Type = 12 iDate=2/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=5/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 1R THE AUDITOR ADMIN SERIES FOR USE BY ALL AUDITORS  Type = 11 iDate=2/11/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Auditors All C/Ses All W/Cers FES Unit Hat HGC Admin Hat Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 2 NOVEMBER 1972R Remimeo Revised & Reissued 5 August 1974 as BTB All Auditors All C/Ses CANCELS All W/Cers HCO BULLETIN OF 2 NOVEMBER 1972 FES Unit Hat SAME TITLE HGC Admin Hat Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats (The only revision is in the second last paragraph: the phrase "or BTB" has been added.) Auditor Admin Series 1R THE AUDITOR ADMIN SERIES FOR USE BY ALL AUDITORS PURPOSE Over the years much "know-how" has been developed in Auditor Administration. The purpose of this Series is to bring a standard in Auditor Administration throughout the world. DEFINITIONS AUDITOR -- A listener or one who listens carefully to what people have to say. An Auditor is a person trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to others for their betterment. ADMINISTRATION -- Consists of the formation and handling of the lines and terminals involved in production. AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION -- would include: 1. The know-how of writing session reports. 2. The know-how of folder arrangement. 3. The know-how of all lines and terminals in the Tech Area. (Covered mainly in C/S Series 25.) 4. The know-how of other lines and terminals in the Org that directly relate to an Auditor getting out his product. LRH QUOTES "ALWAYS ADMINISTRATION IS A COMMUNICATION." "Administration is important because the Administration is a piece of truth." "'Administration of a Folder' is a responsibility and so is 'The Administrative Lines of the Technical Division'." "NO AUDITOR HAS ANY BUSINESS BEING IGNORANT OF ADMINISTRATION." (Reference: TAPE 12.6.71 WELCOME TO THE FLAG INTERN COURSE) 3 C/S SERIES 56 C/S Series 56 can be considered as Auditor Admin Series 2 and comes next in this Series. C/S Series 56 covers the function of Administration in obtaining excellent case results. USE OF THE SERIES The Auditor Admin Series is made into packs. The packs are made available to Student Auditors, HGC Auditors, C/Ses, HGC Admin Personnel, Cramming, the Qual Library, and all Technical Executives. The Series is added to Auditor and C/S Course Checksheets. It is used by HGC Auditors and Internes to check if the Admin they are turning in is "by the book". It can be used by the C/S through the Cramming Officer to cram an Auditor on an Admin Error. An Error would be handled by directing the Auditor to one specific HCO B or BTB in the Series that dealt with that specific point. Continuing Admin Errors would get the whole pack. PRODUCT The product of the application of this Series is Standard Auditor Administration throughout the world, with the viability of improved Auditing Delivery and Results. Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:MD:AL:MH:BL:MM:mh.rd Copyright$c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=25/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 2 C/S Series 56 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 AUGUST 1971 Re-issued 2 November 1972 as Remimeo Auditor Admin Series 2 C/S Series 56 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC Obtaining excellent case results is an ADMINISTRATIVE not a wholly technical function. Auditors and C/Ses are often weak on Administrative. They think general tech results improve only by more tech study. If they continue to think this way they wind up squirreling. For they are working on a wrong target for improvement, a wrong WHY or reason. Auditing is a team activity. The day of the individual country doctor is dead. Even if an individual field auditor starts out as an individual he goes one of two directions -- he overworks and squirrels himself into failure or he builds up a team -- may only be a receptionist and an apprentice auditor but he is still building up a team. I have never seen individual auditors succeed over a lung period. Failing to form or become part of a team, they eventually fade out or squirrel. The reason is simple enough. These rules apply: TO IMPROVE TECH RESULTS YOU MUST IMPROVE ADMINISTRATION. And I don't mean just writing better in folders. DEFINITION ADMINISTRATION consists of the formation and handling of the lines and terminals involved in production. Unless an auditor understands this fully, he will never insist on a Tech Sec, a Tech Establishment Officer, D of P, C/S, Examiner, Pages, Folder Admin and himself will begin to omit keeping a Folder Summary and then omit the session actions and then, with big loses, retire from it all. If I were an auditor and saw some of these things missing, I'd be liable to say, "Are you guys kidding? I thought we were here to audit pcs." Without the correct pattern of lines and terminals YOU DON'T GET RESULTS, you get headaches, mad neighbors and refunds. Auditing on lines, an auditor should regard himself as a highly skilled expert, a technical specialist whose work requires respect and service. And Case Supervising on lines, a Case Supervisor should consider himself a sort of Czar whose word is so law even the Exec Director thinks several times before he approaches -- duly servile of course and bowing the prescribed three times as he exits. 5 A Class XII on Flag is listened to by others with a hush even if he is only commenting on the weather. These are the stars of the team. Their worldwide reputation for smooth flubless auditing is an administrative result! Short of space, overloaded, short of admin personnel, turning out the highest well done hours in the world, Flag's Div IV produces because of an Admin system. The highest of these C/Ses and auditors goes to Cramming if he misplaces a comma or drops a TR 1. If the sessions' exams at Examiner drop from 90% F/N the whole place gets overhauled. Folders are Folder Error Summaried by an FES section. The Folder Summary is kept up each session (or Cramming). The folder is studied and C/Sed. The D of P assigns the sessions. The C/S is done correctly (or Cramming). The folder travels on its lines. The tests are done. In short it is a complex but constantly flowing pattern of moving pcs, folders and examinations interspersed with testing and interviews and re- registration. There is a right way to do it. RESULTS If an org has only 65% of its sessions F/N VGIs at Examiner the right answer is to organize the place. Why? Well, the first answer is that the third dynamic is stronger than the first dynamic. An auditor auditing alone is a first dynamic. The pc is a first dynamic. As it is the auditor plus pc that must be greater than the reactive mind, one can easily work the rest out. If the auditor is part of a functioning third dynamic, not just an individual, the auditor plus pc versus the bank is a LOT more than the bank. Another answer is that an auditor knows the pc, if only because of sessions, and personal opinion enters into it. That is not a pure technical view as a C/S's must be. Another answer is that an auditor in a group gets more auditing done. Individually practicing auditors often fail because nobody is taking care of the auditor as a person. Further they get loses. No one sends them to Cramming. When they get loses they often start squirreling. Then they really get loses. That ends them as auditors. An auditor working in a good on policy organization is given service. He does get sent to Cramming. He does keep his tech updated. He gets wins. When he doesn't he's put back on standard tech. So he happily keeps going and makes lots of happy people. So if I were auditing in a group I would insist as a condition of work that Div IV and Div V be good on policy divisions, fully organized with no nonsense. I know whereof I speak. As a part-time duty I work as a consulting C/S with a good IV and a good V. Sometimes I have had to take over the whole C/S line. When the organization bogs in any way I know the whole thing is heading toward 6 single-handing the lot. So I get the lines back in and get people to Cramming and get the F/N at Examiner ratio approaching 100% again. Thus, the advice you get about C/Sing is live-live-live, not canned theory. ORG WINS Being on administrative lines to all orgs, I can tell you point-blank that THEIR STATS DEPEND ON THEIR VOLUME AND QUALITY OF SERVICE. That isn't propaganda. It's pure fact. The F/N-no F/N at Examiner ratio tells you at once if Divs IV and V are organized and operating or if they are just fooling about. At 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner the administrative functions of Divs IV and V are stinking bad. C/S Series 25 is out. Cramming is out. Hidden data lines exist. HCO Bs, books and tapes are not used. The public, at that % of F/N, will stay away in droves. Registrars will go batty and adopt "Hot Prospect Systems". The staff will go low pay and the execs will be a perpetual dark shade of purple from yelling. The cash-bills ratio will be the subject of finance missions and the neighbors will be phoning the police. Why? Because an org is itself a technical delivery organization and 50% to 75% F/N at Examiner is an overt product. The Academy has already failed to apply student study tech and word clearing. Qual is a joke. There is no library of tech available and if available isn't read. The org as a tech service delivery unit is treating its public to a no- auditing situation and will get in trouble. REMEDY The way to remedy is to get on policy with tech organization. Put in a Qual with word clearing and a library and cramming. Put in the C/S Series 25 Tech lines. Tolerate NO out-tech or out-admin in folders. Dummy run the lines until they're in. Cram Cram Cram C/S and auditor and tech personnel flubs whenever they occur. Get the organization functioning. Your F/N at Examiner ratio will climb straight up to 90% 95% 98%. By actual test pcs will flood in, Reg lines will get easy, success stats soar. More auditors more C/Ses, more organization. A second, a third HGC. And the more thoroughly the admin lines are manned the better the tech lines work. 7 This conclusion came from actual inspections of orgs and studies of their stats. Orgs should be selling more training than processing. But why train if you can't interne them in a good Qual and HGC? They'll never amount to anything as auditors unless they work in an organization that is on tech and on policy. So you need an HGC. Tech, done in a proper administrative framework, works. Some orgs really don't believe they could ever attain the flubless auditing quality of Flag. But they can. It is even easy. It is even easier to attain flubless quality of auditing than any other kind. You put in a real on policy admin pattern in IV and V. You begin with a Qual Interne Course. You send to Cramming for any C/S or auditing error no matter how minute. The results come up. The errors cease. You're a success! If you do it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=3/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=18/9/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 3R THE PC FOLDER AND ITS CONTENTS  Type = 11 iDate=3/11/72 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=7/2/73 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 3 NOVEMBER 1972R Reissued 18 September 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 3 NOVEMBER 1972R SAME TITLE Revised 7 February 1973 (Only revisions are drawings on following two pages where the staples were originally drawn incorrectly.) Auditor Admin Series 3R THE PC FOLDER AND ITS CONTENTS The "current" folder being used for the Pc is arranged into four basic parts: THE FOLDER FRONT COVER Case ITEMS Progress Sheet Yellow Sheet Folder Summary OCA Graph Program Sheets FOLDER CONTENTS Auditor's C/S Exam Summary Report Form Auditor's Report Form Worksheets Correction Lists L&N Lists Dn Assessment Lists Miscellaneous Reports BACK COVER Dn Flow Table ITEMS FES Routing Form Invoice Form THE FOLDER The Folder is a folded sheet of cardboard which encloses all the session reports and other items. The folder is foolscap size, light card. FRONT COVER ITEMS The Case Progress Sheet is a sheet which details the Levels of Processing and Training the Pc has achieved while moving up the Grade Chart. It also lists Incidental Rundowns and Set-up Actions the Pc has had. The Sheet gives at a glance the Pc's progress to OT. 9 The Yellow Sheet is a sheet detailing each Correction List or Set of Commands which have been Word Cleared. It also lists the Pc's current Havingness process and the type of cans the Pc uses. The Folder Summary is written on sheets located inside the Front Cover and is an adequate summary of actions taken on a Pc in consecutive order. The OCA Graph is a specially prepared graph which plots 10 traits of a Pc's personality from a Personality Test taken by the Pc. OCA = Oxford Capacity Analysis. The Personaity Test is also known as the APA = American Personality Analysis. The Program Sheet is a sheet which outlines the sequence of actions, session by session, to be run on the Pc to bring about a definite result. staple _______ _________ Front Cover -- ---------------------------| | | | Case Progress Sheet -- __________________________ | | | | Yellow Sheet -- __________________________ | | | | Folder Summary -- __________________________ | < -- - -- Paper Clip | OCA Graph -- __________________________ | | Program Sheets -- __________________________ | --------- The Case Progress Sheet, Yellow Sheet and Folder Summary are stapled inside the Front Cover. The OCA Graph and Program Sheets are clipped over the Folder Summary with a big wide paper clip. THE FOLDER CONTENTS The Auditor's C/S is a sheet on which the Auditor writes the C/S instructions for the next session. The Exam Report is a report made out by the Qual Examiner when the Pc goes to Exams after session or goes on his own volition. It contains the Meter details, Pc's indicators and the Pc's statement. The Summary Report Form is written by the Auditor after the session on a fill-in type standard form and is simply an exact record of what happened and what was observed during the session. The Auditor's Report Form is made out at the end of each session and is an outline of what actions were taken during the session. The Worksheets are the sheets on which the Auditor writes a complete running record of the session from beginning to end, page after page, as the session goes along. A Correction List is a list of prepared questions on a mimeoed sheet which is used by the Auditor for the repair of a particular situation, action, or Rundown. An L&N List (Listing and Nulling List) is a list of items given by a Pc in response to a Listing Question and written down by the Auditor in the exact sequence that they are given to him by the preclear. Each list is done on a separate sheet. 10 A Dianetic Assessment List is a list of somatic items given by a Pc and written down by the Auditor with the reads marked that occur on the Meter. A Miscellaneous Report is a report such as an MO Report, a D of P Interview, an Ethics Report, a Success Story, etc, which is put in the Pc's folder and gives a C/S more information about the case. ________ Auditor's C/S -- | | Exam Report Form -- | | Summary Report Form -- | ______ | Auditor's Report Form -- | | | < -- paper clip Worksheets -- | | <--staple | Correction Lists -- |__ __| | | L&N Lists -- | (also Dn Assmt Lists) -- | -------- Miscellaneous Reports -- The reports filed in the folder from one session consist of: The Worksheets stapled together with the Auditor's Report Form on Top. Any Correction List used goes under the Worksheets and is included in the stapling. Any L&N Lists or Dn Assessment Lists are not so stapled but remain loose and are put under the other session reports. On top of the stapled sheaf comes the Summary Report Form, then the Exam Report and then the Auditor's C/S. All the session reports are now paper clipped together. Session Reports as above are put in the folder consecutively with more recent on top. Any Miscellaneous Reports are filed appropriately at the correct chronological point in the folder. THE BACK COVER ITEMS A Dianetic Flow Table is a chronological list of Dn Items run, from earliest to latest, with the flows that have been run. An FES (Folder Error Summary) is a summary of auditing errors in a folder and on a Pc's case not corrected at the time the summary is done. The Routing Form is the form that lists the Org terminals the Pc has to check through in order to arrive in the HGC and in the auditing chair. The Invoice Form is a summary sheet of how much auditing a Pc has signed up and paid for, and how much of that has been delivered. __________ Dn Flow Table -- | | FES -- | | Routing Form -- | _______ | Invoice Form -- | | | | | | Back Cover __ ________________________________ | |_ _| | ---------- staple 11 The Invoice Form is stapled to the back cover. The rest of the items are paper clipped inside the cover. Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:sb.mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1973, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 12  Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=4/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=21/9/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 4 THE FOLDER  Type = 11 iDate=4/11/72 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 4 NOVEMBER 1972 Revised & Reissued 21 September 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 4 NOVEMBER 1972 SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 4 THE FOLDER A Folder is provided for each pc. The folder is foolscap size, light card. The pc's name and Grade is printed (using a fat felt pen) on the front of the folder and also along the spine. It's on the spine so you can pull it out of a stack, if they are lying in piles. Folders of pcs on Advanced Course levels are marked "Confidential" and striped on the front cover with green tape for R6EW and Clear, and gold (yellow in practice because gold tape not so readily available) for OT I-VIII. Expanded Dn folders are marked with red colored tape, from the front cover round the back of the bind, so they can be picked out of a folder stack. If an Org has two HGCs, colored tape can be used similarly to distinguish which folder goes to which C/S. Tape color flashes so far in use are: Red -- Expanded Dianetic Folders Green -- Folders of pcs at Advanced Courses Levels R6EW and Clear Gold -- Folders of pcs at Advanced Courses Levels OT I-OT VIII and these colors should not be used for any other purpose. EXAMPLE: gold tape [GRAPHICS INSERTED] red tape folder no. 13 This is the folder of pc Helen Long OT IIIX, who is currently having Exp Dn auditing. A rubber band or elastic garter is placed around each folder to prevent loss of contents and make for easier handling. NEW FOLDERS HGC Admin should not let the folders get too fat as this wrecks the folder and makes handling difficult. When the current folder gets too fat (approximately 2 1/2" or 6 cms) a new folder is started. The Case Progress Sheet, Yellow Sheet, Folder Summary, OCA Graph and Program Sheets are all carried forward to the front of the new folder. The Invoice Form, Routing Form, Dn Flow Table and FES are also transferred to the back of the folder. The new folder is given a folder number (for example 2) which is marked boldly on the bottom left-hand side of the front cover and along the spine. The old folder which already is numbered (with the folder number 1) has the dates of the contents marked against the number 1 (on the front and on the spine). i.e. (1) 25 MAR 71 -- - 4 OCT 71 The fact of the change to a new folder is marked in on the Folder Summary. Solo Folders are similarly given numbers SOLO 1, SOLO 2, SOLO 3, etc, and when a new Solo Folder is started, the change to a new folder is marked in the Folder Summary of the current HGC folder. In this way a C/S can tell if he has all the folders. It is the responsibility of HGC Admin (or Adv Courses Admin) to see that all the above is done. DIANETIC FOLDERS NO separate Dianetic folders are kept. All auditing reports of whatever type of action are simply filed chronologically in the current HGC folder. The only separate category of folders is Solo Folders held by Advanced Courses. STORAGE OF FOLDERS Old folders and those of pcs not currently on auditing lines are filed in alphabetical order in a store. A log book of pc folders is maintained. This includes the number of folders for each pc (and where stored if not in current use). TRANSPORT OF FOLDERS Folders are never handed to the pc. They are handled as per C/S Series 25. When pc folders are sent to another Org (such as an AO or Flag) the folders are checked for completeness, packaged securely, and tied with string which is sealed (with a sealing wax). 14 A "Mail Slip" system is used to ensure that the folders are not lost in transit. The mail slips are done in 3 copies: plain paper or 3 copy invoice books can be purchased. The original is kept by the sender. The other two copies (and they must be dark and legible) go inside the mail pack. They may not be put in an envelope in the pack. They are left on the top visible. The package is addressed to "The Director of Tech Services" of the Org to which it is being mailed. On receipt of the folders, one of the copies is sent on normal dispatch lines back to the originating Org to complete the cycle. NO ADMIN FOLDER The practice of starting a separate "Admin Folder" to hold all the admin bits and pieces is not necessary and is not standard admin. References: HCO PL 8 Aug 66 "OT COLOUR FLASH" TAPE 7 Apr 72 Exp Dn Tape 3 "AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION" Flag Order 2183 "THE MAIL SYSTEM" 8 Nov 69 Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:sb.mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 15  Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=5/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=28/7/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 5R CASE PROGRESS SHEET  Type = 11 iDate=5/11/72 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 5 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue I Revised & Reissued 28 July 1975 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue I SAME TITLE (Attach to this BTB -- BPL 14 Sept 1971RA, "Case Progress Sheet", Revised 28 July 1975.) Auditor Admin Series 5R CASE PROGRESS SHEET The Case Progress Sheet is a sheet which details the Levels of Processing and Training the Pc has achieved while moving up the Grade Chart. It also lists Incidental Rundowns and Set-up Actions the Pc has had. The Sheet gives at a glance the Pc's progress to OT. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PC PROGRAM AND NOT ALL THE ITEMS ON THIS SHEET NEED NECESSARILY BE RUN ON THE PC. USE OF SHEET The Progress Sheet as issued in BPL 14 Sept 71RA (revised 28 July 75) is stapled to the inside of the front cover of the folder by Tech Services (HGC Admin). The form is originally filled in by the FESer, C/S or Auditor -- whoever makes a full and careful study of all the Pc's folders. Things the Pc has achieved falsely are marked in red. Things the Pc made from the bottom walking an honest road are marked in green. (Seeing the whole Training Cycle Half of the Sheet continue blank means more ignorance and trouble for the Pc in making his gains stable.) KEEPING THE SHEET UP TO DATE The Form is kept up to date by the Auditor as the actions are completed and attested to. References: BPL 14 Sept 71RA (Revised 28 July 1975) CASE PROGRESS SHEET HCO B 12 June 70, C/S Series 2 PROGRAMMING OF CASES Compiled by Training & Services Bureau Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Harlow Approved by The Commodore's Staff Aides and BDCS:CSA:B of I:MH:BL:mh.rd The Board of Issues for the Copyright $c 1972, 1975 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 16  Compiled by Training & Services Bureau Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Harlow Approved by The Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 22 iDate=14/9/71 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=2 rDate=28/7/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE PROGRESS SHEET  Type = 21 iDate=14/9/71 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD POLICY LETTER 14 SEPTEMBER 1971RA Issue I Revised 24 October 1972 Revised & Reissued 28 July 1975 as BPL Remimeo CANCELS HCO POLICY LETTER OF 14 SEPTEMBER 1971 R SAME TITLE CASE PROGRESS SHEET Each current HGC Pc folder is to have this sheet stapled to the inside front cover of the folder by Tech Services. The form is originally filled in by the FESer, C/S or Auditor (whoever makes a full and careful study of all the Pc's folders). The form is kept up to date by the Auditor as the actions are completed and attested to. PC'S NAME _____________________________________________ Please mark in the date each item was honestly attained in green; if falsely attained, mark it in red. AUDITING GRADE TRAINING GROUP PROCESSING _________ INTRO SCN COURSE ____________ ANAT. OF HUMAN MIND ____________ LIFE REPAIR _________ SELF ANALYSIS ____________ HUBBARD BK AUDITOR ____________ DRUG R/D _________ HUBBARD EXT COURSE ____________ SING. TRIPLE EXP. HQS ____________ HPDC ____________ ARC SW ______ ______ ______ HSDC ____________ HSDC INTERNSHIP ____________ DN ______ ______ ______ HDC C/S ____________ GR 0 ______ ______ ______ HDG ____________ CLASS 0 ____________ GR I ______ ______ ______ CLASS I ____________ CLASS II ____________ GR II ______ ______ ______ CLASS III ____________ GR III ______ ______ ______ CLASS IV ____________ CLASS 0-IV INTERNSHIP ____________ GR IV ______ ______ ______ CLASS IV C/S ____________ EX DN ____________ EX DN ______________ EX DN INTERNSHIP ____________ GR V ______ ______ ______ EX DN C/S ____________ CLASS V ____________ GR VA ______ ______ ______ CLASS VI ____________ (see also next page) CLASS VI INTERNSHIP ____________ CLASS VI C/S ____________ CLASS VII ____________ CLASS VII C/S ____________ ADVANCED COURSES CLASS VIII ____________ SOLO SET-UPS ________ CLASS VIII INTERNSHIP ____________ SOLO AUDITOR ________ HSST ____________ R6EW SING _____ TRIPLE _____ CLASS IX ____________ CC _____ OT IV _____ CLASS IX INTERNSHIP ____________ OT I OLD _____ AUD CLASS IX C/S ____________ OT I NEW _____ OT IV _____ SOLO COURSE ____________ OT II _____ SOLO _____ SOLO COURSE BRUSH-UP ____________ OT III _____ OT V _____ SOLO C/S COURSE ____________ OT III X _____ OT VI _____ OT VII _____ (Cont on next page) 17 (Mimeo on separate sheet) FLAG INTENSIVES L-10 ________ L-11 ________ CL X ________ CL XII ________ L-11 Exp ________ L-12 ________ CL X INTERN ________ CL XII ________ OTHER ________ CL X C/S ________ INTERN ________ CL XI ________ CL XII ________ CL XI INTERN ________ C/S ________ AUDITING REPAIR C/S 53 _____ INT/EXT _____ 2WC INT _______ CORR _______ D/L _______ LIST REPAIR _____ EACH CORR OR VERIFIED ________ L4BR GEN _____ GF METHOD 5 ________ GF40 ITEMS HANDLED _____ GF40 EXP ________ Doesn't want auditing _____ Cont commit overts on Scn ________ Has not had auditing _____ Aud with prior Grades out ________ Seeking the same thrill Aud with Ruds out ________ attained from drugs _____ ARC Br ____ PTP ____ W/H ____ Has taken drugs _____ Engram matching PT dangers ________ Former Therapy before Scn _____ Ser Physically Ill ________ Been part of earlier Gone Ext in auditing ________ practices _____ O/whelmed by auditing ________ Out of Valence _____ DRUG PROGRAM TRs 0-IV ________ TRs 6-9 ________ FULL C/S 1 ________ SA LISTS ________ CCH 0-4 ________ SCS on OBJ ________ SCS ________ OP PRO BY DUP _____ OP PRO 8C ________ VIII REM ________ AESP EACH DRUG ____ PRIOR ASSMT ________ NO INTEREST ITEMS ________ STUDY BASIC STUDY MANUAL _______ STUDENT HAT _______ WC METHOD 1 _______ M2 EARLIEST MAT _______ GRAMMAR ________ PRIMARY R/D _______ STUD RESCUE INT _______ STUDY R/D ________ PCRD _______ HC LISTS _______ STUDY CORR LIST _______ STUDENT REHAB LIST ________ DIANETIC PROGRAM HEALTH FORM _______ C/S 54 _______ PICT & MASSES REM _______ L3RD R/D _______ TEMP ASSIST A _______ TEMP ASSIST B _______ FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST ________ ETHICS HANDLING PTS INTERVIEW _______ PTS R/D _______ CAN'T HAVE STEPS _______ 3 MAY PL _______ L&N R3R _______ DANGER ASSMT _______ EXPANDED DIANETICS PROGRAM PT ENVIRONMENT _______ CL VIII C/S 6 _______ LX 321 _______ W/F HANDLING _______ WANTS HANDLED R/D _______ METALOSIS R/D _______ R3R ALL E PURPS _______ OTHER _______ 18 (To be mimeoed on the back of previous page) STAFF ACTIONS POST PURP CLEARING _________ PRODUCT CLEARING _________ EXCHANGE BY DYN _________ CONDITIONS BY DY _________ CONFESSIONAL _________ INTEGRITY PROC. _________ POST CORR LIST _________ FEAR OF PEOPLE LIST _________ VITAL INFO R/D _________ OTHER ACTIONS Amended by Training & Services Bureau Revised & Reissued as BPL by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Harlow Approved by The Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:CSA: B of I: BL:MM: WS:MH: mh.rd Copyright$c 1971, 1972, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 19  Amended by Training & Services Bureau Revised & Reissued as BPL by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Harlow Approved by The Commodore's Staff Aides and The Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=5/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=24/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 6R THE YELLOW SHEET  Type = 11 iDate=5/11/72 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 5 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue II Revised & Reissued 24 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue II SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 6R THE YELLOW SHEET The Yellow Sheet is a sheet detailing each Correction List or set of commands which have been Word Cleared. It also lists the Pc's current Havingness process and the type of cans the Pc uses. Example: RUDS 20.8.72 20.8.72 FOOTPLATES WCCL 21.8.72 R3R COMMANDS 21.8.72 20.8.72 Notice that ______ . L3RD 21.8.72 19.10.72 Feel that ______ . The sheet is kept up by the Auditor. Reference: BTB 2 May 72R, "CLEARING COMMANDS". Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:MD:AL:MH:BL:MM:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 20  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=5/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=9/9/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 7R THE FOLDER SUMMARY  Type = 11 iDate=5/11/72 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 5 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue III Revised & Reissued 9 September 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue III SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 7R THE FOLDER SUMMARY The Folder Summary is written on sheets located on the inside of the Front Cover and is an adequate summary of the actions taken on a pc in consecutive order. It is stapled inside the Front Cover of the pc's current folder and requires the following data: 1. ADMIN DETAILS Session date, length of time of session and admin time. When a new folder is started. The totall time of a series of auditing sessions. When OCA taken. When an FES done. 2. PROCESS DETAILS What was run and whether it ran. Mark an EP beside each action taken, or if it was not taken to EP mark in red UNFLAT, O/R, or whatever. The listing question of an L&N action is written out in full. R3R items are written out in full. If an item or terminal R/Ses in session, it is noted in red on the Summary Report with the page number and circled. Similarly an evil purpose arising in a session is marked in red with the date and circled. 3. EXAM REPORT At the bottom of the process details mark F/N indicating an F/N occurred at the Examiner, or BER (red) if a Bad Exam Report. If TA was high or low at exam, it can also be noted. 4. ATTESTS Date and what attested. If pc sent to attest but did NOT this is noted. 21 5. ADVANCED COURSE DATA Date started Advanced Course, Level, Date attested to Completion. (The individual solo sessions are NOT noted but should be entered on a separate Folder Summary in the Advanced Course Folder.) 6. MEDICAL DATA When pc reports sick. Date and brief statement of illness. Then a further entry when pc OFF M.O. lines. 7. ETHICS DATA Any Ethics cycles or Conditions. A BLUE or BLACK pen is used for normal entries. A RED pen is used to mark any R/Sing item, Ev Purp, list or Dn item correction, BER, high or low TA at Exams, flubbed attest, medical action or Ethics cycle. In the HGC the Auditor is responsible for keeping up this Summary after each session and immediately on receipt of a Medical Report or pc volunteered BER. It is standard part of the Auditor's Session Admin. When the pc goes into Advanced Courses all folders (HGC and any Advanced Course folders) go to the Advanced Course C/S who keeps the Case Progress Sheet, Yellow Sheet, and Summary Sheet in the HGC folder updated as outlined above. The Solo Auditor keeps updated the separate Solo Folder Summary on the inside front cover of his current Solo Folder. The Folder Summary Sheets are foolscap, divided into four columns. Below is an example of how the Folder Summary is kept: 22 1 Jun 72 M.O. REPORT pc (When pc is later on Advanced Courses hurt elbow (red) the F/S would look like this.) Jun 72 10 Aug 72 OT I Started 3hrs 20m (Session time) 14 Aug 72 OT I Completed 20m (Admin time) Declared R3R Narr on elbow inc. 16 Aug 72 Set Up for OT II Triple to EP. R3R "pn in my 1hr 37m TRIPLE RUDS to EP elbow" F 1,2,3 15m to EP. Study + W/C M4 F/N. on OT II Materials 2 Jun 72 Pc Off M.O. Lines 2wc re the level to EP (red) 3 Jun 72 New Folder No. 3 17 Aug 72 OT II Started 4 Jun 72 2wc "What do you really want 28 Aug 72 Pc bogged on OT II 4hrs 28m handled" to EP. (red) BER (red) 20m R/S on "boats" p.4 (red) 29 Aug 72 L-7 Word Cleared L&N "What intention 1hr 05 m L-7 assessed and is connected to the 10 m handled to EP. F/N. R3R "The intention to be shipwrecked" F 1, 2 to EP. F3 BOGGED (red) (red) BER TA 4.2 4 Jun 72 L3RD on F3 "The intention to be 1hr 23m shipwrecked" to 20 m EP. F/N. ETC. 15 Jul 72 New OCA 15 Jul 72 DECLARED EXP DN COMPLETION 15 July 72 Total Hrs Exp Dn 42 hrs 18m. 23 FOLDER SUMMARY FORM When a new pc starts auditing and the first folder is made up a copy of the attached form is stapled by two staples at the top to the inside front cover. The form is mimeoed on lightweight paper so that it is not bulky. The Auditor fills in this form as he progresses with the auditing. New sheets are added as needed, earliest at the bottom to most recent on the top. When a new folder is made up, ALL Summary Sheets are removed from the old folder and advanced to the inside cover of the new folder so that the completed Folder Summary of the case is aways in the current HGC folder. It is the HGC Admin's responsibility to see that the above is done. Reference: Tape 7 Apr 72 Exp Dn Tape 3 AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 24  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=5/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 8 OCA GRAPHS  Type = 11 iDate=5/11/72 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 5 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue IV Reissued 2 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue IV SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 8 OCA GRAPHS The OCA Graph is a specially prepared graph which plots 10 traits of a pc's personaity from a Personality Test taken by the pc. WHEN THE PC TAKES THE OCA TEST Several OCA Tests can be taken by a pc during a series of intensives. Usually one is taken before an intensive to give the C/S information as to what is to be audited, and one is taken after a big win, at the end of a RD or at the completion of a Grade -- as an indication of what has been achieved. This can however be overdone by too frequent use. PLOTTING THE OCA TESTS The results of the OCA (and an IQ Test) are entered on an OCA GRAPH. A series of OCAs are drawn on the same graph to give an indication of the change that has occurred. Each graph line is drawn in a different color (red, blue, black, green) or in a different fashion (bold line, normal line, broken line, dotted line) so that each line of the graph can be distinguished. On the top of the graph a key is drawn that gives the date when each Test was done. The month is written in letters so no confusion on numbers occurs. POSITION OF GRAPH The graph is kept paper clipped on the inside cover of the folder (on top of the F/S and below the programs), so it can be taken out and the next OCA drawn in. The answer sheet that the pc fills in is placed with the worksheets of that date, after the graph is drawn. RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of HGC Admin to see that when the C/S requests an OCA, the pc is routed to Testing and the test gets done, and the results entered on the graph and the test sheets filed in the folder. References: HCO B 17 July 71 C/S Series 51 OUT OF VALENCE HCO B 19 Dec 71 C/S Series 71 D OF P OPERATES BY OCAs HCO B 24 Feb 72 C/S Series 71A WORD CLEARING OCAs Compiled by Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:BL:MM:mh.rd for the Copyright$c 1972 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 26  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=15/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 9R THE PROGRAM SHEET  Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue II Revised & Reissued 15 July 1974 as BTB (The only change is "LRH" and References added to page 1, paragraph 1.) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue II SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 9R THE PROGRAM SHEET A program by definition is "the sequence of actions, session by session, to be undertaken on a case by the C/S in his directions to the Auditor or Auditors auditing the case" LRH, and is "any series of actions designed by a C/S to bring about definite results in a pc." LRH (References: HCO B 23 August 1971, C/S Series 1, and HCO B 12 June 1970, C/S Series 2.) THE THREE TYPES OF PROGRAMS There are three types of programs: 1. THE PROGRESS (REPAIR) PROGRAM: to eradicate case mishandling by current life or auditing errors. This program is written on a red sheet. 2. THE ADVANCE (RETURN) PROGRAM: major actions to be undertaken to get the case back on the Class Chart from wherever he has erroneously gotten to on it. This program is written on a blue sheet. 3. THE BASIC PROGRAM: laid out in the Classification and Gradation chart. (Note: An Exp Dn Program is written on a green sheet.) The Program consists of the pc's name, the date, brief case notes on why the program is being written, and the actions numbered 1,2,3, etc. to be done on the pc to bring about a definite result. The person writing the program prints his name at the bottom. These Program Sheets are kept paper clipped on the inside of the Front Cover, earliest at the bottom to latest on top. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE C/S A C/S works at completing the program that is topmost. As each step of the program is completed it is ticked off marked "DONE" with the date. When the whole program is done, it is marked "PROGRAM DONE (DATE)". All flubs made in doing the program are marked in and repaired. If while doing a blue (or green) program an extensive repair is undertaken then this is programmed on a red sheet and then this becomes the topmost program. The blue sheet should however be marked at the point it was left and can be resumed when the red one is done. 27 Any program retired because of new data about a case should be so marked with the date. The auditor as C/S is responsible for marking off the programs as above. EVIL PURPOSES AND R/Ses Evil Purposes and R/S items are marked on the left-hand edge of the topmost program in red with the date and worksheet page number. References: HCO B 12 June 70 C/S Series 2 PROGRAMMING OF CASES TAPE 7 Apr 72 Exp Dn Tape 3 AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION Compiled by Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd Copyright$c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 28  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=27/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 10R THE AUDITOR'S C/S  Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue III Revised & Reissued 27 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo (Revision in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue III SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 10R THE AUDITOR'S C/S The Auditor's C/S is a sheet on which the Auditor writes the C/S instructions for the next session. This is per C/S Series 25: Full blank page. Pc's Name (red) Date Auditor's Name (red) Class of Auditor required next session (Session Grade) left blank Auditor's comment (red) or think about the case if he wishes. The next C/S 1. __________________________________________________ Blue 2. __________________________________________________ Blue 3. __________________________________________________ Blue 4. __________________________________________________ Blue Auditor Signature (red) The Auditor does not grade his own session. He leaves this blank. POSITION IN FOLDER The C/S Instructions for the session go under that session, so you get C/S 4.6.68, Auditing Session 4.6.68, C/S 5.6.68, Auditing Session 5.6.68, C/S 7.6.68, etc, etc. 29 ETHICS SITUATION Under Auditor's comments would be noted any Ethics Situation that came to light in the session. References: HCO B 15 June 70 C/S Series 11 HCO B 5 Mar 71 C/S Series 25 "THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE" TAPE 7 Apr 72 Exp Dn Tape 3 "AUDITOR ADMINISTRATION" Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 30  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 11RA THE EXAM REPORT  Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=4 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Pc Examiner's Hat  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972RA Issue IV Remimeo Revised & Reissued 30 August 1974 as BTB Pc Examiner's Revised 20 November 1974 Hat CANCELS BTB OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue IV SAME TITLE (Revisions are in this type style) Auditor Admin Series 11RA (Attach to this BTB, HCO PL 8 Mar 71, "Examiner's Form") THE EXAM REPORT The Exam Report is a report made out by the Qual Examiner when the Pc goes to Exams after session or goes on his own volition. CONTENTS The Exam Report contains the meter details, Pc's indicators and statement. The attached HCO PL "Examiner's Form" is filled in as follows: Top left: If AFTER SESSION, put a tick on that line. If after Solo print SOLO on the line. If it is a query of the Pc requested by the C/S (and not after a session) print C/S QUERY on the line. If VOLUNTEERED, put a large tick. If MEDICAL, circle the word "Medical" then write ON (if Pc is going onto medical lines) or OFF on the line as the case may be, or REPORT if that's what it is. Top right: QUAL DIV: When the stencil of HCO PL "Examiner's Form" is made up in Mimeo, the Org's name can be typed in on this line and so is reproduced on each Examiner's Form and that saves a lot of writing. DATE is noted, e.g. 4 June 72. TIME is noted, e.g. 1803. The Date and Time are important as it prevents altered sequence. PC or PRE-OT NAME is printed in. LAST GRADE ATTAINED: This is important from the C/S viewpoint as it saves him Dev-T in searching through the folder looking for it. GRADE, COURSE OR ACTION BEING ATTESTED: Whatever it happens to be on declare -- write DECLARE across the line and the Grade, State, Course or Action being declared. PC STATEMENT: Write down exactly what Pc says. Note also what reads, BDs, and where his indicators change and vary, tone in which statements are made and so forth. 31 TA POSITION AND ANY BD: Note TA position at start of exam and TA position at end if different. PC INDICATORS are judged on the following scale: VBIs Very Bad Indicators BIs Bad Indicators POOR Poor Indicators OK Indicators OK GIs Good Indicators VGIs Very Good Indicators VVGIs VERY Very Good Indicators However, any obvious manifestation that would be helpful for the C/S is noted. Examples: BIs Pc crying BIs Pc frowning VVGIs Pc radiant, skin tone very pink STATE OF NEEDLE: This is important as different needle manifestations indicate different things, i.e. R/S, DN, RISE, etc. Also on F/Ns note the size. Small F/N = 1" to 2" Normal F/N = 2" to 3" Wide F/N = a" to 4" Dial F/N = Floating from one pin to the other right across the dial Flopping F/N or Floating F/N or TA F/N = Can't get the needle on dial, just falls over. On this it is sometimes possible to get TA range, e.g. needle comes on dia at 2.3 and again at 2.5. This would be indicated as TA F/N = 2.5 - 2.3. Size of F/Ns is important. A TA F/N at session end, to a small F/N at Examiner, would indicate something out. F/N INDICATED TO PC: If F/N has been indicated to the Pc write YES, if not write NO. SIGNATURE OF EXAMINER: The form is signed by the person doing the Exam along this line. SENSITIVITY: ALL Exams are done at proper sensitivity per HCO B 18 Mar 74, "E-Meter -- Sensitivity Errors". FOOTPLATES: If a Pc is audited on footplates he or she must be examined on footplates. This is noted by writing FOOTPLATES above the TA reading. RED TAGS Definitions: A FLOATING NEEDLE "is the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patters or reactions in it. It can be as small as 1" or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-Meter calibrated with the TA between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs in on the Pc. It can occur after a cognition blowdown of the TA or just moves into floating. The Pc may or may not voice the cognition." A RED TAG EXAM is where the Examiner sees any one of the following manifestations in a Pc after a session: 32 1. Non-optimum TA position (above 3, below 2); 2. Non-optimum needle (ARC Break needle, stage 4, rockslam, stuck, still or dirty); 3. Bad Indicators as per BTB 26 April 1969, "Bad Indicators"; 4. Non-optimum statement from Pc, critical, hostile, belittling, sad, etc. 5. Sick report after session or within a few days of a Major Auditing Action. 6. Major Out Tech in session which could cause Pc trouble. 7. Flunked Declare? accompanied by a BER. When a Red Tag Exam occurs the Examiner clips a red tag to the Exam Form. Red Tag folders must not be held onto by the Auditor until the end of the day. They go immediately to the C/S and get handled on a rush priority basis. MEDICAL EXAM REPORTS A Pc goes to the Medical Liaison Officer via the Examiner. The MLO writes up a report to the Ethics Officer. The Examiner takes a carbon copy (or copies the original Exam Form) and gives it immediately to the MLO and gets the original to Tech Services quickly. Tech Services pulls the folders and routes rapidly to the C/S or Staff C/S if a staff member is sick. This MUST get into the Pc's folder so the C/S does not order a major action done on a sick Pc. The Exam Report is similarly handled when the Pc comes off MLO lines. The MLO sends a daily report to the C/S on ALL persons on his lines with a final report when they route off with Exam attached. LOCATION IN FOLDER The Exam Report Form is put in the folder on top of the Auditor's Report Form (or Summary Report if used). Volunteered Exam Report Forms are put in the folder at the appropriate date. It is the responsibility of Tech Services (HGC Admin) to see that these forms get into the folder. References: HCO B 21 Oct 68 "Floating Needle" HCO PL 8 Sept 70 "Examiner's 24 Hour Rule" HCO B 5 Mar 71 C/S Series 25, "The Fantastic New HGC Line" BPL 26 Jan 70 "Examiner and Floating Needle" Flag Ship Order 259 3 Mar 71 "Current C/S Policy" BTB 20 Jan 73RB C/S Series 86RB,"The Red Tag Line" Rev. 18.9.74 Training & Services Bureau Revised by Ens. Judy Ziff, CS-5 In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues BDCS:B of I:AL:MH:JZ:MM:mh.rd for the Copyright $c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 33  Rev. 18.9.74 Training & Services Bureau Revised by Ens. Judy Ziff, CS-5 In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 21 iDate=8/3/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EXAMINER'S FORM   Remimeo Examiner's Hat Tech Services Hat (Mimeo on 16 Substance paper)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 8 MARCH 1971 Remimeo Examiner's Hat (Replaces and Revises HCO PLs of Tech Services 9 May 69 and 26 Jan AD20, "Examiner's Form") Hat (Mimeo on 16 Substance paper) EXAMINER'S FORM (Important Note: This form is handled exactly as per HCO P/L of 26 Jan AD20 AND NO EXAMINER MAY EXAMINE UNLESS STARRATED ON THAT P/L, and HCO B 5 Mar 71 (C/S Series 25) AND AN E-METER COURSE. Students and pcs can be very upset if this post's duties are not done correctly and org pc and course results ruined.) After Session _______________________ Qual Div ________________________ (Place) Volunteered _________________________ Date_____________________________________ Medical _____________________________ Time_____________________________________ Pc or Pre OT name _____________________________________________________________ Last Grade Attained ___________________________________________________________ Grade, Course or Action Being Attested ________________________________________ Pc's Statement (Write down exactly what pc says.) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ TA Position and any BD ______________ Pc Indicators ___________________________ State of Needle _______________________________________________________________ F/N Indicated to pc ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature of Examiner ROUTE THIS FORM TO TECH SERVICES WHICH ROUTES IT INTO THE FOLDER. WHEN ILLNESS REPORTED MAKE THIS OUT WITH A CARBON UNDER IT AND ROUTE ORIG TO T/S -- AND FOLDER AND CARBON TO MO OR QUAL SEC. RUSH ROUTE ANY ROLLER COASTER LATER REPORT OR SICK RPT TO FOLDER TO PREVENT C/S ERRORS. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mes.rd Founder Copyright$c 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Two earlier issues of the Examiner's Form, HCO PLs 18 September 1968 and 30 September 1968, Issue II, were revised by HCO PL 9 May 1969 which is revised by this issue.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=1 rDate=28/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 12R THE SUMMARY REPORT FORM  Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue V Revised & Reissued 28 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo (Revision in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue V SAME TITLE (Attach to this BTB - BTB 20 June 70, "Summary Report".) Auditor Admin Series 12R THE SUMMARY REPORT FORM The Summary Report Form is a report used simply as an exact record of what happened and what was observed during the session. The form BTB 20 June 70, "SUMMARY REPORT" is used and the Auditor fills in the appropriate data. USE OF SUMMARY REPORTS With the introduction of C/S Series THE FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE, Summary Report Forms were omitted from the admin procedure at Flag. However, the use of Summary Report Forms is left entirely to the discretion of the C/S of an Org. They are used extensively in training. EVERY STUDENT AUDITOR ON COURSES AND CO-AUDIT MUST WRITE A SUMMARY REPORT FORM AFTER EACH SESSION. It is a tool for increasing an Auditor's obnosis of what goes on in a session. It teaches Auditors how to quickly and concisely analyze and report on a case. FILLING IN THE REPORT The Summary Report Form is filled in as follows: 1. The date. 2. The pc's name and the Auditor's name, in BLOCK letters. 3. The process run, the totall tone arm action for the session and the length of the session in hours and minutes. 4. Goals are no longer set at the beginning of session but if the pc in passing mentions any goals he has attained, or more likely gains he has had in the session, these are noted at this point. 5. Aspects of running process -- each of the questions 1 to 22 of the form are answered. Here write down briefly what the preclear was doing in the session. Do not write opinions with regard to what was happening or how the preclear was running the process. Here we are interested in the aspects of the case in relationship to the process or processes being run. 35 6. Ethics Report ) ) These are written on the Auditor's C/S ) Sheet per C/S Series 25. 7. Suggest The Summary should be done for the session given the preclear for the day. It is not stapled to the worksheets but is paper-clipped on top of the Auditor's Report Form and beneath the Exam Report. Two sessions in one day calls for only one Summary Report with the TA and data of each session. It should be LEGIBLE and READABLE. If an Auditor's handwriting is poor, it should be printed out by the Auditor. Writing the reports should only take the Auditor 15 minutes to do at the most. Having just audited the preclear you should quite easily fill the report out. References: HCO B 14 June 65 "Summary Report" HCO B 7 May 69 "Summary of How to Write an Auditor's Report" HCO B 5 Mar 71 "C/S Series 25, The Fantastic New HGC Line" BTB 20 June 70 "Summary Report" Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:HE:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd.jh Copyright$c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 36  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=20/6/70 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY REPORT  Type = 11 iDate=20/6/70 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 20 JUNE 1970 Remimeo Reissued 21 July 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 20 JUNE 1970 SAME TITLE SUMMARY REPORT The auditor checks each one off and fills in the appropriate data. DATE: _____________________________ PC or PRE OT: _________________________ AUDITOR: _____________________________ PROCESS RUN: _________________________ TA: _______ TIME: __________________ GOALS AND GAINS:. ASPECTS AND GAINS: 1. How did pc do in relation to what was run? 2. Effectiveness of process. 3. Any free needles. 4. General needle behavior. 5. Did TA go below 2.0 (how low)? _______ Did it come up? __________________ 6. Did TA go high? _______ Did it come down? ________________ 7. General TA range. 8. Emotional tone of the pc and whether this improved. 9. Any misemotion. 10. Preclear appearance. 11. Mannerisms. 12. Mannerism changes. 13. Any change in skin tone. 14. Did color of eyes change? _______ Get brighter? _______ Get dull? _______ 15. Any comm lags. 16. Any cognitions. 17. Any pains turn on ___________ blown _______ 37 18. Any sensations turn on ______ blown ________ 19. Any difficulties. 20. Did you complete C/S instructions? 21. Was pc happy at session end? 22. TA at session end ___________ Needle at session end _______________________ ETHICS REPORT: SUGGEST: James Fuller Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:JFF:mh.jh for the Copyright$c 1970, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 38  James Fuller Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=6 Rev=1 rDate=27/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 13R THE AUDITOR REPORT FORM  Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=6 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue VI Revised & Reissued 27 August 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue VI SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 13R THE AUDITOR REPORT FORM An Auditor's Report Form is made out at the end of each session. It gives an outline of what actions were taken during the session. Each Report Form should be filled in at the top with: (a) Preclear's name (full name) and Grade (very prominent). (b) Auditor's name (full name). (c) Date. (d) No. of intensive hours scheduled (12 1/2 - 25 - 50 etc). (e) Time length of session excluding time for breaks (example 5 hrs 15 m). This is "hours in the chair". (f) Running totall of scheduled hours completed to date. (g) Total TA for session. Often neglected but important as an indicator of case progress. The body of the form is filled in with the following information: (h) Time started and ended session. (i) Condition of pc. (j) TA and Sensitivity setting at beginning and end of session. (k) Rudiments. (l) What process was run -- LISTING THE EXACT COMMANDS (often forgotten by most Auditors). (m) Time, TA and Sens at start and end of process. (n) Whether process is flat or not. (o) Any F/Ns. (p) Any R/S Items or Ev Purps are noted in the right-hand column, in red. (q) TA range. At the bottom of the form the Trim Check result is noted. 39 Example: AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM Date 22 Oct72 No. of Intensive hours 25 Preclear EMILE TOGG Va No. of hours 2 hrs 58 min Auditor DAVE SWIFT Total hours 14 hrs 23 min Total TA 8 divs Environment Auditor Withholds PTP Tone Process Time Arm Sensitivity Results & Reads Comments THIS IS THE SESSION 3.20 3.2 6 PC A BIT WHITE DO YOU HAVE AN 3.28 2.8 6 F/N VGIs ARC BREAK PC BRIGHTER L1C METHOD 3 "RECENTLY" 4.58 2.6 6 F/N VGIs COG O/W 1. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE R/S ON MONEY TO A POLICEMAN (red) 2. WHAT HAVE YOU WITHHELD FROM 6.16 2.5 6 TO EP F/N A POLICEMAN VGIs COG THAT'S IT 6.18 2.5 6 FACE PINK - NO LONGER WHITE TA RANGE 2.5 - 5.3 TRIM CHECK TA = 2.0 Instructions & Comments _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Director of Processing References: HCO P/L 28 Aug 62 "How to Write an Auditor's Report" HCO P/L 19 Nov 65 "Auditing Reports" HCO B 11 May 69 "Meter Trim Check" HCO B 7 May 69 "Summary of How to Write an Auditor's Report" HCO B 25 Jun 70 C/S Series 11 Compiled by Training & Services Bur Rev. & Reiss. as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis, 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd.jh Copyright$c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 40  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Rev. & Reiss. as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis, 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=6/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=25/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 14R THE WORKSHEETS  Type = 11 iDate=6/11/72 Issue=7 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 6 NOVEMBER 1972R Revised & Reissued 25 July 1974 as BTB Remimeo Issue VII CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 6 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue VII SAME TITLE (The only revision is under CONTENT OF WORKSHEET: "G. Reads" was added.) Auditor Admin Series 14R THE WORKSHEETS The Worksheets are the sheets on which the Auditor writes a complete running record of the session from beginning to end, page after page, as the session goes along. A Worksheet is always foolscap, 8 x 13 inches, written on both sides and each page is numbered, back and front, top center of page. This is so an Auditor can say, "Now the R/S occurred on page 25." which saves a lot of time. Further it gives the proper number of pages the session went. The Worksheet is written in two columns. The Auditor writes down the left- hand column and then down the right-hand column. CONTENT OF WORKSHEET The most important parts of the session to be noted are: A. When the TA goes up (on what?) B. When the TA goes down (on what?) C. When an F/N occurs (on what -- any cog?) D. When VGIs occur (on what?) E. When BIs occur (on what?) F. How the process ran (what commands are being run?) G. Reads TA and time notations should be made at regular intervals throughout the session. When a process reaches EP -- write in the pc's cognition, circle the F/N and whether or not it was indicated, note the pc's indicators, the time and TA. When Two-Way Comming a subject it is essential that all items (terminals, statements, etc) that read are so marked on the worksheets -- LF, LFBD. All reading items are circled in green after the session. R/S items, Ethics situations, Ser Facs and Evil Purps are marked, after the session, by ringing them on the W/S with a red pen. 41 SHORTHANDING Auditors usually develop a system of shorthanding the session actions being done, so that session speed is not hampered by Admin. For example, the repetitive process: Recall a change Recall a no-change Recall a failed change is run as a bracket (the pc is given the first command, then the second and then the third and then the first and then the second, etc). The first command can be abbreviated to 1, the second to 2, and the third to 3. The W/S therefore would look like: 12.32 2.8 a * failed * (note that each word of the command is cleared before clearing the command as change * a whole) no-change * recall * (F/N) 1. cleared 2. cleared 3. cleared 12.49 2.6 1. Mother went on holiday 2. at school 3. didn't sell bike 1. moved to new house 2. etc. After the session when the commands are written out in full on the Auditor's Report Form, the numbers are again noted so that the C/S can refer to them. WHATEVER SYSTEM OF ABBREVIATION IS USED BY THE AUDITOR, THE WORKSHEET MUST COMMUNICATE TO THE C/S WHAT ACTIONS WERE TAKEN DURING THE SESSION. LEGIBILITY Worksheets should be Written legibly. They are never recopied. 42 The Auditor should always read over his W/sheets before turning in the folder to the Case Supervisor and if any words or letters are missing or cannot be read, they should be put in in block print, in red. It is a CRIME to give any session without making an Auditor's Report (i.e. actual W/S taken at that time) or to copy the original W/sheets after the session and submit a copy instead of the real reports. Assist Reports that use only Contact or Touch Assist are written after the session and sent to HGC Admin to be filed in the pc folder. The pc is sent to the Examiner after an assist. References: HCO P/L 19 Nov 65 "Auditing Reports" HCO B 7 May 69 "Summary of How to Write an Auditor's Report" Tape 12 June 71 "Welcome to the Flag Intern Course" HCO B 3 Nov 71 C/S Series 66, "Auditor's Worksheets" Tape 7 April 72 Exp Dn Tape 3, "Auditor Administration" Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS: SW: AL: MH: MM: mh.rd.jh Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 43  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=3/11/71 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 15 C/S Series 66 AUDITOR'S WORKSHEETS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 NOVEMBER 1971 Remimeo Re-issued 6 November 1972 as Auditor Admin Series 15 C/S Series 66 AUDITOR'S WORKSHEETS A very fast way for a C/S to do himself in is to fail to insist on GOOD LEGIBLE HANDWRITING. When a C/S has auditors who can't write well and rapidly, he gets misunderstood words when he tries to read the worksheets. One temporary solution is to make the auditor block print the word in red above each hard to read word. Some auditors go to an extreme of block printing the whole W/S. The more permanent solution is to have Auditors in Cramming practice writing WELL and CLEARLY no matter how slowly and then, maintaining the same clarity, speed it up. The auditor after many such practice sessions winds up writing clearly and fast. This can be increased until an auditor can write clearly as fast as people talk. The occasional headaches a C/S might get are not from the restim of the case he's studying but are from the words on W/Ses he can't make out. If a C/S does not insist on both block print clarification and auditor writing practice, he will wind up not reading worksheets and may even get foggy about certain cases. A remedy is to go back to the first folders not understood and get the words clarified and then keep this C/S Series HCO B IN. L. RON HUBBARD Founder PS: In the 19th Century secretaries wrote beautiful copperplate longhand faster than a man could talk. So don't say it can't be done. LRH:nt.kjm.rd Copyright$c 1971, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 44  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=7/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=12/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 16R CORRECTION LISTS  Type = 11 iDate=7/11/72 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue I Revised & Reissued 12 August 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue 1 SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 16R CORRECTION LISTS A Correction List is a list of prepared questions on a mimeoed sheet which is used by the Auditor for the repair of a particular situation, action or rundown. If a Correction List is used it must be stapled at the back of the W/Sheets. The Correction List must not be omitted and must be in the session reports so the C/S can look at the original assessment. If a Correction List is not completely handled in one session, it is not stapled as above but left free. It is stapled to the worksheets of the session in which its handling is completed. RELATION TO WORKSHEET ADMIN When using a Correction List, the number of the question being handled is marked on the W/Sheet. Example: On an L1C question 2 "Has a withhold been missed?" reads. WORKSHEET: L1C 2. SF Well I took the money and etc, etc. The List is marked to show it is handled. Example: 1. Has there been an error in listing? (If this reads change to L4BR at once) X 2. Has a withhold been missed? SF to F/N 3. Has some emotion been rejected? X 4. etc. References: HCO B 3 July 71 "Auditing by Lists Revised" BTB 11 Aug 72R C/S Series 83R, "Correction Lists" Compiled by Training and Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:rmh.rd for the Copyright $c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 45  Compiled by Training and Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=1/12/74 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  WORD CLEARING LISTS FOR PREPARED LISTS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 DECEMBER 1974 Remimeo WORD CLEARING LISTS FOR PREPARED LISTS Reference: LRH ED 257 INT DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS Here is the list of prepared lists with their word clearing lists. PREPARED LIST WC LIST HCO B 24 Nov 73RA BTB 9 Apr 72RA, Issue VII C/S Series 53RI Revised 1 Dec 74 SHORT HI-LO TA CLEARING LIST WORDS IN ASSESSMENT C/S SCIENTOLOGY -- C/S SERIES 53RI HCO B 1 Jan 72RA BTB 9 Apr 72RA, Issue IX L1X HI-LO TA LIST Revised 1 Dec 74 REVISED CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- L1X HI-LO TA LIST REVISED HCO B29 Oct 71R BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue X INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION CLEARING LIST WORDS IN LIST REVISED SCIENTOLOGY -- INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED HCO B 15 Dec 68R BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue V L4BR CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- L4BR HCO B 19 Mar 7l BTB 9 Apr 72, Issue VI L1C CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- L1C HCO B 11 Apr 71RA BTB 28 Apr 74 L3RD DIANETICS -- CLEARING LISTS AND R3R HCO B 2 Apr 72RB, Issue II BTB 3 Apr 72R, Issue I Expanded Dianetics Series 3RB EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 2R L3 EXD RB CLEARING LISTS AND R3R HCO B 29 Feb 72R FALSE TA CHECKLIST HCO B 16 Apr 72 BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue VII PTS RD CORRECTION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- PTS RD CORRECTION LIST HCO PL 7 Apr 70RA BTB 9 Apr 72RA, Issue I GREEN FORM Revised 1 Dec 74 CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- GREEN FORM 46 PREPARED LIST WC LIST HCO B 30 June 71 BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue III EXPANDED GF 40 RR CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- EXPANDED GF 40 RR HCO B 15 Nov 73R _______ FEAR OF PEOPLE LIST-R HCO B 15 Nov 74 BTB 15 Nov 74 STUDENT REHABILITATION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOG -- STUDENT REHABILITATION LIST HCO B 4 Feb 72RC BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue XI STUDY CORRECTION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN REVISED -- Study Series 7 SCIENTOLOGY -- STUDY CORRECTION LIST REVISED HCO B 27 Mar 72, Issue I BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue II STUDENT CORRECTION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN -- STUDY CORR LIST 1 SCIENTOLOGY -- STUDENT CORRECTION LIST HCO B 27 Mar 72R, Issue II BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue III COURSE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION CLEARING LIST WORDS IN LIST -- STUDY CORR LIST 2 SCIENTOLOGY -- COURSE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION LIST HCO B 27 Mar 72, Issue III BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue IV AUDITOR CORRECTION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN -- STUDY CORR LIST 3 SCIENTOLOGY -- AUDITOR CORRECTION LIST HCO B 27 Mar 72, Issue IV BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue V CASE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION CLEARING LIST WORDS IN LIST -- STUDY CORR LIST 4RA SCIENTOLOGY -- CASE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION LIST HCO B 27 Mar 72, Issue V BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue VI EXECUTIVE CORRECTION LIST CLEARING LIST WORDS IN -- STUDY CORR LIST 5 SCIENTOLOGY -- EXECUTIVE CORRECTION LIST HCO B 21 July 71 RC BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue IV WORD CLEARING CORRECTION CLEARING LIST WORDS IN LIST REVISED SCIENTOLOGY -- WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST HCO PL 9 Apr 72 _______ ETHICS -- CORRECT DANGER CONDITION HANDLING (Danger Assessment, Long Form and Short Form) HCO PL 13 Mar72 Esto Series 5 -- PRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT -- ORDERS AND PRODUCTS (Product Clearing Short Form) 47 PREPARED LIST WC LIST HCO PL23 Mar72 _______ Esto Series 11 -- FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM HCOPL 12 June72 _______ Data Series 26, Esto Series 18 LENGTH OF TIME TO EVALUATE (Slow Eval Assessment) HCO B 28 Aug 70RA BTB 9 Apr 72R, Issue VIII HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT Revised 30 Nov 74 LISTS RA CLEARING LIST WORDS IN SCIENTOLOGY -- HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS HCO B 2 Dec 74 BTB 1 Dec 74, Issue VIII DYNAMIC SORT OUT ASSESSMENT CLEARING LIST WORDS IN (Revised from BTB 4 Dec 71, SCIENTOLOGY -- DYNAMIC SORT Issue II, Replacing HCO B 4 Dec 71, OUT ASSESSMENT Issue II, R-1 C Assessment by Dynamics) KEEP THESE LISTS IN SUPPLY FOR USE. TRAIN AUDITORS TO MAKE THESE LISTS READ. USE THEM FOR RAVE RESULTS AND YOU WILL SEE A GOLDEN ERA OF TECH IN YOUR ORG. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright$c 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (Auditor Admin Series 17, HCO B 7 November 1972, Issue II, Clearing -- Lists, gave a short summary of Correction Lists and the Clearing -- Lists that corresponded to them and it gave some of the admin for Clearing -- Lists. It was cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue IX, Cancellation of Bulletins 1972, 1973, 1974, which says to see the above HCO B 1 December 1974.) 48  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=7/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=28/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 18R L&N LISTS  Type = 11 iDate=7/11/72 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue III Revised & Reissued 28 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue III SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 18R L&N LISTS An L&N List (Listing and Nulling List) is a list of Items given by a pc in response to a Listing Question and written down by the Auditor in the exact sequence that they are given to him by the preclear. An L&N List is always done on a separate sheet. It's best to do an L&N List on faint-lined paper. The pc's name and date are put on the top of the sheet. The listing question is written out, usually before the start of session. When the listing question is checked the read is marked by the question (sF, F, LF, LFBD). If Suppress or Inval is used that is also noted. As each item is given by the pc the reads are marked -- sF, F, LF, LFBD. This is done AS YOU LIST. If the item does not read you mark it with an X. TA is noted periodically as the pc lists, and especially when the TA rises. The LFBD F/N item is circled. If indicated to the pc it is marked IND. When extending a list an line is drawn from where it has been extended with the date. Example: Item Joe X Shoes sF Socks X ------------------------------ Ext 24.2.72 Sky X Wax X Pigs etc etc. L&N Lists are never stapled to the W/S but are paper-clipped under the session reports. CORRECTING L&N LISTS Old lists are NOT TO BE COPIED. They are to be corrected in their original form but using a different colored pen to show what has been done -- always date new uses of these lists also using the same color pen as used for renulling or addition to them. 49 When a list is pulled forward to correct it, a sheet of paper is left at that date giving the data of the Listing Question and the date it is pulled forward to, so it can be easily located. The corrected lists are left with the session reports of the session in which they were corrected. A note in red is made in the F/S of this correction. R3RING AN L&N ITEM If an L&N Item is later R3Red it should be so noted on the list by adding: "R3R TRIPLED (date)". References: HCO B 30 Sept 68 "Lists" HCO B 19 Sept 68 "Old Lists" HCO B 7 May 69 "Summary of How to Write an Auditor's Report" BTB 20 Aug 70R "Two Complete Differences Assessment -- Listing and Nulling" Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd Copyright$c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 50  Compiled by: Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=7/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=1 rDate=27/7/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 19R DIANETIC ASSESSMENT LISTS  Type = 11 iDate=7/11/72 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue IV Revised & Reissued 27 July 1974 as BTB (Revision in this type style) Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue IV SAME TITLE Auditor Admin Series 19R DIANETIC ASSESSMENT LISTS A Dianetic Assessment List is a list of Somatics/Items given by a Pc and written down by the Auditor with the reads marked that occur on the Meter. A Dn Assessment List is aways done on a separate sheet. The Pc's name and the date are put on the top of the sheet. The assessment question is noted. In the Dianetic assessment the read is taken when the Pc first says the Item and this is written down next to the Item. Suppress and Inval buttons can be put in on an unreading Item if needed. This is noted on the list. If interest is asked of the Pc this is noted by the Item. (Drug Items, intentions and Evil Purposes are automatically run if they read and interest is not asked.) POSITION IN FOLDER These Lists are not stapled to the W/sheets but are paper clipped under the W/sheets the same as L&N Lists. In Exp Dn, PSEA lists (possible 4 separate lists) coming from the same subject can be stapled together and then paper clipped as above. R3R'D ITEMS Items on the list that are R3R'd should be circled and marked: "R3R TRIPLED (date)." Details of the Dn Assessment List and all Items on it run R3R Triple are noted IN FULL on the Folder Summary. References: HCO B 29 Apr 69 "Assessment and Interest" HCO B 21 May 69 "Assessment" HCO B 28 Feb 71 C/S Series 24, "Metering Reading Items" HCO B 13 Sept 72 Exp Dn Series 12, "Catastrophes from and Repair of 'No Interest' Items" Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd for the Copyright$c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 51  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=7/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=1 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 20R MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS  Type = 11 iDate=7/11/72 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 7 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue V Revised & Reissued 20 November 1974 as BTB Remimeo CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue V SAME TITLE (Revisions in this type style) Auditor Admin Series 20R MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS A Miscellaneous Report is a report such as an MO Report, a D of P Interview, an Ethics Report, a Success Story, etc, which is put in the pc's folder and gives a C/S more information about a case. It is the responsibility of HGC Admin to see that Miscellaneous Reports get into the folder. It is the Auditor's responsibility to enter these details in the Folder Summary. D OF P INTERVIEWS D of P Interviews are always done on a meter, and the report from the interview is filed in the folder. DECLARE? When a person goes to Declare? and through lines, the Exam Report, Attestation and Success Story are stapled together and go into the folder. The fact is noted in the Folder Summary. MIS-DECLARE A pc who will not Declare? or who does not have F/N VGIs on a Declare? examination is not sent through to Certs and Awards. The folder is sent through to the Senior C/S or Qual Sec and any outnesses are located and the C/S and Auditor get cramming. The folder is then sent back to the C/S and the HGC to handle. The fact of a mis-declare is noted in red on the Folder Summary. Corrective actions on persons sent incorrectly to Declare? are rapidly handled with no delay to the pc as he is Red-Tagged. CRAMMING ORDERS Tech Cramming Orders are written in duplicate. The original goes direct to the Cramming Officer and the second in the pc folder. By leaving a copy in the folder the corrective actions given an Auditor can be viewed. 52 When the folder arrives at a Senior Org the Flub Catch System can be activated on the C/S as well as the Auditor. References: HCO B 6 Oct 70 C/S Series 19, "Folder Error Summaries" BPL 4 Sept 72 "Cramming Admin & Lines" BTB 12 Dec 7IR C/S Series 69, "Mandatory C/Sing Checklist" MEDICAL OFFICER REPORTS A pc goes to the MO via the Examiner. The Pc Examiner makes a carbon copy of any Medical Exam Report and gives it to the MO and gets the original to Tech Services quickly. This must get into the folder so the C/S does not order a major action done on a sick pc. While the pc is on MO lines, reports from the MO get filed in the folder. The pc when going off MO lines goes to the Examiner and the "now well" Exam report goes over to Tech Services who puts it in the pc's folder. References: Tape 4 Mar 71, "Short Conference of the C/S Policy and Tech Lines" Flag Ship Order 259, 3 Mar 71, "Current C/S Policy" ETHICS REPORTS When an Auditor finds an Ethics Situation he should mark it and circle it in red after the session. The pc is not necessarily turned in because a pc cannot be tried on his auditing, it's illegal, but the Auditor should make mention of it on his Auditor's C/S. If it is a serious Ethics Situation that affects others, then it is the Auditor's responsibility to report it. The Auditor would make out the report with a carbon copy. He marks it "SESSION KNOWLEDGE REPORT NON-ACTIONABLE ON (pc's name)" and makes out the report. Both copies are left in the folder. The C/S initials the one for Ethics and sends it on. The other stays in the folder. Sometimes one finds another person's offences than the pc's in getting off withholds. These when serious should be reported to Ethics for investigation. Pcs can be sent to Ethics (i.e. for PTS handling, Court of Ethics for refusing to answer an Auditing Question, etc, etc) but the following rule applies: THERE IS NO DIRECT ROUTING OF PRECLEARS TO THE ETHICS OFFICER EXCEPT THROUGH THE CHANNELS OF THE QUALIFICATIONS DIVISION. When the C/S decides to send the pc to Ethics, he marks a small goldenrod card "ETH", clips it to the -- folder and sends the folder to the Examiner. The Examiner checks over the folder, and calls pc in via Qual I&I for an Examination. If folder not okay, it is returned to the C/S with appropriate Cramming Orders. If all is correct the Examiner sends the pc direct to Ethics. If not, pc is routed back to the HGC and the Examiner or Cramming Officer writes up the required Cramming Orders. 53 When pc has finished his Ethics Cycle he is routed back to the Examiner and is returned to the HGC via Qual I & I. It is D of P's responsibility to keep a tension line in with Ethics to make sure the Ethics cycle is completed and the pc is returned to Tech lines. If the pc is returned to HGC lines for a PTS situation to be handled by auditing, a small yellow card is clipped to the outside of the folder by the C/S until the pc finishes the PTS R/D. All data about such actions are filed in the folder, including a copy of the Ethics Officer Interview notes. It is the responsibility of HGC Admin to see that Conditions Orders and Ethics Orders that affect the preclear's auditing progress get put in the pc's folder for the C/S to see. Cases undergoing Ethics actions, Comm Evs, amends projects or low conditions should not be audited until the Ethics matter is cleared up and complete. It only louses up their cases to audit them when under such stress. Pcs in lowered conditions should be encouraged to work out of the condition and when they reach Emergency the auditing may be resumed. Details of these Ethics cycles should be entered by the Auditor in the Folder Summary. References: HCO P/L 19 Apr 65 "Ethics" HCO P/L 29 Apr 65 "Ethics -- Review" HCO P/L 4 July 65 "Pc Routing Review Code" HCO P/L 1 May 65 "Staff Member Reports" HCO P/L 17 Jun 65 "Staff Auditor Advices" HCO P/L 30 July 65 "Pc Routing to Ethics" HCO P/L 16 Nov 71 "Conditions, Awards and Penances" Tape 7 April 72 Exp Dn Tape 3 "Auditor Administration" HCO B 29 Mar 70 "Auditing and Ethics" Compiled by: Training & Services Bureau Corrected by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:B of I: AL:MH: JZ: BL:MM: mh.rd Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 54  Compiled by: Training & Services Bureau Corrected by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=8/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=1 rDate=6/8/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 21R THE DIANETIC FLOW TABLE  Type = 11 iDate=8/11/72 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 8 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue I Remimeo Revised & Reissued 6 August 1974 as BTB CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 8 NOVEMBER 1972 Issue I SAME TITLE (The only Revision is under References: the Revision date of HCO B 21 April 71 has been revised to read -- "Revised 14 May 72, Revised 8 April 74".) Auditor Admin Series 21R THE DIANETIC FLOW TABLE The Dn Flow Table is a chronological list of Dn Items run, from earliest to latest, with the flows that have been run. Here is an example of the way to do it: DATE ITEM F-1 F-2 F-3 2 Feb 62 Guf Shoulder Unflat 3 Feb 62 Gow in Foot EP 29 Sept 67 Chow in Chump EP Unflat Unflat Repaired to EP Repaired to EP 2 Oct 70 (red) 2 Oct 70 (red) 30 Sept 69 LX Anger Unflat LX Peeved Unflat 4 Oct 70 Feeling Numb EP EP EP 16 Dec 70 Ext/Int R/D Sec EP EP Unflat Eng EP EP EP 3 May 72 Intention to EP EP EP fall off a log Any flow that is later repaired is marked on the table in a different color, with the date. The Flow Table is kept at the back of the folder for reference and use. References: HCO B 21 April 71 RA (Revised 24 May 72, Revised 8 April 74) "C/S Series 36RA, Dianetics". Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU BDCS:SW:AL:MH:MM:mh.rd.jh for the Copyright$c 1972, 1974 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS by L. Ron Hubbard of the ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 55  Compiled by Training & Services Bur Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=8/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=2 rDate=4/6/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FOLDER ERROR SUMMARIES   Remimeo FES Units Hats C/S Hats  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN Remimeo 8 NOVEMBER 1972RA FES Units Issue II Hats C/S Hats Revised 4 June 1975 Auditor Admin Series 22RA FOLDER ERROR SUMMARIES Ref: HCO B 6 Oct 70 C/S Series 19, "Folder Error Summaries" TAPE 7 Apr 72 Ex Dn Tape 3, "Auditor Administration" (NOTE: Data for this revision was taken from LRH's written reply to a letter from former Tech C/S ASHO.) TWO METHODS OF FESing There are two methods of FESing a case. The first is a full detailed FES where one goes back and picks up and notes down all past errors on the case so that a Progress and Advance Program can be done. Where the F/S is interested in handling the case more rapidly, the procedure is to go back to where the Pc was running well and come forward, looking for the goofs to repair. This would also apply in the case of a Pc who, already repaired, was goofed in further auditing. These are different FES methods -- a Progress Program and Repair C/Sing. Neither one includes Admin errors or errors which do not affect the case THE FLAW Folder Error Summaries (FESes) which do not show clearly whether an error has been corrected later in the Pc's auditing, can lead the C/S into over- repair. Such a flaw lessens the usefulness of an FES. NEW FORMAT To handle the above flaw, the layout and contents of the FES have been revised. The following is the format of the FES which should be on legal or equivalent size pink or red paper according to availability. (PC NAME) (GRADE) (PAGE NO.) DATE C/S AUDITOR ERROR HANDLING DONE 22/10/71 C/S: J. Boggs Drug R/D attested Objectives run to Aud: R.Gulch with no objective EP 23/9/72. processes. 22/10/71 C/S: Same Reading item on All "No Interest" Aud: Same Drug R/D lists items completed. not run due to Attested 14/10/72. "No Interest". 17/ 1/72 C/S: Same Pc rollercoaster. Handled as Type "A" Aud: B. Bingo Sick. Interview 18/1/72 PTS R/D shows PTS to completed 19/11/72. mother. 18/10/72 C/S: Same Sick after list: Corrected w/ L4BR Aud: Same "W/W WOULD EAT 19/10/72. APPLES" Item :"A GOURMET". One can see at a glance that all the noted errors have been corrected. A blank space in the right-hand column would indicate that the error had not yet been fixed. 56 This column is filled in by the FESer as he goes along, or by the Auditor as correction is done. For example a note: "Chronic high TA" would be marked off by the Auditor "C/S 53RJ to F/N List. TA normal" with the date, when that action had been completed. Any error noted in the correction of the case IS NOTED AS A NEW ERROR ON THE FES. THE FES IS KEPT IN PT BY THE AUDITOR AS ERRORS ARE NOTED. The C/S will use the FES as a help in further programming of the Pc. It is kept in the inside back cover of the Pc's folder. WHAT IS WANTED IN AN FES An FES should contain those points of error in the auditing of a case which might cause the Pc future difficulty or may require handling. These would include rundowns left unfiat or with missing steps; signs of unflat grades; absence of any of the parts of EP, noting what was being run; any chronic problem or difficulty; by-passed EP on any rundown; illness or ethics trouble after an auditing cycle. The most important points which can bog a case are well covered in the C/S Series, with which an FESer should be familiar. In particular, anyone doing an FES must know very well C/S Series 1,2, 15, 19, 29, 30, 34, 38, 59. He must be able to recognize and pick out any of the case errors described in the above issues. Anyone doing FES work must be thoroughly familiar with the GF 40XRR. Anything on the case which falls under any of the headings on this list should also be clearly noted in the FES, "Pc was a member of black magic society" could be the thing which is stalling her case. WHAT ISN'T WANTED An FES is NOT the same as an FS. The 2 must not be combined or confused. Opinions have no part in FES. Do not note admin errors in an FES. Any error which is not part of the case or its auditing has no place on the FES. It can be the subject of a chit or separate report. Examples of this would be: "Auditor did not fill in the Folder Summary" or "Pc not being audited on any program" or "No one C/Sing the folder". Statements which R/Sed, and Ev Purps given off by the Pc are not usually noted in an FES. THE FACT THAT HE DOES R/S, OR DOES GIVE OFF EV PURPS MUST BE NOTED ON THE LEFT-HAND EDGE OF THE PC'S TOPMOST PROGRAM. R/S statements (which the Pc said that R/Sed when he said it) and Ev Purps are noted on the Pgm in red ink and may be noted on the FS. Dianetic chains that did not go to EP, flows not run, are noted on a Full Flow Table, not on the FES. The fact that a series of items was run F1 only, or did not EP, is noted on the FES, to be marked off when corrected. A C/S and his FES unit work closely together and the C/S would usually apprentice these people until they can very rapidly and accurately FES even a thick folder. Revised by Marion Kimmich Flag Tech Comps I/C for W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by BDCS:RS:MK:nt.jh Commodore's Staff Aides and Copyright$c 1972, 1975 the Board of Issues by L. Ron Hubbard for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 57  Revised by Marion Kimmich Flag Tech Comps I/C for W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4 Approved by Commodore's Staff Aides and the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 12 iDate=8/11/72 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=2 rDate=20/11/74 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Auditor Admin Series 23RA INVOICE FORM AND ROUTING FORM  Type = 12 iDate=8/11/72 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 8 NOVEMBER 1972RA Issue III Revised & Reissued 13 July 1974 as BTB Revised 20 November 1974 Remimeo CANCELS BTB OF 8 NOVEMBER 1972R Issue III SAME TITLE (Paragraphs 6, 7 & 8 have been revised) Auditor Admin Series 23RA INVOICE FORM AND ROUTING FORM The Form of Board PL 3 Jan 72 (Revised) is stapled to the inside back cover of the pc's current folder by HC'C Admin. PC BEGINNING INTENSIVE When a pc signs up and pays for auditing he arrives at the HGC Admin with a Routing Form and a Pink Invoice Copy. The Invoice is used for pc scheduling, verification of payment before delivery of service, and preparation of the Weekly income report. The Invoice does not go into the pc auditing folder and must not be lost as this could prevent scheduling, delivery of service, or result in auditing Without payment. The Invoice details are filled in on the Form (see attached) at the back of the folder. The Invoice is placed in the basket of invoices for the Weekly income breakdown sheet, and afterwards filed in a Weekly envelope With the Tech copy of the Weekly income breakdown sheet in Tech Services. Advanced payment invoices received are filed alphabetically in files in Tech Services. When the invoice indicating final payment of service is received, all related invoices for that person and service are pulled out of the alphabetical AP files and stapled to the final payment invoice, and the name and date of expected arrival posted up on a board in Tech Services. The invoices are filed alphabetically in a special file containing only paid up invoices, Which are the Tech Div "hot" files for new students and pcs. The Routing Form is paper-clipped to the front of the folder. The Auditor enters the Intensive Hours paid (i.e. 12 1/2 or 25) on his next Auditor's Report Form and keeps a running total of hours used on the succeeding Auditor's Report Forms. PC RUNS OUT OF PAID HOURS When the pc's used total approaches close to the Intensive Hours paid, the Auditor puts a note on the front of the folder to HGC Admin to route the pc to buy more hours. 58 HGC Admin routes the pc through lines to buy more hours. These particulars are noted on the Invoice Form. (See attached form for example.) FREE SERVICE = FREE FALL AN AUDITOR CONTINUING TO AUDIT A PERSON OVER AND ABOVE THE AMOUNT OF HOURS SIGNED AND PAID FOR, AND WHO DOES NOT SEND THAT PC BACK TO THE REGISTRAR FOR SIGN-UP AND PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL HOURS IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE AUDITING PGM, IS GUILTY OF A. COVERTLY ROBBING HIS FELLOW STAFF MEMBERS OF THEIR PAY, AND B. IN A CONDITION OF DOUBT TO HIS ORG, AND IS SO ASSIGNED. SIMILARLY, AN AUDITOR CONTINUING TO AUDIT A STAFF MEMBER OVER AND ABOVE THE AMOUNT OF HOURS SIGNED AND INVOICED FOR, AND WHO DOES NOT SEND THE PC BACK TO THE REGISTRAR AND CASHIER FOR SIGN-UP AND DEBIT INVOICING OF ADDITIONAL HOURS IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE AUDITING PGM, IS GUILTY OF A AND B ABOVE. Invoices for staff services must carry the mention: "STAFF DEBIT Amount due in full in the event of staff contract breakage" and be accompanied by a signed promissory note for the full amount of the service. An Auditor using the Invoice Form in conjunction with the running totall of hours on his Auditor's Report Form will comfortably know the position with regard to used up hours. References: HCO PL 28 Aug 62 "How to Write an Auditor's Report" BPL 3 Jan 72 "Invoices" BPL 22 Dec 71 "Free Services = Free Fall" BPL 22 Dec 71-1 (Addition 12 Oct 72) "Free Services = Free Fall" Compiled by: Training & Services Bureau Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the BDCS:B of I:AL:MH:JZ:BL:MM:mh-rd CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY Copyright $c 1972, 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 59  Compiled by: Training & Services Bureau Revised by CS-5 Ens. Judy Ziff In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Commodore's Staff Aides Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 22 iDate=3/1/72 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=1 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0     BOARD POLICY LETTER OF 3 JANUARY 1972R Issue II FORM (REVISED) This form is stapled to the inside back cover of the pc folder by HGC Admin who also fills in invoice details. The Auditor fills in hours given the pc at the end of each intensive. DATE INVOICE NO ANY SPECIAL DETAIL HRS HRS PAID USED BALANCE 4.10.72 000372 LIFE REPAIR 50 50 11.10.72 47 3 12-10-72 000764 DN INTENSIVE 50 53 25-10-72 51hrs 1hr 03m 57m 25.10.72 001075 EXP GRADES 50 51hrs 57m Training & Services Bureau Reissued by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Gilliam Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides and the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS BDCS:CSA:BI:BL:MM:MG:mg.rd of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY 60  Training & Services Bureau Reissued by Flag Mission 1234 2nd Molly Gilliam Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides and the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY