always has a HUGE misunderstood on some word not yet located. The correct action is to get him back and FIND AND CLEAR THE WORD. Not getting a good result using Methods 1, 2 or 3 is cured by using the Word Clearing Correction List, HCO B 21 July 71, Revised 9 August 71. This Correction List applies to all methods of word clearing. For instance, if Method 2 goes sour and the student "knew all the words anyway" or "doesn't understand it any better" or is critical or demonstrates any other unfavorable reactions which do not win through, there is always Word Clearing Correction List. This list is done by a Class III or above auditor. It is quite miraculous. Example: Student badly bogged after Method 2 by his twin. Handling: A Class III auditor does the Word Clearing Correction List on him. The Correction List is handled as per HCO B 14 Mar 71, "F/N Everything". In other words, one takes all reads on it to Floating Needle. Any other list called for by reads on the Correction List is taken to F/N and when that called-for list F/Ns then one considers that the Word Clearing Correction List line has F/Ned. (Correction List reads on 4. List Error. The auditor takes a list called L4B which corrects lists and makes every read on "L4B" F/N. Then "4. List Error" is marked "F/N".) The technology of handling a Word Clearing Correction List is all covered in the general materials of auditing. Not knowing how to use a Meter can cause trouble. A special Course in using an E-Meter is available. The E-Meter Drill Book gives all the drills. It does not take long to learn. Also E-Meters are abundantly available today. Learning to be a Class III or preferably a Class IV Academy Auditor is not difficult IF one uses word clearing! All word clearing is done under the discipline of The Auditor's Code. One's "TRs" (TR = Training drills for auditing) can be straightened out on a TR Course on which one learns to confront, to speak so one can be heard, to acknowledge, to be able to repeat commands and to handle originations by the student. 433 Troubles in word clearing, then can be listed as coming from lack of training. So anyone doing word clearing should organize himself to (1) Do a TR Course, (2) Learn to use and acquire an E-Meter, (3) Learn the Auditor's Code and, (4) If not one already, learn to be an Academy Class III Auditor. Knowing how to do 1 to 3 above is essential to do Method 2 Word Clearing. And the skills under (1) to (3) are very easy to acquire. Further, it is not all that difficult to become a Class III Auditor. People sometimes think only someone who wants to be a professional auditor studies in the Academy, a false impression. One can't imagine how a father or businessman or mother or clerk or official could succeed without knowing the basics of human reaction and how to handle them. Someone who is a Class III or Class IV knows how. The real professional usually becomes a Class VI and the real experts are the VIIIs, IXs and Xs. It's a matter of how expert you want to be. A Flag Ship Class XII could turn a severe mental case from raving lunacy to not only sane but bright and normal in about 8 or 9 hours and a normal person to a genius in 15 to 20 hours. But here we are dealing with the whole range of the human mind. In word clearing Method 2 one certainly should know his "TRs", his Auditor's Code and his Meter. And for Method 1 it takes a Class III Academy Auditor. Almost all troubles will be found to stem from an omission of these requirements AND not using Word Clearing on the materials one is studying to achieve these skills. Very few troubles actually will be encountered if this HCO B is followed. Word Clearing IS a precision technology and there IS something to know about it as it has never before been known. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 434  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 24 LIBRARY   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1971 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 24 LIBRARY You will begin to get an idea of how much library you will need when you have done a large number of word clearings. The important thing is to realize that a library is necessary. In an org this will be in Department 14 under the Librarian. The greatest demand will be for dictionaries of many kinds. First there is the consideration of just English dictionaries. Several, including large ones, should be to hand. Those that use big words to define words keep a pc chasing around and around and are of course poor dictionaries. Often one dictionary gives a better definition than another. So an assortment of English dictionaries is a first requirement. Then come technical dictionaries or texts like engineering, physics, medical, chemistry, mechanics, seamanship, aviation, astronomy, military, etc, etc. Then come philosophical, psychiatric and religious dictionaries if they can be found. Foreign language dictionaries Latin, Greek, French, etc are a must. An auditor doing word clearing can come up with some remarkable demands. Texts or dictionaries covering the subject given on the assessment list (Word Clearing Series 8RR) are a basic starter. I can see a word clearing auditor poking about in old mouldy bookshops and coming up with triumph -- "Ah, look! Priceless. A slang dictionary on oil fields published in 1932! Priceless!" If you get too stopped and are in a major city, you could end the session and send the pc to the local library. But if so have him write the definition down. It is not recommended but can be done. The best solution is to have a good library covering the assessed subjects. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 435  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/9/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT Word Clearing Series 25R Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 NOVEMBER 1971R REVISED 21 SEPTEMBER 1974 Remimeo URGENT Word Clearing Series 25R Tape Course Series 6R TAPES, HOW TO USE (Reissued 23 November 1971 verbatim additionally as a Tape Course Series HCO B.) FOREWORD The most appalling ignorance has existed on the use of magnetic recording tapes. It is therefore of the greatest possible importance that the subject of tape use be grasped and gotten rapidly into effect. Probably half the technology of admin and tech exists only on tape. Tapes, incorrectly used, can be the source of endless misunderstoods. Because tapes have been almost uniformly misused in the past, these misunderstoods have added up to a general misunderstood on the subject of tapes themselves. Students have been known to copy down the whole tape so they could study it. This is a complete waste of time and misuse of student study hours. Some orgs even played advanced study tapes to the public. European orgs have even played translation quality tapes (usually not auditorium quality) of OEC Volumes as raw public lectures! (And lost their audience through lack of quality and inaudible and strange words.) Casual staff briefing tapes, not okay for release, of very bad quality, have been played to staffs of other orgs and the public. There is no end to the abuses. Therefore, for the benefit of understanding words alone, it is VITAL that tapes be properly used and not abused. TYPES OF TAPES There are four classes of tapes. These are: 1. Course study tapes. 2. Public lecture tapes. 3. Briefing tapes. 4. Model performance tapes. 436 COURSE STUDY TAPES Tapes made for courses are of two varieties: (a) English, usually by LRH. (b) Translations, done by translators. They are FOR COURSE USE. This is what the org sells -- training on Tech or Admin. These tapes appear on checksheets and are done at the points of checksheets where they are called for, and are done by Method 2 for tapes or Method 3 for tapes as required. The foreign language tape courses are done from a special tape checksheet and are done exactly as laid down by Method 2 or Method 3. None of these tapes are all written out by the student and then studied. This is a waste of time. Further, such tapes are NOT played straight through with the student making notes of any misunderstood words "to look up later". This will blank out the tape content on the student's mind and knock out the student. So to play a course tape straight through to any student is to risk a stupidity and a blow. IT IS NOT DONE. It does not matter whether the student takes notes of misunderstoods or not. A COURSE TAPE IS NOT PLAYED STRAIGHT THROUGH. Only the earphone, foot-pedal start-stop control procedures are used. A course tape is NEVER PLAYED TO A GROUP OF STUDENTS. When played to more than one student, some student is going to get a misunderstood and there goes a blank student. Two students don't even listen to a tape even on Method 2 Tape Word Clearing! One has the meter and foot-pedal and the other the earphones. The word clearer stops at each read. He does not otherwise listen. Course tape quality must be good. All the words must be hearable and not inaudible. They must not be slurred or hard to make out. The earphones and tape player used must be high fidelity -- just any old earphones won't do. The tape player "playing head" across which the tape passes must be clean -- done by a cotton swab on a toothpick and cleaning fluid. The tape coating comes off on the playing head and after a time the sound is badly blurred. Using a course tape any other way is now FORBIDDEN. Tests have shown that violations of this are the reason for student failures and blows and out- Ethics. It goes without saying that the general handling of tape players and tapes must be well learned and practiced by Course Supervisors and students. PUBLIC LECTURE TAPES The probable reason stats fall after tape congresses is the misunderstood word. Congresses seldom use really high fidelity equipment. Further, tape copying is often done by outside firms and the tape copies themselves may be of poor quality. The combination is deadly. 437 We looked for the reason for stat drops after tape congresses and this is the only explanation which has come forth. Doingness congresses that are mainly seminars have been very successful. (By doingness is meant TRs -- training drills -- and other ACTIONS.) The relay of data to a public whose vocabulary is usually inadequate is not likely to win, as it hits their faulty vocabulary for one thing and uses new words for another. You can show somebody how to do things far better than you can tell him. This then extends into Div 6 Introductory Actions as well. The relay of data comes AFTER the demonstration in action terms. The possibility of possible bad playing speakers, possible low tape copy quality, the barriers of languages not learned in the first place and the introduction of new mental concepts combine into a hurdle that makes tape or film public presentation adventurous. Listening to public type tapes, by using foot-pedal start-stop tape players, is being put in a special public course category. Raw public tape and film presentations are however a must to keep the flavor and meaning of Dianetics and Scientology. So ensure excellent quality tapes and equipment are used with correct tapes for that public and you will have success. BRIEFING TAPES These are not to be confused with Special Briefing Course Tapes. A briefing tape is done to brief or debrief missionaires or to record a conference or to record special instructions to a person or group. It can then be used for reference or to settle any dispute. It can also be used to inform a staff or several staffs. A briefing tape is then a tape designed for a special and informed audience. If the tape quality is good and the audience is already a familiar or trained audience, a briefing tape can be played ONLY TO THE AUDIENCE FOR WHICH IT WAS INTENDED. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstood words and non-comprehension of what it is all about in general. "Ron's Journals" were staff briefing tapes. They began to be used for public. While they were not without success, one could no longer brief staffs on this line and the line was therefore cut. One could not make them with a security that they would be played to staffs. An isolated briefing to a single executive on "these are our future hopes" has been thereafter used as a staff briefing of many orgs as "these are your orders". Any tape is designed for a specific public. Briefing tapes are especially subject to abuse by being played to wrong publics. Any briefing tape which contains specific orders and plans which could be misunderstood should be played only to the individuals concerned with a stop- start foot-pedal and Method 3 Word Clearing, not going past any misunderstood. After a person has been briefed verbally, it is very revelatory to then Word Clear 2 the tape made at the same time. It will often be found that misunderstood words lead to potential alter-is in the actions required. Tape in this instance is an enormous help in assisting and clarifying briefings. 438 A group can be briefed if thereafter each is Word Cleared Method 3 or 2 on the tape afterwards, using standard tape word clearing. Needless to say such tapes must be of good quality. MODEL PERFORMANCE TAPES Tapes exist which give a standard of performance. In Dianetic and Scientology Auditing student auditors have never been known to achieve a high standard of session presence and Communication (and accordingly high results) without the careful study of tapes made of similar sessions by high level auditors. A student musician is unlikely to achieve professional performance level unless he has heard a professional play. It would take a film or live demonstration to communicate a high standard of performance in a purely action subject. For instance for centuries no one believed that Robin Hood could split his first target arrow with a second until a new generation worked on it and a few painfully recovered the lost art of archery and then demonstrated how it was done for others to see. Tapes and films serve a vital purpose in maintaining a performance standard. As these tapes and films show HOW it is done and the ATMOSPHERE and RHYTHM of ACTION they are not subject to word clearing. CONCLUSION Tape and film training is vital, valuable and has its role. But like showing a child how to open a book and read, there is exact technology in USING tapes and films. The first thing one must realize is that the use of tape and film is itself a technical subject that must be studied and learned. One does not naturally know it. The failures of universities to make educated and civilized men is because their own professors know nothing of misunderstood words and so lectured happily on and on to a snoring student body. One professor of physics used to open the classroom windows wide in freezing winter "to keep his students from going to sleep in HIS class". And then stood on the platform and defined nothing as he rambled on. All it did for his class was give them coughs between snores! The handling and use of tape and film in training and administration IS a subject. By failing to know it and use that information, one can block the road for himself and all others to being learned and being free. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 439  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=26/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 8 Word Clearing Series 26RA HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS  Type = 12 iDate=26/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Tape Course Students Translate into the various languages Students Supervisors Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 26 NOVEMBER 1971RA Revised & Reissued 17 August 1974 as BTB Revised 21 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 26 NOVEMBER 1971 SAME TITLE Remimeo All Tape Course Students Translate into the various languages Students Supervisors Word Clearers Tape Course Series 8 Word Clearing Series 26RA HANDLING MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TAPE RECORDED MATERIALS Method 3 Word Clearing must be done routinely by any Course student. It is done by the student himself and also by the Supervisor on his students. METHOD 3 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES 1. The tape machine and tape are set up exactly as per Tape Course Series 7, BTB 25 Nov 71 R, Rev. 21 Nov 74, "Setting Up and Using a Tape Player". 2. Whilst listening to the tape, if the student hears a word he does not understand, he immediately stops the tape by means of the foot pedal start- stop control. 3. He writes the word down in his notebook and immediately looks up the word exactly per BTB 4 Sept 71R, Rev. 15 Dec 73, Word Clearing Series 22R, "How to Use a Dictionary", clearing all definitions and any not understood or misunderstood words in the definitions, and putting each into sentences. 4. Student then checks the tape for the exact use of the word in the tape. 5. Student then rewinds the tape to just before the word cleared above and relistens to the section to ensure that it is understood. 6. The student continues listening to the tape until he encounters another word which he does not understand, at which point he does the actions outlined in 3, 4 and 5 above. 7. If at any point the student becomes bored, feels blank, washed out, not there, starts yawning, dopes off or wants to blow, he must recognize that he has gone past a misunderstood word. 8. The student must turn the tape back to the point where he was interested and alert and check the section just after that for the misunderstood word or words, and clear them according to steps 3, 4 and 5. 9. The student then rewinds the tape back to the end of the section where he felt fine and relistens to the tape from that point on, picking up and clearing any other words found. 10. If the student starts to feel squashed, gets a headache, stomach feels funny, gets dizzy from time to time, or eyes start to hurt, the student should locate the section on the tape where he had a lack of mass, and either go and find the actual mass under discussion and feel and inspect it, if possible, or find a photo of it, or 440 demonstrate the mass in clay with labels, or use his demo kit to demonstrate the mass. The student should then relisten to the rest of the tape from that section on. 11. The Supervisor must be alert to the manifestations of lack of mass and misunderstood words and quickly see that the correct handling is done rapidly. If he does not handle, he will shortly end up with no students. 12. If a student cannot locate the misunderstood word using Method 3, either on his own or with the Supervisor, the Supervisor should apply Method 2 Word Clearing to that section of the tape to quickly locate and handle the misunderstood words. If the student's TA is above 3.5 or below 2.0, end off and send the student to Qual for a C/S 53RI. 13. A Supervisor should check students who have just completed a tape and look tired or not there, by asking questions about the tape. If the student cannot answer or gives a wrong or altered answer, the Supervisor should make the student go back and relisten to the tape and find and clear the misunderstood words. The above procedure is very simple and the essential ingredients to have F/Ning students who know and can apply their materials. Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:DM:mh.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 441  Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=27/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=21/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Tape Course Series 9 Word Clearing Series 27R METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES  Type = 11 iDate=27/11/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Supervisors Students  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 27 NOVEMBER 1971R Revised & Reissued 21 November 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 27 NOVEMBER 1971 SAME TITLE Remimeo (Translate to Various Languages) Supervisors Students Tape Course Series 9 Word Clearing Series 27R METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING ON TAPES AND TAPE COURSES Method 2 Word Clearing is done on the student by another student trained to do so or the Supervisor or a Word Clearer. The person doing the Method 2 Word Clearing must be trained in the use of an E-Meter and instant reads. There are two ways in which Method 2 Word Clearing can be used. As a study remedy on the area of current difficulty. As a study method on the whole material currently being studied (or the whole of previously studied materials). When used as a study remedy on the area of current difficulty, Method 2 is simply used to locate the misunderstood word or words that could not be located by Method 3 Word Clearing. It is done then and there in the classroom or Qual and does not require C/S OK. This is done by locating and clearing the word that caused the E-Meter needle to read (small fall, fall, etc). The student having Method 2 Word Clearing done on him holds the cans of the E-Meter (E-Meter electrodes) while he listens to the tape. He does nothing else, other than listen to the tape. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLVING STUDY DIFFICULTY ON A TAPE, WITH METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING 1. The tape machine has been set up as in BTB 25 Nov 71R, Reissued 7 July 74 as BTB, Revised 21 Nov 74, Tape Course Series 7, "Setting Up and Using a Tape Player". 2. The student, the classroom Word Clearer and the Course Supervisor have been using Method 3 Word Clearing as in Tape Course Series 8, BTB 26 Nov 71R, Revised & Reissued 17 Aug 74 as BTB, Revised 21 Nov 74, "Handling Misunderstood Words on Tape Recorded Materials". 3. The student is having trouble with the tape or the subject. The difficulty hasn't been resolved and the word causing the trouble hasn't been located. 4. The Course Supervisor or a trained Word Clearer now takes over to handle the difficulty with Method 2 Word Clearing. 5. The student either takes the tape he is having trouble with to the Supervisor/Word Clearer's desk (where another tape machine and an E-Meter are set up) -- or the Supervisor takes an E-Meter and sets it up at the student's tape machine. 442 6. The student is asked at which point on the tape he became bogged. He is then asked for the point on the tape when he was doing OK. The tape is then reversed to the exact end point of where he was doing well. The first MU will be just after that and there may be others. 7. The Supervisor/Word Clearer operates the foot pedal start-stop control of the tape machine as well as the E-Meter, and does worksheets of the Word Clearing. 8. The student listens to the tape. He also holds the cans of the E-Meter while he is listening to the tape. If the student's TA is above 3.5 or below 2.0, send the student to Qual for rapid C/S Series 53RI handling and return to course. 9. As the tape plays, the Supervisor/Word Clearer watches his Meter needle. As soon as the needle reads (small fall, fall, etc) the Supervisor/Word Clearer stops the machine by use of the foot pedal, and asks the student for the misunderstood word. It is extremely important that the Supervisor/Word Clearer stop the tape player at the exact moment of the Meter read, otherwise he may be asking the student for three or four or even six or eight words later than the reading word, and thus cause undue difficulty for the student. 10. If the student can't spot the word, the Supervisor/Word Clearer replays the last short section to assist the student to find the MU. 11. If the student still can't spot the word, the Supervisor/Word Clearer turns the tape back a little further and replays that whole section, using the tape counter numbers to guide his stopping and starting actions. He locates the MU. 12. All misunderstood words on tapes are cleared according to BTB 4 Sept 71R, Rev. 15 Dec 73, 20 July 74, WC Series 22R, "How to Use a Dictionary", clearing each word to F/N. 13. The student keeps hold of the cans and the Supervisor/Word Clearer locates the word in the dictionary, understands the definition himself and then holds it for the student to read. 14. The student reads all definitions out loud whilst the Word Clearer watches the needle in order to pick up any MUs in the definitions. 15. The Word Clearer ensures that the student puts each definition into sentences to ensure the word is fully understood, to F/N. 16. The Word Clearer ensures that the student has clarified the exact definition of the word as used in the tape, and plays back that section of the tape for the student, in order to ensure it is cleared. 17. The tape is now turned back to the beginning of the section where the student ran into trouble to double check that it is now resolved. There should be no reads, and F/N, on that section of the material. If there are any more reads, these are picked up and cleared, and the section replayed again, until there are no more reads on that section, and F/N on the repair. 18. The trouble is now resolved and the student is returned to normal study, where he is expected to apply Method 3 Word Clearing as a routine. 19. If the student's difficulty has not resolved, the student is sent to Qual for a Word Clearing Correction List, which will locate the cause of the trouble. 20. The student is returned to Course when the difficulty has been located and handled, resulting in an F/Ning student. 443 METHOD 2 WORD CLEARING AS A STUDY METHOD ON TAPE MATERIALS On some professional checksheets or special staff training actions, all the materials of the course are required to be done Method 2 Word Clearing. Also when earliest materials are being Word Cleared Method 2. Method 2 done for this purpose has steps as follows. A. The Case Supervisor OK must be obtained to ensure that the student is not in the middle of a major auditing rundown or process or due for an Interiorization Rundown, etc. (Word Clearing M2 can be done between the processes of a program.) B. The tape player is set up as given earlier. C. Note: If the student has a high or low TA on the Meter (above 3.5 or below 2.0 after the Meter has been turned on for a few minutes to warm up and the cans have been warmed by the student holding them for a few minutes) or if the student is in pain or upset -- the Word Clearer does not start metered Word Clearing. The Word Clearer informs the student, "I'm sorry we will not be starting Word Clearing at this time." The Word Clearer reports this in writing with the student's TA position to the Supervisor who forwards the report to the DPE so that the needed C/S Series 53RI session can be given the student. This must be done quickly so he can be gotten on to his Word Clearing. The student is immediately called in for C/S 53RI handling to the result of an F/Ning student at which point the student is returned to his course. D. Starting the Word Clearing is done by informing the student, "I am not auditing you." The tape is then started and the procedure is as given earlier in this BTB for Method 2. The only difference being that the whole materials are covered in this manner with the Word Clearer taking up and clearing all reading words (and any words originated by the student as misunderstood). E. Each word handled is cleared to Floating Needle on the Meter. F. The Word Clearing period is ended on Floating Needle. G. Note.: If the Word Clearing bogs down and it can't be resolved, the Word Clearer or Supervisor must end off and send the Worksheets to the Review Auditor in Dept 14 at once, who will handle by doing a Word Clearing Correction List. Training & Services Aide by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright$c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 444  Training & Services Aide by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=10/10/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 28R TECH POINTS ON A WORD CLEARING FESTIVAL  Type = 11 iDate=10/10/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearing Auditors and C/Ses  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 10 OCTOBER 1971R Revised & Reissued 31 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 10 OCTOBER 1971 SAME TITLE (Reissued 10 Dec 71 -- previously incorrectly called Word Clearing Series 24.) Remimeo Word Clearing Auditors and C/Ses Word Clearing Series 28R TECH POINTS ON A WORD CLEARING FESTIVAL CAUTION: THE FESTIVAL IS A DEPT 14 ACTION. DO NOT PERMIT IT TO STOP ALL PRODUCTION. The whole cycle under way in a Word Clearing Festival involving a whole staff is handled as a major auditing cycle. Ruds are flown and each session is case supervised by the C/S to Festival Completion. Method 2 is not done on someone incomplete on Method 1 -- this is mixing cycles on the same type of subject matter. Normally, Method 2 can and is done any time. If a Pc is having a Review auditing action, Method 2 should not be done as this may interfere with Int or List correction actions. When a Word Clearing Festival is under way, no other auditing rundowns are done on staff, barring accidents requiring assists. Only set-up actions for Word Clearing are done. In a Word Clearing Festival, the following actions are done on all staff: 1. Method 1 to EP. Completion declared. 2. Method 2 on hat. Completion declared. 3. Post Purpose Clearing. Completion declared, plus: 4. Declare Festival Completion. Any staff who were not F/N VGIs in last exam or who are not at a rest point in a program, must either get set-up actions or complete the case to a rest point and F/N VGIs before C/Sed for Method 1. So be prepared for a number of Review actions at the start of the Festival. One final point, Method 2 is done with the Pc reading the hat materials aloud and each reading word is taken to F/N before re-reading the relevant section and proceeding with the hat. Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW.AI.MH.JZ.mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 445  Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=10/12/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=17/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 29R WORD CLEARING -- OK TO DO  Type = 11 iDate=10/12/71 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Tech All Qual D of T Supervisors Word Clearers Students  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 10 DECEMBER 1971R Revised & Reissued 17 November 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1971 SAME TITLE Remimeo All Tech All Qual D of T Supervisors Word Clearers Students Word Clearing Series 29R WORD CLEARING -- OK TO DO The following points concerning Course Word Clearing have recently been clarified by Ron. Course Word Clearing can be done on a student currently being audited. 2. An F/N does not have to be obtained (by rudiments or talking the TA down) before Course Room Word Clearing can be started. 3. If the TA is high (above 3.5) or low (below 2.0) or the student is upset (or becomes upset) this must be reported at once to Department 14 and handled by a Word Clearing Correction List or C/S 53RI. 4. Course Room Word Clearing must be started with the statement "I am not auditing you". . 5. Course Room Word Clearing does not have to be C/Sed. (Worksheets must be made however, 2nd sent to the student's preclear folder.) 6. The student does not have to see the Pc Examiner after having metered Word Clearing on course; but the Student C/S should be alert for any flubs, especially words not cleared to F/N. 7. If a Tech Word Clearer flubs or causes upsets on Word Clearing, the correct action is for the Supervisor to send the Word Clearer to Cramming. Qual crams all flubs in Word Clearing. 8. All metered Classroom Word Clearing takes each word to F/N. 9. A Supervisor can order any student who is not an F/Ning student to Word Clearing. 10. Methods 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 can be done in the Classroom. Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:BW:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 446  Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=2/1/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 30 WC1 COMES FIRST   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JANUARY 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 30 WC1 COMES FIRST Don't try to Word Clear Materials by Word Clearing Method 2 before the person has had a Word Clear Method 1. Actual experience shows that doing WC2 without WC1 restimulates earlier charge on words that have been misunderstood in the past. When a person has not had Word Clear Method 1 and tries to do Word Clear Method 2 on materials, it can go very slowly, the student (due to earlier charge on words) can become quite misemotional. Using Method 3 (going back to find the misunderstood word) is all right. And using common ordinary "Look up, don't go past a misunderstood word" is all right. METHOD 2 EP The End Phenomena (what occurs at the end) of Word Clearing Method 2 is a continuing F/N on the materials. When the person is constantly F/Ning on the materials being word cleared Method 2, that is the time to end off. The "EP" has been reached. When the word clearer forces the student to go on beyond this, the reads gotten are often false or are from protest. Reads that are false come from cognitions (realizations) on the material. Protest reads come from just plain annoyance with having to go on. When the EP of 2 is reached on a specific set of materials, the student is then permitted to go on by himself, looking up words he doesn't know or going back to find one that was missed. A person who enters a new subject or a new branch of a subject should be given WC2 on it. A person who begins a higher level of a subject should be given WC2 on it. If thereafter there is any bog or failure to understand or apply or pass an exam on the subject, a WC Correction List can be done on it and the bog found and handled. This EP is only valid if the person has had WC Method 1 before the WC Method 2 was begun. The EP of Method 2 can be many times repeated on different subjects or branches of subjects. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 447  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=7/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=19/12/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 31RA METHOD 3 WORD CLEARING  Type = 12 iDate=7/2/72 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Students Tech & Qual Hats  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 FEBRUARY 1972RA Issue II Revised & Reissued 29 July 1974 as BTB Revised 19 December 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 7 FEBRUARY 1972R Issue II "Method 3 Word Clearing by the Student's Twin" Remimeo Students Tech & Qual Hats Word Clearing Series 31RA METHOD 3 WORD CLEARING A student must know how to keep himself F/Ning (tearing along successfully in his studies). He should be able to handle anything that slows or interferes with such an F/N. Students don't put themselves or each other on a meter to locate a misunderstood word. It's the Supervisor who meters a student to find the misunderstood word(s) as per these Bulletins, using the F/Ning student system: HCOB 22 Feb 72RA WC Series 32RA Word Clearing Method 4 BTB 28 Jun 71R WC Series 6R Method Two Metered Word Clearing in the Course Room BTB 29 Jun 71R WC Series 7R Steps to Speed Student Product Flow BTB 1 Jul 71 WC Series 9 The Three Types of Word Clearing BTB 1 Jul 71R WC Series 10R Speeding Up a Slow Course For a student using dope-off as the only detection of misunderstoods is studying at below F/N level. The F/N went off long before the student reached the point of dope-off, so waiting for dope-off to occur before handling is waiting too long. As soon as your study stats dropped for half a day or you aren't quite so "bright" as you were a few minutes ago is the time to look for the misunderstood word. (It's not a stood phrase or idea or concept but a misunderstood WORD.) This always occurs before the subject itself is not understood. This is Method 3 Word Clearing: 1. The student notices he is not flying along and is not "bright" or it could be just plain lack of enthusiasm or too long on one item on the checksheet or yawning or disinterest or doodling or daydreaming, etc. 2. He then looks earlier in the text for a misunderstood word. There is one always, there are no exceptions. It may be that the misunderstood word is two pages or more back, but it is always earlier in the text from where he is now. 3. The word is found. He recognizes it in looking back for it. If the student can't find the misunderstood by looking back for it, he can get another student to spot check him. The other student takes words from the text that could be misunderstood and asks: "What is the definition of the word ______________?" seeing if the student gives a correct definition. 448 4. The student looks up the word found in a dictionary, thoroughly clears each definition and uses it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition until he has obviously demonstrated that he understands the word by the composition of his sentences -- and feels fine about it. 5. Then the student reads the text that contained the misunderstood word. If he isn't now "bright", eager to get on with it, back up tone, etc, then there is another misunderstood word earlier in the text. This is found by repeating steps 2-5. 6. When he is bright, up tone, etc (an F/Ning student), the student comes forward from where the misunderstood word was in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand (where step 1 began). He will now be enthusiastic with his study of the subject unless a misunderstood word was missed, not fully cleared, or there's an earlier one in the text. If so, do steps 2-5. If the student is now enthusiastic, he continues on with studying. Students do NOT have to be Word Cleared Method 2 on the total of any course. Method 3 Word Clearing can be used by students on each other or by a Supervisor or Word Clearer whenever necessary. Training & Services Bureau by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:CSA:BofI:JW:AL:MH:mh.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 449  Training & Services Bureau by order of L. RON HUBBARD Founder Revised by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=22/2/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=8/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 32RA URGENT -- IMPORTANT -- URGENT Vital for all Supervisors, Est-Os, and Cramming Officers. WORD CLEARING METHOD 4   Remimeo All Supervisors Student's Hat HPCSC Mini Crse Super Crse Word Clearing Crse Est Off Crse Dept 13 Personnel  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 FEBRUARY 1972RA (Revised 26 March 1972 and 8 July 1974. Changes in this type style.) Remimeo All Supervisors Student's Hat HPCSC Mini Crse Super Crse Word Clearing Crse Est Off Crse Dept 13 Personnel Word Clearing Series 32RA URGENT -- IMPORTANT -- URGENT Vital for all Supervisors, Est-Os, and Cramming Officers. WORD CLEARING METHOD 4 Tech and Admin Cramming Officers, Word Clearers and Course Supervisors use Method 4 Word Clearing when fishing for a misunderstood word. E.g. Cramming Officers use it to fish for misunderstood words concerning what the person is being crammed on. Word Clearers use it on Interns when the Intern needs a retrain or retread or even if the Intern is sent to Cramming. Course Supervisors use it in the classroom CONTINUOUSLY ON NON-F/N STUDENTS or queries. The whole idea is the person requiring the Method 4 Word Clearing has a Cramming Order or is not an F/Ning student because of confusion as a result of a misunderstood word, as per Word Clearing Series 16R or omitted materials. Method 4 fishes for the misunderstood word, finds it, clears it to F/N, looks for another in the area until there are no more with an F/N VGIs, then moves to another area, handles that -- eventually all the misunderstoods that resulted in the Cramming Order or non-F/N student are handled. It requires no C/S OK for it to be done. Method 1 is not a prerequisite to Method 4. E-Meter Drill No. 21 is the E-Meter Drill to be drilled on Method 4. It's the method of fishing for a cognition. Requires proper application of TRs and metering. All Supervisors, Est-Os, and Dept 13 personnel to check out on, drill, and apply this tech AS IT IS VITAL STUDY TECH. METHOD 4 WORD CLEARING 1. Give person the cans, state, "I am not auditing you." 2. Ask while watching the meter: "Is there any part of what you're studying you did not fully get?" Trace the read. Use "fishing for a cog" drill (per HCO B 25 June 70, Issue III) if needed. If no read the question may be varied, e.g. "Is there any part of the materials you're studying you disagree with?" or "Is there any part of what you're studying you feel you could not apply?" or "In (material being checked) is there anything you didn't understand?" Let the student tell you briefly. Do NOT tell him the data. Verify that his study pack is complete as the data might have been omitted. Also he might never have read the pack at all. 450 * If the data was missing do not go on to Step 3. See that he gets the complete pack and reads it. Then repeat Method 4. If the person just has not read the materials do not go on to 3 but get him to read the materials. Then repeat Method 4. 3. Get what it is then ask: "What word was misunderstood just before that?" Meter reads, Word Clearer finds the word, never accepting a confusion but finds the word giving the read (SF, F, LF, BD), gets it looked up in a dictionary and used in sentences until it can be seen from the sentences that the student now understands the word and the word F/Ns. All the tools of Study Tech and Word Clearing are at the Word Clearer's disposal to take the word to F/N. The Word Clearer does not stop at one misunderstood but makes sure all are cleared. 4. Repeat 2 & 3 until the materials are fully cleared up and any and all misunderstoods or confusions handled. 5. If the action bogs when used in the classroom the student must be sent to Qual for handling and Supervisor to Cramming on TRs and metering and drilling on this procedure. The correct action is a W/C CORRECTION LIST DONE ON THE STUDENT AND HANDLED. Of course if the above question F/Ns on asking, there would be no misunderstoods on the material being checked, but the person is in Cramming, not an F/Ning student or whatever, so there obviously are misunderstood words to be found and handled. Look at HCO PL 16 Feb 72, "The Purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement". It says this Dept "reaches and looks for business all over the org and brings it in". So someone with stats down -- student or post stats, confusion about what to do, overloaded, can't seem to handle it, how do you do this, etc, etc, are all indicators of misunderstood words as the person is saying confusion, confusion. Well, underneath the confusion is a misunderstood word just as Word Clearing 16R says. Method 4 Word Clearing is what is used in doing and achieving the purpose of the Dept of Personnel Enhancement, HCO PL 16 Feb 72. One of the ways the Word Clearers in this Dept do the job is using Method 4 Word Clearing. METHOD 4 IS USED BY COURSE SUPERVISORS TO HANDLE ALL STUDENT QUERIES ABOUT CONTENTS OF COURSE MATERIALS. The reason students ask questions about "What is meant" is because of omitted pack materials from their checksheet, failure to read what they have OR BECAUSE OF A MISUNDERSTOOD WORD JUST BEFORE THEY GOT CONFUSED. The Super has to know only where the materials are and BE SMART ENOUGH TO DO METHOD 4 INSTEAD OF GIVING THE STUDENT ALTER-ISED ANSWERS THAT STOP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING. Word Clearing, especially Method 4, is how to get in HIGH CRIME HCO PL 7 Feb 1965, Reissued 15 June 70, "KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING". SUCCESSFUL COURSE SUPERVISION AND SUCCESSFUL CRAMMING REQUIRE THIS ACTION BE FULLY KNOWN AND U -- S -- E -- D. **K*E*E*P** **S*C*I*E*N*T*O*L*O*G*Y** **W*O*R*K*I*N*G** LRH:clb.nt.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1972, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 451  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=14/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 33RA WORD CLEARING LINES  Type = 12 iDate=14/3/72 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Supervisors Cramming Dir Correction Dir Pers Enh Qual I and I  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 14 MARCH 1972RA Revised & Reissued 24 June 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 14 MARCH 1972R SAME TITLE (Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Word Clearers Supervisors Cramming Dir Correction Dir Pers Enh Qual I and I Word Clearing Series 33RA WORD CLEARING LINES All students or staff in Dept 14 Dept of Personnel Enhancement for Word Clearing must be sent immediately to the Pc Examiner at the end of the Word Clearing. The Exam Form and all worksheets in all cases are sent to Tech Services for inclusion in the person's Pc Folder. Any Red Tagged Word Clearing or Qual Pc must be handled within 24 hours with the Word Clearing Correction List or appropriate correction for other actions and the Word Clearer crammed. Qual has many tools to handle a bogged or failed student: 1. Word Clearing Correction List, and handle. 2. Method One for Staff Students (where not done earlier). (Requires C/S clearance.) How done in Tech Div. 3. Method 2 on first materials or tape and on early materials on the current or earlier level or Course to EP. (Requires C/S clearance.) 4. Methods 49 on study or hat materials or subjects. 5. Disagreement Remedy. 6. Send to the HGC for full Study Correction List handling. 7. Learning Drill. 8. Confront Drills. 9. Cramming (including metered Why Finding) 10. Pre-PCRD Assessment (from HCO B 20 July 72, "Primary Correction Rundown Handling"). 11. PRD in Tech Div. 12. Enroll on to the PCRD, if all above tried to no avail. 13. C/S Series 53RI (per HCO pL 30 Aug 74, "Qual Stat Change"). When Qual gets a bogged student, the student is routed to the Cramming Officer. One of the first areas investigated is Word Clearing (correction required or just not 452 done earlier). The Cramming Officer also ensures that the Supervisor or Word Clearer is brought in and crammed on errors or omissions in Word Clearing. Word Clearing Method 2 on Hat plus Post Purpose Clearing cycles require C/S clearance and OK first. When scheduling a staff member for this, the appropriate C/S gets the Pc Folder from Tech Services Staff Section and checks the staff member's Pc program for the inclusion of Method One, Method 2 on Hat and Post Purpose Clearing. This must not be done whilst the staff member is on a major level or rundown. Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aids Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 453  Revised by CS-5 Ensign Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aids Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=19/3/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=10/3/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 34RA HIGH CRIME POLICY AND WORD CLEARING  Type = 12 iDate=19/3/72 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Qual Secs Cramming Offs  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 19 MARCH 1972RA Revised & Reissued 17 November 1974 as BTB Revised 10 March 1975 CANCELS BTB 19 MARCH 1972R SAME TITLE Remimeo Word Clearers Qual Secs Cramming Offs Word Clearing Series 34RA HIGH CRIME POLICY AND WORD CLEARING (Paragraph 3, re: Cramming Off not authorized to issue OK's to Word Clear, has been deleted.) Word Clearing is a technical subject and is mastered in the Academy on the Professional Word Clearer's Course. The course graduate then goes to Qual, gets his Qual OK to Operate an E- Meter, then the Qual OK to Word Clear, naming which methods, at which point the Word Clearer is eligible for posting in Tech or Qual. Naturally, the OK to Word Clear is monitored by the Class of the Auditor and only Class IIIs or above are granted the OK to do Method One Word Clearing in the HGC. All OKs to Word Clear already issued to persons who have not done the Professional Word Clearer's Course are considered temporary and the Course must be done rapidly to retain the OK. Naturally all Word Clearers check out on all new Word Clearing Series HCO Bs as they come out. Any new Word Clearing technique issued is Word Cleared, star-rated and drilled and an additional Qual OK to Word Clear on that action is issued by the Cramming Officer. Revised by Flag Mission 1234 I/C CPO Andrea Lewis Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:CSA:BofI:AL:JZ:mg.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 454  Revised by Flag Mission 1234 I/C CPO Andrea Lewis Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=21/7/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=5 rDate=1/12/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 35RD WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST REVISED  Type = 11 iDate=21/7/71 Issue=0 Rev=4 rDate=1/12/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers C/Ses  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 21 JULY 1971RD (Revised 9 Aug 71) (Revised 31 Mar 72) (Revised 30 Dec 72) (Revised 1 Dec 74) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JULY 1971RC SAME TITLE REISSUED 1 DECEMBER 1974 as BTB Remimeo Word Clearers C/Ses Word Clearing Series 35RD WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST REVISED (Use to correct upsets, high or low TA occurring in all Word Clearing sessions.) It is totally essential that this Word Clearing Correction List be used to handle ANY AND ALL TROUBLE ON ANY WORD CLEARING. If a student or staff member runs into trouble during or shortly after any Word Clearing, it is the Word Clearing Correction List which is used to correct the situation. It would be a program violation to introduce any other method of handling than the Word Clearing Correction List. It is hereby firmly established that any trouble on Word Clearing must be handled with the Word Clearing Correction List and no other action. NOTE: WORDS SOMETIMES HAVE DIFFERENT OR MORE THAN ONE MEANING. YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERY DIFFERENT MEANING SO ALL DEFINITIONS ARE LOOKED UP AND THE WORD IS FULLY DEFINED. YOU ALSO MUST CHOOSE THE DEFINITION IN USE IN THE SENTENCE SO THAT THE MATERIALS ARE UNDERSTOOD. Assess this list once through noting reads (Method 5). Carry all reads to an F/N or get the reading item fully repaired to F/N. 1. UNFLAT INT/EXT _______ (If TA in normal range, 2WC to F/N. If TA high or low assess Int Corr List and handle.) 2. OVERRUN INT/EXT _______ (If TA in normal range, 2WC to F/N. If TA high or low assess Int Corr List and handle.) 3. AUDITED OVER EXTERIOR _______ (If TA high or low and Int not run, handle per HCO B 17 Dec 71R, C/S Series 23RA, "Interiorization Summary". If Int previously run, handle per 1.) 4. LIST ERROR _______ (Use L4BR and handle.) 4a. WRONG WHY FOUND _______ (Indicate. Handle with an L4BR.) 455 5. UNFLAT ENGRAM CHAIN _______ (Get which chain and flow and handle with L3RD.) 5a. IMPLANT BEEN RESTIMULATED _______ (Handle with L3RD.) 6. ARC BREAK _______ (Use ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N or L1C M3 if it does not clean up.) 7. PTP (PRESENT TIME PROBLEM) _______ (Handle by Itsa E/S Itsa.) 8. WITHHOLD _______ (Pull it -- what, all, who E/S.) 9. OVERT _______ (Pull it E/S.) 10. UNREADING SUBJECT _______ (Get which one Pc thought didn't read -- put in buttons suppress, invalidate, and protest and clean it up.) 11. READING ON PROTEST _______ (Get which word, clean off protest and indicate by-passed charge.) 12. OVERRUN A WORD _______ (Get which one and rehab.) 13. COULDN'T HEAR THE WORD CLEARER _______ (2WC E/S and clean it up.) 14. DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD CLEARER SAID _______ (2WC E/S and clean it up.) 15. DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THE ACTION BEING DONE _______ (Work it out by 2WC and E/S.) 16. CONFUSED BY SOMETHING _______ (Work it out by 2WC and E/S.) 17. A WORD ON THE LIST OF SUBJECTS WAS MISUNDERSTOOD _______ (Clear it to F/N.) I8. OVERRUN A SUBJECT _______ (Get which one and rehab release point.) 19. WORD STILL MISUNDERSTOOD _______ (Get it cleared up with a dictionary and take E/S word/ subject to EP. F/N each word.) 20. SUBJECT STILL MISUNDERSTOOD _______ (Get which subject and which word and handle per usual Word Clearing Tech. F/N each word.) 456 21. AUDITOR EVALUATION _______ (clean up with eval button E/S to EP.) 22. WORD CLEARING IN THE MIDDLE OF ANOTHER INCOMPLETE AUDITING CYCLE _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Get which cycle Pc is on and by folder inspection evaluate which one needs to be completed first -- make sure it is fully noted on Pgm to complete Word Clearing if the other action is handled first.) 23. WORD CLEARING WHILE DOING TR COURSE _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Have Pc finish the Course.) 24. INCOMPLETE TR COURSE _______ (2WC E/S to F/N. Complete TR Course. Then complete Word Clearing cycle.) 25. NOT GETTING THE BASIC WORD _______ (Find which subject/word is incomplete by 2WC and then take it to EP. F/N each word.) 26. NOT GETTING THE BASIC SUBJECT _______ (Find which subject is incomplete by 2WC and then take it to EP. F/N each word.) 27. AUDITOR FORGOT TO GO EARLIER SIMILAR _______ (Get which subject/word and take to EP -- if several subjects have been started, take first one semi-run and flatten, then next, etc.) 28. TOLD THE WORD CLEARER IT WAS UNDERSTOOD JUST TO GET RID OF HIM _______ (Get the word plus any others and clear them each to F/N.) 29. TA WAS IN A FALSE RANGE _______ (Handle with False TA Checklist per HCO B 29 Feb 72R, then clean up the by-passed charge with 1. Assess for best read a. TA worries, b. F/N worries. 2. Then 2WC times he was worried about (item) E/S to F/N. 3. Rehab any overrun due to false TA.) 30. USED THE WRONG SIZED CANS _______ (False TA Checklist. Work out the right sized cans with the Pc.) 31. HANDS GET TIRED IN AUDITING _______ (Handle with False TA Checklist. 2WC E/S to F/N.) 32. PUZZLED ABOUT WHY THE AUDITOR KEPT ON WORD CLEARING _______ (Find out what with 2WC and rehab win or handle E/S to F/N, whichever is applicable.) 33. AUDITOR WAS OVERWHELMING _______ (Find out what happened and clean up E/S to F/N. Indicate any by-passed charge. L1C on that auditing.) 457 34. FEEL ATTACKED _______ (Clean up with 2WC E/S to F/N. If it's the Auditor, L1C that auditing.) 35. FELT THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE F/Ns INDICATED _______ (Find out what happened and clean up E/S.) 36. DIDN'T THINK WORDS REALLY READ _______ (Clean up with False E/S to F/N.) 37. HAD EARLY BAD AUDITING _______ (L1C Method 3 on early auditing.) 38. MISUNDERSTOOD SUBJECT MISSED _______ (Get the subject and which words and take E/S word/subject to EP, F/Ning each word.) 39. SUBJECT WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE LIST BUT WASN'T _______ (Get the subject and which words and take E/S word/subject to EP, F/Ning each word.) 40. A WORD IN A DEFINITION WAS MISUNDERSTOOD _______ (Get which word or words and clear -- F/Ning each word.) 41. GOT DISTRACTED DURING WORD CLEARING _______ (Find out what happened and clean up E/S to EP. L1C if upset.) 42. TRIED TO MAKE THE LIST F/N _______ (Put in ruds on Word Clearing to F/Ns.) 43. NOT YOUR MISUNDERSTOOD _______ (Clean it up by 2WC E/S to F/N.) 44. INVALIDATION OF KNOWINGNESS _______ (Clean up using inval E/S to F/N.) 45. BY-PASSED A WIN _______ (Rehab it.) Revised by CS-4 W/O Ron Shafran and Flag Mission 1234 Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:BL:JZ:RS:mh.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 458  Revised by CS-4 W/O Ron Shafran and Flag Mission 1234 Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=9/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 36 GRAMMAR   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JUNE 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 36 GRAMMAR In all word clearing all Grammatical Words and small words SHOULD BE LOOKED UP IN A SIMPLE GRAMMAR TEXTBOOK. Very few dictionaries have full definitions for such words AND THEY HAVE NO EXAMPLES. Words like "a" "the" "and" are really parts of language construction and are more complex than they at first appear. A Word Clearing Auditor should have a simple grammar book to hand as well as dictionaries. The best Grammar textbooks are those compiled for persons foreign to a language, like immigrants. These do not contain the supposition that the student is already an English professor. Lots of EXAMPLES is the real test of a good grammar. When doing the Study Tapes or Student Hat lack of a simple grammar textbook can really throw the student off. Those "simple" words can be the huge rocks that stand on the highway to becoming a WORD CLEAR. So a Grammar is needed. If a student is VERY deficient (lacking) in grammar it is best to make him do a whole simple grammar text first before he begins to get into just words. The words won't hang together for him. It takes less time to do a short textbook in Grammar than it does to struggle with grammar all the way through. Grammar can look like a ghastly subject until one really looks at it. Then it's easy. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 459  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 37 DINKY DICTIONARIES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JUNE 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 37 DINKY DICTIONARIES (Dinky: Small, insignificant.) In learning the meaning of words small dictionaries are very often a greater liability than they are a help. The meanings they give are often circular: Like "CAT: An Animal." "ANIMAL: A Cat." They do not give enough meaning to escape the circle. The meanings given are often inadequate to get a real concept of the word. The words are too few and even common words are often missing. HUGE dictionaries can also be confusing as the words they use to define are often too big or too rare and make one chase through 20 new words to get the meaning of the original. The best dictionaries are the very large child's dictionaries like THE WORLD BOOK DICTIONARY (A Thorndike-Barnhart Dictionary published exclusively for Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60654 or Doubleday and Company. Thorndike-Barnhart has a whole series of dictionaries of which this is a special one. Field Enterprises has offices in Chicago, London, Rome, Sydney, Toronto. The World Book Dictionary is in two volumes, each 28 1/2 cm (11 1/4 inches) by 22 cm (8 5/8 inches) by 5.8 cm (2 1/4 inches), so it is no small dictionary!) (Also it defines Dianetics correctly and isn't determined on a course of propaganda to re-educate the public unlike Merriam Webster's dictionaries.) Little pocket book dictionaries may have their uses for traveling and reading newspapers, but they do get people in trouble. I have seen people find a word in them and then look around in total confusion. For the dinky dictionary did not give the full meaning or the second meaning they really needed. So the dinky dictionary may fit in your pocket but not in your mind. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 460  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 38 METHOD 5   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1972 Issue I Remimeo Word Clearing Series 38 METHOD 5 Method 5 Word Clearing is a System wherein the word clearer feeds words to the person and has him define each. It is called Material Clearing. Those the person cannot define must be looked up. This method may be done without a meter. It can also be done with a meter. The reason the Method is needed is because the person often does not know that he does not know. Therefore Method 4 has its limitations as the meter does not always read. The actions are very precise. The word clearer asks "What is the definition of __________?" The person gives it. If there is any doubt whatever of it, or if the person is the least bit hesitant, the word is looked up in a proper dictionary. This method is the method used to clear words or auditing commands or auditing lists. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 461  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 39 METHOD 6   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1972 Issue II Remimeo Word Clearing Series 39 METHOD 6 Method 6 Word Clearing is called KEY WORD CLEARING. It is used on posts and specific subjects. It is a heavier form than Method 5. Method 6 is used without a meter. Where a person is new on post or new to a subject or where there has just been a goof, an error or an Ethics action, these steps are done in the following manner. 1. The Word Clearer makes a list of the KEY (or most important) words relating to the person's duties or post or the new subject. This is made up as a list. The Word Clearer looks up each word in the dictionary and writes down the definitions. The list may have as few as three words or as many as twenty or thirty. (Example: A bank clerk's key words would be "bank" "clerk" "money" "cash" "drafts" "teller" "accounts" "customer" etc.) (Example: There has just been a goof resulting in an upset. The goof centered around "radio" "repairs" "operation" "operator" "electronics" etc.) 2. The Word Clearer, without showing the person the definitions, asks him to define each word. 3. The Word Clearer checks the definition on his list for general correctness -- not word for word but meaning. 4. Any slow or hesitancy or misdefinition is met with having the person look the word up and look up any word in the definition the person does not have a grasp of. 5. One completes his list. 6. By then the person has been jarred into looking further by the above actions. The Word Clearer asks "What other word relating to your post (or subject or error) didn't you understand?" 7. Each one mentioned is now defined by looking it up. 8. The person can now be Method 4ed relating to his post to be sure all is clean and there are no upsets. Note: Where the person has just had an accident or ethics action it may be necessary to delay the action until the person is calmer or not so upset as the action can be a heavy distraction if the person is hurt or frightened and will not be successful. IT WILL BE FOUND THAT LAZINESS, INACTIVITY, SLOWNESS AND ERRORS ON A POST OR IN USING A SUBJECT TRACE TO MISUNDERSTOOD KEY WORDS. THE REMEDY IS WC METHOD 6. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 462  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 40 METHOD 7   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1972 Issue III Remimeo Word Clearing Series 40 METHOD 7 Whenever one is working with children or foreign language persons or semiliterates Method 7 READING ALOUD is used. In this method the person is made to read aloud to find out what he is doing. It is a very simple method. It is done without a meter. It is used on such persons before other methods in order to get the person untangled. If a person does not seem to be progressing by studying silently, one has him read aloud. Another copy of the same text must also be followed by the Word Clearer as the person reads. Startling things can be observed. The person may omit the word "is" whenever it occurs. The person doesn't read it. He may have some strange meaning for it like "Israel" (actual occurrence). He may omit "didn't" each time it occurs and the reason traced to not knowing what the apostrophe is (actual occurrence). He may call one word quite another word such as "stop" for "happen" or "green" for "mean". He may hesitate over certain words. The procedure is 1. Have him read aloud. 2. Note each omission or word change or hesitation or frown as he reads and take it up at once. 3. Correct it by looking it up for him or explaining it to him. 4. Have him go on reading, noting the next omission, word change or hesitation or frown. 5. Repeat steps 2 to 4. By doing this a person can be brought up to literacy. His next actions would be learning how to use a dictionary and look up words. Then a simple grammar. A very backward student can be boosted up to literacy by this method. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 463  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/6/72 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 41 METHOD 8   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1972 Issue IV Remimeo Word Clearing Series 41 METHOD 8 (If a student has trouble with this Method he should do Method 7 first. Method One should also be done.) Method 8 is an action used in the "Primary Rundown" where one is studying Study Tech or where one is seeking a full grasp of a subject. Its End Product is SUPER-LITERACY. The steps are these: Usually an alphabetical list of every word or term in the text of a paper, a chapter or a recorded tape is available or provided. 1. The person looks up each word on the alphabetical list and uses each in sentences until he has the meaning conceptually. The words are looked up in a big dictionary. The grammatical words or small words are looked up in a simple grammar. If the person has too much trouble with grammar he should do the whole simple grammar text before going on. Any technical terms not in the dictionary are looked up in a technical dictionary or glossary or in bulletins on the materials, i.e. a photographic dictionary. This is not done for the whole subject, it is done for a paper or a chapter or one tape of a series. 2. One then reads or listens to the paper, chapter or tape for its sense or general meaning. 3. Method 4 is then done on the person to find any misunderstoods. 4. These are cleared up per Method 4 procedure. 5. The person reads or listens to the material again. 6. The person is again checked for any misunderstoods. 7. If there are any misunderstoods the person again does steps 4 & 5. 8. When the material is fully heard or understood as per above steps and checks, end off on that paper, chapter, tape and go on to the next one. 9. An alphabetical list is made or exists for the next paper, chapter or tape. Steps 1 to 8 are done on it. 10. Each succeeding paper or chapter or tape is done with steps 1 to 8. 464 When all the material has been done in this way, the person will be fully able to apply all the material. Usually Method 8 is reserved for the Scientology Study Tapes which contain how to study and the Student Hat. It can also be used to master a major subject. IT WILL BE FOUND THAT METHOD 8 (or Method 2 or 3 or 4 or 6) ARE VERY LENGTHY AND HARD TO DO UNLESS ONE HAS FIRST HAD A METHOD ONE WORD CLEARING. A Word Clearing Correction List is used on Method 8 whenever a student bogs heavily. This list will, when assessed on a meter properly, locate the errors and they can be corrected. When used on the Study Tech itself and Student Hat, Method 8 HONESTLY DONE makes a person SUPER-LITERATE. It is like hearing and seeing and reading for the first time! Reading a text or instruction or book is comfortable. One has it in conceptual form. One can APPLY the material learned. It is a new state. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 465  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/8/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=8/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 42R Tape Course Series 10 METHOD 4 NOTES   Remimeo (Translate to European Languages)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 AUGUST 1972R REVISED 8 JULY 1974 (Revision in this type style) (Reissued 24 October 1974 as a Tape Course Series) Remimeo (Translate to European Languages) Word Clearing Series 42R Tape Course Series 10 METHOD 4 NOTES Too generalized a question in using Method 4 defeats its use and can restimulate a person badly. Example: "Is there anything in college you didn't understand?" That of course is just plain ridiculous as a question. "Have you ever heard anything you didn't understand?" would be similarly silly. BREAK DOWN THE MATERIALS When doing Method 4 you have to break down the materials (put them into small separate units) in order to ask questions. Example: We have Papers 1 & 2, both on the same subject. The wrong question for Method 4 would be "Is there anything in Papers 1 & 2 you didn't understand?" and not even give him the papers to see! The right way to do it would be to take Paper 1 and break it down into its obvious sections, give the person Paper 1 and let him look at it. Point to its 1st section and say, "Is there anything you didn't understand in this section?" while watching the meter. Then point to next section, do the same. Finish Paper 1. Then go to Paper 2 and do it the same. A person has to know what he's being asked about and has to be thinking of it when asked the question. TAPES Just as it would be ridiculous to ask, "Have you ever misunderstood anything you ever read?", it would be silly to ask, "Did you ever have a misunderstood on Tape?" The right way is to take the tape and put it on a machine and play a bit of it. And ask, "Is there anything in the first section of this tape you didn't understand?" while watching the meter. Then high speed the tape forward to another area and do the same. Thus the tape is covered. This can also be done from any tape notes, section by section. BOOKS Books are done chapter by chapter. 466 QUICKIE M4 Method 4 is defeated utterly by: 1. Bad metering, 2. Too general a question, 3. Not having the material to hand, 4. Not getting the person's attention on parts of the material, 5. Not taking each word found to F/N. Quickie M4 misses. It sets the person up for a loss in his studying. And we want him to actually succeed in his study, don't we? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 467  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/8/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 43 GRAMMAR DEFINITION   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 AUGUST 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 43 GRAMMAR DEFINITION The following Definition of Grammar was taken from the Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage by Bergen and Cornelia Evans, published by Random House, New York, in 1957. (It is not a complete Dictionary and would require another larger dictionary for full word clearing. But it gives American usages of words and phrases, which could be important as Dianetics and Scientology are written in American English.) It was sent to me by an SHSBC Student who found its definition of Grammar was very helpful to other students. This definition also tells you why some college or school texts are so ghastly hard to read -- they are not in standard English. It also tells you why, in 1950, the head of the English Department in an American University hailed Dianetics.- The Modern Science of Mental Health as marking a new era of scientific writing. One reason is that it was written by a writer, not a professor. The other was that it was written in the English that was in use. But read the definition: GRAMMAR GRAMMAR is a systematic description of the ways in which words are used in a particular language. The grammarian groups words that behave similarly into classes and then draws up rules stating how each class of words behaves. What classes are set up and how the rules are phrased is a matter of convenience. A grammarian is free to classify his material in any way that seems reasonable to him. But he is never free to say that certain forms of speech are unacceptable merely because there is no place for them in the system he has designed. THE CLASSES Most grammarians are interested in a number of languages. As a rule they set up classes that are useful in handling many languages but that may have very little meaning for a particular language. For example, the distinction between the dative him and the accusative him is important in the Indo- European languages generally. But in a grammar designed solely to teach English, this distinction does not have to be made. Similarly, there is an etymological or historical difference between the English gerund in -ing and the participle in -ing. But it is sometimes impossible to say whether a given word is a gerund or a participle; for example, in journeys end in lovers meeting. For this reason, some grammarians prefer to handle these forms together under one name, such as "participle" or "-ing'. The familiar terms of classical grammar are defined in this dictionary for the convenience of persons who need to use these concepts. But a much simpler Classification, based on the structure of present-day English, is employed in all the discussions of usage. THE RULES In order to say how words are used, the grammarian must examine large quantities of spoken and written English. He will find some constructions used so consistently that the exceptions have to be classed as errors. But he will also find 468 competing, and even contradictory, constructions, which appear too often to be called mistakes. He must then see whether one of these expressions is used by one kind of person and not by another or in one kind of situation and not in another. If he can find no difference of this sort he accepts the two constructions as interchangeable. In this way he assembles a body of information on how English words are used that may also show differences, such as those between one locality and another, or between spoken and written English, or between literary and illiterate speech. Studies of this kind are called "scientific" or "descriptive" grammars. This is a relatively new approach to the problems of language and the information brought to light in this way is sometimes surprising. The first English grammarians, writing in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, did not attempt to describe the English of their day. On the contrary, they were attempting to "improve" English and they demanded Latin constructions which were not characteristic of English. They objected to the expression I am mistaken, because if translated into Latin this would mean I am misunderstood. They claimed that unloose must mean tie, because un is a Latin negative. They objected to the "double negative" which was good Old English, and also good Greek, but not good Latin. These eighteenth century rules of prescriptive grammar have been repeated in school books for two hundred years. They are the rules for a curious, Latinized English that has never been spoken and is seldom used in literature, but that is now highly respected in some places, principally in scientific writing. It should be recognized that these rules were not designed to "preserve" English, or keep it "pure". They were designed to create a language which would be "better" simply because it was more like Latin. Dryden, writing in the seventeenth century, said: "I am often put to a stand in considering whether what I write be the idiom of the tongue or false grammar and nonsense, couched beneath that specious name of Anglicism, and have no other way to clear my doubts but by translating my English into Latin and thereby trying what sense the words will bear in a more stable language." One result of this double translation was that Dryden went through his earlier works and rewrote all the sentences that had originally ended in a preposition or adverb. A generation later, Swift complained that the English of his day "offends against every part of grammar". Certainly this is blaming the foot because it doesn't fit the shoe! Because some people would like to write the language of the textbooks, the entries in this dictionary not only tell what standing a given construction has in current English but also explain how the rules of the prescriptive grammarian would apply, wherever the rules and standard practice differ. But in such cases the rules are never simple, and the person who has to use this type of English may feel that it would be easier to follow Dryden's example and write in Latin first. THIS BOOK The grammar entries in this book are designed for persons who speak standard English but who may be confused about certain isolated points. The entries are arranged so that the answer to a particular problem can be found in the least possible time. But anyone who wishes to make a systematic study of English grammar, using this book, can do so by starting with the entry parts of speech and following the references to more and more detailed discussions of each concept. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 469  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 44 ILLITERACY AND WORK   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 44 ILLITERACY AND WORK I have been engaged in a study of applications of tech to illiteracy and illiterate or semi-literate populations and found some simple levels of approach. I investigated U.S. AID educational efforts and data to find out why they failed. For instance, in one project, the U.S. spent over one million dollars to educate 105 persons from an "underdeveloped" country of low literacy and surveyed it later to find that none of the data taught was in use and that no progress had been made by the person or the country as a result. Using their data and my own personal investigation in the same country, I evaluated the situation and found they had not consulted the existing scene before or during the program. Their training was for a sophisticated environment. The country of the program is just emerging from a nomadic level civilization into agricultural and the agriculture done is extremely primitive, erodes whole plains with non-contour plowing and doesn't even know about irrigation. To these people they taught the highly complex technology of the electronic age! The people went back home, found no computers whatever, listened to the goats and sat down and did nothing. U.S. AID had no explanation for this. But give them credit -- the students liked the U.S. and U.S. AID did honestly survey and admit the failure, a rare humility. From this point I did a local study and found that instead of computers these people needed -- guess what? TR 2! Acknowledgement. (Training Drill No. 2, How to Acknowledge a Communication.) This primitive area had never heard of TR 2! "Good", "fine", "thank you" were unknown in all their work culture. Before they saw any need of any technology, they had first to see that there was any reason to get any work done at all! Further, their cultural pattern contained dishonesty as a virtue! This is antipathetic to basic morale no matter what the culture and so they were in a cultural attitude or pattern which kept them sad, depressed and miserable! So they couldn't work. The program, then, had to (a) recover honesty to increase morale, (b) introduce acknowledgement for accomplishment, (c) establish the possibility that one could work, (d) introduce statistics so that something existed that could be acknowledged and (e) establish bonuses for statistics so that acknowledgement could be real and stay that way. These items are all very elementary and simple portions of our basic technology: 470 (a) Security checking, (b) TRs especially 2, (c) Problems of Work Course using tape and Word Clearing, (d) Statistical policies and tech, (e) Bonus policies. So in U.S. AID Programs there was a skipped gradient in culture (nomad- agrarian skipped to electronic-nuclear) and a skipped gradient in training -- Why learn when there is no reason to work? So why be literate? Or study? Any sophisticated technical layout would break down in the hands of these people -- and does. But this program would lift them up. Then they would have some reason to study. Factually, one cannot just sail into a culture blind and bash around with no data. It is costly and it accomplishes very little. A basic knowledge of Man is essential to any improvement in any area of the human race. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 471  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 45RA WORD CLEARING -- THE KEY REPAIR TOOL FOR AN ORG  Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Qual Secs Execs Hats Offs Cr. Offs  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JANUARY 1973RA Issue I Revised & Reissued 24 June 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB of 30 January 1973R Issue I SAME TITLE (Revision in this type style) Remimeo Word Clearers Qual Secs Execs Hats Offs Cr. Offs Word Clearing Series 45RA WORD CLEARING -- THE KEY REPAIR TOOL FOR AN ORG Word Clearing is a brilliant repair tool for an Org to raise Org production and delivery quality. In order to get any area or individual producing, there are three simple actions which will handle (per LRH 5 Sept 71 Qual Tape): 1. Make sure the person has actually READ the material he needs to know. 2. If he has read the material and cannot apply it, WORD CLEARING, in its different forms, used correctly, with good TRs will clean up any and all misunderstoods. 3. The only other thing which can prevent application is that the person needs to be DRILLED and have CONFRONT RAISED on that area or action. Drilling on Admin post actions is just as important as drilling Tech post actions. If the above actions do not handle, though carefully done, the person has out Ethics and needs Ethics handling and probably Integrity Processing. This does not eradicate the need for Executive inspections, evaluations and handlings for non-working installations, but when the Why is found and stops removed, simply taking each staff member in the area and putting him through the 1, 2 and 3, in that order, will really create a working installation. This applies in the area of Tech or Admin. As the competence of Word Clearing increases, so does the traffic for it and additional Word Clearers must be added to handle the traffic so that staff, Internes and students do get good service. Qual really is the staffs best friend if they use loads of no flub Word Clearing and Qual correction actions to get them through, being successful and producing. Word Clearing is no minor technology to be used sometimes. It is a major technology which can make or break an Org. Revised by Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:mh.rd Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 472  Revised by Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 In coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 46RA METHOD 9  Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JANUARY 1973RA Issue II Revised 29 December 1973 Reissued 5 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 30 JANUARY 1973R Issue II SAME TITLE (Revision in this type style) Remimeo Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 46RA METHOD 9 Method 9 Word Clearing is CORRECTIVE Word Clearing, as compared to Method 7 which is EDUCATIONAL Word Clearing, and has its own exact procedure. Method 9 is done on any specific written text, usually by subject, for example, the C/S Series, the Data Series, or one or more PLs or HCO Bs on a related subject, for example, Listing and Nulling, Rudiments, or a key Hat PL or PLs. The procedure is: 1. Student or staff member reads the text out loud. He is not on the meter. 2. The Word Clearer has a copy of the text and reads along with the student silently. 3. If the student leaves out a word or stumbles or exhibits any physical or verbal manifestation while reading the text, the Word Clearer immediately asks for the misunderstood word or term and gets the meanings cleared with a dictionary and put into sentences until the word is understood and VGIs are present. 4. Student rereads the last section and continues the text to completion, picking up and handling all misunderstood words, as evidenced by verbal or physical manifestations. 5. Student or staff member is sent to Pc Examiner for F/N VGIs check. If no F/N VGIs, student or staff member returns to Word Clearer to complete to F/N VGIs or WCCL, if required. 6. The text is now restudied by the student or staff member. Method 9 can be used before or after the fact of a flub. For example, any upper level C/S to get an OK to C/S should M9 the C/S Series, restudy and starrate and do in clay as a basic action in Qual. Or an Auditor who is flubbing on Assessment gets M9 on the Assessment pack. Or a Supervisor who is flubby gets M9 on key MCSC materials. In each case, the materials word cleared must be restudied and starrated. Word Clearers must be specifically and extensively drilled to do M9 (or M7) so that they can read a text and pick up any and all physical manifestations at the same time. Only then is an OK to do M9 (or M7) issued. 473 The fact of having had material word cleared using a different method does not prevent M9 being used. In fact, it would not be unusual for specific material to be handled first with M6, then M9 then M4, if one wanted to be very thorough. In order to ensure application, all Word Clearing must be followed by a restudy of the materials word cleared. Word Clearing clears the material so it can now be studied and applied. Method 9 is extremely powerful and effective. Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 As ordered by LRH Revised in coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:mh.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 474  Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 As ordered by LRH Revised in coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 47R DIFFICULTIES WITH WORD CLEARING  Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Qual C/S  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JANUARY 1973R Issue III Reissued 5 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 30 JANUARY 1973 Issue III SAME TITLE (Revision in this type style) Remimeo Word Clearers Qual C/S Word Clearing Series 47R DIFFICULTIES WITH WORD CLEARING The first and major reason for difficulties in Word Clearing is failure to immediately use a Word Clearing Correction List at the first hint of trouble. The second is Word Clearing over the fact of no Method One. Word Clearing can become lengthy until Method One is completed. Some people have severe difficulty with all forms of Word Clearing until a full and complete M1 with additional applicable subjects added and fully handled. The symptom of a person requiring M1 or M1 Expanded would be approaching all forms of Word Clearing on a "subject" basis and handling chains on each word approached. This makes these shorter forms of Word Clearing very lengthy. This can happen on the PRD causing a bogged or very slow student. He can be cleaned up with a WCCL in Qual followed by a completed Method One. If this doesn't handle it, the student needs additional correction or the Primary Correction Rundown. Everyone runs better on all forms of Word Clearing when Method One is fully completed. Others may require a full Primary Correction Rundown before they can easily tackle day to day Word Clearing, as is required in any Org. In some rare cases, there may be a misunderstood symbol in the alphabet itself. M7, as the major undercut Word Clearing process, may require an undercut, by a direct address to the alphabet. This can easily be done by getting the person to rattle off the alphabet and handling it itself with M7, handling all letters on which a person has difficulty, can't remember, stumbles on, etc, until the person can rattle them all off without hesitation. The full New World Dictionary contains a section at the beginning of each letter, which may be of assistance in cleaning up the alphabet. INTERRELATED USES OF WORD CLEARING All forms of Word Clearing can be utilized to get a result. The fact of using one form does not mean that another will not locate more misunderstoods. For example, a staff member could have M7 Word Clearing to improve his reading to an EP, then have M6 on the key words of his post, then M7 the one or two key PLs of his post, then study them and have a final M4 check before starrating. Don't drop out M2 as one of the effective forms of Word Clearing. It has a specialized use on whole texts of materials or tapes. The clearing of first or earlier materials plays a key factor in unlocking some PT study problems or situations. A 475 person will actually do better on M2 if he has done M7 on a general text first. In some cases, when the person's vocabulary is very poor, M7 has to be done before M1. USE ALL FORMS OF WORD CLEARING IN VOLUME AND EVERYBODY WILL WIN. Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised in coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:mh.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 476  Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised in coordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 48 WORD CLEARING ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDENTS, PCS OR STAFF  Type = 11 iDate=30/1/73 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Staff C/S C/S  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JANUARY 1973 Issue IV Reissued 5 July 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JANUARY 1973 Issue IV SAME TITLE Remimeo Word Clearers Staff C/S C/S Word Clearing Series 48 WORD CLEARING ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDENTS, PCS OR STAFF Very careful handling of foreign language students on Word Clearing is required. The first requirement is Method One in the person's basic language. If the person speaks several languages, or lived in several countries, the languages would be handled in the sequence they were encountered. To do Method One in English on a French person without first doing M1 in French is more or less a waste of time. The person won't make it in English until the earlier misunderstoods connected with the earlier language are fully handled. When Word Clearing a person who speaks a foreign language, it is imperative to have a proper dictionary in that language to hand. Do not use the English/French or English/German "dictionary" for it is not a dictionary but a reference manual only and does not contain full and proper definitions. The most charged language(s) will be that first learned and that used in school. Obviously, it is best for a foreign language person to be audited on M1 by an Auditor who speaks the same language. However, if one was not available, it could be done by writing up the M1 list phonetically in the language concerned and running a standard M1, making sure that the Pc keeps the Auditor very well informed on the definitions in the dictionary. Foreign language students on Courses are usually provided with translated tape courses. In this case, the full technology on handling tape courses and their repair must be fully applied. M2 and 4 on tapes must be set up for immediate handling in Tech and Qual. It could be also that a foreign language student cannot read English because of unhandled problems on reading his own language and so would greatly benefit from an M7 on a reading text in his own language. If a foreign language student is studying an English text, he must have an English and the foreign language dictionary to hand, so that if he runs into difficulty on the English definition, he can check up on the foreign language definition difficulty, straighten that one, then handle the English definition. We can get any student, Pc or staff member through IF we fully use all forms of Word Clearing fully. Ens. Judy Ziff, CS-5 Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JZ:mh.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 477  Ens. Judy Ziff, CS-5 Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=1 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 49R BUILD UP POWERFUL WORD CLEARERS  Type = 12 iDate=30/1/73 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Qual Sec Dir PE Cr Offs Word Clearers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 30 JANUARY 1973R Issue V Reissued 4 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 CANCELS BTB OF 30 JANUARY 1973 Issue V SAME TITLE (Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Qual Sec Dir PE Cr Offs Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 49R BUILD UP POWERFUL WORD CLEARERS It is essential to build up a powerful team of Word Clearers in order to really honestly restore lost tech in an Org. Word Clearers are specialists in their area they are Auditors who have specialized in the application of the technology of Word Clearing, our most powerful repair tool! One makes Word Clearers in Tech and Qual in the same way that a crackerjack Auditor is made in Tech. 1. They study all materials on the subject, and do TRs and drills on the individual actions on the professional Word Clearer's Course in the Tech Division. 2. They get a Qual OK to Audit to do individual Word Clearing actions. 3. They get crammed every time they goof or red tag a Pc. 4. They are handled per C/S Series 84. 5. They do daily TRs along with all Auditors and Tech and Qual personnel. 6. They deliver volume no flub Word Clearing to be truly effective. 7. They use a WCCL at the first sign of any trouble in Word Clearing. Word Clearers who are not Class III can be put onto Academy Training part- time and trained up to III or IV so they can then take on Method One and Word Clearing Correction List, specialized correction actions, e.g. Int Rundown Correction. Word Clearers must have excellent TRs or they will miss out as Word Clearers and back off really finding the word or words and Quickie Word Clearing will creep in. Nothing will put Word Clearing or Qual into disrepute faster than Quickie Word Clearing, other than refusal to deliver Word Clearing. Qual Secs and Tech Secs, handle your Word Clearers as the Auditors that they are and build them up into a powerful team. Remember, there is no limit to how far an Org can go with a powerful, effective Qual doing its job, and effective Word Clearers on courses and in Qual. Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised in co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:BofI:AL:MH:JZ:mh.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 478  Ens. Judy Ziff CS-5 Revised in co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=16/12/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 51 WORD CLEARING ERRORS  Type = 11 iDate=16/12/73 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Word Clearers Course Supervisors Cramming Officers  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 16 DECEMBER 1973 Reissued 19 July 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 16 DECEMBER 1973 SAME TITLE Remimeo Word Clearers Course Supervisors Cramming Officers Word Clearing Series 51 WORD CLEARING ERRORS A way of quickying Word Clearing has sprung up from time to time whereby a word being looked up in the dictionary is incompletely defined. Example: The PRD Student who guesses at the context the word is used in and only looks up one of several definitions. As a Superliterate this person is later found to have trouble with study and checkouts though "certain" she knew what the words meant. Example: The M4 Word Clearer in Qual says, "Look at definition No. 5." The Student does and gets it but later has trouble with the same word or HCO B due to incompletely defined words. Example: The PCRD Student who looks up words until she's "got the concept", incompletely defines half the words on the PCRD and utterly defeats its purpose, and hers. PROCEDURE In clearing words the Student looks up every definition, using each meaning of the word in sentences until he's got it. When all definitions have been cleared, the context of the sentence the word was found in is consulted and the Student chooses the definition that applies and ensures he understands it. At this point the word has been cleared, and not before. PRD This procedure applies especially to the PRD where the context is unknown. The PRD can be made to fail through neglect of proper Word Clearing procedure. And that will cost us our Study Tech, and with that goes Scientology. W/O Ron Shafran Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:RS:mh.jh Copyright $c 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 479  W/O Ron Shafran Training & Services Aide Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/1/74 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 52 WORD CLEARING TRANSLATORS   Remimeo Translator Word Clearer Hats  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 JANUARY 1974 Issue I Remimeo Translator Word Clearer Hats Word Clearing Series 52 WORD CLEARING TRANSLATORS (Taken from LRH Taped Conference on 23 June 1971 concerning Tape Translation) It is often necessary that more time be spent in word clearing a translator than would normally be spent on a student. A translator is the relay point between LRH's technology and the foreign student. Therefore, it is doubly important that the translator look up everything he doesn't understand, and that he gets the material totally straight in his head. Any misduplication on the part of the translator will result in mistranslations which will cause great confusion to the eventual student. When word clearing a translator, it will normally be found that his basic misunderstood will be from the time he started to learn the language. Something is very funny about learning foreign languages; it won't be the foreign language the person doesn't understand. It will be the grammatical terms in their own language used to learn the foreign language. You could spend days, for example, working with a person who can't seem to learn French; and then all of a sudden find out it wasn't a French word he was having trouble with at all -- it was "Subjunctive mode" or something of that sort. This works the same way for another language back into English. A word clearer could go on forever working with a person having difficulty with English if he didn't know this one question: 1. "What word in your own language that described how you spoke English didn't you understand?" This question is asked off the meter. The word clearer accepts whatever answer the translator gives. 2. The word clearer has the translator look up the words found in 1 above in a simple grammar book in his own language. There may be one or two words, or there may be many. The word clearer gets them all thoroughly looked up and fully understood by the translator. 3. If the translator cannot find an answer to the question, yet is having difficulty, the word clearer should realize that there are words -- unseen -- misunderstood. Have the translator go through a simple book in his own language that teaches English, looking up every word he is the least bit unsure of. Have him do this until he is no longer having difficulty. The above steps can be done for any languages the translator may speak in addition to English, if he is multilingual. Merely substitute the other language for "English" in the question. 480 Optimumly, a translator should have full Word Clearing Method 1 in session to EP in his native language, English, and any other languages he may speak. Sherene Hull FMO 1248 I/C Taken from LRH Taped Conference of 23-6-71 Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:SW:SH.:jg.jh Copyright $c 1971, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 481  Sherene Hull FMO 1248 I/C Taken from LRH Taped Conference of 23-6-71 Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=8/7/74 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=24/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 53R CLEAR TO F/N   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 JULY 1974R Issue I REVISED 24 JULY 1974 Remimeo Word Clearing Series 53R (Revisions in this type style) CLEAR TO F/N (Word Clearing Series 32R has been corrected as 32RA to require the F/Ning of all words and forbids W/Cing on a high TA.) Do NOT try to Word Clear a person Method I, 2 or 4 whose TA is high at session start. Use standard auditing procedures by an Auditor of the required class to get the TA down to normal range. (Usually a C/S Series 53RG and handling.) If the TA is high at start of session one of course cannot F/N a TA on Word Clearing when it is high for some other reason. ALWAYS F/N a word being cleared on the meter. It may happen there is a chain and the word has to be earlier similared. But even then, when the chain is F/Ned, the words on the chain that didn't F/N must F/N. Example: A chemical type word reading. Doesn't F/N. E/S it on E/S words, comes down to a lecture in school. The Mis-U word there F/Ns. Now check the words touched while going E/S. Usually they just F/N. Do NOT do a lot of words to "Clean" and say the person has been "Word Cleared". Cases are messed up because the Word Clearing may be over out rudiments or even out lists or out Int. A Word Clearing worksheet must show truthfully all words F/Ned. RED TAB Where a pc has been Word Cleared on the meter without F/Ning or with or to a high or low TA, THE WHOLE FOLDER MUST BE RED TABBED. W/Cing worksheets must go into the pc's folder, just as why finding and touch assists and other auditing actions must be put in the folder. A pc red tabbed because of Word Clearing must be repaired within 24 hours, as in the case of any other red tab. Stalled cases have been traced to Word Clearing errors. Repair of these will get them going again. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 482  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/9/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Word Clearing Series 54 SUPERLITERACY AND THE CLEARED WORD   Remimeo All Staff All Auditors All Students All Scientologists BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 SEPTEMBER 1974 (Adapted from LRH ED 178 INT of 30 May 1972) Remimeo All Staff All Auditors All Students All Scientologists BPI Word Clearing Series 54 SUPERLITERACY AND THE CLEARED WORD SUPER -- Superiority in size, quality, number or degree. LITERACY -- The ability to read and write. Almost everyone these days is able to read and write. This was not true a century ago but, with modern stress on education, it is true today. But is this enough today? It is an instruction book world. The civilization in which we live is highly technical. Education today goes into the twenties. That's a third of one's life. And what happens when one leaves school? Can he do what he studied? Does he have all his education or did it get left behind? Literacy is not enough. Today's schools and today's world require a new ability -- the ability to look at a page without any strain and absorb what it says and then apply it right now without any stress at all. And is that possible? Am I talking about speed reading? No. That is just being able to read rapidly. It does not improve the comfort of reading and it does not improve the ability to apply. What is really needed is the ability to COMFORTABLY and QUICKLY take data from a page and be able at once to APPLY it. Anyone who could do that would be SUPER-LITERATE. What happens? The average person -- literate -- is able to read words and mentally record words. 483 Like this: SAME WORDS now in his mind [GRAPHICS INSERTED] WORDS When he writes he writes: Words [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Words In his mind words are "understood' as other words like this: [GRAPHICS INSERTED] 484 When one is Super-Literate, this is what happens: Words Words [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Concepts Therefore as he is dealing in concepts (ideas or understandings) this can happen: Concepts [GRAPHICS INSERTED] ACTION And he thinks in concepts to which he can fit words easily and so can write clearly. In other words, when one is Super-Literate, one reads not words but understandings. And so can act. CONCEPTS The idea of grasping word meanings conceptually is something new to the field of Linguistics. The endless Semantic circles pursued by Korzybski and company (see Data Series 1, "The Anatomy of Thought") never really led to the realization that a word and its meanings are embodied in the basic concept or idea symbolized by that word. That conceptualization of meanings is foreign to dictionary writers and "experts" is evidenced by the fact that definitions are so subject to alter-is and change with the passage of time. 485 For example, modern definitions of the word "understand" are found to be largely inadequate. A really full and meaningful definition of it could only be found in a First Edition of Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms, 1942: "Understand: To have a clear and true idea or conception, or full and exact knowledge, of something. In general it may be said that understand refers to the result of a mental process or processes (a clear and exact idea or notion, or full knowledge). Understand implies the power to receive and register a clear and true impression." CLEARED WORDS Operating within a society steeped in misunderstood words and mis- definitions, Study Tech is subject to arbitraries. Thus, a CLEARED WORD is defined as follows: A WORD WHICH HAS BEEN CLEARED TO THE POINT OF FULL CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING. In Metered Word Clearing this translates as: F/N, VGls. There are many ways and combinations to achieve this EP. Using the word in sentences until the meaning is grasped conceptually is the most common. Diagrams, demos, clay, in fact the entire body of Study Tech and its methods are applicable. These are vital tools. For use. Protect them and KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rs.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 486  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series I ART   Remimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST AD15 Remimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill Students Art Series I ART For some fifteen years I have been studying, amongst other branches of philosophy, the subject of ART. The reason for this is: Art is the least codified of human endeavors and the most misunderstood. What is Art? is one of the least answered of human questions. Art abounds with authorities. It was chosen because "that field containing the most authorities contains the least codified knowledge". The obvious invitation is to answer the question and codify the subject. This has now been done. The subject was originally brought up in a conversation with Donald H. Rogers at 42 Aberdeen Road, Elizabeth, New Jersey, in 1950. As this zone of human activity seemed to stand outside the field of Dianetics and Scientology, I thereafter worked with it on a casual basis. Having published 15,000,000 words between 1929 and 1941, I was not unacquainted with the arts. Since 1950 I have worked with other arts than that of literature in order to make an advance on the general subject of ART. I have made a breakthrough at last in this matter. And I find it is applicable to what we are doing and therefore also has practical value. To make it a matter of record rather than a filed sheaf of notes, I am publishing these findings as an HCO B. I also feel they will be of some assistance in forwarding Scientology. As in the case of all "pure research" (by which is meant study without thought of possible application) there is a sudden payoff in these answers including the better dissemination of Scientology and the rehabilitation of the artist. My incidental studies in the fields of photography and music materially assisted these discoveries. Approaching the state of Clear has also assisted in comprehending this rather vast subject of ART. It is adventurous to state one has solved such a sweeping subject but here at least are the fundamentals and basics. The following are rough notes but are in fact the basis of that branch of activity we call ART. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ART BASIC DEFINITION ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION. It therefore follows the laws of communication. 489 Too much originality throws the audience into unfamiliarity and therefore disagreement, as communication contains duplication and "originality" is the foe of duplication. TECHNIQUE should not rise above the level of workability for the purpose of communication. PERFECTION cannot be attained at the expense of communication. Seeking perfection is a wrong target in art. One should primarily seek communication with it and then perfect it as far as reasonable. One attempts communication within the framework of applicable skill. If perfection greater than that which can be attained for communication is sought, one will not communicate. Example: A camera that shoots perfectly but is not mobile enough to get pictures. One must settle for the highest level of technical perfection obtainable below the ability to obtain the picture. The order of importance in art is: 1. The resultant communication, 2. The technical rendition. 2 is always subordinate to 1. 2 may be as high as possible but never so high as to injure 1. The communication is the primary target. The technical quality of it is the secondary consideration. A person pushes 2 as high as possible within the reality of 1. A being can take a lot of trouble with 2 to achieve 1 but there is a point where attempting 2 prevents 1. If the ardures of 2 prevent 1, then modify 2, don't modify 1. Perfection is defined as the quality obtainable which still permits the delivery of the communication. Too much time on 2 of course prevents 1. It is usually necessary to lower a standard from absolute perfection to achieve communication. The test of the artist is how little it is lowered not how high it is pushed. A professional in the arts is one who obtains communication with the art form at the minimum sacrifice of technical quality. There is always some sacrifice of quality to communicate at all. The reduction of mass or time or impedimenta or facilities toward the ability to render a result is the exact measurement of how much technical perfection can be attempted. The rule is if one is being too perfectionistic to actually achieve a communication, reduce the mass, time, impedimenta or facilities sufficiently low to accomplish the communication but maintain the technique and perfection as high as is reconcilable with the result to be achieved and within one's power to act. No communication is no art. To not do the communication for lack of technical perfection is the primary error. It is also an error not to push up the technical aspects of the result as high as possible. One measures the degree of perfection to be achieved by the degree of communication that will be accomplished. 490 This is seen even in a workman and tools. The workman who cannot accomplish anything but must have tools is an artistic failure. "Art for art's sake" is a complete paradox as a remark. "Art for the sake of communication" and "Attempted perfection without communicating" are the plus and minus of it all. One can of course communicate to oneself, if one wishes to be both cause and effect. One studies art only if one wishes to communicate and the search for artistic perfection is the result of past failures to communicate. Self-improvement is based entirely on earlier lack of communicating. Living itself can be an art. The search for freedom is either the retreat from past failures to communicate or the effort to attain new communication. To that degree then the search for freedom is a sick or well impulse. Searching for and discovering one's past failures to communicate an art form or idea about it will therefore inevitably rehabilitate the artist. However, due to the nature of the Reactive Mind, full rehabilitation is achieved only through releasing and clearing. How much art is enough art? The amount necessary to produce an approximation of the desired effect on its receiver or beholder, within the reality of the possibility of doing so. A concept of the beholder and some understanding of his or her acceptance level is necessary to the formulation of a successful art form or presentation. This includes an approximation of what is familiar to him and is associated with the desired effect. All Art depends for its success upon the former experience and associations of the beholder. There is no pure general form since it must assume a sweeping generality of former experiences in the beholder. Artists all, to a greater or lesser degree, need comprehension of the minds and viewpoints of others in order to have their work accepted; since the acceptability of a communication depends upon the mental composition of the receiver. Scientology then is a must for any artist if he would succeed without heartbreak. In any art form or activity one must conceive of the beholder (if only himself). To fail to do so is to invite disappointment and eventual dissatisfaction with one's own creations. An artist who disagrees thoroughly with the "taste" of his potential audience cannot of course communicate with that audience easily. His disagreement is actually not based on the audience but on former inabilities to communicate with such audiences or rejections by a vaguely similar audience. The lack of desire to communicate with an art form may stem from an entirely different inability than the one supposed to exist. Professionals often get into such disputes on how to present the art form that the entirety becomes a technology, not an art, and, lacking progress and newness of acceptance, dies. This is probably the genus of all decline or vanishment of art forms. 491 The idea of contemporary communication is lost. All old forms become beset by technical musts and must nots and so cease to communicate. The art is the form that communicates not the technology of how, the last contributing to the ease of creating the effect and preservation of the steps used in doing it. A form's reach, blunted, becomes involved with the perfection alone, and ceases to be an art form in its proper definition. A communication can be blunted by suppressing its art form: Example, bad tape reproduction, scratched film, releasing bits not authorized. This then is the primary suppression. On the other hand, failing continuously to permit a non-destructive communication on the grounds of its lack of art is also suppressive. Between these two extremes there is communication and the task is to attain the highest art form possible that can be maintained in the act of communicating. To do otherwise is inartistic and objectionable. These, therefore, are the fundamentals of ART. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.jh Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 492  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=29/7/73 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 2 ART, MORE ABOUT   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 JULY 1973 Remimeo Art Series 2 ART, MORE ABOUT Ref: HCO B 30 Aug AD15, ART How good does a professional work of art have to be? This would include painting, music, photography, poetry, any of the arts whether fine or otherwise. It would also include presenting oneself as an art form as well as one's products. Yes, how GOOD does such a work of art have to be? All, you say, but that is an imponderable, a thing that can't be answered. Verily, you say, you have just asked a question for which there are no answers except the sneers and applause of critics. Indeed, this is why we have art critics! For who can tell how good good is. Who knows? I have a surprise for you. There IS an answer. As you know, I searched for many years, as a sort of minor counterpoint to what I was hard work doing, to dredge up some of the materials which might constitute the basis of art. Art was the most uncodified and most opinionated subject on the planet -- after men's ideas about women and women's ideas about men and Man's ideas of Man. Art was anyone's guess. Masterpieces have gone unapplauded, positive freaks have gained raves. So how good does a work of art have to be to be good? The painter will point out all the tiny technical details known only to painters, the musician will put a score through the Alto horn and explain about valve clicks and lip, the poet will talk about meter types, the actor will explain how the position and wave of one hand per the instructions of one school can transform a clod into an actor. And so it goes, art by art. bit by bit. But all these people will be discussing the special intricacies and holy mysteries of technique, the tiny things only the initiate of that art would recognize. They are talking about technique. They are not really answering how good a work of art has to be. Works of art are viewed by people. They are heard by people. They are felt by people. They are not just the fodder of a close-knit group of initiates. They are the soul food of all people. One is at liberty of course to challenge that wide purpose of art. Some professors who don't want rivals tell their students "Art is for self- satisfaction" "It is a hobby." In other words, don't display or exhibit, kid, or you'll be competition! The world today is full of that figure-figure. But as none of this self-satisfaction art meets a definition of art wider than self for the sake of self, the professional is not interested in it. In any artistic production, what does one have as an audience? People. Not, heaven forbid, critics. But people. Not experts in that line of art. But people. That old Chinese poet who, after he wrote a poem, went down out of his traditional garret and read it to the flower-selling old lady on the corner had the right idea. If she understood it and thought it was great, he published. If she didn't he put it in the bamboo trash can. Not remarkably, his poems have come down the centuries awesomely praised. 493 Well, one could answer this now by just saying that art should communicate to people high and low. But that really doesn't get the sweating professional anywhere as a guide in actually putting together a piece of work and it doesn't give him a yardstick whereby he can say "That is that!" "I've done it." And go out with confidence that he has. What is technique? What is its value? Where does it fit? What is perfectionism? Where does one stop scraping off the paint and erasing notes and say "That is that"? For there is a point. Some artists don't ever find it. The Impressionists practically spun in as a group trying to develop a new way of viewing and communicating it. They made it -- or some of them did like Monet. But many of them never knew where to stop and they didn't make it. They couldn't answer the question "How good does a piece of art work have to be to be good?" In this time of century, there are many communication lines for works of art. Because a few works of art can be shown so easily to so many there may even be fewer artists. The competition is very keen and even dagger sharp. To be good one has to be very good. But in what way and how? Well, when I used to buy breakfasts for Greenwich Village artists (which they ate hungrily, only stopping between bites to deplore my commercialism and bastardizing my talents for the gold that bought their breakfasts) I used to ask this question and needless to say I received an appalling variety of responses. They avalanched me with technique or lack of it, they vaguely dwelt on inherent talent, they rushed me around to galleries to show me Picasso or to a board fence covered with abstracts. But none of them told me how good a song had to be to be a song. So I wondered about this. And a clue came when the late Hubert Mathieu, a dear friend, stamped with youth on the Left Bank of the Seine and painting dowagers at the Beaux Arts in middle age, said to me "To do any of these modern, abstract, cubist things, you have to first be able to paint!" And he enlarged the theme while I plied him in the midnight hush of Manhattan with iced sherry and he finished up the First Lady of Nantucket's somewhat swollen ball gown. Matty could PAINT. Finally he dashed me off an abstract to show me how somebody who couldn't paint would do it and how it could be done. I got his point. To really make one of these too too modern things come off, you first had to be able to paint. So I said well, hell, there's Gertrude Stein and Thomas Mann and ink splatterers like those. Let's see if it really is an art form. So I sharpened up my electric typewriter and dashed off the last chapters of a novel in way far out acid prose and put THE END at the bottom and shipped it off to an editor who promptly pushed several large loaves down the telephone wire and had me to lunch and unlike his normal blase self said, "I really got a big bang (this was decades ago, other years, other slang) out of the way that story wound up! You really put it over the plate." And it sent his circulation rating up. And this was very odd because you see the first chapters were straight since they'd been written before Matty got thirsty for sherry and called me to come over and the last chapters were an impressionistic stream of consciousness that Mann himself would have called "an advanced rather adventurous over-Finneganized departure from the ultra school." So just to see how far this sort of thing could go, for a short while I shifted around amongst various prose periods just to see what was going on. That they sold didn't prove too much because I never had any trouble with that. But that they were understood at all was surprising to me for their prose types (ranging from Shakespeare to Beowulf) were at wild variance with anything currently being published. So I showed them to Matty the next time he had a ball gown to do or three chins to paint out and was thirsty. And he looked them over and he said, "Well, you proved my point. There's no mystery to it. Basically you're a trained writer! It shows through." 494 And now we are getting somewhere, not just with me and my adventures and long dead yesterdays. As time rolled on, this is what I began to see: The fellow technician in an art hears and sees the small technical points. The artist himself is engrossed in the exact application of certain exact actions which produce, when done, his canvas, his score, his novel, his performance. The successful artist does these small things so well that he also then has attention and skill left to get out Iris message, he is not still fiddling about with the cerulean blue and the semiquaver. He has these zeroed in. He can repeat them and repeat them as technical actions. No ulcers. Strictly routine. And here we have three surrealist paintings. And they each have their own message. And the public wanders by and they only look with awe on one. And why is this one different than the other two? Is it a different message? No. Is it more popular? That's too vague. If you look at or listen to any work of art, there is only one thing the casual audience responds to en masse, and if this has it then you too will see it as a work of art. If it doesn't have it, you won't. So what is it? TECHNICAL EXPERTISE ITSELF ADEQUATE TO PRODUCE AN EMOTIONAL IMPACT. And that is how good a work of art has to be to be good. If you look this over from various sides, you will see that the general spectator is generally unaware of technique. That is the zone of art's creators. Were you to watch a crowd watching a magician, you would find one common denominator eliciting uniform response. If he is a good magician he is a smooth showman. He isn't showing them how he does his tricks. He is showing them a flawless flowing performance. This alone is providing the carrier wave that takes the substance of his actions to his audience. Though a far cry from fine art, perhaps, yet there is art in the way he does things. If he is good, the audience is seeing first of all, before anything else, the TECHNICAL EXPERTISE of his performance. They are also watching him do things they know they can't do. And they are watching the outcome of his presentations. He is a good magician if he gives a technically flawless performance just in terms of scenes and motions which provide the channel for what he is presenting. Not to compare Bach with a magician (though you could), all great pieces of art have this one factor in common. First of all, before one looks at the faces on the canvas or hears the meaning of the song, there is the TECHNICAL EXPERTISE there adequate to produce an emotional impact. Before one adds message or meaning, there is this TECHNICAL EXPERTISE. TECHNICAL EXPERTISE is composed of all the little and large bits of technique known to the skilled painter, musician, actor, any artist. He adds these things together in his basic presentation. He knows what he is doing. And how to do it. And then to this he adds his message. All old masters were in there nailing canvas on frames as apprentices or grinding up the lapis lazuli or cleaning paintbrushes before they arrived at the Metropolitan. But how many paintbrushes do you have to clean? Enough to know that clean paintbrushes make clean color. How many clarinet reeds do you have to replace? Enough to know which types will hit high C. 495 Back of every artist there is technique. You see them groping, finding, discarding fooling about. What are they hunting for? A new blue? No, just a constant of blue that is an adequate quality. And you see somebody who can really paint still stumbling about looking for technique -- a total overrun. Someplace one says, "That's the TECHNICAL EXPERTISE adequate to produce an emotional impact." And that's it. Now he CAN. So he devotes himself to messages. If you get this tangled up or backwards, the art does not have a good chance of being good. If one bats out messages without a TECHNICALLY EXPERT carrier wave of art, the first standard of the many spectators seems to be violated. The nice trick is to be a technician and retain one's fire. Then one can whip out the masterpieces like chain lightning. And all the great artists seem to have managed that. And when they forked off onto a new trail they mastered the technique and then erupted with great works. It is a remarkable thing about expertise. Do you know that some artists get by on "Technical expertise adequate to produce an emotional impact" alone with no messages? They might not suspect that. But it is true. So the "expertise adequate" is important enough to be itself art. It is never great art. But it produces an emotional impact just from quality alone. And how masterly an expertise? Not very masterly. Merely adequate. How adequate is adequate? Well, people have been known to criticize a story because there were typographical errors in the typing. And stories by the non- adept often go pages before anyone appears or anything happens. And scores have been known to be considered dull simply because they were inexpertly chorded or clashed. And a handsome actor has been known not to have made it because he never knew what to do with his arms, for all his fiery thunderings of the Bard's words. Any art demands a certain expertise. When this is basically sound, magic! Almost anyone will look at it and say Ah! For quality alone has an emotional impact. That it is cubist or dissonant or blank verse has very little bearing on it; the type of the art form is no limitation to audience attention generally when it has, underlying it and expressed in it, the expertise adequate to produce an emotional impact. The message is what the audience thinks it sees or hears. The significance of the play, the towering clouds of sound in the symphony, the scatter-batter of the current pop group, are what the audience thinks it is perceiving and what they will describe, usually, or which they think they admire. If it comes to them with a basic expertise itself able to produce an emotional impact they will think it is great. And it will be great. The artist is thought of as enthroned in some special heaven where all is clean and there is no sweat, eyes half closed in the thrall of inspiration. Well maybe he is sometimes. But every one I've seen had ink in his hair or a towel handy to mop his brow or a throat spray in his hand to ease the voice strain of having said his lines twenty-two times to the wall or the cat. I mean the great ones. The others were loafing and hoping and talking about the producer or the unfair art gallery proprietor. The great ones always worked to achieve the technical quality necessary. When they had it they knew they had it. How did they know? Because it was technically correct. Living itself is an art form. One puts up a mock-up. It doesn't happen by accident. One has to know how to wash his nylon shirts and girls have to know what mascara runs and that too many candy bars spoil the silhouette, quite in addition to the pancreas. 496 Some people are themselves a work of art because they have mastered the small practical techniques of living that give them a quality adequate to produce an emotional impact even before anyone knows their name or what they do. Even a beard and baggy pants require a certain art if they are to be the expertise adequate to produce an emotional impact. And some products produce a bad misemotional impact without fully being viewed. And by this reverse logic, of which you can think of many examples such as a dirty room, you can then see that there might be an opposite expertise, all by itself, adequate to produce a strong but desirable emotional impact. That is how good a work of art has to be. Once one is capable of executing that technical expertise for that art form he can pour on the message. Unless the professional form is there first, the message will not transmit. A lot of artists are overstraining to obtain a quality far above that necessary to produce an emotional impact. And many more are trying to machine gun messages at the world without any expertise at all to form the vital carrier wave. So how good does a piece of art have to be? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.jh by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 497  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/4/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 3 STAGE MANNERS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 APRIL 1974 Remimeo Art Series 3 STAGE MANNERS An actor, performer or musician should have a good command of what is called "Stage Manners". While it is not possible here to give a full text on the subject, these basics should suffice. 1. The performer purpose is basically Communication. (a) To Communicate one must have R (Reality) -- which is to say one must be visible. (b) To Communicate one must have R that there is an audience there to be Communicated to. (c) A degree of Affinity with or for the audience must be physically expressed. (One cannot treat an audience with contempt, for instance.) (A perpetual smile is not a must, a respectful look, a friendly look does as well.) If you look over the above ABCs you will see that the general basic of Stage Manners is the ARC Triangle. From this almost anything else can be derived. However, there are some traditional rules. I. You accept applause. This is the contribution of the audience. You do not cut it off. You acknowledge it with bows or other physical actions. But you accept it. You don't dodge it. II. You never turn your back on the audience. (An exception is an actor in play stage situations.) You turn in such a way as to turn facing the audience. You do not turn the other way around and so give them your back. III. Never express embarrassment or stage fright even when you feel it. Force yourself into a physical appearance and expression of poise. IV. If you goof, ride right over it. Do not break off, call attention to it or look helpless or foolish. Just ride right over it and go on. V. If you do not know what to do with your hands or feet, don't do anything with them. Avoid twisting your feet or legs or hands or arms around. Don't fiddle with things. Be positive in motion. VI. During breaks or silent periods remember you are still on stage and Stage Manners still apply. VII. Always appear to be in control of the place and the audience. VIII. Never let your poise be shattered by a sudden surprise. Ride over it and handle. 498 IX. A performer DOMINATES an audience: (a) By his comm, (b) By his art, (c) By his technical perfection, (d) By his Stage Manners. None of this means that one cannot clown, joke, act superior or even seem austere. These are the arts of presence. But even in doing these, Stage Manners are observed. If as a small child one was always cautioned about his manners and resented it one should get a clear idea of what manners are: In a culture manners are the lubrication that ease the frictions of social contacts. On the stage, Stage Manners are the means of smoothing the problems of interchange between audience and performer. The hallmark of the professional performer, next to his art and expertise, is flawless Stage Manners. Stand before a full-length mirror. (Or use Video Tape.) Assume the postures of your act. Accept applause gracefully. Bow gracefully. Smile pleasantly. Laugh. Be dignified. Demonstrate poise. Assume the posture needed for a non-applauding audience. Ride out boos. Demand more applause. Do the postures to end your performance after applause. Accept a standing ovation. Deplore not being able to give an encore. Appear at the start for a first part of a performance. Assume the postures and poise needed on stage during a one minute break between numbers. Accept a plaque. Accept flowers. Ride over a bad goof. Be respectful to the audience. Kid the audience out of it. Do each one of the IX rules. AND ALL WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. Do it with physical motions or lack of them. When you can do all these things and look right to yourself and feel easy about them you will have and be confident of your Stage Manners. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ntm.rd Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 499  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/4/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 4 RHYTHM   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 APRIL 1974 Remimeo Art Series 4 RHYTHM RHYTHM: Any kind of movement characterized by the regular recurrence of strong and weak elements. Rhythm denotes the regular patterned flow, the ebb and rise of sounds and movement in speech, music, writing, dance and in other physical activities. Meter basically means measure and applies to a system or pattern of measured recurrence of length, beat or numbers in poetry or music. TYPES OF MUSIC RHYTHM There are SIX distinct types of rhythm in music. These are: REGULAR: Meaning the evenly accented (stressed) beat. SYNCOPATED: The placing of upbeats along with downbeats at regular or irregular intervals. STOPPED: In a stopped rhythm there are regular distinct halts to the flow of melody, but all the beats are there, they are simply regularly halted for an interval. (The term comes from choreography as in tap dancing where the dancer taps fill the stops.) ACCENTED: Where one or more beats in a measure received a stronger stress (beat) or accent. Accent in a rhythm can be done by volume, duration, pitch or tone quality (timbre). OMITTED BEAT: The regular omission of one or more beats in measures. Time may have to be counted over two or more measures in order to regularly omit. (Soul, Motown.) ADDED BEAT: Additional strong or, generally, weak beats are added to the rhythm in a consistent or inconsistent manner. (Bongos, Congas, etc.) USAGE Any and all rhythms are made up of the six basics above. One, two or more can be employed in complex patterns. REPETITION Rhythm is rhythm because of repetition (recurrence). RAPPORT RAPPORT: Relationship, especially, one of mutual trust or affinity. An audience in rapport is different than an audience of spectators. An audience in rapport PARTICIPATES in small or large ways with the performer or the artist or work of art, often by vocal or body motion. 500 Such participation is achieved by: 1. Reliance on the even recurrence of the rhythm. 2. Ability to predict it will recur. 3. Formation of agreement by such reliable prediction. 4. Permitting the audience to fill gaps or significances. Regular omission of a beat or step or full explanation causes the audience to fill it for themselves and brings about physical or mental participation. RHYTHM All life is a repeating pulse and ebb and surge of motion. Life becomes difficult when rhythmic prediction cannot occur. Anxiety sets in. It is a relief to participate in predictable rhythm in an art form. It is safe and reassuring. If the rhythm is exciting it is also exciting. Therefore participation in predictable rhythm is pleasure and even joy. IMPINGEMENT When one changes rhythm within a single work one "makes wrong" because the person has predicted the rhythm but the prediction is not met. Thus he is wrong. If the rhythm recurs, the person is made right. A new rhythm attracts attention. If it is agreed with and recurs it gets participation. ART FORMS The above materials, while written from the viewpoint of music, apply to any art form. Even prose has a rhythm. Not all rhythms are pleasant or acceptable. Many ways exist to utilize these observations on rhythm -- i.e. one can begin an unwanted rhythm, using the audience objection to impinge and then turn it into a wanted rhythm. As life itself is going through time and as time is recurrence, some rhythms are too dull to attain any attention. Rhythm, used in art forms, must therefore slow or speed or change the expected rhythms of ordinary life in order to command attention. Rhythm can sooth, lull, excite, arouse to any point of the emotional tone scale. A rhythm one half to one tone below the usual rhythm in life will depress or degrade an audience. A rhythm one half to one tone above the usual rhythm will dominate and interest. Rhythm and its expression is the basic key to all art forms. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ntm.rd Founder Copyright $c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 501  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=7/4/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=23/6/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TOUCH ASSISTS CORRECT ONES  Type = 11 iDate=7/4/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 APRIL 1972R Revised & Reissued 23 June 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 APRIL 1972 SAME TITLE Remimeo TOUCH ASSISTS CORRECT ONES Touch Assist Bulletins are right enough as to the data in them. Many were written by others than myself. Accordingly, to correct certain outnesses and GET REAL RESULTS EVERY TIME, I gave a correct demonstration to the Medical Officers at Flag. They were also told by someone else it needed a Case Supervisor -- clearance and by another that it had to be known by a Class IV Auditor. Both of these data were false and were cancelled. Being alerted now that students learning it do it all over a doll with no idea of balance, I wish to make sure the correct data is known so this tech, very powerful when CORRECTLY DONE, is better understood as to exact use. I know no better way of giving the real scene than publishing these correct notes by one of the Medical Officers who took notes during the demonstration. TALK BY LRH TO FLAG MEDICAL OFFICERS ON TOUCH ASSISTS, WITH DEMONSTRATION On assists when you are speaking with medicos you talk to them in terms of restoring comm in blood and nerve channels. I've recently observed nobody does a correct touch assist. Hence I want to show you how to get real results. Normal errors in a touch assist are: (1) Don't go to extremities, (2) Don't equal balance to both sides, (3) Don't carry through (they go to release point only), (4) Don't repeat on following days if needed. A guy stubs a toe, the other toe is where it is locked up. There is a balance of the nerve energy of the body on 12 nerve channels going up and down the spine. The type of energy in the body travels at 10 ft a second. The energy from a shock will make a standing wave in the body. The brain is a shock cushion, that is all. It absorbs the shock from a large amount of energy. The neuron-synapse is a disconnection. A wave one way will have a wave reacting the other way. In the sympathetic system the wave locks up on both sides of the body. So do assist thoroughly on both sides. Get both sides and unlock standing wave. The purpose of a touch assist is to unlock the standing waves that are small electronic ridges of nervous energy that is not flowing as it should. You can unlock an impulse in the leg and it can get into spine and lock up. So this is where you get the Chiropractor fixing people. But the nerves are "telling the muscles" to hold the bone out of place. 502 A shock puts, via the nerves, a permanent command into a set of muscles, all different "commands" going out from the shock. The system functions through stops to try to hold that shock back. It's actually nerve to muscle to bone. Light massage along nerve channels will get muscles unlocked to permit bone to go in place. You unlock nerve channels. The trick is standing waves. The wave is sl owed down as it goes through body, like at each joint. There are brain cells at each joint absorbing the shock. Inertia -- when enough heavy charge goes through a nerve it stops passing the charge through and just builds it up. A touch assist will bring the flow back and the suspended pain, cold, electrical charges and muscle command will blow through. Shock impulse goes tearing down nerve in huge volume, all accumulating nodules of standing waves all over body, trying to stop the nerve impulse. The nerve goes into apathy with the huge volume of impulse. Like 100,000 volts of electricity over a small wire, something goes. With auditing you are bringing back the nerve "from apathy" up through the tone scale. Like getting apathy of nerve up through the pain explosion. So the touch assist is short sessioned and always balanced. At first you might just get an awareness of the area, then maybe after the 3rd or 4th assist (third or fourth day or many more days with one done each day) there is a large jolt that will go through. The comm cycle is not as important in the touch assist as it is with thetan auditing. But it must be present. Here we are dealing with the body. You do give the command, get an answer from the patient and acknowledge each time. THE ASSIST DEMO done on Arthur Hubbard (Arthur had a wound on his right foot right side at ball of foot location, wound not healing quickly.) You want to get the guy where he is available. (Arthur was sitting on chair with legs straight and feet on LRH's knees [one foot on each knee], and Arthur's hands palms down on his shins. Arthur was comfortable -- LRH asked about his comfort.) The target of all this touch assist is the pain in the wound in the side of the foot. The extremity is the top end of the big toe. Both hands and especially finger tip are also extremities. It's a sympathetic system. On the assist you must go to corresponding extremities. (R factor) I'm going to touch you like this (LRH touched Arthur's foot). When you feel it well tell me, okay? Okay. Feel my finger. Yes (Arthur). Good (LRH). This was done rapidly alternating from one side of body to other, one command and answer and ack for each touch; assist done on each toe back and forth left to right, one for one touch on one side, touch on other side. Up foot, each toe, over to hands, left hand to right hand, one touch for one. This was done for several minutes. LRH then had Arthur bend over to get to the spine. Arthur said he had some numbness in the lower spine when LRH asked about this area. LRH then did the spine touching 3 inches from spine on one side then to three inches on the other side alternately, up the head and around the neck and head. LRH asked, "How's that?" Arthur said, "Better," gave cognition on pants being same ones he had on during accident, and LRH ended off. 503 SPINE Arthur during assist had numbness in kidney back area. This is the midpoint between the extremities on the sympathetic system. In the future if the assist hadn't been done he might have had kidney trouble. The impulse locks up in the spine, so you have to do the spine too to release that charge. EXTREMITY The extremity is beyond the point of the body injury. Really handling the extremity furthest from the injury, the legs, would strip the blocked energy out (if you get the extremity). (During the assist LRH did not do the legs, or arms, only toes, feet, hands, fingers and back.) "The way you run the touch assist is give the command then touch. "Do not touch and then give the command as it's backwards. "This requires a drill 'Feel my finger.' Then touch a point." LRH SCHOOLS OF HEALING The thing that's wrong with each school of healing is that it says it can do the job totally. It can't. An example of this is a Swedish masseur saying he can cure a person. But in addition to massage, let us say, the person doesn't eat. It's not part of the cure, so doesn't cure. The doctor's bug is diagnosis. He is even setting up a computer system in the country to figure out what is with the person. But they don't have logic or the Data Series to program from so they won't make it. There is a big hole in Adele Davis's book on dieting. She doesn't talk enough about iodine on diets, but that is what activates thyroid which burns up the food. So her reducing diets don't always reduce. If you block out the fields of knowledge you won't get anywhere. To cure things a doctor should use a number of things (schools of healing) and do each one right. Regard body with a question mark in your mind. There is a "brain" at each joint. This is why acupuncture works. One can paralyze a whole body area with it by touching these minor "brains" with a needle. It can do other things as well if you know how. MESMERISM Mesmerism is no relation to hypnotism at all. Mesmerism is animal magnetism. It's a physiological rapport. Not a concentration on mental but on mental-physiological. To have rapport with something you can be it. 504 Hypnotism is the reduction and absorption of mental power of the person. In hypnotism one takes over the person. The subject has no control. When doing physical healing, if you stroke sympathetically (both sides) alternately inducing a rhythmic motion which is monotonous, you can mesmerize a person. In Mesmerism there is an imposition on feeling. If you mesmerize a person and pinch your back, he will get red in the same place and feel the pain of the pinch. This is physiological rapport. No words are said during mesmerism. In assists you don't want rapport; avoid a rhythm; on stroking in massages keep person talking; keep him saying Yes and you acking in an assist. Keep him in comm with you. That is why you use the comm cycle, or else all feeling can go out of the body. The comm cycle prevents a mesmeric trance occurring that would leave the patient in rapport. Rapport is mutual feelingness. In an assist (1) Keep talking, (2) Break rhythms, (3) End off. This is important. Mesmerism is the transfer of the feeling and fault of operator to patient. A woman doing massages quietly and rhythmically could be giving her patient her disjointed hip. A doctor with bad eyesight can make his patients worse or vice versa possibly, if he had good eyesight, patient could get good eyesight. Notes of Flag Medical Officer Amended & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JD:mes.mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 505  Notes of Flag Medical Officer Amended & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY