Type = 11 iDate=11/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISOR DATA   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII CASE SUPERVISOR DATA A Case Supervisor should watch for Ethics record of pcs who have been C/Sed. If they fall on their head, get into low conditions, the folder should be reviewed. Most probably the auditor did not do what was ordered and, if folder looks okay, chances are the auditing report is false as something is wrong or pc would not be in trouble. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OVERRUN PROCESS   Class IV Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class IV Class VIII OVERRUN PROCESS The Process "What has been overrun?" is used when pc has a chronically high T/A. It is run by taking each reading item and getting the time or times it was released. Run each to clean needle or F/N. The item is taken up as it reads and the releases in it rehabbed. Then the next item is listed and handled the same way. More than one F/N can be attained on the list as the items are different subjects. Each item as rehabbed is taken as far as it will go. It does not necessarily F/N. It must not be over rehabbed. The odd phenomena of high TA "F/Ns" must be looked for and tell you when an item is rehabbed enough. Eventually after many are rehabbed a real and normal F/N will occur with TA between 2 & 3. TA action will then have ceased. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rw.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Class IV has been added to the mimeo distribution of this HCO B per HCO B 10 December 1968, Correction.] 251  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/1/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SIX ZONES OF ACTION   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1968R REVISED 31 JANUARY 1975 Remimeo Class VIII SIX ZONES OF ACTION There are 6 zones of action in Class VIII: 1. Auditing for Grades "obtains real case gain". 2. Repair of misaudited Grades. 3. Setting up cases to run a Grade. 4. Case Supervising the auditing of Grades. 5. Case Supervising the repair of misaudited Grades. 6. Case Supervision of setting up cases to audit Grades. Each of these is a separate skill and must be learned. Each has its precise and invariable actions and these must be learned. There are no others. A student's reality must be able to embrace that there are no others. His grip on tech must be so exact that he doesn't flub Standard Tech and so begin to look for unusual solutions in any of the six above actions. A good C/S is bound by the Case Supervisor's Code and a good C/S does not use 2 (two) or 5 (five) above as an excuse to give assists. Assists have no part in Class VIII skills which depend wholly on the grades for case advance. A pc released at Zero will of course soon begin to have problems. He goes to the next grade, not to Review for an assist. No one grade solves the whole case. That's why there are grades. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.nt.jh Copyright $c 1968, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 252  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ETHNICS   Class VIII C/S  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII C/S ETHNICS A Case Supervisor must watch Ethnics (customs) oddities and changing fashions because one race has different mores than another and changing fashions bring in new methods of degradation, i.e. Drug Rehab was not necessary in 1950, but is vitally necessary in 1968. Sex was not a button in Ancient Greece and is the total subject of Freudian analysis in 1894. For the 1930 period, C/S would have to pay attention to rehabbing periods of time pc went "release" when drinking. What you are looking for and what must be handled is euphoria caused by some external stimuli. This not only may be but must be rehabbed in many cases before they even begin to move. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 253  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GROSS CASE SUPERVISION ERRORS   Class VIII C/S  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII C/S GROSS CASE SUPERVISION ERRORS 1. Ordering unnecessary repairs. 2. Trying to use repair processes to get case gain instead of getting the pc onto the next grade. 3. Not writing down C/S instructions, but giving them to an auditor verbally. 4. Talking to the auditor re the case. 5. Talking to pc re his case. 6. Failing to send pc to examiner if you're unsure why his folder has been sent up for C/S. 7. Being reasonable. 8. Not having enough Ethics presence to get his orders followed. 9. Issuing involved repair orders. 10. BIGGEST GC/SE for C/S is not to read through the pc folder. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 254  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=18/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EXAMINER'S FORM   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 18 SEPTEMBER 1968 (REVISED see HCO PL 8 Mar 71 Volume VII -- 193) Remimeo EXAMINER'S FORM (This is the only Examiner Form for pc and Pre OT Routing in SHs, AOs and SO.) Date _____________________________ Name of Pc ___________________________________ Last Grade attained __________________________ Pc's statement ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ TA __________________________ STATE OF NEEDLE ______________________ EXAMINER ROUTES: To C/S _________________ To MO _________________ Back to Post _________________ ______________________________________________ Signature of Examiner LRH:jp.ei.jh Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO PL was revised by HCO PL 30 September 1968, Issue II, Examiner's Form, which added blanks for the following text: "Qual Div (place)", "Time" and, after "Last Grade attained", "(or) Grade being attested". It also added two boxes labeled "Before Session" and "After Session". This PL was then revised by HCO PL 9 May 1969, which was revised and replaced by HCO PL 26 January 1970, Issue III, both titled Examiner's Form, neither of which were written by LRH. These were revised by HCO PL 8 March 1971, Examiner's Form which is printed in Volume VII, page 193.] 255  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Old lists are NOT TO BE COPIED.   Remimeo L&N Chksht Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo L&N Chksht Class VIII (Reissued 8 May 72 with extended distribution) Old lists are NOT TO BE COPIED. They are to be corrected in their original form but using a different colored pen to show what has been done -- always date new uses of these lists also using the same color pen as used for renulling or addition to them. When listing you always note down F, BDs, SF, LF, etc, next to the items. This is done AS YOU LIST. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.nt.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Original distribution was simply "Class VIII".]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REVIEW, ORDERING PEOPLE TO   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo Class VIII REVIEW, ORDERING PEOPLE TO Ordering people to Review for rehab or Review of grades when they are not ethics cases and no outness is found in the folder acts as an Invalidation of gains and can react seriously on a case. It must cease. A specific folder outness or a chronic low conditions case are the only reasons to review grades. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 256  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GLEE   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo Class VIII GLEE When you see glee on some fellow on a post, realize it's because he doesn't understand what he's doing. He's ignorant about something and above that is confusion and above the confusion you see glee. People who make fun of a serious needful action or duty just don't dig it, that's all. There are remedies. There's instruction or Remedy B. And these should be used. But this glee is nevertheless a kind of insanity. Freud mentioned that people who couldn't understand something sometimes giggled in an embarrassed kind of way. I rarely take any data from him but in this case, he was right. It was a good observation. However, he had no cure for it. You can get a whole area into a kind of glee when they don't grasp what they are doing. If you see somebody in glee, get a Remedy B run on them in Qual. Glee is a special kind of embarrassed giggling. You'll know it when you see it. LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=22/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CCHS NOT GRADE I   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 SEPTEMBER 1968 (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74 V) Remimeo Class VIII CCHS NOT GRADE I Anyone rehabbing CCHs as a Level I process has skipped Grade I as CCHs are only preparatory. Pcs apparently being evaluated for as how would they know they were a "problems release" on CCHs. They really need a standard problems process. LRH:jp.ei.cden Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 17 June 1970, Issue III, Cancellation of HCO Bs that Conflict with Full Lower Grades, which was not written by LRH and has been cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1970. BTB 10 December 1974, Issue V, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1963-1968, confirms the above HCO B 22 September 1968 as cancelled.] 257  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUGS & TRIPPERS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo (Reissued 22 January 1972 as "Remimeo") DRUGS & TRIPPERS Any case that won't run or won't rehab is probably a "tripper", meaning somebody who has taken drugs. Standard practice for anyone who has ever taken drugs or even alcohol is to rehabilitate the moments of releases in there. Drugs (or alcohol) give an enforced moment or period of release. It is surrounded in mass. LSD, marijuana (pot, hashish), peyote, opium, ether (in operations), nitrous oxide (laughing gas in dental operations), weird "biochemical" compounds used by "psychiatrists", Benzedrine, solid alcohol (canned heat), alcohol, turpentine, gasoline, witch herbs of various kinds, and even certain rays, in this lifetime and on the back track, could have caused a moment of release. Death does also but it's a bit steep to rehab. In a rehab session, or before such a this lifetime one is audited on grades, the moments of release should be rehabbed. The C/S directs this to be done before a rehab of ARC Straight Wire. Such releases usually need rehabbing only once. Tough rehabbing and probably all "Binck Vs" probably trace to these chemical "releases". They are deadly because they give the sensation of release while actually pulling in mass. When "All black" reads on a GF one of these chemical release periods is probably in restim. These "Chemical releases" give us a lot of trouble unless (a) detected and (b) rehabbed. Such pcs often withhold the fact (non-acceptable or discreditable datum) quite madly and thus make detection difficult unless directly asked for on a hard to run case. Such persons can also be a mess on III if the chemical period rehabs aren't done. Delusory or dub-in cases also sometimes trace to chemical "releases". Painkillers, tranquilizers or morphine can also be explored where no "drug taking" is traced. All the above come under the heading of forceful exteriorization and can inhibit the act of exteriorization on V. Such pcs are a bit blank, irresponsible or detached. Each TYPE of chemical which produced "release" must be rehabbed and it is best to count how many times released on each type. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.mes.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Original distribution was simply "Class VIII".] 258  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEW RUDIMENTS   Remimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff NEW RUDIMENTS (This HCOB cancels HCOB 3 July 65) The Class VIII technique is floating the needle on rudiments before doing a new grade, power or rehabs. 1. "Do you have an ARC Bk?" (If the question reads handle with ARCU and CDEI.) 2. "Do you have a present time problem?" (If this reads handle by any quick problems process.) 3. "Has a withhold been missed?" (If so, get it.) Remember that on each of these questions, if they don't blow, they can be traced back to an earlier ARC Bk, problem or withhold. If no F/N occurs, then the auditor uses a Green Form or a List (such as L4A) to produce one. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.ei.cden Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 259  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CONTINUOUS PT OVERTS   Remimeo SHSBC Class VI Class IV GF-40XRR CHECKSHEET  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 SEPTEMBER 1968 (Reissued broadly 5 Oct '72) Remimeo SHSBC Class VI Class IV GF-40XRR CHECKSHEET CONTINUOUS PT OVERTS A listing question used to handle the continuous present time overt question on the Green Form is: "What are you trying to prevent?" This is listed and follows all listing and nulling rules and lists to one item reading. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.nt.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Original distribution was simply "Class VIII, Confidential".] 260  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ARC STRAIGHT WIRE   Remimeo All Dianetic Courses  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1968 Issue II Remimeo All Dianetic Courses ARC STRAIGHT WIRE (Corrects HCO B 30 June 1962 and also in the HDA Course book. Corrects p. 102 [soft-cover edition] of Self Analysis.) (Paste over HDA Course page 15.) (Corrects earlier HCO B of same date & title.) The correct commands for ARC Straight Wire, as researched and as successful in test in cracking even neurotic cases, with one command added to modernize it, were and are: Recall a time that was really real to you. Recall a time you were in good communication with someone. Recall a time you really felt affinity for someone. Recall a time you knew you understood something. Run ONLY on a Meter. Run ONLY to Floating Needle and NOT beyond. (Don't abruptly cut pc's Comm.) A true fact is that ARC always must precede an ARC Break. Also ARC = Understanding and Time. A = Space and the willingness to occupy the same space of. R = Mass or agreement. C = Energy or Recognition. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 261  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 28 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII DIANETICS The most incredible part of the auditing period preceding Sept 1968 was that auditors, calling themselves such, actually could forget, mislay and abandon secondary and engram running as a skill. A secondary or engram can key out or key in at will. They don't stay out, which makes a release a release. The very definition of Release is based on this fact. A Clear has nothing to key in again. A Release does. When you only straight wire a secondary or engram THAT IS RECURRING (restims because of environment) you don't get a lasting result. This lifetime secondaries and engrams should be run to F/N, not coaxed to F/N by a recall process. Anybody can run a secondary or engram. It's pie. The only liability in running them in chains was omitted from the Dianetic Auditor's handbook for some reason. It's in Book One. IF A SECONDARY OR ENGRAM GOES SOLID OR WON'T DISCHARGE, you find the earlier similar one and run it. Give it only two times through if it is going solid, then try earlier. Finally Basic will emerge and run cleanly. Miracles are contained in this action. But a modern (pre Sept 68) auditor never thinks to cheek it even. They just straight wire or get it recalled to F/N. And think they've done it. A recent death loss will not really resolve unless the secondary is run properly and completely. There are 2 F/Ns available -- one by key-out, one by erasure. Don't run a keying out process to F/N and then run it. Run it in the first place if it's a serious recent secondary or engram. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 262  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LISTS   Remimeo L&N Chksht Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo L&N Chksht Class VIII (Reissued 8 May 1972 with extended distribution) LISTS When doing a correction of lists in a folder to get the correct item and clean the folder up, these rules apply -- 1. Get one F/N per type of list. Example: 3 S & Ds type U are in the folder -- you get the item on the first S & D and an F/N -- leave the other two. 2. You can get F/Ns on S & D types WSU, Rem Bs old, new and environment. But only on each type. 3. To go for any more on one type is dangerous and should not be done. This whole procedure should be done only if ordered by the C/S. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.nt.rd Copyright$c 1968, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The original mimeo distribution of this HCO B was simply "class VIII".] 263  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEW RUDIMENTS QUESTIONS   Remimeo Dianetic Course Students Level 0 Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 OCTOBER 1968 (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74 V) Remimeo Dianetic Course Students Level 0 Students NEW RUDIMENTS QUESTIONS These questions are of interest to Dianetic and Level 0 Students. They were submitted by SO Cl VI Students while studying Level 0 materials when the New Rudiments were issued cancelling Model Session HCO B 3 July 65. Q. Are we allowed as Level 0 Auditors to audit a pc from ARC S/W through 0 in one session? A. Yes. ARC Straight Wire, Secondaries to Engrams and Level 0. All in one session. Q. Do we do new ruds at beginning of ARC S/W and again at Level 0? A. Only when a break of session has intervened. Q. Is the current Model Session -- 1. This is the session 2. New Ruds 1, 2, 3 3. This is the process -- clear commands 4. That's it/ F/N? A. Yes, pretty well. Q. What are we permitted to use as Level 0 Auditors when doing the new rudiments to handle ARC breaks, PTPs, M/W/Hs? A. Itsa and earlier similar Itsa -- only. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 17 June 1970, Issue III, Cancellation of HCO Bs that Conflict with Full tower Grades, which was not written by LRH and has been cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1970. BTB 10 December 1974, Issue V, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1963-1968, confirms the above HCO B 3 October 1968 as cancelled.] 264  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RUDS   Class IV  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 OCTOBER 1968 Class IV RUDS Pcs (and students) often don't know one rudiment from another. They call PTPs ARC Brks and all sorts of weird answers. ARC Brks become PTPs, etc. They do NOT KNOW what the question is. Therefore on a green pc or student it is best to clear the commands. And it is VITAL to teach what these mean and do them in clay on an VIII Course. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ARC BREAK NEEDLE   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 OCTOBER 1968 Class VIII ARC BREAK NEEDLE If you run ARC Breaks with the pc nattery which means really, M/W/Hs, you will for sure get an ARC Break needle and Bad Indicators. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.ts Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 265  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ASSESSMENT   Class VIII (SH, ASHO)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 OCTOBER 1968 Class VIII (SH, ASHO) ASSESSMENT Assessment means the locating on a prepared list, one item. Listing and Nulling means the pc lists. The laws of listing and nulling apply only to LISTING and nulling. It IS auditing. The actions of assessment do not apply to listing and nulling and never have. Assessment is from a prepared list. It was done around 1960. It still is used. It has its own actions. But as the prepared lists as in Pre-have become bulky, I then developed a NEW action where the pc listed. DO NOT apply the rules of assessment as in the E-Meter book to Listing and Nulling. These are two different actions entirely. The key is that a list for assessment is always from a list prepared by the auditor or from an HCO B as in "7 resistive cases". S & Ds, Remedy Bs, etc, are LISTED by the pc and follow the LAWS of listing and nulling. This is assessment, a list prepared by the C/S or auditor, not the pc. To get a clue to what happened, the C/S prepares a list: Lions X Big Game / X Cats X Felines / X Tigers X Bearers X Trucks X Elephants X Killing F / LF BD Camping X Then the auditor nulls it to ONE item. This is then prepchecked or done on an L1 as a subject. When you list and null the pc gives the list. Who got shot? Me X X Joe X X Bearers F / / X Elephants X X Tigers LFBD / F X The auditor nulls this (Xes and second action noted). 266 TWO items are now reading so the auditor EXTENDS the list -- Ext ------------- IND ---------> The White Hunter F / LFBD The Dog X And then the auditor renulls the WHOLE list (second X, etc) and only one item stays in which is a complete list. That is the item. It is given to pc. LRH:jp.ei.rd Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was revised by HCO B 20 August 1970, Two Complete Differences -- Assessment -- Listing and Nulling, which is cancelled by BTB 20 August 1970R, Revised and Reissued 19 August 1974, same title.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=8/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ASSESSMENT: LX1   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1968 Class VIII ASSESSMENT: LX1 When an item assesses out, it is assessed on the preclear's own definition. You don't look up what assesses out, except when a preclear does not understand the item on a list. Then you clean the misunderstood and REASSESS as the misunderstood cooked the list. Looking up an assessed item from an LX1 acts as an invalidation. LX1 items must not be invalidated as LX1 uncovers a sort of invalidation chain. However, if you have assessed an item and then find that the preclear does not understand it, then get the word defined and renull the list. In running any item found by assessing from a prepared list, never get the preclear to define it unless he does not understand it whereupon you have to clear the word and reassess the list. If you find it and the preclear does not query its meaning, do not then get the preclear to define it. If you do get him to define it, the process being used with the item will not work too well. In running recall on an LX1 item, it is not necessary to have the preclear run it aloud if the preclear is doing the command. Running recall in this fashion is not a comm process. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Original distribution was "Class VIII, Confidential"; it is no longer a confidential issue.] 267  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=8/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISOR -- FOLDER HANDLING   Remimeo Case Supervisor Hat  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1968 Remimeo Case Supervisor Hat CASE SUPERVISOR -- FOLDER HANDLING Analyzing Folders Go back in the folder to the session where the Preclear was running well and come forward from it doing a folder error summary. Reviewing Folders In reviewing a folder, the first thing to do is to look at the CS to see if it was done. Use the Summary Sheet to get the Auditor's attitude. Use the Auditor's Report Form to get the time of processes. Read and take all your data from Worksheets and compare it to and see that CS was complied with and ensure Standard Tech was applied. If you can't read the reports, send it back to have the Auditor over-print illegible words. Never try to case supervise (CS) an illegible worksheet as you'll only run into headaches. The After Session Examiner's Report gives you the first clue of how suspicious you should be in examining the folder and whether or not auditing reports contain falsities. Standard Tech You're never led by anything into departing from Standard Tech. The only reason it doesn't work is that it hasn't been applied. The main question of a Case Supervisor is: WAS IT APPLIED? If you follow this exactly, you'll never miss. LRH:jp.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 268  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=14/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=1/1/76 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE AUDITOR'S CODE   Remimeo Auditor 43 Class VIII All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 14 OCTOBER 1968R REVISED 1 JANUARY 1976 Remimeo Auditor 43 Class VIII All Auditors THE AUDITOR'S CODE In celebration of the 100% gains attainable by Standard Tech. I hereby promise as an Auditor to follow the Auditor's Code. 1. I promise not to evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case in session. 2. I promise not to invalidate the preclear's case or gains in or out of session. 3. I promise to administer only Standard Tech to a preclear in the standard way. 4. I promise to keep all auditing appointments once made. 5. I promise not to process a preclear who has not had sufficient rest and who is physically tired. 6. I promise not to process a preclear who is improperly fed or hungry. 7. I promise not to permit a frequent change of Auditors. 8. I promise not to sympathize with a preclear but to be effective. 9. I promise not to let the preclear end session on his own determinism but to finish off those cycles I have begun. 10. I promise never to walk off from a preclear in session. 11. I promise never to get angry with a preclear in session. 12. I promise to run every major case action to a floating needle. 13. I promise never to run any one action beyond its floating needle. 14. I promise to grant beingness to the preclear in session. 15. I promise not to mix the processes of Scientology with other practices except when the preclear is physically ill and only medical means will serve. 16. I promise to maintain Communication with the preclear and not to cut his comm or permit him to overrun in session. 17. I promise not to enter comments, expressions or enturbulence into a session that distract a preclear from his case. 18. I promise to continue to give the preclear the process or auditing command when needed in the session. 19. I promise not to let a preclear run a wrongly understood command. 20. I promise not to explain, justify or make excuses in session for any Auditor mistakes whether real or imagined. 269 21. I promise to estimate the current case state of a preclear only by Standard Case Supervision data and not to diverge because of some imagined difference in the case. 22. I promise never to use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain. 23. I promise to see that any fee received for processing is refunded following the policies of the Claims Verification Board, if the preclear is dissatisfied and demands it within three months after the processing, the only condition being that he may not again be processed or trained. 24. I promise not to advocate Scientology only to cure illness or only to treat the insane, knowing well it was intended for spiritual gain. 25. I promise to cooperate fully with the legal organizations of Dianetics and Scientology as developed by L. Ron Hubbard in safeguarding the ethical use and practice of the subject according to the basics of Standard Tech. 26. I promise to refuse to permit any being to be physically injured, violently damaged, operated on or killed in the name of "mental treatment". 27. I promise not to permit sexual liberties or violation of the mentally unsound. 28. I promise to refuse to admit to the ranks of practitioners any being who is insane. Auditor: _______________________________ Date: __________________________________ Witness: ___________________________ Place: _________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1976 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The 1 January 1976 revision changed item 23 and added items 26, 27 and 28 which had earlier been issued as HCO PL 2 November 1968, Auditor's Code -- Add to Pol Ltr 14th October AD18.] 270  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  METER POSITION   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 OCTOBER 1968 Remimeo METER POSITION YOU MUST NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE YOUR METER IN A POSITION WHERE THE PRECLEAR CAN READ THE TA. To do so can cause the pc worry about his TA position and take his attention off his case. It violates Clause 17 of the Auditor's Code. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DEFINITION OF RECALL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 OCTOBER 1968 Issue II Remimeo DEFINITION OF RECALL The definition of Recall as given in the Scientology Dictionary is incorrect. Recall means just that. It is for present time remembering something that happened in the past. It is not re-experiencing it, re-living it or re-running it. Recall does not mean going back to when it happened. It simply means that you are in present time, thinking of, remembering, putting your attention on something that happened in the past -- all done from PRESENT TIME. Returning is the word used to go back and re-experience an incident. LRH:ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 271  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=16/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUPERVISOR'S DUTY   Remimeo Supervisor's Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 OCTOBER 1968 Remimeo Supervisor's Course SUPERVISOR'S DUTY The duty of the Supervisor of a Course consists of: The Communication of the data of Scientology to the student so as to achieve acceptance, duplication and application of the technology in a standard and effective manner. LRH:ja.an.la.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCESSING SEQUENCE   Remimeo SH ASHO AOs Orgs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo SH HCO BULLETIN OF 18 OCTOBER 1968 ASHO AOs Orgs PROCESSING SEQUENCE The correct order in which Sub-zeros, Grades and OT Sections are administered is: ARC Straight Wire Secondaries Engrams Grade 0 Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VA Grade VI Clearing Course OT I OT II OT III OT IV OT V OT VI LRH:jp.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright$c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 272  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=20/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE PURPOSE OF CLASS VIII   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 OCTOBER 1968 Class VIII THE PURPOSE OF CLASS VIII In Class VIII Tech no longer is hopefully applied. Auditing is no longer gauged only against result. There is no more "auditing is what you get away with" at VIII. A flawless, invariable administration of processes with flawless TRs, using ONLY the basics, is Class VIII. The purpose is to administer Tech without variables, using only highly standardized processes and actions, using only a flawless TR approach, all within the new Auditor's Code. The impact of this action produces 100% results. It produces fantastically fast results. And it produces more result than has ever before been attained. Using the Class VIII standard C/S approach there are no bogged cases. The first thing a student on Class VIII has to learn is that there IS an exact right way to do auditing, an exact right way to solve cases. If he grasps this, can do this, can select the correct VIII C/S and get it exactly applied, the result can be achieved. It is too simple for many to grasp at once. The ultimate comedy is a student who arrives at course offering "improvements". He is confessing that he's never applied Scientology straight and has often failed on pcs. The cycle of the decline of an auditor is: (a) he fails to apply the missing bit of Standard Tech, (b) he then has an "unsolvable" case before him, (c) he then dreams up some unusual solution, (d) every so often his unusual solution improves that one pc a bit, (e) he now tries to apply it to all pcs, (f) he thereafter consistently fails. A student also has a cycle of decline: (a) he recognizes his basics, (b) someone invalidates his correct data, (c) he ceases to see what the basics are, (d) he muddles along. In Class VIII we bring the basics back in and reinforce them until the auditor will do them and nothing else. From this we get a "magical" high velocity case gain curve upwards on all cases. The beginning Class VIII auditor often has the idea that the result of the session is what he will be gauged by. This is NOT true. We know what the result of Standard Tech will be when flawlessly administered. We are not "waiting to see". We are not experimenting. There are no different or difficult pcs. The student on VIII is gauged by the flawless handling of the session and his admin. If the pc does not arrive at the examiner in good shape then we know (a) The auditor goofed (b) The TRs stank 273 (c) The Auditor's Code was probably not followed (d) The auditing report is probably false (e) The C/S was probably botched up in being given (f) The session control was bad. You see we know what Standard Tech does. It's up to the auditor to learn to be UNCOMPROMISINGLY STANDARD. When we have brought about this frame of mind and standard rendition in the auditor we have made a Class VIII. Until we do, we have not. The purpose of the course, then, is to produce an uncompromising zealot for Standard Tech whose reality is such that he will not do or tolerate sloppy rendition. This can be defeated by lousy beginning auditing on the course, by an incompetent Supervisor who invalidates the students' basics or by a C/S who fails to use Standard Tech C/S on a course. To throw a Class VIII Course out of line and defeat its purpose while supervising or C/Sing gives an automatic Treason assignment. People who really don't understand it are in a muddle of confusion anyway. This blows off as basics go in. You just keep putting basics in and they get unconfused. There is something here in Standard Tech. It is the exact Auditor's Code, the exact TRs, the exact processes, the 100% result. It can be learned, it can be done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 274  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FLOATING NEEDLE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 OCTOBER 1968 Remimeo FLOATING NEEDLE Floating needles (F/Ns) are the end phenomena for any process or action with the pc on two cans. It is one of the most important rediscoveries made in years. It was known but lost by auditors. It is the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as 1" or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-Meter calibrated with the TA between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition blowdown of the TA or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. It, by the nature of the E-Meter reading below the awareness of the thetan, occurs just before the pc is aware of it. So to give a "That's it" on the occurrence of the F/N can prevent the pc from getting the cognition. A "floating needle" occurring above 3.0 or below 2.0 on a calibrated Mark V E-Meter with the pc on 2 cans is an ARC Broken Needle. Watch for the pc's indicators. An ARC Broken Needle can occur between 2.0 and 3.0 where bad indicators are apparent. Pcs and pre-OTs OFTEN signal an F/N with a "POP" to the left and the needle can actually even describe a pattern much like a Rock Slam. Meters with lighter movements do "pop" to the left and R/S wildly for a moment. One does not sit and study and be sure of an "F/N". It swings or pops, he lets the pc cognite and then indicates the F/N to the pc preventing overrun. When one OVERRUNS an F/N or misses one, the TA will start to climb. The thing to do is briefly rehabilitate it (rehab it) by indicating it has been by- passed and so regain it. The F/N does not last very long in releasing. The thing to do is end the process off NOW. Don't give another command. It coincides with other "end phenomena" of processes but is senior to them. An F/N can be in normal range and still be an ARC Brk Needle. The thing which determines a real F/N is Good Indicators. Bad Indicators always accompany an ARC Break Needle. On an ARC Brk Needle, check for an ARC Brk. If the TA then climbs, it was a real F/N so you rehab it quickly. A one hand electrode sometimes obscures an F/N and gives false TA. If used, use higher sensitivity and get the TA from 2 cans when needed. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ja.ei.cden Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [HCO B 7 May 1969, Issue V, Floating Needle, is a revision of this HCO B for use on the Dianetics Course only.] 275  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/1/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TEACHING THE CLASS VIII   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 22 OCTOBER 1968R Class VIII REVISED 31 JANUARY 1975 TEACHING THE CLASS VIII As the teaching of basic data restimulates confusions which are then dramatized by throwing the course off line, the teaching of the Class VIII as follows is hugely vital. The teaching of the SO VIIIs is laid down on these simple principles. 1. The data on tapes and Bulletins is studied without alter-is, interpretation or addition by the SO VIII student. 2. Well done and other folders are studied by the individual student. 3. No lecturing or additional interpretation by Supervisors. 4. The student audits only when he has completely passed on 1. and 2. above. He is then given a rope and is permitted to audit. He must not audit before he has completed his checksheet at least once. 5. Things the student is weak on are done in clay. 6. The student is disciplined for bad auditing goofs. He may also be taken off auditing and made to do his checksheet again. 7. The student has to have well dones on sessions and 100% on his final in order to pass. 8. Any student question is answered by referring to the HCO B, folder or tape. 9. A rigid invariable schedule is precisely adhered to. 10. Checksheets and tapes and folders are gone through in the sequence laid down by the checksheet and not randomly out of sequence. If this is made difficult then the program must be cut back to the bare bones of the original above. The teaching of standard tech must also be standard. Therefore the above MUST be adhered to completely. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:rs.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The original issue was "Class VIII" distribution and it said "85%" in 7.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/10/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OT EXTERIOR   Class VIII Dianetic Internship  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor East Grinstead Sussex Class VIII HCO BULLETIN OF 28 OCTOBER 1968 Dianetic (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74V) Internship OT EXTERIOR The datum is ONLY -- when a pc goes exterior you cease to audit or he will go back in. Audit again when he goes back in. LRH:jp.ka.rd Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder 276  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/11/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH TA   Class IV Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 NOVEMBER 1968 Class IV Class VIII HIGH TA There are TWO methods of taking a TA down that is HIGH. 4.0 is a high TA. One is the routine process of "What has been overrun?", HCOB 17 Sept '68. It is not used as a rudiment. It is for chronic high TAs. There is another one also. It is quite different and is run differently. It is not a listing process. It is the simple question "Has anything been overrun?" It is used at session start or after a break when the TA is found to have risen mysteriously to 4.0 or above. It requires a clever auditor. First, he notices the TA is at 4.0. Then he gets the pc to answer "Has anything been overrun?" If the pc says something and the TA comes down, that's it. The TA may only come down to 3.5. But that's it. Then one puts in a rud. Unless of course the answer to "Has anything been O/R?" was "Ruds" or "Asking for ARC Brks". One would then indicate this as BPC and the TA should come on down. The student is disciplined for bad auditing goofs. He may also be taken off auditing and made to do his checksheet again. The student has to have well dones on sessions and 100% on his final in will get it down. The main action hasn't got it up. Overrun of the main action or of any action past F/N will cause the TA to rise. One knows why that is and simply indicates the by-pass of an F/N and down comes the TA. Calling for "Has anything been overrun?" is VERY simple. You don't ask "How many times, etc." You just get it spotted and down comes the TA. If the pc says something in answer and the TA doesn't come down, the auditor says, "No". The pc searches about and gives another. If it's not that the auditor says "No". The pc says something else and down comes the TA and the auditor says, "Good, that's the overrun." And then the auditor carries on with his session actions. The commonest cause of a TA flying up in a break is the process went F/N out of session and the intention of the auditor to continue it sends it up. Note a Real HOT Auditor who really knows his basics can float a needle on this with one shot. LRH:jp.rw.cden L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [In the original issue, the second sentence of the second paragraph was: "It is a formal listing process. This has been deleted per HCO B 10 December 1968, Correction, which also states, " 'What has been overrun?' is used to handle the chronically high TA and is ran as per HCO B Sept 17, 1968, Overrun Process." -- LRH. The only other text in HCO B 10 December 1968 adds "Class IV" to the distribution of both the above and HCO B 17 September 1968.] 277  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/11/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=1 rDate=31/1/75 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII THE BASIC PROCESSES   Remimeo Class VIII HSST  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 NOVEMBER 1968R REVISED 31 JANUARY 1975 Remimeo Class VIII (Note: Original HCO B 2 Nov 68 same title is HSST changed in distribution to Solo C/S Course.) CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII THE BASIC PROCESSES There are several processes which are unlimited. These are very valuable to the Case Supervisor. There are many processes which are limited. These must be traced as not having been done before the C/S orders them done. LIMITED PROCESSES The basic Grade Processes tend to produce Overrun if repeated once done. This is very true of Power and R6EW. Rehab of Grade Processes can be done far too often. Rehab of Grades should be limited to once just before Power and once in the OT IV Rundown. And that's it. S & Ds are more or less limited to one of each type. About one Remedy B on Dianetics and Scientology and one New Style is about it. In general a list question for listing and nulling is a one-shot affair. Lists are very fast actions requiring skilled auditing and should not be handed out carelessly. As a rule any of the above are limited because when repeated they can drive the TA up into overrun. UNLIMITED ACTIONS The most unlimited action is the running of engrams. So long as one uses different subjects one has an unlimited action, the only action being the subject of the engrams. This should not be repeated. A Case Supervisor only has to be alert that the chain on the subject has not been run. This is fortunate because running engrams also produces the most case gain. Secondaries rank with engrams on this unlimited sphere except that secondaries depend for their force on the engrams underlying them and if you run too many secondaries the pc drops into engrams anyway. Recall processes (where recall means only remembering) are unlimited, the only limitation being the subject. You can only run "recall Subject A" for each flow. Then you have to have another subject. There are to be very exact three flows for each Recall subject, three flows for the same subject as secondaries, three flows for the same subject as engrams. Let us take "eating" as a fictitious subject for example. Here is the practical list of obtainable F/Ns. 278 RECALL 1. Recall yourself eating. 2. Recall another eating. 3. Recall another (watching, making) another eat. SECONDARY 1. Find and run a secondary or chain of being emotional about eating. 2. Find and run a secondary or chain of another being emotional about eating. 3. Find and run a secondary or chain of another being emotional about another eating. ENGRAM 1. Find and run an engram (moment of pain and unconsciousness) or chain of being eaten. 2. Find and run an engram (moment of pain and unconsciousness) or chain of eating another. 3. Find and run an engram (moment of pain and unconsciousness) or chain of another eating another. You could order or do all these on one pc. (Providing "eating" read well on the meter in the first place.) But to run a new "Recall" or "Secondary" or "Engram" you would have to avoid the subject already run. You'd have to find a new subject. These three flows and three actions are possible on any one subject that reads. Each is taken to floating needle. The TA would only rise if you overran any of the one actions or if you again tried to get it done on a new C/S action. The use of this is interesting. We can find that the pc in some old C/S was run through his operation and still has a somatic. A skilled Case Supervisor knows he can get rid of the somatic by running the remaining flows. It is common to run the motivator engram and find the pc still has a somatic. So you run the overt on the same subject. If he still has it you can run the third flow of another doing it to another. These lingering somatics used to be a bad thing, and were often a mystery. The engram (or recall) went to F/N but the pc still had a somatic. The answer is of course to order the other flow run. And the somatic will vanish. The dub-in case has a wholly one-sided flow and is trying to run the other side! He will obsessively seek to run the opposite flow to the one he should be running. He can have too heavy a "motivator" and be seeking wildly to run false overts to explain having been hit so hard. So he dubs in overts. Or he has committed some wild overt, intentional or unintentional and is trying to get false motivators. This can even go into the third flow where a person sees a man hit and tries to run being hit or hitting whereas he wasn't a party to either. (You solve this by assessment when you spot dub-in, or just by observing which side is dubbed. You order the other flows run or at least checked to see where the real charge lies.) These actions, then, are limited only by subject. 279 This does not mean that you can't get a high TA suddenly on them. You can accidentally order the same subject as was ordered once before. Or wrong ownership can cause the TA to act up in a peculiar way that looks like an overrun. However, earlier incidents of a similar kind usually get this handled on down to F/N. In fact this crops up and is handled on lower grade pcs more often than you think. The PREPCHECK is another unlimited action. Once more it is the subject that limits it. Not in practice but in theory, on one subject you could Prepcheck, run 3 recalls, three secondaries and three engrams each to F/N. However it gets dicey in practice as the pc protests sometimes. And it is protest of doing it too often after all that pushes the TA up. Havingness is probably not limited. The ruds questions if not done in the same day tend to be unlimited. The TA going up on ruds is pc protest coming from cleaned cleans or false reads. Or he gave you his ARC Brks and now you're asking for more. Ruds, therefore are handled in moderation always. You don't for instance "fly a rud" when the pc comes into session with an F/N. The TA will go up in protest or down in overwhelm. If you put in all ruds to F/N, waited an hour and put in all ruds to F/N again the TA would either soar or drop below 2.0, depending on how the pc looked at it. Assessing prepared lists is unlimited so long as the items are varied. Doing L1C or L4BR or other such lists is unlimited SO LONG AS YOU DON'T BYPASS THE FIRST F/N ON THAT LIST IN ANY ONE SESSION. The GREEN FORM is of this nature. You can do a large number of "GFs" on pcs providing they are each time done to the first F/N. And providing you don't permit any listing and nulling. And providing enough time has gone by to let new data be available. 2 GFs in one day would be fatal. Two in a week risky. The Itsa Earlier Itsa approach to ruds and GF is safe and in general Itsa Earlier Itsa is unlimited. As soon as you let an auditor introduce any other process than Itsa Earlier Itsa on a form you get problems as he is stacking up potential overruns on limited processes. If each time an auditor had a Problem reading on a pc he ran a process, you'd soon have an overrun situation going. Itsa Earlier Itsa is unlimited. ARCU, CDEINR appears to be unlimited for ARC Brks. "WHO nearly found out" is unlimited for Missed W/Hs. But have a care here. In the OT sections pre-OTs often have plain withholds that have no overt connected with them, so withholds is always okay to use especially "In the last session" or "In Auditing". The approach here is: "In auditing has there been an ARC Brk?" ARCU CDEINR. "In auditing has there been a problem?" (not "PTP") Itsa Earlier Itsa. "In auditing has there been a withhold?" Itsa Earlier Itsa. Suppress and "Has anyone said you had a _______ when you didn't" are always used in Rudiments, past sessions or current. 280 You can only fly all ruds with the use of Suppress and False reads ("Has anybody said _______ "). Auditors who have to get into GFs in "flying a rud" either don't know an F/N when they see one or haven't any skill in using Suppress and False. These are all unlimited actions with the reservations as noted. THE PROBLEM OF THE C/S The main problem of a C/S comes about in trying to use the key law: "Reality is proportional to the amount of charge off." A fat review folder, a rollercoaster case, a pc who never gets out of this life, a pc who runs stubbing his toe yesterday as an engram, a pc who dubs in, are alike overcharged cases. To "send" one over the top requires lots of light charge off. The worse off the case, the lighter you handle it. Older practices matched a violent case with violence and never did win at all. They wound up with murder as the "best possible solution". The problem is to get off lots of charge without going very deep on heavily charged cases. Then they eventually come out right. You hold off main actions as long as you can and just work to get charge off. Then you eventually get deep enough to really shove a major action at them. For instance, by carefully preparing a case for a "full IV rundown" with lots of preparatory actions you get an OT every time. It seldom occurs to people that a lot of cases get the highest gains on the TRs of auditing only and the lower grade processes are far too steep and when run on them the pc on Communication Grade Zero does not stop stammering or doesn't cease to be shy. Zero was run on him too soon. You see a fabulous gain on some person doing TR0. Or "just talking to an auditor to F/N". Study blows charge. Some persons (the insane) would have to rest for a week or two to stand up to a mild chat. Some other person could start at Grade IV and do just fine. So the only variable a C/S has is how charged up is a case. The cases all react to the same things, the same actions. But they differ in the amount of "charge". Determining and lightening the charge is the problem of the C/S. There are Personality, IQ and E-Meter tests that give an idea of how charged up the case may be. The thick folder, the times in Review, the thickness of a single session report are of great use. These things only say that some cases are more charged up than others. So the C/S has the actually infinite variety of ways he can apply the FEW actions described above in unlimited processes. 281 Then he has the QUALITY of the charge he can remove. He can do 7 cases over and over so long as he removes the last one run from the new list to be assessed (as the list would F/N on the item just handled). He can comb the area of a pc's environ and with a synonym dictionary compile dozens of different lists. It isn't hard to find what recurring problems a pc has. These can go into lists for assessment and Prepcheck or L1 or each to F/N of 3 recalls or even 3 engrams on higher level cases. Think processes are also unlimited. And have 3 flows. There may be other such unlimited actions. A C/S is also limited by what his auditors can do. And is wise to stay within their training framework. So you see what's standard. The ACTIONS, the Auditing. The subjects used in these ways can be very wide. All you really have to be sure of is that the subject reads on the meter and that the way it's handled on the pc doesn't overwhelm the pc and that's the size of it. The Grades are already laid out like a carpet. You set up the case to run them. If the case is set up for the Grades then you really get wins wins wins. Some Case Supervisor, dazzled by the vast scope you can get from a pc being set up for OT IV overlooks the fact that he can set up pcs for wins on ARC Straight Wire that will look very dazzling to the pc. If the auditor flunks a C/S and can't get it going, the repair action would be (for non-rud sessions) one of the following -- 1. Assess Upset, Problem, Not disclosing something, Unable to say something, Ignored, Didn't understand. (Be careful not to get an item because pc couldn't dig it.) 2. Handle what read with Itsa Earlier Itsa or 1. Assess Auditors, Auditing, Dianetics, Scientology, Sessions, Organization, Books. 2. Prepcheck or 1. Have pc explain why he doesn't want auditing and gently slide into Itsa Earlier Itsa or 1. Assess 7 cases in an expanded list of each rud, omit grades or 1. Green Form to 1st F/N. Be sure questions phrased so pc understands them. 282 So far as Sub-Zeroes go, you have to be very ready to send the pc to Review for the remedies. And you have to be ready to realize that each of these Sub-Zeroes is a grade and that some pcs just aren't set up for them. So you do your review actions before the pc gets in over his head. This is where the Personality Analysis, IQ, and meter test are invaluable. The worse off these come out, the more you work to set the pc up. It even goes down as low as: 1. Pc to handle environment before auditing or 1. Pc to eat better for a week or 1. Pc to rest a week before first session or 1. Pc to take care of physical illness or injury before auditing followed by, some time later, 1. Notice that object to F/N, or 1. Have pc find something in room that is really real to him to F/N. So you see that all auditing is built of the same stuff -- the Code, the Actions, the smooth TRs. Standard C/Sing is the use of these actions. Setting pc up for the Grades. A C/S can appear very clever indeed. His cleverness is composed of just the things you find here and in the way he finds ways to use them. He orders auditing in accordance with where the pc is on the grades. He hoards his grades until he is sure they fly the pc. And that is good C/Sing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 283  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/11/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLEARING COMMANDS ALL LEVELS   Remimeo Academy SHSBC  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 NOVEMBER 1968 Remimeo Academy SHSBC CLEARING COMMANDS ALL LEVELS You never let the pc off the cans in Standard Tech. The pc can go release on the subject of the process without the process being run. Therefore, while clearing commands never let the pc off the cans. The Auditor opens the dictionary to the correct page for the pc to read. (This HCO B does not alter or change HCO B 14 Nov 65, "Clearing Commands".) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ldm.ei.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is amended by BTB 2 May 1972R, Revised and Reissued 10 June 1974, Clearing Commands, which gives the rules of clearing commands.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/12/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CORRECTION   Class IV Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1968 Class IV Class VIII CORRECTION HCO B 1 Nov 1968, High TA, and HCO B 17 Sept 1968, Overrun Process -- Mimeo Distribution is to be corrected to read: Class IV Class VIII. HCO B 1 Nov 1968, High TA, para 2, 2nd sentence."It is a formal listing process" is to be deleted. "What has been overrun?" is used to handle the chronically high TA and is run as per HCO B 17 Sept 1968, Overrun Process. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:pq.idm.rw.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 284  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/12/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 DECEMBER 1968 (REVISED -- see HCO B 15 Dec 68R Volume VIII -- 138) Remimeo (Amends HCO Bulletin of 9 January 1968, "List L4A") (ITEM 6 CORRECTED 12 FEBRUARY 1969) L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS PC's NAME _______________________ AUDITOR _______________________ DATE ________ 1. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? (ARE YOU UPSET) (If the question reads, establish if the upset is due to a break in AFFINITY, REALITY, COMMUNICATION or UNDERSTANDING, by assessment. Indicate what read to the Pc. Take the one found and fit into the following buttons, CURIOUS ABOUT _______ , DESIRED _______ , ENFORCED _______ , INHIBITED _______ . Indicate the by-passed charge to the Pc. Check ARC Break question, if reads, ask for earlier similar ARC Break.) 2. DO YOU HAVE A PRESENT TIME PROBLEM? (If this reads, handle with Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 3. IS A LIST INCOMPLETE? (If reads, find out what list and complete it, give the Pc his item.) 4. HAS A LIST BEEN LISTED TOO LONG? (If so, find what list and get the item off from it by nulling with suppress, the nulling question being: "On _______ has anything been suppressed?", for each item on the overlong list. Give the Pc his item.) 5. HAVE WE TAKEN THE WRONG ITEM OFF A LIST? (If this reads, put in Suppress and Invalidated on the list and null as in 4. above and find the right item and give to the Pc.) 6. HAS A RIGHT ITEM BEEN DENIED YOU? (If this reads, find out what it was and clean it up with Suppress and Invalidate and give it to the Pc.) 7. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PUSHED OFF ON YOU YOU DIDN'T WANT? (If so, find it and get in Suppress and Invalidate on it and tell Pc it wasn't his item and continue the original action to find the correct item.) 8. HAD AN ITEM NOT BEEN GIVEN YOU? (If reads handle as in 6.) 9. HAVE YOU INVALIDATED A CORRECT ITEM FOUND? (If so rehab the item and find out why the Pc invalidated it or if somebody else did it, clean it up and give it to Pc again.) 10. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF ITEMS THAT YOU DID NOT PUT ON THE LIST? (If so, add them to the correct list. Renull the whole list and give the Pc the item.) 285 11. HAVE YOU BEEN LISTING TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? (If so, find out what question and try to write a list from recall and get an item and give it to the Pc.) 12. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE'S ITEM? (If so, indicate to the Pc this was not his item. Don't TRY to find whose it was.) 13. HAS YOUR ITEM BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEONE ELSE? (If so, find if possible what item it was and give it to the Pc. Don't try to identify the "somebody else".) 14. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON LISTING? (If so, indicate the overrun to the Pc, rehab back.) 15. HAS A RELEASE POINT BEEN BY-PASSED ON THE QUESTION ONLY? (If so, indicate the overrun to the Pc and rehab back.) 16. HAS IT BEEN AN OVERT TO PUT AN ITEM ON A LIST? (If so, find out what item and why.) 17. HAVE YOU WITHHELD AN ITEM FROM A LIST? (If so, get it and add it to the list if that list is available. If not put item in the report.) 18. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? (If so, get it, if discreditable ask "Who nearly found out?") 19. HAS AN ITEM BEEN BY-PASSED? (Locate which one.) 20. WAS A LISTING QUESTION MEANINGLESS? (If so, find out which one and indicate to the Pc.) 21. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ABANDONED? (If so, locate it and get it back for the Pc and give it to him.) 22. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PROTESTED? (If so, locate it and get the protest button in on it.) 23. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ASSERTED? (If so, locate it and get in the assert button on it.) 24. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUGGESTED TO YOU BY ANOTHER? (If so, get it named and the protest and refusal off.) 25. HAS AN ITEM BEEN VOLUNTEERED BY YOU AND NOT ACCEPTED? (If so, get off the charge and give it to the Pc, or if he then changes his mind on it, go on with the listing operation.) 26. HAS THE ITEM ALREADY BEEN GIVEN? (If so, get it back and give it again.) 27. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FOUND PREVIOUSLY? (If so, find what it was again and give it to Pc once more.) 28. HAS AN ITEM NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? (If so, work it over with buttons until Pc understands it or accepts or rejects it and go on with listing.) 29. WAS AN ITEM DIFFERENT WHEN SAID BY THE AUDITOR? (If so, find out what the item was and give it to the Pc correctly.) 286 30. WAS NULLING CARRIED ON PAST THE FOUND ITEM? (If so, go back to it and get in Suppress and Protest.) 31. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FORCED ON YOU? (If so, get off the reject and Suppress and get the listing action completed to the right item if possible.) 32. HAS AN ITEM BEEN EVALUATED? (If so, get off the disagreement and Protest.) 33. HAD EARLIER LISTING BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 34. HAS AN EARLIER WRONG ITEM BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, find when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 35. HAS AN EARLIER ARC BREAK BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate and indicate the fact by Itsa earlier similar Itsa.) 36. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK BECAUSE OF BEING MADE TO DO THIS? (If so, indicate it to the Pc, check the question if reads. Get earlier similar Itsa.) 37. IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BY-PASSED CHARGE? (If so, find what and indicate it to Pc.) 38. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? (If so, indicate it to Pc.) 39. HAS THE UPSET BEEN HANDLED? (If so, indicate it to the Pc.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.rw.ei.cden Copyright $c 1968, 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The correction of 12 February 1969 was to change the word "WRONG" to "RIGHT" in Item 6. The above Bulletin was amended on 8 August 1970, Volume VII, page 119, and the title changed to L4B -- For Assessment of All Listing Errors. This amendment changed Item 1 to "WAS THE LIST UNNECESSARY?" and Item 2 to "WAS THE ACTION DONE UNDER PROTEST?". It also added the following: after Number 15, "16. HAVE YOU GONE EXTERIOR WHILE LISTING?"; after Number 36, "38. HAS THIS LIST CORRECTION BEEN OVERRUN?"; and as a last item after Number 39, "42. HAS A LIST PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN?". The items from 16 on were renumbered to accommodate the additional items. This List was further amended on 18 March 1971, Volume VII, page 200, with no change in the title. This amendment added an item at the beginning: "1. DID YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE LISTING QUESTION?". All the previous items remained unchanged except for their numbers being increased by one. The handlings for these added items were the same as is given for them in HCO B 15 December 1968 REVISED, Revised 2 June 1972, L4BR -- For Assessment of All Listing Errors, which can be found in Volume VIII, page 138. The first issue of L-4 was contained in HCO B 5 July 1963, ARC Break Assessments, Volume V, page 306.] 287  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=26/12/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE THIRD PARTY LAW   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 26 DECEMBER 1968 (Note: This data is turned out as an HCO B and a Pol Ltr [issued as each one] as may apply very broadly in both the OEC and Level IV or above Courses.) THE THIRD PARTY LAW I have for a very long time studied the causes of violence and conflict amongst individuals and nations. If Chaldea could vanish, if Babylon turn to dust, if Egypt could become a badlands, if Sicily could have 160 prosperous cities and be a looted ruin before the year zero and a near desert ever since -- and all this in SPITE of all the work and wisdom and good wishes and intent of human beings, then it must follow as the dark follows sunset that something must be unknown to Man concerning all his works and ways. And that this something must be so deadly and so pervasive as to destroy all his ambitions and his chances long before their time. Such a thing would have to be some natural law unguessed at by himself. And there is such a law, apparently, that answers these conditions of being deadly, unknown and embracing all activities. The law would seem to be: A THIRD PARTY MUST BE PRESENT AND UNKNOWN IN EVERY QUARREL FOR A CONFLICT TO EXIST. or FOR A QUARREL TO OCCUR, AN UNKNOWN THIRD PARTY MUST BE ACTIVE IN PRODUCING IT BETWEEN TWO POTENTIAL OPPONENTS. or WHILE IT IS COMMONLY BELIEVED TO TAKE TWO TO MAKE A FIGHT, A THIRD PARTY MUST EXIST AND MUST DEVELOP IT FOR ACTUAL CONFLICT TO OCCUR. It is very easy to see that two in conflict are fighting. They are very visible. What is harder to see or suspect is that a third party existed and actively promoted the quarrel. The usually unsuspected and "reasonable" third party, the bystander who denies any part of it is the one that brought the conflict into existence in the first place. The hidden third party, seeming at times to be a supporter of only one side, is to be found as the instigator. This is a useful law on many dynamics. It is the cause of war. One sees two fellows shouting bad names at each other, sees them come to blows. No one else is around. So they, of course, "caused the fight". But there was a third party. 288 Tracing these down, one comes upon incredible data. That is the trouble. The incredible is too easily rejected. One way to hide things is to make them incredible. Clerk A and Messenger B have been arguing. They blaze into direct conflict. Each blames the other. NEITHER ONE IS CORRECT AND SO THE QUARREL DOES NOT RESOLVE SINCE ITS TRUE CAUSE IS NOT ESTABLISHED. One looks into such a case THOROUGHLY. He finds the incredible. The wife of Clerk A has been sleeping with Messenger B and complaining alike to both about the other. Farmer J and Rancher K have been tearing each other to pieces for years in continual conflict. There are obvious, logical reasons for the fight. Yet it continues and does not resolve. A close search finds Banker L who, due to their losses in the fighting, is able to loan each side money, while keeping the quarrel going, and who will get their lands completely if both lose. It goes larger. The revolutionary forces and the Russian government were in conflict in 1917. The reasons are so many the attention easily sticks on them. But only when Germany's official state papers were captured in World War II was it revealed that Germany had promoted the revolt and financed LENIN to spark it off, even sending him into Russia in a blacked out train! One looks over "personal" quarrels, group conflicts, national battles and one finds, if he searches, the third party, unsuspected by both combatants or if suspected at all, brushed off as "fantastic". Yet careful documentation finally affirms it. This datum is fabulously useful. In marital quarrels the correct approach of anyone counseling, is to get both parties to carefully search out the third party. They may come to many reasons at first. These reasons are not beings. One is looking for a third party, an actual being. When both find the third party and establish proof, that will be the end of the quarrel. Sometimes two parties, quarreling, suddenly decide to elect a being to blame. This stops the quarrel. Sometimes it is not the right being and more quarrels thereafter occur. Two nations at each other's throats should each seek conference with the other to sift out and locate the actual third party. They will always find one if they look, and they can find the right one. As it will be found to exist in fact. There are probably many technical approaches one could develop and outline in this matter. There are many odd phenomena connected with it. An accurately spotted third party is usually not fought at all by either party but only shunned. Marital conflicts are common. Marriages can be saved by both parties really sorting out who caused the conflicts. There may have been, in the whole history of the marriage, several, but only one at a time. Quarrels between an individual and an organization are nearly always caused by an individual third party or a third group. The organization and the individual should get together and isolate the third party by displaying to each other all the data they each have been fed. Rioters and governments alike could be brought back to agreement could one get representatives of both to give each other what they have been told by whom. 289 SUCH CONFERENCES HAVE TENDED TO DEAL ONLY IN RECRIMINATIONS OR CONDITIONS OR ABUSES. THEY MUST DEAL IN BEINGS ONLY IN ORDER TO SUCCEED. This theory might be thought to assert also that there are no bad conditions that cause conflict. There are. But these are usually REMEDIAL BY CONFERENCE UNLESS A THIRD PARTY IS PROMOTING CONFLICT. In history we have a very foul opinion of the past because it is related by recriminations of two opponents and has not spotted the third party. "Underlying causes': of war should read "hidden promoters". There are no conflicts which cannot be resolved unless the true promoters of them remain hidden. This is the natural law the ancients and moderns alike did not know. And not knowing it, being led off into "reasons", whole civilizations have died. It is worth knowing. It is worth working with in any situation where one is trying to bring peace. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:rw.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 290  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=8/1/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUGS AND "INSANITY" NON-COMPLIANCE AND ALTER-IS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 JANUARY 1969 Remimeo DRUGS AND "INSANITY" NON-COMPLIANCE AND ALTER-IS I have been doing some research on drug cases and takers which has shed some interesting light on this and also insanity. The basic equation is apparently: WHEN THREATENED WITH UNMOCKING A THETAN MOCKS UP OBSESSIVELY. Actually the datum is a small bit from OT VIII data, being part of energy creation. It applies too well at lower levels, however, to leave it in such a stratosphere. It explains for instance why a pc, challenged by an "auditor" who is breaking the Auditor's Code, gets such a solid reaction in the reactive bank. Threatened by an apparent effort to destroy him instead of letting him find the truth, the pc reacts by mocking up hard below his awareness level. This does not, of course, make him insane. It just sticks him a bit in the session. Drugs (LSD, marijuana, alcohol, whatever) produce a threat to the body like any other poison. The threat is to the body. The thetan reacts by mocking up. Of course what he mocks up is some engram, secondary or combination of fancy and fact. He can do this in some cases, so hard that it becomes more real (and safer) than present time. Thus, under threat, he goes out of present time. Now comes the next bit which is important as a new discovery: HIS TIME TRACK IS NOT THEN BEING MADE UP WHOLLY OF PRESENT TIME EVENTS. IT IS A COMPOSITE OF PAST TRACK, IMAGINATION AND PRESENT EVENTS. Thus, right there before your eyes he, apparently in the same room as you are, doing the same things, is really only partially there and partially in some past events. He seems to be there. Really he isn't "tracking" fully with present time. What is going on to a rational observation is not what is going on to him. Thus he does not duplicate statements made by another but tries to fit them into his composite reality. In order to fit them in, he has to alter them. We therefore have the real basis of alter-is. He may be sure he is helping one REPAIR the floor but in actual fact he is hindering the actual operation in progress which really consists of CLEANING the floor. So when he "helps one" mop the floor he introduces chaos into the activity. Since he is REPAIRING the floor a request to "give me the mop" has to be reinterpreted as "hand me the hammer". But the mop handle is larger than a hammer handle so the bucket gets upset. 291 As a thetan can mock up an infinity of combinations, there would be an infinity of types of reactions to drugs. There would also be an infinity of types of insanity. What is constant is that he is NOT RUNNING IN THE SAME SERIES OF EVENTS as others. This can be slight, wherein the person is seen to make occasional mistakes. It can be as serious as total insanity where the events apparent to him are completely different than those apparent to anyone else. And it can be all grades in between. It isn't that he doesn't know what's going on. It's that he perceives something else going on instead of the Present Time sequence of events. Thus others appear to him to be stupid or unreasonable or insane. As they don't agree in their actions and orders with what he plainly sees is in progress "they" aren't sensible. Example: A group is moving furniture. To all but one they are simply moving furniture. This one perceives himself to be "moving geometric shapes into a cloud". Thus this one "makes mistakes" "alter- ises" "non-complies". As the group doesn't see inside him and only sees another like themselves, they can't figure out why he "balls things up so". Such persons as drug takers and the insane are thus slightly or wholly on an apparently different time track of "present time" events. A drug may be taken to drive a person out of an unbearable PT or out of consciousness altogether. In some persons they do not afterwards return wholly to Present Time. A thetan can also escape an unbearable PT by dropping into the past, even without drugs. The penalty is running into obsessive mocking up to counter the threat of being unmocked. The answer is to erase the engrams and reactive mechanisms. As all this out-of-PT is unknowing, it is aberrative. Things one is doing that one knows one is doing are not aberrative. The drug taker and the insane alike have not recovered present time, to a greater or lesser degree. Thus they think they are running on a different time track than they are, which, unknowingly and out of the past, they are, to a greater or lesser degree, mocking up. These are the underlying facts in odd human behavior. ENTURBULATION Thus we get an explanation of enturbulation as well. As what is going on according to the perception and subjective reality of such a person is varied in greater or lesser degree from the objective reality of others, such a person enturbulates the actual environment. What is really going on is not what is going on for them. Orders, then, are not complied with, other things happen and people around such a person have their own consecutive events disrupted. This causes enturbulation. The non-compliance, alter-is and upsets from a person who is out of present time 292 and (what is new about this) who is running on a different series of events than those going on for the rest cause general enturbulation. This is why it takes two additional staff members to handle the routine goofs of such a person. They are forcing events to run more or less normally against the counter effort of a person with a delusory time track. We have all known such a person, many more than one, so it is not uncommon in the current civilization. The sudden non sequitur remark, out of context. The blank stare when given an order or a remark -- behind these lies a whole imaginary time track which we jar into and accidentally disrupt. EXTERIORIZATION In OT sections we sometimes hear of a person who is "exterior" and so can't be audited any more. The symptoms of the person have not changed. So he still has aberrations. The answer is to clear the word exteriorization with them. They often are exterior into a never-never non-extant universe. Or exterior in a past death. When the word is cleared with them, they often don't really say what was going on. They experience a strange reaction and change. If one then runs a bit of objective havingness, they come into present time. This applies only to exteriorized cases who can't be audited because they are "exterior". And yet aren't all right casewise. The usual course is to just handle the case by Standard Tech. They eventually come right. DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT Anyone forced into a dangerous environment tends to either go fully into PT or retreat from PT. The only ones who suffer from it afterwards are those who don't move on up the track as life goes on but stay there, retreated from a long gone present time or stuck in a moment of the past. This is done, of course, because of pictures mocked up obsessively under the threat of unmock. When you understand the condition you can't be fooled by it and think such people are there with you when they are not. Auditing of course resolves this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sdp.el.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 293  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/1/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUB-ZEROS -- TRIPLE GRADES LOWER LEVELS -- TRIPLE GRADES   Remimeo Class IV  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JANUARY 1969 Issue II (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74 VI) Remimeo Class IV SUB-ZEROS -- TRIPLE GRADES LOWER LEVELS -- TRIPLE GRADES ______________________________________ ________________________________________ Auditor Pc Name ______________________________________ ________________________________________ Case Supervisor Date Note: This HCOB is to be used ONE FOR EACH PC as a check sheet for that pc and belongs in his/her folder. IT IS DONE DURING session, not filled in after. Triple Grades depends upon the three primary flows: Out-Flow, In-Flow, and Cross-Flow. These are designated respectively: F1, F2, and F3. Each Grade is now followed by a Havingness process. Processing deletes unwanted mass. Havingness restores the mass "desired" and eventually brings one up to not needing it. Each grade is complete when its Havingness processes have been run to FN after all flows of all processes here listed for that grade have been run each to FN. TRIPLE RUDS RUN Auditor's Initials in earlier session To FN _______ Rud flown this session To FN _______ STRAIGHT-WIRE TRIPLE SW F1: Recall a time that was really real to you. ) ) Recall a time you were in good communication with ) someone. ) ) To FN _______ Recall a time you really felt affinity for someone.) ) Recall a time you knew you understood someone. ) SW F2: Recall a time that was really real to another. ) ) Recall a time someone was in good communication ) with you. ) ) To FN _______ Recall a time someone really felt affinity for you.) ) Recall a time another knew he/she understood you. ) 294 Auditor's Initials SW F3: Recall a time that was really real for others. ) ) Recall a time another was in good communication ) with others. ) ) To FN _______ Recall a time another really felt affinity for others.) ) Recall a time another knew he understood others. ) Havingness: SWH F1: Look around here and find something that is really real to you. To FN _______ SWH F2: Look around here and find something that would really be real to another. To FN _______ SWH F3: Look around here and find something that would be really real to others. To FN _______ DIANETIC SECONDARIES TRIPLES RECALL STEP: SR F1 - Recall losing something. To FN _______ SR F2 - Recall another losing something. To FN _______ SR F3 - Recall others losing something of another's. To FN _______ Havingness: (1 process) SRH Notice that _______ . To FN _______ INCIDENT STEPS: IS F1: "Locate an incident where you lost something." 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent runs through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 295 Auditor's Initials 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ IS F2: "Locate an incident of you causing another loss and misemotion." 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent runs through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ IS F3: "Locate an incident of another causing others loss and misemotion. 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 296 Auditor's Initials 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent runs through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ If the pc drops into the underlying engram chain on any secondary flow being run, before FN on the chain, continue down the engram chain to FN and note the fact on this check sheet so that that engram flow will not be run again in error. After FN on that engram chain, take up the next remaining secondary flow. Havingness: ISH F1: Tell me something you could touch. To FN _______ ISH F2: Tell me something another could touch. To FN _______ ISH F3: Tell me something another could get others to To FN _______ touch. DIANETIC ENGRAMS TRIPLE NO RECALL STEP INCIDENT STEPS: E F1: "Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness." 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 297 Auditor's Initials 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent runs through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ E F2: "Locate an incident of you causing another pain and unconsciousness." 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent suns through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or 298 Auditor's Initials b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ E F3: "Locate an incident of another causing others pain and unconsciousness." 1. Date the incident. 2. Move pc to the incident with the exact command "Move to (date)." 3. "What is the duration of the incident?" 4. "Move to the beginning of the incident at (date)." Wait until meter flicks. 5. "What do you see?" (If pc's eyes are open, tell pc first, "close your eyes.") 6. "Move through the incident to a point (duration) later." 7. Ask nothing, say nothing, do nothing (except observe meter or make quiet notes) while pc is going through the incident. If the pc says anything at all, just acknowledge and let him continue, using this exact command softly "okay, continue." 8. When the pc reaches the end of the incident say only "What happened?" When pc has finished talking, give a final acknowledgement. 9. Repeat exactly and only 2 through 8. 10. After the second and subsequent runs through an incident check "Has the incident become more solid?" with the pc. 11. Continue the above until: a. The pc spots an earlier incident, or b. The pc gets no change on a run through the incident from the run just before, or c. The incident becomes more solid or fails to discharge. 12. If a, b, or c above occurs: "Locate an earlier similar incident." 13. Then 1 through 9. To FN _______ Havingness: EH F1: Look around here and find something you like. To FN _______ EH F2: Look around here and find something another would like. To FN _______ EH F3: Look around here and find something another could get others to like. To FN _______ 299 Auditor's Initials LEVEL 0 TRIPLE 0-0F1 "What are you willing to talk to me about?" ) To FN _______ "What would you like to tell me about that?" 0-0F2 "What are you willing for another to talk to you about?" ) To FN _______ "What would you like him/her to tell you about that?" 0-0F3 "What is another willing to talk to others about?" ) To FN _______ "What would he like to tell others about that?" 0A-F1 (Auditor chooses person by asking pc who it would be difficult to talk to.) "If you could talk to _______ (chosen subject), what would you talk about?" ) To FN _______ "All right, if you were talking to _______ about that, what would you say exactly?" 0A-F2 (Auditor chooses someone pc wouldn't like to listen to.) "If _______ could talk to you, what would he talk about?" ) To FN _______ "All right, if _______ was talking to you about that, what would he/she say exactly?" 0A-F3 (Auditor chooses two people antagonistic to each other.) "If another could talk to (two antagonistic persons) what would he/she talk about?" ) To FN _______ "All right, if another was talking to (two antagonistic persons) about that, what would he/she say exactly?" 0B-F1 (Auditor chooses subject pc would have difficulty talking about.) "What are you willing to tell me about _______ ?" ) To FN _______ "Who else could you say those things to?" 0B-F2 (Auditor chooses subject pc would find it difficult to hear another talk about.) "What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _______ ?" ) To FN _______ "Who else could he or she say those things to?" 0B-F3 (Auditor chooses subject pc would have difficulty having others discuss.) "What are you willing to have someone tell others about _______ ?" ) To FN _______ "Who else could another say those things to?" 300 Auditor's Initials Havingness: 0H F1: What solid could you understand? To FN _______ 0H F2: What solid could another understand? To FN _______ 0H F3: What solid could another get others to understand? To FN _______ LEVEL ONE TRIPLE 1-F1 "What problem have you had with someone?" ) To FN _______ "What solutions have you had for that problem?" 1-F2 "What problem has another had with you?" ) To FN _______ "What solutions has another had for that problem?" 1-F3 "What problem has someone had with another?" ) To FN _______ "What solutions have they had for that problem?" Havingness: 1H F1: a. Point out something desirable. To FN _______ 1H F2: a. Point out something another would find desirable. To FN _______ 1H F3: a. Point out something another could get others to desire. To FN _______ LEVEL TWO TRIPLE HCO B 5 August 68, "Level II -- Change of Commands", is amended as these flows will now be run separately. 2-F1 "What have you done?" To FN _______ 2-F2 "What has been done to you?" To FN _______ 2-F3 "What has another done to another?" To FN _______ Havingness: 2H F1: Tell me a flow you could be interested in. To FN _______ 2H F2: Tell me a flow another would be interested in. To FN _______ 2H F3: Tell me a flow another could get others interested in. To FN _______ LEVEL THREE TRIPLE 3-F1 1. Locate a change in life by listing to Blowdown: "What change has happened in your life?" 2. Get it dated. 3. Get some of the data of it (don't run as an engram) so you know what the change was. 301 Auditor's Initials 4. Find out by assessment if this was a Break in Affinity Reality Communication or Understanding and have the pc examine that briefly. 5. Taking the one found in "4" find out by assessment if it was Curious about _______ Desired _____________ Enforced ____________ Inhibited ___________ To FN _______ 3-F2 1. Locate a change by listing to Blowdown: "What change has happened in another's life?" 2. Get it dated. 3. Get some of the data of it (don't run as an engram) so you know what the change was. 4. Find out by assessment if this was a Break in Affinity Reality Communication or Understanding and have the pc examine that briefly. 5. Taking the one found in "4" find out by assessment if it was Curious about _______ Desired _____________ Enforced ____________ Inhibited ___________ To FN _______ 3-F3 1. Locate a change by listing to Blowdown: "What change has happened in others' lives?" 2. Get it dated. 3. Get some of the data of it (don't run as an engram) so you know what the change was. 4. Find out by assessment if this was a Break in Affinity Reality Communication or Understanding and have the pc examine that briefly. 5. Taking the one found in "4" find out by assessment if it was 302 Auditor's Initials Curious about __________ Desired ________________ Enforced________________ Inhibited ______________ To FN _______ Havingness: 3H F1: What is unknown about that (room object)? To FN _______ 3H F2: What doesn't another know about that (room object)? To FN _______ 3H F3: What about that (room object) could someone make unknown to others? To FN _______ LEVEL FOUR TRIPLE 4-F1 List, "In this lifetime what do you use to make others wrong?" Null to the Service Fac. Run it in brackets: "In this lifetime how would _______ (Service Fac) make you right?" "In this lifetime how would _______ make others wrong?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help you escape domination?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help you dominate others?" "In this lifetime how would _______ aid your survival?" "In this lifetime how would _______ hinder the survival of others?" To FN _______ 4-F2 List, "In this lifetime what does another use to make you wrong?" Null to Service Fac. Run it in: "In this lifetime how would _______ make others right?" "In this lifetime how would _______ make you wrong?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help others escape domination?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help others to dominate you?" "In this lifetime how would _______ aid their survival?" "In this lifetime how would _______ hinder your survival?" To FN _______ 303 Auditor's Initials 4-F3 List, "In this lifetime what does another use to make others wrong?" Null to Service Fac. Run it in: "In this lifetime how would _______ make another make himself right?" "In this lifetime how would _______ let another make others wrong?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help another escape domination?" "In this lifetime how would _______ help another dominate others?" "In this lifetime how would _______ aid another's survival?" "In this lifetime how would _______ hinder the survival of others?" To FN _______ Havingness: 4H F1: Tell me a flow you know something about. To FN _______ 4H F2: Tell me a flow another could know something about. To FN _______ 4H F3: Tell me a flow someone could get others to know about. To FN _______ LRH:ldm.el.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder [This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 17 June 1970 Issue III, Cancellation of HCO Bs that Conflict with Full Lower Grades which was not written by LRH and was cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1970. BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VI, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1969 confirms the above HCO B as cancelled.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/1/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TARGETS & COMPUTERS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JANUARY 1969 Remimeo TARGETS & COMPUTERS It is interesting to note that my new developments on Targets and Purposes in recent HCO Pol Ltrs are possibly adaptable to COMPUTER PROGRAMMING. Meaning they apply to and could make a new level of Computer action and usefulness. LRH:ldm.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 304  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/1/69 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRIPLE LOWER GRADES   Remimeo Class VIIIs May be issued to Lower Level Auditors Class IV in Academies and SHSBC (Hold and send with 24 Jan 1969)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 JANUARY 1969 Remimeo Issue III Class VIIIs (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74 VI) May be issued (Hold and send with 24 Jan 1969) to Lower Level Auditors Class IV in Academies and SHSBC TRIPLE LOWER GRADES (Corrected Issue) Running Them Providing certain actions are done, Triple Grades are easy to run. Triple Grades means handling 3 of available flows, the 3 major ones, self to another, another to self, another to others. The HCOB 24 Jan 69 is written to be used as part of the C/S and pc's folder. It is checked off and used DURING the session. An HCOB goes in each pc's folder for use. The main danger is auditing a pc who has no clue what auditing is and letting him get all butchered up too far up the grades before it is caught. Therefore the pc really ought to get a brief indoctrination by attending a Comm Course for TRs and get an idea of it. Also only Triple Ruds should be run on him AND NO MORE in the second session. Then the C/S can see how it is going and do Triple Grades in the 3rd session. You can even order simply the Triple Rud of an ARC Break in the second session. You should just order 2 way comm in the first session plus White Form anyway. YOU DON'T SIMPLY LET A GREEN PC AND GREEN AUDITOR or a green pc and a good auditor loose on triple grades in the first session. Auditor Confusion An auditor can get lost trying to follow triple grades (first thing I learned about auditors and triple grades). He misses flows. Example: Pc on secondaries flow I drops into engrams. Auditor audits out engram. Now the auditor can goof by running the other two flows as engrams too. He would thus skip 2 processes -- the other two secondary flows. It is correct to finish the engram he dropped into and THEN run the other two secondary flows. And then the other 2 engram flows. MAKE THE AUDITOR USE THE HCOB for that pc on every process as he runs it. He should not be reading the Commands to the pc from it however. Clearing Commands Don't clear the Commands of all ruds and then run them, or of all processes and then run them. You'll miss F/Ns. 305 Commands of one process are cleared just before that process is run. Don't Overrun It can be fatal to overrun a leg of triple grades and then not clean it up before going on. So order your auditors to stop if an overrun looks suspicious (TA going up) and check it. And then if still not sure to send it back for C/S. Don't let the auditor go on and butcher up all the grades above the goof. Listing The laws of Listing are a MUST. If a list goes oddly -- too long or TA rises -- make the auditor check with C/S. And don't let him go on. Out Ruds Be sure ruds are cleanly in on Triple Grades before letting an auditor take off and run them. Old Pcs Any pc, or pre OT, can be run on the missing lags of the lower grades. But not Power after clear. There is not yet Triple Power. There aren't triple OT sections. There are just Triple grades. Tight C/Sing Small errors must be caught by C/Ses, not let go by. Keep a tight, exact control. Invalidated Auditors An auditor (or a C/S for that matter) who begins to goof has collided with a stop on his purpose to help people and set them free. Therefore all you have to do is two way comm his earlier purpose into view and the stop usually blows. If it doesn't, a routine patch up session remedies it. In Triple grades there are more chances for goofs that then go on and more chances for gain. So up your precision. LRH:sdp.ei.cden L. RON HUBBARD Copyright$c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was cancelled by HCO B 17 June 1970, Issue III, Cancellation of HCO Bs that Conflict with Full Lower Grades, which was not written by LRH and was cancelled by BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VII, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1970. BTB 10 December 1974, Issue VI, Cancellation of Bulletins -- 1969, confirms the above HCO B as cancelled and gives as a reference HCO B 3 February 1969, Triple Grades -- Flows, on the following page.] 306  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/2/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRIPLE GRADES FLOWS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 FEBRUARY 1969 Remimeo TRIPLE GRADES FLOWS There are a great many potential flows. These are covered in greater detail in earlier work. In Triple Grades the following are the only flows used: 1. Self ---------------> Another 2. Self <--------------- Another 3. Others <------------- Another Or In an introverted (going into) type process 1 A for Self 1 B for Another 1 C for Others Or A mix of the two. As the patterns of an individual are in actual fact the same in all cases, it is the type of process rather than the type of pc which regulates the flows. Intensity of one or more "legs" of the flow will be found to vary from pc to pc. One pc has a strong inflow, weak outflow and very weak others flow. Another has a strong outflow. Another is all wrapped up in others with no real attention to self. The wording of the STANDARD commands of Triple Grades (Subzero and Lower Levels) takes care of these imbalances. No further attention is necessary by the auditor. The auditor will find that all this reflects on his work sheet by different lengths of time to run different flows. By FLOW is meant an impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses between terminals. It is essentially a 3 terminal universe in actual fact. The discovery of this led to Triple Grades. There is more data on the 3 terminal universe in material on the THIRD PARTY LAW. This is not necessarily important -- either the 3rd Party Law or that it's a 3 terminal universe -- to the auditor in running the processes of Triple Grades. He should however have some idea of flows. Very intricate and numerous flows can be isolated. Triple is the fundamental and what is used in normal auditing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sdp.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 307  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/2/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRIPLE GRADES Firm Policy on Triple Grades NOT to be violated   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 FEBRUARY 1969 Issue II (CANCELLED -- see HCO B 5 June 70 Volume VII -- 54) Remimeo TRIPLE GRADES Firm Policy on Triple Grades NOT to be violated Triple Grades when released will be run on HGC pcs and Qual only by HGC and Qual Auditors under Class VIII supervision. Triple Grades are NOT taught in the Dianetics Course. They are NOT run by Dianetic students on pcs. Triple Grades do NOT change the Dianetics Course. Dianetic Course auditors are forbidden to run Triple Grades. They change NO checksheet on Dianetics Course. Triple Grades are NOT taught on Levels Zero, I, II or III. They are NOT run by students on these levels. Triple Grades do NOT change Level 0, I, II, III checksheets. Auditors of these classes (0, I, II, III) do not use and are forbidden to use Triple Grades on their own pcs. CLASS IV Triple Grades are taught and are added to the checksheet of Level IV. They may be audited by Class IV auditors on their pcs only under the direct supervision of a Class VIII auditor. HGC auditors and Qual auditors traditionally have been understood to have a right to audit any authorized process under proper supervision. Therefore when auditing under the direct supervision of a Class VIII auditor HGC and Qual auditors briefed on Triple Grades starrate can run them. CLASS V A Saint Hill Level V checksheet must have all data on flows added to it and all Triple Grade data. A Saint Hill Class V may audit, when trained on the new checksheet, Triple Grades on his own pcs or without further supervision. In an org he would of course get Class VIII supervision. Note therefore that Lower Level auditors and Lower Level courses continue as always with single sub-zeroes and single grades both as to training and practical up to but not including Level IV. Note that the remaining two flows of the sub-zeroes and lower grades CAN BE PUT IN on a pc before or even after Power. You rehab the single grade (by counting times released) and then run its other two flows. You rehab the next single grade and run its other two flows. The sequence is 308 rehab the grade, run its other two flows. Don't rehab all grades and then put in each other two. This also applies to sub-zeroes. The best time to do this is BEFORE POWER. The advantage of Triple Grades is 1. Greatly increased gain per level. 2. Enormously increased stability for the gains of lower grades. If and when Triple Power is worked out if it is ever issued, this HCOB still applies. The exact commands of Triple Grades and the form used on each pc for them are the subject of another HCOB. Policy is firm that a separate Triple Grade form is used for each separate pc and included in his folder. LRH:ldm.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/2/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MEDICAL DOCTORS LRH ED 86 INT 22/2/69   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 FEBRUARY 1969 Remimeo MEDICAL DOCTORS LRH ED 86 INT 22/2/69 If orgs train any medical doctors they must be trained on the following basis: 1. They are NOT twinned with a layman but only with another medical doctor. 2. They are enrolled in a DIANETICS course only and told to perfect the use of that in their work. 3. They are courteously treated. SEMINARS In addressing any group of medical doctors keep it in the field of DIANETICS. Discuss Dianetics from the viewpoint of Communication with body areas to assist circulation and the mental image picture as a means of continuing shocking experiences. Any lecturer to medical doctors should do a fast review first of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and stick with it only. LRH:ldm.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 309  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/3/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELS   Remimeo Class VIII Level IV Tech Sec Qual Sec Staff Auditor's Hat  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo Class VIII HCO BULLETIN OF 3 MARCH 1969 Level IV Tech Sec Qual Sec Staff Auditor's Hat CASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELS Anyone who interprets "the real gains of a case consist of going up the levels" (which is true and was stated in order to prevent over-review) as meaning that the level a case is on is not to be conclusive or put the pc into good case condition, has a tech alter-is going. The registrar can use "You need the next level" but when Tech or Qual buy this as an excuse not to run levels right or to get gains on any given level it's time to look this fact over HARD. ANY LEVEL IS ITSELF CAPABLE OF STABLE CASE GAIN. If a level does not THEN THE CASE IS LOUSED UP ON EARLIER LEVELS and is a standard case of someone with a lower level out! This is all covered in Class VIII. This is true of ARC Straight Wire and OT VI alike. The rule holds. Any level is capable of giving a stable case gain and if it does not THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG with the way it or an earlier level was run. To chase a pc on up the levels to cure an outness on earlier levels is idiocy. It is WASTING AUDITING. It is a shabby excuse for not setting a case up to be audited or auditing badly. To solve an earlier out tech situation one does not "give the next level". If a pc ends up at Level II (or OT II) without a stable gain attained then the set-up of the case or the handling of it is SOUR. This is the most elementary situation in case repair. ANY LEVEL is capable of case gain and of being stable, the pc feeling good, etc. The drive to get the next level is very natural but when it becomes obsessive to get a case gain then it isn't the next level that's needed. ARC Straight Wire is more tech than Man ever had before. It produces a stable gain. This is true of every level on up. We have just had a PreOT whose case at every level "was going to be solved by the next level". People kept saying he "needed the next level" to solve his case. Bull. He got all the way to OT II before I caught wind of it. He "had to have OT III" to solve his case according to the Qual Sec. That case probably never made ARC Straight Wire! One or more earlier levels or ruds or 7 cases are out. That's the trouble with that case. If you now let him go on to OT III he'd cop it. The tech you are handing is capable of giving spectacular gains at every level. If it does not then the case has missed somewhere, comes under 7 resistive cases or out ruds or one or more missed or overrun levels. This is one of those things which seems to have been going around ("needs the next level to solve his case") for some time without my finding out about it. Sure they need their next level. But do they have their levels up to where they are? If they aren't 310 in good shape at the end of any one level then there's a miss on the case and it must be repaired by standard tech. LRH:hk.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=12/3/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITOR'S REPORT TRIPLE GRADES   Remimeo Class VIII Class VI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 MARCH 1969 (CANCELLED by BTB 10 Dec 74VI) Remimeo Class VIII Class VI AUDITOR'S REPORT TRIPLE GRADES The Administration in Triple Grades does not require that one copy off all the processes onto the Auditor's Report Form. One uses HCO B of 30 Jan 69, "Triple Ruds" and HCO B 24 Jan 69, Sub-Zeroes and Lower Levels Triple Grades. The F/N obtained on each is marked on these HCO Bs. The fact is noted on the Auditor's Report Form that one has marked on the HCO Bs. "See TG HCO B" and "Done up to IS F2". One then puts in the comments appropriate to the Auditor's Report Form. One makes up a Summary Sheet, usually as it applies. During auditing one keeps his worksheet in PT as the session progresses with comments, time and TA. One does not put the command on the W/S. One puts the number of the process as taken from the HCO Bs such as "SW F1". One NEVER writes up the worksheet after the session from notes. One never copies the worksheet into "more readable form" from "notes taken in session". A worksheet is the worksheet. If the W/S has illegible words, one does two things: 1. After the session prints in in red the illegible word just above it. 2. Learns how to write more clearly faster. Admin must not be used to stop or slow a pc. The reason for Admin is so a Case Supervisor can read the whole session and so be able to handle or get repaired any outness, so that another auditor can pick up where the last one ended off and so that at some future time any early goof can be traced. Be fully honest in an auditing report. Don't try to look good, by covering up goofs. You can bar a pc from repair by a false auditing report. An evaluative auditing report is one which gives color to a session rather than facts. Do a good informative report that can be used to C/S or review sessions. LRH:nt.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 311  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=12/3/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PHYSICALLY ILL PCS AND PRE OTS   Remimeo Class VIII Tech Secs Qual Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 MARCH 1969 Issue II Remimeo Class VIII Tech Secs Qual Secs PHYSICALLY ILL PCS AND PRE OTS (with a note on Drugs) One can very easily go to extremes on mental illness vs physical illness. One school says all trouble comes from physical illness. Another says it all comes from mental illness. The psychiatrist mixes the two and says all mental illness is physical. It is time every auditor, particularly Class VIIIs, took a hard look at this area. The body is capable of having physical illness, acute (momentary) or chronic (continual). Broken bones; pinched nerves, diseases can any of them occur to a body independent of any mental or spiritual action. The mind or spirit can predispose the illness or injury. By this is meant a person can be distraught and have an accident, or decide to die and get a disease. But the disease or injury when he's got it is a body circumstance and responds best to skilled medical (ordinary usual, put on a tourniquet, set a bone, give a shot) treatment. On a sick or injured person, you can reduce the time of healing or recovery by removing the spiritual or mental upset, providing the person can be audited, but usually after effective physical treatment. The facts are real enough. Auditing a person with a broken leg after it is set and he is comfortable, to remove the engram of the accident or treatment and the earlier "reason" he or she was distraught or had the accident, can improve the bone knitting time by as much as 2/3rds by actual test. This would be six weeks down to two weeks. But the bone has to be set! A body is a biological object. It has all manner of internal communication systems and organized interrelated functions. Now if you tried to audit a preclear when he was acutely ill, you would find him hard to audit, confused and distracted and unable to follow commands. He may become overwhelmed easily. He certainly is not likely to respond properly. Because the body is sending all sorts of pain or discomfort messages and confusions, it is very much in his way. Two things are going on at the same time-his case as a spiritual being, his body as a distracting pain or sensation object. The pc assign the body to his case or his case to his body. You have to get the body out of the attention area to some degree before anything helpful usually occurs by way of auditing. Now let us take the pc with a long term illness. He has been sick with something since the age of 8. He really doesn't know he's sick physically. He blames it all on his own case. In a lot of cases we audit him and he has enough relief to then get physically well. For he was mentally or spiritually suppressing his body. 312 These successes (and they are numerous) could cause us to do an all mental concentration and lead some to insist all illness was from the mind. This makes some make the mistake of omitting physical examination and treatment in all cases. Certain schools of healing in the past got the entire field in disrepute by assuming and stating and acting on just that. When you find a pc who does not easily respond, whether he answers up to 7 cases "Physically ill" or not, you sure better get him to the nearest clinic for a thorough physical examination including head and spine X-rays and get him examined pathologically. For you will usually find he is physically ill, in suppressed pain or discomfort. There are cures for a lot of these things now and not requiring "exploratory" operations either. Don't throw away all the grades of auditing on him. He's sick. Physically. That's why you do a White Form. A long history of accident and illness should prepare you to be alert and to send him to a clinic if his response to auditing is the least bit poor. Then when you have the physical side of it in hand, audit him at assist level. When he is well give him his grades. Don't force auditing into physical healing. It works much of the time. Special types of auditing (running out injuries, etc) assist healing markedly. That doesn't mean you should avoid all medical treatment! "Failed cases" are medically ill or injured cases. Without exception. So why fail. There are medical doctors and clinics. There are standard, usual treatments. You don't have to buy "exploratories" and questionable actions. These are done only when the medical doctor can't find out either. When this impasse occurs, start doing assists or look for engrams. There are some bizarre or strange postoperative (after operation) or post-injury (after injury) conditions which do surrender miraculously to auditing. A suppurating incision (operation cut that remains open and unhealing), a bone that will not heal after having a plate put on it, such things usually surrender to auditing. These facts should be used but they do not contradict that medical treatment was needed in the first place. The psychiatrist is an example of the other extreme to spiritual healing. Instead of "all mind" he is saying "all physical". Holding either extreme produces failures. The psychiatrist got into his "all physical" by a sensing that insanity symptoms seemed to resemble persons in pain or delirium. In these cases the stress of physical suffering is pouring back into and overwhelming the mind. After considerable study on this, I realized that an error could have been made out of a statement "all insanity is physical". This is probably the case in the large percentage of the insane. But from this one cannot then say "all mental trouble is physical" because that can be demonstrated as not true. We see it as easily as in a case of a person falling ill on the receipt of bad news, who then gets good news and gets well. The great Voltaire, on his deathbed, received news that he had been awarded the Legion of Honor, after a lifetime of being scorned by Authority. He promptly got up, put on his clothes and went down to receive the award. In the case of insanity having physical causes, one could discover this, say it and be promptly misunderstood in this way. The sufferer is in a general agony from a nerve long ago crushed. This actual pain is distributed from its point of concentration to the whole of the nervous system. The person cannot think, looks dazed, cannot work or 313 act. An operation removes the pressure causing the condition. The person is then "sane" in that he can perform the actions of life. After a few successes of this nature, the psychiatrist leaps to the conclusion all mental trouble is physical. He teaches some student saying "all mental trouble is physical". The student goes off, tries to figure it out, dreams up a special insanity virus or "genes" or a special illness called "insanity". He then resorts to all manner of odd and often brutal treatments. By cutting or shocking a nerve channel one can stop the pain messages but such actions lay in new complications which usually terminate in premature if not immediate death or injury. This tells one why tranquilizers (psychotropic drugs) make a patient rational or at least able to function for a short while. They too have their side effects. Usually all they do is, like aspirin, reduce the pain. Patients do not always know they hurt. They suppress the pain or sensation. It seems normal to them or "life". When they receive a distressing experience or have an accident they cease to suppress and may go "insane", which is to say, become continuously overwhelmed by pain or unwanted sensation. They cannot think or act rationally. They may even be insane only during periods of the day or month that coincide with the time of the accident. But they are in physical distress. As they cannot eat or sleep, their condition worsens by exhaustion and they may go into various states including a deathlike motionlessness or actually die. The CORRECT ACTION ON AN INSANE PATIENT IS A FULL SEARCHING CLINICAL EXAMINATION BY A COMPETENT MEDICAL DOCTOR. He may find disease, fractures, concussion, tumors, or ANY COMMON ILLNESS which has escaped treatment and has become chronic (perpetual). He should keep looking until he finds it. For it is there. NOT some "insane germ" but some ordinary recognizable illness or physical malfunction. The WRONG THING is to cut nerves or subject the person to more pain. Electricity can force a nerve channel to flow or paralyze it. That is probably why it seems to work sometimes. But it cures nothing and more often confirms the insane condition and certainly fills the patient with dread and terror, injures him and shortens life. The problem in insanity is often how do you keep the patient from injuring himself or starving or dying before he can be examined by a competent medical doctor in a properly equipt clinic. This is done by rest, security, feeding, under drugs if necessary. A patient can be "built up" by various biochemical compounds, diathermy and other mild means that add to his stamina. Treatment of what really troubles him such as continual sensation from a once broken leg which was never set, a broken spinal disc or such pathological ills as disease, can then be treated properly and corrected. Recovered from the treatment, the patient will be found not to be "insane" any longer. Auditing can then occur, any and all engrams (traumas) erased and the person's recovery will be greatly accelerated. Of course the real target of auditing is the improvement of the ability to handle life, greater intelligence, reaction time and other benefits. Like the spiritual healer of another age who said all was mind and forbade physical healing, the practitioner who says all is body and scorns mental healing is an extremist. Each of these is at the opposite ends of "Aristotle's Pendulum". Each has seen 314 with his own eyes a few remarkable cures. Thus each is confirmed in his belief and will hotly argue and even attack others who do not share his or her extreme view. The truth, as is usually found, lies in between. There is no "insanity virus". Even heredity remains unproven since families perform similar actions, are prone to similar physical ills and they also mentally pattern or copy each other. Either physical or mental facts can similarly prove that "insanity runs in the family" when it seems to do so. Thus "hereditary insanity" is an apparency which gives rise to the folk tale. There is the spiritual identity of man, the mind, the thetan, call it what you will. There is the physical body of man and that, even if cellular, is still material or physical or whatever you call that. Proponents of both extreme illnesses are likely then to go off on an erratic course of search and research as the truth includes both and when you do include both you then begin to add up successes toward the desirable 100% of the physical sciences in result. One cannot call either extreme more than an art. And the proponent of the purely physical does not have a "science" just because sciences are also physical. One has a science only when one can predict and attain uniform results by the application of its technology. It was very natural for the psychiatrist to think he had a foe in Scientology as all he had to hear was "spirit" and he was off. Since that has been his opposite "foe" for a long time. To heal Man one has to realize he is dealing with two things-the spirit and the body. When a preclear comes to us because he wishes to be physically cured of a real current illness or malfunction, we do not serve him well if when we see he does not respond to auditing we do not require a full physical clinical study of his body until a real illness is found and treated. If we already know he is ill we should call in the doctor. And we should limit auditing to assists. This is also a case of crossed purposes. We are trying to give him greater capability and freedom. He is only trying to stop hurting. Go ahead, sign them up. But at the first smallest clue (like the White Form) that he is being audited only to get well, we should have in good contact a medical doctor or clinic who is friendly and does not do unusual things to people and get the preclear diagnosed to really find what is wrong with him, get it cured if it is medically feasible and then, with a physically well pc, give him his auditing. If this is done routinely, another benefit will also occur. The preclear so audited will not again become ill easily and will retain his very real auditing gains when he has these. We are good enough to often get by. The ability of the body to get well often asserts itself when a preclear is given auditing, since the source of perpetuation (continuance) is removed from the illness and it changes. Letting a pc, who has a badly set continually painful bone go on up the grades is doing him a disservice. He probably will not attain or retain his gains. The stable datum on which I operate as a case supervisor is that if a pc does not get good gains quickly I want to know (and will find) what is physically injured or ill about him before I go on letting him be audited. The X-ray machine and other clinical actions become a must. For he is in suppressed pain and each time he gets a change, he puts on full stops as it started to hurt. He won't get the same gain again and tomorrow the same process or type of process won't work. He stops the pain if it starts to hurt 315 and puts a new stop on his case. This is true of those cases who really have a physical illness. Slow gain, poor result is a physically ill pc. The exercise of these points requires judgement for a person can be given treatments which will not heal him. Where this is the case, and the treatment seems too damaging or uncertain, treat the pc on this routine: 1. Rest 2. No harasament 3. Food 4. Mild sedatives. When the person seems well, audit him. The truth of the above definition of "insanity" can be experienced easily with no great stress. To have a headache or toothache is sometimes quite distressing and distracting, making one gloomy or inactive. Taking an aspirin cheers one up and he can work. That is in fact the basic mechanism. It is why tranquilizers work. This is why old-timers thought they had to cut nerves to "cure" the insane. But that's like fixing the telephone exchange by throwing a hand grenade into the switchboard. You may get no more complaints but you sure don't have a telephone any more. Which, I suppose, is the basic way to stop all complaints. Nobody can ring up even if the house were on fire! Drugs such as marijuana are craved only when the being "needs them" to stop undesirable physical pain or sensation. Then they backfire, causing more distress than they cure. Some pcs, taken off marijuana for a few weeks, can be audited. Some can't. Those who then can't be audited are in pain whether they consciously realize it or not. In their "unconscious mind" (below their self-suppression) they hurt. So those who can't be audited well when taken off some drug like marijuana should be gotten to a good clinic and given "the works". A competent medical doctor will find the broken bone, the disease, the diabetes. Give it a medical cure. Then audit the pc by Standard Tech, checking resistive case lists, etc all over again. Pcs don't always know they're ill. Mental upset aggravates physical discomfort. Physical discomfort aggravates mental unrest. So play it safe. A slow case who doesn't respond well to very usual approaches has something else wrong with him physically. Don't be an extremist. Your job after all is to do the most you can for the pc. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 316  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/3/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  POLITICS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 MARCH 1969 Remimeo POLITICS Here is a scale taken from Excalibur from memory. Excalibur was an unpublished book written in the very late 1930s. Only fragments of it remain. By placing it against the Tone Scale developed at the end of 1950, certain current political philosophies are better estimated. By then looking up these tone characteristics in Science of Survival much can be learned and the ideologies are thus made easier to predict or handle. REPUBLIC 3.0 DEMOCRACY 2.5 SOCIAL DEMOCRACY 2.0 FASCISM 1.5 COMMUNISM 1.1 ANARCHISM 0.0 The cycle of a nation goes on a descending spiral down this scale. Those two tones apart are not likely to fight. Those a tone apart fight seldom. Those a half tone apart are in continual conflict. As this was worked out before World War II it is quite remarkable to see how true it has held. And how each one has taken something from its neighbors. I will not go into what lies above democracy except that Man is trying with his ideologies to solve mainly the problem of succession. History has seen other government forms work far more ideally than those named but in none of these could one guarantee succession of the beneficial rule. Thus adherents to all forms of ideology can be made to agree that "benign monarchy" is an excellent form of government. But they discard it because a truly good benign monarch is not necessarily succeeded by one in the next reign. Few governments exist in pure form. (Note there are no major governments at this writing above Social Democracy.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 317  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=14/5/69 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC ASSISTS The Use of Dianetics to the Medical Doctor   Remimeo (Include in Medical Series)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 APRIL 1969 Revised 14 May 1969 Remimeo DIANETIC ASSISTS (Include in Medical Series) The Use of Dianetics to the Medical Doctor There is everything to be said for correct medical treatment in the handling of the sick and insane. "Insanity" is most often the suppressed agony of actual physical illness and injury. To "treat" this agony with shock and "brain operations" is a Nuremberg type offense and is indictable as mayhem or manslaughter. The medical treatment of "insanity" requires sure awareness by the patient of his whereabouts and present time. These are usually quite unbearable so he has sunk into the past to escape the agony of the present. The TOUCH ASSIST given to such injured persons permits healing to occur by restoring the person to the present and his whereabouts to some degree. Healing after medical treatment might not occur rapidly if the "insane" or chronically ill person remains in the past, unable to confront the present. Thus the touch assist speeds and often permits healing after medical treatment and sometimes in minor injuries and illness permits the doctor to accomplish healing without further treatment. There is the TOUCH ASSIST, the CONTACT ASSIST and the AUDITING ASSIST. The touch assist done as described elsewhere brings the patient's attention to injured or affected body areas. When attention is withdrawn from them, so is circulation, nerve flows and energy which for one thing limits nutrition to the area and for another prevents the drain of waste products. Some ancient healers attributed remarkable flows and qualities to the "laying on of hands". Probably the workable element in this was simply heightening awareness of the affected area and restoring the physical communication factors. The CONTACT ASSIST is remarkable when it can be done. The patient is taken to the area where the injury occurred and makes the injured member gently contact it several times. A sudden pain will fly off and the injury if minor lessens or vanishes. This is again a physical communication factor. The body member seems to have withdrawn from that exact spot in the physical universe. The restoration of awareness is often necessary before healing can occur. The prolongation of a chronic injury occurs in the absence of physical communication with the affected area or with the location of the spot of injury in the physical universe. The AUDITING ASSIST is done by a trained auditor using an E-Meter. 318 It consists of "running out" the physically painful experience the person has just undergone, accident, illness, operation or emotional shock. This erases the "psychic trauma" and speeds healing to a remarkable degree if done properly. In addition to assists there is Dianetic auditing of an acutely ill person which handles the current and past illnesses and injuries by erasing the "physical trauma". The last is a skilled activity. Practitioners who have the idea such things do not have causes will of course fail to locate the causes. A sickness can be composed, let us say, of a headache, a nausea, apathy and weariness. Such a sickness may be bizarre, without medical reason. By first getting the Patient to find and say what shock occurred when the sickness began, getting when, and getting it recounted, the "illness" will lessen, the emotional state will alter-called a "release of affect". By then finding an earlier similar instance and getting that one dated and recounted a further release of affect may occur. If the good indicators, smiles, etc, do not occur in the patient, one again asks for an earlier incident, dates it and gets it recounted. The phenomena of "floating needle" on the E-Meter should not be bypassed on a physically sick person. If it occurs, regardless of when, and the patient is smiling and suddenly free from symptoms, one at once desists with further auditing on that subject and at that time. If no floating needle and a full release of symptoms occur, one then traces back the remaining symptoms. Let us say the headache is now gone due to recounting times of emotional duress. But the patient is still slightly nauseous. One traces the nausea to earlier or other incidents. It will vanish when found and dated. The apathy vanished somewhere along the way but weariness remains. One traces the weariness to another or other incidents. In short one handles each manifestation of the bizarre illness until all symptoms are gone and the patient is happy and cheerful. Needless to say all this requires a skilled auditor but the skill can be acquired in a Dianetic training course. The important thing is not to tell the patient what caused it, but to let him tell you. Otherwise the symptom suppresses. The approach in any of these assists is quiet, gentle, permissive, never forcing the patient, speaking only the words required to do the process. The temporarily insane by reason of emotional shock, where no medical illness exists, should be permitted rest and should then be handled by an assist as above or normal Dianetic auditing. Most often, rest and no further harasament result in a return to sanity in a short time such as a few days, but not in a terror atmosphere such as a psychiatric asylum where the patient is in the risk of being hurt or killed. Electric shock prolongs the condition and brain surgery is or course not treatment but murder as at best it deprives the person of his coordination and at worst shortens his life. The occasional and rare brain tumor is of course an exception but this is a medical not a psychiatric matter, no matter what manifestations the person exhibits. Most medically ill people do exhibit symptoms of mental derangement at some stage of their illness. The acceleration of healing of medical illness or injury such as broken bones or 319 the aftereffects of delivery or operations can be accomplished by the Dianetic auditing of the resulting trauma soon after full medical treatment or attention. The improvement factor is about 1/3 the normal time of recovery by some thousands of test cases. Such auditing is done by a usual Dianetic procedure. In addition to the above assists there is regular Dianetic auditing which handles chronic discomforts and prevents future illness as well as improving the state of well-being of a person. The mechanisms of the mind revealed in Dianetics are of great use to the field of medicine. They are easy and quick to apply. About one month's training is all that is necessary to acquaint an otherwise educated and intelligent person with the fundamentals and skills necessary to assists. Considerably more time of course is necessary to train a skilled Scientology auditor, but this is not the subject of this paper. There is no conflict of interest between any healing profession and Dianetics. Dianetic materials and papers are fully available. There is a conflict between Dianetics and political practices such as psychiatry since electric shock, brain operations and general degradation of the person may prevent the patient's recovery by Dianetics. As answers exist now for insanity there is no reason to continue Medieval or Fascist solutions to the problem of the psychosomatically ill or the insane and we are doing everything in our power against fantastic opposition to end the torture and killing of the insane regardless of the politically "desirable" ends envisioned by some groups. Dianetics, like any other true treatment, like aspirin or penicillin, was originally designed to handle the apparent basic cause of psychosomatic illness. The first research was intended to help allied prisoners of war degraded by the Japanese and Chinese prison camps and who after VJ day were transferred to Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. Later, in 1954, in a much more advanced state of development, Dianetics was successfully employed to eradicate the results of allied prisoners of the Korean war who had been subjected to Russian brainwashing. The subject has been improved, made easier to teach and apply and its results bettered continually over a total period of 29 years. It has in 1969 been fully updated as Standard Dianetics. It is very successful and is in very broad use over the world. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cp.an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 320  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEW PRECLEARS The Workability of Scientology   Remimeo Dianetic Course D of Ts D of Ps Class VIIIs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1969 Remimeo (Reissued and corrected 26 May 1970) Dianetic Course D of Ts D of Ps Class VIIIs NEW PRECLEARS The Workability of Scientology The "training" of a new preclear (never before audited) has long been a subject of know-how amongst auditors but has not actually been covered previously. The conditions of a new preclear are these: (a) Doesn't know what is supposed to happen. (b) May be under the stress of being embarrassed to talk to someone. (c) May have preconceived ideas of how he is supposed to respond to the auditor (such as psychoanalytic "free association" where he just talks, etc). (d) May be waiting for some magical effect entirely independent of his own participation (as in getting a "shot" from a doctor). It is too much to ask of a being to: 1. Talk to another intimately about himself, 2. Fumbling with a new activity while 3. Confronting his own bank. Possibly he has never done any of the three before and to ask him to do them all at once ....... well! All cases are started in their lowest ability level since they have not had it increased. Whereas they may be quite well off as human beings, th how well off they might become. The wrong thing to do is to enforce their improvement with a sales talk or evaluation on how well they did in the session. And it is wrong to go on auditing them while they essentially remain in mystery. The correct solution to all these difficulties is to assign the pc to do a PE Course if it includes TRs and to have the pc do the TRs before being audited. We probably should have a set of poster type pictures put up in a PE area as follows: Picture of an auditor with a meter in front of him, profile view, "This is an AUDITOR. He does not invalidate, criticize or evaluate for the preclear." Picture of an E-Meter, "This is an E-METER. It is used to verify the preclear's gain and register when each separate auditing action is ended." A picture of a being, a silhouette showing no features, "This is YOU, a PRECLEAR, a spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming clear, hence preclear." 321 Picture of an auditor with a meter and a shadowy preclear. "This is a SESSION. The auditor and the preclear locate, step by step, any mental blocks to increased ABILITY AND FREEDOM." A picture of a down point to the left and a road going up high to the right. At the down point is SUCCUMB. At the up point is SURVIVAL. Some figures are on the line, they are the auditing session interspersed with a small figure of somebody studying. A big arrow parallels the line pointing up. "Scientology AUDITING and STUDY are the road to ABILITY and FREEDOM." A picture of the Grade Chart simplified, modernized to show sub-zeros plainly and including OT Levels. "Freedom is reached by going up through the GRADES of auditing." A picture of the classes of auditors all the way to Class VIII including the PE Course, etc and where taught. "Ability and gain are achieved by TRAINING." A series of pictures of a caved-in person who gets better and better in subsequent higher pictures. "Scientology processing obtains continual IMPROVEMENT." A picture of a body, a thetan. "You are a SPIRITUAL BEING, not a body or an animal, as you will discover in processing." A picture representation of each of the dynamics from 1 to 8 including the R6 god with an arrow paralleling them on a slant upwards. "There is more to LIFE than personal suffering and trouble." The picture of the R6 god used is the "old Man" symbol as used on the covers of various Dianetics and Scientology Publications. A picture of a sunburst with Scientology written in its center, "Scientology reveals the natural laws of life. You CAN know the answers." This set prominently displayed in an org in a long panel from left to right, with a sign over it, "You have come to the right place," and a long arrow indicating the sequence, will do an awful lot to answer a preclear's questions. At the end of the panel a sign, same size, saying "See the Registrar, Room _______ " will also direct the preclear. The preclear should be signed up, if he is a preclear, and with the money paid, sent to a PE Course. If this is not feasible, he at least should be first assigned to do TRs. A preclear information sheet can also be compiled giving him data commonly asked. A preclear's dictionary which includes all terms used in processes and their definition should also be given to him. If the preclear seems not to be improving even as early as the TRs, a white form of case and health history should be very carefully done, including narcotics. If he is on narcotics he must come off them and have been off them for a while (in Los Angeles they say six weeks), before resuming his auditing. If on resuming auditing the preclear still does not gain despite 7 cases, a careful and full medical clinical examination should be ordered as the preclear is medically ill in some previously unsuspected fashion. This is covered in HCO B 12 March 1969, "Physically Ill Pcs". Should this not prove to be the case, or if the pc does not get well then apply the HCO B of 2 April 1969, "Dianetic Assists", an auditing assist as given in that HCO B. Above all, don't let unnecessary stops occur on this line for pcs who just sail through. 322 In a recent giance over the case folders of some stalled or "chronically ill" pcs I found the main sin was simply "No Auditing" occurring in the following ways: Case 1 -- 3 case supervision directions carefully and correctly advised but NONE OF THEM DONE. No other auditing was done either. Then a fourth case supervision direction on top ignoring the folder and advising something else but that was not done either. Case 2 -- Preclear chronically doing badly. Was being "audited" but hadn't a clue. Was not up to talking to an auditor at all. (I ordered TRs and the auditor did them, the pc bloomed and went on up the grades splendidly.) Case 3 -- Pc all crippled up from old injuries. In the folder I found no C/Ses there had been done as ordered. Also found the pc had sneaked his folder and done some wild self auditing before auditing could be done. (Ordered HCO B 12 March 1969, Touch Assists and then medical treatment to set a long time broken back.) Case 4 -- Pc told the auditor in the session she had a secondary sitting right there and was in it. And although had bad indicators in, the auditor just ended the session. Case 5 -- Pc ordered in for a Review, was given the cans, the auditor said "That's it", pc went off in mystery. Case 6 -- Pc shaking and fevered but no physical illness according to doctor. Auditor A did an S & D. Pc still not well. A few weeks later illness recurred. I got hold of the pc, asked when the shaking had begun, found an engram where the pc had been withholding being cold, ran it, pc totally recovered. The incident had occurred only a day before Auditor A's session. Had Auditor A merely asked what had been going on he would have found it at once, run it and that would have been that. It was only an auditing assist that was needed which is why I wrote HCO B 2 April 1969, "Dianetic Assists". It hadn't ever occurred to me that auditors wouldn't use the principle of engram running to handle a pc who hurt. So it adds up to the fact that just not doing auditing is a fundamental error. That's what's meant by "no auditing" in the 7 Resistive Cases of a Class VIII. Auditing just wasn't used to handle the pc. "No Auditing." The NEW pc who hasn't a clue what auditing is is apt to get a lot of "No auditing". So you teach him what to expect by posters, a PE, TRs. The troubled pc who is all introverted with a real physical or mental problem had jolly well better get it handled, as in the "Physically Ill Pcs" HCO B 12 March 1969 or with Dianetic Assist as per HCO B 2 April 1969. You don't just sail on up the grades and throw them away. If you ever get an area that thinks Dianetics and Scientology don't work (which is about as silly as saying there is no gravity) then: (a) You have an area that has been infiltrated and the tech performance perverted; or (b) You have a person around who is terrified that it will work and others grown more powerful will now destroy him (which surrenders casewise to "Physically Ill Pcs" or the top Power Process used first followed by sub-zeros and grades); or (c) You have a narcotic-silly area and are not making them desist before auditing or handling their past addiction by running out its engrams; or (d) You have an area that just isn't auditing at all; or (e) You are not handling new pcs as we used to and as recommended in this HCO B. 323 As a final remark, I have seen a person get "audited all the way to the top" who wasn't ever audited at all. As a comment this is pretty bad but a close check revealed that a large percent did not even know the content or action of a key grade below where they were supposed to have "arrived". They had zero indoctrination as a pc and had not ever made even the sub-zero of ARC Straight Wire. So lay this down, Case Supervisors and auditors all, as a firm cast-in- concrete rule: IF YOUR PC DOES NOT OBTAIN A TOTAL REALITY ON HAVING HAD GAINS BEYOND HIS EXPECTATIONS, AUDITING HAS NOT BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE OR THE PC IS ON DRUGS OR PHYSICALLY ILL. I look at it this way, auditing is terribly simple. Turn me loose with an E-Meter and a pc and up the line he comes. If he doesn't or can't respond he's seriously ill. If he's that ill that he can't be audited he needs medical treatment. And when he's had that, back to the meter and I'll show you a shining pc. You say, yes, that's you. You know and can do it. Sure, sure, sure. But anyone who has studied his meter, his books and bulletins can do it just as easily. If the pc answers his questions and IF HE DOES AUDIT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: cp.ei.dz.ka.rd Copyright $c 1969, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 324  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FUNDAMENTAL AUDITING   Remimeo Dianetics Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Course FUNDAMENTAL AUDITING For some years it has not been appreciated fully that the ability to do DIANETIC AUDITING is the true fundamental background of a Scientology auditor. For many years, 1950 onward, a Dianetic auditor was proudly capable of resolving mental and physical problems by his ability to find and run engrams and secondaries. The Dianetic auditor had no other skill or tools than his understanding of mental image pictures, as locks, secondaries and engrams and the time track. With these tools he produced many miracles. Broken bones healed in two weeks instead of six, withered limbs restored, burns vanished, swellings reduced visibly to nothing, lives wrecked by grief and loss recovered, women lost their aging wrinkles and sought-after abilities returned. The percentage of win was above 50%, which is double that of former approaches. The use of the E-Meter and my development of R-3-R increased this percentage. Dianetic training was usually one month in length and attained a high percentage of successful graduates who could attain excellent results. Dianetics operates at the level of the human being and is addressed mainly to the body and mind. It does not attempt and should not be confused with the end product of Scientology which is spiritual freedom. The end product of Dianetics is a well, happy, high IQ human being. Dianetics is itself and has its place. When one can handle Dianetics so as to make people well and happy, one can then begin to think of and work on the higher aspects of Scientology. To attempt to obtain the results of Scientology by applying only Dianetics is in fact a confusion of objectives. The Dianetic auditor, whether the "very best people" behind governments like it or not, is the natural inheritor of all mental healing. Working in conjunction with bona fide physical healers such as the actual practicing medical doctor, the Dianetic auditor, with only the skills taught on the Dianetic Course, could all but eradicate psychosomatic illness and mental illness on this planet. Tens of thousands of cases in Dianetics show this is no idle boast. The recent breakthrough showing most insanity is common physical illness untreated, adds up to making such an objective a fact. The Scientology auditor is all too often balked by the fact that his preclear comes to him already ill. His preclear is below being a well human being. That is part of the gradient. If the Scientology auditor is not also a good Dianetic auditor he tends to ignore the fact that his preclear is not yet up to being a well human being. Applying Grade Processing the Scientology auditor has already skipped a grade -- a well human being. He therefore fails to understand that his preclear is simply seeking to escape as a thetan the gradient of being a well being. The role of Dianetics, let us face it, is that of a healing science. It is the most 325 advanced mental science man has. It should not be skimped or scanted. A good Dianetic auditor can handle the bulk of psychosomatic illness and speed the healing of ordinary illness or make it possible for the person to recover. Mental aberration as such can be handled in Dianetics if it works in conjunction with other valid branches of Physical healing. There is then a demarcation between Dianetics and Scientology. The Dianetic auditor's skills reach up to and include a well, happy human being. This is in excess of man's hope for any mental science. The Scientology auditor is working for increased ability and spiritual freedom. And that is far in excess of any dream of accomplishment man has had including Buddhism. When we get a sick human being being handled to make him spiritually free we get a confusion and are likely to fail. The Scientology auditor who is also a good basic Dianetics auditor can make that being well enough, using Dianetics and available healing skills, to succeed with Scientology objectives. But it has become plain, particularly in the last few months when I have been sorting out materials to communicate them better, that there is a vast difference between Dianetics and Scientology. A Dianetic preclear is one who is being processed toward the objective of a well and happy human being. A Scientology preclear is a well, happy human being who is being processed toward total ability and spiritual freedom. Those two definitions should be well learned. It will prevent much confusion and some failures. When I hear of a preclear "getting his Grade IV to get rid of his headaches" I really groan. A preclear "getting his Grade IV" obviously never got his Dianetic auditing and the auditors who audited him were mixed up. I would never never never audit a pc on grades if I found before me a sick person. I would simply change gears, get busy with good old Dianetics and use physical healers if necessary to get a well, happy pc before me. Then I would go on with grades. Scientology objectives are so far above anything man has any hope for that he at once thinks of them as healing activities. They are not. Dianetics is the healing activity. Therefore all Dianetic course materials are refined with that objective fully in view. And when a Scientology auditor finds himself with a Dianetic preclear on his hands and if that auditor learned his Dianetics well, then he will apply Dianetics and when the preclear is ready for it, only then will he apply Scientology. Any Scientology failures are totally owing to the auditor not learning his Dianetics in the first place. So have at it and get a hatful of healing wins as a Dianetic Auditor. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk.aap Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 326  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS COURSE AUDITING REQUIREMENTS   Remimeo Dianetics Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 APRIL 1969 Issue II (Corrected and reissued) Remimeo Dianetics Course DIANETICS COURSE AUDITING REQUIREMENTS In conjunction with the expansion of its curriculum, the auditing requirements of a Dianetic student for certification are as follows: 25 hours total session time as an auditor. This auditing must include the following: A. Touch Assists. B. Contact Assists. C. Changing the life of someone who has lost a loved one by running the secondary or chain to GIs. D. Running straight engrams of former injuries. E. Auditing assists on ill pcs, taking and tracing down every manifested symptom to its engramic incident or chain. F. Doing TRs with pcs and indoctrinating them as pcs. The 25 hours must contain one or more remarkable cases demonstrating changes in the physical condition or well-being of a preclear. Without these auditing actions and a total certainty Dianetics works as demonstrated in the cases he handles, no student enrolling on a Dianetics Course after receipt of this HCOB may be certified as a Hubbard Dianetic Auditor. Any checksheet issued after receipt of this HCOB for the Dianetics Course must include: 1. HCO Pol Ltr of 6 April 69 2. HCOB 6 April 69 3. This HCOB (6 April 69 Issue II) 4. HCOB 28 Feb 69 5. HCOB 7 Feb 69 6. HCOB 12 Mar 69 7. HCOB 2 April 69 8. HCOB 5 April 69 These are in addition to the existing HDA checksheet. HCOBS or Pol Ltrs after this date relating to Dianetics are to be included on new checksheets issued to students. An HDA is requisite to Level Zero Academy enrollment. 327 REASONS WHY The reason Scientology auditors occasionally fail is that they seek to use grades to make pcs well. Grades are a route to spiritual freedom and greatly increased ability. Auditing a pc on grades who has not yet attained physical well-being as a human being is an oversight only by one not trained in and uncertain about Dianetics. A Dianetic auditor would use Dianetics to handle the lack of well-being of the pc. A Scientology auditor who is also skilled in Dianetics would not make the mistake of doing Grade or Level auditing on a temporarily or chronically ill pc. He would shift off to Dianetics, run the secondaries or engrams necessary to resolve the physical difficulty and then go on with Scientology auditing. Sometimes a Scientology auditor who has not become adept at Dianetics goes through his whole training thinking grades will accomplish physical healing, auditing sick pcs and wondering why "Scientology does not make them well" without ever realizing he is at cross purposes. He is trying to make Scientology do with grades or remedies what is done easily with Dianetics. A person can go all the way up the grades and into the OT sections always looking only to "get well" and miss the entire thing, whereas a remarkably little skilled application of Dianetic auditing would have long ago resolved it. Persons who "don't make OT" are only persons who didn't make Dianetics. It is vital then to give the Dianetic auditor total certainty of his dominance in the field of making people recover and making them into well, happy human beings before he then starts them off into the upper very valuable vital areas of Scientology grades. Most of the persons who want auditing are afflicted by discomfort and unhappiness if not illness. Since the two subjects were for a long while researched as one, some early materials are crossed. Usually materials after 1952 apply mainly to Scientology. But during this later period (as witness R-3-R and current advances) Dianetics has also been advanced. The skill of the Dianetic Auditor is no small thing. It is worth attaining as itself. I myself, when called on to handle the ailing, pick up my meter and go to work and in an hour or two have a miraculous recovery. When I don't, which is seldom, I get the pc examined clinically and find he or she has a broken skull or back or a gallstone or some remediable thing. After this is fixed up, I once more audit them and they finally emerge as bright, well human beings. And I do not use in all this anything that is not contained in the Dianetics Course. My percentage is 100%. And so can yours be. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cp.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 328  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HEALTH FORM, USE OF   Remimeo Class VIIIS Dianetic Auditor's Checksheet Tech Sec Ds of T Ds of P  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo Class VIIIS HCO BULLETIN OF 16 APRIL 1969 Dianetic Auditor's Checksheet (REVISED -- see HC0 B 19 May 69 Volume VI -- 378) Tech Sec Ds of T HEALTH FORM, USE OF Ds of P As one needs a guide to know what to audit on a case, the Dianetic Health Form is an essential auditing action. Also, some cases do not know they have recovered. It is Scientology that addresses improved awareness, not Dianetics. Dianetics accomplishes an eradication of the unwanted condition and when it is gone it is gone. The pc will not again mention it in many cases and it would be an error to hammer him about being better now. Therefore a second Health Form gives a comparison. The somatics and pains not mentioned in the second which were in the first can be considered to be gone. A second form done later gives the auditor and (when a Case Supervisor is also on the case) the Case Supervisor an indication of the actual improvement. A few days, weeks or months can elapse between giving the form. This gives an indication of improvement. Any number of Health Forms can be given. One of the old problems of Dianetics was that the pc recovered from his arthritis fully and then only nagged the auditor about a new symptom. It wasn't that the pc had to have an illness (only the 19th century psychologist believed that it was no use to cure anything as the patient just got something else). The fact is that the symptoms of the pc are several, not just one. You take up and audit each symptom or complaint, one after the other. This is a new advance in Dianetics -- that a preclear's illness or upset has more than one source. His illness or upset is a composite. You audit the most available symptom first. Then find the next one and audit it, then the next, etc. The symptom in which the pc is most interested is the one to do first. You run its secondary or engram or chain and it vanishes. Then do the one in which he is now interested and run its secondary or engram or chain. Now find the next symptom, etc. Sooner or later the pc will have tremendous good indicators, be smiling, happy. That's the time to quit. Right there. Until then, keep finding and fully erasing the latest symptom the pc has. This can be done with or without a meter. The meter makes it easier. The biggest read on an item given on the Health Form is the one to audit first. One finds "an incident which could have caused that", dates it loosely, runs it as an incident without pushing hard, gets an earlier similar incident and runs that, or even a third or fourth earlier similar (each time earlier) incident until a floating needle or the pc indicates the thing is gone. Then one finds out what may now be bothering the pc and does the same action on it. 329 Sooner or later the pe will become bright, happy, symptom free. Symptoms are pains, emotional feelings, tiredness, aches, pressures, sensations, unwanted states of the body, etc. The only point where an auditor may get a hang-up is when he encounters an earlier wrong diagnosis. Someone told the pc he had heart trouble and the pc gives that as a symptom but doesn't really have one. When such a puzzle comes up you look for allies (other people) who had heart trouble (or whatever the thing was) or you find out from the pc and meter if it was a wrong diagnosis. If you are auditing without a meter, you take the pc's interest as the indicator. You audit the symptom in which he is interested and cease to audit it when it is gone. You can use whatever is given on the original Health Form that was done until the form is no longer valid or until the pc's good indicators are in. When the pc brightens up, that's the end of that Health Form. A new one must be done WHEN THE PC IS AGAIN FEELING BAD, TIRED OR WORRIED. The purpose of any session or series of sessions is to get the pc feeling well and happy. Sometimes the pc's condition is obvious and the engram equally obvious. The pc has just had a child. The delivery of it and any earlier similar engram is of course audited at once. Any recent experience is so handled. If a pc wants no auditing and yet is ill or miserable, one finds out why he doesn't want to be audited by getting him to explain (when he will become auditable) or one finds and runs as secondaries, engrams or chains bad experiences with treatment. If the pc doesn't recover at all, then the Auditor's Code has been violated or the engrams were overrun or not run long enough to erase or the pc was very ill medically and should have had a medical examination first. But even with poor auditing it is rare for a pc not to recover. Of course, the more skilled (follows the Auditor's Code, knows his meter, knows his Dianetics) the Auditor is, the more certain recovery becomes. The worst crime is overwhelming the pc by telling him what's wrong, not letting him tell you. The Health Form is of very great assistance in handling all this. The use of it is as follows: 1. The Auditor sits down with the pc (usually the pc on a meter) and explains he's going to do a Health Form and try to help the pc. 2. The Form is completed. 3. The Auditor picks out by meter or by asking the pc which symptom he has his attention on. 4. The Auditor finds an incident that had that symptom in it, dates it and runs it as an incident. 5. The incident (and symptom) erases or the Auditor finds an earlier similar incident, etc, dates it and erases it until the incidents and symptoms are gone. 6. A new symptom is located on the Health Form by meter or pc's interest. 7. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 330 8. A new symptom is located on the Health Form or by pc's complaint. 9. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 10. We go on doing this until the pc is suddenly well, smiling and happy and at that moment we at once desist. 11. We tell the pc that is the end of the session. Note if several sessions were required to do the above, we start each new one by telling the pc it's started and end each session by telling the pc the session is ended. Each session is written down as it is done and preserved for future correction or use. The basic Health Form follows as part of this HCO B. Individual copies are made out for each pc and left in his case folder. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ei.rd Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 331  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 0 iDate=11/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC HEALTH FORM    DIANETIC HEALTH FORM 11 April 1969 ___________________________ ______________________________ Name of Pc Date of Form ___________________________ ______________________________ Name of Auditor Place of session This form is done by the Auditor with a Pc. It is not Metered. 1. Visible physical defects _________________________________________________ 2. Physical disabilities ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Perception difficulties___________________________________________________ 4. Past illnesses ___________________________________________________________ 5. Past operations___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Any current illness_______________________________________________________ 7. Any continual pains ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Any occasional pains _____________________________________________________ 332 __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Any continual aches_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Any occasional aches ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 11. Any continual unwanted sensations _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 12. Any occasional unwanted sensations _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 13. Tiredness -- continual ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 14. Tiredness -- occasional __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 15. Emotional tone by pc statement___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 15. (a) Any fears ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 15. (b) Chronic worries ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 333 16. Emotional tone by auditor's inspection ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 17. Any disability payment or pension ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 18. Any familial history of insanity _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 19. Any venereal infection in the past _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 20. Any venereal infection in the present ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 21. Any rash _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 22. Overweight _______________________________________________________________ 23. Underweight ______________________________________________________________ 24. Eye Color __________________________ 25. Any tint in eye whites ___________________________________________________ 26. Pimples ________________________ 27. Glasses ________________________ 28. Color Blindness _________________________________________________________ 29. Hearing __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 30. Nasal Trouble ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Throat Trouble____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 334 31. Sick or disabled family members _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 32. Perception trouble in family _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 33. Earlier allies or close friends __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 34. Husband or wife physical troubles ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 35. Attitude toward illness __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 36. Attitude toward treatment ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 37. Earlier physical examination discloses ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jk.ei.rd Founder 335  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CASE SUPERVISION   Remimeo Dianetics Chksht Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Chksht Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors DIANETIC CASE SUPERVISION Dianetics is done differently than Scientology in that its auditors are trained up to HDA only. Therefore they do not have various skills you will find in a Scientology Auditor. Even when they become a Scientology Auditor, Dianetics is still done as Dianetics. Therefore the Case Supervisor supervising folders done by Dianetic Auditors must not expect or require any of the following: 1. RUDIMENTS, they came in long after Dianetics. 2. MODEL SESSION, this was invented 11 years after Dianetics. 3. TRIPLE FLOWS. 4. WITHHOLDS PULLED. 5. PTPs handled (Present Time Problems). 6. ARC BREAKS patched up. In short knowledge and skill above and beyond the training received on a new Dianetics Course is not to be expected. There are also things in Book One we no longer use such as Repeater Technique, looking for phrases to explain conditions. We use Dianetics as it was re-worked in the early 60s and as currently being presented. If it isn't on the checksheet of the Dianetics Course, then we don't demand it. We do demand some skill with a meter and what a floating needle is. If a Dianetic pc gets in trouble we send him to Qual for a review. In this review, all Scientology skills (but no grades) can be done. In review he can get in his rudiments, etc. It is very worthy of note that in Reviewing Dianetics or in doing Dianetic auditing ONE CAN RUN OUT BAD SESSIONS AS AN AUDITOR OR PC BY USING R-3-R ON AUDITING SESSIONS OR THERAPY. If we keep Dianetics to Dianetics we will again achieve the miracles of which it is capable. Dianetics has been refined greatly. But it is all there on the checksheets now. There is no hidden data line. It is far less complex today than it was in 1953, for instance, and much more effective. But it is still Dianetics. It is a technology that runs and erases locks, secondaries and engrams and their chains. It should be case supervised and done with that fully in mind. An HDA is an HDA. He can do what he can do. And it's marvellous. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jk.ei.rd Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 336  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC CASE FAILURES   Remimeo Qual Secs Class VIIIs Dian Auditors Tech Secs Ds of T Ds of P  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Issue II Qual Secs Class VIIIs Dian Auditors Tech Secs Ds of T Ds of P DIANETIC CASE FAILURES The foremost failure of Dianetics on cases, by actual inspection, is a failure to do Dianetics. It may sound peculiar or too obvious to say that. But this fact has to be stressed since it was found to be the leading reason for non-recovery. Even this has its degrees of error. 1st is just NO auditing. A case wasn't audited at all. No session, no auditor, no auditing. Complaint, "I'm a Scientologist I still have awful headaches." Sounds real incriminating. The FACT is in this question "Did anybody run the engram?" "No, just grades." Dianetics wasn't used at all. The next degree is starting in on a lock, secondary, engram or chain of them and not completing it to erasure. Running the pc through one engram once with no good Indicators or erasure and then calling it a session is really no auditing. Next session you must complete the action started. The next degree is to get rid of one chronic somatic or sensation and then fail to carry on when the pc has others too. The most recent discovery I made was that an illness has several sources expressed each one as a different sensation, ache, pain or emotion. EVERY ONE OF THESE IS OUT OF A MENTAL IMAGE PICTURE OR THE SERIES OF THEM CALLED A CHAIN. The degree of omission in applying Dianetics is that one did not take up each separately stated or assessed symptom and erase its source -- that particular mental image picture. The vast majority of Dianetic cases I have case supervised now have this in common -- NO AUDITING in one or more instances outlined above. Really it's kind of "corny" as an error. It is so "corny" that people try to make more of it than simply the patient or engram didn't get audited. "She still has her headaches." "Did you find and audit the mental image picture of the experiences which had head injury in it?" "No." "Well did you give her a session?" "Yes." "What did you run?" "I did Power on her." "Then you didn't give her a Dianetic session." "Oh, no. Dianetics is old, we don't do that anymore. She still has her headaches ... " POW! LRH:jc.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 337  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS vs SCIENTOLOGY   Remimeo Class VIIIs Dian Auditors Tech Secs Qual Secs Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Class VIIIs Dian Auditors Tech Secs Qual Secs Dian Checksheet DIANETICS vs SCIENTOLOGY Dianetics is Dianetics and Scientology is Scientology. They are separate subjects. They have in common certain tools like the E- Meter, TRs and auditor presence. But there it ends. Dianetics addresses the body. Scientology addresses the thetan. While a thetan can produce illness, it is the body that is ill. Thus Dianetics is used to knock out and erase illnesses, unwanted sensations, misemotion, somatics, pain, etc. Scientology and its grades are never used for such things. Scientology is used to increase spiritual freedom, intelligence, ability, to produce immortality. To mix the two has been a very bad error. Dianetics came before Scientology. It disposed of body illness and the difficulties a thetan was having with his body. This was a Present Time Problem to the thetan. In the presence of a PTP no case gain results (an old discovery). When a thetan has body discomfort or upset solved, he could then go on with what he really wanted which were the improvements to be found in Scientology. Mixing the two practices in any way produced and will produce no real case gain. Scientology grades will only occasionally get rid of body ills and Dianetics will not achieve real spiritual freedom. Used within their own areas they both each one separately achieves that for which it was intended. Dianetics can make a well body, Scientology can make a recovered thetan. So you don't use Scientology remedies or Scientology Case Supervisor procedures to run Dianetic sessions. High Tone Arm, ARC Breaks, etc are not even considered in Dianetic Auditing. Dianetics was researched in 1932,'38,'45,'48,'49,'50,'51,'52 to name the principal early years. It was redeveloped in 1962 and '63 when I made R-3-R discoveries and re-released. And it was finally realized as per this HCOB in 1969 after further research. I found that Dianetics had been forgotten for a dozen years and was being given a light brush-off as a course and that auditors and pcs were trying to use Scientology grades to handle body ills such as headaches, chronic somatics and so on. Man's usual PTP is his body. So if one gave him gold ornaments he'd try to use them to cure his aches and pains. Thus Dianetics was forgotten and unused and Scientology was being made to attempt cures. Thus they were, both subjects, busily being made to fail to some degree. Dianetics as it now exists is so simple, so elementary and so broadly applicable to the body that it requires a real effort to complicate it or make it unworking. Keep the two separate in both application and use. Recognize them as two entirely distinct and separate subjects with widely different uses. LRH:jc.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 338  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SOMATICS AND OTS   Remimeo Usual Dn Dist Dian Checksheet AOs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 APRIL 1969 Issue II Remimeo Usual Dn Dist Dian Checksheet AOs SOMATICS AND OTS If a preclear or pre OT has physical difficulties, bad perception trouble, illness or physical disability HE HAS NO BUSINESS GETTING GRADES POWER CLEARING OR OT LEVELS. HE NEEDS DIANETICS Once that is completely understood it will end any and all "failures". The Dianetics he needs is fully contained in the new Dianetics checksheet. Using Scn auditing and grades to handle common Dianetic problems is to audit a pc over a Present Time Problem. The big PTPs a thetan has are his body. A thetan is a thetan and he wants spiritual freedom and ability. A body is a body. Scientology = thetan rehabilitation. Dianetics = body improvement. All Dianeticists and Scientologists, all pcs and pre OTs should be informed of this. Using Scn to help the body and Dianetics to help the thetan is a mix of practices and the misuse of both. Even the applications are different. In Scn you handle PTPs, ARC Breaks, Missed Withholds that occur in sessions. In Dianetics you erase the session or incident in which they occurred. Dianetic processing uses a Meter, R3R and assists and TRs. It also uses an understanding of what the subject is for. It erases locks, secondaries and engrams or their chains. That's exactly what it does and what is done with it. The mental image picture is the source of continued pain, somatics, bad perception or illness. This subject has to be DONE, actually used. These data in this paragraph are the total essentials of Dianetics. It is taught, case supervised and used as Dianetics. The thetan, scales, ARC, exteriorization, ability, freedom, the grades, clearing, and OT levels are the sole province of Scientology. Earlier writings tend to overlap and intermingle the two subjects. Because one was not permitted to heal, that being frowned on in some countries, Dianetics tended to be suppressed and was lost sight of. Scientology began to be made to try to do Dianetic work. We can now cleanly separate the two and so obtain enormously increased case gains. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 339  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Dianetics BASIC DEFINITIONS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs Dianetics BASIC DEFINITIONS ERASURE is the action of erasing, rubbing out, locks, secondaries or engrams. A LOCK is a mental image picture of an incident where one was knowingly or unknowingly reminded of a secondary or engram. It does not itself contain a blow or a burn or impact and is not any major cause of misemotion. It does not contain unconsciousness. It may contain a feeling of pain or illness, etc, but is not itself the source of it. Example: One sees a cake, feels sick. This is a lock on an engram of being made sick by eating cake. The picture of seeing a cake and feeling sick is a lock on (is locked to) the incident (unseen at the moment) of getting sick eating cake. When one finds a lock it can be run like any other mental image picture. A SECONDARY is a mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains misemotion such as anger, fear, grief, apathy or "deathfulness". It is a mental image recording of a time of severe mental stress. It may contain unconsciousness. When it is restimulated by a similar but lighter experience another mental image picture is recorded which becomes a lock on the secondary and serves to keep the secondary alive. A secondary is called a secondary because it itself depends upon an earlier engram with similar data but real pain, etc. AN ENGRAM is a mental image picture which is a recording of a time of physical pain and unconsciousness. It must by definition have impact or injury as part of its content. It is of the very greatest importance that a Dianetic auditor really grasp what these things are. Otherwise he won't know what he is doing or to what. Now because he isn't seeing his preclear's pictures an auditor can become very careless about them and not handle them correctly. If an auditor doesn't really know what these things are (erasure, locks, secondaries, engrams) he cannot of course hope to handle them for the preclear. The basic Dianetic errors are just not knowing what these are and that they are there to be handled and that these and these alone cause psychosomatic ills. Once one has a full grip on these definitions he can then and only then hope to do anything with them for the preclear. If the auditor is going to handle the aches, pains, unwanted sensations and psychosomatic illnesses of the preclear, it requires that he fully grasp these basic definitions. Literally millions of complications can stem from the simple fact that a preclear records experiences in mental image pictures and that these thereafter can affect HIS BODY adversely. Once one really understands that mental image pictures are all there is in the preclear's "mind" one has understood the total of aberration. There is NOT something else there. No "id", no "ego". There are only mental image pictures. 340 These, if you use the exact procedures of Dianetics, can be found and erased. When the unwanted locks, secondaries and engrams are erased the preclear will be rid of the physical disabilities of which he complains and will be well physically. SOMATIC -- means essentially body sensation, illness or pain or discomfort. "Soma" means body. Hence PSYCHO SOMATIC or pains stemming from the mind. MISEMOTION -- Anything that is unpleasant emotion such as antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy or a death feeling. This is the entire breadth of Dianetics today. In Scientology we deal with the thetan, the being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body. This is beyond the scope of today's Dianetics. If a preclear is well physically made so by Dianetics and any required physical medication or nutrition, he can then embark on Scientology, the increase of his abilities and spiritual freedom. If a preclear who is being audited or has been audited on Scientology Grades becomes ill one DOES NOT TRY TO MAKE HIM WELL BY GIVING HIM NEW HIGHER GRADES. That has been an error of great magnitude. Instead ONE REVERTS TO DIANETIC AUDITING until the pc is well and only then continues with Scientology. This is correct procedure because it works. People "come into Scientology" to cure their headaches. Somebody starts them off on Grade auditing, several Grades later they still have their headache. It is a continual Present Time Problem to them and the auditor. It sometimes vanishes during Grade Processing. This gives an unfortunate win. The right thing to have done was give the person DIANETIC AUDITING, until he or she no longer had headaches and then begin to audit the person on Grades so as to put them well above ever again getting headaches. Continual headaches come from mental image pictures retained by the pc of having a head crushed or shot off or hit. That is an engram. It actually had to happen. It is NOT imaginary or delusion. The proof is that when the auditor finally erases the engram the recording of the injury is gone and the headaches will not again occur. The preclear often is unable to confront the actual engram at once. He offers one a LOCK, a time when he had a headache. One "runs" this lock (one always runs whatever is offered, you don't force the pc) and finds after putting the preclear through it a couple of times that IT IS GETTING MORE SOLID or it simply isn't erasing. One finds an earlier recording. This possibly turns out to be a secondary. The pc had a moment of loss and cried and also had a headache. This secondary may or may not erase. If it does one leaves it of course as finished. But if it does not erase and isn't erasing after a couple of times through it, one then asks for an earlier one. One probably would then get the actual engram, a recording of a time when the head was actually injured. One runs this and after a couple of times through, finds it isn't erasing and so goes earlier for another engram. This one erases. 341 When it erases the whole chain of headaches ALSO erases. And that is the end of the pc's headaches period. One then inquires after other somatics or sensations and handles them the same way. It is all done by using the technique called R-3-R without variation. Since these recordings contain mainly other-determinedness (pictures of others doing things) the auditor always has more control over the preclear's mental image pictures than the preclear does. Thus the pictures do what the auditor says. This point too must be grasped by an auditor or he will be waiting on the preclear to act or move in time. The TIME TRACK is the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through the preclear's life or lives. It is very exactly dated. PLEASURE MOMENTS are mental image pictures containing pleasure sensations. They respond to R-3-R. One seldom addresses them unless the preclear is fixated on some type of "pleasure" to a point where it has become highly aberrated. BLACK FIELD is just some part of a mental image picture where the preclear is looking at blackness. It is part of some lock, secondary or engram. In Scientology it can occur (rarely) when the pc is exterior, looking at something black. It responds to R-3-R. INVISIBLE FIELD is just a part of some lock, secondary or engram that is "invisible". It like a black field responds to R-3-R. PRESSURE SOMATIC is, in Dianetics, considered to be a symptom in a lock, secondary or engram, simply part of the content. Whatever, the symptom pain sensation, whatever, it is from either the body directly (such as a broken bone, a gallstone or immediate physical cause) or is part of the content of a mental image picture -- lock, secondary or engram. The Dianetic auditor does not audit ideas or think. He is handling mental recordings. Ideas are in them. Ideas come out of them. But think is no longer part of Dianetics. In Dianetics we handle locks, secondaries and engrams. KEY IN is the action of recording a lock on a secondary or engram. KEY OUT is an action of the engram or secondary dropping away without being erased. FLOATING NEEDLES occur when a key-out occurs or when an engram is erased. When one keys out (rather than erases) an engram, the preclear can always, in life, get a key-in of the engram again and so become ill as before. This does not mean one should overrun a floating needle. It does however point out that you can key out an engram without running it and at once key it back in again and run it. An example is getting the date. One gets a floating needle. It is better to leave it at that. But also realize the incident that hasn't been run is still there. MULTIPLE ILLNESS -- means the preclear is physically uncomfortable or ill from several engrams of different types all restimulated. One runs one somatic chain at a time, running each new symptom that is assessed or stated by the preclear. 342 CHAIN means a series of recordings of similar experiences. A chain has engrams, secondaries and locks. Example -- Head injury chain in the sequence encountered by an auditor and run by R-3-R -- sporting goods display window seeing it (lock), losing a bat (secondary), hit in the head with a bat (engram). The engram is the earliest date, the secondary a later date, the lock the most recent. By using somatics to trace back (meaning discomforts, complaints, sensations, aches, pains) and by staying on the chain of only one somatic (i.e. headaches) you get back down the single chain without dispersing all over the place into different chains. Thus one runs the chain of one particular somatic or discomfort or complaint down to key-out or erasure before doing the next somatic or discomfort or complaint. AUTOMATIC BANK -- When a pc gets picture after picture after picture all out of control. This occurs when one isn't following an assessed somatic or complaint or has chosen the wrong one or one which the pc is not ready to confront or by overwhelming the pc with rough TRs or going very nonstandard. Some pcs turn up in their first session with automatic banks. The thing to do is carefully assess the physical complaint for longest or best read and gently handle that chain well. BASIC -- This is the FIRST experience recorded in mental image pictures of that TYPE of pain, sensation, discomfort, etc. Every chain has its basic. It is a PECULIARITY and a FACT that when one gets down to the basic on a chain (a) it erases and (b) the whole chain vanishes for good. Basic is simply earliest. UNBURDENING -- As a basic is not at once available on any chain one usually unburdens it by running later engrams, secondaries and locks. The act of unburdening would be digging off the top to get at the bottom as in moving sand. As you run off later incidents, the ability of the preclear to confront it also increases and basic is easy to run when finally contacted. BASIC BASIC -- This belongs in Scientology. It is wholly beyond the scope of Dianetics. It means the most basic basic of all basics and results in clearing. It is found on the Clearing Course. If contacted or run before the pc was brought up through the Scientology Grades, he wouldn't be able to handle it anyway as experience has shown. So this is part of Scientology, not Dianetics. VALENCE is the form and identity of the preclear or another, the beingness. We are not much concerned with this in Dianetics today. It is handled in Scientology. ALLY -- A person from whom one had sympathy and was dependent upon. ASSESS in Dianetics means choose, from a list or statements, which item or thing has the longest read or the pc's interest. The longest read will also have the pc's interest oddly enough. If you know these definitions COLD so you don't have to mutter them or memorize them but just KNOW them, you will really get results with Dianetics. The biggest failure in training auditors was their faulty grasp of what they were addressing and their additive think. The discoveries of Dianetics were basic and vital and opened a wide new unexplored frontier. These words were assigned to things arbitrarily. They had to be. Man had not had any notion of these things before so they had no names and had to be assigned names. The names were chosen because they didn't also mean something else in another field of science. 343 The terms are therefore IMPORTANT and what they mean and the things they name must be grasped before success can attend any auditing. Any failures of Dianetic auditors were not the failures of Dianetics. The persons attempting to audit others didn't KNOW what these things were, essentially the lock, the secondary, the engram, erasure and key-out. So these are essential to any training or use of Dianetics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS ERASURE HOW TO ATTAIN   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Sec  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 APRIL 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs DIANETICS Qual Secs Tech Sec ERASURE HOW TO ATTAIN If you run a lock, secondary or engram through TWICE and it does not erase, you ask for an earlier similar incident related to the somatic being handled. If a mental image picture goes more solid on the second pass through, an earlier similar incident must be found. Eventually you will find a basic incident that will erase. It will be the earliest on the chain. Follow the somatic, not the narrative content. If handling an assessed headache you ask for "an earlier headache or head pain". Don't ask for narrative chains such as "an earlier fight with your mother". The rule is invariable -- IF IT ISN'T ERASING OR IS GOING MORE SOLID AFTER TWICE THROUGH GET AN EARLIER INCIDENT RELATING TO THE ASSESSED SOMATIC AND RUN IT. This was a very essential part of R-3-R but was somehow omitted from some descriptions of the procedure. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jc.rd Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 344  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PAST LIVES   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 APRIL 1969 Issue III Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs PAST LIVES The reason the first Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation had trouble was that its board of directors attempted to stop past lives from being run. When a group seeks to forward only what is currently acceptable it of course stalls all progress. Further it is dishonest to suppress or fail to reveal scientific discoveries. Disagreeing with the Law of Gravity could give one some very bad falls. Pre-Dianetic mental studies customarily threw out anything that did not agree with their pet theories or would be "unpopular" with authorities. Such was the dishonesty practiced in the humanities that the whole field had fallen into brutal hands. Dianetics had to encounter the Dark Age atmosphere which then Prevailed, complete with torture and murder of the insane. The facts are that what the auditor believes has little to do with the preclear's reality. If a practitioner challenges or demands proof of a patient's data the patient becomes ill -- that is the bald fact of it. It's part of the Auditor's Code. As far as past lives are concerned, if you don't run mental image pictures from past lives when they come up on a chain, the preclear will not recover. A pathetic case of this occurred in early research. A girl crippled by polio was able to throw away her crutches after my first session. And would have become entirely well except that she recalled seeing and hearing Lincoln give his Gettysburg address. Her mother condemned her for such nonsense. The girl's lameness was confirmed and perpetuated by this and by a psychotic father who raved at me for daring to suggest such things. I didn't suggest anything. In auditing the girl she suddenly came up with being at Gettysburg listening to Lincoln. Seems a bit cruel to condemn a young girl to a lifetime of lameness just to satisfy a fixed idea. The weird idea is that one only lives but once. We have several times traced the graves of pcs in a special project and they usually came up correct. One pc was very upset to find his friend has failed to erect the fitting paid for tombstone, substituting a common slab, possibly to pocket the difference. Some pcs have been so overwhelmed in the past by some great figure that they go into his valence in that life. This often throws discredit on past lives. I recall one girl who had been every famous figure in history who when we got her 345 in valence turned up to have been only a victim to them. The great generals and politicians of history, it must be sadly remarked, aren't easily distinguished from mass murderers. But even famous figures are somewhere. Past allies as a subject is made distasteful, possibly purposely, by some who, by fearing to have been a nobody and seeking status, talk loudly to others about having been Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Brutus all at the same time. In a society which tries to hide in the current identity or seeks to mortalize everyone and make people only animals the subject of past lives can be a difficult one socially. The truth in auditing is, IF YOU DON'T RUN THE INCIDENTS GIVEN BY THE PC HE DOESN'T GET WELL. One spectacular recovery of an insane woman occurred when she ran an incident as a lion who ate her keeper. Freudian work hadn't been able to crack the case. The alienist at the sanitarium kept her in with trying to explain how it was all delusion (the current technique pre-Dianetics). A Dianetic Auditor found and ran it and she became sane at once and stayed so. It is NOT the auditor's role to handle the philosophic or social aspects of incidents. To chide a pc for having an anti-social engram or a record of a crime or to challenge his data or refuse him his past life will bar his road to recovery and is itself a crime. It will be found that Man is basically good. Only his aberrations are bad. When you run out his engrams he becomes social and reverts to being good. Auditing is auditing. Audit what the pc has to audit. Leave the social aspects of the case to others. It's not the auditor's job. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.ldm.app Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 346  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 12 iDate=24/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=2 rDate=2/6/76 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET  Type = 11 iDate=24/4/69 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC Admin All Auditors D of P  BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 24 APRIL 1969RA HGC Admin Revised & Reissued 8 September 1974 as BTB All Auditors Revised & Reissued 2 June 1976 D of P (Revisions in this type style) CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 24 APRIL 1969 SAME TITLE PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET WHO DOES ASSESSMENT The Auditor assigned to audit the preclear does the assessment. WHEN IS ASSESSMENT DONE This assessment is done at the beginning of each intensive the preclear has. If he is having 75 hours now, this Assessment Sheet is done at the beginning of the 75 hours. If the preclear comes back for a further 25 hours one week later, another Assessment Sheet is completed by the Auditor processing him whether it is the same Auditor or not. The reason for this is the preclear changes, his memory improves, and things can have happened in that one week he has not processed. IS THIS PART OF THE PRECLEAR'S AUDITING TIME Yes, it is. The questions asked are to a degree auditing because the Auditor is asking the preclear to look and to recall. PURPOSE OF PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET The purpose of this form is to establish Auditor control over the preclear, to better acquaint the Auditor with his preclear, and to provide essential information required. TO WHOM IS THE PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET ROUTED This Sheet is routed to the Director of Processing as soon as possible, at the first session break if the Auditor can do so. It must be routed at least by the end of the auditing day. After the Director of Processing reviews the Sheet, it is returned to the Auditor for keeping in his folder on the preclear. NEATNESS OF PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET If you cannot write plainly and neatly, print all the data required. Information is wanted, not mysterious cryptographics. DATE: _______________ PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEET Name of PC: ___________________________________ Age of PC: ___________________ Auditor: ______________________________________ D of P's initials: ___________ TA Position at Start of Assessment: ___________________________________________ 346-A A. FAMILY: 1. Is mother living? ____________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 2 Date of Death. _______________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 3. PC's statement of relationship with mother: _______________________________ __________________________________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 4. Is father living? ____________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 5. Date of Death: _______________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 6. PC's statement of relationship with father: _______________________________ __________________________________________________ E-Meter reaction _________ 7. List brothers, sisters, and other relatives of the PC, date of death of any and E-Meter reaction: Relation Date of Death E-Meter Reaction ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ 8. Where and with whom do you live? _________________________________________ 9. Are you currently associated with anyone who is antagonistic to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology? (If yes, who?): ______________________________________________________________ 10. Is anyone actively objecting to your getting treatment? _________________ 11. Has anyone insisted you get treatment? __________________________________ 12. Has anyone ever objected to your getting treatment? _____________________ 13. Has anyone encouraged you to get treatment? _____________________________ 14. Has anyone ever objected to you getting better? _________________________ 15. Has anyone ever assisted you in self-betterment? ________________________ 16. Does anyone not like you the way you are? _______________________________ 17. Has anyone tried to make you change or be different? ____________________ 346-B D. MARITAL STATUS: 1. Married _______ Single _______ No. of times Divorced _______ 2. PC's statement of relationship with spouse: ______________________________ __________________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction __________ 3. List any marital difficulties PC presently has: _________________________ ___________________________________ E-Meter Reaction ________________________ 4. If divorced, list reasons for divorce and PC's emotional feeling about divorce: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ E-Meter Reaction ________________________ 5. List children, date of death of any child and E-Meter Reaction: Children Date of Death E-Meter Reaction ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ ___________________________________ _____________ __________________________ C. EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: State the level of schooling PC has had, University education, or professional training: ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ D. PROFESSIONAL LIFE: State main jobs PC has held. Job E-Meter Reaction ____________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________ E. ACCIDENTS: List any serious accidents PC has had, the date of such, any permanent physical damage, and E-Meter reaction. Accident Date Physical Damage E-Meter Reaction ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ 346-C F. ILLNESSES: List any serious illness (excepting usual childhood diseases, colds, etc.) giving date of each, any permanent physical damage, and E-Meter reaction. Illness Date Physical Damage E-Meter Reaction ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ ____________________ _______ ____________________________ _________________ G. OPERATIONS: List any operation, the date of each and E-Meter reaction. Operation Date E-Meter Reaction _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ H. PRESENT PHYSICAL CONDITION: List any bad physical condition PC presently has and E-Meter reaction to such. Physical Condition E-Meter Reaction ____________________________________________________ ________________________ H1. DO YOU HAVE ANY CHRONIC ILLNESS? ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _______________ H2. DO YOU HAVE ANY RECURRING PHYSICAL AILMENT? ______________________________ ____________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _______________ List any psychiatric, psycho-analytic, hypnotic, mystical or occult exercises, or other mental treatment which PC has had, the date of the treatment and E-Meter reaction. Treatment Date E-Meter Reaction _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ 346-D J. DRUGS: Are you taking any drugs currently? What Drug Date (How Long) E-Meter Reaction _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ Have you ever taken drugs? What Drug Dates E-Meter Reaction _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ K. DISABILITY PAYMENT OR PENSION: List any disability payment or pension received by the PC, what it is for, how much and for how long it has been received. What For How Much Duration E-Meter Reaction _______________________________ ___________ __________ ____________________ _______________________________ ___________ __________ ____________________ _______________________________ ___________ __________ ____________________ L. ANY FAMILY HISTORY OF INSANITY: Who What When E-Meter Reaction __________________ ____________________________ ________ __________________ __________________ ____________________________ ________ __________________ __________________ ____________________________ ________ __________________ M. MEDICINES: List any medicine currently or previously taken. What When E-Meter Reaction _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ ________________________ N. EYES: ____________________________________ E-Meter Reaction ____________ Any tint in eye white ____________________ Eye Color _______________________________ Color Blindness _________________________ Glasses __________________________________ O. BODY WEIGHT: _____________________________ E-Meter Reaction ___________ Overweight? ____________________________ Underweight? ___________________________ 346-E P. ANY PERCEPTION DIFFICULTIES: What _________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ Q. ANY PERCEPTION TROUBLE IN FAMILY? ____________ E-Meter Reaction _________ R. SICK OR DISABLED FAMILY? _____________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ S. EARLIER ALLIES OR CLOSE FRIENDS: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ T. HUSBAND OR WIFE PHYSICAL TROUBLES: What _________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ U. ATTITUDE TOWARDS ILLNESS: ______________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ V. ATTITUDE TOWARDS TREATMENT: ______________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ W. ANY CURRENT TREATMENT IN PROGRESS ______________________________________________ E-Meter Reaction _________ X. COMPULSIONS, REPRESSIONS AND FEARS: List any compulsions (things PC feels compelled to do), repressions (things PC must prevent himself from doing) and any fears of PC. Compulsions, etc. E-Meter Reaction _________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ Are you trying to change something someone else doesn't like? _________________________________________________________ ___________________ 346-F Y. CRIMINAL RECORD: List any crime committed by PC, prison sentence, if any, and E-Meter reactions: Crime Sentence E-Meter Reaction _____________________________________ ______________________ ________________ _____________________________________ ______________________ ________________ _____________________________________ ______________________ ________________ Z. INTERESTS AND HOBBIES: List any interests and hobbies of PC. Interests and Hobbies E-Meter Reaction _________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________ ___________________ ARE YOU HERE ON YOUR OWN SELF-DETERMINISM? E-Meter Reaction _________________________________________________________ ___________________ AA. PREVIOUS SCIENTOLOGY PROCESSING: 1. List Auditors, hours, and E-Meter Reaction to any processing done other than in the HGC or Academy. Auditor Hours E-Meter Reaction __________________________________________ _______________ _________________ __________________________________________ _______________ _________________ __________________________________________ _______________ _________________ __________________________________________ _______________ _________________ 2. List briefly processes run: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. List goals attained from such processing: _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. List goals not attained from such processing: ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ BB. PRESENT PROCESSING GOALS: List all present goals of PC and E-Meter reaction to each: Goal E-Meter Reaction ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________ 346-G Tone Arm position at end of Assessment: ______________________________ MARY SUE HUBBARD Amended 1969 by T. Dunleavy Amended 1970 by C. Beany Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Revised by CS-4/5 Approved by Gdn WW, FB Ad Council, A/FFRS Cont'l, FB Exec Council, Snr LRHC, Commodore's Staff Aides, Board of Issues Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:SW:BI:CSA:MV:FBEC: FFRS:FBAC:JK:JE:MH:AL: CB:TD:MSH:nt Copyright $c 1969, 1970, 1974, 1976 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This issue was added while second printing was in progress and thus does not appear in the subject index.] 346-H  MARY SUE HUBBARD Amended 1969 by T. Dunleavy Amended 1970 by C. Beany Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234 I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow Revised by CS-4/5 Approved by Gdn WW, FB Ad Council, A/FFRS Cont'l, FB Exec Council, Snr LRHC, Commodore's Staff Aides, Board of Issues Authorized by AVU for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY   Type = 11 iDate=24/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC USE   Remimeo Checksheet Class VIIIs, etc  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Checksheet Class VIIIs, etc DIANETIC USE Why Dianetics fell out of use had nothing to do with its workability. It has worked and well since 1950. In some areas, mainly the US, it was illegal to heal or cure anything. There was even a law in California giving 25 illnesses that were against the law to cure. The "Better" Business Bureau in the US even issues pamphlets that state that "You can always tell a fake healer because he says he can cure something". Why a civilization would make it illegal to cure illness can only be explained by some vested interest making more money out of people being sick than getting people well. There existed a continual threat to anyone who helped their fellows. The ability of Scientology to bring about spiritual freedom therefore received the concentration of effort by organizations. Lately public opinion has turned heavily against these suppressive groups and the public discovery that illegal seizure, torture and murder was the hidden activity of political psychiatric groups has lost these people their support. It was overlooked that spiritual healing of the body has not been illegal and that Dianetics used for pastoral counseling is completely legal. It is a sobering thought that the only effective technology of psychosomatic healing -- Dianetics -- could be suppressed out of full usage. One is handling the effect of the spirit on the body. Therefore even Dianetics is spiritual healing and as such is far from illegal. Man should not be kept ill just to let a few have a monopoly. In almost all other countries than the US there is no restriction on healing despite monopolistic efforts to make one. Another reason Dianetics was for some time out of use was that it was believed it had been superseded by Scientology which it never was in fact. Dianetics can be done with no reference whatever to Scientology or its techniques. People who have given up through illness are also prone to want to leave. Instead of confronting their illness it is easier to try to get away from it. Thus such people are in a hurry to be free and prefer Scientology. But if they have a sick body, it is a present time problem and inhibits attaining the spiritual freedom they seek. The correct procedure is to make them well wherever possible with medical treatment and to handle their psychosomatic illnesses with Dianetics and then, before any further abuses by life can occur, to raise their ability and secure their freedom with Scientology. This is the correct use of Dianetics. It is the remedy for psychosomatic illness. 347 The basic use of Dianetics is to make a well body and to augment physical treatment. Any injurious experience can be erased by Dianetics. It is very easy to use and if one wants people well and happy it should be used at every occasion. A person has an operation. This should be followed soon after by the erasure of the engram of the experience by R-3-R and the usual Dianetic auditor actions. The healing time will be greatly speeded and often healing will occur where a relapse might have followed. A woman has a child. The engram of delivery should be run out soon after. The result of doing so is very spectacular. There is no "post-partum psychosis" or dislike of the child and no permanent injury to the mother. It is in fact best to audit the mother both before and after the delivery, which gives one fast relatively painless childbirth and quick recovery. Recovery from disease under treatment is speeded by Dianetic auditing. Where the incident of the break is, with any chain, run out, a broken limb will heal (by X-ray evidence) in two instead of six weeks. Some patients who are not responding to medical treatment who are then given as little as a touch assist will then be found responsive to the medical treatment. An auditor giving the person a Dianetic session will more or less ensure that the medical treatment will now work. A person who is accident prone when audited usually loses this unwanted characteristic. Many "insane" recover from their symptoms when given proper medical treatment, rest, no harasament and then good mild Dianetic processing. They become and remain normal people without relapse. Chronic, which is to say, long-term illnesses cease when audited by Dianetics and then medical treatment, which was earlier ineffective. Whole classes of "mentally retarded" children have been made more normal by teachers in London County Council schools using relatively unskilled Dianetics. Tiredness, unwanted sensations, bizarre pains and aches, bad hearing or sight also routinely respond to Dianetic processing. The sickness and death rate of persons who are part of Dianetic groups is only a small fraction of that of other groups. Pilots audited with Dianetics, by a test involving a whole squadron, went without a single even minor accident for the following year. Scientists audited with Dianetics have greatly improved intelligence. Dianetics raises IQ as a side product to usual auditing, at a rate of about one point of IQ per hour of processing. Withered limbs, skin blotches and rashes and even blindness and deafness have all responded to Dianetics. Possibly the point which counted most against Dianetics in the early attacks on it was that it did a vast array of things. The truth was, it actually did them. When you have the answer to the human mind as in Dianetics of course anything caused by the mind can be remedied. 348 It is very much easier to train a Dianetic auditor than a Scientology auditor. It requires only about a month to make a Dianetic auditor who is sufficiently conversant with the subject to get results. This too was used against Dianetics as the psychiatrist of that day claimed he himself needed twelve years of study to do psychiatry. Of course when the public found out that the product of these twelve years of study was killing the "insane" and increasing their number the argument became silly. The spectacular personal gains which were available in Scientology were so great they tended to obscure the very real use and value of Dianetics. Further, a Scientology executive trained and processed beyond the need of body help tended to forget that much of the public out there first had to be helped out of their physical misery before they could attempt anything like personal gain. You use Dianetics much the way you would use any remedy. When a fellow is burned you audit out the burn. When a woman loses a loved one you audit out the loss. When a young man can't finish his schooling you audit out his unhappy school experiences. Dianetics is for USE. There is not a lot of admin about it. It isn't something you use after bowing down three times to Chicago. You just USE it. A Dianetic auditor who sees someone sick and who doesn't get him treatment and then audit him is just not humane. Woman going to have a baby -- get out the meter and audit her into shape for it. When she's had it, run out the delivery. Fellow burns his hand, break out the meter. Dianetics is the answer to human suffering. USE it. Ideas build up to halt the use of Dianetics such as "once you have a floating needle on engrams you don't run them any more -- ". That's silly. An F/N on a chain can be called the end of that chain. But not of Dianetics on the case. I am not trying to make anyone wrong by reintroducing the real use of Dianetics. I myself had not realized how separate and vital it was as a technology until recently. I was engaged for many years researching and completing Scientology. I had not noticed and had not said that Dianetics must be preserved and used in all cases of psychosomatic illness or in physical suffering. Yet, during all this time when I had to handle illness, I did not use Scientology. I used good old Dianetics. Now I have refined it and made a better statement of it and made it easier to use and I trust it will be used for what it was intended and that Scientology grades will be relieved of the burden of attempting to heal physical illness, a use for which it was never designed. Scientology is a vital practice in itself. It places a person above any further illness or suffering. But he has to be made well first. People will ask, "Deafness? Now what special process is needed in curing deafness ....... ?" 349 This is one of the modern refinements of Dianetics. One runs whatever is assessed for the preclear. He doesn't decide to cure somebody of deafness. He handles the illness that reads. Maybe it will be deafness. You have one single procedure covering all cases and that is R-3-R and the steps of HCOB 16 Apr 69. You audit what reads when assessed. The whole of the person's complaints, if you just keep on going with HCOB 16 Apr 69, should eventually vanish. Having gotten the pc well by medical care and Dianetic auditing, then start out with Scientology. If he gets sick again before many grades, revert to Dianetics, handle it and then when he is well, resume Scientology where you left off. Never run a Scientology grade to make a pc well or cure something. It's a misapplication. By using Dianetics as readily as you use shoes you can make and keep people well. You don't worry about overruns, rudiments or anything else. You just use R-3-R even to correct ARC Breaks and PTPs and bad auditing. By then correctly using Scientology we can make the person a far better being. We now have STANDARD DIANETICS. We have developed Scientology STANDARD TECH. Both are now valid as themselves. They do not cross. Dianetics for the body. Scientology for the spirit. USE BOTH. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.aa Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 350  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC RESULTS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 APRIL 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech Secs DIANETIC RESULTS Every once in a while you get a Scientology result while running Dianetics. Also, sometimes you get a Dianetic result while auditing Scientology. This tends to keep the two distinctly different subjects confused with each other. A preclear, after Dianetic auditing, tells the Examiner he is exterior and feeling fantastically bright. This is a Scientology result. Sometimes a Scientology preclear after attaining a grade will state that it has healed his terror stomach. This is a Dianetic result. There is nothing whatever wrong with this except that it gives an auditor an invitation to confuse the subjects and think they are the same. The clue is CONSISTENCY. Dianetics only rarely exteriorizes a preclear. Scientology only occasionally handles a terror stomach. In fact a person whose terror stomach wasn't handled by Dianetics and its R3R can go all the way to OT VI sometimes with it. He doesn't get rid of the terror stomach and he doesn't (since he had a present time Problem all the way) make OT VI either. If it is a body pain, sensation, somatic, illness, disability, the subject to use is Dianetics. If it is a gain in ability and beingness that is the purpose, the subject to use is Scientology. After many years of handling cases this emerged as a very factual fact. Dianetics is Dianetics, Scientology is Scientology. If you mix them they attain limited results. This is so true that when you use all the prohibitives and Never Nevers of Scientology in doing Dianetics, Dianetics also fails. See these two subjects as clearly separate. They each have their own Case Supervision Orders. You don't use Scientology Case Supervision orders in case supervising Dianetics. And you don't use the Dianetic rules on Scientology. One addresses the body, the other the thetan. They both go by their own rules. There is also STANDARD DIANETICS as rigidly taught and adhered to, so Dianetics is not sloppy Scientology either. Dianetic results are a well body and a being happy with it. Scientology results are a free, powerful and immortal being. They can and do achieve their proper end results but only when used properly, separately and as themselves. LRH:ja.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 351  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=26/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SOMATICS   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet etc.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet etc. SOMATICS You must run only by somatic, not by narrative. Narrative means "Falls down stairs" "An earlier fight with brother". By somatic is meant a pain or ache sensation and also misemotion or even unconsciousness. There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a feeling. Pain, aches, dizziness, sadness -- these are all FEELINGS. Awareness, pleasant or unpleasant, of a body is what we are trying to run in Dianetics. All chains are held together by one similar feeling. That is a new discovery. Chains are not held together by narratives or personnel or locations. They are held together by FEELINGS. Thus we ASK FOR AND FOLLOW DOWN ONLY FEELINGS. Those can be aches, pains, sensations, misemotion -- any FEELING. This brings to light a further discovery. One never assesses medical terms or symptoms. An engram contains pain and unconsciousness. All right. Then its basic would be a physical duress not a symptom resulting from that duress. Example: The pc says "headache". You assess headache, you try to run "headaches" and all you ever get is times a pc had a headache. Well, the headache is a symptom caused by a head injury. The engram must have contained a shot in the head or a crushed skull or some actual injury. The word "headache" would describe only how the head feels later when the engram occasionally goes into restimulation. So you would get only locks and secondaries to audit and only by chance and an alteration by the pc of the command to find an earlier headache would you ever get to an engram in which the head was crushed or injured. "Headache" is the result of a head injury, and it doesn't describe the injury which, in engram form, is now giving the pc headaches. Take the medical term Arthritis. You could ask for arthritis and get only visits to the doctor or times in a wheel chair. The physical injury contained in the engram causing the arthritis is not described. Alcoholism would present the same problem. If the pc listed and the auditor assessed "Alcoholism" we would only get times when he was drunk, not the engram causing the symptom which might contain "Feeling very dry". Therefore one has more than one column on a Health Form. One would give the physical disability or complaint. The second would be Pc's Description of the FEELING. We would land the real engram every time, not only its locks or secondaries. (It is quite all right to run locks and secondaries as it is necessary to unburden the chain and increase the pc's confront, but chains always end up in a basic engram at the bottom and if you don't get and erase that then the chain will key in again.) In asking for list items one puts down only what the pe says. That's an invariable rule. But when the pc says some mere symptom like "headache" or medical term like 352 "arthritis" the auditor writes it down but ago asks, "What is the feeling of that?" or some such question and writes what the pc then says AND ONLY ASSESSES THE FEELING STATED. Example: Pc says a complaint is "SINUSITIS". The auditor writes it down. But asks also for the feeling of it. The pc says, "A burning sensation in the nose." In assessing the list the auditor does not call out "Sinusitis." He says, "A burning sensation in the nose." And marks down its meter read. If the auditor took and assessed only "SINUSITIS" and then asked for incidents of sinusitis he would get only locks and secondaries -- times when the engram was in restimulation. And he would rarely get the real basic and engram that causes the symptom. This discovery opens the door to swift "cures". But one is obviously not treating SINUSITIS. He is looking for an incident in which there was a "burning sensation in the nose". And after a few locks and upper engrams he'd find and run the real injury in which the nose was burned. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 353  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  R-3-R Restated   Remimeo Dn Auditors etc  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dn Auditors etc R-3-R Restated COMMANDS ON SECOND RUN ON AN INCIDENT Until a full rundown is issued, this error in R-3-R as published is corrected. In going through an incident the second time one DOES NOT ask for date and duration again or any description. After the 1st time through an incident and when pc has recounted it the auditor A. Tells pc, "Move to the beginning of the incident." B. "Tell me when you are there - -" C. When pc has said he is, "Scan through to the end of the incident." D. "Tell me what happened." The second, 3rd, etc run through the same incident use the above or some variation thereof. ERASURE OR GOING SOLID After the second time through, find out if it is erasing or going more solid. If it is erasing go through it a third time, etc until it is erased. Erasure is usually accompanied by a Floating Needle and a cognition immediately afterwards. PC INTEREST In doing R-3-R it is necessary that (a) one chooses things the pc is interested in and (b) one does not force a pc to run things he is protesting being run on. ERASING LAST INCIDENT FOUND If you ask if there is an earlier incident and the pc says "No" you do not just walk off from the one he was just running. You send the pc through it again and it will erase. COMPLETING CHAINS If you do sloppy R-3-R and do one thing after another without getting an F/N or an erasure, you will get the pc stuck up on the track. You complete each chain to F/N or erasure. F/Ns vs. ERASURE If a LOCK F/Ns you can get earlier incidents on the same chain until the pc actually runs the engram or chain of engrams. While it is not always safe to pass an F/N and go earlier to the real engram and erase it, a pc who is only F/Ned on locks will get the engram keyed in again later. The somatic may return unless engrams are run to erasure. 354 ENDING SESSIONS An R-3-R session can be safely ended on a cognition and Good Indicators such as a cheerful happy pc. This doesn't mean the end of all Dianetic auditing. In the next session another assessment will turn up more unwanted feelings. ENDING DIANETICS Dianetics is ended off only when a pc has become well and happy and remains that way. LRH:ldm.ei.jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC FAILURES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 APRIL 1969 Issue II Remimeo DIANETIC FAILURES Dianetics can be made to fail by alteration of its materials from its precise workable application. It is basically so simple it is hard to conceive that this could happen. But it has happened several times and was a contributing cause to its lack of use in several areas for some years. There are various ways to make Dianetics difficult. Most of these come under three headings: 1. False information as to how it doesn't work by some vested interest acting as a third party (see HCO B 26 Dec 6 on 3rd Party Law). 2. Failure to provide or get studied the actual data and HCOBs. 3. Mis-instructing which enters an instructor's or examiner's opinion or invalidation or alteration of the actual technology. A person who pays attention to 1 and 3 and who doesn't insist on 2 is courting failure in auditing. Many many instances exist of each of these three being done and almost all failures one has in auditing can be traced to one of the three reasons given above. The failures aren't because of the pc or the bad intention of the auditor. Believe that. They came from either not using Dianetics at all or 1, 2 or 3 above. So don't let yourself get caught in these errors given above. LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 355  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH TA IN DIANETICS   Remimeo Dianetics Cksht  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Cksht HIGH TA IN DIANETICS In Scientology a high TA is always an overrun. In Dianetics it means AN ENGRAM TOO LATE ON THE CHAIN TO ERASE IS IN RESTIMULATION. A Scientology auditor "rehabs" overruns. A Dianetic auditor cures high TA by finding what engram (lock or secondary) is in restimulation (active). This will show up as a PAIN, SENSATION, MISEMOTION OR OTHER PRESENT TIME FEELING the pc has. In short, just by finding the somatic by list and assessing for longest read and running R-3- R you can cure a high TA. You handle a TA that goes up during a session by completing the chain exactly as in R-3-R. The same action you do for R-3-R also cures the high TA. By running a pc through only once each time instead of twice you leave a later incident too charged for the pc to see an earlier incident. By trying to erase the somatic only, not the picture ("pc no longer has somatic") you can Leave the picture partially there. There can be an infinity of wrong ways but only one right way and the right way is R-3-R by the book. A high TA (4 or above) is simply the E-Meter's reaction to increased mass. Mental Image Pictures have mass. The mass has what is called resistance to electricity. The E-Meter measures electrical resistance. Mass resists electricity. Thus in the presence of mental mass as contained in mental image pictures, the Tone Arm of the E-Meter rises. When you restimulate an engram, the E-Meter current flow has more trouble getting through the pc and the TA rises. When the engram (or lock or secondary) is "keyed out" (moved away) the TA comes down and the meter needle will float. If you find a long chain with many engrams on it and run a late engram the TA goes up. As you go earlier, and eventually find Basic, the TA comes down and when you erase the basic engram the TA will come down to between 2 and 3 and the needle will float. Old disproved theory pre-Dianetics was that the E-Meter reacted to sweat on the hands but of course a person would have to sweat and "unsweat" to make the meter behave as it does. And the idea of "unsweating" would be ridiculous. Pains of the hand do not go wet-dry with enough rapidity to account for meter reaction up and down. When you run several engrams through once or several somatic chains without erasing any you pile up too much mass and the TA will go high and stick. Even if nothing is done to repair this the pc will de-stimulate (the pictures will drop away) in from 3 to 10 days. It is a very poor show of auditing to do R-3-R other than exactly by the book. It is very easy to do it exactly right. The drill is simple. If done exactly right the result is good and invariable. LRH:clc.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 356  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ASSESSMENT AND INTEREST   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet ASSESSMENT AND INTEREST An assessment consists simply of calling off the items the pc has given and marking down the reads that occur on the meter. The pc is not required to comment during this action and it is better if he does not. This action is called "Assessment for Longest Read". It is used mainly in Dianetics. There are two Scientology assessments which are differently done. These are "Assessment by Elimination" and "Listing and Nulling". They are not used in Dianetics. One does not mix the three types. In Dianetic Assessment by Longest Read one uses these symbols: X - didn't read Tick - small jerk of needle sF - Small Fall (a quarter to half an inch) F - Fall (about one to 2 inches) LF - Long Fall (2 to 3 inches) LFBD - Long Fall followed by a "blow down" or TA motion downward. All falls are to the right. A "BD" is a Tone Arm motion to the left made to keep the needle on the dial. The favored action for an item is an LFBD and if one item on the list does so, that is it without any further assessment. The reason one assesses is that IF AN ITEM DOES NOT READ ON THE METER WHEN ASSESSED IT IS BEYOND THE PC'S LEVEL OF AWARENESS. It is very unwise and unsafe to try to run a somatic which has not read on the list. It will be beyond the pc's reality and beyond his awareness and will result in overwhelming him. That an item reads guarantees that the pc will be able to confront and erase the chain. So that an item reads well is a guarantee that the pc can handle it and will not get in too deep for him. The exception to this is a PROTEST read. An item, possibly already run, is seen to read. The pc frowns. He is protesting and the meter is registering protest, not the item. One never runs a pc against his protest. To do so will overwhelm him and give a bad result. A protest almost never blows down the TA. To be sure that the item is right, one usually asks the pc if he is interested in the Item chosen. If the pc says no, he doesn't want to run it, this is a protest read. One then picks the second best reading item on the assessment already done and checks that with the pc for interest. The pc will usually be interested in it. 357 The pc can almost always be counted on to be interested in any item that gives a LFBD. One never simply asks the pc which on the list he is interested in as "an assessment" as it will be found the pc simply chooses at random and may choose a null item. The result may be a very unsuccessful session. An auditor may sometimes be astonished by what reads. The pc, let us say, obviously has a broken leg but what reads is an earache. One runs what reads, not what the auditor knows should be run. A "know best" in an auditor can be a fatal fault. On a second or third assessment, items which were at first null or reading poorly will be found to "come alive" and read well. The pc, by being audited, has had an increase of ability to confront and, if the auditing is standard, an increase in confidence. The result is that items beyond his reach previously (and did not read well) are now available and can be run easily. The E-Meter measures the awareness depth of the pc. On things which do not read on assessment you would find his reality poor. Things that read well on assessment will be found to be things on which a pc has a high reality and a high interest level. Only if pushed to audit without a meter could an auditor assess by interest only. There is no real excuse for it if one has an E-Meter. Auditing without a meter is a chancy activity. Good assessment by longest read is the best entrance to a successful session. The same list will serve for the next item to be run and should be used rather than just asking the pc. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 358  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/4/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITOR TRUST   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 APRIL 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet AUDITOR TRUST A pc tends to be able to confront to the degree that he or she feels safe. If the pc is being audited in an auditing environment that is unsafe or prone to interruption his or her confront is greatly lowered and the result is a reduced ability to run locks, secondaries and engrams and to erase them. If the auditor's TRs are rough and his manner uncertain or challenging, evaluative or invalidative, the pc's confront is reduced to zero or worse. This comes from a very early set of laws (Original Thesis): Auditor plus pc is greater than the bank, Auditor plus bank is greater than the pc, Pc minus auditor is less than the bank. (By "bank" is meant the mental image picture collection of the pc. It comes from computer technology where all data is in a "bank".) The difference between auditors is not that one has more data than another or more tricks. The difference is that one auditor will get better results than another due to his stricter adherence to procedure, better TRs, more confident manner, and closer observance of the Auditor's Code. No "bedside manner" is required or sympathetic expression. It's just that an auditor who knows his procedures and has good TRs inspires more confidence. The pc doesn't have to put his attention on or cope with the auditor and feels safer and so can confront his bank better. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 359  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GRINDING OUT ENGRAMS (Including notes on OTs and Dianetics)   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet GRINDING OUT ENGRAMS (Including notes on OTs and Dianetics) Now and then an auditor encounters the phenomenon called (since 1950) GRINDING. GRINDING means going over and over and over and over a lock, secondary or engram without obtaining an actual erasure. The sense of the word comes from the action of using an emery wheel on a hard substance. The substance doesn't get much smaller or thinner no matter how long it is done. The reason grinding occurs is that the incident is too late on the chain. There are earlier incidents. It is a highly undesirable action. A Dianetic Auditor who puts the pc through an incident four or five times without erasure or appreciable reduction is encountering "grinding". He should ask the pc to see if there isn't something earlier with a similar somatic. OTS AND DIANETICS We have encountered two cases who were "OT VI" who also got into grinding without there being anything earlier. In both these cases, they did not want a session and were only going through it to be obliging. Both of these "OTs" had skipped some of their grades. The proper action would have been to review their grades, the grade known as OT III was certainly out. When a person gets above Clear, oddities can be expected to occur when you try to run Dianetics on them. If they really haven't made all their grades, however, and are physically ill, the correct action is to do all possible to handle their case by Standard Dianetics and then rehabilitate or get done all the rest of the grades. What has happened here is that they were using Scientology to escape an uncomfortable body that should have been straightened out by Dianetics in the first place. The "out grade" is in fact Dianetics, failure to use it before going on to Scientology. You can therefore expect some of these Scientology cases who are "OT" but haven't really made it due to out Dianetics, to run very well on Dianetics, by the book. The action is to handle their physical complaints with Dianetics and then rehab or get done all the Scientology grades, being watchful for grades not done at all. Some of these "OT" flubs, however, can be expected to "grind" and to fail to erase engrams. They will not have wanted a session in the first place and need a green form with particular attention to "withholds" and thereafter a complete review of all grades, particularly completely skipped "OT grades". NOT FOLLOWING SOMATIC Possibly a pc who does not go down the somatic chain but who skips from one somatic to another could also get into grinding. 360 THROUGH ONLY ONCE A pc not put through each incident on a chain twice before going earlier could get into grinding. The pc who is run through each incident once only before being sent earlier will certainly fail to get off enough charge to get earlier. NO PAST LIVES The pc who is stubbornly refusing to go into any past lives will certainly get into grinding as they seldom reach basic on any chain. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:cs.rd Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=4 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE FIVE GAEs   Dianetic Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MAY 1969 Issue IV Dianetic Course (HCO BULLETIN 21 SEPT 1965 EDITED FOR USE ON THE DIANETIC COURSE) THE FIVE GAEs The five Gross Auditing Errors (GAEs) are: 1. Can't handle and read an E-Meter. 2. Doesn't know and can't apply Technical data. 3. Can't get and keep a pc in session. 4. Can't complete an auditing cycle. 5. Can't complete a repetitive auditing cycle. These are the only errors one looks for in straightening up the auditing of an Auditor. If you look for other reasons, this is itself a gross goof. There are no others. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:cs.rd Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 361  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FLOATING NEEDLE   Dianetic Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MAY 1969 Issue V (Revision of HCO Bulletin of 21 October 1968. For use on Dianetic Course only.) Dianetic Course FLOATING NEEDLE A Floating Needle is the idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as I" or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-Meter calibrated with the TA between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition blowdown of the TA or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. It, by the nature of the E-Meter reading below the awareness of the thetan, occurs just before the pc is aware of it. So to give a "That's it" on the occurrence of the F/N can prevent the pc from getting the cognition. Pcs and pre-OTs OFTEN signal an F/N with a "POP" to the left and the needle can actually even describe a pattern much like a Rock Slam. Meters with lighter movement do "pop" to the left and R/S wildly for a moment. One does not sit and study and be sure of an "F/N". It swings or pops, he lets the pc cognite and then indicates the F/N to the pc preventing overrun. A one hand electrode sometimes obscures an F/N and gives false TA. If used, use higher sensitivity and get the TA from 2 cans when needed. L. RON HUBBARD Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 362  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=6 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT, WORKSHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION   Remimeo Cl VIII Dianetic Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MAY 1969 Remimeo Issue VI Cl VIII Dianetic (Revision of HCOB 1 September 196) Course SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT, WORKSHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AUDITOR'S REPORT An Auditor's Report should contain: Date Name of Auditor Name of Pc Condition of Pc Length of Session Time Session started and ended TA at beginning and end of Session Rudiments What Process was run -- LISTING THE EXACT COMMANDS (often forgotten by most auditors) Time of Start and End of Process Whether Process is flat or not Any F/Ns. WORK SHEETS A Work Sheet is supposed to be the complete running record of the session from beginning to end. The Auditor should not be skipping from one page to another but should just be writing page after page as the session goes along. A Work Sheet is always foolscap, 8 x 13 inches, written on both sides and each page is numbered. Pc's name is written on each separate sheet. A Work Sheet may be in 2 columns depending on how big the writing is of the Auditor. When the session is completed, the Work Sheets are put in proper sequence and stapled with the Auditor's Report Form on top from beginning to end of session. TA and time notations should be made at regular intervals throughout the session. When making a list on a Pc: 1. Always mark a read as it reads -- F. LF. BD. 2. Always circle the reading Item. Mark if indicated to the Pc with IND. 3. Always when extending a list put in a line from where it has been extended, e.g. 363 Item Joe Shoes Socks -------------------- extended Sky Wax Pigs, etc., etc. NOTE: When you repair an old auditing session you always write on the old auditing report and W/sheets in a different colored pen with the date of the report. When running various processes in a session, mark each F/N clearly noting time and TA. SUMMARY REPORT A Summary Report is written exactly as per HCOB 17 March 1969, "Summary Report". Two gross goofs I have noticed since case supervising folders on the RSM is that Auditors have not been turning in Ethics cases to the MAA. In one instance, a Pc was audited by 2 auditors in 2 different sessions, got a R/S on crimes against Scientologists and M/W/Hs and neither auditor turned the Pc in to Ethics. This is not the only instance. The second thing is that Auditors are very evaluative of the Pc's case as indicated by their comments on the Summary Report. This is incorrect; this report is used simply as an exact record of what happened during the session. It is not up to the auditor to evaluate the Pc's Case, this is the Case Supervisor's job. The auditor may suggest what is to be run, at which time the Case Supervisor will review the session, what was run, how the Pc went in relation to what was being run and then give his directions. Auditor Report Forms or W/sheets are never recopied. The Auditor should always read over his W/sheets before turning in folder to the Case Supervisor and, if any words or letters are missing or cannot be read, they should be written in with a different colored pen. If these rules are followed it will make the Case Supervisor's job much much easier and auditors' reports more valuable. To add the obvious, it is a CRIME to give any session or assist without making an Auditor's Report or to copy the original actual report after the session and submit a copy instead of the real report. Assist reports that use only contact or touch assists may be written after a session and sent to Qual. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.an.cs.ei.cden Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 364  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=8/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TEACHING THE DIANETICS COURSE   Remimeo Dianetics Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 MAY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dianetics Course TEACHING THE DIANETICS COURSE As the teaching of basic data restimulates confusions which are then dramatized by throwing the course off line, the teaching of the Dianetics Course as follows is hugely vital. The teaching of Dianetics Auditors is laid down on these simple principles. 1. The data on tapes and Bulletins is studied without alter-is, interpretation or addition by the student, fellow student, instructor or supervisor. 2. Well done and other folders are studied by the individual student. 3. No lecturing or additional interpretation or evaluation by Supervisors. 4. The student audits only when he has completely passed on 1 and 2 above. He must not audit before he has completed his checksheet three times through. 5. Things the student is weak on are done in clay. 6. The student is sent to cramming at his own expense for bad auditing goofs. He may also be taken off auditing and made to do his checksheet again. 7. Any student question is answered by referring to the HCOB, folder or tape or by explaining it is beyond the scope of Dianetic auditing. 8. A rigid invariable schedule is precisely adhered to. 9. Checksheets and tapes and folders are gone through in the sequence laid down by the checksheet and not randomly out of sequence. If this is made difficult then the program must be cut back to the bare bones of the original above. The teaching of standard tech must also be standard. Therefore the above MUST be adhered to completely. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 365  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISING DIANETICS FOLDERS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet CASE SUPERVISING DIANETICS FOLDERS All a Case Supervisor looks for in Dianetics folders to advise the next action is departure from exact Standard Dianetics procedure. It is a very easy job providing the Case Supervisor knows his Standard Dianetics exactly and completely. Any time there is the most minute or flagrant departure from exact assessment or exact R-3-R, there will be a breakdown of the results. It is quite a tribute to the tech that this is true. And it is true. Doing C/S recently on a very great many Dianetic cases audited by relatively untrained auditors the following emerged in letters ten feet high. 1. Where the auditor followed the exact procedure without deviation the results were uniformly excellent. 2. Where the auditor deviated from the exact procedure the results were poor or bad. There are many, many ways an auditor can deviate from exact procedure. There is only one exact procedure. As a result of doing this C/S work, I would, if I were doing Dianetic C/Sing, refuse to let an auditor audit until he had been through his checksheet 3 times. This would save nearly all the work required of a Case Supervisor. When the auditor is in a fumbly state regarding the procedure and has not drilled it until he could do it with the house caving in, the preclear does not get good results. That is really all there is to it. If the auditor simply observes the Auditor's Code, handles TRs and the meter fairly well and does the assessments and R-3-R exactly as laid out, the results will be found to be astonishingly good, even miraculous. To correct a bad session the normal action of the C/S is to order the offbeat actions done correctly. EXAMPLE A. Auditor assessed by interest only, not by read and the session bogged down. C/S action -- Reassess by longest read. B. Medical terms and operations were part of assessment list, one was chosen and case bogged. C/S action, order such be taken off the list and somatics, pains, sensations, emotions only be assessed. 366 C. Pc was put through each incident on the chain only once and finally bogged. C/S action, order the whole chain rerun so that pc has been through each one twice and the earliest one found erased. D. A basic was found and auditor told it was erasing but sent pc earlier but pc could find nothing so left it. C/S orders the basic erased. E. Auditor tells pc he won't run it because it "isn't an engram". C/S action, order auditor to retrain on Auditor's Code and do Invalidation and Evaluation in clay. Orders pc to an Scn Review, Green Form. F. Pc very nattery to auditor. C/S orders pc to Scn Review "and be sure to pull all withholds". G. C/S finds his orders to complete a chain left undone with a high TA were not done -- folder mislaid or pc not routed. Pc has become ill. Order the pc to medical treatment and the chain completed. You see how it is. Each time the auditor violated normal simple procedure, the C/S orders that the normal simple procedure be completed either by first giving pc an Scn Green Form in Qual and then completing the Standard Dianetics action or, omitting Qual (when pc not out-rud), just getting the real Standard action done. This is really all there is to Case Supervising Dianetic Case Folders. The more you try to do something else than the above the further the case will go wrong. The Dianetic Auditor does not have to know how to do Green Forms or rudiments and these are NOT DONE in Standard Dianetics sessions. When they have to be done you get a Scientology Auditor to do them. It is a serious error to mix up Dianetics and Scientology in the same session -- that is to say, to do ruds, rehab overruns, etc, etc. The potential errors of out-ruds and all the rest are present of course in any Dianetics session, but do not happen when exact Dianetic procedure is used. When they do happen you send the pc to an Scn Review Auditor. This is Case Supervision, Dianetics. It has been fully worked out by my Case Supervising a great many Dianetic sessions to launch this new view of Dianetics. And the above is what I found. It drives home also the necessity of training Dianetic auditors as precision technologists and the risk of letting people audit before they are fully grooved in on exactly what's done in a Dianetic session. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:cs.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 367  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=9/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISOR FORMS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 MAY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dn Checksheet CASE SUPERVISOR FORMS The two principal forms used by a Dianetics Case Supervisor are as follows: Dn C/S 1 is for new, unaudited pcs or for old ones who try to be psychoanalytic cases or who don't catch on. Dn C/S 2 is for cases who have or have not been given a Medical Examination and who have had auditing. SEA ORGANIZATION STANDARD DIANETIC C/S NO. 1 _____________________________ _________________ Preclear Date 1. Work with TRs on the pc until he has a good idea of auditing. 2. Explain what a meter does ("Registers interest and charge"). 3. Explain what is an F/N. 4. Define mental image pictures, locks, secondaries, engrams so he understands them. 5. Define Chains. 6. Define Erasure. 7. Return folder to me. _______________________________ CASE SUPERVISOR SEA ORGANIZATION STANDARD DIANETIC C/S NO. 2 _____________________________ _________________ Preclear Date 1. Make a list of any occasional or current illnesses, unwanted sensations, aches, pains, disabilities, tiredness feelings, emotions, fears, dislikes. 2. Assess for longest read. 3. Compare with pc's interest (don't audit it unless pc agrees that's it). 4. Do R-3-R on it. 5. If it goes more solid or is not erasing after going through it twice, go earlier, asking for "an earlier incident with similar (somatic, ache, pn, etc)". 6. Erase basic on the chain. 7. End off on that chain if you get an F/N or an erasure. 8. Reassess, repeat the R-3-R on new chain. 9. End off session only on very pronounced GIs (GOOD INDICATORS). 10. Return folder to me. ______________________________ C/S LRH:cs.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 368  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  METER TRIM CHECK   Remimeo All Orgs (Tech Div) (Qual Div) Exec Secs Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual Hats Dianetic Course  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY 1969 All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Sec (Tech Div) (Qual Div) Qual Sec All Tech Hats (Replaces HCO B of 27 July 1966, same name) All Qual Hats Dianetic Course METER TRIM CHECK E-Meters can go out of trim during a session because of temperature changes. Thus even if the meter is properly calibrated and reads at 2.0 with a 5,000 ohm resistor across the leads and 3.0 with 12,500 ohms, by the end of the session a pc can be apparently reading below 2.0 because the meter is off trim. The following meter procedure is therefore to be followed AT THE END OF EACH SESSION (AFTER GIVING "THAT'S IT"): 1. DON'T MOVE THE TRIM KNOB 2. PULL OUT THE JACK PLUG 3. MOVE THE TA UNTIL THE NEEDLE IS ON "SET" AT THE SENSITIVITY YOU WERE USING IN THE SESSION 4. RECORD THE TA POSITION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM AS: "Trim Check -- TA = ....... " 5. IF YOUR METER IS KNOWN TO BE OUT OF CALIBRATION (as in Para 2 above) RECORD ALSO: "calibration error -- ....... on meter = 2.0 actual" at the bottom of the form. LRH:lb-r.cs.an.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FORCING A PC   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY 1969 (REVISED -- see HCO B 11 May 69R Volume VI -- 442) Remimeo Issue II Dn Checksheet FORCING A PC Forcing a pc to go on being audited upsets the pc and his case and will often result in low TA (below 2) and will give the pc a heavy loss. There is no excuse for it. It invalidates the pc's cause. LRH:an.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 369  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=13/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PECULIARITIES   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet PECULIARITIES When you run into pc peculiarities or odd pc phenomena in Dianetic auditing that get in the road of R-3-R, DO NOT try to solve it by going non- standard or getting inventive. It will be fatal. The operating rule is end off the session and SEND THE PC TO A SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW. If you are a Scientology as well as a Dianetic auditor, you may be tempted to at once shift into Scientology. That can also be fatal. If no Qual Div is nearby and you are a Scientology auditor also and if no other Scientology auditor is around to give the review only then could you attempt a "Green Form" which is used in Qual Divisions in orgs. The way to do that is end the Dianetic session, take a break and begin the Scientology Review Session. But this is not good. It is best to send the pc to Qual and insist Qual actually handles. Some odd phenomena that come under this rule follow: Pc gets a stuck picture and can't audit the chain he should be on because picture keeps coming in. Pc's pictures are constantly changing, sometimes too fast to grab onto. Pc gets a dozen pictures at once and can't run them or decide what to run. Field goes black and won't clear up. Pc gets angry at auditor. Pc very nattery about Dianetics or orgs. On these or many more the Dianetic auditor should NEVER try to force pc to go on or do something odd or brilliant. He should simply say, "I am sorry. I will end this session." And does so. And sends the pc to the nearest Qual Division. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 370  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SICKNESS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet SICKNESS It will sometimes happen that a pc has a session and then three or four days later becomes physically ill. The auditor may feel that auditing did it. It didn't. The auditing given would have to be non-standard for this to happen, but the auditing is not to blame. According to my friend Dr. Stanley Lief, over a century ago Hahnemann developed a healing technology known as homeopathy which administered minute doses of medicine. The original theory seems to have been that the disease or illness was still in the body and would be released. The person would be wildly ill again and then permanently recover. This is probably a poor statement of the whole subject of homeopathy and its basic techniques may have worked well but have been lost. In any event, the phenomenon has application here. We would say that the mental image picture of the incident was stopped at a "stuck point" and that it would "run out" of itself if it were unstabilized. A touch assist can do this. The person may become wildly ill after one and then recover. What apparently happens is that the chain of incidents becomes unsettled and the same incident on the chain in which the person has been stuck for a long while runs out physically. It completes itself, which is to say, it finishes its cycle of action. At a hospital where I studied, this was part of the things I observed. Medicine sometimes will not work on a patient. It works on others but not on a particular one. If that particular one is given mental attention even as mild as brief Freudian analysis, it will be found that medicine will now work on the person. This formed one of the first application discoveries I made. From it I inferred that function monitors structure and proceeded to investigate mental actions and reactions in the field of illness. From this came Dianetics some years later. Mental therapy prior to 1945 was so ineffective, consisting only of 19th Century psychoanalysis and Russian and East European psychiatry, that no one else seems to have observed, then or now, that "mental blocks" are able to obstruct medical treatment of a real physical nature. The proof is that when one even reduces the mental block slightly, medicines such as antibiotics or hormones will now be effective when they were previously ineffective on some patients. It is this factor which gives purely medical treatment a somewhat random appearance. The patient is "stuck" at some point in time. Even inadequate handling of him mentally (such as a touch assist or a poorly or partially done session or even a "bad" session) "unsticks" the person from the frozen or fixed "stuck" point. 371 One of three things can now happen: 1. The person can be treated medically for his illness with greater effect. 2. The person in two or three days gets apparently sick or sicker but eventually recovers and is not subject to that exact sickness again -- (it "ran out"). 3. No further result is noted. These data are Very useful to a Dianetic auditor or a medical doctor. A person can be ill and the illness not surrendering to the usual treatment. Brief mild Dianetic auditing can be done. The medicine may now work. An auditor who specializes in keying out locks at the first F/N will find occasionally that his preclear becomes ill in two or three days from some occasional but longstanding illness which then "runs out" and doesn't appear again. An auditor who gives a non-standard, very poor session may find a preclear occasionally becoming ill within the next three or four days. The auditor and others blame the auditing. Any auditing is better than no auditing. Standard Dianetics is much more powerful than old Dianetics and should only be done by auditors trained to do it exactly. Sessions which are non-standard should be corrected as soon as possible, certainly within two days or you may find the preclear beginning to go through an illness cycle. The cycle was waiting to complete itself for a long time. The auditing unsettled it. It "ran out" physically because the pc was moved in time in the incident in which he has been "stuck". An understanding of this phenomena is necessary. It is useful data. Audit a pc badly, audit a pc too much to F/Ns on locks only, give a pc too many touch assists and you will find now and then that the occasional pc becomes physically ill, runs a temperature, etc. Before blaming yourself too much, realize the pc has often been ill in the past, that the mental cause of it has been loosened up and manifests itself and runs out physically. It is hot fatal. That illness won't recur again as it has in the past. However, that it is not fatal to the pc is no excuse not to do a good STANDARD job of auditing. If Standard Dianetics is used WITH NO DEPARTURE from its technology and procedure the phenomenon will not occur and no pcs experience a physical aftermath. STANDARD DIANETICS taught precisely, done precisely, only makes people well. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 372  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  F/N AND ERASURE   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 MAY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dn Checksheet F/N AND ERASURE It will be found that when an auditor obtains a floating needle (F/N) on locks without erasing the basic on the chain that the manifestation or somatics may recur in minutes, days or years. For they have only keyed out. It is sometimes risky to audit past an F/N on the same chain. A Scientology auditor never would audit past an F/N. A Dianetic auditor has to recognize that the pc has only run a lock and ask for an earlier incident. A floating needle is also obtained by erasure of the basic on a chain. That is the F/N one wants in Dianetics. TONE ARM POSITION A floating needle is valid only between 2.0 and 3.0 Tone Arm position on a meter. Above or below that Tone Arm reading, the F/N is called an "ARC Break" needle. A real F/N also carries with it GOOD INDICATORS. A cheerful happy pc. When the Tone Arm is below 2.0, the incident chain has not been erased. When the Tone Arm is above 3.0, erasure has not occurred. When the Tone Arm is up at 4.4 the pc has made it more solid and has not erased the basic on the chain. On the second time through, if the TA rises, you know there is an earlier incident. OVERRUN The Dianetic Auditor is not concerned with "rehabilitation" of the overrun. In Dianetics it only means the engram chain is in restimulation and has not been erased. When the basic erases, the TA will fall or rise to the area between 2.0 and 3.0 and the needle will F/N. One then stops promptly on that chain. He can reassess and run another chain now. COGNITION COGNITION means a pc origination indicating he has "come to realize". It's a "What do you know. I _______ " statement. Cognitions usually occur immediately after an erasure. They sometimes occur while running the chain. But when they occur with very good indicators the chain is almost always gone. You can expect the rapid end sequence of (1) Erasure (2) F/N (3) Cognition in a well run Standard Dianetic session. That's all you really need to know about it in Dianetics. LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was replaced by HCO B 1 August 1970, which was cancelled and revised by BTB 1 August 1970R which was cancelled by HCO B 1 August 1970RA, Revised 21 October 1974, F/N and Erasure. This latest revision is on page 117.] 373  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=14/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CULTURAL LAG   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 MAY 1969 Issue III Remimeo Dn Checksheet CULTURAL LAG The reason why Dianetics and Scientology were abused or even fought has to do with what is called a "cultural lag". This has often occurred in the history of technical developments. An example is Dr. Semmelweis's discovery of the cause and cure of childbed fever. For over half a century after that women still died in agony after child-bearing. Eventually the culture caught up to it and the illness which had accounted for a huge percentage of female deaths ceased to exist. Dr. Semmelweis's discovery of its prevention was "ahead of its time". Pathetically, scoffed and disbelieved, he even died to prove he was right. The atomic bomb was wholly feasible more than a decade before it was "developed". No one credited it and no one put up the cash. The radio telephone was invented and demonstrated half a century before it was generally used. Cultural lag occurs for many reasons. In any field as retarded as the human sciences the emergence of Dianetics and Scientology, fed and workable and complete, is startling. And thereby subject to disbelief. This does not mean they aren't used and useful. It is significant that hundreds of aerospace technicians, working with satellites and rocketry, broadly used Scientology first. At the same time parliaments in some socially backward countries were busy passing laws against Scientology to protect their psychiatrists whose medieval approach was to seize people without any process of law and castrate them and saw out brains as a "cure" for mental illness. In a world where governments are fighting to dominate men's minds, mental technology is needed to protect the individual and to prevent the enslavement of all. So Dianetics and Scientology may be a century ahead of their times but still they are just in time before we all go up in smoke. Dianetics was the first practical workable easily taught science of the mind. It has endured already 19 years and is better and more used than ever before. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 374  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIRTY NEEDLE   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet DIRTY NEEDLE A "dirty needle" indicates that a pc has withholds or is ARC Broken. When a pc is to be audited on Dianetics as a student or org pc he/she usually goes to the Examiner after a Dn C/S 1 (training pc) is done. If a DIRTY NEEDLE (ragged, jerky, ticking needle, not sweeping) is seen by the Examiner or the auditor the pc should have a Scientology Review before Dianetic auditing is begun with an order for "GF and pull all withholds". LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRS AND DIRTY NEEDLES   Remimeo Dn Checksheets  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheets TRS AND DIRTY NEEDLES When a student's pc develops a dirty needle (dn) it is caused by one of three things. 1. The student's TRs are bad. 2. The student is breaking the Auditor's Code. 3. The pc has withholds (w/hs) he does not wish known. The remedy for TRs is to have the student do them in clay, showing the lines and actions of each TR. And to do more TRs with a fellow student. The remedy for Code Breaks is to have the student define and do Invalidation and Evaluation in clay. And to list examples of possible upsets caused by each line of the Code. The remedy for the pc with withholds is to send to a Scientology Review Auditor as Scientology can handle outnesses which occur in Dianetic sessions. It is a safe rule in any event when a "dirty needle" occurs to send the preclear to a Scientology Review Auditor. It is also a safe rule to assume that the student whose pcs get dirty needles is deficient on TRs and the Auditor's Code. LRH:an.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 375  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ERASURE   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet ERASURE Now and then a pc does not understand that he is supposed to be erasing a PICTURE and only goes far enough to erase the somatic. Auditor says, "Is it erasing?" Pc can't feel somatic so he says, "It's gone." Auditor puzzled by no F/N but buys it. What you want to know as an auditor is "Is the picture erasing?" You can use that line to check, but not habitually. Erasure depends in some measure on the pc getting to the BEGINNING of the incident. Sometimes the pc keeps starting a bit late in the incident and so does NOT get an erasure. If you assess an item like "Dizziness after an operation" and try to run it the pc will bog utterly as the whole operation precedes the somatic called for and not only won't erase but also won't show as a picture. Trying to run a somatic like "my mother's hitting me" is a narrative incident not a somatic. It won't erase because you can't go earlier on the somatic as it's not named. There's probably a whole chain on "a stinging face" and chains are connected by somatic, not narrative or the same people or incident type. FEELING makes the chain. Only chains of feelings (pains, sensations, misemotions, etc) uniformly go down to a basic that will erase. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 376  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PRIOR ASSESSING   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet DRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PRIOR ASSESSING Those cases which have been long and habitually on drugs and alcohol sometimes suffer from a "SOMATIC SHUT-OFF". They appear anaesthetized (unfeeling) and sometimes have "nothing troubling them" whereas they are on drugs, drink and are in reality in a suppressed physical condition and cannot cease to take drugs or drink. One can find, in such a case, a very high TA which doesn't seem to reduce. The TA can be brought down by auditing the drug and alcohol engrams as a chain. However, there is another approach. Any such case took up drugs or alcohol because of unwanted pain or sensation or misemotion. You can use that as a stable datum which resolves the situation. All it requires is a special assessment called a PRIOR ASSESSMENT. For the person looked on drugs or alcohol as a cure for unwanted feelings. One has to assess what was wrong before or prior to the cure. You determine if the person is on drugs or alcohol habitually. If so you determine which was earlier. Now you ask for and list the pains, sensations, emotions or feelings he or she had before taking drugs or alcohol. In doing this assessment, you must grab the read and mark it plainly as it occurs. If you just list and then go over the list the person may be back in present time and, as these are now cut off by the masses of drug or alcohol engrams on top of them, they won't read again. So you must catch the read as the person first mentions it. You choose the longest read and find and run the chain by R-3R as in any other Standard Dianetic auditing. The only difference is the assessment time period. You are listing for a time before they went on drugs or alcohol. The running out of the chain of unwanted feelings they had before going on drugs or alcohol removes the reason they started taking drugs, smoking marijuana or drinking. The compulsion to still use drugs or drink is lessened and they can come off it. This can also be used as a working rule to get earlier than any "curative" activity. Almost anything which comes later is a cure for something earlier. It could be said that the present time being is a compound of past cures. To handle, the action would be the same as for drugs or alcohol. List the unwanted pains or feelings before the cure and run the longest reads by R- 3R. As there will be more than one chain involved, you of course take your next longest read and run that next, just as in any assessment. The general term for this type of assessment is PRIOR Assessing, not because it is done before auditing but to determine what the pc wag suffering from before he used a harmful "cure". LRH:an.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 377  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HEALTH FORM, USE OF A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF AUDITING   Remimeo Class VIIIs Dian Auditor's Chksht Tech Sec Ds of P Ds of T  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 MAY 1969 (HCO BULLETIN OF 16 APRIL 1969) (Revised) Remimeo Class VIIIs Dian Auditor's Chksht Tech Sec Ds of P Ds of T HEALTH FORM, USE OF A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF AUDITING As one needs a guide to know what to audit on a case, the Dianetic Health Form is an essential auditing action. Also, some cases do not know they have recovered. It is Scientology that addresses improved awareness, not Dianetics. Dianetics accomplishes an eradication of the unwanted condition and when it is gone it is gone. The pc will not again mention it in many cases and it would be an error to hammer him about being better now. Therefore a second Health Form gives a comparison. The somatics and pains not mentioned in the second which were in the first can be considered to be gone. A second form done later gives the auditor and (when a Case Supervisor is also on the case) the Case Supervisor an indication of the actual improvement. A few days, weeks or months can elapse between giving the form. This gives an indication of improvement. Any number of Health Forms can be given. One of the old problems of Dianetics was that the pc recovered from his arthritis fully and then only nagged the auditor about a new symptom. It wasn't that the pc had to have an illness (only the 19th Century psychologist believed that it was no use to cure anything as the patient just got something else). The fact is that the symptoms of the pc are several, not just one. You take up and audit each symptom or complaint to erasure of its picture, one after the other. This is a new advance in Dianetics -- that a preclear's illness or upset has more than one source. His illness or upset is a composite. You audit the most available symptom first until the picture causing it is erased. Then find the next one and audit it to erasure of its picture, then the next, etc. The symptom which has the longest read and also in which the pc is interested is the one to do first. You run its chain to erasure of basic and it vanishes. Then do the one which has the longest read (omitting the first from the list) and in which he is interested and run its secondary or engram or chain to erasure. Now find the next symptom, etc. Sooner or later the pc will have a well, healthy body, health, stability and a sense of well-being. One finds "an incident which could have caused that", dates it loosely, runs it as an incident without pushing hard, gets an earlier similar incident and runs that, or even 378 a third or fourth earlier similar (each time earlier) incident until a floating needle or the pc indicates the PICTURE IS GONE (has erased). Then one finds out what may now be bothering the pc by new assessment and does the same action on it. You can expect each chain to end with GOOD INDICATORS, pc smiling and happy. It is not all done in one session. You only end a session really when the pc is smiling and happy after an erasure of the basic picture on the chain. Sooner or later the pc will become bright, happy, symptom free, stable and has a well body. Then one shifts the preclear off into Scientology auditing to bring about maximum intelligence and ability. Symptoms are pains, emotional feelings, tiredness, aches, pressures, sensations, unwanted states of the body, etc. If you are auditing without a meter, you take the pc's interest as the indicator. You audit the symptom in which he is interested and cease to audit it when it is gone. This however is very chancy and often fails, so an E-Meter is recommended. You can use whatever is given on the original Health Form that was done until the form is no longer valid or until the pc's good indicators are in. When the pc brightens up, that's the end of the Health Form. A new one must be done WHEN THE PC IS AGAIN FEELING BAD, TIRED OR WORRIED. The purpose of any session or series of sessions is to get the pc feeling well and happy. Sometimes the pc's condition is obvious and the engram equally obvious. The pc has just had a child. The delivery of it and any earlier similar engram is of course audited at once. Any recent experience is so handled. If a pc wants no auditing and yet is ill or miserable, one finds out why he doesn't want to be audited by getting him to explain (when he will become auditable) or one finds and runs as secondaries, engrams or chains bad experiences with treatment. The best answer to a difficult pc is to send him or her for a Scientology Review and then begin Dianetics. If the pc doesn't recover at all, then the Auditor's Code has been violated or the engrams were overrun or not run long enough to erase or the pc was very ill medically and should have had a medical examination first. But even with poor auditing it is rare for a pc not to recover. Of course, the more skilled (follows the Auditor's Code, knows his meter, knows his Dianetics) the Auditor is, the more certain recovery becomes. The worst crime is overwhelming the pc by telling him what's wrong, not letting him tell you. The Health Form is of very great assistance in handling all this. The use of it is as follows: 1. The Auditor sits down with the pc (usually the pe on a meter) and explains he's going to do a Health Form and try to help the Pc. 2. The Form is completed. 3. The Auditor picks out by meter or by asking the pc which symptom he has his attention on. 379 4. The Auditor finds an incident that had that symptom in it, dates it and runs it as an incident as per R-3-R. 5. The incident picture (and symptom) erases or the auditor finds an earlier similar incident, etc until the pictures and symptoms are gone. 6. A new symptom is located on the Health Form by meter and its chain is erased. Each chain erased should leave the pc cheerful if not completely well. 7. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 8. A new symptom is located on the Health Form or by pc's complaint. 9. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated. 10. We go on doing this until the pc is suddenly well, smiling and happy and at that moment we at once desist. 11. We tell the pe that is the end of the session. Note: If several sessions were required to do the above we start each new one by telling the pc it's started and end each session by telling the pc the session is ended. Each session is written down as it is done and preserved for future correction or use. The basic Health Form is available from orgs. Individual copies are made out for each pc and left in his case folder when handled. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jk.an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 380 PASTORAL COUNSELLING HEALTH FORM Revised 22 July 1969 (Part of HCO Bulletin 19 May 1969) This form is done by an auditor. It is metered. Don't try to handle items as the PC gives them unless an item BDs and the PC is interested. Otherwise assess after it is done. It also should be reassessed for additional items to run. If the PC gives you a medical term (e.g. Migraine Headache) as an illness, write it down in the first column then ask PC what the somatic is (e.g. Pain in Head), write that down in the second column and note beside it any read. There is no rote command. Get somatics (not incidents) that can be assessed and run. If the PC gives you a somatic don't then ask for the feeling of it. Just write it down in the second column with its read and carry on down the list. If the PC gives several somatics in response to one illness, write down each as a separate somatic. Assess only the second column. Do not assess multiple somatics (i.e. several somatics as one Item) and do not assess items that are not somatics. Do not assess narrative items. Do not accept or assess considerations. Remember that an illness has more than one somatic to be audited out before it is wholly gone. Persons medically ill should be sent for medical exam. Cross those off that have been run until form is completely handled. The end product of this form is entirely to pick out what to audit. Preclear _________________________________________________ Date ______________ Auditor ________________________________________ Org __________________________ TA position at start of Form ____________ Answer Feeling Meter Read 1. Do you have any CURRENT ILLNESS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 2. Have you RECENTLY had any ILLNESS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 381 3. Do you have any RECURRING ILLNESS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 4. Do you have any CURRENT MISEMOTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 5. Have you RECENTLY had any MISEMOTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 6. Do you have any RECURRING MISEMOTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 7. Do you have any ACHES? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 8. Have you RECENTLY had any ACHES? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 9. Do you have any RECURRING ACHES? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 382 10. Do you have any PAINS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 11. Have you RECENTLY had any PAINS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 12. Do you have any RECURRING PAINS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 13. Do you have any INJURED BODY PART? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 14. Do you have any PRESENT DISEASE? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 15. Do you have any RECURRING DISEASE? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 16. Do you have any PRESENT INFECTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 383 17. Do you have any RECURRING INFECTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 18. Do you have any PRESENT VENEREAL INFECTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 19. Do you have any RASH? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 20. Do you have any RECURRING RASH? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 21. Do you have any UNWANTED SENSATIONS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 22. Have you RECENTLY had any UNWANTED SENSATIONS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 23. Do you have any CONTINUING UNWANTED SENSATIONS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 384 24. Do you have any RECURRING UNWANTED SENSATIONS? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 25. Do you have any TEETH TROUBLES? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 26. Do you have any other PHYSICAL CONDITION YOU WANT TO MENTION? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 27. Do you have any unwanted ATTITUDE? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ 28. Is there something you wanted handled which wasn't? _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ Are these all the complaints? (If question reads get the additional complaints. Mention such things as VD in case PC is embarrassed to mention them.) _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ Cross off what has been run. Completely handle the form. Add new items in subsequent sessions if PC gives them. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ldm.ei.aap Founder Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 385  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING IN AN AREA   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet KEEPING DIANETICS WORKING IN AN AREA In that any Dianetics Course, starting out, has only its Course Supervisor trained, the problems of what is used for Case Supervision and Cramming Supervisor in Qual will arise. Here more than any other points, alteration can enter. Altering, doing something else, is a sufficiently serious problem to destroy a Course and all the benefits of Dianetics in a whole area. Early on, during the development of the Standard Dianetics Course, we were suddenly getting case failures. These were traced by Case Supervision to wild variations from Standard Dianetic procedure. These variations were traced to an examiner who during student checkouts was giving "advice". As soon as this was handled, case gains immediately resumed. Over the many years of Dianetic use, I think we must have seen all possible variations of auditing. "New" phenomena were often discovered and used and eventually the whole subject wandered off into never-never land and ceased to produce uniform results. What has happened here in Standard Dianetics is that the exact actions that produce results on all cases have been isolated and used as THE procedure. The procedure is a thin narrow walkway through a huge field of potential alterations. THERE ARE NO DIFFERENT CASES. Built in to the Standard Dianetic procedure are the remedies. For instance early Dianetics was plagued by several problems: 1. Lack of visio -- an inability to see pictures. This was solved by getting date and duration. 2. Perception shut-off. Not required in total now to produce results. Sonic, ability to hear the sound in pictures, is not needed at all. Impression is sufficient. 3. Somatic shut-off. Not now required to be solved but its source (drugs and alcohol) has been discovered. 4. Rough sessions. Solved by TRs. 5. Lack of auditor judgement in diagnosis. Solved by the E-Meter. In these years of research I have been able to wrap-up these and other things. There have been more cases run on Dianetics than could easily be counted. So the research data is very broad. This is no new subject. It has been close to 39 years under research. Thus what you are told on the Standard Dianetics Course is the essence of all this 386 work and experience. There are no unsolved problems, there is only varied application where there should not be. The whole object of the course is to train people to get good RESULTS, and train people to give a course that results in GOOD AUDITORS. That's the whole thing. We could also teach over 50,000,O00 words about things that don't get results or train auditors. The essence of a brilliant subject is a simple subject. Therefore anything that varies the data of a Standard Dianetics Course can send it out into unworkability. I've seen auditors also use "peyote" (a drug), CO2 and drugs "to help auditing". I've seen many different meter types used. I've looked over a thousand different ways to run a session. And I've seen all these things fail. The four points of greatest potential failure are 1. A Course Supervisor who interprets data and alters it in order to satisfy some students offbeat quest. 2. An Examiner who throws curves into data by means of invalidating the right data. 3. A Case Supervisor who does not simply and only put the auditor back onto the main line and who seeks to "solve" cases by altering data. 4. An Auditor who, not knowing his data in the first place, alters the data and, because in an altered form he fails, starts off on a wilder alteration of data and fails harder. Under Supervisor come the Course and Cramming Supervisor both. So you see, that to get real Standard Dianetic results going in an area you have to be very alert to hold the exact data line as contained in the HCO Bs. Where you begin to find case failures, look to 1 to 4 above and to student failure to just simply study and drill. For the first time you have an exact subject in the field of the "humanities". These "humanities" for all man's history have been a mass of superstition, bad logic, propaganda, authority and brutality. An exact humanity is so new that it has a bit of a hard time. All the errors and prejudices start to "blow off" when truth enters in. Just be sure you don't lose the subject with the confusion. Cope, make do, hold the line and you'll have a successful Dianetic area. It's worth working toward, worth achieving. You have only one big stable datum. IF IT ISN'T WORKING IT IS BEING VARIED. To get it working again, find who and what is varying it and get back on the main line. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 387  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ASSESSMENT   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet ASSESSMENT In all the years of auditing, listing and assessing anything has been a weak spot in general auditing. More goofy alterations Fan occur and more errors in this activity than any other. In Standard Dianetics if you assess the wrong item or a wrongly worded item the case won't run, the TA goes up or the TA goes down. HIGH TA (above 3.5) is a lot of mass coming in. LOW TA (below 2) is overwhelm. Bed TRs can cause low TA as the auditor is overwhelming the pc. Too many times through without going earlier is the usual cause of these 4.5 to 5.5 TAs. But both high and low TA are in some degree caused by not quite right assessment. Pictures going off (pc gets a black or invisible field) is also caused by a wrong assessment. The whole subject of assessment means PICK OUT THE THING THAT WILL RUN. That's all one is trying to do. As I have never had the faintest trouble listing and assessing anything or even finding the right somatic with no meter at all, it is hard for me to advise how to correct MISASSESSMENT or assessment errors. It just evades my reality. The whole subject is too easy. Just too awful easy. So my belief is that students try to put too much into it. They try to get a pat-phrased question to ask like "What is the feeling?" They stare (TR 0) at the pc when they should be looking at the meter. Try TR 0 on the meter! An old operating definition of ASSESSMENT is: ASSESSMENT IS DONE BY THE AUDITOR BETWEEN THE PC'S BANK AND THE METER. THERE IS NO NEED IN ASSESSING TO LOOK AT THE PC. JUST NOTE WHICH ITEM HAS THE LONGEST FALL OR BD. THE AUDITOR LOOKS AT THE METER WHILE DOING AN ASSESSMENT. A clue to this is the continual misuse of the Azimuth meter. I keep finding them with paper pasted behind the dial. This shows they aren't used right. One bends the stand peg to get it out of the way, and writes by looking at his pen through the glass. Then he never misses a read as the meter is between him and the item he is writing. One is assessing for PAINS, SENSATIONS, UNWANTED EMOTIONS, ACHES. It can get so far out that the pc is made to say only feelings like "a going in feeling" and never even mention a pain. There are so many signs and indicators that it is a wrong item when it is that I can't see how it could be missed. On a wrong Item the pc has bad indicators, the meter doesn't read, there is no pc interest. Wow. It's as obvious as a sinking ship. 388 On a right item the meter reads well when the pc says it, the pc's good indicators come in somewhat when it's announced, the pc is very interested in running it. It's about as obvious as sky rockets. So just given these two descriptions of the reaction to a wrong item and a right item I should think anybody could tell them. Rote procedure gets heavily in the road of a Dianetic assessment. The pc gives a list, the auditor doesn't watch the reads and note them, then the auditor commonly goes back to assess the list. By that time the charge is off. He should have watched the meter in the first place and taken that. Why all this assessing of the finished list. Of course when you already have a list done by another with no reads marked on it, you have to read it off and mark what reads. And using a list a second time you have to read it off to the pc to see what reads. When a student demands a rote procedure for Dianetic assessment he is asking for trouble and is trying not to understand. If the student simply understood that he was trying to find an item that read well, brought in moderate GIs and in which the pc was interested and which was usefully worded and which would run, he would have it made. I get the feeling that Scientology listing gets all mixed up on a Dianetic Course There are precision Scientology listing and nulling actions which must not be violated. These have NOTHING to do with Dianetics. Nothing! A Standard Dianetics list can be so sloppily done it's hard to believe. BUT the auditor has to watch the meter and be sure he has one with the pc's interest, worded so as to run into an engram chain. I've seen an incredibly botched up job as finding a somatic done this way. Pc listed, needle and TA all over the dial. Auditor picked out four somatics. Wrote them down and called them off. None read. The auditor then said the pc couldn't be audited on Dianetics and should be sent for Scientology. Who is kidding who? The somatics read like mad. There was even one with a LFBD. Yet the auditor had to go into some goofy rote procedure or ritual and by it "discover" there were no somatics. The errors in this operation of finding a somatic can be so corny and so idiotic that I have to assume the auditor doesn't know or understand what he's trying to do and doesn't even look at the meter while he does it. Honest, this action of finding the somatic to run is SO easy to do that only over-complication can block it. The auditor wants to know what aches, pains, bad feelings, misemotions the pc complains of and out of these takes the one that reads best while the pc is saying it or it is being called off and which brings in the pc's GIs moderately and in which the pc is interested. The somatic MUST read. Now what's so hard about that? It requires one looks at his meter when the pc is giving it or it is being talked about. There are no Scientology listing considerations in it. Now and then the pc has a discreditable somatic and the auditor has to coax the pc to give all. Now and then the pc says "My LUMBOSIS" and if you ran that or any medical term you'd only get him in doctors' offices or in hospitals, as it's a medical term, not a somatic. 389 Evidently the student gets in such a sweat about finding a "right item" that he goes up the spout on good sense. In Scientology lists there's only ONE item. On Dianetic lists there can be a dozen, for a Dianetic list isn't really a list. It isn't trying to isolate the mental troubles of the pc. A Dianetic list is simply the pc's physical aches and pains. Golly, people are notorious for discussing their aches and pains. Why is it so hard to find one that reads well on a meter? Well, you have to watch the meter. That's probably the outness. Students are so socially adjusted they keep looking at the pc, maybe even trying to look pleasant rather than trying to read a meter. I feel, in trying to communicate and teach how to locate what to run, as if I am explaining where the floor is. And the people I'm explaining it to are wondering how you look at a floor, what chant you intone while looking at a floor and what mathematical equation you use to make sure it is the floor. It's that kind of a thing. I say, "There's the floor. If you stamp on it and it is there you will get a sound." And guys think, "Well, maybe but how loud a sound and do you use the right foot or the left foot and if that's the floor I can't find the ceiling because I have no sextant." All I'm trying to tell you is that when you are looking for a somatic in the pc and hit it the meter reads well, the pc has moderate GIs when you tell him what it is you've chosen, he is interested and it will run. And honest to Pete, that's all there is to it. And if somebody says there's anything else he's trying to wreck a whole course and a lot of auditors. I can't say it any plainer. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 390  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS ITS BACKGROUND   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet DIANETICS ITS BACKGROUND The world before Dianetics had never known a precision mental science. Man has used mental knowledge in the past mainly for control, politics and propaganda. The word "psychology" in the popular usage is synonymous with "getting around" somebody. In the thousands of years before 1950 there were many philosophers and much knowledge was gathered in the field of logic, mathematics, electronics and the material sciences. However, due to ideologies and political conflicts, little of this prior knowledge was ever applied to the field of the human mind. The scientific idea of regarding as a truth only that which could be demonstrated with a result was never really applied to the mind. "Researchers" in this field were not fully trained in mathematics, the scientific method or logic. They were interested mainly in their own private ideas and in political Targets. As an example, the only "schools" of psychology taught or followed in the West were Russian and East German. The primary school was that of Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov (1849-1936) a veterinarian. Every school child and university student was required to study Pavlov in one disguise or another. The burden of Pavlov's work is that man is an animal and only works through "conditioning". The Western nations overlooked the fact that this work had already destroyed several countries including Czarist Russia, that Stalin had made Pavlov write up his work in the Kremlin in 1928 in order to permit the control of men. Using the mental studies of an enemy is a very dangerous thing to do. The West at that time was run by only the "very best people" and possibly it pleased them greatly to think that the masses they controlled were only animals after all. That this also made them animals did not occur to them. Billions of dollars were appropriated by parliaments and congress to subsidize men to "better control" their animals. These men had no idea of healing anyone or helping anyone. Riots and civil disorder were the only product they achieved. Dianetics was released straight into the teeth of these heavily subsidized Barons of the Mind with their "it takes 12 years to make a psychiatrist" and "authority states" and "any effort to interrupt this monopoly must be stamped out at once". Psychology and psychiatry were state (government) subjects, pushed by the "very best people". 391 They could not make their way on their own because they were contrary to the public morals and customs. The public actually wanted nothing to do with them. In mental institutions torture, permanent damage and death were the order of the day, on the basis that it did not matter if one killed people as they were just animals anyway. So the public was on the side of Dianetics (and later Scientology) and the governments were on the side of the "very best people". Press, controlled by governments and intelligence services and the "very best people", lied endlessly about Dianetics (and Scientology). Dianetics, a new valid mental science, was pitted against Russian and Eastern European teachings. Dianetics is not only the first mental science developed in the West, it is the first mental science on the planet that uniformly produces beneficial results. Man is being subjected to fantastic and violent efforts to lure or crush him into docility. This is the obvious end product of Russian and Eastern European technologies now heavily financed and supported, unwittingly, by Western governments. Man's response to this is riots and civil disorder in the universities, unions and streets. Man does not accurately trace the source of his oppression. He is violently worried. The government response has been more millions to psychologists and psychiatrists to develop new means of control and oppression. What has not worked in the past is not likely to work in the present or the future. Czarist Russia, the entire Balkans, Poland, Germany and many more Eastern European countries have already perished trying to use the work of Pavlov, Wundt and others. The entire West, having "bought" the same governing ideas, is now in turmoil and is perishing in its turn. Dianetics refuses to be a revolutionary activity. It does not have to be. All it has as a mission is to get itself applied. The basic building block of a society is the individual. From individuals groups are built. And this is the society. No society is better than its basic building blocks. Men are not animals. Well men are sane men. Dianetics, if applied to individuals in the society, brings hope, well and sane beings. These well and sane beings, sent on to Scientology, then become brilliant and very able beings. We are evolving Man to a higher state. In this state he can better handle his problems. We are not trying to overthrow anyone. We are not revolting against anyone. In truth we can even make the fancied "very best people" into actual very best people. Dianetics was first conceived in 1930 and the developments of 39 years have gone into producing Standard Dianetics. 392 Dianetics: The Original Thesis was published in 1949 in manuscript form. It was copied in various ways, hand to hand across the world. Dianetics. The Evolution of a Science was published in late 1949. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was published May 9, 1950 and has since sold millions of copies. In the early '50s new discoveries concerning the spirit brought us into Scientology. But Dianetics was never lost sight of and every little while I would push it further ahead toward a fast, easy, 100% workability. The present release of Standard Dianetics is a near final Product. If done exactly, it produces good, permanent results in only a few hours of auditing. One can train a Dianetic auditor in Standard Dianetics in from 10 days to a month at the most, with an average of about 2 weeks. These are very, very worthwhile advances and Standard Dianetics is almost as great a breakthrough in 1969 as the Original Thesis in 1949. Hundreds of thousands of hours of search and research have gone into it. Dianetics has progressed from the pre-Dianetic period of no science of the mind, to the existence of a real science of the mind, to a fast accurate science simpler than any other scientific subject and of more value to Man. All this advance has been very hardly won, without government billions, in the teeth of avalanches of lies and opposition. The subject owes no allegiance to anyone but itself. It has no commitments to anyone. It has no polities. It belongs to those who use it. It is the only game in the universe where everyone wins. Let's keep it that way. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 393  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING OUT SESSIONS NARRATIVE VERSUS SOMATIC CHAINS   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet AUDITING OUT SESSIONS NARRATIVE VERSUS SOMATIC CHAINS Now and then it is necessary to audit out the last session or an auditing session. One does this by R-3-R but there is a slight change in wording when asking the pc to go earlier. One asks for an EARLIER SIMILAR INCIDENT. "Is there an earlier similar incident?" A session, when audited, does not always erase. Instead it has become part of a chain. Therefore one has to run R-3-R on it and get an earlier similar incident. The chain may go back vast amounts of time. Whereas the pc may only have been in Scientology 3 days, before Scientology there were other types of "sessions" such as psychoanalysis. And before that, in Rome and Greece, dream therapy in which one was "visited by a God". And before that -- well, the chain can have a very far back basic. One does not of course suggest ever what the earlier incident may be. There is no telling what the pc may confuse with a session. If one asked the pc to "locate an earlier incident with a similar feeling" one would be on another chain entirely. Hence one asks, simply, "Is there an earlier similar incident?" when running a session out. Running a session out has the liability that one is running a NARRATIVE CHAIN, a similar experience rather than a similar somatic. One of the major 1969 breakthroughs was that chains are held together mainly by somatics. The body condition or somatic is what keeps the chain in association. One can of course run "narrative incidents" by which one means similar EXPERIENCES. "Locate an earlier time your mother spanked you." "Locate an earlier wreck." These will run and sometimes even get to and erase a basic. BUT they are LONG and sometimes don't ever get to basic at all and the chain may not erase. Running only narrative incidents is what made early Dianetics run up such fabulous numbers of hours in processing. Somatic chains go quickly to basic and are the important chains. Thus when we erase a chain of sessions we sometimes run into a very long chain. Sometimes the TA goes up to 4 or 5 (particularly if the auditor grinds). Using a wrong go-earlier command is a primary reason for trouble. Usually if you ask simply for an earlier similar incident the pc goes back to something that will erase and the chain blows. But remember, asking for similar types of experience can cause trouble in that it gets very long and basic may not appear for some time. You can get away with running out sessions in most cases, enough to make it a worthwhile action. But only if you ask for "an earlier similar incident". This phrase is a workhorse phrase of auditing anyway. The best thing to do is goof no assessments or sessions in the first place. LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 394  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE DIFFICULT CASE   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet THE DIFFICULT CASE Dianetic Course Supervisors can expect up to 20 percent threatened course failures because of "case failures" meaning the student's own case. If a student has no gains himself he is unlikely to be able to audit well. In HGCS, given Standard Dianetic Auditing, anything up to 25% of the pcs will not resolve on Standard Dianetics alone. The reason for this is that in Standard Dianetics one audits without "Rudiments". Thus you get the pc coming in with life ARC Breaks, Present Time Problems and Missed Withholds. The answer is to send the preclear to a Scientology Review for a "Green Form" (GF). If the person comes back to Standard Dianetic Auditing and still has a hard time of it or gives the auditor a hard time or gets sick, send the person back to a Scientology Review with this instruction: "Give Green Form to F/N and then assess No. 40 GF and handle." The Class VIII will take it from there. This should reduce course failures and HGC case failures down to the very small percentage of those who are there for other reasons than learning or receiving auditing. Thus, unless the cases are handled these percentages of 20% and 25% may occur. Students don't have cases. But failed students do. OT CASES Handling the OT Case can be very tricky. Any one of these can give the auditor trouble. But it is usually nothing much to handle unless the OT is what we call a "False III". This is somebody who gaily went up the grades without doing them. You don't have to know more about it than that. Thus if a person who is OT is giving trouble being audited on Dianetics it's better to turn him or her over to a Class VIII for routine handling on Scientology. Any OT who has somatics is auditable on Dianetics which he should have had in the first place as he was using Scn grades to get rid of his headache! Or some somatic. If the "OT" isn't auditable on Dianetics then he's a problem for a Class VIII and not a very tough one either. To the HDG this is not very complex. Audit the "OT" on Standard Dianetics. If it works okay just carry on until he's rid of his somatics and turn him over to Qual when he's okay. If it doesn't work, then cease Dianetics and turn him over to Qual who will get the thing straight by the usual Class VIII remedies. That's all you have to know about OTs in Dianetics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 395  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC HIGH CRIMES   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 MAY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dian Checksheet DIANETIC HIGH CRIMES Aside from Auditor's Code violations there are only four high crimes a Dianetic auditor can commit: 1. Cease to audit suddenly with the pc down the track somewhere. 2. Make a sudden evaluative remark in the middle of the session. 3. React or Comment adversely on what the pc is running such as being critical of the pc for having such an incident. 4. Force a pc to go on when he doesn't want to. These mess up pcs quite badly and give them a great deal of trouble afterwards. Over the years these four actions have been observed being done from time to time by persons trying to audit in Dianetics. They are just as bad in Scientology but oddly, I don't recall them being done in Scientology, only Dianetics. Example of 1: Auditor fails to give next command or any further commands and leaves pc hanging. Example of 2: "Are you really interested in this session or not?" Example of 3: "That was a horrible thing to do." Example of 4: "Go ahead. Get into it," after pc has asked to stop. There are countless variations of these. In I the pc volunteers it's all sort of unreal in the incident so the auditor, instead of TR 4, just ends session. These are very bad things to do. They don't kill anybody. But they surely make pcs less auditable. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 396  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=25/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH TA ASSESSMENT   Remimeo Dianetics Chksht  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 25 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Chksht HIGH TA ASSESSMENT When a pc has a high TA (4.0 or above) after having one or more sessions, it is OBVIOUS THAT THE EARLIER CHAINS FOUND WERE NOT ERASED. What makes a TA high? A TA, in Dianetics, is high ONLY for one reason. One or more engram chains are IN RESTIMULATION. A high TA equals mental energy mass. Engrams have mass in them even when they are pictures. The figures in the picture, the scenery, the picture have mass. It is electrical mass. It registers as a TA above 3. To gay that the TA is 3.3 and the picture was erased is silly. That is indicating that part of the mass is still there. This is often also true above 2.0. When the meter needle is not floating the TA is registering mass. Mental mass. So when you see a TA going up, up, up you know the picture isn't erasing but is getting more SOLID. The solidness is visible right on the TA dial. So to ask for a rerun when you've already ground and ground and the TA has been up up up is silly. The meter is already telling you there is an earlier incident as the one the pc is in is getting more solid and is not erasing. To assess a pc who has a high TA is a GOOF. One should be asking what chain in an earlier session was not flattened. And flatten it. And if that doesn't work, send the pc to Review for a "GF40 and handle".* In Scientology a high TA means "overrun". The Dianetic auditor however doing Dianetics does not "rehab" the F/N. He is handling why the TA does go high. Mental mass consisting of pictures. A Scientology overrun goes by an F/N. In the F/N movement the mass moved away. It didn't erase. If you keep on running the same action the mass moves in again. The Scientology auditor recovers the moment it moved off by "rehabbing the point of release". The Dianetic auditor in doing Dianetics finds the incomplete chain, carries it to basic and gets it GONE forever. LOW TA A low TA (below 2) means the pc is overwhelmed and has retreated. [* This paragraph was deleted when this HCO B was reissued and amended as HCO B 22 July 1969, Issue II, High TA Assessment, page 418.] 397 If you chop up a pc with had TRs you may see his TA go below 2. Also some incidents force a pc below 2, but when they are erased the TA comes back up to F/N. If you think you have had an erasure but the TA is below 2 at the time of F/N, then you haven't erased any chain. EXCEPTION A discharged meter or one with its trim set incorrectly (2.0=2.0) or a faulty meter or electrodes will give the auditor or examiner wrong reads. One should check his meter before session for full charge and get the pc to squeeze the cans to see if he is registering on the meter. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 398  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE VIII's NIGHTMARE   Important Urgent Remimeo Class VIIIs ECs Qual Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 MAY 1969 Remimeo Class VIIIs ECs Qual Secs Important Urgent THE VIII's NIGHTMARE The most awful thing I think that can happen to a Class VIII Case Supervisor is to have to try to do his job with no competent Review Auditor. The lack of a Review Auditor ends the trail. If the HGC squirrels and then Review goofs up too and there's no good auditor in Review to catch that, an VIII Case Supervisor feels licked. Therefore the proper procedure is to take up the case with himself as auditor, straighten it out. And demand someone is sent to an VIII Course to be trained. Now a new mess can occur if the person sent to the VIII Course comes back and can't audit either. The thing to do then is for the senior VIII in the org to ALWAYS EXAMINE A RETURNING VIII GRADUATE AND IF HE/SHE FLUNKS telex the Second Deputy Commodore Pacific (AOLA) and send the "graduate" back to the AO for retraining and file a job endangerment chit on the AO Class VIII Supervisor via his Commanding Officer of that AO. This is the one line that must not break down. Misteaching Tech in such a way as to fail to provide the orgs with competent auditors is the only way I know of to destroy orgs. We must keep Standard Tech Standard and well done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.jh Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 399  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HOW NOT TO ERASE   Remimeo Dian Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 MAY 1969 Remimeo Dian Checksheet HOW NOT TO ERASE There are two extremes a Dianetic student can go to on the subject of erasure. A. He can grind and grind and grind (ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, on and on) with the TA going up up up and never once tell the pc to go earlier. B. He can watch the TA come down to between 2 and 3 and go loose on the last incident run, ask the pc "erase or solid" get a non-committal answer and send the pe earlier. He can keep sending the pc earlier and earlier on another chain without ever noticing he's finished the first chain. These are the two extreme cases. In Case A it is OBVIOUS from TA rise that the chain has an earlier incident. In Case B it is obvious from the TA that the chain erased. In A the student is preventing the pc from going earlier when he should. In B the student is forcing the pc to go earlier when he shouldn't. In both cases the student hasn't a clue of what an engram chain is. It is marvelous how students demand "the exact phrase" to use as an effort to avoid having to really understand what he is doing in auditing. If a student hasn't a clue about what he is doing then a thousand goofy outnesses will keep cropping up, each one requiring (a Supervisor thinks) a special instruction. After a while you get a course text weighing one ton, and all because the student didn't grab the basic definitions in the first place. A student who will do either A or B above has not grasped that an engram chain is held in place by the basic for that chain and that basic is the FIRST TIME and that the clue to erasure is unburdening down to first time and erasing first time and that all picture chains are there because the first time is there. The student assumes one always asks "solid or erasing". Or that one always does only what the pc says. Or some such consideration. I would damned well never ask "solid or erasing" if I saw the TA start to climb. I would know the TA measured mental mass and that it was accumulating and wouldn't erase. I'd just ask for an earlier incident. Honest, it's awful easy. A very odd outness a student will encounter when he is so dedicated to the exact words is the fast pc who erases before he can tell about it. Along about no. 3 of R3R the TA blows down and the needle F/Ns. A student who knew his business by understanding would ask, "Did it erase?" of course. The pc would say, "It vanished," and VGIS would come in. A fast running pc on a light chain can occasionally blow an engram by inspection. 400 If it was basic for that chain, one would be committing the crime described in B above. The pc is likely to go into another chain or a heavy protest. So you see, there's no substitution for actually understanding what's going on. There's the pc, there's the bank, there's the meter needle, there's the meter tone arm and there's the auditor, there's the procedure, there's the report. That's all the parts there are to a session. When one understands each one, one can audit. When one doesn't understand some part of any of the above, he will require unusual solutions. Anything truly powerful is truly simple. So a student who goofs is being complex and hasn't understood something about one of the major parts named above. I just saw a goofed-up session that went like this: PC: It (the engram) happened every day for three days. AUDITOR: ABCD. Flunk. The auditor was so deficient in knowing about chains and first time that he didn't tell the pc to go to the first day's engram but let the poor pc flounder in day 3! And so the chain did not erase and the pc hung up in it. If the rule of First time is really understood, one would realize a lot of things, even that the Pc was beginning an incident half way through it and hadn't begun to run the beginning of it so of course, no erasure. If this happened on basic ....... "There's no earlier incident" (TA high). "Does the one we're running start earlier?" "Hey, yes it does." "Move to the new beginning of the incident ....... " Yoicks, an erasure! This is no invitation to depart from procedure. It's an invitation to see procedure as an action, very precise, capable of being understood and done, not a rote chant. I'm sure some students are ex-medicine men who did their spells with exactly worded chants. It's time they understood the brew in the pot! That's the procedure -- not do the commands rhyme! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 401  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS AND RESULTS DIANETIC COUNSELING GROUPS   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 MAY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet DIANETICS AND RESULTS DIANETIC COUNSELING GROUPS The isolated practitioner who hung out his shingle, and sought its work all alone would have to be a "one-man band". Let us list the basic essential "hats" he would have to wear. Reception Registrar Cashier Ethics Officer Examiner Case Supervisor Auditor Review Auditor Public Relations Officer If successful he would spend about 5 hours a day auditing, 2 hours eating and 8 hours sleeping. This leaves 9 hours in which to do the remaining "hats". Of necessity one or more would be neglected. On that point he would tend to cave in as a "one-man band". It takes about 2 Admin personnel to keep a tech personnel going. Even a group of auditors, trying to make lots of money, usually try to do nothing but audit. It is not that they have case failures. It is that they fail to wear the essential hats. The best auditing results are obtained from teamwork. A Review Auditor has to be a trained Scientologist. Lack of one means a roughed-up pc has to be sent to the nearest org. But there is no reason one cannot work as part of a group, even if the others are only part-timers. The best solution to all this is to form a DIANETIC COUNSELING GROUP and get the essential posts on the org board held. Then the advances and gains the group makes will be advances that are stable. This group would of course have to have liaison with a competent Medical Doctor or Clinic. In the United States especially, the COUNSELORS would have to be ministers. A Dianetic auditor would be able to audit all day even if the whole group only worked evenings. Let's face it. The auditor auditing alone will have case failures. He won't have 402 time to pick them up. He won't be able to get them to Qual. After a while he will have losses and some failed cases that muddy up his neighborhood just as other professions get. Psychiatry and psychology failed as single practitioners not only because they had no real tech but because they tried to work alone. This turned them toward governments which then used them only to control populations and there went whatever tech they might have developed. The single practitioner theory in Dianetics failed badly as an early Dianetics practice. Auditors that made it only attached themselves to the rich. Others became drifters. The answer, we have found out long since, is the group. The full hats, organization and activities and how they interrelate are available to Dianetic Counseling Groups. It is a wide area of interesting development all by itself. We had to know org basics to make orgs. A Dianetic Counseling Group can be enfranchised and made regular and helped. It will tend to stabilize any practice area. And it will MINIMIZE case failures. The official position of orgs is that they cannot take responsibility for the results obtained by single practitioners. Auditing is a team activity. Even if one were a medical doctor or a psychiatrist or psychologist, it would be best to have on hand or on call the rest of the team or at least a Dianetic Counseling Group even if one were not an integral part of it. The purpose of auditing is healthy sane people. The largest percentage are very grateful and very happy. And then there are the few who, through misconducted lives, are quite a handful to say the least. Realism requires that auditing be a group action. As such a group can also teach a course, it is not difficult to recruit able people to help. I recall in particular two pathetic cases of singlism. One was a psychoanalyst who learned how to be an auditor and had to stop using Dianetics as it cleaned up all his practice and he had so much trouble finding "patients". The other was an auditor who found himself with the whole of a war vessel's crew as pcs and no help in sight. In either case forming a Dianetic Counseling Group, getting them checked out on their "hats" and doing their duties even part-time would have solved all. One stick won't burn. One auditor cannot in truth live and work alone. LRH:an.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 403  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/6/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PREDICTION AND CONSEQUENCES   Remimeo Class II Checksheets Academy SHSBC  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 JUNE 1969 Remimeo Class II Checksheets Academy SHSBC PREDICTION AND CONSEQUENCES Probably the reason overts of omission and commission are done at all lies in Man's inability or faulty ability to predict and to realize consequences. Men are rather thoroughly stuck in the present and so involved with its confusions that they rarely foresee anything and are mainly oblivious to any consequences of their own actions or failures to act. This gives them the appearance of being stupid. When men become too confused to even stay in the present they slide into the past and become "psychotic" or, at best, "neurotic". The Russian psychologist Pavlov was acceptable in Western Universities and governments mainly because he dealt only in stimulus and response mechanisms. Men in universities and governments and other places from which it is difficult to view life (since the situations are so lofty) took psychology and psychiatry at face value. Men were animals one trained like dancing bears. In other words these subjects were political subjects aimed at control. There was no thought of healing anything. "Treatment" meant, not heal or cure, but train by punishing "bad" characteristics. It is interesting that neither subject ever listed any good characteristics. A typical "treatment" was to punish with electric shock a "bad habit". They would give an alcoholic a taste of liquor and shock him so that he would feel the shock each time he thought of liquor. This is the Russian Pavlov at work in all American mental practice prior to Dianetics and Scientology. Needless to say a great many people were injured for life but no one was cured of anything. The psychiatrist and psychologist who did these things were themselves of a criminal temperament and widely boasted they could not tell right from wrong. The ability to tell right from wrong is the legal definition of sanity. The reason domineering politicians in government supported the psychologist and psychiatrist with billions in funds and helped them destroy any potential rival was that certain types in government conceive it their duty to control populations. In their view populations were merely a herd of animals to be managed and kept from committing anti-social acts as well as milked for tax money or slaughtered. By making a totally confusing and violent environment and stripping the country of any constitutional safeguards the security of the individual was undermined to a point where he had to be continually alert to immediate threat in his environment. This tended to pin people in close to present time. It inhibited any future, planning for the future or any long distance consequences in the future. Thus Russian mental "treatment" imported into the West actually did prevent the people from being able to predict -- as they were continuously battered by government. Thus crime rose to a fantastic level. The citizen, pinned into insecurity in the present by outrageous economic, governmental and social duress, became much less able to predict and therefore became oblivious of the consequences of his own acts. 404 Most "criminal" types are completely unable to predict and thus have no fear of any consequences even when they are obvious to a more sane person. The case that is very bad off therefore does not register on a meter. Having no awareness of good or evil due to his low case condition there is no apparent charge on overt acts of omission or commission, regardless of who has been hurt. Man is basically good. When his level of awareness rises he begins to be able to predict and see the consequences to himself or others of evil actions. The more he is freed and the higher his intelligence and ability rise the more "moral" he becomes. Only when he is beaten down below awareness as a chronic condition does Man commit evil actions. It is not for nothing that soldiers have to be brutalized and stuck in the present by threat and duress to make them commit harmful actions. When a person's awareness is improved he is also able to predict and can foresee consequences on the eight dynamics. Criminal governments and brutalizing societies are poor things to have around, they are not "clever" enough to forecast their own demise. They engage in cold or hot wars instead of working out their problems. They buy Pavlov and dog technology to crush "bad traits" rather than cure and heal anyone. They work to decrease all liberty or abolish constitutional safeguards. True Sanity is that condition wherein one is sufficiently intelligent to solve his problems without physical violence or destroying other beings and yet survive happily and prosperously. The road from insanity to sanity is a road of recognition of the world around one, the future, and consequences of one's own actions. Thus the principle of the overt motivator sequence will be found to explain and its techniques remedy the brutality into which races fall. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fas.el.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 405  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/6/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MATERIALS, SCARCITY OF   Remimeo Dian Course Super Checksheet Dissem Secs Tech Secs Qual Secs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 JUNE 1969 Remimeo Dian Course Super Checksheet Dissem Secs Tech Secs Qual Secs MATERIALS, SCARCITY OF A hidden outness and training slower downer is materials, scarcity of. A whole course can be wrecked by lack of study materials. Speed of Training was a major 1969 breakthrough. It takes only 2 weeks to a month to make a competent Dianetic auditor using Standard Dianetics. This can be greatly retarded by study material scarcity. The best way to handle this is to have plenty of study packs, books and clay. Another way to handle it is to break the checksheet down into parts A, B, C and D and issue different sections of it to a broad new course. It does not greatly matter which one the student does first. Material scarcity tends to equalize itself when a course enrolls every day. You gradually get a spread-out of materials. In past years study materials have been a continuing problem. All possible is being done to make this easier. But as Dianetics expands it will probably never cease to be a problem. It is a point which requires thought and attention on the part of every group, org, Course Supervisors and Administrators. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 406  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/6/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  F/N   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JUNE 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet F/N It is possible to get a floating needle and Very Good Indicators while simply spotting or dating an engram. This does not often happen. But when it does happen it occasionally also causes trouble if the F/N is by-passed. The criterion is to let the pc have his win. A pc who gets 1. An F/N 2. A Cognition, and 3. Very Good Indicators on an incident or chain has A. Keyed it out (still there but not keyed in) or B. Erased it by inspection or C. Erased it by running the chain. C is the case in by far the greatest percentage of pcs and sessions. B is so rare that you won't find it except on clears or persons who are nearly clear. A (key-out) is rather common. The auditor's problem is to tell which it is. Really it isn't much of a problem. Almost all of the time C is the case. One just does Standard Dianetics -- list, assessment, R3R, and you eventually get an erasure of the basic of the chain, with an F/N, VGIS and a cognition. When a key-out occurs, you can get an F/N, GIs and possibly a cognition BUT THE INCIDENT THE PC WAS RUNNING HAD NO IMPACT OR INJURY IN IT. You can by-pass the F/N in Dianetics in this case and complete the chain. If you just leave it at that no damage is done BUT THE PC MAY KEY IN AGAIN EVEN BEFORE HE/SHE GETS TO THE EXAMINER. Even the somatic may come back. If so, just finish the chain. There's no real damage done. But if it WAS an engram (contained pain and unconsciousness) and it erased and the auditor got an F/N, VGIS and a Cognition and tried to force the pc to go earlier you can get a very upset pc who has to be sent to Review for a Green Form. When you get the very rare pc who, well advanced, actually blows an engram by inspection you will know it. Such a pc already audits very fast -- hard to keep up admin -- and is clear or near clear. The somatic, the lot simply goes. If you try to push the pc into running it, some sort of fire- fight may occur, a thing to be avoided. If judgement of all this seems difficult, there's a safe rule: "Let the pc have his win". 407 And remember that a win consists of 1. An F/N 2. A Cognition and 3. VGIS. The main liability of pushing a pc past a win is that he may "jump chains" and begin on another chain with no assessment. This gets him into trouble. If, in A above, you left it as a keyed-out lock, the pc will simply get the same symptoms again sooner or later. You are dealing with an exact activity in Standard Dianetics. It has no "special cases" or "exceptions". The procedure is the procedure and it is the procedure that gets the wins. This matter of key-out or erasure is the only area of the subject where judgement comes into play. And even that can be shirked by letting the pc have his or her win. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 408  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/6/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  C/S HOW TO CASE SUPERVISE DIANETICS FOLDERS  Type = 11 iDate=26/6/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Class VIII Checksheet Dianetics Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JUNE 1969 (Replaces HCO B 26 June 69 Same Title) Remimeo Class VIII Checksheet Dianetics Checksheet C/S HOW TO CASE SUPERVISE DIANETICS FOLDERS It is very easy to Case Supervise a Dianetics Folder and pcs being handled by Dianetics. One does the following: On any new pc a Dianetics C/S 1 is ordered. If this was successfully (almost always is) a Dianetics C/S 2 is ordered. If this is successful one does DIANETICS C/S 3 which consists of "Reassess for longest read. If an item is found which also has pc's interest, R3R. If no item, add to list, take longest read. R3R." The other C/ses are those which call for Prior Assessment to drugs, alcohol or in ability to get out of this lifetime, the remedy for pictures in past sessions and those C/Ses (which are actually Class VIII) that send the pc to review. There is very little to Dianetic C/S work. The Case Supervisor MUST be a Hubbard Dianetic Counselor. There is no substitute for that. One who isn't would hopelessly snarl up real HDCS or HDGS or students aspiring to those certs. The Dianetic C/S should really be an HDG and a Class VIII. Even so he has to keep these techs completely separate. One NEVER asks a Dianetic auditor in a Dianetic session to do anything except Standard Dianetics. There are no other actions. The C/S, in correcting an auditor, should do it positively and refer to the Dianetic HCO B. Negative criticism, I have found, undermines auditors. One can as easily say the same thing in a positive way. Instead of, "You broke the Auditor's Code," one can as easily say, "Pcs must be rested before session. See Auditor's Code." Only in Scientology does one run triple engrams, secondaries and locks. One NEVER gets inventive in doing a Dianetic C/S. It is all very straightforward. The C/S point of view in Dianetic C/Sing is that one is trying to get Standard Dianetics done. One isn't, in Dianetics C/S, torturously laboring to solve some difficult case. Therefore there are only four possible actions for a Dianetics C/S to take: A. THE CASE THAT MAKES GAINS IS GIVEN MORE DIANETICS. B. THE CASE THAT HAS HAD ALL POSSIBLE DIANETIC GAIN (and that is considerable, ranging from 10 to 50 hours or more) IS SENT ON TO SCIENTOLOGY. 409 C. THE CASE THAT MAKES NO GAIN DUE TO CASE "ODDITY" IS SENT TO A SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW. D. THE SESSION THAT IS NON-STANDARD IN AUDITING REQUIRES THE PC BE SENT TO SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW. It is the fantastic fact that the pc will ONLY get Dianetic wins when receiving Standard Dianetics. Non-Standardness only once in a hundred will give a case gain and that is a fluke. The Case Supervisor must have good subjective and objective reality on this fact. He must therefore be the ultimate in dictatorial martinet precision in requiring standard auditing and assigning standard C/Ses. There are two types of cases only that come up. 1. The case as in A above who just goes on getting wins. 2. The case (who in life is usually chronically ill even if "up and about") that requires a C/S to play adept Scientology Reviews against Dianetic auditing. Such a case is "solved" by now being sent to Review, now being sent to Dianetics, back and forth. In D above, the pc who gets a non-standard session and is bogged at the Examiner's is simply given a Scientology Green Form to F/N. He/she is then returned to Dianetic auditing. This is a very usual, easy action. In C above, the "oddity" case is easily recognizable in the folder. The oddity consists mainly of getting Dianetic auditing, getting sick. Or in getting auditing but not being able to follow good standard commands. Such a case also has a history of being ill. This case also can't make any real headway in study and messes up pcs as an auditor and can't seem to do standard auditing. This C case, at first glance, seems to be hopelessly difficult and invites many to squirrel. The case is more prevalent than one would think. It runs as high as 50% of voluntary pcs. It could run much higher in the wog world. One spots the case ONLY BY THE CASE'S REACTION TO GOOD Dianetic Auditing, not by any opinion or test. But this case isn't any real challenge to the C/S or Scientology Review Auditor. Underlying all this illness and inability to concentrate or study or audit or hold case gains there is a heavily burdened chain that makes things seem very different than they are. There is no trick to resolving the C case. The C/S, having seen that the person roller-coasters after Dianetic Auditing, or can't study or can't audit, orders the person to Review for: "GF to F/N" "Assess No. 40 GF and handle." The Scientology auditor in Review does this. No. 40 GF is the "7 Resistive Cases". When the Scientology auditor has done the item found, the C/S then picks the next in line on the No. 40 GF list, then the next and, if any, the next and orders these handled too. This assessment list usually finds "one in". But in addition to //// there were others that read ///X, //X and /X. THESE ARE ALSO HANDLED. All by 410 Standard Tech of course. And in dwindling order of reads. Then the C/S sends the pc back to Dianetic Auditing for routine assessments and R3R. It is a saddening event to a C/S when the Scientology Review Auditor lets him down. So an accomplished Class VIII on that Review Spot is worth his weight in blessings. Lucky is the C/S who has a fine Class VIII. When he doesn't have he orders only one action done between C/Ses and watches like a hawk. Reviewing Reviews is a horrible waste of time, even though it has to be done when necessary. This C type pc will now sail along for a while in Dianetics. But don't be amazed to have the pc roller-coaster again. When the C type pc does you simply order again a Scientology Review and GF to F/N and No. 40 GF and handle. And it will all come out differently this time. And then the pc is sent back for more Dianetics. This is what is meant by interplaying Dianetics with Scientology Reviews for a C type case. You will just be amazed at the eventual result in the pc. Really a cracked case, man! Very sick pcs are sent directly to a medico of course. And Dianetic auditing is given along with medical treatment to get the pc off stuck points. This is all covered in HCOBs on Medical uses of Dianetics and includes touch assists. The "insane" pc is given absolute rest, a secure environment and any needful medical treatment (but never shock or surgery of the brain or nerves, of course, since that's only depersonalization treatment). When in better physical health the "insane" pc is given just routine Standard Dianetics. But the sessions must be flubless and thoroughly within the Auditor's Code as the "insane" can't stand up to any goofs or overwhelm. These "insane" pcs are most often simple cases of medically ill people -- gallstones, malnutrition, deficiencies in certain vitamins, broken backs -- the usual. To undertake to audit an "insane" pc to sanity without complete attention to the above paragraphs is adventurous in our experience. But with these things given attention, the "insane" pc often responds amazingly. But do not be surprised to find that the "insane" pc turns into a C type as he comes up the scale. The main trouble with the "insane" is that too many people around them are completely devoted to making them even more insane and they almost never respond to any treatment, medical or Dianetic, while kept in their same environment associating with the same people. Also we could say that "Hell hath no fury to match that of a cured psychotic's associates". Usually the real crazy one is an associate, not the "insane" one. C/S PROCEDURE In doing a C/S on a Dianetic folder, I usually inspect the following in the following order: 1. The Examiner's Report to see if the pc thought it was okay and if the Examiner's TA, needle and Indicator observation is all right. 2. The pre-session C/S to see what was previously ordered done. 411 3. The session to see if the C/S was done. 4. The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sequence and ABCD to see if it is Standard. I seldom read text if the session was okay at Examiner's unless the session did not go well. 5. The F/N, Cog and GIs or VGIs at chain and session ends. If all that is okay I give it a "well done". If it isn't all okay I look for the 1, 2, 3, etc that was not followed by an ABCD but by a new 1, 2, 3, 4, etc instead. I try to find where the session went off Standard and point out the Standard actions that should have been done. If the pc came out of it okay, I order more Dianetic auditing. If the pc didn't, I send the pc to Review. If it had lots of ABCDS and ground to a high TA session end I check to see if the auditor asked for an earlier beginning. If the Dianetics folder is getting fat and the session was unsuccessful I look for a possible C type pc and handle accordingly. If the pc is reported ill, I order medical, an assist and treat the pc thereafter as a C type. The value of a C/S whether Dianetic or Scientology depends on his unfailing adherence to Standard actions. A C/S that dreams things up to try to "solve a case" by squirrel processes is worse than no Case Supervisor at all. The gain of cases depends on the Standard, unswerving adherence to Standard Dianetics, to C/Sing in complete standardness and a Scientology Review auditor who really is a flawless Standard Tech man. The result is the result of a TEAM. To that team one also adds the Admin team of the rest of the group doing their jobs. Given all that, one can straighten up whole population areas and activities and get the job done on the goal lines of Well and Happy Human Beings and a Well and Happy Society both with greatly increased survival potential. C/Sing is a happy job itself. And blessed is a C/S who has good standard HDCs and good Review auditors on his lines and a good HDG making new good HDCs and a good AO somewhere making good new VIIIs, all backed with orgs whose staffs know their Org Exec Course and policy. The C/S's job only becomes unhappy and impossible when the auditors are non-standard or the Admin people never heard of lines or policy and he himself departs from the straight and narrow of Standard Dianetics and Standard Tech. The purpose of Dianetics can be accomplished smoothly and easily only if the above are taken into account. These C/S data are as thoroughly researched in practical application as tech itself and are derived from hard won practical experience. LRH:ldm.cs.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 412  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT -- IMPORTANT   URGENT IMPORTANT Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Course Supervisors Cramming Case Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JULY 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Course Supervisors Cramming Case Supervisors URGENT -- IMPORTANT I have made a breakthrough in auditor training which eliminates failed auditors and failed sessions and gives us 100% training success and 100% on Dianetic sessions. In C/Sing hundreds of Dianetics sessions I found that the auditor's reports on failed sessions did not include any reason for the failure. In researching this I found that only certain auditors were failing. Thus, it was not a technical failure but an auditor failure. These folders must therefore contain false reports or no reports on what had happened. For all that I could see, as the Case Supervisor, New Dianetics tech was failing on some cases. Further investigation disclosed that things had gone on in those sessions which were non-standard but not reported. In developing this I discovered the golden rule: WHEN YOU HAVE A FAILED SESSION YOU ASK THE PC WHAT THE AUDITOR DID. In this way you discover an amazing array of flagrant outnesses. With these you can retrain the auditor and he or she will then win every time. We have compiled a large array of samples of outnesses found, any one of which would have made a session fail or cause a Dianetics student not to obtain results. The variety can be infinite in number but the chief one is FAILING TO GIVE THE NEXT COMMAND. The new auditor does not realize how serious it is to flub a command. The pc is "down the track" and not in present time. He looks like he is there. When he fails to get the next command or gets a wrong command he becomes alarmed, comes into Present Time as best he can and the auditor loses control. Any time a pc is made to wait, whether by a wrong command or no command or an auditor writing too much on his work sheet, a Dianetic session crashes. The TA may go up or down, the chain messes up and the session fails. Other additives or outnesses mess things up. An auditor instead of auditing talking about other pcs or his own case, an auditor halting to look up a word for himself, a thousand such actions can, any one, wreck a session. Auditing is very fast and very exact. 413 It is a business-like activity. It is a technical preciseness. When that is violated one gets failed sessions. An auditor-student may think he knows his commands. When he is auditing a doll he can do it. When confronted by a live pc, he needs to know the commands so well that pc randomity does not throw him off the right command. I therefore developed four new Dianetic TRs. They are TR 101, 102, 103 and 104. When a student fails to get a good result we (1) ask the pc what he did, (2) send the student back to training, (3) send the pc to Review for a Green Form to F/N and No. 40 GF and handle all reading No. 40 GF items, (4) send the student to Review for a GF to F/N and a No. 40 GF and handle all reads and three- way Failed Help, three-way Help brackets, (5) get the student corrected on what we learned he did wrong from the pc and (6) get the student drilled on TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104. We tolerate no flubbed sessions. If a pc suffers because of a flub, we boost him way up with Review as a case. If a student flubs we handle him as a case and retrain. All this has been subjected to a lot of research and proof. And what do you know! We get 100% training wins and 100% Dianetic session wins! No failed auditors, no failed pcs. Planet, here we come! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Revised and Reissued 27 July 1974, Dianetics -- Triple Flow Action which gives the rule: "DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME." -- LRH.] 414  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETICS AND ILLNESS   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Case Supervisors Registrars Public Officers  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JULY 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Case Supervisors Registrars Public Officers DIANETICS AND ILLNESS Although mention of this is made elsewhere in the Dianetics Course, the facts about ILLNESS do not seem, in practice, to reach the Case Supervisors or Dianetic Auditors. The idea that one can always get rid of an illness by auditing ONE chain to basic is false. Man dreams about "one-shot" cures to a point where he could be accused of being impotent! Here is an example: A preclear "has always wanted to get his bronchitis handled". In Dianetics a list is made for chest or lung pains or sensations. One is chosen and erased. The "bronchitis" is now better or even absent for a few days. Then we have the preclear back again saying "It didn't cure my bronchitis". Enough cases are handled successfully by running one chain on a somatic that people get stuck in the win. Here is another example: The pc says he has migraine headaches. The auditor assesses a "head pain" quite correctly and then runs out one chain. The migraine does not occur for a week after. Then here's the pc again saying "I've still got a headache". All this is invalidative of the tech and the auditing. A Registrar or Public Division hearing this tends to lose faith in the powers of the tech. The FACT is that the illness was not properly handled or C/Sed or audited. In the first place a pc trying to get cured of bronchitis or migraine -- or any one of a dozen other illnesses -- should be sent for a medical examination. How do you know the bronchitis isn't tuberculosis? Or the migraine headache isn't a fractured skull? A "continual side pain" may be a gallstone. In short, something which continually hurts or disables may be structural or physical. So, when you omit the first action (medical) in handling an illness, you set up an auditor for a possible failure. Many of these things can be cured medically without too much heroic action. If it if medical and can be cured medically, then it should be. Also it should be audited. This lets the medical treatment work. Many "incurable" illnesses become curable medically when they are also audited. The second thing that gets overlooked is that AN ILLNESS IS A COMPOSITE (composed of many) SOMATIC. 415 The correct auditing action on "bronchitis" or "chest trouble" or "migraine headache" or any other continual worrisome illness is to continue to find somatics, sensations, feelings, emotions or even attitudes in the area affected and run their chains. It takes more than one chain of engrams to build up an ill area. Having found and run the "deflated feeling" of bronchitis, which was the first best read, the C/S should order and the auditor find and run the NEXT somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion or attitude in that area. It is sometimes necessary to add to the list for that area of the body. Seeing a continual or recurring illness on the Health Form the C/S and auditor should dig out of that area every somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion and attitude that can be made to read and run those chains, each one to basic and erasure. THAT is the way you handle any illness, whether continual or temporary. The maxim is that IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE CHAIN OF ENGRAMS TO MAKE A BODY ILL. Continual reassessing and adding to general lists will get there eventually providing it is done long enough. But this general approach will find a certain number of pcs saying to Registrars, Public Officers and friends, "I've still got my _______ ." It is in fact a false report. They didn't still have all of it. It is one chain less and therefore better. But auditing gives gains by deletion. A pc does not suffer from what has been erased. He suffers only from that which has not yet been handled. Some persons tried years ago to get their trouble handled, somebody or some practice failed and after that they don't mention it at all. They don't support the technology anymore either. So, in handling illness, give the handling of the structural disease side of it to the medical doctor, and thoroughly handle all the mental side of it with auditing and everyone wins. Any Registrar or Public Division personnel colliding with "My lumbosis was not handled" should call this HCOB to the attention of the person, the Case Supervisor and the auditors. Only then can you have 100% tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 416  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING SPEED   IMPORTANT Remimeo Dian Checksheet AOs Class VIIIs Class VIII Checksheet D of Ps D of Ts  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo Dian Checksheet HCO BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1969 AOs Class VIIIs Class VIII Checksheet D of Ps D of Ts IMPORTANT AUDITING SPEED Almost any failure you have ever had with an auditor or in auditing came from Auditor Comm Lags or errors. This is a vital datum. It came to light from applying the rule -- ask the pc what the auditor did after any failed session and get it corrected in the auditor. SPEED is the main factor behind the mystery of a failed session. In AUDITING OTs the speed the auditor must have is far greater than required by just in off the street. This speed factor is the real REASON why OTs were at first considered very hard to audit on Dianetics. All this also applies to VIII auditing and training. The better an auditor knows his TRs, his processes, his meter and admin the faster he can operate. If you train auditors only up to slow, comm laggy handling of a session you will get a lot of mysteriously "failed sessions", ending with the TA high and the pc very low! A somewhat slow auditor auditing a new pc may be fast enough to get away with it. Put him on a person whose Dianetics is finished and some grades in, he begins to have a few "case failures". Now put him to auditing reviews or Dianetics on a Pre OT and all sessions fail. The remedy is to speed the auditor up with TRs 101, 102, 103, 104. In assigning auditors you only dare assign fast ones to Pre OTs. For 19 years this hidden speed factor has lain behind the vast majority of our "failed sessions". As it never appeared on the session reports (except as excessive admin for which the pc must have had to wait) anyone doing D of P work or C/S work was in mystery and tended to get desperate and even squirrel (change and invent processes). The only other source of failure was the physically ill aspect. This has just been verified in a series of over one hundred cases. Dianetics combined with Scientology reviews progressed splendidly on all but about seven and these who were then physically examined thoroughly were found to have serious and current physical illness. Speed and accuracy then is the stress of all training and the lack of it is the source of all auditing failures on pcs who are not severely ill. Even the latter respond once their purely physical illness is properly handled. LRH:cs.ei.aap Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 417  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH TA ASSESSMENT   Remimeo Dianetics Chkst  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1969 Issue II Remimeo Dianetics Chkst (REISSUE OF HCO BULLETIN OF 25 MAY 1969, AMENDED) HIGH TA ASSESSMENT When a pc has a high TA (4.0 or above) after having one or more sessions, it is OBVIOUS THAT THE EARLIER CHAINS FOUND WERE NOT ERASED. What makes a TA high? A TA, in Dianetics, is high ONLY for one reason. One or more engram chains are IN RESTIMULATION. A high TA equals mental energy mass. Engrams have mass in them even when they are pictures. The figures in the picture, the scenery, the picture, have mass. It is electrical mass. It registers as a TA above 3. To say that the TA is 3.3 and the picture was erased is silly. That .3 is indicating that part of the mass is still there. This is often also true above 2.0. When the meter needle is not floating the TA is registering mass. Mental mass. So when you see a TA going up, up, up you know the picture isn't erasing but is getting more SOLID. The solidness is visible right on the TA dial. So to ask for a rerun when you've already ground and ground and the TA has been up up up is silly. The meter is already telling you there is an earlier incident as the one the pc is in is getting more solid and is not erasing. In Scientology a high TA means "overrun". The Dianetic auditor however doing Dianetics does not "rehab" the F/N. He is handling why the TA does go high. Mental mass consisting of pictures. A Scientology overrun goes by an F/N. In the F/N movement the mass moved away. It didn't erase. If you keep on running the same action the mass moves in again. The Scientology auditor recovers the moment it moved off by "rehabbing the point of release". The Dianetic auditor in doing Dianetics finds the incomplete chain, carries it to basic and gets it GONE forever. If the C/S cannot find the incomplete chain by folder inspection he orders "Assess the pictures or masses pc has touched in life or auditing and have been left unfiat, get its somatic, Run R3-R". 418 LOW TA A low TA (below 2) means the pc is overwhelmed and has retreated. If you chop up a pc with bad TRs you may see his TA go below 2. Also some incidents force a pc below 2. But when they are erased the TA comes back up to F/N. If you think you have had an erasure but the TA is below 2 at the time of F/N, then you haven't erased any chain. EXCEPTION A discharged meter or one with its trim set incorrectly (2.0 = 2.0) or a faulty meter or electrodes will give the auditor or examiner wrong reads. One should check his meter before session for full charge and get the pc to squeeze the cans to see if he is registering on the meter. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:an.nt.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 419  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES   Remimeo Dianetic Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Case Supervisors Dir Tech Services Ds of P Ds of T  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JULY AD19 Remimeo Dianetic Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Case Supervisors Dir Tech Services Ds of P Ds of T AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES One used to hear auditors complain, "Scientologists are harder to audit than new pcs". We know the answer to this now. It is Auditor Speed. When an auditor complains of this, he is revealing that he is a slow auditor. Dianetics and Scientology (demonstrated by carefully controlled tests) greatly speed up reaction time. They also increase IQ rapidly and were the reason colleges came off their "IQs never change". As a person is audited he becomes quicker mentally. Also he becomes less comm-laggy. Also he is more familiar with technology and his own case and is less afraid of himself and his "bank". In assigning auditors to pcs if you do not pay attention to comparable grade levels between auditors and pcs you will have failed sessions. Therefore it is policy not to assign an auditor whose grade and class is less than that of the pc. Further, a good auditor deserves a good auditor. To assign a new student to audit a skilled and practiced veteran auditor of excellent auditing record is suppressive. The new student or new graduate would probably be intimidated just at the thought of auditing someone who is far more expert -- this would magnify his flubs and comm lags. Therefore it is policy to assign only good proven auditors to good auditors. It is a suppressive act to assign a new or poor auditor to an auditor who has proven he can attain uniformly good results. Slow auditors will be found successful auditing slow auditors. This does not excuse not drilling slow auditors up to becoming fast precision auditors. Good auditors are valuable. They should be safeguarded, given favors and even pampered. Slow auditors should be drilled and given slow (new) pcs only until their own case gain brings them, with their drills, higher case gain and thus higher speed. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 420  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SERIOUSLY ILL PCS   Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors Case Supervisors D of P  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 JULY 1969 Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors Case Supervisors D of P SERIOUSLY ILL PCS In Green Form No. 40 there is an item: "Seriously Physically Ill". This is handled as follows: 1. Medical Examination 2. Medical care 3. Dianetic Auditing as follows: List all somatics and feelings connected with the illness. Assess the list. Run R3R. Continue to assess the list and run R3R on items found. Add to the list any new items connected with the illness. The main point is to exhaust the entire list, of all reading items. An illness contains many somatics, feelings, emotions. As a pc who is ill is easily made an effect, the auditing sessions should be smoothly done and each session relatively short, completing each session on the first erasure that gives the pc an F/N and a win (Erasure, Cognition and F/N). The remaining items on the GF 40 are then handled. If "Seriously Physically Ill" is not THE GF 40 item, it is still handled but in its turn doing the above Dianetic actions. Needless to say the item "Seriously Physically Ill" is handled by a Dianetic Auditor. (NOTE: No narrative or multiple items must be audited. Get them restated.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:cs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 421  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ANTIBIOTICS   Remimeo Class VIII Dian Chksht Ds of P Registrars  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1969 Remimeo Class VIII Dian Chksht Ds of P Registrars ANTIBIOTICS A pc on antibiotics should be given Dianetic Auditing. Very often antibiotics do not function unless the illness or injury is also audited. The basic failures of antibiotics apparently stem from a traumatic condition which prevents the medical treatment from functioning. When a person is medically treated for an illness, it is best to back up the action with auditing. Sometimes the patient is too ill to be fully audited. It is difficult to audit someone who is running a temperature. In such a case, let the antibiotics bring the temperature down before auditing. But if the temperature does not come down, in the interest of the patient's recovery, auditing should be done. It is usually too late when the patient is in a coma. But one can still reach a patient who is unconscious by touching the patient's hand to parts of the bed with "Feel that (object)". A patient will sometimes respond to commands even when "unconscious" if you tell them to squeeze your hand to acknowledge they have done the command. Years ago the auditing of unconscious persons was worked out and successfully done. Needless to say, auditing any sick person requires the most exact, careful auditing, strictly by the Auditor's Code. POSTOPERATIVE AUDITING A person who has been operated on or medically or dentally treated or a mother who has just delivered a child should have the engram audited out as soon as possible by Dianetic R3R. The after-effects of anaesthetics or the presence of drugs or antibiotics is to be neglected. The usual action is to 1. Get them medical treatment. 2. Audit them as soon as possible on the illness or injury. 3. Audit them again when they are well. 4. Get them a Review if they seem to be showing much later after-effects despite Dianetic auditing. HEAVY DOSES OF VITAMIN B1, B COMPLEX and C should accompany all such auditing actions. 422 SAVING LIVES All this comes under the heading of saving lives. At the very least it saves slow recovery and bad after-effects and resultant psychosomatic illnesses. Dianetics is the first development since the days of Rome that changes and improves the RATE OF HEALING. Dianetics is also the first development that removes traumatic barriers from the path of healing. Medicines and endocrine compounds quite often are effective in the presence of Dianetic auditing which were once inexplicably ineffective in many cases. The barrier to healing was the engram. With that removed, healing can occur. OBJECTIONS TO USE Any barriers or objections to using Dianetics to assist the effectiveness of medicine or to increase the rate of or even secure effective recovery place the patient at risk as certainly as failing to use antiseptics. Such objections can be dismissed as stemming from barbaric or superstitious mentalities or from motives too base to be decent. It would not be possible to count the number of lives Dianetics saved in the 19 years even before the advent of Standard Dianetics. Few human betterment activities have been so widely successful and so uniformly helpful as Dianetics. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 423  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/7/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE "ART" OF CASE SUPERVISION   Remimeo Dian Chksht VIII Chksht Case Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 JULY 1969 Remimeo Dian Chksht VIII Chksht Case Supervisors THE "ART" OF CASE SUPERVISION One does not in actual fact Case Supervise against results. Case Supervision is done against the thoroughness and exactness of technical application. To give an auditor a well done when he has made a technical flub (despite a good result on the pc) is to hang the auditor with a win. The next time he does the same thing he is liable to get a resounding lose. In looking over folders one C/Ses against Standardness of application. The tech takes care of the rest. For a long time, auditing was "what you could get away with". It no longer is. It is the act of holding a standard. Only in that way does one get 100% wins. In assigning what is to be done with a pc or pre-OT, one seeks to keep the case progressing or winning. The Case Supervisor's action is to get the case audited as long as possible! Any impulse to get the case off one's lines will be a losing one. Cases progress in exact ratio to the amount of charge gotten off. They do not progress by magic buttons designed just for that case. The "sudden" big wins are the result of the accumulated effect of getting charge off. It is of course charge of a certain type and that type is contained in the Case Supervisor's book, in the mechanics of Dianetics and Scientology. Early on (using Standard Tech) the worse off (more shallow) the case is, the faster it F/Ns. The pc is reaching no depth. An example is someone who cannot get into or run past lives. They F/N almost at once on any process. This does not mean they are at once "clear" or released. It means they are like a coiled spring. When you touch them something flies off. The Case Supervisor on such a case works hard to keep them running Dianetics. The task is finding something to audit, not to complete pcs. When the Dianetics Grade was missed, people F/Ned their way straight on up to OT VI, still wondering where their headache come from. This doesn't mean that in Scientology you by-pass F/Ns. It means that the Case Supervisor prepares the case. The finance statistic of orgs is assisted by attempts to stretch out auditing and is harmed by fast brush-off "completions". The reputation of the org is also harmed because the field fills up with shallowly run partially solved cases. 424 Tech is so fast today that only now can a Case Supervisor work at attempting to prolong a pc in auditing. The statistic of an HGC should be the number of successful auditing hours delivered, not the number of pcs completed. Therefore the Case Supervisor is alert to the inability or ability of a pc or pre-OT to go backtrack, to the number of engrams the pc runs per chain before erasure, to the number of commands given before F/N on a Scientology process. And by this he can gauge how arduously the case must be worked on. For example, on a child, a bruised finger yesterday run as an engram F/Ns. In Scientology any grade command will also F/N on clearing it. End result, no real case improvement. But if you keep at it and at it and at it, gradually gradually the case runs deeper and deeper into the past and confronts heavier and heavier incidents. Then, as it goes along, the case runs faster and faster, requiring far more "commands per unit of time in session". Finally the case begins to blow by inspection and, ideally, has what is known as a "Clear Cognition". Scientology, dealing with the thetan and considerations, is now able to function with total bite. Power and R6EW really get the pc somewhere. The Clear and OT sections make him fly. And you have a real OT. That is the general Case Supervisor plan. As the number of hours in actual auditing are now under 50 for audited cases and under another 50 for solo, there is no use at all trying to solve a case fast. Solve it standardly. The Case Supervisor book gives you a lot of things to do for certain pc characteristics. One tries if possible to do the lot. Applying the right C/S direction at the right time is only knowing one's tech. This is the basic rationale behind C/Sing. It really has no strain. Only poor auditing can mess it up so you police that hard, do the right direction at the right time and let tech do the rest. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 425  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  "LX" LISTS   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 AUGUST 1969 Class VIII "LX" LISTS There are now three "LX" Lists: LX3 - Attitudes LX2 - Emotions LX1 - Conditions. Originally they were called "X" because they were Experimental. They still are to some extent so the X is retained. These serve to isolate REASONS A BEING IS CHARGED UP TO SUCH an extent that he is OUT OF VALENCE. When a person is out of valence he does not easily as-is his bank. These lists are assessed down to one item. The item is then run by 3 way recall 3 way engram (or secondary). END PHENOMENA We now have a new discovery. I have found that a person who is out of valence experiences, when run on LX1 lists (and now the others above, LX2 and LX3) and 220H, a remarkable valence shift if he is run on enough items. In one fashion or another he comments on this in session. This is the End Phenomena of Out of Valence processes (the LX items and 220H). It is always attained if enough items are run. Quite ordinary cases are out of valence. If their folder gets too fat you can assume they are out of valence. Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence. A person who is in treason on the 1st dynamic is always out of valence. So whether GF No. 40 (h) OUT OF VALENCE reads or not, if the folder is fat, you play safe and assess and run LX items until the person has the Valence Cognition. Without being coached, a person who is out of valence always has the cognition if he is run on enough items and 220H. USE OF LISTS Today we run everything that reads with 2 or more strikes on an LX List. Just as ANY read on GF No. 40 is handled, so ANY double strike is handled on an LX List. One does not reassess. One takes the item that stayed in, then the items that read next best and so on down to all those that stayed in twice before they went out. Today you can assume safely that anyone out of valence can be put in valence quietly and efficiently with LX items and 220H if he is audited and if the auditing is standard. This is quite a worthwhile development as it resolves the heavily overcharged case. A symptom of a heavily charged case is F/Ning too quickly to be processed well. Using these lists on a pc is not a critical action. Even (and especially) children are too overcharged to be easily audited. LRH:ldm.rd Copyright $c 1969 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 426  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=3/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LX2   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 AUGUST 1969 Class VIII LX2 Emotional Assessment List Date ______________________________________ To be done before an LX1 Pc Name ___________________________________ Run result on 3 way Recall 3 way Secondary Apprehension _______ Fear _______ Hate _______ Agitation _______ Shame _______ Blame _______ Regret _______ Grief _______ Remorse _______ Sorrow _______ Sadness _______ Despondency _______ Depressed _______ Despair _______ Anger _______ Rage _______ Greed _______ Haughty _______ Arrogant _______ Cold _______ Contemptuous _______ Hostility _______ Resentment _______ Antagonism _______ Boredom _______ Conservatism _______ Enthusiasm _______ Proud _______ Elation _______ Serenity _______ Unemotional _______ LRH:rs.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder 427  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE FOLDER ANALYSIS, DIANETICS   Remimeo Class VIII Class VIII Chksht Dian Chksht Case Supervisors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 AUGUST 1969 Remimeo Class VIII Class VIII Chksht Dian Chksht Case Supervisors CASE FOLDER ANALYSIS, DIANETICS There are only nine things that can go wrong in a Dianetic Session. These are the only reasons chains do not erase or the session does not complete with Very Good Indicators. The first eight come under the head of auditing skill or knowledge. They are listed in order of frequency: 1. Auditor Comm Lag (lack of speed in giving commands). 2. Flubbed Commands in which the commands are used incorrectly. 3. TRs out, either being inaudible or overwhelming or TR 4 not handled. 4. Auditor additives. 5. Failure to call for an earlier beginning of the incident when the pc can find no earlier incident -- results in grinding and high TA. 6. Failure to call for an earlier incident when there is one. 7. Demanding pc goes earlier when the last incident was basic, making pc jump into another chain. 8. Misassessment (multiple item or narrative item or both or taking an item that doesn't read or in which pc has no interest). 9. Pc has out rudiments. Note that the first four are BEYOND THE VIEW OF THE CASE SUPERVISOR. The largest number of session failures come under these first four. Therefore it is routine for the Case Supervisor to have the pc asked what the Auditor did. It is usually surprising. It will be one of the first four listed above. It requires a retrain. The next four are also auditor flubs but are detectable if the Case Supervisor reads the worksheets of the session. Therefore the Case Supervisor must know 5, 6, 7 and 8 above very well indeed and be able to look for them. In all of these the TA goes high or very low and the session ends up as a bust. You can easily see 5. The pc is still on the same chain but begins to grind ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD, the TA goes way up or down below 2 and the auditor command "Is there an earlier beginning?" is spectacularly absent. So the C/S tells the next auditor to get the earlier beginning of the same incident and it will F/N, Erase and get VGIS. 6 is very easy for the C/S to spot. The pc has been given ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD etc and has been asked for an earlier beginning to the same incident but 428 hasn't been asked for an earlier incident. So the C/S tells the next auditor to get an earlier incident. 7 is also easy for a C/S to detect from the worksheet of the session. Before the pc got into another chain by being forced to go earlier below basic, the TA went to a normal range, there may even be a cognition noted. The auditor missed the potential F/N by just not putting the pc through the basic again ABCD. Also the pc protested or had trouble when the auditor tried to go "earlier than basic" and also may mention another somatic. In 8, Misassessment, you can tell just by looking at the item that it is multiple such as "A burning pain in my hair and a feeling of tension on my hand"; that it is narrative "getting my feet wet" (where's the feeling in that????); or after the fact of the engram "dizziness after a car wreck". A real classic would be "A stomach ache when I was thrown from a horse". The C/S hardly has to look at the end of the session to know it will be no erasure, high or low TA and Bad Indicators at the Examiner. As auditors who do these last four things have their basic definitions madly out (such as "I never did understand what a somatic was") and as in the first four the approach to the pc, TRs and additives need ironing out, the C/S sends the auditor for retrain. From the C/S point of view (and fact) the technology applied gets uniform good results. Thus the C/S never gets reasonable. The auditor will on retrain settle down. 100% sessions will occur regularly when he really can audit. PC REPAIR The commonest C/S for a pc after a session that ends with a high TA or a below 2 TA and/or Bad Indicators at Examiner is "To Review, GF to F/N. Assess Auditors Auditing Dianetics Scientology Sessions Reviews Gains (or whatever you care to add), Prepcheck. Review Auditor to (complete chain) (check last incident for earlier beginning and complete chain) (complete 1st chain left incomplete when pc forced into second chain and then complete second chain) (find out what was wrong in session and correct)." Use the one in brackets that applies. OUT RUDS In number 9, we get several manifestations. The pc has a good looking session yet complains to the Examiner. That is to say VGIS F/N Cog at session end, but sour grapes ten minutes later at the Examiner's. A pc who gets sad at session end and is or has been sad a long time and is sad and moping or despondent is, of course, suffering from an ARC Brk and is being audited over one and probably has had it for long duration. The proper C/S action is "To Review, GF to F/N. Check ARC Brk Long Duration (LD)." This last is done with Itsa earlier Itsa and ARCU CDEI by the auditor. The pc who is being audited over a PTP won't be making any gains. They quickly evaporate. The C/S orders "To Review. GF to F/N. Check Problems and being audited over problems." When a pc is a bit nasty to the auditor or Examiner, he is of course being audited over withholds. The C/S is "To Review. GF to F/N. Then check and pull all withholds and check if the pc has been audited over withholds." PHYSICALLY ILL PCS When a pc is ill or has a history of illness you get him/her medical attention and apply HCO B 24 July 69 which requires listing all somatics, etc in the area and running them all by R3R. 429 When a pc gets ill after auditing but the sessions look alright, you can be pretty sure that the pc is being audited over out ruds so a C/S orders "To Review. GF to F/N. Assess GF 40 and handle any out ruds found in that assessment first." SPECIAL CASES There may be some special versions of out ruds but they are all one variety or another of out rud. The pc himself can generate out ruds by lying to his Dianetic auditor. It still shows up as out ruds, withholds. One pc (out of a hundred) said uniformly that "it was getting more solid" to escape each incident, got himself into a jump chain situation continually and became very ill indeed. This also operated as a withhold in session. It was not detectable in the worksheets except that the pc became ill. It came out while flying ruds in a Review session. But generally pcs don't act up in sessions if the auditing is straightforward and many get better even when audited over all kinds of out ruds. When a C/S begins to be mystified concerning some pc, why betterment isn't occurring -- why the pc's manifestations and remarks never change -- or the pc becomes ill, then only four things need to be done. And all four should be ordered by the C/S. 1. Medical exam and any treatment. 2. Review to straighten up all out ruds. 3. Dianetic auditing listing all somatics, etc in area and R3R on all those that read. And when the pc has markedly recovered: 4. Fly a rud, GF 40 and handle every item that reads fully. And whether it reads or not treat the case as Out of Valence and run LX 3, LX 2, LX 1, each item that reads twice 3-way recall, 3-way secondary or engram. You finish up the two or more slash items of LX 3. Then finish LX 2, then LX 1. Somewhere along the line the pc will change markedly before the auditor's eyes, go into his own valence and that's as far as you go with LX lists. The use of GF 40 is not restricted only to sick pcs. One gives any pc whose folder gets the least bit fat the GF 40 routine and assumes he's out of valence whether it reads or not and then sends the pc back to Dianetics. HEALTH FORMS There is one other flub a bit maddening to a C/S. When the C/S says "Assess Existing lists or add" and the auditor says no items, it is quite often an auditor flub, a special kind of 8 above -- misassessment. One green auditor took 3 pcs in a row and could find no item, concluding that each of the 3 pcs was done with Dianetics! It turned out that the auditor's TR 1 was so bad the pcs couldn't hear her! Another auditor didn't have his meter plugged in and another one was found never to have done any meter drills. Aside from getting the pc asked what the auditor did, which also should be done when it's obvious there should have been an item and wasn't, the C/S should order "Do 430 a new Health Form" when the old list F/Ns or draws a blank even when properly assessed. The pc can also be sent to the Examiner to be asked if there is anything not handled. The pc may give an area of interest. If there is one, but it hasn't read, the C/S should send the pc to Review for GF to F/N and probably a GF40 and handle. Then one can get the area asked about in Review and Suppress and Protest put in on it and back to Dianetics. EXTERIOR Some pcs go Exterior and of course are off auditing. This often makes them unhappy as they are not well off yet. There are several VIII remedies for this beyond the scope of this HCO B. SUMMARY I have personally C/Sed a vast number of Standard Dianetic sessions and the above is all I had to do or know to keep them all going well. If you look for tricky processes in Dianetics to "solve" some case, you will make a bad error as a C/S. They all come under the above data. Good luck. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 431  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LX1 (Conditions)   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 AUGUST 1969 Class VIII LX1 (Conditions) (Formerly issued to Class VIII auditors as a research list on 5 October 1968) Used after LX3 and LX2 3 way Recall 3 way Engrams (Refer HCO B 2 Aug 1969, " 'LX' Lists") Date __________________________________ Pc Name _______________________________ Assessment for largest read. Overwhelmed ________ Made Wrong ________ Forced ________ Frightened ________ Suppressed ________ Crushed ________ Oppressed ________ Denied ________ Overpowered ________ Overthrown ________ Defeated ________ Destroyed ________ Vanquished ________ Wiped Out ________ Annihilated ________ Changed ________ Identified ________ Recognized ________ Driven Out ________ Driven Away ________ Grief ________ Loss ________ LRH:rs.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder 432  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FLYING RUDS   Remimeo Class VIII Chksht Case Supervisors Class VIIIS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 AUGUST 1969 Remimeo Class VIII Chksht Case Supervisors Class VIIIS FLYING RUDS To clarify how to fly ruds: If a rud reads, you get the data and then ask for earlier until you get an F/N. If a rud doesn't read, put in Suppress and recheck. If it gets any comment, natter or protest or bewilderment, put in False and clean it. To fly all ruds you ask for an ARC Brk, if no read, put in Suppress. If it reads take it, do ARCU CDEI Earlier ARCU CDEI Earlier until you get an F/N. Then do the same with PTP. Then with MW/HS. If in starting a rud does not read or F/N even if Suppress is put in go to the next rud until you get one that does read. Follow it earlier to F/N. Then F/N the 2 that didn't read. INCORRECT To get a rud reading with or without Suppress and then fail to follow it earlier and to continue to call it and take only reads is incorrect. CORRECT If a rud reads you always follow it earlier until it F/Ns. You do NOT continue to test it with a meter and do NOT leave it just because it fails to read again. If a rud reads you clean it with earlier, earlier, earlier to F/N. If a rud reads and the read is false you clean false. There are TWO actions possible in flying ruds. 1. The rud is not out. If it didn't read you check suppress. If it read but is in any way protested you clean false. 2. The rud is out. You get the data, you follow it earlier earlier until it F/Ns. You do not continue to check it for reads. GREEN FORM This applies also to handling ruds on the Green Form. ARC BREAK If there is an ARC Break you get it, use ARCU and CDEI, indicate, then if no F/N 433 you follow it earlier, get ARCU CDEI, indicate, if no F/N you get an earlier one on and on, always with ARCU CDEI until you get an F/N. PTP If you get a PTP you follow it earlier earlier earlier until you get an F/N. MISSED WITHHOLD If you get a withhold you find out WHO missed it, then another and another using Suppress. If protest you put in false. You will find these W/Hs also go earlier like any other chain but they don't have to. MIXING METHODS If you get a rud read and the pc gives you one you don't then check the read again. You get more until you get an F/N. To get a rud answered and then check suppress and its read is mixing 1 and 2 above. FALSE "Has anyone said you had a ....... when you didn't have one?" is the answer to protested ruds. Any VIII should be able to fly any rud at will. The above clarifies HCOB and Tape data on this subject. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [BTB 1 December 1971RB, Issue II, Triple Ruds Long Duration, which was approved by L. Ron Hubbard, says, "You will see the CDEI section on handling an ARC Break now includes No and Refused."] 434  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/8/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY   Remimeo Class VIII Chksht Class VIIIs Class VIII C/S Book  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1969 Remimeo Class VIII Chksht Class VIIIs Class VIII C/S Book HANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGY Sickness is of course the result of engram chains in restimulation. One has to ask, however, what causes restimulation to occur? The answer is Out Ruds plus a suppressive environment or situation. Therefore, obviously, if one wanted to really handle handle handle sickness and do some miracles, one would use the lot of one's weapons. Don't mistake that Dianetics (HCOB 24 July 1969) can all by itself practically bring the dead to life to all intents and purposes and it can be used all by itself. However, when that doesn't work completely, then the Class VIII Case Supervisor and well trained Scientology auditors can step in. Let us examine the basic full dress parade routine of what Scientology and Dianetics could be used. 1. Put in Life Ruds (as given below). 2. 3 S & Ds. 3. All somatics, sensations, emotions and attitudes in or in regard to the sick area listed and handled by DIANETICS (HCOB 24 July 69) (which includes any medical treatment as in that HCOB). 4. A Review that flies a rud and a Scientology auditor runs the second and third flow of each somatic found and run in the Dianetic auditing. Obviously this illness hasn't a chance at all. It disappears in 1. Or in 2. Or in 3. And there aren't very many that would ever get to 4. The system is obvious. You take away the current out ruds and the illness can de-stimulate. You take away the suppressions and de-stimulation is more positive. You erase all the engrams and the source is gone. You do the second and third flows and the overts and sympathies are also vanished. On ruds alone you can of course get a recurrence. You also risk a recurrence on the S & Ds. The motivators go on the engram chains. The overts and sympathy for like illness goes on the second and third flows. LIFE RUDS As the person with Out Ruds makes no real gain it is wise to put ruds in "In life". This is done with "In life have you had an ARC Break?" "In life have you had a Problem?" "In life have you had a Withhold?" If the person has had much auditing you ask after each of the "In life" questions, "Was that present in an auditing session?" 435 S & Ds The full parade for three S & Ds (as given in HCOB 19 January 1968 in the Class VIII pack) is as follows: 3 Item S & D: Fly a rud. Assess Withdraw From Stop Unmock Suppress Invalidate Make Nothing of Suggest Been Careful of Fail to Reveal Take the 3 that read best (null to 3 items). Use the one that read most first. Test one of these items in these two questions to see which question then reads best. "Who or What has attempted to ....... you?" "Who or What have you tried to ....... ?" List the best reading question by the laws of Listing and Nulling. BE EXACT IN FOLLOWING THOSE LAWS or you'll make the person even sicker! Use each of the 3 this way. Prepcheck any item that does not F/N until it F/Ns or proves not to be the correct one in which event correct the list. If the list item does not F/N on being found and indicated, you prepcheck it to F/N. DIANETICS HCOB of 24 July 69 covers the use of Dianetics in this regard. SECOND AND THIRD FLOWS The running of the 2nd and third flows is covered in VIII materials and in any event is self-evident. This rundown is what could be known as beating an illness to death. Handling it medically and spiritually should bring home a winner every time. This full approach is recommended only when one has encountered a resistive situation. Very often a Dianetic Assist precedes all this. Usually the Dianetic handling is done without the ruds or S & Ds. But when you have somebody whose "lumbosis" has not surrendered to Dianetics, you have this full approach to fall back on. It's nice to have a full arsenal. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 436  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/9/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STUDY SLOWNESS   Remimeo DAC HDC Students HDC Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 SEPTEMBER 1969 Remimeo DAC HDC Students HDC Checksheet STUDY SLOWNESS If your course is not progressing rapidly for the class, it is highly probable that the training rules and policies laid down in the Course Supervisor's Course (HDG) are not being followed exactly. If your own progress is too slow to suit you or if even on retrain you do not feel you are making it, consult with your supervisor and specifically ask him to make sure that all his Course Supervisor data is being applied. Slowness could only happen if you are passing over words without understanding them, or if you are letting other students or people interpret data for you rather than taking exactly what it says on the bulletins. Or it may be you do not have your own materials or you need a Scientology Review and what they call a "Remedy A" or a "Remedy B" to clean up the subject of study. Dianetics and Scientology were entered into a world where the technology of study itself was poor and had to be developed in order to teach a precision subject. The study tech is vital and valid. In one mass experiment the following, given for illustration here, occurred. A class of 15 on Dianetics, taught with all Course Supervisor policy fully applied, the students not pre-selected for aptitude, 7 had attained full HDG with all auditing well dones and very well dones in just under three weeks. The remainder were mixed with a part-time Dianetics class (3 1/2 hours of study a day) of over a hundred people. In the following three months only two had graduated. Most of the remainder were only on their first time through at the end of three months. A vigorous survey of this class was made and it was found that all the things given as vital to be done regarding study were not being done and all the things that were not supposed to be done were being done. A qualified Course Supervisor and staff were placed in charge and the large course began to graduate three a day almost at once. From this you can see that there is a great deal of value in the Study technology of Dianetics and Scientology. Do not let your class or yourself get slowed by an out-policy course. Good luck. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 437  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/10/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRIPLE FLOWS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 OCTOBER 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet TRIPLE FLOWS A being has a minimum of 3 flows. By "flow" is meant a directional thought, energy or action. The three flows are Inward to oneself Outward to another or others Crossways, others to others. There are many more flows possible as have been much more fully covered in Scientology Class VI. Examples: Flow 1, to self, Drinking. Flow 2, self to another or others, pc giving them drinks. Flow 3, others to others, people giving other people drinks. Flow 1, to self, being hit on the nose. Flow 2, self to another, pc hitting somebody else on the nose. Flow 3, others-others, other people hitting others on the nose. Item Example using a proper Dn item, a pain in the arm. Flow 1, to self, receiving a pain in the arm. Flow 2, another, pc giving another a pain in the arm. Flow 3, others-others, other beings giving others a pain in the arm. Notice that the direction of the flow does NOT change the item. Only the direction changes. SINGLE ITEMS It will be found that a pc can run "single items" for quite a while. By "single" is meant "to self' Flow 1. This however eventually can result in a stuck flow. This is based on the fact that a flow which runs too long in one direction can "stick". It will not flow longer in that one direction. It now has to have a reverse flow run. Thus one can run a single flow item after item. But after many items are run as single flows, a pc can get stuck and run poorly. The answer is to run Flows No. 2 and No.3 on the same items already run in single flow. One MUST begin with the first item and run each item on Flows No. 2 and No. 3. Example: One ran the following items on a pc single flow (to self, Flow No. 1). A sore jaw Anger A head pain A dizzy feeling The pc seems to be doing all right but it is time to run the triples. So one runs A sore jaw, Flow No. 2 R3R A sore jaw, Flow, No. 3 R3R Anger, Flow No. 2 R3R Anger, Flow No. 3 R3R A head pain, Flow No. 2 R3R A head pain, Flow No. 3 R3R 438 A dizzy feeling, Flow No. 2 R3R A dizzy feeling, Flow No. 3 R3R Now having begun triples, one of course runs all new items assessed in triple form. Item Flow No. 1 R3R Item Flow No. 2 R3R Item Flow No. 3 R3R Each flow run is of course treated as a chain and is carried back to its basic and erasure. SICK PCS Pcs who do not immediately get well on Single flows must of course be run on the other 2 flows for each item already run. Pcs who drop back to a sick state during auditing must be run on the other two flows. In actual practice where a pc does not get well promptly he is given medical care as he was physically ill. Then he is given a Scientology Review (Green Form to F/N and any session repair and GF No. 40 and handle fully). Then HCOB 24 July 69. And then he is run on triples, putting in Flows No. 2 and No. 3 on all items run so far. Added to this Review can be what is known as Life Ruds and 3 S & Ds. THEN and only then is the pc put back on Dianetics and all items are given Flows No. 2 and No. 3 and is run on triples thereafter. The above paragraph applies to any sick pc. The sequence of the actions in the above paragraph can be varied. One doesn't just put in triples on the pc to "cure" him. Medical action and Scientology Review and the actions to handle a sick pc must be done. The point for this HCOB is that the pc MUST have all singles now done in triple and that all further items must then be done as triples. Since only one Command in R3R varies in triples (see issue II of this HCOB) ANY DIANETIC AUDITOR who has done a Starrated checkout on this HCOB and Issue II of this date CAN DO DIANETIC TRIPLES. Don't get complex about it such as assessing for a Flow No. 3 or skipping around on a list or asking the pc's permission or for his interest to do No. 2 and No. 3. It's almost impossible to go wrong doing Flows No. 2 and No. 3. There aren't any "special cases". A Dianetic auditor SHOULD QUALIFY FOR HIS HDC doing SINGLES. There's less chance of getting balled up. Or of pushing a wrong assessment. Where the pc has been run on a narrative item or a multiple item, skip it for triples. NECESSITY OF TRIPLES This is absolutely certain about triples: A PC MUST BE RUN ON DIANETIC TRIPLES BEFORE HE CAN BE CALLED A DIANETIC COMPLETION. When a pc has been called a Dianetic Completion on singles and has done Scn triples and even OT grades HE SHOULD BE RUN ON DIANETIC TRIPLES and can be at any time. (See Issue II HCOB 5 Oct 69 for Dianetic Triple Commands.) LRH:ldm.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Dianetics -- Triple Flow Action which says, "Wherever Single Flow Dianetics is mentioned, the statement is revised according to the following rule: 'DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME.' LRH"] 439  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/10/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC TRIPLES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 OCTOBER 1969 Issue II Remimeo DIANETIC TRIPLES The additional 2 flows are Flow No. 2 Locate an Incident of your causing another (item). Flow No. 3 Locate an Incident of others causing others (item). Item can be preceded by "a" or "an". When singles have been run already, take the earliest single item always. Proceed in order of sequence run doing Flows No. 2 and No. 3 on each. Don't skip any. Don't start later in list. interest, etc, has nothing to do with it. Just do it. The remaining R-3-R Commands are used without variation. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The above HCO B was incorporated into HCO B 6 May 1970, same title, which added the triple Dianetics "earlier" commands.] 440  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/10/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TRIPLE ERRORS IN DIANETICS   Remimeo Dianetic Auditors Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 OCTOBER 1969 (REPLACED -- see HCO B 3 Jan 70 Volume VII -- 1) Remimeo Dianetic Auditors Dn Checksheet TRIPLE ERRORS IN DIANETICS In running triples after running single flow on several items, IT CAN BE DIFFICULT IF THE TA IS HIGH AT SESSION START. The correct thing to do when an auditor starts a session to run Flows 2 and 3 on a single item already run AND FINDS THE PC S TA IS HIGH (3.5 up) is to send the pc to Review to have his ruds put in. The TA may not be high on the 2nd or 3rd flow about to be run at session start but on some other chain. The rule is simple: WHEN STARTING A SESSION TO RUN FLOWS 2 OR 3 OF A SINGLE ITEM PREVIOUSLY RUN IN AN EARLIER SESSION, SEND THE PC TO REVIEW FOR RUDIMENTS. In actual practice one can sometimes muddle through and the TA will come down and the needle F/N on the Flow 2 or 3 anyway. BUT THE AUDITOR WILL HAVE TO BE VERY ALERT TO BLOWDOWNS, which indicate a basic has been reached, not overrun it beyond F/N and generally run a flawless session. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The above HCO B is amended and replaced by HCO B 3 January 1970, Volume VII, page 1, same title, which changes the fifth paragraph to read: "WHEN STARTING A SESSION TO RUN FLOW 2 OR 3 OF A SINGLE ITEM PREVIOUSLY RUN IN AN EARLIER SESSION, AND THE TA IS HIGH (3.5 UP) AT SESSION START, SEND THE PC TO REVIEW FOR RUDIMENTS."] 441  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/5/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=12/10/69 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FORCING A PC   Remimeo Dn Checksheet  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 MAY 1969 Issue II REVISED 12 OCTOBER 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet FORCING A PC Forcing a pc to go on being audited when the pc is refusing or not wishing to go on upsets the pc and his case and will often result in low TA (below 2) and will give the pc a heavy loss. There is no excuse for it. It invalidates the pc's cause. The correct action is to either find out why he doesn't want to go on or send the pc to a Scientology Review. LRH:rs.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is later edited and reissued for the HQS Course as HCO B 16 October 1971, Forcing a PC.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=12/10/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC TRIPLES PLURAL ITEM   Remimeo All Dn Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead. Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 OCTOBER 1969 Remimeo All Dn Auditors DIANETIC TRIPLES PLURAL ITEM The item must be made plural on Flow 3 when one is running Triples, i.e: "Pain in the head", as an item on Flow 1 and Flow 2, becomes "Pains in their heads" on Flow 3. STARTING WITH TRIPLES One who is already fully qualified as an HDC or HDG who starts a new pc can start with Triple Flow and run each item thereafter on Triples. New items assessed on a pc already run on Triples should be run on Triple Flow. LRH:ldm.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Dianetics -- Triple Flow Action, which gives the rule: "DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME." LRH] 442  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=17/10/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUGS, ASPIRIN AND TRANQUILIZERS   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIII Chksht  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 17 OCTOBER 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIII Chksht DRUGS, ASPIRIN AND TRANQUILIZERS I have just made a real breakthrough on the action of painkillers (known as aspirin, tranquilizers, hypnotics, soporifics). It has never been known in chemistry or medicine exactly how or why these things worked. Such compositions are derived by accidental discoveries that "such and so depresses pain". The effects of existing compounds are not uniform in result and often have very bad side effects. As the reason they worked was unknown very little advance has been made in biochemistry. If the reason they worked were known and accepted possibly chemists could develop some actual ones which had minimal side effects. We will leave the fact that this could be the medical biochemical discovery of the century and let the Nobel prizes continue to go to the inventors of nose-drops and new ways to kill and simply ourselves use it. Biochemical tech is not up to the point at this time that it can utilize it. Pain or discomfort of a psychosomatic nature comes from Mental Image Pictures. These are created by the thetan or living beings and impinge or press against the body. By actual clinical test, the actions of aspirin and other pain depressants are to A. INHIBIT THE ABILITY OF THE THETAN TO CREATE MENTAL IMAGE PICTURES and also B. TO IMPEDE THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF NERVE CHANNELS. Both of these facts have a vital effect on processing. If you process someone who has lately been on drugs, including aspirin, you will not be able to run out the Dianetic engram chains properly because they are not being fully created. If you process someone immediately after taking aspirin for instance, you probably will not be able to find or assess the somatics that need to be run out to handle the condition. For the next day after taking the aspirin or drug the mental image pictures may not be fully available. In the case of chronic drug taking, the drugs must be wholly worn off and out of the system and the engrams of drug taking must be run out in their entirety, triple flow. If this is not done, auditing will be trying to handle chains that aren't being fully created by the thetan. In the case of auditing someone who has taken drugs -- aspirin, etc -- within the last few hours or two or three days, the chains of engrams definitely will be found not fully created and therefore not available. 443 This would all be fine except for three things: 1. Auditing under these conditions is very difficult. The TA may be high and will not come down. One gets "erasures" at TA 4.0 with an "F/N". Auditing errors become easy to make. The bank (chains) is jammed. 2. The thetan is rendered STUPID, blank, forgetful, delusive, irresponsible. A thetan gets into a "wooden" sort of state, unfeeling, insensitive, unable and definitely not trustworthy, a menace to his fellows actually. 3. When the drugs wear off or start to wear off the ability to create starts to return and TURNS ON SOMATICS MUCH HARDER. One of the answers a person has for this is MORE drugs. To say nothing of heroin, there are, you know, aspirin addicts. The compulsion stems from a desire to get rid of the somatics and unwanted sensations again. There is also something of dramatization of the engrams already gotten from earlier drug taking. The being gets more and more wooden, requiring more and more quantity and more frequent use. Sexually it is common for someone on drugs to be very stimulated at first. This is the "procreate before death" impulse as drugs are a poison. But after the original sexual "kicks" the stimulation of sexual sensation becomes harder and harder to achieve. The effort to achieve it becomes obsessive while it itself is less and less satisfying. The cycle of drug restimulation of pictures (or creation in general) can be at first to increase creation and then eventually to inhibit it totally. If one were working on this biochemically the least harmful pain depressant would be one that inhibited the creation of mental image pictures with minimal resulting "woodenness" or stupidity and which was body soluble so that it passed rapidly out of the nerves and system. There are no such biochemical preparations at this time. These tests and experiments tend to prove that the majority of pain and discomfort does come from mental image pictures and that these are immediately created. Erasure of a mental image picture by Standard Dianetic processing removes the compulsion to create it. Drugs chemically inhibit the creation but inhibit as well the erasure. When the drug has worn off the picture audited while it was in force can return. The E-Meter Tone Arm under drugs or on a drug case can go very high -- TA 4.0 TA 5.0. It can also be dropped to "dead thetan" (a false clear read). Auditing a person on drugs can obtain an "erasure" and "F/N" at TA 4.0. But the erasure is only apparent and must be "rehabbed" (verified or redone) when the person is off drugs. Any habitual drug taker applying for auditing while still on drugs should be given a six weeks "drying out" period, off drugs this whole time, and then the drug taking (by somatic or sensation of drugs or prior assessment to drugs -- preferably both) must be run out as an early auditing action. A person who has taken aspirin or other drugs within the past 24 hours or the past week, should be given a week to "dry out" before auditing of any kind is given. It is not fatal to audit over drugs. It is just difficult, the results may not be lasting and need to be verified afterwards. 444 Chronic drug takers who have not had drugs specifically handled may go back to drugs after auditing as they were too drugged during auditing to get rid of what was bothering them and which drove them to drugs. With the enemies of various countries using widespread drug addiction as a defeatest mechanism, with painkillers so easily available and so ineffective, drugs is a serious auditing problem. It can be handled. But when aspirin, that innocent seeming painkiller, can produce havoc in auditing if not detected, the subject needs care and knowledge. The above data will keep the auditor clear of the pitfalls of this hazard. To paraphrase an old quote, we used to have iron men and wooden ships. We now have a drug society and wooden citizens. I've been studying this for over a year and a half and have made the breakthrough. Drug companies would be advised to do better research. And auditors are advised to ask any pc, "Have you been taking any drugs or aspirin?" The medical aspect is an understandable wish to handle pain. Doctors should press for better drugs to do this that do not have such lamentable side effects. The formula of least harmfulness is above. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 445  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/11/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1969 (HCOB 4 Aug 69 Amended and Revised) Class VIII Issue V DATE _________________________________ PRECLEAR _____________________________ LX 3 (ATTITUDES) Used before LX 2 3 Way Recall 3 Way Engram Treachery ________ Disloyalty ________ Helplessness ________ Hostility ________ Rudeness ________ Cruelty ________ Disobedience ________ Rebelliousness ________ Wastefulness ________ Stinginess ________ Cowardliness ________ Dirtiness ________ Ungodliness ________ Wickedness ________ Cunning ________ Criticism ________ Falsity ________ Pretense ________ Glee ________ Laughter ________ Mockery ________ Embarrassment ________ Feeling Hurt ________ Oppressive ________ Ridicule ________ Good ________ Persecution ________ Betrayal ________ Guilt ________ LRH:ldm.rs.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard L. RON HUBBARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder 446  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/11/69 Volnum=0 Issue=1 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISION AUDITING AND RESULTS   IMPORTANT AND URGENT Remimeo Class VIIIs Dn Auditors Dn Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Interne Checksheets All Classes  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 NOVEMBER 1969 Remimeo Issue I Class VIIIs Dn Auditors Dn Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Interne Checksheets All Classes IMPORTANT AND URGENT CASE SUPERVISION AUDITING AND RESULTS The whole "secret" of producing high case gain and total results with Dianetic and Scientology auditing lies in the following: DIANETIC RESULTS When an auditor can produce exact auditing on Dianetics you know he can audit. Dianetics is a very simple, precise procedure. The major errors are (a) misassessment (inability to use a meter usually but out TRs can do it) (b) taking narrative somatics and running them (c) forcing a pc toward "earlier incident" when it required "earlier beginning" making the pc jump chains (d) fumbling commands (e) out TRs. An auditor's poor TRs and corny errors such as above will prevent Dianetic results. But the Standard Dianetic auditing is so simple THAT IT DEMONSTRATES CLEANLY WHETHER THE PERSON CAN AUDIT OR NOT. This is not true of Scientology auditing particularly VI, VII and VIII. Here the procedure is more complex. The errors of the auditor are obscured in the possibility of a wrong C/S or a complex pc. Thus whether the auditor can audit or not, just as an auditor, is obscured. Thus, with the auditor as a variable factor, the tech can look variable. Therefore you can lay down this rule as truth and it will be truth until the end of time: If a IV, V, VI, VII or VIII cannot produce invariably excellent results his basic auditing is deficient but obscured by the complexity of material. Therefore it is vital that an auditor be a proven result -- getting Standard Dianetic auditor before any result can be expected of him in his/her Scientology auditing. We have now had several dark mysteries cleared up on this subject with many examples. For instance one auditor who had been thought a competent VI and had 447 been "auditing" for years was found to be getting too many failed pcs; he was trained up as a Standard Dianetic auditor and on his first sessions it was found that he could not produce Standard Dianetic results; he was vigorously groomed on his TRs which were wildly out and always had been and made to do the very exact business-like procedure of Standard Dianetics. He then got excellent Standard Dianetic results session after session on his pc and could be designated as a very good Dianetic auditor. He was briefly retreaded on his Scientology materials and at once could get terrific results with upper level Scientology. From this we can state without any fear of contradiction by your future experience that: An VIII who is not a proven Standard Dianetic auditor as well is not dependable as an auditor no matter who trained him. The practice of loosely certifying HDCs without total proof that they get excellent uniform session results on Dianetic pcs can foul up the whole field and jeopardize the entire auditing future of the student. To certify an HDC who doesn't get provenly excellent Standard Dianetic results is an act of treason against all that person's future pcs and all the rest of us. If tech is "out" in an area it will be because some of the auditors, whatever their class, are not capable of delivering simple Standard Dianetic sessions, regardless of the level at which they are auditing. And out tech will be compounded if the Case Supervisor is not also an excellent HDC for he won't know the errors for which to look. When you can really dig this and know it and get it in practice the bulk of out tech and "failed pcs" in an area will vanish. I know it is sometimes hard to achieve a simplicity as simple as Standard Dianetics but when it is done, tech worries from there on up are over. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 448  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=15/11/69 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CASE SUPERVISION, HOW IT GOES NON-STANDARD   IMPORTANT Remimeo Class VIIIs Case Supervisors Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Interne Chshts all Classes  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 15 NOVEMBER 1969 Issue II Remimeo Class VIIIs Case Supervisors Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Interne Chshts all Classes IMPORTANT CASE SUPERVISION, HOW IT GOES NON-STANDARD Probably the No. 1 lesson that has to be learned by a Case Supervisor without any wiggles or doubts or derails is that he can be (and must not be) driven off standard tech by false auditing reports. At least half the failed sessions he gets are false reports! The auditor has not noted some of the things he did or he has noted things that did not happen. The person who falsifies an auditing report usually is the same person who gets bad results. Naturally. The report is usually not knowingly false. It does not include the data as to why the session failed. This leaves the Case Supervisor with an impression that standard tech was done but that it failed. That sends him into a figure-figure and proposing unusual solutions. This gets him into reviewing reviews, long hours of C/Sing, backlogs and an area muddied up by "failed cases". A Case Supervisor has to know his Standard Tech forwards and backwards. In a correct auditing report of a failed session the answer as to why it failed is neon light big and glaring. So the Case Supervisor corrects it and corrects the auditor. But that is only true of about half the failed sessions the Case Supervisor gets. THE OTHER HALF OF THE FAILED SESSIONS ARE FALSE REPORTS. Instead of going the route and first getting inventive and then damning tech and taking up Yoga, the Case Supervisor MUST realize: 1. That if he himself doesn't know his Dianetics and Scientology cold, he will certainly never be able to spot errors in its application. 2. That standard tech -- Dianetics and Scientology -- are invariable in results and that the only variables are the Case Supervisor and the auditor. 3. That there are no "different" pcs. 4. That 50% of the failed sessions are also false reports if you can't find in the folder why the session failed. 5. That if you can't find in the folder why the session failed or the pc isn't doing well you get the pc asked about the session and get data as to why it failed. (The answers and outnesses will amaze you.) 449 6. That when the above fully dawn on a Case Supervisor he becomes totally successful. There is a sort of breakthrough a Case Supervisor makes, a sort of crisis he passes through where the above points suddenly become glaringly clear to him. After that he is a hard-eyed, uncompromising precisionist that nothing gets by and whose field area gets results-results-results and tech and stats soar. It doesn't take too much. Given a command of the tech, Dianetics and Scientology, he can spot easily in the worksheets why a failed session went adrift, send it to review to be remedied and send the auditor to cramming. But the session where the pc left session with "F/N VGIs 2.0" and arrives at Examiner with "needle tight, 4.3, Indicators poor" and in which all seems usual and standard ... ! Hey! That's a false auditing report. It doesn't mean standard tech doesn't work! It means a false worksheet. You haven't got the data needed to handle or do the next C/S. So you have somebody else ask the pc what happened in that session and get it written down and get the folder back. Man, it would knock over an elephant. Some of the things you get back! "Well he was reading off items I guess but I couldn't hear him .... " "I asked him not to shout and he said 'I'm the auditor not you.'" "I kept trying to tell him I was exterior .... " "He wouldn't accept the withhold. He said it wasn't a withhold because he'd heard it from my wife .... " "I had to keep telling him what the next command was .... " "But it wasn't a headache that I was trying to get handled. I was vomiting during most of the session .... " Boy, the world of Never-Never-Never that lies behind those reports where you can't find the reason. Suddenly, as I say, the Case Supervisor makes his own personal breakthrough. His "I wonder what's really wrong with this pc .... " turns into, "Auditor to cramming to Review R3R commands and TR 104. Pc to Review to Fly a rud or GF to F/N. Assess Auditor, Auditors, Commands .... " Oh, you say, we don't have an Examiner in our Franchise -- listen, you better teach your receptionist to do an Examiner form -- Yes, but we don't have a Case Supervisor or cramming -- brother, are you so in love with the buck that you'll salt out your whole area with failed cases just to get high pay on low stats? Auditing is a TEAM action. If you can't do it as a team action it's not Standard admin to begin with and sure as shooting your practice or your franchise will fail in the long run. Maybe that's the first breakthrough the Case Supervisor makes. To realize auditing actions are team actions. But not to get off the rails. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE FAILURE IN THE FOLDER GET THE PC ASKED, FOR YOU'RE LOOKING AT A FALSE IF ONLY INCOMPLETE WORKSHEET. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 450  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=23/11/69 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=1 rDate=26/6/73 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE   Remimeo Class VIII Class VIII Checksheet Course Supervisors Registrars Dianetic Checksheet Dianetic Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 NOVEMBER 1969R Issue III REVISED 26 JUNE 1973 Remimeo Class VIII (Revisions in this type style) Class VIII Checksheet Course Supervisors Registrars Dianetic Checksheet Dianetic Auditors STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE In working with a student, a Supervisor found that engrams and secondaries gather around the subject of study and developed some materials on it which I tested and redeveloped. He said: "The subject of study has been abound with 'authorities' and booby-traps forever and a day, but until Ron researched this field of human endeavor and published his findings on tapes, HCOBs and Policy Letters, nobody has EVER made any progress toward the resolution of study itself as a problem. "In this very day and age we find physical punishments of students the rule rather than the exception, and even the use of instruments like canes, sticks, shoes and such like articles in order to 'teach' a student (create 'ARC') is accepted as normal practice. "The phenomena of secondaries and engrams resulting thereof, which inhibit study are not known about or completely ignored, and often handled by a further duress. "And many a once bright keen young student throws in his study in despair and goes to the nearest oculist for even stronger lenses in his glasses to help his ruined eyesight. "THE SUBJECT, THE VERY IDEA OF STUDY ITSELF HAS BECOME TRAUMATIC. IT IS AN AREA OF LOSSES AND PHYSICAL PAINS." The Class VIII C/S can be audited by a Class VII 1. Fly a rud to F/N 2. Do a Remedy A on Dianetics or Scientology. (Omit if student had one.) 3. Do a Remedy B. (Omit if student had one.) 4. Assess: Be Trained, Be Educated, Study, Learn. 5. Prepcheck. 6. Take the item found in 4 and fit into: 7. 3 Way Recall SF-1 Recall being forced to (item of 4). SF-2 Recall forcing another/others to (item of 4). SF-3 Recall another forcing another/others to (item of 4). 8. 3 Way Secondaries SS-1 Locate an incident containing misemotion in which you were forced to (item of 4). SS-2 Locate an incident containing misemotion in which you forced another/others to (item of 4). 451 SS-3 Locate an incident containing misemotion in which another forced another/others to (item of 4). 3 Way Engrams SE-1 Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness in which you were forced to (item of 4). SE-2 Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness in which you forced another to (item of 4). SE-3 Locate an incident containing pain and unconsciousness in which another forced another or others to (item of 4). 9. If the student still has trouble or feels it isn't complete, list for the somatic, misemotion or attitude connected with becoming informed or being taught and run R-3-R. End of the Scn Study Intensive DIANETIC STUDY INTENSIVE This Dianetic Study Intensive is done simply by doing steps 7 and 8 of the Scn C/S by a Standard Dianetic Auditor. In this case 9 is almost certainly done. This completes the Dn Study Intensive. PROMOTING STUDY INTENSIVES Any org or course has on it some slow students or students who easily dope off while attempting to study, or students who become upset by study or try to blow. A registrar should periodically obtain a list of these and see that they are sold a Study Intensive. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm.nt.rd Copyright $c 1969, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The section above titled "Dianetic Study Intensive" is modified by BTB 9 August 1970R, Revised 10 June 1974, Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive.] 452  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/12/69 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RISING TA   Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Class VIII Cksht  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 DECEMBER 1969 Remimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Class VIII Cksht RISING TA In running R3R when the pc's TA is rising after 2 runs through, the indication is that there is an earlier incident (or in rare cases, an earlier beginning). One does not need to ask Erasing-solid? when he sees the TA rise as obviously it (the incident) is going more solid. It is correct, the auditor seeing the TA rise, simply to ask for an earlier incident and if "No" then an earlier beginning. The exception is the low TA (below 2.0). If the TA is let us say at 1.6 and rises to 1.8 during or after the second run through, the incident may well be erasing as a below 2.0 is abnormal. It will come above 2.0 only when the chain is erased. So one DOES ask for Erasing-solid? and carries on as usual with R3R when the TA is below 2 but rises. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs.ei.rd Copyright $c 1969 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 453  L. RON HUBBARD Founder