Type = 0 iDate=0/0/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  My Philosophy    My Philosophy by L. Ron Hubbard The subject of philosophy is very ancient. The word means: "The love, study or pursuit of wisdom, or of knowledge of things and their causes, whether theoretical or practical." All we know of science or of religion comes from philosophy. It lies behind and above all other knowledge we have or use. For long regarded as a subject reserved for halls of learning and the intellectual, the subject, to a remarkable degree, has been denied the man in the street. Surrounded by protective coatings of impenetrable scholarliness, philosophy has been reserved to the privileged few. The first principle of my own philosophy is that wisdom is meant for anyone who wishes to reach for it. It is the servant of commoner and king alike and should never be regarded with awe. Selfish scholars seldom forgive anyone who seeks to break down the walls of mystery and let the people in. Will Durant, the modern American philosopher, was relegated to the scrap heap by his fellow scholars when he wrote a popular book on the subject, The Outline of Philosophy. Thus brickbats come the way of any who seek to bring wisdom to the people over the objections of the "inner circle." The second principle of my own philosophy is that it must be capable of being applied. Learning locked in mildewed books is of little use to anyone and therefore of no value unless it can be used. The third principle is that any philosophic knowledge is only valuable if it is true or if it works. These three principles are so strange to the field of philosophy, that I have given my philosophy a name: SCIENTOLOGY. This means only "knowing how to know." A philosophy can only be a route to knowledge. It cannot be crammed down one's throat. If one has a route, he can then find what is true for him. And that is Scientology. Know Thyself ....... and the truth shall set you free. Therefore, in Scientology, we are not concerned with individual actions and differences. We are only concerned with how to show Man how he can set himself free. This, of course, is not very popular with those who depend upon the slavery of others for their living or power. But it happens to be the only way I have found that really improves an individual's life. 1 Suppression and oppression are the basic causes of depression. If you relieve those a person can lift his head, become well, become happy with life. And though it may be unpopular with the slave master, it is very popular with the people. Common man likes to be happy and well. He likes to be able to understand things, and he knows his route to freedom lies through knowledge. Therefore, for 15 years I have had Mankind knocking on my door. It has not mattered where I have lived or how remote, since I first published a book on the subject, my life has no longer been my own. I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days. These shadows look so thick to him, and weigh him down so, that when he finds they are shadows and that he can see through them, walk through them and be again in the sun, he is enormously delighted. And I am afraid I am just as delighted as he is. I have seen much human misery. As a very young man I wandered through Asia and saw the agony and misery of overpopulated and underdeveloped lands. I have seen people uncaring and stepping over dying men in the streets. I have seen children less than rags and bones. And amongst this poverty and degradation I found holy places where wisdom was great, but where it was carefully hidden and given out only as superstition. Later, in Western universities, I saw Man obsessed with materiality and with all his cunning, I saw him hide what little wisdom he really had in forbidding halls and make it inaccessible to the common and less favored man. I have been through a terrible war and saw its terror and pain uneased by a single word of decency or humanity. I have lived no cloistered life and hold in contempt the wise man who has not lived and the scholar who will not share. There have been many wiser men than I, but few have travelled as much road. I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up. I know how it looks both ways. And I know there is wisdom and that there is hope. Blinded with injured optic nerves, and lame with physical injuries to hip and back, at the end of World War II, I faced an almost nonexistent future. My Service record stated: "This officer has no neurotic or psychotic tendencies of any kind whatsoever," but it also stated "permanently disabled physically." And so there came a further blow ....... I was abandoned by family and friends as a supposedly hopeless cripple and a probable burden upon them for the rest of my days. I yet worked my way back to fitness and strength in less than two years, using only what I knew and could determine about Man and his relationship to the universe. I had no one to help me; what I had to know I had to find out. And it's quite a trick studying when you cannot see. I became used to being told it was all impossible, that there was no way, no hope. Yet I came to see again and walk again, and I built an entirely new life. It is a happy life, a busy one and I hope a useful one. My only moments of sadness are those which come when bigoted men tell others all is bad and there is no route anywhere, no hope anywhere, nothing but sadness and sameness and desolation, and that every effort to help others is false. I know it is not true. 2 So my own philosophy is that one should share what wisdom he has, one should help others to help themselves, and one should keep going despite heavy weather for there is always a calm ahead. One should also ignore cat-calls from the selfish intellectual who cries: "Don't expose the mystery. Keep it all for ourselves. The people cannot understand." But as I have never seen wisdom do any good kept to oneself, and as I like to see others happy, and as I find the vast majority of the people can and do understand, I will keep on writing and working and teaching so long as I exist. For I know no man who has any monopoly upon the wisdom of this universe. It belongs to those who can use it to help themselves and others. If things were a little better known and understood, we would all lead happier lives. And there is a way to know them and there is a way to freedom. The old must give way to the new, falsehood must become exposed by truth, and truth, though fought, always in the end prevails. L. Ron Hubbard 3  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 21 iDate=7/2/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING   ALL LEVELS Remimeo Sthil Students Assn/Org Sec Hat HCO Sec Hat Case Sup Hat Ds of P Hat Ds of T Hat Staff Member Hat Franchise HCO Sec or Communicator Hat Check on all personnel and new Personnel as taken on.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 FEBRUARY 1965 Remimeo REISSUED 15 JUNE 1970 Sthil Students Assn/Org Sec Hat (Reissued 28.1.73 to correct a word [page 8, HCO Sec Hat para 5]. Change in this type style.) Case Sup Hat Ds of P Hat Ds of T Hat Staff Member Hat Franchise (issued May 1965) Note: Neglect of this Pol Ltr has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out International effort to restore basic Scientology over the world. Within 5 years after the issue of this PL with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. "Quickie grades" entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions which neglect or violate this Policy Letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not "entirely a tech matter" as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2- year slump. IT IS THE BUSINESS OF EVERY STAFF MEMBER to enforce it. ALL LEVELS KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING HCO Sec or Communicator Hat Check on all personnel and new Personnel as taken on. We have some time since passed the point of achieving uniformly workable technology. The only thing now is getting the technology applied. If you can't get the technology applied then you can't deliver what's promised. It's as simple as that. If you can get the technology applied, you can deliver what's promised. The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is "no results". Trouble spots occur only where there are "no results". Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are "no results" or "bad results". Therefore the road before Scientology is clear and its ultimate success is assured if the technology is applied. So it is the task of the Assn or Org Sec, the HCO Sec, the Case Supervisor, the D of P, the D of T and all staff members to get the correct technology applied. Getting the correct technology applied consists of: One: Having the correct technology. Two: Knowing the technology. Three: Knowing it is correct. Four: Teaching correctly the correct technology. Five: Applying the technology. Six: Seeing that the technology is correctly applied. 4 Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect technology. Eight: Knocking out incorrect applications. Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology. Ten: Closing the door on incorrect application. One above has been done. Two has been achieved by many. Three is achieved by the individual applying the correct technology in a proper manner and observing that it works that way. Four is being done daily successfully in most parts of the world. Five is consistently accomplished daily. Six is achieved by instructors and supervisors consistently. Seven is done by a few but is a weak point. Eight is not worked on hard enough. Nine is impeded by the "reasonable" attitude of the not quite bright. Ten is seldom done with enough ferocity. Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are the only places Scientology can bog down in any area. The reasons for this are not hard to find. (a) A weak certainty that it works in Three above can lead to weakness in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. (b) Further, the not-too-bright have a bad point on the button Self-Importance. (c) The lower the IQ, the more the individual is shut off from the fruits of observation. (d) The service facs of people make them defend themselves against anything they confront, good or bad, and seek to make it wrong. (e) The bank seeks to knock out the good and perpetuate the bad. Thus, we as Scientologists and as an organization must be very alert to Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. In all the years I have been engaged in research I have kept my comm lines wide open for research data. I once had the idea that a group could evolve truth. A third of a century has thoroughly disabused me of that idea. Willing as I was to accept suggestions and data, only a handful of suggestions (less than twenty) had long-run value and none were major or basic; and when I did accept major or basic suggestions and used them, we went astray and I repented and eventually had to "eat crow". On the other hand there have been thousands and thousands of suggestions and writings which, if accepted and acted upon, would have resulted in the complete destruction of all our work as well as the sanity of pcs. So I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go in accepting unworkable "technology". By actual record the percentages are about twenty to 100,000 that a group of human beings will dream up bad technology to destroy good technology. As we could have gotten along without suggestions, then, we had better steel ourselves to continue to do so now that we have made it. This point will, of course, be attacked as "unpopular", "egotistical" and "undemocratic". It very well may be. But it is also a survival point. And I don't see that popular measures, self-abnegation and democracy have done anything for Man but push him further into the mud. Currently, popularity endorses degraded novels, self-abnegation has filled the South East Asian jungles with stone idols and corpses, and democracy has given us inflation and income tax. 5 Our technology has not been discovered by a group. True, if the group had not supported me in many ways I could not have discovered it either. But it remains that if in its formative stages it was not discovered by a group, then group efforts, one can safely assume, will not add to it or successfully alter it in the future. I can only say this now that it is done. There remains, of course, group tabulation or co-ordination of what has been done, which will be valuable -- only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications. The contributions that were worthwhile in this period of forming the technology were help in the form of friendship, of defense, of organization, of dissemination, of application, of advices on results and of finance. These were great contributions and were, and are, appreciated. Many thousands contributed in this way and made us what we are. Discovery contribution was not however part of the broad picture. We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank. We are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact -- the group left to its own devices would not have evolved Scientology but with wild dramatization of the bank called "new ideas" would have wiped it out. Supporting this is the fact that Man has never before evolved workable mental technology and emphasizing it is the vicious technology he did evolve -- psychiatry, psychology, surgery, shock treatment, whips, duress, punishment, etc, ad infinitum. So realize that we have climbed out of the mud by whatever good luck and good sense, and refuse to sink back into it again. See that Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten above are ruthlessly followed and we will never be stopped. Relax them, get reasonable about it and we will perish. So far, while keeping myself in complete communication with all suggestions, I have not failed on Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten in areas I could supervise closely. But it's not good enough for just myself and a few others to work at this. Whenever this control as per Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten has been relaxed the whole organizational area has failed. Witness Elizabeth, N.J., Wichita, the early organizations and groups. They crashed only because I no longer did Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. Then, when they were all messed up, you saw the obvious "reasons" for failure. But ahead of that they ceased to deliver and that involved them in other reasons. The common denominator of a group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad agreement in a human group. An individual must rise above an avid craving for agreement from a humanoid group to get anything decent done. The bank-agreement has been what has made Earth a Hell -- and if you were looking for Hell and found Earth, it would certainly serve. War, famine, agony and disease has been the lot of Man. Right now the great governments of Earth have developed the means of frying every Man, Woman and Child on the planet. That is Bank. That is the result of Collective Thought Agreement. The decent, pleasant things on this planet come from individual actions and ideas that have somehow gotten by the Group Idea. For that matter, look how we ourselves are attacked by "public opinion" media. Yet there is no more ethical group on this planet than ourselves. Thus each one of us can rise above the domination of the bank and then, as a group of freed beings, achieve freedom and reason. It is only the aberrated group, the mob, that is destructive. When you don't do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten actively, you are working for the Bank dominated mob. For it will surely, surely (a) introduce incorrect technology and swear by it, (b) apply technology as incorrectly as possible, (c) open the door to any destructive idea, and (d) encourage incorrect application. It's the Bank that says the group is all and the individual nothing. It's the Bank that says we must fail. 6 So just don't play that game. Do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten and you will knock out of your road all the future thorns. Here's an actual example in which a senior executive had to interfere because of a pc spin: A Case Supervisor told Instructor A to have Auditor B run Process X on Preclear C. Auditor B afterwards told Instructor A that "It didn't work." Instructor A was weak on Three above and didn't really believe in Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. So Instructor A told the Case Supervisor "Process X didn't work on Preclear C." Now this strikes directly at each of One to Six above in Preclear C, Auditor B, Instructor A and the Case Supervisor. It opens the door to the introduction of "new technology" and to failure. What happened here? Instructor A didn't jump down Auditor B's throat, that's all that happened. This is what he should have done: grabbed the auditor's report and looked it over. When a higher executive on this case did so she found what the Case Supervisor and the rest missed: that Process X increased Preclear C's TA to 25 TA divisions for the session but that near session end Auditor B Qed and Aed with a cognition and abandoned Process X while it still gave high TA and went off running one of Auditor B's own manufacture, which nearly spun Preclear C. Auditor B's IQ on examination turned out to be about 75. Instructor A was found to have huge ideas of how you must never invalidate anyone, even a lunatic. The Case Supervisor was found to be "too busy with admin to have any time for actual cases". All right, there's an all too typical example. The Instructor should have done Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. This would have begun this way. Auditor B: "That Process X didn't work." Instructor A: "What exactly did you do wrong?" Instant attack. "Where's your auditor's report for the session? Good. Look here, you were getting a lot of TA when you stopped Process X. What did you do?" Then the Pc wouldn't have come close to a spin and all four of these would have retained certainty. In a year, I had four instances in one small group where the correct process recommended was reported not to have worked. But on review found that each one (a) had increased the TA, (b) had been abandoned, and (c) had been falsely reported as unworkable. Also, despite this abuse, in each of these four cases the recommended, correct process cracked the case. Yet they were reported as not having worked! Similar examples exist in instruction and these are all the more deadly as every time instruction in correct technology is flubbed, then the resulting error, uncorrected in the auditor, is perpetuated on every pc that auditor audits thereafter. So Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten are even more important in a course than in supervision of cases. Here's an example: A rave recommendation is given a graduating student "because he gets more TA on pcs than any other student on the course!" Figures of 435 TA divisions a session are reported. "Of course his model session is poor but it's just a knack he has" is also included in the recommendation. A careful review is undertaken because nobody at Levels 0 to IV is going to get that much TA on pcs. It is found that this student was never taught to read an E-Meter TA dial! And no instructor observed his handling of a meter and it was not discovered that he "overcompensated" nervously, swinging the TA 2 or 3 divisions beyond where it needed to go to place the needle at "set". So everyone was about to throw away standard processes and model session because this one student "got such remarkable TA". They only read the reports and listened to the brags and never looked at this student. The pcs in actual fact were making slightly less than average gain, impeded by a rough model session and misworded processes. Thus, what was making the pcs win (actual Scientology) was hidden under a lot of departures and errors. I recall one student who was squirreling on an Academy course and running a lot of off-beat whole track on other students after course hours. The Academy students were in a state of electrification on all these new experiences and weren't quickly brought under control and the student himself never was given the works on Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten so they stuck. Subsequently, this student prevented another squirrel from being straightened out and his wife died of cancer resulting from 7 physical abuse. A hard, tough Instructor at that moment could have salvaged two squirrels and saved the life of a girl. But no, students had a right to do whatever they pleased. Squirreling (going off into weird practices or altering Scientology) only comes about from non-comprehension. Usually the non-comprehension is not of Scientology but some earlier contact with an off-beat humanoid practice which in its turn was not understood. When people can't get results from what they think is standard practice, they can be counted upon to squirrel to some degree. The most trouble in the past two years came from orgs where an executive in each could not assimilate straight Scientology. Under Instruction in Scientology they were unable to define terms or demonstrate examples of principles. And the orgs where they were got into plenty of trouble. And worse, it could not be straightened out easily because neither one of these people could or would duplicate instructions. Hence, a debacle resulted in two places, directly traced to failures of instruction earlier. So proper instruction is vital. The D of T and his Instructors and all Scientology Instructors must be merciless in getting Four, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten into effective action. That one student, dumb and impossible though he may seem and of no use to anyone, may yet some day be the cause of untold upset because nobody was interested enough to make sure Scientology got home to him. With what we know now, there is no student we enrol who cannot be properly trained. As an Instructor, one should be very alert to slow progress and should turn the sluggards inside out personally. No system will do it, only you or me with our sleeves rolled up can crack the back of bad studenting and we can only do it on an individual student, never on a whole class only. He's slow = something is awful wrong. Take fast action to correct it. Don't wait until next week. By then he's got other messes stuck to him. If you can't graduate them with their good sense appealed to and wisdom shining, graduate them in such a state of shock they'll have nightmares if they contemplate squirreling. Then experience will gradually bring about Three in them and they'll know better than to chase butterflies when they should be auditing. When somebody enrols, consider he or she has joined up for the duration of the universe -- never permit an "open-minded" approach. If they're going to quit let them quit fast. If they enrolled, they're aboard, and if they're aboard, they're here on the same terms as the rest of us -- win or die in the attempt. Never let them be half-minded about being Scientologists. The finest organizations in history have been tough, dedicated organizations. Not one namby-pamby bunch of panty-waist dilettantes have ever made anything. It's a tough universe. The social veneer makes it seem mild. But only the tigers survive -- and even they have a hard time. We'll survive because we are tough and are dedicated. When we do instruct somebody properly he becomes more and more tiger. When we instruct half-mindedly and are afraid to offend, scared to enforce, we don't make students into good Scientologists and that lets everybody down. When Mrs. Pattycake comes to us to be taught, turn that wandering doubt in her eye into a fixed, dedicated glare and she'll win and we'll all win. Humor her and we all die a little. The proper instruction attitude is, "You're here so you're a Scientologist. Now we're going to make you into an expert auditor no matter what happens. We'd rather have you dead than incapable." Fit that into the economics of the situation and lack of adequate time and you see the cross we have to bear. But we won't have to bear it forever. The bigger we get the more economics and time we will have to do our job. And the only things which can prevent us from getting that big fast are areas in from One to Ten, Keep those in mind and we'll be able to grow. Fast. And as we grow our shackles will be less and less. Failing to keep One to Ten, will make us grow less. So the ogre which might eat us up is not the government or the High Priests. It's our possible failure to retain and practice our technology. 8 An Instructor or Supervisor or Executive must challenge with ferocity instances of "unworkability". They must uncover what did happen, what was run and what was done or not done. If you have One and Two, you can only acquire Three for all by making sure of all the rest. We're not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn't cute or something to do for lack of something better. The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology. This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance. Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless trillions of years of the past. Don't muff it now because it seems unpleasant or unsocial to do Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten. Do them and we'll win. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jw.rr.nt.ka.mes. rd Copyright $c 1965, 1970, 1973 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=14/2/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY   Remimeo All Hats BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 14 FEBRUARY 1965 (Reissued on 7 June 1967, with the word Remimeo "instructor" replaced by "supervisor".) All Hats BPI SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY For some years we have had a word "squirreling". It means altering Scientology, off-beat practices. It is a bad thing. I have found a way to explain why. Scientology is a workable system This does not mean it is the best possible system or a perfect system. Remember and use that definition. Scientology is a workable system. In fifty thousand years of history on this planet alone, Man never evolved a workable system. It is doubtful if, in foreseeable history, he will ever evolve another. Man is caught in a huge and complex labyrinth. To get out of it requires that he follow the closely taped path of Scientology. Scientology will take him out of the labyrinth. But only if he follows the exact markings in the tunnels. It has taken me a third of a century in this lifetime to tape this route out. It has been proven that efforts by Man to find different routes came to nothing. It is also a clear fact that the route called Scientology does lead out of the labyrinth. Therefore it is a workable system, a route that can be travelled. What would you think of a guide who, because his party said it was dark and the road rough and who said another tunnel looked better, abandoned the route he knew would lead out and led his party to a lost nowhere in the dark. You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy guide. What would you think of a supervisor who let a student depart from procedure the supervisor knew worked. You'd think he was a pretty wishy-washy supervisor. What would happen in a labyrinth if the guide let some girl stop in a pretty canyon and left her there forever to contemplate the rocks? You'd think he was a pretty heartless guide. You'd expect him to say at least, "Miss, those rocks may be pretty, but the road out doesn't go that way." All right, how about an auditor who abandons the procedure which will make his preclear eventually clear just because the preclear had a cognition? People have following the route mixed up with "the right to have their own ideas." Anyone is certainly entitled to have opinions and ideas and cognitions -- so long as these do not bar the route out for self and others. Scientology is a workable system. It white tapes the road out of the labyrinth. If there were no white tapes marking the right tunnels, Man would just go on wandering around and around the way he has for eons, darting off on wrong roads, going in circles, ending up in the sticky dark, alone. Scientology, exactly and correctly followed, takes the person up and out of the mess. So when you see somebody having a ball getting everyone to take peyote because 10 it restimulates prenatals, know he is pulling people off the route. Realize he is squirreling. He isn't following the route. Scientology is a new thing -- it is a road out. There has not been one. Not all the salesmanship in the world can make a bad route a proper route. And an awful lot of bad routes are being sold. Their end product is further slavery, more darkness, more misery. Scientology is the only workable system Man has. It has already taken people toward higher I.Q., better lives and all that. No other system has. So realize that it has no competitor. Scientology is a workable system. It has the route taped. The search is done. Now the route only needs to be walked. So put the feet of students and preclears on that route. Don't let them off of it no matter how fascinating the side roads seem to them. And move them on up and out. Squirreling is today destructive of a workable system. Don't let your party down. By whatever means, keep them on the route. And they'll be free. If you don't, they won't. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jw.jp.rd Copyright $c 1965, 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/3/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES APPLICATION OF TECH   ALL LEVELS Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MARCH 1965 Remimeo Issue II Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Staff ALL LEVELS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES APPLICATION OF TECH A sure road to award and glory is to find a new application for an existing Scientology process or principle or book. The period of the discovery of principles, processes or original works is surely over as we have everything between the snake's stomach and the high sky by way of natural laws. Inventing and using new processes is a sure way to slow down the advance. There were only so many anyway and it's been done. But new ways to apply or disseminate what we've got are welcome, welcome, welcome. We've not nearly enough of those and we'll be inventing or seeing them for the next umpty trillion years. So my hat is off to Beth Fordyce, HCO Area Sec Detroit, U.S.A., who informed us via U.S. Continental of a new use for The Book of Case Remedies for which she'll receive a bow and appropriate award, to wit her DScn. Here is her report. "At the January D.C. Congress, I had some interesting data about The Book of Case Remedies that you (HCO Cont Sec U.S.) thought I ought to write up for Ron because you felt he'd be interested in it. Here it is. "We've had several instances where people have read the remedies and come in to tell me that certain ones 'fit' them. Then when they started to tell me which ones specifically, they couldn't remember them -- or they would be able to remember only one. The book obviously indicates by-passed charge, and handles most of the problems. They find out what their problem actually is. "One fellow who has been ARC broken with Scientology for years (even before I heard of Scn), came in and I asked him to find himself in the remedies. He started reading them, and each one seemed to fit him (except about 3 or 4 of them). I noted them down one by one, as he called them to me. When he finished, I said no more about it. "Later on -- about 15 minutes -- he decided he'd better look through those again because he 'was sure that they didn't all fit -- maybe some of them have changed'. So he went through them again, one by one, and only 3 still seemed to apply -- and only ONE of them was strongest, he felt. The other two seemed to have lost their punch. "He was quite different after that. I also did what the remedy called for, which cleaned it up. The last time I saw him -- at our Congress -- he not once mentioned the problem he's always had with eye-spots. (And, frankly, I was afraid at that point to say 'eye-spots' to him for fear he'd key it back in again, so I just settled for HIS not mentioning it!) "As soon as we get our next batch of Remedies, I intend to send at least 4 of them as gifts to people who are badly ARC broken with us. If they actually read them, I know exactly what will happen -- they can't stay ARC broken. Best, Beth" So there's a wide open door. Try it out on "rough cases" and demand ARC Broken ones do it and write you back or tell you which one it is. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.pw.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 13  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=10/3/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  WORDS, MISUNDERSTOOD GOOFS   Remimeo Sthil Students Sthil R6 Co-audit Scientology 0 Scientology VI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 MARCH 1965 Remimeo Sthil Students Sthil R6 Co-audit Scientology 0 Scientology VI WORDS, MISUNDERSTOOD GOOFS It has come to my attention that words a student misunderstands and looks up can yet remain troublesome. And that R6 materials are suffering from the same fate when meter activity lessens. It's this way: The student runs across a word he or she doesn't understand. He or she looks it up in a dictionary, finds a substitute word and uses that. Of course the first word is still misunderstood and remains a bother. Example: (Line in text) "The size was Gargantuan." Student looks up Gargantuan, finds "The Gargantua, huge." Student uses "huge" as a synonym and reads the text line "The size was 'huge'." A short while later is found still incapable of understanding the paragraph below "Gargantuan" in the text. Conclusion the student makes -- "Well it doesn't work." The principle is that one goes dull after passing over a word one does not understand and brightens up the moment he spots the word that wasn't grasped. In actual fact, the brightening up occurs whether one defines the word or not. But to put another word in the place of the existing word, whether in Level 0 or Level VI is to mess it all up. Take the above example. "Huge" is not "Gargantuan". These are synonyms. The sentence is "The size was Gargantuan." The sentence was not "The size was huge." You can't really substitute one word for another at Level 0 or Level VI and get anything but an alteration. So something remains not understood at Level 0 and the meter stops at Level VI. It just isn't what was said or thought. The correct procedure is to look over, get defined well and understand the word that was used. In this case the word was "Gargantuan". Very well, what's that? It means "Like Gargantua" according to the dictionary. Who or what was Gargantua? The dictionary says it was the name of a gigantic King in a book written by the author Rabelais. Cheers, the student thinks, the sentence meant "The size was a gigantic king." Oops! That's the same goof again, like "huge". But we're nearer. So what to do? Use Gargantuan in a few sentences you make up and bingo! You suddenly understand the word that was used. Now you read it right. "The size was Gargantuan." And what does that mean? It means "The size was Gargantuan." And nothing else. Get it? 14 There's no hope for it mate. You'll have to learn real English, not the 600 word basic English of the college kid, in which a few synonyms are substituted for all the big words. And as an "aside" (like they use on the stage), may I say that golly some people have to reach a long way to find goofs. (The data in this HCO B was given to me by Mary Sue Hubbard and called to attention by Ian Tampion.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 15  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=29/3/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ARC BREAKS   Remimeo Franchise Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 MARCH 1965 Remimeo Franchise Students ARC BREAKS Great News! I've found the basis of ARC Breaks! As you know, only a PTP (Present Time Problem) can hold a graph unchanging and only an ARC Break can lower one. Therefore the Anatomy of an ARC Break is more vital to know, as it can worsen, than the anatomy of a PTP. But both are very important and with the overt act and misunderstood words in study form the vital four things anyone should know in auditing Pcs. The average student has a hard time getting rid of ARC Breaks in others, mostly because he never really finds the ARC Break. One Auditor was sure a Pc had been ARC Broken by "the last few inches of a lecture tape" and was madly calling Washington to borrow the tape so the poor Pc could "listen to it again to cure his ARC Break"! Well I don't mind being cause, but my tape never ARC Broke the Pc. The Auditor just didn't locate the Charge. The whole trick is to keep cleaning up the ARC Break until the Pc is happy again and then quit. When you find it, that's it. You don't find it and still have an ARC Broken Pc! No, the terribly simple truth is that 1. The Pc is ARC Broken because something happened. 2. The Pc will continue to be ARC Broken until the thing is found. 3. The ARC Break will vanish magically when the source is found. Finding the ARC Break and indicating it clears the ARC Break. If it doesn't clear on what you find, then you haven't found it! You must not continue to run a Pc on some process when the Pc is ARC Broken. You must find the ARC Break and clear it. The Pc will go into a sad effect if you don't find the ARC Break but instead, continue the process. If you think you have found the ARC Break (and haven't) and then go on auditing, the Pc will go into a sad effect. ARC Broken Pcs are easy to identify. They gloom and mis-emote. They criticize and snarl. Sometimes they scream. They blow, they refuse auditing. If you can read a lighted neon sign at 10 feet on a dark night, you can detect a Pc who has an ARC Break. Some Auditors can detect them sooner than others. I can see one coming in a Pc 1 1/2 hours of auditing before the Pc starts to get misemotional in earnest. Some newcomer in the business might not detect one until the Pc wraps a chair around the auditor's head. As I say, the ability to perceive one varies. The better you are the sooner you see one. If an auditor's Pc isn't bright and happy, there's an ARC Break there with life or the bank or the session. The thing to do is find it and clean it up. And now all is revealed: This is what makes an ARC Break occur: AN ARC BREAK OCCURS ON A GENERALITY OR A NOT THERE. 16 The Generality Example of a Generality "They say you are cold-hearted." "Everybody thinks you are too young." "The People Versus Sam Jones." "The will of the masses." Case Manifestation Example: Little boy screaming in rage when he makes a mistake in drawing. Auditor observes little boy is upset. Auditor: "What are you upset about?" Little Boy: (howling) "My drawing is no good!" Auditor: "Who said your drawing is no good?" Little Boy: (crying) "The teachers at school (plural)." Auditor: "What teacher (singular)?" Little Boy: (sobbing) "Not the teachers, the other children (plural)!" Auditor: "Which one of the other children?" Little Boy: (suddenly quiet) "Sammy." Auditor: "How do you feel now?" Little Boy: (cheerfully) "Can I have some ice cream?" The Formula 1. Ask what the Pc is upset about. 2. Ask who thought so. 3. Repeat the generality the Pc used and 4. Ask for the singular. 5. Keep 3 and 4 going until the Pc is happy. As it's a near Q and A it should be awfully easy. They name prunes, you say what prune is prunes. Result It's quite magical done bare-handed or on a meter. Errors You can miss in English sometimes on YOU. The Pc says YOU are mean. We have no plural or singular signal in the word YOU. Therefore a statement that "YOU are ARC Breaking me" or "YOU ARE MEAN" may not mean, as an egocentric auditor may take it, the auditor but YOU may be being used as THE WHOLE WORLD. The above formula holds 1 to 5. Just find out "Which person is meant by the word you?" Our old "Look at me, who am I?" was not too wrong. So next time your Pc says, "The Instructors are mean," don't be goofy enough to indicate the charge with "OK, you are ARC Broken because the Instructors are mean." And then be amazed when the ARC Break continues. You didn't find out "What Instructor is Instructors?" If you ask a bit further you'll find it probably wasn't "the Instructors" but somebody else. And that somebody will be a unit, not a group. A less workable but interesting approach is "Who uses the word 'everybody' frequently?" It's of interest only because "everybody" makes a dispersal which the Pc can't see through. It will take quite a while sometimes for a Pc to spot such a person! How many people have died heartbroken because "they" were mean to him. And it was just one vicious being who had been blown up to "they". 17 The Not There is also a generality because it can be anywhere. But it is a special case. When something becomes unlocatable it can cause an ARC Break. The cure for this one is to find out what's gone. If you see somebody with a cold, ask "Who's gone?" and you'll be amazed at the recovery if you pursue the matter. One concludes it's less the loss than not knowing where something has gotten to, making a one into a generality. The common response to sudden loss is to feel everything is gone or going. This is the state of anxiety explained. The beaten and downtrodden respond well on this (when brought up through normal levels to the Level of Remedies). A very sneaky question is "Who (or what) was everything to you?" But use it sparingly. The Pc will go whole track like a flash if overworked. Remarkably (at this late date to find it!) that's why he rather fancies his pictures! At least he has a picture of it! Dreams follow a sudden loss. It's an effort to orient oneself and get something back. Level VI ARC Breaks Of course, there's nothing wrong really with a thetan but his reactive bank. He can recover from the rest. And his reactive bank is full of generalities which explains the hard ARC Breaks of Level VI. But don't tamper with Level VI if the Pc belongs at II. You can get enough locks off any day from normal life to cure the ARC Breaks you'll encounter getting up to VI. Main thing to know is: AN ARC BREAK OCCURS BECAUSE OF A GENERALITY OR A NOT THERE. Fortunately it doesn't always occur. Only sometimes. And when it does: Find the singular form of the generality. In Admin particularly you save more executives that way. And in auditing you just don't have failed cases or blows if you know it. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:wm.c.aj.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 18  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=2/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE ROAD TO CLEAR   Remimeo BPI Mag Art Auditor Issue 8 Franchise Sthil Students ALL SCIENTOLOGY  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 APRIL AD15 Remimeo BPI Mag Art ALL SCIENTOLOGY Auditor Issue 8 Franchise Sthil Students THE ROAD TO CLEAR I have just made a breakthrough in finding what a clear really is. And we can certainly make it now. The ROAD TO CLEAR is very definite and the state is very attainable today. A clear has no vicious Reactive Mind and operates at total mental capacity just like the first book ("Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health") said. In fact every early definition of CLEAR is found to be correct. People have been unable to define release to their own satisfaction. I find now a RELEASE is a person who has been able to back out of his "bank". The bank is still there but the person isn't sunk into it with all its somatics and depressions. The E-Meter reads at the Clear read! The needle of the meter is floppy. This is a simulated clear. We called it a "keyed out clear" quite properly. But it isn't a clear I know now, it's a RELEASE. The person has been released from his reactive mind. He still has that reactive mind but he's not in it. He is just released from it. He may go into it again but it feels good to be out of it. His IQ and ability rise and he is far more effective in changing his environment into a better one. The state is beyond homo sapiens by considerable. This happens today before or at LEVEL V in most cases if the preclear has followed the grades and levels properly. Just one level up from there, a rather long level and a rough one, is the state of CLEAR. This is LEVEL VI. This level consists of several processes. The preclear (still a preclear) has to be able to audit to make it. It can't be done for him, that was the hitch. All the lower levels can be done for him but not Level VI. That's a technical fact. The preclear has to be able to handle Scientology technology to handle his own bank. Level VI requires several months to audit through even with expert training. But at its end, MAGIC. There's the state of clear we've sought for all these years. It fits all definitions ever given for clear. The state at the end of Level VI is not Operating Thetan any more than a baby is a Man. Operating Thetan is several levels above clear. The bridge from clear to OT already exists and is found in Route 1, in the book "The Creation of Human Ability". The reactive mind (and a rotten mess it is, too!) prevented pcs from doing Route 1 drills. It stood like a huge black spider between the person and his realizing his full potential. Trying to do Route 1 as given years ago with a Reactive Mind still in place was, to be blunt, not possible for a human. 19 Some people also get frightened of ridding themselves of a Reactive Mind. Having looked it all over now I can state that it is as much use as a sewer in the living room. It says the bad is good and the good is bad! It's a slave maker and "stupidifier" and a body killer. Any time you think it has value, imagine trying to swim in the city dump or trying to fly with an anvil in each pocket, all the while saying, "This is exactly the right thing to do." What's happened that caused the blunder is that a "keyed out clear" looked like a clear but was only a release. And one had to have a very precise map and the skill to walk through the still present dark barriers that existed unsuspected between "keyed out clear" and the real state of clear. SO CLEAR CAN BE ATTAINED. And further it is being attained right this minute by dozens of Class VI preclears. It will take them months to get there but they are soaring and will tell you so. One session on it sends them the equivalent distance that ten intensives did in their early auditing. Why? Because they did the earlier auditing. The road was just a longer road. Man looks for the quick way, the one-shot way, the needle and the rocket to sudden glory. CLEAR takes now an exact progress over exact levels. And the way is not long really. But it could be a few years for some. But what's a few years if one is bargaining for Eternity? The point here is that I've finally been able to tell you what it is and where it is and exactly how to get there. Sorry I couldn't sooner. It took some time to find the way for you and communicate how to do it. I always tell you as soon as I know. I tell you when I've goofed and where. Well here it is. That's what a CLEAR is. And it's a road you can travel. THE STATES OF BEING A RELEASE is at the top of Level V. A CLEAR is at the top of Level VI. A THETA CLEAR is at Level IX. An OPERATING THETAN is at Level XVIII. Above Level VI there are no "mental auditing processes" as we know them. There are only various drill and familiarization processes like those in the "Creation of Human Ability" processes and the regaining of abilities one supposed one couldn't ever attain. That's the road and road map. The only real error I made was in believing the road was a bit shorter than it was. The plan of going on to clear is to get processed up to Grade IV or V. Then, being a RELEASE and quite beyond the top range of most IQ tests, get trained rapidly up through from Level 0 to Level VI. And then audit up to Grade VI which is CLEAR. ("Grade" and "Level" are the same but when one is a pc one has a grade and when one has a Level one is studying its data.) 20 There are about 3 or 4 intensives to a Grade (pc) up to Grade V. That's perhaps 15 to 20 25-hour intensives. (15 to 20 weeks.) Then training as a student of the same material one was audited on from Level I to Level V. That's six separate months worth of training. Then to Level VI (that's only as a student at Saint Hill) which takes about 2-3 months usually. Then a year or less depending on how hard you work and at no further cost, to CLEAR. The total of this is about two years and two months of continuous processing and training time. The total elapsed time might be longer even up to 5 or 10 years depending on one's own economics and all that. The fact is that economics aren't a real factor, contrary to what one might be thinking. For today the increase in ability at one grade of processing is capable of delivering an economic boost adequate to earn or obtain much more extra wherewithal than the auditing or training cost. Economic increase because of auditing and training is a sure thing today. A faster route (but not quite as secure as you might think as one isn't already a Release while studying) is to train from Level 0 on up only. I myself wouldn't like to do that as it would be rougher and could be even slower than the Grade I to V pc then Level I to VI auditor route. But it could be done. We've had 15 years of experience now. We had to feel our way, as Man has never had a road to clear. It's been through totally new territory never before viewed by Man. Even the wise Tibetan only achieved Release and only after he invested 20 years of hard work at it at that. From Release as a case on up to Level VI as an auditor is pretty easy. In fact the Grade-Level roadway is like walking in a pleasant countryside now. Oh, one has a few stumbles even on a gravel path but that's part of it. The pioneer times are all over and the pioneer always has it rough. The 49ers left a freeway to follow! So have we. It just took a while to build. So that's clear! L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 21  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=4/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ARC BREAKS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS   Remimeo Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 APRIL AD15 Remimeo Franchise ARC BREAKS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS The primary error one can make in ARC Break handling is to handle the pc with ARC Break procedure when the pc really has a missed withhold. As some auditors dislike pulling withholds (because they run into pcs who use it to carve the auditor up such as "I have a withhold that everybody thinks you are awful _______ ") it is easier to confront the idea that a pc has an ARC Break than the idea that the pc has a withhold. In case of doubt one meter checks on a withhold to see if it is non- existent ("Am I demanding a withhold you haven't got?"). If this is the case the TA will blow down. If it isn't the case the needle and TA remain unchanged. If the pc's nattery or ARC Breaky condition continues despite finding by-passed charge, then of course it is obviously a withhold. ARC Break finding does work. When the pc doesn't change despite skillful ARC Break handling, locating and indicating, it was a withhold in the first place. The hardest pc to handle is the missed withhold pc. They ARC Break but you can't get the pc out of it. The answer is, the pc had a withhold all the time that is at the bottom of all these ARC Breaks. Scientology auditing does not leave the pc in poor condition unless one goofs on ARC Breaks. ARC Breaks occur most frequently on people with missed withholds. Therefore if a pc can't be patched up easily or won't stay patched up on ARC Breaks, there must be basic withholds on the case. One then works hard on withholds with any and all the tools that we've got. ARC Breaks don't cause blows. Missed withholds do. When you won't hear what the pc is saying, then you have made him have a withhold and it responds as a missed withhold. In short, the bottom of ARC Breaks is a missed withhold. But an anti-social act done and then withheld sets the pc up to become "an ARC Breaky pc". It isn't an accurate remark really since one has a pc with withholds who on being audited ARC Breaks easily. So the accurate statement is "the pc is a withholdy type pc that ARC Breaks a lot". Now that type exists. And they sure have lots of subsequent ARC Breaks and are regularly being patched up. If you have a pc, then, who seems to have a lot of ARC Breaks, the pc is a "withholdy pc" not an "ARC Breaky pc". Any auditor miss causes a pc blow-up. The auditor by calling this pc an "ARC Breaky pc" is not using a description which leads to a resolution of the case as thousands of ARC Break assessments leave the case still liable to ARC Break. If you call such a case that ARC Breaks a lot a "withholdy pc that ARC Breaks a lot" then you can solve the case. For all you have to do is work on withholds. The actual way to handle a "withholdy pc that ARC Breaks a lot" after you've cooled off the last of his many ARC Breaks is: 22 1. Get the pc to look at what's going on with his sessions. 2. Get the pc in comm. 3. Get the pc to look at what's really bugging him. 4. Get the pc's willingness to give withholds up on a gradient. 5. Bring the pc to an understanding of what he's doing. 6. Get the pc's purpose in being audited in plain view to him or her. Those are of course the names of the first six grades. However, low down, these six things are all crushed together and you could really pursue that cycle in one session just to get the pc up a bit without even touching the next grade up. Whenever I see a sour-faced person who has been "trained" or is being "trained" I know one thing -- there goes a pc with lots of withholds. I also know, there is a pc who ARC Breaks a lot in session. And I also know his co- auditor is weak and flabby as an auditor. And I also know his auditing supervisor doesn't shove the student auditor into doing the process correctly. One sour-faced student, one glance and I know all the above things, bang! So why can't somebody else notice it? Auditing is a pleasure. But not when an auditor can't tell a withhold from an ARC Break and doesn't know that continual ARC Breaks are caused by missed withholds on the bottom of the chain. I never miss on this. Why should you? The only case that will really "bug you" is the CONTINUOUS OVERT case. Here's one that commits anti-social acts daily during auditing. He's a nut. He'll never get better, case always hangs up. Unless you treat his continual overts as a solution to a PTP. And find what PTP he's trying to solve with these crazy overt acts. You see, we can even solve that case. BUT, don't go believing Scientology doesn't work when it meets an unchanging or continually misemotional pc. Both of these people are foul balls who are loaded with withholds. We've cracked them for years and years now. But not by playing patty-cake or "slap my wrist". Takes an auditor, not a lady finger. "Mister, you've been wasting my time for three sessions. You have withholds. Give!" "Mister, you refuse just once more to answer my question and you're for it. I've checked this meter. It's not a withhold of nothing. You have withholds. Give!" "Mister, that's it. I am asking the D of P to ask the Tech Sec for a Comm Ev on you from HCO for no report." If skill couldn't do it, demand may. If demand couldn't do it, a Comm Ev sure will. For it's a no report! How can you make a man well when he's got a sewer full of slimy acts. 23 Show me any person who is critical of us and I'll show you crimes and intended crimes that would stand a magistrate's hair on end. Why not try it? Don't buy "I once stole a paper clip from the HASI" as an overt or "You're a lousy auditor" as a withhold. Hell, man, people who tell you those things just stole your lunch or intend to empty the till. Get clever, auditor. Thetans are basically good. Them that Scientology doesn't change are good -- but down underneath a pile of crimes you couldn't get into a Confession Story Magazine. Okay. Please don't go on making this error. It grieves me. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 24  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  A CONDITIONS TEST PROCESS I -- X REGISTRARS   Remimeo BPI Franchise REGISTRARS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 APRIL 1965 Remimeo BPI Franchise A CONDITIONS TEST PROCESS I -- X REGISTRARS Send this out to people and have them do it and send it back. Preferably send to your inactive list. Tell me the responses. PROCESS I -- X Write these down as you recall them. Cross section your life at five year periods since you were 5. 5? What were the conditions? 10 " " " " 15 " " " " etc. Now compare these to see whether they are better or worse. What is your conclusion? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.bh Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 25  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=7/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students LEVEL I  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 APRIL AD15 Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students LEVEL I PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Here's a new discovery. Imagine my making one on the Comm Formula after all these years. Do people ever explain to you long after you have understood? Do people get cross with you when they are trying to tell you something? If so, you are suffering from Premature Acknowledgement. Like body odor and bad breath, it is not conducive to social happiness. But you don't use Lifebuoy soap or Listerine to cure it, you use a proper comm formula. When you "coax" a person to talk after he has begun with a nod or a low "yes" you ack, make him forget, then make him believe you haven't got it and then make him tell you at GREAT length. He feels bad and doesn't cognite and may ARC Break. Try it out. Have somebody tell you about something and then encourage before he has completely told you all. THAT'S why pcs Itsa on and on and on and on with no gain. The auditor prematurely acknowledged. THAT'S why pcs get cross "for no reason". The auditor has prematurely and unwittingly acknowledged. THAT'S why one feels dull when talking to certain people. They prematurely acknowledge. That's why one thinks another is stupid -- that person prematurely acknowledges. The quickest way to become a social pariah (dog) is to prematurely acknowledge. One can do it in many ways. The quickest way to start the longest conversation is to prematurely acknowledge for the person believes he has not been understood and so begins to explain at greater and greater length. So this was the hidden ARC Break maker, the cognition wrecker, the stupidifier, the Itsa prolonger in sessions. And why some people believe others are stupid or don't understand. Any habit of agreeable noises and nods can be mistaken for acknowledgement, ends cycle on the speaker, causes him to forget, feel dull, believe the listener is stupid, get cross, get exhausted explaining and ARC Break. The missed withhold is inadvertent. One didn't get a chance to say what one was going to say because one was stopped by premature acknowledgement. Result, missed w/h in the speaker, with all its consequences. This can be counted on to make you feel frightened of being "agreeable with noises or gestures" for a bit and then you'll get it straight. What a piece of tech to remain incompletely explained. Fair scares one it does. And in the Comm Formula too! LRH:wmc.cden L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 26  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=18/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HOW TO APPLY LEVEL PROCESSING   Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Execs Sthil Staff Auditors (FOR HGCs AND ACADEMIES AND COURSES) HCO Secs, Org Secs, Assn Secs take notice!  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 18 APRIL AD15 Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Execs Sthil Staff Auditors HOW TO APPLY LEVEL PROCESSING (FOR HGCs AND ACADEMIES AND COURSES) HCO Secs, Org Secs, Assn Secs take notice! The advent of levels and their final forms now being released bring us into a new phase in auditing. You no longer have to "audit the pc in front of you" but need now only audit with the process next in line. Level processes must be audited in sequence in the level itself. Levels must be audited in sequence. Therefore all that is required of the auditor is to do a good technical job of auditing, avoiding Q and A and alter-is like the plague. Your Comm Course and Upper Indoc TRs and your meter drills from The Book of E-Meter Drills are now the only drills permitted. Only alter-is of routine auditing can cause case failure. Directors of Processing must-must-must be alert for departures from standard level processing and stamp it out quickly. If they do not do so they will have case trouble. The Levels are designed for all cases from psycho to OT. It now does not matter what condition a case is in. You just start at the lowest process of the lowest level on all cases begun. Flatten that. Go to the next process of the level. Flatten that. When all processes of that level are flat the pc is examined and given a GRADE CERTIFICATE for the level completed and may go to the next level. And the first process of that level is flattened and so on. Even The Book of Case Remedies is handled at its own place in its own level and is not used below or above that place. Our technical reach is now so effective that you need no analysis of the case. You just run the levels. You do not estimate a pc's level. You ask for his Grade Certificate and if he hasn't one, just start at the lowest level, skip any level already run and do on up. You'll not only catch all cases. You will get maximum TA on each pc in that fashion. One must not skip around within the level or amongst levels. Screwy application such as giving the first command of an alternate command process and then "getting the TA out of the second command", or any departure from good old standard auditing must be jumped all over hard. Rewording a process given in the levels can be catastrophic. It's worded that way for a reason. Clear the command well with the pc but never vary the given wording. 27 These actions with the new levels will be found magical. Directors of Processing must not tolerate any slightest goof, any Q and A, any variation of any kind whatever and must be very severe with anyone who messes these processes up. They are violently strong processes from bottom to top and they must be handled with exact duplication and skill. In Academies this injunction is particularly urgent. Standard student auditing can work wonders with these processes unless an Instructor advises or permits alter-is. The processes developed are too powerful to admit of goofs and departures and unusual solutions. If anyone reports "it didn't work" you had better get in there fast as that auditor really goofed and didn't run the process the way it was given in the HCO B. The most banal, routine, grind auditing will produce results splendidly. The flighty, undisciplined, Q and Aed, alter-ised fooling about will rapidly ditch the pc. I am putting strong tools in your hands. Don't play about with them. They might explode on you. Give them the respect they deserve and every case will come up bright and progress rapidly. Something new is here. Just follow the new map even dully and the pc will arrive. Louse it up and it will get awful. All auditors at a higher meter class run all lower level processes with a meter providing only that they can get the pc to hold the cans. For a meter classed auditor there are no unmetered processes except ones like 8C and even then the pc is checked on a meter. It does not matter how low on the levels an auditor begins to use a meter as a student. Just don't ask him to do much with it until the training level calls for meter training. Ds of T and Ds of P and Examiners must be very careful of false reports in case folders regarding what was run. They should regard an illegible report as a no report. They must also be alert for false attestations concerning grade requests for a pc and for training check sheet completion. It is a false attestation to declare an incomplete grade or check sheet complete or done when it is not. New ethics policies are levelled primarily at making auditing and training honest and flawless. I can give you all the processes. It is however necessary that they be honestly run and honestly reported. Only in that way can you make releases and clears. The renumbering of levels and grades will be released in Auditor 8. They make it easier to audit and train. The materials for each level will shortly be released in HCO Bs. From Academies and courses I want auditors who are trained not to alter-is technical materials. In HGCs I want auditing exactly by the book. 28 It's easier to do training and processing that way. And you will get all the results you could ever use -- but only if it's by the book, unaltered in application. It will be the easiest auditing you ever did. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/4/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLAY TABLE HEALING GOOF   Remimeo Sthil Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 APRIL 1965 Remimeo Sthil Students CLAY TABLE HEALING GOOF The following letter from Ian Tampion outlines a common trouble with CTH. The pc doesn't answer the question! This comes really from running it on a pc who isn't that high in grades. The pc can't yet hear and answer a question. L.R.H. Assoc Sec Perth Dear Ron, re Clay Table Healing I have heard something "on the grapevine" about CTH which if correct (as it sounds) will be something that is pretty uniformly being goofed, at least in Australia. It comes with the question "What should be near (body part)?" -- as I understand it you want what should be near it, that is, the guy has a headache, body part "head", should be near it is "no headache". In other words, is the "should be near part" the absence of or reverse to, the condition being healed? I was formerly taking anything that seemed to make sense to the pc so I bet plenty of other people have too -- amazingly enough it's even worked quite well too! LRH:wmc.rd Best, Copyright $c 1965 Ian by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED L. RON HUBBARD 29  Ian Tampion L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  APPLICATION MORE ON THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTOLOGY TO CHILDREN   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 MAY 1965 Remimeo APPLICATION MORE ON THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTOLOGY TO CHILDREN The following observations and experiences on the processing and training of children were written up and sent in to me by Founding Scientologist Marcia Townsend. It is an excellent application of standard procedure to children and is released for general interest. It is especially noteworthy to see that standard 0-0 runs just as wonderfully on children as it does on older preclears. These are all standard Scientology procedures. April 5, 1965 Dear Ron: As you may know, I have given my children several Scientology Courses. Vern and I started when Davy was 3, Denise 4 1/2 and Dane 5 1/2 and they were given a rigorous Academy Course. Surprisingly, it went well -- but never flattened -- even after a number of hours. Next about 6 months later they received a shorter course based on the child's version of "Watch Him" etc written by Rusty Wright then HCO Area Sec.* This was easier but still did not flatten completely. In Phoenix a year and a half later I ran CCHs on all three children -- again they would not flatten. The gains were very good -- but signs of unflat processes appeared months afterward (despite gains like a body growth for all three children of 4 clothing sizes in 2 1/2 months) during this time, etc. When we moved to Los Angeles the McKees and we set up a children's co-audit. I had been giving mine a co-audit for a few months previously so they had both an HAS Comm Course and a child's co-audit at this time. My observations on the use of the processes and training of children follow: S-C-S run on the group of children as a whole outdoors with a "goon" to help. Excellent gains -- however we had to handle several "can't stop" ones individually and it became more and more unflat after several hours. I found running a "follow the leader" type S-C-S easier and only 2 or 3 children at one time on this and you need to be on your toes! On the smaller children mimic processes on the group and follow the leader type stuff with each one getting a turn at leading and winning at it before sitting down worked well. For example: One child stands up and claps hands once in front -- group follows. She being [*For a full explanation of "Watch Him", see BTB 5 November 1959R, Revised and Reissued 8 August 1974, Scientology Games for Children.] 30 shy at first, then claps twice -- group follows (adult acts as a goon and makes sure the group does it). When she's happily clapping over her head and back of her and smiling you then tell her "thank you" and she sits down and the other children do a job as leader one by one. Nearly all group process commands can be introduced in a child's version like instead of "Look at the front wall" -- the Leader (and the adult gets a turn too) points at the front wall -- use: Pointing at the front wall -- or touching it, etc. Almost any basic process can be made simple for children. The liability is it must be repeated often and long -- the harder it is the longer it takes to flatten so only very simple ones can be used -- the younger the child the simpler the process or motion must be run over and over to flatten it. The participation of the group works very well -- for instance you have each give an example of: A time they won at something or some such and does the interest ever rise. Keep to one subject only! The Comm Course works if very simply given. Confronting is used over and over with no invalidation smirks -- comments, etc allowed. If a child is a real problem just watching until he feels he wants to participate sometimes helps. The main job of an adult teaching or supervising children is to see they do not invalidate or evaluate for one another. Also when a large group, switch teams occasionally and make sure no-one gets "cheated". It seems children always elect one or two "most popular" and everyone wants them! Well, just switch every so often when it seems advisable and make sure everyone gets a chance. This way you can put 8 year olds with teenagers and still succeed. "Itsa" ran well on the group in L.A. All but one or two did it very well and tone rose accordingly. Too detailed an "itsa" or too limited a subject however ran into some difficulties. Later I tried to flatten S-C-S on my 3 children and did somewhat and got gains but again it didn't flatten totally. I think anyone will find if one level isn't flattened as "itsa" before going on to the next level that the next level will only partially flatten -- if at all! Unless run forever with very good wins and then by that time the level beneath it would have run and flattened anyway -- right? So the best method to use on children is the one I am currently using I feel. It is as follows: Comm Course: Only confronting (which my children have had hours and hours of), no coach, no auditor. PE Course: Only words to define like auditor preclear session etc very simple ones done old PE style and "hours" spent on each one with more than a few cognitions per child on each and every word -- going back over each word again and again to be sure each is completed! And the real meat: Each running the same commands: zero-zero "What are you willing to talk to me about?" "What would you like to tell me about that?" 31 And altho' we've only had a few sessions (we run 3 sessions [2 in session and one observer] 10 minutes each -- 5 min breaks or a total of 45 min) 2 or 3 times a week. This zero-zero is fabulous! It is even flattening unflat processes. For instance my older boy has had some auditing on o/w! He will run a few answers like o/w and come off a withhold then something a bit lighter and etc. Runs wonderfully well. My daughter has trouble usually talking to her "brothers". She is running real well on this. She's telling them all about her boyfriends and her feminine things -- her room, etc. My smallest has trouble keeping an itsa going but on this he starts to run present time objects and it leads right into an itsa every time! What I like is that it seems to be flattening some unflat processes in a funny sort of way. And I won't need to go to a different command for ages as it seems to be running what can be run on the higher levels just using this one command! SUMMARY People nearly always overestimate what needs to be done to a child for good gains. And they nearly always underestimate how long it takes to really flatten just one thing! (Hours and hours.) Any really simple process could be adapted but would not flatten totally unless the itsa was in totally. That's a tall order. I feel zero-zero run flat on a child is the biggest gift a parent can give him. TIPS Do not try to squash their enthusiasm. Instead channel it! If they goof running sessions take them aside after and tell them and let them know that you know they can do better. Never use auditing or training as a punishment or as a last resort. Auditing should be a "prize", a "gift"! It helps to make them earn it -- doing chores or helping out! I've even gone so far as to make 'em pay money! It's valuable! Be sure they understand this! L. RON HUBBARD LRH:wmc.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 32  Marcia Townsend L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=5/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLASSIFICATION, GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHART   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 5 MAY 1965 REISSUED 4 JULY 1970 Remimeo CLASSIFICATION, GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHART You will find a chart enclosed in The Auditor Issue 8. It covers many things. There are about 52 levels of awareness from Unexistence up to the state of CLEAR. By "Level of Awareness" is meant that of which a being is aware. A being who is at a level on this scale is aware only of that level and the others below it. To get a case gain such a person must become aware of the level next above him. And so on up in orderly sequence, level by level. If you skip a person on one level several levels up, he or she will experience only an unreality and will not react. This is expressed as "no-case- gain". On the E-Meter it registers as "No Tone Arm Action" meaning there is no meter registry of change on the meter control lever (tone arm). A person audited a bit below or at his level of awareness gets "Tone Arm Action", Case Gain and has cognitions (new concepts of life). A principal contribution of Scientology is the technology necessary to change people so that they progress into higher states of ability when processed on the exact processes required by an auditor qualified by training to apply the processes expertly. It is not only general ability that increases, but IQ, renewed livingness and the skill and ability to better self and conditions. The state of homo sapiens runs from around -- 4 down to the bottom. Normal is probably much lower. As you study the chart you will see it is a road map upward. On the left we see the Class of the Auditor necessary to take the person up as well as the Grade the preclear reaches. In the next column we see his certificate name, obtained through his training at an Academy and, later, Saint Hill. Then we see a very general description of the processes used on that grade. The next column shows what pcs a classified auditor can audit. He can audit anyone at his Class numeral or below. He cannot audit pcs higher because of course he has not been trained to do so and is likely to have upset pcs. The final column shows where the certificate and class is obtained. 33 THE BRIDGE This is the famous bridge mentioned at the end of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. It is now complete and is functioning. The being enters it from somewhere in the minus regions as a Beginning Scientologist and moves on up. At about Grade II he has definitely reached Homo Novis. He becomes a RELEASE somewhere between II and V. And he becomes CLEAR at the top of VI. The state of Operating Thetan is attained above VI and is a Grade VII. For Man to have this at all is quite remarkable. He never had it before since we find him improving but still, on the average, well below -4. By following this chart one can make RELEASE and then CLEAR. Up to Grade V one of course has help. But above that technical limitations bar completely the idea of CO-auditing. Some auditors will attempt it, themselves very far from there case-wise, and some have tried to show untrained pcs how to "solo audit" with a meter. The common result is that the pcs eventually collapse in a total overwhelm as they are not trained to handle such forces and so it is a cruel thing to do. The preclear moves safely on the proper bridge and somewhere along the line must be trained in the classifications that match his Grade. Then (and only then) can he make it all the way. One can be audited quite a ways. Then he had better get trained from zero on up. You see here some new certificates. These were made necessary by the gap which existed between the higher-toned public person (-5) and the beginning of the span. We had to have a longer approach on the bridge. And so we put a certificate ladder there. Beginning Scientologist is given for a PE and so on up as the chart shows. The Class material has not been changed. If anyone has a Class Zero he is still a Class Zero but we will give him a new certificate to replace his old one. And so on. There is no change in Grades and Certificates from Class II up. Class V has been blank for years. Thus there is a proper certificate there, the HUBBARD VALIDATED AUDITOR. It says this auditor has been through a review of all his lower skills plus new ones and can jump off now for Solo and CLEAR. Previously we not only did not reach into the average homo sapiens awareness but we also had no means of touching cases much below -4. You are probably intrigued by Class VII. These Power Processes are what the CLEAR (or Auditor almost there) audits on low level pcs. Auditors below that case level can of course run them a bit but the processes shortly cave him in. These processes are only available at Saint Hill as they have just recently been perfected and an auditor to do them without danger to himself or the pc has to have interned at Saint Hill as a Saint Hill HGC staff auditor, not the same as a Class VI Saint Hiller. The thing to do is start in your local Academy at Zero on the chart and move on up. Today that is faster and less expensive than you would think. There are two courses to one class. First one does the Certificate Course (Theory) and gets his certificate. This takes the average student about two weeks. Then one takes the Classification Course (Practical) for that class and gets his Provisional Classification. Every auditor must be classified now. This again takes the average student about two weeks. All the courses from Class 0 up to IV are arranged that way. 34 The material has been streamlined. Class V, obtained at Saint Hill, is longer (and remains the same price as always) as it reviews all the classes and retrains where necessary and awards permanent classification for all the lower certificates as well as Class V. Some auditing occurs in the Classification Course and group auditing occurs daily. An unclassed auditor cannot charge a fee for auditing a grade he is not classed for and if he is turned in to HCO because of it the pc can regain all the fee from him. We must make it a safe bridge. Our entire Ethics system is formed just to make it a safe passage for the pc and to hold the bridge together so it can be crossed by Man. Auditors routinely make Releases with Academy courses today. Auditors graduated from the Saint Hill course can then take the final steps to make themselves Clear and Saint Hill Interns are trained to make Releases of the lowest cases. Training fees are uniform in the U.S. now at $100 for each course. In all Commonwealth countries the cost is #28 a course sterling (convert to local currency). There is one course for Certificate, followed by another for Classification. Field auditors can charge anything they like for HAS and Beginning Scientologist courses. And Hubbard Book Auditors can become HQS through extension courses. Your org may possibly give the lowest course free and charge very little for the HAS. My job is to give you the materials to make Releases and the skill to make Clear. I have done and will do everything I can to help anyone attain these hitherto unreachable heights of life and ability. The bridge is not only in, it is functioning every hour right now. Book early. The traffic is heavy already. And auditors are the scarcest and most valued beings on this planet. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:nt.aap Copyright $c 1965, 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 35  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=10/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=19/9/67 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASES VITAL DATA   Remimeo Issue a copy to every Person attaining Release Qual Pers Hats Tech Pers Hats Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 MAY 1965 (Revised and reissued on 19 Sept 1967) Remimeo Issue a copy to every Person attaining Release Qual Pers Hats Tech Pers Hats Students RELEASES VITAL DATA Persons who have attained Grade V and VA Release may not be audited on any processes except assists, By Passed Charge Assessments, Present Time Problems, and missed withholds until they are trained up to Level VI and started on R6 processes unless a lower level including Dianetic Release was later found to be missed. Although the training of the Release is necessary, and auditing knowledge of lower level process is vital, the Release's case as a case must be left alone except as above. The only thing left is the R6 bank itself and low level auditing becomes unworkable on a person already Released up to Grade V. When we called a Release a "Keyed out Clear" we erred in giving any further casual auditing. It was this which made the state of Release look unstable when it seemed so -- the person was further audited to relieve him or her of locks, secondaries and engrams which had ceased to exist. Withholds may he pulled, present time problems may be lightly handled, even By Passed Charge Assessments may be run, touch assists and ordinary brief repair processes may be used on a Release. The Release can audit lower level processes than V with complete safety. Auditing a Release on repetitive Comm processes, etc., etc., or doing any continued sessioning will only key in the only thing left -- the R6 bank. A Release is stable as long as he or she is not pushed into the R6 bank. The next step for a Grade VA Release in auditing is R6 EW. However the Release may not begin this until auditing skill is acquired by coming up the levels. It will now become quite common for a student to be Released by a Clear and then study and audit his way up the grades to VII. Nobody can do the VII clearing job for him but himself, and fragmentary auditing training will only lead him to mess up his case when he comes to Grade VI and VII auditing. On the other hand a Release with his high IQ and ability can scoot up the Classes at considerable speed if not stopped by having to be audited as part of his training. There is no special concession made to a Release by way of checksheets or a different kind of Course. The Release must move on up through the Classes Course by Course like any other student. There are two saving graces to being a Release as far as training is concerned: 38 1. The Release ordinarily experiences a heightened ability to put his life to rights economically; and 2. The heightened IQ and ability reflects in speed of study and comprehension. A person does not have more Scientology data just because he or she is a Release. The Release simply acquires it much faster and exhibits more skill doing it. For example, a student able before Release, to get only one or two passes a week on a Course should be able, when Released, to get ten times that. The Release is cautioned not to fool about with the R6 materials until fully trained and to pay no attention to suppressive persons who "seek to show him in an hour or two how to audit and run R6 and be clear." The safe way is the correct way. Leave the Reactive mind alone until one is fully trained as an auditor. Then go on to Clear. A Release is also warned that he becomes a particular target for suppressive persons who seek to invalidate his auditing and gains and to report them promptly to the nearest Hubbard Communications Office. Such people become afraid when they see another get better and are usually psychotic. The next action for a person who has attained Release is to take the next Course in Scientology and move on through to Clear properly. This is shown on the Gradation Chart issued in May 1965, and later issues. There is no other way to Clear. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mh.jp.rd Copyright $c 1965, 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This 19 Sept. 1967 issue contains the following changes: (1) in paragraph 1, addition of "unless a lower level including Dianetic Release was later found to be missed", (2) in paragraph 3, addition of phrase "up to Grade V", (3) in paragraph 10, word "grades" used instead of "Classes", (4) in paragraph 11, "Grade VI and VII auditing" instead of "Class VI".] 39  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=17/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT CCHs  Type = 21 iDate=15/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TECH DIV QUAL DIV Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 MAY 1965 Remimeo TECH DIV QUAL DIV URGENT CCHs (Cancels HCO Pol Ltr 15 May 65) The CCHs are PROCESSES. They are not drills. HCO Pol Ltr of 15 May 1965 (replacing 2 Nov 61 HCO Pol Ltr) was written by staff. It is CANCELLED. Processes are not drills. Nobody may convert hereafter a process to a drill. The Upper Indoc TRs are the drills that teach the CCHs. The CCHs are then run on pcs. S-C-S processes may not be drills. Processes are done on pcs. Drills are done by students to accustom them to the actions that will be necessary in doing processes. Upper Indoc contains TRs 5 to 9. These are done as the ONLY practical actions leading to the student being able to run the processes called the CCHs. To use a PROCESS as a DRILL leaves it unfiat on students and is one of the many reasons why auditing has been taken out of Academies. During the past few years, unbeknownst to me, a whole sphere of action built up which made students drill processes. I swear, there has been a "practical drill" made out of half the processes we have. These were all abolished as DRILLS in HCO Pol Ltr 16 April AD15. Drills are just actions the student has to become familiar with before doing processes. The actual process is NEVER used as a drill. Because it is left unflat. A drill takes the action the auditor will use when doing a process and gets him familiar with it. That's all. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 40  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=22/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING BY LISTS  Type = 11 iDate=23/4/64 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY III Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 MAY 1965 Replaces HCO Bulletin of 23 April 1964 (REPLACED -- see footnote) Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTS The earlier genus of this process was Sec Checking on the Joburg. With no reference to these, I recently developed for Level III a process called Auditing by Lists. Any list can be used. As a preview to the process I asked staff member Roger Biddell to use List One. The questions were generalized. Instead of "Have I _______", "Has there been _______" was used. Otherwise the question remained the same as given in the HCO Bulletin for L.1. He ran the process for some hours on a preclear with excellent results and summarized my verbal and written instructions as applied. AUDITING BY LISTS L.1. Use meter at sensitivity 16. Use ARC Break assessment List 1. The questions asked are generalized and without time limiters. i.e. Has a withhold been missed? Have you been given a wrong goal? etc. Begin with List 1. Ask the first line of this list while watching the meter for an instant read. If the line does not read, say, "That's clean" and move on to the next line of the list and do the same action with this new line. If the pc has something to say about a line that is clean, let him say it, acknowledge it and then you ask the next line. Don't Q and A. If the line when asked has an instant read say, "That reads" then, "What do you consider this could be?" or, "What considerations do you have about this?" Let the pc answer all he wants to. While he is giving his considerations, mark down any blowdowns of the TA and what he was talking of at the moment of the blowdown. When the pc has given all his considerations say, "Thank you. I'll check the line on the meter" and call the line again. If it instant reads say, "There's another read here" then again ask for considerations, etc. Continue these actions until the line goes clean. When clean say, "That's clean" then -- "Of what you have told me on this line, what do you consider the main thing to be here?" 41 When pc has answered say, "Thank you." Then, "I want to indicate that the meter gave us our biggest blowdown on _______ (Indicate charge to the pc by repeating the charge named in the question, not the charge announced by the preclear) and that charge had been bypassed on this." Then move on to the next line. When List 1 is completed, and then List I, then List 1 and so on. If running correctly, the TA total should increase from session to session. The pc should get more and more blowdowns on his considerations. Then he should get blowdowns on what he considers the main thing is and finally get blowdowns on your indication of the bypassed charge. Don't Q and A. Don't take up or do anything with the pc's considerations. Don't ever say, "That still reads." It's always "Another read" as "It still reads" makes the pc feel he has not answered the question. This process gets charge off the case. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B was replaced by HCO B 27 July 1965, Auditing by Lists, Volume VI -- 64, and by HCO B 3 July 1971, Auditing by Lists Revised, Volume VII -- 316, which also cancelled the 27 July 1965 issue.] 42  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=27/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCESSING   Remimeo Sthil C1 VII Course Students Sthil Staff Ethics HATS Star-Rated Check Qual & Tech Divs All HATS HCO Div All HATS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO POLICY LETTER OF 27 MAY 1965 Sthil C1 VII Course Students Qual & Tech Divs Sthil Staff All HATS Ethics HATS Star-Rated Check HCO Div All HATS PROCESSING Since 1950 we have had an iron-bound rule that we didn't leave pcs in trouble just to end a session. For fifteen years we have always continued a session that found the pc in trouble and I myself have audited a pc for nine additional hours, all night long in fact, just to get the pc through. Newer auditors, not trained in the stern school of running engrams, must learn this all over again. It doesn't matter whether the auditor has had a policy on this or not -- one would think that common decency would be enough -- as to leave a pc in the middle of a secondary or an engram and just coolly end the session is pretty cruel. Some do it because they are startled or afraid and "Rabbit" (run away by ending the session). Auditors who end a process or change it when it has turned on a heavy somatic are likewise ignorant. WHAT TURNS IT ON WILL TURN IT OFF. This is the oldest rule in auditing. Of course people get into secondaries and engrams, go through misemotion and heavy somatics. This happens because things are running out. To end off a process or a session because of the clock is to ignore the real purpose of auditing. The oldest rules we have are (a) GET THE PC THROUGH IT. (b) WHAT TURNS IT ON WILL TURN IT OFF. (c) THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY THROUGH. These now are expressed as POLICY. A falsified auditor's report is also subject to a Court of Ethics. Any auditor violating this policy letter is liable to an immediate Court of Ethics convened within 24 hours of the offence or as soon as is urgently possible. Auditing at all levels works well when it is done by the book. The purpose of Ethics is to open the way for and get in Tech. Then we can do our job. THERE IS NO MODERN PROCESS THAT WILL NOT WORK WHEN EXACTLY APPLIED. Therefore in the eyes of Ethics all auditing failures are Ethics failures -- PTS, Suppressive Persons as pcs, or non-compliance with tech for auditors. And the first offence an auditor can commit is ceasing to audit when he is most needed by his pc. Hence it is the first most important consideration of Ethics to prevent such occurrences. Then we'll make happy pcs, Releases and Clears. LRH:wmc.jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 43  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=4/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLASS II MODEL SESSION  Type = 11 iDate=19/5/64 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 JUNE 1965 (CANCELLED -- see HCO B 3 July 65 Volume VI -- 60) Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students CLASS II MODEL SESSION (Amends and cancels HCO Bulletin of May 19, 1964) The Class II Model Session has the benefit of requiring no other Rudiments process (except in the Havingness Questions) than the question itself. There are, therefore, no additional processes except Havingness. Beware of any Q and A in using this script (HCO Bulletin May 24, 1962 [1]). Don't stray off Model Session into unusual questions or processes. Use Model Session as the surround for processes to be run on the pc. Don't use it as a process. Questions are asked of the pc and not checked on the needle. Auditor watches meter and records TA. SESSION PRELIMINARIES All auditing sessions have the following preliminaries done in this order. 1. Seat the pc and adjust his or her chair. 2. Clear the Auditing room with "Is it all right to audit in this room?" (not metered). 3. Can squeeze, "Put your hands in your lap." "Squeeze the cans, please." And note that pc registers on the meter by the squeeze read on the meter, and note the level of the pc's havingness. (Don't run hav here.) 4. Put in R Factor by telling pc briefly what you are going to do in the session. (What you intend to run.) START OF SESSION: "Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?" "START OF SESSION." "Has this session started for you?" (If pc says, "No," say again, "START OF SESSION. Now has this session started for you?") BEGINNING RUDIMENTS: GLL: "What goals would you like to set for this session?" O/W: One would run General O/W if the pc was emotionally upset at the beginning of the session or if the session did not start for the pc, the latter being simply another indication of the pc's being upset or ARC broken, but these symptoms must be present, as sometimes the session hasn't started merely because of poor Tone 40 or because the pc had something he wanted to say before the auditor started the session. RUNNING O/W: "If it is all right with you, I am going to run a short general process. The process is: 'What have you done?" 'What have you not done?'" (The process is run very 44 permissively until the needle looks smooth and the pc is no longer emotionally disturbed.) "Where are you now on the time track?" "If it is all right with you, I will continue this process until you are close to present time and then end this process." (After each command ask, "When?") "That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this process?" "End of process." Aud: "Are you willing to talk to me about your troubles?" "What trouble aren't you willing to talk to me about?" W/h: "since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?" (If pc says, "Yes") "What was it?" PTP: "Do you have a present time problem?" "What is the problem?" START OF PROCESS: "Now I would like to run this process on you (name it). What would you say to that?" (Get pc's agreement; if not obtainable, choose another process unless old process is not complete.) MIDDLE RUDIMENTS: "In this session is there anything you have suppressed, not-ised, failed to reveal, or been careful of?" "What was it?" END OF PROCESS NON-CYCLICAL: "If it is all right with you, I will give this command two more times and then end this process." (Gives command two more times.) "Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this process?" "End of process." END OF PROCESS CYCLICAL: "Where are you now on the time track?" "If it is all right with you, I will continue this process until you are close to present time and then end this process." (After each command ask, "When?") "That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this process?" "End of process." END RUDIMENTS: 1/2-UnT: "In this session, have you told me any half-truth, untruth, or said something only to impress me, or tried to damage anyone?" "What was it?" ? or C: "In this session, have you failed to answer any question or command?" "What question or command did you fail to answer?" Dec: "In this session, is there anything you have decided?" "What was it?" W/h: "In this session, have you thought, said, or done anything I have failed to find out?" "What was it?" Aud: "In this session, has anything been misunderstood?" "What was it?" GOALS & GAINS: "Have you made any of these goals for this session?" "Thank you for making these goals for this session," or "Thank you for making some of these goals for 45 this session. I'm sorry you didn't make all of them," or "I'm sorry you didn't make these goals for this session." "Have you made any gains in this session that you would care to mention?" "Thank you for making these gains for this session," or "I'm sorry you didn't make any gains for this session." HAVINGNESS: (After adjusting the meter) "Put your hands in your lap. Please squeeze the cans." (If the squeeze test was not all right, the Auditor would run the pc's Havingness process until the can squeeze gives an adequate response.) END OF SESSION: "Is there anything you would care to ask or say before I end this session?" "Is it all right with you if I end this session now?" "END OF SESSION. Has this session ended for you?" (If pc says, "No," repeat, "END OF SESSION." If session still not ended, say, "The session has been ended.") Most flagrant errors that can be made: 1. Fumbling with script, not knowing Model Session. 2. Failing to get in the R Factor by telling pc what you are going to do at each new step. 3. Doing only what the pc suggests. 4. Adding unusual questions or remarks or making sudden irrelevant statements. 5. Using parts of Model Session as repetitive processes which deter the completion of auditing cycles already begun. 6. Failure to complete the Auditing Comm Cycle on any part of Model Session. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 46  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=14/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY REPORT   Remimeo Students TECH DIVISION QUAL DIVISION  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 JUNE 1965 Issue II Remimeo Students TECH DIVISION QUAL DIVISION STUDENTS SUMMARY REPORT In order to expedite the handling and review of case folders and in order to teach Auditors how to quickly and concisely analyze and report on a case, the following is the summary form to be used: 1. The date of the summary report is in the upper right-hand corner. 2. On the top line is PC: __________________ AUDITOR: ____________________ The preclear's name is written in and underscored and the auditor's name is written in and underscored. 3. Indent for the beginning paragraph and write the following: PROCESS RUN: TA: TIME: The above will be printed in BLOCK letters. The auditor gives the process run, the total tone arm action for the session and the length of the session in hours and minutes. 4. Indent again for the next paragraph and write the following: GOALS & GAINS: The auditor should now note whether the preclear made his goals and gains for the session or whether the goals and gains were sour. Any highly unrealistic goal should be noted down by the auditor also. 5. Indent for the next paragraph and write the following: ASPECTS OF RUNNING PROCESS: Here write down briefly what the preclear was doing in the Session. Do not write opinions with regard to what was happening or how the preclear was running the process. Here we are interested in the aspects of the case in relationship to the process or processes being run. We are interested in the following: How the preclear is doing on the process in relation to what is being run. Any signs indicating whether or not the process is near to the desired flat point or at the desired flat point. Emotional tone of the preclear and whether this improved. Discharges of misemotion. Absence or appearance of communication lags. Preclear appearance. 47 Any difficulty in session. Whether or not the preclear is cogniting. General needle behavior. Somatics turning on and blowing. 6. Indent for the next paragraph and write the following: ETHICS REPORT; Here you must note any action you have taken as regards reports to Ethics. So far any Ethics report has been undertaken for the auditor, when it is the auditor's responsibility to turn in an Ethics report on anyone invalidating or suppressing your preclear's auditing and on your preclear if you find your preclear to be engaging in any action which requires reporting. Further, if you think your preclear may be a Potential Trouble Source or a Suppressive Person, you must ask for this to be reviewed by the Case Officer in the Department of Review. 7. Indent for the next paragraph and write the following: SUGGEST: Here briefly suggest what is required -- the process to be continued, the next process to be run, or the preclear to be reviewed by the Case Officer. This summary should be done for the auditing session given the preclear for the day and put in front of the preclear's folder, but not stapled to the auditing report form or worksheets. Two sessions in one day calls for only one summary report with the TA and data of each session. It should be LEGIBLE and READABLE. If an auditor's handwriting is poor, it should be printed out by the auditor. Writing the reports should only take the auditor about 15 minutes to do at the most. Having just audited the preclear, you should quite easily fill the report out. Do these reports on the proper paper for the Division, 8 x 10 [inches] and leave enough space for directions to be given. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is amended by HCO B 24 January 1969 which is amended by HCO B 17 March 1969, both titled Summary Report. The 17 March 1969 issue is amended by HCO B 20 June 1970, which is cancelled by BTB 20 June 1970, both titled Summary Report. A copy of the latter can be found in BTB 6 November 1972R, Issue V, Auditor Admin Series 12R, The Summary Report Form, Volume IX -- 35. None of these amendments are written by LRH.] 48  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=17/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES   ALL TECH DIV ALL QUAL DIV ETHICS SECTION CLASS VII INTERNES Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 17 JUNE 1965 Remimeo ALL TECH DIV ALL QUAL DIV ETHICS SECTION CLASS VII INTERNES STAFF AUDITOR ADVICES No Staff Auditor or Interne or organization auditor or any auditor on a Staff Co-audit may seek advices on what to do from any person except the officially appointed person doing the auditing folders. Seeking advice on cases verbally or in writing from the person not doing the folders is OFF LINE except in Ethics matters when Ethics may be consulted or Saint Hill advised. When an auditor seeks advice off-line and accepts it, unbeknownst to the official supervising the auditing via the folders, a random factor is introduced into the running of cases that can be quite fatal. At Saint Hill, on Power Processes, such an action is a crime as the consequences can be so catastrophic to cases run on Power Processes. The proper sources of instruction are tapes and HCOBs. Adding bits to these that aren't there is the commonest auditor error. Asking for unusual solutions from a case supervisor who is doing the folders is a sure sign that the last directives have not been followed; giving instructions that are unusual is useless because they won't be complied with either. The Dev-T situation of asking for advice off-line burdens lines and fouls up cases. COMM CYCLE AND ETHICS When an auditor has a fractured comm cycle very often processing still works on the average pc. When an auditor has a fractured comm cycle and the pc is an Ethics type case (SP, PTS, W/Hs) a mess ensues. One can always tell if an auditor's comm cycle is poor or if the Code is being broken because when put on an Ethics type pc, things collapse. When a pc won't run, one can be sure that 1. The Auditor's Comm Cycle is out and 2. The pc is an Ethics type case. When both these are present, no results can possibly occur. When only one is present, usually the auditing works somewhat. CASE SUPERVISOR PUZZLE When a Case Supervisor doing folders sees a process going wrong, he should not blame the process or his own advice if these are even faintly educated. 49 Instead the pc is an Ethics type or the Auditor's Comm Cycle is out. If neither of these seem to be the case and things still go wrong then the auditor just isn't running what he says he is or running what he is supposed to run. If all the above seems not to be the case, then the auditor is seeking off-line advices and some screwball interpretation has been added to the process. A clever Case Supervisor marking folders, goes by the text -- case running well, continue the standard approach. Case not running well, send to Review for analysis REGARDLESS OF ANY AUDITING TIME LOST. When a pc goes to Review, it is clever to send the auditor to the Review Cramming Section to check over his Auditor's Code and Comm Cycle with TRs. If when auditor and pc still don't run well, send the pc to Ethics. (Review may already have done so.) ETHICS If the Case Supervisor ever finds an auditor not following instructions or seeking or taking off-line directions he must at once send the auditor to Ethics. It is usually an Ethics Hearing and a minor suspension. If a Case Supervisor doing the folders finds a false report has been made, he must send the offender to Ethics. WITHHOLDS A pc is not sent to Ethics because of withholds gotten off in a session. However, on the Invalidation button one commonly finds suppressive persons around the pc and the auditor must send the pc to Ethics at session end to get the matter disconnected or handled. Sometimes one finds another person's offences than the pc's in getting off withholds. These are reported to Ethics for investigation. TEXT BOOK D of P work is completely text book. PC doing okay -- get on with it as per the process, the next process to be run, or the next grade. PC not doing okay -- to Review to find out why. If Review finds pc is an Ethics type, sends pc to Ethics. It's all text book. It is so easy. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.bp.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 50  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=18/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLEAR AND OT BEHAVIOR   Remimeo Franchise CLASS III AND UP CLASS VII CHECK SHEET  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 JUNE 1965 Remimeo Franchise CLASS III AND UP CLASS VII CHECK SHEET CLEAR AND OT BEHAVIOR We know all the attributes of Clear and Operating Thetans. In the history of this universe there has never been a true Clear or true OT. Every Clear ever encountered in this universe was a Keyed-out Clear -- a Release. He still had all his bank, GPMs and engrams. They were simply keyed out and not influencing him. We have known that for some time. But here is a new one. Every Operating Thetan in the history of this universe was only a KEYED- OUT OT! This is startling. It accounts for the wild conduct of some OTs. They still had a complete bank (all their GPMs and engrams, secondaries, the lot). This bank could be restimulated causing them to indulge in bad conduct. When it was restimulated too much they suddenly ceased to be OT and became powerless and human or animal. Thus there has not only never been a real Clear in this universe, also there has never been a real Operating Thetan! Every one contacted on the track or history had an R6 bank, momentarily keyed out. This is then the Roller Coaster effect one encounters in one's own history -- OT-aberree-Clear-aberree-OT-aberree, etc, depending on accidental key-outs and key-ins of the bank. We are for the first time in the history of the universe making real Clears and real OTs, no bank. You may accidentally make a keyed-out OT as well as a Release. And if you don't go on auditing even in that session he or she will stay that way. I have good subjective reality on making keyed-out Clear and keyed-out OT in auditing. And also on being overrun. Auditors must be trying for a result not a number of hours. Then they'll see some of these phenomena. The trick is stopping when the result is obtained! It can be fatal even to conclude the session in which keyed-out Clear (Release) or keyed-out OT were attained. Just say, "Oh! That's it!" And STOP. This is true for all attainable phenomena, even getting well. An overrun brings it back. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright$c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 51  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=26/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM   Remimeo Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good Supply to Review  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 26 JUNE 1965 (REVISED -- see HCO PL 7 Apr 70RA at 29 Sept 74) Remimeo Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good Supply to Review HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM When the Case Officer of Review receives a pc from the HGC for "Review" he instantly and immediately gets the pc into Session and handles the following form only. All Handling of this form is counted as Auditing time in Review. The D of P and Tech Division must not say what is wrong with the pc or what to do with the pc as this is monitored by the very firm broad policy that Tech cannot order Review. The Case Officer checks all these things. They are done on a Meter. Significant TA actions noted on the lines on which they occur with pc holding the cans. NAME OF PC ____________________________________ DATE _____________________ 1. PC'S FOLDER IN HAND _________________________________ CONTAINS GRAPH ________________ PC BEGINNING ASSMT FORM ________________ 2. PC BEEN INVOICED INTO REVIEW AT CHARGE __________________________________ 3. PC'S HGC AUDITORS (TAKEN FROM FOLDER) ___________________________________ 4. ARC BREAK SESSION ASSMT ___________________________________________________________ ENVIRONMENT ASSMT _______________________________________________________ 5. IGNORED PC ORIGINATIONS _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. MISSED WITHHOLDS ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ________________________ 7. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 52 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ________________________ 8. CLEANED CLEANS __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. PROCESSES LEFT UNFLAT (BY FOLDER EXAMINATION) ___________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT _____________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT _____________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ 10. PROCESS OVERRUN (BY FOLDER EXAMINATION) _________________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ PROCESS OVERRUN _________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION _________________________________________________________ 11. NON-STANDARD PROCESSES __________________________________________________ 12. BAD AUDITING COMM CYCLE _________________________________________________ 13. CODE BREAKS _____________________________________________________________ 14. HIDDEN STANDARD (WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO KNOW SCIENTOLOGY WORKS) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ SPOTTED _________________________________________________________________ 15. PC AND DRUGS (TAKING ANY DRUGS) _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 16. ALCOHOL _________________________________________________________________ 17. ENOUGH SLEEP ____________________________________________________________ 53 ENOUGH FOOD (BREAKFAST) _________________________________________________ (LUNCH) _________________________________________________________________ (DINNER) ________________________________________________________________ 18. MIXED THERAPIES (ANY OTHER TREATMENT IN PROGRESS) _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 19. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON _______________________________________ 20. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP ________________________________________ 21. HERE TO GET DATA FOR SOMEONE ELSE _______________________________________ 22. HERE BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DEMANDED IT ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 23. FORMER RELEASE __________________________________________________________ 24. FORMER THETAN EXTERIOR __________________________________________________ 25. SELF AUDITING DURING INTENSIVE __________________________________________ 26. BEING AUDITED BY SOMEONE ELSE DURING INTENSIVE OTHER THAN HGC AUDITOR _____________________________________________________________ 27. CRIMINAL RECORD OR CRIME FOR WHICH YOU COULD BE ARRESTED _________________________________________________________________________ 28. INSANE ASYLUM HISTORY ___________________________________________________ 29. HERE TO BE CURED OF SOMETHING NOT MENTIONED _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 30. UNPAID DEBTS TO ORGS ____________________________________________________ 31. KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY ________________________________ 32. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SCIENTOLOGY WORKED ON EVERYONE _____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 33. ANYTHING UPSETTING ABOUT THIS REVIEW ____________________________________ 34. HAS ANYTHING BEEN SUPPRESSED? ___________________________________________ 35. HAS ANYTHING BEEN INVALIDATED? __________________________________________ 36. HAS ANYTHING BEEN RUSHED? _______________________________________________ 37. HAS ANYTHING BEEN MISSED? _______________________________________________ 38. PC STATEMENT OF THE TROUBLE AS IT IS NOW ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 39. READS I COULD NOT CLEAN UP ______________________________________________ 54 40. BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES (IF PC NOT SOLVED BY THIS POINT) __________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 41. OTHER ACTIONS CASE OFFICER HAD TO TAKE __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 42. FALSE REPORTS ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ STATE OF TA AT CONCLUSION ___________________________________________________ TA DIVS DURING REVIEW _______________________________________________________ PC TO ETHICS ________________________________________________________________ PC TO HGC ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE _________________________ CASE OFFICER SIGN _______________________ EXAMINER FINALLY DIRECTS TO ETHICS _________________________ TO HGC __________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD LRH:mh.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (The above HCO PL was amended or revised on the following dates: 13 October 1966, page 184; 26 January 1968, 15 March 1968, 9 April 1968, see footnote page 226; 19 April 1968, page 221; 16 December 1968, 15 May 1969, 7 September 1969, 7 April 1970, 8 August 1970, 17 September 1974, see footnote page 226; and 29 September 1974, Volume VIII, page 321.] 55  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=28/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASES, DIFFERENT KINDS   BPI Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Staff Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex BPI Franchise HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JUNE AD15 Sthil Students Sthil Staff Remimeo RELEASES, DIFFERENT KINDS There are different kinds of Releases. They all have the similar meter phenomena: floating needle and on or near clear read on a calibrated Mark IV or Mark V. There is the plain First Stage Release. This occurs in auditing up to Grade IV. It is not very stable. The person is very well off and definitely a Release. But he or she can now postulate and in postulating sometimes gets into the R6 Bank. The First Stage Release is eased out of the bank but subject to call-back. Then there is the Power Process Release. This is very stable and should be called a Second Stage Release or a Power Release to be technically exact. You can run only Power Processes on a First Stage Release. These knock out all factors of the track that force a person back into the R6 Bank and leave the person able to go into or get out of the R6 Bank easily. This Second Stage Release is definitely Homo Novis. The person ceases to respond like a homo sapiens and has fantastic capability to learn and act. The Third Stage Release (called for a few days a Second Stage before terminology was firm) is an improved Second Stage Release in that selective areas of learning are handled to return special skills to the person. The case state does not necessarily improve but certain zones of knowledge have been polished up. There is another state near that of Release. This is a Keyed-Out- Operating Thetan. At this time it occurs sometimes by accident in Power Processing, but I think I will be able to process a Second Stage Release to it directly some day. The pc is still a pre clear though a Keyed-Out-OT. This really isn't a Thetan Exterior. The Thetan Exterior is quite unstable and can be attained below an ordinary First Stage Release. A real Clear is of course on the other side of the Reactive Bank and above all these states. It is completely stable. One needs to know how to audit to get there. A real Operating Thetan is of course a Clear who has been familiarized with his environment to a point of total cause over Matter, Energy, Space, Time and Thought. This accounts for all states of being discussed in Dianetics or Scientology. They are all attainable and only one, Keyed-Out-OT, is not done by routine auditing, being an offshoot of it that happens sometimes. The First Stage Release is as high as we got in Dianetics, so you can see we are five states of being above where we first arrived. We are doing these today on a routine assembly line basis on all cases. Orgs do a lot of First Stage Releases. Saint Hill is doing Power Releases and moving people up to Clear through Academy and Saint Hill training. A lot of cases would have to spend a lot more time in Power Processing if they weren't already successfully processed in Grades 0 to IV. The majority of cases even when trained, will not be able to go Clear without being Released. And of course nobody is going to go OT before they have been Audited, Released, trained and cleared, all of which are currently standard actions in Scientology today. We are definitely on our way. LRH:mh.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 56  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=30/6/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASES AND THETAN EXTERIORS   Qual Division Remimeo Review Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1965 Remimeo Review Hats Qual Division RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASES AND THETAN EXTERIORS There are probably a great many processes that will recover the state of First Stage Release or First Stage Thetan Exterior or Released OT. Poorest but easiest of these is plain Itsa. Itsa probably will not recover a floating needle but will pull down the TA. When it's down, stop -- don't press your luck too far. The real technical job (other than Itsa) requires expert metering and a thorough knowledge of dating on a meter and a smooth comm cycle. Best at it would be an auditor who himself was a Former Release and who had himself (or herself) recovered the state. The technically correct procedure is unfortunately a delicate one which requires good command of tech on the subject of the Time Track and perception of the pc and meter alert enough to stop exactly when Re-Release occurs and say "That's It!" (Never say "End" in such sessions.) Remember all recovery must be by Key-out, not erasure. Key-outs are done by finding Key-ins. It is de-stimulation, not re-stimulation. Therefore all must be smooth and jolly with no forcing or overrun. The exact tech follows: To regain a Former Release (or Thetan Exterior or Keyed-Out OT [Released OT]): 1. Loosely locate the session or time in which it occurred. 2. Get in Suppress, Invalidate buttons on the session or time. 3. Get in "Unacknowledged" or "What was unacknowledged". 4. Indicate anything found to the pc, as By-Parsed Charge. 5. Find the Key-in that was Keyed out in that time or session (the person went release because something keyed out in that time or session). 6. When this is found and recognized by the pc, the pc will then return to Release or Released OT. 7. If this does not happen, find what keyed in that ended the state and repeat (1) to (6) on it. This is all rough to communicate to the pc who is not well trained. This datum will help (a standard datum of early Dianetics): The analytical mind when it becomes aware of a point in the Reactive Mind, makes it vanish. In other 57 words one needs but become aware of the actual cause of an aberration to have it vanish. We see this mainly in Cognitions. But it is the backbone of all auditing. When the person was originally released he had become aware of something that caused the reactive mind to de-stimulate at that point or become weak. And so he Released. You have to find that point of sudden awareness again as in (1) to (6) above and if you miss it you can at least find (7). You could find both and in a lot of cases will probably do so. But if you win on (1) to (6), for heaven's sakes don't go on to (7). If you do (7) you may suddenly turn up with (5). When you've done it realize you've done it and come off of it. Don't overrun. When you have done it, tell the person to get trained so he or she can go on to actual Clear. LIABILITY The Liability in all this is finding the original thing that was keyed in (which when keyed out gave Release). If this happens you have a new key-in in the session you are running right now. It is a new key-in and is handled as one. TECH COMMENT This tells us that finding and running out key-ins will make a First Stage Release out of someone who has never been one. Standard Grade Processing does this. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is referred to and amplified by HCO B 21 July 1965, Release Rehabilitation, page 63, and HCO B 2 August 1965, Release Goofs, page 66.] 58  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=1/7/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES   Remimeo HCO Division Tech Div Qual Div Ethics Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 1 JULY 1965 Issue II Remimeo Ethics Hats Tech Hats HCO Division Qual Hats Tech Div Qual Div COMM CYCLE ADDITIVES There are no additives permitted on the Auditing Comm Cycle. Example: Getting the pc to state the problem after the pc has said what the problem is. Example: Asking a pc if that is the answer. Example: Telling pc "it didn't react" on the meter. Example: Querying the answer. This is the WORST kind of auditing. Processes run best MUZZLED. By muzzled is meant using ONLY TR 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 by the text. A pc's results will go to HELL on an additive comm cycle. There are a hundred thousand tricks that could be added to the Auditing Comm Cycle. EVERY ONE of them is a GOOF. The ONLY time you ever ask for a repeat is when you couldn't hear it. Since 1950, I've known that all auditors talk too much in a session. The maximum talk is the standard model session and the TR 0 to 4 Auditing Comm Cycle ONLY. It is a serious matter to get a pc to "clarify his answer". It is in fact an Ethics matter and if done habitually is a Suppressive Act, for it will wipe out all gains. There are mannerism additives also. Example: Waiting for the pc to look at you before you give the next command. (Pcs who won't look at you are ARC Broken. You don't then twist this to mean the pc has to look at you before you give the next command.) Example: A lifted eyebrow at an answer. Example: A questioning sort of ack. The Whole Message is GOOD AUDITING OCCURS WHEN THE COMM CYCLE ALONE IS USED AND IS MUZZLED. Additives on the Auditing Comm Cycle are ANY ACTION, STATEMENT, QUESTION OR EXPRESSION GIVEN IN ADDITION TO TRs 0-4. They are Gross Auditing Errors. And should be regarded as such. Auditors who add to the Auditing Comm Cycle never make Releases. So, that's Suppressive. Don't do it! L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Reissued verbatim as HCO B 23 May 1971, Issue X.] 59  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=3/7/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MODEL SESSION REVISED   Remimeo All Levels 0 to VII All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff All Tech Activities  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 JULY 1965 (CANCELLED see HCO B 23 Sept 68 Volume VI -- 259) Remimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff All Tech Activities All Levels 0 to VII MODEL SESSION REVISED It is important for reasons of preventing restimulation to cancel and discard all issues and forms of Model Session and use only the following, particularly for Releasing. The auditor examines the room to make sure it is all right to audit in, adjusts the pc's chair and checks his E-Meter for battery up and set, gives the pc the cans and states "THIS IS THE SESSION." Tone 40. (The following rudiments are used only in metered sessions.) "What gains have you had from your last session?" (Omitted on a pc's very first session but not from the first session of an intensive: written in the right-hand column at the top.) "Is there an ARC Break?" (On raw meat, "Are you upset by anything?") "Is there any current problem that will interfere with auditing?" "Should you have told me anything you didn't?" "Has anything been suppressed?" "Has anything been denied?" "Has anything been rushed?" "This is the process: (states process)." (If a new process, clear the commands.) Body of session "I will give you two more commands of this process." "That was the body of the session." "Are there any comments on the session?" "That's It." This is the totality of Model Session used. To add words to the patter is to risk restimulation and it is expressly forbidden to do so. RELEASE REACHED It is VITAL when the proper phenomenon of a process occurs that the process be promptly concluded. It is VITAL on lower level auditing if a needle floats and TA comes down to between 2 and 3 that the process and the session be unobtrusively ended with a soft "That's It" and the preclear sent to the Qualifications Division to be declared a Release. It is a Gross Auditing Error to run one command more. With this Model Session, Releases will be more stable and sessions run better. LRH:ml.jh Copyright $c 1965 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Clarified by HCO B 19 August 1965, page 78.] 60  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=12/7/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STATES OF BEING ATTAINED BY PROCESSING   Remimeo Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 JULY 1965 Remimeo Franchise STATES OF BEING ATTAINED BY PROCESSING Types of Releases The states of Release differ in that one is more stable than another. The Reactive Mind (known also as the R6 Bank) can only be audited out by someone who is trained up to Class VI. When the Reactive Mind is fully audited out (erased completely) one has a Clear. When a Clear has been refamiliarized with his capabilities you have an Operating Thetan (an OT). A Release then is pulled OUT of his Reactive Mind. A Clear has fully erased his Reactive Mind. An Operating Thetan is one who is Cause over Matter Energy Space and Time and is not in a body. The degree and relative permanence of being pulled out of the Reactive Mind determines the state of Release. There are numerous things that can pull one back into the Reactive Mind. These are (1) Locks (2) Secondaries (3) Engrams (4) The Whole Time Track. Locks By reducing locks as in Levels 0 to IV we then remove the ability of locks to pull the being back into his R6 Bank. Locks are mental image pictures of non-painful but disturbing experiences the person has experienced. They depend for their force on secondaries and engrams. Thus one who has had his locks reduced is a FIRST STAGE RELEASE. Secondaries and Engrams When a being has had the secondaries and engrams reduced he is far less likely to be pulled into the Reactive Mind than if he has just had their locks reduced. Secondaries are mental image pictures containing misemotion (grief, anger, apathy, etc.). They contain no pain. They are moments of shock and stress and depend for their force on underlying engrams. Engrams are mental image pictures of pain and unconsciousness the person has experienced. When these are reduced one has a SECOND STAGE RELEASE. The Whole Track Bits and pieces of the whole track remain after the locks, secondaries and engrams are reduced. These bits inhibit the being from recovering knowledge. The Whole Track is the moment to moment record of a person's existence in this universe in picture and impression form. When these bits are cleaned up, a being is a THIRD STAGE RELEASE. Exterior If a being is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd Stage Release and has also become exterior to his 61 body in the process, we simply add "OT" to the state of Release. It is secondary in importance to the fact of being a Release. As soon as the being seeks to exert his "OT" powers he tends to restimulate his R6 bank and so goes back into his body. This is all that is meant when a person is called a First Stage Released OT. The person has not only come out of his bank but also out of his body. Processes Many processes, all below Class V, make 1st Stage Releases. We have been making them for 15 years. When audited on low level grades after being released by them, the person goes into his secondaries and engrams. He can be fished back out again by modern technology and can easily regain the state of First Stage Release. Power Processes alone can be run on a First Stage Release. These vanquish the secondaries and engrams. This requires very expert Class VII auditors as it is touchy work. These make a Second Stage Release. In doing the earlier Power Processes the preclear often attains First Stage Release or First Stage Released OT. Only doing all the basic Power Processes (including one called Pr Pr 6) makes a Second Stage Release. Certain Advanced Power Processes make a Third Stage Release. These mainly recover knowledge and smooth out one's understanding of the awareness of the environment achieved by Second Stage Release on Power Processing. Clear The R6 Bank When a being has been trained up to Class VI and has been given the materials of the basic Reactive Mind to audit out (they took years to find and are too complex to be tackled without training and the actual patterns), he can then attain the state of Clear. The Reactive Mind is composed of significance and masses as old as the Universe itself and is the basic cause of the decline of the individual. Each person has his own basic bank but they are all exactly alike. The materials are quite useless and inhibiting. A Clear is not under the great stress of this bank and so can be free. He uses his own basic purposes and is for the first time wholly himself. Operating Thetan This state of being is attained by drills and familiarity after the state of Clear has been obtained. A real OT has no Reactive Bank, is cause over Matter, Energy, Space, Time and Thought and is completely free. Summary This HCOB contains a brief description of each of the States of Being one can recover by processing. This is the first time they have ever been isolated and crisply defined. These are all the states there are except for homo sapiens and animal and we know too much about those already. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 62  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=21/7/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE REHABILITATION   Remimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JULY AD15 Remimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students RELEASE REHABILITATION Refers to and amplifies HCOB 30 June 1965 In doing a Former Release rehabilitation, if you find the point of key- out of the moment the pc was formerly released, and then the moment of key-in afterwards and then get the pc to Itsa these alternate points, one after the other, with a bit of guiding when you see a fall (telling the pc [who is thinking] the needle fell by saying, "What's that?"), and then if you get off any unacknowledgment by the auditor in the rehabilitation session, and if you handle all such moments in the pc's auditing history, recent or distant, you will get the TA down and momentary floats of the needle. Then if you end it with the pc happy and all well in the release rehabilitation session, the pc will feel terrific and you will probably have regained the floating needle. Remember it isn't a repetitive alternate question, "What was keyed out then?' "What was keyed in then?" but a use of these and any such wording one after other as Itsa invitations, until you get the TA off it and the TA down (and not up again on session comm cycle goofs). By hitting the key-out, then the key-in in that former session where the pc went release, he or she really gets the charge off it and you've regained it. I dare say you could take a stuck TA at 5 on an old-time pc and by locating the moments when he or she felt good in sessions and handling each one in turn until you get the pc happy he or she has "got it", you would eventually get the TA to clear read and a momentary or continuously floating needle. It's gentle. The only goof you can really make, aside from comm cycle and code breaks, is not to quit when the needle floats in your rehabilitation session. The rule of ALL processing is NEVER RUN A PROCESS FURTHER THAN IT PRODUCES A FLOATING NEEDLE WITH THE TA BETWEEN 2 AND 3. This applies to former release rehabilitating session as well. When that needle floats again, if it does, you have to gently "That's it" and desist and send to Declare? To go on is to overaudit. Good hunting. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 63  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/7/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING BY LISTS  Type = 11 iDate=23/4/64 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0 Type = 11 iDate=22/5/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo SCIENTOLOGY III Franchise Sthil Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1965 Replaces HCO Bulletin of 22 May 1965 which replaced HCO Bulletin of 23 April 1964. Remimeo HCO Bulletin of 23 April 1964 was written by Franchise Roger Biddell and is corrected by this Bulletin. Sthil Students (CANCELLED -- see HCO B 3 July 71 Volume VII -- 316) SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTS The earlier genus of this process was Sec Checking on the Joburg. With no reference to these, I recently developed for Level III a process called Auditing by Lists. Any list can be used. As a preview to the process I asked staff member Roger Biddell to use List One. The questions were generalized. Instead of "Have I _______?", "Has there been _______?" was used. Otherwise the question remained the game as given in the HCO Bulletin for L.1. He ran the process for some hours on a preclear with excellent results and summarized my verbal and written instructions as applied. AUDITING BY LISTS L.1. Use meter at sensitivity 16. Use ARC Break assessment List 1. The questions asked are generalized and without time limiters. i.e. Has a withhold been missed? Have you been given a wrong goal? etc. Begin with List 1. Ask the first line of this List while watching the meter for an instant read. If the line does not read, say, "That's clean" and move on to the next line of the List and do the same action with this new line. If the pc has something to say about a line that is clean, let him say it, acknowledge it and then you ask the next line. Don't Q and A. If the line when asked has an instant read say, "That reads" then, "What do you consider this could be?" or, "What considerations do you have about this?" Let the pc answer all he wants to. While he is giving his considerations, mark down any blowdowns of the TA. When the pc has given all his considerations say, "Thank you. I'll check the line on the meter" and call the line again. If it instant reads say, "There's another read here" then again ask for considerations, etc. Continue these actions until the line goes clean. When clean say, "That's clean." Then move on to the next line. 64 When List 1 is completed, and then List 1, then List 1 and so on. If running correctly, the TA total should increase from session to session. The pc should get more and more blowdowns on his considerations. Then he should get blowdowns on what he considers the main thing is. Don't Q and A. Don't take up or do anything with the pc's considerations. Don't ever say, "That still reads." It's always "Another read" as "It still reads" makes the pc feel he has not answered the question. This process gets charge off the case. If pc still wonders what the main charge on a line was, tell him according to what gave the most TA action. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is cancelled by HCO B 3 July 1971, Auditing by Lists Revised, Volume VII -- 316.] 65  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=2/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE GOOFS   Remimeo Star Rated on all Check-Outs Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 AUGUST 1965 Remimeo Tech Div Hats Star Rated on all Check-Outs Qual Div Hats Classes III & IV Students RELEASE GOOFS 1. Overrun The first goof relating to Releases is the one done for 15 years -- running past a free, floating needle on any type of process. THIS is the goof that held back all Scientology. And if it continues to be done, known as well as it is now that you mustn't, one can only consider it suppressive -- not just ignorant -- as who now doesn't know you wreck a Release by running past the floating needle? 2. Rehabilitation Goof Not doing a Rehabilitation by the book, HCOB 30 June 1965, HCOB 21 July AD15 and now this one would constitute a breach of tech. To say you are "Rehabilitating a Former Release" and yet do only current rudiments is, of course, a lie. Rehabilitation is an exact series of actions covered in the above HCOBs and NOTHING ELSE. I have seen a case being given an assist on PTPs and current ARC Breaks and had the auditor say, "Oh yes, I'm following orders. I'm rehabilitating a former release." Rehabilitation of a Former Release is a PRECISE SET OF ACTIONS covered only in the above HCOBs and this one. One only does THOSE actions given in these HCOBs. 3. Rough Comm Cycle The roughness of the Auditor's Comm Cycle can prevent, not only a Release from occurring but can prevent rehabilitation. All auditing is best done muzzled with the auditor drilled on Mutter TRs. 4. Meter Misuse In Step 1 of HCOB 30 June 65 it says, "Loosely locate the session or time in which it (Release) occurred." This means a METER DATING. By "loosely" is meant to the year, month and day, not the minute. You can of course locate to the hour. ADD AS THE PRIMARY STEP TO HCOB 30 JUNE 65 1. LIST AND EXACTLY DATE BY METER EACH AND EVERY TIME THE PC HAS ATTAINED A STATE OF RELEASE IN THIS LIFETIME. That should dispel any doubts about what rehabilitation of former release is aiming to do. ADD ALSO AS A PARAGRAPH IN HCOB 30 JUNE 1965: IF THE PC'S NEEDLE GOES FREE WITH THE TONE ARM BETWEEN 2 AND 3 ON A CALIBRATED METER, CEASE REHABILITATION AT THAT INSTANT AND DECLARE. DO NOT CONTINUE BEYOND THE FLOATING NEEDLE ON A REHABILITATION EITHER. 66 IF A PC'S NEEDLE FLOATS DOING THE HCO POLICY LETTER FORM 26 JUNE 65 CEASE AT THAT INSTANT AND SEND TO GET THE STATE DECLARED. DO NOT KEEP ON DOING THE FORM PAST FLOATING NEEDLE EITHER. IN FACT DON'T CONTINUE ANY PROCESS OR AUDITING BEYOND A FLOATING NEEDLE. YOU CAN SHIFT FROM PROCESS TO PROCESS, A FREE NEEDLE ATTAINED ON EACH ONLY IN POWER PROCESSING AND ONLY ON R6-GPMI. An auditor must also realize that handling current matters and all on a former release in a rehabilitation is violating further the rule DON'T AUDIT PAST A FLOATING NEEDLE. The whole trouble with the pc was auditing beyond Release. Therefore in rehabilitation even ruds are just more auditing aren't they? You can only do HCOB 30 June 65 and its further HCOBs. 5. Not Recognizing a Floating Needle Floating needle, free needle are the same thing. What does one look like? Once you've seen one you'll never make a mistake on one again. For it floats. It ceases to register on the pc's bank. It just idly floats about or won't stand up even at low sensitivity. The TA goes to any place between 2 and 3 and the needle floats. Differences in cans used as electrodes and not keeping the meter calibrated with 5,000 ohm and 12,500 ohm resistors clipped between the two cans and setting the TA to (F) and (M) can lead an auditor to "find" a floating needle at TA 3.8 but ignore it because the meter is out. Also, two meters used can both be out. Particularly if the wrong cans are used. Steel cans, chromium plated or tin plated (like ordinary vegetable soup tin cans) are the best electrodes. 6. Not Getting Them All Not getting every time the pc has been a Release in this lifetime can be a big goof. Sometimes the last one is just yesterday, but omitting it can halt rehabilitation. Getting whole track (before this lifetime) former release periods is of questionable benefit but cannot be ruled out. 7. Pc's Own Purposes The leader in making a high state of being collapse (given an R6 bank) is the pc's own purposes. A person shot up scale can postulate. Postulating going down scale or an attack on something can collapse a state of release. Protest, wanting to get even, revenge are some things that a pc postulated that made him go back into the bank. It's a goof for a pc to postulate himself down scale or to postulate himself right by showing another he is wrong. This is why Class IV processing (Service Fac) can so easily make a 1st Stage Release. 8. Declare Errors Sometimes a pc is not rehabilitated yet is so declared. This causes a serious upset. Sometimes the Examiner fails to detect the flaw that the pc doesn't think he was released and passes the pc. 67 Sometimes the Examiner challenges and fiddles about too much. This is a withhold of acknowledgment of the state and will cause an upset before it can be awarded. 9. Unalert Org An org which is not alert to the way SPs go for new releases when the release is still finding his or her "feet" will make very few that remain stable. If an org develops a lazy attitude toward auditor and personnel discipline then two things happen: (a) Auditors and execs alike think it is all right to audit past a floating needle on a form, action or process or (b) Start declaring people who aren't released. Either way is catastrophe. The middle road of honest and precise tech is vital. Auditors with sloppy comm cycles almost never release anyone to floating needle. Such begin to believe it is "all gas" so it doesn't matter what they do. An org not alert to what a bad comm cycle can do to prevent release is "for it" as tech will fade. Summary For fifteen years auditors have made and then undone keyed-out-clearing all over the world. We can then assume that, as they had the data about floating needles in 1958 and did not need it, we will have this battle with us from here on. The end product of all auditing right up to clear is a floating needle. There is no other end product from the auditors' viewpoint. So, shall we get on with it, see it when it occurs and declare it? Please? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 68  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=3/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING GOOFS BLOWDOWN INTERRUPTION   Remimeo All Students All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 AUGUST 1965 Remimeo All Students All Staff AUDITING GOOFS BLOWDOWN INTERRUPTION It is a serious goof for the auditor to speak or move during a blowdown of the Tone Arm. When a Tone Arm has to be moved rapidly down, the needle appears to float to some but it is just failing. To see if a needle is floating the TA must have stopped moving down. A Blowdown is a period of relief and cognition to a pc while it is occurring and for a moment after it stops. Therefore it is a serious goof for an auditor to speak or move during the blowdown or for a moment afterwards. This was noted years ago and is given in early materials on goals. AN AUDITOR MUST NOT SPEAK OR MOVE DURING A BLOWDOWN. When the auditor has to move the TA from right to left to keep the needle on the dial and the movement is .1 divisions or more then a blowdown is occurring. The needle of course is falling to the right. That is a period of charge blowing off the bank. It is accompanied by realizations for the pc. Sometimes the pc does not voice them aloud. They nevertheless happen. If the auditor speaks or moves beyond adjusting the TA quietly with his thumb the pc may suppress the cognitions and stop the blowdown. To see if a needle floats the TA must be halted for the moment between 2 and 3 on a calibrated meter. A floating needle cannot be observed during a blowdown. For an auditor to sit up suddenly and look surprised or pleased, or for an auditor to say the next command or "That's It" during a blowdown, can jolly well wreck a pc's case. So it's a real goof to do so. To get auditing results one must audit with a good comm cycle, accept the pc's answers, handle the pc's originations, be unobtrusive with his auditing actions, not hold the pc up while he writes, not develop tricks like waiting for the pc to look at him before giving the next command, not prematurely ack and so start compulsive Itsa, and be very quiet during and just after a blowdown. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 69  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE STAGES   Remimeo BPI Certs & Awards Issue to all new Releases  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 5 AUGUST 1965 BPI Certs & Awards Issue to all new Releases RELEASE STAGES Once a pc has begun to come out of his bank, he either continues to come out or goes back in a bit. He (or she) does not remain in status quo (unchanging state) while a Release. A First Stage Release often pulls further out to First Stage Released OT after processing. Similarly a Second Stage Release may become a Second Stage Released OT. In their understandable enthusiasm -- they feel so much better and bigger and stronger -- a release sometimes seeks additional acknowledgment by requesting a further release check. A pc who has attained a First Stage can go First Stage Released OT but cannot possibly go Second Stage without Power Processing. In short, one can't upgrade Stages 1 to 2, etc, without the actual processing. Why? Because a key out is just that, a key out. Just because one no longer has a tiger in his lap does not mean the tiger has vanished. He's merely stepped out into the hall. In the course of life somebody is going to leave the door open. The tiger won't come back into one's lap but he'll sure sit on the rug and sneer. Key out means there's still a tiger. Release means he's away. One First Stage can be more released than another First Stage. The tiger is further off. But when you start upgrading numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) you are talking about less tiger. There's less bank. First Stage removes a few tiger whiskers and the sneer. That's the locks going. The tiger is near or far -- that means more or less 1st Stage, it doesn't mean there's less tiger. Second Stage removes the tiger's misemotion and his front claws. The tiger can now be near or far but he is that much tiger. He can be so far away one is sure he has vanished. But he's just far. He remains that much tiger (minus whiskers, sneer, temper and front claws), he just isn't evident. Third Stage pulls the tiger's ability to paralyze one's wits. In effect Third Stage removes impediments to one's ability to know. The tiger, though now minus whiskers, sneer, temper, front claws, and the ability to paralyze, is still about. He may at this stage walk off so far that one is positive there is no more tiger. But it's early to break out the champagne. Maybe he won't be back for years, even centuries, but he still exists. Fourth Stage Release removes the tiger's claws all about and blunts his teeth. And causes him to hide in closets. But though he hasn't whiskers, sneer, claws, or his frightening effect, or the old sharpness, he is still a tiger. One can gambol about in the sun cheerily, feeling quite sure there is no tiger at all. Only the locks on the R6 bank are gone. That R6 bank is still there. 70 At this stage the pc feels he can move mountains single-handed and is given to chest thumping. That he still depends upon a body gets overlooked. But ahead of him is the BIG job. There is still a tiger. This tiger if not vanished utterly will sooner or later creep up and eat up the goodies. So one has to handle Mr. Tiger once and for all, run the total R6 bank and become a 5th Stage Release. Now, and only now, with a bit of reorientation can one be CLEAR. No more tiger. He is not near or far. He doesn't exist. And one can go on for the trillions. Early on my pcs went keyed out clear and went away. They stayed that way a long time. They were sure they had attained the zenith. Today we are going to have the same problem. A Release is going to feel sure he has gone up in number of Release when it's only the tiger out for lunch. I am the last one to throw cool water over anyone's head about Release. But I have a passion for stating truth as I know it when I know it. You can always depend on that. It's not always popular but it's honest. Therefore these are the only ways to go up in number as a Release. To obtain FIRST STAGE RELEASE, one must have had lower grade auditing of some sort. This removes the locks (the distressful moments of life) off the Reactive Mind. As these pinned one to it, one can now get out of it. To obtain SECOND STAGE RELEASE one must have been run on the highest of the Power Processes. This gets rid of the secondaries (misemotions and upsets) and the engrams (moments of pain and unconsciousness). And as these pinned one to the Reactive Mind one can now move out of it and isn't so likely to go back into it as he has no secondaries and engrams to call him back. To obtain THIRD STAGE RELEASE one has to tackle the beings, places and subjects one has long detested. And when these are gone one isn't likely to be called back into the Reactive Mind very soon as bits of his daily life don't remind him of beings, places and subjects he once detested. To obtain FOURTH STAGE RELEASE one has to take the lock end words off the R6 bank. He has to be an R6 Auditor himself to do this properly. With these gone, the R6 bank is left on its naked basics and one can be very free of it for quite a while. But now we are down to the concrete and bedrock. To obtain a FIFTH STAGE RELEASE, one has to have run out the whole remaining Reactive Mind. We are awfully lucky to have the combination to the vault as it's been shut thoroughly for the trillions. That's done by a process known as R6-GPMI -- or GPMs by Items. And I assure you 1. It can be done and 2. It was pure hell going it blind when I was trying to find it. It took several years and thousands of hours of research auditing to just find the pattern of it. This is the longest job (R6-GPMI) and requires now at least 14 months of daily solo auditing. And then one is 5th Stage and ready for a polish and Clear. Now understand, at each of these stages one has to go unrelease to make it to the next stage of release. This requires guts -- and faith. One is feeling GRAND. The world is 71 beautiful. The unbrave get nervous at the thought of diving back into the asphalt or, to keep our metaphor, about deliberately whistling up the Tiger -- "Here Tiger! Here Tiger! Come out wherever you are!" So a way that is cooked up to avoid this further combat is to pretend an upgrade in number of release without the hard work and scratches necessary to honestly achieve it. Add to all this that one has a present time, and a body to receive the slings and arrows and one sees that it is a complex picture. But we have the way. It is the way. Many will come along selling the frightened the idea one can leap up through the numbers without pain or toil or auditing by flexing one's chest or eating Wheaties or praying. But that isn't the WAY. There's no bridge there. The main point that will be stumbled on is this: Nobody has any real reality on how high up these states are or how utterly tall Clear really is. Well, that's the score. Does it help? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 72  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=6/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  QUALIFICATIONS TECHNICAL ACTIONS   Remimeo THIS IS A STAR RATED TECHNICAL HAT FOR EXAMINERS, REVIEW AUDITORS AND QUAL EXECUTIVES AND IS THE STANDARD GUIDE FOR THEIR TECHNICAL ACTIONS All Qual Hats All Staff Auditor Hats Tech Executives Ethics HCO Sec Div 7  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 6 AUGUST AD15 All Qual Hats All Staff Auditor Hats Tech Executives Ethics QUALIFICATIONS TECHNICAL ACTIONS HCO Sec Div 7 THIS IS A STAR RATED TECHNICAL HAT FOR EXAMINERS, REVIEW AUDITORS AND QUAL EXECUTIVES AND IS THE STANDARD GUIDE FOR THEIR TECHNICAL ACTIONS All cases that come to the Qual Division are unusual. The solution to ALL cases that come to the Qual Division is to do the USUAL. If you don't hold on to that datum hard, all the "unusual" cases will soon have Review doing the unusual. And the only salvation for any Qual situation is to do the USUAL. Don't go into a dispersal because of the unusual nature of the Review cases. If they were standard they would not be in Review. But Review has a standard procedure. It is an Always, invariable standard procedure. Don't audit the case, audit the procedure. If you do so YOU WILL NEVER MISS. You will only miss if you get wrapped up in how unusual it all is. Today Case Supervision and Review actions are all very, very standard. And very, very workable. You only get in a mess with a case when you don't use standard actions. It took more than a third of a century to find the keys to all cases. None is going to repeat all that research in the 20 minutes given to handle a case, so the best solution is to do what's known. FORMER RELEASE CHECK When someone buys a Former Release Rehabilitation, he first goes to Review to get a check. This must be a perfunctory check. If you audit the pc you may float a needle on the check. The Review Auditor merely puts the pc who wants a Former Release check on a meter and asks: "Have you been Released earlier?" If it reads, THAT'S the end of the check. One says, "Yes you evidently were," and adds, "Go to the Registrar and get a Former Release Rehabilitation." If it doesn't read it doesn't mean, not Former Release. THE PC MAY BE ARC BROKEN, and the meter of an ARC Broken pc may not read for the auditor. In fact an inexperienced auditor sometimes calls an ARC Broken needle a "floating needle" merely because it doesn't react to the auditor. So if the meter doesn't react on the question of was the pc a Former Release, all you do in Review is say, "There may be ARC Breaks around Former Release. It therefore doesn't read right now. It may read if the ARC Breaks are picked up," and sends the pc to the Registrar for Rehabilitation just the same. In short two things can happen in a Former Release check. It reads. It doesn't read. In both cases send the pc to the Registrar for a Former Release Rehabilitation. So that action is real simple. What the pc says and does has nothing to do with it. Say what you have to to get the pc to the Registrar, but encourage no Itsa or you'll be tied up for an hour or two, working for nothing. If the pc has already been to the Registrar and bought a Former Release Rehabilitation then after the above check send the pc to the HGC Admin. 73 That's all there is to it. You do anything else and you'll goof up everything. Start to audit the pc, invite the pc to Itsa, start picking up times or ARC Breaks and you've had it. You'll be wearing the HGC hat and costing the org money and slowing your own lines. Believe me, do just the above and NO MORE on a "Former Release check" in Review. Don't get all wound up in the guy's case. They're ALL different and unusual. That's no reason why a Former Release check should be unusual. Get it? CASE SUPERVISOR CHECK When the Case Supervisor sends a pc already in the HGC to Review there is only ONE standard action: Form 26 June 1965 is done like an assessment, fast, no excessive Itsa. Further, it's done NOW. The Case Supervisor wants it right away. NEVER have a "backlog" of Reviews on Case Supervisor request for Review. Pc comes in, gets the Form done BANG. Right now. Takes 10-15 minutes. No more than that. One puts down under recommendations what has been found on the assessment. "Pick up Cleaned Cleans" or "Auditor's Comm Cycle out, do ARC Break List 1 Auditing by List". Whatever you found you recommend it be done. Former Release gave a big read and BD. All right, put "Do Former Release Rehab," as the recommendation. When the Case Supervisor asks for a Review of the case one ONLY does the form and does it only as an assessment. One does not handle any part of that form on a Case Supervisor request. And one does it straightaway. A Review "Backlog" is a disgrace. One day wait is too many. It's done at once. Why? Because it only takes a few minutes. Do the form, send the pc to the Examiner and the Examiner returns the pc at once to the HGC or at once sends to Ethics if a Roller Coaster is found or no case change. Honest, it's too easy. If it takes anyone longer than that then it's because an assessment isn't being done. The form is being used for auditing! When all that's needed is an assessment. REVIEW TO REPAIR When a pc is to be handled or finished off by Review, we now have a different matter. The Review Auditor sees "Review to handle" on the slip or "Review to complete case". This is his signal to do Form 26 June 1965 AS AN AUDITING ACTION. Same form, different use. One now doesn't assess with the Form. One Audits with the Form. This means one cleans it all up, section by section as one goes along. ARC Break reads. Find out if it's a session ARC Break or a process ARC Break, and do the appropriate list, find it (or them) and indicate the By- Passed Charge (don't audit it by list). If it's an environment ARC Break adapt List 1 to the environment. Locate and indicate the By-Passed Charge. 74 DON'T go on with ARC Break reading when Review is handling the pc. Clean it up. Clean everything else up. Polish up the entire Form 26 June 65 and leave it all beaming. Now do what's indicated with the case such as Former Release Rehab or flatten unflat processes. If the case turns out on the Form to be an Ethics type, have the Examiner send to Ethics and don't do anything else after finding the pc is an Ethics type. No Case Gain in the past = SP. Roller Coaster = PTS. Leave it to Ethics to find out why. When (and if) the pc gets a clean "bill of health" from Ethics (has disconnected or whatever) Review can get the pc back again and finish up the incomplete actions outlined in this section. In short, in "Review to handle" one handles the whole case and finishes it off. The same form (Form 26 June 1965) can be used in two different ways: as an assessment and as an auditing list of things to handle. STUDENT ASSISTS On a student assist the Review Auditor uses Form 26 June 65 as an assessment form and handles what is found on the form. The Review Auditor does not fail to do the form and also does not fail to handle what was found during assessment after it is done. Note, one assesses, then handles what was found. He doesn't audit the whole form. And also Review doesn't complete the case as a case. It's just an assist. Public assists are done the same way in Review. DECLARE? FOR RELEASE When the Examiner does not declare a pc and does not send the pc to Certs and Awards, he sends the pc to Review. (He can also, instead, send the pc to Ethics.) When the Examiner sends a Declare? to Review, instead of Declaring, the Review Auditor does Form 26 June 65 as an assessment, locates the trouble and after the assessment is done handles what was found or indicates it's an Ethics matter. In either case (audits or sends to Ethics) the Review Auditor hands the pc back to the Examiner. The Examiner may now send the pc to Certs and Awards to get the Release award, or to Ethics to handle the indicated Ethics matter (usually PTS situation). But the Examiner must not send the pc back to the HGC after the Case Supervisor has said Declare? (except when the Declare? is for an earlier stage than the pc is being audited for). If anything else has to be done, Review does it. BASIS OF QUAL ACTIONS You see Qual Div handles the flat ball bearings that didn't roll on the assembly line of the HGC. Qual is wholly in the flat ball bearing business. The HGC and Academy are wholly in the assembly line business, dealing in fairly round ball bearings. So when the HGC or Academy has said that's it (either, "We can't handle" or "Declare?" or "Graduate") it's now up to Qual. If the pc or student is not a Release or not well skilled or the pc doesn't think he or she is a Release or the student feels he can't make it, then it's all up to Review. Qual's tools for the student are the Assist and Cramming Section and for the pc are: 1. 26 June 65 Form. 75 2. Any standard process or auditing action. 3. HCO B 30 June 65 and any other Former Release Rehabilitation HCO B. HGC USES OF QUAL TOOLS The HGC also uses these same tools. The Case Supervisor commonly orders one of his or her auditors to do 26 June 1965 Form. On Power Processing and Former Release Rehab, an HGC Intensive on a pc always starts with: 1. The old pc assessment form from Dianetic days (if not already done and in hand on the pc). 2. 26 June 65 Form (if the pc has ever been audited before). It cuts down the clutter and keeps auditors calmer and makes assignment easier when the HGC uses the Qual tools routinely and only squawks when baffled. Qual takes over on a pc if the HGC has really goofed or has mis- Declared? The HGC assembly line considers all pcs a bit dented and runs an assembly line on the basis of "some dents in ball bearings must be handled in the HGC". When the ball bearing just won't roll at all in the HGC, the Case Supervisor throws in the chips and says, "To Review to Handle." If the Case Supervisor wants a check on his auditor, he says, "To Review for check." And the HGC gets the pc back. Students and public wanting assists are sent straight to Review by the Registrar, by-passing the HGC as this is bit and piece auditing. THE EIGHT BIG RULES Qual (and the HGC) are not exempt from handling the Eight Big Rules of auditing: 1. A pc must never be audited while ARC Broken. (Assessment of a list is not auditing unless one is Auditing by List meaning cleaning up each line, not looking for the thing on the List.) 2. A pc will make no case progress while suffering from a Present Time Problem which fixes his attention on the environment. 3. A pc with withholds will be critical, natter or blow and is out of comm. 4. A pc will worsen after auditing if connected to a Suppressive Person (and only worsens when so connected). 5. A pc who makes no case gains is Suppressive (and can only be handled by Power Processes and a Class VII Auditor). 6. Auditing a pc past a state of Release on the processes of that stage can make the pc's tone arm rise and bar further case gain even at upper stages of Release. (If you don't rehabilitate at least in part a 1st Stage Release that was overrun, you won't get results at the 2nd Stage or any higher stage. If you don't rehab an overrun on 2nd Stage you won't get results on Third Stage, etc. Also, a pc who went 1st Stage on R6EW won't run on 2nd Stage until the 1st Stage is found. In some cases the pc won't now run on 2nd Stage if he went 4th Stage, by-passing the lot. In short you can't by-pass free needles.) 7. A pc whose needle doesn't react to the auditor even at TA 2 or 3 may be ARC Broken, not Released. 8. An auditor's fractured Comm Cycle, unseen additives, lack of skill on a meter, attitude or false report can make a standard process not seem to work, and only these may make one work toward unusual solutions and get unreal about standard tech. 76 There are other rules. They are important but not as important as each of the EIGHT BIG RULES. Therefore, the only unusual solution you ever have to take in auditing is to straighten up one of the Eight Big Rules when it's out on the pc. It is rare but can happen. Example: Pc's ARC Break is too bad to get a read on any of the lower lines of Form 26 June 65. Obviously, then, to assess Form 26 June 65 at all on a few cases you have to locate and indicate the By-Passed Charge. In checking a free needle, finding it doesn't respond at all, one has to know by looking at the pc whether the pc is Keyed Out or ARC Broken. The only other bug here is "Dead Thetan" wherein the old "Stage 4" needle so called has never responded to anyone (this is obvious as the pc never got any TA in auditing either). A pc can have such a withhold that he just chops the auditor or the course or the org. It's always a withhold that makes him chop or blow. Don't be reasonable about it -- it's a technical fact. If an auditor really knows his Eight Big Rules, he can work then very easily with a form and know what he is looking at. The eight are on Form 26 June 65, too, you know. Only Rule 7 may prevent a straightforward assessment, as the ARC Break may have to be handled before one can get on down the list with reads. COMMON MISTAKE The Common Mistake of Review is to mistake a PTP or Withhold for an ARC Break. This is easy to do. Supervisors are prone to say "Pc ARC Broken" when a pc looks nattery or gloomy. Review, although it takes no instructions on tech from Tech, can get mixed up on this too, prompted by the Supervisor's error or the pc's own statement. SPs commonly start a Review session with "I'm ARC Broken ....... " when, fact is the SP has a big withhold or PTP. REPORTS When a Review Auditor or an Examiner finds a tech mess like alter-is or the fractured comm cycle of an HGC auditor, they MUST report it to Qual Sec who MUST send in an Ethics chit on it. The chit is written by the Examiner or the Review Auditor and sent to Qual Sec for forwarding to Ethics. ONLY in this way will Examiners or Review ever hold onto their own activities. If they don't chit gross auditing errors found in pcs or in auditing instructions then their whole larger purpose is defeated. Qual is the technical cop. Handle flat ball bearings, yes. But also proof up the Tech Division against having so many by reporting its goofs. This applies to any student received also. Qual, getting a student or pc who has then to be sent to Ethics MUST chit to Ethics whoever overlooked it in Tech. When Qual finds a student who is SP or PTS who has been on course a while, Qual must chit the student's Course Supervisor for a big goof in having the student on course at all. Similarly, Qual chits an auditor whose pc, sent to Review, turns out to be PTS or SP. The Academy or HGC must have gone stupid to be auditing or training such a student or pc. For they bring total chaos to the assembly line. Supervisors and auditors who don't send pcs who are PTS or SP to Ethics deserve Psychiatric Awards. For they are wrecking the org by continuing to train or process such a person. So that's Qual's hat, too. When Ethics won't handle a Roller Coaster or an SP and pushes the being back into the Org Qual must cable or despatch the Office of LRH Saint Hill. We have the tech on PTS and SP. We mustn't train or audit them until the condition is handled properly in Ethics (and even then we train and process them with a cynical squint in the left eye, alert for further messes from them.) 77 SUMMARY The technical activities of Qual are all standard, all laid out neatly. There are no unusual solutions if one does the usual as above. No need to get in a panic about a case. Do the usual. If THAT doesn't work, it was done in an unusual way, wasn't it? Qual can win all the way. Just do the usual Qual actions on the standard Qual internal routing lines, and UP go tech standards and results. And that's what we want, don't we? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B has been corrected per HCO B 21 September 1965, Qualifications Technical Actions, the full text of which said to alter the last word in the second sentence, paragraph 3, under section entitled "Reports", from "Qual" to "Tech".]  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=19/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Clarification of HCO Bulletin 3 July 1965 -- MODEL SESSION REVISED   Remimeo All Student Saint Hill Courses All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 AUGUST 1965 Remimeo All Student Clarification of HCO Bulletin Saint Hill 3 July 1965 -- Courses All Staff MODEL SESSION REVISED Pertaining to Level 0 training, whereas the student is to use a meter in order to familiarize himself with it and with using it in a session, he is not trained in the fine points of metering until Level II. Therefore during the training of Level 0 the Model Session as per HCO B 3 July 1965 is to be used, but the questions are actually unmetered (the student does not follow up needle reads), except for the fact that the student has a meter in front of him. Any auditor from Class II up would, of course, meter such questions in running Level 0 processes on a preclear. At Level 0 the student MUST know the parts of the meter and be able to recognize a floating needle and be able to record tone arm action. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.bh Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 78  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=23/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY   Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Grads Sthil Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo Franchise HCO BULLETIN OF 23 AUGUST 1965 Sthil Students Sthil Grads Sthil Staff ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY The following are the abbreviations and symbols most used in Scientology: 1. ACC Advanced Clinical Course 2. ACK Acknowledgement 3. AD After Dianetics (1950) e.g. 1965 = AD15 4. AD COUNCIL Advisory Council 5. ADD I/C Addressograph-in-Charge 6. ADDRESSO Addresses Section 7. ADCOMM Advisory Committee 8. ADMIN Administration or Administrator 9. APA American Personality Analysis 10. ARC Affinity, Reality, Communication 11. ASSN SEC Association Secretary 12. AUD Auditor 13. BA STEPS Bring About Steps -- R6 Material 14. BPC By-passed Charge 15. BPI Broad Public Issue 16. BS Beginning Scientologist 17. B.Scn Bachelor of Scientology 18. CCHs Communication, Control and Havingness Processes 19. CF Central Files 20. COG Cognition 21. COMM Communication 22. COMM CENTRE Communications Centre 23. COMM CYCLE Communication Cycle 24. COMM EV Committee of Evidence 25. COMM LAG Communication Lag 26. COURSE SUP Course Supervisor 27. CSW Completed Staff Work 28. D Deputy 29. D of P Director of Processing 30. D of T Director of Training 31. Dev T Developed Traffic 32. DD Doctor of Divinity 33. DECLARE? "Preclear has reached a grade or Release. Please look at preclear and pass on to Certs and Awards." 34. DEP DIR Deputy Director 35. DN Dirty Needle 36. Dn Dianetics 37. DR Dirty Read 38. D.Scn Doctor of Scientology (Honorary Award by LRH for the application of Scientology processes, principles, books or literature.) 39. DIR COMM Director of Communications 40. DIR COMP Director of Compilations 41. DIR CERTS & AWARDS Director of Certificates and Awards 42. DIR DISB Director of Disbursements 43. DIR EXAMS Director of Examinations 44. DIR FA Director of Field Activities 45. DIR INCOME Director of Income 46. DIR INSPEC & REP Director of Inspections and Reports 47. DIR MAT & RECS Director of Materiel and Records 48. DIR PBLs Director of Publications 49. DIR PROM Director of Promotion 50. DIR RAP Director of Routing, Appearances and Personnel 51. DIR REC Director of Records 52. DIR REG Director of Registration 53. DIR REV Director of Review 54. DIR TECH SERVICES Director of Technical Services 79 55. DIST DIV Distribution Division 56. DIST SEC Distribution Secretary 57. E-METER Electropsychometer 58. ETH? "This preclear may be an Ethics case, roller coaster or no case gain." 59. EXEC DIR Executive Director 60. EXEC LTR Executive Letter 61. F Fall, type of meter read 62. FC Founding Church of Scientology 63. FCDC Founding Church of Scientology Washington, D.C. 64. FCNY Founding Church of Scientology New York 65. FCTC Founding Church of Scientology Twin Cities, Minnesota 66. GAE Gross Auditing Error 67. GPM Goals Problem Mass 68. HAA Hubbard Advanced Auditor -- Level IV Certificate 69. HAS Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist 70. HASI Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International 71. HBA Hubbard Book Auditor 72. HCA Hubbard Certified Auditor -- Level II Certificate 73. HCO Hubbard Communications Office 74. HCO AREA SEC Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary 75. HCO B Hubbard Communications Office Technical Bulletin 76. HCO Bd of REVIEW Hubbard Communications Office Board of Review 77. HCO EXEC SEC Hubbard Communications Office Executive Secretary 78. HCO DISSEM SEC Hubbard Communications Office Dissemination Secretary 79. HCO POL LTR Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter 80. HCO WW Hubbard Communications Office World Wide 81. HCS Hubbard Clearing Scientologist -- formerly Level IV Certificate 82. HDA Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (Dianetic Certificate) 83. HGA Hubbard Graduate Auditor -- Level VII Certificate, Saint Hill 84. HGC Hubbard Guidance Centre 85. HGC ADMIN Hubbard Guidance Centre Administrator 86. HPA Hubbard Professional Auditor -- Level III Certificate 87. HQS Hubbard Qualified Scientologist 88. HRS Hubbard Recognized Scientologist -- Level 0 Certificate 89. HSS Hubbard Senior Scientologist -- Level VI Certificate, Saint Hill 90. HTS Hubbard Trained Scientologist -- Level I Certificate 91. HVA Hubbard Validated Auditor -- Level V Certificate, Saint Hill 92. I/C In Charge 93. INFO LTR Information Letter 94. INT International 95. L.1 List One 96. LTR REG Letter Registrar 97. LRH L. Ron Hubbard 98. MEST Matter, Energy, Space and Time 99. MID RUDS Middle Rudiments 100. MSH Mary Sue Hubbard 101. M. W/H Missed Withhold 102. NON-CO-OP Non-Cooperation from us 103. OCA Oxford Capacity Analysis 104. OFF POL Off Policy 105. OFF TECH Off Technical 106. ORG Organization 107. ORG BD Organization Board 108. ORG EXEC SEC Organization Executive Secretary 109. ORG SEC Organization Secretary 110. OIC Organization Information Centre 111. OP PRO By DUP Opening Procedure by Duplication (Process) 112. OPPTERM Opposition Terminal. Designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 Material) 113. O.T. Operating Thetan 80 114. O/W Overt/Withhold 115. PC Preclear 116. PE Personal Efficiency Foundation 117. PN Pain 118. P.O. Purchase Order 119. POL LTR Policy Letter 120. PREPCHECK Preparatory Check. A process. 121. PTP Present Time Problem 122. PTS Potential Trouble Source 123. Q & A Question and Answer. It means "failure to complete a cycle of action". 124. QUAL DIV Qualifications Division 125. QUAL SEC Qualifications Secretary 126. R Routine -- prefix on process designations 127. R FACTOR Reality Factor 128. RR Rocket Read -- type of meter read 129. RS Rock Slam -- type of meter read 130. R6 Routine Six 131. R6EW Routine 6 End Words 132. R6GPMI Routine Six Running GPMs by Items 133. R6O. Routine Six Original Bank 134. R6R Routine Six Review of all Bank run 135. R4H Routine Four. Process used to relieve ARC Breaks 136. R4SC Routine Four. Process used to locate and run out Service Facsimiles 137. REC Reception 138. REG Registrar 139. REVIEW Department of Review 140. REV! "This preclear is in trouble, please do a Review hard." 141. REV FL? "Could you please find out if this process is flat for me?" 142. REVIV Revivification 143. RUDS Rudiments 144. SCN Scientology 145. SEC Secretary 146. S-C-S Start-Change-Stop (Level II process) 147. SECED Secretarial Executive Director 148. SEC CHECK Security Check 149. SEN Sensation 150. SER FAC Service Facsimile 151. SH Saint Hill 152. SHSBC Saint Hill Special Briefing Course 153. SOM Somatic 154. SOP Standard Operating Procedure 155. SP Suppressive Person 156. Sthil Saint Hill 157. TA Tone Arm. Also total divisions of Tone Arm motion for a session 158. TECH Technical 159. TECH DIV Technical Division 160. TECH SEC Technical Secretary 161. TERM Terminal -- designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 material) 162. TONE 40 An execution of intention 163. TR Training Drill 164. TR 0 Confronting 165. TR 1 Dear Alice (getting a command across to a preclear) 166. TR 2 Acknowledgements (Acknowledging a preclear) 167. TR 3 Duplicative Question (delivering question or command in a new unit of time) 168. TR 4 Handling preclear originations 169. TVD Television Demonstration 170. UPPER INDOC Upper Indoctrination Training Drills (6-9) 171. WH Withhold 172. WW World Wide 173. 8C Name of Process. Also used to mean good control 81 174. 6408C11 SH Spec - 35 Example of Tape Lecture number and Title. The "Study -- first " two numbers (64) give the year, 1964. Evaluation of The second two (08) give the month, August, the Information" eighth month. C stands for Copy. The third two numbers (11) give the day, the 11th. SH Spec gives the course, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, and then the title. From all this you know the lecture was given on 11 August 1964, that the 35 is one of consecutive numbers assigned for record purposes. SYMBOLS IN SCIENTOLOGY 175. Scientology Symbol. The S simply stands for Scientology which is derived from "SCIO" (Knowing in the fullest sense). The upper triangle is the K-R-C Triangle. The points are K for KNOWLEDGE, R for RESPONSIBILITY and C for CONTROL. The lower triangle is the A-R-C Triangle -- its points being AFFINITY-REALITY and COMMUNICATION. 176. Symbol of Dianetics. 177. Symbol for theta. 8th letter of the Greek alphabet. Ancient Greeks used this to represent spirit or thought. 178. "Theta to the nth degree" meaning unlimited or vast. 179. ARC Triangle -- Affinity, Reality, Communication (the component parts of understanding). 180. Symbol of infinity (oo) stood upright, as seen in some Scientology books. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965, 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Item number 175 has been corrected per HCO PL 18 February 1972, The Top Triangle, page 412 in the Management Series 1970-1974 or page 306 in the Management Series 1970-1972.] 82  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=30/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Art Series 1 ART   Remimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST AD15 Remimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill Students Art Series 1 ART For some fifteen years I have been studying, amongst other branches of philosophy, the subject of ART. The reason for this is: Art is the least codified of human endeavors and the most misunderstood. What is Art? is one of the least answered of human questions. Art abounds with authorities. It was chosen because "that field containing the most authorities contains the least codified knowledge." The obvious invitation is to answer the question and codify the subject. This has now been done. The subject was originally brought up in a conversation with Donald H. Rogers at 42 Aberdeen Road, Elizabeth, New Jersey, in 1950. As this zone of human activity seemed to stand outside the field of Dianetics and Scientology, I thereafter worked with it on a casual basis. Having published 15,000,000 words between 1929 and 1941, I was not unacquainted with the arts. Since 1950 I have worked with other arts than that of literature in order to make an advance on the general subject of ART. I have made a breakthrough at last in this matter. And I find it is applicable to what we are doing and therefore also has practical value. To make it a matter of record rather than a filed sheaf of notes, I am publishing these findings as an HCO B. I also feel they will be of some assistance in forwarding Scientology. As in the case of all "pure research" (by which is meant study without thought of possible application) there is a sudden pay-off in these answers including the better dissemination of Scientology and the rehabilitation of the artist. My incidental studies in the fields of photography and music materially assisted these discoveries. Approaching the state of Clear has also assisted in comprehending this rather vast subject of ART. It is adventurous to state one has solved such a sweeping subject but here at least are the fundamentals and basics. The following are rough notes but are in fact the basis of that branch of activity we call ART. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ART BASIC DEFINITION ART is a word which summarizes THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION. It therefore follows the laws of communication. Too much originality throws the audience into unfamiliarity and therefore disagreement, as communication contains duplication and "originality" is the foe of duplication. TECHNIQUE should not rise above the level of workability for the purpose of communication. PERFECTION cannot be attained at the expense of communication. 83 Seeking perfection is a wrong target in art. One should primarily seek communication with it and then perfect it as far as reasonable. One attempts communication within the framework of applicable skill. If perfection greater than that which can be attained for communication is sought, one will not communicate. Example: A camera that shoots perfectly but is not mobile enough to get pictures. One must settle for the highest level of technical perfection obtainable below the ability to obtain the picture. The order of importance in art is: 1. The resultant communication, 2. The technical rendition. 2 is always subordinate to 1. 2 may be as high as possible but never so high as to injure 1. The communication is the primary target. The technical quality of it is the secondary consideration. A person pushes 2 as high as possible within the reality of 1. A being can take a lot of trouble with 2 to achieve I but there is a point where attempting 2 prevents 1. If the ardures of 2 prevent 1, then modify 2, don't modify 1. Perfection is defined as the quality obtainable which still permits the delivery of the communication. Too much time on 2 of course prevents 1. It is usually necessary to lower a standard from absolute perfection to achieve communication. The test of the artist is how little it is lowered not how high it is pushed. A professional in the arts is one who obtains communication with the art form at the minimum sacrifice of technical quality. There is always some sacrifice of quality to communicate at all. The reduction of mass or time or impediments or facilities toward the ability to render a result is the exact measurement of how much technical perfection can be attempted. The rule is if one is being too perfectionistic to actually achieve a communication, reduce the mass, time, impediments or facilities sufficiently low to accomplish the communication but maintain the technique and perfection as high as is reconcilable with the result to be achieved and within one's power to act. No communication is no art. To not do the communication for lack of technical perfection is the primary error. It is also an error not to push up the technical aspects of the result as high as possible. One measures the degree of perfection to be achieved by the degree of communication that will be accomplished. This is seen even in a workman and tools. The workman who cannot accomplish anything but must have tools is an artistic failure. "Art for art's sake" is a complete paradox as a remark. "Art for the sake of communication" and "Attempted perfection without communicating" are the plus and minus of it all. One can of course communicate to oneself, if one wishes to be both cause and effect. One studies art only if one wishes to communicate and the search for artistic perfection is the result of past failures to communicate. Self-improvement is based entirely on earlier lack of communicating. Living itself can be an art. The search for freedom is either the retreat from past failures to communicate or the effort to attain new communication. To that degree then the search for freedom is a sick or well impulse. 84 HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST 1965 Remimeo RELEASE STAGES There are five stages of Release. When one of these is attained the next one up can be run. A preclear who has attained a stage of Release may not be run further on the processes of that stage or below or he will go back into his Reactive Mind. All Releases however can have their problems handled, their withholds pulled, their ARC Breaks repaired and any Release at any stage can be audited on the exact processes of Release Rehabilitation. The states of Release differ in that one is more stable than another. The Reactive Mind (known also as the R6 Bank) can only be audited out by someone who is trained up to Class VI. When the Reactive Mind is fully audited out (erased completely), one has a Clear. When a Clear has been refamiliarized with his capabilities, you have an Operating Thetan (an OT). A Release, then, is pulled OUT of his Reactive Mind. A Clear has fully erased his Reactive Mind. An Operating Thetan is one who is Cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time and is not in a body. The degree and relative permanence of being pulled out of the Reactive Mind determines the state of Release. There are numerous things that can pull one back into the Reactive Mind. These are (1) Locks (2) Secondaries (3) Engrams (4) The Whole Time Track. LOCKS By reducing locks as in Levels 0 to IV, we then remove the ability of locks to pull the being back into his R6 Bank. Locks are mental image pictures of non-painful, but disturbing, experiences the person has experienced. They depend for their force on secondaries and engrams. Thus, one who has had his locks reduced is a FIRST STAGE RELEASE. SECONDARIES and ENGRAMS When a being has had the secondaries and engrams reduced, he is far less likely to be pulled into the Reactive Mind than if he has just had their locks reduced. Secondaries are mental image pictures containing misemotion (grief, anger, apathy, etc). They contain no pain. They are moments of shock and stress and depend for their force on underlying engrams. 86 Engrams are mental image pictures of pain and unconsciousness the person has experienced. When these are reduced, one has a SECOND STAGE RELEASE. THE WHOLE TRACK Bits and pieces of the whole track remain after the locks, secondaries and engrams are reduced. These bits inhibit the being from recovering knowledge. The Whole Track is the moment to moment record of a person's existence in this universe in picture and impression form. When these bits are cleaned up, a being is a THIRD STAGE RELEASE. THE REACTIVE MIND When the pc has taken the locks off the Reactive Mind itself, using R6EW, he attains Fourth Stage Release. THE REACTIVE MIND When the entire Reactive Mind has been erased and the person is again wholly himself, one could call it a Fifth Stage Release. But that is really CLEAR. OPERATING THETAN When a being once more has recovered his full abilities and freedom, a state much higher than Man ever before envisioned is attained. This state is called OPERATING THETAN. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is replaced by HCO B 9 February 1966, Release Grades, page 141.] 87  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 0 iDate=0/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  The Aims of Scientology    The Aims of Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology. First announced to an enturbulated world fifteen years ago, these aims are well within the grasp of our technology. Non-political in nature, Scientology welcomes any individual of any creed, race or nation. We seek no revolution. We seek only evolution to higher states of being for the individual and for Society. We are achieving our aims. After endless millenia of ignorance about himself, his mind and the Universe, a breakthrough has been made for Man. Other efforts Man has made have been surpassed. The combined truths of Fifty Thousand years of thinking men, distilled and amplified by new discoveries about Man, have made for this success. We welcome you to Scientology. We only expect of you your help in achieving our aims and helping others. We expect you to be helped. Scientology is the most vital movement on Earth today. In a turbulent world, the job is not easy. But then, if it were, we wouldn't have to be doing it. We respect Man and believe he is worthy of help. We respect you and believe you, too, can help. Scientology does not owe its help. We have done nothing to cause us to propitiate. Had we done so, we would not now be bright enough to do what we are doing. Man suspects all offers of help. He has often been betrayed, his confidence shattered. Too frequently he has given his trust and been betrayed. We may err, for we build a world with broken straws. But we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us. The sun never sets on Scientology. And may a new day dawn for you, for those you love and for Man. Our aims are simple, if great. And we will succeed, and are succeeding at each new revolution of the Earth. Your help is acceptable to us. Our help is yours. L. Ron Hubbard Saint Hill September, 1965 88  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 0 iDate=0/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OUT TECH AND HOW TO GET IT IN   Remimeo Vital Data for Tech Secs Ds of P HGC Training Officers Ds of T Course Supervisors All Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1965 Vital Data for Tech Secs Ds of P HGC Training Officers Ds of T OUT TECH Course Supervisors AND HOW TO GET IT IN All Students The term "OUT TECH" means that Scientology is not being applied or is not being correctly applied. When Tech is IN we mean that Scientology is being applied and is being correctly applied. By TECH is meant technology, referring of course to the application of the precise scientific drills and processes of Scientology. Technology means the methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself. One could know all about the theory of motor cars and the science of building them and the art of designing them and Still not be able to build, plan or drive one. The practices of building, planning or driving a motor ear are quite distinct from the theory, science and art of motor cars. An auditor is not just a Scientologist. He or she is one who can apply it. Thus the technology of Scientology is its actual application to oneself, a preclear or the situations one encounters in life. Tech implies USE. There is a wide gap between mere knowledge and the application of that knowledge. When we say tech is out, we might also say, "While that unit or person may know all about Scientology, that person does not actually apply it." A skilled auditor knows not only Scientology but how to apply the technology to self, pcs and life. Many persons auditing have not yet crossed over from "knowing about" to "applying". Thus you see them fooling about with pcs. When a skilled auditor sees a critical pc he knows BANG -- pc has a withhold and pulls it. That's because this auditor's tech is in. Meaning he knows what to do with his data. Some other person who knows a lot of Scientology, has had courses and all that, yet sees a critical pc and then tries to add up everything he knows about pcs and stumbles about and then decides on a Zero pc it's a new thing that's wrong that's never been seen before. What's the difference here? It's the difference between a person who knows but cannot apply and a skilled technician who can apply the knowledge. Most golfers know that you have to keep your eye on the ball just before, during and after you hit it. That's the basic datum of powerful, long drives down the fairway. So if this is so well known then why do so few golfers do it? They have arrived at a point of knowing they must. They have not yet arrived at a point of being able to. Then their heads get so scrambled, seeing all their bad drives which didn't go down the fairway, that they buy rabbits feet or new clubs or study ballistics. In short, not being able to do it, they disperse and do something else. All auditors go through this. All of them, once trained, know the right processes. Then they have to graduate up to doing the right processes. Observation plays an enormous role in this. The auditor is so all thumbs with his meter and unfamiliar tools he has no time or attention to see what goes on with the pc. So for 15 years lots of auditors made releases without ever noticing it. They were so 89 involved in knowing and so unskilled in applying, they never saw the ball go down the fairway for a 200 yard drive! So they began to do something else and squirrel. There was the pc going release, but the auditor, unskilled as a technician for all his knowledge of the science, never saw the auditing work even though even the auditing done that badly did work. Do you get the point? You have to know your tools very very well to see past them! An auditor who squirrels, who fools about with a pc, who fumbles around and seldom gets results just isn't sufficiently familiar with a session, its patter, his meter and the mind to see past them to the pc. Drill overcomes this. The keynote of the skilled technician is that he is a product of practice. He has to know what he is trying to do and what elements he is handling. Then he can produce a result. I'll give you an example: I told an auditor to look over a past session of known date on a pc and find what was missed in that session. Something must have been missed as the pc's tone arm action collapsed in that session and ever afterwards was nil. So this auditor looked for a "missed withhold from the auditor in that session". The ordered repair was a complete dud. Why? This auditor did not know that anything could be missed except a withhold of the hidden overt type. He didn't know there could be an inadvertent withhold wherein the pc thinks he is withholding because the auditor didn't hear or acknowledge. This auditor didn't know that an item on a list could be missed and tie up TA. But if he did know these things he didn't know them well enough to do them. A second more skilled auditor took over and bang! the missed item on the list was quickly found. The more skilled auditor simply asked, "In that session what was missed?" and promptly got it. The former auditor had taken a simple order, "Find what was missed in that session," and turned it into something else: "What withhold was missed in that session?" His skill did not include applying a simple direct order as auditing looked very complex to him as he had so much trouble with doing it. You can train somebody in all the data and not have an auditor. A real auditor has to be able to apply the data to the pc. Importances play a huge part in this. I had a newly graduated darkroom photographic technician at work. It was pathetic to see the inability to apply important data. The virtues of ancient equipment and strange tricks to get seldom required effects were all at his fingertips. But he did not know that you wiped developer off your hands before loading fresh film. Consequently he ruined every picture taken with any film he loaded. He did not know you washed chemicals out of bottles before you put different chemicals in them. Yet he could quote by the yard formulas not in use for 50 years! He knew photography. He could not apply what he knew. Soon he was straying all over the place trying to find new developers and papers and new methods. Whereas all he had to do was learn how to wash his hands and dry them before handling new film. I also recall a 90-day wonder in World War II who came aboard in fresh new gold braid and with popped eyes stared at the wheel and compass. He said he'd studied all about them but had never seen any before and had often wondered if they really were used. How he imagined ships were steered and guided beyond the sight of land is a mystery. Maybe he thought it was all done by telepathy or an order from the Bureau of Navigation! Alter-is and poor results do not really come from not-know. They come from can't-apply. Drills, drills, drills and the continual repetition of the important data handle this condition of can't-apply. If you drill auditors hard and repear often enough basic auditing facts, they eventually disentangle themselves and begin to do a job of application. 90 IMPORTANT DATA The truly important data in an auditing session are so few that one could easily memorize them in a few minutes. From case supervisor or auditor viewpoint: 1. If an auditor isn't getting results either he or the pc is doing something else. 2. There is no substitute for knowing how to run and read a meter perfectly. 3. An auditor must be able to read, comprehend and apply HCO Bs and instructions. 4. An auditor must be familiar enough with what he's doing and the mechanics of the mind to be able to observe what is happening with the pc. 5. There is no substitute for perfect TRs. 6. An auditor must be able to duplicate the auditing command and observe what is happening and continue or end processes according to their results on the pc. 7. An auditor must be able to see when he's released the pc and end off quickly and easily with no shock or overrun. 8. An auditor must have observed results of his standard auditing and have confidence in it. CASE REACTION The auditor and the Case Supervisor must know the only six reasons a case does not advance. They are: 1. Pc is Suppressive. 2. Pc is ALWAYS a Potential Trouble Source if he Roller Coasters and only finding the RIGHT suppressive will clean it up. No other action will. There are no other reasons for a Roller Coaster (loss of gain obtained in auditing). 3. One must never audit an ARC Broken pc for a minute even but must locate and indicate the by-passed charge at once. To do otherwise will injure the pc's case. 4. A present time problem of long duration prevents good gain and sends the pc into the back track. 5. The only reasons a pc is critical are a withhold or a misunderstood word and there is NO reason other than those. And in trying to locate a withhold it is not a motivator done to the pc but something the pc has done. 6. Continuing overts hidden from view are the cause of no case gain (see number 1, Suppressive). The only other possible reason a pc does not gain on standard processing is the pc or the auditor failed to appear for the session. Now honestly, aren't those easy? But a trainee fumbling about with meter and what he learned in a bog of unfamiliarity will always tell you it is something else than the above. Such pull motivators, audit ARC Broken pcs who won't even look at them, think Roller Coaster is caused by eating the wrong cereal and remedy it all with some new wonderful action that collapses the lot. 91 ASSESSMENT You could meter assess the first group 1 to 8 on an auditor and the right one would fall and you could fix it up. You could meter assess the second group 1 to 6 on a pc and get the right answer every time that would remedy the case. You have a list in the HCO Pol Ltr Form of 26 June 1965 done for Review. That covers the whole of any errors that can be made on a pc scouting both the auditor's application and the pc's reaction to the auditing. When I tell you these are the answers, I mean it. I don't use anything else. And I catch my sinning auditor or bogged down pc every time. To give you an idea of the simplicity of it, a pc says she is "tired" and therefore has a somatic. Well, that can't be it because it's still there. So I ask for a problem and after a few given the pc hasn't changed so it's not a problem. I ask for an ARC Break and bang! I find one. Knowing the principles of the mind, and as I observe pcs, I see it's better but not gone and ask for a previous one like it. Bang! That's the one and it blows completely. I know that if the pc says it's A and it doesn't blow, it must be something else. I know that it's one of six things. I assess by starting down the list. I know when I've got it by looking at the pc's reactions (or the meter's). And I handle it accordingly. Also, quite vitally, I know it's a limited number of things. And even more vitally I know by long experience as a technician that I can handle it fully and proceed to do so. There is no "magic" touch in auditing like the psychiatrist believes. There is only skilled touch, using known data and applying it. Until you have an auditor familiar with his tools, cases and results you don't have an auditor. You have a collected confusion of hope and despair rampant amongst non-stable data. Study, drill and familiarity overcome these things. A skilled technician knows what gets results and gets them. So drill them. Drill into them the above data until they chant them in their sleep. And finally comes the dawn. They observe the pc before them, they apply standard tech. And wonderful to behold there are the results of Scientology, complete. Tech is IN. LRH:ml.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Additional data to this HCO B can be found in HCO B 21 September 1965, Out Tech, on the following page.] 92  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=21/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OUT TECH (Additional Data on HCO Bulletin of 13 September 1965) ALL THIS DATA COVERED AND EXPLAINED IN THE SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE TAPE OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1965 Note the 5 GAEs are also covered in Tape Lecture of 10 July 1963 See also HCO Pol Ltr 21 September 1965, Issue II, "Auditor Estimation Test"   Remimeo Vital Data for Tech Sec Qual Sec Dir Rev Ds of P HGC Training Officers Ds of T Course Supervisor All Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo Vital Data for Tech Sec Qual Sec Dir Rev OUT TECH Ds of P (Additional Data on HCO Bulletin HGC Training Officers of 13 September 1965) Ds of T Course Supervisor All Students ALL THIS DATA COVERED AND EXPLAINED IN THE SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE TAPE OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1965 Note the 5 GAEs are also covered in Tape Lecture of 10 July 1963 See also HCO Pol Ltr 21 September 1965, Issue II, "Auditor Estimation Test" The five Gross Auditing Errors (GAEs) are: 1. Can't handle and read an E-Meter. 2. Doesn't know and can't apply Technical data. 3. Can't get and keep a pc in session. 4. Can't complete an auditing cycle. 5. Can't complete a repetitive auditing cycle. (Including repeating a command long enough to flatten a process.) These are the only errors one looks for in straightening up the auditing of an Auditor. The six things that can be wrong with a pc are: 1. Pc is Suppressive. 2. Pc is ALWAYS a Potential Trouble Source if he Roller Coasters and only finding the RIGHT suppressive will clean it up. No other action will. There are no other reasons for a Roller Coaster (loss of gain obtained in auditing). 3. One must never audit an ARC Broken pc for a minute even but must locate and indicate the by-passed charge at once. To do otherwise will injure the pc's case. 4. A present time problem of long duration prevents good gain and sends the pc into the back track. 5. The only reasons a pc is critical are a withhold or a misunderstood word and there is NO reason other than those. And in trying to locate a withhold it is not a motivator done to the pc but something the pc has done. 6. Continuing overts hidden from view are the cause of no case gain (see number 1, Suppressive). IN TECH In getting in Tech one need only locate in the auditor (or self as an auditor) which of the 5 GAEs are being committed and, in the pc, which of the above six is out. There are no reasons exterior to the 11 given. To get Tech In, requires getting the 5 in for auditors and the six in for pcs and after that, watching the 5 for auditors and 6 for pcs, running standard processes. If you look for other reasons, this is itself a gross goof. There are no others. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Edited for use on the Dianetics Course as HCO B 7 May 1969,Issue IV, The Five GAEs, page 361.] 93  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=21/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER DRILLS   Remimeo Tech Div Sthil Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1965 Issue V Remimeo Tech Div Sthil Students E-METER DRILLS Having the data that out-technology is the result of a lack of study, drill and familiarity, it is imperative that meter drills be done well. As it is the Academy's purpose to train auditors, students must do the required meter drills for each level and must not resort to the use of a pen to represent the needle of an E-Meter. Irrespective of whether a student is or is not a Release, these drills must be done. If a student should have a coach whose needle only floats, that student should request of the Supervisor another coach. The state of Release can always be rehabilitated, so the Academy should not be overly concerned with the protection of Releases. Studying the mind and spirit of Man may be restimulative, but it is the only way through and out. A real Roller Coaster of processing results is never because of restimulation caused by training, it is always the sole result of association with a Suppressive Person. Don't back off in the training of auditors. Only a well trained auditor will eventually make it all the way to Clear. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.kd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 94  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=22/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  URGENT URGENT URGENT RELEASE GRADATION NEW LEVELS OF RELEASE   Remimeo All Scientology Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Scientology Staff URGENT URGENT URGENT RELEASE GRADATION NEW LEVELS OF RELEASE Further research has revealed additional data concerning Releases which makes it necessary to re-name the types of Release, or else deny preclears all the benefits available from states of Release. As mentioned in earlier lectures there are several intermediate stages of Release between Level Zero and Level Five. I have finally isolated these and they agree with the Gradation Chart of Levels. This changes also in some degree the upper levels of Academy training materials without actually adding any but only reassigning the same materials to different levels. This discovery came out of a survey of the only things that could balk a case. These also are the main things an auditor has to be careful about in pcs. Further study revealed the state of Release to be available on each of these points and therefore, both to make Releases and better trained auditors, these were fitted in to the Gradation Chart in natural sequence as the dominant points stressed on each level. The points are the same as those covered in the current "Out Tech" Bulletins and lecture. They are: Communication ARC Breaks PTPs O/Ws Continuous Overts So as to minimize any upset in introducing these additional levels of Release we will cease to call Release by stages and call them by Grades. In earlier material and lectures the terms "1st Stage Release" indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a "Second Stage Release" indicated a Power Process Release, a "Third Stage Release" was one made by orientation processes and a "Fourth Stage Release" meant one made by R6 EW. This was before I found that the additional levels were important or obtainable. Without wiping out the meaning of these "stages", we will simply cease to use them to designate Releases and designate by GRADES. We will then use the exact processes of the grades that obtain the state of Release for the preclear and thus keep things straight. This then is the new Grading: Type of Release Type of Process Grade VII - CLEAR Grade VI Release - R6 EW Grade V Release - Power Processes Grade IV Release - Service Facsimiles Grade III Release - ARC Break Processes (old R-4-H renamed R-3-H) Grade II Release - O/W Processes (including the "Joburg") Grade I Release - Problems Processes (such as Probs Intensive or CCHs) Grade 0 Release - Communication Processes 95 Any one of the above group of processes can (and should be) run to a Floating Needle (and not one command beyond it). With auditors warned of the consequences of running beyond the state of Release and people easily rehabilitated to the state even if it is overrun, it will be found that the state is attainable at each level with smooth auditing. This ties smoothly into training as a class of auditor is capable of making a class of Release. Knowing why people Roller Coaster (Potential Trouble Source) and what an SP (Suppressive Person) is and by carefully handling training of auditors in accordance with the "Out Tech" materials we can easily attain these states for preclears. The discovery is actually contained in the first material issued that calls attention to not further auditing Releases. They could have their ARC Breaks, PTPs and Overts handled. This when I followed it up showed that additional Release states existed for these types of phenomena. There are some additional processes that can be run at certain levels and as these are proven out they will be added as alternate processes to the level. However, it will be found that when a preclear goes Release at a Grade, it will not be advisable to further audit him or her in that grade on an additional process once the phenomena of Release has been attained for that grade. It may be that if a pc fails to go Release on the recommended progress for that grade, another process for that grade included under the type of process for that grade may be used. For instance, on Problems, the pc does not go Grade I Release in the regular buttons of a Problems Intensive. Other buttons may be found and used. Or the preclear may be run on "Rising Scale Processes" or another process listed for that grade, all toward the goal of making the pc a Release from Problems. You don't run a pc on the next grade just because you couldn't Release him on the lower grade. You run the additional processes of a grade until he releases at that grade. At Grade Zero you run Comm Processes of whatever kind until you have a Grade 0 Release. That means a "Communication Release". Then you do the same at Grade I and run any version of problems, that affects the person's problems until you have a Grade I Release, a "Problems Release". Therefore you are releasing the person on certain subjects at each grade. The scale can then be written like this. Grade VII CLEAR - Bank Erased Grade VI Release - Whole Track Release Grade V Release - Power Release Grade IV Release - Habit Release Grade III Release - ARC Release Grade II Release - Overt Release Grade I Release - Problems Release Grade 0 Release - Communication Release You can readily spot that under each of these headings we have several effective processes in addition to a principal process. The most indicated processes for these levels are listed in the first list of grades above. If a former Release went Release on, let us say, Problems, he can be rehabilitated on the Problems Release and then audited on any of the other Grades from IV down. In short, anyone who went Release on one of these Grades from IV down may not be audited further on that Grade but can be released on any one of the other Grades 0 to IV omitting only Grade I Release, Problems. 96 Of course from V (Power Processes) on up it becomes improbable to run a lower grade but it possibly could be done on some cases. However, a Grade VI Release (R6 EW) can't possibly be run below Grade VI. And on a Clear, there's no bank at all, only freedom. It's also noteworthy that it's all but impossible to do Grade V, Power Processes, on a former Release that has not been fully rehabilitated on the lower grade. In training it is therefore necessary to put a Meter in the hands of a student at Zero and have him able to clean Tone Arm action well at Level I, be able to detect and clean reads at II and not clean cleans, be able to assess at III and find Service Facs at IV. This means also that at Zero you teach the student all about Communication, its formula and the Comm Cycle and TRs. At I you teach repetitive commands, Problems Intensives (assessed by an upper class auditor as we used to do) and the CCHs (which pull the person out of problems and into PT). At II you teach a student all about STUDY (the genus of overts is the misunderstood) and O/Ws. At III you teach the student all about ARC and ARC Breaks and assessment and how to do old R-4-H in full and expertly. And at IV you teach the student all about "Deds" and "Dedexes" (History of Man) and justified O/Ws and Suppressives and PTSs and how to find and run Service Facs. And at V you review the student and classify fully all lower grades. And at Vl you teach the student all about R6 and how to do R6 EW and as the student moves to VII you teach Power Processing and give the student the final materials to go on to Clear himself. As I promised to do some time ago, that neats up all training into a form that can be firm, finally published in eventual book form, and which puts the stress on the most important data in auditing. Parts of the mind, Codes, scales, other background data can be woven into the proper levels without overloading any. Obviously then, you teach the student the theory in the Certification course and the drills and key processes for the grade in the Classification course of the proper level. This neats up both training and processing, releasing and clearing. This does not prohibit one from handling ARC Breaks or PTPs or overts in rudiments at any level, really. Handling a rudiment is just getting the pc going. It puts the heavy processes that handle ARC Breaks in life and the past, the problems, etc each in its proper level. The rule applies that you must not overrun one of these heavy grade processes and must halt it the moment a free needle appears on it. Or if the TA goes out of it and it hasn't released the pc and hasn't been overrun another process can be run for that grade to handle the subject of that grade. But I think you will find that the primary process of the grade will do it uniformly if well audited. Here then is the additional data that belongs on your Gradation Chart and modernizes it. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is supplemented by HCO B 27 September 1965, Release Gradation -- Additional Data on the following page.] 97  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE GRADATION ADDITIONAL DATA (Supplements HCOB 22 Sept 65)   Remimeo All Scientology Staff All Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Scientology Staff All Students RELEASE GRADATION ADDITIONAL DATA (Supplements HCOB 22 Sept 65) The Grades of Release as covered in HCOB 22 Sept 65 have been named and will be found, with auditor classes, in the ROUTING CHART of 26 Sept 65 being issued with "Auditor 10" in October 65. These Grades and names are final, and they designate what is to be run on the pc to obtain the various states of Release. A table follows: Grade Name Materials Former Name Where Done Grade VIII Operating Thetan R1 Drills Operating Thetan Saint Hill Grade VII CLEAR Clearing Course Clear Saint Hill Solo Grade VI Whole Track R6 EW Stage 4 Release Saint Hill Release Solo Grade VA Power Plus Added Power Stage 3 Release Saint Hill Release by Class 7 Auditor Grade V Power Release Power Processes 2nd Stage Saint Hill Release by Class 7s Grade IV Ability Release Service None Saint Hill Release Facsimiles or HGCs Any Class 4 or above Grade III Freedom Release R3H None SH or HCGs Release ARC Breaks Any Class 3 or above Grade II Relief Release O/W Processes None SH or HCGs Release Missed w/hs Any Class 2 Joburg or above Grade I Problems Release Probs Intensive None SH or HGCs Release Any Problems Any Class 1 Process or above Hidden Standards Book of Case Remedies Grade 0 Communications Level 0 Processes Keyed-Out Clear SH or HGCs Release Release (0-0, 0-A, etc) Book I Clear Any Class 0 or above Ungraded Scientologist Assists of all None Anywhere types Any Qualified auditor or Scientologist It is obvious then that GRADE CERTIFICATES FOR PRECLEARS lapse and are no longer issued and are replaced by Release awards, awarding "Grade -- Release" when attained. 98 It is also obvious that as these states all existed before they were discovered then REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASE is addressed to rehabilitating these grades. When rehabilitation is done and the state recovered for the pc a "Grade -- Release" for the Grade actually recovered is issued. The SAME rehabilitation processes as issued are used for every type of Release. Preclears were sometimes released in more than one grade and Former Release is rehabilitated (and sold) for each grade the pc was formerly released on. All grades formerly attained must each one in turn be found and rehabilitated and each one is separately declared by Certs & Awards. Therefore a pc going release on a simple Qual Division check-out must be urged to get a rehabilitation as there may be other former release states there and for anyone rehabilitated as a former Release many other grades (as per chart above) are available to be audited up to. REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASE Technically you will find just these phenomena as given in the Routing Chart of Auditor 10 and the 22 Sept HCOB were the subjects of release. Sometimes a pc was according to him released formerly on some other process or subject than those given on the Chart. You will however find that it relates to one of the Grade Subjects (Comm, Problems, O/W, ARC Brks, Service Facs, as the total of the Grades up to IV). Example: Pc reads as Released on CCHs. OK, that was a Problems or a Comm Release. Why? It was because pc came to PT away from his problems of the past or because pc got into comm with the universe. Just decide which. Example: Pc checks as Released on the button "Importance", run in brackets or concepts. This wasn't any Grade VI Release! It was probably Problems that were cleaned up or even O/Ws; therefore it was a Grade I or II. You have to see which Release Grade it was and that's easy since the pc will tell you even without your asking that he "got over his ARC Breaks" or "His problems didn't worry him". On old-time processes, R2-12, Rising Scale, even Engram Running, the point where Release was attained was because a Comm block, a Problem, an O/W, an ARC Break cleaned up. It wasn't the old process that determines the Grade the pc was formerly released at so much as which of the Grade subjects were relieved at the time. ERROR The biggest error you can make in rehabilitation of a former release is to grade him too high and by-pass available charge for further releasing. In the earlier grades you can go from Grade IV Release to Grade 0 Release to Grade II, etc. They are not entirely consecutive from 0 to IV. They are from V up. For instance you rehabilitate a pc as Grade II Release (overts and withholds) by standard rehab approach. He is then declared a Grade II Release of course. However he can be run on Comm Processes to obtain Grade 0 Release or on Problems to obtain Grade I Release and better had be. As we have formerly released so many on so many different processes the background for rehabilitation is ragged at this time. New people can be moved up smoothly from Zero to IV. Older Scientologists will go up and down from Zero to IV. You will find at times that somebody you are trying to audit to a certain Grade suddenly recalls being released at that Grade. The proper action then is rehabilitation of the Grade, not continuing to run the Grade. 99 All this is really quite simple. The BIGGEST error is and will continue to be not noticing a state of Release occurring while running a process and then overrunning it and engulfing it. You don't always see the free, floating needle -- it is at times brief. NERVES For a while auditors will be very nervy and err by underrunning processes and failing to flatten them. Some auditors will see a floating needle everywhere. Some will remain blind to them and grind on and on. The thing to do is eventually find the happy medium. Don't underrun or overrun. Just notice when the process has produced a floating needle and carry on when it has not. And listen for those big pc upsurges in tone and halt there. And watch for the rising Tone Arm that goes to 5. Mostly it's an overrun. But some pcs who always were at 5 weren't ever formerly released and will need Power Processes to get them started. Power Processing also combines a lot of lower grade results. But it is hard to Power Process pcs who have never had lower grade releasing. The Power Processing becomes very lengthy. However, real tough cases can't attain lower grade release states and so have to be Power Processed at once instead of after properly attaining the lower grades. These "at once" Power Process cases, who have had no former release grade, are pretty Suppressive. However, some pcs' Tone Arms can be at 5 and the pc can act Suppressive if it all stems from unnoticed lower Grade releasing that was never observed or rehabilitated. It is interesting that a Grade V Release (Power Process) cannot thereafter be processed below his Grade. But this is a new set of processes. You won't find any Former Release Grade Vs. They just never made Grade V before, even by accident. Grade VI Releases (R6 EW) don't easily respond thereafter to Power Processes. But remember, that's a Grade VI Release, not somebody who came up with a few bits of R6 EW. You can't run a Grade VII (Clear) on anything but he can be drilled on getting about the universe and getting familiar with himself and what he can do. Grades VI and VII really cannot be successfully audited except by oneself -- solo. If somebody else did audit them on a pc, the pc would not prosper. He'd be a fool and quite confused. These Grades (VI and VII) require knowledge. Without it it's pitiful. Auditors who have tried to audit raw meat pcs on these Grades have gotten into serious messes not with us but in their own activities -- all stemming from trying to make a baby be vice president in six easy lessons. Two such auditors blew Scientology -- they themselves had no real data or release grade or even case gain yet they tried to use VI materials on raw meat and it all went wrong and the pcs today mostly snarl and natter. Their way is barred by their antagonism. It takes a real thetan to stand up to VI and VII. Ask somebody who has been there. I trust these new Grades I found will help straighten out a lot of things. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 100  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=29/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CYCLICAL AND NON-CYCLICAL PROCESS CONCLUSIONS   Remimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All Staff CYCLICAL AND NON-CYCLICAL PROCESS CONCLUSIONS A Non-Cyclical Process (i.e. a repetitive process which does not cause the preclear to cycle on the Time Track) is concluded precisely as stated in HCO Bulletin 3 July 1965. A Cyclic Process -- a repetitive process which does cause the preclear to cycle on the Time Track as in Recall type processes -- must be concluded in Model Session as follows: "Where are you now on the Time Track?" "I will continue this process until you are close to present time." (After each command ask "When?") When the pc is in PT, "That was the body of the session." L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $cc 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 101  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=29/9/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE CONTINUING OVERT ACT   Remimeo All Levels Franchise Students BPI  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1965 Remimeo Issue II Franchise Students BPI All Levels THE CONTINUING OVERT ACT Pity the poor fellow who commits daily harmful acts. He'll never make it. A criminal pilfering the cash box once a week has himself stopped cold as far as case gains are concerned. In 1954 I counted some noses. I checked up on 21 cases who had never had any gains since 1950. 17 turned out to be criminals! The other 4 were beyond the reach of investigation. That gave me my first clue. For some years then, I watched for no-gain cases and carefully followed up those that I could. They had major or minor criminal backgrounds. This gave the 1959 breakthrough on the meter checks (Sec Checking). Following it further since 1959 I have finally amassed enough histories to state: THE PERSON WHO IS NOT GETTING CASE GAINS IS COMMITTING CONTINUING OVERTS. While this sounds like a very good "out" for us, we assume that the auditor at least tried something sensible. Today -- the running of a pc by grades is a saving grace for merely "tough cases". Directors of Processing are doing well with the modern graded process approach, level by level, and the D of P Washington has just told me they were cracking cases with the lowest grade processes DC had never been able to handle well before. So, given processing by Grades (the best case approach we've ever had), we crack the rough ones. But will that be all cases? There's still one. The case who continually commits overts before, during and after processing. He won't make it. One thing helps this, however. You have seen the Ethics Codes appear. By putting a bit of control in the Scientology environment we have enough threat to restrain dramatization. The phenomena is this: The reactive bank can exert stress on the pc if it is not obeyed. Discipline must exert just a shade more stress against dramatization than the bank does. This checks the performance of the continual overt long enough to let processing bite. Not everyone is a continuous overt committer by a thousand to one. But this phenomenon is not confined to the no-gain case. The slow gain case is also committing overts the auditor doesn't see. 102 Therefore a little discipline in the environment speeds the slow gain case, the one we're more interested in. The no-gain case, frankly, is one I am not panting to solve. If a fellow wants to sell his next hundred trillion for the sake of the broken toy he stole, I'm afraid I can't be bothered. I have no contract with any Big Thetan to save the world complete. It is enough for me to know: 1. Where bottom is, and 2. How to help speed slow gain cases. Bottom is the chap who eats your lunch apple and says the children did it. Bottom is the fellow who sows the environment with secret suppressive acts and vicious generalities. The slow gain case responds to a bit of "keep your nose clean, please, while I apply the thetan-booster." The fast gain case does his job and doesn't give a hoot about threatened discipline if it's fair. And the fast gain case helps out and the fast gain case can be helped by a more orderly environment. The good worker works more happily when bad workers see the pitfalls and desist from distracting him. So we all win. The no-gain case? Well, he sure doesn't deserve any gain. One pc in a thousand. And he yaps and groans and says "Prove it works" and blames us and raises hell. He makes us think we fail. Look down in our Sthil files. There are actually thousands upon thousands of Scientologists there who each one comment on how wonderful it is and how good they feel. There are a few dozen or so who howl they haven't been helped! What a ratio! Yet I believe some on staff think we have a lot of dissatisfied people. These no-gain characters strew so much entheta around that we think we fail. Look in the Saint Hill files sometime! Those many thousands of reports continue to pour in from around the world with hurrah! Only the few dozen groan. But long ago I closed my book on the no-gain case. Each of those few dozen no-gains tell frightening lies to little children, pour ink on shoes, say how abused they are while tearing the guts out of those unlucky enough to be around them. They are suppressive persons, every one. I know. I've seen them all the way down to the little clinker they call their soul. And I don't like what I saw. The people who come to you with wild discreditable rumors, who seek to tear people's attention off Scientology, who chew up orgs, are suppressive persons. Well, give them a good rock and let them suppress it! I can't end this HCO B without a confession. I know how to cure them rather easily. Maybe I'll never let it be done. For had they had their way we would have lost our chance. It's too near to think about. After all, we have to earn our freedom. I don't care much for those who didn't help. The rest of us had to sweat a lot harder than was necessary to make it come true. L. RON HUBBARD LRH: ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 103  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=1/10/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MUTTER TR   Remimeo All Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 OCTOBER 1965 (REVISED -- see HCOB 1 Oct 65R Volume VIII -- 395) Remimeo All Students MUTTER TR NAME: Mutter TR. PURPOSE: To perfect muzzled auditing comm cycle. COMMANDS: "Do fish swim?" "Do birds fly?" POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart. TRAINING STRESS: 1. Coach has student give command. 2. Coach mutters an unintelligible answer at different times. 3. Student acknowledges. 4. Coach flunks if student does anything else but acknowledge. (Note: This is the entirety of this Drill. It is not to be confused with any other Training Drill.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 104  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=11/8/71 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SECURITY OF DATA  Type = 21 iDate=10/11/66 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo AOs SHs Tech Hats Qual Hats Ethics R6EW, CC & OT Course packs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 11 AUGUST 1971 Remimeo AOs Issue V SHs (Taken from and replaces Tech Hats HCO PL 10 November 1966) Qual Hats Ethics (Amended and reissued R6EW, CC & OT 28 March 1974) Course packs SECURITY OF DATA Issued with a small amount of R6 data in 1964, three or four persons promptly used it on pcs knowing well it was forbidden. The pcs became ill or misemotional toward us. And just the day I write this (original writing 4 October 1965) I myself encountered a pc, very ill, who had had some original R6 data misused on her and did not suspect why her case and health worsened. She was not ready for it at all. The issue earlier was a trial balloon, in a sense. I found certain persons (a small minority) were not up to responsibility for the material of April 1964. Therefore our firm action will be that the moment we find the material of the Clearing Course or OT Course has escaped or been misused we will quickly trace the person who was insecure and cut off all further or any future Clearing or OT data issue to that person. The likelihood of independent discovery even with clues has proven to be nonexistent by actual review of auditors trying to find pieces of it when they had over half of the answers already. You must realize that we suffer, all of us, from the misuse of knowledge concerning the mind at a very early period. To place this data near such people as psychiatrists or even states places them in a position to enslave people or repeat the original action and cave people in. A very small minority, receiving incorrect data, did promptly use it harmfully on others after April 1964. Until we ourselves have climbed well out of the hole, we must safeguard the materials. Our case gains depend on it. And others could make our salvage of people impossible. We do not safeguard these materials from any commercial consideration. Our futures, those of each of us and those of all Scientologists, depend on our keeping this material under lock and safeguarded from abuse until we are well away as a group and can handle things better as individuals as well as a group. The road is wide open to anyone to come up the grades and obtain them. But it is shut to any who misuse them or injure their security. Students of the Advanced Courses, the Advanced Course C/S and Supervisor, Ethics Officers and all HCO and Org staff have it in their personal interest to enforce security of materials to the limit. These restrictions apply to no data up to Grade V. From Power Processing on up the data is confidential. Up to there, you can release Scientology data as you always have -- freely and to everyone. But this last bit is dangerous in unskilled or uneducated or unscrupulous hands and it is purely ours. It belongs to the Scientologists who keep the show on the road and must be available to them when they are ready. LRH:sb.ntm.jh Copyright$c 1966, 1971, 1974 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The text of this issue was originally part of HCO PL 4 October 65, "Clearing Course Materials".] 105  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FIVE WAY BRACKET ON HELP   Remimeo Students Level I  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Students Level I FIVE WAY BRACKET ON HELP Commands How could you help me? How could I help you? How could you help another? How could another help you? How could another help another? The above commands are run consecutively as one process -- muzzled style. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LECTURE GRAPHS   Remimeo Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 NOVEMBER 1965 Issue II Remimeo Students LECTURE GRAPHS The following graphs accompany Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lecture of July 25, AD13: (1); (2); (3); (4) and (5). L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.bh Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The graphs referred to above are duplicates of those contained in HCO B 14 August 1963, Lecture Graphs, Volume V -- 339. They are not repeated here.] 106  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=7/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE REHABILITATION ERROR   Remimeo Tech Division Qual Division Qual Personnel Tech Personnel Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Qual Personnel Tech Personnel Tech Division Students Qual Division RELEASE REHABILITATION ERROR The most laughable error commonly being made in Release Rehabilitation is one in which the auditor discounts the value of his own auditing, keys out a lock in a pre-Scientology period and tells the pc he was a Release sometime before he was audited. Auditors have declared pcs released when 9 days old or in 1942 or almost any earlier time. All through non-comprehension of the phenomenon of Release. It leaves some pretty puzzled pcs too! "When you fell on your head when you were five you were a former Release because I now have a floating needle." This auditor statement betrays a lack of comprehension of the phenomenon of Release. Of course if you key out a major lock you may today get a Release State. Because the needle floats today does not mean it was floating just before the pc fell on his head at the age of 5. The pc today, with better understanding through auditing, can attain Release by keying out an Incident which made him worse than normal. His needle was not floating before he gagged on his bottle at the age of two. Blowing the lock of gagging on his bottle may now, added to his new study, the auditor's interest and the very powerful technology of just basic auditing, make him go Release. An auditor doing this is downgrading his own presence, skill and comm cycle. These, added to blowing a lock, make a Release today -- it does not make a Release years before the pc was ever audited. I've never seen a "natural floating needle" in the absence of auditing. I never expect to. People are normal, worried, neurotic or psychotic. Hobby therapy, a change of surroundings, taking up tapestry can move a person upscale toward normal. They never moved anyone up to Release. Becoming happier doesn't key out bank. It causes a person to occlude keyed-in bank -- to "forget it". Only auditing keys out bank. And an auditor doing rehabilitation, using a meter, using a comm cycle, using his knowledge of the mind is doing something that was not done before. And he makes Releases. He makes them today by keying out yesterday. He does not make them years ago. He is not auditing years ago. He is auditing today's pc today and making today's Release today. Life keys out no locks. Trillions of years of living never undid a moment of it. Come off the mystic mystic kick that one can if he lives long enough experience himself to Release or Clear. That's trap. 107 Do not unduly complicate your actions in Release Rehabilitation by misassigning the pc's period of Release. If you do he'll be confused as the datum given him is false. If you find in asking for a period of Release that you get pre- Scientology times, realize the pc has found something which if released would cause him to go Release today. You'd get the same response if you asked "What period would I have to contact to get you Released?" or "Give me a major time of key-in." Or "Give me a major time of change." Or do a Problems Intensive Assessment. Or do an ARC Break of former times assessment. You'll come up with the same date for it. Treat that period with rehab processes (or any of many other processes) and you'll get the phenomenon of Release right before your eyes. So don't be telling pcs "You were a Release before you were ever audited. I see here you were a Release just before you fell in the garbage can at two." Both statements are false. Lasting results are based on Truth alone. Do what you're doing in rehabs. Just don't make a false assertion about it. Your auditing is pretty powerful. Don't discount it. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 108  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=8/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUPPRESSIVE AND HIDDEN STANDARDS   Remimeo Tech Div Qual Div Tech Personnel Qual Personnel Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel Tech Div Students Qual Div SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDS If you find a Suppressive on a case you will also find a chronic problem. A problem is postulate-counter-postulate. When a person is faced with suppression he is facing a counter-postulate. A hidden standard is a problem a person thinks must be resolved before auditing can be seen to have worked. It's a standard by which to judge Scientology or auditing or the auditor. This hidden standard is always an old problem of long duration. It is a postulate-counter-postulate situation -- the source of the counter-postulate was suppressive to the pc. Therefore you can always find a Suppressive by finding a pc's hidden standard and following it back to when it began. You will find there a Suppressive to the pc. Similarly if you trace back the persons and groups who have been suppressive of the pc you will find a hidden standard popping into view. The datum is -- a case that betters then worsens (a "Roller Coaster Case" or a "Roller Coaster") is always connected to a suppressive person. The Roller Coaster is caused by the hidden standard going into action. "My eyesight didn't get better." Locate a present time Suppressive on the case and trace that suppressive back to others earlier and you suddenly see the pc brighten up and (apparently for no reason) state his eyesight suddenly improved. A case that betters and worsens (a Roller Coaster) is always connected to a suppressive person and will not get steady gain until the Suppressive is found on the case or the basic suppressive person earlier. Because the case doesn't get well he or she is a Potential Trouble Source. To us, to others, to himself. You can't successfully audit that pc because there is a hidden standard. It makes the pc think he is no better. Suppressives also suppress the pc just like that so long as a hidden standard is present. Find the Suppressive, make the pc handle or disconnect. Then audit the pc up to Problems Release by getting rid of the hidden standard and the basic suppressive. Never audit a pc who is a Potential Trouble Source other than on the infallible, never varied datum, a Roller Coaster is always a PTS connected to an SP. Note also that a person going clear is now a thetan with a new view of life and has new hidden standards (requiring the location of suppressives) which he had no reality on as a Man or later as a Release. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $cc 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 109  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=14/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLEARING COMMANDS   Remimeo Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 14 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Students CLEARING COMMANDS Always have a dictionary in the auditing room with you. When running a process newly or whenever the preclear is confused about the meaning of the commands, clear the commands with the preclear, using the dictionary, if necessary. It could take a long time to clear the command. The worse off the pc, the longer it takes. Example: Auditor is going to run 0-0 on the pc. Auditor reads the commands one at a time to the pc and asks the pc "What does this command mean to you?" From the pc's answer the auditor realizes that the pc has a confusion on the words "willing" and "talk". He tells the pc to look them up in a dictionary. The pc now understands "talk", but still seems slightly puzzled about "willing". Now the auditor could tell the pc to use the word "willing" in a few sentences. When the pc understands it, the auditor again gets the pc to tell him what the whole command means to him. If necessary, the auditor could get the pc to define each word of the command to be used. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE AUDITOR TO EVALUATE FOR THE PC AND TELL HIM WHAT THE WORD OR COMMAND MEANS. The worst fault is the pc using a new set of words in place of the actual word and answering the alter-ised word, not the word itself, (see HCOB 10 March 1965, "Words, Misunderstood Goofs"). LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1965 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is amended by BTB 2 May 1972R, Revised and Reissued 10 June 1974, Clearing Commands, which gives the rules of clearing commands.]  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=16/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER SENSITIVITY SETTING   Remimeo Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Students E-METER SENSITIVITY SETTING When preparing for a session, an auditor sets up his E-Meter as per E-Meter Drill #4. Rudiments are run at Sensitivity 16. Lower level processes are run at Sensitivity 16. Above Grade V sensitivity is run at 5. LRH:ml.rd Copyright $1965 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 110  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=16/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  COMMANDS FOR UPPER INDOCTRINATION TR 6, TR 7, TR 9   Remimeo Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 NOVEMBER 1965 Issue II Remimeo Students COMMANDS FOR UPPER INDOCTRINATION TR 6, TR 7, TR 9 (This HCO B cancels commands as given in Scientology Training Course Manual) The commands to be used for 8-C are: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. Touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you. The auditor points to show which wall each time. LRH:ml.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=19/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROBLEMS PROCESS   Remimeo Students LEVEL I  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Students LEVEL I PROBLEMS PROCESS This is an extremely fast process for use at Level I to handle problems. The process commands are simply: "What is the problem?" "What solutions have you had for that problem?" One gets the pc to give his problem then runs TA off solutions. Then a new statement of the problem and more questions about solutions. These commands are run in very strict muzzled style -- no additives or diversions whatsoever. LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1965 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 111  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=19/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AUDITING REPORTS   Remimeo Students SH & Academies All Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 19 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Students SH & Academies All Auditors AUDITING REPORTS An auditing report is the report of a session given, written during the session, on the session. It is not a copy of the report of a session given. Or a report drawn from notes taken on a session given. Auditing reports and worksheets should be neat as possible under the circumstances of a session. They must contain pertinent data of the session given, i.e. BDs noted, TA and time notations, etc. These should be entered on the worksheet at the time they occur. Later entries done to clarify bad writing where one was rushed or where a shorthand was done that is not clear to the D of P or Examiner, should be indicated as a later entry by using a different colored pen, etc. A made-up report, or one done later to obtain neatness or completeness by an auditor who failed to keep a good session report at the time of the session, will be disqualified as evidence of auditor ability when presented to the Examiner and chitted by the D of P when turned in by an HGC auditor. The whole idea of requiring an auditor report of a session is to have a record of the session for the D of P or Examiner, upon which to adjudicate what is going on with a PC. And a report done later is NOT a report of the session given. The Summary Report, done after the session, should be a 15-minute or so summary and should be done immediately after the session, not a day later, and should be done as per policy on Summary Reports. A Summary cannot be substituted for the actual auditing report. LRH:ep.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 112  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=24/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LEVEL IV SEARCH AND DISCOVERY Prerequisite: A Knowledge of Ethics Definitions and Purposes.   Remimeo Required for Level IV Students To Review Auditors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo Required for Level IV Students To Review Auditors LEVEL IV SEARCH AND DISCOVERY Prerequisite: A Knowledge of Ethics Definitions and Purposes. The process called Search and Discovery requires as well a good knowledge of Ethics. One must know what a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON is, what a POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is and the mechanism of how and why a case Roller Coasters and what that is. All this data exists in Ethics policy letters and should be studied well before one attempts a "Search and Discovery" or further study of this HCOB. Ethics is not merely a legal action -- it handles the whole phenomena of case worsening (Roller Coaster) after processing and without this technology an auditor easily becomes baffled and tends to plunge and squirrel. The only reason a case Roller Coasters after good standard auditing is the PTS phenomena and a Suppressive is present. THREE TYPES There are Three Types of PTS. Type One is the easy one. The SP on the case is right in present time, actively suppressing the person. Type Two is harder for the apparent Suppressive Person in present time is only a restimulator for the actual suppressive. Type Three is beyond the facilities of orgs not equipped with hospitals as these are entirely psychotic. HANDLING TYPE ONE PTS The Type One is normally handled by an Ethics Officer in the course of a hearing. The person is asked if anyone is invalidating him or his gains or Scientology and if the pc answers with a name and is then told to handle or disconnect from that person the good indicators come in promptly and the person is quite satisfied. If however there is no success in finding the SP on the case or if the person starts naming Org personnel or other unlikely persons as SP the Ethics Officer must realize that he is handling a Type Two PTS and, because the Auditing will consume time, sends the person to Tech or Qual for a Search and Discovery. It is easy to tell a Type One PTS from a Type Two. The Type One brightens up at once and ceases to Roller Coaster the moment the present time SP is spotted. The pc ceases to Roller Coaster. The pc does not go back on it and begin to beg off. The pc does not begin to worry about the consequences of disconnection. If the pc does any of these things, then the pc is a Type Two. It can be seen that Ethics handles the majority of PTSs in a fast manner. There is no trouble about it. All goes smoothly. 113 It can also be seen that Ethics cannot afford the time to handle a Type Two PTS and there is no reason the Type Two should not pay well for the Auditing. Therefore, when Ethics finds its Type One approach does not work quickly, Ethics must send the person to the proper division that is handling Search and Discovery. TYPE TWO The pc who isn't sure, won't disconnect, or still Roller Coasters, or who doesn't brighten up, can't name any SP at all, is a Type Two. Only Search and Discovery will help. SEARCH AND DISCOVERY The first thing to know is that CASE WORSENING IS CAUSED ONLY BY A PTS SITUATION. There never will be any other reason. As soon as you doubt this datum and think about "other causes" or try to explain it some other way you no longer prevent cases from worsening and no longer rescue those who have worsened. The second thing to know is that A SUPPRESSIVE IS ALWAYS A PERSON, A BEING OR A GROUP OF BEINGS. A suppressive ig not a condition, a problem, a postulate. Problems and Counter-Postulates come into the matter but the SP as a being or group must always be located as a being or a group, not as merely an idea. As the technology is close to and similar to that of a service facsimile, a poorly trained auditor can get confused between them and produce a condition he says is the cause. Persons who cannot confront and who therefore see persons as ideas not people are the ones most likely to fail in doing Search and Discovery. The third thing to know is that there can be an actual SP and another person or being similar to the actual one who is only an apparent SP. An actual SP actually suppresses another. An apparent SP only reminds the pc of the actual one and so is restimulated into being a PTS. The actual SP can be in present time (Type One PTS) or is in the past or distant (Type Two PTS). The Type Two always has an apparent SP who is not the SP on the case, is confusing the two and is acting PTS only because of restimulation, not because of suppression. Search and Discovery as a process is done exactly by the general rules of listing. One lists for persons or groups who are or have suppressed the pc. The list is complete when only one item reads on nulling and this is the item. If the item turns out to be a group, one does a second list of who or what would represent that group, gets the list long enough to leave on nulling only one item reading, and that is the SP. An incident is not a person or a group. A condition is not a person or a group. And a group is not a person, what you want is one being. 114 The E-Meter signs are unmistakable and the good indicators come in strongly when the actual SP is found. This is the entire action. It is liable to the various ills and errors of writing and nulling a list, such as overlisting, underlisting, ARC Breaking the pc by by-passing the item or getting an incomplete list. These are avoided by knowing one's business as an Auditor and being able to handle an E-Meter with skill and confidence. When one goofs on a Search and Discovery and finds the wrong actual SP the signs are the same as those where a Type Two is handled as a Type One -- not sure, no good indicators, Roller Coasters again, etc. The actual SP can be back track but it is seldom vital to go far out of PT and usual for a lifetime person to turn up. Done correctly the pc's good indicators come in at once, the pc cognites, the meter reacts very well with Blowdowns and repeated long falls, and the pc ceases to Roller Coaster. Care should be taken not to get too enthusiastic in going far back track on the pc as you run into whole track implants etc, easily handleable only at Level V. The pc can get "over whumped" if you go too far back and you'll wish you hadn't. This normally happens however, only when the pc has been ARC Broken by the Auditor, when the right item has been by-passed and the list is overlong, or when 2 or 3 items are still reading on the list (incomplete list). Locating a Service Facsimile is quite similar to Search and Discovery but they are different processes entirely. Only the doingness is similar. In Search and Discovery the end product is a being. In Service Facsimile the end product is an item or concept or idea. Don't get the two mixed. HANDLING TYPE THREE The Type Three PTS is mostly in institutions or would be. In this case the Type Two's apparent SP is spread all over the world and is often more than all the people there are for the person sometimes has ghosts about him or demons and they are just more apparent SPs but imaginary as beings as well. All institutional cases are PTSs. The whole of insanity is wrapped up in this one fact. The insane is not just a bad off being, the insane is a being who has been overwhelmed by an actual SP until too many persons are apparent SPs. This makes the person Roller Coaster continually in life. The Roller Coaster is even cyclic (repetitive as a cycle). Handling an insane person as a Type Two might work but probably not case for case. One might get enough wins on a few to make one fail completely by so many loses on the many. Just as you tell a Type Two to disconnect from the actual SP (wherever found on the track) you must disconnect the person from the environment. Putting the person in a current institution puts him in a Bedlam. And when also "treated" it may finish him. For he will Roller Coaster from any treatment given, until made into a Type Two and given a Search and Discovery. The task with a Type Three is not treatment as such. It is to provide a relatively safe environment and quiet and rest and no treatment of a mental nature at all. Giving 115 him a quiet court with a motionless object in it might do the trick if he is permitted to sit there unmolested. Medical care of a very unbrutal nature is necessary as intravenous feeding and soporifics (sleeping and quietening drugs) may be necessary, such persons are sometimes also physically ill from an illness with a known medical cure. Treatment with drugs, shock, operation is just more suppression. The person will not really get well, will relapse, etc. Standard Auditing on such a person is subject to the Roller Coaster phenomena. They get worse after getting better. "Successes" are sporadic, enough to lead one on, and usually worsen again since these people are PTS. But removed from apparent SPs, kept in a quiet surroundings, not pestered or threatened or put in fear, the person comes up to Type Two and a Search and Discovery should end the matter. But there will always be some failures as the insane sometimes withdraw into rigid unawareness as a final defense, sometimes can't be kept alive and sometimes are too hectic and distraught to ever become quiet, the extremes of too quiet and never quiet have a number of psychiatric names such as "catatonia" (withdrawn totally) and "manic" (too hectic). Classification is interesting but non-productive since they are all PTS, all will Roller Coaster and none can be trained or processed with any idea of lasting result no matter the temporary miracle. Remove a Type Three PTS from the environment, give him or her rest and quiet, do a Search and Discovery when rest and quiet have made the person Type Two. (Note: These paragraphs on the Type Three make good a promise given in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health to develop "Institutional Dianetics".) The modern mental hospital with its brutality and suppressive treatments is not the way to give a psychotic quiet and rest. Before anything effective can be done in this field a proper institution would have to be provided, offering only rest, quiet and medical assistance for intravenous feedings and sleeping draughts where necessary but not as "treatment" and where no treatment is attempted until the person looks recovered and only then a Search and Discovery as above under Type Two. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ep.cden Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 116  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=26/11/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  INFORMATION ON REHABILITATION   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 NOVEMBER 1965 Remimeo INFORMATION ON REHABILITATION The following despatch was sent to me by Len Small, Legal Officer WW: "After reading SEC ED 212SH, I have realized that in London when I was CERTS & AWARDS, we were doing something grossly wrong which was responsible to some extent for our low income and probably 'created' missed withholds and by-passed charge, by false declares. "The facts are that an old-timer would buy 5 hrs rehab and after having former release check and passed on to TECH, all the levels would be rehabbed at once using a Form 26 June. The auditor would e.g. 'suggest declare 0-IV', or '0, II-IV'. Most rehabs were done in under two hours. The pc would be declared if TA position OK, good indicators in, and pc agreeing that he had been rehabbed on those levels. "On occasion, a pc would say 'What about the release point I reached on 3M?' 'I went release on whole track processes. What does that make me?' "If they knew how rehabs were done here at SH, and followed procedure, it would be a great boost to their statistic. "I suggest that an HCOB stating explicitly how Rehabs must be done and declared will put stable data on line. "From my own personal experience as a preclear, if a level has been left un-rehabilitated, the mass on that level tends to key in and make life uncomfortable. It was only when the auditor started listing the processes I had been run on that I really felt good and that I was getting somewhere. "If all release points obtained in past processing were rehabbed, pcs would be a lot happier and less likely to key in subsequently." L. RON HUBBARD LRH:neg.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [SEC ED 212 SH, Rehab Scheduling, which was written by L. Ron Hubbard, stated that a pc was rehabbed on only one level at a time.] [HCO B 30 November 1965, Library Record of Levels, is a 31-page mimeo that simply lists training materials divided into the subjects of Levels 0-IV and Instruction Technology. The only text is at the beginning which says: "This is a complete list of all HCO Bulletins and books containing the materials as per The Auditor 10 Gradation Chart applying to each training level. "While not all these are to be issued to students, they give the total of available materials. "Tapes will be issued as a separate list."] 117  Len Small L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=1/12/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CCHs  Type = 11 iDate=5/7/63 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo All Students St Hill Courses All Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 DECEMBER 1965 Remimeo All Students St Hill Courses All Staff CCHs (Replaces HCO Bulletin of July 5th, 1963, "CCHs Rewritten") As per HCO Pol Ltr May 17th, 65, the CCHs are processes. They are not drills. The following revised rundown on the CCHs is to be used by all Auditors. CONTROL-COMMUNICATION-HAVINGNESS PROCESSES The following rundown of CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4 has been slightly amended. CCHs are run as follows: CCH 1 to a flat point then CCH 2 to a flat point then CCH 3 to a flat point then CCH 4 to a flat point then CCH 1 to a flat point, etc. No: CCH 1. NAME: GIVE ME THAT HAND. Tone 40. AUDITING COMMANDS: GIVE ME THAT HAND. Physical action of taking hand when not given and then replacing it in the PC's lap. Making physical contact with the PC's hand if PC resists. THANK YOU ending each cycle. All Tone 40 with clear intention, one command in one unit of time. Take up each new physical change manifested as though it were an origin by the PC, when it happens, and querying it by asking "What's happening?" This two-way comm is not Tone 40. Run only on the right hand. AUDITING POSITION: Auditor and PC seated in chairs without arms. Auditor's knees on outside of both PC's knees. PROCESS PURPOSE: To demonstrate to PC that control of PC's body is possible, despite revolt of circuits, and inviting PC to directly control it. Absolute control by auditor then passes over towards absolute control of his own body by PC. Never stop process until a flat place is reached. Freezes may be introduced at end of cycle, this being after the THANK YOU and before the next command, maintaining a solid comm line, to ascertain information from the PC or to bridge from the process. This is done between two commands, holding the PC's hand after acknowledgement. PC's hand should be clasped with exactly correct pressure. Make every command and cycle separate. Maintain Tone 40, stress on intention from Auditor to PC with each command. To leave an instant for PC to do it by own will before Auditor decides to take hand or make contact with it. Auditor indicates hand by nod of head. Tone 40 Command = Intention without reservation. Change is any physical, observed manifestation. 118 No: CCH 2. NAME: TONE 40 8c AUDITING COMMANDS: YOU LOOK AT THAT WALL. THANK YOU. YOU WALK OVER TO THAT WALL. THANK YOU. YOU TOUCH THAT WALL. THANK YOU. TURN AROUND. THANK YOU. Take up each new physical change manifested as though it were an origin by the PC, when it happens, and querying it by asking "What's happening?" This two- way comm is not Tone 40. Commands smoothly enforced physically when necessary. Tone 40, full intention. AUDITING POSITION: Auditor and PC ambulant, Auditor in physical contact with PC as needed. PROCESS PURPOSE: To demonstrate to PC that his body can be controlled and thus inviting him to control it. To orient him in his present time Environment. To increase his ability to duplicate and thusly increase his Havingness. Absolute Auditor precision. No drops from Tone 40. No flubs. Total present time. Auditor on PC's right side. Auditor body acts as block to forward motion when PC turns. Auditor gives command, gives PC a moment to obey, then enforces command with physical contact of exactly correct force to get command executed. Auditor does not block PC from executing commands. Method of introduction as in CCH 1. Freezes may be introduced at the end of cycle, this being after the THANK YOU and before the next command, maintaining a solid comm line, to ascertain information from the PC or to bridge from the process, this being the acknowledgement "THANK YOU" after the command "TURN AROUND". CCH 1 and CCH 2 were developed by L. RON HUBBARD in Washington, D.C., in 1957 for the 19th ACC. No: CCH 3. NAME: HAND SPACE MIMICRY AUDITING COMMANDS: Auditor raises 2 hands palms facing PC's about an equal distance between the Auditor and PC and says "PUT YOUR HANDS AGAINST MINE, FOLLOW THEM AND CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION". He then makes a simple motion with right hand then left. "DID YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION?" Acknowledge answer. Auditor allows PC to break solid comm line. When this is flat, the Auditor does this same with a half inch of space between his and the PC's palms. The command being "PUT YOUR HANDS FACING MINE ABOUT 1/2 INCH AWAY, FOLLOW THEM AND CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION". "DID YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION?" Acknowledge. When this is flat, Auditor does it with a wider space and so on until PC is able to follow motions a yard away. AUDITING POSITION: Auditor and PC seated, close together facing each other, PC's knees between Auditor's knees. PROCESS PURPOSE: To develop reality on the auditor using the reality scale (solid communication line). To get PC into communication by control and duplication. To find Auditor. Auditor should be gentle and accurate in his motions, all motions being Tone 40, giving PC wins. To be free in 2-way communication. Process is introduced and run as a formal process. If PC dopes off in this process Auditor may take PC's wrist and help him execute the command one hand at a time. If PC does not answer during anaten to 119 question "DID YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR MOTION?" Auditor may wait for normal comm lag of that PC, acknowledge and continue process. TONE 40 Motion = Intention without Reservation. Two-Way Communication = One Question -- The Right One. HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., 1956 as a therapeutic version of Dummy Hand Mimicry. Something was needed to supplant "Look at me. Who am I?" and "Find the auditor" part of rudiments. No: CCH 4. NAME: BOOK MIMICRY AUDITING COMMANDS.: THERE ARE NO SET VERBAL COMMANDS. Auditor makes simple motions with a book. Hands book to the PC. PC makes motion, duplicating Auditor's mirror-image-wise. Auditor asks PC if he is satisfied that the PC duplicated the motion. If PC is and Auditor is also fully satisfied, Auditor takes back the book and goes to next command. If PC is not sure that he duplicated any command, Auditor repeats it for him and gives him back the book. If PC is sure he did and Auditor can see duplication is pretty wrong, Auditor accepts PC's answer and continues on a gradient scale of motion either with the left or right hand till PC can do original command correctly. This ensures no invalidation of the PC. Tone 40, only in motions, verbal 2-way quite free. AUDITING POSITION: Auditor and PC seated facing each other, a comfortable distance apart. PROCESS PURPOSE: To bring up PC's communication with control and duplication (control and duplication = communication). Give PC wins. It is necessary for Auditor to duplicate his own commands. Circular motions are more complex than straight lines. Tolerance of plus or minus randomity is apparent here and the Auditor should probably begin on the PC with motions that begin in the same place each time end are neither very fast nor very slow, nor very complex. Introduced by the Auditor seeing that PC understands what is to be done, as there is no verbal command, formal process. HISTORY: Developed by LRH for the 16th ACC in Washington, D.C., 1957. Based on duplication. Developed by LRH in London, 1952. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ep.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 120  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=6/12/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LOW TA CASES   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 DECEMBER 1965 Remimeo LOW TA CASES Low TA Cases (who go below 2.0) will not react to any processing but Power Processing. The last power process is all that has ever been known to improve the low TA case. Don't be optimistic if a case is found to go below 2.0, the ONLY remedy I have ever known is Power Processing flattened. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ep.bh Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 121  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=10/12/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  E-METER DRILL COACHING   Remimeo Tech Division Academy Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 DECEMBER 1965 Remimeo Academy Tech Division Students E-METER DRILL COACHING The following was submitted by Malcolm Cheminais, Supervisor on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Here are some observations I have made on the coaching of E-Meter drills, which I feel could be of use: 1. The coach's needle is dirty. The student's out comm cycle has cut his comm in some way, but PRIOR to that the coach failed to flunk the part of the comm cycle that went out. Correct flunking by coaches equals students with no dirty needles. 2. If a coach's TA starts climbing on a drill and the needle gets sticky, it means that the student's comm cycle has dispersed him and pushed him out of PT. The coach is either (1) not flunking at all (2) flunking the incorrect thing. 3. The correct flunking by the coach of an out comm cycle, which has dispersed him and pushed his TA up, will always result in a TA blowdown. If there is no blowdown, the coach has flunked the wrong thing. 4. Needle not responding well and sensitively on assessment drills, although the needle clean. Coach has failed to flunk TR 1 (or TR 0) for lack of impingement and reach. 5. Coach reaching forward and leaning on the table, means TR 1 is out with the student. 6. Student asking coach for considerations to get TA down, but TA climbing on the considerations -- the coach is cleaning a clean, instead of flunking the out comm cycle, which occurred earlier and pushed his TA up. 7. Student getting coach's considerations off to clean the needle, but needle remaining dirty -- student is cutting the coach's comm while getting the considerations off and the coach is not picking this up. 8. Students shouting or talking very loudly on assessment drills to try and get the Meter to read by overwhelm. The reason for this is invariably -- "but I'm assessing the bank!" They haven't realized that banks don't read, only thetans impinged upon by the bank -- therefore the TR 1 must be addressed to the thetan. The meter responding proportionately to the amount of ARC in the Session. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:emp.rd Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [For use on the HDG, this HCO B has been revised by HCO B 27 January 1970, E- Meter Drill Coaching.] 122  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/12/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  VITAMINS   Remimeo Solo Audit Course Clearing Course Saint Hill Pcs Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 DECEMBER 1965 Remimeo Solo Audit Course Clearing Course Saint Hill Pcs Franchise VITAMINS I have found that 600 milligrams of Vitamin E (minimum) per day assists Scientology processing very markedly. Data on Vitamin E applied to other fields is available from Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd, 14 Ronson Drive, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada. An excellent popular book on Vitamin E in its various uses is available from booksellers. It is Your Key to a Healthy Heart: The suppressed record of Vitamin E by Herbert Bailey, published by the Shilton Company, Philadelphia. The Shute Foundation for Medical Research, London, Ontario, Canada, pioneered the subject and will give general advice. In Johannesburg due to high altitude, no pc may be processed who is not taking at least 600 mg per day of Vitamin E. The apparent action of this Vitamin is to oxygenate the blood and inhibit the body from pulling in mental messages due to oxygen-energy starvation. In areas where it is against the law to recommend vitamins this HCO B does not apply. Vitamin E, according to Bailey, is suppressed because it cures heart disease which furnishes 50% of the revenue of the U.S. medical doctor. I read the book by Bailey and did some experimental work with Vitamin E with interesting success. Webber Pharmaceuticals has airmailed me further literature. It is useless, I believe, to take less than 600 mg per day and lesser doses have little or no reaction on processing. One has to take it for two or three days before it begins to have any effect. The most direct result is quite measurable on an E-Meter. Reads of the needle become longer. Tone Arm action increases. It works by itself but is best taken with an old-time "Guk Bomb". The formula of the "bomb" is variable but is basically 100 mg of Vitamin B1, 15 gr of calcium, 500 mg of Vitamin C. If you add 100 mg of old-time nicotinic acid (not niacinamide) and take it daily it becomes "Dianazene" for radiation prevention. Don't include nicotinic acid in the formula with Vitamin E unless you are trying to get rid of radiation or radiation sickness. The nicotinic acid is not necessary to smoother processing and will not assist it. 100 mg of Vitamin B1 lasts for only 47 minutes so far as processing is concerned. But it helps in general tone. Vitamin E does not have a quick reaction so far as processing is concerned, one merely takes it and as the days go by processing is easier to do. It doesn't wear out in a session, but you have to keep on taking it daily. 600 mg is the minimum. There is no maximum but some heart cases take up to 1,250. Shutes in treatment of disease recommend 400-600 mg per day for the average sized woman and 600-800 mg per day for the average sized male. It doesn't seem to matter to processing whether the Vitamin E is "Alpha Tocopherol", synthetic or what. Just any Vitamin E apparently works. Vitamin E assists a great many ills including diabetes and may have some effect on many others. It, even with "Guk", will not by itself release or clear anyone. When dosage is discontinued what it "cured" might relapse. But while it is being taken one feels fine and there's no reason to stop taking it. 123 To get the best results one should probably take 600 mg and a Guk bomb each day, preferably after eating. One person in a million is said to get an adverse "side effect" from taking Vitamin E but it is not fatal and this may not even be true. The "side effect" is said to be temporarily raised blood pressure. If anyone makes this up into a single tablet be sure that the tablet is not pressed so hard that it won't dissolve easily in the stomach. Dianazene (for radiation) fails utterly when all ingredients are pressed together into one tablet. Vitamin E is generally available but sometimes has to be specially ordered. It is useless to buy it in less than 100 mg tablets. Preferably 200 mg tablets of it should be bought. However it is bought, just be sure there's enough of it (300 to 600 mg). Small quantities don't produce any effect at all, which is why the medicos earlier missed its value. Anyone's auditing can benefit from it but at Levels VI and VII it becomes quite vital. Oxygen causes the body to attract mental image pictures less. Carbon dioxide pulls mental images hard in on the body. Vitamin E, oxygenating the body, acts mentally like taking oxygen. The body can go longer on less oxygen and becomes less exhausted when taking Vitamin E in sufficient quantity. The body is of course a carbon-oxygen engine running at a temperature of 98.6 degrees F. There is possibly less oxygen in Earth's atmosphere than there was and the body runs better when it can better utilize what oxygen there is. Vitamin E assists it to do this and so it doesn't pull in mental masses. At least that's the theory I've been able to work out to account for the observed increase in E-Meter action in the preclear who is daily taking sufficient Vitamin E. When the vitamin is no longer administered, in about 24 hours the preclear begins to run less easily (same as before Vitamin E plus any auditing gain) and the needle read size returns to what it was before Vitamin E was used. When Vitamin E is again daily administered, in two days, meter behavior improves again. I have not had time to do many series but the observational data is so marked that it's like proving stones are solid. One doesn't feel like repeating the experiment endlessly -- it is so obvious. A mental subject addressed reads longer (more reads) in the presence of Vitamin E than in its absence but clears more thoroughly, leaving less mental mass. I only insist that persons in England on the Level VI and VII Courses should use Vitamin E and that Saint Hill preclears for Grade V be put on it and only forbid pcs to be processed without it in high altitude Johannesburg. The cost of it is the pc's. No org is to supply it. Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd can probably direct one to better supplies or brands of it. We are not in the Vitamin business or even in the health business. Anyone else using it in processing does so at his or her own choice. This HCO B is a release of scientific data. Vitamins are food. They are not drugs. Processing under drugs is very bad. Some vitamins, however, help. And Vitamin E is a wonder. LRH:ml.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 124  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=19/1/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DANGER CONDITIONS TECHNICAL DATA FOR REVIEW AUDITORS   Review Auditors Level III Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1966 Review Auditors Level III Students DANGER CONDITIONS TECHNICAL DATA FOR REVIEW AUDITORS To cure a disagreement one can: 1. Locate disagreements on certain subjects by listing a question such as "On ....... what do you disagree with?" and locating the item with assessment and blowing it by inspection (itsa). 2. Locate former similar subjects the person disagreed with. 3. Locate things on the subject the person has not understood and get them clarified. 4. Locate earlier similar subjects the person has not understood and get them clarified. IMPORTANT -- if a person's attitude does not change after doing one of the above, do another or find another item using same process (listed above) as before. A whole case will fall apart this way. Compulsive by-passing can be handled by: 1. Doing disagreements as above. 2. Doing misunderstoods as above. 3. Finding persons similar to the person being by-passed, using standard listing and assessing as in all these. 4. Flattening a question "Who shouldn't be ignored?" (Don't run "Who has by-passed you?" or "Who should be ignored?" as these are out-of-ARC processes.) Ordinary Comm processes also help of course and a good Grade 0 release helps. Higher Release Grades help. And Clearing, naturally takes care of the lot of course. There is direct co-ordination between the state of a case (state of meter also) and the ability to follow a command line. The worse off the case (or meter) the less the person can follow a comm line. A person with a very high or very low TA and/or a stuck needle or an ARC Broke needle (floats but never responds and lots of bad indicators) should not only never be an executive but also will raise havoc in an org. It is a standard review action in an org to handle such cases sent to Review by reason of having been pert of Danger Condition assignments. In such cases, aside from usual Review actions, the above should be done. LRH:ml.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is modified by BTB 22 March 1972R, Revised 12 July 1973, Reissued 6 July 1974, Disagreement Remedy.] 126  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=21/1/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SEARCH AND DISCOVERY (ETHICS TYPE CASES, PTSs) S & D ERRORS (Handling PTSs with S & D)   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JANUARY 1966 Remimeo SEARCH AND DISCOVERY (ETHICS TYPE CASES, PTSs) S & D ERRORS (Handling PTSs with S & D) When you have a failed Search and Discovery, the following are incorrect or have been omitted: 1. Incorrect item (errors in lighting or assessment, over or under listing, bad metering, poor question). 2. Person has not actually been made to disconnect from the SP by declaration in writing. 3. It was really an ARC Break, not an SP and ARC Breaks should have been looked for instead of SPs. 4. The SP found was refused by the Auditor or Ethics. The golden rule of S & D also applies -- if it isn't the correct person or group that was "found" the good indicators won't come in. So any incorrectly done S & D (as above) will not result in a pc bright- eyed and bushy tailed. All S & Ds correctly done on a pc that is PTS result in remarkable recoveries magical to see. So don't blame S & D if it "fails". Blame the lack of skill in using it and the person who ordered it or did it should be retrained. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 127  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=28/1/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SEARCH AND DISCOVERY DATA HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONE   Remimeo LEVEL IV Tech Hats Qual Hats All Students Level IV and above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 JANUARY 1966 Remimeo Tech Hats Qual Hats (Edited from a taped Conference with All Students Level IV and above Saint Hill Tech and Qual Personnel -- 20 Dec 1965) LEVEL IV SEARCH AND DISCOVERY DATA HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONE Search and Discovery is being made and auditors are finding on one person and another "Myself". Well, just amongst us girls, of course, you are going to find it. One of the best reasons you are going to find it is that it is part of the R6 bank. The other reason you are going to find it is that after a person is totally overwhelmed by a Suppressive he assumes the valence of the Suppressive. And a person you would find that on has actually been pretty suppressive. What you're doing is, you are pushing S & D to a point where you are clearing suppression. It wasn't intended to go that far. If you were to ask the listing question however, "Name 'Myself'" or "Give 'Myself' a name", you would then get the Suppressive. But this is getting very adventurous, because it is part of the R6 bank. It is getting very adventurous to do anything about it. We seem to be happy about having "Myself". I would just let them go right on being happy about it. With skill you probably could bring out the identity of this person whose valence had come over them. It would all depend on the auditor who is doing it. If I were doing if, I'd go ahead and break it down. But not a Class III auditor who is not sure what he is going up against, who is repeating the word several times, repeating the question, trying to check it to make sure the listing question is clean. Don't you see, you are never going to get that listing question clean. That I assure you. That question can't be listed out. That is the mechanism of suppression overwhelming a person. Oddly enough you will only find it on persons who are suppressive and of course you've walked into the real mechanism of how does a Suppressive become a Suppressive? He becomes a Suppressive by taking over the valence of a Suppressive. Then when you list it out you get "Myself' and this is compounded by the fact that it's part of the R6 bank So you don't dare do much with it but it will let a bunch of steam off the case. With some very, very, very, very upstage auditing, very careful indeed, give them the auditing question once, then say, "Go on and answer the question" but never repeat it, never check the thing to find out if it's a clean list -- you probably would get at least one recent SP out of that combination. How we do that at that stage when I've not worked with it technically I would not be able to tell you, but I just know that it would be very risky. It makes me feel like maybe I shouldn't do anything about it at all because it's too risky, but I can see somebody getting messed up. THE MAIN TROUBLE IN S & D Your main trouble in S & D is much worse than that -- it is simply an inability to assess. And auditors since time immemorial have had trouble assessing. They have two troubles in assessing. They underlist and they overlist. It's almost an accident that an 128 auditor ever lists the right lists the right way. I'm not saying that sarcastically but it has been my experience in teaching auditors to assess that they have two faults, they underlist and they overlist. If they do either one of these things, they are going to ARC Break the pc and then the list isn't going to be nullable because the pc is not responding to the auditor's voice as well, and it quite often was the first one on the list which is where they never looked. More fundamental than that is simply the problem of reading an E-Meter. Those technical facts are in the road of S & D. ASSESSING AN S & D Actually an auditor who can assess can pass off an S & D so fast it would be like dealing cards done by a Monte Carlo Vingt-et-Un player; he could just roll them off left, right and centre. There's no real trouble in it. It's a very fast action. It all depends on how much you want to keep the pc under tension in the action, because an assessment isn't auditing to begin with. You would start Session with, "Sit down, I'm going to assess you now. Do you have some answers to this question. Brr. Brr. Brr." And the pc says, "I want to tell you about ....... " "All right, good, I'm glad you're going to tell me about that but right now I want some answers to this question." See? Then "brrrrr" on down and then you'll notice your needle relax. Then you say, "All right, now I'm going through this list." Ratatat, etc. "That's it, all right. Thanks very much." Pc cognites 10 minutes. Pc cognites and the Meter blows up and good indicators come in, and you've done an S & D. These is nothing more complicated than that. You've got auditors who were trying to do an S & D in a session. You got them that are afraid the pc has already given it on the list. You got them that haven't learned how the Meter reacts when you've got a complete list. (A Meter just falls flat when you've got a complete list. The needle goes clean.) And you've got them that aren't sure that they've got any SP, and they just didn't see that the Meter did a surge on one of them. Then you get somebody who has overlisted and he's just ploughed the guy in, so he can't assess it back easily. Then you get the fellow who had four of them fall. Certainly if you've got four falling there's two things that can be wrong at this point which makes it very difficult to run back. In one you have passed it. It's above the four which are falling. You've missed it, and the pc is simply discharging on it. And actually you can ask the pc which one was it and he'll say, "Well, it was Joe, of course." That's above the four. Practically every one after the right one will read, because it's actually blowing down all the time. He's no longer paying any attention to the auditor. Then the other thing is you just haven't completed the list. You have to make an opinion as to whether or not you've overlisted or underlisted. You can also pick up a dirty needle and an ARC Broken pc or protesty pc if you've gone by the right one. Here are the evils of listing, and here are the evils of assessment showing up on S & D. They are simply auditor goofs -- it's just lack of experience on the part of the auditor and lack of understanding of what he's supposed to be doing. But an auditor who can really assess can knock these things off. I'd spot what auditors can assess reliably, and I'd give them specialized jobs of that character that require listing. This is a very, very highly skilled action. You save a lot of time by pulling such an auditor back into specialty. REVIEW ACTION In Review you have to do it sometimes when it's been done. So you have the additional answer of "How do you patch up an assessment that's already been goofed?" And "Where is the list that was lost?" You've got the problem of the list that 129 was completed out of session. "And I got home and was lying in bed ....... " and so forth. So in Review you always assume the pc continued the list after the session. If the pc is there as a flat ball bearing, you just automatically assume the pc thought of it afterwards or something. It isn't that the Tech auditor always got it. I'll give you a tip in Qual. If you assume automatically that standard technology has not been applied, as your first gambit, in anybody that you're putting back together again, you'll about 99% be right. Somehow or other it slipped by in Tech. It slipped by. Somebody thought he did it. Somebody thought it was on the report. And therefore it looked like it didn't work or something. Something was there. And in all of my D of Ping I have not found it possible to detect all departures from tech by auditors. I've never been able to bat 1000 on that. Naturally, it's nearly impossible. Technically, what you have to do doesn't mean that you have to invent technology because there are very standard answers to all these things. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 130  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 51 iDate=0/2/66 Volnum=13 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Psychotics    CERTAINTY Vol. 13 No. 2 [February, 1966] Official Periodical of SCIENTOLOGY in the British Isles Psychotics L. Ron Hubbard In a footnote early in the book DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH I promised to publish material someday on the subject of institutional psychosis. Recently I was fortunate enough to make a breakthrough on this subject. I had supposed that it would be necessary to undertake a considerable amount of research work in institutions to complete that which I began go many years ago. Researching recently on the reasons cases worsen after they become better, the answer tumbled out all unexpectedly and shed an entirely new light on the whole subject of insanity. We are confronted in our modern society with a growing statistic for insanity. The number of psychotics is increasing, apparently, faster than the population growth. This could mean many things. It could mean that the psychiatrist was inept in applying what he knew, it could mean that there were insufficient numbers of psychiatrists, as they state, or it could mean, as they tell the legislators, that insufficient funds are being appropriated for the handling of psychosis. But the answer is apparently none of these. If one wished to halt an epidemic it would be necessary to isolate the germ or virus which was causing it. This has become accepted procedure in the field of public health and is intensely effective. However, scientific methodology has never really been appleed to the field of psychosis. It is such a frantic and desperate field that anyone associated with it has little time for careful consideration. The patients are in such dangerous condition, their families and friends are so desperate, that no-one could be expected to look for the actual cause of the situation. Thus the true facts concerning psychosis have been masked. If you want to know why people are having trouble with something it is a good thing to look at the something. There you will find that things have not been defined. There is no true, acceptable definition of psychosis. The root word "PSYCH" refers only to a being or soul and the "OSIS" could loosely be defined as "the condition of". Therefore, in actual fact, it is not much of a word and if we look it up in the larger dictionaries we will find some long, complex dissertation or a sweeping generality which, frankly, would never be accepted in the physical sciences as a definition for anything, reflecting as it does wholly opinion. The word "psychosis" is not, however, completely inept as it at least indicates that it is something about a spirit or soul or its qualify of animation. 131 Thus we can suspect, if the thing has never adequately been defined, that a great many misconceptions exist concerning it and furthermore, it would seem pretty obvious that if man had not defined what it was then he was very far from being able to identify the source of it. We all have some idea of what we mean when we say "insane" or "crazy" or "nutty" but half the time we only mean that we don't agree with the action. Things which are unreasonable to us or not understood we commonly refer to as "insane" or "crazy" or "nutty". Thus man does not make a differentiation between what he disagrees with and an actual deteriorated mental state dangerous to the society and the individual. So the first thing we can know about Psychosis is that it is becoming more widespread for two reasons: 1. Man has not adequately or workably defined it, and 2. The true source of it has not been identified. There follows, naturally, a third fact that it has not been cured, quite obviously, because it is getting worse. The whole subject has been so wrapped up in untested opinion that the ordinary scientist has found it quite unapproachable. The whole field bristles with authoritarian differences of view and bitter arguments. The number of types of "psychoses" which have been listed over the years have become so great that classification has become relatively meaningless. Further, the names given mean different things to different schools of psychiatry. Examining this sea of turmoil, human misery, mistreatment and failure, one would not ordinarily expect to find any ready solution. If one intended to find a solution, one could have expected to search for some years amongst the institutional population observing and taking notes until at last one had identified some common denominator of the illness which might lead to relief. The orderly mind of a research scientist would, however, begin to take the problem itself apart on the basis of excluding those things which had not led to a ready solution, and the fact I am about to give you here should have been realized a long time ago. Psychosis has not been solved because it has been studied in the wrong place. This is the first observation which might lead to a resolution of the problem. The source of psychosis is rarely to be found in the artificial atmosphere of an institution, therefore the problem was not earlier solved. After all, it didn't occur in the institution. The person was sent there after it occurred. So the source of psychosis is obviously outside institutions. Further, a psychotic patient is seldom able to discuss accurately his life outside, so the institution would only give one evidence on the results of the source of psychosis; the source would be elsewhere. The true psychotic is not always found in an institution. Behind those grey walls you mainly discover his victims. The true psychotic is one who causes hysteria, apathy, misconceptions and the reactions of stress in others. That is the identity of the being that is the source of psychosis. He is, by and large, rather unconfrontable as a being, talking in the widest generalities, and sounds quite sane unless you listen to him closely. Then it will be found that the reasons he gives do not quite make sense, but are all directed toward the necessity 132 of smashing or brutalizing anyone and everyone or selected groups, or material objects. The actual psychotic is covertly or overtly destructive of anything the rest of us consider good or decent or worthwhile. Sometimes such a being is "successful" in life, but the end result of his activities are what you would expect -- total smash. Some notable examples were Hitler and Napoleon. Not even historians are quite brave enough to state that these two beings were totally, completely and incomprehensibly separated from reality and acted without good cause, season or justification other than an obsession to destroy, ruin and bring misery to millions. How Napoleon, for instance, justified beginning an attack on Russia too late in the year for his troops to operate there at all is very hard to see. Why Hitler had to destroy the Jewish people in Germany as a "necessary act in prosecuting his war against the world outside of Germany" has no other answer other than madness. The true psychotic brings about an hysterical, apathetic, or deranged mental condition in others. He or she does it for "many good reasons", does it for no reason at all, or doesn't even notice that he is doing it. The true psychotic worships destruction and abhors reasonable, decent or helpful actions. Although history affords us innumerable examples, they are so common in the society around us that one does not have to go into a study of mass murderers to find them. The phenomenon is by no means rare and at the absolute minimum is 2 1/2% of the population. This individual fills the institutions with victims, the hospitals with the sick and the graveyards with the dead. The statistics of psychosis are not going to lessen in the society until this type of personality is completely isolated and understood. The first problem one confronts in identifying the true psychotic is that anyone detecting in himself, or herself, some destructive urge is likely to believe that he or she is psychotic. This is definitely not the case. One of the primary characteristics of the true psychotic is a total lack of introspection, a total irresponsibility to the pain or suffering of others, coupled with a logic which explains it all away but uses reasons which are not sensible to any of the rest of us. An actual psychotic never for a moment suspects his madness. You and I have often wondered about our own sanity, particularly since nobody could define it, but a psychotic never does. Further, he would not help his fellow man if his own life depended upon it -- he would rather perish. This being is difficult to spot because he does not, ordinarily, fling himself about and make scenes. He is often entirely emotionless, completely cold-blooded and apparently perfectly controlled. The control, however, is only apparent, as this being is in the grip of a force far more powerful than himself and is a thoroughly controlled being. He or she must destroy and must not help or assist in any way. Such a case is almost impossible to treat even when identified. They do not easily respond to therapy since their level of responsibility is too low to experience even hope or despair about themselves. Thus they never assist anyone seeking to help them, and indeed are far more likely to turn on any benefactor than to permit assistance by them. 133 Therefore, under the subject of psychosis, we have the actual psychotic and the victims of the psychotic. As long as we only studied the symptoms of the victims we could not discover the source of their difficulty. Any theory is only as good as it can be proven or as it works. Theories are not good because they are appealing or because they are uttered by a famous name, but are only good if they are useful. The question is -- do they lead to a resolution of the problem? Therefore, does the theory that the psychotic is ordinarily not in the institution and that the institution contains mainly his victims open the door to a solution of psychosis? One could be charged with "oversimplification", or "total ignorance of the subject", or "lack of experience", but none of this would alter the fact that a solution which worked was the true solution to the problem. I never promised to resolve the whole field of psychosis. I was only interested in institutional psychosis, for I do not think that an actual psychotic, by the above definitions, is likely to be salvaged even if one were able to apply the solution to his case. There are several reasons for this. The first and foremost is that he wouldn't sit still or stand still long enough. Another is that he isn't likely to be caught very easily and the third and most powerful is that he usually cannot be persuaded to forego his destructive actions long enough to receive any benefit from treatment. Another reason is that when people are able to identify him, they do not wish to help him. With those reservations the actual psychotic probably could be handled so far as technical actions are concerned, but these need to be applied before they can hope to work and the application of them in this particular case is prevented by nearly insurmountable difficulties of non-cooperation, disdain, contempt and a total lack of desire on the part of the actual psychotic to salvage himself. Last and not least, any true psychotic can be counted upon to attack or attempt to destroy Scientology groups or activities as these help people. The source of such attacks traces back usually to pretty dangerous psychotics who aren't in institutions or even suspected, some in public places where not only Scientology groups suffer from their actions. Thus it isn't likely that Scientologists will do much to help cure them even if Scientology was in the business, which it is not. It is easy to handle a large number of those persons who are the victims of actual psychotics. These are found in a majority in institutions as well as other places. Once again one has the problem of accessibility and communication but with those limitations institutional psychotics can be helped. As I have said, the proof of any theory is its workability and it will take a considerable number of case histories to display the success of the observations. But if a person were sick from a certain germ and one knew what that germ was and one killed that germ and then that person became well, one would have to conclude that he had located the source of the illness. The total indicated therapy cure for an institutional psychotic who is, after all, only the victim of an actual psychotic is to locate the actual psychotic in that person's life. There is a very magic response to this action. The technology now exists. It is called "Search and Discovery". 134 It is commonly observed that whole families will exhibit psychotic tendencies. This is too great a generality. in such a case it should be stated "the whole family except one" exhibit very obvious traces of insanity. The actual psychotic is most probably that one. This person is continually performing acts, often hidden, atrocious in nature, which destroy the confidence and reality of those about him. The others exhibit the hysteria or apathy commonly associated with the illness Psychosis. They never once locate, until it is done for them, the actual source of their obsessions and confusions. Whether or not a victim exhibits one or another symptom depends largely upon what has been done to the person. To catalogue these is not easy and indeed is not helpful. In each of the cases it is only necessary to find the source of menace (an actual psychotic) which has made them as they are. I have not tried to give you this as a learned paper. It is rather a discussion of a subject into which man has made almost no inroad. Today a Class III Auditor could expect some success in the field of institutional Psychosis providing they were well trained, and we permitted him to practice in that field. Today in institutions the treatment of the psychotic differs from that administered in Bedlam centuries past in that today they have cleaner beds. Otherwise there is no real change. instead of whips, they use electricity; instead of chains they use brain surgery to incapacitate the person. A great deal could be done in the field of Institutional Psychosis and being able to isolate the germ in the society which causes Psychosis is only a small step in the direction of lessening the degree of psychosis in the society but it is at least a step in a definite direction. And if this leaves you wondering whether or not you are insane, all you have to do is ask yourself the questions: 1. Have I ever helped anybody or wanted to? 2. Am I violently opposed to those who help others? If you can answer "Yes" to 1 and "No" to 2 there is no slightest doubt about your sanity. You are quite sane and those times in your life when you have wondered about your own wits you were only in connection with an actual psychotic somewhere in your environment. The actual psychotic sometimes climbs to high places in the society, as witness Napoleon and Hitler. But even so he can be identified. Those who advocate violent measures as the only means of solving problems -- such as advocating war -- those who are violently opposed to organizations which help others are easily identified. And in the smaller world when you see a cold, indifferent smile to the agony of another, you have seen an actual psychotic. We do not consider psychosis a field of practice in Scientology and Scientology was not researched or designed as a cure for psychosis or "substitute for psychiatry". But in the course of research, I have discovered these things and found them to be workable. I trust they may be of some use to you who, who knows, may someday become involved with an actual psychotic or his victim and need the data. 135  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  S AND D WARNING   Remimeo Level III Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff Level III Franchise S AND D WARNING Search and Discovery, done incorrectly (incorrect SP found) can make a preclear ill within a week or two after. Assessment is a very proper skill. There is a great deal written on it and many tapes. The common errors of assessment (aside from the usual Gross Auditing Errors) are: 1. Too short a list 2. Too long a list 3. Clumsy or improper meter handling 4. List getting suppressed 5. Item getting invalidated 6. Pc being allowed too much Itsa 7. Pc getting ARC Broken by under or over-listing 8. Auditor not letting the pc have his item 9. Whole list going live because the item was by-passed earlier on the list 10. Auditor not looking for good and bad indicators to see if he was correct in his assessment. When the right SP is found the good indicators flood in and the pc does not cave in in 36 to 72 hours. The bug in S & D is that one can almost get the right item. An item can be found that is nearly the right one. If the nearly right one is accepted the pc will be doubtfully more cheerful and may insist this is it. The pc however is still not quite sure. Inevitably that is the sign of a nearly right item. The real reaction to the correct person is an "Of Course!" no doubt about it reaction. It is the action of nearly finding the right one that may make the pc ill in the next few days or a week. One has restimulated the by-passed charge of the right one without finding it. Remember that the real Suppressive Person (SP) was the one that wove a dangerous environment around the pc. To find that person is to open up the pc's present time perception or space. It's like pulling a wrapping of wool off the pc. The SP persuaded or caused the pc to believe the environment was dangerous and that it was always dangerous and so made the pc pull in and occupy less space and reach less. When the SP is really located and indicated the pc feels this impulse not to reach diminish and so his space opens up. 136 The difference between a safe environment and a dangerous environment is only that a person is willing to reach and expand in a safe environment and reaches less and contracts in a dangerous environment. An SP wants the other person to reach less. Sometimes this is done by forcing the person to reach into danger and get hurt so that the person will thereafter reach less. The SP wants smaller, less powerful beings. The SP thinks that if another became powerful that one would attack the SP. The SP is totally insecure and is battling constantly in covert ways to make others less powerful and less able. Scientology flies into the teeth of an SP. One will go to the most extraordinary lengths to try to injure Scientologists or an organization or a staff member. But SPs existed long before Scientology and finding the basic SP around the pc just because of Scientology or the pc is a Scientologist is in actual fact unlikely. Childhood is the most fertile area in which to locate the SP on the case. A child is weak and at the mercy of adults. It is this fact alone that gave all the cures Freud ever stumbled onto. The analyst accidentally located an SP when his work was successful. But then he proceeded to overrun and restimulate the patient without erasing. In other words he would not let the patient have his item. An hour with a meter in the hands of an expert auditor who can assess correctly will produce everything the analyst or Freud ever hoped to achieve and will do it invariably compared to the small results analysts did achieve. But if you get one almost right, and not get the really correct SP, then you get the same phenomena that dogged the analyst -- the pc gets better for a moment and collapses. I am not saying you can permanently injure persons. The analyst techniques operated far more restimulatively than our S & D. They made the person talk about it for years! But you can still give a pc a nasty cold if you miss on an S & D. So don't miss. Do it correctly. Find the correct SP. It's all correct if you assess by the book -- complete list, not too long or too short. Correct item on the list. Good indicators then in. And no relapse for at least 2 weeks. That's how a real S & D is done. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 137  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=5/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  "LETTING THE PC ITSA" THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITOR   Remimeo Franchise LEVEL 0  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 1966 Issue II Remimeo Franchise LEVEL 0 "LETTING THE PC ITSA" THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITOR The most painful thing I ever hope to see is an auditor "letting a pc Itsa". I have seen auditors let a pc talk and talk and talk and talk and run down and talk and run down and talk again until one wondered where if anywhere that auditor had been trained. In the first place such an auditor could not know the meaning of the word ITSA. The word means "It is a . . . . . . ." Now how an auditor letting a pc talk believes he is getting a pc to spot what IT is is quite beyond me. This pc has been talking all his life. He isn't well. Analysts had people talk for five years and they seldom got well. So how is it supposed to happen today that a pc, let talk enough, will get well. It won't. The auditor does not know the very basics of auditing skills. That's all. These are the TRs. An auditor who can't do his TRs can't audit. Period. Instead he says he is "letting the pc Itsa". If by this he means he is letting the pc drive all over the road and in both ditches, then this isn't auditing. In auditing an auditor guides. He gives the pc something to answer. When the pc answers the pc has said "IT IS A ....... " and that's Itsa. If the pc answers and the auditor acknowledges too soon the pc tends to go into an anxiety -- he has been chopped. So he talks more than he wanted. If the pc answers and the auditor does not acknowledge, then the pc talks on and on, hoping for an acknowledgement that doesn't come, "runs dry", tries again, etc. So premature or late-or-never acks result in the same thing -- the pc running on and on and on. And they call it "letting the pc Itsa". Bah! If a pc talks too much in session he either is getting cut off too fast by the auditor or hasn't got an auditor at all. It isn't 138 "Itsa". It's lousy TRs. (The one single exception is the pc who had years in analysis but even he begins to get better with proper TRs used on him.) The proper cure is to drill the auditor until the auditor realizes: 1. The auditor asks the questions. 2. The pc says what is the answer, "It's a ....... 3. The auditor acks when the pc has said it to the pc's satisfaction and 4. The auditor acks when the pc has finished saying "It's a ....... " And that's Itsa. Scientology auditing is a precision skill, not a gag blop goo slup guck blah. 1. The auditor wants to know ....... 2. The pc says it is ....... 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. etc. TECH SAVVY Now an auditor who doesn't know his technology about the mind and his processes of course never knows what to ask. So he or she simply sits like a lump of sacking hoping the pc will say something that makes the pc feel better. A sure sign that an auditor doesn't know an engram from a cow about processes is seeing a pc "Itsa" on and on and on. In Scientology we do know what the mind is, what a being is, what goes wrong in the mind and how to correct it. We aren't psychoanalysts or psychiatrists or Harley Street witch doctors. We do know. The data about beings and life is there in Scientology to be learned. It isn't "our idea" of how things are, or "our opinion of" ....... Scientology is a precision subject. It has axioms. Like geometry. Two equilateral triangles aren't similar because Euclid said so. They're similar because they are. If you don't believe it, look at them. There isn't a single datum in Scientology that can't be proven as precisely as teacups are teacups and not saucepans. Now if we get a person fresh out of the study of "the mystical metaphysics of Cuffbah" he's going to have trouble. His pcs are going to "Itsa" their heads off and never get well or better or anything. Because that person doesn't know Scientology but thinks it's all imprecise opinion. The news about Scientology is that it put the study of the mind into the precise exact sciences. If one doesn't know that, one's pcs "Itsa" by the hour for one doesn't know what he is handling that he is calling "a pc". By my definition, an auditor is a real auditor when his or her pcs DON'T overtalk or undertalk but answer the auditing question and happily now and then originate. So how to tell an auditor, how to determine if you have trained one at last, is DO HIS PCS ANSWER UP OR DO THEY TALK ON AND ON. 139 If I had an auditor in an HGC whose pcs yapped and yapped and ran dry and yapped while the auditor just sat there like a Chinese pilot frozen on the controls, I would do the following to that "auditor": 1. Remedy A, Book of Case Remedies. 2. Remedy B, Book of Case Remedies. 3. Disagreements with Scientology, technology and orgs and Scientology personalities all found and traced to basic and blown. 4. A grind study assignment of the Scientology Axioms until the "auditor" could DO THEM IN CLAY. 5. A memorization of the Logics, Qs (Prelogics) and Axioms of Dianetics and Scientology. 6. TRs 0 to 4 until they ran out of his or her ears. 7. TRs 5 to 9. 8. Op Pro by Dup until FLAT. 9. A hard long study of the Meter. 10. The ARC triangle and other scales. 11. The Processes of Level 0. 12. Some wins. And I'd have an auditor. I'd have one that could make a Grade Zero Release every time. And it's lack of the above that causes an "auditor" to say "I let the pc Itsa" with the pc talking on and on and on. Scientology is the breakthrough that made the indefinite subject of Philosophy into a precision tool. And pcs get well and go Release when it is applied. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The above HCO B was reissued on 23 May 71 as Basic Auditing Series 8. See Vol. VII, page 253.] 140  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=9/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELEASE GRADES  Type = 11 iDate=30/8/65 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo RELEASE GRADES (Replaces HCO Bulletin of 30 Aug 1965, "Release Stages") There are five grades of Release. When one of these is attained the next one up can be run. A preclear who has attained a grade of Release may not be run further on the processes of that grade or below or he will go back into his Reactive Mind. All Releases however can have their problems handled, their withholds pulled, their ARC Breaks repaired and any Release at any grade can be audited on the exact processes of Release Rehabilitation. The states of Release differ in that one is more stable than another. The Reactive Mind (known also as the R6 Bank) can only be audited out by someone who is trained up to Class VI. When the Reactive Mind is fully audited out (erased completely), one has a Clear. When a Clear has been refamiliarized with his capabilities, you have an Operating Thetan (an OT). A Release, then, is pulled OUT of his Reactive Mind. A Clear has fully erased his Reactive Mind. An Operating Thetan is one who is Cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time and is not in a body. The degree and relative permanence of being pulled out of the Reactive Mind determines the state of Release. There are numerous things that can pull one back into the Reactive Mind. These are (1) Locks (2) Secondaries (3) Engrams (4) The Whole Time Track. LOCKS By reducing locks as in Levels 0 to IV, we then remove the ability of locks to pull the being back into his R6 Bank. Locks are mental image pictures of non-painful, but disturbing, experiences the person has experienced. They depend for their force on secondaries and engrams. Thus, one who has had his locks reduced is a GRADE 0-IV RELEASE. SECONDARIES AND ENGRAMS When a being has had the secondaries and engrams reduced, he is far less likely to be pulled into the Reactive Mind than if he has just had their locks reduced. Secondaries are mental image pictures containing misemotion (grief, anger, apathy, etc). They contain no pain. They are moments of shock and stress and depend for their force on underlying engrams. 141 Engrams are mental image pictures of pain and unconsciousness the person has experienced. When these are reduced, one has a GRADE V RELEASE. THE WHOLE TRACK Bits and pieces of the whole track remain after the locks, secondaries and engrams are reduced. These bits inhibit the being from recovering knowledge. The Whole Track is the moment to moment record of a person's existence in this universe in picture and impression form. When these bits are cleaned up a being is a GRADE VA RELEASE. THE REACTIVE MIND When the pc has taken the locks off the Reactive Mind itself, using R6EW, he attains GRADE VI RELEASE. THE REACTIVE MIND When the entire Reactive Mind has been erased and the person is again wholly himself, one could call it a GRADE VII RELEASE. But that is really CLEAR. OPERATING THETAN When a being once more has recovered his full abilities and freedom, a state much higher than Man ever before envisioned is attained. This state is called OPERATING THETAN. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 142  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=10/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TECH RECOVERY   Remimeo Tech Hats Qual Hats Ethics Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 10 FEBRUARY 1966 Issue II Remimeo Tech Hats Qual Hats Ethics Hats TECH RECOVERY My study of a Nov 1965 plummeting HGC Completion Statistic indicates certain policies are necessary in all HGCs and Qual Divisions. The following errors were found: 1. The HGC ceased to look for former release grades to rehabilitate and ignored opportunities to do so on the basis that "outer orgs have rehabbed them all already". This came out in the Comm Ev held on a D of P of that period. Of course, if the HGC failed to rehab earlier grades (or earlier life overruns) it could achieve no later grades or Grade V. This alone would have ended completions promptly on all grades and wiped out the graph. 2. Invalidation of the appearance of a free needle and invalidating any auditor who "thought he saw one". This wiped out all release attainments and made for total overrun of all pcs of all grades. This error existed for 15 years so it is not surprising that it got back in again. 3. Whenever an overrun occurred, "rehabilitation of it" was done by running different new processes instead of standard rehab routine as in HCO Bs, i.e. doing ARC Break, PTPs, Rudiments, anything but a real rehab of that process that was overrun. 4. Abandonment of standard tech in favor of unusual solutions. This is always present when a collapse of Tech occurs. 5. One SP was found in the middle of all this but after his departure the statistic did not recover so one can assume another SP was in the middle of it still or that the HGC remained PTS and didn't separate from the SP found because he was so convincing, so reasonable and so persuasive as to why a Tech statistic must remain down. It is interesting that (1) above -- Ceasing to rehab lower grades -- would be absolutely fatal to any upper grades. Therefore this becomes policy: NO UPPER GRADE OF RELEASE MAY BE BEGUN NEWLY ON A PC UNTIL ALL LOWER GRADES ARE FULLY REHABBED TO FREE NEEDLE. THIS APPLIES TO ALL GRADES 0 TO VII. Regarding (2) -- Invalidation of what a free needle is -- and thus running past all free needles, let it be noted that this is an Auditor's Code Break -- continuing a process that has ceased to produce change -- and is therefore a crime. This was wrong too long to be allowed to go wrong again. Thus we get the policy: AN AUDITOR WHO HAS BEEN FOUND TO HAVE OVERRUN A FREE NEEDLE ON A PRECLEAR MUST BE GIVEN AN ETHICS CHIT; AND IF THE ACTION IS SEVERAL TIMES REPEATED, ETHICS MUST ORDER A FULL REVIEW OF THE AUDITOR'S CASE INCLUDING AN EYESIGHT TEST AND CONDUCT A THOROUGH ETHICS INVESTIGATION AND HEARING. Note that a Mark V Meter run with too high a sensitivity does not give a marked change when a needle floats. Thus sensitivity must be reduced in ordinary running and 143 increased only to get in rudiments. Then a free needle becomes more visible. A Mark V cranked up to 128 sensitivity looks like a floating needle all the time at a casual glance on most pcs. Sensitivity 5 is ample. Also, meters go out of 5,000 ohm calibration and don't read on the M and F "Clear" reads and change of electrodes can change M and F "Clear" reads. A free needle, if a process is overrun, vanishes with just one extra command so an auditor must be alert. Please also note that this has been part of the Auditor's Code for ages -- running past a flat point of a process has been forbidden since the first formulations of the Auditor's Code. Regarding (3) -- Rehabilitation by using other processes -- the HCO Bs on rehabs are very explicit. To run another process would clobber the pc. Thus we get the policy: REHABILITATIONS MUST BE DONE BY REHABILITATING THE PC ONLY ON THE PROCESS OVERRUN AND ONLY BY STANDARD HCO BS ON REHAB PROCEDURE. Re (4) -- Unusual solutions -- we get the policy: ANY AUDITOR ACCEPTING AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION WITHOUT FILING A JOB ENDANGERMENT CHIT OR FOUND USING AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION MUST BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME AND GIVEN AN ETHICS HEARING. FAILING TO REPORT AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION ADVISED OR USED IS ALSO SO HANDLED. AN UNUSUAL SOLUTION IS ONE EVOLVED TO REMEDY AN ABUSE OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY. On (5) -- Statistic failing to recover after an SP is spotted in a department gives us the 2 policies: WHENEVER AN SP IS DISCOVERED AND DECLARED IN AN ORGANIZATION ALL HIS ASSOCIATES IN THAT PORTION OF THE ORG MUST BE CHECKED OUT FOR OR GIVEN AN S & D. And WHEN AN SP IS DISCOVERED IN AN ORGANIZATION, IS DISMISSED OR REMOVED AND THE STATISTIC DOES NOT RECOVER, ANOTHER SP MUST BE LOOKED FOR. It is noted that the general condition of the Completion Statistic of Dec 65 to Jan 66 could be attributed to the above gross errors. It is now certain that (1) Rehabilitation of earlier grades, (2) Free Needle and (3) Rehabilitation by standard practice are primary targets in our technology for anyone seeking to mess it up and that unwitting tampering with these three things and lack of HCO Enforcement on them will reduce HGC statistics and prevent their recovery. Of course one could also go mad in the opposite direction -- (1) rehabilitate earlier grades endlessly on a pc regardless of how many times a free needle had been obtained, (2) call any loosening up of a needle a free needle and (3) refuse to even 2-way comm with a pc under repair for overrun for fear it violates standard procedure for rehab. The middle course is the correct course in this case. Relax and just be very sure the pc has been properly rehabbed to free needle on each grade up to the one one is going to start by demanding the awards of release that were granted and if these weren't ever awarded, then do the rehabs necessary grade by grade. The only sticky 144 point in this is that if a pc had ever been run on a higher grade without rehab of a lower, one must rehab "from the top down" at times, tackling the highest overrun first, but nevertheless doing all of them that were by-passed eventually. The way to recognize a free needle is watch for one. When it happens you will see one. Then you will never afterwards wonder. The free needles available on a case can all be swallowed up by a failure to rehab all grades ever by-passed or overrun. If no free needles show up on a case at all then partially rehab any grade available for rehab back and forth until one has one of them go free needle and then get a free needle on the remainder. Life can also be an overrun and a pc never audited will respond to a rehab of "something overdone". This doesn't mean the pc went release before Scientology -- it means that purpose overrun then jams -- rehab of life situations of overrun consists of hitting the purpose that was overrun and when this is hit, the pc goes release in PT and was not a release in the past. An example is an overrun located in 20 AD when the person, alert to Christianity, decided to be good, made it and then overran it for 1945 years. When the purpose was found (to be good) and dated and the overrun spotted the needle went free. Rough auditing, bad TRs, "letting the pc Itsa", etc, can swallow up free needles. Also a totally ARC Broke meter that won't read at all with bad indicators all over the place won't record a read, looks sometimes like a floating needle, the difference being the pc has total bad indicators -- sour, mean, sad, etc. A free needle occurs most often after a big cognition and the unskilled auditor looks at the pc who is being bright and interesting and just doesn't see the needle float, asks more questions and overruns, and the free needle vanishes -- when a pc is cogniting, look at the meter not the pc. And the instant the TA starts up and the needle goes sticky suspect an overrun and check. As for doing something else rather than Standard Procedure for rehab, plain ignorance can cause it. The auditor's desire to help the pc if unaccompanied by solid tech background leads to wild efforts, new processes and anything but cool standard procedure. When the person checking out pcs is also the Case Supervisor, unusual solutions creep in. The most errors I've seen made by a Case Supervisor were made after he had seen the pc or talked with the auditor. Cases have to be run by report only and auditors have to be supervised and their sessions listened to by somebody else besides the Case Supervisor. Tech is Tech. There is such a thing as Standard Tech. Pc wild tales and hollow eyes and auditor hobbyhorses have to be kept off Case Supervisor lines. So there must be a person who checks out pcs and supervises auditors and their auditing performance but who never opens his or her face to suggest instructions about the pc and only writes down that the auditor is rough or the process is flat or the process is overrun. The Case Supervisor lives in an Ivory Tower. Sounds strange but unless it's done that way, wild departures from Standard Rehab Procedure and from Standard Tech in general will occur. Hell, all psychiatry went down that drain -- the desperate patient, the desperate measures. Squirreling stems from the Case Supervisor being the auditor supervisor and the pc interviewer. Oil, water, being in two divisions, Commies and Fascists, dogs and cats, won't mix. Neither will the personal contacter of auditors and pcs and the Case Supervisor ever successfully stay crossed. The individual practitioner breaks down only because he does both auditing and Case Supervision. Auditing is an organization action which is why today we have Field Staff Members and HGCs. Additional notes of things discovered in the investigation of the plummeted statistic on Completions were: 1. Auditors rabbiting out of uncertainty and so stumbling past End Phenomena and floating needles. 2. Case Supervisor getting auditors to ask leading questions on Pr Pr 2 -- "Ask the pc if he is interested in Medical Practices." 3. D of P: "Find out what the needle is floating on." 145 4. Case Supervisor: Told auditor that a floating needle was not the End Phenomenon of a Process in which "the TA had to be run out". 5. Lack of knowledge and understanding of the Technology and not knowing the difference between such things as Anaten, Secondaries and Engrams by Case Supervisor, D of P, and so confusing auditors. Of course the one thing one can't technically overcome is an SP keeping an area messed up. His case doesn't improve because of his intentions and overts and fear of people getting better or being bigger than he. When an SP dominates an area, only Ethics actions can handle. The primary indicator of the presence of an SP in an org is a plummeting statistic immediately after he starts handling a portion of it. Indifferent leadership, even inaction, can't drive a statistic down. Only active suppression can. So watch the statistics and don't get reasonable when they fall. Either outside the org suppression has been brought down on that portion of the org, making it PTS or there is an SP there. The final answer is what happened just before the statistic fell. If a new appointment was made and it fell, unappoint it fast. If nothing cures the down statistic find the SP or handle the PTS situation because one or the other is there. Completions stayed down for 15 years. Then we found auditors never noticed free needles. Now for Heaven's sakes, 15 years was enough. Don't repeat the error! It does work you know. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd.jh Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 146  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=11/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PC   Remimeo All Students All Scn Staff Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo All Students All Scn Staff Franchise FREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PC Free needles can be obscured only by overruns and auditor goofs in the rehab session and ARC Breaks in past auditing. When a TA goes up or is up it means an overrun in life or on a process or grade of release. The only place you can't get an overrun is at Grade VII. All grades below that are subject to overrun. Life subjects are subject to overrun before Scientology. The mechanism is this: one conceived a purpose. He or she succeeded in it, then kept on and overran it. In auditing one hits the purpose and the overrun of it and gets a free needle on it. That doesn't mean the person was a release then. It means that the spotting of the purpose and the overrun by auditing produces a free needle today. It may be necessary to find whole track overruns on some pcs in rehabilitation of grades. If a lot of levels have been run past free needle it may be necessary to take apart the mess like a bundle of yarn to get the first free needle. In such a case one rehabs any grade the pc has been run on that the pc can remember. One handles this briefly until the pc is happy but not necessarily to free needle. One then finds another overrun, does the same. One goes on and on looking for moments the pc felt good about processing at one or another time. If you keep this up, suddenly you will see a free needle on the pc! Establish what grade it is free on, then quickly get the needle free on the remaining overrun grades (but not grades pc was never run on). It may be necessary to take into account a whole track overrun of a purpose or even the purpose to get release, clear or OT. It is all very quick, deft auditing, very much on procedure using standard rehab tech -- but no repetitive grind. You won't see a freeing up of a needle unless you set your sensitivity on a Mark V to a stiff needle for the pc. You can increase sensitivity or decrease it as the pc progresses but by setting the sensitivity so the needle is pretty still and stiff you will see easily a freeing up of the needle and then a free needle. Using sensitivity 128 will obscure every free needle as the needle is too loose already for the auditor to see any change. Pcs are most apt to go free needle after a big cog. So don't be so engrossed in looking at the pc during cognitions. Keep an eye on that needle. And if it goes free, don't ask anything else. Just gently give the pc a "That's it" and without a chop of comm, ease the pc off to "Declare?" in Qual. (Or if a field auditor, start the next grad e.) Gently, gently, smooth TRs get you free needles. 147 A dirty needle is always caused by auditor chops, flubs, etc. You can always trace a dirty needle right back to a TR error by the auditor. If a needle goes dirty in a rehab session, get the List 1 out right now and quickly find why. It's always an auditor goof on the TRs or tech procedure. Rehabs are not a substitute for processes. If a grade hasn't been run, you can't rehab it of course. In rehab, never use a new process to cure an overrun. Rehab the process that was overrun, not new ruds. And see HCO Pol Ltr 10 Feb 1966 on this subject. You can get free needles on pcs. It just requires standard TRs, standard tech, standard rehab and wanting to get one and letting a pc have one. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 148  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=12/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE "DANGEROUS AUDITOR"   Remimeo Franchise Staff Auditors' Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats Exec Sec Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 FEBRUARY 1966 Remimeo Franchise Staff Auditors' Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats Exec Sec Hats THE "DANGEROUS AUDITOR" We long have had a term for an auditor who consistently did things that were upsetting to a pc's case. We call this a "dangerous auditor". There are certain exact specific actions or omissions that make such an auditor dangerous. These are: 1. Breaks the Auditor's Code or ignores it as "only applying in certain cases". 2. Audits past floating needles or directs additional auditing on that process when a floating needle has occurred. 3. Ceases to audit a process before the needle has gone free. 4. Starts a new grade of release without rehabilitation or making sure at least by record that an earlier grade has been rehabbed and was not overrun. 5. Does not locate the right SP on S & D but over or under lists or misses while assessing. 6. Goes on auditing the pc after an ARC Break without caring for the ARC Break (and believes it possible or usual to continue past one). 7. Consistently has hostile and derogatory opinions about his pcs. These are the really dangerous points that make an auditor who does them dangerous. (This list is composed by tracing back upset cases to the errors which made the upset.) An auditor who merely makes the five Gross Auditing Errors is just a bad auditor. (See HCO B 21 Sept 65 "Out Tech".) A dangerous auditor often seems to be quite accomplished, but does the above. On some pcs he seems to get away with it and so will argue the virtue of his approach or violations. But on the next pc he doesn't and has a mess on his hands. A "careful" auditor is not necessarily not dangerous. One doesn't audit carefully. One audits with a relaxed competence that follows the rules and avoids the errors listed above. There is no compromise for knowing one's business. Most auditors, when they are trained and no longer make the 5 Gross Auditing Errors, become very excellent auditors and do a fine job and I am proud of them. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 149  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=21/2/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DEFINITION PROCESSES   Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students SCIENTOLOGY II PC LEVEL 0-IV  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 FEBRUARY 1966 (Amends HCO B of 12 November 1964) Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students SCIENTOLOGY II PC LEVEL 0-IV DEFINITION PROCESSES The first thing to know about DEFINITION PROCESSES is that they are separate and distinct and stand by themselves as processes. In The Book of Case Remedies we find on page 25 REMEDY A and REMEDY B. These two remedies are A and B because they handle a primary source of worry to supervisors and auditors. AUDITING STYLE Each level has its own basic auditing style. The Auditing Style of Level II is Guiding Style. The Secondary Style is GUIDING SECONDARY STYLE or Guiding S Style. ASSISTS An assist is different from auditing as such in that it lacks any model session. Assists are normally short periods of auditing but not always. I have seen a touch assist go on for months at the rate of 15 minutes a day, two or three days a week. And it may take hours to do a touch assist on an accident victim. What characterizes an assist is that it is done rapidly and informally and anywhere. "Coffee Shop Auditing" isn't really an assist as it is usually done over coffee too casually to be dignified by the name of auditing. The pc is never informed at all of the existence of a session. The pc, in an assist, is however informed of the fact and the assist is begun by "This is the Assist" and ended by a "That's it", so an assist, like a session, has a beginning and an end. The Auditor's Code is observed in giving an Assist and the Auditing Comm Cycle is used. As an Auditor one sets out in an Assist to accomplish a specific thing for the pc like relieve the snivels or make the ache in the leg better. So an Assist also has a very finite purpose. SECONDARY STYLES Every level has a different primary STYLE OF AUDITING. But sometimes in actual sessions or particularly in Assists this Style is altered slightly for special purposes. The Style altered for assists is called a SECONDARY STYLE. It doesn't mean that the primary style of the level is merely loosely done. It means that it is done a precise but different way to accomplish assists. This variation is called the SECONDARY STYLE of that level. REMEDIES A Remedy is not necessarily an Assist and is often done in regular session. It is the Remedy itself which determines what auditing style is used to administer it. Some Remedies, as well as being used in regular sessions, can also be used as Assists. In short, that a process exists as a Remedy has no bearing on whether it is used in an Assist or a Model Session. 150 GUIDING STYLE The essence of Guiding Style is: 1. Locate what's awry with the pc. 2. Run a Repetitive Process to handle what's found in 1. In essence -- steer the pc into disclosing something that needs auditing and then audit it. GUIDING SECONDARY STYLE Guiding Secondary Style differs from proper Guiding Style and is done by: 1. Steering the pc toward revealing something or something revealed; 2. Handling it with Itsa. Guiding Secondary Style differs from Guiding Style only in that Guiding Secondary Style handles the matter by Steer + Itsa. Guiding Style Proper handles the matter with Steer + Repetitive Process. DEFINITIONS PROCESSING Definitions Processes, when used as Remedies, are normally processed by Guiding Secondary Style. Both Remedies of The Book of Case Remedies A and B are Guiding Secondary Style in their normal application. One would expect them to be used by a Class II Auditor. One would expect the Assist to last 10 or 15 minutes, perhaps more, but less than a regular session would take. One would expect that any case in a PE class, any student that was getting nowhere, would be handled by the Instructor with Guiding Secondary Style using Remedies A and B as precision processes. REMEDY A PATTER One would not expect the person or student in trouble to be turned over to another student for handling. It's too fast, sharp and easy to handle that trouble oneself if one is Class II or above and far more certain. You can do it while you'd be finding another student to do the auditing. It would be uneconomical in terms of time not to just do it right then -- no meter -- leaning up against a desk. The auditor's patter would be something like what follows. The Pc's responses and Itsa are omitted in this example. "I am going to give you a short assist." "All right, what word haven't you understood in Scientology?" "Okay, it's pre-clear. Explain what it means." "Okay, I see you are having trouble, so what does pre mean?" "Fine. Now what does clear mean?" "Good. I'm glad you realize you had it mixed up with patient and see that they're different." "Thank you. That's it." In between the above total of auditing patter, the student may have hemmed and hawed and argued and cognited. But one just steered the pc straight along the subject selected and got it audited and cleaned up. If the student gave a glib text book definition after challenging the word preclear, we wouldn't buy it, but would give the student a piece of paper or a rubber band and say "Demonstrate that." And then carry on as it developed. And that would be Remedy A. You see it is precision auditing and is a process and does have an Auditing Style. And it works like a dream. You see this is Steer + Itsa as to its style. And that it addressed the immediate subject. 151 What makes A Remedy A is not that it handles Scientology definitions, but that it handles the immediate subject under discussion or study. REMEDY B What makes Remedy B Remedy B is that it seeks out and handles a former subject, conceived to be similar to the immediate subject, in order to clear up misunderstandings in the immediate subject or condition. Remedy B, run on some person or student, would simply be a bit more complex than Remedy A as it looks into the past. A person has a continuous confusion with policy or auditors, etc. So one runs B like this (the following is auditor patter only): "I'm going to give you an Assist. Okay?" "All right. What subject were you mixed up with before Scientology?" "I'm sure there is one." "Okay. Spiritualism. Fine. What word in Spiritualism didn't you understand?" "You can think of it." "Good. Ectoplasm. Fine. What was the definition of that?" "All right, there's a dictionary over there, look it up." "I'm sorry it doesn't give the spiritualist definition. But you say it says Ecto means outside. What's plasm?" "Well, look it up." "All right. I see, Ecto means outside and plasm means mould or covering." (Note: You don't always break up words into parts for definition in A & B Remedies.) "Yes, I've got that. Now what do you think spiritualists meant by it?" "All right, I'm glad you realize that sheets over people make ghosts ghosts." "Fine, glad you recalled being scared as a child." "All right, what did the spiritualist mean then?" "Okay. Glad you see thetans don't need to be cased in goo." "All right. Fine. Good. You had Ectoplasm mixed up with engrams and you now realize thetans don't have to have a bank and can be naked. Fine. That's it." (Note: You don't always repeat after him what the pc said, but sometimes it helps.) Student departs still cogniting. Enters Scientology now having left Spiritualism on the back track. Doesn't keep on trying to make every HCO Bulletin studied solve "Ectoplasm", the buried misunderstood word that kept him stuck in Spiritualism. DEFINITIONS PURPOSE The purpose of definitions processing is fast clearing of "held down fives" (jammed thinking because of a misunderstood or misapplied datums) preventing someone getting on with auditing or Scientology. Remedies A and B are not always used as Assists. They are also used in regular sessions. But when so used they are always used with Guiding Secondary Style -- Steer + Itsa. As a comment, people who seek to liken Scientology to something, "Oh, like Christian Science," are stuck in Christian Science. Don't say, "Oh no! It isn't like Christian Science!" Just nod and mark them for a fast assist or a session the moment the chance offers if they seem very disinterested or aloof when asked to a PE Course. There's weapons in that arsenal, auditor. Use them. As Remedies A and B stand as the first and second given in The Book of Case Remedies, so before a large number of potential Scientologists stands the confusion of definitions. We have made Scientology definitions easy for them by compiling a dictionary, using words new to people only when useful. But those that don't come along at all, are so wound up in some past subject they can't hear or think when that earlier subject is restimulated. And that earlier subject is held down only by some word or phrase they didn't grasp. Some poor pawn howling for the blood of Scientologists isn't mad at Scientology at all. But at some earlier practice he got stuck in with mis- definition of its terms. You see, we inherit some of the effects of the whole dullness of Man when we seek to open the prison door and say, "Look. Sunshine in the fields. Walk out." Some, who need Remedy B say: "Oh no! The last time somebody scratched the wall that way 152 I got stupider." Why say, "Hey. I'm not scratching the wall. I'm opening the gate"? Why bother. He can't hear you. But he can hear Remedy B as an assist. That's the channel to his comprehension. UNDERSTANDING When a person can't understand something and yet goes on facing up to it, he gets into a "problems situation" with it. There it is over there, yet he can't make it out. Infrequently (fortunately for us) the being halts time right there. Anything he conceives to be similar presented to his view is the puzzle itself (A=A=A). And he goes stupid. This happens rarely in the life of one being, but it happens to many people. Thus there aren't many such messes in one person in one lifetime that have to be cleaned up. But there are a few in many people. The cycle of Mis-definition is: 1. didn't grasp a word, then 2. didn't understand a principle or theory, then 3. became different from it, commits and committed overts against it, then 4. restrained himself or was restrained from committing those overts, then 5. being on a withhold (inflow) pulled in a motivator. Not every word somebody didn't grasp was followed by a principle or theory. An overt was not committed every time this happened. Not every overt committed was restrained. So no motivator was pulled in. But when it did happen, it raised havoc with the mentality of the being when trying to think about what seem to be similar subjects. You see, you are looking at the basic incident + its locks as in a chain of incidents. The charge that is apparently on the lock in present time is actually only in the basic incident. The locks borrow the charge of the basic incident and are not themselves causing anything. So you have a basic misunderstood word which then charges up the whole subject as a lock; then a subject charging up similar subjects as locks. Every nattery or non-progressing student or pc is hung up in the above 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cycle. And every such student or pc has a misdefined word at the bottom of that pile. If the condition is new and temporary it's a Scientology word that's awry. If natter, no progress, etc, is continuous and doesn't cease when all is explained in Scientology or when attempts to straighten up Scientology words fail, then it's an earlier subject at fault. Hence, Remedies A and B. Hence Guiding Secondary Style. Hence, the fact that Definitions Processes are processes. And VITAL processes they are if one wants a smooth organization, a smooth PE, a smooth record of wins on all pcs. And if one wants to bring people into Scientology who seem to want to stay out. Of course these Remedies A and B are early-on processes, to be audited by a Class II or above on a Level 0 or I pc or student. However, some in Scientology, as of this date, are studying slowly or progressing poorly because A and B haven't been applied. One expects that very soon, now that auditors have this data, there will be nobody at upper levels with his definitions dangling. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jw.ml.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 153  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 51 iDate=0/3/66 Volnum=13 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  What Is Greatness?    CERTAINTY Vol. 13 No. 3 [March, 1966] Official Periodical of SCIENTOLOGY in the British Isles What Is Greatness? L. Ron Hubbard The hardest task one can have is to continue to love one's fellows despite all reasons he should not. And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue. For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope. For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair, and these are not the things of which greatness or sanity or happiness are made. A Primary trap is to succumb to invitations to hate. There are those who appoint one their executioners. Sometimes for the sake of the safety of others, it is necessary to act, but it is not necessary also to hate them. To do one's task without becoming furious at others who seek to prevent one is a mark of greatness -- and sanity. And only then can one be happy. Seeking to achieve any single desirable quality in life is a noble thing. The one most difficult and most necessary to achieve is to love one's fellows despite all invitations to do otherwise. If there is any saintly quality, it is not to forgive. "Forgiveness" is a much lower level action and is rather censorious. True greatness merely refuses to change in the face of bad actions against one -- and a truly great person loves his fellows because he understands them. After all, they are all in the same trap. Some are oblivious of it, some have gone mad because of it, some act like those who betrayed them. But all, all are in the same trap -- the generals, the street sweepers, the presidents, the insane. They act the way they do because they are all subject to the same cruel pressures of this universe. Some of us are subject to those pressures and still go on doing our jobs. Others have long since succumbed and rave and torture and strut like the demented souls they are. To re-save some of them is a dangerous undertaking. Were you to approach many ruling heads in the world and offer to set them free (as only a Scientologist cam) they 154 would go berserk, cry up their private police and generally cause unpleasantness. Indeed, one did -- he was later assassinated by no desire of ours but because of the incompetence of his own fellows about him. He could have used Scientology. Instead, he promptly tried to shoot it down by ordering raids and various berserk actions on Scientology organizations. That he was then shot had nothing to do with us, but only demonstrated how incompetent and how mortal he really was. As we become stronger, we can be completely open-handed with our help. Until we do, we can at least understand the one fact that greatness does not stem from savage wars or being known. It stems from being true to one's own decency, from going on helping others whatever they do or think or say and despite all savage acts against one; to persevere without changing one's basic attitude toward Man. A fully trained Scientologist is in a far better position to understand than a partly trained one. For the Scientologist who really knows is able not only to retain confidence in himself and what he can do, but also can understand why others do what they do and so knowing, does not become baffled or dismayed by small defeats. To that degree, true greatness depends on total wisdom. They act as they do because they are what they are -- trapped beings, crushed beneath an intolerable burden. And if they have gone mad for it and command the devastation of whole nations in errors of explanation, still one can understand why and can understand as well the extent of their madness. Why should one change and begin to hate just because others have lost themselves and their own destinies are too cruel for them to face. Justice, mercy, forgiveness, all are unimportant beside the ability not to change because of provocation or demands to do so. One must act, one must preserve order and decency, but one need not hate or seek vengeance. It is true that beings are frail and commit wrongs. Man is basically good but can act badly. He only acts badly when his acts done for order and the safety of others are done with hatred. Or when his disciplines are founded only upon safety for himself regardless of all others; or worse, when he acts only out of a taste for cruelty. To preserve no order at all is an insane act. One need only look at the possessions and environment of the insane to realize this. The able keep good order. When cruelty in the name of discipline dominates a race, that race has been taught to hate. And that race is doomed. The real lesson is to learn to love. He who would walk scatheless through his day must learn this. Never use what is done to one as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge. It requires real strength to love Man. And to love him despite all invitations to do otherwise, all prevocations and all reasons why one should not. Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe. 155  L. Ron Hubbard   Type = 21 iDate=8/3/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH CRIME   Remimeo Exec Secs' Hats ES Comm Qual Hat HCO Sec Hat Dir I & R Hat Ethics Hat Tech & Qual Hats LRH Comm Hat Exec - HCO - Tech - Qual Ethics URGENT Effective 1 June 1966  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 8 MARCH 1966 Remimeo Exec Secs' Hats Exec - HCO - Tech - Qual ES Comm Qual Hat Ethics HCO Sec Hat Dir I & R Hat Ethics Hat URGENT Tech & Qual Hats LRH Comm Hat HIGH CRIME Effective 1 June 1966 In any instance of a heavily falling statistic in Tech or Qual or a chronically low statistic in Tech or Qual in an org or in any org which has chronically low statistics in all divisions: The Ethics Officer must look for this policy violation which is the highest crime in Tech and Qual: TOLERATING THE ABSENCE OF, OR NOT INSISTING UPON STAR-RATED CHECK OUTS ON ALL PROCESSES AND THEIR IMMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY AND ON RELEVANT POLICY LETTERS ON HGC INTERNES OR STAFF AUDITORS IN THE TECH DIV OR STAFF AUDITORS OR INTERNES IN THE QUAL DIV FOR THE LEVELS AND ACTIONS THEY WILL USE BEFORE PERMITTING THEM TO AUDIT ORG PCS AND ON SUPERVISORS IN TECH AND QUAL WHO INSTRUCT OR EXAMINE OR FAILING TO INSIST UPON THIS POLICY OR PREVENTING THIS POLICY FROM GOING INTO EFFECT OR MINIMIZING THE CHECK OUTS OR LISTS. If an Ethics Officer or any person in HCO Dept 3 discovers this high crime to exist he must report it at once to the HCO Area Secretary. The HCO Area Secretary must at once order a thorough investigation into any and all persons who might have instigated this high crime and report the matter to the HCO Exec Sec. The HCO Exec Sec must then convene a Committee of Evidence with the persons accused as interested parties and must locate amongst them the suppressive or suppressives by the "reasonableness" of their defense, state of case and other signs. The Committee of Evidence must declare the located S.P. suppressive by HCO Ethics Order and dismiss. If any Ethics Officer, Director of I & R or HCO Area Secretary fails to obtain co-operation by superiors in carrying out this Policy Letter quickly then he or she must inform the LRH Communicator. The LRH Communicator must then cable full particulars to Worldwide. The Worldwide Ad Council must then carry out this policy letter expeditiously and at any cost. If the HCO personnel making this discovery cannot obtain action in any other way he or she must go outside the org and cable LRH Comm WW and his actions and costs in so cabling will be reimbursed on claim to WW and his post will be fully protected. 156 If the Ad Council WW suspects this policy not to be in full force in any org despite assurances an HCO WW personnel must be sent to that org to investigate and may be deputized to remove either or both Exec Secs of that org by Comm Ev on the spot or at WW. It has been discovered that failure to check out, Star-Rated, the Tech and Qual HCO Bs applying to levels being audited or taught or examined and their processes and the data used in Review and relevant policy on those using the material in orgs results in a crashed Division 4 completion statistic, crashed income and low statistics throughout and a failing org and was the reason through 1965 for struggling orgs -- the public would not pay more for service than it was worth to them and with this policy out, the service was not worth very much. It has been found that a suppressive person will discourage this check out policy as one of his first actions. This policy applies whether an auditor has been trained or not with star- rated check outs. Staff and Review auditor and Supervisor are special technical status grades and one cannot consider this double training. "Star-Rated" means = 100 percent letter perfect in knowing and understanding, demonstrating and being able to repeat back the material with no comm lag. Org Exec Sec Communicator for Qual WW is the final authority for any check sheets on this matter and is responsible for preparing and standardizing them from time to time. But the lack of a check sheet from ES Comm Qual WW does not set aside any provision or penalty of this policy letter. This policy letter is issued in the complete knowledge that the absence of this policy in full effect is the primary reason for orgs not growing and is based on actual experience. The only higher crime I could think of would be to pretend to have an or have no technical personnel on staff in Tech or Qual. That is suppressive also and will crash an org. Handle it similarly to the above. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ml.cden Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Added to by HCO PL 21 November 1971, Scientology Courses Examination Policy, OEC Volume 5, page 139, which made it firm policy that anyone examining a student for certification on any Scientology Course, including Admin, must have first star-rated related Policies, HCO Bs or other issues before writing or grading exams.] 157  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=3/4/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC AUDITING COURSE   Remimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Div Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hat All Qual Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 3 APRIL 1966 Remimeo All Orgs (Tech Div) Exec Secs Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hat All Qual Hats (The original issue of this HCO B contained a number of typographical errors. Please replace your copy with this corrected issue. The original copies should be returned to the HCO Area Sec.) DIANETIC AUDITING COURSE The first requisite of any auditor trainee is to find and run secondaries and engrams on a preclear, preferably a fellow student, and to have secondaries and engrams run on self. Due to the fantastic speed of results today it is not possible for a student to get enough auditing experience using the standard tech of 0 to VI. To remedy this we use dolls for model session practice and learning the processes. But even further training is needed, using live preclears. The tech used is that of Book 1, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, but omitting the countdown and canceller, this not being necessary today and using instead a simple "Start of Session" and "End of Session" and then running the engram. Do not try to use past track incidents. The preclear may eventually fall into these but try instead for current lifetime. Try first for secondaries (moments of misemotion) particularly loss. Try to find these on a gradient, first trying for minor losses and eventually locating the death of a loved one. Certain pcs (Black Vs they used to be called) are not able to run track incidents but try to coax them through incidents of loss on a gradient (small losses first) and then get on with it. They usually will get visio on incidents turned on if this is done. There is a complete method of running engrams on anyone, developed by me about three years ago whereby the date is found then the duration of the incident. This always permits an incident to be run with visio. Don't try for sonic. Get the pc to regress to the moment of the incident. Don't try to run them conceptually with the pc in present time. Emphasize getting the pc to start at the beginning and go through to the end several times. Don't be too keen on repeater technique to get phrases. They show up if you get the pc to run through the incident a few times. When the pc can run secondaries successfully try for actual engrams. Once again try for light incidents like a pinprick and graduate up to real engrams -- moments of real pain and unconsciousness. 158 Most students shy off actual secondaries and engrams and try to run conceptual blah that could never have affected anyone's life with the pc in PT. This alone is the cause for failure of case gain running secondaries and engrams. Don't try to pull withholds, etc, or handle present time problems but send the pc who ARC Breaks with the auditor (not with life) to Qual at once for an ARC Break assessment. DON'T CONTINUE TO AUDIT AN ARC BROKEN PC who has ARC Broken with an auditor. All Ethics data applies -- don't audit a Potential Trouble Source. If you encounter an SP (no case gain no matter what you do) send to Ethics. Lack of Ethics facilities and Ethics know-how was the primary reason Dianetics occasionally didn't work. So the new student has to be genned in on: 1. If pc starts chopping auditor send to Qual at once. 2. Suppressives. 3. Potential Trouble Sources. 4. The org pattern showing Tech Div and Qual. E-Meters must be used and regardless of whether the student knows anything about them or not the pc "must be on the cans". We don't care if the student learns much or little about meters at this stage but a bright student will catch on fast. There is no E-Meter training at this stage. The texts supplied the student are those which cover 1 to 4 above, Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health which he must buy or own and an E-Meter he must buy or borrow but may not be lent by the school. There is real magic in running secondaries and engrams. I have seen the most fantastic recoveries from running merely a secondary (most spectacular recoveries with secondaries were obtained from running the death of an ally). I have seen severe physical ailments -- heart disease, arthritis, malfunction, allergies, impotency, frigidity, lameness, etc, through the catalogue of human ills -- vanish or reduce on properly running engrams to erasure. We are not in healing but we have a fantastic success with Dianetics in this activity. No auditor will ever be worth very much unless he has come in the right way -- through Dianetics. The concept of physical and mental difficulty stemming from a mental image picture was a great discovery and the technology of erasing such pictures as developed must not be lost in our trained Scientologists. This very instant I know of 3 cases with whom I am in daily contact whose whole lives would be changed by finding and running the incident necessary to solve the case. I have seen a woman who looked 60 appear 20 after 9 hours of auditing out a single secondary (the recent death of her husband). When we originally tried to teach this technology (running of secondaries and engrams, 1950-1952) we had no Ethics, we were at that time already drowned with SPs. Auditors weren't duplicating tech. They often couldn't even state the basic definitions of "secondary" or "engram". They steered the pc all over the track or let him wander like a lost soul. They tried to force the pc to run the auditor's aberrations. And it was a jolly old mess! But those few I taught personally and simply had, as any old-timer will tell you, the most fantastic successes with incredibly low effort by the auditor. It's just a picture, secondary or engram. The whole of the technique is just finding the incident the pc is "in", running the pc through the incident, beginning to end, several times and not letting him digress and letting him come up the tone scale past boredom to enthusiasm by doing so. When I think of the millions of words I have had to speak or write just to get that terrible simplicity across, I see it can be bent as technology in a thousand thousand ways. 159 The student has today guides he never had in 1950-52. He has the Auditor's Code, the actual responses of the E-Meter, Ethics and the final solution of how to turn on visio even in SPs as per three years ago. The startling gains of the exact tech of 0-VII of course overawe the old plodder of 1950. But there is a sting here as far as training goes. No understanding of the mind is complete without a thorough grasp of secondaries and engrams and running them. I have seen a person trained up to a high level who suddenly flopped at V because he had no faintest notion of what he was auditing. The budding psychoanalyst gets the shock of his life when he sees there IS SOMETHING THERE. Before us, people thought the brain had short circuits in it (psychologists and psychiatrists) or that a beast called a Censor lived in a dungeon in it (Freud), or that evil spirits haunted one (Christianity). The whole answer to the mind is mental pictures and masses created by the thetan. There is no other source or cause of aberration. Unless a student knows this he will never make a good auditor and Scientologist. The only early way to get a reality on it is to audit secondaries and engrams and be audited through them. One does encounter all this phenomena by the time one is a Grade VII even though not audited on Dianetics. BUT students beginning their training are not Grade VII. And unless they have actually audited or been audited on secondaries and engrams they will never, even though Grade VII, really have a reality on why people act as they do or the complex nature of the bank. Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health was written before whole track was known. It made releases like mad but they were then overrun like mad. It failed only on SPs and PTSS. It was and is the answer to psycho- somatic ills and human aberration. My results with Dianetics were not often duplicated because: 1. I stopped when the ability of the pc on any one subject was regained. 2. I audited smoothly. 3. I didn't use the subject to invalidate the pc (see Original Thesis on why auditing works). Many auditors did duplicate my results and made "clears" which we now call releases due to total Clear being so much higher. That we are today making a TOTAL Clear as well as Operating Thetans is completely out of comparison with what Dianetics was trying to do. Scientology is the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness. Dianetics was the route from aberrated or aberrated and ill human to capable human. This step had never before been achieved in Man's history. Oddly, the step from human being to a spirit had been achieved, if rarely, but was not generally credited (Buddhism, other spiritual practices, even Christianity). Scientology really achieves it and for the first time with TOTAL stability, no relapse and invariably one for one. Nevertheless Man had an inkling of the goals of Scientology even though he considered them almost beyond God. But Man had no inkling whatever of Dianetics. None. This was the bolt from the blue. Man was hacking and sawing and shocking and injecting and teaching and moralizing and counselling and hanging and jailing men with enthusiasm without any idea at all of what caused Man to behave as he did or what made him sick or well. THE answer was and still is Dianetics. 160 As we can now go directly toward total freedom on a precise and narrow roadway without any IFs and as it can be done by a human being in about a year minimum time due to my discarding of all non-essentials, by developing the exact steps and techniques of administration, and as the result is so hugely startling grade to grade compared to anything anybody had ever even dreamed of and as the final result was never before known in this universe, we tend to turn up our noses at poor little old Dianetics. But it was the grandpa, the ancestor, the basic discovery which led to and the reason for Scientology. AND we have the gigantic problem amongst us that Scientology works too fast in an auditor's hands and forbids him to overrun a result. Therefore HOW CAN HE EVER LEARN TO AUDIT? He can't, running Scientology, as he'll never get enough practice on live pcs. Dianetics, however, has a virtue we never would have called one in 1950. It is slow. You can grind away on a secondary for hours. You can one by one whittle down a chain of related engrams for days, even weeks. You can audit a pc for a long, long time. And you can get auditing practice. Now just one change -- have the pc sit in a chair in Dianetic sessions. No reason to use a couch. Thus the auditor has the same set-up as in grade auditing. The same approach and patter he will use in his standard Scientology grade auditing MUST be used in this Dianetic auditing or the practice will not train one to do Scientology auditing. (Yes, I know the pcs will roll up in a ball or leap into the air, but this is a hazard of the trade! Put such a pc seated on the floor after one roll off from a chair.) And one Supervisor caution: Tell such students to watch that tone arm for reading at clear read and watch the needle for a float and if they see the release phenomena occur to gently ease off the session without even one more command "to go on" or any other command. Unless you watch this you will overrun some pc on a release grade. (Also tell him what to do in case of a pc refusing to co-operate or chopping the auditor -- send to Qual quick.) Dianetics is easy to do. 1. You say, "Start of Session." 2. You locate an incident (an actual past happening). 3. You tell the pc to GO to the beginning of it. 4. When the pc says he's there the auditor tells the pc to go through it to the end and say what is happening as he goes along. 5. When the pc reaches the end of it, the auditor tells the pc to go to the beginning of the same incident. 6. When the pc has, the auditor tells him to GO through it (not "again") and say what is happening. 7. Repeat 5 and 6. Repeat 5 and 6. Repeat 5 and 6. 8. When the pc is up to tone 4.0 (cheerful) on it, repeat 2. 9. On the new incident repeat 3 to 7. 10. When the new incident has come up to tone 4.0, repeat 2. 11. Repeat 3 to 7. 12. When the new incident has come up to tone 4.0, repeat 2. 161 13. At end of the body of the session tell the pc to spot the environment a few times. 14. End the session by saying, "End of Session." That's Dianetic auditing. Refined, one can handle "bouncers" or "denyers", etc. But frankly, I found the pc would only reach to these when he was in over his head and the gradient of incident selected had not been followed. If you choose incidents IN THE PC'S CONSCIOUS RECALL not by flash answer or meter the refinements aren't necessary. You just do 1 to 12. The ORIGINAL version of Dianetic auditing was all done on a gradient. One searched nothing out by meters or trick questions or tests or flash answers. One got what the pc could comfortably face and audited it. If the auditing was smoothly done, the next incident was tougher but the pc was comfortable in facing it. In that way the incidents (secondaries or engrams) become progressively more horrifying but the pc is quite comfortable facing each one in turn. This is what is meant by "gradient"-it is a steepening or an increasing from the slight to the heavy. But you see the pc smoothly audited is gaining ability and confidence all the time and so can face more and more violence in his past. It's all there in pictures. Blackness is either his unwillingness to face things or his basic bank. It cures (vanishes) if you do it by gradients. And the pc soon can see pictures very well. Therefore IF your student is becoming a good auditor all you need to do is look at his pc. If the pc is more confident and cheerful, then the auditor is learning and doing well. If the pc isn't, the auditor has a rough spot and should go to cramming. If this doesn't work, training being good, then the auditor is probably an SP who has no idea of helping the pc at all but is using "auditing" to bust somebody up. Dianetics is too easy, really, for the student to conceive that his minimum mild actions will produce such fabulous results. So the auditor feels called upon to add. Additives are what checked Dianetic results in the vast majority of cases that were checked. The pc who wants to "psycho-analyze" (talk) by the hour isn't getting audited and isn't going to get any better. This pc simply isn't under auditor control so the auditor's control and TRs are at fault. (Pcs explain this sometimes by saying they're "cogniting" whereas a cognition is rather quick, not an hour's maundering.) The pc has to be told what is expected of him. "We're going to find an incident in your life of which you have an exact record. Then by sending you through it at the moment it happened several times we're going to erase it. Just do what I tell you and all will be well. Do you have any questions about that?" That exact quote must be made to the pc who has not been Dianetically audited (which includes many Scientology pcs too) and the pc must understand it and be satisfied he does before locating and running incidents. Very bad off pcs jump about on the "time track" and really need only grade auditing. Such pcs should be rejected for the purposes of this Dianetic auditing and sent to any Hubbard Guidance Centre. Some pcs just won't get the idea and just won't run incidents. Simply reject for these purposes and send to the HGC. Some pcs are so snarly and choppy even before meeting the auditor, they have to be sent to Qual and afterwards only to the HGC as they're no good for this. They'll make it, but are not easy enough to afford any training to a student. Some pcs are simply Ethics cases (SPs and PTS) and these too should be rejected for this purpose. The PTS is known by "roller coastering" (Coney Island fast up and down quarter-mile of aerial railway). They slump. So they're Ethics cases. 162 If a pc ARC Breaks suddenly or seems very sad after auditing it's an ARC Break with the auditor and needs Qual attention -- and the student auditor should be looked over very carefully as a possible Ethics case. Engrams are hard to run in a room full of auditing teams. So if possible one should assign the auditing to be done after class hours in their lodgings. The way to fit this program of Dianetic auditing into training in general must be worked out and is left to the Org Exec Sec WW who may from time to time issue. through the Org Executive Secretary's Communicator for Tech, Sec Eds covering its arrangements and materials to study (check sheets). In the absence of such Sec Eds an Academy may make up its own. It is possible to make it a whole new course with an equivalent of the old Hubbard Dianetic Auditor certificate. And one recalls that a course not even vaguely as good as this one can be was the course on which all others have been based since 1954. The course outlined herein is a smoothed version of the course I personally taught in 1950 to thousands. "Secondary" in its original use meant "a moment of loss" and incidents should be chosen on that basis. A secondary derives all its power from an underlying engram (containing real pain and unconsciousness). Therefore many, many secondaries (which bury engrams) must be taken off the case first and the job thoroughly done before engrams should be approached in auditing. Secondaries may again be approached when engrams seem to have been "all cleaned up". This alternation of: 1. Take off a lot of secondaries 2. Take off a lot of engrams -- should be followed one after the other. Past life incidents are handled just like any other secondaries and engrams. A "past life" and memory of it is buried under the terrific loss of possessions and body and natural recall can be restored by just general Dianetic auditing as given in this HCO B. No special attention is required. Do not run prenatal or birth engrams unless they come up naturally. The pc must run only consciously recalled incidents. He need not recall the details consciously. Only that the incident happened. The state of release attained by Dianetic auditing is probably below Grade 0 and should be regarded as such and is declared by Qual as "Dianetic Release"-no grade number being given. -------- THE MATERIAL IN THIS HCO B TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ANY DIANETIC MATERIAL, BOOKS OR TAPES INCLUDING DIANETICS THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH WHERE A CONFLICT MAY OR MAY SEEM TO EXIST. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:lb-r.jp.rd Copyright $c 1966, 1967 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 163  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/6/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  S & D COMMANDS WHAT PERSON OR GROUP HAS SUPPRESSED YOU?   Remimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1966 Remimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff S & D COMMANDS WHAT PERSON OR GROUP HAS SUPPRESSED YOU? The above is the listing question to be used when running an S & D. Note: If you find a group on the list be sure to then do a represent list of that group. Note: Do not do new lists where old lists exist. Use old lists. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:lb-r.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 164  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=10/6/66 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  S & D -- THE MISSED ITEM   Remimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 JUNE 1966 Issue II Remimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff S & D -- THE MISSED ITEM There are four points I want to get across to you. 1. ILLNESS = ONLY PTS 2. ONLY PTS = ILLNESS 3. ONLY A PTS CONDITION CAN MAKE A GRADE V (or any grade) SICK 4. A BAD S & D MAKES A PERSON SICK Get it? GOOD!! Now, if a person who has had an S & D gets sick, what do you know? You know that: (a) They are a PTS (b) The S & D was not properly done (c) An item was missed NOTE: The missed item may be on a list that was made 2 or 3 years ago. On the HCO B 5th February 1966 "S & D WARNING", I clearly stated that "It is the action of nearly finding the right one that may make the pc ill". One has restimulated the charge of the RIGHT item, but, has found and okayed the WRONG item. A bad S & D is DEADLY. A bad S & D can cause a dangerous physical condition. A bad S & D can land a pc in hospital (I know of two such cases where it did). So please! PLEASE!! get this, it is so very important. Always, repeat, ALWAYS look for the MISSED item on a priorly done list when the pc gets sick. Know your S & D bulletins, know your listing and nulling bulletin -- THOROUGHLY -- and you won't go wrong. Let's fix up roller coasters, not help keep them roller coasting. IT'S VERY EASY. LRH:lb-r.cden L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 165  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=20/7/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE TYPE TWO PTS   Remimeo Required for Level IV Students TO REVIEW AUDITORS TO ETHICS OFFICERS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 JULY 1966 Remimeo Required for Level IV Students TO REVIEW AUDITORS TO ETHICS OFFICERS THE TYPE TWO PTS It has been revealed at Saint Hill that HGC auditors and Review auditors are permitting their preclears to be sent through to Ethics for writing disconnection letters to any person or group which the preclear thinks to have been suppressive of him and then continuing the Search and Discovery to find the SP on the list. This is improper. The auditor should continue the proper auditing of an S and D until the proper item on the list is found. An Ethics Officer should only accept from a Type Two PTS, the proper SP found upon the completion of an S and D properly listed and nulled to one SP. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:lb.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 166  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 21 iDate=21/7/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TECH vs. QUAL   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 21 JULY 1966 Remimeo TECH vs. QUAL The general rule is laid down that, except for Declaration of Grade, Certificate or Class, Tech shall attempt to handle all it can on all cases and students and only when Tech personnel consider it hopeless (or the student or pc is ready for Declare, Cert or Grade) shall the student or pc be sent to Qual. "Review flat" is not now to be considered mandatory. The pc previously has been sent to the D of P and then to Qual to verify that a flat point has been reached. This routing is ended. If the auditor or Case Supervisor, either one, wants a check for the flatness of a process, only then is the pc sent to the D of P (not to Qual also). If the flatness indicates a grade has been attained the usual action is just send from auditor to Examiner in Qual. To routinely and always send a pc for a flatness of process check is actually a violation of the Fast Flow Management System. It checks things which may be all right. Review, when it finds a rehab incomplete, should quickly route the pc back to Tech. As a general rule, only when Tech is utterly at a loss does Review take over and audit the pc. The Case Supervisor should keep and post HGC auditor "statistics" announcing goofs and wins. The Case Supervisor must require a retrain of an HGC auditor whenever a pc winds up being audited in Review. I always send the auditor to Interne Training for retrain whenever I have to send a pc to Review. Processing today is very simple but very exact. The data is all there. That's the only data. Don't add any. Just do what the HCO Bs say. There are no exceptional cases. HGC auditors who over-run just don't know what a free needle is. They should ask a Clear to hold the cans so they can see one. When you check for flatness on a process gone to free needle you may overrun it. For the auditor, the D of P and the Examiner and Review to check, each one, for flatness, will goof up a flat point every time. For the Case Supervisor to neglect ordering retraining of his auditors when he finds pcs not doing well is a grave omission. For Tech not to carry on trying and limply turn all bits and pieces over to Qual is to train Tech into weakness. Two rules: In Tech, when all else fails, then hand it over to Review. In any difficulty, when all else fails, do what Ron says. LRH:lb-r.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 167  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=27/7/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  METER TRIM CHECK   Remimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Div Qual Div Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 JULY 1966 (REPLACED -- see HCO B 11 May 1969 Volume VI -- 369) Remimeo All Orgs Exec Secs (Tech Div) Tech Sec (Qual Div) Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual Hats METER TRIM CHECK E-Meters can go out of trim during a session because of temperature changes. Thus even if the meter is properly calibrated and reads at 2.0 with a 5,000 ohm resistor across the leads and 3.0 with 12,500 ohms, by the end of the session a pc can be apparently reading below 2.0 because the meter is off trim. Low TA cases are not cracked by lower level auditing, and have to be handled with Power Processing. Erroneously calling a pc a "low TA case" could thus deny him lower level processes that he could win on. The following meter procedure is therefore to be followed AT THE END OF EACH SESSION (AFTER GIVING "THAT'S IT"): 1. DON'T MOVE THE TRIM KNOB 2. PULL OUT THE JACK PLUG 3. MOVE THE TA UNTIL THE NEEDLE IS ON "SET" AT THE SENSITIVITY YOU WERE USING IN THE SESSION 4. RECORD THE TA POSITION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AUDITOR'S REPORT FORM AS: "Trim check -- TA = ....... " 5. IF YOUR METER IS KNOWN TO BE OUT OF CALIBRATION (as in Para 2 above) RECORD ALSO: "Calibration error -- ....... on meter = 2.0 actual" at the bottom of the form. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:lb-r.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is replaced by HCO B 11 May 1969, Meter Trim Check, page 369.] 168  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=10/8/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ERRORS OF STUDENTS   Remimeo Tech Sec D of T  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 AUGUST 1966 Remimeo Tech Sec D of T ERRORS OF STUDENTS The following list of common errors causing student flunks in the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, has been obtained from the Student Examiner by the Guardian WW: Level 0 Theory -- Not knowing commands -- model session. Written -- Not fully understanding what a Q & A is. The symptoms of Premature Acknowledgement. What a PTS is. Practical -- Poor TR 0. Auditing -- By-passing floating needles. Auditing PTS. Saying the needle floated below 2.0 on the Tone Arm. Level I Theory -- Not knowing what makes a meter read (female students mostly). Not knowing the various scales. Written -- Not understanding how an auditor can prevent a Pc from coming into PT in the CCHs. Q & A -- not recognizing it in an auditing situation, (most students pass this written exam). Practical -- TR 9, not running TR 9 with fine clear intention. Too much force being applied when not necessary. Auditing -- Over-running -- under-running. Saying Pc went Problems Release on Grade 0 Processes. Auditing over unflat ruds. By-passing FN. Level II Theory -- Missed W/Hs -- understanding of. Model session. ARC Breaks and their relationship to overts and M/W/HS. How to do Auditing by List. Written -- M/W/Hs and W/Hs -- critical thoughts -- ARC Breaks and what caused which. Study material -- appreciation of. Practical -- Not knowing and understanding how to do Auditing by List. Reading meter through a D/N. Long comm lags with admin and asking next question. Bad TR 0. 169 Auditing -- Additives to process -- not stopping at floating needle or under-running. Level III Theory -- How to do an ARC Break Assessment. Difference between By-passed Charge Assessment and ARC Break Assessment. When to stop doing ARC Break Assessment. Written -- The primary error in handling ARC Breaks. How to do listing and nulling. Confusing ARC Breaks with by-passed charge. Practical -- Goofing up nulling a list. Doing nulling through D/N. Turning the sensitivity up in the assessment. Not being able to clean the needle on the Pc. Auditing -- Not knowing what to do with CDEI Scale or method of running R3H. Over-running -- under-running. Not handling an ARC Break properly. Level IV Theory -- Definition of Service Fac. Rehab procedure. Understanding what PTS is. Written -- Recognizing a PTS situation. Details on rehabbing. Listing & Nulling rules. Recognizing when a new key-in has occurred in a rehab session. Knowing the rules on when to run a grade or when to rehab. Practical -- Slow nulling of a list -- not doing it slickly and with certainty and with good TRs. Correct procedure on Listing and Nulling. Correct procedure on Auditing by List. Reading through D/N. Level VI Very few flunks -- occasionally over confusions on R6EW running -- either shows in Theory or Written Exam. Solo Audit Lots of flunks -- model session, scales, basics, what makes a meter read, comm cycle, admin, how to do a worksheet. Sometimes running process -- R6EW -- usually basics are weak. Dangerous Auditor's Exam -- No flunks! LRH:lb-r.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 170  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=16/8/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LIST L-4 S & D   Remimeo Academies, Level III & above HGC Auditors, III & above Franchise Level III & above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 AUGUST 1966 (CANCELLED -- see HCO B 9 Jan 68 Volume VI -- 213) Remimeo Academies, Level III & above HGC Auditors, III & above Franchise Level LIST L-4 S & D III & above The following list may be used to assess an ARC Break on Search and Discovery: 1. An incorrect item been found? 2. A withhold been missed? 3. An item been by-passed? 4. An item been abandoned? 5. An item been suppressed? 6. An item been invalidated? 7. An item been protested? 8. An item been asserted? 9. An item been decided about? 10. You not given items you thought of? 11. The item on another list? 12. The item already been given? 13. The item been refused? 14. The list not been completed? 15. The item been found? 16. You already volunteered the item? 17. You thought of an item and not put it on the list? 18. An item been misworded? 19. An item been mispronounced? 20. An item not been understood? 21. Is there another name for any person on the list? 22. An item been forced on you? 23. An item been evaluated? 24. An item been suggested? 25. Earlier listing been restimulated? 26. Earlier wrong items been restimulated? 27. Earlier listing ARC Breaks been restimulated? 28. An ARC Break on having an S and D? 29. Some other kind of by-passed charge? 30. Nothing wrong in the first place? 31. The upset been handled? 32. An overt been committed by listing someone? LRH:ec.rd Copyright $c 1966 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 171  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=22/8/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES   Remimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 AUGUST 1966 Remimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats FLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSES In sessions where the process being run on a pc involves a listing question (including S & D), please note that after the listing question has been thoroughly cleared with the preclear and then given to the pc that the process is being run. Should it happen, then, that while the pc is actually listing off the question (and has not gone momentarily out of session), the needle floats, this is the flat point or end phenomenon of the process and the whole subject and all further steps of it are dropped at once. Whatever charge was on the listing question has blown, either with or without the preclear being analytically aware of it. To continue the process beyond this point is Out Tech by the process being overrun and is also a violation of our basic Fast Flow System. Please note that whether there is a second leg to the process or not, like fitting an item found off a list into a bracket of commands, has no bearing on the fact that the process is flat. If the needle floats while the pc is in session listing off a question, then there is no charge left on that question and there will be no item to fit into the second leg of the process. The process has served its purpose. With training as immaculately precise as it is and auditors' comm cycles becoming effortlessly superlative, the gradients of our technology are so fine that the results of each process on each level will be achieved faster and faster. Sometimes the velocity of the processing is such that the end phenomenon will occur on the process without the preclear being aware of what has happened. Ending the process at this point then gives the preclear the chance to move into the velocity of the process. Please then acknowledge the power of our technology and keep winning LRH:lb-r.cden L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [For further data on FIN during listing see C/S Series 43, Volume VII, page 278.] 172  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=23/8/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SERVICE FACSIMILE   Remimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 23 AUGUST 1966 All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats SERVICE FACSIMILE A Service Facsimile is a computation generated by the being not the bank. An example of this is: "All horses sleep in beds." Such a computation locked away in the mind will obviously precipitate many compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses. An example of a doingness precipitated by the above computation would be: "Making beds for horses." If on assessing for a Service Facsimile you get "Making beds for horses" as the service facsimile please note that it is a doingness and not a computation, so if you fit the doingness into the bracket of Service Fac Commands, i.e.: How does "Making beds for horses" make you right? How does "Making beds for horses" make others wrong? etc., then observe very carefully exactly what the preclear says, because he might give the EXACT WORDS OF THE ACTUAL SERVICE FACSIMILE -- "ALL HORSES SLEEP IN BEDS". And observe very carefully and note all meter reaction to what he or she says. Note all of this, remembering that you were NOT running a real Service Facsimile in the first place, and that in order to really flatten all the compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses precipitated by the basic computation you will have to run the exact computation in the Service Fac bracket. If the doingness you run is a basic one then it is possible that the preclear will blow all the charge on the Service Fac and this you will assess by pc indicators and meter phenomena (i.e. free needle). It is obviously best to get a real Service Fac (computation) and taking beingnesses, doingnesses and havingnesses as Service Facsimiles if done by auditors must be thoroughly understood. Service Facsimile auditing can give great gains, so understand what you are doing with the technology and have many wins. LRH:lb-r.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 173  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=20/9/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MINUS SCALE RELEASES: ARC STRAIGHT WIRE DIANETIC   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1966 Remimeo MINUS SCALE RELEASES: ARC STRAIGHT WIRE DIANETIC There are several grades of Release below Zero, in the minus scale of the original complete Gradation Chart. Many of the minus scale can be attained by simple assessment. (And ceasing to assess the moment the release occurs is vital -- don't keep on assessing as the same session auditing action.) There are three specific grades of Release below Zero and above the lower minus scale. These are, from lowest: Straight Wire Release Dianetic Secondary Release Dianetic Engram Release Old ARC Straight Wire is not at Grade Zero or Grade III but way down below the Dianetic Releases. The original purpose still holds -- to make a person able to run secondaries and engrams. (Our Tech is still valid, you know, despite the 1950 origin of ARC Straight Wire.) ARC Straight Wire was fantastically effective in moving a person from "neurotic" to "normal". But in running ARC Straight Wire one must use a meter and cease to audit the pc the moment the needle goes free. Don't keep making the blunder of the '50s and early '60s. The pc released by ARC Straight Wire can now have secondaries run. When a needle goes free on a secondary, one again must cease to audit secondaries. The Dianetic Secondary Release can be run on engrams. When the needle goes free while running engrams, one ceases to audit the pc at once. Declares for these lower release grades can be confirmed by Qual and even declared by Certs and Awards by a small note from the Director of Certs and Awards. Thus you can possibly get a Release on the minus scale by assessment of the minus scale, a higher Release by running ARC Straight Wire, an even higher one by running Dianetic Secondaries, and yet a higher one by running Dianetic Engrams. And then, by good TRs and standard tech as usual, get a Grade 0. As many people go Grade 0 Release easily, these lower bands get overlooked. But those who don't go Grade 0 Release easily (unless it is overrun as the reason for "no Release") they can be begun by a Minus Scale assessment, then ARC Straight Wire, etc, back up to Zero for another try there. All pcs could be started on the minus scale with no harm. 175 QUAL NOTE Remember, there are several overruns that can require repair. These are: Life (overrun in a part life on some subject). Straight Wire (including Self Analysis). Earlier Repetitive Processing (Locational, etc). Dianetic Secondaries. Dianetic Engrams. Some cases hang and won't go Release at Grade 0 unless the above are rehabbed or (if never run) actually audited on the pc. ARC Breaks can cause a failure to go Release on Grade Zero or any other level and can prevent rehabs. And poor TRs can block the lot. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lb-r.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=21/9/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ARC BREAK NEEDLE   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 21 SEPTEMBER 1966 Remimeo ARC BREAK NEEDLE The needle of a preclear with an ARC Break may be dirty, stuck or sticky, but may ago give the appearance of FLOATING. This is not a Release point however, as the pc will be upset and out of comm at the same time. The auditor must observe the preclear and determine which it is. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lb-r.cden Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 176  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/9/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1966 Remimeo THE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20% of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Such people are known to have anti-social tendencies. When the legal or political structure of a country becomes such as to favor such personalities in positions of trust, then all the civilizing organizations of the country become suppressed and a barbarism of criminality and economic duress ensues. Crime and criminal acts are perpetuated by anti-social personalities. Inmates of institutions commonly trace their state back to contact with such personalities. Thus, in the fields of government, police activities and mental health, to name a few, we see that it is important to be able to detect and isolate this personality type so as to protect society and individuals from the destructive consequences attendant upon letting such have free rein to injure others. As they only comprise 20% of the population and as only 2 1/2% of this 20% are truly dangerous, we see that with a very small amount of effort we could considerably better the state of society. Well-known, even stellar, examples of such a personality are, of course, Napoleon and Hitler. Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Christie and other famous criminals were well-known examples of the antisocial personality. But with such a cast of characters in history we neglect the less stellar examples and do not perceive that such personalities exist in current life, very common, often undetected. When we trace the cause of a failing business, we will inevitably discover somewhere in its ranks the anti-social personality hard at work. In families which are breaking up we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality. Where life has become rough and is failing, a careful review of the area by a trained observer will detect one or more such personalities at work. As there are 80% of us trying to get along and only 20% trying to prevent us, our lives would be much easier to live were we well-informed as to the exact manifestations of such a personality. Thus we could detect it and save ourselves much failure and heartbreak. It is important then to examine and list the attributes of the anti-social personality. Influencing as it does the daily lives of so many, it well behooves decent people to become better informed on this subject. ATTRIBUTES The antisocial personality has the following attributes: 1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. "They say ....... " "Everybody thinks ....... " "Everyone knows ....... " and such expressions are in continual use, 177 particularly when imparting rumor. When asked, "Who is everybody ....... " it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the anti-social person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society. This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the anti-social in particular. 2. Such a person deals mainly in bad news, critical or hostile remarks, invalidation and general suppression. "Gossip" or "harbinger of evil tidings" or "rumor-monger" once described such persons. It is notable that there is no good news or complimentary remark passed on by such a person. 3. The antisocial personality alters, to worsen, communication when he or she relays a message or news. Good news is stopped and only bad news, often embellished, is passed along. Such a person also pretends to pass on "bad news" which is in actual fact invented. 4. A characteristic, and one of the sad things about an antisocial Personality, is that it does not respond to treatment or reform or psychotherapy. 5. Surrounding such a personality we find cowed or ill associates or friends who, when not driven actually insane, are yet behaving in a crippled manner in life, failing, not succeeding. Such people make trouble for others. When treated or educated, the near associate of the anti-social personality has no stability of gain but promptly relapses or loses his advantages of knowledge, being under the suppressive influence of the other. Physically treated, such associates commonly do not recover in the expected time but worsen and have poor convalescences. It is quite useless to treat or help or train such persons so long as they remain under the influence of the antisocial connection. The largest number of insane are insane because of such anti-social connections and do not recover easily for the same reason. Unjustly we seldom see the antisocial personality actually in an institution. Only his "friends" and family are there. 6. The anti-social personality habitually selects the wrong target. If a tire is flat from driving over nails, he or she curses a companion or a non-causative source of the trouble. If the radio next door is too loud, he or she kicks the cat. If A is the obvious cause, the anti-social personality inevitably blames B, or C or D. 7. The anti-social cannot finish a cycle of action. Such become surrounded with incomplete projects. 8. Many anti-social persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them. 178 Their actions have little or nothing to do with their own volition. Things "just happened". They have no sense of correct causation and particularly cannot feel any sense of remorse or shame therefore. 9. The antisocial personality supports only destructive groups and rages against and attacks any constructive or betterment group. 10. This type of personality approves only of destructive actions and fights against constructive or helpful actions or activities. The artist in particular is often found as a magnet for persons with antisocial personalities who see in his art something which must be destroyed and covertly, "as a friend", proceed to try. 11. Helping others is an activity which drives the anti-social personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy in the name of help are clearly supported. 12. The anti-social personality has a bad sense of property and conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense made up to fool people. Nothing is ever really owned. THE BASIC REASON The basic reason the anti-social personality behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others. To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed. The fixation is that survival itself depends on "keeping others down" or "keeping people ignorant". If anyone were to promise to make others stronger or brighter, the anti- social personality suffers the utmost agony of personal danger. They reason that if they are in this much trouble with people around them weak or stupid, they would perish should anyone become strong or bright. Such a person has no trust to a point of terror. This is usually masked and unrevealed. When such a personality goes insane the world is full of Martians or the FBI and each person met is really a Martian or FBI agent. But the bulk of such people exhibit no outward signs of insanity. They appear quite rational. They can be very convincing. However, the list given above consists of things which such a personality cannot detect in himself or herself. This is so true that if you thought you found yourself in one of the above, you most certainly are not anti-social. Self-criticism is a luxury the antisocial cannot afford. They must be RIGHT because they are in continual danger in their own estimation. If you proved one WRONG, you might even send him or her into a severe illness. Only the sane, well-balanced person tries to correct his conduct. RELIEF If you were to weed out of your past by proper search and discovery those antisocial persons you have known and if you then disconnected, you might experience great relief. 179 Similarly, if society were to recognize this personality type as a sick being as they now isolate people with smallpox, both social and economic recoveries could occur. Things are not likely to get much better so long as 20% of the population is permitted to dominate and injure the lives and enterprise of the remaining 80%. As majority rule is the political manner of the day, so should majority sanity express itself in our daily lives without the interference and destruction of the socially unwell. The pity of it is, they will not permit themselves to be helped and would not respond to treatment if help were attempted. An understanding and ability to recognize such personalities could bring a major change in society and our lives. THE SOCIAL PERSONALITY Man in his anxieties is prone to witch hunts. All one has to do is designate "people wearing black caps" as the villains and one can start a slaughter of people in black caps. This characteristic makes it very easy for the anti-social personality to bring about a chaotic or dangerous environment. Man is not naturally brave or calm in his human state. And he is not necessarily villainous. Even the anti-social personality, in his warped way, is quite certain that he is acting for the best and commonly sees himself as the only good person around, doing all for the good of everyone -- the only flaw in his reasoning being that if one kills everyone else, none are left to be protected from the imagined evils. His conduct in his environment and toward his fellows is the only method of detecting either the anti-social or the social personalities. Their motives for self are similar -- self-preservation and survival. They simply go about achieving these in different ways. Thus, as Man is naturally neither calm nor brave, anyone to some degree tends to be alert to dangerous persons and hence, witch hunts can begin. It is therefore even more important to identify the social personality than the anti-social personality. One then avoids shooting the innocent out of mere prejudice or dislike or because of some momentary misconduct. The social personality can be defined most easily by comparison with his opposite, the antisocial personality. This differentiation is easily done and no test should ever be constructed which isolates only the antisocial. On the same test must appear the upper as well as lower ranges of Man's actions. A test that declares only anti-social personalities without also being able to identify the social personality would be itself a suppressive test. It would be like answering "Yes" or "No" to the question "Do you still beat your wife?" Anyone who took it could be found guilty. While this mechanism might have suited the times of the Inquisition, it would not suit modern needs. As the society runs, prospers and lives solely through the efforts of social personalities, one must know them as they, not the anti-social, are the worthwhile people. These are the people who must have rights and freedom. Attention is given to the anti-social solely to protect and assist the social personalities in the society. 180 All majority rules, civilizing intentions and even the human race will fall unless one can identify and thwart the anti-social personalities and help and forward the social personalities in the society. For the very word "society" implies social conduct and without it there is no society at all, only a barbarism with all men, good or bad, at risk. The frailty of showing how the harmful people can be known is that these then apply the characteristics to decent people to get them hunted down and eradicated. The swan song of every great civilization is the tune played by arrows, axes or bullets used by the anti-social to slay the last decent men. Government is only dangerous when it can be employed by and for anti- social personalities. The end result is the eradication of all social personalities and the resultant collapse of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Russia or the West. You will note in the characteristics of the anti-social personality that intelligence is not a clue to the anti-social. They are bright or stupid or average. Thus those who are extremely intelligent can rise to considerable, even head-of-state heights. Importance and ability or wish to rise above others are likewise not indexes to the anti-social. When they do become important or rise they are, however rather visible by the broad consequences of their acts. But they are as likely to be unimportant people or hold very lowly stations and wish for nothing better. Thus it is the twelve given characteristics alone which identify the anti- social personality. And these same twelve reversed are the sole criteria of the social personality if one wishes to be truthful about them. The identification or labelling of an anti-social personality cannot be done honestly and accurately unless one also, in the same examination of the person, reviews the positive side of his life. All persons under stress can react with momentary flashes of anti-social conduct. This does not make them anti-social personalities. The true antisocial person has a majority of anti-social characteristics. The social personality has a majority of social characteristics. Thus one must examine the good with the bad before one can truly label the antisocial or the social. In reviewing such matters, very broad testimony and evidence are best. One or two isolated instances determine nothing. One should search all twelve social and all twelve anti-social characteristics and decide on the basis of actual evidence, not opinion. The twelve primary characteristics of the social personality are as follows: 1. The social personality is specific in relating circumstances. "Joe Jones said ....... " "The Star Newspaper reported ....... " and gives sources of data where important or possible. He may use the generality of "they" or "people" but seldom in connection with attributing statements or opinions of an alarming nature. 2. The social personality is eager to relay good news and reluctant to relay bad. He may not even bother to pass along criticism when it doesn't matter. He is more interested in making another feel liked or wanted than disliked by others and tends to err toward reassurance rather than toward criticism. 181 3. A social personality passes communication without much alteration and if deleting anything tends to delete injurious matters. He does not like to hurt people's feelings. He sometimes errs in holding back bad news or orders which seem critical or harsh. 4. Treatment, reform and psychotherapy particularly of a mild nature work very well on the social personality. Whereas anti-social people sometimes promise to reform, they do not. Only the social personality can change or improve easily. It is often enough to point out unwanted conduct to a social personality to completely alter it for the better. Criminal codes and violent punishment are not needed to regulate social personalities. 5. The friends and associates of a social personality tend to be well, happy and of good morale. A truly social personality quite often produces betterment in health or fortune by his mere presence on the scene. At the very least he does not reduce the existing levels of health or morale in his associates. When ill, the social personality heals or recovers in an expected manner, and is found open to successful treatment. 6. The social personality tends to select correct targets for correction. He fixes the tire that is flat rather than attack the windscreen. In the mechanical arts he can therefore repair things and make them work. 7. Cycles of action begun are ordinarily completed by the social personality, if feasible. 8. The social personality is ashamed of his misdeeds and reluctant to confess them. He takes responsibility for his errors. 9. The social personality supports constructive groups and tends to protest or resist destructive groups. 10. Destructive actions are protested by the social personality. He assists constructive or helpful actions. 11. The social personality helps others and actively resists acts which harm others. 12. Property is property of someone to the social personality and its theft or misuse is prevented or frowned upon. THE BASIC MOTIVATION The social personality naturally operates on the basis of the greatest good. He is not haunted by imagined enemies but he does recognize real enemies when they exist. The social personality wants to survive and wants others to survive, whereas the anti-social personality really and covertly wants others to succumb. 182 Basically the social personality wants others to be happy and do well, whereas the antisocial personality is very clever in making others do very badly indeed. A basic clue to the social personality is not really his successes but his motivations. The social personality when successful is often a target for the anti-social and by this reason he may fail. But his intentions included others in his success, whereas the antisocial only appreciate the doom of others. Unless we can detect the social personality and hold him safe from undue restraint and detect also the anti-social and restrain him, our society will go on suffering from insanity, criminality and war, and Man and civilization will not endure. Of all our technical skills, such differentiation ranks the highest since, failing, no other skill can continue, as the base on which it operates -- civilization -- will not be here to continue it. Do not smash the social personality -- and do not fail to render powerless the anti-social in their efforts to harm the rest of us. Just because a man rises above his fellows or takes an important part does not make him an antisocial personality. Just because a man can control or dominate others does not make him an antisocial personality. It is his motives in doing so and the consequences of his acts which distinguish the antisocial from the social. Unless we realize and apply the true characteristics of the two types of personality, we will continue to live in a quandary of who our enemies are and, in doing so, victimize our friends. All men have committed acts of violence or omission for which they could be censured. In all Mankind there is not one single perfect human being. But there are those who try to do right and those who specialize in wrong and upon these facts and characteristics you can know them. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:lb-r.rd.jh Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HCO B 29 September 1966 [HCO B 29 September 1966, Library Record of Levels, is a 29-page mimeo that simply lists LRH tape lectures divided into subjects by level. At the end is a section that updates HCO B 30 November 1965, Library Record of Levels, which lists written materials. The text at the beginning says: "This is a complete list of all the tape recorded lectures of L. Ron Hubbard containing the materials as per the Gradation Chart, applying to each level. "While not all these are to be issued to students, they give the total of available materials. "This list of tapes is complementary to the list of HCO Bulletins and books issued as HCO Bulletin of 30th November 1965."] 183  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=13/10/66 Volnum=0 Issue=3 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM   Remimeo Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good supply to Review  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 13 OCTOBER 1966 Issue III (HCO Pol Ltr of 26 June 1965, amended and reissued) (REVISED -- see HC0 PL 7 Apr 70RA Volume VIII -- 321) Remimeo Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good supply to Review HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM When the Case Officer of Review receives a pc from the HGC for "Review" he instantly and immediately gets the pc into session and handles the following form only. All handling of this form is counted as Auditing time in Review. The D of P and Tech Division must not say what is wrong with the pc or what to do with the pc as this is monitored by the very firm broad policy that Tech cannot order Review. The Case Officer checks all these things. They are done on a Meter. Significant TA actions noted on the lines on which they occur with pc holding the cans. NAME OF PC _________________________ DATE ______________ TIME ________________ NAME OF AUDITOR __________________________________ TA ________________ 1. PC'S FOLDER IN HAND _________________ CONTAINS GRAPH _______________ PC BEGINNING ASSMT FORM __________________ 2. PC BEEN INVOICED INTO REVIEW AT CHARGE ___________________________________ 3. PC'S HGC AUDITORS (TAKEN FROM FOLDER) ____________________________________ 4. ARC BREAK SESSION ASSMT ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ENVIRONMENT ASSMT ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. IGNORED PC ORIGINATIONS __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. MISSED WITHHOLDS _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ____________________________ 184 7. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ____________________________ 8. MISUNDERSTOOD WORD OR SYMBOL _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ____________________________ 9. COMMITTING CONTINUOUS PT OVERTS __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ____________________________ 10. CLEANED CLEANS ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 11. PROCESSES LEFT UNFLAT (BY FOLDER EXAMINATION) ____________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ 12. PROCESS OVERRUN (BY FOLDER EXAMINATION) __________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS OVERRUN __________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ 13. NON-STANDARD PROCESSES ___________________________________________________ 14. BAD AUDITING COMM CYCLE __________________________________________________ 15. CODE BREAKS ______________________________________________________________ 16. HIDDEN STANDARD (WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO KNOW SCIENTOLOGY WORKS) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ SPOTTED __________________________________________________________________ 185 17. PC AND DRUGS (TAKING ANY DRUGS) __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 18. ALCOHOL __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 19. ENOUGH SLEEP _____________________________________________________________ ENOUGH FOOD (BREAKFAST) __________________________________________________ (LUNCH) __________________________________________________________________ (DINNER) _________________________________________________________________ 20. MIXED THERAPIES (ANY OTHER TREATMENT IN PROGRESS) ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 21. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON ________________________________________ 22. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP _________________________________________ 23. HERE TO GET DATA FOR SOMEONE ELSE ________________________________________ 24. HERE BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DEMANDED IT ____________________________________ 25. FORMER RELEASE ___________________________________________________________ 26. FORMER THETAN EXTERIOR ___________________________________________________ 27. SELF AUDITING DURING INTENSIVE ___________________________________________ 28. BEING AUDITED BY SOMEONE ELSE DURING INTENSIVE OTHER THAN HGC AUDITOR __________________________________________________________________ 29. CRIMINAL RECORD OR CRIMES FOR WHICH YOU COULD BE ARRESTED __________________________________________________________________________ 30. INSANE ASYLUM HISTORY ____________________________________________________ SHOCK TREATMENT HISTORY __________________________________________________ 31. HERE TO BE CURED OF SOMETHING NOT MENTIONED ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 32. UNPAID DEBTS TO ORGS _____________________________________________________ 33. KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY _________________________________ 34. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SCIENTOLOGY WORKED ON EVERYONE ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 35. ANYTHING UPSETTING ABOUT THIS REVIEW _____________________________________ 36. HAS ANYTHING BEEN SUPPRESSED? ____________________________________________ 37. HAS ANYTHING BEEN INVALIDATED? ___________________________________________ 38. HAS ANYTHING BEEN RUSHED? ________________________________________________ 39. HAS ANYTHING BEEN MISSED? ________________________________________________ 40. PC STATEMENT OF THE TROUBLE AS IT IS NOW _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 41. READS I COULD NOT CLEAN UP _______________________________________________ 186 42. BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES (IF PC NOT SOLVED BY THIS POINT) ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 43. OTHER ACTIONS CASE OFFICER HAD TO TAKE ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 44. FALSE REPORTS ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ FINISH TA POSITION ________________________ FINISH TIME ______________________ TOTAL TA DIVS DURING REVIEW ________________ TOTAL TIME ______________________ PC TO ETHICS _________________________________________________________________ PC TO HGC ____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ DATE ____________________________ CASE OFFICER SIGN __________________________ EXAMINER FINALLY DIRECTS TO ETHICS ____________________________ TO HGC ________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The following items have been added in this amendment: "Name of Auditor", "Time", "TA", "8. Misunderstood Word or Symbol, Clean", "9. Committing Continuous PT Overts, Clean", "Shock Treatment History", "Finish Time", and "Total Time".] 187  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/11/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REHAB ON SELF ANALYSIS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 NOVEMBER 1966 Remimeo REHAB ON SELF ANALYSIS The following letter is of importance on rehab of pcs run on Straight Wire or Self Analysis: "Dear Ron, The following is an account of rehabbing an ARC Straight Wire Release; the info may be of use to other auditors. I got a read on PC being Release on 'Book of Self Analysis' which several people had run on her. I checked on meter if PC had 'Gone Release on (Name of Process).' 'Can you recall a time when (on General Incidents)?' (List 1 in Book of Self Analysis.) 'Did you go Release on "Can you recall an incident which happened on Time Orientation?"' (List 2 in Book of Self Analysis.) 'Did you go Release on "Can you recall a time when (on Orientation of Senses)?"' (List 3 in Book of Self Analysis) etc. PC had 6 of the Processes she had been Release on. I then dated the release points, all over a period of 2 years, then put Rehab steps in on each time until needle floated. PC ended shining. I hope this will help other auditors rehabbing this level. Very best, Ron Pook. P.S. Auditors need the book of Self Analysis with them when doing Rehabs at ARC Straight Wire level." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 188  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/11/66 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES   Tech Hats Auditors Level IV Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 NOVEMBER 1966 Tech Hats Auditors Level IV Students ASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILES The location of service facsimiles requires a proper listing question, the absence of which can lead to missing the actual service fac or overrunning a lower release grade. Of the assessment methods, the following should probably be ruled out as an overrun of earlier grades or on the basis of getting a free needle on a previous grade: 1. Slow assessment with ITSA (overrun Grade 0) 2. Assessment by problems (overrun Grade I) 3. Assessment by parts of existence (overrun Grade 0) This leaves as acceptable methods: 1. "In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?" 2. "In this lifetime, what do you think your service facsimile is?" (for a Scientologist trained to Level IV) 3. "In this lifetime, what would be a safe solution to ....... ?" (the blank having been obtained by questions given on the tapes to find either a hidden standard or hidden problem). 4. Assessment of a prepared list, using level found, in "In this lifetime, what have you ....... (pre-hav level)?" The point being not to start out at the beginning by listing a question which OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT RESULT IN FINDING A SERVICE FAC, in which instance the rule of declaring the grade on a floating needle obtained on the list could not possibly apply. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 189  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/1/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUB ZERO RELEASES EXAMINER'S SAFEGUARD   Remimeo Qual Hats Tech Hats  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JANUARY 1967 Remimeo Qual Hats Tech Hats SUB ZERO RELEASES EXAMINER'S SAFEGUARD The Pc Examiner in the Department of Examinations, employs the FAST FLOW SYSTEM in examining pcs sent for Release declare. If in doubt when faced with raw meat pc who seems to show nowhere near the expected awareness level for the grade of release he or she has come in for (Grades 0-IV), the Examiner simply tells the pc that he is going to assess a list and that the pc does not have to say anything unless he wants to. THE AWARENESS LEVELS from the GRADATION CHART are then assessed from the bottom -34 up (to -52 when published). When the pc's AWARENESS LEVEL is called the needle will float. This will be most real to the pc and he will probably comment on it. The Examiner stops at that instant, indicates the floating needle. The Examiner notifies the Auditor that a Sub Zero Release has been obtained. The pc is now ready to receive auditing on the level on which he originally came for declare and will be returned to the Auditor. This verifies that the indicators didn't justify the grade of Release being claimed prior to finding the Sub Zero Release. NOTE: A good dictionary should be at hand. If no float is obtained, find out if the pc is hung up on any word, and clear it using the dictionary. The Fast Flow System is observed, assess first, if any trouble arises from misunderstoods, clear it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 190  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=2/1/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DATING -- FORBIDDEN WORDS   Qual Personnel Tech Personnel Clearing Course Students SHSBC Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 JANUARY 1967 Qual Personnel Tech Personnel Clearing Course Students SHSBC Students DATING -- FORBIDDEN WORDS THE WORDS "MORE"-"LESS" OCCUR IN THE BANK AND THEIR USE IN DATING IS FORBIDDEN. In The Book of E-Meter Drills the patter for Track Dating, E-Meter Drill 25, containing the words "more"-"less", has to be changed to "GREATER THAN" - "LESSER THAN". E-Meter Drill 22, E-Meter Hidden Date, This Life, remains unchanged. Anyone who is using the words "earlier"-"later" in dating, words which are not to be found in any E-Meter Drill, is not only guilty of alter-ising Tech, but will grind his student or preclear into the Bank, since these words also occur in the Bank and are therefore forbidden. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 191  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/1/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MANIFESTATIONS OF ENGRAMS AND SECONDARIES FURTHER DEFINED   Dianetic Course Students (Star Rated) Qual Execs Tech Execs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1967 Dianetic Course Students (Star Rated) Qual Execs MANIFESTATIONS OF ENGRAMS AND Tech Execs SECONDARIES FURTHER DEFINED In order to provide a more accurate differentiation between the manifestations of an engram and a secondary, below are listed detailed definitions of Pain and Sensation. Pain (in its various forms) is the indication of an Engram. Sensation (in its various forms) is the indication of a Secondary, which precedes the actual Engram. DEFINITIONS SOMATICS = This is a general word for uncomfortable physical perceptions coming from the reactive mind. Its genus is early Dianetics and it is a general, common package word, used by Scientologists to denote "pain" or "sensation" with no difference made between them. To understand the source of these feelings, one should have a knowledge of engrams, ridges and other parts of the reactive bank. To the Scientologist anything is a SOMATIC if it emanates from the various parts of the reactive mind and produces an awareness of reactivity. Symbol SOM. PAIN = PAIN is composed of heat, cold, electrical, and the combined effect of sharp hurting. If one stuck a fork in his arm, he would experience pain. When one uses PAIN in connection with clearing one means awareness of heat, cold, electrical or hurting stemming from the reactive mind. According to experiments done at Harvard, if one were to make a grid with heated tubes going vertically and chilled tubes going horizontally and were to place a small current of electricity through the lot, the device, touched to a body, would produce the feeling of PAIN. It need not be composed of anything very hot or cold or of any high voltage to produce a very intense feeling of pain. Therefore what we call PAIN is itself heat, cold and electrical. If a pc experiences one or more of these from his reactive mind, we say he is experiencing PAIN. "Electrical" is the bridge between sensation and PAIN and is difficult to classify as either PAIN or sensation when it exists alone. Symbol PN. SENSATION = All other uncomfortable perceptions stemming from the reactive mind are called SENSATION. These are basically "Pressure", "motion", "dizziness", "sexual sensation", and "emotion and misemotion". There are others, definite in themselves but definable in these five general categories. If one took the fork in the pain definition above and pressed it against the arm, that would be "pressure". "Motion" is just that, a feeling of being in motion when one is not. "Motion" includes the "winds of space", a feeling of being blown upon especially from in front of the face. "Dizziness" is a feeling of disorientation and includes a spinniness, as well as an out-of- balance feeling. "Sexual sensation" means any feeling, pleasant or unpleasant, commonly experienced during sexual restimulation or action. "Emotion and Misemotion" include all levels of the complete tone scale except "pain"; emotion and misemotion are closely allied to "motion", being only a finer particle action. A bank solidity is a form of "pressure", and when the sensation of increasing solidity of masses in the mind occurs, we say "the bank is beefing up". All these are classified as SENSATION. Symbol SEN. LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1967 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Founder 192  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=22/3/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  IMPORTANT ADMIN KNOW-HOW ALTER-IS AND DEGRADED BEINGS   Remimeo Level 0  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 22 MARCH 1967 Remimeo Level 0 IMPORTANT ADMIN KNOW-HOW ALTER-IS AND DEGRADED BEINGS Alteration of orders and tech is worse than non-compliance. Alter-is is a covert avoidance of an order. Although it is apparently often brought about by non-comprehension, the non-comprehension itself and failure to mention it, is an avoidance of orders. Very degraded beings alter-is. Degraded ones refuse to comply without mentioning it. Beings in fair condition try to comply but remark their troubles to get help when needed. Competent higher toned beings understand orders and comply if possible but mainly do their jobs without needing lots of special orders. Degraded beings find any instruction painful as they have been painfully indoctrinated with violent measures in the past. They therefore alter-is any order or don't comply. Thus in auditing pcs or in org, where you find alter-is (covert non- compliance) and non-compliance, given sensible and correct tech or instructions, you are dealing with a degraded low level being and should act accordingly. One uses very simple low level processes on a degraded being, gently. In admin, orgs and especially the Tech Div where a staff member alter- ises, or fails to comply you are also dealing with a degraded being but one who is too much a pc to be a staff member. He cannot be at cause and staff members must be at cause. So he or she should not be on staff. This is a primary senior datum regulating all handling of pcs and staff members. A degraded being is not a suppressive as he can have case gain. But he is so PTS that he works for suppressives only. He is sort of a super-continual PTS beyond the reach really of a simple S & D and handled only at Sect 3 OT Course. Degraded beings, taking a cue from SP associates, instinctively resent, hate and seek to obstruct any person in charge of anything or any Big Being. Anyone issuing sensible orders is the first one resented by a degraded being. A degraded being lies to his seniors, avoids orders covertly by alter-is, fails to comply, supplies only complex ideas that can't ever work (obstructive) and is a general area of enturbulence, often mild seeming or even "cooperative", often even flattering, sometimes merely dull but consistently alter-ising or non-complying. This datum appeared during higher level research and is highly revelatory of earlier unexplained phenomena -- the pc who changes commands or doesn't do them, the worker who can't get it straight or who is always on a tea break. In an area where suppression has been very heavy for long periods people become degraded beings. However, they must have been so before already due to track incidents. 193 Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal. But the degraded being is not necessarily a natively bad thetan. He is simply so PTS and has been for so long that it requires our highest level tech to finally undo it after he has scaled up all our grades. Degraded beings are about 18 to 1 over Big Beings in the human race (minimum ratio). So those who keep things going are few. And those who will make it without the steam of the few in our orgs behind them are zero. At the same time, we can't have a world full of them and still make it. So we have no choice. And we can handle them, even when they cannot serve, at higher levels. This is really OT data but we need it at lower levels to get the job done. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 194  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/4/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICE   Remimeo Staff Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 APRIL 1967 Remimeo Staff Students RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICE (HCOB of 21 June 1960, "Religious Philosophy and Religious Practice" Revised) Scientology is a religion by its basic tenets, practice, historical background and by the definition of the word "religion" itself. The following will help clarify the philosophical and practical aspects of religion. Religious practice implies ritual, faith-in, doctrine based on a catechism and a creed. Religious philosophy implies study of spiritual manifestations; research on the nature of the spirit and study on the relationship of the spirit to the body; exercises devoted to the rehabilitation of abilities in a spirit. Scientology is a Religious philosophy in its highest meaning as it brings man to Total Freedom and Truth. Our Confessional relieves the being of the encumbrances which keep his awareness as a being limited to the physical aspects of life. Scientology is also a Religious practice in that the Church of Scientology conducts basic services such as Sermons at Church meetings, Christenings, Weddings and Funerals. Scientology does not conflict with other Religions or Religious Practices as it clarifies them and brings understanding of the spiritual nature of man. Scientology has amongst its members people of all the major faiths, including many priests, bishops and other ordained communicants of the major faiths. Scientology's closest spiritual ties with any other religion are with Orthodox (Hinayana) Buddhism with which it shares an historical lineage. But even here the relationship is based mainly on friendship and the recognition of the Being as a Spirit rather than on any organizational ties. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jt.jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 195  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=30/6/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  EVIDENCES OF AN ABERRATED AREA   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 30 JUNE 1967 Remimeo EVIDENCES OF AN ABERRATED AREA 1. Bad memory in that area 2. Comes up with wrong answers for that area which give 3. PTPs on that subject (since one's answers are wrong). 4. ARC Breaks on that subject (as the trauma gives the opportunity for B P Chg). 5. Is emotional on the subject (continuous B P Chg). 6. Can't confront its subject matter (as represents painful experience). 7. Is ill in the body part or part of existence which was injured. 8. His mest in that area is "sick" (enmested), as degraded by trauma. 9. Is inattentive on that subject. 10. Has perception lapses on things similar to the objects in the traumatic area. 11. Detests or ignores or can't have the objects similar to those in the traumatic experience. 12. Acts irrationally on the subject that is uncleared. 13. Is regarded as odd on that subject (not normal behavior). 14. Resents any criticism of self regarding the subject or area. 15. Ridicules the subject or object. 16. Cannot understand similar objects or experiences. 17. Commits overts on the subject or object. 18. Justifies any overt committed. 19. Thinks critical thoughts of the subject or object. 20. Dwells on the subject or object continuously. 21. Desires to get subject or object out of mind. 22. Wants processing for the subject, area or object. 23. Reacts on the needle when any near subject word is mentioned. 24. Reacts on the Tone Arm when any close version of the word is mentioned. 25. Becomes ill when invalidating the subject or object. 26. Has withholds concerning subject or object. 27. Doesn't want to discuss subject or object. 28. Alters data about the subject or object. 29. Tells lies concerning the subject or object. 30. Subjects pc got low grades on, can't understand. 31. And most important of all, attempts to stop things in that area and uses innumerable methods, covert and overt to do so. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 196  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/8/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE SUPREME TEST   Level IV and up Remimeo Scn Execs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 AUGUST 1967 Level IV and up Remimeo Scn Execs THE SUPREME TEST THE SUPREME TEST OF A THETAN IS HIS ABILITY TO MAKE THINGS GO RIGHT. This of course is a rather savage and brutal datum for it thrusts aside all justification, reasonableness, excuses and even does not take into account the size or obstacles of the opposition. But please note that the datum is not "are things all right around him" as this is a passive test and could mean only that he was simply sitting still. Whether things are currently all right or not is beside the point. The thetan who is making things go right may be tackling a mountain of confusion and of course things are not all right because what he is attacking is mainly wrong. It is whether or not he is making things go right in spite of "hell or high water" that is the test. Many beings live lives of quiet correctness without ever once making anything do anything. Things around them just happen to be orderly. The social system props them up. But someday -- bang -- the society gets into a turmoil which knocks out the props. THEN we see that there were too few present who could MAKE things go right and that is the end of the society. Thus died all old civilizations. Their people lived in a system correctness and things went right only so long as nothing was going wrong. Then one day things go wrong. These sophisticated but weak beings never were able to MAKE things go right and so the whole society collapses. One might also ask, "What is meant by right?" This would be forwarding a purpose not destructive to the majority of the dynamics. Aberration is by definition "a crooked line". It is from the Latin aberratio, "a wandering from" and from the Latin errare, to wander or to err. A sane person thinks, looks and sees in straight lines. Black is black, white is white. The aberrated person looks toward black and wanders off in his gaze to something else and makes the error of saying it is "grey". You can consider aberration in a passive way (supinely, of no force or action). A person is sane or not sane. He thinks straight or crookedly. Now consider aberration in a forceful way. A person looks, then an opposing force to him pushes aside his gaze or distracts it. But the really sane, forceful person looks right on through and past the opposition and sees what is there anyway. Let us take real action. Mr. Q rolls a ball from A toward B. En route Opposition X pushes the ball aside toward C. Mr. Q then shoves the ball toward C and says the reason he did not arrive properly at B was because ....... Mr. S rolls a ball from A toward B. Opposition X diverts the ball toward C. Mr. S pulls the ball back into line and despite, over and through Opposition X arrives at B anyway. 197 You can see that Mr. Q in the first example is willing to be aberrated or pushed aside or at least does not contest it enough. Mr. Q is aberrated. Mr. S on the other hand was not willing to be diverted and went right on to B. Mr. S is not aberrated. Now society, being mainly suppressive, observes that Mr. Q never has much commotion around him. True, he never arrives and gets nothing done, but he isn't noisy so he is "okay". Mr. S on the other hand makes an awful row and bashes Opposition X on the head and snarls his way onward toward B. Society says he is a bad fellow because he has fusses. Of course he also gets something done. But in a decadent society men are measured by how pleasant they are, not how effective they are, so Mr. S is regarded as a bit "mad". YET when trouble comes it is only the Mr. Ss who will save the day while the Mr. Qs all give up and die. There is another point here, however. That is purpose. The difference between one thetan's forward thrust and another's is PURPOSE, validity of. A madman can also go from A toward B relentlessly where B is a totally undesirable and destructive point. But in actual practice, real madmen never really arrive at the B they wanted to arrive at. A madman only goes toward but never really arrives. So he only makes everything go wrong. B must be a desirable point not destructive to a majority of the dynamics for rightness to occur. So there is the savage and bare datum: THE SUPREME TEST OF A THETAN IS THE ABILITY TO MAKE THINGS GO RIGHT. People who explain how wrong it is all going and who have reasons why and WHO AREN'T PUTTING IT RIGHT are the real crazy people in the universe. The only ones crazier than they are are the ones who are quite happy to have everything fail and go wrong with no protest from them. And the only ones even worse are those who work endlessly to make things go wrong and prevent anything from going right and oppose all efforts instinctively. Fortunately there are a few around who DO make things go right in spite of everything and anyone. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 198  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=13/9/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REMEDY B   Applicable Levels Internes Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 SEPTEMBER 1967 Applicable Levels Internes Remimeo REMEDY B Remedy B in The Book of Case Remedies MUST NOT BE RUN TO LIMIT THE PC TO THIS LIFE. The way to do this remedy is BY LISTING. It is a process of Level III. One asks for subjects or practices similar to Scientology. He LISTS the answers. He makes a complete list, not too short, not too long, and the item on it. Usually the correct subject or practice gives a Blowdown. The pc sometimes cognites at this point and good indicators come in strongly. If this does not spectacularly occur, one asks for the misunderstoods (not the misunderstood words) the pc might have on this subject. This probably cleans it all up IF YOU GOT THE RIGHT ITEM ON THE LIST. Remedy B has been run lately in a manner to limit it to this life. That is an error. The pc never has done anything in this life that aberrated him. The subject on which Scientology is hanging up is almost always in a past life. Hence it is reached only by generalized listing. You don't ask, in Remedy B, for misunderstood WORDS in the found subject as these would be in Hottentot, Arabic, lingua spacia or some outlandish tongue the pc has no memory of. As a comment, why can't people just understand a process and do it without goofing it. Remedy B has been rendered wholly ineffective by the misinterpretation it has received. Remedy B is a vital process and if run and run right as above it cures the slow Academy student. So let's do it do it do it and without goofs, huh? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 199  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/9/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCALES   Remimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 18 SEPTEMBER 1967 Correcting HCO B 3 Feb 1967 CORRECTED 4 APRIL 1974 Remimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel (Corrections in this type style) Students SCALES (HCO B 10 May 1960, "Scales" Revised) Following is a list of some scales used in Scientology, including a table of reality-spotting by E-Meter. EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE ---------------------------> 40.0 Serenity of Beingness | 8.0 Exhilaration | -------> 4.0 Enthusiasm | | 3.0 Conservatism | | 2.5 Boredom | THETAN 2.0 Antagonism | PLUS 1.8 Pain | BODY 1.5 Anger | 1.2 No Sympathy | Social 1.1 Covert Hostility | training and 1.0 Fear | education 0.9 Sympathy | sole guarantee 0.8 Propitiation | of 0.5 Grief | sane conduct 0.375 Making Amends | | 0.05 Apathy | -------> 0.0 Being a Body (Death) Failure THETAN SCALE RANGE -0.2 Being Other Bodies Shame Well below -1.0 Punishing Other Bodies Blame body death -1.3 Controlling Bodies Regret at "0", down -1.5 Protecting Bodies to complete -2.2 Owning Bodies unbeingness -3.0 Approval From Bodies as a thetan -3.5 Needing Bodies | -4.0 Hiding ---------------------------> -8.0 Hiding C-D-E-I SCALE C-D-E-I SCALE EXPANDED SCALE OF IDENTIFICATION Interest K Know Differentiate Desire U Unknow Associate Enforce C Curious Identify Inhibit D Desire Disassociate Unknow E Enforce I Inhibit 0 Absence of (No ____ ) F Falsify EFFECT SCALE SCALE OF KNOWINGNESS From: Can cause or receive Know any effect 40.0 Not-Know Know About To: Must cause total effect, Forget can receive none 0.0 Remember Occlude To: Is total effect, is hallucinatory cause -8.0 200 EXPANDED KNOW TO MYSTERY SCALE HAVINGNESS SCALE Native State Create Not Know Responsible for (willing to control) Know About Contribute to Look Confront Emotion Have Effort Waste Think Substitute Symbols Waste Substitute Eat Had Sex Must be Confronted Mystery Must be Contributed to Wait Created Unconscious REALITY-SPOTTING BY E-METER Needle characteristics plotted on scale with numerical tone scale values, "old" Reality Scale and "new" Reality Scale. TONE REALITY SCALE REALTY SCALE NEEDLE (OLD) (NEW) CHARACTERISTICS 40 to 20 Postulates PAN-DETERMINED ) CREATION ) Produces ) meter phenomena 20 to 4 Consideration SELF-DETERMINED ) at will. CREATION ) Free needle. ) 4 to 2 Agreements EXPERIENCE Free needle, drop at will. 1.5 Solid terminals CONFRONT Drop. 1.1 Terminals too solid ELSEWHERENESS Theta Bop. Lines solid 1 to .5 No terminal INVISIBILITY ) Solid line ) ) Stuck, sticky. .5 to .1 No terminal BLACKNESS ) Less solid line ) .1 No real terminal DUB-IN ) No solid line (no confront, ) Rising not-isness) ) needle. Substitute terminal ) 0.0 No terminal UNCONSCIOUSNESS STUCK. Also No line stage four needle. (All machine -- no pc.) For complete description of human behavior at the above tone levels, study SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL with the Chart of Human Evaluation by L. Ron Hubbard. Learn also the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes. The above chart of correlations applies in two ways: 1. by the chronic standard reaction of the preclear 2. by type of material (facsimiles) contacted. LRH:jp.rd.ams.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1967, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The 18 September 1967 issue corrected HCO B 3 February 1967 by reversing the position of "K Know" and "U Unknow" In the C-D-E-I SCALE EXPANDED, which was the only change. The correction of 4 April 1974 was to exchange the positions of "Shame" and "Regret" in the EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE. The HCO B 10 May 1960 referred to was not written by LRH.] 201  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  The following report from Yvonne Gillham is of interest:   General Non Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 SEPTEMBER 1967 General Non Remimeo The following report from Yvonne Gillham is of interest: "Dear Ron, Coming from Hull to here I found that when I started to feel sea-sick and when I indicated to myself that I was PTS and had some SP on my sea track restimulated, it completely blew, and I never had it again. When I indicated this to Pooky, Thok and Craig it had the same effect on them. I gave the info to Haskell, who was doing review at the time, and he had similar success. All sickness is PTS, etc, so it follows that sea-sickness would come under this too. Love, Yvonne." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.bh Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 202  Yvonne Gillham L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=8/10/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLEAR CHECKS AND RE-CLEAR CHECKS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 OCTOBER 1967 Remimeo CLEAR CHECKS AND RE-CLEAR CHECKS (Reference HCO PL 13 Sept 67) A Clear Check or a Re-Clear Check is done exactly per HCO PL 13 Sept 67, "Clear Check Outs". The first step, CC materials to FN, is a folder inspection. If no FN was noted in the CC folder, the point is rehabbed if it exists. Standard Rehab -- date time or times, etc. Materials not run to FN is a flunk. The second step requires the TA between 2 and 3. Proper cans giving full hand contact must be used. Solo cans are NOT used. The meter and cans must be checked out before the check by placing a 5000 ohm resistor between the cans, and then a 12,500 ohm resistor. The resistor is clipped to the cans, not the leads. Use sensitivity 5 on the Clear and Re-Clear Check. In rehabbing the grades keep in mind HCO B 11 Feb 66, "Free Needles, How to Get Them on a Pc". That is, if a grade does not rehab to FN, go on to the next grade, etc, until you have an FN. Then pick up those that you left. The one really keyed in will hold down the others. You do HCO Bs 30 June 65, 21 July 65, 2 Aug 65, 21 Oct 65 exactly. Listing and dating each and every release on a grade. REMEMBER that a pc may have gone release more than once on a given process, so check for it. You get in all steps and do a proper job of it, getting the pc happy about it before leaving the grade. When you are done you will have isolated the out grades, if any. Such a pc goes to Review to get them put in. You must have down that the grade was RUN. "Have you been run on ARC Breaks, yes, FN, that's it", is incorrect. See 21 Oct 65. What processes were run? -- list them -- find which went release on, etc. Standard tech. N.B. Straight wire, secondaries, engrams, and Grade Va do not need to be run. Their absence does not constitute a flunk. However, if they were run and the pc did not go release, they would naturally have to be completed. But, this is only done IF they were run previously. Some pcs have not been run on Grade V due to ED on old SH grads. Point is, are they whole track engram releases? If not, handle any by-passed charge. DO NOT run Power. Do not run Power on anyone who has run the CC materials. So, on such a pc as falls under this ED, when you get to where you would be rehabbing Grade V, you instead just locate his old track processes, like Helatrobus, Fac One, etc, and find out if he went release. You use your 27 Sept 65 bulletin here -- what did the pc look at that got the release -- what keyed out. This determines whether or not he's whole track engram release. For example, pc ran on old Advanced Procedure and Axioms process of go to a moment of occlusion in this lifetime. Bang, he went whole track, a picture of two anthropoids showed up in an electronics incident. The key-out gave the pc a release lasting 3 1/2 years. On rehab, when this electronic was spotted again, there was a great resurgence and FN. 203 During these grade rehabs the TA may go below 2 or above 3. This is OK, you continue the rehabs as you usually would. After rehabs are all done, any out grade is run to FN in Review, excluding those listed above. A person pending an S & D does not receive his check until the S & D has been completed on the person and Ethics clearance has been given on it. A Clear who acquires an Ethics record of a Crime level obviously is a misdeclare, and must be put on the usual lines and get a Re-Clear Cheek, then a complete Review to get in the out grade or grades. This Ethics record must be accurate and proven, not just some chit written which may or may not be true. It is a PROVEN record resulting from a Hearing, Board of Investigation, or Comm Ev. If the record is in question, it must be cleared up before revoking a Clear Certificate. Failure to pass a Re-Clear Check by TA position is meaningless technically because upper Levels key in after Clear and will move the TA all over the dial and can tighten the needle (tighten, not scratchy). So do not withdraw the Certificate. Continue the check, do rehabs, and get in any out grades in Review. Exams does the Check. You get a person cleaned up on whatever you found out so that he can then pass a Check. A person who flunks a Clear Check or Re-Clear Check does NOT run the CC materials to another FN before getting another check. If, however, the flunk was because the CC materials had not been run to FN, he would of course do so before another check. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [HCO PL 13 September 1967, Clear Check Outs, OEC Volume 5, page 148, referred to above, is cancelled by HCO PL 9 January 1968, Cancellation of HCO Policy Letter of 12 Sept 1967 and HCO Policy Letter of 13 Sept 1967, OEC Volume 5, page 154.] 204  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/10/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CLAY TABLE TRAINING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 OCTOBER 1967 Remimeo CLAY TABLE TRAINING PURPOSE: 1. To make the materials being studied real to the student by making him DEMONSTRATE them in clay. 2. To give a proper balance of mass and significance. 3. To teach the student to apply. The student is given a word or auditing action or situation to demonstrate. He then does this in clay, labeling each part. The clay SHOWS the thing. It is not just a blob of clay with a label on it. Use small strips of paper for labels. The whole demonstration then has a label of what it is. On the checkout, the student removes the overall label. The student must be silent. The examiner must not ask any questions. The examiner just looks and figures out what it is. He then tells the student who then shows the examiner the label. If the examiner did not see what it was, it is a flunk. Clay table must not be reduced to significance by the student explaining or answering questions. Nor is it reduced to significance by long-winded labels of individual parts. The clay shows it, not the label. The clay demonstrates it. The student must learn the difference between mass and significance. For example, the student has to demonstrate a pencil. He makes a thin roll of clay which is surrounded by another layer of clay -- the thin roll sticking slightly out of one end. On the other end goes a small cylinder of clay. The roll is labeled "lead". The outer layer is labeled "wood". The small cylinder is labeled "rubber". Then a label is made for the whole thing: "pencil". On checkout, the student removes "pencil" before the examiner can see it. If the examiner can look at it and say, "It's a pencil," the student passes. It might also be noted that checkouts on bulletins must also ask for demonstrations. Use paper-clips, rubber bands, etc. The examiner should ask questions that require an ability to apply. Give the student a situation and have him tell you how he would handle it. Questions about what is rule "a" do not detect the glib student. Long- winded explanations on clay table put it back into significance, prevent the student from learning to apply, and prevent the student from getting the proper balance of mass, and do not blow confusion. All checkouts must keep in mind that the purpose is application, not just getting a checksheet complete. If clay table training is not brightening that student up, then the above is NOT being done. Someone is in such a rush that real learning is being put aside for the sake of speed. This student has to audit with his materials. Don't let him fall flat by lousy checkouts and lousy demonstrations. A well done clay demo, which actually does demonstrate, will produce a marvellous change in that student. And he will retain the data. LRH:jp.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1967 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 205  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/11/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B, AND S AND Ds   Remimeo REVIEW AUDITORS (Note: To be reprinted for insertion in every copy of The Book of Case Remedies.)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 NOVEMBER 1967 Remimeo REVIEW AUDITORS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B, AND S AND Ds (Note: To be reprinted for insertion in every copy of The Book of Case Remedies.) This bulletin is to be inserted in and changes The Book of Case Remedies PROCEDURES for Remedy A, Remedy B and S and Ds (Search for and Discovery of Suppressives). Recent analyses made of Qualifications Divisions Departments of Review and of the flow of students and pcs through the Saint Hill org show: 1. The KEY processes so far as orgs are concerned are Remedy A, Remedy B and S & Ds. 2. Auditors need direct mechanical technology to do these three processes effectively. REMEDY A Remedy A locates the MISUNDERSTOODS a person has in Scientology. Originally it read "Misunderstood words". Words of course will emerge in the general run of misunderstoods. REMEDY A is done only by LISTING. It must not be done verbally alone. It is a Level III process. The listing question is "In the subjects of Dianetics or Scientology who or what has been misunderstood?" The item is found on the list and given to the student. That is all. There is no other step. The rules of listing all apply. If the student won't have the item it is not correct and the list must be straightened up with the general auditing rules that govern listing. REMEDY B The form of this process is changed. It is done by three lists. These three may only be done by formal LISTING and the general tech of listing as governed by Level III tech. The lists make the form of an I ------->--------|------->------ PT Subject List | v Into Past List | v ------->---------------->------ Misunderstood List LIST 1B This is done to locate what in the Scientology PT is giving trouble. It is done as a list and the item is found. 206 The listing question is "In your studies of Dianetics and Scientology who or what are you having trouble with?" The item is found and given to the student. This step is governed by all the tech of listing. LIST 2B The item found on List 1B is now listed in order to find the past track subject similar to what is giving trouble in present time. The listing question is "In your past, who or what was similar to ....... (item found in List 1B)?" It is highly illegal to limit the question to this lifetime. All the rules of listing apply. The item is found and given to the student. LIST 3B The third list of the process is now done. The listing question is "Who or what was misunderstood in ....... (the item found on list 2B)?" The listing is covered by the general tech of listing as found in Level III. The item is found and given to the student. This completes the Remedy B. If a floating needle occurs any time during the process with good indicators thoroughly visible in the student the process is concluded at that point. The process is used on anyone having trouble studying Dianetics or Scientology. The trouble, as it doesn't clear up with Remedy A, is coming from some prior subject. More than one of these can be done if all steps are done for each one. S & D Search and Discovery of Suppression is called an "S and D". It locates the suppressives on the case. I have several times undercut gotten processes that reach deeper) on S & Ds. The earliest process asked merely who might have been suppressive to the pc. This is still valid but I have found 2 flaws in it. 1. The auditor does not do a listing type S & D at all but just chattily brushes it off. 2. The list from this question contains an actual suppressive that is passed right over. Therefore I undercut the question and obtained much better results because the new question reached deeper. The new question was "Who or what might have suppressed you?" Then I recalled an even deeper question. This was "What purpose has been suppressed?" This was given to Qual Div SH some time ago. It would have 2 lists. The 207 first is for the purpose as above and the second would be "Who or what suppressed ....... (purpose found)?" For some reason, probably because no one did 2 lists, this undercut was neglected. Therefore I researched further and developed what we will now use as an S & D. It is one of these killer processes. It is VERY strong. So it isn't to be carelessly done. If you get a wrong item on an S & D YOU CAN MAKE THE PC ILL. So one has to do an S & D right and follow all the rules of listing as given in Level III tech. Also I find now that when a list item found is a generality (multiple subject, not specific such as "dogs" or "the public") the list is simply not complete. One does not have to settle for a generality and then list the generality. He will find that the pc will eventually list the specific non- general item anyway. Of course one can also do a represent list of a general item found if that seems best. The real question for an S & D was established only when I found a purpose all Suppressives have in common and is a very fundamental effort in suppressives. This effort by suppressives, when found, then permitted me to form the question. The key S & D question is: "Who or what has attempted to unmock you?" Unmocking (an effort to reduce or make disappear) is the primary effort of suppressives. Therefore the listing question on test delivers up items totally overlooked by the earlier types of S & D. The question needs to be cleared carefully for non-Scientology. If it has to be rephrased, watch out as the meaning may vanish. "Tried to make nothing of you" might substitute but at this writing only unmock has been tested and a question for others than educated Scientologists will be developed and issued and made part of the enclosure for the book. This S & D question must be done by LISTING only and with great care to follow Level III Listing tech as it, being powerful, will backfire on the pc if done carelessly and a wrong item is found. The item is found by listing and given to the pc, which is the end of the process. If a generality results it may be represented. But listing continued will give the same result of a single item. A general item must not be given to the pc as the final result. This process will now be standard review S & D. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.cden Founder Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is modified by HCO B 28 November 1967, The Key S & D Question, page 210.] 208  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=22/11/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OUT TECH   All Students All Courses Student Hats Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 22 NOVEMBER 1967 (REVISED -- see HCO PL 22 Nov 67 Volume VII -- 115) All Students Student Hats Remimeo All Courses OUT TECH If at any time a supervisor or other person in an org gives you interpretations of HCOBs, Policy Letters or tells you, "That's old. Read it but disregard it," or gives you a chit for following HCOBs or tapes or alters tech on you or personally cancels HCOBs or Policy Letters without being able to show you an HCOB or Policy Letter that cancels it, YOU MUST REPORT THE MATTER COMPLETE WITH NAMES AND ANY WITNESSES ON DIRECT LINES TO THE INTERNATIONAL ETHICS OFFICER AT WORLD WIDE. The only ways you can fail to get results on a pc are: 1. Not study your HCOBs and my books and tapes. 2. Not apply what you studied. 3. Follow "advice" contrary to what you find on HCOBs and Tapes. 4. Fail to obtain the HCOBs, books and tapes needed. There is no hidden data line. All of Dianetics and Scientology works. Some of it works faster. The only real error auditors made over the years was to fail to stop a process the moment they saw a floating needle. Any supervisor or executive who interprets, alters or cancels tech is liable to the assignment of a Condition of Enemy. All the data is in HCOBS or Policy Letters or on tape. Failure to make this mimeo known to every student carries a $10 fine for every student from which it is withheld. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The above HCO PL was revised and reissued on 18 July 1970, a copy of which is in Volume VII, page 115. It was also revised for the Standard Dianetics Course as HCO PL 8 May 1969, Issue IV, OEC Vol. 4, page 239.] 209  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/11/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  The key S & D question   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 NOVEMBER 1967 (Modifies HCOB 9 Nov 67) Remimeo The key S & D question is: "Who or what has unmocked you?" L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.rd Founder Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=27/12/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LIST HANDLING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 27 DECEMBER 1967 Remimeo LIST HANDLING By using a list such as the Green Form Review of 13 October 1966 to handle a case, one handles each item that reads before going on with assessment. There are two ways to use an assessment list. (a) Direct assessing of the whole list to obtain data and find what to do. (b) Assess down the list only until something reads, then handle that. Then when it's handled, continue on down from it to the next read, handle that, etc. The pc's attention often hangs up when his trouble is by-passed by a full list assessment without handling. If in handling an item you get an FN you don't then go on assessing the list. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.rd Founder Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 210  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=28/12/67 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  QUAL SENIOR DATUM   Remimeo Star Rated on All Qual Personnel and on Exec Set and Sew  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 28 DECEMBER 1967 Remimeo Star Rated on All Qual Personnel and on Exec Set and Sew QUAL SENIOR DATUM The Senior datum of Qual is that: QUAL NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKES THE ORDER OR DIRECTION OF ANY OTHER DIVISION OR STAFF MEMBER ON WHAT TO DO TECHNICALLY WITH A STUDENT OR PC Qual only really comes into action when other divisions and staff of other divisions have failed. So if they knew what to do the person would not be turning up in Qual for tech remedies. So if Qual takes their orders of what to do it will also fail. This datum originated at SH when Qual, in a collapse, was found to be obediently doing what Div 4 and Dept 3 ordered on students and pcs. It was getting no results. I analyzed the situation and over a period of a couple of weeks worked on it. The result was the above datum and the GREEN FORM. Qual always does its own analysis and its own internal routings independent of other directions. It can use any process ever released and a Review auditor must be able to do them. The GREEN FORM must be added to from time to time as new difficulties are found due to advancing technology or new errors developed by poor training. A student sent by Tech Sec for Cramming may be routed instead by Qual to case repair if that is what is needed. The keynote of Qual is CORRECTION. This of course applicable to diagnosis as well. NO OTHER DIVISION MAY CHIT QUAL FOR REFUSING TO OBEY THEIR DIRECTIONS REGARDING WHAT TO DO WITH STUDENTS OR PCS. Other divisions are assembly lines. Qual is an individual approach. Qual's Review only gets flat ball bearings -- which could not or would not roll on the assembly line of Div 4. People can't be sent to Qual for "disagreements checks" "sec checks" or other stated actions as these are an attempted diagnosis and will normally be found to be the wrong process. Qual is the students' and pcs' friend. A last refuge when other doors close. AND cases must leave Qual and students must leave Qual WITH THE WHOLE THING HANDLED in a way that will STAY HANDLED. Qual has no Qual Div for the Qual Div. When it goes irresponsible and lets an unhandled case or student out, then that person HAS NO PLACE TO TURN. I know how bad a failed Qual case can be because when I'm in an org, having no part of the org to go to (unless the Chaplin) they come to me. I usually find (a) that 211 some imaginary rule has stopped the person's progress or policy has been used to stop or (b) that Qual was obedient to some other division and (c) always that Qual has either not been approached or has failed when it was. So the senior datum of Qual is important. There is another datum in Qual that is very important. And that is: NO AUDITOR MAY BE EMPLOYED IN QUAL WHO CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY LIST AND ASSESS FLAWLESSLY WITHOUT ANY ERRORS. All you have to do to wreck Qual is put an auditor in it who is not letter perfect in ALL the tech of listing and assessing. (Some isolated summary is not enough -- all the original tapes and all the original HCOBs must be studied to make an auditor able in listing and assessing. It is the weakest applied point in our tech -- too many can't or don't learn how to do it. But a Qual auditor MUST be a shark on it.) One can say that the health of an org depends on Qual finally handling. The key processes which keep an org healthy are new (67) style Remedy A, Remedy B and S & Ds and the GREEN FORM. These are listing and assessing or assessing processes. Thus the vital tech is listing and assessing. So Qual auditors have to be carefully trained to do these perfectly. At this writing Qual is being streamlined into a new fast flow pattern. This policy still applies and in 2068 will still apply and in 200068 as well. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1967 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 212  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/1/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LIST L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS, S & Ds, REMEDY A, REMEDY B, ETC  Type = 11 iDate=16/8/66 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Remimeo Academies, Level III & above HGC Auditors, III & above Franchise, Level III & above  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JANUARY 1968 (Cancels HCO B 16 Augest 1966, "LIST L4 S & D") (REVISED -- see HCO B 15 Dec 68R Volume VIII -- 138) Remimeo Academies, Level III & above HGC Auditors, III & above Franchise, Level III & above ________________________________ Pc's name ________________________________ Date ________________________________ Auditor LIST L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS, S & Ds, REMEDY A, REMEDY B, ETC 1. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK? (ARE YOU UPSET?) (If this question reads establish if the upset is due to a break in Affinity, Communication or Reality and then having established which one by meter [A, R or C] locate by meter and indicate to the pc the by-passed charge.) (Do not go on further until the ARC Break has been vanished. The pc might also have a PTP, etc, so continue on when the ARC Break question is null or has been handled.) 2. DO YOU HAVE A PRESENT TIME PROBLEM? (If this reads, handle by any quick problems process.) 3. IS A LIST INCOMPLETE? (If this reads find out what list and handle.) 4. HAS A LIST BEEN TOO LONG? (If so, find what list and get the item off from it by nulling with "Suppress", the nulling question being "Has _______ been suppressed?" for each item on the overlong list.) 5. HAVE WE TAKEN THE WRONG ITEM OFF A LIST? (If this reads put in Invalidate and Suppress on the list and null as in 4 above and find the right item.) 6. HAS AN ITEM ON A LIST BEEN DENIED YOU? (If this reads find what it was, clean it up with supp & inval and give it to the pc.) 7. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PUSHED OFF ON YOU YOU DIDN'T WANT? (If so, find it and get in supp & inval on it and tell the pe it wasn't his item and continue the original action to find the correct item.) 8. HAVE YOU INVALIDATED A CORRECT ITEM FOUND? (If so, rehab the item and find out why the pc invaled it or if somebody else did, clean it up and give it to the pc again.) 213 9. HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF ITEMS THAT DID NOT GET PUT ON THE LIST? (If so, add them to the correct list.) 10. HAVE YOU BEEN LISTING TO YOURSELF OUT OF SESSION? (If so, find out on what question and try to write a list from recall and get an item and give it to the pc.) 11. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN SOMEBODY ELSE'S ITEM? (If so, indicate to Pc that it was not his item. Don't try to find whose it was.) 12. HAS YOUR ITEM BEEN GIVEN TO SOMEBODY ELSE? (If so, find if possible what item it was and give it to the pc. Don't try to identify the "somebody else".) 13. HAS IT BEEN AN OVERT TO PUT AN ITEM ON A LIST? (If so, find out what item and why.) 14. HAVE YOU WITHHELD AN ITEM FROM A LIST? (If so, get it and add it to the list if that list available. If not, put item in the report.) 15. HAS A WITHHOLD BEEN MISSED? (If so, get it.) 16. HAS AN ITEM BEEN BY-PASSED? (Locate what one.) 17. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUPPRESSED? (If so, null by use of the suppress button or just have pc tell you if he can.) 18. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ABANDONED? (If so, locate it and get it back for the pc and give it to him.) 19. HAS AN ITEM BEEN PROTESTED? (If so, locate it and get the protest button in on it.) 20. HAS AN ITEM BEEN ASSERTED? (If so, locate what item and get in assert button on it.) 21. HAS AN ITEM BEEN SUGGESTED TO YOU BY ANOTHER? (If so, get it named and the Protest and refusal off.) 22. HAS AN ITEM BEEN VOLUNTEERED BY YOU AND NOT ACCEPTED? (If so, get off the charge and give it to the pc, or if he then changes his mind on it, go on with the listing operation.) 23. HAS THE ITEM ALREADY BEEN GIVEN? (If so, get it back and give it again.) 24. HAS THE ITEM BEEN FOUND PREVIOUSLY? (If so, find what it was again and give it to pc once more.) 25. HAS AN ITEM NOT BEEN UNDERSTOOD? (If so, work it over with buttons until pc understands it or accepts or rejects it and go on with listing.) 26. WAS NULLING CARRIED ON PAST THE FOUND ITEM? (If so, go back to it and get in suppress and protest.) 27. HAS AN ITEM BEEN FORCED ON YOU? (If so, get off the reject and suppress. And get the listing action completed to the right item if possible.) 214 28. HAS AN ITEM BEEN EVALUATED? (If so, get off the disagreement and protest.) 29. HAS EARLIER LISTING BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate when and indicate the by-passed charge.) 30. HAS AN EARLIER WRONG ITEM BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, find when and indicate the BPC.) 31. HAS AN EARLIER LISTING ARC BREAK BEEN RESTIMULATED? (If so, locate and indicate the fact.) 32. DO YOU HAVE AN ARC BREAK BECAUSE OF BEING MADE TO DO THIS? (If so, indicate it to pc.) 33. IS THERE SOME OTHER KIND OF BY-PASSED CHARGE? (If so, find what and indicate it to pc.) 34. WAS THERE NOTHING WRONG IN THE FIRST PLACE? (If so, indicate it to pc.) 35. HAS THE UPSET ALREADY BEEN HANDLED? (If so, indicate it to pc.) L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B is amended by HCO B 15 December 1968, L4A -- For Assessment of All Listing Errors, page 285.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=9/1/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MONEY PROCESS   Remimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel Students  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo HCO BULLETIN OF 9 JANUARY 1968 Tech Personnel Qual Personnel Students MONEY PROCESS The command of the Money Process is: MOCK UP A WAY TO WASTE MONEY. This is run until a person can have money. Also one may add to the Money Process, Clay Table all Org money flows. All to Free Needle. LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1968 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 215  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=13/1/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  S & Ds   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 13 JANUARY 1968 Remimeo S & Ds There are three types of S & D (Search and Discovery). These are used to nullify the influence of Suppressive persons or things on a case so the person will be able to be processed and will no longer be PTS (a Potential Trouble Source). People who are PTS became that way because of suppression by persons or objects. Insanity is also remediable by S & Ds where the person can be processed. These are all LISTING processes and if the auditor is not well-trained and good at the technology of listing, not only will no good result occur but the pc (given a wrong item, overlisted or underlisted, or audited over an ARC Break or PTP) can be made ill. Pcs who become ill are always to a greater or lesser degree PTS. These questions should not be shown to a pc as they may start him self- listing. The "type" is determined by the 1st letter of the key word in the listing question. S & D TYPE U "Who or what has attempted to unmock you?" Where this does not communicate, use "Who or what has tried to make nothing out of you?" A very bad off case may respond best to "Who or what has unmocked you?" This (above) is the standard and most used S & D. S & D TYPES "Who or what are you trying to stop?" This works on all cases to a greater or lesser degree. It is particularly useful on a case that is giving a great deal of trouble, gets small reads or is rather suppressive. This should work on the insane also as the point where a (thetan) becomes insane is the point where he begins to generally stop things. I looked for years for the exact point where a thetan ceased to be sane and became insane on any given subject and finally found that it was the exact moment he became dedicated to trying to stop whatever it was. S & D TYPE W "Who or what are you trying to withdraw from?" This is the action after a failure to stop has occurred. In administering these, the best order would be Type W, Type S and then Type U, if you are going to give them all to the same pc in a row. Any or all can be given to the same pc. S & Ds can be given more than once to the same pc. Properly listed the results are magical. If they are not magical, then listing tech is badly out and should be restudied from ALL materials and tapes on the subject. Errors are located and repaired by the recent new L4A (HCOB of 9 January 1968). L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 216  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=16/1/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  STARTING OF PRECLEARS   Remimeo Sthil Staff Sthil Students Franchise  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 16 JANUARY 1968 Remimeo Sthil Staff Sthil Students Franchise STARTING OF PRECLEARS All raw meat Preclears (one who has never had Scientology processing), before being run on Level Zero, should be run on ARC S/W, Secondaries and ENGRAMS. This, then, gets their basic levels in. On the Dianetic Courses running ARC S/W, Secondaries and ENGRAMS comes as the last requirement after the Course Supervisor is satisfied that the TRs 0 to 4 are in on the Student. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 217  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=19/1/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  S & Ds S & Ds BY BUTTON   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 19 JANUARY 1968 Remimeo S & Ds S & Ds BY BUTTON The most certain way to handle a pc with an S & D is to assess for the type to give first. With the pc on the meter, say, "Unmock" (or "Make nothing of') "Stop" "Withdraw from" "Suppress" "Invalidate" (or any of the buttons used in old Problems Intensives). Then take the one that read largest and put it in the Question "Who or what has attempted to _______ you?" or "Who or what are you trying to _______?" When you have listed the question and found the item and given it to the pc, you can take the above list, with the one used omitted, and take the largest read now on the remaining words and put that in the question and get another item for it. So long as you can get one of the buttons to read, you can get an item by doing an S & D with it. CAUTION: Do not continue to do S & Ds beyond a floating needle. CAUTION: Do not list an S & D button if the question for the list does not read. S & Ds BY ASSESSMENT FOR QUESTION You can also do an S & D by assessing for a button to use in an S & D question. This is done by asking the question: "What are they trying to do to you?" Get the pc to list it, find the item and then use it in an S & D question. This works on any case but always works best on cases that haven't responded to S & Ds previously. Fit the resulting item in the question "Who or what is trying to _______ you?" PURPOSE S & Ds A Purpose S & D By Assessment for Question can be done by first listing "What are you trying to do?" or "What have you tried to do?" You test these two questions for the largest read, then you list the one that reads best. When you have the item of "What are you trying to do" or "What have you tried to do" you fit it into the S & D Question "Who or what have you failed to _______ (item found)?" or "Who or what have you tried to _______?", the two questions tested for largest read and then listed for an item. CAUTION: The question must make sense and be answerable. Don't change the wording of the item. Change the question into a sensible one. 218 This form of S & D can give an Effect question as the only possible question. If the item found on the first list "_______ trying to do" won't word causative, word it by effect -- "Who or what has tried to _______ you _______?" The whole attempt of this S & D is to find the person or thing that has blunted the purpose of the pc. All these S & Ds do not set aside the standard S & D Types W, S and U "Type U" is the basic S & D. They are for use mainly when the pc has had a long Review history or a bad Ethics history, or is insane or suppressive. BUT using them does not evaluate the pc as down tone. They give rather magical effects on anyone. The Purpose S & D is from earlier research and is very magical on Artists. It has the liability of having to be done sensibly, being a sort of goals assessment plus an S & D. Sometimes the goals assessment ("What are you trying to do") is magical enough to produce a floating needle. If so, don't ever go past it to the second question that uses the goal. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.cden Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [For further data on FIN during listing see C/S Series 43, Volume VII, page 278.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=12/3/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 12 MARCH 1968 Remimeo MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF In the presence of Suppression, one makes mistakes. People making mistakes or doing stupid things is evidence that an SP exists in that vicinity. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 219  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=18/4/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  NEEDLE REACTIONS ABOVE GRADE IV   Remimeo Qual Divs Rev AOs OT Study Materials  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex Remimeo Qual Divs HCO BULLETIN OF 18 APRIL 1968 Rev AOs OT Study Materials NEEDLE REACTIONS ABOVE GRADE IV In doing Green Forms or Analysis Lists on any Clears (but not in nulling) or doing them on most cases above 5 and some cases below it, there are 2 different E-Meter needle phenomena which have to be given attention: 1. As a Clear's postulates reed as a surge, usually fairly long (over 1"), "No" can read if the pc says it to himself as an answer to a question asked. A read, therefore, does not mean invariably "yes" or that the question is charged. All it means is that the Meter has read. The Auditor must now find out what the read was before determining he should do something about that portion of the Green Form or List. One doesn't just assume the read was "yes". One asks about the read as a general rule, not assuming at once the thing asked was charged. Example -- Auditor: "Do you have a missed withhold?" Meter surges. Auditor: "What was that?" Pre OT: "I thought No I don't." Auditor: "Ok. Do you have a missed withhold?" Pre OT: "No." -- Meter didn't read. Auditor: "Anything suppressed-asserted-protested-invalidated. Ok that's clean." Ticks (1/8 inch) often mean something is there. A Pre OT's postulates have greater length when they surge. It is not important how you handle this phenomena of postulate or to-oneself-comment by a high level case. It is important that the Auditor does not hang the case with a wrong adjudication of what's wrong by thinking every surge means "yes", or that the question is charged because it surges. A question is charged only if it won't clean up with buttons until the action itself is taken. A Pre OT, unlike pcs below Grades I or II, usually recognizes what is wrong as soon as it is mentioned. He or she is more aware. 2. A response like a brief dirty needle on a Pre OT means "No" always. So there is a certain and trustworthy negative to be had on a Pre OT. A real dirty needle is constant and continues. The same small jerky needle action on a person Grade 5 or above means "No!" or that the question is negative. On pcs below 5 it means a withhold or an ARC break or almost anything and is of course continuous. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 220  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 21 iDate=19/4/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM   Remimeo Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good supply to Review  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 19 APRIL 1968 (REVISED -- see HCO PL 7 Apr 70RA Volume VIII -- 321) Remimeo (HCO Pol Ltr of 9 April 1968, amended and reissued) Qual Div Hats Tech Div Hats Good supply to Review HGC PC REVIEW AUDITING FORM WHEN THE REVIEW AUDITOR RECEIVES A PC FOR REVIEW, HE INSTANTLY AND IMMEDIATELY GETS THE PC INTO SESSION AND HANDLES THE FOLLOWING FORM. (The Auditor goes down the Form and handles each item as he goes along. He does not assess first and then, later, handle the items that read. The Form is ended on a Free Needle. It is done in the same style as L4A, HCO Bulletin 9 January 1968. This Green Form is handled as the first standard action and is done on a meter and significant TA is noted on the line on which it occurred. The list is in order of importance.) NAME __________________________ DATE _______________ TIME ____________________ NAME OF AUDITOR ___________________ 1. FOLDER IN HAND __________________ LAST AUDITOR'S NAME ____________________ 2. CONTAINS BEGINNING ASSESSMENT FORM _______________________________________ 3. PC OR PRE OT ROUTED INTO REVIEW AT CHARGE ________________________________ PC OR PRE OT SENT BY EXAMINER ____________________________________________ 4. ARC BREAK SESSION ASSESSMENT _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ENVIRONMENT ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. (b) NO AUDITING __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. IGNORED ORIGINATIONS _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. MISSED WITHHOLDS _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 221 __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ___________________________ 6. (a) OVERTS _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 7. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ EVALUATION _______________________________________________________________ INVALIDATION _____________________________________________________________ CLEAN ___________________________ 8. MISUNDERSTOOD WORD OR SYMBOL _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ___________________________ 9. COMMITTING CONTINUOUS PT OVERTS __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CLEAN ___________________________ 10. CLEANED CLEANS ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ a. SOMETHING THAT ISN'T THERE ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ b. TRYING TO PUT SOMETHING WHERE THERE IS NOTHING _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ c. FALSE ASSERTION ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ d. ASSESSED BEYOND RIGHT ITEM ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ e. WRONG DATE ___________________________________________________________ f. INCOMPLETE LIST ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 222 g. OVERLIST _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ h. LOWER LEVELS UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ i. LOWER LEVELS OVERRUN _____________________________________________________ j. LOWER LEVELS NEVER RUN ___________________________________________________ k. HAS A POWER PROCESS BEEN LEFT UNFLAT? ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ l. HAS A POWER PROCESS BEEN OVERRUN? ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ m. FALSE ATTESTATION ________________________________________________________ n. UNTRUE ASSERTS ABOUT CASE ________________________________________________ o. TOLD A LIE _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ p. WASN'T SURE ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ q. STUCK PICTURE ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ r. ALL BLACK ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ s. MISUNDERSTOOD TECH _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ t. MISUNDERSTOOD CASE CONDITION _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ u. EXPERIMENTING ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ v. ALTERING TECH ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ w. DOING SOMETHING ELSE WITH TECH ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ x. HAVE YOU TYPED, HANDWRITTEN OR TAPED COPIES OF ANY CONFIDENTIAL MATERIALS? _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 223 11. PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS LEFT UNFLAT ______________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ 12. PROCESS OVERRUN __________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ PROCESS OVERRUN __________________________________________________________ DATE OF SESSION __________________________________________________________ 13. NON-STANDARD PROCESSES ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 14. BAD AUDITING COMM CYCLE __________________________________________________ 15. CODE BREAKS ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 16. HIDDEN STANDARD (WHAT WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN FOR YOU TO KNOW SCIENTOLOGY WORKS) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ SPOTTED __________________________________________________________________ 17. PC AND DRUGS (TAKING ANY DRUGS) __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 18. ALCOHOL __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 19. ENOUGH SLEEP _____________________________________________________________ ENOUGH FOOD (BREAKFAST) __________________________________________________ (LUNCH) __________________________________________________________________ (DINNER) _________________________________________________________________ 20. MIXED THERAPIES (ANY OTHER TREATMENT IN PROGRESS) ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 224 21. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE PERSON ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 22. CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 23. HERE TO GET DATA FOR SOMEONE ELSE ________________________________________ 24. HERE BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DEMANDED IT ____________________________________ 25. FORMER RELEASE ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 26. FORMER THETAN EXTERIOR ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 27. SELF AUDITING DURING INTENSIVE ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 28. BEING AUDITED BY SOMEONE ELSE DURING INTENSIVE OTHER THAN HGC AUDITOR ______________________________________________________________ 29. CRIMINAL RECORD OR CRIMES FOR WHICH YOU COULD BE ARRESTED ________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 30. INSANE ASYLUM HISTORY ____________________________________________________ SHOCK TREATMENT HISTORY __________________________________________________ 31. HERE TO BE CURED OF SOMETHING NOT MENTIONED ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 32. UNPAID DEBTS TO ORGS _____________________________________________________ 33. KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AGAINST SCIENTOLOGY _________________________________ 34. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SCIENTOLOGY WORKED ON EVERYONE ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 35. ANYTHING UPSETTING ABOUT THIS REVIEW _____________________________________ 36. HAS ANYTHING BEEN SUPPRESSED? ____________________________________________ 37. HAS ANYTHING BEEN INVALIDATED? ___________________________________________ 38. HAS ANYTHING BEEN RUSHED? ________________________________________________ 39. HAS ANYTHING BEEN MISSED? ________________________________________________ 40. PC STATEMENT OF THE TROUBLE AS IT IS NOW _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 41. READS I COULD NOT CLEAN UP _______________________________________________ 42. BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES (IF PC NOT SOLVED BY THIS POINT) ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 225 43. OTHER ACTIONS CASE OFFICER HAD TO TAKE ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 44. FALSE REPORTS ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ FINISH TA POSITION __________________________ FINISH TIME ____________________ TOTAL TA DIVS DURING REVIEW __________________ TOTAL TIME ____________________ PC TO ETHICS _________________________________________________________________ PC TO HGC ____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ DATE _______________________ CASE OFFICER SIGN _______________________________ EXAMINER FINALLY DIRECTS TO ETHICS ____________________________ TO HGC ________________________________ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jc.rd Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The earlier HGC Pc Review Auditing Form, HCO PL 13 October 1966, Issue III, page 184, was amended and reissued as HCO PL 26 January 1968 which made the following changes: the beginning explanatory text and Numbers 1, 3, 11 and 12 were changed to read the same as the above HCO PL; Items a-q were added to Number 10, which in the above issue became f,g, e, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, respectively. The 26 January 1968 issue was amended by HCO PL 15 March 1968, same title, which changed Number 10 to read the same as the above HCO PL. A further amendment was made by HCO PL 9 April 1968 which changed Numbers 7 and 6 (a) to the text in the above HCO PL. An additional amendment, HCO PL 19 April 1968, added Number 4 (b) above. The above issue was amended by HCO PLs dated 16 December 1968 (which changed the title to Green Form), 15 May 1969, 7 September 1969, 7 April 1970, and 8 August 1970, all of which were done by staff, not LRH. A further revision was issued on 17 September 1974 which was revised by HCO PL 7 April 1970RA, Revised 29 September 1974, Green Form, which is in Volume VIII, page 321.] 226  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/5/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DIANETIC COURSES STUCK PICTURES   Remimeo DIANETIC COURSES  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 MAY 1968 Remimeo DIANETIC COURSES STUCK PICTURES A picture is stuck because of -- (a) An effort to withdraw from it or something in it. (b) An effort to stop or stop something in it. (c) A stop-withdraw combination. (d) An effort to suppress the picture or something in it. (e) An effort to invalidate the picture or something in it. (f) A protest against the picture or its content. (g) An effort to hold on to the picture. (h) An ARC Break about the picture. (i) A Present Time Problem about the picture. (j) An overt picture of which the stuck one is the motivator. (k) Too late on the chain of similar pictures. Long before one gets to (k) it should have blown. One should have had good luck running engrams himself before being very expert on others. The above also applies to secondaries. Engrams Which go solid when you try to run them are too late on the chain, really. If you run too far back you get a preclear into masses he can't easily handle. A pc should never be forced into or through engrams. If he has a struggle he should be running locks. Reality on engrams increases in ratio to the charge taken off the case. In handling the above (a) to (k) you use (a) to run through until the needle doesn't react, then (b) through. Then (c) through. And so on. One at a time. Although I say stuck picture, you can use the above on any engram, particularly if one "hangs up" in some portion. Good running. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jc.pw.rd Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 227  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=7/5/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  UPPER INDOC TRS   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 7 MAY 1968 Remimeo UPPER INDOC TRS Following are the Upper Indoc TRs 6 to 9 inclusive. Number: TR 6 Name: 8-C (Body Control) Commands: Non-verbal for first half of training session. First half of coaching session, the student silently steers the coach's body around the room, not touching the walls, quietly starting, changing and stopping the coach's body. When the student has fully mastered non-verbal 8-C, the student may commence verbal 8-C. The commands to be used for 8-C are: "Look at that wall." "Thank you." "Walk over to that wall." "Thank you." "Touch that wall." "Thank you." "Turn around." "Thank you." Position: Student and coach walking side by side; student always on coach's right, except when turning. Purpose: First part: To accustom student to moving another body than his own without verbal communication. Second part: To accustom student to moving another body, by and while giving commands, only, and to accustom student to proper commands of 8-C. Training Stress: Complete, crisp precision of movement and commands. Student, as in any other TR, is flunked for current and preceding TRs. Thus, in this case, the coach flunks the student for every hesitation or nervousness in moving body, for every flub of command, for poor confronting, for bad communication of command, for poor acknowledgement, for poor repetition of command, and for failing to handle origination by coach. Stress that student learns to lead slightly in all the motions of walking around the room or across the room. This will be found to have a great deal to do with confronting. In the first part of the session student is not allowed to walk coach into walls, as walls then become automatic stops and the student is then not stopping the coach's body but allowing the wall to do it for him. History: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Camden, New Jersey in October 1953, modified in July 1957 in Washington, D.C., and the commands were modified in HCO Bulletin of 16 November 1965, Issue II. Number: TR 7 Name: High School Indoc. Commands: Same as 8-C (control) but with student in physical contact with coach. Student enforcing commands by manual guiding. Coach has only three statements to which student must listen: "Start" to begin coaching session, "Flunk" to call attention to student error, and "That's it" to end the coaching session. No other remarks by the coach are valid on student. Coach tries in all possible ways, verbal, covert and physical, to stop student from running control on him. If the student falters, comm lags, fumbles a command, or fails to get execution on part of coach, 228 coach says "Flunk" and they start at the beginning of the command cycle in which the error occurred. Coach falldown is not allowed. Position: Student and coach ambulant. Student handling coach physically. Purpose: To train student never to be stopped by a person when he gives a command. To train him to run fine control in any circumstances. To teach him to handle rebellious people. To bring about his willingness to handle other people. Training Stress: Stress is on accuracy of student performance and persistence by student. Start gradually to toughen up resistance of student on a gradient. Don't kill him off all at once. History: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, in 1956. Number: TR 8 Name: Tone 40 on an Object. Commands: "Stand up." "Thank you." "Sit down on that chair." "Thank you." These are the only commands used. Position: Student sitting in chair facing chair which has on it an ashtray. Coach sitting in chair facing chair occupied by student and chair occupied by ashtray. Purpose: To make student clearly achieve Tone 40 commands. To clarify intentions as different from words. To start student on road to handling objects and people with postulates. To obtain obedience not wholly based on spoken commands. Training Stress: TR 8 is begun with student holding the ashtray which he manually makes execute the commands he gives. Under the heading of training stress is included the various ways and means of getting the student to achieve the goals of this training step. During the early part of this drill, say in the first coaching session, the student should be coached in the basic parts of the drill, one at a time. First, locate the space which includes himself and the ashtray but not more than that much. Second, have him locate the object in that space. Third, have him command the object in the loudest possible voice he can muster. This is called shouting. The coach's patter would ran something like this: "Locate the space." "Locate the object in that space." "Command it as loudly as you can." "Acknowledge it as loudly as you can." "Command it as loudly as you can." "Acknowledge it as loudly as you can." That would complete two cycles of action. When shouting is completed, then have student use a normal tone of voice with a lot of coach attention on the student getting the intention into the object. Next, have the student do the drill while using the wrong commands -- i.e., saying "Thank you" while placing in the object the intention to stand up, etc. Next, have the student do the drill silently, putting the intention in the object without even thinking the words of the command or the acknowledgement. The final step in this would be for the coach to say "Start" then anything else he said would not be valid on student with the exception of "Flunk" and "That's it". Here, the coach would attempt to distract the student, using any verbal means he could to knock the student off Tone 40. Physical heckling would not be greater than tapping the student on the knee or shoulder to get his attention. When the student can maintain Tone 40 and get a clean intention on the object for each command and for each acknowledgement, the drill is flat. There are other ways to help the student along. The coach occasionally asks, "Are you willing to be in that ashtray?" When the student has answered, then, "Are you willing for a thought to be there instead of you?" Then continue the drill. The answers are not so important on these two questions as is the fact that the idea is brought to the student's attention. Another question the coach asks the student is, "Did you really expect that ashtray to comply with that command?" There is a drill which will greatly increase the student's reality on what an intention is. The coach can use this drill three or four times during the training on Tone 40 on an Object. As follows: "Think the thought -- I am a wild flower." "Good." 229 "Think the thought that you are sitting in a chair." "Good." "Imagine that thought being in that ashtray." "Good." "Imagine that ashtray containing that thought in its substance." "Good." "Now get the ashtray thinking that it is an ashtray." "Good." "Get the ashtray intending to go on being an ashtray." "Good." "Get the ashtray intending to remain where it is." "Good." "Have the ashtray end that cycle." "Good." "Put in the ashtray the intention to remain where it is." "Good." This also helps the student get a reality on placing an intention in something apart from himself. Stress that an intention has nothing to do with words and has nothing to do with the voice, nor is it dependent upon thinking certain words. An intention must be clear and have no counter-intention in it. This training drill, Tone 40 on an Object, usually takes the most time of any drill in Upper Indoc, and time on it is well spent. Objects to be used are ashtrays, preferably heavy, colored glass ashtrays. History: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., in 1957 to train students to use intention when auditing. Number: TR 9 Name: Tone 40 on a Person. Commands: Same as 8-C (Control). Student runs fine, clear-cut intention and verbal orders on coach. Coach tries to break down Tone 40 of student. Coach commands that are valid are: "Start" to begin, "Flunk" to call attention to student error and that they must return to beginning of cycle, and "That's it" to take a break or to end the training session. No other statement by coach is valid on student and is only an effort to make student come off Tone 40 or in general be stopped. Position: Student and coach ambulant. Student in manual contact with coach as needed. Purpose: To make student able to maintain Tone 40 under any stress or duress. Training Stress: The exact amount of physical effort must be used by student plus a compelling, unspoken intention. No jerky struggles are allowed, since each jerk is a stop. Student must learn to smoothly increase effort quickly to amount needed to make coach execute. Stress is on exact intention, exact strength needed, exact force necessary, exact Tone 40. Even a slight smile by student can be a flunk. Too much force can be a flunk. Too little force definitely is a flunk. Anything not Tone 40 is a flunk. Here the coach should check very carefully on student's ability to place an intention in the coach. This can be checked by the coach since the coach will find himself doing the command almost whether or not he wants to if the student is really getting the intention across. After the coach is satisfied with the student's ability to get the intention across, the coach should then do all he can to break the student off Tone 40, mainly on the basis of surprise and change of pace. Thus the student will be brought to have a greater tolerance of surprise and a quick recovery from surprise. History: Developed in Washington, D.C., in 1957 by L. Ron Hubbard. Purpose of these four training drills, TR 6, 7, 8 and 9, is to bring about in the student the willingness and ability to handle and control other people's bodies, and to cheerfully confront another person while giving that person commands. Also, to maintain a high level of control in any circumstances. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:js.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [This HCO B has been corrected per BTB 22 May 1971R, TR-8 Clarification, which added the first sentence in TR-8 Training Stress above.] 230  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=20/5/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE   Remimeo DIANETICS COURSES LEVEL TWO SOLO AUDIT OT SECTIONS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 20 MAY 1968 CORRECTED & REISSUED 5 MARCH 1974 Remimeo (Only change is in this type style) OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE DIANETICS COURSES LEVEL TWO SOLO AUDIT OT SECTIONS There was an important discovery made in 1952 on the subject of engrams which did not get included in "Book One", Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. This was the "Overt-Motivator sequence of ENGRAMS". AN OVERT, in Dianetics and Scientology, is an aggressive or destructive ACT by the individual against one or another of the 8 dynamics (self, family, group, Mankind, animals or plants, MEST, Life or the Infinite). A MOTIVATOR is an aggressive or destructive act received by the person or one of the dynamics. The viewpoint from which the act is viewed resolves whether the act is an overt or a motivator. The reason it is called a "Motivator" is because it tends to prompt that one pays it back -- it "motivates" a new overt. When one has done something bad to someone or something one tends to believe it must have been "motivated". When one has received something bad, he also may tend to feel he must have done something to deserve it. The above points are true. The actions and reactions of people on the subject are often very falsified. People go about believing they were in an auto accident when in actual fact they caused one. Also people may believe they caused an accident when they were only in one. Some people, on hearing of a death, at once believe they must have killed the person even though they were far away. Police in large cities have people turn up and confess to almost every murder as a routine. One doesn't have to be crazy to be subject to the Overt-Motivator sequence. It is not only used on him continually by others, it also is a basic part of his own "case". There are two extreme stages of Overt-Motivator phenomena. One is a person who gives up only motivators (always done to him) and the other is the person who "has done only overts" (done to others). In running engrams you will find 1. All overt engrams that hang up (won't audit easily) have also a motivator engram as the same or different incident. 2. All motivator engrams that hang up have an overt engram in the same or different incident. The two types of engrams then are OVERT Engrams and MOTIVATOR Engrams. Example of Overt Engram -- SHOOTING A DOG. 231 Example of Motivator Engram -- BEING BITTEN BY A DOG. The rule is that the SUBJECT MATTER MUST BE SIMILAR. They can be in different points in time. When you can't run out (erase) a dog bite engram, why then you find the "shoot dog" engram. PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLS OR ABERRATIONS THAT DO NOT RESOLVE BY RUNNING ONE SIDE, USUALLY RESOLVE BY FINDING AND RUNNING THE OTHER. When you can't erase an engram about shooting a dog, why then there's a bitten by dog. It's all very simple really. There are always two sides to the coin. If one won't run, you try the other. BASICS Finding the basic engram on a chain also applies to finding the basic overt or basic motivator engram. Engrams then hang up (won't run out) when (a) The other type needs to be run and (b) The one found has earlier engrams on it. NONEXTANT ENGRAMS An "engram" sometimes didn't exist. A pc can be trying to run being run over by a car when he never was. What needs to be done, when the incident won't run, is get the pc's incident of running over somebody. It also works in reverse. A pc can be trying to run an engram of running over somebody when he was in fact only run over himself and never did run over anyone. So BOTH engrams can exist and be run or only one side exists and can be run or with a heavy foul-up on overts and motivators, one side can be non- factual and won't run because only the other side exists. It is easy to visualize this as a matter of flows. An overt of course is an Outflow and a motivator is an Inflow. SECONDARIES It may never have been said that secondaries always sit squarely on incidents of actual pain and unconsciousness. Also secondaries can exist on the overt-motivator sequence pattern just as in engrams. This is the cause of frozen emotions or "unemotional" people. Also some people complain they can't feel anymore. This works out by overt-motivator sequence. A person in grief over loss (grief is always loss) who then can't run it has caused grief and that overt- secondary can be run. Also a person misemotional over causing grief has been caused grief. It works both ways with ALL POINTS ON THE TONE SCALE. The last is a newer discovery and wasn't known to early Dianeticists. The Overt-Motivator Engram phenomena did not receive adequate dissemination. The principle applied to secondaries has not before been released. It is basically Dianetic Engram running that resolves all cases in the end so one had better be pretty good at auditing Engrams and Secondaries, Motivator and Overt both. LRH:jp.nt.cden.jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968, 1974 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 232  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=24/5/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  COACHING   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 24 MAY 1968 Remimeo COACHING In order to help you to do the best you possibly can in the course as far as being a coach is concerned, below you will find a few data that will assist you: 1. Coach with a purpose. (a) Have for your goal when you are coaching that the student is going to get the training drill correct; be purposeful in working toward obtaining this goal. Whenever you correct the student as a coach just don't do it with no reason, with no purpose. Have the purpose in mind for the student to get a better understanding of the training drill and to do it to the best of his ability. 2. Coach with reality. (a) Be realistic in your coaching. When you give an origination to a student really make it an origination, not just something that the sheet said you should say; so that it is as if the student was having to handle it exactly as you say under real conditions and circumstances. This does not mean, however, that you really feel the things that you are giving the student, such as saying to him, "My leg hurts." This does not mean that your leg should hurt, but you should say it in such a manner as to convey to the student that your leg hurts. Another thing about this is do not use any experiences from your past to coach with. Be inventive in present time. 3. Coach with an intention. (a) Behind all your coaching should be your intention that by the end of the session your student will be aware that he is doing better at the end of it than he did at the beginning. The student must have a feeling that he has accomplished something in the training step, no matter small it is. It is your intention and always should be while coaching that the student you are coaching be a more able person and have a greater understanding of that on which he is being coached. 4. In coaching take up only one thing at a time. (a) For example: Using TR 4, if the student arrives at the goal set up for TR 4 then check over, one at a time, the earlier TRs. Is he confronting you? Does he originate the question to you each time as his own and did he really intend for you to receive it? Are his acknowledgements ending the cycles of communication, etc. But only coach these things one at a time; never two or more at a time. Make sure that the student does each thing you coach him on correctly before going on to the next training step. The better a student gets at a particular drill or a particular part of a drill you should demand, as a coach, a higher standard of ability. This does not mean that you should be "newer satisfied". It does mean that a person can always get better and once you have reached a certain plateau of ability then work toward a new plateau. As a coach you should always work in the direction of better and more precise 233 coaching. Never allow yourself to do a sloppy job of coaching because you would be doing your student a disservice and we doubt that you would like the same disservice. If you are ever in doubt about the correctness of what he is doing or of what you are doing, then the best thing is to ask the supervisor. He will be very glad to assist you by referring you to the correct materials. In coaching never give an opinion, as such, but always give your directions as a direct statement, rather than saying "I think" or "Well, maybe it might be this way," etc. As a coach you are primarily responsible for the session and the results that are obtained on the student. This does not mean, of course, that you are totally responsible but that you do have a responsibility toward the student and the session. Make sure you always run good control on the student and give him good directions. Once in a while the student will start to rationalize and justify what he is doing if he is doing something wrong. He will give you reasons why and becauses. Talking about such things at great length does not accomplish very much. The only thing that does accomplish the goals of the TR and resolves any differences is doing the training drill. You will get further by doing it than by talking about it. In the training drills the coach should coach with the material given under "Training Stress" and "Purpose" on the training sheet. These training drills occasionally have a tendency to upset the student. There is a possibility that during a drill a student may become angry or extremely upset or experience some misemotion. Should this occur the coach must not "back off". He should continue the training drill until he can do it without stress or duress and he feels "good about it". So, don't "back off" but push the student through whatever difficulty he may be having. There is a small thing that mort people forget to do and that is telling the student when he has gotten the drill right or he has done a good job on a particular step. Besides correcting wrongnesses there is also complimenting rightness. You very definitely "flunk" the student for anything that amounts to "self-coaching". The reason for this is that the student will tend to introvert and will look too much at how he is doing and what he is doing rather than just doing it. As a coach keep your attention on the student and how he is doing and don't become so interested in what you yourself are doing that you neglect the student and are unaware of his ability or inability to do the drill correctly. It is easy to become "interesting" to a student; to make him laugh and act up a bit. But your main job as a coach is to see how good he can get in each training drill and that is what you should have your attention on; that, and how well he is doing. To a large degree the progress of the student is determined by the standard of coaching. Being a good coach produces auditors who will in turn produce good results on their preclears. Good results produce better people. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:js.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 234  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING   Remimeo CLASS III, SOLO VI & VII, ACADEMY AND SHSBC REQUIRED REVIEWED FOR SOLO AND VII (Star Rate. No attestations allowed, clay and demos required)  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo CLASS III, SOLO VI & VII, ACADEMY AND SHSBC REQUIRED REVIEWED FOR SOLO AND VII (Compiled from earlier HCOBS and TAPES of the early 60's to give the exact stable data) THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLING (Star Rate. No attestations allowed, clay and demos required) The following laws are the ONLY important rules of listing and nulling. If an auditor doesn't know these he will mess up pcs thoroughly and awfully. An auditor who doesn't know and can't apply these is not a Level III auditor. LAWS 1. The definition of a complete list is a list which has only one reading item on list. 2. A TA rising means the list is being overlisted (too long). 3. A list can be underlisted in which case nothing can be found on nulling. 4. If after a session the TA is still high or goes up, a wrong item has been found. 5. If Pc says it is a wrong item it is a wrong item. 6. The question must be checked and must read as a question before it is listed. An item listed from a non-reading question will give you a "Dead Horse" (no item). 7. If the item is on the list and nothing read on nulling, the item is suppressed or invalidated. 8. On a suppressed list, it must be nulled with suppressed. "On ....... has anything been suppressed." 9. On an item that is suppressed or invalidated the read will transfer exactly from the item to the button and when the button is gotten in the item will again read. 10. An item from an overlisted list is often suppressed. 11. On occasion when you pass the item in nulling, all subsequent items will read to a point where everything on list will then read. In this case take the first which read on first nulling. 12. An underlisted and overlisted list will ARC break the pc and he may refuse to be audited until list is corrected, and may become furious with auditor and will remained so till it is corrected. 13. Listing and nulling or any auditing at all beyond an ARC Br without handling the ARC Break first such as correcting the list or otherwise locating it will put a pc into a "sad effect". 236 14. A pc whose attention is on something else won't list easily. (List and null only with the rudiments in on the pc.) 15. An auditor whose TRs are out has difficulty in listing and nulling and in finding items. 16. Listing and nulling errors in presence of Auditor's Code violations can unstabilize a pc. 17. The lack of a specific listing question or an incorrect non-standard listing question which doesn't really call for item will give you more than one item reading on a list. 18. You cease listing and nulling actions when a floating needle appears. 19. Always give a pc his item and circle it plainly on the list. 20. Listing and nulling are highly precise auditing actions and if not done exactly by the laws may bring about a down tone and slow case gain, but if done correctly exactly by the laws and with good auditing in general will produce the highest gains attainable. NOTE: There are no variations or exceptions to the above. (Does not alter 5A Power procedure.) A failure to know and apply this bulletin will result in the assignment of very low conditions as these laws, if not known or followed, can halt case gain. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.js.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 237  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=5/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CHANGE OF COMMANDS OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE   Remimeo LEVEL II IMPORTANT  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo LEVEL II CHANGE OF COMMANDS OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE IMPORTANT (This HCOB takes precedence over all other tapes and HCOBs on overts) Whereas it is workable to ask for "What have you done" and "What have you withheld", it is NOT the Level II Grade II process any longer. The original work on this used the overt-motivator sequence and the commands are "What have you done?" "What has been done to you?" There is a third "leg" which is "What has another done to another?" which can be used and if not used may stick as a flow. This is a problem in flows. (1) Inflow, (2) Outflow, (3) Cross Flow. Therefore the only commands to be used to clean up overts are three in number. They are run one at a time to floating needle on the process (not F/N on each leg). "What has been done to you?" "What have you done?" "What has another done to another?" (By drawing three symbols an auditor can put his pen on each as it is asked and so keep his place.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.js.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 238  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  R3H   Remimeo LEVEL III IMPORTANT -- STAR RATED  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo LEVEL III IMPORTANT -- STAR RATED R3H (Takes precedence over all other HCOBs & Tapes) The way to handle the ARC Breaks of a case with R3H as the process for Level III is: 1. Locate a change in life by listing to a blowdown. Use that period. "What change has happened in your life" is a version of the question. 2. Get it dated. 3. Get some of the data of it (don't run as an engram) so you know what the change was. 4. Find out by assessment if this was a Break in Affinity Reality Communication or Understanding and have the pc examine that briefly. 5. Taking the one found in (4) find out by assessment if it was Curious about _______ Desired Enforced Inhibited That is all there is to it. That was the research process. It works like a bomb. To make sure it works well, get in the rudiments before you do it. It has been said that you can do this several times on a pc beyond a floating needle on one. I have not verified this. Doing Know-Unknown-Curious, etc. first is definitely wrong. ARC is dominant. ARC is done first as above. Understanding is the composite of ARC and so is added to ARC as U in (4) above. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.js.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 239  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=26/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  REHAB & CORRECTION   Remimeo Sea Org AOs QUALS  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 26 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo Sea Org QUALS AOs REHAB & CORRECTION You can correct a pc or Pre OT half to death. For instance the practice of rehabbing up to Grade II if it has been a week or two or more since the pc made Grade II in order to run III is a bit bonkers and serves as an Invalidation. You're going to get any upset anyway in the rudiments so why the rehab? At SH lower grades are rehabbed before Power only when the pc had the lower grades elsewhere as the grades aren't to be trusted and that's for Power only. And only when there's no good report available. Doing a Green Form "every day" on a pc or Pre OT may shove up Qual stats but it's actually an overrun of Green Forms. They go to F/N on the Green Form and to do another WITHOUT ANY REAL TROUBLE having occurred is asking for it. Sec Checks can be overrun and overdone. By-passing 2 or 3 Floating Needles on a Sec Check is bad business. Doing Disagreements Checks and S & Ds wholesale on pcs and Pre OTs eventually winds them up in a ball. Outnesses can usually be spotted by folder inspection by a good Case Supervisor. When Remedy Bs and S & Ds are done by auditors who haven't got the Laws of Listing recent HCOB down by heart and use it will generally mess up more pcs than they will help. Qual corrects. But it can get into over-correction and then invalidate the pc's or Pre OT's levels, fill his folder with bad lists, etc. If any organization, any Qual, at this writing had its folders fully gone over by a competent Case Supervisor who KNEW his Laws of Listing, knew his auditing, I guarantee that Org's stats would soar, not just Qual's. And having for once and all straightened out the folder then cease to correct things that would better be handled by the next Grade or Section. When over-correction has been present YOU STRAIGHTEN OUT THE BLUNDERS IN THE FOLDER not just maul the pc around some more. And when you have the folder straight you mark it up to that point as remedied and after that only handle the pc when there's something really gone wrong with him. At the present writing I am organizing the Class VIII Course to make Class VIII auditors. These are essentially Case Supervisors and crack standard tech people who can straighten out folders and pcs and Pre OTs. Looking over old Qual case folders I see they are desperately needed. But keep the fact in view, don't correct a pc who needs no correction. Don't rehab and Remedy him to death. Get him onto the next level or section and let him have his wins. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.cden Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 241  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OUT TECH   Remimeo Class VIII All Orgs  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo Class VIII All Orgs OUT TECH After Standard Tech is out for just so long in an org, Scientology ceases to have any meaning. Squirrel processes and repairs wind the staff up in a ball, enturbulate the field and cause a general lethargy and trouble. Ethics then goes in hard or it all goes up in smoke. There is only one Standard Tech! It contains only a few dozen processes and actions. It was not complete before 1966. Students study mainly the Research Line. Standard Tech consists of the exact grade processes and Case Repair. Some still look for magic buttons that resolve a case all at once. Some can't duplicate what they read and hear. They need the broad body of knowledge. BUT the actual application of Dian & Scn today contains only a few dozen STANDARD INVARIABLE SIMPLE actions and processes. When these are not used, when opinion enters, it's all gone. STANDARD TECH ALONE RESOLVES ALL CASES. No matter how bright, the other processes and new inventions of someone else (a) work only on a few and (b) are efforts to solve one's own case by auditing others. To let Standard Tech go out is an act of Treason as Scientology then loses all meaning in an org. This is why I am teaching a Class VIII Course. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.bh Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 242  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=28/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=2 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUGS   Remimeo FO  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 28 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo Issue II FO DRUGS (Note: Drug taking has become very common in the West, pushed by psychiatrists.) It is possible to come off drugs without convulsions. Drugs essentially are poisons. The degree they are taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a stimulant. A greater amount acts as a sedative. A larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one dead. This is true of any drug. Each has a different amount. Caffeine is a drug. So Coffee is an example. 100 cups of coffee would probably kill a person. 10 cups would probably put him to sleep. 2 or 3 cups stimulates. This is a very common drug. It is not very harmful as it takes so much of it to have an effect so it is known as a stimulant. Arsenic is known as a poison. Yet a tiny amount of arsenic is a stimulant, a good sized dose puts one to sleep and a few grains kills one dead. But there are some drugs which have another factor. They directly affect the reactive bank. Marijuana (pot), peyote, morphine, heroin, etc. turn on the pictures one is stuck in. And they turn them on too hard to audit out. LSD-25 is a psychiatric drug designed to make schizophrenics out of normal people. It is evidently widely distributed by psychiatrists. It looks like cube sugar and is easily made. Drugs are considered valuable by addicts to the degree that they produce some "desirable effect". But they are dangerous to those around because a person on drugs (a) has blank periods (b) has unrealities and delusions that remove him from PT (c) is very hard to audit. Thus a drug taker can be holding a boat alongside, go into one of his blanks, think he is on Venus and let go. A drug taker left on watch may go blank and miss a menacing situation and not handle it because he is "somewhere else". Giving an order to a drug taker can be grim as he may simply stand and stare at one. He ARC breaks anyone with it. It takes about six weeks apparently for LSD to wear off. After that a person can be audited. But it ruins his case to a marked degree as it builds up ridges which don't as-is well. A drug or alcohol burns up the Vitamin B1 in the system rapidly. This increased speed of burning up B1 adds to his "happy state". But now his system is out of B1 so he goes depressed. To avoid convulsions take lots of B1 daily when coming off drugs. And wait for six weeks before one is audited. And then lay off. It's a pretty poor trick on those who are dependent on one and get let down. LRH:jp.ei.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 Founder by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 243  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=29/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  DRUG DATA   Remimeo  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo (Corrected & reissued 10 June 1975 as contained a misprint in para 4) DRUG DATA LSD-25 is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and virtually undetectable derivative of a rye mould called ergot. The use of sugar cubes as a medium was discontinued several years ago. Dosage is fantastically small, 50 to 1000 micrograms per dose, so capsules and tablets are used to reduce evaporation. Price varies from 3 to 7 dollars and it is only sold on the black market. Prior to 1964 the drug was administered by psychologists and psychiatrists. However, it is now illegal for them to do so. Despite its illegal status, LSD is very popular among teenagers and college students. An entire sub-culture of psychedelic (mind-manifesting) posters, light shows, and electronic music has emerged on the West Coast. Most of the Pop music has hidden drug references. A recent survey indicated that over 50% of the students graduating from the Los Angeles City School System had tried either LSD or marijuana. Marijuana is the most popular of the psychedelic drugs. One ounce may be readily purchased for $10 and will furnish 30-50 cigarettes or "joints". A smoker quickly progresses from the one ounce "lids" to purchasing a "brick" or "kilo". This is a kilogram (2.2 lbs) and sells for $75 to $150. Marijuana may be easily identified. It has a strong characteristic odor which is similar to fresh hay or wet, freshly cut grass. Smoking some tea leaves, rolled up into a cigarette will give you a good stable datum for identifying marijuana odor. Marijuana may be physically identified as a green or greenish brown tobacco with varying amounts of brown stems and small round seeds. Hashish, like marijuana, comes from the female hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. When matured, the plant is hung upside down and resins collect which are dried into hashish. One gram of hashish sells for $10 and will supply 10 to 30 "hits" or periods of being "high". Hashish is brown, tan, or black and is usually kept in tin foil. Users of both hashish and marijuana will have bloodshot eyes while under the influence. Someone under LSD may be identified by very dilated pupils. Peyote "buttons" are several inches in diameter and come from the peyote cactus of S.W. America. The pure form of the drug is a synthetic (white) or natural (brown) powder called mescaline. A beefed-up version of this drug was recently made available but was, as of June 1968, unnamed. Another new drug is STP. This drug is much more powerful than even LSD. As of June 1968, STP was waning in use as people found its results too unpredictable. One other drug worth mentioning is DMT. This drug is smoked or injected and has immediate effects which end in about an hour. It may be identified by an odor similar to moth balls and is either a white powder or soaked into a medium such as pot or tobacco. Marijuana is basically a very mild drug which creates euphoria. Also it has the unpleasant consequence of distorting the senses of the user to the point that people on "trips" have been known to open the door of a car going 80 mph and step out "since they could walk faster". The remaining psychedelic drugs are much more powerful and will strongly influence a pc. It was found in L.A. that over a period of several months (4-6) every single income slump was traced to the accidental acceptance of one or more drug (LSD, etc) 244 users into the Academy and/or HGC and traced as well to the spreading waves of chaos in attempts to handle their "disagreements" with the tech, demands for special handling and no case gain. The "trips" that a drug user goes on tend to produce stuck points on the track with much fixation of attention on that area. Bad "trips" tend to act like Super Engrams collapsing the track at that point. Users of drugs cannot as-is, do not get TA, nor do they have cognitions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt.rd.jh Copyright $c 1968, 1975 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=31/8/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  WRITTEN C/S INSTRUCTIONS   Remimeo Case Supervisor Hat  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 31 AUGUST 1968 Remimeo Case Supervisor Hat WRITTEN C/S INSTRUCTIONS It is a High Crime for a Case Supervisor not to WRITE in a preclear's folder what the case supervised instructions are and a High Crime for an auditor to accept verbal C/S instructions. To commit this crime causes: 1. Extreme difficulty when doing a folder error summary as there is no background of what was ordered and why. 2. Gives the auditor leave to do anything he likes as not in writing. 3. Is open to misduplication and can cause squirrel processes to be run and so mess up a preclear with Non-Standard Tech. Any C/Supervisor found guilty of this from this date is to be removed as this could only be considered a deliberate attempt to mess up preclears. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 245  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT, WORK SHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION   Remimeo Cl VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 SEPTEMBER 1968 Remimeo Cl VIII SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT, WORK SHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AUDITOR'S REPORT An Auditor's Report should contain: Date Name of Auditor Name of Pc Condition of Pc Length of Session Time Session started and ended T/A at beginning and end of Session Rudiments What process was run -- LISTING THE EXACT COMMANDS (often forgotten by most Auditors) Time of Start and End of Process Whether Process is flat or not Any F/Ns WORK SHEETS A Work Sheet is supposed to be the complete running record of the session from beginning to end. The Auditor should not be skipping from one page to another but should just be writing page after page as the session goes along. A Work Sheet is always foolscap, 8 x 13 inches, written on both sides and each page is numbered. Pc's name is written on each separate sheet. A Work Sheet may be in 2 columns depending on how big the writing is of the Auditor. When the session is completed, the Work Sheets are put in proper sequence and stapled with the Auditor Report Form on top from beginning to end of session. T/A and time notations should be made at regular intervals throughout the session. When making a list on a Pc: 1. Always mark a read as it reads -- F. LF. BD. 2. Always circle the reading item. Mark if indicated to the Pc with IND. 3. Always when extending a list put in a line from where it has been extended, e.g. Item Joe Shoes Socks _________________ extended Sky Wax Pigs, etc, etc. 246 NOTE: When you repair an old auditing session you always write on the old auditing report and W/sheets in a different colored pen with the date of the report. When running various processes in a session, mark each F/N clearly, noting time and T/A. SUMMARY REPORT A Summary Report is written exactly as per HCO B 14 June 1965 -- Pc's Name Auditor's Name Process Run TA Time Goals and Gains Aspects of Running Process Ethics Suggestions. Two gross goofs I have noticed since case supervising folders on the RSM is that Auditors have not been turning in Ethics cases to the MAA. In one instance, a Pc was audited by 2 Auditors in 2 different sessions, got a R/S on crimes against Scientologists and M/W/Hs and neither Auditor turned the Pc in to Ethics. This is not the only instance. The second thing is that Auditors are very evaluative of the Pc's case as indicated by their comments on the Summary Report. This is incorrect; this report is used simply as an exact record of what happened during the session. It is not up to the Auditor to evaluate the Pc's Case, this is the Case Supervisor's job. The Auditor may suggest what is to be run, at which time the Case Supervisor will review the session, what was run, how the Pc went in relation to what was being run and then give his directions. Auditor Report Forms or W/sheets are never re-copied. The Auditor should always read over his W/sheets before turning in folder to the Case Supervisor and, if any words or letters are missing or cannot be reed, they should be written in with a different colored pen. If these rules are followed it will make the Case Supervisor's job much much easier and Auditor's Reports more valuable. To add the obvious, it is a CRIME to give any session or assist without making an Auditor's Report or to copy the original actual report after the session and submit a copy instead of the real report. Assist Reports that use only contact or touch assists may be written after a session and sent to Qual. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ei.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 247  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=1/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  POINTS ON CASE SUPERVISION   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 1 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII POINTS ON CASE SUPERVISION 1. Check your orders to find out if auditor did them. 2. Check to see if commands correct and if pc's reaction was expected reaction for those commands. 3. Check any list and find out if there was mislisting. 4. Advise against a background of Standard Tech. 5. Order any errors corrected or get the case on further up the grades. 6. Beware of over-correction. 7. Beware of false, pessimistic or over-enthusiastic auditor reports. They are detected by whether the case responded to usual actions as they all do. 8. Beware of talking to the auditor or the pc. 9. Have implicit confidence in Standard Tech. If it is reported not working the auditor's report is false or the application terrible but not reported. 10. Above all else hold a standard and NEVER listen to or use unusual solutions. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp.ts Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 248  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=4/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Don't force a pc who is ill.   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 4 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII Don't force a pc who is ill. The whole intention when auditing a pc who is sick is making him well. If overts, or M/W/HS don't read, even though he is nattering, then they are not available to be run right then. A preclear who is not well cannot look, his havingness is down and he must be handled permissively -- always. The mechanism of RELEASE must be well understood to make an ill person well. They plunge down the track madly on any excuse. They require much lighter auditing than they stand up to when well. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.ts Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=6/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CHECKING FOR FALSE READS   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII CHECKING FOR FALSE READS When you check for earlier auditor false reads on a GF or rudiment type read: When follow-up of the read seems to bog down, get nowhere and when pc has no answers. When the pc protests, seems ARC Broken by the read or seems resigned. When the pc starts to explain how the thing has been run before. When there is protest or inval. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jp.ts Founder Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 249  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=10/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=28/2/75 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GREEN FORM, S & D   Remimeo Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 10 SEPTEMBER 1968-1 ADDITION OF 28 FEBRUARY 1975 Remimeo Class VIII (This is an amendment of HCO B 10 Sept 68, "Green Form, S & D, Remedy B". NOTE: Original HCO B 10 Sept 68 is changed in distribution to Solo C/S Crse and is not cancelled as it contains vital data for the Solo C/S.) GREEN FORM, S & D It was found in C/Supervising aboard the RSM* that the following additives had been entered and are not altogether correct. 1. "Green Form to Free Needle." Not necessarily correct. It may or may not. Each item on the Green Form is independent of the rest. However it can be a serious blunder to continue a GF past an F/N. I have seen TAs then rise. The only time you would ever do this (go past an F/N on a Green Form) would be when GIs were not in and the pc still felt he was in trouble. In this case the F/N is probably an ARC Brk needle and an ARC Break should be checked. 2. "S & Ds to F/N" (WSU). Not necessarily true. You stop as per listing rules. LRH:jp.nt.rd Copyright $c 1968, 1975 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard Founder ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [*RSM are the initials of the ship, Royal Scot Man, upon which the Class VIII Course was originally given. This same ship later became knows as the Apollo, Flagship of the Sea Organization.]  L. RON HUBBARD Founder   Type = 11 iDate=11/9/68 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FALSE READS   Class VIII  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 SEPTEMBER 1968 Class VIII FALSE READS False Reeds are handled by checking back any that are false to when they were first "seen" by an auditor. Sometimes a false read goes on and on, never cleans because there wasn't anything there in the first place. Find when and where somebody thought it read when it didn't. Can ask, "Who said you had an _______ reading when you didn't have one?" Also check Protest, Invalidate and Suppress to clean up a false read. LRH:jp.ts L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 250  L. RON HUBBARD