Type = 120 iDate=0/11/55 Volnum=0 Issue=16 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  What Are You Going to Do About It?    Ability Issue 16 [1955, ca. mid November] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D.C. What Are You Going to Do About It? L. Ron Hubbard Scientology has several problems it really shouldn't have. These are third and fourth dynamic problems. It should be enough that a science developed for the good of Man, and given freely into his knowledge, should simply be itself disseminated as itself, and without further intrusion into world affairs, but it so happens that the people of Dianetics and Scientology have an interest in the playing field called Earth. Looking broadly about, one does not find very many people interested in the preservation of this playing field. They do not believe that it is their responsibility. The government of country A does not believe it is their responsibility; the government of country B does not believe it is their responsibility. It is very possible, from the view of a survey recently conducted, that there will be no actual forward effort at any time, anywhere, to modify the threatened havoc of the atom bomb, unless it is done quietly and effectively by a group which is interested beyond the interest of governments. It is the belief of Scientology that no government should be interfered with. When a government is changed, it is changed to resume its old shape. No revolution is successful. It is a maxim of Scientology that if a Scientologist is trained within the boundaries of Libya, he is expected to follow out the training and beliefs of his nationality, and to support to the last degree his own government. Similarly, a Scientologist of the U.S.A. or a Scientologist of Great Britain is expected to support his own government to the fullest possible extent. Any and all changes which occur by reason of more knowledge occur along the lines of evolution and not along the lines of revolution. Therefore, Scientology is so far from seeking changes in governments that it would contest to the ability of every last communication line any threatened change in any government anywhere. However, there is something which is above nationality today. It is even above the level of the United Nations which has proven its inability to handle the problems. Man is confronted with a weapon of such magnitude and range that unless some solution appears for this weapon, Man will cease to exist, and all life may cease to exist upon this planet. How does one then influence a problem of this magnitude beyond the level of nations? The answer to this problem is communication. We have seen that an area of enturbulence ceases to exist as soon as communication is levelled into it. True, the area has a tendency to explode somewhat in our faces before it as- ises, and tames. However, the answers to such problems as the atomic bomb lie in the problem of communication. The communication of more knowledge, the communication of better abilities itself could bring about this change in time. However, we may not have this much time before us. Therefore, it is better that we communicate specifically upon the problem of 292 the atomic bomb itself, and this is what we ask the peoples of the world as our communication, "What are you going to do about it?" By communicating, and by signalizing the fact that no one is taking active responsibility for it, it may be that we can bring about vast significant changes upon the third dynamic. There is a great deal of technology associated with this. Communication lines of great magnitude are necessary, but all these things are at this moment in preparation. We have never beheld a more sweeping forward look than we have at this time. There is no reason to suppose that we will fail. We know the thing not to do, and that is nothing. We are not a group or organization dedicated exclusively to the bringing about of peace, but we are forced by our own impulses of self-preservation to take a hand in this game which seems too big even for nations to play. Nations cannot play this game because nations are not individuals. We are individuals and we know we are individuals, therefore, we can communicate to the world upon this problem without defying our own nationalities or enturbulating or upsetting the course of nations themselves. The bomb is bigger than nations and we ourselves as individuals, any one of us, have greater co-ordinative abilities than nations themselves. Thus the responsibility is ours, thus our campaign. We will tell you more about this. We are in deadly earnest. We have for the first time a good solid and workable answer to the problem of the atomic bomb, and we mean to use it. We know that if we communicate on the subject, we will be rewarded by solution to this gravest threat Man has ever had. We mean to do it. That's the way it is. Ron 293  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=0/11/55 Volnum=0 Issue=5 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    All HAS Offices, All Continents  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 5 [ca. mid-November 1955] All HAS Offices, All Continents LIMITED COMPANY PROCEEDING: The HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM is proceeding with fair rapidity to its completion. This will be its official name even though it spells HASUK. Its offices will be located at No. 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8, and its phone number will be Bayswater 5780. It has passed the stage of being okayed for its company name by the Registrar of Companies in London which had some question as to calling a limited company an Association, and for a while we thought we would have to get real inventive to delete the word "Association" from the title, but it got by anyway. It will be governed by a Board of Trustees. Being a limited company it is the first entirely English and British HAS. As the Queen doesn't mind "aliens" holding shares you can guess who has the controlling finger in the pie. This limited company succeeds to the control of all other United Kingdorn HASs -- Australia, South Africa, etc. This is important, for in those countries an incorporated entity has to be incorporated in every single state and being so has no power in any other state. You would have to have five separate corporations to cover Australia (or is it seven). But by qualifying the HASUK in each, a well connected organization can thus result though each one can be autonomous. In South Africa they are holding on with a course waiting for the HASUK papers to file them for SA operation. There is an existing HAS of SA held by Albert Low which I suppose will be turned over to the HASUK by Albert depending somewhat on Albert, who will I am sure cooperate. In Australia Johnny Farrell and some other fine chaps have an HASI; it however is limited in an extreme rather than a company sense, being in only the one state, Victoria. I believe, depending somewhat on them, that they will close it out and open a new qualified HASUK and then qualify the HASUK in each one of the Australian states, appointing a resident agent for each branch and the whole being managed by a committee composed of the already existing Australian directors. Similarly the HASUK can be qualified at small expense in every state in South Africa and the whole again managed by a committee there. Those in interest on this will receive HASUK limited company certificates for their use in qualifying it in all these states. That's a stack of qualifications for which the HASUK will pay. These papers will be forwarded in a very few weeks. CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY GOING IN IN ENGLAND: Already having started with great success the "I will talk to anyone for you about anything" ad in London (Ray Kemp piloting), the Church of Scientology is being placed in a limited company status in the United Kingdom. CHARTERED CHURCHES will be available to qualified auditors throughout the United Kingdom. The Central UK Church of Scientology will issue the charters on a tithe basis. All ordinations will be committed by the Central Church, not the chartered churches. Ordinations must have an HPA or HCA in full force as a requisite, plus general good standing. An ordination and its certificate will cost 5 gns to those qualified. A Sunburst Cross and lapel pin will cost 8 gns. The cross is a lovely thing of pure silver about three inches high, hung with a plain silver chain from the crossbar. It is worn with any collared shirt or dress about the throat, a distinctive badge. Qualified auditors may apply now. WHAT TO AUDIT TODAY: If there's any doubt in anyone's mind as to what we ought to be using on preclears, it's SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, ISSUE 5. And if there's any doubt about that, use only LEVEL ONE on any pc. And if there's any doubt about that, use only the PRESENT TIME PROBLEM PART of Level One as far as techniques go. 294 AUDITING THE PT PROBLEM: A pc could be said to be a composite of a consecutive series of Level One present time problems. His body for instance is his chief p.t. problem. If you had only one process today to work on any case of any level from psycho to Op Thetan, it would be working present time problems with the "problem of comparable magnitude" process. This is called simply "Invented Problems of Comparable Magnitude". It is a precision tool with precision commands. It is done this way: The pc by two-way comm, having been started into session, is asked to come up with and isolate ANY present time problem of no matter what size. He is not bird-dogged on to his chronic somatic or other specific difficulty since this may be beyond his grasp at the start and because it will come up inevitably in its turn. Once the auditor has gotten the pc to articulate ANY one present time problem the auditor then says (precision commands here), "Can you invent a problem of comparable magnitude?" or "Can you invent a problem as big as that one?" When the pc does this the auditor then says (precision command wording, use no other), "What could you do about that one?", meaning the invented problem. (The word is "could", not "can".) The pc is finally two-way commed into actually hazarding that he might do so-and-so and such-and-such about the invented problem, at which time the auditor says, "Fine. Now what ELSE could you do about that problem?", again meaning the invented problem, the same one. In such a way the pc gives solution after solution, no matter how poor and without being challenged on whether or not they would work or would solve the problem until he has solved the invented problem. IT IS VITAL THAT THE PC BE BROUGHT TO A FINAL SOLUTION TO HIS SATISFACTION OF THE INVENTED PROBLEM, UNTIL HE VOLUNTEERS THAT IT IS SOLVED: THEREIN LIES THE TRICK. Don't go on to new invented problems until the old one is in pieces. Make the pc then invent a new problem IF HE IS STILL WORRIED ABOUT THE REAL PROBLEM HE BROUGHT UP. If, upon discussion the pc is no longer concerned with the real problem, then two-way comm him into a location or isolation of a new present time problem. If he is still worried about the old problem or first one, have him again invent one of comparable magnitude to it. If he is not worried about the old one, have him find a new problem in his life (present time) and then have him invent the "problem of comparable magnitude" again with the same commands, "Please invent a problem as big as that one," "What could you do about the invented problem?", having the pc get solution after solution or action after action proposed about the invented problem until he feels he's whipped it and volunteers same to the auditor (the auditor doesn't fish for solution -- final). An auditor will discover that a pc with higher and higher cognition ALWAYS has a present time problem no matter how many have been solved. And the composite of these problems is the pc's case (not a composite of OLD problems). The pc's case is a composite of present time problems. Thus the oldest axiom but one (SURVIVE) that he has is back at work: THE FUNCTION OF THE MIND IS TO POSE AND RESOLVE PROBLEMS RELATING TO SURVIVAL. And boy does this work! I really sprained a beam when I invented this "Invented Problems of Comparable Magnitude". SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, ISSUE 5: If you gaze deeply into the brief pages of SLP, Issue 5 you will find a lot of things that are good for cases, and a good clean look at Level One will give you the start-out that any cases needed. The funny part about Issue Five is that it is not necessarily a graduated scale like all its predecessors. Almost any case runs at any of its levels, and anyone who exteriorizes can run at once at Level Six. But none run without Level One. EXTERIORIZATION TODAY: Today's idea of exteriorization is that it happens and that it must be FULLY acknowledged but that one, acknowledgement of it and discussion of it with the startled pc done, then continues the process which the pc exteriorized on. In other words one doesn't change his entire auditing just because of exteriorization. One notes it and carries on and it then gets better. You can't keep them in their heads anyway with SLP, Issue 5 -- why, try to work them outside. 295 TWO-WAY COMM: An auditor (Old-time HDA) said, "I know modern auditing is an awful lot of yak...." So I finally got two-way comm across to him in this wise. "Today the auditor is a salesman who is trying to sell the pc on the idea of changing his mind about a lot of things. With two-way comm he makes this easy." And the HDA understood. HCA/HPA CURRICULUM: What tapes? We were giving live lectures everywhere. It's now advanced considerably. For awhile let's set up a tape schedule, for the training in all levels is being given a new auditing STYLE. Opening and closing sessions, the Communication Bridge, Two-way Comm et al are new to most. Thus the gradient scale of importance of what an auditor must know is as follows: 1. Reality on Scientology (by case success in himself or others and by orienting old data he has by new Scientology stable data that he selects out); 2. Auditing Style and Mechanics (as per Level One); 3. Six bevels of Processing, Issue 5; 4. Scientology Vocabulary; 5. Axioms of Scientology; 6. Auditor's Own Case. These are reviewed in HAA levels. Axioms are expected COLD at HAA level. The London HPA November Lectures are a must. So are the earlier 26 half-hour lectures of 1954. So are some of these ACC lectures. Therefore the instructor had better have a leading student and a tape PLAYER (so the student can't wipe tapes) and an evening schedule to get these in. The HPA Nov. '55 will be airmailed for $60. (If I said #60 earlier it was a slip.) They have the ACC lectures in SA and can sell them for that area only. Silver Spring and London are both copying Hi-Fi (Silver Spring a bit higher Fi) the HPA and the 4th London ACC tapes. Both have and can furnish the 1954 HCA 26 half-hour tapes. Also there are some 15-minute lecture per step Route One tapes you can have for $23 a set. These haven't been generally released before. With this new auditing style and the fabulous work being done with SLP, Issue 5, we can't be backwards in our training or old in our approach. So please modernize courses FAST. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY BELIEF THAT THE SUBJECT TRAVELS AS FAST AS IT IS WORKABLE. Upon that axiom we have built up to where we are. Thus a delay in using new training material is a delay in the subject. I'm not trying to sell you tapes. We'll never climb out of the red on these unless it's by workable Scientology. CLINICAL PROCEDURE: All Hubbard Guidance Centers should be using SLP, Issue 5, with emphasis on LEVEL ONE and the p.t. problem, briefer emphasis on earlier steps of Level Two, solid emphasis on WATERLOO STATION. Emphasize then SLP, Issue 5, Level One and Waterloo Station. Get each of these fully flat. First twelve hours of an intensive most cases on p.t. problems, three on assign intentions, ten on Waterloo Station, rough estimate. ATTITUDE TOWARD PSYCHIATRY: "The medical profession, healing groups and ourselves are attempting to get psychiatry to accept on a pledge of no harmful treatment psychotics who now have to be withheld from psychiatrists and institutions because of the real danger that they will have their backs broken, their teeth knocked out or their brains damaged by shock, drugs or surgery. We and other committees are trying to get psychiatry to make such non- harmful facilities for the insane available in order to serve the medical and healing professions so that these can dispose of their insane patients without themselves being guilty of murder or mayhem upon them. It's an international movement." LRH:ts Copyright$c 1955 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 296  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=25/11/55 Volnum=0 Issue=66 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FIRST, SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH POSTULATES    P.A.B. No. 66 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 163 Holland Park Avenue, London W.11 25 November 1955 FIRST, SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH POSTULATES Identification and differentiation are the two extremes of processes. An auditor really ought to make this experiment, just to show him the way things go. He should sit a preclear down and ask him what things are like things. Something curious occurs -- he plows right on in. It's the second postulate. "What thing is like what thing?" is the second postulate. Now we turn around and run him on what things are different from what things and he clears right up and gets as bright as a dollar. So if we ask somebody to look around at all those people and find people he is like, we immediately find out why old Dianetics Straight Wire had such a terrific limitation. It had this limitation simply because we were saying, "All right, who had that manifestation?" "Oh, you have a twitch there? -- Well, who had that?" It would only run for four or five questions before it would plow in, so it was a hit-and-run process. The reason for this was: we were running identification. So, if we were to take somebody out to a railroad station and say, "All right, now pick out some people around here that you are separate from," he would get sharp and bright, and he would feel wonderful. Let's just take a shadow of that now: "Get a person there that you are the same as." "Now get some things you have that are the same as the things you have." The same, the same, the same, and all of a sudden this guy goes "Gug!" He doesn't like it! So if we ask him "What do you know about that person? Something else you know about that person; something else you know about that person," we don't have the full effect, but we have some little echo of this identification effect. A very searching look at whether it is better to hit and run -- one person, another person -- tells us immediately something that is quite interesting: that if we found a lot of things you know about that one chair, for instance, the process would be effective, but it would be only about one-tenth as effective as "What do you know about that chair?" "What do you know about that table?" "What do you know about that lamp?" We find they fit on a scale as follows: First Postulate: NOT-KNOW Second Postulate: KNOW. 297 So far we have been going with nothing but material objects or spaces. Now, the third postulate is: FORGET, and the fourth postulate is: REMEMBER. Forget and Remember stand in relationship to each other as an abstract first postulate, you might say, Forget, and the second postulate is: Remember. Therefore, Remembering processes and Knowing processes simply make the person able to handle a second postulate. Therefore, they are long. However, they don't run out very well. If we wanted to run out Knowingness, we would run Not-Knowingness. In view of the fact that a lot of people just know things that are horrible, it would be to some advantage to run out some of this Knowingness. It is very false Knowingness, isn't it? So we have the consideration added to each one of these postulates: Good, Bad, Survive, Succumb, and that is added to Not-Know. Good or Bad, to Not- Know. Taking the second postulate we would have Good or Bad, Survive or Succumb, as Know. Good or Bad, Survive or Succumb, as the third postulate, Forget, and Good or Bad, Survive or Succumb, to the fourth postulate, Remember. Now let's look at that in conditions of existence, and we discover that an object, or something, must have presented itself, about which the individual didn't know, and he'd have to decide that he didn't know about it, before he would decide that he would have to know about it. So he is not-ising his Not-Knowingness, by knowing. In order to forget about it, he has to not-is his Knowingness. So he has to not-is Knowingness, in order to forget. To remember it, he will have to have forgotten it. Therefore, he not-ises Forgettingness. By this pattern and scale we have all the difficulties a mind can get into. This is all a thetan can do, really. Now we get the Curiosity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit Scale. We are familiar with that scale. We call it the DEI Scale. Actually it has Curiosity just above Desire. So, we find one could be Curious about, Desire, Enforce and Inhibit Not-Knowingness. We have the consideration, which is Good or Bad, Survive or Succumb, and now we have the volition. The volition of a person about this Not-Knowingness is to be curious about it, desire it, enforce, or inhibit it -- or just plain not know it. Take it as its as-isness. But if he decided not to not-know it, it would disappear. So in order to keep it there, he decides to know something about it. Everything you get to know anything about becomes more solid, because it is a second postulate. Now this very tricky set of values is evidently closer to the truth than we have been before, but it has to be worked experimentally, now, to discover how much of this is valid, and how much isn't valid. 298 I made a test on one preclear who has a black field and made him good and sick. So we take the fourth postulate. Now get how solid things would become if you were using a fourth postulate. I had him look at pieces of blackness, and instead of looking, remember them. It would have been easier for him to forget them instead of looking at them -- and it was. We didn't carry the experiment any further. We just carried this as far as forget and remember -- instead of look, let's remember. It made him good and sick. It didn't run out his occlusion. We can understand, if we search a little further in this, what this blackness is, then. An individual decides to KNOW what is in that blackness, and immediately that he decides to know what is in the blackness, he will get a solidity to the blackness, won't he? It's a second postulate. So you see how far this "figure-figure" carried us. If we run something about that person that you would be willing to not- know and something you would be willing for that person to not-know about you -- we will unravel the secrets out of people this way. The people get better, and we are running closer to the truth than we have been in the past. I just want to repeat to you, as I often have to do, one of those primary principles that is liable to go astray: This is the principle of Mystery. The principle of Mystery is, of course, this: The only way anybody gets stuck to anything is by a mystery sandwich. A person cannot be connected to his body, but he can have a mystery between him and his body which will connect him. Now the oddity is that it is the desire to solve the mystery which does the connection. So, really, the Know to Mystery Scale, on this day, has become the Not-Know to Mystery Scale. We have pushed our information up just that much further. You have to understand this thing about the mystery sandwich. It's two pieces of bread, one of which represents the thetan, one of which represents the body, and the two pieces of bread are pulled together by a mystery. They are kept together by a volition to know the mystery. And then people run the Curiosity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit Scale on that mystery. That keeps them interiorized, and this is really the secret of Interiorization. The secret is a secret. Q-and-A! Survive and Succumb are simply a consideration. To a being who cannot possibly succumb, succumb is always a second postulate, but it is a second postulate to an actuatity. To really as-is a thing, you have to make a perfect duplicate of it, don't you? The thing originally appeared, but was not known, so the second postulate came around and altered it into a knowingness. Therefore, in order to get the basic-basic on any chain of actual physical objects, you would simply have to say, "What could I not-know about it?" 299 This is the cycle of alter-isness and not-isness of any perception: The Evolution of Thinkingness. 1. OBJECT (seen) NOT-KNOWN (As-is possible) 2. OBJECT KNOWN (Prevented As-is by Alter-is) 3. ABSTRACT FORGOTTEN (Not-isness) 4. ABSTRACT REMEMBERED (An Alter-is of Not-is) If you look carefully at number four, you will find that a fixation on remembering produced that tangle which is called a mind. Now, do you see how a mind could be loused up? Now, added to any of the four above, are the following: Considerations: Good, Bad, Survive, Succumb. Volition: Curiosity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit. This is really not a scale, it is a time-plot. Added to all this, of course, would simply be Confidence, and at any portion of that plot you could add this factor of Confidence. But Confidence goes into Conviction. At any point you have these two things taking place: You have Confidence, which then shifts off into Conviction. Confidence becomes Conviction, so any one of these four conditions can become fixed, and so unalterable. But you tackle anything on this scale, simply by running the first postulate. Right now "Waterloo Station" is quite stable just the way you are running it. Actually, "Waterloo Station," on Know, or running enough Remember, would do this terrific thing: It would make the person totally competent to handle that second postulate. He would no longer be upset about the second postulate. He could handle it or not handle it, as the case might be, but he is liable to come upscale faster if you run what he would be willing to NOT-KNOW about that person. 300  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 120 iDate=0/11/55 Volnum=0 Issue=18 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Letter to Ability Editor    Ability Issue 18 [1955, ca. late November] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D.C. Letter to Ability Editor Dear John, ... I have just ended here seven good hard weeks of training, being on the platform five-and-a-half to seven hours a day, training, I am not quite sure how many students, but in excess of thirty, and for the first time in Scientology history, getting this type of comment from the students trained: "This is the first course I was ever on where I would in the last week permit anyone on the course to audit me." This is literally true. We sweepingly made these people into fine auditors. Great Britain is now richer to that degree. ... The British operation is quite interesting. It occupies one-and-one- quarter floors of Brunswick House, a building on the comer of Palace Gardens Terrace and Bayswater Avenue, one of the most traffic-jammed streets in London. It consists of a great many offices, classrooms and auditing rooms, and has a staff of about twenty people, there being about three hundred trained auditors certified in Great Britain. Of course, I don't mean in the British sense that these auditors are certified, since that in Great Britain means "insane," which is why we call them Hubbard Professional Auditors here. We have now given up the small quarters down at 163 Holland Park Avenue, because these were far too cramped, and inadequate for our purposes. The guys here took one of the large rooms and painted, carpeted, and draped, and fixed it up into a very swanky office for me which is still in a state of improvement, but which I have been using these days since the close of the ACC course. The ACC course did not give me any time whatsoever to think about occupying more office than my hat. My first job when I first got here was immediately visible to the eye. I had to make some up-to-date crackerjack auditors. I went ahead and did so. I am still doing that on night courses and HPA courses and these people are really getting the results and coming right along. We have an auditing staff here of about five under the direct supervision of Dr. Ann Walker. It is a great oddity that almost everybody in this operation here has been with the movement since the earliest days. The ranks keep swelling, but those most intimate to the organization here are long- time and old-time Dianeticists and Scientologists, a thing which speaks very well. ... This scene is much less foreign to one's eye than one would expect. London is sort of a New York of 1890, but much, much faster, with its streets jammed with fast small cars, huge fast busses. It is a very exciting town, and a very sociable town. In fact it is so sociable that I have an awfully hard time keeping my calendar clear enough to get some work done. I feel like a New York debutante complaining about parties, parties, parties. ... Tonight is Thursday night when the second night of the week briefing course for auditors in general is held and at 8:30 I will talk to them for an hour. I am going to talk to them explaining to them that you can't run present time problems on preclears who are low in havingness if you have them solve the problems. Such preclears can be run only by having them invent problems. Even if they invent problems of comparable magnitude, they are liable to drop too low on havingness. 301 I very much miss, despite all this sociability, my friends in Washington, since I am doing a piece of research work which is right straight down the groove. I am really shooting for the moment on this one. SLP will stay pretty much the way it is for some time to come, since it was fought for and won with the ACC and tested while training them. But what I am shooting for now will be done with the co-operation of the staff auditors here at Brunswick House. This is too early really for any general release, but I have done two things with some new processes, which make me extremely hopeful for the future of Scientology. Boy, you ain't seen nothing yet, John. ... I hear good comment everywhere on Ability. Best, Ron. 302  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=0/11/55 Volnum=0 Issue=6 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCESSING FUTURES    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. Tel. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 6 [ca. late November 1955] PROCESSING FUTURES There is a great deal of speculation rampant concerning the direction which processing is taking. This is natural in view of the fact that six basic steps remain for so long a stable item. To old-timers the year long stability of the six basic steps was the novelty, not change in direction of processes. However, I have learned so much concerning the mind and processing in general that it is very easy at this time to immediately forecast what changes are going to occur now out of SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, and this is an announcement in effect of the content of SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING, Issue 6. What we are trying to do is to stabilize a regimen of processing for use by auditors, and in particular for use in clinics and we are daily in receipt of information from various parts of the world and the centers concerning the efficacity of processes. Oddly enough, the most fruitful source of test material, the Hubbard Guidance Center in Washington, D.C., has failed to report very much about their results. This may be because their results are very good, but it is also a small hole in research. However, the auditors at Brunswick House, where we now have a complete operational clinic in operation, and the instructor, as well as former Fourth London ACC students, have been filling in the gaps. Therefore, SLP Issue 5 has had a considerable working over and I am repairing it by two additions only, from a standpoint of theory. To SLP Issue 5 we are adding in Level One a process at the point of the present time problem which instantly and immediately remedies the havingness of the preclear and brings about considerable change, and in Level Two in all steps except Waterloo Station, we are adding the additional command "Increase it", or "Increase him". And, at the level of Step C of Level Three, Decisional Processing, we are changing the command to, "Make a decision about that (indicated object)". To SLP Issue 5, in other words, we are adding in the immediate beginning of processes the remedy of havingness on a covert basis, and adding to SLP Issue 5 in general the factor of creativeness. This stems from our oldest precept which I discovered here in England many years ago, that the preclear cannot create, will not let go of anything; thus, aside from the change in Level Three which is purely for the understanding of the preclear, the total changes to date which will comprise SLP Issue 6 are the addition of creativeness at the present time problem level, by introducing a regimen to make the preclear acquire havingness rather than as-is it all with solving present time problems, and at the second level, to make the activity of spotting objects a creative process. Substituting for the present time problem: We discover that there are a number of preclears, those that are the furthest south, who are so low on havingness that the moment they are asked to confront objects, the physical universe tips out of plumb with them and they are considerably confused. It has been discovered on some cases that are very low on the tone scale that their lowness in terms of havingness must at once be remedied before they can even be given locational processing. Thus a regimen has been developed by which I have been making preclears begin to create, and locate themselves, and increase their havingness all at the same time. This process goes as follows: The preclear is asked to (1) Spot some things which are not thinking. When he has done this and has cognited that MEST is not thinking, he is then asked (2) "Tell me a lie about that (indicated object)," with the auditor selecting the objects, and with the preclear telling the auditor a lie about each one of them in turn. This is the lowest level of creativeness, and it will be found after a while that the preclear will be able to change to the next one, (3) "Invent a problem". It should be understood that theta is the solver of 303 problems, that MEST is the problem. Whenever an individual is asked to get a problem of comparable magnitude, and is then asked to solve it, he is inventing a problem and is then as-ising any havingness which he acquired by reason of having invented a problem. If you go on and ask some preclears who are very low on havingness to solve the problem over and over by asking him what he could do about it, he has a tendency to lose far too much mass. This makes him very uncomfortable, and upsets him. The preclear runs entirely through this regimen then, and invents a bountiful supply of problems. The preclear on whom this should be run is easily spotted, since he is a person who is fixed on various set problems and cannot get off them. In other words, the individual has a scarcity of problems, and we get him to think about them first by spotting some unthinking things in the environment, then we get him to exercise the lowest level of creativeness, and at the same time, add to his mass by asking him to tell us a lie about these objects, and then we ask him when he has successfully flattened the last process, to invent problems. We do not ask him to solve any of these problems. Only then would it be safe to run the present time problem, and it really isn't safe to run it on this preclear anyway. The next step up the line which would be run would be "Assign an intention". This could be altered to "Invent an intention for that (indicated object)". Adding creativeness to spotting: The second level of the SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING will become tentatively in Issue 6, Creative Spotting. In order to create, anything, it must be that the preclear can first change it and then add to it, and at length will come up the gradient scale of being able to create one all by himself. In all early levels except Waterloo Station which is the last process in the second level, we have the preclear increase it in any instance. For instance, we have him spot an energy source. Then before we let him get off of it, we ask him if he could increase it. The exact auditing command is, "Spot an acceptable energy source", and when the preclear has, "Get the idea of increasing it". When this gets to persons, one can vary the command of increasing the person by asking the preclear to "Spot a person", and then when he has, "Would you make him bigger". You see the preclear is stuck ordinarily over on the destruction end of this cycle of action. It is first necessary if we are going to change him at all, to move him out of this destructive end of the cycle, and into the change middle of the cycle, and over, if possible, into the create side of the cycle. I do not believe it is possible to make a preclear entirely well unless we rehabilitate thoroughly his ability to change, and it is certainly not possible to make him completely able without rehabilitating almost in its entirety his ability to create. You see, a preclear goes from create over to changing things, and drifts from changing things over to destruction on the cycle of action which goes create-change-destroy. When he gets over on the destruction end, the way to get him out of it and back into the creation end is to make him actively start creating things. There is in destruction an effort to decrease the size of everything. This becomes obsessive. However if we try to run this on preclears, we discover that their havingness starts to vanish; therefore we simply and overtly by the process itself move them over into the creative end of the cycle. I am not trying to release here SLP Issue 6 in its entirety, but these are the principal changes in it. The one I am working on, and which is the reason why I have it with this Operational Bulletin, is the factor of time. Time is motion or change. Everything moves the preclear. The preclear moves nothing, and I am trying to find the ways and means of getting the preclear to move not-have universes, so that he can split them adequately. One of the ways I am trying to split universes these days is to have the not-have universe, separation from the preclear being desirable without reduction, but on the contrary with increase of havingness, tell the preclear a lie. This is quite interesting as a process. None of the foregoing means that SLP Issue 5 is in any state of flux. It merely seeks to give the direction of travel of research, and to give you a little advance information that will run a few cases even further south than those we have tackled so 304 far. We have gone quite a way south here in recent months in trying to pick up and undercut preclears that were giving us a great deal of trouble. Every time we do this of course, we benefit the cases on the up ranges markedly. OPERATIONAL STABILITIES Scientology has not even begun to reach its various goals. We have made considerable progress in these last few years. The lines of progress which have been most marked were in the level of knowledge itself. We can do more with cases today than we could ever do in the past, and we have a greater understanding of the human mind than was ever before available to man, according to our records. The point here is that we have to go through a certain regimen before we attain goal-velocity. One of these attainments is operational stability. We are making incredible progress in this direction. We have more know-how today than we ever before dreamed was possible. Our operations have been far from stable in the past for the good reason that the operation was seeking to change a wide cultural aspect which was kicking back on it and which of course was changing the operation on a Q and A basis, but we have learned many lessons. The first and foremost of these lessons is to place Scientologists prominently in all organizations. We do not let "outsiders" have the reins and key posts. It would surprise. you to know that some of the fanciest talent that could be bought on the subject of public relations, management, advertising, and many other lines, has already served and failed Scientology organizations, and has been replaced with more efficient Scientologists. The blunt fact is that as unable as we sometimes consider ourselves, we are more able than the world in which we are operating, and unless we realize that fact first and foremost, we won't get very far in our own operational organizations. Bright, intelligent people who come to us in subordinate positions either recognize what we are doing and begin to learn Scientology or they can't do their jobs. It is almost as blunt as this. Now and then we make mistakes in personnel, even with Scientologists. It does not mean the Scientologist himself was a mistake, but it means that we have him on the wrong post or doing the wrong job. But it is not this matter of minor personnel changes which makes Scientology unstable. It is the impact of Scientology against the Society itself. One stands up continually to the most cock-eyed ideas of the mind and of Scientology. It would do a Scientologist an enormous amount of good to have run on him, "Tell me a lie about Scientology". For a short time it might unstabilize him entirely on the subject but he would come back more rational and more able and more capable of facing these outrageous lies which are told about Scientology. The world at this time seems to be bound on a downward curve, and we are in the lonely position of being the only organization capable of doing anything about it. One seldom objects to his own lies. These give him havingness. One always objects to somebody else's lies. One can object to somebody else's lies about a subject for so long that he finally interiorizes in with them. This is basically the anatomy of a squirrel. The world has hit him so hard on this subject for so long that he now believes he is the subject in a perverted form. However we have the answers for all these things, and putting the answers into effect, we are getting places. Things never looked better. Auditors were never more welcome. Operational gains were never more hopeful. POSSIBILITY OF CONGRESS There is at this time a possibility of a congress during Christmas Week in the United States. This has been authorized with Bill Young that a congress be given there. Announcements had better be gotten out on it in a hurry. There is also, depending on permission to stay in Great Britain, a possibility of a congress during Christmas Week in Great Britain. The tapes of congress week in Great Britain will not be available for the American congress unfortunately. ABILITY COMING OUT SLOW Ability needs to come out, it needs to come out regularly, and it needs to stress training and processing, and the general state of Scientology. An awful lot of letters should be carried in Ability, and an awful lot of news. If Ability will notice, Certainty and the PABS come out on regular schedule. 305 TAPES SPOIL IN AIRMAIL Due to the magnetic field around traveling airplanes it is reported tapes sometimes erase or partially foul themselves up in the magnetic fields. Thus all tapes to be transported by air must, and I repeat MUST, be wrapped in tinfoil inside the box. One takes tinfoil and puts it around the tapes and then puts the tape into the box, and we won't get any more of these bad tape qualities because of airline transport. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:rd Copyright $c 1955 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 306  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=6/12/55 Volnum=0 Issue=7 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  INTENSIVE IN PROGRESS    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 7 6 December 1955 INTENSIVE IN PROGRESS As an item on the First Dynamic, which we seldom discuss, I am fifteen and a half hours deep on an intensive being given me by Mary Sue. I am just a little bit astonished to note that two or three processes which we went by swiftly in the last year or two are most intensely workable. It is not a bad idea to get some subjective reality on some of these things, before drawing up anything like a final issue of SLP. If you want to ask auditors who have run me, I audit like a well-greased wheel. It is rather amusing, therefore, to have the GE picked out of an incident auditor Dick Saunders left it stuck in, in July of 1950. That gives you some idea of how fundamental our newer processes are, if they can even remedy 1950. HASUK The Hubbard Association of Scientologists of the United Kingdom is still in a state of formation, but the British public has not yet learned that the old organization has all but disappeared, and the new organization has taken its place. People and even a couple of staff members are still reacting towards the organization as though it was the same old grind. This is a case of doing too smooth a job of change-over, without making enough fireworks. We are left with the job of informing the British public very directly that the HASUK bears little if any resemblance to the HAS of old. In the first place take the matter of Clinic. We closed the HAS Clinic many, many months ago saying we were going to open it again in December of this year. We have done just exactly that, but on its opening, we find an entirely different programme than we had before, entirely different processes, and different methods of handling people. We are hand-picking our auditors, and we are supervising the auditing of cases right down the middle. This of course does not even vaguely compare with the way we were handling cases a short time ago where we were farming them out. But that, remember, was the HAS, and this is the HASUK. The Clinic at Brunswick House is turning out more results faster than are being turned out anywhere else in Great Britain. People have also overlooked the purpose of a central clinic. Its purpose is to clean up cases which are left in distress, and to produce sufficiently excellent results to alert the public at large to the benefits of Scientology. As far as cases in distress are concerned, we have all that locked up. If any more exist in the British Isles that we have not patched up, and put way up the tone scale, then we do not at this moment know about them. We do not include in this a case or two that were in terrible condition a decade ago and on which we are still working with success. As far as results are concerned, we are making absolutely sure of these results by giving psychometric tests before and after each intensive. We have no idea whatsoever of letting a preclear get away without having benefited appreciably from processing. The public does not know this. Free group processing, lecture service, a free basic course given by LRH for auditors now in progress and an evening professional, and a day professional course, plus publishing and general Scientology organization, have altered with the general organizational plan of SERVICE. We admit there were many things left to be desired by the HAS, but the HASUK is in there pitching and the like of this we have not seen in a very long time. It remains for all of us to do enough talking to convince the auditors themselves and the public at large that we are a different organization, that we are operating differently, and that we are getting results. That they must be told this, and that it must be demonstrated to them becomes obvious when one realizes that preclears in London are going to a rather distant part of the world when they could have better auditing at less right here in London. 307 PROCESS STABILITIES Aside from the slight change in command wording in SLP, we have levels three, four, five and six of this series of processes taped, which is to say they are just about the way they're going to be. However, levels one and two are still being overhauled. Two more basic processes evidently fit on level one below the level of present time problem. One of these processes is "What wouldn't mind obeying you?" "What wouldn't you mind obeying?" The other one is an old one: "Tell me something in this environment you could have." Either one of these is more workable than spotting or assigning intentions or 8-C. Oddly enough, there is some possibility, for various reasons, that the "What wouldn't you mind obeying?" "What wouldn't mind obeying you?", however phrased, is one of those all-the-way processes. I stumbled onto it recently and it has now been under test for a month, and is showing every sign of being the bright-haired process of the future. This process and "What could you not- know about that?", run almost at random on a case, are rivals for the most productive sessions. However, stuck cases seem to progress best by getting them to tell you lies about the environment. Also it appears that havingness processes, even Opening Procedure of 8-C, should be preceded exhaustively with "Tell me something around here you could have." I won't go into the mechanics of why, but we have been running people, and making people spot the environment who could not have the environment but could have a subjective bank. When they can have the environment they don't have to have the subjective bank, and that's about the end of it. There are some recent philosophic advances in Scientology which are compelling interest, as they bear very intimately on the question, "Can a thetan get along in this universe, or can't he?" You will be happy to know that the answer is yes he can, but will be probably very astonished to know just why this is true. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jh Copyright $c 1955 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 308  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=13/12/55 Volnum=0 Issue=8 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HANDLING PRESS    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 8 13 December 1955 HANDLING PRESS If it is absolutely necessary to admit press or talk to press, the only thing which really convinces them is result, and I would refuse to go on with a long line of speculation concerning press, or about it. If it begins to crowd such an operation as the Washington operation too hard for material on Scientology, I would follow this procedure. I would take them up to the big grey file case at 2315 15th Street, and say that it will do all the talking, and that they can if they wish bring any expert in to look over these records. I would then not go along any further along the line whatsoever, but would simply tell them to look over these case histories which are the case histories of Scientology. In other words I would make the file case do the press talking. We are getting along fairly well right now on our policy of no communication with the press but this sooner or later may trip us up, and I think such means of communication as simply insisting that the only thing that talks around there is this grey file case, might possibly become a press gimmick which would be appreciated and taken up. Permit them to bring in any experts to examine these files. In other places than Washington, D.C., it would be a very good idea to simply accumulate records of this kind and throw them into a file case and, instead of talking about Scientology and what it does on various fronts, to give people who have to have material about Scientology the run of that file case. One which has fifty or sixty cases in it will do more talking in the long run than anything else. We are entering a new era with Scientology and we should be prepared to hand out data to authorized persons who want it, but I do not think the data handed out should be speculative. I have this afternoon granted an interview on myself as a personality to the Daily Mail feature editor. He may go away and write a great deal about Scientology instead of about me and I decided to make this little test just to find out how it came out. Now we will see what he does write. Certainly he was corrected in an impression he had of me which he had gained from the rumor line. He had me all mocked up as a wild-eyed crusader, and he was quite astonished and friendly during the interview. We talked mainly about Hubbard as the writer, but he did have an awful lot of questions about Scientology. BRAINWASHING MANUAL The brainwashing manual which came into our possession so mysteriously is being released, not with any intent to unmock psychiatry, but as a necessary piece of information for auditors who are confronted with the problems of brainwashing. Some of these cases are now turning up, and unless the basic philosophy of the brainwasher is understood, they are more difficult to handle. SLP Issue 6 or 7 will very undoubtedly handle brainwashing -- 7 by the way is not yet released, but 6 will do until it comes along. Therefore there is no point in writing an additional manual to handle this as a specific problem. Some of the mystery concerning the manuscript on brainwashing which came into our hands in Phoenix was resolved when it was discovered that a book called Psychopolitics (spelled with a K) is in the Library of Congress. It is in German. It was written by a man named Paul Fadkeller, and was published in Berlin in 1947. Although I may be misinformed, and I definitely do not read German, this book is probably the Russian translation. 309 It is simply our intention to make the book available for 50 cents a copy to people in Dianetics and Scientology so that they can be informed as to the actual character of brainwashing and the mechanics of it. To that degree it is a technical book. There is no intention of handing it around into official quarters since I am sure official quarters must know about it since the book is apparently on file at the Library of Congress, and naturally if it is on file at the Library of Congress, officialdom must know about it. Thus there is no point in beating the drum concerning it. If I am asked by press or persons in authority concerning our release of this, which I may well be, I will have to reassure them that there is no political significance attached to it. We couldn't be less interested, but brainwashing happens to be a facet of the human mind and it has been necessary to make available to our own people any and all texts which exist on the subject. We probably should get hold of the book at the Library of Congress and translate it in full, but we do not have the money or the time to do this just now. Thus Don has been asked to mail a copy of the manual as printed to our various professional members, and to make other copies of it available through Box 242 Silver Spring, Maryland, for 50 cents a copy. This is certainly reasonable enough. I don't think there is any point of any kind in placing it in official hands, as I have said, since even the U. S. Army and Air Force must be fully cognizant of brainwashing, since, as I have noted, a copy of it is on file at the Library of Congress. It could also be noted at the same time that there is a general movement among psychiatry to correct their own profession and to do something to those psychiatrists in it who are hurting and killing people with electric shock and surgery, and thus this is no concern of ours. I repeat, our interest in this is professional not political. Brainwashing has become so much of a subject that it is very well for anybody having to do with the field of the human mind to be able to understand the intentions behind it and how it is done. This is the only work we have on the subject. If there are any political repercussions to be expected by us, I would consider that we are being very self-conscious, since obviously if there were any political repercussions to be expected, they would have come before this since, as I say, this book has evidently been in very wide circulation already and is on file at the Library of Congress so far as we know. I think the general reaction of the public is that they couldn't care less. Out of a letter from Frank Sullivan:... "Randomity. Found an interesting gimmick. Tell someone 'We have formed a new club. We call it the Society for the Prevention of People -- we have found that people cause us all of our troubles -- they cause us characters more doggone trouble. Would you like to join?' If he says 'yes' tell him he is in. (Also if you should ask him to be three feet back of his head -- he will be.) If he asks just one question, he is out. Doggonedest test for a Step One I ever saw. This has been well tested." L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ts Copyright $c 1955 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 310  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=19/12/55 Volnum=0 Issue=9 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE TURN OF THE TIDE    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 9 19 December 1955 THE TURN OF THE TIDE The London Daily Mail feature editor, John Hall, took it upon himself on December 13, 1955, to personally interview me, and write exactly what he found. He published in the Daily Mail, a first run paper published in London, Edinburgh, Manchester and Paris, a very long and friendly story which will probably do us more good in the British Isles and France than anything which has happened for a long time. Time Magazine has written eight pages, there have been about 80 columns in U.S. magazines such as Life, Liberty, took, and there has been untold press released on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology. But aside from one young communist who spent about three minutes talking to me on the stairs, at Elizabeth, and a fellow who wandered in, from Life he said, and never wrote anything, in Los Angeles, there has been no press reporter near me since before the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. That feature editor, John Hall, did take it upon himself to actually do an interview, and that the results were favorable caused me to make a little investigation concerning how press has been operating before, and on what it has been operating. Evidently the total activity of press has been to pick up slanted and hearsay information. So I was interested to find out how this information came into being. Apparently it works this way: to make some sort of "face", somebody who met me at a cocktail bar then pretends a considerable knowingness on the subject of all of my life and activities, and gives forth at a considerable pace not handicapped in the least by the possession of no data, and this by and large whether done by Scientologists or casual acquaintances has been the total sum of information which has been circulated about myself since the late '30s. As even John Sanborn can tell you, I have been very chary about releasing any actual information about myself. I had a rather large collection of old-time photographs which I thought we might put into Ability, and at the last moment made John put in something else. I have not been anxious, in other words, to put up a big show of myself, thinking that Scientology was enough for its own sake. In this I have apparently made an error. I look over possible available sources of unbiased information concerning my own past, and discover that while it could be traced down on official records in libraries and other places and confirmed, there is no one who even knows enough about it to do that job of coordination. Thus it is necessary that I release some accurate biographical information to supplant some of this rumor and hodge-podge which has been spread around in the name of information. There is plenty of authenticating and documenting material if one cares to look for it. Now I know that it is extremely bad taste to put out any data concerning oneself, or to talk about oneself, but if people see fit to talk about one and, having nothing to talk about, therefore lie about one, and if this rebounds as widely as it has, through presses, books, plays and motion pictures, certainly one has some responsibility for putting out something like an accurate biographical narrative to say the least, and so we are doing so at this time, and then I can forget about it and go on doing something more important. For sure, however, the tide has turned on the subject of press, which doesn't mean, however, that we should give the technical materials of Scientology to press. The best way to talk to press is to sort of two-way comm process them, and show them stacks of case histories, and let the deeds speak. 311 BRAINWASHING MANUAL HISTORY In our studies of brainwashing it has been necessary to procure what information existed on the subject. Fortuitously, in Phoenix there came into our hands two manuscripts on the subject; as well as I can recollect, they were left there at the front desk with the request that they be mailed back to their owner. We are not sure exactly from whom these came, but we understand now that this is unimportant since the subject is broadly rather well known in a book on Psychopolitics. It is to be found in the Library of Congress. It is in German, but we suppose it is the same manual. As we needed this material for research, we read it off onto a tape, compiling the two manuals and removing from them some of their very verbose nomenclature, substituting for it more common English terms, and we have had a few copies of this struck off for use in our research. It is necessary if one is confronted by a case of brainwashing to understand the motives and general procedures of the people who did it. I must say an inspection of this manual does not make for much respect for the motives of people who brainwash other people. In the early pages of this manual, there is a letter from the person who purportedly gave these manuals to the organization, "Charles Stickley", supposed to be a professor at Columbia University in New York City. This letter, included in the manuals as printed, makes it definitely and adequately clear that these manuals were reprinted for study by research workers. However, in handing out a copy of one of these manuals to one of our own people who had not heard of it, he made several wrong estimates of the manual itself. At first he thought it was a piece of communist propaganda. Then he thought it was something the organization had composed. Then on further inspection, he did not know what to think and it had to be pointed out to him very specifically that this was a synthesis of a Russian instruction book on the subject of brainwashing, and it had to be pointed out to him that it was reprinted for the benefit of people working to remedy and heal brainwashing. It had to be pointed out to him additionally that there was a cover letter in it which explained these things. Thus if you have one of these copies and it gets away from you which it might, you may find it necessary to explain exactly what it is. We certainly have the right to have in our possession materials covering something as intimately connected to mental research as brainwashing. We have the right to know why and where and who. Furthermore, this material is evidently well known to various governments and is not classified, since the subject "Psychopolitics" (which is the technical name for brainwashing) is to be found in the major libraries of the world. In the original text of this book there was a warning to psychopolitical operatives that they must stamp out Dianetics, Christian Science, and practical psychology, as these alone represented a menace to the brainwashing programmes. This reference in the text to Dianetics (which has been known to the Russians since 1938) makes the matter very much our business, quite aside from research. Yet if most of the vagaries and upsets from which we have been suffering have stemmed from a desire on the part of some political group attempting to accomplish a political coup and in the road of which we have been standing, then we certainly have the right to know why we have been knocked around by press and governments to the degree that we have been. Hardly a word uttered against Dianetics and Scientology has had any truth in it. The prevalent official but not the public opinion regarding Dianetics and Scientology is that they are phony sciences, tricked up to hoodwink people. Contrast this with the fact that in Dianetics and Scientology alone in all the world of mental healing lie the answers to increased intelligence and ability, and not very incidentally, in Dianetics and Scientology and in Dianetics in particular, we have the total antidote for the eradication of brainwashing. In other words we could unbrainwash them with Dianetics as fast as they are being brainwashed, given enough staff. Furthermore we can put troops and persons in a condition where they cannot be brainwashed. This we can do in Scientology. Thus if brainwashing is being counted upon heavily to accomplish a great deal inside and outside the nations under attack, there would be only one organization 312 which would be standing thoroughly in the road of that programme, and if that programme inside a country had advanced to a point where officials could be influenced, then you would discover of course this odd official opinion of Dianetics and Scientology, that they are quack sciences. We are not planning to use this reprinted manual for purposes of propaganda. However, to prevent any misunderstanding from occurring, the highest police in England and America have both received copies and have been told that this is a reprint manual, and that we do not wish to cause them any extra labor in case another one of them falls into their hands. Actually, however, it is my belief that they have had the original, which is to say the communist version of these manuals, in their possession for years, and have simply been unable to credit it or unable to do anything about it. Thus our reprinted version should come as no shock to them. It has been my experience with Anglo-Saxon governments that where idea propaganda line attacks were concerned they couldn't care less. They do not believe that propaganda is effective. Otherwise they would themselves engage in more propaganda activities. The Anglo-Saxon traditionally depends upon force in order to accomplish his ends. This is one of the reasons why communism has made such vast progress across the face of the world. It is an idea advancing against arms, and the arms of course will never be able to stop an idea. An idea will be necessary to stop the idea. We may very unfortunately be those persons in possession of the idea that will stop the other idea. Certainly the way things are going, if we don't use our ideas to stop the incoming ideas across the face of earth, we are going to wind up one of these days in the middle of a total communism, living in a totally brainwashed society, the way I look at it. WASHINGTON CONGRESS My very best wishes to the Congress and my hopes for a highly successful time by all. I have made several recent tapes on material of some interest and value which have been sent swiftly and rapidly across so that the latest material would be available at the Congress. I have not made, however, a welcoming tape as I ordinarily would, and take this opportunity to thank those people who came, and hope that they go away feeling better, and feeling happier about things. There is no doubt that the Washington operation is on the steep upgrade and my principal communication in Scientology is between myself and the Washington operation where Bill Young, Julia Lewis, Ken Barrett, Don Breeding have things pretty well in hand. The silver ministers' crosses are ready now and are supposed to be a knockout. The Co-Auditor's Manual is ready, the "Brainwashing" pamphlet is being released to those who are interested in the subject, and it should be with all a very successful Congress indeed. I wish I were there. NEWEST PROCESSES I am tabling up all those processes which have been successful in starting low toned cases. These have amounted to about 24 new processes in the last three or four months. This table will be available in the near future with an analysis on it. However, I wish to call to your attention the singular success of Waterloo Station in handling low-ordered cases. Not-knowingness is time. If a person cannot not-know he becomes the slave of time. One of the more interesting late developments is a process called "'Orrible Fates". You ask the preclear to tell you some 'orrible fates. The theory of this is very simple and will probably become Axiom 55, which will be to the effect that the cycle of action of the physical universe is create, change, destroy. Thus, anyone trying to make things better and in very close agreement with the physical universe, in reversing this cycle, will bring upon himself some regret. We have a wild example of this in the cycle of action imposed upon us by Christianity in the good works, the hounding and the death of Christ. This mechanism, also handled in Fac One, gives us the oddity that we are trying to put create forward in time, whereas destroy lies forward in time. One then either masters the subject of time, by running not-knowingness processes, or he 313 puts into the future inventions of horrible fates for various persons and himself and this universe, until he runs out the considerable regret which is accumulated every time he has envisioned a good action. Naturally the final solution of this is the solution of agreement with the physical universe. When one breaks this and it is no longer disagreement or agreement, he has really done something, and the keynote of doing this thing is, of course, in "not- knowingness". NEW AUDITING STYLE I have made a direct deliberate test, not of a process but of the auditing style itself as a helpful agent. The keynote of new auditing style is that any boil-off, somatic, anaten, swing of attention or going out of session on the part of the preclear is occasioned by some sort of error or miscomprehension on the part of the auditor, and the preclear. I used a general process not ordinarily very therapeutic, but not destructive, and starting with this process and a preclear, worked only in one direction: to keep the ARC of the preclear advancing continually throughout the session, proceeding the level of ARC of the preclear just before he came into session -- in other words, consistently and consecutively bettered him. I did this by two-way communication, and communication bridges. Every time the preclear tended to go out of session even slightly, every time any slightest sign of dropped awareness occurred, I assumed at once that something had gone wrong with the session. I assumed that something had been said which he didn't understand, or something had been overlooked, or that something had been done in error on the two-way comm formula, and immediately researched this fact to put the session straight again. In other words, during this entire session I did nothing but put the session straight with two-way communication, and run a relatively noncommittal duplicating process on the preclear. The process I knew of old was not going to produce any grand rise in tone. However, this preclear who was usually difficult to audit finished up a half-hour session in much better condition than this preclear had been in in years. The assumption here on the part of the auditor is that if the preclear goes into a slump, has a somatic, or otherwise drops in ARC, then a difficulty has arisen with the session. We calculate this from the following: that at the top of the tone scale we have knowingness and awareness, in the middle ranges we have ARC, in the lower ranges somatics, and in the far lower ranges, varying degrees of unconsciousness. Thus when we say that the preclear's tone should be promoted throughout the session, we mean of course that he must not be slumping toward unconsciousness. He must be advancing toward higher levels of consciousness. Therefore today it can be said that good auditing does not result in boil- off and somatic unconsciousness, dope-off, or pain, but results in a constant and consistent advance of the ARC of the preclear from the first moment of the session to the end of the session, when it should be much higher, and that any time there is anything wrong at all with the session, the preclear will reply by getting more unconscious. This was about the most arduous and rigorous test that could be made of new auditing style with a difficult preclear and following very solidly the precept that it would be an auditing error if the preclear dropped off in attention or consciousness. Thus when I have said that in the new auditing style we should always advance ARC, I meant exactly what I said, and have even gone so far as to run an auditing session which was nothing more than an auditing session to demonstrate that an auditing session all by itself with the two-way communication consequent to it would result in increased tone for the preclear. By the way, this type of auditing also results in increased tone for the auditor, so we are winning both ways. REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON Washington has recently received a stack of forms from me which they were supposed to fill out weekly and send through as reports on conditions, finances, etc. This is really not so much an effort to fill up my "vacuum of information" as it is to get the Washington operation to pay very close attention to these details themselves. The theory is that if they have to compile these data, they will then know these data, and, knowing them, they will see what the situation actually is. 314 I believe much of the activity which goes on in an organization is done without any real realization of what the condition of the organization is, and it may very well be that for the last five years, only myself and a few others have been actually conscious of the real condition of Dianetics and Scientology organizations with regard to their business organization and finance. This sort of situation cannot of course continue. Dianeticists and Scientologists working inside of organizations and keeping them running would be as competent as they knew what was going on in the organization, and they would know as well what was going on in the organization as they were acquainted with the problems which the organization actually faced in terms of business and finance. Probably one of the things which has held us back more than anything else was a good working knowledge of business itself. The basic maxim of business is simplicity itself, and that is first, that there must be an organization there, and second, that it must perform its duties and functions, and third, that it must originate communications as well as receive communications, and fourth, that its income must be slightly greater than its outgo, and fifth, that persons inside the organization should know what was going on generally in the organization. I instituted this report system when I discovered that the Washington operation could sit there and not notice that the training department itself had never originated a single letter of procurement to prospective students. Mary Sue was originating all these letters, and when she left Washington to come over to London (having stayed behind to square things away), the training department, which had the responsibility for emanating all communication on the subject of procurement of students, wrote not one single letter to anyone anywhere. Thus Washington is involved in a slump. Similar to Australia, where internecine warfare kept people from communicating out to the world at large, Washington was brought into an intensified usual Christmas slump by a failure to originate communications. Another circumstance came to my attention which was very amusing. Over a period of two weeks, I was being asked by the downtown office if Silver Spring had received a cheque for expenses. Downtown Washington was communicating with me to find out a datum about Silver Spring which if a map is inspected will be found to be eight miles away. Silver Spring was not communicating this information to downtown Washington, and downtown Washington evidently never thought of ashing Silver Spring. I let it ride until they eventually got together on the subject. Interdepartmental bulletins and meetings to exchange information are absolutely necessary if an organization is going to continue in a healthy state. It is time that the central organization of Scientology began to circulate bulletins on what it is doing. I know definitely that in each department branch of the entire Washington operation everyone, with very small exception, is doing his all-out level best to keep everything rolling and they are doing a wonderful job of it. I think however, that from department to department the Washington operation doesn't know this. How about meeting each other, you guys? L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ts Copyright $c 1955 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 315  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=23/12/55 Volnum=0 Issue=68 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FIRST AND SECOND POSTULATE    P.A.B. No. 68 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 23 December 1955 FIRST AND SECOND POSTULATE Here is some very fundamental material that has come up on the first and second postulate. I have been going over this very carefully, and discover that we can know more about knowing. We take our first and second postulate Axiom, and we find in this that if you run the first postulate, the second postulate runs out, and difficulties because of the second postulate run out -- that there can be, really, no difficulties with the first postulate. Our first test on this is to have somebody look around and, instead of looking at something, remember it. He is looking at the wall, so you say, "Remember that wall." So he looks right straight at it, and remembers it. He looks at chairs, and things like this, and remembers them. Instead of looking, he remembers. Of course, it is right there in present time, but he is remembering, right there in present time. This will do some interesting things to ridges. It is just an experiment. It's not a process. Now we have him look at some things and forget them! We just have him look around and forget some things. "What in this room are you willing to forget? Now, instead of looking at it, just forget it." The next experiment would be to have him look around and KNOW about some things in the room. Do you see how that fits in with R2-46, Other People? The next experiment would be to have him look around and see if there is anything in the room he can not-know about. He is perfectly willing not to know about these various things. If we run these in this order, we will discover an oddity. Remember and Know are sticky, and Forget and Not-Know are not sticky, but will run. 316 Well, this becomes very, very fabulous, doesn't it? What we have here has already been mentioned in Self Analysis, 1951, Fall, and that is the first ascent into the abstract and away from real objects: Forget and Remember. Those are the first abstract actions a person can take, mentally: Forget and Remember. Now for the first time, with this Axiom about the first and second postulate, Forget and Remember fit into their proper relationship, and we get them in relationship to the conditions of existence. The only thing that gets wrong with a thetan, you could say, is that his attention gets stuck on something. Then, when you go ahead, as an auditor, and stick his attention on something, you have the other thing. There is some more data that I think you ought to have. It's a little bit advanced in some respects, but it won't do anybody any harm. The first is a short note, here, on intentions. We have a process which is: Assign Some Intentions. This is quite interesting, because it reveals a great deal of automatic machinery. You run a process on a student, such as this: "Now I am supposed to -- " and you have him finish the sentence, and acknowledge it, and talk about it. Then you have him say, "Now I am supposed to -- " and he tells you. You just have him say this, each time: "Now I am supposed to -- " and have him finish the sentence. Of course, it could be run on the basis of: "Now what are you supposed to do?" It is quite interesting that we find a student and a preclear set up in a school, is: "Now I am supposed to learn some processes." Or: "Now I am supposed to have a short comm lag." "Now I am supposed to do this -- now I am supposed to do that." "Now I am supposed to resent this breach of the Auditor's Code!" That process might loosen up a case or two that gets stuck in student auditing -- the kind that isn't making much progress. L. RON HUBBARD 317  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=28/12/55 Volnum=0 Issue=10 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0     HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 10 28 December 1955 I am giving here in outline form the basis of survival of various Scientology organizations. This is how they live and this is how they keep going. When they stumble it is because staff is missing out one or another of these points. In five years of trying anything and everything -- and I mean everything -- to get things going, my own program of success for organizations boils down to the following. I would consider it a favor if all Scientologists concerned with Scientology organizations studied this for what it is -- an outline that wins: THE MANAGEMENT AND ACTIVITIES OF SCIENTOLOGY ORGANIZATIONS (one copy to each staff member and to all Scientology organizations) The function of the HASUK is the dissemination of Scientology and the demonstration of its results. Dissemination by: Free Lectures Free Group Processing Free Pamphlets Sale of Elementary Texts) 1. To Bookstores Sale of Advanced Texts ) 2. To Members 3. To Public Sale of Tapes (To Members (To Groups Rental of Tapes (To Members (To Groups Circulation of Certainty Circulation of HASI Bulletins Demonstration of Results by: Good Clinical Auditing (Intensives only) Adequate Training of Auditors (1. By HASI School (2. By HASI Grads High Ethical Standards (Certificate Control (Failed Case Control Efficient Operation and Presentation of Office and Quarters by: Alert personnel Swift replies to letters Swift filling of orders Origin of High-toned letters Cleanliness of Offices Courteousness of Staff Financial Policy: Income must be greater than outgo. Charges on books should be cost x three. Charges on tapes must be cost x two. Tapes and magazines can be sold at a loss. 318 Charges on Training must be adequate to ensure the long continuance of that person's training. (About 3 years.) Total training HPA and BScn and DScn, the formal (in class) training, is only a fraction of total done. Charges on processing must be adequate to ensure all eventualities for any one case. Refuse to sell hourly processing. Never sell 25 hours to a rough case. Sell 75. Strict accounting, bookkeeping and invoices with counter checking of all functions. Operational Smoothness is obtained by: Informing everyone in the organization of everything. 1. Interdepartmental Bulletins 2. Bulletin Boarding Coups and Changes 3. Being exact and brief 4. Being real about conditions 5. Being frank inside and putting up a solid front to the outside 6. Talking out troubles within organization 7. Staff meetings, regular and exact 8. Paying only passing attention to lengthy or critical letters Financial Security is obtained by: 1. Anticipating slumps and planning fast promotion and mailings to meet them 2. Compelling interest in organization 3. Being real about the actuality of needs 4. Attention to the philosophy that a healthy organization is a long term investment by staff and realization that the only staff personnel ever fired by the HASs were those who flagrantly acted to shorten the life of the organization for all 5. Sound advertising 6. Good word of mouth 7. Good financial planning 8. Only Scientologists or those so studying, on staff in any capacity 9. A sincere interest in Scientology's health and good action = no financial distress 10. Keep all staff processed The organization in general will be only as healthy as its legal control of the subject appears formidable to any hungry invader. Hence, no membership organization, no loose stock distribution, no large unpaid bills, no overcapitalization because of property. Own little, do much. Owning much means doing little. Happy New Year to Scientology staff everywhere. Let's make 1956 the year we really win. LRH:jh Copyright$c 1955 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 319  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=3/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=11 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0     HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 11 3 January 1956 Now that the happy holidays are over, we find Scientology embarked upon a new year which presages greater gains than ever before. With the opening of 1956 we discover that we have certain definite assets which are now paying excellent dividends. With the excellent job being done in Washington and London and with new efforts under way in South Africa and Australia and with auditors in many places doing more and better than ever before we are moving in to our first real organizational year. I wonder if you realize in the past how much of a burden of dissemination has been carried by myself. I wonder if you know the number of hours I have sat over a typewriter late at night beating out stencils, shoving booklets through on inadequate budgets in order to hold up the public interest while we got an organization built, but you might have some comparison in the amount of work which you have done to keep things rolling during these last years. Now more than ever we look like a team and certainly we are acting as organizations and carrying forward the dissemination of Scientology as never before. In the last issue of Operational Bulletin -- Op. Bull. No. 10 -- I gave you a brief outline of the facts of organizations to which I had paid very clear attention. These aren't by the way a series of fragments thrown together with a lot of stuff left over. That outline is given to you for your study because it does contain in it actually all the points; when we go too far outside these points we have a very difficult time of it. BOOK DISTRIBUTION AND SELLING You may not realize how much distribution is possible by one individual. The way you do this is to procure telephone books for the various cities, particularly the more important ones, and you comb down through the classified directory listing all bookstores. Now you take this as a complete bookstore list and you have made up a very fancy and presentable circular, and you offer them the usual trade discounts and operate just like a book distributor. You don't have to have any order form or order blank, you simply put together a little brochure which tells them what books you have available and puts these books on order to them. You will be amazed how many orders come in particularly as the sale of Scientology and Dianetics books has been tremendous and you say so in the brochure. Now making proper coverage you then continue to hammer and pound away at the bookstores which didn't order until you have set up a full distribution machine. Thereafter you very carefully keep this bookstore distribution circulation as a separate enterprise and activity, fill their orders very promptly and remember to watch your billings. Many of these stores will order books on credit. It is perfectly all right to sell the books on credit but it is necessary to bill them at a certain time. If this is done on the release of any new book it is necessary to send copies of this book to every prominent newspaper for review. These newspapers will review the books. Furthermore, in such things as the Saturday Review of Literature you can buy a small ad or two announcing the publication of the book. In addition to that, and particularly this, you place an ad in the booksellers' trade journal. The booksellers have a trade journal and this trade journal sells ads and you buy a big ad in the trade journal and then all the bookstores look at this ad and many of them send in for this book. Now this takes a little bit of doing but this is the totality of operation and action which the publisher actually gives you. Of course he has a salesman or two but these salesmen are actually working for many publishers and are seldom relative to just one publisher. They are trying to sell so many books at once that they get into quite a confusion over the thing. 320 Action for this in the United States is of course Bill Young; action in London is Jack Parknouse. We should begin to compile a complete list of bookstores and get our campaign in order. We should also place our ads in the publisher's weekly. SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING ISSUE 7 As Issue 6 got lost in the testing, SLP Issue 7 is now being prepared by myself and will be released as soon as one more of its processes is adequately tested. This SLP is really a killer. For the first time it gives us ways and means of processing successfully and directly a chronic somatic. There are no really violent changes from SLP Issue 5 in form and order. There are no processes dropped. There are processes added and some changes are made. WASHINGTON NEWS LETTER The first issue of the Washington news letter has been released and is being sent out by Don Breeding to the various HASs. It is an effort to keep the organization informed within the Washington organization and to inform others of what the Washington organization is specifically doing. HAS BOOK EXCHANGES There have been several questions concerning how one country could get books from the organization of another country. These are best answered by a credit system of the value less discounts of the merchandise. London transferring books to Washington, D.C., is keeping a booklet which is full of these transfers. This also applies to tapes and other materials. Thus the organization in London can transfer as much as it likes to Washington, D.C. Similarly Washington, D.C., can transfer as much as it likes to London, and eventually these accounts will be balanced off one against the other. South Africa and Australia could be doing the same thing providing of course that they have materials to submit to London and Washington which can operate on an exchange basis. HAPPY NEW YEAR 1956 L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jh Copyright$c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 321  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=6/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=69 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING Issue 7    P.A.B. No. 69 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 6 January 1956 SIX LEVELS OF PROCESSING Issue 7 This issue of the Six Levels is dedicated to only one thing -- the clearing of any level of case. A careful analysis of its every part of every step will discover it is a process in itself. SLP 7 does not include many processes found in earlier SOPs and SLPs. They are omitted not because they are not good but because they are not entirely direct. They will reappear in later issues of SLP, no doubt. In this No. 7 we do not have something which will then become something else. We have a unique process series which while it retains form, enforces simplicity. The reason for this Issue and its stand-to-the-side of the evolution of processing in Scientology is that Issue 5, and even 6 with its emphasis on creativeness, used without enough selectivity, lose us the Intelligence and Personality gains prominent earlier in the fall of 1955. The processes are still there -- they are not being concentrated upon, lost a bit, in the multitude of choices of No. 5 and No. 6. Thus No. 7 is especially made for staff auditors. In SLP 7 the goal or finite end of any process given is detailed. The actual rationale is delineated and the entirety of the processing is done in accordance with one positively asserted assumption as follows: When the pc goes more anaten than he is when not being audited, he is in the grip of a real or affected Code Break and is out of session. Any drop of alertness is a drop of ARC, first with the auditor, second with the bank, always. Therefore a drop of consciousness denotes a break with the auditor which must be repaired before the session continues. Done without the above strict rule, I cannot guarantee any success from No. 7. It is too strong a process series, in other words, to omit any precaution. Two-way comm must be stressed at all times. LEVEL ONE This is what gets the case moving PROBLEMS Chronic Somatics The body of your preclear is a quivering hunger for overt acts. On consideration level these are problems. The auditor begins his auditing with this first barrier. He must 322 surmount it by 1. Two-way comm to establish good ARC 2. Directly remedying havingness of problems or 3. Remedy of overt acts by creative processing 4. Alleviating a chronic somatic or problem by remedying their scarcity or 5. Increasing ARC until all problems or somatics seem unnecessary. 7 I (a) Find the auditor. 7 I (b) Find the preclear. 7 I (c) Find the auditing area (light locational processing). 7 I (d) Establish that a session is in progress. 7 I (e) Accept, discuss every comm preclear originates. 7 I (f) Acknowledge every command execution by preclear. 7 I (g) Agree on process and command before using it and do not confuse it. 7 I (h) Use two-way comm liberally. 7 I (i) Follow the Auditor's Code. 7 I (j) (changed) Remedy havingness of problems by selecting communication terminals or universes (not conditions) and use command "Invent a specific problem ___________ could be to you." Note 1 -- Can be run with best gain by discovering "weakest universe" by two-way comm about weak people and things and then using this person so discovered as the name in the blank above. Note 2 -- "Invent a specific problem ___________ could be to you" has a reverse command: "Invent a specific problem you could be to ___________"; however, this is the overt act side and should be handled with care if used. Note 3 -- At SLP 7 I (j) chronic somatics can be alleviated (and should be) by "Invent a problem your leg (or stomach or liver) (never your lameness, your ulcer, your illness, as these are conditions, not terminals) could be to you." Using mock-ups of overt acts to body and having pc, when he has created them, even black ones, get how each part or fragment of the mock-up is entirely dedicated to destroying the pc's body and so make mock-up vanish. To the body, separation can occur from anything only when it has done enough overt acts to the body to cancel all obligation, obligation being the first bargain or agreement possible to a free being (pledged word). Note 4 -- It is distinctively understood that within this or the next step the chronic somatic will be alleviated before the clearing is continued. Note 5 -- A very few pcs have lost the ability to invent problems with any reality; these run on "Tell me some lies about the environment," and then on problems as above. 7 I (1) Run pc on ORDERS. Two methods: Opening Procedure 8C and direct command, latter preferred. "Tell me some orders you wouldn't mind receiving." "Tell me something that would obey you. Note 6 -- These commands are phrased to be permissive to the pc, commanding from pc to environment. Note 7 -- Orders are an "all-the-way route." The wall is an order (postulate) complicated by the order to be solid and endure. The reality of the preclear depends on his ability to receive orders. Note 8 -- Don't stick the pc on one subject or object in running orders. If the bank turns up an engram, don't insist he gets part of it he can receive orders from. Also do not insist he take orders from various parts of environment. Note 9 -- In Level One don't solve any problems. Increase by various means as above the problems preclear can have. 323 7 I (m) "What could change you?" "What would leave you unchanged?" (Run alternately one question, then the other.) 7 I (n) To prevent all the problem and motivator techniques from adversely affecting the thetan (or if the above processes did), run alternately the following questions: "Tell me something your body doesn't have to reach." "Tell me something you could reach." LEVEL TWO This is what changes the Scientometric Tests 7 II (a) WATERLOO STATION In a populated area (park, RR station, etc.) have pc tell auditor something he wouldn't mind not-knowing about persons which auditor spots for him, or the persons not-knowing about him. Commands: Auditor: "Do you see that (man, woman, described slightly)?" Pc: "Yes." Note 10 -- Make allowances for your pc's ability to see people clearly. Run if possible with glasses off if he still has them. Auditor: "Tell me something you wouldn't mind not-knowing about that person." Note 11 -- The pc selects things he already can know to not-know. He does not give things he does not know anyway. This stress is the willingness to not- know things one already knows. Otherwise pc will become confused. Note 12 -- If two-way comm won't keep the pc alert he is on stuck flow. (See Scientology 8-80.) Run "other side" as below: When pc -- to spotted person has been run flat or to a dope-off, reverse to: Auditor: "Tell me something you wouldn't mind that person not-knowing about you." Note 13 -- Run one side for hours, then the other side, in ordinary use. Note 14 -- Observe that in SLP 7 we omit all other spottings. These are good, but Waterloo Station is the cream of Level Two SLP 5, and auditors have been too involved in lower steps to run Waterloo Station. For God's sake don't neglect it. It's the most valuable process in Scientology. It handles TIME! Note 15 -- The goal of Waterloo Station is not to make the pc make one thing vanish. That phenomenon is just the start. Auditors have been quitting when the pc made somebody's hat disappear. When the pc can make the whole universe wink on and off at his consideration to know or not-know it, you're getting somewhere -- so don't stop at a hat. Note 16 -- Don't give the pc back what he has just not-known. If he not- knew it, he not-knew it. Note 17 -- If an auditor is so hungry for overt acts that he has to provoke the pc into them by breaks and poor compliance with procedure, just ask the pc to hit the auditor a few times. It'll remedy it. LEVEL THREE This is what exteriorizes them DECISIONAL PROCESSING Run in quiet places. Preparatory: "What contracts could you break?" 324 7 III (a) Think a placed thought. The object is to train the pc to think thoughts exterior to his head and thetan bank to obviate the "cave-in phenomena of Axiom 51." Commands (auditor indicating object or position): "Think a thought in (on) that ____________." Alternate command: "Do you see that (object)? Think a thought in (on) it. Did the thought appear where it is?" 7 III (b) Choice rehabilitation. Using the ability acquired in Level Three (a), have the pc make choices between two objects indicated by auditor. Command: "From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects)." 7 III (c) Directed Decision Rehabilitation. Using the ability acquired in (a) and (b), exercise the pc on decisions. Command: "Make a decision about that (indicated object) in or on that (indicated object)." 7 III (d) Permissive Decision Rehabilitation. Using the abilities acquired in (a), (b), and (c), turn pc loose on decisions. Decisions must be outside head and bank. Command: "Decide something." LEVEL FOUR This builds back their willingness to live OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION Done in an auditing room with a book and a bottle. Commands: "Do you see that book? Walk over to it. Pick it up. Not-know something about its color. Not-know something about its temperature. Not-know something about its weight. Put it in exactly the same place. Do you see that bottle? Walk over to it. Pick it up. Not-know something about its color. Not-know something about its temperature. Not-know something about its weight. Put it in exactly the same place. Do you see that book? (etc.)" LEVEL FIVE This makes them able to play games REMEDY OF COMMUNICATION SCARCITY The object of this step is to restore abundance on any and all communication possibilities. Done in an auditing room. 325 7 V (a) Create Confusion. Commands: "Mock up a confusion." Alternate command: "What confusion could you create?" 7 V (b) Creating Terminals. The pc may have to be coached into mocking up unknown confused black terminals and thus into good terminal mock-ups. Commands: "Mock up a communication terminal." "Mock up another communication terminal." 7 V (c) What wouldn't you mind communicating with? Duplicate the auditing command exactly. Don't red-herring (go chasing after facsimiles). Command: "What wouldn't you mind communicating with?" 7 V (d) Creating Family Terminals. Have pc mock up until he has an abundance of any and all persons he has ever used as anchor points. Command: "Mock up your (father, wife, mother, husband)." "Mock him (her) up again." LEVEL SIX This exercises their exteriorization and stabilizes REMEDY OF HAVINGNESS AND SPOTTING SPOTS IN SPACE Route One An exteriorized step done as given in The Creation of Human Ability. L. RON HUBBARD [The above PAB is basically the same as an issue dated 3 January 1956 titled Six Levels of Processing -- Issue 7.] 326  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=10/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=12 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AN EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT OF LEVEL ONE    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 5780 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 12 10 January 1956 AN EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT OF LEVEL ONE Level One (a) Establish the auditor. (b) Establish the preclear. (c) Establish session environment. (d) Establish that a session is in progress. (e) Check for present time problem. If problem is holding preclear's attention, use command "Invent problem of comparable magnitude". Continue this until preclear has his attention off the problem. (f) If no present time problem, or level (e) successfully achieved, then command "What would change you?" alternate "What would leave you unchanged?" This process is essential to use on pc who is waiting to be changed by auditor. (g) "Invent a lie about (indicated object)." Do this until it is flat. Process must not be done using same object over and over. Best done ambulatory. (h) "Something you could reach" alternate "Something body doesn't have to reach". Run this until pc is quite aware that he can reach without using effort on his body. This process is essential before level (i) is attempted. (i) Command "Place a thought in (indicated object)." Run this flat as with all in this level. "Assign an intention to (indicated object)." Then, "Assign an evil intention to (indicated object)." Then, "In (indicated object) assign an intention towards your body." Then, "In (indicated object) assign an evil intention towards your body." With these latter we are preparing the pc for body motivators. (j) "Have (indicated object) tell you a lie." This process is not essential but can only be done readily when this point is reached. (k) Body motivators. Subjective on weakest universe. Use this process on mockups of weak universes. Facsimiles, etc, will show up; when they do, use this process on them. Command "Consider that sole intention of ___________ is to kill your body." (l) "Invent a horrible fate for yourself' alternate "Invent a horrible fate for your body." (m) If pc still has psychosomatics or problems in general with specific terminals then "Invent a problem that ___________ could be to you." In ___________ put only terminals and not conditions. (n) "Orders you are willing to receive." Run this flat and then, "What would obey you?" Alternative step to this SOP 8-C Opening Procedure Step A. The above arrangement of processes for Level One of SLP Issue 7 was accomplished by the HASI London director of processing and registrar, Dr. Ann Walker, and London HASI director of training, Dr. Dennis Stephens in collusion with myself. The arrangement resulted from experimentation with preclears being processed by staff auditors and by the use of the processes by students. It will be seen that these steps are 327 preparatory to spotting as in Waterloo Station. The most interesting fact here is that these processes have been empirically derived. Out of the large number of processes used on low level cases it has been discovered that these processes each one have been responsible for starting one or more hitherto impossible cases. Similarly, the old ladder of processes, Six Basic Processes, was similarly arranged, which is to say empirically. The original Six Basic Processes were compiled from a number of processes and were adopted when it was discovered that each one of the Six Basics had been responsible for solving one or more difficult cases, and were always responsible, one or more of them, in the progress of any case. It will be found that the arranged order of the above steps leads a preclear into the acquisition of various abilities he will need in order to run higher levels of processes. This is not necessarily the final arrangement which will become SLP Issue 8 but it is the Level One series order which is to be used now on preclears coming in for staff auditing. This arrangement has already broken one famous case, and, in view of the fact that at this writing the arrangement is not forty-eight hours old, presages a very happy future for it. Additional adjustments and steps will undoubtedly be made, as experience is gained. What we are watching here with Six Levels of Processing is the evolution of a new ladder. Six Basic Processes were standard for so long that this period of change of processes probably seems upsetting to many auditors, as though we are unsure of what we are doing. We are sure of what we are doing, but some preclears aren't sure of what they are doing. It is our goal in Six Levels of Processing to pick up any and all cases, even the psychotics, and start them in and move them on without specialties or exceptions. Our success with any one of these processes has been pronounced in each of several cases. The important thing to know about Level One of SLP Issue 7 is that it is "run to cognition". The primary fault field auditors have had in using the Six Levels of Processing is that they have tried to run each and every part of old SLP 5 until it is entirely completely crushed flat, eradicated, flattened, and wiped out with the preclear. This is not an optimum thing to do with processing. As Dr. John Sanborn has noticed, a process will run flat, and then will unflatten and then run flat again and unflatten almost infinitely. A preclear is thereby "stuck" by the auditor, not that the preclear is actually stuck on the track, but he is stuck on the ladder of processing because the auditor isn't advancing up the ladder. The way one overcomes this is to change the process when the preclear has a cognition. When the preclear has actually gained a new understanding of what he himself or life is all about, the auditor takes that point to throw in a communication bridge and change the process. This is the essence of running such a process as any of those found in Level One. One might say the first basic cognition of the preclear is that an auditor is present, but auditors have a tendency to go over this point every time with the preclear when it is entirely obvious that the preclear cognited before he started for his session appointment that an auditor would be there. In other words, a cognition has already taken place on this point and need not be further stressed. It is a waste of time, in other words, to ask the preclear if an auditor is present. It is quite obvious that the preclear knows this. Of course the little formula of "is an auditor here, etc" furnishes some chitchat for an auditor who has nothing else to talk about, but is really not vital. Here we have a necessary cognition before the session can continue beyond the point. It is very often the case that the auditor fails to recognize the fact that the preclear has had a cognition and if he does recognize it tends to invalidate the cognition by asking the preclear if he is very sure now that he knows that or some such thing. I will be very happy to receive any results which might accrue from the use of the above arrangement of Level One of SLP Issue 7. BRAINWASHING BOOKS RECALLED It is the friendly opinion of the government that the pamphlet giving forth the basic materials of brainwashing be circulated only amongst very trusted personnel in the organization and that it be withheld from general public release. You understand 328 that this is not an official order on the part of the government, but the government appears to be very well satisfied with us and is only afraid, I suppose, of the commotion which would be caused by the broad and general release of the brainwashing booklet. Certainly the materials in it described by the government representative as "noxious" would bring a considerable upset into the public sphere. We are quite satisfied that the material has been placed on proper communication lines and has been communicated to the proper authorities. This having been done our basic interest in the booklet, that it be used by us in order to research the entire field of brainwashing and its healing and eradication, be resumed and that we withhold from public distribution any and all of these books. There is as an incidental point an error in the printing of the booklet, in that it does not carry the name of the printer. Any copy handed around should be signed out to the person and should be accounted for by the person and should be handed back to the organization, and copies should only be handed to personnel actually interested in research and development in eradicating brainwashing and its possible threat to western culture. An order has gone out from this office to Washington, D.C., requesting that all copies of the brainwashing pamphlet be called back. Any large number of these pamphlets now in existence in the United States should be carefully stored so that they will not fall into improper hands. Axiom 55. The cycle of action is a consideration. Create-change-destroy, the cycle of action accepted by the GE, is only a consideration which can be changed by the thetan making a new consideration of different action cycles. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:jh Copyright $c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 329  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=17/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=13 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OPERATIONAL BULLETINS GROWING UP   Washington -- Dr. W. H. Young; South Africa -- Dr. M. Scholtz; Australia -- Dr. John Farrell; New Zealand -- Dr. Frank Turnbull; West. Australia -- Dr. Stanley Richards; Connecticut -- Dr. Dick Halpern; Dublin -- Dr. Bernie Green; London -- Dr. Jack Parkhouse.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 13 17 January 1956 Distribution: Washington -- Dr. W. H. Young; South Africa -- Dr. M. Scholtz; Australia -- Dr. John Farrell; New Zealand -- Dr. Frank Turnbull; West. Australia- Dr. Stanley Richards; Connecticut -- Dr. Dick Halpern; Dublin -- Dr. Bernie Green; London -- Dr. Jack Parkhouse. OPERATIONAL BULLETINS GROWING UP This is the thirteenth issue of Operational Bulletins. So far we have been setting an enviable record of getting Operational Bulletins out on time. They are usually composed on Monday and are mimeographed and mailed late Tuesday afternoon. They are done on a special Gestetner machine which uses blue ink to distinguish them from other mimeographed material released for the various organizations. In every week except Christmas week, when nobody worked on Tuesday and when we were a day late, the Operational Bulletin is setting a record for coming out on time, a noteworthy and unusual circumstance in Dianetics and Scientology publications. The purpose of Operational Bulletins is of course to furnish information of various types to Scientology organizations and personnel and to give them the jump, "the scoop", ahead of the rumor line, individual instructions by letter to various personnel and primarily and principally to keep key staff personnel in Scientology from being embarrassed by the sudden change of direction or the solution or arising of certain incidents, so that they can act in the role of people who are "in the know". This is quite important since we have in the past had many instances whereby things were released to one quarter of the world, were unknown in another quarter of the world and people in the field would ask staff members in some HAS what was going on and these HAS members would not know, much to their embarrassment. The Operational Bulletins give them a chance to have the straight dope and enable them to put people right concerning a great deal of material. Further, if I started to originate individual letters to each and every key person in Scientology and give him regularly all that was going on we would have in effect merely a repeat of this Operational Bulletin; thus I am enabled to write to persons material which is directly and intimately in their department and to put all generalized information on the communication network covered by the Operational Bulletins. Operational Bulletins are sent by airmail to every quarter of the globe and although there are not very many copies of them released, they have the effect of a very wide distribution system. However, you should keep definitely in mind the fact that the information which appears in the Operational Bulletins is not generally well known to the field. In fact practically none of this material is intended for direct consumption by auditors and Scientologists at large. It is not that they would not understand it but in these bulletins I do not spend any time being nice or pulling my punches or being artificially poised about everything and anything. From my viewpoint these Operational Bulletins give me a chance to vent what bad temper I have and to indulge what puckish sense of humor I might conceive to be ill-placed in wider spheres. Alert yourselves, however, to the fact that the material in Operational Bulletins, reworded where it is of questionable content to non-Scientologists, can be freely used and quoted in Certainty, Ability, Local Newsletters, in lectures such as those given live by instructors and those given to free group people, and indeed it is expected that the 330 material in Operational Bulletins will get a wider release at the direct discretion and good sense of people in Scientology who are in charge of various publications everywhere. You know how when I'm right there my closest friends sit around in the office or living room and we take the situation apart, well this is not that good, but the Operational Bulletins are at least something of a substitute for the much closer type of communication that we like and which is quite impossible on a wider publication basis wherein the publication might fall into any set of hands. OH MY GAWD! The other day a well known figure in British Scientology was standing in my office being asked to undertake an activity and I said to him, more to make conversation than anything else, "Of course you know that if we were to take on a long series of cases suffering from some specific chronic somatic we would at least, even if we used group processing, alleviate the majority of those cases." And this gentleman who has been in Scientology for a very long time and has done a very great deal of auditing said to me, "Oh really? Could you do that now?" WHERE HAS THIS GUY BEEN? Back in Wichita when Susie and I were combing the whole track trying to plow up the various incidents which eventually became What to Audit (in England, The History of Man) we took on a series of polio cases by means of newspaper advertisement. The newspaper advertisement said, "Polio sufferers. A research foundation is undertaking an investigation of polio. Any persons so inflicted who would like to participate in this investigation should phone - - - - -." The same ad was also run for arthritics. People with arthritis and polio started to call in and we took these people on, the polio sufferers up at my house, the arthritics down at the foundation, and using the oldest known form of overt acts and motivators, and using effort processing, we alleviated the majority of the cases which presented themselves. The first case that came up immediately, by the way, enrolled in the professional course and other cases took professional auditing afterwards. Don G. Purcell cut the program off without informing us because of course the foundation was supposed to fail. This program alone would have meant the making of Dianetics in that immediate area, and as a matter of fact, is still heard from, although it was only in progress ten days (it happens to be a good gag for any auditor to work). But remember this was 1951, and right there, auditing these people no more than three hours per preclear, we made the majority of these people feel so much better about life that they could get on with it. One girl threw away her crutches immediately. Another one, an old lady, got out of her wheel chair, and what we did in that short program just auditing these few hours using nothing but overt acts, motivators in the manner of effort processing, yet it did so much more for these people than had ever been done for them medically or ever could be done for them medically, that they were astonished beyond gratitude. And here is this British Scientologist who has been in practice for years standing there in front of my desk and asking me in a surprised tone of voice whether or not we could do anything for polio or other types of illnesses. This man is reputed to have more success with auditing than many others. But if he has not learned that we can alleviate the majority of any illness in any series (as distinct from curing all cases into a state of perfection), then what does this man think we are doing? Does he think that Scientology is a swindle. He must! Either that or he's never applied it even vaguely to people who were ill. This matter was a considerable shock to me, as you might well suppose, for it told me at once why the progress of Scientology in Great Britain was relatively limited. A further check into this subject with another person, a much better Scientologist, discovered to me that the British Scientologist is not aware of the wild reactions and phenomena obtained from running engrams. The preclear rolling up in a ball on the bed as he goes into a pre-natal or wriggling his whole body like a fish as he hits a sperm sequence is unknown in Great Britain. Indeed at this late date I suppose that it is more or less unknown in America since it has been two or three years since anybody ran an 331 engram on anybody. But here again was the tremendous drama associated with auditing. Now if we have forgotten in Great Britain, America, and if we have not established in South Africa or Australia, first that Dianetics or Scientology even in its crudest form could alleviate the majority of man's illnesses, and that a majority of any series of cases of any specific illness would be alleviated, and if we have not established the various highly convincing phenomena obtained in running engrams, we of course are not making anywhere near the progress we should. Indeed if we have let this material lapse in America and are no longer beating the drum for it, no longer demonstrating it, we of course are going to make very slow progress. There is nothing quite as convincing as getting tipped over into a pre-natal and getting it run out. The phenomena of running birth, of operations, accidents, of the loud zip, pop that comes from electronic explosions hot enough to burn holes in the E-Meter electrodes, and particularly the fantastic efficiency of Dianetics and Scientology in alleviating a majority of illnesses, are any one of them capable of giving enough word of mouth to Dianetics and Scientology across a populace to alert the world to what we really have here. However, if we neglect these things utterly, if our auditors do not know they can happen, we are going to make very slow progress of it. We can as of this moment process a chronic somatic. I know that some months ago and earlier than that it seemed rather fatal to us to continue to fixate the preclear's attention on a chronic somatic. But that is not a problem with us right now. It ceased to be a problem the moment I invented an auditing command exactly as follows: "Invent a problem that _____ (leg, arm, nose, eye, body) could be to you." Running this command which is in itself a sort of a remedy of havingness, and repairing and remedying the havingness of the preclear as we go, we will discover that practically any and all phenomena associated with the service facsimile will come away and clear up and the limb or nose or eye will get well. This can be used as a word of warning, only on actual terminals. Never use this command, and I mean never, on actual conditions. Never ask the individual to invent problems lameness could be to him. Never ask him what problem blindness could be to him. Lameness and blindness are conditions. We want to know what problems legs or eyes can be to him, since legs and eyes are terminals. In running this command we reduce havingness too rapidly whenever we are stressing conditions. Therefore we run it only on terminals and use only terminals in running it. Handled in this way we do have the answer, as of this moment, to chronic somatics. This is really not news. We have had the answer to chronic somatics for years, and we have actually been able to alleviate the majority of chronic somatics which presented themselves to us. WHY WE WEREN'T WINNING The exact reason why our progress through the society was limited might lie in part in the fact that we no longer stressed the alleviation of chronic somatics, but in actuality it is far more important to us that for at least the last year auditors have been auditing in a way which I did not suspect and which does not produce an adequate result upon a preclear. It is very startling news to me to review Scientology via its psychometric test results and discover that over a period of about four months neither Washington nor London had been getting anything like the rise in ability in its preclears that it had formerly been getting without at once discovering the answer. The answer in this particular case was elusive. If you will examine one of the last Ability's published in Phoenix, Arizona, you will see two sets of graphs. One of them consists of twenty-five hours by staff auditors on a series of preclears and the other graph consists of five hours on a series of very tough preclears by myself; you will see that the gains of the twenty-five hour intensive and the five-hour intensive are quite similar. In fact the five-hour I was giving was a little bit bigger gain than that being gotten in twenty-five hours by the staff auditor. Now I thought it was merely a smoother presence or a better grip on existence and Dianetics and Scientology that was doing this, but this large generality as a statement of the difficulty was inadequate. 332 Laterally although my own auditing on preclears was getting better and better, the staff auditing on preclears and the auditing on preclears out in the field was getting worse and worse; less and less gains were being obtained during the last few months. I have spent a very uncomfortable three months researching and looking hard at techniques in Scientology in trying to determine what was happening to preclears who were coming in for auditing and why they were not easily and smoothly progressing as they were being audited. Only at the last did I look hard at something the auditor himself was doing. You have heard me say dozens and dozens of times I am sure, "When in doubt, remedy havingness." Well, you ain't doing it, and you better start right now. I cannot entirely congratulate my only alertness in discovering this for the matter was presented to me about two weeks ago when I came out with a process known as "body motivators". I had discovered that a body is very, very hungry for motivators of such a very low level that any and all motivator remedy had in the past escaped it. All you have to do is mock up a mock-up of any kind and have the preclear state an intention into it that it is there to kill the body and instantly it goes into the body. This hunger was so pronounced and widely spread that one auditor suggested that we invent a technique on it called "SOP SLURP". It was not until three separate auditors asked me how you went about getting a preclear to mock up a mock-up and get it into the body that I awakened to the fact that in our HPA-HCA schools we had not adequately instructed on how to repair and remedy havingness. That was the first inkling. The next was some auditing I myself got in which no havingness was repaired or remedied and even this passed me by; and the next was just a week ago, checking a case to discover with some astonishment that each and every symptom of loss of havingness was missed by the auditor. At that time last week I gave a lecture on the subject of remedying havingness and its necessity, but at the time I gave this lecture, which is available in London and Washington, and which covers the subject fairly adequately, I was not entirely aware of the fact that auditors in general are completely ignorant of the necessity for remedy and repair of havingness. It is then with considerable shock that I have to report that one of the basic tenets of Scientology invented here in England three years ago and in use for all those three years has been missed and is being overlooked by auditors everywhere and if they are overlooking this, then they are messing up preclears at a most delightful pace. It may not be that every auditor is obsessed with the idea of making nothing out of preclears, but it certainly looks as if we have overlooked the repair and remedy of havingness, that we have all too many of us been trying to make nothing out of the preclear's aberrations the wrong way around. The way to make nothing out of those aberrations is to repair and remedy the preclear's havingness every time it drops. What are the symptoms of loss of havingness? Running any as-ising technique, the preclear may become anaten, or he may become slightly nervous or agitated or want a cigarette or seem to break out of the session in some fashion. In either case, he is "down in his havingness". In other words he has burned up, used up or as-ised too much of his physical body energy in the auditing itself. In view of the fact that every subjective technique puts a sort of a hole in the middle of the electronic mass surrounding a preclear, parts of that mass then begin to cave in on the preclear. Thus running an as- ising technique on a preclear beyond the ability of the preclear to sustain the consequent loss of havingness will bring in on the preclear many new engrams which he did not before have, and a technique which as-ises energy if used without a repair or remedy of havingness will bring about a worsening of the case of the preclear. For instance, there are several auditors I have not directly trained on staff now working in Washington. Just as this has missed me, it has evidently missed Julia and in London has missed Dr. Walker. A careful study of the Washington staff auditor reports reveals that the only advance in graph of the preclear which is significant and worthy of the name of Scientology during the last few weeks occurred when the auditor repaired and remedied havingness or was using a mock-up type of technique along with as-ising types of techniques. As an example, the preclear audited last week by Dick 333 Morley was run very largely on repairs and remedying of havingness. Old time staff auditor Dick Morley evidently wasn't taking his finger off any number. He very carefully repaired and remedied havingness and reported it as such and his case did a remarkable jump. Now exactly what is happening is very simple. A preclear starts to go anaten and the auditor keeps on running the process. This is to some degree my fault. The auditor has been indoctrinated into running the process regardless of what happens. He hasn't realized that he ought to interrupt any process at any time if the preclear demonstrates a loss of havingness. Anaten is such a demonstration of loss of havingness. All right, another example: the preclear becomes agitated or upset. He reaches for a cigarette. He begins to twitch. His foot begins to wobble. He begins to talk excitedly. He begins to cough while being audited. All of these things demonstrate a loss of havingness. Even the bulk of the somatics which turn on are a demonstration of loss of havingness. These same conditions by the way can result from the preclear believing that the auditor has broken the Auditor's Code in some fashion or has treated cavalierly or has overcome his power of choice. Both a repair and remedy of havingness are immediately indicated on the observation of anaten or agitation on the part of the preclear, and in addition to this the auditor should carefully go over the session itself to find out if anywhere the preclear believed that his power of choice was being overcome or if the Auditor's Code was believed to have been broken by the preclear. You understand that the auditor didn't have to overcome the preclear's power of choice or break the Auditor's Code in order to have the preclear believe that this had happened. However, this could be overlooked entirely if the auditor had been careful enough to repair or remedy the havingness of the preclear. The slightest drop of alertness on the part of the preclear or the slightest agitation or somatic on the part of the preclear should immediately indicate to the auditor that havingness has dropped and must be immediately repaired or remedied. A great deal of time can be spent on the subject of repair and remedy of havingness, and it is very beneficial time spent. It is better to waste time repairing and remedying havingness than to blunder on through. Now there is another thing I have noticed with regard to this. Auditors are running these days toward cognition. Very well. If they expect the clear to cognite they should not expect him to pull in a bank on himself. If an auditor runs a very obvious process which should bring the preclear toward cognition and if he runs it several auditing commands and then stops and repairs and remedies the preclear's havingness and then after that asks him the same auditing question two more times, he will discover that he has blown a cognition into view. In other words, you could remedy the havingness of a preclear while his mind was on one particular subject and bring a cognition into existence. The reason Scientology has been going slowly is in part, as covered above, the fact that we have been neglecting its efficacy in the matter of chronic somatics, but in the main because auditors have not been repairing and remedying the havingness of the preclears and have been running them downhill at a mad rate. Now boy this is something we have got to jump on in a hurry. We've got to get in there and grab every auditor by the scruff of the neck and say, "Listen, do not run an as-ising command beyond the point of alertness of the preclear. The moment that the ARC of the preclear drops or the preclear becomes agitated even vaguely, you get in there and repair or remedy havingness." This becomes particularly important today since a few months ago I discovered that you could remedy the havingness of anybody, and I mean just that. You can remedy anybody's havingness and you can turn on mock-ups on anybody. The fact that the preclear who has a black field or even an invisible field can be caused to mock up blacknesses or invisibilities and shove them into his body brings us into an era of being able to make anybody turn on mock- ups. Getting the preclear to postulate that the blackness is bad for the body will cause that blackness to snap into the body. Getting the preclear to postulate the invisible mass he has mocked up as bad for the body will snap it into the body. Of course after this has been done a few times the consideration of the preclear will change. Then perhaps the blackness or the 334 invisibility will only snap in when the preclear postulates that it is good for the body. He may also have residue left. It is very important to get rid of these repair and remedy havingness residues. By various postulates such as that the residue is a threat to the body, it is good for the body, it is bad for the body, the residue too will snap in. Let's differentiate at once here the difference between a repair of havingness and a remedy of havingness. We used to call repair of havingness "giving him some havingness". It needs a better technical term. Therefore let us call this repair of havingness. It means having the preclear mock up anything he can mock up and in any way it can be done to get him to shove (never pull) that mock-up into the body, and by similar means to get rid of the residue which went along with the mock-up. That is a repair of havingness. It is a one-way flow. It is an inflow. Now a remedy of havingness is getting him to mock up and shove into the body enough masses or simply mock up and copy enough masses to bring him to a point where he can eventually throw one away. In other words, repair of havingness is simply having him mock up things and have him shove them into the body, and a remedy of havingness is having him mock up and shove in and throw away the same type of mock-up. Remedy of havingness is always a superior operation to repair of havingness. Repair of havingness is a very crude stop-gap but can be used at any time. However, a preclear who is working well and on whom havingness can be remedied should at all times have his havingness remedied not repaired. In other words, any mock- up mocked up should both be shoved into the body and mocked up and shoved away, and this should be done in considerable quantity until the preclear is quite relaxed about that particular type of mock-up. One does this, remember, every time the attention of the preclear drops or becomes agitated. There is one other little point connected with this which is quite important and that is auditors very often audit a preclear into an area of time when the preclear exteriorized. This on a preclear who does not easily exteriorize brings on a considerable grief and sadness. The way to get rid of this is of course to remedy the preclear's havingness or only repair it and to ask the preclear to recall times when he was not exteriorized. This will bring up at once times when he did exteriorize and recalling these and using further remedy and repair of havingness will get him out of those areas on the time track where he did exteriorize and where fear of exteriorization was built up considerably. I have noticed another special condition regarding this exteriorization phenomena which is quite important. A preclear will occasionally repair and remedy havingness up to a point where the body disappears. He doesn't quite know where to put the mass which he has mocked up since he cannot find the body. This is particularly true of preclears who have a very low threshold on havingness. An auditor would be stupid indeed to simply plow along beyond that point where the preclear has already said that he couldn't find any body to push any havingness into. The moment the preclear does that the auditor should suspect that the preclear has gotten into an exteriorization type incident. It is not, however, necessary that he immediately flounder around and try to find this incident as recommended in the paragraphs just above; he can also repair and remedy havingness in this fashion, and it is very important to know this. Although it is disastrous for a preclear to be asked, "What could your body have?" since he will simply strip the bank of various old facsimiles, it is a very, very good repair of havingness to ask a preclear, "What is there around this room (area) which your body could have?" and then have him pick out specific objects in the environment which he says the body could have. If he does this he will come up the gradient scale of havingness, and his havingness will be repaired or remedied immediately or directly on the Sixth Dynamic. A preclear who cannot get mock-ups and wherein the auditor has either been too clumsy to get the mock-ups turned on or it really was impossible, more or less, the preclear's havingness can be repaired simply by having him do this process, so this is a very, very important process and one that ought to go down in red letters. This whole subject of repair and remedy of havingness and its effect upon auditing and the fact that it has not been stressed at all in training, being up there at Level Six in the old Basic Processes, brings us to SLP Issue 8. The entirety of Level One in SLP will be devoted to remedy and repair of havingness. 335 In SLP Issue 7 we have a great many phenomena associated with the remedy of the body's havingness. The reason for their position is to bring about an adjustment of the condition of the body before one goes on to other and more complicated ways of processing. Now in Issue 8, all of these various things will be retained but they will be paralleled with a complete remedy of havingness as that particular level of SLP will be gone over. In actual experience it is better to remedy the havingness of a preclear no matter where he is on the tone scale and no matter by what process than to run any significant process. Further, if a preclear cannot at least repair his havingness, to run Waterloo Station on him is to invite disaster, because in this particular process of Level Two he is liable to get himself into a down havingness situation and of course will not be able to not-know anything. He may be chewing up too much energy while trying to not-know. Thus we would have the failures which have occasionally occurred in Waterloo Station. They were simply havingness failures, not a failure of Waterloo Station. Furthermore, there has been a new command suggested for Waterloo Station, "What would you be willing to not-know about that person?" This seems to be a better command at least for the British Isles. You may believe I am being rather militant and accusing everybody of having pulled an overt act against me by doing this, but the truth of the matter is that no time in my auditing have I ever permitted a preclear to drop in his havingness and I have therefore gone through a considerable period of surprise when I find that this particular thing is being neglected elsewhere. This tells at once what has been happening to our psychometric graphs has been happening to our preclears where they didn't advance in a hurry and has been definitely interrupting our goals. Any and all field auditors are undoubtedly sinning like mad in this particular direction. We've got to make a practice to tap these fellows on the shoulder and say, "Here, you've got to repair and remedy havingness, no matter what else you're running on the preclear, every time he goes anaten or gets agitated in any way." We've got to conduct an educational program in an awful hurry throughout the field. Naturally we should start closest to home and we should take our staff auditors and we should be very, very insistent that they repair and remedy havingness on preclears, and we should hold this up as more important in the early parts of a case than any change of mind or significance. The change of mind occurs after repair and remedy of havingness has been accomplished. If our auditors continue to as-is everything in sight in the preclear, the preclear's case is going to hang and that is all there is to it. I have not yet run the sequence I wish to on cognition. I believe that I will be able to run a few commands of a specific as-ising type command and then repair and remedy the preclear's havingness and finally ask the same as- ising command a couple more times and get an immediate cognition on the part of the preclear. In other words. I believe that you can use repair of havingness or remedy of havingness to get an immediate cognition on almost anything with the preclear. We also take care of vacuums and separatenesses and everything else with repair or remedy of havingness and running in with it certain other things such as problems, etc. When we discover by two-way communication a weak universe, we could then ask the individual preclear, "Invent a problem that person (weak universe) could be to you," and then watching him very carefully and repairing his havingness on the subject of that person's possessions get a very rapid separation of universes. I have noticed that the weak universe phenomena begins when the person elected by the preclear to be a weak universe first began to put MEST anchor points around the preclear. In other words, valuable presents. Now although I sound very militant about this you should translate that militance into urgency. I feel rather triumphant. I have put my finger on something here which has been a puzzle to me for a very long time. Why did auditors in general fail to get the results on preclears. We have sorted out a great many points and have straightened out a great many things, but none of them have been the real thing. The actuality is this business about repair or remedy of havingness; I am sure that this is it. An auditor can almost audit carelessly if he repairs and remedies the havingness of the preclear adequately. Of course there is a great deal to know about the repair and remedy of havingness which has never been put down. The gradient scales, methods of turning on 336 sonic and visio, and a host of technologies and techniques relating to the repair and remedy of havingness having yet to be delineated adequately. I am, however, attending to this as fast as I can and you can expect in the very near future a considerable rundown on exactly how you go about repairing and remedying havingness. I am even going so far as attempting to make a training film on an animation principle using a live subject and cut-outs to show what it really looks like when the preclear is repairing havingness and what it looks like when he is remedying havingness. I am as pleased as can be to get a finger on this point and I know doggone well that if East, West, North and South would begin to repair and remedy havingness and stop specializing in the significances without repair or remedy of havingness, we are going to start shooting people up to the top of these psychometric graphs. We can't help it. This is not going to be a very easy road, I feel, for an auditor recently who was very, very closely coached on the subject of repair and remedy of havingness did go out and manage to lay a considerable egg. The auditor just didn't get the idea of the agility of a preclear's havingness. The auditor could not credit the fact that the agitation and excitement of the preclear was actually a loss of havingness. Another auditor co credit the fact that the continuousness of a preclear's fear was simply a lack of havingness. Let me call your attention specifically to the old phenomena of the emotional scale and the engram. We found out that when one engram was keyed in that it fixed the emotional tone of the individual. Then we had him run this and as he converted the havingness of the engram to usable havingness, we found that his tone rose. We discover on these psychometric charts that the "unhappy" section is not moving in recent times. The reason it is not moving is because we aren't changing the mass of the preclear. In order to change his emotional tone we would have to change his body mass. The best way to change his body mass is repair and remedy havingness and get him on the road with regard to mock-ups. We started out a long time ago to change people on the tone scale. Well here is the answer to changing that position on the tone scale, and we sure better use it. A lot of this I confess must be a lack of observation on my part but I am so happy to have hold of it and to get this point straightened out that I don't much care what the basic cause was in relationship to it. I want you to look accusatively at any and all auditors you run into and say, "Why haven't you repaired the havingness of preclears you've been running as-ising processes on?" Well, we've got this answer taped. Let's go. BRAINWASHING BOOK RECALLED Washington has recalled the brainwashing manual from all those to whom it was issued on request from the government. The manual is not to be issued in general to the public but is to be let out only to our most trusted association members, so that they can aid and understand and further their studies on curing brainwashing. This manual is an exact text on how brainwashing is done. The manual itself had to be written into much more obvious English from the very poor translation which it was originally and thus reads fairly well but is no less deadly for the change. YOUR PHOTO PLEASE Any and all persons on the Operational Bulletin distribution list are requested to send as soon as possible either an 8 x 10 studio portrait of self or a very good quality snapshot film, so that an enlargement can be made. We intend to put up in the various HASs throughout the world the pictures of the various persons intimately connected with Scientology offices. As soon as I have these I will either make the enlargements or have the portraits and will distribute. 337 Remember now I am waiting for a picture from you, and if you don't send one you will be missing in the halls of the various HASs, and you don't want to be missing amongst this crew. MOTION PICTURES NEEDED We are hoping to have a reel of 8 mm film of each HAS in the world and its personnel so that we can have this film copied and copies distributed to these various offices for their view in demonstrating to people what the HAS looks like in other areas. If you are interested in this project let me know. TRAINING SCHEDULE RELEASED The whys and wherefores of the four levels of courses taught in Scientology rather than schedules of class hours have been put together recently by myself and are being distributed. This schedule will also appear as a PAB since it contains for the most part of rationale of training; a brand new way of teaching the indoctrination course is included. You will probably be getting your copies of this very shortly. The primary difference is the establishing of an auditing attitude on the part of the student before he is taught any processes. There is a difference, procedures to Scientology techniques. An auditor who does not know Scientology procedures is not likely to be able to handle Scientology techniques. This schedule is to be put into action at once everywhere. BOSS GOES UNPAID Evidently the only staff person who is not now receiving his pay cheque regularly is myself. When I left Washington there was a considerable ball-up on pay cheques. For reasons best known to himself the former secretary of the Founding Church was not at all ambitious in getting the personnel paid. Now I have finally gotten everybody straightened out due to the help of Hugh Neals, the new Washington bookkeeper. We have been so intent on getting all the records straight one way or the other, however, that we have neglected to notice that I have gone unpaid here for some months. This is a very easy thing to have happen to one if one happens to be the actual management of an organization. The staff can always strike against the management, but who does the management strike against? If it were not for my handiness with dice I probably would have starved to death by this time. WASHINGTON GIVES TERRIFIC CONGRESS Under the management of Dr. Young and ably assisted by Dr. Barrett, Dr. Sanborn, Dr. Breeding and at the last minute Dr. Lewis, as well as the other stout fellows, in the Washington area, a terrific congress is reported to have been had. Naturally the numbers of attendants were not as high as the usual central congress even though the fee was much lower due to my absence, but the public was very happy with it which makes me very happy. I wasn't directly taking the testimony of the Washington staff itself concerning how terrific this congress was. However, people who returned home from the congress then wrote me letters thanking me for the terrific new processes and the wonderful advance Scientology has had so I guess it is now in order to thank the staff now that it has been proved true. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:rd Copyright $c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 338  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=17/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=13 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=1 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY SCHOOLS CURRICULUM    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 13 APPENDIX 1 17 January 1956 SCIENTOLOGY SCHOOLS CURRICULUM This release is issued in advance of the issue of Six Levels of Processing Issue 8 which will become standard training information and processes. Any and all Scientology schools or training activities please note and comply. The goal of this curriculum is to turn out an optimum student who can produce results with standard auditing. Although this is an extremely simple statement, it should be taken in its most arduously literal sense. Scientologists do not make preclears more able by sudden bright ideas in the middle of intensives, by strange intuitions or even by aligning a process to a preclear's particular case. In the past this might have been true in greater or lesser degree but it is not true today. A Scientologist who gets results on his preclears is one who has been thoroughly trained in the fundamentals of auditing and who could follow a process exactly. Training in curriculum is the product of five years of experience in training and twenty-five years of experience in research. In addition to exploring new phenomena of the mind and perfecting new processes every attention has been given to singling out those items which have been used with great success and in general in processing and applying them to standardized procedures. It is believed at this writing that very nearly all of these mechanisms have been discovered and can be taught. Improvements in auditing technique may or may not come by reason of auditing preclears while exteriorized and while not encumbered with body in various non- MEST processes and perhaps with a better understanding of energy masses. But the experience of the last two years has brought forcefully to attention that I have managed to single out the most effective items and elements in the actual fact of auditing where it appertains to an auditor with a body auditing a preclear with a body. A recent survey and extensive testing has demonstrated that vagaries of processing and unclear understanding of exact auditing procedures as distinct from processes are responsible for case failures. Thus the closest and most particular adherence to standard auditing procedures as well as processes is demanded. Training in Scientology today is divided into four distinct stages. The first of these is the indoctrination week. The second of these is the HCA or HPA course. The third of these is the BScn or HAA course, and the fourth of these is the DScn or HGA course. These courses have settled down to very finite lengths. The indoctrination period is one week; the HPA-HCA course is an additional seven weeks following immediately after the indoctrination week. A period of practice is recommended in most cases, prior to the undertaking of a BScn course. The BScn or HAA course is usually five weeks in length. The DScn or HGA course is precisely six weeks in length. The levels of ability to be obtained in each one of these courses is considerably advanced from the last course and these levels of ability are denoted on the same examination but with different and higher grades for each successive course on that examination. The bulk of training is supposed to derive from active practice in the field. Prior to indoctrination it is supposed that a considerable study will have been embarked upon by the prospective student which should include the reading of the various standard texts such as Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, Science of Survival, and some of the more modern material. Certainly it is not expected that anyone can take the eight weeks of courses which consist of the indoctrination week and the HPA-HCA course without having read Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, and still expect to attain a complete understanding of the subject, preclears or auditing. 339 All four levels of this course are considered to be the equivalent of a university education in the field of the mind. In view of the fact that they are usually given over a similar period in terms of class and laboratory hours as demanded by a university, the bulk of actual training is to be found in experiencing the phenomena of auditing outside the classroom and after and between formal study. It would be quite impossible for an individual to simply read Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, and take all four levels of courses and emerge a good Scientologist. The usual procedure is to acquire experience with additional training at regulated periods over a period of about four years. Just as Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health will give the book auditor certain definite and superior results over those achieved by earlier workers in the field of the mind, and will permit him to practise in a superior fashion, so to a much greater degree does an indoctrination week in the HPA-HCA course elevate his experience above that of a book auditor. It is expected that an individual is capable of engaging in practice at the end of an HPA-HCA course. This practice of course would be greatly superior in terms of results and achievements to any other course of study the individual can take on earth at this time. However, a maturity is necessary and this is achieved in experience subsequent to the course and prior to taking the HAA-BScn course. This latter course is a refresher course intended to bring up to date and consolidate the experience of the student of Scientology, and after this he is expected to go forth and practise considerably and for a long period of time before he rounds out his training with, as is usual, two or three DScn or HGA courses (additional refresher HGA courses are not of course paid for by the student). Because the organization must be there to continue to serve the student and because the organization is called upon over a long period of time to handle the training and problems of the student, the combined fees of these courses actually represent more of a high membership in an exclusive professional organization than they do fees for training. Nevertheless, the totality of fees in the U.S.A. is less than $1500 or very far below a university training, arriving with the same equivalent knowledge, were it available which it is not. An alternate course schedule must of course be envisioned for those times when the organization must train large bodies of auditors for organizations. In such case the initiative of the individual to gain his experience is not to be relied upon but the entirety of training will have to be done over a finite complete period of time. Experience has dictated that six months would be more than ample for a fairly professional Scientologist. Four months could be envisioned and three months under pressure would at least make a mechanical auditor. In view of the fact that no outside experience would be gained by these individuals, a great deal of attention would have to be paid to their learning rates. The primary reason why Scientology training can be given so much more briefly and with a much better command is processing itself. The usual gain between entrance and indoctrination week and graduation from the HCA-HPA level course is usually somewhere around twenty-five points of IQ. As education has never dealt with this type of factor before it is not presumed that educators would understand it until they themselves had dealt with it, but it is an appreciable factor in accelerating education. We are taking advantage of this factor. Where a student's own case is not progressing, his study of the subject is not progressing and a lacking reality will rebound upon his abilities as an auditor. While all training is done under the strict philosophy that we are all auditors here and there are no preclears present, the instructor must nevertheless give very close attention to cases in view of the fact that the learning factor is so closely associated with them. Therefore bad auditing in an HPA-HCA class or in any other unit in view of the compressed time can be quite uncomfortable in retarding the learning rate. THE INDOCTRINATION WEEK Bad auditing in the HPA-HCA class is obviated and cancelled by proper instruction and indoctrination in the first week. Here a special instructor devoted only to the students incoming that week persuasively and forcefully teaches the actual procedures of auditing. Tn this week a good unshakable grasp on the procedures of auditing itself as opposed to processes must be given the student. By auditing procedures is meant 340 attitude and the various actual mechanics of putting a preclear in a chair and auditing him. By the end of this week it is expected that without knowing a scrap of theory, a single axiom or even what the results of auditing are the indoctrinee will be able to present a precise mock-up of a good auditor processing a preclear. Except for those processes run on him by his instructor the bulk of the processes taught in an indoctrination week are not processes at all but "Dummies". In other words, the "processes" of indoctrination week which the indoctrinee will use are carefully chosen so as not to bring about any change of case. As a result both the student-"auditor" and student- "preclear" are alike able to observe the simple mechanics of auditing without any exploration of the deeper significances of the mind or its phenomena. The entire and total text of the indoctrination week is contained in one paragraph of the HCA Manual (Fall, 1955, Washington, D.C.) at the top of page 23 of that manual, and the Auditor's Code. When one realizes that the attitude of the auditor goes prior to the application of the process and that the student has just one week in which to learn this attitude, one realizes that he can well afford to spend the total time of this week on that attitude. In addition to learning the paragraph of rudiments by heart and the Auditor's Code by heart and in gaining an auditing attitude using these things, the indoctrinee is expected to receive at least three hours of auditing from the instructor, himself a professional auditor. The total process run on the student should be gauged not to improve his case but to improve his reality on Scientology, to demonstrate to him that actually happened to him by reason of the administration of a process. We do not even particularly care whether this something is bad or good but we do care that it is demonstrative that an effect can be produced upon the preclear's own case. The most marked result will be discovered from the handling of a serious present time problem or giving the preclear an assist. One could even run him through an engram providing it were a light engram and it did not take too long to finish. But whatever the process run its end goal is to demonstrate that Scientology can produce an effect upon the indoctrinee. Later on his student auditors will give him what beneficial results he needs. Right now it is necessary for him to learn that that which he is handling is itself powerful, that it can reach and that it is effective. Failing to gain this reality the indoctrinee entering the HCA-HPA course is prone to be careless and not to be convinced of the necessity of handling processes decently well and lightly and will inevitably mess up somebody's case. "Dummy" auditing sessions must be severely and closely scheduled and supervised. One indoctrinee (or in case of only one student in an indoctrination class, the instructor) takes any ordinary book which has short sentences in it -- not a Scientology book -- and reads one sentence at a time to the indoctrinee to which the indoctrinee is tutored to reply "Okay", "Alright" and so forth. When the indoctrinee is able to do this quickly and satisfactorily he is then taught to do it convincingly and interestedly. He must learn to receive the communication and reply to it. In the case of some indoctrinees it will be found that this will require some hours of practice in coaching since it is itself quite restimulative unless the individual has become accustomed to it. As a further sample of the "Dummy" processes, an auditing phrase "dummy" is used such as, "Do you have two shoes?" The indoctrinee must ask this auditing question over and over and over receiving each time an acknowledgement from the person he is asking the question of. This again will require hours since it is in itself training to repeat a single phrase interestedly and to receive an answer to the question. When he is able to do this well this "dummy process" is expanded to include the handling of preclear originated communications. The person acting as preclear on whom the "dummy process" is being used is provided with a list of standard preclear originations. This list contains actual types of remarks preclears make such as "I think I've just backed up from my body", "I have a pain in my stomach" and so forth. The indoctrinee must learn to respond, to acknowledge, handle and discuss. When the indoctrinee is able to respond adequately and discuss such origins, he is then given a "dummy" duplicating type question and the person acting as preclear answers it and occasionally springs one of the preclear origin statements. By these and other similar simple means an auditing procedure is indoctrinated into the student so that he will not pull off the primary mistakes which hurt cases, and 341 so that he will at least look like and sound like an auditor when he moves into the HPA-HCA course. He must be worked with until his voice has certainty, his presence is assertive and not apologetic, and so that he will have a good idea that he should run the preclear's case rather than let the preclear run his own case. The principal understanding that is given to the indoctrinee consists of the liabilities of not using these rudiments of auditing. He should understand that a failure to acknowledge sticks the preclear in session. He should understand that the quickest thing that will drive a preclear into apathy is a failure of the auditor to respond to an originated communication on the part of the preclear and particularly when that communication is revelatory to the preclear. As Scientology has a language of two or three hundred words, the preclear who does not understand that these terms are exact in their meaning and that they are a set of communication symbols which mean specific things will not be able to grasp a great deal of the material he will be given in the HCA-HPA course in the early days. Of secondary importance is an indoctrination into this vocabulary but certainly the most commonly used words should be drilled into him, so that he knows what a facsimile is, what an engram is and so forth. The continued study of this vocabulary is expected to be carried on in the HCA-HPA course. However, the more vocabulary an indoctrinee can master in his indoctrination week, the more rapid will be his progress since it has been uniformly discovered that individuals who had the most argument with and the most difficulties in producing results with the processes of Scientology were those who had not mastered some of the simple terms. It is expected that a student will have studied Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health before entering an indoctrination week, for to cause him to read the book in that week would bring him to such a state of restimulation that the change of emphasis would disturb him a very great deal. He can, however, spend whatever leisure time he might have in perusing various volumes which have been issued to him. But the instructor should carefully guide his perusing. To attain a perfect auditing attitude in one week is a very large task. It will be found by the indoctrination instructor that there is very little time left over for anything else. If there is any time left over he should further improve the auditing attitude of the student since this may be the last time that he receives such particular and close attention and may be the fault of all the later difficulties the student may have. HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR & HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR COURSES In the seven weeks which the student will spend in the HCA-HPA course a great deal is expected of him. He must learn the theory and practice of Scientology. He must get himself into good condition as a case and he must emerge from that course capable of giving a polished performance as an auditor. This would not be possible in seven weeks if Scientology were less well codified. The codification of Scientology is the emphasis here not the theory. A great deal of theory will of course be taught during the HPA-HCA course but it is a secondary matter. As a prominent auditor once remarked to me, "When I really have to get results on a preclear I discover that my main asset is obedience, not delicacy of approach. I have learned that the processes released by you get results when they are used exactly as they are given. Therefore I maintain to all young Scientologists that the highest quality which they can attain is really obedience." Although this sounds quite harsh, Scientology itself is harshly real. It is not as most students would like to have it, a speculative science. Grasp of theory comes from two sources: One, experience in auditing preclears, and two, subjective reality on one's own case. To know the whys and wherefores behind the exact operation of the process is rather important, but it is not nearly as important as understanding how one would minister the process and achieve results with it. In later courses we stress theory. In the HPA-HCA course we stress practice. We have to. There are not nearly enough good Scientologists. Furthermore, if an auditor cannot audit when he emerges from the course and achieve results 342 with his auditing there is very little likelihood of his ever getting enough experience to further his studies. While an instructor should always indulge the originated communications and ideas of students, it is the general experience of an instructor that the speculations are usually off-beat or have been known so long to Scientologists and Dianeticists that they are almost forgotten. What the student is actually trying to do is cognite and he expresses his learning cognition to the instructor and the instructor, like a good auditor, should give him a very well on it. If in the opinion of the instructor the student has not attained a sufficiently good auditing attitude to be trusted with another student, then the HPA-HCA instructor on the new student's entrance to his course should return him at once to the indoctrination week and cause him to take it over again for from this student particularly "case louse-ups" can be expected. Thus it would be better to indoctrinate this student into an auditing attitude for seven weeks and teach him to remedy havingness for the final week of the course than to let him wade through and jam the banks of not only a few students but also all of his future preclears. It is perfectly true that if one gave a student a perfect auditing attitude and the know-how necessary to remedy havingness the student would be able to achieve miracles all over the place. Thus it would be a good investment of time. The registrar of Scientology schools is usually instructed not to be too harsh in forbidding admittance. The reason for this is that the judgment of the registrar, while very good, sometimes excludes people who go out and do starting things for Scientology. If we people who make people more able start closing the doors because they are not able before they begin the course, we are invalidating ourselves. Thus this admonition about teaching someone an auditing attitude for seven weeks and to remedy havingness for one week and thus call him an auditor is not made in fun. We must keep our doors open to those who come to us and we must let out of our doors only those who can gain results. When we do not do this the instructor and failure to follow curriculum and failure to teach processes are at fault, since I can and have made a ten year old child into an excellent auditor so that he could process his alcoholic father back into a competent workman. The task is an arduous one. However, one can sympathize with some of the problems which confront instructors. Where a large group is to be given an HCA-HPA course the entirety of the group will find themselves at the same time in indoctrination week. This has an unhandy aspect. One of the best reasons to enrol every Monday is to give particular attention to the two, three or four new students who can then have the full time of one instructor. When a group is being put through it will be found expedient to continue the indoctrination week for those who are lagging after the others have passed on into the first week of the HPA-HCA course, and then to continue the indoctrination week for a third week for the few, if any, who have not been able to assume and execute a proper auditing attitude. Only in this way can one assure a minimum of fouled cases. The actual training schedule hour by hour is fairly well a local matter. However, some of my recent observations in training large and looking in on small classes have been that one long auditing period a day produces results superior to two short auditing periods. However, a rough outline of the course should suffice by stating that it should begin at 8:00 in the morning with a live lecture, should give students periods in which they can study, should give adequate time to recover or return from an auditing session, should have an auditor's report in the afternoon (it is an additional advantage to have only one auditing period a day, not only because it is longer, but because it makes the reports longer being from only one-half the class). A schedule should also have in order to cover all the material, a short group processing session and a tape playing session of a more general nature in the evening. These schedules are very precisely laid out, do not necessarily agree from one continent to another, there being peculiarities such as lunch hour differences, tea breaks, and so forth. It is necessary that the schedule embrace enough theory lectures to remedy the havingness of the student since there are always those in classes who devour theory. The technology which is to say the exact processes taught in the course match the current best procedure and are so subdivided that one level is taught per day on the 343 successive days between Monday and Saturday making in all six different levels. It is occasionally opportune to have sixth, seventh and eighth week students specialize on such things as exteriorization, but in view of limited time it is not well to detach them entirely from the student body, just for a special study. Exteriorization should be generally covered right along with the other materials. The most glaring lack of ability in any group of students is what is now Level Six, in the part which covers the repair of havingness and the remedy of havingness. The ability of a student to repair havingness is absolutely essential to his handling any process anywhere and at any time. This is distinctly different from the remedy of havingness which is more complicated, making it possible for the preclear to both receive and get rid of mock-ups. Repair of havingness is practicable today even on a very black case. This repair of havingness could also be called "giving the preclear havingness". The student should be indoctrinated that at the slightest sign of agitation, squirming, desire for a cigarette or unpleasant stomach sensations the preclear is in need of havingness and indeed has as-ised too much energy and that a repair of havingness at least is indicated immediately. Conversely, the moment a preclear loses alertness or goes anaten the student should be taught to expect that a repair of havingness is definitely indicated. However in the case of anaten the first thing that a student should expect is that some breach or difference has arisen between himself and the preclear. He himself might not consider it a breach but the preclear does and after the point of that breach or contradiction or break of code the preclear will be found to go anaten since anaten is simply a drop in ARC to an extreme. Remedy of havingness is a broader process but is easily accomplished today. It is not safe for a student to audit anything significant on a preclear until that student understands repair of or remedy of havingness. If we were to have a two week indoctrination period, the first week would be devoted to attitude and the second week would be devoted to utilizing that attitude and the skills and techniques of repairing and remedying havingness. While this is not a bad idea and might be engaged upon, it is not in force at this time. It is therefore necessary for the HPA-HCA instructor to use an elementary repair of havingness technique instruction on the new students he receives. Their havingness must be repaired and they must be instructed in how to repair another's havingness. In this way the bulk of case fall-aways and upsets in HPA-HCA classes will be obviated. Probably the greatest resistance on the part of a student and even of the instructor is the "walking out" type of process where the student takes his pc out into some populated area. Students like to choose places where they will be watched over by police and questioned and embarrassed and an instructor must be careful to get around this. Furthermore the student is a long way from close supervision, a thing an instructor should always practise. Thus the student is apt to do strange and peculiar things. However, it is actually absolutely necessary that these "walking out" processes be taught and executed in HPA-HCA classes. It should be very clearly understood that at this date of technique, Waterloo Station requires ten to twelve and one half hours to be effective and this is a long time for anyone to continue a process. The introduction of such processes as Waterloo Station also militates in favor of one long auditing period per day. When one conceives the amount of actual knowledge necessary to be an auditor he is apt to be appalled. Therefore it should be the solid rule of the HCA-HPA classes that, given a good auditing attitude in indoctrination which will become improved throughout his HCA-HPA course, the student must be concentrated upon factual precise processes and be able to perform these processes regardless of his understanding. In that way when he is graduated he will be able to achieve his goals and continue to experience success and there will be time enough for him to pick up with that experience the requisite understanding to exactly what is happening. Therefore there is no argument between understanding on the one hand and mechanical action on the other hand. If mechanical action is absent you have a squirrel. The only reason we have to train anyone is that we are training them to unlearn. As we can eradicate the bad aspects of educational systems by auditing, it is therefore 344 no concern of ours that our curriculum should be less than precise and that we are less than efficient even when arduous. The student is not there to experience a quiet rest. His schedule may be long but his formal course is brief. The best way to train is to use precise scheduling, to demand that everyone be on time, to demand that orders be complied with and to make at least a young hurricane around the head of any student who departs from school or auditing instructions. There is no need to resort to punishment in order to enforce such a schedule. One merely has to make it known that this is the way it is. It is extremely simple to fry a student at the auditors' conference when he has done wrong or when his preclear looks anaten after a session. One should do so. The instructor then is not expected to be kind. He is expected to be efficient and precise. Very recently in a prominent Scientology school an instructor was found to be giving all precedence to good ARC with the students. He listened to their complaints, he coaxed them gently over the tough spots, and in general did a very, very good and kind job of teaching. The only difficulty was that all his students kept flunking their examinations. While it is no doubt true that these students held a lasting friendship for this instructor, Scientology, knowledge of, was what was paying for this friendship. These students were not getting results on their preclears. There is a happy medium between extreme harshness and destructive friendliness and that medium is the level we attempt to attain in HCA-HPA classes. There is one maxim to remember in handling students. Never sympathize with their desire to make nothing out of everything. If they will make nothing out of their preclears by practically erasing them away, they will make nothing out of you, the instructor, when your back is turned. If they make nothing out of prominent figures in Scientology, they are making nothing out of Scientology outside the precincts of the school. Such persons' cases collapse under a good repair of havingness. These students who obsessively make nothing out of everything are distinct liabilities but they need not be liabilities if immediate attention is given to this factor, in their cases. They cannot have, that is why they have to make nothing. These are the first to take advantage of and spoil the camaraderie of a class, and an instructor should spot them at once that they arrive in his class and do something drastic about their havingness. If he does not their cases will not progress and neither, if such persons can help it, will the class. A Scientology school is a place where you learn to be an auditor. If one goes through one and cannot audit then the school has failed. No amount of ARC can forgive or explain away a loss of just one auditor who upon his graduation cannot produce effectively results upon cases. In view of the fact that we need thousands of Scientologists where we have hundreds, the failure to make any one student into a good auditor is a very large failure in our books. It is in the Scientology school that Scientology's future will be made or broken. BACHELOR OF SCIENTOLOGY AND HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR CLASSES The curriculum of the HAA-BScn Unit is largely regulated by the demands of the class, but should concentrate on refreshing the information, correcting the picked up blunders of the student and a thorough grasp of the axioms of Scientology. Because this curriculum is loose there is some slight tendency to run a loose schedule in BScn-HAA classes. The auditors are almost always well experienced and have their own opinions. This opinionation gained during the period they spent in practice at their HPA-HCA course actually sounds much better than it is and the instructor who will Q and A with this opinionation is an instructor who will not successfully teach a BScn-HAA class. The best instructor for such a unit is actually suspicious. He suspects in the first place the ability of these students to produce a crack job of auditing and he acts accordingly. He puts them straight through their paces as though they were starting in kindergarten all over again, and then he subjects them to a discipline which cures them of the tendency they inevitably pick up after graduation from the HCA-HPA course to change processes and invent new processes in 345 full flight while auditing a preclear. The more they did this the less results they achieved, and the main thing such a student has lost while gaining his experience has been his reality on the speed with which a process should work. He has had preclears he has been content to stall with over a period of time. Therefore he has slowed down to what the preclear considers a reasonable gain. It is up to the instructor to increase this expectancy of process result. The primary mission of the HAA-BScn course then is to reduce the number of hours in auditing necessary to clear a preclear in the eyes of the student. How fast can it be done? The student has already extended his opinions to match those of slow freight preclears. It is necessary that these opinions be reestablished that processing can be done rapidly and accurately. This student in his experience in the field has run up against a great deal of invalidation in Scientology and has audited a great many preclears who did not progress as fast as he should like to have them progress. Therefore it is necessary in his auditing sessions that this individual have the fact of invalidation of Scientology nullified and to have all his preclear failures, if any, nullified. It is remarkable to note that the only reason this continues to be the case at this time is that the HCA-HPA classes to which most of these BScn students went were taught so long in the past that Scientology has markedly changed in the interim, for being a young science we are not yet afraid to change. Actually a rather heavy hand is needed by the instructor and he would do well to take a chapter out of the way I train clinical auditors. I set these auditors down to run a process bad or good regardless of what it does to the preclear. I make the auditor run the process and report exactly what the process did. This has a tendency to separate the auditor from the life or death intensity with which he is accustomed to auditing and this relaxed attitude towards the case he is processing then begins to turn up in benefits in new and better results in the preclears. There is no real limit to the curriculum of the HAA-BScn level course. As it is teaching basic and advanced theory and as its processing is calculated to produce the maximum possible result on the cases involved in this length of time, a teaching schedule may be precise and arduous in terms of appointed hours but not in its text. However there is one proviso in the BScn-HAA course. It is not, I repeat NOT, a research indoctrination course. It is not expected that its enrollees will be entirely conversant with the basic theory of Scientology. The students are never ready to embrace a research level course. Thus the material which is given to the student in this course is cut and dried and long established. It is found in Scientology 8-8008, in Scientology 8-80. It is found in PABs, and it is found in particular and exactly in the Axioms of Dianetics and Scientology. On his graduation a student should understand as well as be able to parrot these axioms, and he should as well have a working knowledge of the old Axioms of Dianetics which to an advanced Scientologist with considerable experience are an intellectual picnic. The one main thing which distinguishes an HAA-BScn course from an HPA-HCA course is the fact that the higher level course student is much more conscious of his personal reputation. He is usually someone who has made something of a reputation at least to his own area as an auditor. Thus his reputation will have to be handled gently. We are dealing here with someone who is a practising professional ordinarily and to whose reputation some respect may be paid, but the instructor pays his respect in not derogating the ability of the auditor before others. He shows a nice courtesy at auditors' conferences. He does not call down or upbraid in public auditors who make reports of having erred. He does this in private. The instructor must not publicly spoil or even seem to spoil the repute of any such student. The BScn-HAA course is intended to polish off and take the rough edges from the professional auditor and should be conducted as such. THE ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE The ACC is basically a theory and research course which gives a much further insight into the phenomena of the mind and the rationale of research and investigation. 346 I usually teach this course myself or teach those students who have already taken an ACC when one has been given elsewhere. It is mainly from the ACCs that we have learned how to teach other courses. The candidates in HAA and BScn degrees are usually the students of an ACC course. There is no reason at this time to give a description of how an ACC is run beyond that it teaches, unlike other courses, how to spot non-therapeutic processes and more or less turns the auditor loose. Usually a student takes two or three ACC courses and indeed it is generally hoped that he does, particularly at this stage of the development of Scientology while I am still alive and producing. ACC courses are not regularly scheduled in any time or place but are announced well in advance. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:rd Copyright $c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [The first half of the above Operational Bulletin was reissued as professional Auditor's Bulletin No. 70, Training, on 20 January 1956. The text of this PAB includes up to the heading "Bachelor of Scientology and Hubbard Advanced Auditor Classes" which is the title of PAB 71. The text of PAB 71, issued 3 February 1956, is the remainder of the above Operational Bulletin.] 347  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=24/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=14 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  AFTER THE FLOOD    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8 BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 14 24 January 1956 AFTER THE FLOOD Operational Bulletin 13 must have appeared to be a flood of material and it was actually. It contained (1) the road block which has been preventing the progress of Scientology and its remedy, and (2) the outline of basic philosophy behind courses. I hope you read all this because it will undoubtedly have a profound influence upon the forward progress we are making. The indoctrination course outline in particular is to go into effect at once and it may be expedient to take existing HPA and HCA students and feed them back through this regimen. As far as repair and remedy of havingness are concerned and body motivators I have made several tapes recently for the coaching course given in London which are available from the London HAS. There are six hours of these tapes or three reels and the set is available for #15. They will be sold to anyone. A # (pound) is worth $2.80 if you wish to convert this into U.S. dollars. The series includes body motivators, recent materials on exteriorization and a great deal of material which you will probably never see otherwise. THE ONLY ONES It is fantastic to have to advertise or sell Scientology. It is the only methodology extant today which alleviates or remedies psychosomatic illness, proofs an individual against a host of casualties, improves reaction time, raises intelligence, and improves ability. That Scientology has throughout the world today only about 1200 practitioners in full practice could be true only if these people did not understand entirely the capabilities which lay under their hands. The discovery that they were not repairing or remedying havingness -- and of course my omission in pointing out this fact -- is about the only thing which has brought about failed cases and which slows down the general progress of cases everywhere. Now that this is spotted and swept out of the way, I don't see any real bar to our forward progress. Scientologists are the only ones where healing is concerned or where an improved race or culture is concerned. Scientology and Scientologists are the one hope the human race has today. Let's not make it a thin one. COMPARISON OF RESULTS Do you recall one of the last Abilities issued in Phoenix, Arizona, which contained two graphs. One of the graphs had to do with a composite of all cases audited by staff over a long period of time and the other one had to do with a very long series of preclears I had audited. The staff auditors audited their preclears for 25 hours each. I audited my preclears for five hours each. The results were comparable with perhaps the slightest edge over the staff auditor in my graph. In other words, the results I was getting in five hours were being obtained almost in 25 hours by the staff auditor. One of the reasons behind this disparity of time was not just the "insight of the old master". It was the solid reason that I repaired and remedied havingness on my preclears. 348 Perhaps another influencing point was that I audited these preclears only one hour per day for five consecutive days. When havingness was cut into, the preclear did not for long have to suffer under that duress, but this is probably a minimal reason. Some of the other reasons were acknowledgement and respecting the origin of communication by the preclear, a condition which was not always met by the staff auditor. This graph, by the way, will explain to some degree my own continuous state of optimism where Dianetics and Scientology were concerned. I always stated what I had found to be true. This was not necessarily true and practised by the auditor. It has therefore been my contest to find out what I was doing so that I could relay the information on and so make the auditor results comparable. This we have evidently more nearly approached today than ever before, particularly with our new indoctrinations schedule and what we have just discovered about the repair and remedy of havingness. EARLIEST FINDINGS ON HAVINGNESS It might be amusing for you to know what the earliest finding was in the field of havingness. I wanted to know exactly what happened in terms of intelligence quotient when engrams were run into restimulation and knocked out of restimulation. I therefore set up a series of tests to be accomplished under a very solid regimen as follows: The preclear under test was given a short form Otis IQ test. This took him about ten minutes. The auditor then immediately threw him down the track into such engrams as birth or accidents and when that engram had been run just enough to get into the full restimulation, the preclear was given Form 2 of the Otis IQ which is comparable to Form 1. This was done in a rather long series. The engrams were then erased or de-intensified and the individual was given Form 1 of Otis IQ again. I set this up simply as a needful datum. I did not anticipate any particular results and was willing to learn from the experiment. I did. It was found that the IQ of the individual raised from five to eight points by the simple fact of being thrown into birth or a heavy engram. This was such a wild result and so unexpected and yet so constant in the testing itself that I had to accept that the restimulation of an engram increased the intelligence quotient of the individual. The de-intensification of the engram by further erasure did not again lower the IQ of the individual, a fact which is accounted for by the mass in the engram being converted by an erasure, not eradicated. As we understand this today, it was that the preclear was given havingness. The havingness he was given did contain vast significances but the significances were less important than the actual mass itself. Therefore the IQ gain. This was our first encounter with the relationship between intelligence and mass. What actually occurred in this experiment was not visible to me for years, since the experiment took place in November and December of 1950. The experiment was the only one conducted for me directly on the line of actual research -- as distinguished from puttering -- by the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of Elizabeth, N.J. That organization spent $47,000 all told on research. It conducted the above experiment and collected some evidence that in one case of spinal arthritis Dianetic processing had undoubtedly relieved the condition. The research department was at the time conducted by Donald H. Rogers. Although some might not think otherwise, I feel that in view of the conduct of the above experiment by that department the $47,000 did buy something after all despite all contrary intent. It should be noted that when we erased an engram we did not erase the mass connected with it. We erased the significance in the mass. We took perceptics out of it and it then could convert into acceptable mass. What was unacceptable was the perceptics and these restrained the individual from utilizing the mass. Actually I should say the individual's body from utilizing the mass. We can further learn from this that the figure-figure boy is doing just about this. He is trying to erase out of what mass he can have enough content so that his body can utilize that mass. His figure-figure is actually an effort to erase. 349 The answer of course is to give him mass he doesn't have to erase the figure-figure out of. The figure-figure boy is way down on ability to have and is going on a sort of a storage battery philosophy that while he can't create anything he can at least utilize blocks of stuff that he has stockpiled in his bank. UTILIZATION OF OPERATIONAL BULLETINS It has not leaked through several ridges yet, but these Operational Bulletins are for use in other publications and for use by HAS staffs. Having an extremely limited circulation, being destined only for key Scientologists who themselves are dissemination points, these Operational Bulletins are made to contain much information which should reappear in various publications. When utilized in other publications, of an official nature, one should not say that the material is from an Operational Bulletin. One should simply say the material is from L. Ron Hubbard. One can directly quote it or rewrite it giving credit to its source. By quoting the Operational Bulletin one puts into existence into the field the awareness that there is another communication line running which people then begin to desire thus devaluating the value of the PABs, Certainty and Ability. If material placed in these bulletins is not so utilized a communication line is being cut. I could sit down every couple of weeks and write long articles especially for Ability magazine. I could do the same thing for the PABs. I could also do the same thing every month for Certainty. Sometimes I even do this. But the material which I am handling is generally vitally needed in one or another part of Scientology and I see no reason to deny the one and a half score people who are the key figures in training and processing throughout the world this data simply to introduce a comm lag on it for the benefit of Ability magazine. Thus a better answer for it is to put whatever articles I may have for these publications into Operational Bulletins and send them on through, and then have this material released. Ability, Certainty and the PABs can duplicate each other. It does not matter a bit if they do. It simply gives some material greater emphasis than others by having it repeated in two publications. Not all of this material will be utilized by such publications of course. I have various ways of getting communications out to people. One of them of course is by personal letter and this system I use rather extensively, but this has the unhandiness of jamming my own secretarial service since much of the material I handle is equally applicable to many persons. I could of course adopt the sloppy system of taking new materials and suggestions and making carbon copies of them and including this in as appendices on various letters. This is in effect what the Operational Bulletins are. Just because the Operational Bulletins appear on mimeographed pages is no reason they are a rival publication. They are not a rival publication. They do not go out to the world of Scientology except through the medium of Ability, Certainty and the PABs, as well as of course instructors and auditors immediately concerned in the HASs. For instance, in Operational Bulletin 13 there are exactly four PABs. Appendix 1 of Operational Bulletin 13 is to be broken in half and printed in two sections as PABs. In the Operational Bulletin itself, if you will glance at it again, there are two more PABs, but it is not known whether or not they will be so utilized. Certainly in the main body of the Operational Bulletin all that material must be repeated to Scientologists everywhere. It is sufficiently important to be utilized in Certainty, the PABs and Ability. If it isn't utilized and disseminated then we are just as far behind as we were last month. Do you know what a German schema is? It is a graph which shows one source breaking down into two sources which break down into four sources which break down into eight sources and so on. Well, if you fit Scientology publications on such a graph you find out that the Operational Bulletins are feeding several sources. This publication is not a competitive medium to Certainty, Ability, the PABs or Saturday Evening Post, the London Times, or the Daily Worker. The Operational Bulletins are for the aid and assistance of Scientology editors of the various publications and the staff of HASs throughout the world. Outside distribution of Operational Bulletins as such is not only discouraged, it is forbidden. And remember never give credit to the Operational Bulletins. Give credit to L. Ron Hubbard as a by-line at the beginning of the article just as though it were specially written for the publication. In the case of the 350 PABs, by the way, the signature or by-line is always at the end of the article not at the beginning. In Certainty and Ability the by-line is at the beginning of the article. THREE METHODS OF DISSEMINATION With the introduction of two new courses in the London operation -- the weekend professional auditor's course at HPA level and the dissemination course weekday evenings -- we are stressing the fact that there are methods of dissemination of Scientology and gaining and holding a practice and group which are certain and adequately productive of results. In the dissemination course we are incidentally going to teach the indoctrination week first as contained in Operational Bulletin 13, Appendix 1, and then we are going to review the repair and remedy of havingness and then we are going to lay on the line these three methods of dissemination, how they are done, and what to do with what they gain. The three methods are (1) "I will talk to anyone"; (2) Illness researches; (3) Casualty contact. These are the major proven methods of dissemination. There are other methods such as street contact, industrial contact, and the old time psychoanalytic contact, but they are not well proven in use. Auditors seem too shy to accost people on the street; although industrialists show some interest, they seldom show cash; and although the psychoanalytic contact, where one simply sits in an office with a sign outside the door and waits for the flies to walk into the spider web, is very definitely in use in Scientology as it was in psychoanalysis, it still is not successful. It builds a limited and constricted practice without any third dynamic appeal. It does very little good for Scientology. The fourth and entirely possible if hopeful method the auditor might use is to sit and wait for the central organization to send him preclears. Several auditors are doing this and it is not a method of dissemination and will never happen for the good reason that the central organizations in each case are depending on the individual auditor to beat up the brush for Scientology. Thus we have a case of mutual waiting. The central organizations do play a large role in the procurement of preclears, but they do this by general dissemination and good will advertising as well as releasing popular publications which go from hand to hand and cause an alertness to the subject and the existence of auditors. The central organization does not directly solicit preclears to be sent on to auditors. It does very occasionally where any one auditor is concerned refer some correspondent in an area to an auditor. It does this at what seems to it to be a very high rate as it refers commonly ten or twenty preclears a week or used to, but this spread out across 1200 auditors is not very many preclears and so the auditor in the field has never believed that the central organization did anything for him. The central organizations do a very great deal for the individual auditor but they count upon him also to build his own practice and thus Scientology. It is a very limited process where the central organization contacts become the only contacts which were made in the world on the subject of Scientology. If any auditor is trying to pursue the last two methods mentioned which is to say hanging up his sign and waiting for people to walk in the door or if he is simply waiting for the central organization to send him people he better stop waiting. The methods we must count upon to build groups, practices in Scientology are the first three listed above. No. 1 "I will talk to anyone" is in very broad and general usage in the United States. It is not yet in general usage in Great Britain or on other continents, even though it has been tested and found extremely successful in London. The entire plan has been covered in one of my articles in an earlier Ability which was written after an actual test I had made in Washington had resulted in success. The gist of this plan is to place in newspapers an ad which says, "Personal counselling. I will talk to anyone for you about anything. Phone Rev. So-and-so between hour and hour." When the people call up which they do-although the ad sometimes has to run for some days before the first call, since people are waiting to first find out whether it is a code and message or is actually an invitation to phone -- they desire the minister to talk to someone for them. 351 Actually in many cases their problems evaporate in the phone call itself. If the minister simply asks them to repeat the problem several times or asks them what they could do about this. If it is the purpose of the minister simply to solve the problem of the preclear thus phoning, he can of course cancel out his clientele with the greatest of ease. This however is not his purpose. His purpose is to get this individual into a weekly group processing unit. This person he will find is not one of the lower strata of the society or one of its neurotics; he is one of the few remaining citizens who still has a conscience and who wants to get something done. Thus he will discover himself talking, strange as it may seem to him at first, to the better people, although of course he will get his proportion of pranks and nuts. He should actually undertake, and importantly free of charge, the actual commission of executing the communication. He should not talk to the person in such a way as to ease the problem. This may be the last problem this person has and it would be a disservice to simply solve it as easily as that. One makes something of the problem, not makes nothing of it. (If auditors have any fault it is a one way flow in making nothing out of things instead of occasionally making something out of them.) The minister receiving the call should then credit the fact that this is a pretty big problem and should undertake the commission of completing the communication. He should be interested and alert. He should require a personal interview from the person calling. If he cannot get the name and address of the person calling he can always get the name and address of the person the caller wishes him to communicate with. He should get one or the other of these addresses on the first phone call. The auditor should keep a log of such calls and should write down all their particulars and any addresses that he may find in these, otherwise he will become swamped. Also he will lose a lot of potential preclears. The fact that the caller is calling at all says that the caller believes things can be better. This is in the minority in today's society. It should be cherished and nourished. Thus at the interview the minister places in the hands of the person material relating to the work of the church group which the minister is actually conducting every Sunday morning. Of course there are ways to derail this particular project. The first I have already delineated in stating that one can as-is the problem the moment the call is received using Scientology techniques, and the other chief one is for the auditor to get "so busy" completing people's communications that he "doesn't find time to run a Sunday group". His purpose is collecting together a Sunday group. Thus he simply couldn't be busy enough to neglect this point. He has literature to hand which does not insist that the caller who has now come in person attend but which holds out to him the fact that there are other people in his similar circumstances that he might care to meet, and that there are actually methods which make it possible for individuals to solve their own problems, and that these goals are achieved by attending a Sunday morning church which of course is represented to be quite different than what one ordinarily expects by reason of experience with old time congregations. One does not talk about personal auditing unless the subject is forced onto one. After the individual has been persuaded to come to the church group (his communication in the meanwhile having been executed) he will become aware of the fact that individual auditing is available, he will understand what it is, he will also understand that he can benefit from it. There are many instances of course of people simply turning up, learning about auditing and wanting some at once without going to a group and these of course can be cared for. But the main point is to execute the communication of the individual without charge, fee or donation and to get that individual to come to the Sunday morning church group. There he will of course be given an opportunity to join the church at some small membership fee and will be made a part of the group. Of course it stands to reason that any auditor who has a fairly good sized group which is undergoing free processing will get from the group many candidates for (1) personal auditing, and (2) a basic course in Scientology for which charge can be made. It is actually a mistake to charge for group intensives. It is much better in the long run to do only free group processing, individual auditing for a fee, and to teach basic courses in Scientology, usually on certain evenings in the week. People who do not pay for auditing will pay for the course. Many of the people in the course will demand individual auditing. This whole plan is working a gradient scale in getting people into Scientology. When regarded otherwise it tends to break down. People call up to get their problems solved, drift away. People get their communications through and then lacking auditing 352 begin to burden the minister with additional communications which in the long run mean nothing to him or Scientology. The chief stumbling block auditors have encountered is the actual placing of the ad. It is found that the ad places very poorly in huge city dailies as compared to small suburban papers. Thus even in large cities the ad should be put into the smaller papers. People taking classified ads want to know if the ad has ever appeared before anywhere else. Naturally it has and copies of its placement are available from Dr. Richard Steves, Founding Church of Scientology of New York, Carnegie Hall, New York City, and from the HASUK in London. But much more germanely there is now in existence a society of consulting ministers. This was organized in Washington, D.C., by the Founding Church. It has available a membership at very low cost which gives to the ordained auditor a card which declares his membership in the society. This membership card is an adequate representation of the society and its antecedents and carries on it for the benefit of people on papers such as reporters or classified advertising managers the following legend, "Any question about the activity, integrity or ethics of the above minister or the wording or precedent of any ad he wishes to place should be referred to the society of consulting ministers, the Founding Church of Scientology, 1812 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., or its British correspondent, the HASUK, 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8." (Organizational note: Dr. Young -- better have these cards ready as I think you have the society arranged already for some time past.) The ad itself has attracted sufficient press to give an adequate background. One does not bring the word Scientology into press interviews. One simply talks about the church, its work, and immediately it converses on actual cases which have already been handled. One does not, I repeat does not, discuss Scientology with the press. He discusses this particular project. If the press wants to know what Scientology is, the minister should shrug and say there are lots of textbooks about that, and that he does not propose to teach a course in an advanced science to the pages of the public press, that it is the church and the church's charitable activities which are behind this, not Scientology. He should also say that today ministers are indoctrinated in many learnings and skills and Scientology happens to be chiefest amongst these. The tremendous workability of the "I will talk to anyone" ad is attested by the many congregations it has built for auditors and the numerous preclears which they have received from these. The sphere of Scientology is widening markedly because of this particular plan. Plan No. 2 is rather older and less known. It is still within the confines of ministerial activities but it was originally practised outside those confines. The original ad which was placed to execute the plan "Illness Researches" was placed in Wichita by Mary Sue and myself at the end of 1951. It was tremendously successful and would have continued successful if anyone else had wanted any success in Wichita. The very first person who applied for this ad, immediately after a test audit, enrolled in a professional course. The second person at once purchased a 75 hour intensive and so it went. If I merely wanted a fortune out of Scientology and did not desire the health of Scientology itself, and the good presence and skill of its auditors, I would long since have abandoned research leaving things just as they were and would have continued to run this ad and run a clinic and school to care for its resultant callers. The exact wording of the ad was as follows: "Polio victims. A research foundation, investigating polio desires volunteers suffering from the after effects of that illness to call for examination at address." When the people arrived usually with a phone interview first, they were immediately given about three hours of auditing. The techniques in use at that time were effort processing and overt acts and motivators. We alleviated the majority of preclears reporting using only those three hours. We did this for polio victims, arthritics and were about to do it for asthmatics when the surging success of the project frightened various individuals who had other plans for Dianetics. However there was no protest whatever from the newspapers, the public or the preclears. The auditing was given free of charge. It was given under the guise of investigation and was in actuality a research project. Any auditor anywhere can constitute himself as a minister or an auditor, a research worker in the field of any illness. In that he is not offering to treat or cure the illness but is strictly investigating it, the laws concerning medicine do not obtain to him. Anybody even a ditch-digger can look over 353 polio or arthritis or asthma or anything else. It is best that a minister representing himself as a "charitable organization", which is what he is, do the research so that the ad would then read: "Polio victims -- a charitable organization investigating polio desires to examine several victims of the after effects of this illness. Phone So-and-so." The interesting hooker in this ad is that anyone suffering from a lasting illness is suffering from it so as to attract attention and bring about an examination of it. These people will go on being examined endlessly. The technique which would be used today would be with the repair and remedy of havingness, appertaining to the illness or injury itself, "Invent a problem that leg (or am or lungs or stomach) could be to you". One would use only this process as it is the only safe process to use against a chronic somatic and successfully alleviates such. One would NEVER use "What problem could lameness (a condition) be to you". Always run the process of problems on the subject of terminals, never on conditions. Of course one would repair the havingness of lame legs and eventually get the individual to throw a bad leg away. If the preclear could not at once invent, one would have him lie about legs or stomach or arms, or whatever is affecting him. One would use up at the most about two hours of auditing time on each case. He would not tell the person he was doing other than investigating the cause. He would tell them he was not interested in curing their polio but that educationally he could of course improve their ability to walk or breathe or whatever. As a side comment, one would omit arthritis as one of these quickies as it showed the lowest level of recovery. One would then follow up the same principles of group. He would compose a group of such people and he would find that they would be very happy to gather together. From this group he would tell them they could have free group processing and he would sell them individual auditing and would teach them basic Scientology and a basic course as in Plan 1 above. This plan has the advantage of not unduly exciting the press but if the press were to arrive one would simply tell them, expanded, the subject of the ad. A minister investigating polio would have many reasons to do so. He would want to know how much of a drain the illness really was on the society around him, what charitable resources were necessary in order to care for it, how much difficulty it was to people in the immediate family. He would want to know whether or not it was a major or minor factor in the society. But basically he would want to get his hands on those preclears and alleviate their condition. In other words, improve their ability to walk or to breathe. He would want to do this and he would carry the project along by having a group and from this group getting basic courses. Remember today it is no fantasy whatsoever that you can alleviate the majority of sufferers of various chronic illnesses. It is a very simple thing really. We have been able to do it for four years and very good auditors have been doing it regularly for five. We are not in the business of healing here. We are in the business of educating people to walk, to talk, to breathe. Incidently, although it has not been tried, it may be possible to get people from various societies. However, the basic experience on this line is that societies for various illnesses, as well as other organizations, do not exist by and large to assist the illness and are very hard to do business with. As an example, one auditor in the Pacific northwest did not contact the public or individuals but contacted only various organizations in the city. There has never been quite as great a flop as the general practice of this auditor; contacting the public via ads in the public presses is the reliable tested way to do this. The other, of course, can be touched upon as it is not necessarily true that these societies will not furnish people. Method number 3 has the advantage of requiring little capital and being highly ambulatory. Plans 1 and 2 above require enough money to have a decent consulting room even if it's only one's living room and to place ads which can come to a considerable amount. Plan 3 "Casualty Contact" is a reverse vector. Every day in the daily papers one discovers people who have been victimized one way or the other by life. It does not much matter whether that victimizing is in the manner of mental or physical injury. It does matter that the newspapers have a full parade of oddities in terms of accident, illness and bereavement occurring at a constant parade before the eyes. The essence of "Casualty Contact" is good filing and good personal appearance. One takes every daily paper he can get his hands on and cuts from it every story whereby he might have a preclear. He either has the address in the story itself or he 354 gets the address as a minister from the newspaper. As speedily as possible he makes a personal call on the bereaved or injured person. It is probable that he will find on the first day that they are overly burdened with calls since they have been a subject of the public press, and he may find that in two or three days interest in the person has cooled off to a point where his own appearance will admit of an actual interview. He should represent himself to the person or the person's family as a minister whose compassion was compelled by the newspaper story concerning the person. He should then enter the presence of the person and give a nominal assist, leave his card which states exactly where church services are held every Sunday and, with the statement that a much fuller recovery is possible by coming to these free services, take his departure. A great many miracles will follow in his wake and he is liable to become a subject of the press himself. However, in handling the press he should simply say that it is a mission of the church to assist those who are in need of assistance. He should avoid any lengthy discussions of Scientology and should talk about the work of ministers and how all too few ministers these days get around to places where they are needed. He should use the opportunity to castigate, not to hold classes on Scientology. Some small percentage of the persons visited or their families will turn up in his group. Thus he will build a group and naturally from that group he will get a great many individual preclears. All three of the above plans have the frailty of going through their pioneering period and then dwindling off. The auditor back-logs a great many cases and individual appointments and stops his forward thrust into the society itself. The thing for him to do if he is building a practice too big for him to handle is to write the Academy or the HASUK if he is in England, and have some likely young Scientologist newly graduated sent to him to assist him. He should not cease to fire with his ad or with his calls and should not cease to build his group. This is a question of how much is havingness to an auditor. Auditors seem to get terribly well satisfied on three or four regular preclears. Now my idea of a real congregation would be one which you had to hold in a motion picture theater on Sunday morning. At least 2000 people. And my idea of a good practice is one which has to be handled by about a dozen auditors and which is complete with receptionist, mailing clerks, and deep rugs in the auditing rooms and in the halls. This is purely a consideration of havingness. In doing any one of the three above plans -- and I am doing one of the above (No. 1) right this moment -- I would consider my own mission the completing of the communications or the "investigating of the polio victims" and the continuous outward flow of interest of Scientology. And I would stack up the appointments and do them when I could. I would not build up a group and consider that was big enough, stop putting the ad in the paper and then relax for about three months; later I would find out that all interest had dwindled and ceased and that the word of mouth going through the preclears I had had was bringing in only a trickle of new pcs. I wouldn't go at it with fire and thunder for a few weeks and then quit, in other words. I would set it up as a regular routine activity and carry forward. One of the side plans to Plan 2 was to have another person good at finance go around to all those who had been helped by the investigation and tell them that their investigation which helped them was paid for by another person and ask the present person whether or not he wouldn't like to pay for somebody else's recovery, but this was never put into effect, although it may be very workable. Out of these three plans above can come large and vital practices. Only remember this. They must be carried out within the framework of the dissemination of materials, otherwise the failure of indiscretion of one may bring about a cancellation of the good efforts of others. The thing to do is to take one of these plans and carry it forward. They are all good. They will all work. They have all been tested. They are listed in order of workability as above, 1, 2 and 3. I can tell you the wrong thing to do about a practice --do nothing. These will work and success is ahead of you. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:-.jh Copyright $c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 355  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 10 iDate=25/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    The Hubbard Guidance Center  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House 83 Palace Gardens Terrace London, W.8 BAY 8881 To: The Hubbard Guidance Center 25th January 1956 IMPORTANT The recent reports on preclears show: 1. The auditors are not remedying havingness on all processes. 2. The present time problem is being left unflat and the correct command is "Invent a problem that (terminal) could be to you." Auditor must not go on auditing with an unflat present time problem. 3. Auditors are running conditions not terminals. "Invent (always invent or lie about -- never what) a problem that (terminal [arm, leg, person]) could be to you" is now the only allowable command on problems. Problem invention is never followed now (after extensive tests) by "What could you do about it?" 4. Auditors not bridging. 5. Auditors are running random pets, not running an SLP. 6. Auditors don't understand that dopiness or agitation must be answered with breaking the process and at once remedying or at least repairing havingness. 7. No Waterloo Station reported. This is now accompanied by remedy of havingness and is run after Level One. 8. Level One until further notice for the clinic is: No Inventory taken (it as-ises too much too often). "Find Auditor Find preclear Find room." Handle present time problem with "Invent a problem that (terminal, not condition or generality) could be to you" until flat. During this, repair any havingness drop with "Look around here and tell me what your body could have." Repair preclear's havingness with blackness or invisibles or anything, using any method including body motivators to repair havingness. Now Remedy it by having preclear mock up and pull in and by any method throw away mock-ups of anything. Now run "What body would you like to have?" When preclear says one, then, by any means have him mock it up and thoroughly remedy havingness with it. Then ask him question again and with the answer remedy havingness with it. And so on, until preclear is exteriorized and stable. (Preclear exterior should pull in and throw away mock-ups from self not body.) Now run "orders" with good remedy of havingness. Now go to Level Two of SLP 7. Adding adequate remedy of havingness to each part of all upper steps including Level Two, use upper levels of SLP 7. This is clinical auditing and its SLP. All auditors should be run through the same schedule as indoctrination week until they are really sharp on procedure as opposed to techniques. NOTE: The end of remedy of havingness on any object comes when they can throw one away with ease. L. RON HUBBARD 356  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=31/1/56 Volnum=0 Issue=15 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  LONG CONTINUED RUN    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 15 31 January 1956 LONG CONTINUED RUN Well, Operational Bulletins now enter their 15th issue, furnishing copy for the PABs, Certainty and Ability, and information and pre-release data to the staffs of the HAS everywhere. Mailed every Tuesday afternoon on the dot by Hubbard Communications Office secretary, Margaret Tousaw, the Operational Bulletins get there firstest with the mostest. The beginning of issue of these Operational Bulletins signalizes the turn of the tide, the beginning of the avalanche, the bend in time for Scientology. Since within their earliest issue the greatest difficulties in processing have been ironed out by calling attention to the repair and remedy of havingness and the auditors' chief problem -- how to get a practice -- has been cared for and the finishing touches have been put upon training good auditors and therefore a long continuance has been guaranteed to the association. But there is more than this to come. We still have to codify SLP Issue 8 and many other needful things have to be done. A CHANGED NEW WORLD When you entered Scientology you did so because you thought the world could stand a change. You thought that war, crime and insanity were needful of remedy. You hoped that Scientology could contain answers to these and that the answers would be effectively applied. You have watched for five years or some fraction thereof the twist and turmoil of organizational unrest and you have participated in more than one significant advance in technique. What you have watched and in what you have participated are the labor pains of something new born into a world of misunderstanding and unrest and which has sought to establish a foothold in an area of agreement in which it did not belong. But you have watched and participated in definite and positive forward change, definite and measurable progress and, although our advances may be minute when compared to original dreams, they are vast compared to the most optimistic inroads made by earlier efforts. The early days of development of Dianetics and Scientology found us with too many preparatory gestures to make in too many fields. To gain a new foothold in organizational procedure as well as research and dissemination required us to advance on too many fronts simultaneously which brought about an apparency of slow forward motion; but when one considers how many fields were invaded, how much preparatory work was done, how much had to be learned, and how arduous was the early fight, one begins to appreciate that we have gained not an evanescent and chimerical advance, but have won a solid platform of know-how from which we can continue. If you were to sum up all the questions we have had to answer, and if you were to sum up all the answers we have learned in the fields of organization, training, clinical, management, publication, finance and personnel, you would see that we know a great deal and that these answers could have been won only by experience in the actual doing. 357 Having now started we are already well advanced toward our goals. The oddity is that the starting was the slow thing since it required that we create a platform from which to start. Do not lose this technology gained. There is know-how contained here which was five years in the acquisition. The list of organizational points made in an earlier Operational Bulletin are only a fragment of what we have learned about organizations but this fragment is essential along any organizational lime. We are well advanced toward the goals we first envisioned. We have never deviated, we have never subordinated personal gain to their attainment and we will win just as certainly and inevitably as earth will again circle about the sun. The time to have stopped this movement was 1951. Stopping it in 1956 would be impossible. You have your own individual as well as organizational share in continuing our forward progress. It is up to you to bring heart and courage into individual practitioners throughout Scientology. It is up to you to demand of these that they bring about a maximum advance in their area through the use of these hard won technologies. It is up to you to make sure that these individuals know (1) what Scientology organizations mean, and intend, (2) how to build and maintain a group, course and practice, (3) how to audit with maximum results on groups and individuals, (4) how to continue their courage in the face of the blunting stupidity of a semibarbaric world about them. If you have felt our advance was not maximum, determine now to make it so and determine that practicality to consolidate and utilize our gains and indoctrinate those about you in the knowledge, courage and activity necessary to bring all of us up to and through this new day which has begun for earth. The 2000 year cycle of ignorance, cruelty and bloodshed is over. We mark a new era, remember that. NEW BOOKS Beginning with the re-write of "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health", continuing with the publication of all PABs to date, and carrying through with new basic course material, HCA material and a complete glossary as well as a new slant for each one of our publications, the publication schedule is well oriented. All this depends on now is that my pen achieves sufficient nimbleness to accomplish all this writing. In actuality I have been waiting for technologies to settle down before I began to inscribe them and it looks with some of the newer material that this period is now over. My willingness to write has resurged on the discovery of the conquest of the G.E. AD INTERIM SLP Remembering that remedy of havingness is necessary to all processes and remembering that repairing havingness is distinct from remedying havingness, and recalling as well that getting the preclear to lie about various things and getting the preclear to invent problems, and remembering as well that one never gets him to lie or invent problems about conditions but only about terminals or solids, the following SLP is an interim SLP for use in the clinics in order to get those preclears coming up the graphs. Level One: "Find auditor. Find preclear. Find room." 358 Handle present time problem with "Invent a problem that (terminal, not condition or generality) could be to you" until flat. During this repair any havingness drop with "Look around here and tell me what your body could have". Repair preclear's havingness with blackness or invisibles or anything, using any method including body motivators to repair havingness. Now remedy it by having preclear mock up and pull in and by any method throw away mock-ups of anything. Now run "What body would you like to have?" When preclear says one, then by any means have him mock it up and thoroughly remedy havingness with it. Then ask him question again and with the answer remedy havingness with it. And so on, until preclear is exteriorized and stable. (Preclear exterior should pull in and throw away mock-ups from self not body.) Now run "orders" with good remedy of havingness. Now go to Level Two of SLP 7. AN ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLE It seems unnecessary to point out that one in managing a department or an operation must keep in mind a certain obvious principle. One finds fault with those persons or divisions which are not doing their job, which are not disseminating Scientology or producing income. One emphatically does not find fault with those persons, divisions or departments which are producing results, disseminating Scientology or producing income. It seems impossible that it is necessary to remind anyone of this principle. However, some people are so anxious to make nothing of things that they take only those things which are producing and try to make nothing of them. This principle is very overlooked in military forces for instance. Anyone during a war who tries to fight the enemy is liable to be castigated. Only those officers who do absolutely nothing are promoted. This is also pertinent to many governments and is certainly to be traced in history. Man is rather sold on this idea of ruining all production units. We find in studying the history of governments that those rulers who had been good for a country and who brought it into levels of prosperity have lasted the shortest periods of time. The longest reigns we discover are accomplished by those who ruin everything and anybody. This is one of the reasons man is in the state he is in. He follows the idea that he should ruin all producing units and should neglect all worthless or useless or non-active things. This is the essence of reactive action. A thetan unwilling to or actually unable to duplicate a somethingness tries to make nothing of everything as he counts upon the environment to fix his attention and himself does not fix it by choice; when he is in a very bad state a thetan then sees only those things which have mass and are in action and neglects those things which do not have mass and are not in action. LRH:-.jh L. RON HUBBARD Copyright $c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 359  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=7/2/56 Volnum=0 Issue=16 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  "SCIENTOLOGY U.S."    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 16 7 February 1956 "SCIENTOLOGY U.S." Here is a big idea and one which should go into operation right along with the world-wide dissemimation plan and as soon as possible in spite of the stationery bill. At once, if not yesterday, Washington should print up new letterheads for all operations simply as "SCIENTOLOGY U.S." or "SCIENTOLOGY UNITED STATES". This should be bannered across the top of the paper in large letters of a precise design; in two lines at the bottom of the page the name of the organization emanating the actual correspondence, the address of that organization, and the director of that organization should be printed. The organization name should be preceded by "in reply address". In other words, "SCIENTOLOGY UNITED STATES" is at the top of the page very bold, and in much lighter and smaller script at the bottom of the page one is invited to reply to the sender of the communication in his organization. On the left-hand side of the page in the vertical column to the left, and below SCIENTOLOGY UNITED STATES, in very small type we will then list every organization even vaguely connected with Scientology. The reason we are doing this is because I think people's attention is getting dispersed by the fact that we have so many organizations. I know that this confesses a connection amongst these organizations but the explanation is, and remember this in case anybody ever asks you, that these organizations are joined together as members of a society called SCIENTOLOGY UNITED STATES. Any number of organizations have a right to belong to any society. We do not then confuse these organizations but we put people's attention on Scientology United States which is of course located in Washington, D.C. We do not use Scientology Washington D.C. because one of these days we're going down to the Ozarks, as soon as we've got enough money to buy ourselves a big whopping piece of land, and therefore we are not going to attract people's attention by using Scientology Washington. By the way, we are in Washington to get ourselves sorted out to make sure that we get in good with the government and to get ourselves enough capital to reset ourselves up where we ought to be. We are not going to stay in Washington and wait for the hydrogen bombs but I figure we've got almost five years. After that SWISH -- ON. CHANGE IN PUBLICATIONS In accordance with earlier information concerning dissemination there will be a further slight shift in publications. The Operational Bulletins as they have been shipped out to staff have been a dress rehearsal for their appearance as PABs. Operational Bulletins will continue to be issued to staff but much reduced in size and material similar to Operational Bulletins will go out under the heading of PABs. In spite of the fact that this change will mean a considerable expense and will be a change in format since we are going to continue to mimeograph them, we are going to issue the Professional Auditors' Bulletins on a weekly basis unless I hear some loud squawks from some quarter. This means we will have to streamline our membership files, streamline our stuffing and get set in London, for even if I move on elsewhere, London will continue to address and furnish the envelopes for the Professional and Special members, although where I am the actual mimeographing and stuffing will be done. In view of the smallness of our list of professional and special members, it should be no real trick to use this issue of information on a weekly basis under the heading 360 Professional Auditors' Bulletins to get in new professional and special members and to secure all those who have fallen from grace. We will additionally airmail the PAB but because of its mass bulk we will have to recompute the cost of airmail privilege. It may be as high as $22.00 a year irrespective of dues. It may be that we will wish to overhaul or peg special and professional membership fees. Professionals have lately been reduced on renewal but I see no reason why special members should get any such privilege. It may be that a special member will now be more expensive than a professional member. The primary reason for this move is to re-establish communication amongst the field on a highly factual personalized basis and to bring up the skill of auditors and get them into action. Publications will then be: Professional Auditors' Bulletins issued weekly (unless I hear some squawks) appealing to professional and special members and going to them only, material not to be re-distributed and all issues to be copyrighted in the United States and in the United Kingdom; Ability Magazine, going out every two weeks to the interested people or subscribers and carrying in each issue the definition of a word and its considerable extension; and Certainty Magazine, going out to the general membership and the professional membership of Scientology everywhere. Ability Magazine will have to carry special mimeographed pages folded into it to give Washington bulletins, talking specifically about the Academy and Scientology in Washington. This material should be minimal but should personalize Ability in the United States. Certainty will have to broaden its advertisements to include activities in Scientology in the United States, to be more exact, the Washington Operation. Ability will go out to professional, special and general members and will be available in quantity to all auditors to hand out to their students and groups. I hope John Sanborn has already gotten going on some early edition of this type of Ability. I haven't heard a whisper from him about it. It is probably now in the mails. The effective date of the change from Operational Bulletins to Professional Auditors' Bulletins depends on the number of PABs all ready in advance and ready to mail. These, I think, are one or two issues. As soon as they are exhausted Operational Bulletins will become Professional Auditors' Bulletins and will go out broadly. HOME OFFICE HANGS FIRE I have been waiting for twenty days for word from the Home Office as to an extension of visa in Great Britain. A great many friends, some of them in higher places, are pitching in to straighten this out. The outcome of it depends upon them and the outcome of it says where I will be next. There are quite a few things to see to here in Great Britain organizationally but with the great capability of Jack Parkhouse, Dennis Stephens, Ann Walker and all my other good friends here I have few qualms about the London operation. It's been rebuilt from top to bottom in the last four months. SACRIFICES The latest news from the research front has to do with the fact that the GE demands and requires and has to have evidently sacrifices. The GE does not run on an overt act motivator sequence which makes one suspect he is not a thetan. A GE runs exclusively on being sacrificed to. If you have the preclear mock up sacrifices to the GE you will find these become very readily assimilated. On a lower level the body accepts motivators; as soon as it is through this motivator band it accepts sacrifices and finally comes up to a point where it will accept live bodies. When one considers that eating is entirely a matter of absorbing death one sees this death hunger in processing by running sacrifices. A person who has bad legs should have a sacrifice of legs run on him and so forth. This is astonishing material. It is almost unbelievable that the GE will not be sacrificed to anything but will only be sacrificed to, and this phenomenon that the GE is thereby demanding death tells us at once that the atomic bomb will be used 361 and that there are people in the world who will actually crave the sacrifice of cities and even nations. Aside from being a fantastically workable process more of which anon, this matter of sacrifices tells us at once a great deal about the future. There will be no moral restraint where the atomic bomb is concerned, for about the highest level in some areas of the world as to case is "operating GE". This tells us too why soldiers will go to war. This explains a great deal of conduct. The GE evidently operates on the postulate that as long as anything else is alive it can't live. However, it is becoming more and more doubtful that there is any more life in the body than the thetan puts there, and that the body is a single machine operating on some implanted postulates contained in the energy masses which are activated by the thetan somewhat on the order of the old pole theta trap. Many of these considerations can be changed around rather easily. Nothing changes them quite so fast as these sacrifice processes. This does not alter the ad interim SLP. It gives auditors a new tool with which to handle chronic somatics. DISSEMINATION PROGRAM Everybody should take every opportunity to get the dissemination program of the three ways to get preclears and groups and teach a basic course before the eyes of auditors everywhere. This one we've really got to pound home. Until we get auditors to collect large groups and until we get those auditors to train those groups in a basic course and make Scientologists rather than preclears, we are not going to get any place. Man needs to know Scientology more than he needs to absorb it into the GE. SSBS Everything is sweetness and light now between the operation and the business associates of the Silver Spring Business Service, which matter called for a considerable exchange of cables in the last few weeks. The SSBS is on the road to being incorporated as the Silver Spring Business Service Incorporated, Box 242, Silver Spring, Maryland. CLINICAL REPORTS UP Clinical test reports of the past week as a direct result of the application of the principles of remedy of havingness in Washington show an enormous gain. The only two auditors who did not show an adequate gain in their preclears were people who themselves have a great deal of trouble in havingness. There is a direct co-ordination between the results of an auditor and his ability to have. If his ability to have is low he makes nothing out of the preclear. These new test reports give us at once a confirmation of having put the finger on the roadblock with ail auditing in nominating remedy of havingness, lack of, as the villain. All auditors ought to remedy and repair all havingness. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:-.rd Copyright$c 1956 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 362  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 41 iDate=14/2/56 Volnum=0 Issue=17 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCESSING RESULTS    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. BAY 8881 OPERATIONAL BULLETIN NO. 17 14 February 1956 PROCESSING RESULTS After a three-months period of rather low gain in staff clinic intensives we are now witnessing again the tremendous upsurges in 25 and 75 hour preclears which we should expect from Scientology. The addition of the remedy of havingness and the use of the ad interim SLP with the other refinements developed in the last few months are heavily paying off in terms of better profiles. We are doing fabulous things with IQs and changed personality patterns. I would not know quite why it is but the London staff has been showing gains of about 400& greater than the Washington staff. Of course this has nothing to do with me being here and directly coaching. Actually poor Julia has had to take this stuff and shove it at her auditors without even the assistance of tapes in most cases, as these were being held up at the Washington Academy and not forwarded through. The Washington gains are of course adequate, but are coming through and rising even higher. It is very interesting that the first week that a Washington staff auditor used the ad interim SLP without change or variation for an entire intensive, he attained the greatest gain attained during that week by ail the Washington auditors. It just might somehow be that the old redhead knows what he is doing when he puts out a procedure. That ad interim SLP really works. GAMES PROCESSING KEYNOTES HPA-HCA COURSE The tapes being cut at this moment for the HPA-HCA course to bring them up to date and permit them to utilize the SLP Issue 8 which is in preparation place processing in the role of games. In other words, we have come back and have done an anatomy on games the like of which we have never had before. It is very fabulous how this material works. The reason this was done is because the anatomy and behavior of a problem in homo sapiens definitely indicates that he conceives himself to be engaged in a game even though the reaction is reactive. The first thing that emerged from this is that many auditors consider the preclear as an opposite player and try to give the preclear loses. Actually the auditor is a person who is assisting a teammate in order to gain able co- operation and team-work toward opponents in life. The preclear is not a player. That is why he is being audited. The auditor's auditing role is in the direction of building a team. The auditor's instructing role, which has with the new basic course become greatly increased, is in the direction of playing a much wider game than has ever before been played on this planet. The goal of Scientology is the rehabilitation of the game. The auditor can make a game better or make it possible for the pc to play a game. The pc is being audited because he is no longer able to take part in the game. Life is a game consisting of freedom and restrictions. Play is communication. Communication requires freedom and terminals. Life units as-is with thought. To think, there must be something to as-is. To grant life, there must be something to grant life to. A pc will become as free as he is reassured of the existence of barriers at that level. When a pc is not assured of (does not have reality on) barriers at a level he will not rise to that level. A thetan will carry to extremes making something and making nothing. Auditing is that process of bringing a balance between freedom and barriers. A game depends upon a restoration of freedom of choice on making something and making nothing. One can become obsessed with making nothing. He can become obsessed with making something. Both of these activities and the rehabilitation of the freedom of choice bring about a gain in 366 case. There can be too many or too few universes, but when an individual is stuck in a universe it is because he does not have enough universes. Therefore it is necessary to remedy his havingness of bodies. Remedying his havingness of bodies will clear away universes in which he is stuck by letting him have freedom of entrance into universes. Auditing is a game of exteriorization versus havingness. There is never too much of anything if the pc is bothered by it. He may say there is not enough of it but he usually says there is something bad about it. When he says there is something bad about it he means there is not enough of it. The pc loses his power to Postulate into existence and to unpostulate out of existence energy, masses, spaces and forms. GAMES PROCESSING Life is a game. Games are composed of freedom, problems, and havingness, awareness and interest. Each of these elements contains "mood of game" (the tone scale), penalties, and the cycle of action. Auditing improves the level of game of the preclear. Auditing is not a game between auditor and preclear on an opposing basis but on a team basis. The auditor and, eventually, the preclear are engaged upon a game, themselves versus the opponents to survival in life. The preclear is usually close to a no-game condition. This is reached by a preponderance of win (no-game) or a preponderance of lose (no-game). A frozen mood of game or no-mood is reached by assuming that interest can exist on only one emotional level (whereas interest can exist on any emotional tone level), or by misusing the mood of one game in others concurrently played. A game is any state of beingness wherein exist awareness, problems, havingness and freedom (separateness) each in some degree. A game is rehabilitated or a no-game condition eradicated in processing by handling the elements of games and their subdivision, with reality, with the intention of bettering the game ability of the preclear. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS We are under the immediate crush of getting into action as fast as possible and yesterday we hope one of the largest membership drives ever acted upon. You will see the adequate reason for this as soon as more material is released on world-wide dissemination. The fact of the matter is a membership establishes the size of an organization to officialdom. Therefore we have to have members by the ton. The associate membership should be made available as soon as the prepared package is assembled. It is easy for Washington to assemble this for Washington already has pins. London simply will have to get a shoulder back of the stamp works and give them a hard shove, because this program cannot wait. I repeat, it cannot wait. The elements of the associate membership are these: In England it costs 5 shillings; in America, $1.00. The associate membership card is folded in such a way as to contain certain vital information, such as the Code of Honor, the addresses and course books of the organization as well as the member's name. The pin used is the Scientology double triangle gold pin. It is the one with the upright S and the two triangles back of the S. The way we put this together we print a membership application form giving the person's name and address, his group name, his nearest professional auditor's name, and we use the type of postcard which requires no stamp. The gold pin is put through the blank postal card. This postal card addressed to the central organization is then the card actually which carries the pin. We sell to 367 professional auditors or people with groups any number of these pin-to-the- card items. We sell them for cash and very nearly at cost. In other words, a professional auditor or person in charge of a group could simply pick up a large box of these pins and cards which are already assembled and paying a flat fee, which actually merely covers the cost of the pin, walk off with them. Now this person in his group sells the pin in card combination for cash to his group members or other persons. These by the instructions on the card write in their name and address, name of the group and auditor's name and send this card, retaining the pin for themselves, to the central organization, the address already stamped on the card. The central organization, the HASUK in London and the Founding Church in Washington, D.C., then issues without further charge or cost the membership card to this person and adds his stencil to the membership rolls. The organization of course will find that this operation costs it initially money, but the interest, the books bought, and the fact that these people out there actually now consider themselves members of the organization, will increase the revenue of the central organization to absorb this additional cost. The auditor in the case of selling the card of course does no further bookkeeping. He has paid the Founding Church or the HASUK in London the exact cash for the pin and card and when he sells it he sells it for full associate membership fee and he puts the fee in his pocket 100%. It is then very much to his interest to sell this pin and card. In the first place he himself could not have a pin made for the amount of money which he is paying for it and it is doubtful if his group would expend money simply for a pin and the group membership. We place no restrictions of any kind on people buying these pins, beyond assuring ourselves that they will be sold by the person to other people. You will find these pins and memberships selling faster in the general public than you would think for we will certainly begin to alert the general public very soon on our world-wide dissemination program, for we have some angles I haven't given you yet which literally make the A-bomb look like a wet firecracker. It is the responsibility of all persons on these communication lines to make sure that these pins, cards and dissemination on the associate membership level are taken care of thoroughly and swiftly. We can drag our heels around here till summer on this associate membership program. People will act out in manufacturing firms if you start pounding and hammering at them and they can produce these things in a very short space of time. We are losing money, losing membership, and losing ground every instant this associate membership program is not out there. Organizations have already flddle-faddled with this program for four and a half months. It cannot go any further on a delay basis. It must be gotten out. BASIC COURSE FOR AUDITORS As you know, auditors can teach a basic course to groups under the following conditions: 1. That the auditor is a professional auditor; 2. That as a professional auditor he is in good standing and a professional member of Scientology organizations in London or Washington; 3. That he procures and uses for text the basic course manuals and materials prescribed by the central organizations; 4. That he carries out his course in an orderly fashion, gives an examination at course end, and forwards the examination papers so given to the central organization. The materials of this basic course are as follows: The 8 Dynamics; the Axioms which appeared in the cover of Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, the ARC Triangle, the Tone Scale, the Chart of Attitudes, the use of these materials in social concourse, a general understanding of the goals of Scientology, and a few minor assist techniques. It is no intention of this course to make a thorough professional auditor. The entire intention of the course is to indoctrinate people with the rationale of Scientology. The basic course will probably be charged for at the rate of 3 to 5 guineas by 368 auditors in the U.K. and at the rate of about $25.00 in the U.S. It should be continued over a period of about 3 months of two or three times a week classes. Auditors are pleaded with not to go on group processing people. Group processing people results in better individuals but not better individuals for Scientology. People do not have enough understanding of what Scientology is all about in order to actually benefit from the processing they have received. It is not enough to make people feel better. What we're trying to do is to reach out into the public. These people actually need and can use the basic materials of Scientology and we are denying them the richest benefit of Scientology in letting them go adrift merely feeling better without any real further understanding of life for they simply relapse. This is an actual fact. It is necessary then that we teach everybody everywhere a basic course. Once more the organization itself makes nothing financial out of the basic course. When the auditor buys his basic course manual an examination paper is enclosed in it for the student to be given at the end of the basic course he will receive. This examination paper is held back by the auditor and when the student is given the examination by the auditor, the auditor or the student at their election may forward this examination paper through to the central organization. The central organization then prepares a basic course certificate for that individual. It is not even required that a person being issued a basic course certificate have any more than an associate membership. It is required, however, that he does have an associate membership. The certificate itself costs him nothing, is a very official looking document, and lends the seal of approval to the course the auditor has taught. Auditors are being asked to use one of the three dissemination programs to get a large group assembled and to teach that group the basic course. We will have these basic course manuals in the very near future but an auditor need not wait on having a basic course manual to recruit and start his course. In other words, auditors should collect groups in order to teach them courses. He will find this is far more beneficial and that these group members will stay by him and continue to push into the society alongside of him. At present simply collecting people and processing them is not enough. It is not doing enough good for the individual in any except his own case. We are making people better without giving them the tools to live better. Therefore they are made far better in the group processing, are cured of this and that and then go out as human beings with no more knowledge than they had before. We are then doing a tremendous amount of work from which we are gaining nothing. It is absolutely necessary that auditors collect groups and get basic courses going. It is up to people in the Scientology organizations and groups everywhere to start this program at once. I do mean at once. And just in case somebody didn't hear me this is the real number one crush. This and the associate membership program go hand in hand. We have got to get over this hump so that we can get onto our next steps. We need 5000 auditors by summer. If we don't have 5000 basic course people finished in training we won't be anywhere. It is better to have basic course people than no auditors at all and this is our substitute program and we've got to get it under way. Organizations should not stint in their pressure on this; shortsightedly it may appear that the central organization does not benefit at all from this basic course program. Actually people who have not had a basic course don't take central organization professional training. Now I am doing my part for this. I am rushing out this basic course manual as fast as possible, and it will be in our hands very, very soon, but we have to get auditors oriented and our publications and letters about teaching this basic course. We have to do it right away. Our main lines of dissemination are bogging because we are not doing enough to profit the individual auditor. We must be able to put into his hands at least the income from associate members and from basic course training. If we do this these people will 369 get enough individual auditing from him to make him affluent enough to keep pushing the ball. We are not doing enough for the individual auditor. We've got to do more for him. He will not support the central organization because there is no immediate profit in it for him. With the basic course and with the associate membership there is instantly profit in it for him. Therefore we've really got to reverse the attitude of the field and collect those members and get people indoctrinated everywhere or our next program right up the line is going to fall flat on its face. We mustn't waste any time on this. No matter what else looks important let's get these auditors on the ball. DUBLIN OFFICE BEING CREATED While three lords and the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons petition the Home Secretary to permit me to stay in England for yet a while, we are nevertheless going ahead with the establishment of an office in Dublin, Eire. This office is located at 69 Merrion Square. It is not at this moment but will be within ten days a mail address. This office is the swankiest address in Dublin. The Park Avenue, the Harley Street of Dublin is Merrion Square. This is where all the medical boys hang out. The Dublin Office is a huge central room which holds about 70 people and four smaller offices surrounding it. The total cost of this is #4.10.0 per week. This is our fall- back point in case of atomic attack and will be completely equipped for dissemination of publications and will be known as the HASUK Atomic Energy Healing Division Emergency Station, Dublin, Eire. This is one small toe-hold up on the ladder toward our next step in dissemination. Right here as I stand we've got the problem of radiation whipped so you see where we're going, so let's go. We've got our auditor profiles rising steadily. We can put our own people back on their own feet. We can actually practically tailor make good executives. We have never since I have gotten us out of this last auditing slump got better results. We can prove what we're doing and predict what we're doing, and now we've got our hands on the monopoly of radiation healing throughout the world and we certainly had better make the best of it. We are going to go big-time simply because we are over the humps of research and are ready to smash through all barriers. WHAT PRICE PRACTICES In the standard medical dictionary there is no definition for "mind". A nice legal point for legal use. In psychology there is no definition for "psyche". Good Books: Clara Thompson's Psychoanalysis: Evolution and Development. Aldous Huxley: The Door of Perception, and The Genius and the Goddess. LRH:rd Copyright$c 1956 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 370  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=21/2/56 Volnum=0 Issue=72 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CHANGES FOR THE PABs    P.A.B. No. 72 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Vis Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 21 February 1956 CHANGES FOR THE PABs With this, the 72nd PAB, we enter a new format and step up its production to double that which it has been. From now on you will be receiving your PABs weekly instead of every two weeks. I have gained a great deal of important data during recent weeks and I will be sending this out to you every seven days. There will also be more organizational information in future PABs than there has been in the past and this will keep you informed of the activities of your associations. THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVINGNESS A careful study of staff auditors' reports reveals that the only advances worthy of the name of Scientology occur when the auditor repairs or remedies havingness on the preclear. Without the repair and remedy of havingness no real gains become apparent. A preclear will not progress when his havingness is impaired. What are the symptoms of loss of havingness? Running any as-ising techniques the preclear may become anaten, or he may become slightly nervous or agitated, or want a cigarette, or seem to break out of the session in some fashion. In either case, he is "down on havingness." In other words he has burned up, used up, or as-ised, too much of his physical body energy in the auditing itself. In view of the fact that every subjective technique puts a sort of hole in the middle of the electronic mass surrounding a preclear, parts of that mass then begin to cave in on the preclear. Thus running an as- ising technique on a preclear beyond the ability of the preclear to sustain the consequent loss of havingness will bring on in the preclear many new engrams which he did not have before, and a technique which as-ises energy, if used without a repair or remedy of havingness, will bring about a worsening of the case of a preclear. Now exactly what is happening is very simple. A preclear starts to go anaten and the auditor keeps on running the process. He hasn't realized that he ought to interrupt a process at any time if the preclear demonstrates a loss of havingness. Anaten is such a demonstration of loss of havingness. All right, another example: the preclear becomes agitated or upset; he reaches for a cigarette; he begins to twitch; his foot begins to wobble; he begins to talk excitedly; he begins to cough while being audited. All of these things demonstrate a loss of havingness. These same conditions, by the way, can result from the preclear believing that the auditor has broken the Auditor's Code in some fashion or has overcome his power of choice. Both a repair and a remedy of havingness are immediately indicated on the observation of anaten or agitation on the part of the preclear. And in addition the auditor should carefully go over the session itself to find out, if anywhere, the preclear believed his power of choice was being overcome, or if the preclear believed the Auditor's Code had been broken. You understand that the auditor didn't necessarily have to overcome the preclear's power of choice or break the Auditor's Code in order that the preclear should believe that this 371 has happened. However, this could be overlooked entirely if the auditor had been careful enough to repair or remedy the havingness of the preclear. The slightest drop of alertness on the part of the preclear, or the slightest agitation or somatic on the part of the preclear, should immediately indicate to the auditor that havingness has dropped and must be immediately repaired or remedied. A great deal of time can be spent on the subject of repair and remedy of havingness, and it is very beneficial time spent. It is better to "waste" time spent repairing and remedying havingness than to blunder on through. Now there is another thing I have noticed with regard to this. Auditors are running these days toward cognition. Very well, if they expect a preclear to cognite they should not expect him to pull in a bank upon himself. If an auditor runs a very obvious process which should bring the preclear toward cognition, and if he runs it several auditing commands and then stops and repairs and remedies the preclear's havingness, and then after that asks him the same auditing question two more times, he will discover that he has blown a cognition into view. In other words you could remedy the havingness of a preclear while his mind was on one particular subject and bring a cognition into existence. This becomes particularly important today; since a few months ago I discovered that you could remedy the havingness of anybody, and I mean just that!! You can remedy anybody's havingness and you can turn on mock-ups on anybody. The fact that the preclear who has a black field can be caused to mock up blacknesses or invisibilities and shove them into his body brings us into an era of being able to make anybody turn on mock-ups. Getting the preclear to postulate that the mocked up blackness is bad for the body will cause that blackness to snap into the body. By getting the preclear to postulate that the invisible mass he has mocked up is bad for the body it will snap into the body. Of course, after this has been done a few times, the consideration of the preclear will change. Then perhaps the blackness or invisibility will only snap in when the preclear postulates that it is good for the body. He may also have a residue left. It is very important to get rid of these repair and remedy of havingness residues. By various postulates, such as that the residue is a threat to the body, it is good for the body, it is bad for the body, the residue too will snap in. Let's differentiate at once here the difference between a repair of havingness and a remedy of havingness. We used to call repair of havingness "giving him some havingness." It needs a better technical term. Therefore let us call this "Repair of Havingness." It means having the preclear mock up anything he can mock up, and in any way it can be done get him to shove (never pull) that mock-up into the body, and by similar means to get rid of the residue which went along with the mock-up. That is a repair of havingness. It is a one-way flow; it is an inflow. Now a remedy of havingness is getting him to mock up and shove into the body enough masses to bring him to a point where he can eventually throw one away. In other words repair of havingness is simply having him mock up things and having him shove them into the body, and a remedy of havingness is having him mock up and shove in and throw away the same type of mock-up. Remedy of havingness is always a superior operation to a repair of havingness. Repair of havingness is a very crude stop-gap, but can be used any time. However, a preclear who is working well, and on whom havingness can be remedied, should at all times have his havingness remedied, not repaired. In other words any type of mock-up should be both shoved into the body and mocked up and thrown away, and this should be done in considerable quantity until the preclear is quite relaxed about that particular type of mock-up. One does this, remember, every time the attention of the preclear drops, or he becomes agitated. There is one other little point connected with this which is quite important, and that is, auditors very often audit a preclear into an area of time when the preclear 372 exteriorized. This, on a preclear who does not exteriorize easily, brings on a considerable grief and sadness. The way to get rid of this is, of course, to remedy the preclear's havingness or only repair it, and to ask the preclear to recall times when he was not exteriorized. This will bring up at once times when he did exteriorize and where fear of exteriorization was built up considerably. I have noticed another special condition regarding this exteriorization phenomena which is quite important. A preclear will occasionally repair and remedy havingness up to a point where the body disappears for him. He doesn't quite know where to put the mass he has mocked up since he cannot find the body. This is particularly true of preclears who have a very low threshold on havingness. An auditor would be stupid indeed to simply plow along beyond that point where the preclear has already said that he couldn't find any body to push any havingness into. The moment the preclear does that the auditor should suspect that the preclear has gotten into an exteriorization type incident. It is not, however, necessary that he immediately flounder around and try to find this incident, as recommended in the paragraphs just above; he can also repair and remedy havingness in this fashion, and it is very important to know this. Although it is disastrous for a preclear to be asked "What could your body have?", since he will simply strip the bank of various old facsimiles, it is a very, very good repair of havingness to ask a preclear "What is there around this room (area) which your body could have?" and then have him pick out specific objects in the environment which he says the body could have. If he does this he will come up the gradient scale of havingness, and his havingness will be repaired immediately or directly on the Sixth Dynamic. With a preclear who cannot get mock-ups and where the auditor has either been too clumsy to get the preclear's mock-ups turned on or it really was impossible, more or less, the preclear's havingness can be repaired by having him do this process; so this is a very, very important process, and one that ought to go down in red letters. This whole subject of repair and remedy of havingness and its effect upon auditing, and the fact that it has not been stressed at all in training, being up there at Level Six in the old Basic Processes, brings us to SLP Issue 8. The entirety of Level One in SLP 8 will be devoted to the repair and remedy of havingness. In SLP Issue 7 we have a great many phenomena associated with the remedy of the body's havingness. The reason for their position is to bring about an adjustment of the condition of the body before one goes on to other and more complicated ways of processing. Now, in Issue 8, all of these various things will be retained, but they will be paralleled with a complete remedy of havingness and that particular level of SLP will be gone over. In actual experience it is better to remedy the havingness of a preclear, no matter where he is on the tone scale, and no matter by what process, than to run any significant process. Further, if a preclear cannot at least repair his havingness, to run Waterloo Station is to invite disaster, because in this particular process of Level Two he is liable to get himself into a "down havingness" situation and of course will not be able to not-know anything. He may be chewing up too much energy while trying to not-know. Thus we would have the failures which have occasionally occurred in Waterloo Station. They were simply havingness failures, not a failure of Waterloo Station. Further there has been a new command suggested for Waterloo Station: "What would you be willing to not-know about that person?" This seems to be a better command, at least for the British Isles. We also take care of the vacuums and separatenesses and everything else with repair or remedy of havingness and running it in with certain other things, such as problems, etc. When we discover by two-way communication a weak universe, we could then ask the individual preclear, "Invent a problem that person (weak universe) could be to you." Then, watching him very carefully, and repairing his havingness on 373 the subject of that person's possessions, get a very rapid separation of universes. I have noticed that the weak universe first began when the person elected by the preclear to be a weak universe first began to put MEST anchor points around the preclear. In other words, valuable presents. I am as pleased as can be to get a finger on this point and I know doggone well that if East, West, North and South will begin to repair and remedy havingness and stop specializing in significances without repair or remedy of havingness, we are going to start shooting people up to the top of these psychometric graphs. We can't help it. Let me call your attention specifically to the old phenomena of the emotional scale and the engram. We found out that when one engram was keyed in, it fixed the emotional tone of the individual. Then we had him run this and as he converted the engram to usable havingness, we found that his tone rose. We discover on these psychometric charts that the "unhappy" section does not move if we don't change the mass of the preclear. SACRIFICES The latest news from the research front has to do with the fact that the GE demands and requires and has to have, evidently, sacrifices. The GE does not run on an overt act-motivator sequence, which makes one suspect he is not a thetan. A GE runs exclusively on being sacrificed to. If you have the preclear mock up sacrifices to the GE, you will find these become very readily assimilated. On a lower level the body accepts motivators; as soon as it is through this motivator band, it accepts sacrifices and finally comes up to a point where it will accept live bodies. When one considers that eating is entirely a matter of absorbing death, one sees this death hunger in processing by running Sacrifices. A person who had bad legs should have a sacrifice of legs run on him and so forth. This is astonishing material. It is almost unbelievable that the GE will not be sacrificed to anything, but will only be sacrificed to, and this phenomenon that the GE is thereby demanding death tells us at once that the atomic bomb will be used and that there are people in the world who will actually crave this sacrifice of cities and even nations. Aside from being a fantastically workable process, more of which anon, this matter of sacrifices tells us at once a great deal about the future. There will be no moral restraint where the atomic bomb is concerned, for about the highest level in some areas of the world, as to case, is "operating GE." This tells us too why soldiers will go to war. This explains a great deal of conduct. The GE evidently operates on the postulate that as long as anything else is alive it can't live. However, it is becoming more and more doubtful that there is any more life in the body than the thetan puts there, and that the body is a single machine operating on some implanted postulates contained in the energy masses which are activated by the thetan somewhat on the order of the old "pole" theta trap. Many of these considerations can be changed around rather easily. Nothing changes them quite so fast as these sacrifice processes. In mocking up sacrifices the auditor should use all the skills of creative processing and ensure that the preclear is actually mocking up and is not dragging in old facsimiles from the bank and restimulating genetic line incidents. This can be obviated by having the persons in the mock-ups dressed in modern clothing; mocking up the incident as happening tomorrow; altering the mock-up in some manner, such as turning the face green or something of this nature. Any reasonable way in which you can ensure that you are dealing with mock-ups and not past track facsimiles. This gives auditors another tool with which to handle chronic somatics. 374 CHRONIC SOMATICS There is another process which has a great deal of workability with chronic somatics. I know that some months ago and earlier than that it seemed rather fatal to us to continue to fixate the preclear's attention on the chronic somatic. But that is not a problem with us right now. It ceased to be a problem the moment I invented an auditing command exactly as follows: "Invent a problem that _____ (leg, arm, nose, eye, body) could be to you." Running this command which is in itself a sort of remedy of havingness, and repairing and remedying the havingness of the preclear as we go, we will discover that practically any and all phenomena associated with the service facsimile will come away and clear up, and the limb, nose or eye will get well. This can be used as a word of warning: ONLY ON ACTUAL TERMINALS. Never use this command, and I mean NEVER, on actual conditions. Never ask him to invent problems lameness could be to him. Never ask him what problem blindness could be to him. Lameness and blindness are conditions. We want to know what problems legs or eyes can be to him, since legs and eyes are terminals. In running this command we reduce havingness too rapidly whenever we are stressing conditions. Therefore we run it only on terminals. In running it use only terminals. Handled in this way we do have the answer as of this moment, to chronic somatics. With these processes in SLP and the adequate repair and remedy of havingness we can push our preclears right up through the top. Let's get to work. L. RON HUBBARD [This PAB was reissued as HCO B 8 May 1972, same title.] 375  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=6/3/56 Volnum=0 Issue=74 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  OFFICE IN IRELAND    P.A.B. No. 74 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 6 March 1956 OFFICE IN IRELAND Well, hello there. How do you like your PABs coming to you once a week? What really happened was that I felt that I was getting out of communication with people, and as I was getting out information under a heading called Operational Bulletins it seemed to me to be a good idea to use these as PABs. If you remember many years ago when the PABs started they were dedicated to setting up auditors and making them a healthy and respected class of professionals, and so with Issue 72 we immediately and abruptly resume this intention through this particular medium. In other words the PABs were dedicated to this in the first place and they go on now doing their best for the auditor. When the Queen asked me to tip my cap and leave England as an insidious and Communist influence intensely disrupting the very best plans of the Home Secretary, I might have gone straight back to America. However, the Founding Church of Scientology in Washington, D.C. has never been in better shape. With His Nibs as Executive Administrator the situation is under good control. With Ken Barrett running the best academy classes that have been seen in the past year and Julia Lewis doing a bang-up job at the Clinic, with John Sanborn teaching indoctrination, and Dick Steves rolling an HCA class in good shape and keeping the Washington politicos at bay, and with Don Breeding getting an intensive, things could never be better. I have a habit of turning up where I am needed or turning up data when it is needed, and as England is not yet in perfect shape there at Notting Hill Gate and as enough British brass has interceded on my behalf to permit me on occasion to pop into London, it seemed to me that I had better spend my time setting up an emergency station for Scientology in a country that wasn't likely to get atom bombed. So here I am in Dublin, Eire, ten days and one completed office in operation deep. The Irish spring shows signs of being late and we were freezing lately with the rest of you, even though we have a pretty and snug home here in the outskirts of Dublin in a fashionable suburb. Susie and the three kiddies are well and happy and the kids after being cooped up in a London apartment most of the winter are staggered and stunned at a huge yard to play in and are exuberant and boisterous along with the Irish wind. Downtown in the most fashionable square and professional address in Dublin we now have two large suites of offices. The address is 69 Merrion Square, South. Just across from one suite and just next door to the other is the American Embassy. In ten days, with the assistance of Bernie Green, we took an old spacious set of offices and painted them, laid in new linoleum, bought the 101 small items necessary to running things and exactly seven days from my landing had a going concern. We have two pretty Irish girls 376 and a smart Irish office boy, and that lovely Canadian, Margaret Tousaw, and the ubiquitous Dr. Green. During part of last week, Mike Walker, the English shipping department, was over here helping out, and what with American, Irish, Canadian, English and Texan, we are quite international. Eleven days from my landing we have somewhere between fifty and a hundred and fifty applicants for a course, practically none of the applicants having previously heard of Scientology. All this sounds too fast and exaggerated but it is factually and precisely true. What I am trying to do is this. I am trying to pilot a project in an area not previously noted for Scientology interests which can serve as a model for an auditor in any area of the world just to see how it is done and to pick up pointers. As Ireland has only 3,500,000 people in the total nation you can see that I am working in a relatively small population area which is at the same time noted for its poverty. I am of course taking advantage of the peculiar features of the place, such as the fact that the major export of Ireland is people, and am making all the shots count. However, we have a hurricane of activity going here without previous preparation. I am having to write all the little brochures, enrollment cards, descriptions and et ceteras which are handed out and I am packaging all the course materials and slants of the subject, and all this material is being shaped up so that it can be packaged not only for the public in Ireland, but for the use of auditors elsewhere. Accordingly, as soon as I am satisfied with this material and have the envelopes printed, I shall send one package of it, one of each piece, to every auditor in Scientology. If the weather is cold the Irish heart is warm. The country and the people could not be improved upon. Unlike Communist-infiltrated England, where Russia has been active with anti-American propaganda in order to rob the crown of its only powerful ally to ready a later banquet for the Russian bear, Ireland is enthusiastically pro-American. Lacking things to fight, the Irishman has been shooting up Communism quite enthusiastically and so we don't even find the medical profession here antipathetic to Scientology. It's all good roads and good weather. Probably the greatest oddity of the Irish adventure is that aside from one year's office rent, some transportation and shipping expenses, and a small loan from London, the entirety of the operation will be supported by Mary Sue's and my salary from the Founding Church in Washington. As these two salaries amount to slightly less than $200 a week you can see that the Irish operation is not big in terms of staff or offices. However, pay is very low in this area and rent is quite cheap. We can then support this activity for some time but strangely enough, without actually paying any of our bills yet aside from office rent and a couple of other items, we have income in sight adequate to take care of the activity. It does the old heart good to see people swinging in toward Scientology at this rate. I could always get an operation started and get things wheeling, but we have made so much progress in technology and know-how in the past few years and since I last had to start anything from scratch, that I had not realized the pulling power of Scientology itself. I could be very mean at this point and say that if we have within eleven days of my landing a hundred and fifty people lined up for a course who have never before heard of Scientology, that somebody somewhere in some group or another has been loafing like hell. I might also say that the bulk of the calluses collected in the field must be on a private portion of people's anatomies, not on their palms and thumbs, for this operation has not in any way depended upon my own identity and reputation. It is Scientology itself and what it can do that is creating the stir. Ireland being somewhat out of the way has not heard my name. Furthermore, no public lecture has been given in order to attract people in and no other mechanism or device has been used that would be peculiarly mine, except perhaps the ability to know how to do things and to make words work effectively, so I am sitting here at this 377 moment wondering why there aren't eight to ten thousand member groups under the charge and control of every auditor, since there would certainly be a fifty thousand member group directly under the Dublin office within five months if I continue the experiment in earnest. Perhaps the main difference here is complete security on my own behalf as far as Scientology information and capability is concerned and the fact I will freely admit that our auditors all too often lack initial financing capital. The Dublin operation duplicated in any large city would cost about $800.00 done up well, the $800 including the living expenses of the auditor and his while he got going. However, $800.00 is not very many preclears, so it seems to me that an auditor could have immediately gotten some preclears and done some auditing -- until he had $800 or $1000 and then could have launched into a wider operation on this pattern, or he might have talked his friends out of an investment in his venture. This, I say, with perhaps a superiority of know-how and ideas, would be the chief difference in starting up the Dublin operation and somebody starting an operation say in Chicago. Well I could say all these things and it would be very mean of me so I won't say them. I will simply go on shaping this mock-up up until I have gained as much know-how out of it as possible and will let you have a blow-by-blow account of how it happened. What you should know first is that the Irish adventure is your adventure being conducted on your behalf to help you square away Scientology in your area and put you on easy street, and what is more important to the rest of us, to put mankind in a position of self-defense for the first time on a planet confronted with atomic fission. THE ATOMIC FIZZLE Wouldn't it be very funny if the moguls and high mucky-mucks of the higher insane wards of government were to have their favorite threat -- atomic fission -- turn into an atomic fizzle. This would be the joke of this or any other century. Because we're all professionals here, well schooled in Scientology, let me talk a little bit about past track. This is not the first time that a planet has been threatened by the development of atomic technologies. It is on the past track many places and times that planets have been scorched and made uninhabitable to all forms of life. This tells us as we read our E-Meter that life is capable of abandoning a planet and going to another planet, setting up the painful process of making lichens and moss to make soil out of the stones and building a gradient scale on up to moving beings. Atomic energy has always been a tragedy. Atomic radiation burns savagely and furiously, and life so burnt in this age and time then is incapable of procreating. In other words, an atomic burn hits mainly at the second dynamic. The reason it does is the number of times planets have been wiped out in the past. When atomic radiation came all procreation became pointless. The genetic line was over-ended and done. There was no use making new cells or new babies. There was no future into which they could go. Thus the appearance of radioactivity tends to aberrate the second dynamic. Its actual use brings about a total apathy on procreation. Radiation first and foremost when it burns is effective simply because the hemoglobin no longer makes new cells and so a person dies of acute anemia. The blood cells are, it is true, the most cowardly of all the body cells. Blood cells lake into the center of the body in a moment of fear or terror. They give up quickest when struck by atomic radiation. I have been conducting a series of experiments, one of them almost fatal to myself, on the auditing of radiation burns. I have found that we can make an enormous effect upon radiation burns and can cure them in a milder form. That means we are the only agency, the only people on the face of Earth who can cure the effect of atomic radiation. I expect to make further progress in this direction and the whole answer is not yet gained, for the whole answer would be to actually proof a body against radiation itself. 378 It is rather foolish to believe that a flash of light which actually goes through and is not stopped by ten feet of concrete can yet do things of hideous magnitude to a body. That is all that alpha and gamma and the rest are- -a flash of light. There must then be some cooperation on the part of the body to stop the flash which is not present in concrete. True, a newspaper held before the body interposed between it and an atomic flash can keep the body from being severely burned, but remember the actual destructive rays do actually go on through the newspaper and unless stopped by the body itself would go on through the body. On such reasoning I began to experiment to discover what the body was doing in connection with atomic radiation and discovered that it was actually stopping it. I found out further the procreative aspect of atomic radiation came about because atomic radiation on the early track was used as a punishment mechanism. At first it appeared that atomic radiation was the basis of the second dynamic and its various wavelengths, but this is not true. They were so identified because radiation was used in second dynamic punishments and activities. Radiation is the only thing capable of reaching into the mock-up strata of a thetan and on this high wavelength knocking apart his bank. There are many black fives around whose black screens are actually radiation hunger. On the basis that the only havingness difficulty is under the heading of "not enough" I caused atomic radiation to be wasted (until the thetan could accept it). The difficulty was trying to operate with radiative mock-ups in the vicinity of bodies. Evidently the thetan has to change his mind very thoroughly before the body can be coaxed into letting radiation pass by. The body is apparently anxious for radiation punishment, since it then no longer has to continue a genetic line. The problem on which I am working is the actual proofing of a body against damage from bomb flash. That is between us auditors. To publication, however, it is actually factual that we are the only people who can do anything to alleviate or cure atomic fission. No serums or other mechanisms have proven effective. The most effective means of cleaning up radiation or radioactive dust in an area is the common water hose. That is the high tide of anti-radiational research. In Scientology, using standard procedures and including in them an address to radioactive masses, we can cure by remedying havingness with it radiation burns. Indeed, it requires a very skilled piece of auditing with a great deal of havingness remedy, but we can do it. Now I want you, and by that you I mean you, not a general editorial "you," to send me at once any article in whatever publication or any book or pamphlet of whatever simple or complex nature you have, know about and can get, to me here at the Scientology Emergency Station, address "Scientology, 69 Merrion Square S., Dublin, Ireland." Please send me as well any horror material you have. I do not even have a copy of John Hersey's book on Hiroshima or any newspaper accounts on it. You can help by taking upon yourself personally the responsibility of being the only person who is going to send me any material here. As Ireland is well removed from any such threat, the material extant at this point is very poor. I need this material in order to draw upon it for a book. This book will be called "Atomic Burns, Their Danger, Cure and Prevention," and it will be, we hope, in all the major book stores of the world and will be, I assure you, translated into the various languages. You see, the most frightening aspect of atomic radiation is that it is the very most basic ingredient in insanity, and people close to it, handling it or restimulated by it can be no better than totally insane. You see the threat we are up against? Now it may well be that the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission outlawed psychiatrists from its ranks and precincts simply because these, who do at least know insanity when they see it, might have been urging institutionalization of every leading atomic scientist on grounds of paranoia, megalomania, and other psychotic symptoms. My own experience with these 379 people would confirm it. The atomic scientist in the world today on grounds of security is removed from any skilled mental observation of any kind whatsoever. Nobody knows whether they are sane or not. Researches demonstrate that the stuff they are handling would bring about insanity in them in very short order. A light look at the subject demonstrates that they have a craving for the destruction of all life. They are totally careless and conscienceless when questioned on the subject of destruction of men, women and children in cities. They are equally conscienceless concerning the injury of their fellow workers. A symptom of this insanity visible to us every month or so from Enid, Oklahoma, is a man who was, for a long while, closely connected with atomic energy, and who between attacks on Scientology has horrible writhings concerning his own sanity and alternates attacks upon his auditor with grovelling begging to be relieved of the awfulness of his life. Nothing could be done for this man previously in Scientology, as no research had been done on the peculiar aberration from which he was suffering -- overdoses of radiation received while an observer at Eniwetok. The screens which covered his vision were radiation hungry. No one auditing him connected his past experience with atomic energy and his case, since it was not known that there was any relationship. So we have had at least one case in our own midst demonstrating various types of insanity simply by reason of having been connected with atomic energy earlier in his career. There may be others. We know now that these surrender as cases if by auditing they are brought to create and destroy radiative masses in mock-ups. It is, however, a very dangerous piece of auditing and must be done very gently. You may, by the way, have wondered why I never really attacked this particular vilifier in Oklahoma. It was only that I was aware of the fact that his case was unsolvable and that Scientology had indeed failed him, and because I felt sorry for him. I am not the sort of a fellow to kick a dog when he is down and I knew what desperate shape that person was in. I am rather relieved now to know exactly what was wrong in his case, and sometime or other an auditor can be sent down there. But if we have been caused lies and upsets in our own ranks by the side effects of atomic radiation, then imagine what it would do when close up against a government which is being advised on atomic matters by persons who have long since passed the sanity point. Therefore it looks like thee and me have some work to do. Fortunately Scientology is already well entrenched in many atomic energy areas and many atomic scientist connections know of it and the materials which are developed concerning radiation cure can of course be applied to this particular problem with considerable benefit. Well all entheta aside, please get that material to me fast. IMMEDIATE CASH FOR AUDITORS Associate memberships are now available for sale by auditors to their groups. The associate member is a member without time limit of Scientology. An associate member does not receive publications but does receive a pin and membership card. An associate membership costs five shillings in the United Kingdom and areas under the London office, and one dollar in the United States. The auditor can purchase from the organization the pin and application form already assembled in lots of 25 with brooch backs or button backs for two shillings and sixpence in the U.K. and its areas, or fifty cents in the U.S. The auditor sends in to the U.K. #3.2.6 to Scientology, 69 Merrion Square S., Dublin, Eire. He will receive in return 13 button-back and 12 brooch-back pins 380 mounted on application cards. An auditor in the U.S. can send $12.50 to Scientology, Washington, or for quicker delivery at this stage to me in Dublin, Eire, and he will receive the same lot. The auditor then sells these associate memberships to anyone, but we hope to people who are taking or have taken a basic course. He keeps the totality of his receipts. The person to whom he sells the pin and card fills in the application form addressed to the organization provided with the card and has returned to him at once his membership card. The total clerical work on the part of the auditor is sending the order here, receiving and directly selling the card. The associate member newly made by the action is the one who sends in his application. This makes for minimal bookkeeping. The pin is the lovely little S-and-double-triangle pin designed by Bob Hollanbeck in Phoenix, Arizona. Some of you have already seen them. The design was taken originally from the dust wrapper of Science of Survival's earliest editions. Arrangements will be made at a later date for the sale of subscriptions to our improved publication line for general and special memberships, all of which can assist the auditor in financing his activities in Scientology. The reason we want this membership to be widespread in existence is that the power of an organization is counted by the number of members it has. We must have a membership class which includes everybody and which permits people to be in no doubt as to whether they are with us or not. A particular oddity of the associate membership card is that it is not renewable. It has no termination date and does not expire every year. It might be a good thing if some other classes of members also became associate memberships if they have any fear of lapsing, since they would at least be an associate member at all times. This, however, would not bring them publications or services. You must be aware that at this price we are actually selling the card and pin at the actual cost of production. As this is announced, the manufacture of the pin and card is already arranged and in the works. Acts of God, perils of the sea or strikes could delay the filling of your order for a few days, but this is only an eventuality, and by the time your order gets here the pins should be ready to ship to you. As a point of incidental interest, I just happen to have by accident in my jewel box where I keep the keepsakes of value that people often send me from various parts of the world the original solid gold S-double-triangle pin made by Bob Hollanbeck. He sawed this out for me personally as a gift in Phoenix last year. If I owe him anything for copying it for everybody's benefit, I wish he would let me know since I don't have his address here in Dublin. There was another slightly smaller S-and-double-triangle pin made and issued from Phoenix a year ago, but it was not from this handmade design of Hollanbeck's which he intended for my personal wear. By the way, Bob Hollanbeck will make you a Mexican tie-tie with the S and double triangle in solid silver and very beautiful for I think $15. When I have his address I will insert it in a PAB. AUDITOR INCOME FROM BASIC COURSES All auditors everywhere in good standing with the academy or London are authorized to teach a basic course in Scientology. 381 In its program of assisting the auditor to finance himself and the advance of Scientology the central organizations will do all possible to assist him in the teaching of this course. The course should be a minimum of twenty hours, including some eight hours of group processing and some twelve hours of instruction. The instruction should be precisely cycle of action, the 8 dynamics, ARC and what each element means, the tone scale, something about havingness and its relation to the tone scale, and how to do an assist. The principal stock in course should be the most elementary and should be repeated often so that everyone in the course actually knows these principles. No other material such as past track, past lives, thetans, clears, or any other data should be introduced into the basic course. The essence of teaching a basic course is to make sure that everybody in the unit understands very well these basic elements. I am at work at this moment on a Basic Course Manual. However, you need not wait for it. At the end of your basic course you should give an examination to all persons who were in it covering just exactly these points above and their definitions and uses. You should then ship with the address of this person that examination paper to London or Washington, depending whichever is your most immediate area. The central organization in London or Washington will immediately execute, if the exam was passed, a basic course certificate and send it at once either to you to give to your student or to the student directly as you indicate. Warning: These certificates will not be sent unless the examination paper and the student's address are included. The organizations make no charge for this service. It is expected that a basic course would cost at least #3.10.0 in the U.K. or $10.00 in the U.S. It is also expected that this charge will be made and collected by the auditor and that the auditor will keep for his own uses and the financing of Scientology in his area the totality of basic course fees. The only way you are going to accumulate a group that will stick with you and forward Scientology is by teaching that group a basic course. Group processing without training doesn't work. We are very shortly going to publish a book as possessing the only effective cure for atomic radiation known to man. You will hear more about this later. The best and first thing to do is to create a large group and to teach it a basic course. Let's get this one out of the way fast. People are talking Scientology and demonstrating its adequacy in their own spheres. One of the ways of gathering groups for a basic course is to teach for the first week something you will call a free course and which contains perhaps four hours of auditing and six hours of instruction, and give this free course to everybody but don't let anybody take the same free course twice, and then simply continuing the free course on up into another twenty hours or two weeks, covering these essentials much more precisely, teach a course that you charge for. Remember, the organization does not care how much money you charge for this basic course. It would actually be surprised if you did not charge at least five guineas, or $25.00. There are plenty of ways of accumulating groups. For such basic courses you will learn these as I tell you more about the Irish adventure in later PABS. 382 TRAINING COST CHANGE After years of no alteration it may come as a bit of startlement to announce that it will shortly be generally announced and is effective immediately that training costs and charges are changed in the central organization. For five years the cost of a professional course in the United States has been $500. In London the same course has cost you formerly #125. It is rather interesting how these two figures were arrived at. The $500 fee was set by Parker Morgan in Elizabeth, New Jersey at the end of May in 1950. Parker Morgan, besieged by requests of people who wanted to take a closer look at Dianetics, invented a status whereby that person could hang around the office and watch what was going on in the Foundation as an intimate observer for one month for $500. There were ten in the first professional course. The only chair case there was Ted Ottison, recruited up from St. Mary's College. After a few days I took pity on these ten, since although they were interested they were getting very little know-how, and began to give them a daily lecture, and so started the first professional course in Dianetics and Scientology. The figure was set in London at #125 because that was the cost of maintaining an instructor and quarters for a minimum class of two students over a period of two months and the general one-month hangover of training. As I could not stand by London forever and had no idea that it would have many students, it was necessary that the school remain solvent. It was also necessary that a central organization continue to exist, and that needed finance. Actually the #125 charge was not too far in error, since the London office just barely did remain solvent during my long absence in the U.S. Commie critics, which exist in vast profusion, swept Scientology into its group propaganda about American dollars and was long active in pummelling this #125 fee as demonstrating that Scientology was a get-rich-quick scheme. The actuality is that in both cases the central organization has to be maintained or auditing itself would go all to pieces everywhere and there would be no way of disseminating new processes, and that it takes far longer than a month or two months or three months to train a professional auditor. He has to be trained by experience as well as formal instruction, and the central organization always has the responsibility for this. As an example, in Australia where an inadequate financing was done the HASI office has been in continual difficulty trying to maintain itself, and as it has failed to maintain itself adequately, the professional auditor in the area of Melbourne has had a rather hard time of it. Part of that squirrel cage of course is the activity of squirrels in the area who always reduce the effectiveness of Scientology and blunt its progress, unable to understand evidently that not everybody shares their own enthusiasm for kicking the bucket. Of course a few of these squirrels were on the side of the allies during the late war. They evidently didn't get their fill of death, like the most of us who are more intimately connected with the hostilities. A squirrel has used these fees as a target rather continuously, but this is not the reason they are being changed. Because we can train an auditor today in the eight weeks allowed without having to pay for a great deal of continued training, thanks to the invention of the indoctrination week and dummy auditing -- of which I am quietly proud -- we can actually afford to train now for less in the United Kingdom. We are going to extend U.S. training into a later retraining period and we are going to do several additional things for the U.S. auditor than we have done before, so the training cost will remain the same for considerable additional service in Washington. In London the fee is dropped to #75. In view of the fact that we have the basic course planned for auditors in the field and the shortness of distance in the U.K., no rights to train to the level of HCA or HPA will be issued in the United Kingdom. This is actually a kindness, since the grind of training auditors is not remunerative to the individual auditor and actually inhibits his 383 income, which should be much greater by reason of basic courses than it ever would be from teaching professional courses by our experience. This is heightened by the fact that there has only been one application to train made to us in England, which denotes no field enthusiasm for professional training on its own behalf anyway. In the United States all those rights to train which have been granted to auditors who have not at this date returned in full their percentages and fees to the central organization can be considered cancelled. The organization will certify persons in training to such persons after this date, but only those persons who are at this instant in training actually. No further persons should be enrolled. As soon as auditors with these rights to train engage upon the basic courses they will understand that the teaching of basic courses is far more remunerative. We have had nothing but complaints from auditors with individual rights to train concerning their difficulties with finance. Students do not pay them. Central organizations can cope with this fact but the individual auditor cannot. It is beyond his means to train on charity or on the receipt of a third or half of the professional course fee. The central organization can struggle along with this or collect. The chief reason the U.S. fee is not dropped is because the auditor being trained now is going to be sent into specific areas and is going to have placed in his hands any and all literature he will need to start things booming and will be assisted by special mailings to the area concerning him from Washington, all of which takes money and which had better come under the course fee. However, as this service will cost about $150, the Washington fee is actually reduced to about $350 to be available for the actual training. We feel it is better in Washington to collect the total fee and use part of it to give the auditor a big push in the area assigned when he leaves, than to leave it to his initiative to scrape up enough money to get the literature and material and make the mailings. BOOKS IN PROGRESS I am writing or have scheduled the following books: 1. The Elements of Scientology -- Basic Course Manual. 2. Atomic Burns -- Their Danger, Cure and Prevention. (This is the one we mainly need the bookstore list for.) 3. Scientology -- The Modern Science of Ability (a rewrite of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health). Abilities by the half-ton, each one of them defining a word in Scientology or pertinent to life. ACTUALLY HERE I am actually and factually in Dublin, Eire. There is a terminal here. There are some mailboxes and desks to receive your communication. My body just now is in rather indifferent shape, thanks to an auditing experiment on radiation, but it nevertheless will sit in a chair and hold your communication in its hands and read it over very carefully. When you stamp on the floor or the street of Dublin, there is solid earth there, and the wind blows and the air circulates and there are live people around, and in short this is really a terminal and your communication will be acknowledged at once if you write. I will see if there is anything else I can think of to reassure you as to the communication formula. The truth of the matter is the swarms of people around here aren't Scientologists and I am a bit lonesome, and you don't look around very good when I tap you on the shoulder, so write me a letter and let me know your reaction to Associate Memberships and teaching a basic course, and in turn every week I will keep you posted on the material from various parts of the world and in particular on the 384 Irish adventure, which may win or lose -- see next week's installment -- and upon the progress of several other mock-ups in which you have a very tightly vested interest. CABLE FROM WASHINGTON "HOUSE BILL 6376 PASSED JANUARY 18TH STOP GOES SENATE NEXT WEEK STOP BILL PERMITS ADMISSION OF PERSON TO MENTAL INSTITUTION BY WRITTEN APPLICATION OF INTERESTED PERSON BEFORE JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS ARE HELD STOP DISPENSES WITH REQUIREMENT THAT PATIENT BE PRESENT AT HEARING STOP ANYONE CAN BE EXCLUDED FROM HEARING STOP BILL PERTAINS TO ALASKA AT MOMENT STOP BILL SETS UP ONE MILLION ACRES SIBERIAL IN ALASKA FOR INSTITUTIONS STOP LETTER AND BILL FOLLOW STOP WHAT ACTION YOU WANT TAKEN. KEN NIBS DICK 385  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=3/4/56 Volnum=0 Issue=78 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ADMINISTRATION    P.A.B. No. 78 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 3 April 1956 ADMINISTRATION A number of vital lessons were learned in setting up and running the college here in Dublin. But they were not all on the subject of the college itself. Some of them were on the subject of Scientology organization. For six years now we have been stumbling across one horrible thing: Administration. It has come out here in Dublin that the majority of our troubles have been administrational, not technical. We Scientologists have a lot to learn about administration. I have coded the following as vital bits of data on the subject: Administration is a form of communication. Adequate administration consists of keeping certain communication terminals in place and making sure that the proper particles go to and through the proper terminals. Smooth organization consists of having a terminal for each type of activity in which the organization is engaged. There can be four or five activities to one terminal so long as three things are obeyed: (1) the terminal itself has to know it; (2) nearby terminals have to know it; (3) distant terminals have to know it. Supervision of an organization consists of keeping the terminals in place and keeping the correct traffic (particles and messages) flowing to the right terminals and planning to adjust the communication flow either from outside in or from inside out. All particles having to do with the exact business of the organization MUST be handled speedily. Particles which are not particularly germane to the organization come in anyway and can be more or less neglected. Terminals must also originate, not just reply or report. Command lines must exist in an organization so people know who is boss. But COMMUNICATION LINES are not command lines, contrary to the army psychosis. Communications need not flow up to and down from any command post. Terminals can and should operate independent of the command lines BUT they MUST KEEP THE COMMAND position informed. Terminals can do two things wrong: They can follow command lines with their communications; they can fail to keep command informed. Filing, invoicing, having the proper forms can be as independently capable of ruining an operation, if they are neglected, as the most flagrant neglect of duty by a terminal. 386 If orders are filling, if the invoices are right, if the files are kept, if the forms are correct and available, and if everybody knows his job and will do it, an operation will have a hard time failing. Tight and proper scheduling of classes, appointments, replies and comm origins can forgive a lot of other things. These things are stabilities. If you want an atmosphere of stability, have an atmosphere of precise punctuality. If you have a system, follow it, hound and harass it into line and keep it there. But if you don't follow it, junk it and find out what system you ARE following and make that then be the administrational system and keep it tightly in hand. Let me be terribly accusative and personal. If you have no group or a small group, if your income is low, if you are having a hard time, it is probably due to a lack of good administration in your affairs, not due to your knowledge or lack of charm. You could be a poor auditor and a good administrator in your auditing affairs and still win. You could be a wonderful auditor and a poor administrator and flop completely. If you are "overworked" you are probably being overworked by bad administration. The fault in administrational work is most intimate to the terminals involved in an administration. If these are each one sound and working well, you've won. One terrible fact stands out in administrational work. If the operation is NOT WELL PLANNED the tendency is to add help. We see this at its worst in governments. These have no equal in adherence to this system. When they see something isn't running properly, they add some more help. When they still fail to run properly they add even more help. At last you have a government. The totality of its activity seems to consist of correcting mistakes by adding rules and terminals to an already unworkable system. The right way to go about this is to PLAN IN ADVANCE, put that plan to work, REFINE THE PLAN, put that refined plan to work, always on the most basic level, saying always, before one begins to build or reform, "What, exactly, is this outfit here supposed to do?" Answer that question and then plan to make it so and then administer to keep it so. AND ALWAYS ASK THE MAN ON THE JOB WHAT THE HELL YOU SHOULD DO TO HELP HIM OUT. Never sit in some ivory tower and dream up reforms for the organization. Always get your hands dirty. A good executive gets his own communication lines running smoothly and then spends his time going around not giving orders but smoothing out people's jobs. Eighty percent of most organizations are involved in handling the boo-hoos and nonsense of bad administration. A person who is a minor terminal in an organization should know this too and should put the pressure on the Big Whiz to make sure the comm lines keep running straight. Now as to the personalities of personnel, it is very true that there are always certain people in an organization poorly managed that the organization would be better off without. These people always do two things: (1) they shovel entheta and Emergency at their foreman and the boss; (2) they are always out of department with their squawks. They are obsessive change, high- critical cases on the personality analysis. They wouldn't know good news if they had it dropped on them encased in a safe. They can only deal in bad news. If it doesn't exist they obsessively make it up. In the matter of being "out of department" they are incapable of doing things close to home. The entirety of their real activity is fouling up other terminals while their own department goes to the devil. Show me a man's personal department and I will show you if he is in or out of department. If the typing battery is always crying about invoicing, you'll find darned little typing going on. "It's bad over there" is the theme song. The other type of case an organization can't afford is the "can't work," "you're working too hard" case. When somebody starts on this one, shoot him from guns. These people -- the entheta monger, the out-of-department weeper, the "you're working too hard" -- 387 cannot be afforded by any organization and that's it. They actively damage things sometimes beyond repair. They are NEVER of benefit to an organization or group. I speak from bitter experience, I assure you. Fire them if you can't audit them 75 hours. In Scientology organizations today, regardless of the work people do (we long since fired all the 1, 2, 3s above including the most prominent U.S. squirrels) we give them 75-hour intensives as fast as we have auditors available. We do this because we can tailor-make executives today. If they slide a bit we audit them a bit more until we've got them up there and swinging hard at the real enemies of man. Our concentration right now is on administrational smoothness. Only in that way will we get the groups and auditors we need to knock out the enemy. 388  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=10/4/56 Volnum=0 Issue=79 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE OPEN CHANNEL    P.A.B. No. 79 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 10 April 1956 THE OPEN CHANNEL Besides having a couple of other things to do in the last eight years, I have been in search of an open channel for Dianetics and Scientology which would not run into large obstacles and which would thereby make it possible for organizations and auditors to outflow what we know to a maximum with a minimum of difficulty. When you have to qualify and explain what you are doing continually, you have only in that an obstacle. Since there was no immediate forebear to Dianetics and Scientology, there was no cut groove in the society. Thus we have had to keep company with subjects in the public mind as rag-tag as anything can get -- i.e. psychology, psychiatry. And of all the drooling idiots I would never choose for bedfellows, believe me, the psychologist and psychiatrist would be below my lowest list. Why? Because they're fakes. They come from a long line of hoodwinks including such nobles as the priests of Ra, Cagliostro and Wundt. Why? Because they would take the pennies off a dead man's eyes. Why? Because there are limits where a gentleman stops and the old- time hocus-pocus of the mind just then began. Naturally, then, we ourselves would get a slap from the same dank brush. One of the principal "everybody knows" is "everybody knows psychology and psychiatry are phoney." Now it is an oddity that if you accuse a man long enough of being a fake or a robber or a bum he tends to believe he might be one. A young auditor once told me that he "couldn't get over feeling he was robbing people" when he processed them. He was just running the counter-effort of his environment in its effort to shut him down on Scientology. He was classed by his environment as a psychologist or psychiatrist. He even wore the beard at last. And he squirreled a bit. Why? Because everybody told him that he was a fake and he at length had to accept it, he thought. Ninety percent of the few auditors who have quit have all suffered from this association with psychologists and psychiatrists to a point where they themselves thought they were phonies -- and that therefore the organization and all connected with it must then be phonies. In other words they were counter- efforted into believing they were guilty even though they'd committed no crime. The Open Channel for which I have searched has been found. I went over to Dublin, a poor, cross-ridden town, and started up a pilot operation. In the charge of the redoubtable Bernie Green, that operation has even chance of out- incoming both the American and British offices. It is Bernie's and he's got every chance of really pulling a very steep hill. Were the American College duplicated in London and Washington it would start making history fast. Why? Because it exploits an open channel which runs, like good roads and good weather (of which everyone is in favor), without opposition. 389 Behold: "Scientology is that branch of psychology which treats of human ability. Old-time Wundtian psychology said that people could not change. Now that we can change people we have to call what we are doing something else than psychology." They "know" what psychology is (familiar word). They immediately grasp this, get a tiny agreement. Then they are told (gradient scale) that old-time psychology couldn't change people (which they can verify in psychology texts) and that we can. Follow this with a discussion of IQ and Personality Tests and then brush aside any thought of neurosis or psychosis as part of the picture with "Well, I think we can all agree that any of us have room for improvement," and you're off into something the person you are talking to can use. IF YOU CAN SELL ONE PERSON PAINLESSLY ON SCIENTOLOGY YOU CAN SELL GROUPS. IF YOU CAN SELL GROUPS YOU CAN SELL THE WORLD. I am often amused when somebody shifts one of my mock-ups around -- for they very often do it on the basis of removing the motor. Washington recently published the above definition of Scientology with a subtle change: "Scientology is that branch of wisdom which treats of human ability." They changed the one thing vital in the sentence. The listener is going to classify YOU as a psychologist. He's read about psychology in the comic strips. He uses the word -- constantly. It's an agreement point. You avoid the word entirely as did Washington and you have (1) missed the agreement point and (2) invited him to retain an association not as-ised which will condemn you. So changing one of these mock-ups around may make them non-workus-deadus. No, you say to anybody, "I'm a Scientologist." "Scientology? It is that branch of psychology which treats of human ability. Old-time psychology believed you couldn't change anyone's intelligence or personality, so when we could we had to call it something else." "Well, I think you'll agree that anyone could stand some improvement." "It's fascinating that even morons can be made smart." "You know, an average intelligence is about 108. Well, with a little work a Scientologist can shift that to 120 or 130, you know, make it possible for the person to tackle jobs he couldn't have understood before." "All we're interested in is increasing business efficiency. Has a lot to do with income. Fellow with an IQ of 108 makes, let's say, $35 a week. He'd be paid more if he was worth it. We raise his IQ to 120 and his pay goes up to $75." "You know, we don't need new business ideas or gimmicks. All we need is some people who can carry on existing business efficiently for a change." "Take government. I don't think a lot of people in government are smart enough to understand their business." "I'd sure like to get my hands on some of these officials...." That's all agreement chatter. It's material which keeps your listener coming. HE knows (and you never infer it) that HE could use this stuff Scientology personally. He'd resent being told he needed psychiatry or psychology, for that would infer he was crazy. But when you talk about IQ and rising pay and how stupid people can get businesses in trouble, you're right in there on the agreement level. Now if you AVOID psychology entirely, you leave it to the listener to infer it and thereafter you're a psychologist to him. I wrote the above, not off the cuff, but straight out of experiences other people and myself have had with it. There's no counter-effort. All's well. What you say goes home. So without altering this carefully built mock- up, try it out. Now unless this mock-up got you some action and Scientology some attendance, it would still be no good. So it has to be backed up with an organization such as "Business Study Group" or "Scientology School of Human Efficiency" or "Chicago School of Personnel Efficiency." Here the form of the mock-up is looser, but not too much so, for that which the study group or school does is not altered. The actual composition of the group may differ. It may be that the auditor runs one in his living room three times a week for an advanced course and three other evenings a free course. It may be that the auditor can afford to really put up a college type mock-up. So the 390 receipt point for the income of bodies may differ. The entering wedge and the final curriculum neither one differ. Well, we've advertised in help wanted columns and we've got some kind of a mock-up to receive bodies. Then what do we do? We give a free course six evenings in length. (If you're doing it in a living room, you'll need two weeks for it at three a week, for the other three evenings will have to hold your Advanced Course.) In this course we teach Cycle of Action, 8 Dynamics (saying we go up to the first third of the seventh and leave the remainder of 7 and all of 8 to the church and so sidestep religious arguments), ARC two different evenings, and Havingness. WE TEACH THIS COURSE WITH PRECISION, giving our students precise definitions, not generalities or discussions; we come right down on each one of these and define hell out of it for our free course people; we don't shilly-shally around and avoid the subject of the evening. We bowl them over. In this free course we give just a little "look around the room" type group auditing. At two hours an evening for six evenings we have twelve lecture hours in a free course. Only two or three should be processing periods and then gently, gently. When you've given this free course of six evenings, you will then sell at the price that will gain you the most people and yet support the endeavor (a nice calculation, that) an Advanced Course. Of what does this Advanced Course consist? Ah, that is again very precise. It is an additional twenty-four hours of instruction broken into two periods of twelve hours each. We will call the Free Course "Course A" for the obvious reason that the texts soon to be printed will start with Text A. We will call the next twelve hours of instruction "Course B," the third twelve hours "Course C." Thus the texts will be lettered. The Advanced Course is composed of B - C. The texts for B and C respectively are Science of Survival and Dianetics, 1955!. These, shortened and rewritten, will be Text B (Science of Survival, complete with Tone Scale Chart), Text C (Dianetics, 1955!). Thus for the next twelve evening hours of lecture after the Free Course one lays heavily into the exact text and chart of Science of Survival. Then for the remaining twelve hours one teaches with exact precision Dianetics, 1955!. Why this division? Because you don't want to enroll an Advanced Course every other period. Every time you finish a Free Course, you will want to sign them up and continue them with no pause or break. If you pause, let them hang for a week or two before you get them to enroll, you'll lose them. Therefore! You will be able to enroll every Free Course at once. The students will step into a complete twelve hours of instruction on either Text B or Text C. Thus a student starting from scratch goes from Text A to Text B to Text C, OR goes from Text A to Text C to Text B. If you have two rooms, one for the Free Course and one for the Advanced Course, you will then enroll people into the Free Course and into the Advanced Course every week. You will enroll people into the Advanced Course from the Free Course as fast as they finish the Free Course. By teaching the basics as basics, by teaching the Tone Scale and Communication just as we learned them, you'll bring people right on upstairs without overwhelming them. If you just process them you worry them because you overwhelm them past their understanding. You'll get BIGGER IQ RISES by teaching this curriculum than you will by processing them in groups the same number of hours. And you'll have Scientologists, not preclears. 391 Now how about individual auditing? If all these classes are evening classes, then you have a lot of free daylight. Well, strictly on a BUSINESS- EFFICIENCY MOCK-UP you make them more able with individual auditing. You make it known to your classes that individual auditing can be had. You say what it is. You touch on illness only by stressing its absenteeism quality and its function in keeping them from getting better jobs. You stress mainly the handling of people, self-assurance, ability to work. You sell them small quantities of auditing. You patch up just what they want with old creative processing and havingness. You charge them hourly rates. You also offer medical check-up if you like. There is something else you can do. You can arrange with a loan company to lend the person enough to pay for a medical check-up by an M.D. with which you've made an arrangement, for their course and for individual auditing. The loan company pays you in cash. The student-pc pays the loan company by the week from his paycheck. This of course has to be carefully greased and made painless. But as the sum is small and as the people who come to you get salaries, you will find a loan company will be very happy to play ball. The end product we already know is a working person with a higher IQ and with poise the like of which employers haven't seen lately. Teaching, getting the confusion out of them, always can be counted upon to up their confidence and poise. And you'll have Scientologists. Well, what people should you approach? We've got some chaps amongst us who have big-shot complexes. These fellows can't see themselves talking to people less than executives and would scorn talking to "mere stenos." Let these poor fellows pound their shoes thin trying to sell the BIG COMPANIES all sorts of ideas on improving their help. You, going to and dealing only with stenos, laborers, clerks and the good, solid workaday world with your group, will win. The auditor who still hangs around General Sputters trying to get Mr. Swivelbottom to "buy a course for his help" will be in the anteroom yet while you own two square blocks on the main thoroughfare and have long since trained Mr. Swivelbottom's help without his consent, knowingness or caringness. The big executives these days are about as progressive as last spring's snail and have as much love for their people as Fagin for Oliver. Approach the little guy. With help-wanted-column ads. As close as you come to companies will be Business Colleges and Tech Schools which you will let hire you to lecture free course level to THEIR students in their premises. From these you will also get Advanced Course students because you can hand out your literature. Play ball with such people. Let them sell THEIR courses in your school. And let them sell their courses to include yours. Be real. There are certain golden rules which will make your operation, break it if you neglect them. DELIVER WHAT YOU PROMISE. SCHEDULE PRECISELY. THE STUDENT IS A CUSTOMER. USE BUSINESS AS A MOTIVE AND STRESS POINT IN ALL EXAMPLES AND LECTURES. Now there are additional services you can offer if you can deliver them. You can test for IQ and Personality and write a letter to their boss about their improvement at course end. You will wind up with a huge employment roster. You can work with employment offices. (Don't be an employment office, work WITH all other employment offices. Be an employment wholesaler to employment agencies for a fee, never a retailer, as that's a profession in itself.) Sell everybody an Associate Membership who comes to your Free Course. Sell everybody all his texts if you can. That's added income and you may need it. Here's an OPEN CHANNEL in the society. Nobody is really doing it. Not even Carnegie, the closest reach, did this. Nobody balks good roads, good weather or better 392 business efficiency today. And you can let the psychologist and pseudo- psychologist stew in their own rather rancid juices and gibber around their shock machines and mice in their government financed prisons and go straight to hell, whither they are bound, without our knowing or caring. Are you going to help reach on this OPEN CHANNEL? You know you are. Problems and other plans were good. But they aren't as good as this one. Try it out. NEW MATERIALS I caught a Trafalgar Square sized lion by the tail lately with new material. New data and a new slant. We've gone upstairs further and we understand more. And it doesn't undo what we know. So you'll soon have SLP ISSUE 8. No real changes in steps 2-3-4-5-6. Most of what you already know in step 1. But boy what an increase! Hang on to your pro membership. We're just starting this game. (PABS will be sent airmail for $10 a year extra. That's the commercial for this issue.) WHAT DO I THINK OF AUDITORS? Every now and again somebody tries to get me to say what I think of auditors. They want me to become hypercritical, I guess, so as to match the asker's tone. Well, I better make a public utterance after all this time. I think of auditors in a rather intense way. As I know more auditors than anybody else and have a better basis for judgment, on this subject I can be for once an authority. My opinion of auditors in general is fairly well known to several people. I think of an auditor as a person with enough guts to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This quality is rare and this quality is courageous in the extreme. It is my opinion and knowledge that auditors are amongst the upper tenth of the upper twentieth of intelligent human beings. Their will to do, their motives, their ability to grasp and to use are superior to that of any other profession. I think of an auditor as having INITIATIVE. He is able to grasp or make a mock-up and put it into action. Auditors survive better than other people. If this world has any faintest chance of surviving it will be not because I write, but because auditors can and will think and do. I think our auditors came from beings lately arrived on Earth who, seeing where it was going, decided to band together to send it elsewhere. I consider all auditors my friends. I consider them that even when they squirrel. I believe they have a right to express themselves and their own opinions. I would not for a moment hamper their right to think. I think of auditors and Scientologists as the Free People. Just as they consider one another their people, so I consider them my people. 393 I think their errors of the past, when they existed, came about because we are new and we are finding out and I don't think any of their errors were intentional any more than mine were. I can understand their own reactions because I can understand the counter-effort given them by society, and thus I don't hold auditors guilty even when they fold up but simply assume we'd better make a better effort into the society to overcome or bypass the counter-effort. I don't expect auditors or Scientologists to instantly agree with or seize upon whatever I say. I would be offended if they did and would feel they weren't a Free People. Since they are intelligent I expect them to think over what's said, try it, and if it's good for them, use it. That old auditors sooner or later come back to and use what I have discovered isn't any testimony to our relationship at all, it's only a testimony to my being right because I meant to be right in the first place. I sorrow when I see somebody accomplishing less than he should because he thinks I wouldn't approve of it. In organizations and out I count upon initiative and good judgement. The most decent people I have ever known have been auditors. The best hearted people I know are auditors. They are so decent and good hearted I have to work and argue with them to make enough to keep mock-ups rolling well, a thing they are now beginning to do. I am very proud of Scientologists. I think they're bright, shiny beautiful people and I'm glad every one of them decided to get born again this time. I think we're a fine crew. I know we can make it. And I know that if it's a better world in the future it will be because Scientologists are what they are, not what I made them. Now in case there are any further inquiries or doubts on the matter, I assure you I have spoken on the subject and that I have spoken from the bottom of a very experienced heart. Scientologists are the best people on each of the five continents and that's all there is to it. WRITING SCHEDULE I've got my nose in my typewriter trying to steer clear of organizational work, trying to get to you the books you need for courses and programs. It's kind of rough working without a secretary. But I'll make it somehow, I hope. I'm in Spain. You can address me care of the HASI, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8. They'll packet my mail to me. HASUK Because of many solicitor delays, the HASI in London remains the HASI, not the HASUK, and by advices will continue as the HASI for a very long time to come. Give Jack Parkhouse there a hand, will you. The HASI needs your help and support. He and Ann and Dennis are able and willing and are doing a fine job -- but they need your good will and your help if Scientology is to survive in England. L. RON HUBBARD 394  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=17/4/56 Volnum=0 Issue=80 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY'S MOST WORKABLE PROCESS    P.A.B. No. 80 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 17 April 1956 SCIENTOLOGY'S MOST WORKABLE PROCESS It is fitting that we give out Scientology's most workable process in Issue 80 of the oldest continuous publication in our sciences of Dianetics and Scientology. We have been going with Dianetics and Scientology for a very long time now according to our time continuum. Actually we have been going only a tiny fraction of man's scientific time continuum. The progress which we have made in the past few years is apparently greater than any combined progress of the preceding ages. This may be due to our ability to capitalize on what is known. It may be due to having been educated in both the Eastern and Western philosophies. It may be due to being born with a lucky slide rule in the mouth. It may be due to the brightness and interest of everyone connected. It may be due to a lot of things, but to whatever it is due, it is true. From a condition no-science-of-mind to a condition science-of-mind has been achieved. If you have any doubts about our starting condition, no-science-of-mind, go get a Wundtian pseudo-psychology text, read Darwin, read the horrible confusions of Locke, Hume, Spencer, James. If you care to so research you will find that they were a trifle mixed up. Reading them now, knowing as you do Dianetics and Scientology, you can make some small sense from them in some places. BUT if you delete your understanding of Dianetics and Scientology and THEN study them you'll come up -- or, rather, go down -- staggering. The test was this: By their tenets could these people make anyone smarter, more sociable, better able? No. The test was also this: By their talk of God and Devil did other men in other fields understand anything of the human soul, the hereafter? No. Well, that's the way things were in the Dark Ages of 1949. Now we can make men smarter, better, more sociable and yes, more controllable. Now we do know about the "hereafter" and all the rest of it. So something DID happen in 1950 and something has BEEN happening ever since, and despite all our detractors -- for Man detracts that which he doesn't understand -- and for all our rocky road, we HAVE attained higher than Man ever attained before and that's the way it is. Very well, then WHAT is there in this already high mountain of attainment which is the highest gain? Amongst all this gold where is the super-gold? I don't suppose I'll surprise you very much if I tell you you haven't had the super-super-gold yet. In fact I didn't have it myself until very recently and, having discovered it, I've been waiting smugly to know it a little better and so give it to you ever since. Empirically, the super-gold you have had is HAVINGNESS. 395 Since havingness wasn't a super-super-gold (for I could see that it itself was an aberration) I continued to look for higher levels of entrance into the problem and so bypassed havingness and even forgot about it for a while -- with resultant case chaos. When havingness is neglected, cases do not improve, that's all there is to it. Well, amongst all havingnesses, what is the super-gold process? There is one. It is not very fast, it is terribly certain, it does not fail in our experience and its gains are permanent. It is a process known as the Terrible Trio. Given that, an auditor can put the question, acknowledge, originate, take care of originated comm and in general perform WELL all the primary auditing procedures (as different than techniques) and given that an auditor isn't simply trying to overwhelm the preclear, the Terrible Trio can then pull up any case if run long enough. You understand, of course, that any TECHNIQUE depends upon the PROCEDURE of auditing. Auditors who have techniques fail on them often are at fault in HOW they audit and no matter how many thousand techniques were given them they'd still fail. Procedures are learned by dummy auditing for scores of hours on end. Then techniques work. (See, we've even cracked that major problem of building "insight" and skill into the auditor, the biggest variable of old-time practices! My, how we've come along.) The Terrible Trio stole its name from three people in Scientology, United States against whom a famous (infamous) organization recently stacked its combined talents and lost with violence. The first "Terrible Trio" were Sanborn -- Barrett -- Steves. When I gave the triple havingness process to the staff auditors working under Julia Lewis in the HGC, somebody there, sensing its effectiveness, dubbed it the Terrible Trio. Now I know all that is very informal, as is this whole article, but "scientific papers" as collected by the Ford Foundation and the Department of Sewage of New York are always supposed to have a historical section to tell where it all came from, and I'm simply being formal, you see. The commands of the Terrible Trio are "Look around the room and tell me what you could have." "Look around the room and tell me what you would let remain." And, "Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with" (run as "Look around the room and tell me with what you could dispense" in Boston and Devon). These commands are run in ratio. It is not how LONG the process is run, it is how long it requires to finally flatten each command so that any of the three could be run indefinitely without upset to the preclear. The first ratio, to be safe, should be 20 times on the first command, five times on the second and one on the third. This ratio should then be improved gradually, i.e. 10, 8 and 2, then 10, 10 and 4. At all times the auditor should watch for anaten or agitation (the two A's of auditing) and if these occur, he has gone too fast OR has made, in the preclear's opinion, a code break of some sort. If it isn't the fault of the ratio used, it's a code break and one should say, "What have I done wrong?" to the preclear; the pc may fish about for several minutes and finally recall that five minutes ago he felt repressed by the auditor in some way. By advancing the ratio too fast is meant running the second question too long or the third question too long (too many times) without returning to the first, which is the most innocent question. However, one CAN run the first too long without advancing the ratio. ONLY when the preclear can run any of these without consequence for many, many times, can one then be sure that the process is flat. ONLY when it is ENTIRELY 396 flat inside a room should one attempt to run it outside a room, for the great space of the outdoors on this process is staggering to a preclear with a chronic somatic. The Terrible Trio run too soon outside can make a preclear VERY ill. Here we have the most tested and vital process in Scientology. There are more advanced processes but they are not yet tested. The Terrible Trio has ALWAYS given a gain in the auditing room, properly audited. It was the Terrible Trio which saved the day when staff auditors were fighting back to security in handling havingness (for there was a short period in the U.S. when, with havingness abandoned, no real gains were had, a condition which I had to explore, fight and whip fast.) It must be remembered that the PROCEDURE of the auditor must be good before the techniques used by the auditor work uniformly well. Thus the Terrible Trio must be run with exact attention to the rudiments. A pc out of session even though "being audited" won't improve. Oddly enough, this process can be self-audited, according to reports, making it about the only self-auditing process possible outside of Self Analysis (which still works). Well, there you are. BOTTOM RUNG OF DIANETICS FOUND It will be good news to old dyed-in-the-engram Dianeticists (who are still convinced that I REALLY had something in Dianetics) that I haven't forgotten them or the subject. Dianetics suddenly revived on a discovery I made lately in an area where one would have thought no further discovery was possible. The entire subject of games brought to life some new material. The recent brief resume in Operational Bulletin 17 on games is as important to us as it is brief. It tells us that there is a central motif on any dynamic which indicates the difference between self-determinism and pan-determinism. One is a master of any game which he can give non-partisanship, in other words, to play both sides. He is committed to any game (self-determinism) in which he can play but one side. Team play occurs in a game when one is playing one side of it. But total pan-determinism would be the ability to play any side or as part of any team, being capable of playing any and all levels of any dynamic. But what is important here is that games are "overwhelmings." As a person begins to be unwilling to overwhelm he, of course, begins to be unwilling to win and so loses pan-determinism and sinks into self-determinism. Games are, for our auditing purposes, "contests in overwhelmings." The primary overwhelming is to take space. Even in sedentary chess the goal is to take space and the game ends with a certain space, identified incidentally by the occupying piece, being overwhelmed but not entered. This very wise game of chess, of course, really nails it since no one can REALLY overwhelm a thing without space, a thetan. Chess ends with the space commanded, the opposing king untaken, only "overwhelmed." Thus life can be said to be a contest of "overwhelmings." The use of force, space, pieces, problems, strategy and tactics all resolve into the simple idea of "overwhelmed." A war and a business differ only in overwhelming by the use of force by the former, and of advertising and products by the latter. A teammate is someone who assists in the overwhelming of the enemy. Aberration is mainly the overwhelming of teammates (wrong target). 397 When one views life as a complexity of attempts to overwhelm he begins to understand it rather well. Two people may be playing many games, some between them, some with others. They are opponents in some things, teammates in others. They succeed in the ratio that they can define their games AND overwhelm the proper enemy for each game. Marriages fail only because the games get confused between husband and wife. All right, seeing that, let's now look at Dianetics again. The engram was overwhelming the preclear. By auditing it with Dianetic techniques we let the preclear overwhelm the engram -- PROVIDING we as auditors weren't simply using Dianetics to overwhelm preclears. Read over the things that make auditing possible in 1947's Original Thesis. The truth was there, the underlying reasons why were not. Very well, if we were trying to overwhelm engrams, WHAT were we trying to defeat? The definition of an engram has been "a moment of pain and unconsciousness." This should be more technically expressed as "an energy- spatial picture representing a moment of pain and unconsciousness and containing perceptics." Well, what is this new discovery? It is an added bit that engrams contained MORE IMPORTANT than pain and unconsciousness. That added bit can be briefly stated as "the moment of shock." "The moment of shock" is that period of realization by body and thetan that an overwhelming has occurred. As I have said, an overwhelming does not consist of space, energy, pieces et al. It is the IDEA that an overwhelming has occurred. The winner is convinced (sometimes wrongly, as when World War I became World War II) that he has overwhelmed the opposing player. The loser is convinced that he has been overwhelmed. By the mechanics of the overt act-motivator sequence a person doing a lot of overwhelming sometimes regrets having done so. Sometimes the overwhelmed (very commonly) takes the winning valence, becomes the person or object he has been overwhelmed by. So if one wins he often regrets it (the matched terminal phenomena is at work here) and when he loses he sometimes becomes the winner in person. Here we have the proposition that one can win too often or lose too often. In Dianetics where does this fit? It fits as the moment of idea of an overwhelming. Bloody and wreckaged, some battlers yet do not get the idea they are whipped. The engram received is then not effective against them. Almost untouched, some believe they have been overwhelmed and thus a tiny lock assumes the value of a big engram. Some people playing against another assume too rapidly they have won; they achieve the idea that they have done an overwhelming. Indeed it is an old tactic to make the enemy think he has won and then knock him flat: not Queensbury but effective. When this last has occurred a "winner" becomes suspicious of having overwhelmed and is liable to become too anxious. Indeed he can become so unsettled about overwhelming others that at length he has to prove it to himself with stiff corpses and nothing short will serve. And a "winner" can become more anxious than this, as most people have now become; he can suppose that no evidence of having overwhelmed others is valid and so he shuns the idea of having overwhelmed. To start to win anything sets up an anxiety which brings about a counter-postulate in him. Restimulating locks and engrams of anxiety, he becomes uncertain and indefinite. Shame, blame, regret occur at the very thought of a win. Why? He cannot get the idea of overwhelming another with any positiveness. Thus he may go through life winning on every hand and feel a completely defeated failure; no evidence is valid to him that 398 he has overwhelmed anything; he has to get big, try harder; but the cancer stays with him and he finally concludes all is defeat. The usual freedom-monger, the agitator, in his unreasoning and damaging insistence on no rules or barriers anywhere, is able to achieve only a no-game condition. He got that way because he cannot feel a win is possible. At the same time he may be complicated by a certainty that he himself is being defeated at every hand, no matter the evidence. Thus he has to assume more and more vicious and convincing roles until at last there's shooting in the streets. Thus the regicides of France could not be free even when they had murdered their king and had killed all their nobility; they were so unconvinced that they had won that they promptly lost by setting up Napoleon as an emperor. Dead, the king and nobility had still won in the minds of the French radicals BECAUSE the radicals could not get the idea of having overwhelmed. In the field of engrams this becomes important. It means that engrams vanish, erase rapidly WHEN the preclear regains the ability to HAVE THE IDEA that he has won and that he has lost. This explains the mysterious efficacy of Rising Scale Processing as developed in the very last days of Dianetic research. It also explains why many preclears could not run an engram. It also explains why my earliest technique of giving small wins over locks turned on sonic and visio. It also explains why some auditors were not successful: They could not let a pc overwhelm anything and they themselves had to overwhelm the pc and used engrams to do it. The auditors did not know they were doing this -- they were the first to be heartbroken about case failures; it was just that a subtle factor was at work, more powerful than the pain and unconsciousness of the engram. Well, that's stripping it pretty bare. But there's more to the subject and I will be covering it later on. The research of Dianetics and Scientology still has its exciting moments. At least WE'RE winning. L. RON HUBBARD 399  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=24/4/56 Volnum=0 Issue=81 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PURPOSE    P.A.B. No. 81 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 24 April 1956 PURPOSE All communication lines should have a purpose. The purpose of this communication line is the advising and orienting of auditors and Scientologists everywhere on the subject of Scientology, the formation and the direction of its organizations and the creation of space in which Man can walk upright and free. There is a great deal of material packed in tight in these recent PABS. There will be in the next few issues data of sufficient importance to clarify Scientology even for those who have not succeeded well in life, processing or finance. I invite your closest attention as to what is happening here because data has appeared to me to overcome the challenge of an apathetic resistive society in its regard to our efforts. We are the only people and the only organizations on Earth which have the technology and the ambition to attempt a clarification of situations which in other hands are considered entirely out of control, to wit, the atomic bomb and the decay and confusion of central governments. There are those who would tell us that our ambitions are too high, that no single group, much less a single man, could bring about a change in the dangerous career of Earth. But such people do not know their history. Single men and determined groups have been the only makers of space in which Man could walk free. Left to the multitude, each inverted with his own selfishness and greed, the affairs of Man do not prosper. Left to an anarchy of nations with no international responsibility, Earth and Mankind cannot prosper. The Anglo-American civilization was the first new civilization since the Roman Empire. All civilizations between the last collapse of Rome in the 4th Century A.D. and the present moment were some fragment of the Roman Empire or its conquerors. Rome possessed certain technologies which conquered the world. In company with these technologies there was a philosophy and a willingness to do. When the philosophy had faded or had been changed for one far less workable, when the technologies of Rome had been scattered before the hordes of barbarians who now from Moscow once more seek to spread confusion, Man was left to drift, to interpret the word "freedom" as he would and in the main for his own purposes. The disciplines that were Rome faded away. Today the European countries are beginning to function once more. Various portions of civilization are alert. For over a century a new technology has been making space. That technology is Anglo-American in its development. Leaders of the new industrial age in the United States and Great Britain have pressed upon the world know-how and machinery and ways of living which have revolutionized almost every society on Earth. In Berlin, in Paris, in Madrid and Tangiers and Cairo and indeed in Moscow itself we see the evidences of this onslaught. Anglo-American mechanization 400 has even driven the Chinese from their background and into European pants and hats. In India and Burma and Buenos Aires we see the cinema, the automobile, the clock, the booklets and the rifle created by or modeled upon Anglo- American industrial might. Technologically the United States and Great Britain have conquered the world. Philosophically they have failed. The original impetus of the Anglo-American industrial push was carried along with Protestant Christianity. Somewhere on the way there is one spiritual message which, packaged in with the clock and the cinema and the guns, was lost. Unlike earlier Jesuit successes with native peoples, Protestants' successes have been few for some reason, possibly because the Jesuit incorporated the religion he found with the religion he brought, and Protestantism remained entirely itself. The spiritual philosophy which should have prepared the way for the proper use of the technology did not succeed. We are left then with a world of confusion, for the tools and the weapons have gone out and no message has gone with them, even to the United States and Great Britain themselves, to use them properly. We are confronted then with the picture of Man's failure to keep pace with his humanities alongside the onslaught of his technology. We have humanities in the Dark Ages and technologies in the next century. We are, therefore, confronted within our own nations with strikes, crimes, upsets, juvenile delinquency and problems beyond count. We are confronted at the same time with rebellious Indians, Burmese, and Sinhalese and Chinese and Arabs. We are confronted then with a United States and Great Britain which, having delivered the weapons of slaughter into the hands of others, seemingly have no will to continue their regulation. The white man within his own countries and within all the countries of Earth has solved the problem technologically. Guns, furniture, linoleum, weaving machines, harvesters, air conditioning, medical advances have each and every one conquered their environments. Though the machine has penetrated such distance and though the machine has made each and every United States citizen and British citizen more independent and capable, it has not been accompanied by a philosophy of use adequate to its potential for harm. Thus we have a chaotic world condition. We have uncounted communication devices and have not had until Scientology any formula for communication itself. We have a thousand tongues, the phonograph, the motion picture, the radio, the television to talk about affinity and we do not even know what it is. We have numberless realities being created daily in huge antiseptic factories without any understanding of what reality might be, and thus we have created beyond the ability of Man to understand, and unless the understanding of Man can be brought to the level of his own creations Man is doomed as the conquering animal of Earth. So desperate has Man become that he will buy almost any ideology whether it is communism or druidism. He will buy the garbage of Marx and even write it unsuspectingly into the United States Constitution under the heading of "Income Tax." He will seek solutions to his overpowering problems from indigestible sources such as Russian psychiatry or Wundtian German psychology, neither one of which was intended to free Man or to give him understanding and which were intended only to enslave and debase. Counterfeited ideologies and humanities are not good enough in this age of atomic fission and jet planes. These two alone, unless handled sentiently, can bring about the wipe-out of modern Man. If you have questioned where you were going with Scientology, if you did not know exactly what you intended to do with Scientology, if you had no real understanding of what Scientology was for, read the above again. You will readily recognize that the typist sitting in some office overwhelmed by routine is equipped immediately with the means of writing letters faster than any amanuensis of past ages but has no understandings of why she should be there or what she should be doing beyond the 401 fact that she "has to have a job." What hope is there for this girl? Like the operator of a drill press in a factory, like the pilot of a jet plane or like the man himself who designs atomic missiles, she does not know what she is doing or why she is doing it. Therefore, she cannot hope to understand the motives of those around her, nor can she understand any need for any teamwork in the execution of a better civilization. She is being overpowered and engulfed by the business machinery with which she is surrounded. Work and happiness, or comfort or pride exist in such surroundings. From the highest head of state to the lowest menial, saving only Scientologists, in the United States, Great Britain or the rest of the world there is no exact understanding of life itself, thus livingness itself has become as automatic as machinery. Machines do not bleed, they do not suffer. It is only because Man conceives Man to be an incomprehensible machine that makes Man willing to destroy with such weapons as atomic fission. Only men without purpose, without understanding, men who cannot play the game would so attack their fellows. What craven cowardice is it that requires a weapon as great as an H-bomb to command compliance with one's bad temper? One can only gaze with contempt upon a person who in a relatively peaceful society will over-arm himself and over-threaten his fellows. If Man cared more, if Man had a better understanding of his own purpose, Man would make a better effort to survive, but lost in the confusions of ideologies which were intended to do nothing but confuse him, what chance does he have? The chance he has is Scientology. We're giving him that chance and if you do not pass along to him what you know, you yourselves are failing that man, failing yourselves, and failing us. This is Man's one chance. You must give it to him, otherwise he faces other planets, other times, other elsewheres, but no more here. Scientology is not so much Man's first science of understanding as his last call to reason. If you cannot see this as a necessity, this science and technology to fit in with Man's mission of the machine, then you cannot view Man's further survival, for it will not exist. Were we to straighten out on its lower and middle strata the thinkingness of Man, he would have a chance to live. You would give that chance to a person dying in an automobile accident. You would give that chance to a dog; you would give the chance to breathe again and look at the sun to your deadliest enemy. Then why not give it to Man at large? Is it because you cannot see him as an entirety, because you cannot see him as units made up in a similar image to those of your immediate family and friends? You must give Man that chance. Given that chance he can live out his destiny. If that chance is withheld from him he will be no more. Where Earth pursues her gentle way in her orbit about the sun today there will be a black orb seared, scorched and defaced with ruin, its air polluted by radiation, its surface gouged by pocks, the skeletons of its cities standing black and ruined against a sun which was allowed to set upon the Anglo-American civilization. Perhaps there are other planets, perhaps there will be other times, but here we are right now, our urgings and our strivings ought to carry forward the civilization which we have about us. Perhaps it would be better to start all over and make another one. I do not happen to think so. I think that we can and will continue to create this civilization and continue to bring Man through despite his fully in creating industrially fur beyond his ability to understand and then borrowing from those who hated him the technologies he hoped would permit him to survive. We know how and we can do. It is up to us. It is up to you and only then we can say with honesty that it is up to Man. 402 HCA TRAINING RIGHTS If you read closely you discovered that only those HCA training rights given to DScns which had not been used and only those which although used did not pay for certification to the central organization were cancelled. Those people training to the level of HCA in the United States who have used their training right to train people to that level and who are in good order financially with the central organization are still in force. Next time don't jump to conclusions! Any and all professional auditors have the complete right to teach a Basic Course and should be teaching the Basic Course regardless of the type of mock-up they use to get people running through this Basic Course. You understand that we can see a real Basic Course, one which trains a minimum of twenty-five or thirty people a week. Anything else we call "peanuts." So let's get busy on that one. In the United States toward the end of the year there will be a DScn Course for those who wish to qualify and procure rights to train; otherwise no such rights will be issued. L. RON HUBBARD 403  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=1/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=82 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION    P.A.B. No. 82 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 1 May 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. For the next few issues of the PAB we are running a preview of the Translator's Edition of Scientology. It is presented not because you are in need of a translation, but because you do need at this time a tight resume of the data of Scientology AS IT SHOULD BE PRESENTED TO BASIC COURSE PEOPLE. In a Basic Course give them this data. Give people definitions. Repeat them many times. Don't talk about Scientology in your lectures. Give them Scientology. Later these materials will be a Basic Course booklet. Here, as well, are some startling new principles you have not seen before, for since my discovery of them, there has been no written release of the data. This information is yours to use. It is a new "shot in the arm" for Scientology. These advances have been called incredible. They are only mildly amazing. L. RON HUBBARD NOTE: The Translator's Edition of SCIENTOLOGY contains the most fundamental principles of the science in such a form that any further reader in another tongue can understand fully what was intended. The difficulties of translation are most apparent when one is asked to translate Scientology who has not had years of experience with it; a translation not based on experience is then colored by the various misunderstandings of the translator, and when the work passes, translated, into the hands of someone who is to use or study it in that tongue, the person is deprived of much of the precision of Scientology. Indeed, it is possible for even a fair translation to still exclude enough in precision of word usage to deprive the science of workability in a tongue for which it was not written originally. While it is no criticism of the English of the translator, it yet brings up the obvious point that not all translators are expert Scientologists and might omit some of the exact meanings without knowing that they had done so. TO OVERCOME THIS I have written here a Translator's Edition. The ENTIRE TEXT which follows and every word therein is scheduled for translation and must, each word, be literally translated into non-English text. In order to secure exact meanings all words and some phrases which are of questionable status in translation have been given in synonym several times. This TRANSLATOR'S TEXT must then accompany and be included in all other non-English texts of whatever language; otherwise Scientology might not be found in 404 many respects workable and an entire language area would be without it, since it would not be understandable to it, the translator having erred somewhere in his translation. I speak in this from experience, having seen DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY already in non-English tongues whose translators were not trained in the science. In engineering, bridges stand or they fall down. That is because engineering is so precise that an error in the engineering science preceding the bridge could result in calamity. Similarly, Scientology works or it doesn't work. It is not an art. It is the first Science of Humanity to have this engineering precision. Thus literary skill does not count in a translation. Smooth reading does not count. Exact meaning DOES count. IN TRANSLATING ANYTHING IN SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATE THIS PAPER FIRST. Translate also the note above. WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY? Scientology is that branch of psychology which treats of human ability. It is an extension of DIANETICS which is in itself an extension of old-time faculty-psychology of 400 years ago. More acceptable and normal psychology, such as that begun by St. Thomas Aquinas and extended by many later authors, was in 1879 interrupted severely by one Professor Wundt, a Marxist at Leipzig University in Germany. This strange man, in agreement with Marx, conceived that Man was an animal without soul and based all of his work on the principle that there was no "psyche" (a Greek word meaning "spirit"). Psychology, the study of the spirit (or mind) then came into the peculiar position of being "a study of the spirit which denied the spirit." For the subsequent decades, whipped on by Marxist economists and dialectic materialists, Wundtian "psychology" was taught broadly through the world. It taught that man was an animal. It taught that man could not be bettered. It taught that intelligence never changed. This slave subject, Wundtian psychology, became the standard, mainly because of the indifference or lack of knowledge of people in charge of things. Scientology is actually a new, very basic psychology in the most exact meaning of the word. It can and does change behavior and intelligence, and it can and does assist people to study life. Unlike Wundtian pseudo-psychology, it has no political axe to grind. Scientology is not teaching dialectic materialism under the heading of "psychology." The term SCIENTOLOGY is taken from scio (knowing in the fullest meaning of the word) and ology (to study). Scientology, used by the trained and relatively untrained person, improves the intelligence, ability, behavior, skill and appearance of people. It is a precise and exact science. It is employed by an AUDITOR (a Scientology practitioner) upon individuals or small or large groups of people, in their presence. The Auditor makes these people, at their choice, do various exercises, and these exercises (processes) bring about changes for the better in intelligence, behavior and general competence. HOW IS SCIENTOLOGY USED? Scientology is employed by an Auditor (one who listens and computes) as a set of drills (exercises, processes) upon the individual, and small or large groups. It is also employed as an educational (teaching) subject. It has been found that persons can be processed (drilled) in Scientology with Scientology exercises and can be made well of many, many illnesses and can become brighter, more alert and more competent. BUT if they are only processed they have a tendency to be 405 overwhelmed or startled, and although they may be brighter and more competent they are still held down by an ignorance of life. Therefore it is far better to teach AND process (audit, drill) a person than only to process him. In other words the best use of Scientology is through processing and education in Scientology. In this way there is no imbalance. It is interesting that people only need to study Scientology to have some small rise in their own intelligence, behavior and competence. The study itself is therapeutic (good medicine) by actual testing. IS SCIENTOLOGY VALID? Tens of thousands of case histories (reports on patients, individual records), all sworn to (attested before public officials), are in the possession of the organizations of Scientology. No other subject on earth except physics and chemistry has had such gruelling testing (proofs, exact findings). Scientology in the hands of an expert (Auditor) can cure some 70% of Man's illnesses (sicknesses). Scientology is used by some of the largest companies (business organizations) on earth. It is valid. It has been tested. WHERE IS THERE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SCIENTOLOGY? Scientology has two main organizations. One of these is the HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS, No. 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8, United Kingdom. The other is the HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS INTERNATIONAL, Post Office Box 242, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A. These organizations have offices on every continent of Earth. Scientology practitioners are validated (certified, given diplomas) by these two organizations. Diplomas are given only after very exact training. A person who is skilled in Scientology has a diploma from one of the above two organizations or from the FOUNDING CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. These offices and these people can give you more information about Scientology. The above two organizations have many books in English on the subject of Scientology and Dianetics. The company that is publishing the book you are reading may have more books in your language. WHO INVENTED SCIENTOLOGY? Scientology was discovered (found), not invented (created). It was organized by L. Ron Hubbard, an American, who has many degrees and is very skilled by reason of study. Sometimes Wundtian psychologists defend themselves by saying Hubbard is insane; actually the Chicago Psychological Institute, a Wundtian organization gave Hubbard many tests at his own request in January of 1951 and found him unusually bright and extremely sane. Hubbard was trained in nuclear physics at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. before he started his studies about the mind. This explains the mathematical precision of Scientology. Doctor Hubbard has been given many honors for his work in the field of the mind. He has been assisted by one of the most numerous organizations in the field of the mind on Earth today, the organizations of Dianetics and Scientology. Scientology organizations contain more members than all other mental health organizations combined. CAN A PERSON WITHOUT MUCH STUDY USE SCIENTOLOGY? Scientology is practiced in daily life by enormous numbers of people who have no formal training beyond a study of textbooks. Scientology was developed to be used by such people as well as by the trained practitioner. A person studying by himself from textbooks can use Scientology both to help and to heal his fellow human beings. WHAT SPECIAL USE DOES SCIENTOLOGY HAVE? Scientology does things for people where nothing has been done before. It makes them well from illnesses which were once considered hopeless. It increases their intelligence. It changes their competence and betters their behavior. In addition to these it brings them a better understanding of life. One outstanding thing which it does: it alleviates burns received from atomic bombs. Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns. Scientology processing given to persons burned by radiation can alleviate 406 the majority of the difficulty. This is true even when the person so treating (auditor) is not completely trained. BASIC PRINCIPLES Like engineering, Scientology has certain basic principles. These are necessary to a full understanding of the subject. It is not enough to know how to process (drill) people in Scientology. To be effective (good) one must also know the basic principles. Scientology is very exact. The humanities (human studies) of the past were full of opinions. Scientology is full of facts that work. To study Scientology one should scan (skim) quickly through the basics and find something with which one can agree. Having found ONE THING (one fact) with which he can agree, he should then skim through again and find another fact. He should continue to do this until he feels some friendliness to the subject. When he has achieved this, and only when he has achieved this, he should then study all the basic Principles. There is no effort here to be authoritarian (opinionated). No one will try to make the subject difficult except yourself. You may have been taught that the mind (the spirit, the brain) is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind. THE CYCLE OF ACTION The most fundamental idea in Scientology is called the CYCLE OF ACTION. CYCLE = a span of time with a beginning and an end; = a section of the totality of time with a beginning and an end; = in beginningless and endless time one can set out periods which do have a beginning and an end insofar as action is concerned. ACTION = motion or movement; = an act; = a consideration that motion has occurred. In very ancient books it is written that from chaos came a birth, from birth there was growth, when growth was achieved there was then a gradual decay, the decay then ended in death, after death there was chaos. Scientology expresses this more briefly. THE CYCLE OF ACTION IS AN APPARENCY AS FOLLOWS: CREATE, then SURVIVE, then DESTROY; or Creation, Survival, Destruction. First there is Creation. Then this is followed by Survival. Then this is followed by Destruction. APPARENCY = appears to be as distinct from actually IS. This cycle is only an APPARENCY. It is what we see, what we behold, what we believe. We CONSIDER (think, believe, suppose, postulate) that it is so and we then see it so. A child is born, he grows, he reaches manhood, he grows old, he dies. In Scientology it can be seen that none of these steps are necessary. One considers them so and so they are true. A man can grow old quickly or slowly. He grows old to the degree that he believes he is growing old. Because everyone AGREES that this is the way things are, they go that way. The cycle is not TRUE. It is only APPARENT. It is APPARENT because we believe we see it. It is APPARENT because we AGREE that it should be so. The test of this principle is as follows: By using the CYCLE OF ACTION can we make anyone well or more intelligent? Thousands of tests have proven that the use of 407 and belief in the CYCLE OF ACTION has made none well or intelligent. Therefore, no matter if we see it, there must be something wrong with it. The woman, growing old, wishing to appear younger, is protesting this CYCLE OF ACTION. She feels there is something wrong with it. There is. We have to find out what the ACTUAL cycle is before we can make people better. ACTUAL = what is really true; = that which exists despite all apparencies; = that which underlies the way things seem to be; = the way things really are. THE ACTUAL CYCLE OF ACTION is as follows: CREATE, create-create-create, create-counter-create, no creation, nothingness. CREATE = make, manufacture, construct, postulate, bring into beingness. Create-create-create = create again continuously one moment after the next. Create-counter-create = to create something against a creation; = to create one thing and then create something else against it. No creation = an absence of any creation; = no creative activity. An ACTUAL cycle of action, then, consists of various activities but each and every one of them is creative. The cycle of action contains an APPARENCY of SURVIVAL but this is actually only a continuous creation. The APPARENT cycle of action contains DESTRUCTION but the ACTUAL cycle of action tells us what destruction is; DESTRUCTION is one of TWO activities. DESTRUCTION is in terms of action a creation of something against a creation of something else. For example, a wall is seen standing; to be apparent it is necessary that the wall be constantly created; the act of "destruction" is to exert against the wall another creativeness, the action or activity of knocking the wall down; both the wall standing there and the action of knocking it down are "creative" actions. Because we may object to (argue against, dislike) a wall being knocked down we vilify (swear at, scorn) the creativeness involved in knocking it down with the word "destructive." ACTUALITY tells us that there is no such thing as destruction; there is only creation against a creation. There is another "type of destruction" and this is NO MORE CREATION. By no longer being a party to (a member of) the wall's creation, the wall, in theory, can cease to exist for one. This is true in ACTUAL PRACTICE in Scientology. REALITY is the way things appear. REALITY IS APPARENCY. To do anything about reality, one must search into and discover what underlies the APPARENCY. Of what does REALITY consist (what is Reality composed of)? We SEE an APPARENCY which has the CYCLE OF ACTION of CREATE-SURVIVE-DESTROY. More basically (fundamentally, underlying experience) this CYCLE OF ACTION contains nothing but CREATION. If one stops making something, it no longer exists. If one ceases to create, there is nothingness. When one creates something or beholds something which is created, that thing is still being created. Even if one is creating something with his left hand and has forgotten about it with his right hand, the thing still exists. In other words one can create something without knowing it is still being created. Then he seeks to DESTROY it by a counter- creation (a creation against it). The result is a chaos created by two opposing creations. LET US BE PRACTICAL. A science is not a science unless it is practical. A theory is no good unless it works. All the fancy and beautiful theory in the world is useless unless it has a use or a workability. Is this CYCLE OF ACTION THEORY USEFUL? It is. So long as we believe that we have to destroy with force in order to destroy at all, as long as we think in terms of destruction, we have chaos. There is CREATING AND KNOWING ONE IS CREATING. There is CREATING AND NOT KNOWING ONE IS CREATING. When one drives a car or a cart he does 408 many things (performs many acts) which he is not AWARE OF (conscious of, know about) and these we call AUTOMATIC ACTIONS. One is doing something and is not aware that he is doing it. He starts to create something, then places this thought still active beyond his own reach and the creation continues to occur. KNOWINGLY CREATING SOMETHING is always the first condition. One can then purposefully CONTINUE THE CREATION UNKNOWINGLY. Everything he is doing knowingly or unknowingly he is doing here and now, in the present instant, in present time. He KNOWINGLY STARTED THE CREATION in some PAST moment. But the Creation is being done in the present moment. To stop any creation it can be established that one once knew he was creating it, and that thought found and made known again, OR ONE CAN SIMPLY CREATE NEWLY AND CONSCIOUSLY WHAT HE IS ALREADY CREATING UNCONSCIOUSLY (unknowingly). In either case the creation stops. The WRONG WAY is to start a new creation to counter against the old creation; when one does this he gets confusion and chaos. FOR EXAMPLE a man has a bad leg. He is trying to "get well." He seeks then to create a good leg. He goes to doctors and wants to be healed. The treatment is difficult and usually somewhat unsuccessful in the case of a very severely crippled leg. SOMETHING is creating a bad leg. Against this he is creating a good leg. The result is confusion and a bad leg. BUT a THIRD creativeness is present. First something was creating, we hope, a good leg. Then a counter-creation (such as an accident to his leg) counter-created a bad leg. Now he is trying to counter-create again a good leg. The result is to wipe out THE ORIGINAL GOOD LEG since THAT IS THE CREATION HE IS TAKING OVER AND EXPOSING WITH HIS EFFORTS TO GET WELL. He wants a good leg. The trouble with him is the counter-creation of a bad leg. The test is factual. Have him create (by a certain Scientology process) bad legs until the counter-creation of bad legs is wiped out and the ORIGINAL CREATION OF A GOOD LEG WILL REAPPEAR. This only fails when there is no original creation of a good leg, when this is gone. FOR EXAMPLE a man has a job. He works at it. That is to say he create-create-creates a job throughout the days, weeks and years. As long as he makes a job, the job exists. One day he DEPENDS upon (takes for granted) this job. He no longer creates it. It ceases to exist. He has no job. The APPARENCY is that he loafed (became lazy) and was discharged. The ACTUALITY is that he no longer created a job and so didn't have one. FOR EXAMPLE a man depends upon a woman to keep his house for him. One day he no longer has a woman. He can't keep house EVEN THOUGH BEFORE HE MARRIED THE WOMAN HE COULD KEEP HOUSE. FOR EXAMPLE a man is sane. He gets the idea (creates the idea) that it would be better to be insane. He starts to go insane (having created it) and then does numberless things in order to stay sane. Here he was already creating the state of sanity. He counter-created insanity. He then counter- created sanity against insanity. CREATION IN THIS WORK may be thought to exclude God. We are here considering only those things which MAN or Man as a spirit can make or manufacture or think. The subject of WHO or WHAT is doing the creation does not invalidate the cycle. This is a work on the subject of the mind, not a work on the subject of the Supreme Being. There are many tests for these principles in SCIENTOLOGY. Such tests come under the heading of PROCESSING. (Continued in PAB 83 on next page.) L. RON HUBBARD 409  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=8/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=83 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 82 THE CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE    P.A.B. No. 83 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 8 May 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 82 THE CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE There are three conditions (circumstances, qualities) of existence (apparency, reality, livingness). These three conditions comprise (make up, constitute) life. They are BE, DO and HAVE. THE CONDITION OF BEING is defined as the assumption (choosing) of a category of identity. It could be said to be the role in a game and an example of beingness could be one's own name. Another example would be his profession. Another example would be his physical characteristics. Each or all of these things could be called his beingness. Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained. For example, in the playing of a game each player has his own beingness. THE SECOND CONDITION OF EXISTENCE IS DOING. By doing we mean action, function, accomplishment, the attainment of goals, the fulfilling of purpose, or any change of position in space. THE THIRD CONDITION IS HAVINGNESS. By havingness we mean owning, possessing, being capable of commanding, positioning, taking charge of objects, energies or spaces. The essential definition of having is to be able to touch or permeate or to direct the disposition of. The game of life demands that one assume a beingness in order to accomplish a doingness in the direction of havingness. These three conditions are given in an order of seniority (importance) where life is concerned. The ability to be is more important than the ability to do, the ability to do is more important than the ability to have. In most people all three conditions are sufficiently confused (chaotic, baffling) that they are best understood in reverse order. 410 When one has clarified (brought order into) the idea of possession or havingness, one can then proceed to clarify doingness for general activity, and when this is done one understands beingness or identity. It is an essential to a successful existence that each of these three conditions be clarified and understood. The ability to assume or to grant (give, allow) beingness is probably the highest of human virtues. It is even more important to be able to permit (allow) other people to have beingness than to be able oneself to assume it. THE EIGHT DYNAMICS As one looks out across the confusion which is life or existence to most people, one can discover eight main divisions, to each one of which apply the conditions of existence. Each division contains a cycle of action. There could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call DYNAMICS. These are motives or motivations. We call them THE EIGHT DYNAMICS. There is no thought or statement here that any one of these eight dynamics is more important than the others. While they are categories (divisions) of the broad game of life they are not necessarily equal to each other. It will be found amongst individuals that each person stresses one of the dynamics more than the others or may stress a combination of dynamics as more important than other combinations. The purpose in setting forth this division is to increase an understanding of life by placing it in compartments. Having subdivided existence in this fashion each compartment can be inspected as itself and by itself in its relationship to the other compartments of life. In working a puzzle it is necessary to first take pieces of similar color or character and place them in groups. In studying a subject it is necessary to proceed in an orderly fashion. To promote this orderliness it is necessary to assume for our purposes these eight arbitrary compartments of life. THE FIRST DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as one's self. Here we have individuality expressed fully. THE SECOND DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as a sexual or bisexual activity. This dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and the Second Dynamic (b) is the family unit including the rearing of children. THE THIRD DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence in groups of individuals. Any group or part of an entire class could be considered to be a part of the Third Dynamic. The school, the society, the town, the nation are each part of the Third Dynamic and each one is a Third Dynamic. THE FOURTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as mankind. Whereas the white race would be considered a Third Dynamic, all the races would be considered the Fourth Dynamic. THE FIFTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence of the animal kingdom. This includes all living things whether vegetable or animal. The fish in the sea, the beasts of the field, or of the forest, grass, trees, flowers or anything directly and intimately motivated by life. THE SIXTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as the physical universe. The physical universe is composed of matter, energy, space and time. In Scientology we take the first letter of each of these words and coin a word MEST. 411 THE SEVENTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as or of spirits. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the heading of the Seventh Dynamic. THE EIGHTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as Infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being. It is carefully observed here that the science of Scientology does not intrude into the Dynamic of the Supreme Being. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of infinity stood upright makes the numeral "8." The earlier science Dianetics included Dynamics one to four. Scientology embraces Dynamics one through seven as known territory, scientifically demonstrated and classified. The difficulty of stating the exact definitions of the Dynamics is entirely verbal. Originally the Dynamics read "the urge towards survival as -- ." As the science developed it became apparent that survival was only an apparency and only one facet of existence. Both the cycle of action and the three conditions of existence belong in each Dynamic. A further manifestation of these Dynamics is that they could best be represented as a series of concentric circles wherein the First Dynamic would be the center and each new Dynamic would be successively a circle outside it. The idea of space adjoining enters into these Dynamics. The basic characteristic of the individual includes his ability to so expand into the other Dynamics, but when the Seventh Dynamic is reached in its entirety one will only then discover the true First Dynamic. As an example of use of these Dynamics one discovers that a baby at birth is not perceptive beyond the First Dynamic, but as the child grows and interests extend can be seen to embrace other Dynamics. As a further example of use, a person who is incapable of operating on the Third Dynamic is incapable at once of being a part of a team and so might be said to be incapable of a social existence. As a further comment upon the Eight Dynamics, no one of these Dynamics from One to Seven is more important than any other one of them in terms of orienting the individual. While the Dynamics are not of equal importance, one to the next, the ability of an individual to assume the beingness, doingness and havingness of each Dynamic is an index to his ability to live. The Eight Dynamics are used in Scientology communication and should be perfectly learned as part of the language of Scientology. The abilities and shortcomings of individuals can be understood by viewing their participation in the various Dynamics. THE ARC TRIANGLE There is a triangle of considerable importance in Scientology and understanding of it gives a much greater understanding of life, and an ability to use it. The ARC triangle is the keystone of living associations. This triangle is the common denominator to all of life's activities. The first comer of the triangle is called Affinity. The basic definition of affinity is the consideration of distance, whether good or bad. The most basic function of complete affinity would be the ability to occupy the same space as something else. The word "affinity" is here used to mean love, liking or any other emotional attitude. Affinity is conceived in Scientology to be something of many facets. Affinity is a variable quality. Affinity is here used as a word with the 412 context "degree of liking." Under affinity we have the various emotional tones ranged from the highest to the lowest and these are, in part, serenity (the highest level), enthusiasm (as we proceed downward towards the baser affinities), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy. Below apathy affinity proceeds into solidities such as matter. Affinity is conceived to be comprised first of thought, then of emotion which contains energy particles, and then as a solid. The second comer of the triangle is Reality. Reality could be defined as "that which appears to be." Reality is fundamentally agreement. What we agree to be real is real. The third comer of the triangle is Communication. In human relationships this is more important than the other two comers of the triangle in understanding the composition of human relations in this universe. Communication is the solvent for all things. It dissolves all things. The interrelationship of the triangle becomes apparent at once, when one asks, "Have you ever tried to talk to an angry man?" Without a high degree of liking and without some basis of agreement there is no communication. Without communication and some basis of emotional response there can be no reality. Without some basis for agreement and communication there can be no affinity. Thus we call these three things a triangle. Unless we have two comers of a triangle, there cannot be a third comer. Desiring any coiner of the triangle, one must include the other two. The triangle is conceived to be very spacious at the level of serenity and completely condensed at the level of matter. Thus to represent a scale for use one would draw a large triangle with a high part of the scale and succeedingly small triangles down to a dot at the bottom of the scale. Affinity, reality and communication are the basis of the Scientology Tone Scale which gives a prediction of human behavior as contained in the book Science of Survival, obtainable from the HASI. As has already been noted, the triangle is not an equilateral triangle. Affinity and Reality are very much less important than Communication. It might be said that the triangle begins with Communication which brings into existence Affinity and Reality. The most primitive Scientology definition of Communication is "Cause-Distance-Effect." The fundamental manual of Communication is Dianetics, 1955!, obtainable from the HASI. If you would continue a strong and able communication with someone there must be some basis for agreement. There must be some liking for the person and then communication can exist. We can see, then, that simple talking and writing randomly without knowledge of this would not necessarily be communication. Communication is essentially something which is sent and which is received. The intention to send and the intention to receive must both be present in some degree before an actual communication can take place. Therefore one could have conditions which appear to be communications which were not. Original with Scientology, as are all these concepts, the ARC triangle understood is an extremely useful tool or weapon in human relationships. For instance, amongst the ARC triangle laws a communication to be received must approximate the affinity level of the person to whom it is directed. As people descend the tone scale they become more and more difficult to communicate with, and things with which they will agree become more and more solid; 413 thus we have friendly discourses high on the scale and war at the bottom. Where the affinity level is hate the agreement is solid matter and the communication... bullets. (Continued in PAB 84 on page 421.) SOME IMPORTANT AUDITING DON'TS It is important for all auditors to know a few don'ts in conjunction with the do's recently discovered. Havingness has been isolated as the entering wedge for any and all cases. It has been discovered that when havingness was concentrated upon, in various processes, intelligence quotient gained and personality bettered. The "Terrible Trio" as described in a recent PAB is easily the best opening wedge in a case at this time. There are, of course, some additional havingness processes under test but none of them have to date been thoroughly validated as has the "Terrible Trio." Primary auditing "Don'ts" whether for staff auditor or for the professional auditing room all concern themselves with a conservation of havingness in the preclear in the early stages of auditing as well as the later ones. Some very astonishing things have been discovered. This follows: 1. Taking an inventory or prolonged two-way communication in opening a case have been discovered to reduce havingness sufficiently to worsen an occasional case. If immediately after the inventory two-way comm a scientometric battery was given, it would be found that the case had reduced in IQ and personality qualities. Therefore, we can assume that in some cases prolonged two-way comm and inventory at case beginning have dropped the case level, and although the case was then run many hours on havingness processes, all that happened was that the case regained the lost ground and so the final scientometric result showed "no change in case," although the case had reduced and had come back. Therefore the rudiments should be established rapidly without too much talking delay and a direct havingness process should be entered upon at once. In the case of a very pressing present time problem it is, of course, a benefit to reduce the problem thoroughly by getting problems of comparable magnitude. This, in itself, in a way is a havingness process. 2. The "Terrible Trio" run outside rather than in the auditing room has been found, in five separate cases, to produce a collapse of case. The introduction of so much space into havingness reduces havingness faster than it is built up. Therefore, the "Terrible Trio" should be run in the auditing room. Not-Knowingness about people and separateness processes, oddly enough, seem to be runnable exteriorly without involving this factor. 3. Lying processes such as "Tell me a lie about that wall" are not always havingness processes. It is left to accident which side of the counter- creation is being run by the preclear so that at times the process gets gains and sometimes does not get gains. Running "Problem of comparable magnitude" assures that one is running the creation which is countering the survival of the preclear. This is in no way dangerous. But creative processes in general are not necessarily havingness processes unless they are run "against the preclear," which is to say unless they are run as counter-creations to the creations of the preclear. "Invent something to restrict you" would be superior to "Tell me a lie about that wall." 4. The auditor should be particularly careful to inquire into how or what the preclear is doing. The "Terrible Trio" has failed on occasion, but when the case has been looked into by another auditor, it has been discovered that the process was not understood by the preclear and was not "the least" by the auditor. An 414 example of this was a case which was permitted to run the "Terrible Trio" for many hours without gain which, on investigation, demonstrated that the preclear was assuming that she could have objects similar to the objects she was looking at if she bought them and on this via she was continuing the process. The auditor did not talk with the preclear enough to understand what the preclear was actually doing with the process. One must not forget that golden maxim "Find out what the preclear is doing with the command." CAN'T HAVE PROCESSES Remembering the old dichotomies, it becomes obvious that if havingness is so important in auditing, negative havingness would also have its role somewhere in processes. It could be said to be true that withheld communication is the single and sole reason for the accumulation of ridges and barriers. However, who withholds this communication? For the principle for withheld communication to exist, it must have been initiated originally by the preclear himself. If we run communications being withheld from a preclear we hit a reduction in havingness or draw a blank. If we run the preclear withholding communication from another, we tend to profit. It is not necessarily true that havingness will gain immediately and automatically by running out the communications the preclear has withheld, for a good deal depends on how the preclear is doing the process. Havingness could be said to be the result of withheld communication. Just as too much communication will as-is any havingness, so withholding communication will accumulate havingness. This is a sort of an automatic accumulation mechanism. It is true that a thetan can simply mock up masses -- there is no reason why there should be a modus operandi accumulation of masses beyond the fact that there is one: withheld communication. When a person has too little havingness he tends to conserve what havingness he has by withholding communication. You will discover that only low-havingness persons fail to acknowledge or engage in good communication. Should a low-havingness person acknowledge or originate too frequently his havingness would be reduced accordingly. He is restrained from communicating, then, by the sensations consequent to a reduction of his havingness. Well below the level of communication as such, we have restrained havingness. This is a sub-order of withheld communication. An individual who refuses to let other individuals have things is himself apt to reduce his own havingness accordingly. The mechanism whereby this takes place is a very interesting one. We recall the "winning valence" aspect of cases. We find in Book I that the individual losing is apt to assume the valence of the person who won. The "winning valence" is a synthetic valence. It is not actually the personality of the person who won. It is the individual's mock-up of that person which is diminished or augmented by other people's opinions and by one's own postulates. Let us conceive the following circumstance: A little baby with a habitually angry father has many times on the approach of the father stated more or less to himself, "He can't have this body." Yet father in the final analysis wins. The baby grows to assume, at length, the valence of father. This is a synthetic valence. It is not father's actual personality. It is the personality the baby has observed the father to have. This synthetic valence is salted with the baby's "can't have" postulates. In other words, this winning valence of father is corrupted by many can't-have postulates which were not father's. In view of the fact that these postulates consist of forbidding the father to 415 have the baby, the assumption of the "winning valence" of father results in the assumption of postulates that the person cannot have himself back. He is trapped by "can't haves" of his own manufacture. Just as the baby was the cause of his own effect and just as he suffered from this, so do all winning valences forbid the return to identity, since somewhere in the anatomy of the winning valence is the individual's own postulate that the winning valence cannot have the individual. Thus we have the continuous struggle on the part of people to "be themselves" which trouble is of little avail. On the basis of this rationale, some tests have already been conducted, but the matter is in no wise completed. This is then given as an advanced look- in on some forward research. Selecting categories, which is the Eight Dynamics, and selecting them as they seem to be put forward by the preclear -- introducing as little arbitrary selection by the auditor as possible and leaving it up to the preclear -- one asks what these categories can't have. One does not stress "from you" but he certainly doesn't stress what the individual himself "can't have" for to do so would be to make the individual postulate against himself. Let us suppose that the preclear's a man and that the category "women" has been chosen. The auditing question would then be "Tell me something that women can't have." On the male preclear, of course, "Tell me something that men can't have" would also be runnable, since the truth of the matter is the preclear is not a male but has a male body. On early tests it does not seem to be reductive of havingness to run this process. If this were so I would guess that the process would have to be alternated with such a process as the "Terrible Trio," but this has not yet been necessary. If we are trying to return the preclear to himself it would seem that "can't have" would best assist the reassumption of one's own identity by the above rationale. Let me know how you progress with this. TEACHING THE BASIC COURSE All qualified auditors should now be running a Basic Course in Scientology. It has been found on test that these courses, through supplying stable data to a student, align many of his confusions and so give rise to an increase in IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and an improvement in the personality traits. This is the way to get a better world and also would give rise to a great deal of interest in your area in the subject. If you have not started your Basic Course you should get moving on this right away. 416  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 10 iDate=0/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TEST RESULTS   "Nibs" Hubbard Ken Barrett Dick Steves Julia Lewis Don Breeding John Sanborn Mary Sue Hubbard Jack Parkhouse Washington Staff Auditors Instructors  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 8 May 1956 From: L. Ron Hubbard To: "Nibs" Hubbard Mary Sue Hubbard Ken Barrett Jack Parkhouse Dick Steves Washington Staff Auditors Julia Lewis Instructors Don Breeding John Sanborn TEST RESULTS During the past many months test results have been varying as follows: During the last few weeks I was in Washington and for the first few weeks after I had left test results remained high. They began to drop off and for about three months were quite unsatisfactory. The occasion for this was in the main a research, not an auditing, problem. When I finally isolated havingness as the principal neglected factor I began to work on rehabilitating it; test results did an immediate climb. Certain provisions were taken regarding the address of the individual auditor to the case and for a short while results were quite satisfactory. It is noteworthy, however, that, as could be expected, results followed a similar curve in London, but regained a higher level more rapidly and have retained that level since. The last batch of results received from HGC Washington indicate a new slump, but this time the slump exists not only in the HGC test results but in the Academy results. Formerly Academy results were higher than HGC results. This is not now the case. From this we must assume that some randomity of some character has entered into processing independent of procedures. With that may I repeat the following cautions: Do not take inventories. Do not go into long two-way comm sessions since these two things reduce havingness markedly. Lay off all subjective processes unless they are straight mock-up havingness processes. Run more 8-C and "Terrible Trio" than anything else. Run also the "Can't Have" process outlined in PAB 83. Omit Orders and Lying Processes. In PAB 83 you will also discover BE, DO and HAVE again and the probability is havingness has to be settled, then doingness, then beingness and then exteriorization exercises. In addition to these data on havingness and staying away from subjective processes, there is the matter of games. Winnowing actually some hundreds of possible processes with regard to games only one process has proven to be of great help. This process is run on the alternate questions system whereby Question A is asked, then Question B, then Question A, and so forth. This process is "What would you permit to overwhelm?" and B -- "What would you permit to be overwhelmed?" Read that very carefully because it is not "What would you permit to overwhelm you?" or "What could you overwhelm?" It is an entirely detached type of question and it depends upon the old truth that one doesn't have any problems of one's own -- all problems are other people's problems. Asking Question A and then Question B back and forth with due regard to havingness brings about a considerable change in the person's morale. I know many subjective processes that work but none which so thoroughly alter a person's viewpoint as this "overwhelming" process. It is evidently true that no part of Games is processable and the entering into of games is not necessarily therapeutic except this idea of overwhelming things. The idea actually goes much further. People become unwilling to overwhelm to such a degree that they will let things go to pieces. This happens to nations. It happens to individuals and it can happen to auditors. 417 The other thing we learn out of games is that games consist of freedom, barriers and purposes. We learn further that there can be no freedom without barriers, since there is no place to be free to. Whereas generations of Man have talked freely about freedom, no one has given barriers a break. In other words, barriers are left on full automatic and only freedom is concentrated upon. In this we have the secret of why Havingness works. It is actually havingness in terms of barriers. We find people impatient of any and all restrictions, resisting anything that resists them. When we work in the direction of freedom entirely all we do is trap the person completely. However running such a process as "Invent a barrier for your body" is not particularly successful according to my inspection of it. Problems depend on their success in auditing as counter-created barriers to the preclear. He can use a very great many of them. I think that the totality of successful processing consists of rebalancing freedom, barriers, purposes. Almost all processes take the single viewpoint, that of the preclear, and thus do not improve his pan-determinism. The "overwhelming" process mentioned above does, however, take into account a pan-determined attitude toward existence. Unless this is regained a case does not progress well. There is another test which you should make and which is self- explanatory. It tells us why valences switch and why one interiorizes into other people's cases. "Look at a chair and tell it to do something." Note that it does not do it. "Say to yourself, 'That defeats me,' and 'I'll have to do it myself.'" Run this for a short time as an example. It is very destructive of havingness, but it tells one the exact mechanisms of interiorization, whether into a body, a case, or a universe. Now with one single exception we have all the ingredients above necessary to make ourselves a clear. This single exception is "AUDITING ATTITUDE." INDOCTRINATION FOR STAFF Unless one has himself an excellent grip on the exact auditing procedure demanded of an auditor addressing a preclear, he is not likely, himself, to teach it or supervise it. In view of recent correspondence and questions coming from Washington staff, it seems that there has not been a sufficient understanding of the indoctrination procedures contained in dummy auditing; therefore, I recently sent a telegram to Julia to request that staff auditors' conferences be stopped as such for a short time and that all staff undertake an orientation in indoctrination procedures. This is not really a Criticism -- this is a new thing which has come to us. Checking London instructors, however, I have found that while they were willing to teach indoctrination and supervise it they themselves were fairly rickety on the subject, and the same activity will shortly be instituted in London. It is my hope that staff in Washington by doing indoctrination dummy auditings will get a better grip on the subject, as I do not feel that it has been adequately understood in the past. Certainly nobody can be harmed by the practice and it is practice, rather than theoretical resume, we would want to conduct in these sessions. An auditor must be drilled on acknowledgment, on putting a question, on an exact communication bridge, and on handling the preclear's origin. You already have the tools and information as to how this is done but I do think we could stand some practice in doing it, and I think this to some degree will help to raise the Academy and HGC test results which I have mentioned above here from them. I repeat that it is drill in dummy auditing we want at these 5 o'clock sessions until everybody has had at least 25 hours' practice in dummy auditing without further significance. I believe that then can we hammer away at students and preclears with a clear conscience on having been through it ourselves. WASHINGTON FOUNDATION I gave you a green light on the Washington Foundation and mimeograph on how 418 to proceed from it, then I gave you a hold-up on it until I came home in August. The reason for this change lay in part in some communications I received from Washington asking questions concerning the school which did not show a good grasp on its purpose. But more important than this was the fact that we are at this moment putting it in London and can be expected to learn much here concerning its conduct. We must be able to start with our best foot forward in Washington as that one means so much to us. A third reason having nothing to do with Washington is that I am not yet entirely satisfied with the exact materials to be taught and will make tapes here to the London classes until we get an exactly usable set. A further hold-up is the lack of textbook. I feel that it would be almost fatal to start in without an exact textbook of materials taught to show to persons interested in a governmental way. Knowing printing schedules it would be some little time before that exact text and the text B & C will be ready in the U.S Incidental to the last I am alarmed at the cost of Ability books for a paper-covered edition. They should not cost anything like 25 cents a piece. The same book in London costs a very small fraction of that. Thus something has gone wrong with our pricing. Therefore I want to be able to sift out the exact materials to be taught and to get printed text A, B and C here or in the U.S. and have them available before we start up with the Washington Foundation, and in this way we will solve a great many minor difficulties which would make things confusing in Washington. Scientology at this time is in a state of flux and change. We are still trying to standardize and settle upon SLP 8 and our large public releases should depend in a large measure upon a great deal of certainty on our own parts. I am perfectly certain now from this end as to the probable eventual form of SLP 8, but to have to release it within six weeks puts a rush on the Research Department which is unthinkable. AIR CONDITIONING I have in my files here evidence of having sent over orders to get air conditioning for the Academy in late February. Ken has placed with me several estimates for air conditioning and I have wired to put in air conditioning. Evidently air conditioning at the Academy will have to be installed on a room- to-room basis. Such air conditioning is alright but it is too bad that a large central unit cannot be installed. However, room-to-room basis makes for fresher air. I hope that adequate air conditioning by this time is installed. Naturally one should take the lowest estimate. This factor should be released at once in Ability Magazine. Air conditioning should be installed and the fact should be announced promptly, because the heat in Washington is well known and last summer's agony was also well known. Therefore air conditioning has something to do with procurement. STUDENT PROCUREMENT The staff is to be congratulated on having again begun procurement in the student line. We have had a rather long slump, but we are out of this slump now. I have to hand a student brochure which I am returning. I would use this as a temporary brochure. We are about to install a new grade which goes along with the free business school idea. This new grade is called "Professional Scientologist" which desensitizes the idea of auditing and puts very much into fore the idea of training large groups of people to be better in business and their life and treats auditing as only one of the methods in achieving this. The brochure should reflect this and at some time in the future we will have all of the data necessary to print a brochure with this material enclosed. INCOME TAX It is up to the officers of the HASI and other corporations to make very sure that Tax Exemption Certificates are filed for with the Federal Government. Oscar Brinkman, our attorney, is taking care of this, but he may need assistance. It is certain that 419 this picture must be straightened out and there is no reason to believe that Tax Exemption Certificates will not be issued for each and every one of these corporations from the HAS, HASI, right on through to the Founding Church. It simply requires a little address and trouble. It is up to the officers of these corporations to look into this. OZARKS While an eventual situation in the Ozarks is of a necessity, this will not include the unmocking of the Washington Church. Setting up things in the Ozarks probably does not involve more than two or three of the existing Washington personnel, therefore if anybody is standing around waiting for us to move to the Ozarks as a move that will affect his own plans, relax. CURRICULA The Director of Training at the Academy is authorized to arrange his curricula as he sees fit in order to include data which would be necessary to the individual auditor. Amongst things which should be taught is how to lecture, how to group process, how to give an assist and the most modern processes. The Translator's Edition of Scientology as currently appearing in the PABS should be run off on a mimeographed basis and used for a textbook by the Academy as well as the London School. Great care should be taken that the student is able to connect the Axioms of Scientology with the processes and activities of Scientology. Old-time processes such as engram running, Rising Scale Processing and other things which have proven successful should also be gone into with the student. His idea of Dianetics and Scientology should, therefore, be well rounded. I know this places a little strain on scheduling, but it is nevertheless necessary that it be done. Undoubtedly there is some way to work out a schedule so that we get all of these things included. THE FUTURE OF WASHINGTON Our intentions with regard to Washington should be clearly understood. We have in the main been quite successful here in Washington and there is no reason why we can't continue to be. Furthermore, we can point to successes already in being a Civilizing influence on various governmental people. Besides ourselves there is no other such influence in the country. We should keep along with the Founding Church, exactly as it is running or a little better. We should add to this the Washington Foundation and train free classes. We should offer these free classes various leaflets, having to do with what good civilized government is, and we hope eventually to open up something like the Washington School of Government and, who knows, make it mandatory to go to that school before taking office. Nations should not have people in their midst who know nothing of government doing its governing. With few exceptions we are doing very well. Right now, the staff is doing a very fine job holding things together and with some caution and tighter administration, we should find ourselves graduating, before too much time goes by, into a much greater certainty. PAYROLL IN WASHINGTON This is just about keeping pace with Washington income. The income will have to be improved before payroll is improved, otherwise the operation will become insolvent. I wish to thank in particular Julia and Dick Steves for their activities in Washington, and to express my gratitude to the others. LRH:ebh.rd Copyright $c 1956 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 420  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=84 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 83 THE REASON WHY    P.A.B. No. 84 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 15 May 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 83 THE REASON WHY Life can best be understood by likening it to a game. Since we are exterior to a great number of games we can regard them with a detached eye. If we were exterior to life instead of being involved and immersed in the living of it, it would look to us much like games look to us from our present vantage point. Despite the amount of suffering, pain, misery, sorrow and travail which can exist in life, the reason for existence is the same reason as one has to play a game -- interest, contest, activity and possession. The truth of this assertion is established by an observation of the elements of games and then applying these elements to life itself. When we do this we find nothing left wanting in the panorama of life. By game we mean contest of person against person, or team against team. When we say games we mean such games as baseball, polo, chess or any other such pastime. It may at one time have struck you as peculiar that men would risk bodily injury in the field of play just for the sake of "amusement." So it might strike you as peculiar that people would go on living or would enter into the "game of life" at the risk of all the sorrow, travail, and pain just to have something to do. Evidently there is no greater curse than total idleness. Of course there is that condition where a person continues to play a game in which he is no longer interested. If you will but look about the room and check off items in which you are not interested, you will discover something remarkable. In a short time you will find that there is nothing in the room in which you are not interested. You are interested in everything. However, disinterest itself is one of the mechanisms of play. In order to hide something it is only necessary to make everyone disinterested in the place where the item is hidden. Disinterest is not an immediate result of interest which has worn out. Disinterest is a commodity in itself. It is palpable, it exists. By studying the elements (factors) of games (contests) we find ourselves in possession of the elements of life. Life is a game. A game consists of freedom, barriers and purposes. This is a scientific fact, not merely an observation. 421 Freedom exists amongst barriers. A totality of barriers and a totality of freedom alike are no-game conditions. Each is similarly cruel. Each is similarly purposeless. Great revolutionary movements fail. They promise unlimited freedom. That is the road to failure. Only stupid visionaries chant of endless freedom. Only the afraid and ignorant speak of and insist upon unlimited barriers. When the relation between freedom and barriers becomes too unbalanced, an unhappiness results. "Freedom from" is alright only so long as there is a place to be free to. An endless freedom from is a perfect trap, a fear of all things. Barriers are composed of inhibiting (limiting) ideas, space, energy, masses and time. Freedom in its entirety would be a total absence of these things -- but it would also be a freedom without thought or action, an unhappy condition of total nothingness. Fixed on too many barriers, man yearns to be free. But launched into total freedom he is purposeless and miserable. There is freedom amongst barriers. If the barriers are known and the freedoms are known there can be life, living, happiness, a game. The restrictions of a government, or a job, give an employee his freedom. Without known restrictions, an employee is a slave, doomed to the fears of uncertainty in all his actions. Executives in business and government can fail in three ways and thus bring about a chaos in their department. They can: 1. Seem to give endless freedom. 2. Seem to give endless barriers. 3. Make neither freedom nor barriers certain. Executive confidence, therefore, consists of imposing and enforcing an adequate balance between their people's freedom and the unit's barriers and in being precise and consistent about those freedoms and barriers. Such an executive, adding only in himself initiative and purpose, can have a department with initiative and purpose. An employee buying and/or insisting upon freedom only will become a slave. Knowing the above facts he must insist upon a workable balance between freedom and barriers. An examination of the dynamics above will demonstrate the possibility of a combination of teams. Two third dynamics can engage one another as teams. The first dynamic can ally itself with the fifth dynamic against, let us say, the sixth dynamic and so have a game. In other words, the dynamics are an outline of possible teams and interplays. As everyone is engaged in several games an examination of the dynamics will plot for him and clarify for him the various teams he is playing upon. If an individual can discover that he is only playing on the first dynamic and that he belongs to no other team, it is certain that this individual will lose, for he has before him seven remaining dynamics. And the first dynamic is seldom capable of besting by itself all the remaining dynamics. In Scientology we call this condition the "only one." Here is self-determinism in the guise of selfish determinism and here is an individual who will most certainly be overwhelmed. To enjoy life one must be some part of life. 422 There is the principle in Scientology called pan-determinism. This could be loosely defined as determining the activities of two or more sides in a game simultaneously. For instance, a person playing chess is being self- determined and is playing chess against an opponent. A person who is pan- determined on the subject of chess could play both sides of the board. One is pan-determined about any game to which he is senior. He is self-determined only in any game to which he is junior. For instance, a general of an army is pan-determined concerning an argument between two privates or even two companies of his command. He is pan-determined in this case, but when he confronts another army led by another general, he becomes self-determined. The game in this wise could be said to be larger than himself. The game becomes even larger than this when the general seeks to play the parts of all the political heads which should be above him. This is the main reason why dictatorship doesn't work. It is all but impossible for one man to be pan- determined about the entire system of games which comprise a nation. He starts taking sides and then to that degree becomes much less than the government which he is seeking to run. It has been stylish in past ages to insist only upon freedom. The French Revolution furnishes an excellent example for this. In the late part of the 18th century, the nobles of France became so self-determined against the remainder of the country and were so incapable of taking the parts of the populace that the nobles were destroyed. Immediately the populace itself sought to take over the government and, being trained and being intensely antipathetic to any and all restraints, their war cry became "Freedom." They had no further restrictions or barriers. The rules of government were thrown aside. Theft and brigandage took the place of economics. The populace, therefore, found itself in a deeper trap and discovered itself to be involved with a dictatorship which was far more restrictive than anything they had experienced before the Revolution. Although man continually uses "Freedom" for his war cry he only succeeds in establishing farther entrapment for himself. The reason for this is a very simple one. A game consists of freedom and barriers and purposes. When man drops the idea of restrictions or barriers he loses at once control over barriers. He becomes self-determined about barriers and not pan-determined, thus he cannot control the barriers. The barriers left uncontrolled then and there trap him. The dwindling spiral of the apparency create-survive-destroy comes about directly that man shuns barriers. If he considers all restrictions and barriers his enemies he is of course refusing to control them in any way and thus he starts his own dwindling spiral. A race which is educated to think in terms of freedom only is very easily entrapped. No one in the nation will take responsibility for restrictions, therefore restrictions apparently become less and less. As these restrictions lessen so lessens the freedom of the individual. One cannot be free from a wall unless there is a wall. Lacking any restrictions life becomes purposeless, random, chaotic. A good manager must be capable of taking responsibility for restrictions, in that freedom, to exist, must have barriers. A failure to take initiative on the subject of restrictions or barriers causes these things to arise all by themselves and exist without consent or direction. There are various states of mind which bring about happiness. That state of mind which insists only upon freedom can bring about nothing but unhappiness. It would be better to develop a thought pattern which looked for new ways to be entrapped and things to be trapped in than to suffer the eventual total entrapment of dwelling upon freedom only. A man who is willing to accept restrictions and barriers and is not afraid of them is free. A man who fights restrictions and barriers will always be trapped. As it can be seen in any game, purposes become counter-posed. There is the matter of purpose-counter-purpose in almost any game played in a field with two 423 teams. One team has the idea of reaching the goal of the other, and the other has the idea of reaching the goal of the first. Their purposes are at war and this warring of purposes makes a game. The war of purposes gives us what we call problems. A problem has the anatomy of purposes. A problem consists of two or more purposes opposed. It does not matter what problem you face or have faced, the basic anatomy of that problem is purpose-counter-purpose. In actual testing in Scientology it has been discovered that a person begins to suffer from problems when he does not have enough of them. There is the old saw (maxim) that if you want a thing done give it to a busy man to do. Similarly, if you want a happy associate make sure that he is a man who can have lots of problems. From this we get the oddity of a high incidence of neurosis in the families of the rich. These people have very little to do and have very few problems. The basic problems of food, clothing and shelter are already solved for them. We would suppose, then, if it were true that an individual's happiness depended only upon his freedom, these people would be happy. However, they are not happy. What brings about their unhappiness? It is the lack of problems. Although successful processing in Scientology would depend upon taking all three elements of games into consideration -- and indeed that is the secret of bettering people: taking freedom, barriers and purposes into consideration and balancing them -- it could be said that you could make a man well simply by sitting down with him and asking him to invent problems, one after the other. The invention of synthetic problems would be found to free his mind and make him more able. Of course, there is another factor involved in this in that it is he who is inventing the problems and therefore he is becoming pan-determined about problems rather than being in one place with all problems opposed to him. An unhappy man is one who is considering continually how to become free. One sees this in the clerk who is continually trying to avoid work. Although he has a great deal of leisure time he is not enjoying any part of it. He is trying to avoid contact with masses and energies and spaces. He eventually becomes trapped in some sort of a lethargy. If this man could merely change his mind and start "worrying" about how he could get more work to do, his happiness level would increase markedly. One who is plotting continually how to get out of things will be miserable. One who is plotting how to get into things has a much better chance of becoming happy. There is, of course, the matter of being forced to play games in which one has no interest -- a war into which one is drafted is an excellent example of this. One is not interested in the purposes of the war and yet one finds himself fighting it. Thus there must be an additional element and this element is "the power of choice." One could say, then, that life is a game and that the ability to play a game consists of tolerance for freedom and barriers and an insight into purposes, with the power of choice over participation. These four elements -- freedom, barriers, purposes and power of choice -- are the guiding elements of life. There are only two factors above these and both of them are related to these. The first is the ability to create with of course its negative, the ability to uncreate, and the second is the ability to make a postulate (to consider, to say a thing and have it be true). This, then, is the broad picture of life, and in bringing life into focus and in making it less confusing these elements are used for the analysis. (Continued in PAB 85 on page 428.)  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=22/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=85 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 84 THE PARTS OF MAN    P.A.B. No. 85 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 22 May 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 84 THE PARTS OF MAN The individual man is divisible (separable) into three parts (divisions). The first of these is the spirit, called in Scientology the thetan. The second of these parts is the mind. The third of these parts is the body. Probably the greatest discovery of Scientology and its most forceful contribution to the knowledge of mankind has been the isolation, description and handling of the human spirit. Accomplished in 1951 in the month of July, in Phoenix, Arizona, it was established along scientific rather than religious or humanitarian lines that that thing which is the person, the personality, is separable from the body and the mind at will and without causing bodily death or mental derangement. In ages past there has been considerable controversy concerning the human spirit or soul, and various attempts to control man have been effective in view of his almost complete ignorance of his own identity. Latterly, spiritualists isolated from the person what they called the astral body and with this they were able to work for various purposes of their own. In Scientology the spirit itself was separated from what the spiritualists called the astral body and there should be no confusion between these two things. As you know that you are where you are at this moment, so you would know if you, a spirit, were detached from your mind and body. Man has not discovered this before because, lacking the technologies of Scientology, he had very little reality upon his detachment from his mind and body, therefore he conceived himself to be at least in part a mind and a body. The entire cult of communism is based upon the fact that one lives only one life, that there is no hereafter and that the individual has no religious significance. Man at large has been close to this state for at least the last century. The state (condition) is of a very low order, excluding as it does all self-recognition. The thetan (spirit) is described in Scientology as having no mass, no wavelength, no energy and no time or location in space except by consideration or postulate. The spirit then is not a thing. It is the creator of things. 428 The residence of the thetan is in the skull or near the body. A thetan can be in one of four conditions. The first would be entirely separate from a body or bodies, or even from this universe. The second would be near a body and knowingly controlling the body. The third would be in the body (the skull) and the fourth would be an inverted condition whereby he was compulsively away from the body and could not approach it. There are degrees (subdivisions) of each one of these four states (conditions). The most optimum of these conditions from the standpoint of man is the second. A thetan is subject to deterioration. This is at first difficult to understand since the entirety of his activity consists of considering or postulating. He uses, through his postulates, various methods of controlling a body. That he does deteriorate is manifest, but that he can at any moment return to an entirety of his ability is also factual. In that he associates beingness with mass and action, he does not consider himself as having an individual identity or name, unless he is connected with one or more of the games of life. The processes of Scientology can establish this for the individual with greater or lesser rapidity and one of the many goals of processing in Scientology is to "exteriorize" the individual and place him in the second condition above, since it has been discovered that he is happier and more capable when so situated. The mind is a network of communications and pictures, energies and masses, which are brought into being by the activities of the thetan versus the physical universe or other thetans. A thetan establishes various systems of control so that he can continue to operate a body and through the body operate things in the physical universe, as well as other bodies. The most obvious portion of the mind is recognizable by anyone not in serious condition. This is the "mental image picture." In Scientology we call this mental image picture a facsimile when it is a "photograph" of the physical universe sometime in the past. We call this mental image picture a mock-up when it is created by the thetan or for the thetan and does not consist of a photograph of the physical universe. Various phenomena connect themselves with this entity called the mind. Some people closing their eyes see only blackness, some people see pictures. Some people see pictures made by body reactions. Some people see only black screens; others see golden lines; others see spaces; but the keynote of the entirety of the system called the mind is postulate and perception. The thetan receives, by the communication system called the mind, various impressions including direct views of the physical universe. In addition to this he receives impressions from past activities, and most important, he himself, being close to a total knowingness, conceives things about the past and future which are independent of immediately present stimuli. The mind is not in its entirety a stimulus-response mechanism as old Marxist psychology would have one believe. The mind has three main divisions. The first of these could be called the analytical mind. The second, the reactive mind, and the third, the somatic mind. The analytical mind combines perceptions of the immediate environment, of the past (via pictures) and estimations of the future into conclusions which are based upon the realities of situations. The analytical mind combines the potential knowingness of the thetan with the conditions of his surroundings and brings him to independent conclusions. This mind could be said to consist of visual pictures, either of the past or of the physical universe, monitored by and presided over by the knowingness of a thetan. The keynote of the analytical mind is awareness: one knows what one is concluding and knows what he is doing. 429 The reactive mind is a stimulus-response mechanism, ruggedly built, and operable in trying circumstances. The reactive mind never stops operating. Pictures, of a very low order, are taken by this mind of the environment even in deep states of unconsciousness. The reactive mind acts below the level of consciousness. It is a literal stimulus-response mind. Given a certain stimulus, it gives a certain response. While it is an order of thinkingness, its ability to conclude rationally is so poor that we find in the reactive mind those various aberrated impulses which are gazed upon as oddities of personality, eccentricities, neuroses and psychoses. It is this mind which stores up all the bad things that have happened to one and throws them back to him again in moments of emergency or danger so as to dictate his actions along lines which have been considered "safe" before. As there is little thinkingness involved in this, the courses of action dictated by the reactive mind are often not safe, but highly dangerous. The reactive mind is entirely literal in its interpretation of words. As it takes pictures and receives impressions during moments of unconsciousness, a phrase uttered when a blow is struck is likely to be literally interpreted by the reactive mind and become active upon the individual at later times. The mildest stage of this would be arduous training, wherein a pattern is laid into the mind for later use under certain given stimuli. A harsh and less workable level is the hypnotic trance condition to which the mind is susceptible. Made impressionable by fixed attention, words can be immediately implanted into the reactive mind which become operable without further reason at later times. An even lower level in the reactive mind is that one associated with blows, drugs, illness, pain and other conditions of unconsciousness. Phrases spoken over an anaesthetized person can have a later effect upon that person. It is not necessarily true that each and every portion of an operation is painstakingly "photographed" by the reactive mind of the unconscious patient, but it is true that a great many of these stimuli are registered. Complete silence in the vicinity of a person under anaesthetic or a person who is unconscious or in deep pain is mandatory if one would preserve the mental health of that person or patient afterwards. Probably the most therapeutic action which could occur to an individual would be, under Scientology processing, the separation of the thetan from the mind so that the thetan, under no duress and with total knowingness, could view himself and his mind and act accordingly. However, there is a type of exteriorization which is the most aberrative of all traumatic (mentally injurious) actions. This is the condition when an individual is brought, through injury or surgery or shock, very close to death so that he exteriorizes from body and mind. This exteriorization under duress is sudden, inexplicable, and is in itself very shocking, and when this has occurred to an individual it is certain that he will suffer mentally from the experience afterwards. It could be said that when the reactive mind contains these sudden shocks of exteriorization under duress, attempts to exteriorize the individual later by Scientology are more difficult. However, modern processing has overcome this. The phenomenon of exteriorization under duress is accompanied at times by energy explosions in the various facsimiles of the mind and these cross-associate in the reactive mind; therefore, people become afraid of exteriorization, and at times people are made ill simply by discussing the phenomena, due to the fact that they have exteriorized under duress during some operation or accident. Exteriorization under duress is the characteristic of death itself; therefore, exteriorization or the departure of the soul is generally associated with death in the 430 minds of most people. It is not necessarily true that one is dead because he exteriorizes, and it is definitely not true that exteriorization not accompanied by a shock, pain or duress is at all painful; indeed it is quite therapeutic. The third portion of the mind is the somatic mind. This is an even heavier type of mind than the reactive mind since it contains no thinkingness and contains only actingness. The impulses placed against the body by the thetan through various mental machinery arrive at the voluntary, and involuntary, and glandular levels. These have set methods of analysis for any given situation and so respond directly to commands given. Unfortunately, the somatic mind is subject to each of the minds higher in scale above it and to the thetan. In other words the thetan can independently affect the somatic mind. The analytical mind can affect the somatic mind. The reactive mind can affect the somatic mind. Thus we see that the neurons, the glandular system, the muscles and masses of the body are subject to various impulses, each one of a lower order than the next. Thus it is not odd to discover what we call "psychosomatic" illness. A condition exists here where the thetan does not have an awareness of burdening the somatic mind with various commands or derangements. Neither does the thetan have an awareness of his own participation in the analytical mind causing this action against the body. In that the thetan is seldom aware of the reactive mind, it is possible then for the reactive mind, with its stimulus-response content, to impinge itself directly, and without further recourse or advice, upon the neurons, muscles and glandular system of the body. In that the reactive mind can hold a fixed command in place, causing a derangement in the somatic mind, it is possible then for illness to exist, for bizarre pains to be felt, for actual physical twists and aberrations to occur, without any conscious knowledge on the part of the thetan. This we call physical illness caused by the mind. In brief, such illness is caused by perceptions received in the reactive mind during moments of pain and unconsciousness. Whether the facsimile in the mind is received while the thetan is awake or unconscious, the resulting mass of the energy picture is energy just as you see energy in an electric light bulb or from the flames of a fire. At one time it was considered that mental energy was different than physical energy. In Scientology it has been discovered that mental energy is simply a finer, higher level physical energy. The test of this is conclusive in that a thetan "mocking up" (creating) mental image pictures and thrusting them into the body can increase the body mass and by casting them away again can decrease the body mass. This test has actually been made and an increase of as much as thirty pounds, actually measured on scales, has been added to, and subtracted from, a body by creating "mental energy." Energy is energy. It has different wavelengths and different characteristics. The mental image pictures are capable of reacting upon the physical environment, and the physical environment is capable of reacting upon mental image pictures. Thus the mind actually consists of spaces, energies and masses of the same order as the physical universe, if lighter and different in size and wavelength. For a much more comprehensive picture of the mind one should read The Original Thesis by L. Ron Hubbard and Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by the same author. These were written before the discovery of the upper levels of beingness were made and are a very complete picture of the mind itself, its structure and what can be done to it and with it. The third part of man is the physical body. This can best be studied in such things as Gray's Anatomy and other anatomical texts. This is the province of the medical doctor. The body is a purely structural study, and the actions and reactions amongst its various structures are complex and intensely interesting. When Scientology founded Bio-physics, it did so because of the various discoveries which had accumulated concerning mental energy in its reaction against 431 physical energy, and the activities which took place in the body because of these interactions. Bio-physics only became feasible when it was discovered in Scientology that a fixed electrical field existed surrounding a body entirely independent of, but influenceable by, the human mind. The body exists in its own space. That space is created by "anchor points" (points which are anchored in a space different to the physical universe space around a body). The complexity of these anchor points can cause an independent series of electronic flows which can occasion much discomfort to the individual. The balance structure of the body and even its joint action and physical characteristics can be changed by changing this electrical field which exists at a distance from, or within, the body. The electrical field is paramount and monitors the actual physical structure of the body. Thus the body is not only influenced by the three minds, it is influenced as well by its own electrical field. An expert Scientologist can discover for the average person this field, and can bring about its adjustment, although this is very far from the primary purpose of the Scientologist. The use of electrical shocks upon a body for any purpose is therefore very dangerous and is not to be condoned by sensible men. Of course, the use of electrical shock was never intended to be therapeutic, but was intended only to bring about obedience by duress and, as far as it can be discovered, to make the entirety of insanity a horror. Electrical shock deranges the electronic field in the vicinity of the body and is almost always succeeded by bad health or physical difficulties and never does otherwise than hasten the death of the person. It has been stated by people using electric shock that if they were denied euthanasia (the right to kill people who were considered to be a burden on a society) they would at least use partial euthanasia in the form of electric shock, brain surgery and drugs. These treatments in some large percentage of cases, however, effect euthanasia. A knowledge of the mental and physical structure of the body would be absolutely necessary in order to treat the body, and this knowledge has not existed prior to Scientology. The medical doctor achieved many results by working purely with structure and biochemical products, and in the field of emergency surgery and obstetrics and orthopaedics he is indispensable in the society. Medicine, however, does not contain a definition for "mind" and is not expected to invade the field which belongs properly to Scientology. These three parts of man -- the thetan, the mind and the body -- are each one different studies, but they influence each other markedly and continually. Of the three, the senior entity is the thetan, for without the thetan there would be no mind or animation in the body. Many speculations in the field of Para- Scientology have been made. Para-Scientology includes all of the uncertainties and unknown territories of life which have not been completely explored and explained. However, as studies have gone forward, it has become more and more apparent that the senior activity of life is that of the thetan, and that in the absence of the spirit no further life exists. In the insect kingdom it is not established whether or not each insect is ordered by a spirit or whether one spirit orders enormous numbers of insects. It is not established how mutation and evolution occur (if they do) and the general Authorship of the physical universe is only speculated upon, since Scientology does not invade the 8th dynamic. Some facts, however, are completely known. The first of these is that the individual himself is a spirit controlling a body via a mind. The second of these is that the thetan is capable of making space, energy, mass and time. The third of these is that the thetan is separable from the body without the phenomena of death, and can handle and control a body from well outside it. The fourth of these is that the thetan does not care to remember the life which he has just lived, after he has parted from the body and the mind. The fifth of these is that a person dying always exteriorizes. The sixth of 432 these is that a person having exteriorized then returns to a planet and procures, usually, another body of the same type of race as before. In Para-Scientology there is much discussion about "between lives areas" and other phenomena which might have passed at one time or another for heaven or hell, but it is established completely that a thetan is immortal and that he himself cannot actually experience death and counterfeits it by forgetting. It is adequately manifest that a thetan lives again and that he is very anxious to put something on the "time track" (something for the future) in order to have something to come back to, thus we have the anxieties of sex. There must be additional bodies for the next life. It is obvious that what we create in our societies during this lifetime affects us during our next lifetime. This is quite different than the "belief' or an idea that this occurs. In Scientology we have very little to do with forcing people to make conclusions. An individual can experience these things for himself and unless he can do so no one expects him to accept them. The manifestation that our hereafter is our next life entirely alters the general concept of spiritual destiny. There is no argument whatever with the tenets of faith since it is not precisely stated, uniformly, by religions that one immediately goes to a heaven or hell. It is certain that an individual experiences the effect of the civilization which he has had part in creating, in his next lifetime. In other words the individual comes back. He has a responsibility for what goes on today since he will experience it tomorrow. Sex has been overweighted in importance in old psychotherapy, a practice more or less disgraced at this time. Sex is only one of numerous creative impulses. An anxiety about sex, however, occurs when an individual begins to believe that there will not be a body for him to have during the next lifetime. The common denominator of all aberration (mental derangement) is cessation of creation; as sex is only one kind of creation and a rather low order of it, it will be seen that unhappiness could stem from various cessations of creation. Death itself is a cessation of creation. One stops creating the identity John Jones and the environment and things of John Jones. He stops because he believes he cannot, himself, continue this creation without the assistance of a body, having become dependent upon a mind and a body, the first to do his thinking for him and the second to do his acting. An individual becomes sufficiently morose on the ideas of creation that he can actually bring about the condition. It will be seen that the three parts of man are intimately associated with control. The anatomy of control is start, change and stop. The loss of control takes place with the loss of pan-determinism. When one becomes too partisan, embraces himself too solidly against the remainder of the environment, he no longer controls the environment to the degree that he might and so is unable to start, change and stop the environment. It is a scientific definition in Scientology that control consists of start, change and stop. These three manifestations can be graphed alongside of the apparent cycle of action: create, survive, destroy. Any person is somewhere along this curve. An individual who is bent mainly upon survival is intent, usually, upon changing things. An individual who is close to being destroyed is bent mainly upon stopping things. An individual who has a free heart and mind about life is bent upon creating things. There could be three things wrong with any person, and these would be the inability to start, the inability to change, the inability to stop. Insanity, for the most part, is an inability to stop. A neurosis is a habit which, worsening, flies entirely out of control. One is stopped so often in life that he becomes an enemy of stopping and dislikes stopping so intensely that he himself will not stop things. 433 In the matter of the parts of man we discover that all things are initiated by the thetan so far as action, activity and behavior are concerned. After such an initiation he can be blunted or warped from course and acted upon in such a way that he becomes too fixed along one line or another and begins to suffer from these three inabilities. However, each one of the parts of man is subject to the anatomy of control. An individual begins first by being unable himself, and without help, to start, to change, to stop. Then the mind may become prone to these disabilities and is unable to start, change, or stop at will. Then the body itself can become subject to these three disabilities and is unable to start, to change, to stop. The oddity is that an environment can so work upon an individual, however, that a thetan's body becomes disabled through no choice of his own. Similarly, the reactive mind can become disabled through no choice of either the body or the thetan, but the thetan himself, beyond observing the effect of various causes and having initiated the first thought to be there in the first place, can only become disabled by becoming too partisan, by becoming too little pan-determined, and so bringing himself into difficulties. These difficulties, however, are entirely the difficulties of consideration. As the thetan considers, so he is. In the final analysis the thetan has no problems of his own. The problems are always "other people's problems" and must exist in the mind or the body or in other people or his surroundings for him to have problems. Thus his difficulties are, in the main, difficulties of staying in the game and keeping the game going. If a thetan can suffer from anything, it is being out-created (created against too thoroughly). The manifestations of being out-created would be the destruction of his own creations and the overpowering presence of other creations. Thus a thetan can be brought to believe that he is trapped if he is out-created. In past dissertations on the subject of the mind and philosophies of life there was a great deal of speculation and very little actual proof. Therefore, these philosophies were creations and one philosopher was at work out-creating another philosopher. In Scientology we have this single difference: we are dealing with discoveries. The only thing created about Scientology is the actual books and works in which Scientology is presented. The phenomena of Scientology are discovered and are held in common by all men and all life forms. There is no effort in Scientology to out-create each and every thetan that comes along. It is, of course, possible to conceive Scientology as a creation, and to conceive that it is overwhelming. It should be viewed otherwise, for it is intended as an assistance to life at large, to enable life to make a better civilization and a better game. There are no tenets in Scientology which cannot be demonstrated with entirely scientific procedures. (Continued in PAB 86 on next page.) 434  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=29/5/56 Volnum=0 Issue=86 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 85 CAUSATION AND KNOWLEDGE    P.A.B. No. 86 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 29 May 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 85 CAUSATION AND KNOWLEDGE Scientology as a science is composed of many axioms (self-evident truths as in geometry). There are some fifty-six of these axioms in addition to the two hundred more axioms of Dianetics which preceded the Scientology axioms. The first axiom in Scientology is: Life is basically a static. (Definition: A static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.) Definition: In Scientology, the word "postulate" means to cause a thinkingness or consideration. It is a specially applied word and is defined as causative thinkingness. Axiom 2. The static is capable of considerations, postulates, and opinions. Axiom 3. Space, energy, objects, form, and time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon or not by the static, and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them. Axiom 4. Space is a viewpoint of dimension. (Space is caused by looking out from a point. The only actuality of space is the agreed upon consideration that one perceives through something and this we call space.) Axiom 5. Energy consists of postulated particles in space. (One considers that energy exists and that he can perceive energy. He also considers that energy behaves according to certain agreed upon laws. These assumptions or considerations are the totality of energy.) Axiom 6. Objects consist of grouped particles. Axiom 7. Time is basically a postulate that space and particles will persist. (The rate of their persistence is what we measure with clocks and the motion of heavenly bodies.) Axiom 8. The apparency of time is the change of position of particles in space. 435 Axiom 9. Change is the primary manifestation of time. Axiom 10. The highest purpose in the universe is the creation of an effect. These first ten axioms of Scientology are the most fundamental "truths" (by which we mean commonly held considerations). Here we have thought and life and the physical universe in their relation one to the other. Regardless of further considerations, ideas, assumptions and conditions there lie beneath them these first ten truths. It is as though one had entered into an honorable bargain with fellow beings to hold these things in common. Once this is done, or once such a "contract" or agreement exists, one has the fundamentals of a universe. Specialized considerations based on the above make one or another kind of universe. The physical universe which we see around us and in which we live was created on these fundamentals without regard to Who created it. Its creation was agreed upon. In order to perceive it one must agree that it exists. There are three classes of universes. There is first, foremost and most evident, the physical universe of spaces, stars, suns, land, sea, air and living forms. Then there is the other fellow's universe which may or may not be agreed upon by his associates. This he holds to himself. The phenomenon of this universe is included in the field of the "mind" as described earlier. Then listed last here, but first perceived, is one's own universe. The phenomenon of universes is an interesting one since one's own universe can be overwhelmed by the universes of others. These in Scientology we call valences (extra personalities, cells, apparent beingnesses). Valences and universes are the same thing, essentially. For example, one while living in the physical universe can be overpowered by the universe of, let us say, father. While one still retains his own valence or identity one is yet acting or thinking or suffering or feeling somewhat like father. Even though one is by oneself there is this additional apparent beingness. Although father is absent his commands are still present, thus we get such things as "duty," "obedience," "training" and even "education." Each one of these is caused by some part of another universe to a greater or lesser degree. Regardless of how one reacts to universes, he still remains in some degree himself. It is the effort of many to struggle "to mind themselves." The totality of this impulse is the effort to separate one's own self as a thetan from the various universes with which he feels himself too intimately associated. One is only oppressed by the universe when he feels he can have nothing of that universe. One is only victimized by "father's universe" when he is in protest against father. One protests against the physical universe only when he feels that he can have no part of it or does not belong in it or, as in religion, is not looked upon kindly by what he conceives to be the Creator of the physical universe. Universes, as considered in games earlier, could be considered the playing fields of life. One plays willingly or one plays unwillingly. When one begins to play unwillingly he is apt to discover himself victimized and interiorized into the universe of some game. It is against this phenomenon that a person protests. Consider the matter of a jail. On the surface of it, as Voltaire discovered, a jail provides food and shelter and leisure time. This would seem to be the ambition of many people, but the jail provides, as well, a restriction without one's consent. The only difference between being in jail and being the king in a castle so far as liberty is concerned is one's own desires in the matter and one's own ability to command one's environment. As a king in a castle one 436 would be causative. His will, statement, thinkingness would have an effect upon others. Being in jail one is an effect in that the thinkingness of others finds him its target. Here we have in terms of universes the most rudimentary example of cause and effect. We must, however, assume, because it is so evident, that an individual only gets into traps and circumstances he intends to get into. Certain it is, that having gotten into such a position, he may be unwilling to remain in it, but a trap is always preceded by one's own choice of entrance. We must assume a very wide freedom of choice on the part of a thetan since it is almost impossible to conceive how a thetan could get himself trapped even though he consented to it. By actual demonstration a thetan goes through walls, barriers, vanishes space, appears anywhere at will and does other remarkable things. It must be, then, that an individual can be trapped only when he considers that he is trapped, and in view of the fact that the totality of existence is based upon his own considerations, we find that the limitations he has must have been invited to himself, otherwise they could not be eradicated by the individual under processing, since the only one that is present with the preclear is the auditor. The preclear, by processing, can resolve all of his difficulties without going and finding other persons or consulting other universes. Thus the totality of entrapment, aberration -- even injury, torture, insanity and other distasteful items -- is basically considerations a thetan is making and holding right now in present time. This must be the case since time itself is a postulate or consideration on his own part. The greatest philosophical clamor or quarrel has been waged around the subject of "knowledge" and there is nothing preposterous on the subject of knowledge that cannot be found in philosophical text. The superiority and ascendancy of Scientology depends upon the fact that it has transcended this philosophical quarrel on the subject of knowingness, and Scientology contains in itself the basics of knowledge. By knowledge we mean assured belief, that which is known, information, instruction; enlightenment, learning; practical skill. By knowledge we mean data, factors and whatever can be thought about or perceived. The reason why knowledge has been misunderstood in philosophy is that it is only half the answer. There is no allness to knowledge. By definition, knowledge is that which is perceived or learned or taken from another source. This patently, then, means that when one learns, he is being an effect. We see in Axiom 10 that "the highest purpose in the universe is the creation of an effect." This is in direct contradiction to knowledge although one of course can know how to create an effect. Opposed to knowledge we have the neglected half of existence, which is the creation of knowledge, the creation of data, the creation of thought, the causative consideration, self-evolved ideas as opposed to ideas otherwise evolved. The reason Scientology is such a fascinating study is that it takes apart the other fellow's ideas and permits one to create some of his own. Scientology gives us the common denominators of objects, energies, spaces, universes, livingness and thought itself. There is cause and effect. Cause could be defined as emanation. It could be defined also, for purposes of communication, as source-point. If you consider a river flowing to the sea, the place where it began would be the source-point or cause and the place where it went into the sea would be the effect-point, and the sea would be the effect of the river. The man firing the gun is cause; the man receiving the bullet is effect. The one making a statement is causing a communication, the one receiving the statement is the effect of the communication. Almost all anxieties and upsets in human relations come about through an imbalance of cause and effect. 437 One must be willing at once to cause new data, statements, assumptions, considerations and to receive ideas, assumptions, considerations. So great is the anxiety of a thetan to be an effect that he closely approaches those things which can cause an effect upon him, thus a thetan becomes trapped. On the face of it so few thetans make causative data and so many receive data that it would seem, in view of the fact that a thetan can be touched only by his own consideration, that thetans are more anxious for effects than to be cause. It is learned under close experiment that there is nothing a thetan actually disdains on an effect level. He pretends not to like or enjoy certain effects and protests against them, but he knows very well that the mechanism of protest causes the effect to approach more closely as a general rule. The prevailing anxiety, then, is to be an effect, not to be a cause. The entire subject of responsibility is a study of cause and effect in that a person who wants no responsibility is anxious to be an effect only and a person who can assume responsibility must also be willing to be causative. A thetan can be swung into a "state of consideration" by observing that it is commonly held by others. This keeps him in the universe and this keeps him being effect. Study, investigation, receiving education and similar activity are all effect activities and result in the assumption of less responsibility. Thus, while it is true that a thetan cannot actually get into trouble, he can, by agreeing with the current agreed upon thought in the universe where he finds himself, take a pattern of thinkingness which makes him less effective because he wishes to be an effect. If he feels he must gather all of his data from elsewhere, he is then the effect of knowledge, the effect of universes and postulates, and he tends to reduce his own ability to form or make knowledge. In Scientology we can communicate in full these circumstances since we are only calling to attention the pattern which an individual already himself holds, thus we are not actually teaching him anything. We are only pointing out things he has already agreed with or himself caused. It is not true that an individual is responsible for everything that happens to him. When an individual, wishing many interesting effects, chooses to go into many universes or traps, he can become confused about what he is doing, where he is or what it is all about. Scientology points out what can be seen or changed from a person's own viewpoint to bring about a change in his own condition. As an example, a thetan has come to "believe" that the right way to get along in life is to do just as father did. This is an invitation to being in father's universe. Later on he changes his mind about this but he finds himself still in father's universe and doesn't like it. He would be more effective, more capable if he were not now in father's universe. Customarily in these unenlightened times he waits for death to separate himself from the environment in which he finds himself and puts up with it until then. It is not necessary to do this now that we have Scientology. He can at any moment, given the proper steerage, vacate any trap in which he finds himself and begin again on a new series of considerations. We cannot, then, talk about knowledge as a totality. It is a single datum. The thirst for knowledge would be the thirst for other thetans' postulates and would lead one to forget that he himself has been a party to the making of these postulates and that he himself had to follow a certain course in order to put himself in reach of other 438 thetans' postulates. (Translator's note: Lacking a proper English word for "causative thinking," the word "postulate" has been used in slight difference to its English definition. If there is a word in your language which means "self-impulsion" or "creation of a thought" use that instead of a "postulate.") Because one is the effect of knowledge, causing data, considerations or "facts" to come into being separates one in distance from being an effect. If one is very anxious to be an effect and if this is his basic consideration, he will not take well to causing information to come into existence, but in order to get him out of the traps in which he finds himself it is necessary to some degree that he do so. Causing few barriers or traps, the individual then loses control over barriers or traps; wishing to be an effect, of course he must lose control of barriers and traps, otherwise he cannot be entrapped by them. The thing to do to free him from a trap is to find what parts of the trap he himself is willing to own, or have, or possess. This places the barriers (which can be spaces, energy movements or obstacles) under his control, and his postulating that he can have or possess this or that causes him to be willing to be or occupy the trap and the moment this occurs he is no longer in the trap, or even if he is still in it to some degree he does not object to it and can leave it when he wishes. The way to paralyze a nation entirely and to make it completely ungovernable would be to forbid education of any kind within its borders and to inculcate into every person within it the feeling that he must not receive any information from anybody about anything. To make a nation governable it is necessary to hold a kindly view of education and to honor educative persons and measures. To conquer a land it is not necessarily efficient to overwhelm them with guns. Once this is done it is necessary to apply educative measures in order to bring about some sort of agreement amongst the people themselves as well as between the conqueror and the subdued. Only in this way could one have a society, a civilization, or as we say in Scientology, a smoothly running game. In other words two extremes could be reached. Neither one of which is desirable by the individual. The first extreme could be reached by emphasis only upon self-created data or information. This would bring about not only a lack of interpersonal relations, but would also bring about an anxiety to have an effect which would, as it does in barbaric peoples, result in social cruelty unimaginable in a civilized nation. The other extreme would be to forbid in its entirety any self-created information and to condone only data or considerations generated by others than self. Here we would create an individual with no responsibility, so easily handled that he would be only a puppet. Self-created data is then not a bad thing, neither is education, but one without the other to hold it in some balance will bring about a no-game condition or a no-civilization. Just as individuals can be seen by observing nations so we see the African tribesman, with his complete contempt for truth and his emphasis on brutality and savagery for others but not himself, is a no- civilization, and we see at the other extreme China, slavishly dedicated to ancient scholars, incapable of generating within herself sufficient rulers to continue, without bloodshed, a nation. We have noted the individual who must be the only one who can make a postulate or command, whose authority is dearer to him than the comfort or state of millions, and have suffered from such men (Napoleon, Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm, Frederick of Prussia, Genghis Khan, Attila). We have known, too, the scholar who has studied himself blind and is the world's greatest authority on Government or some such thing, who yet cannot himself manage his bank account or a dog with any certainty. Here we have in either case, a total imbalance. The world-shaker is himself unwilling to be any effect of any kind (and all the men named here were arrant personal cowards) and we have the opposite, a man who would not know what you were talking about if you told him to get an idea of his own. 439 We see another example of this in the fundamental laws of warfare. A body of troops, to be effective, must be able to attack and to defend. Its implements must be divided 50% for attack and 50% for defense. In other words, even in a crude activity such as warfare, we find that no successful outcome is possible unless the troops can devote half of their energies to attack and half of them to defense. In the much broader view of life we discover on any dynamic that success depends, or a game depends, or activity depends, or life itself depends upon being willing to be cause equally in ratio to being willing to be an effect. He who would give must be willing to receive. He who would receive must be willing to give. When these tenets are violated the most fundamental principle of human relationships is violated and the result is a no-game condition such as aberration, insanity, antisocialness, criminality, inactivity, laziness, tiredness, mania, fanaticism and all the other things against which men protest. But imbalances between cause and effect also enter randomities into the game of life and cannot be neglected in their potential for creating a game. Any information is valuable to the degree that you can use it. In other words any information is valuable to the degree that you can make it yours. Scientology, of all the sciences, does not teach you, it only reminds you, for the information was yours in the first place. It is not only the science of life, but it is an account of what you were doing before you forgot what you were doing. KNOW AND NOT-KNOW It is the basic mechanism of thinkingness, whether one is postulating or receiving information, that one retain one's ability to know. It is equally important that one retain one's ability to not-know. You will discover that most people are trying not to remember. In other words they are trying to not-know. Education can only become burdensome when one is unable to not-know it. It is necessary that one be able to create, to receive, to know, and to not-know information, data and thoughts. Lacking any one of these skills, for they are skills, no matter how native they are to the individual, one is apt to get into a chaos of thinkingness or creatingness or livingness. You can look at any eccentric or aberrated person and discover rapidly, by an inspection of him, which one of these four factors he is violating. He either is unable to know or not-know his own created thoughts, or he is unable to know or not-know the thoughts of others. Somewhere, for some reason best known to him, in his anxiety to be part of the game, he has shelved, lost, one of these abilities. Time is a process of knowing in the present and not-knowing in the future or the past. Remembering is the process of knowing the past; predicting, of knowing the future. Forgetting is the process of not-knowing the past, and being without goals is the process of not-knowing the future. Exercises in these various items rehabilitate not only the sanity or ability of the individual, but his general capability in living and playing the game. THE GOAL OF SCIENTOLOGY The end object of Scientology is not the making into nothing of all of existence or the freeing of the individual of any and all traps everywhere. The goal of Scientology is making the individual capable of living a better life in his own estimation and with his fellows and the playing of a better game. (Continued in PAB 87 on next page.) 440  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=5/6/56 Volnum=0 Issue=87 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 86 SCIENTOLOGY PROCESSING    P.A.B. No. 87 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 5 June 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 86 SCIENTOLOGY PROCESSING Scientology is applied in many ways to many fields. One particular and specialized method of application of Scientology is its use on individuals and groups of people in the eradication of physical illnesses deriving from mental states and the improvement of their abilities and intelligence. By processing is meant the verbal exercising of a patient (preclear) in exact Scientology processes. There is a great deal of terminology and precision in these processes and their use and they are not combinable with older mental activities such as psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, yoga, massage, etc. However, these processes are capable of addressing or treating the same ills of the mind as are delineated by older methodology, with the addition that Scientology is alone in its ability to successfully eradicate those psychosomatic ills to which it is addressed and is the only science or study known which is capable of uniformly producing marked and significant increases in intelligence and general ability. Scientology processing, amongst other things, can increase the intelligence quotient of an individual, his ability or desire to communicate, his social attitudes, his capability and domestic harmony, his fertility, his artistic creativity, his reaction time and his health. An additional sphere of activity allied to processing is Preventive Scientology. In this branch of processing an individual is inhibited or restrained from assuming states lower than he has already suffered from. In other words the progress of tendencies, neuroses, habits and deteriorating activities can be halted by Scientology or their occurrence can be prevented. This is done by processing the individual on standard Scientology processes without particular attention to the disability involved. Scientology processing is called "auditing" by which the auditor (practitioner) "listens and commands." The auditor and the preclear (patient) are together out-of-doors or in a quiet place where they will not be disturbed or where they are not being subjected to interrupting influences. The purpose of the auditor is to give the preclear certain and exact commands which the preclear can follow and perform. The purpose of the auditor is to increase the ability of the preclear. The Auditor's Code is the governing set of rules for the general activity of auditing. The Code follows: 441 THE AUDITOR'S CODE 1. Do not evaluate for the preclear. 2. Do not invalidate or correct the preclear's data. 3. Use the processes which improve the preclear's case. 4. Keep all appointments once made. 5. Do not process a preclear after 10 p.m. 6. Do not process a preclear who is improperly fed. 7. Do not permit a frequent change of auditors. 8. Do not sympathize with the preclear. 9. Never permit the preclear to end the session on his own independent decision. 10. Never walk off from a preclear during a session. 11. Never get angry with a preclear. 12. Always reduce every communication lag encountered by continued use of the same question or process. 13. Always continue a process as long as it produces change and no longer. 14. Be willing to grant beingness to the preclear. 15. Never mix the processes of Scientology with those of various other practices. 16. Always remain in good two-way communication with the preclear during sessions. The Auditor's Code governs the activity of the auditor during sessions. The activity of the Scientologist in general is governed by another broader code. THE CODE OF A SCIENTOLOGIST As a Scientologist, I pledge myself to the Code of Scientology for the good of all: 1. To hear or speak no word of disparagement to the press, public or preclears concerning any of my fellow Scientologists, our professional organization or those whose names are closely connected to this Science. 2. To use the best I know of Scientology to the best of my ability to better my preclears, groups and the world. 3. To refuse to accept for processing and to refuse to accept money from any preclear or group I feel I cannot honestly help. 4. To punish to the fullest extent of my power anyone misusing or degrading Scientology to harmful ends. 5. To prevent the use of Scientology in advertisements of other products. 6. To discourage the abuse of Scientology in the press. 7. To employ Scientology to the greatest good of the greatest number of dynamics. 8. To render good processing, sound training and good discipline to those students or peoples entrusted to my care. 9. To refuse to impart the personal secrets of my preclears. 10. To engage in no unseemly disputes with the uninformed on the subject of my profession. As it can be seen, both of these codes are designed to protect the preclear as well as Scientology and the auditor in general. As these codes evolve from many years of observation and experience by a great number of people, it can be said that they are 442 intensely important and are probably complete. Failure to observe them has resulted in a failure of Scientology. Scientology can do what it can do only when it is used within the limits of these two codes. Thus it can be seen that the interjection of peculiarities or practices by the auditor into Scientology processing can actually nullify and eradicate the benefits of that processing. Any hope or promise in Scientology is conditional upon its good use by the individual and its use in particular within the limits of these two codes. THE CONDITIONS OF AUDITING Certain definite conditions must prevail and a certain methodology must be followed in order that processing may be beneficial to its fullest extent. Probably the first condition is a good grasp of Scientology as a Science and its mission in the world. The second condition would be a relaxed state of mind on the part of the auditor and the confidence that his use of Scientology upon the preclear will not produce a harmful result. The third requisite should be finding a preclear. By this it is literally meant that one should discover somebody willing to be processed and having discovered one so willing should then make sure that he is aware that he is there being processed. The fourth requisite would be a quiet place in which to audit with every precaution taken that the preclear will not be interrupted or burst in upon or unduly startled during processing. All requisites for auditing from here on are entirely concerned with procedures and processes. By auditing procedure is meant the general model of how one goes about addressing a preclear. This includes an ability to place one question, worded exactly the same way, over and over again to the preclear no matter how many times the preclear has answered the question. It should include the ability to acknowledge with a "good" and "all right" every time a preclear executes or completes the execution of a command. It should include the ability to accept a communication from the preclear. When the preclear has something to say the auditor should acknowledge the fact that he has received the preclear's communication and should pay some attention to the communication. Procedure also includes the ability to sense when the preclear is being over-strained by processing or is being unduly annoyed and to handle such crises in the session to prevent the preclear from leaving. An auditor should also have the ability of handling startling remarks or occurrences by the preclear. An auditor should also have the knack of preventing the preclear from talking obsessively since prolonged conversation markedly reduces the havingness of the preclear and the sooner long dissertations by the preclear are cut off the better for the session in general. Processes, as distinct from procedures, consist of utilizing the principle of the gradient scale to the end of placing the preclear in better control of himself, his mind, the people and the universe around him. By gradient scale is meant a proceeding from simplicity toward greater difficulty, giving the preclear always no more than he can do, but giving him as much as he can do until he can handle a great deal. The idea here is to give the preclear nothing but wins and to refrain from giving the preclear loses in the game of processing. Thus it can be seen that processing is a team activity and is not itself a game whereby the auditor opposes and seeks to defeat the preclear and the preclear seeks to defeat the auditor, for when this condition exists there are little results in processing. The earliest stage of auditing consists in taking over control of the preclear so as to restore to the preclear more control of himself than he has had. The most fundamental step is then location, whereby the preclear is made to be aware of the fact that 443 he is in an auditing room, that an auditor is present and that the preclear is being a preclear. Those conditions will become quite apparent if one realizes that it would be very difficult for a son to process a father. A father is not likely to recognize anything else than the boy he raised in his auditor. Therefore the father would have to be made aware of the fact that the son was a competent practitioner before the father could be placed under control in processing. One of the most elementary commands in Scientology is "Look at me, who am I?" After a preclear has been asked to do this many times until he can do so quickly and accurately and without protest, it can be said that the preclear will have "found" the auditor. The preclear is asked by the auditor to control, which is to say, start, change and stop (the anatomy of control) anything he is capable of controlling. In a very bad case this might be a very small object being pushed around on a table, being started and changed and stopped each time specifically and only at the auditor's command until the preclear himself realizes that he himself can start, change and stop the object. Sometimes four or five hours spent in this exercise are very well spent on a very difficult preclear. The preclear is then asked to start, change and stop his own body under the auditor's specific and precise direction. In all of his commands the auditor must be careful never to give a second command before the first one has been fully obeyed. A preclear in this procedure is walked around the room and is made to start, change the direction of and stop his body, one of these at a time, in emphasis, until he realizes that he can do so with ease. Only now could it be said that a session is well in progress or that a preclear is securely under the auditor's command. It should be noted especially that the goal of Scientology is better self-determinism for the preclear. This rules out at once hypnotism, drugs, alcohol or other control mechanisms used by other and older therapies. It will be found that such things are not only not necessary but they are in direct opposition to the goals of greater ability for the preclear. The principal points of concentration for the auditor now become the ability of the preclear to have, the ability of the preclear to not-know and the ability of the preclear to play a game. An additional factor is the ability of the preclear to be himself and not a number of other people such as his father, his mother, his marital partner or his children. The ability of the preclear is increased by addressing to him the process known as the Trio. These are three questions, or rather commands. 1. "Look around here and tell me what you could have." 2. "Look around here and tell me what you would permit to remain in place." 3. "Now look around and tell me with what you could dispense." No. 1 above is used usually about ten times, then No. 2 is used five times, and No. 3 is used once. This ratio of ten, five and one would be an ordinary or routine approach to havingness. The end in view is to bring the preclear into a condition whereby he Can possess or own or have whatever he sees, without further conditions, ramifications or restrictions. This is the most therapeutic of all processes, as elementary as it might seem. It is done without too much two-way communication or discussion with the preclear and it is done until the preclear can answer question one, two and three equally well. It should be noted at once that twenty-five hours of use of this process by an auditor upon a preclear brings about a very high rise in tone. By saying twenty-five hours it is intended to give the idea of the length of time the process should be used. As it is a strain on the usual person to repeat the same question over and over, it will be seen that an auditor should be well disciplined or very well trained before he audits. 444 In the case of a preclear who is very unable, "can't have" is substituted for "have" in each of the above questions for a few hours until the preclear is ready for the Trio in its "have" form. This can-can't is the plus and minus aspect of all thought and in Scientology is called by a specialized word, "dichotomy." The rehabilitation of the ability of the preclear to not-know is also rehabilitation of the preclear in the time stream, since the process of time consists of knowing the moment and not-knowing the past and not-knowing the future simultaneously. This process, like all other Scientology processes, is repetitive. The process is run, ordinarily, only after the preclear is in very good condition and is generally run in an exterior well-inhabited place. Here the auditor, without exciting public comment, indicates a person and asks the preclear, "Can you not-know something about that person?" The auditor does not permit the preclear to "not-know" things which the preclear already doesn't know. The preclear "not-knows" only those things which are visible and apparent about the person. This is also run on other objects in the environment such as walls, floors, chairs and other things. The auditor should not be startled when for the preclear large chunks of the environment start to disappear. This is ordinary routine and in effect the preclear should make the entirety of the environment disappear at his own command. The environment does not disappear for the auditor. The end goal of this "not-know" process is the disappearance of the entire universe, under the preclear's control, but only for the preclear. It will be discovered while running this that the preclear's "havingness" may deteriorate. If this happens he was not run enough on the Trio before he was run on this process. It is only necessary in such a case to intersperse "Look around here now and tell me what you could have" with the "not-know" command to keep the preclear in good condition. Drop of havingness is manifested by nervous agitation, obsessive talk or semi-unconsciousness or "dopiness" on the part of the preclear. These manifestations indicate only reduction of havingness. The reverse of the question here is "Tell me something that you would be willing to have that person (indicated by the auditor) not-know about you." Both sides of the question have to be run (audited). This process can be continued for twenty-five hours or even fifty or seventy-five hours of auditing with considerable benefit so long as it does not react too violently upon the preclear in terms of loss of havingness. It should be noted that, in running either havingness or "not-know" on a preclear, the preclear may exteriorize. In other words it may become apparent, either by his observation or because the preclear informs him, that the auditor has "exteriorized" a preclear. Under "The Parts of Man" section there is an explanation of this phenomenon. In modern auditing the auditor does not do anything odd about this beyond receive and be interested in the preclear's statement of the fact. The preclear should not be permitted to become alarmed since it is a usual manifestation. A preclear is in better condition and will audit better exteriorized than "in his head." Understanding that an actual ability to "not-know" is an ability to erase by self-command the past without suppressing it with energy or going into any other method is necessary to help the preclear. It is the primary rehabilitation in terms of knowingness. Forgetting is a lower manifestation than "not-knowingness." (Continued in PAB 88 on next page.) 445  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=12/6/56 Volnum=0 Issue=88 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Continued from PAB 87 THE CONDITIONS OF AUDITING Concluded    P.A.B. No. 88 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 12 June 1956 SCIENTOLOGY TRANSLATOR'S EDITION by L. Ron Hubbard, Ph.D., C.E. Continued from PAB 87 THE CONDITIONS OF AUDITING Concluded The third ability to be addressed by the auditor is the ability of the preclear to play a game. First and foremost in the requisites to play a game is the ability to control. One must be able to control something in order to participate in a game. Therefore the general rehabilitation of control by starting, changing and stopping things is a rehabilitation in the ability to play a game. When a preclear refuses to recover, it is because the preclear is using his state as a game, and does not believe that there is any better game for him to play than the state he is in. He may protest if this is called a game. Nevertheless any condition will surrender if the auditor has the preclear invent similar conditions or even tell lies about the existing condition. Inventing games or inventing conditions or inventing problems alike rehabilitate the ability to play a game. Chief amongst these various rehabilitation factors are control (start, change and stop), problems and the willingness to overwhelm or be overwhelmed. One ceases to be able to have games when one loses control over various things, when one becomes short of problems and when one is unwilling to be overwhelmed (in other words, to lose) or to overwhelm (to win). It will be found while running havingness as in the Trio above that one may run down the ability to play a game, since havingness is the reward of a game in part. In the matter of problems it will be seen that these are completely necessary to the playing of a game. The anatomy of a problem is intention versus intention. This is, of course, in essence the purpose of all games, to have two sides, each one with an opposed intention. Technically a problem is two or more purposes in conflict. It is very simple to detect whether or not the preclear is suffering from a scarcity of games. The preclear who needs more games clutches to himself various present time problems. If an auditor is confronted with a preclear who is being obsessed by a problem in present time he knows two things: (1) that the preclear's ability to play a game is low, and (2) that he must run an exact process at once to rehabilitate the preclear in session. It often happens at the beginning of an auditing session that the preclear has encountered a heavy present time problem between sessions. The preclear must always be consulted before the session is actually in progress as to whether or not he has 446 "anything worrying" him. To a preclear who is worried about some present time situation or problem no other process has any greater effectiveness than the following one. The auditor with a very brief discussion of the problem asks the preclear to invent a problem of comparable magnitude. He may have to reword this request to make the preclear understand it completely, but the auditor wants in essence the preclear to invent or create a problem he considers similar to the problem he has. If the preclear is unable to do this, it is necessary then to have him lie about the problem which he has. Lying is the lowest order of creativeness. After he has lied about the problem for a short time, it will be found that lie will be able to invent problems. He should be made to invent problem after problem until he is no longer concerned with his present time problem. The auditor should understand that a preclear who is "now willing to do something about the problem" has not been run long enough on the invention of problems of comparable magnitude. As long as the preclear is attempting to do something about the problem, the problem is still of obsessive importance to him. No session can be continued successfully until such a present time problem is entirely flat, and it has been the experience that when a present time problem was not completely eradicated by this process that the remainder of the session or indeed the entire course of auditing may be interrupted. When a preclear does not seem to be advancing under auditing, a thing which he does markedly and observedly, it must then be supposed that the preclear has a present time problem which has not been eradicated and which must be handled in auditing. Although the auditor gives the preclear to understand that he too believes this present time problem is extremely important, the auditor should not believe that this process will not handle any present time problem, since it will. This process should be done on some preclears in company with the Trio. If the preclear is asked to "lie about" or "invent a problem of comparable magnitude," and while doing so becomes agitated or unconscious or begins to talk wildly or obsessively, it must be assumed that he will have to have some havingness run on him until the agitation or manifestation ceases so that the problem of comparable magnitude process can be resumed. Another aspect of the ability to play a game is the willingness to win and the willingness to lose. An individual has to be willing to be cause or willing to be an effect. As far as games are concerned this is reduced to a willingness to win and a willingness to lose. People become afraid of defeat and afraid of failure. The entire anatomy of failure is only that one's postulates or intentions are reversed in action. For instance, one intends to strike a wall and strikes it. That is a win. One intends not to strike a wall and doesn't strike it. That is again a win. One intends not to strike a wall and strikes it. That is a lose. One intends to strike a wall and can't strike it. This is again a lose. It will be seen in this as well as other things that the most significant therapy there is is changing the mind. All things are as one considers they are and in no other way. If it is sufficiently simple to give the definition of winning and losing, so it is simple to process the matter. This condition is best expressed, it appears, in processing by a process known as "overwhelming." An elementary way of running this is to take the preclear outside where there are numbers of people to observe and, indicating a person, to ask the preclear, "What could overwhelm that person?" When the preclear answers this, he is asked about the same person, "What could that person overwhelm?" He is then asked as the third question, "Look around here and tell me what you could have." These three questions are run one after the other. Then another person is chosen and then the three questions are asked again. This process can be varied in its wording but the central idea must remain as above. The preclear can be asked "What would you permit 447 to overwhelm that person?" and "What would you permit that person to overwhelm?" and of course "Look around here and tell me what you could have." This is only one of a number of possible processes on the subject of overwhelming, but it should be noted that asking the preclear to think of things which would overwhelm him could be fatal to the case. Where overwhelming is handled, the preclear should be given a detached view. A counter-position to havingness processes, but one which is less therapeutic is "separateness." One asks the preclear to look round and discover things which are separate from things. This is repeated over and over. It is, however, destructive of havingness even though it will occasionally prove beneficial. It will be seen that havingness (barriers), "not-knowingness" (being in present time and not in the past or the future), purposes (problems, antagonists, or intention-counter-intention), and separateness (freedom) will cover the anatomy of games. It is not to be thought, however, that havingness addresses itself only to games. Many other factors enter into it. In amongst all of these, it is of the greatest single importance. One addresses in these days of Scientology the subjective self, the mind, as little as possible. One keeps the preclear alert to the broad environment around him. An address to the various energy patterns of the mind is less beneficial than exercises which directly approach other people or the physical universe. Therefore, asking a preclear to sit still and answer the question "What could you have?" when it is answered by the preclear from his experience or on the score of things which are not present, is found to be non- therapeutic and is found instead to decrease the ability and intelligence of the preclear. This is what is known as a subjective (inside the mind only) process. These are the principal processes which produce marked gains. There are other processes and there are combinations of processes but these given here are the most important. A Scientologist knowing the mind completely can of course do many "tricks" with the conditions of people to improve them. One of these is the ability to address a psychosomatic illness such as a crippled leg which, having nothing physically wrong with it, yet is not usable. The auditor could ask the preclear "Tell me a lie about your leg" with a possible relief of the pain or symptom. Asking the preclear repeatedly "Look around here and tell me something your leg could have" would undoubtedly release the somatic. Asking the preclear with the bad leg "What problem could your leg be to you?" or desiring him to "Invent a problem of comparable magnitude to your leg" would produce a distinct change in the condition of the leg. This would apply to any other body part or organ. It would also apply, strangely enough, to the preclear's possessions. If a preclear had a vehicle or cart which was out of repair or troublesome to him one could ask him "What problem could a cart be to you?" and thus, requesting him to invent many such problems, one would discover that he had solved his problems with the cart. There is the phenomenon in existence that the preclear already has many set games. When one asks him to give the auditor problems, he already has the manifestations of as- ising or erasing taking place. Thought erases, therefore the number of problems or games the preclear would have would be reduced by asking him to recount those which he already has. Asking the preclear to describe his symptoms is far less than therapeutic and may result in a worsening of those symptoms, contrary to what some schools of thought have believed in the past but which accounts for their failures. There are specific things which one must avoid in auditing. These follow: 1. Significances. The easiest thing a thetan does is change his mind. The most difficult thing he does is handle the environment in which he finds himself situated. Therefore, asking a thetan to run out various ideas is a fallacy. It is a mistake. Asking the preclear to think over something can also be an error. Asking a preclear to do 448 exercises which concern his mind alone can be entirely fatal. A preclear is processed between himself and his environment. If he is processed between himself and his mind, he is processed up too short a view and his condition will worsen. 2. Two-way communication. There can be far too much two-way communication or far too much communication in an auditing session. Communication involves the reduction of havingness. Letting a preclear talk on and on or obsessively is to let a preclear reduce his havingness. The preclear who is permitted to go on talking will talk himself down the tone scale and into a bad condition. It is better for the auditor simply and discourteously to tell a preclear to "shut up" than to have the preclear run himself "out of the bottom" on havingness. You can observe this for yourself if you permit a person who is not too able to talk about his troubles. He will begin to talk more and more hecticly. He is reducing his havingness. He will eventually talk himself down the tone scale into apathy, at which time he will be willing to tell you (as you insist upon it) that he "feels better" when, as a matter of fact, he is actually worse. Asking a preclear "How do you feel now?" can reduce his havingness since he looks over his present time condition and as-ises some mass. 3. Too many processes. It is possible to run a preclear on too many processes in too short a time with a reduction of the preclear's recovery. This is handled by observing the communication lag of the preclear. It will be discovered that the preclear will space his answers to a repeated question differently with each answer. When a long period ensues between the question and his answer to the question a second time, he is said to have a "communication lag." The "communication lag" is the length of time between the placing of the question by the auditor and the answering of that exact question by the preclear. It is not the length of time between the placing of the question by the auditor and some statement by the preclear. It will be found that the communication lag lengthens and shortens on a repeated question. The question on the tenth time it has been asked may detect no significant lag. This is the time to stop asking that question since it now has no appreciable communication lag. One can leave any process when the communication lag for three successive questions is the same. In order to get from one process to another one employs a communication bridge which to a marked degree reduces the liability of too many processes. A communication bridge is always used. Before a question is asked, the preclear should have the question discussed with him and the wording of the question agreed upon as though he were making a contract with the auditor. The auditor says that he is going to have the preclear do certain things and finds out if it's all right with the preclear if the auditor asks him to do these things. This is the first part of a communication bridge. It precedes all questions, but when one is changing from one process to another the bridge becomes a bridge indeed. One levels out the old process by asking the preclear whether or not he doesn't think it is safe to leave that process now. One discusses the possible benefit received from the process and then tells the preclear that he is no longer going to use that process. Now he tells the preclear he is going to use a new process, describes the process and gets an agreement on it. When the agreement is achieved, then he uses this process. The communication bridge is used at all times. The last half of it, the agreement on a new process, is used always before any process is begun. 4. Failure to handle the present time problem. Probably more cases are stalled or found unable to benefit in processing because of the neglect of the present time problem as covered above than any other single item. 5. Unconsciousness, "dopiness" or agitation on the part of the preclear is not a mark of good condition. It is a loss of havingness. The preclear must never be processed 449 into unconsciousness or "dopiness." He should always be kept alert. The basic phenomenon of unconsciousness is "a flow which has flowed too long in one direction." If one talks too long at somebody he will render him unconscious. In order to wake up the target of all that talk, it is necessary to get the unconscious person to do some talking. It is simply necessary to reverse any flow to make unconsciousness disappear, but this is normally cared for in modern Scientology by running the Trio above. Books on auditing are available from the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8, and from the Distribution Center Incorporated, Box 242, Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A., as well as from the local groups and other Scientology Offices throughout the world. Magnetic lecture tapes with lectures on Scientology for groups and auditors are also available. Individual processing by the staff auditors of Clinics is available from the above addresses and also at the Hubbard Guidance Center, 2315 15th Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. Training as an auditor is obtainable. An auditor should be trained in the very fine schools of the HASI London or the Founding Church in Washington, D.C. the same. These are the only official sources for diplomas in auditing and in professional Scientology. THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY With man now equipped with weapons sufficient to destroy all mankind on Earth, the emergence of a new science capable of handling man is vital. Scientology is such a science. It was born in the same crucible as the atomic bomb. The basic intelligence of Scientology came from nuclear physics, higher mathematics and the understanding of the ancients in the East. Scientology can and does do exactly what it says it can do. In Washington, D.C. there is an enormous file cabinet filled with thousands of case histories, fully validated and sworn to, which attest the scientific thoroughness of Scientology. With Scientology man can prevent insanity, criminality and war. It is for man to use. It is for the betterment of man. The primary race of Earth is not between one nation and another today. The only race that matters at this moment is the one being run between Scientology and the Atomic Bomb. The history of man, as has been said by well-known authorities, may well depend upon which one wins. FINIS *** First Basic Course results are in!! The following are the Before and After Test results of the Basic Course run in Stamford, Connecticut, by Sylvan Stein, DScn, DD, extracted from his report. "Here are the test results of my first basic course. It consisted of six evenings. Three of the people had never heard of Scientology. The fourth received processing prior to the course. Timed Tests Before After Student Time Score Time Score 1 2'30" 60 1'30" 66 2 3'45" 78 1'55" 94 3 2'30" 82 1'00" 86 4 2'00" 59 1'15" 75 450 APA Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Profiles Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. Bef. Aft. A -50 +90 -6 +8 -95 -74 +4 +4 B +20 +100 -55 +2 +62 +68 +30 +62 C -15 +50 -28 -34 +44 +24 -8 +58 D +20 +52 +46 +58 -2 +40 +34 +44 E +70 +85 -80 -30 +72 +88 +62 +90 F +45 +70 +8 +4 +72 +54 +81 +57 G 0 +100 +74 +46 +78 +78 0 +10 H +25 +80 +36 +56 -10 0 -58 +16 I +85 + 92 +96 +98 +72 +56 -62 -14 J +90 +90 +2 +8 +80 +94 +68 +30 People really go for mechanics, don't they? If they're shown a graph with pretty colored lines on it then they 'really know' they've changed!" ARE YOU running a Basic Course with Before and After Scientometric Tests? If you are not, why? Does anything prevent you from running such a course? Do you lack data? Do you lack confidence? Do you fear the unpredictable elements of an "unknown" class of students? IF SO you should take the present Indoctrination Course which I have released after many weeks' patient work by the Clinic's instructors and auditors in testing and modifying to its present state of producing efficient auditors with good case changes for all students and auditors. This course is two weeks long in indoctrination, plus a further week of 25 hours' individual auditing given by a qualified and well-experienced auditor at a fee of only #35. You will see that after having taken such a course you will be able to tackle any situation, any case level, any type of audience, and what is better still, you will know that LIFE is a really great game. Here is your chance -- TAKE IT! L. RON HUBBARD 451  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=19/6/56 Volnum=0 Issue=89 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY REVISION OF TRANSLATOR'S EDITION    P.A.B. No. 89 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 19 June 1956 SCIENTOLOGY REVISION OF TRANSLATOR'S EDITION Well, we have finally come to the end of the Translator's Edition of Scientology. This book running for so many PABs undoubtedly brought to you many new aspects of Scientology. The reason for this lies in the fact that there has not been a new book for some time and the research material has been piling up here undergoing re-codification and so was included all in a rush in the Translator's Edition. Now, for me, begins the job of rewriting the Translator's Edition for book form, since I believe you have noticed, as I did, many typographical errors. The Translator's Edition must also include on its rewrite considerable additional information on processing, although I think you will agree with me that it was a real triumph to get the entirety of processing crammed into two PABs, Nos. 87 and 88, but of course as always happens even those two PABs could stand some re-codification, and two or three very important processes and tips must be included in them. It should be apparent to all of us that as this Translator's Edition will go and is going into very many languages it may just happen that Scientology will be represented entirely textbookwise by the Translator's Edition and it may occur that in several of these rarer languages no further text will be available. This is very probably the case with one translation that is now in progress which is going to a country of several hundred million people who, of course, could afford the few pence necessary for the booklet, but who will probably be left without any further information of any kind. As a tip to translators here and there who are undertaking these translations, the refurbished edition which is coming out in booklet form in English in a few weeks should be consulted before your translation leaves your hand and goes to a printer in your language. One reason for this is the fact that the therapy section is not entirely complete and another reason for it is that some of the typographical errors unavoidable in getting out something quickly in the PABs will be entirely eradicated in the booklet. Thus, if you are translating this you should begin at once from the PABs to hand and order immediately from the HASI, No. 1 Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8, a copy of the Translator's Edition at the special PAB price of 5/- d. As the shilling is worth 14 American cents, this is a price of 70 cents. However, it will take forever to get to you unless you include two-and-a-half shillings or an additional 35 cents for airmail postage, so thus a fast copy of the Translator's Edition will come to you for 7/6d airmail or 1 dollar and 5 cents American wherever you are throughout the world. Do not for a moment bother your translators with the matter of royalties. All that I ask of you is that the Translator's Edition text made up here in full without any cutting or editing has my "by-line" on it and that it includes the addresses of the HASI 452 in London and the United States. So, you translators, there is no difficulty here of royalties. I am not asking for any. If you can get royalties for translating it, they are yours. Furthermore, translators, I would not worry about somebody else translating it into the same language as you are translating it into. That two editions might appear in the same language is of interest only to authors who are attempting to acquire royalties. As you have herein the author's permission and need no other special permission, there is then no possibility of legal conflict because you are publishing a book somebody else is publishing in your language. I suggest that the published title in your language is something like the "Fundamentals of Thinking" or "Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thinking" or, if it translates better in your language, the "Fundamentals of Life" or the "Fundamentals of Mental Science." The word "Scientology" should appear on the cover, as it is already becoming known very broadly throughout the world. The reason I make my "by-line" a condition is so that there can be no royalty conflicts of any kind whatsoever. If the book were published without a "by-line" or with some other authorship there could be royalty claims, thus such release would be outside the grant made herein and so could be contested if such a "wildcat" edition appeared. I realize that the book is a necessity to any person whose study of Scientology is hampered by a current life childhood spent with another language, therefore the Translator's Edition should be of considerable help. Do not for a moment suppose that the HASI or myself have any grip on editors or publishers in other languages than English. We cannot assist you on getting the book printed in, for instance, Greece, but with the manuscript translated and with your information that the textbooks on Scientology are the most advanced material on the mind in the United States of America you should have no difficulty in getting this book published. It is up to you to place it. Therefore, I call upon the initiative of anyone who has contacts in any country, no matter how small, or in any language to translate the book and display all necessary initiative in getting into print in that country. To give you some sort of an idea what these exact materials can do, there is one small country right now which has had Scientology addressed to it on the working man's level. There is every obstacle in this country against the dissemination of material on thought or the mind. All this country seems to have absorbed in the past was revolutionary materials. Any material offered to it that was constructive and told it to support its own government and told it to get civilized has hitherto been ignored by that country. Scientology in the form contained in the Translator's Edition was disseminated into the teeth of an economic revolution. In a few short months thousands of people of the working class have not only absorbed Scientology but are using Scientology in their everyday work. Several members of their government have studied Scientology in this cursory fashion and, coincidentally or not, a new stability has come to that country which is amazing even to itself. Scientology has power. To display that power it must be disseminated. We have a certain mission of civilizing the peoples of Earth. The first step to take in getting shoes on them is to translate the Translator's Edition and release it in a very cheap booklet form and make sure that it becomes disseminated in that area. The Translator's Edition does not, of course, contain all there is to know in Scientology, but it contains the essentials. There is even material considerably in advance of that contained in the Translator's Edition which the auditor, the most practiced auditor, will be happy to get his hands on. So ending the Translator's Edition did not end the trail of research and did not end the PABs. 453  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 0 iDate=26/6/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CURRENT PROCESSES   Staff HGC  LRH Research Release to HGC of June 26th, 1956 via HCO CURRENT PROCESSES The following processes are released to Staff, HGC for their use and comments. Please be very specific concerning the action of the process reported upon. We are codifying processes for general release. Be very sure you add into your reports any other process you found necessary in running a case. Report on usual forms. LRH ********** 1. Establish Rudiments by control of pc -- Have him start-change-stop small objects, then body like 8c. Emphasize starting, then stopping, then changing until rudiments are established. 2. Run "Look around this room and tell me what your body (theta body in black case) can't have." Etc on Trio. 3. If pc cannot make anything happen with thought run Axiom 10 processes "Look around room and tell me what is having no effect on that (object)." Then "What could you cause?" "Lie about an effect that wall (object) is having on you." Run also "What effect could you have" on valences. Also continuing effects, locate some. Also "What could you expect from (valence)" you are having trouble with in pc. 4. Run can't have, have, on body parts vs Mest Universe "Look around and tell me what your (leg) can't (can) have." Separate valences with "Look around and tell me what your (valence) can't (can) have." 5. If confusion or boil-off sets in, pc has stripped out too many stable data. Have him mock up confusions. "What confusion could you cause?" Also minus randomity. 6. If he is stuck in pictures have him make portions, then all of them, solid. Stress injured parts -- make solid. Don't leave in restimulation. 7. If antipathetic to people, or secretive, have pc spot people or parts of people outside that he, his body, theta body, can't (can) have. 8. Run Waterloo Station on "What can you not-know about that person?" Intersperse with "Look around and tell me what you could have." 9. On special phobias, fixed ideas, run "Look around and tell me what that idea could have." "Mock up a confusion for which that idea could be a stable datum." "Tell me an idea of incomparable magnitude." 10. Problems -- run out with problems of comparable magnitude. 454 11. Have him decide to get a mock-up (unmock something) and then stop it because it would spoil the game. 12. Lie about, invent games he could really play. 13. Invent problems he could really have. 14. Exteriorize by havingness on body or theta body, thinking placed thought, Route One. 15. Attempt to run engrams on willing pcs using standard old time return to the moment, and new "Make it more solid". Example: Straight wire question -- "What part of your past wouldn't you mind re-experiencing with total solidity?" He says one. Return him to it. Have him make it solid on a gradient scale. Return him to pt. Ask question again. Return him to new moment, etc. Be careful not to tangle track. Make note of your variations of process. Stress making solid any parts of body injured in any incident. Don't leave pc bounced off walls etc. 16. Invent an identity. "Invent a father (valence)." "Invent a (reverse relationship such as son)." ********** DON'TS Don't run significances -- they're stable data. Use two-way comm sparingly. If a compulsive outflow case must talk, shut him up. Don't run too many processes. Flatten them, then use a comm bridge. Don't fail to handle pt problem adequately. Don't tolerate dopiness or anaten. Have him mock up confusions or reverse flow. END 455  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=26/6/56 Volnum=0 Issue=90 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE ORGANIZATIONS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY    P.A.B. No. 90 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 26 June 1956 THE ORGANIZATIONS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Anyone engaging upon a delineation of the histories of Dianetics and Scientology organizations is apt to go in for organizational names, organizational places, numbers of members, the general legal upsets attendant to any new type of organization on Earth and other matters which are not even important. The history of organizations in Dianetics and Scientology is a history of people. It is the history of a number of people finding their feet, finding their initiative and finding their way of life. It could be said that the history of these organizations parallels the history of case levels. The more we know the better we get. The better we get, the better we organize. In 1950 I said that the subject would go as well as it worked. I have no reason to alter that view. I have concentrated, therefore, on the skills and methods of training better auditors rather than upon stacks of legal papers. Many people in the field would have us believe that the legal papers were important. They would have us believe that the levels of service offered by the organizations were important, even more important than the progress of the science itself. These people may have their opinion; however, my belief uttered in 1950 is the one which has won. For today I am announcing to you that we have won organizationally. The organizational structure of Dianetics and Scientology today is a simple one. There are three main central organizations. These are the Founding Church at 1812 19th Street, N.W. of Washington, D.C.; the HASI in the United States and in London at Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8; and the HDRF which can be contacted through Box 242 in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A. To all intents and purposes these break down to be the HASI in LONDON and the FOUNDING CHURCH in WASHINGTON, D.C. These train auditors, audit preclears, and sell books, as well as do research and control the worldwide network of Dianetics and Scientology. Autonomous but dependent upon these organizations, there are several HASI offices throughout the world and there are several Churches of Scientology directly connected to the Founding Church. Then there are a large number of organizations, autonomous in operation but dependent upon the central organizations for their authority, such as the Churches in California run by John McCormick (San Diego) and others, all of them grouped under the Church of Scientology of California operated by Dr. Farber in Los Angeles. This Church, in turn, is chartered and franchised by the Church in Washington. There are operations and organizations autonomous but dependent upon the central organization on every continent of Earth. Offices such as that maintained by Margaret Scholtz in South Africa are halfway between an independent organization and a HASI office. It would not be possible here to list all the organizations such as McCormick's for it would require a considerable amount of space. 456 Another type of organization is the group. Official groups of the HASI and official congregations of the various churches exist in very large numbers in the United States and Great Britain and elsewhere through the world. To charter a group one only needs to write the HASI. Exactly how many groups there are and exactly how many people are contained in these groups is not at this time a matter of complete record, but the number of groups and people is enormous. There were people scattered around the world of whom the organization would never have heard had it not invented and released the Associate Membership. We are hard put at this moment to get manufactured enough "'S'-and-Double-Triangle" Badges to supply the avalanche of requests for them. Evidently many of the people in these groups, while sharing the expenses of the group, had never before communicated with the central organization. It is doubtful if there was any restraint in their doing so but they conceived that their communication line through their local auditor and group secretary and president was completely adequate, and so it very probably has been. There are now more auditors in active practice throughout the world than there are psychoanalysts, a dying breed. These auditors have more preclears than the psychoanalysts have patients, but the comparison is not entirely possible since psychoanalytic patients are normally in need of mental "therapy" and are patients in fact whereas the clientele of auditors is for the most part composed of people interested in becoming more intelligent and more able. Now you may believe that all has been told about organizations when the existing state and numerousness of them has been reviewed. Nothing could be further from the fact. For the survival of the subject itself it is vitally necessary to carry forward and maintain central organizations not only in Washington and London, but wherever auditors are trained to be auditors. We have proven this over and over and over again. The further the subjects Dianetics and Scientology go from source, the less workable they become. In the libraries and files of the central organizations of Washington, D.C. and London are thousands of reels of tape, tens of thousands of case records, millions of words of careful notes, all of the books on the subject and all the results of 25 years of work. More important than these in Washington, D.C. and London there are people who have been in continuous contact with these organizations, so that no point of their evolution is overlooked or missed and nothing learned about training or practice has been forgotten. No single auditor practicing somewhere away from this vast library and this enormous collection of records could hope to keep an equivalent technology. Yet that technology is available to him and must continue to be available from the central organizations. Now let me give you some sort of an idea what these organizations do and why they exist. In developing Dianetics and Scientology over the last 25 years a great deal of the basic work was lost because there was no central depository for its materials. There is one whole textbook written in 1938 entirely missing now. There are several hundred case records of the earliest work done that are missing. Because we have organization this no longer occurs. More important than this the central organizations are testing ground and repository of collected opinions of auditors. For example, in December I noticed that the Clinical gains in the Hubbard Guidance Centers in London and in Washington, all of which are carefully recorded and tabulated (so carefully recorded and tabulated that the activity would be the envy of any vast university psychology department any place in the world), showed a lessening improvement in preclears for the same number of hours of auditing. It took me from December until late February to reach at and discover what we had suddenly dropped. With the assistance of Dr. Julia Lewis in Washington and her staff auditors and Dr. Ann Walker in London and her staff auditors, I was able at length to isolate from the continuingly submitted records the one factor which had been omitted and which made a lessening 457 of case gains occur. This factor was havingness. Once located we immediately applied ourselves to every possible means of handling havingness. I at length isolated MEST universe havingness as being the single advancing factor in these cases, and this was borne out by these staffs. Now I have gone further than that, but that is a story of research not of organization. It has been discovered that we are developing technologies of training and codifying material at a continuingly rapid rate, but we can now completely guarantee to any student or old auditor coming in to either of the central organizations that (1) his case failures will thereafter cease to occur and that (2) his own case will come under his control. Every time we take an auditor in from the field and put him on staff we have to work him over, no matter how good he was in the first place. Within the central organizations at this time Scientology is a subject so workable and so well understood by staff that a manner of confidence exists never before known. Now it is the job of the central organizations to push this know-how out into the field and extend it as far as the last auditor and preclear that we contact through this chain. THE HISTORY OF ORGANIZATIONS The early history of organizations may be of interest. At first, to keep an organization running, starting with the first organization, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in New Jersey, one LRH had to work himself half to death at the rate of about twenty hours a day, even buying desks and hiring typists. That was not because one LRH was the senior member of the Board of Directors. He was not, which added to his burdens. Not in actual control of the organization, putting out nearly all of the energy to keep them running, I discovered that we didn't have an organization. We had some chaps signed up under a legal directive from the government specifying who was supposed to occupy certain positions and carry forward certain responsibilities. We even had a general (ha!) manager, the best that we could procure from the business world. Later on we even had all the talent of Kansas Oil. We had hot and cold running secretaries, accountants so confused as to be in great demand by Internal Revenue, and the very finest of printers and editors that money could buy, but we didn't have an organization. Why? Because the entire concentration on advance was unfortunately heavy in my own hands. I have had these people say that we ought to forget any new materials of any kind, that we should not advance at all, we should simply (as a millionaire once involved in these organizations once put it) "make the money." These people did not compose an organization. They did not have truth or sincerity in them. They were "Man, Issue 1950," a thing which, by and large, wasn't so hot as a mechanical contraption. On the staffs of these organizations there were some sincere and very worthwhile people. These people tried hard. These people worked hard. These people tried to carry out the goals of Dianetics and, later, Scientology. We owe these people a very great deal. They were operating in the main as individuals, trying to wear half-a-dozen hats each and trying to help me get a show on the road, and gradually I stopped working twenty hours a day and only worked sixteen hours a day and a great deal of my activity passed into the hands of these very worthwhile people on staff. But we were not yet an organization. We were a group with a common goal and there are great differences between organizations and groups with common goals. Because we had a legal name which could be bandied, harassed and raised the devil with in courts, everyone believed that we had an organization. We didn't. We had me working hard and a few guys, God bless them, working like mad, and we had a lot of "business" people riding the gravy train and banking needed funds to their own names in Florida. We were swamped! To give you some idea of the enormity of the task we confronted, we had, for the first time in the history of man, sailed out and along a completely new line of approach 458 in the field of life and religion without any background and with darned little support. We were learning as we went. No other organization on the face of the earth has the shape which the organizations of Dianetics and Scientology were to attain eventually. Therefore, we had to learn the know-how of organization before we could have one. Naturally it was very easy to upset such an "organization" by simply upsetting the man whose name was on everything. Therefore all sorts of crazy things happened. I was sued for divorce by women I wasn't married to; my sanity was pronounced upon by people who had never seen me or read my works. Some people in the "organization" (the "business" people) were very loud on the subject of me, but those who were loudest will have been found to have been most interested in their own personal remunerations. We didn't have an organization. Organizationally we had a chaos. Why? Because we had to invent an organization before we could have one. We actually had to create people before we had people who could run organizations, and this, I believe, is one of the most difficult feats ever attempted in any field, but we did it. The first person to give me any really active help in the field of research was a girl trained in science at the university, and that was Mary Sue Hubbard. We covered and reviewed the entirety of whole track phenomena and exteriorization phenomena between 1952 and 1954. In the fall of 1952 more actual assistance in England was given me. From there on it became more obvious that we had more and more able people on every hand. My own work hours were lessening. There were more people pitching in and actually doing the job they were supposed to do. We were beginning to have something that looked like an organization. Now you understand that it doesn't matter what is written in the legal records of a city, state or country; an organization is not something settled by a sheaf of papers. Organizations are composed of people. Even governments forget this one and so drift down into chaos. An organization is something which has its own spirit. It is composed of people or living beings who are governed by certain rules and purposes and who know how to do their jobs. That is an organization and when any of those factors are neglected it becomes a "thing" even though it still has a name and legal standing. Thus the years wore on. The evolution was a simple one. I knew what I was doing and where I was going, but I was just one guy. Then one by one others stepped up and put their shoulders against the wheel and began to shove effectively. At first their efforts were scattered and sometimes even opposing, but the efforts were sincere. These few were then joined by others and these others gradually worked themselves out of their enturbulence and ceased to oppose and began to give effective assistance, and all the while what we today call our organization was learning its own rules, codes and know- hows. It was gathering under itself a group spirit. At first it began to appear that any time a person left his post, the post was unfillable, but little by little, the organization itself began to recover the ability to create people who could fill its posts, thus freeing key personnel for higher jobs. Then there was another aspect to organization. This was the aspect of finance. First only my own encouragement and letters and writings brought any real finance into what we were calling organization, and even up to 1955 this state continued. To be solvent organizations had to stage various stunts and special offers. There was never a moment when one could relax on the financial state of Dianetics and Scientology. Much had to be done. There was very little with which to do it and very early in the game there were those who took its funds for themselves. But this condition would not continue forever. Now I will tell you about another organization, so-called, and call it directly by name, the Ford Foundation. This group was founded and formed in the same year that the first book Dianetics was issued, 1950. In the six years following, this group, having 459 had at its disposal in any single year more funds than have been available to all the people in Dianetics and Scientology combined from any source whatsoever, has yet not advanced any real distance in a realization of its goals. This organization was supposed to study and found a scientific understanding of Man. Its goal was almost identical with the goal of the first Foundation in Dianetics. Six years later we find that this organization has spent hundreds of times as much money as the central organizations of Dianetics and Scientology and has yet to discover any single slightest advance in Man's knowledge of Man. Evidently a collection of desks involved in shuffling research papers which didn't mean anything in the first place, the Ford Foundation apparently has squandered the money needed so desperately by those of us who were actually sincere about where we were going and what we were doing. The Ford Foundation, after six years of shuffling, has only one valuable paper in its entire files of which I have any knowledge. That paper is a report given by one of its own men who officially attended an HAS Hubbard Certified Auditor Course in Phoenix, Arizona, and who said on paper and officially to the Ford Foundation that in Scientology now existed all that they ever hoped to accomplish in the Ford Foundation. Yet here are these millions of dollars avalanching out in the expenditures from the Ford Foundation without any hope or promise of any kind for a betterment of Man. This is not really a criticism of the Ford Foundation -- it is only a statement of how such foundations operate. Wonderfully financed, beautifully sponsored, perfectly connected with all the powers that be, yet they are not organizations. Probably the type of organization which is hand somely endowed to study certain things is robbed at the outset of its purposes, since the man who wanted the thing done was the man who gave some money to some others. These others wanted the money. Is that enough comment? In other words one of these tenets of organizational cohesion was violated before ink was dried upon the endowment. For example, there is an organization in California (where else?) which was endowed by some millionaire who wanted all possible evidence corroborating spiritual phenomena. The man to whom these funds were entrusted has used them from that day forward to actively disprove the activities and findings of Rhine and has attacked all investigators as charlatans and has not added one single thing to the knowledge of spiritual phenomena, but has balked all those who would. So maybe we were fortunate in not being a superlatively well-endowed group. We have had to fight our way and that fightingness has given us the independence which we now discover in our midst. We owe no man anything. Far-flung members of our organization often ask themselves (if they think about it at all) what they are buying with their book purchases or their courses or their processing. For one thing they are buying the least costly and most important job of research which has ever been done on this planet. The real reason that central organizations process people for a fee and train people for a fee is to disseminate the capabilities and abilities of Scientology, but the secondary reason which becomes primary in the central organizations is to buy organization itself and to advance the science. The reason that we object to "squirrels," people like the Communist Association of Dianetic Auditors in California, is because they do not pay their way. We find their papers full of the materials which were hard won by myself and the central organizations and yet we have nothing but debits on our records to show that they passed our way. These people have as their major fault no cognizance of effort. These people also have given us ample experience of financial irresponsibility. People such as our best known "squirrels" are perfectly willing to snatch our hard won materials and misuse them, but they are not willing to support the effort which brought these materials into being. In other words, their existence is parasitic. Completely aside from the perversion of materials, this is what we have against them. Fortunately they number one in thousands; their lies, stupidities, vilifications are all a statement that they are unwilling to pay for what they use. They are cheap. The rest of us paid our way and we have won. 460 What have your dollars bought? What have your pounds bought? ln Washington, D.C., in London, in Australia, in New Zealand and in South Africa and in South America, they have bought the know-how of organization and the know-how of the mind. They have bought knowledge which Man never before possessed and which Man therefore considers priceless. There is no way one could put a financial value on the information which we hold in our hands today. Yet that information has been purchased for less money than is spent on secretarial help in any given year by the Ford Foundation. By all calculations this information should have cost billions of dollars. It has not cost that because some of us were willing to work as hard as we worked in order to achieve it and are selfless enough to give it not at its market value, but only at the desire of men to know and to be helped. Organizationally we have won. What have we won? We have won independence and initiative as organizations only. Let me tell you what has just happened. This is important in Scientology. It is more important than a few of us getting clearer than we are. For six months the HASI in London and the Founding Church in Washington, D.C. have existed on their own efforts, have accumulated their own finance without any especial help or stunt. For the heads of the 1956 organizations are assisted and helped by many, but they are no longer helped on an individual basis. They are helped on an organizational basis. This is a very important thing. For six months the HASI in London and the Founding Church in Washington, D.C. have been self-supporting, with little or no assistance from stunts. They are doing this because they themselves are giving service. They are training better auditors than anyone before thought possible. They are getting more results in their intensives than anyone could have found real two or three years ago. What these two organizations are doing, if done in a department of a major university in the United Kingdom or the United States, would cause headlines. You would find people streaming from every other university of the world to find out just exactly how they were doing this incredible thing of raising intelligence and changing and increasing the abilities of Man. But this could never have happened in a university since it required independent thought and action with no compromise with vested interest. These organizations are, then, today, organizations. They are organizations because they are giving service. They are giving service to the people. They are giving service to their membership. They are giving service to themselves and they are financially responsible as themselves without any special stunts or actions rather than routine activities. I hope you realize that this is the news that it is. So this is the history of the organizations of Dianetics and Scientology. It is a history of a bunch of people working like the devil with the work of one man and then increasing that knowledge and information and then finally beginning to pull together as a team and at last existing as organizations, powerful, strong and calm. I am proud of them and their people. 461  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=3/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=91 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE ANATOMY OF FAILURE    P.A.B. No. 91 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 3 July 1956 THE ANATOMY OF FAILURE Two things are of paramount importance in Scientology. They are WIN and LOSE. Occupying the original Chart of Attitudes composed by myself in the autumn of 1951, Win and Lose have occupied ever since a predominant place in processing. A preclear can be stuck in either Wins or Loses. This might come as a surprise that a preclear could be stuck in a win, but the facts of a case are that a preclear is stuck in any reversal between intention or expectance. One knows of the man who lives forever after his having won the race and one knows as well the man who lives forever after the failure of his business. Primarily, the person who is living forever after in some sort of incident is living the survival of something which overwhelmed him rather than his own survival. The anatomy of winning or losing, either one, is the anatomy of postulate and reverse-postulate. One intends to do something by making a postulate that it will take place, yet something else takes place. This is a reversal of postulate. Now let us consider exactly what a failure is. It is only a failure of postulate. It is the failure of an intention. The intention is one thing, the result of the intention is a reverse. This is a failure. One would say, offhand, that a person who ran a car into a stone wall would have a failure. However, this is simply a social belief that one should not run cars into the wall. There are four conditions which could be involved with running a car into the wall. Running a car into the wall is not a failure without the addition of postulates. One does not intend to run the car into the wall and yet runs it into the wall. This is a failure. One intends to run the car into the wall and runs the car into the wall. This is a win. One intends not to run the car into the wall and doesn't run it into the wall. This is a win. One intends to run the car into the wall and doesn't run a car into a wall. This is a failure. Thus we can see that running the car into the wall, or not running the car into the wall, do not themselves establish, except by public agreement as to the conditions of failure, an actual failure. The failure derives from failing to do what one intended to do. When one does what one intends to do one has a win. When one intends to do one thing and accomplishes something else one has a lose. A person is stuck in "Wins" only when he intended to lose and won. A runner never expected to win. He was simply part of the field most of his career and then 462 spectacularly, and almost by accident, he won. It is certain that he will be stuck in that win. Therefore the only wins that a person gets stuck in are those which were not intentional. Regret itself is entirely the study of the reversed postulate. One intended to do something good and one did something bad. Similarly it could also happen that one intends to do something bad and accidentally did something good. Either incident would be regretted. Examples of the first condition are easy to conceive. In the second category I once knew a man who intended to "get the best of" a woman of somewhat Herculean proportions. Somewhere in this contest the woman fell ill and he healed her and did it to such an excellent degree that the woman, to whom mercy was unknown, thereafter promptly overwhelmed him entirely. Here we have the public belief that to heal is good but in this particular case it was regretted by the individual and would have been regretted even though he did not experience a later loss. It is an interesting commentary upon the mental anatomy of man that he seldom intends to do something good without actually accomplishing something good. One can always go upstairs into doing well. Failures are the most marked when one intends to do something bad and, doesn't accomplish it. For instance, a gunman misses his enemy. He generally lives to regret it because his intention basically was not for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics -- the definition of good. It must be understood by the auditor that the preclear is not stuck in failures or wins. The preclear is stuck in reversed postulates. He intended to do one thing and another thing happened. This is only aberrative when the other thing that happened was a direct reverse. There are several methods of running this particular phenomenon and it is a very important one in the repertoire of the auditor. The first and oldest method was Rising Scale Processing. In this process, an individual was asked to get one of the lower postulates on the Chart of Attitudes and then carry it "upward" until he could get the higher idea. In this particular case one would ask the preclear to get the idea of losing and would then ask him to change that as nearly as he could to the idea of winning. This process might be improved by asking the preclear to get the idea of losing and then get the idea of being engaged in a game and have him do this over and over until he could hold the idea of being engaged in a game. One would then have him get the idea of winning and would thereafter have him get the idea of being engaged in a game. You see, both winning and losing are no-game conditions. One can be as afraid of winning as of losing, because one always loses when one wins or loses, the difference being that one loses the game. A more modern idea of running this would be to get the preclear to make one postulate and then conceive that its reverse occurred, then to have him say, "That defeats me." An example of this would be the classical example of telling the preclear, "Command that wall to fall down." "Now, observe that it did not." "Now decide to do it yourself." This will demonstrate to him primarily the mechanism of how he comes to do everything himself, because he knows that if he tells something else to do something it will disobey him and he will get a lose. An even more advanced method of running this would be to get the preclear to hold two ideas at the same time and have him place out in front of him a person with the idea of living and a person opposite him with the idea of dying. When he can do this, have him make the first person say to the second person, "Die," and have the second person live as a result. Use various types of postulates until the person takes much less personally the idea of a postulate becoming reversed. In other words, this and other mechanisms can be used to habituate the person to the idea that postulates 463 can turn around and do something else. As soon as he relaxes on this subject he will become much easier and less apprehensive about losing. Failure consists exactly of something else happening rather than the intention. An example of this: We are taught that "all men are nice to everyone, that there is no murder or insanity or upset anywhere in life," and so gradually we intend that a smooth, uneventful and fruitful life will result. Then we discover that people do bad things to people, that people nag us so that they impede us. That our goals, ambitions and accomplishments are not worthwhile in other people's opinions, and so we have a failure. Here the failure is actually the failure of having a right intention toward life. What is the right intention toward life? To be very, very safe, it is the intention to have what happens what will happen. If one knows that life is going to be tricky, cruel, arduous and vicious at times, then one is not surprised by it. One does not hope so sanguinely, or one does not intend so ferociously that all will be "sweetness and light" and one is not so dismayed when "sweetness and light" does not occur. Romantic novels teach us that the hero always wins and that good always triumphs. Now, it so happens that the hero doesn't always win and that good does not always triumph. On a shorter view we can see villainy triumphing all about us. The truth of the matter is that the villainy is sooner or later going to lose in an entirely different way than the villain expects. One cannot go through life victimizing one's fellow beings and wind up in anything but a trap -- the victim himself. However, one doesn't observe this in the common course of life. One sees the villains succeeding everywhere, evidently amassing money, cutting their brother's throat, receiving the fruits of the courts and coming to rule over men. Without looking at the final consequence of this, which is there just as certainly as the sun rises and sets, one begins to believe that evil triumphs whereas one has been taught that only good triumphs. This causes the person himself to have a failure and actually causes his downfall. The safe way to intend life to go on happening is the way life goes on happening. A much healthier attitude is to change life where one can change it and not be heartbroken because one has not changed it further. In other words one can intend to change life for the better and can succeed. With Dianetics and Scientology, particularly, he can accomplish this. Before Dianetics and Scientology he probably couldn't, so it would not have been safe or healthy to expect to change life in any way. But now he can at least change life in the sphere where he exists, and thus that things can become better becomes an actuality. It would be a certain way to produce a failed attitude of mind in a person to indoctrinate him in one direction and have him experience the reverse. In Dianetics and Scientology the auditor has maintained an optimistic attitude towards what is going to happen to his cases. By and large this is justified, but occasionally he intends to make somebody well and the person, even though he became a bit better, continues to complain about his bad state of health. This was much commoner four years ago than it is today when we understand more, but unfortunately has resulted in a series of failures for some auditors. If an auditor who has experienced this will get the idea that he is going to make the patient well and then have the patient in mock-up collapse and then get the idea that he is going to make the patient well and get the patient to collapse again, and carry this out by old Creative Processing, all of his past auditing failures will drop away as having no importance. The first and foremost lesson taught by failure is that one's postulate didn't stick. There are several methods and processes of running postulates to practice their "sticking," but the foremost of these would be to nun out the idea that one should be dismayed simply because a something else happens. Actually if everything happened which you intended to happen there would be no randomity or interest in life whatsoever. People shudder back from the idea that their postulates and orders will always be obeyed. They will not always be obeyed and that is what makes the game of life a game; otherwise it would be one long continuous win, which is a no-game condition. 464  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=10/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=92 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  A CRITIQUE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS    P.A.B. No. 92 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 10 July 1956 A CRITIQUE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (Definition: Psychoanalysis is a system of mental therapy developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria in 1894 and which depends upon the following practices for its effects: the patient is made to discourse [free associate] on and recall his childhood for years while the practitioner effects a transfer of the patient's personality to his own and searches for hidden sexual incidents believed by Freud to be the only cause of aberration; the practitioner reads sexual significance into all discourse and evaluates it for the patient along sexual lines; the entirety of the cases of psychoanalysis have never been tabulated and little or no testing has been done to establish the validity of the system. -- Markham, The Way of the Mind, page 32) It is the unkind fate of subjects which fail, to be overhauled and criticized by later understandings. Such, perhaps, cheerfully may be the fate of Dianetics and Scientology -- and I say cheerfully -- if their improvement in later centuries leads to an even greater freedom and understanding for mankind. But now and then it becomes necessary to eradicate from a new subject things which it has inherited from an old. And only because this has become necessary am I persuaded to tread upon the toes of the "grandfather" to Dianetics and Scientology. It is necessary to understand first that we are actually indebted to psychoanalysis and its originator, the debarred doctor, Sigmund Freud. My basic, if unappreciated, education in the field of the mind came from Commander Thompson of the Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy, who was Freud's personal student. Better than others, then, some sixty-two years after Freud's original declarations, I could be considered qualified to criticize the failure of not only the basic work of Freud but the later offshoots which, while following his original tenets, yet sought to expand information on psychoanalysis. Very few living analysts today have as direct a connection with the subject as I do and there are few who can boast of the successes with the subject which I can. For I have used psychoanalysis as a practitioner and have achieved some certain successes with it, were one to call a success the sporadic eradication of the severe neurosis in a known mental patient. Further, there is my own enfranchisement by the Freudians when they were all but obliterated in Europe by Russia. Having established then my possible qualifications to criticize and having compounded such right by having bettered the results of Freud, I feel it is necessary to overhaul rapidly the points of failure of psychoanalysis as we understand the mind today. In the earliest beginnings of Dianetics it is possible to trace a considerable psychoanalytic influence. There was the matter of ransacking the past, the matter of believing with Freud that if one could talk over his difficulties they would alleviate, and there was the matter of concentrating on early childhood. Our first improvements on 465 psychoanalysis itself consisted of the abandonment of talk alone and the direct address to the incident in its own area of time as a mental image picture susceptible to erasure. But many of the things which Freud thought might exist, such as "life in the womb," "birth trauma," we in Dianetics and Scientology confirmed and for them provided an adequate alleviation. The discovery of the engram is entirely the property of Dianetics. Methods of its erasure are also owned entirely by Dianetics, but both of these were pointed to by early Freudian analysis and hypnotism. It was in Scientology and the anatomy of Life that one departed entirely from the tenets and teachings and fundamentals of psychoanalysis and sprang forward into the actual causes of things, for Scientology, unlike Dianetics, is not a psychotherapy. It is therefore from the dominance of Scientology rather than from the viewpoint of Dianetics that one can understand the failings of psychoanalysis, its dangers and the reasons why it did not produce what it should have produced. This is not to enter Scientology as a mental therapy, but Scientology is a broad understanding of Life and is certainly capable of looking at a mental therapy AND delineating its errors. LACK OF GENERAL ADVANCE The first solid criticism of psychoanalysis is inherent in its failure to advance. Sciences are living things. When they are based upon truths they advance and evolve. Psychoanalysis did not advance or did not evolve. There is little, if any, difference between the writings of Freud in 1894 and the declarations of analysts today unless it is a deteriorated difference; the writings of Freud in the late nineteenth century were clearer and more precise than those which are published today. The earlier writings of Freud had in them the saving ingredient of humanity, which is woefully lacking in later workers in the field of psychoanalysis. The failure of psychoanalysis to expand, to improve and to embrace other fields of livingness, despite its ambitions, is the clearest observation that can be made detrimental to psychoanalysis. Successful things expand, disseminate and invade. Psychoanalysis has not, and today is almost a lost subject. There are fewer analysts in the world today than there were fifteen years ago despite the enormous wages which could have been earned by them. The complete structure of modern psychoanalysis is the same today as in 1894. In the face of a successful subject one seldom finds newer and more brutal subjects arising and flourishing. That psychoanalysis could be discarded in favor of Russian Psychiatry as practiced today in Europe and the United States is a terrible condemnation of psychoanalysis itself. It must have failed to have made men this desperate. The treatment of the insane today is far worse than it was two centuries ago and the brutality practiced under the name of "mental healing" cannot be regarded with equanimity by any civilized man. We discover psychoanalysis to have been superseded by tyrannous sadism, practiced by unprincipled men, themselves evidently in the last stages of dementia. This, then, is the end of the trail for psychoanalysis -- a world of failure and brutality. Today men who call themselves analysts are merrily sawing out patients' brains, shocking them with murderous drugs, striking them with high voltages, burying them underneath mounds of ice, placing them in restraints, "sterilizing" them sexually and generally conducting themselves much as their patients would were they given the chance. It is up to us to realize, then, that psychoanalysis in its pure practice is dead the moment the spirit of humanity in which Freud developed the work is betrayed by the handing over of a patient to the merciless misconduct which passes today for treatment. But completely aside from this general lack of advance, there were certain definite flaws in psychoanalysis which we Dianeticists and Scientologists must inspect, lest we 466 fall into these errors and go the way of the analyst. We have learned certain things in Dianetics and Scientology, and we have learned several Not-Dos which psychoanalysis considered Must-Dos. This article, then, is a list and description of these. OVER-COMMUNICATION Communication has the power of eradicating spaces and masses. Communication can create spaces as well as eradicate space, but it cannot create mass. If any mass is created it is created by the command that it be created, and is not created by the communication itself. We have learned that possession of or contact with mass and the ability to tolerate mass are the bases of good therapy. To use indiscriminately something which erases and vanquishes any and all masses is in direct argument with the very well measured results we are obtaining today using mass acquisition techniques. If you wish to make this test, you have only to take a person who is somewhat disturbed and make him talk about his disturbance. While there is a point when he seems less agitated concerning the disturbance itself, there is no point when he, as a whole person, is bettered beyond his initial state. If this person is permitted or forced to talk, he will bring himself lower and lower in tone. All one needs to do is watch the emotional content of his communication to realize that he is going down in tone. A practical application is that a person in a disturbed state, permitted to talk, will not cease to be disturbed. Told to be quiet and given, no matter how, a remedy of his mass, it will be discovered that he rapidly regains his equilibrium. In practice it is far better to tell a patient who is compulsively recounting his difficulties to shut up than to permit him to go on speaking. In psychoanalysis it was pretended that a patient only needed to talk about his difficulties to have them disappear. Naturally, so long as his mass was not entirely unbalanced a person not in bad condition would be able to talk away some minor difficulty without suffering badly from the result of the drop in mass. Freud has said that a great many people were not to be saved or healed by psychoanalysis. It is interesting that this entire category of people is included in the statement that they are very low on havingness or masses. In other words, when a person was so low on masses that he could not afford to eradicate a mass, he could not then be healed by psychoanalysis, but the strange part of it is that people who were fairly well off in mass at the end of a two- or five-year psychoanalytic sprint had been found to be so deficient in mass as to be almost impossible to deal with. Free association and all other communication means detailed by Freud are only superficially therapeutic. A remedy of the tolerance of mass is therapeutic on all levels of case. You may or may not be aware that a psychoanalytic patient is supposed to talk hour in and hour out for years to his analyst before any recovery is experienced; that no recovery is thereafter experienced in most cases is a very plain case, to the Scientologist, of induced mass starvation. Two-way communication must be used sparingly and must be accompanied by a replacement of those masses eradicated in the process. Otherwise communication is not therapeutic. RECALLING A second tenet of psychoanalysis was that all one had to do was to recall hidden incidents to have them disappear. An analyst expected his patient to go on recalling endlessly, and expected sooner or later that the patient would turn up some interesting bric-a-brac which was the basic difficulty in his case. 467 Had the analyst known the character of the entire genetic line, had he known of the countless billions of incidents which were hidden from his patient over and above minor secrets of present-life childhood, he would have abandoned this idea that the exposure of a few hidden incidents would bring about a recovery of the patient. Actually, it is true that a patient can be made a little happier by recovering some lost moment he has forgotten, but the condition is not stable and does not continue. The analyst used to excess the idea of remembering. We in Scientology know the principle of knowingness and not-knowingness, and know that it is as important to be able to not-know things as to know them. The fixation on endless remembering as found in psychoanalysis would be very destructive to the patient and indeed in practice proved so, even under the eyes of the more critical analyst. It would have been far better had the analyst asked the person time and time again, "Tell me something you wouldn't mind forgetting." However, a test of this on a patient who is already deficient in havingness, demonstrated the same phenomenon observed in over-communication. The patient under the impact of this command went down in tone, but did satisfactorily remove several overt acts. It can be considered, with our experience in testing, an impossibility to eradicate the difficulties of the past in an individual by making him endlessly recall his past. We have the case histories and the tests and the careful observation necessary to establish this point beyond any contest. TRANSFERENCE We find another error in psychoanalysis under the heading of "transference." The actual definition of "transference" in psychoanalysis is sufficiently unstable to bring about considerable argument as to what is meant by transference. In fact, in Dianetics we had to re-establish an entirely different condition which we called "valences" to denote the shift from one's own personality into that of another. Transference in psychoanalysis was used to denote the transference of the patient into the valence of the practitioner. This was the way which Commander Thompson described the phenomenon to me and nothing has been learnt from later analysts to disprove this basic definition of Freud's. We know in Dianetics and Scientology that the acquisition of additional valences means no more and no less than a scarcity of identities. One wonders a little at a practitioner who would be so certain of his own high quality that he would demand that every patient assume the analyst's identity. This presents us with a very amusing picture of an entire world full of analysts. However, there were other connotations to this thing called transference. But their significance was never plumbed or solved in the field of psychoanalysis. A valence, the assumption of the identity of another, can be quite destructive to the personality of any person, but such an action means only a scarcity of identities. Requiring a person to invent identities brings about a drop in the number of personalities obsessively held or dramatized by that person. However, transference accidentally was not a totally bad step, but a step actually in the right direction. The analyst made the person aware of the fact that he could assume at least one more identity and this, we suppose, was the basis of all therapeutic results obtained by the use of transference. But the loss of one's own personality to the extent of assuming yet another identity -- that of the analyst -- could not have proved other than destructive to the personality of the patient, and thus we must assume that the entire sphere of transference was an error. 468 As we increase this list you may find it questionable that psychoanalysis ever intended at any time to improve anyone if they used only those methods and mechanisms calculated to depress and enslave the patient. However, there was the saving grace of giving to the patients' difficulties the attention of the analyst, and this mixed with the ingredient of humanity, mercy and kindness must have produced what results were produced by psychoanalysis. CONCENTRATION ON SEX Those in Dianetics and Scientology are aware of the existence of eight separate spheres of beingness -- the eight dynamics -- and know that the second dynamic is only one of these eight. They are also aware of the fact that a concentration on one dynamic to the exclusion of the others cuts back the ability to live to just that degree that the concentration takes place. In other words, one who is concentrated on only one dynamic could be said to be only one-eighth alive. As Freud worked in a very sexually inhibited era it is natural that he would pick upon something which was intensely aberrative to the people in his immediate vicinity. Furthermore, he had a facial fixation on sex, a fixation sufficiently pronounced to cause it to infect contagiously all modern European stock. However, to one who has adventured amongst barbarian peoples and who has inspected aberration in its many guises, the concentration on sex as the sole offender as pretended in the "libido theory" of Sigmund Freud becomes unreal. Races which have no sexual inhibitions of any kind are yet aberrated. In fact I know of several savage races which find so little meaning in sex that they do not even bother to trace ancestry seriously, and when they do wish to connect themselves with a family connect themselves on the mother's side, as one can be fairly certain what woman bore him when one is uncertain as to who influenced the birth from the masculine side. Yet these races, free as the wind on the second dynamic, are yet intensely aberrated in other quarters. Some are aberrated on the eighth dynamic of God, some on the first of self. The American Indian, for instance, is enormously aberrated in the field of animals, but not much inhibited in the field of sex. It must have required a considerable mental gymnasticism to have combed everything down to sex, and when Freud did so he did no more therapeutically than to give a stable datum to the confusion of the mind which other people living in a sexually inhibited time could accept. Therefore, the advancement of sex, just as the advancement of lanterns or the advancement of chewing tobacco, as the single source of human aberration could have brought a tiny amount of stability to the confusions surrounding the problems of the mind. But the concentration on sex is not a true one and has led the psychoanalyst down many a blind alley and has inhibited him from observing rationally and truthfully what is going on in his patients, which is a pity, since if he had done this observation properly he would have discovered a great deal more than he has discovered in the sixty-two years of his existence. Later analysts sought to expand the second dynamic ideas of Sigmund Freud into "social" activities. In other words they tried to go up to the third dynamic of groups, but their search forward was not successful. You see, there is a considerable amount of attention concentrated on sex, but to say that everything stems from sex is to invalidate the ability of people to create themselves. Sex is simply a low order massive level of creation. True, it is a powerful one, but people in the grip of the inspiration of work, group activities, religion, very often experience far greater emotional or ecstatic impact than from sex, which, all 469 things said, is fun, but not entire. Sex could have been tossed aside with Ovid's works and yet have left a full mental science. SIGNIFICANCES The reading of sexual significances into each and every action of a person could not but continue to expand the grip sex already had upon the person. Thus it could be said that the Freudian concentration on significances themselves was extremely detrimental to patients in general. The more such significances added to a case, the less chance the case has to recover. There is a process in Scientology known as "assigning the reason why." It is a rather old process and is not particularly useful since it considerably reduces the mass tolerance of the individual. One has the air about one give various reasons why. The result of this is to add up an adequate number of significances to the individual, and to desensitize his fixation on having to know the reasons back of certain motions, combinations and beingnesses. Today one could assign reasons why to the walls with considerable recovery. As the total significance to existence is the significance that the being puts there, the adding of significance to his life without adding as well games, spirit, havingness and other things, could be a considerable detriment to his happiness, and has proven so in psychoanalysis. To be concluded.... 470  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 0 iDate=14/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FIVE TYPES OF VALENCES   CENTER STAFF  CENTER STAFF -- RON 14 July 1956 FIVE TYPES OF VALENCES A rule has showed up. Never process a no-game condition, only a game condition. No-Game conditions: know, opponent has, arrivals, solutions, namelessness, pan-determinism, friendship, win, lose, effect on self, no effect others. Game conditions -- to be processed: problems, not-know, attention, can't have (opponent), have (self), self-determinism, survival, no effect on self, effect on others, identities. Example: thoughts that would have no effect on you, thoughts that would have effect on (father). No reverse. This accounts for randomity in process application. I felt clever last week and worked this out. And it works! Valences are: 1. Own valence (identity) 2. Body valence (human identity) 3. Exchanged valence (direct assumption of another valence) 4. Attention valence (valence assumed to get attention from another) 5. Synthetic valence (valence described to pc and assumed) On 1 -- no change desired. On 2 body run as opponent. On 3 exact valence run as problem and can't have. On 4 valence of B assumed to get attention from A, remedy have and problem on A. On 5 run can't have and problems on person (or book or film) who told pc. Them's how we've missed on some profiles which are valence pictures. He's in Mother's valence but separation on Mother didn't work. Why? Maybe he was in an attention valence requiring separation from father or in a synthetic as described by grand ma. Voila -- 471  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 0 iDate=20/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  How to really split a valence (after much testing):   HGC Staff  From LRH to HGC Staff July 20, 1956. How to really split a valence (after much testing): 1. Get pc under control with Start-Change-Stop -- lots of it. 2. Unjam track with Solids. "What do you see? Make it solid." (Anything jamming track can be run as a valence below.) 3. Choose valence or valences, weakest universe preferred. 4. "What would interest ____________?" 5. "What would get the attention of ____________?" 6. "What ______________ can't have." (objectively on room) 7. "What could you protect __________ from?" 8. "What communication could you prevent ____________ from originating?" 9. Problems of Comparable Magnitude to ____________ (not necessarily to be run at this point but anywhere in formula). 10. "Invent a game you could play with ____________. Then 4 to 10 again to check. Run Havingness as needed. Keep pc under control with S-C-S on body. The above formula is a killer on valences. I took 100 hours of testing to check it out. Best, LRH 472  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=22/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  TECHNICAL BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1956   RUSH To U.S. ONLY Julia Lewis, Dick Steves, L. Ron Hubbard, Jnr. To England ONLY Association Secretary (Jack Parkhouse) Director of Processing (Ann Walker) Director of Training (Dennis Stephens) Staff Auditors, Instructors and Auditors close to Operation only.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 RUSH July 22nd, 1956 To U.S. ONLY Julia Lewis, Dick Steves, L. Ron Hubbard, Jnr. To England ONLY Association Secretary (Jack Parkhouse) Director of Processing (Ann Walker) Director of Training (Dennis Stephens) Staff Auditors, Instructors and Auditors close to Operation only. TECHNICAL BULLETIN OF 22 JULY 1956 I feel the urge to communicate to you the best news since 1950. I have whipped the problems of the whole track and memory of the past and can resolve the worst cases we have ever had. That is a huge statement but I have solved and can untangle in an intensive the problems of the vacuum and havingness plus memory and health and have just done so. Hence the exuberance. Also, other auditors can solve these in a case as well. NIBS has just cracked two six-year-standing Black Fives using some of this material and Herbie Parkhouse has had considerable luck with solids. We are now capable of solving Book One style cases to the extreme level of clear. No wild burst of enthusiasm is here intended. I have to put the finishing touches on a lot of things and the process is still slow -- 25 to 75 hours. But I've now done it and seen it done to worse cases than any you've had. And that's fact! Okay. It's not simple. It requires a minute understanding of Book One. It would take me 50 pages to explain all I've lately found about vacuums. You haven't seen the last of me or of study, but you will have seen the last of unsuccessful cases providing only that we have time and environment in which to audit them. We can make homo novis. (AND give a grin to those who kept standing around bleating, "Where are the clears?") We know more about life now than life does -- for a fact, since it was reaching, we can communicate about the reactions. The process is concerned with "making it solid" combined with effects. It isn't easy. It is wonderfully complex and delicate. But it has been done. And it is being done. Our cases gained but sometimes slumped. Why? Because an electronic vacuum restimulated on the track after sessions, and robbed the case's havingness. A vacuum isn't a hole. It's a collapsed bank. Every lifetime bank is collapsed into a vacuum. The formula is -- 1. Run pc on start-change and stop for hours until he is under auditor's control, in session and (often) exteriorized. 2. Then run him with commands "What are you looking at?" "Good." "Make it solid." He will eventually hit a vacuum. (He'd hit it faster on "Recall a can't have" but it's too fast.) Here's the tangle. The vacuum is a super-cold mass or an electric shock. This "drank up" bank electronically (brainwashed him). The energy drunk turned black. Hence black cases. (Does not apply only to black cases however.) 3. Run, interspersed with solids and "objective can't have" on the room, "Tell me an effect object (that drank bank) could not have on you," and "Tell me an effect you could have on object." Object may be electrodes or supercold plate or even a supercold glass. 473 Caution, handle one vacuum at a time. These vacuums go back for 76 Trillion years. They were the original brainwash thetans did to one another, then psychiatrists (on the whole track) did expertly (modern psychiatrists are punks, modern shock too feeble to do more than restimulate old vacuums). Take the vacuum that comes up running solids, or even "Recall a can't have", whatever it is and solve it as above. This is delicate auditing. If you restimulate a vacuum too hard, the whole track groups on it. Read Book One. Add vacuums instead of word groupers, use above and you'll probably get through to success. Nibs did and I had given him less than you have here. Of course, he's one of the best auditors in the business, so go easy. And Herbie Parkhouse is no slouch. CAUTIONARY This is true -- 1. We have created the permanent stable clear. 2. In creating him we have a homo novis in the full sense, not just an Operating Thetan. 3. We now know more than life. An oddity indeed! 4. We now know more about psychiatry than psychiatrists. We can brainwash faster than the Russians (20 secs to total amnesia against three years to slightly confused loyalty). 5. We can undo whatever psychiatrists do, even the tougher grade from away back. We can therefore undo a brainwash in 25 to 75 hours. 6. We can create something better than that outlined and promised in Book One. BUT 1. We need to know more and be more accurate than ever before about the time track and auditing. I have not given a thousandth of what I know about this. 2. We have a new game but also new responsibilities amongst men. 3. This data in the wrong hands before we are fully prepared could raise the Devil literally. 4. Because we know more than the Insanity Gang, we're not fighting them. 5. Because we can undo what we do, we must retain a fine moral sense, tougher by far than any of the past. 6. We can create better than in Book One now only if we know Book One and know our full subject. AND WE DO NOT YET KNOW ALL THE SAFETY PRECAUTION TO BE USED. I will be giving this data in full at the Games Congress, Shoreham Hotel, WASHINGTON, D.C., August 31st, to September 3rd, 1956. The exact regimen of this will be SLP 8 and will include the total picture of separating valences from bodies (which must still be done by the auditor, a formula I now have). I have given you this data in this bulletin at this time because now I know I know and I want you to share in seeing the surge of vision which will be our future. L. RON HUBBARD P.S. (Actually, contrary to rumor, it hasn't all been done before. If it had been, the guy who is saying it has would be clear!) 474  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=24/7/56 Volnum=0 Issue=93 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  A CRITIQUE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS Continued    P.A.B. No. 93 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 24 July 1956 A CRITIQUE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS Continued Any auditor knows that the self-determinism of the preclear is reduced markedly and alarmingly by evaluating for the preclear on the subject of his own case; in fact, one can make a test of this with the end product near insanity. One has a person tell him what the person is worried about in life and then one informs that person the reason why this is so and informs him with sufficient force and logic to bring about an utter conviction on the part of that person that this is the case. What happens here is that one adds confusion to the case rather than otherwise. All a practitioner can hope to do is steer the person in certain directions where that person will then make certain discoveries and where that person will be able to reconsider and cognite to the end of having a more proper view of things. The real thing wrong with evaluation is that data or significances have a tendency to eradicate masses when they are intimately applied. It is quite one thing to say what all life is about and to give an individual the basis for a better and wider look at life as we do in Dianetics and Scientology, and it is quite another thing to find that the person is in his mother's valence, and then begin to evaluate for him concerning his mother. The most harmful example of this is to find someone upset, for instance, about his father, and then to explain to him, as the analyst does, that his father is probably a very good man and meant all for the best. To do this is to throw the patient into an apathy. As apathy is at least quiet, it has in later years been considered a desirable state for people who might have some socially destructive impulses. Apathy became, then, the end goal of later analysts, and is, of course, the only goal of the psychiatrist. That is why these people evaluate for their patients in the manner given. When a patient in an asylum has told her "doctor" that she was recalling incidents from the mother's womb, the "doctor" is prone to tell her that is all nonsense, she has to face reality, and so forth, which evaluates for her. The real crime of evaluation is to tell the patient he is wrong. Evaluation itself as a broad subject is not particularly harmful so long as it does not completely invalidate the person to whom the remarks are addressed. Thus you could give a person a general framework of life so long as you are not crowding it against an entirely different framework of life. As an example, a Scientologist tells some religionist whose life is entirely oriented on religious principles of some archaic and antiquated creed that his beliefs are all wrong and that the truth lies otherwise. As the Scientologist is going straight up against a life entirely oriented by these ancient creeds, he is apt to produce 475 in his action a considerable apathy on the part of the religionist. He is not apt to get in truth a convert to Scientology. He is apt to get a candidate for a mental hospital instead. A person can be led out of any serious fixed beliefs by getting him to agree that there are wider beliefs to assume, but this must be done in full observance of ARC, and is not done by direct evaluation. This is, by the way, why we sometimes fail to convert people in older "healing" methods to Dianetics and Scientology. We simply fly into the teeth of their stable data and leave them all confused. We, knowing life, are far too convincing. "They" cannot but partially agree. Evaluation for a person could be defined as the action of shaking his stable data without giving him further stable data with which he can agree or in which he can believe. The analyst from Freud's time onward has been supremely guilty of this. That it must be called guilt is observable in the fact that evaluation -- reversal of the patient's beliefs and data directly to the patient -- has placed many psychoanalytic patients in hospitals. INVALIDATION The subjects of significances, evaluation and invalidation have become interdependent in Scientology. In invalidation we have more fully than in evaluation a capital crime. With significances we are simply discussing reasons why. With evaluation we are only giving new stable data, but with invalidation we are overtly and consciously knocking whatever props the patient may have out from under him. The greatest invalidation, of course, is to be struck when one does not expect to be struck, to be criticized when one does not think he merits criticism. Essentially it is the act of telling a person that although he thinks he should be there, he is really not supposed to be there and the use of thoughts or force in order to accomplish his not-thereness. Reversely, it is also making a person sorry for his absence. In essence it is saying that a person has no validity, therefore that a person's thoughts and postulates have no validity. The commonest conduct by analysts in hospitals is to invalidate. Actually the entire activity of psychiatry, with its drugs and shocks and restraints, is invalidation. In actuality evaluation belongs more properly to the field of psychoanalysis than does invalidation. Invalidation belongs to the modern psychiatrist, since it can have considerable brutality connected with it. FAILURE TO OBSERVE Another reason why psychoanalysis has failed lies in its failure to observe. It would be thought that if many thousands of men financed by many, many millions of dollars were to look for a long period of time at insane people, they would sooner or later codify certain definite theories of observations, which when added up would bring about certain conclusions. In fact, one could not expect less than this from the most mechanical computer arranged. Analysis must have been based upon erroneous premises. It must have been, because it led to no additional observation. A Dianeticist or a Scientologist setting out 476 to observe phenomena will cover the track of Dianetics and Scientology. This is fairly certain, because it has been done now for many years by many, many people. The observations of Dianetics and Scientology have been productive of a considerable number of new observations. This is not the case with psychoanalysis. Only those few examples which seemed to validate the basic principles of psychoanalysis were observed by the analyst and where data fell outside this sphere it was not observed and codified. A true and proper scientific method as given in Book One, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, is as follows: 1. Make a series of careful observations. a. These observations must be repeated, and are acceptable as observations only if many people following the prescribed techniques can duplicate the results. b. Variations of the prescribed techniques must be tried to eliminate the possibility that the observed results might be due to a factor other than that intended. As a gross example, suppose it is reported that a magnet will attract objects. Demonstration shows it does attract and lift iron balls; that is Step (a) above. Now variations of the experiment show that the magnet attracts iron but not copper, silver, etc. The observed effect -- attraction -- is real. Variation of the original experiment is needed to show the actual limits of the effect. 2. Combining ail relevant data, from all relevant experiments, formulate a hypothesis. a. The hypothesis must explain all observed data. b. It must not demand as a consequence of its logical development, the existence of phenomena that do not, in fact, exist. c. But it should indicate the existence of real, hitherto unobserved facts. 3. Using the hypothesis, predict new facts. a. A logical structure broad enough to explain all observed, relevant phenomena will necessarily imply further phenomena that have not yet been observed. Use this mechanism to predict the existence of something which, under previous theories, would not exist. 4. Perform an experiment and make observations on these predictions. 5. As a result of the experiment, discard the hypothesis, or advance it now to the status of "Theory." 6. Make further predictions, further experiments, and collect more observational evidence until a contradictory relevant fact is found. 7. Discard the old theory, take the new total of observational data, and form a new hypothesis. 8. See Step Three. It is as though the psychoanalyst from Freud forward was looking for confirmation of his own beliefs. 477 The most serious defect which a researcher can have is a fondness for his own beliefs so great that he looks only for confirmation of these. A researcher must possess the ability to discard and reassume theories at will. He must not nurse to his bosom one theory and then try to align all data to that theory. He must align data to a theory, it is true, but when that data does not add up to that theory, that theory must be discarded and a new one must be assumed. Only in this way is progress made. That the basic tenets of psychoanalysis were never abandoned or reformed shows a certain fondness for them which was not borne out in actual practice or observation. The dramatization of the mental image picture (the engram), the demonstration of overt act-motivator sequences and a hundred thousand other Dianetic and Scientology phenomena, went entirely unobserved by psychoanalysts. They even looked at them and saw them not. In that healing consists of getting at what is wrong and making it right, the approach of the Dianeticist was intensely successful. In that what was wrong with the patient was not a psychoanalytic theory was enough to cause the analyst to invalidate the patient and remain secure in his theoretical assumptions, the analyst actually did not make people well; and this is the primary reason why: He failed utterly to observe the data of the patients. HYPNOTISM Probably the most fundamental error of psychoanalysis was its early dependence upon hypnotism. Breuer, as Freud's co-worker, actually exhumed the original data on which Freud based his libido theory in 1894. Breuer used hypnotism. The use of hypnotism denotes an anxiety to produce an effect beyond the power of the individual to produce an effect by normal knowledge and means. It is the belief that the patient must be in a comatose state before something can be done to him. The medical doctor and the analyst and psychiatrist alike have held this tenet. Basically, a good therapy would wake people up, make them more alert, make them more able, happier, more competent. Hypnotism is the exact reverse to this. We have here another failure to observe. Anyone observing hypnotic patients would see that after they have been hypnotized they are less able. Narcosynthesis and other nonsense has had to be run out of more Dianetic preclears than I would care to count before their cases could advance. The continual use of hypnotism (and an inexpert use it was, to one versed in Eastern hypnotism!) and the use of hypnotic drugs to "diagnose" or "plumb the depths" of some patient is a confession that one does not know the general rules of life. If one does not know these general rules, of course, he is apt to look almost anywhere, even into the wastebasket, for an answer. Hypnotic command or hypnotic diagnosis does not lead to well patients. It leads to slaves, and if you will observe any people who have been continually hypnotized you will find that it has been detrimental to them. This does not even require very much close observation. There is nothing essentially wrong with hypnotism so long as one can undo hypnotism. We can undo hypnotism, therefore it is not very important whether we hypnotize people or not; but the analyst could not unhypnotize people. He did not even know what the mechanism of hypnotism was, and as a result he was not thereby entitled to use it. Only that person who is able to produce both the kill and the cure should be permitted to kill. If you could bring a dead man to life at once without any bodily harm to him, it would be all right for you then to kill men -- providing you brought them back to life. It is perfectly all right for you to hypnotize people so long as you can unhypnotize them. Psychoanalysts and psychiatrists cannot do this. Therefore this particular phenomena in the mind should be well beyond their reach. 478 ABANDONMENT OF CASES We think very poorly of the auditor who abandons cases without doing much for them. It must be harshly said, on ample evidence, that the analyst does very little else but abandon cases. The first hours in analysis are usually spent, according to a survey made back in Dianetic days, finding how much the patient can pay. After that, the patient is persuaded to believe that it will require about a year of four separate sessions of one hour each per week to establish whether or not analysis can do anything for him. At the end of a year, of course, he is so habituated to coming to the analyst and handing over almost the entirety of his pay check that he does not stop doing so, and forgets that the analyst has ever said that it would require a year just to find out. Nothing is being done for the patient but he does not notice this. When the patient runs out of money, he is abandoned. This is our unfortunate finding in the case of psychoanalysis. It is quite one thing to leave a case when one has bettered it of its current worries, and it is quite another to leave it when one has worsened it. The Dianeticist does the former quite often. The patient expects to be a Dianetic clear and does not reach that goal -- only recovers from a couple of psychosomatic illnesses and two or three deep neuroses, and yet wants more auditing. The auditor is then entitled to tell him no. But in the case of the person who is worsened by the therapist, the abandonment of that case becomes inevitable, if the therapist ever could have done anything for the case in the first place. Naturally we are walking on rather thin ground here since there are many people around who believe that Dianetics did not do all for them that it should, and I am the first to agree with this, since we had too few skilled practitioners and we ourselves were too pressed for time which was being consumed by long and arduous processes to pay attention to every complaint which came our way. But our intention in Dianetics was never otherwise than to do all we possibly, humanly could for the preclear. I am afraid that the analytic approach does not fall within this category. The analyst must have known when he first enlisted the patient that the patient would worsen, since the analyst rarely experienced anything else in his practice. Therefore we have a basic intention which is entirely at variance with our ideas of the way the world ought to run. It is interesting to note that our attempt to survey psychoanalytical suicide met with many savage rebuffs. Yet we were able to discover that some 35% of the people "in" psychoanalysis committed suicide either during an analysis or within three months after the analysis. In our efforts to discover the why of this we received only one answer common to all of the analysts interviewed, and that was, "He came to me too late." It can be seen that this is a rather shallow way to look at things, for any of us today in Scientology could say, "Well, the human race came to us too late," and we could then throw up our hands and not do anything about it, whereas, as a matter of fact, the remark is almost correct. Yet we are still doing something about it and in Dianetics and Scientology we have gotten no great number of suicides. As a matter of fact, I know of but one actual suicide in all the hundreds of thousands of cases which we have had our hands on and that one was political, not therapy. FAILURE TO VALIDATE BY TESTING It might be asked in this modern age why psychoanalysis never permitted itself to be before and after tested. This is probably the greatest condemnation of the entire subject of psychoanalysis. 479 One looks in vain for actual authentic records of improvement of cases because of psychoanalytic sessions. While the psychoanalyst is very anxious to have us in Dianetics validate our science, he himself has never validated his. Had he done so, we would have to hand an accurate record of cases tested before analysis and after analysis. The whole idea of testing does not belong to either the psychoanalyst or the psychologist. Testing goes clear back to the dimmest days of Greece. Man has always been testing man to discover his existing state or changes in it. The oldest precursor of testing known to us is probably graphology, but on the other hand it may be phrenology. The ancient witch was in essence doing a psychometric test on her visitor. Tests of guilt and innocence by responses was a subject for medieval courts. So at no time could the psychoanalyst have said that he was not familiar with the whole project and idea of testing. In modern times testing (erroneously within the framework of "psychology") has been excessively available to the analyst, and yet he has never produced to my knowledge any booklet or pamphlet concerning the various differences of patients before and after an analysis and has certainly never codified his subject. Why has he not done this? Is it because he could not? I am afraid that is the reason why. I am afraid that psychoanalysts have tested their patients before and afterwards and have found them worse afterwards and so have never released the results. It would be nearly impossible for a practitioner not to attempt this sometime during his career. Therefore we find all the results of psychoanalysis based upon the opinion of the analysts themselves. If one has ever sat in a coffee house talking to auditors about the wonders which have been produced in cases which one knows are still spinning, one will see that it is a human error to assume a greater result than has been achieved. Now, however, in fairness to these auditors most of their results are factual and they have every right to brag about them. But in the case of the analyst, one never hears about recoveries. One hears only about symptoms. If one has ever had the painful experience of spending an evening with analysts, one would realize that the dramatization of the patient's symptoms was the entirety of the conversational fare. If one can talk only about symptoms and never about the release of symptoms, one then assumes that the release of symptoms has not been accomplished. SUMMARY Well, how does all this affect us? Are we in any way affected by the fate and failures of psychoanalysis? Yes. In two ways. In the first way, we are able to sort out of psychoanalysis various don'ts, and, as these crept into early Dianetics from psychoanalysis, it is necessary for us at this time to reassess and evaluate what we are doing. One can summarize these rather rapidly. One does not force a person to communicate who is low on havingness. One does not specialize entirely in recalls. One does not occasion or force a transference into another personality. One does not concentrate on the second dynamic. One does not specialize in significances. One does not evaluate for or invalidate the patient. One observes what he is doing from the patient and not from the textbook, making sure that one is actually observing the patient. One does not use hypnotism. One does not abandon cases when they have been worsened. One does not fail to validate by testing, and one sees security in the general expansion and advance of a subject itself. We can learn these don'ts because we see a corpse lying there very dead because they did not know these don'ts, so we should not repeat them. 480 Is there any other way we are affected by the psychoanalyst? Yes. The psychoanalyst and various mental practitioners have not conducted themselves ethically in this society. The psychoanalyst, the psychologist, and the psychiatrist have been guilty of not delivering. Whatever may be said about Dianetics and Scientology, whatever may be said about me or my enthusiasm, I can assure you that we and I have delivered. We mean what we say when we write down in a summary of case histories that we cured so many cases of so-and-so, and we alleviated so many cases of such-and-such; we are not guilty of anything but what we actually did. We are guilty occasionally in misinterpreting exactly how we achieved these alleviations. A case in point is in 1947 when I was using a recall method which rehabilitated the confidence of the person to face his pictures. This brought about a cessation of his stimulus-response mechanisms in their entirety, and so created a clear. Even by the time Book One had come along some of this technology (because it wasn't properly understood) had been forgotten or overlooked. But later on it was rehabilitated and brought to the fore, and it is in full use at this time. We have said we would deliver so-and-so and we are delivering so-and so, and those things which we have intended to deliver and have not yet delivered we still intend to deliver and will continue to strive down to the last thought wave to accomplish. Our efforts and activities are sincere. There has never been a more sincere group on the face of Earth than those who are in the ranks of Dianetics and Scientology. These people can be trusted. You can go to almost any person practicing Dianetics and Scientology and receive some part of the benefit inherent in these subjects. He will try, he will try decently and he will make the best changes he can accomplish take place in your case. This is more true than ever today with our new programs of indoctrination and training, and I would say that in a relatively short time the totality of result to be obtained from Dianetics and Scientology will be obtainable from each and every properly certified practitioner throughout the world. We have here an intensely sincere group. We have a fine ethical background. We are trying, we are honest, we are decent. How does this make psychoanalysis in any way affect us? Well, I am very sorry to have to say this, but the psychoanalyst has not been honest, he has victimized the public. A psychoanalysis costs better than $9000 (#3219) and yet does not attain as much result as one opening of session by one auditor (#2). In fact this $9000 "cure" is apt to deteriorate the case entirely. The psychoanalyst has made specious and large statements concerning his abilities to act, and has never even tried to press forward and bring those conditions into existence. He has joined hand and glove with the psychiatrist, and is murdering and butchering his patients. It is the least safe thing that one could do to place himself in the hands of an old-time practitioner today. The public is entirely and intensely aware of this. The public is aware of the fact that the last person you want to see is a psychoanalyst or a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The public is forced to go to these people by the law, and the only reason they go near them is because they were at one time the faint hope that existed, but their faint hope no longer has to have recourse to them. These practitioners have had to enforce their position by law, lacking results. Psychoanalysis, psychology, and psychiatry have influenced the Christian ministry today to place even members of congregations into their hands (based on an actual poll of 1,700 ministers). The psychiatrist, the psychoanalyst and the psychologist may have a fight one with another amongst themselves, but they hold this in common: They have given into the public the rightful opinion that the mental practitioners prior to the year 1950 were entirely valueless and were not earning their salt. They have given rise to a public atmosphere of disdain and contempt for anyone practicing in the field of the mind. Therefore they do to some slight degree affect us. Therefore we should make very very clear to the entire public that we are not psychologists, psychoanalysts, or psychiatrists, and any of us who fall from grace and attempt to use these old cloaks 481 to further our own pocketbook should be despised by their fellow auditors. The one chain of logic we must break is that "people who work in the field of the mind are all crazy; they can do nothing for us, therefore we must not go to them." My own attitude, whether I am known to be me or not, when I am confronted with the idea that I am connected with old-time mental healing, is to become enormously amused and to make it completely clear that Scientology and Dianetics had to come about and had to be called by different names because they did something that the old-time fields of mental activity never did do. You are to some slight degree affected by the repute of the psychoanalyst and he has not helped us out. He has attacked his patients sexually under drugs. He has lied about his cases. He has worked himself up in a legal position before the courts so that he is listened to by the judges, and yet only opinion is used by him to declare people insane and sane. This is an empire which we are today inheriting. It is an empire we must clean up. It is an empire which has not been clean. Therefore it is up to us to do the very best we can to make this new empire of the mind a good solid ethical thing in which people can believe, and to make that empire something which serves man, rather than victimizes him. FINIS 482  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 10 iDate=13/8/63 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SCIENTOLOGY PROCESS CHART   HGC Washington D.C. HGC London  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 August 13, 1956 To: HGC Washington D.C. and London SCIENTOLOGY PROCESS CHART The following processes on the Know -- Mystery Scale are in current use, having been tested and found effective. The most effective single processes are solids, problems and start-change- stop. The list is used starting with the Mystery band. The list is done with complete attention to running Games Condition only. KNOW NOT KNOW Objective, outside, persons, objects. Auditor indicates object "Tell me something you could not-know about ____________," and "Look around, tell me something you could have." LOOK (PERCEIVE) Put unknown perceptions in walls and exterior objects. (Sight, sounds, smells, tactiles.) EMOTION Objective, outside or in Auditing Room. Put ______________ (emotion bottom to top of Tone Scale) into that (indicated object). EFFORT Solids -- Introverted -- (facsimiles) "What are you looking at?" "Make it Solid." (Don't forget invisible particles.) Extroverted -- "Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind making Solid." "Make it Solid." Fight the wall (body or mock-ups). THINK Put postulate "Want to know" in walls. Make it know. SYMBOLS Mock up somebody inventing something for others to know about. 483 Mock up Mest being curious. "What is it?" objective. Mock up people obj with postulates in them "How do I get rid of all of it?" Lie about (invent) Individualities. (An identity that could cope with it.) Lie about (invent) opponents. EAT List some inedibles. Look around room, find something your body can't have. SEX What would interest (valences). An effect you wouldn't mind causing on opposite sex. MYSTERY Mock up a confusion. Confusions you wouldn't mind creating. Invent a stable datum for "that" confusion. Mock up a confusion for which ____________ (postulate, valence, some old healing practice) would be a stable datum. Put interest, disinterest in objects. (Find something uninteresting in this room.) Waste Cases. Problems of Comparable Magnitude (to anything). Start-Change-Stop preclear's body or small objects. Flip-flopping (by mock-up). Processes run upwards from this point as a gradient scale of difficultness. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:re.rd 484  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/8/56 Volnum=0 Issue=94 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE ANATOMY OF TRAPS    P.A.B. No. 94 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 15 August 1956 THE ANATOMY OF TRAPS What is is not necessarily what should be. The way a thetan lives is not and never will be the way thetans should live. The basic reason for this is the desire for randomity, summed up in the desire of the thetan for a game. Infinite wellness is undesirable if it means that the thetan is to be in a state of total knowingness, total serenity, nameless, without ARC or contact with any environment. Evidently a thetan would rather be intelligent in relation to his environment, identified and identifiable, capable of emotion and experience and in ARC of whatever kind, with whatever type of playing field he may fancy. In other words, a thetan believes that he should be involved in a game. The deepest and most basic rationale is understood by the fact that a thetan must be part of the game. If he is not he is unhappy, no matter how purely and beautifully knowing and serene he may become. However, there is a difference in games which is marked and obvious. There is the matter of playing a game and knowing one is playing a game, and not knowing one is playing a game. Between these two things is a world of difference. A thetan who is engaged in games he does not know he is playing is unhappy, since he does not believe he is playing a game and finds himself nevertheless in motion. This is what the preclear objects to when he comes to the auditor to be audited. The preclear suspects that he is playing a game and does not know what game he is playing. He simply wants to find out. He does not want to stop playing all games. If the auditor proceeds in the direction of making him stop all of his games, if the auditor erases all of the preclear's games, why, the preclear is resultantly unhappy. The preclear wants to know what game he is playing and that is all there is to it. In the matter of traps we have in essence a similar condition to the state of mind regarding games. Traps are part of games. That is all they are. To believe that a thetan could not get out of any trap he has gotten into is folly, since it is very difficult for a thetan to maintain and not go through every barrier which presents itself. Here we have the difference between the ideal and the actual. The thetan who is in a trap could get out of one with ease if it did not violate his condition of games. Were games not a fact and a rationale of life, traps would be non-existent. If games were no object whatever, getting out of a trap would be simplicity itself. One is trapped by those things to which he will not grant havingness. A game condition demands that one denies havingness. Therefore games trap. 485 To maintain a games condition in a preclear it is best to run can't have on objects, valences and people. For example: "Tell me something in this room your mother can't have" is a highly effective process, particularly if one has first run "What effect could you have on mother?" The "can't have" on mother is a games condition and runs out the games one has played with mother. Therefore the process is workable. The process runs out exactly what one has done in order to be trapped in the mother's valence. One has, in playing games with mother, said that mother could not have this and could not have that, since to permit mother to have something is to violate a games condition. Let us be very sharply clear here. Permitting things to have things is to make allies or teammates of those things, and when these do not prove by their conduct to be teammates, one is then guilty of permitting an opponent to have something, which is a no-game condition. The rule is: Whatever one has denied havingness to has to some degree become a trap. When one runs "can't have" on the object, he runs out the original denial of havingness to the object. Here is where processing meets its biggest obstacle: Running havingness such as "Look around the room and tell me what your mother could have" conflicts with the fact that one has already postulated numerously on the track that mother cannot have things. Running the permission of mother to have things untraps the thetan from mother only so long as it does not cause him to fail in his games condition with mother. In practice one has to settle the whole question of mother as an opponent before one can have a mother. "Invent an opponent of comparable magnitude to mother," "Mock up mother in violent motion," "Look around the room and tell me something mother can't have" settles this opponent-mother condition. One does not run "can have" on mother, only on self. That one audits out a game condition to obtain a higher tone is a major discovery in auditing and is all that is used today. It is an easy thing to say "One is trapped by those things to which he has denied havingness," but the truth of the matter is that if he did not and had not denied havingness, he would not have had a game. It is necessary, then, to settle the games condition on each and every object from which you would untrap a thetan before you then run the havingness process necessary to permit him to grant havingness to the trap. In the first place he and the trap are actually playing a game, and it may be that he has not enough games in order to surrender the game of the trap. If he had enough games in order to surrender the game of the trap, he would theoretically come out of it, and he would certainly come out of it if he was put into a condition whereby he could actually grant havingness to the trap. Jails, theta traps, pole traps, bodies, each and every thing, large or small, including the MEST universe, which could operate as a trap, follow this same rule. The basic havingness of course, that the thetan is denying the trap, is denying the trap a thetan -- and this, properly worded, works quite well in processing. But unless a thetan denied things himself he would be in a no-game condition -- a thing which he cannot and does not tolerate. 486 THE GOAL OF AUDITORS To penetrate a case at its level of certainty of motionlessness and by processes, run by good procedure, to improve that certainty and the level and to improve certainty on each level, the preclear always at cause until the preclear, through objective and creative processes, is brought to an ability, theoretical, to mock up in its entirety, a body and a universe visible to all. We introduce games condition by having preclear at cause, even though the common denominator is motionlessness, a no game condition. L. RON HUBBARD 487  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=20/8/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC PROCEDURE OF AUG. 20    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 HCO BULLETIN OF 20 AUGUST 1956 After a study of processing in general and much testing by HGCs London and Washington and in particular by my own and HCO auditing, the following scale of processes can be considered optimum at this time in the light of what we know. Until further extensive testing is available we can consider the following to be the most productive processes and these should be used by staff on outside pcs and taught in classes. HGC PROCEDURE OF AUG. 20 1. Make pc at ease in session, build some ARC without too much 2-way comm. Get pc's viewpoint. Make him feel auditor regards goals seriously. Run comp mag on pt problem. 2. Run S-C-S on objects stressing each of them more or less equally, running each until fairly flat. This could take from a half-hour to 25 hours depending on pc. Away and to pc on stop is highly effective. 3. 8c part (a) on body if pc in poor shape. Get it flat if so. (At least until he has no somatics.) 4. S-C-S on body. 5. Locational processing as extroversion process for S-C-S on 4 (run with 4 as an alternating process if needed). 6. S-C-S on body specializing on stop. 7. Connection processes. (Look around and find something you wouldn't mind connecting with you.) 8. Before and After Solids. Select an engram from mid life which pc has mentioned or an age and have him find a picture before it. If picture isn't an engram have him make it solid. Then one after the selected time. Keep him out of engrams and painful incidents by having him get earlier or later ones that aren't painful before you let him make it "more solid". Don't change your engram target or selected age no matter what other incident comes up. Quit only when pc has been getting them close to pt. Close by telling him "come to present time", an operation which requires a few seconds or a minute. Before and After Solids brings up the case computation, the service facsimile and vacuums and discharges them. 9. Run, Look around here and find something you wouldn't mind making solid, as the objective version of 8. ********** Havingness processes, optional as indicated. Run problems, Trio on self (what you can have in room), can't have on others or body, creative process havingness, and putting things into walls, ceiling and floor and not know plus Trio on people outside. And mock up confusions for stable data, name, etc. Also Axiom 10 processes. 488 By creative processing pc can be required to mock up a motionless object and "hold it still". If it can be made still for an instant have him let it go and mock up another. Use general, heavy objects at first. Then selected objects to run out inabilities of pc (such as typewriters, palettes, books, etc). Fight the wall can be used but only with great care. Have pc run motionlessness by having him "Find an object" "Tell it to be still". "Is it?" There are a great many ways to strip obsessive motion from a pc. Any workable one can be run. Remember that emphasis on all control processes is on STOP. Run stillness, not motion. Observe the following: Havingness drops when compulsive game cond. comes in. Repair havingness rather than run out agitation. Pcs, I discover, go from minus tone scale up to being able to have problems or tone or solids. Any case has some point that goes from no-effect or unreal or don't care up to apathy. Cases go north to apathy. There are no-tone cases. These are compulsive G.C. Thinkingness processes reduce havingness no matter what button they hit. Solids, effort, emotion, perceive are all above think. The pc's cognitions are valuable. But don't run thought out faster than havingness and solids in general run in. Never shoot for phrases. Ignore them. Before and After Solids' calmly run, bring up vast numbers of computations. Don't knock out havingness with too much 2-way. Don't go out of ARC with pc with too little 2-way. How much 2-way or think is answered by "how can we get solids into this case". Always run on a game condition basis. Enemy can have is deadly on pc. Can't have on enemy okay. Effect on pc is fatal. Pc's Effect on others okay. What pc could change is fine. What could change pc terrible. The path to truth lies through solids, effort, emotion, perception and Not Know; it is not to be found amongst thinking. On Control, it ls the first step toward solids. Pc won't start until he is sure he can stop. To have pc insist on light is to bring him to tolerate and handle the dark. Profiles and IQ gain when pc regains ability in solids in bank and universe and can plank emotion into walls wholesale. Intolerance of solids made him think. Failure to control solids made him intolerant of them. Thus havingness is the first goal. Havingness is reduced by bad ARC, inaccurate or clumsy auditing, running thinking processes and ignoring real pt problems. Reality begins with good ARC with auditor and becomes tolerable with regained control of Mest and gets real with solids. That's the best track for high gains in the of what we know now. LRH:re.rd L. RON HUBBARD [The first four paragraphs on this page have been added per an addendum dated 25 August 1956.] 489  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 10 iDate=21/8/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY OF INTENSIVES SINCE JUNE   To Staff Auditors, London and Washington.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 217a Kensington High Street, London W.8 To Staff Auditors, 21st August, 1956 London and Washington. SUMMARY OF INTENSIVES SINCE JUNE Maintaining havingness on pc tends to prove up as the primary reason for profile and IQ gains. The following processes seem to reduce havingness on long test -- Fight the wall -- subj-obj. What other person, object, body can have. Can't have is correct. Inventing opponents, Individualities. Lying about anything seems to drain bank in most cases. Overwhelming. Don't Know. Not Know. R1-6. Interest. The use of the above apparently pinned down case gains on the profile and lessened IQ gain. Other material learned from the last two months of auditing by self and Staff of London and Washington and HCO is reported as Recommended Procedure -- HCO of August 20th, 1956. The following persons are thanked for their test work and the wonderful results they have obtained on pcs processed under various directives: Julia Lewis Elise Pickmere Ann Walker Bob Davies L. Ron Hubbard, Jnr. Noel West Jean Thomason Cyril Vosper Dick Steves Smokey Brand Herbie Parkhouse Ken Maurer Jo Blythe L. Merrill Ken Barrett When we have time and money each of these listed processes should be tested again individually -- no other used. But such a project would cost beyond our means and right now we're doing all right. The Telesurance tests are particularly good and form a complete picture of 25 hrs on cases that were mostly 75 hour cases. The resultant gain in income for that company should be marked and will someday have to be ascertained. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:ebh.rd 490  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 120 iDate=0/8/56 Volnum=0 Issue=34 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Havingness    Ability Issue 34 [1956 ca. late August] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D.C. Havingness L. Ron Hubbard Prepared from a lecture to the London Auditors' Meeting, 31 January 1956, entitled "Basic Lecture on Havingness." We have talked and written a great deal on the subject of havingness ever since the days of the research in 1952 and 1953 which led up to the codification of SCIENTOLOGY: 8-8008, which was the anatomy of universes. It would seem that this point could be overstressed. Perhaps we could say more than needs to be said about havingness. Yet no matter how many reams we have written and how many hours we have talked about this thing, we probably haven't even scratched, not even scratched the subject of havingness. Everything that has ever been said about Creative Processing and about problems and solutions and about perception and spacation and about the "Black Five" has been on this subject. First and foremost, HAVINGNESS IS THE POSTULATE THAT ONE MUST COMMUNICATE versus THE POSTULATE THAT ONE MUST COMMUNICATE TO SOMETHING. You can see at once that this poses a cross-postulate. These two musts are not the same must. They are cross-purposes. If one has nothing to communicate TO, all he can do is communicate THROUGH. He would have the condition of endless space with nothing stopping the communication all the way. Now I want to call your attention to a little sport that is carried on in one part of the world. It used to be a Greek sport, then was transferred to Spain and Mexico. They got a bull, who was crazy enough to pick up a mock-up in that general neighborhood, and they get him in there and have him run at a cape. He nuns at the cape, he goes through the cape and he runs at the cape and he goes through the cape. And you just watch this bull's MORALE deteriorate! Then they take some old horse that is padded with blankets (the padding is never thick enough -- Spanish thirst for blood) and they let the bull finally charge and push at the horse. Usually the bull gets the horse and the picador over between the fence and himself. The fence is nice and solid. The bull starts to really go to town. 491 You can see his morale go up, up, up, up, up, up. In fact he would practically be a well bull if he could find that horse and that fence solid enough. Well, as gory as the spectacle may or may not be, the point of the matter is that while the bull is working on this the picador leans on him very heavily into the hump with a big fork and discourages him from finding something solid and from pushing that hard. And by the time they get him out there again charging at this cape (never a man -- he never hits a man, he never hits a horse -- he just hits this red cape) and he finds again nothing there, he's done. Without being really hurt (he's just sore and he's lost a small amount of blood) he just loses his nerve. He finally stands there in terror, and then he sinks into apathy, and he gets to such a point that the matador can walk over and fixate him. A good matador (once in a blue moon you see a good matador) will simply fix the bull into any position. He could probably stand him up in the air if he wanted to, because the bull is in a state of shock. He is hypnotized. He believes that there is nothing solid anywhere, and that no matter how hard he charges he will hit nothing. He's gone. If they simply kept him pushing at the red cape a little longer he would probably fall over dead anyhow. They wouldn't have to use a sword. Now, the physical aspect of a bullfight and the aspect of a thetan in the physical universe are not too wide apart, not too different, since the trick in both is to get them to charge at nothing: To get a bull to charge at a cape where he thinks there is something and to have him find out that there is nothing behind the red of the cape; to get a thetan, a living being, to move toward or put out a communication toward something and to then convince him that there is nothing there after all. And then the trick is to convince them that there is nothing they can charge, until at last they do not believe that they can touch or lean on anything. A thetan then has a feeling that if he did utter a communication he would only spend what mass he had, because the communication would just go on out there forever and endlessly. No longer to be able to touch anything, no longer anything real. Now, these two counter-postulates. If an individual supposes that he should communicate and if his joy and game and desire is communication (and it has to have that game postulate) and if at the same time there is nothing with which he can communicate -- no terminal -- he has the vista of endless space. HIS COMMUNICATION ITSELF IS MAKING THE SPACE AND THEN THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP HIS COMMUNICATION, so there is no end to it, and it makes him feel very weak indeed. He just shoots the roll, you might say, any time he says anything, because it never arrives anywhere. No termination and no terminal. So he eventually does this interesting thing -- he says something into a mass which HE HIMSELF PUTS THERE in order to have something to say something to. Now -- however we want to classify this -- whatever conditions or significances we wish to place upon this action -- it nevertheless follows that this aspect of man fighting himself is man merely trying to reassure himself that there will be something there to hit with his communication. Whenever you could say to someone that the only trouble he is having with himself is his fighting himself and putting up barriers to himself, you can also understand that this is what he is doing and why he is doing it. You don't have to classify any further. An individual goes along putting up barriers and masses and pictures, so that, in case there is nothing there to receive his communication, he can reassure himself that 492 there is something there after all, because he put it there and then found it. He runs into his own barriers, his own terminals. A thetan doesn't like the idea (and this not liking is again only a consideration) of speaking into a vast and endless nothingness, so what he does is to accumulate his own terminals. And so we get the phenomenon here of an individual constructing a universe perforce because he cannot have the universe in which he finds himself -- the physical universe. Now a thetan IS capable of constructing totally a universe himself. The cycle is something like this: He builds a universe of one kind or another himself. Then he by agreement finds himself involved in a larger universe. To a marked degree he simply invests the universe, which he has himself created, into this larger universe. Sometimes he doesn't like it, sometimes he does. But he then finds himself co-joining and existing with and in the physical universe. And now, the physical universe does not offer him a sufficient number of terminals, terminals sufficient in number and magnitude to the potential volume of communication of which he is capable. He then begins to manufacture his private universe all over again. Now, it is very important for you to understand that the "universes" that people are packing around with them when they come in to you as a preclear are usually SECONDARY UNIVERSES. They have come into being because the individual has found an insufficiency of universe in the physical universe. It IS quite interesting that anybody could find an insufficiency of universe in a universe that is so capable of solidity as the physical universe. That is one of the madder things that do happen. It is done by disenfranchising the individual. He is told and persuaded that he cannot address, cannot touch, cannot reach (and we interpret it as cannot have) a terminal. Reach, touch, address, have, whatever you want to call it. The terminal cannot exist for him. That's all it means. And so he stops talking to it, because it doesn't exist. An interesting opinion that someone could get into -- that the wall doesn't exist -- because it happens to be the truth of the matter. It's very easy, then, for him to fall into that one, because the wall is considerated. The wall exists and is there only because someone considered it was there. When one no longer considers a wall to be there it is not there. Thus if one is FORCED into having no wall (or disenfranchised of the wall), he can nevertheless have the opinion that there is no wall, and it will be true. We find him forced into truth. I've said before that the probable summary of aberration all up and down the track is that an individual is forced into truth and AWAY from a game. As long as one can ably create EVEN AS LOW A LEVEL AS LIE, or slightly less low level, a problem, he can still have a game. But when he's no longer able to create, no longer able to put anything there, there isn't anything there. He comes upon the truth of the matter. 493 There are at least several routes for coming upon the truth of something, and of these routes the least practicable for the individual is through subjection by force to a truth. Nevertheless, the truth of something, even when arrived at by the route of subjection and force, will as-is the something and cause its vanishment, and thus it is no longer had. This is called by auditors the depletion of havingness. One is made to admit that what he conceives to be there is what is there and it vanishes for him. This is not such a great oddity, since the individual never intended himself to be the receipt point for what he has caused, and when his intention is overthrown in this matter, and he does become receipt point, or termination point, for this, the thing is terminated, and so, of course, it vanishes. And so you get a destruction of the terminals which you normally would have or utilize or a destruction of the spaces which you would utilize. Mothers work on this rather hard -- fathers, schoolteachers and so forth. "You must tell the truth." And then, they wonder whether there is anything anywhere around that will explain the fact that a child ceases to be creative and imaginative after he's been around for a while. They must conceive that there is something dreadfully, dreadfully destructive in this child's lying. A person who would conceive the imaginative impulses of a child to be lies and therefore bad is in an interesting condition himself. He is in the interesting state of conviction that there isn't anything there anyhow, and there had better not be anything there anyway. Let me call to your attention again the manifestation of a child who goes to his parent and asks for a nickel. He goes through the various levels of the tone scale and he slides on down and finally tells his Pa, when he hits bottom, even if his Pa holds out the nickel to him that he doesn't want the nickel and he just wanders off in apathy. That child could get into the position where he HAS TO make nothing of every nickel that he comes across. Take a rich father denying a child pennies. It's an interesting and well-known fact that the rich man's son is usually more aberrated on the subject of havingness than the other kids. He is continually told that he can have everything, and all kinds of things are actually forced on him in some fashion. But his power of choice, especially where money is concerned, is overthrown and overridden, and he finally comes into the conviction that there isn't any money anyway. And the old man's fortune falls finally into his hands and SWISH -- it's gone. You take just about any rich man's son and audit him and you will normally discover that he cannot have money. Money is something that if it came into his vision he'd have to make nothing of it at once. The various enforcements that have been put upon him because of the importance of the amount of money in his family have at last turned him around into an inhibition of having money. This is a fascinating thing. Now let us leave such a relatively interesting subject as money for the relatively uninteresting subject of a wall, and we find that the same thing applies to a wall. A wall or an object or anything that is solid. A child says, "I just shot a giraffe out in the yard, Mama." His mother is in pretty good condition, and she says, "You did? Well now you make sure you bury it." Or, Mama's not in so very good shape, and is pretty well done in on the subject of havingness, and she knows there's no giraffe in the backyard, of course not. "Johnny," she says, "you really didn't see a giraffe in the backyard now did you. Now tell me. You realize you break my heart with these lies." This is a standard happenstance to mock-ups in children. 494 I have had as a writer some of the darnedest things told to me about purely imaginative sequences in stories of mine. I have had people turn around to me and tell me from time to time, about something in a story, "That didn't really happen, you know." Well, of course it didn't. There wasn't a word of truth in the whole sequence. They get very upset about it. They cannot differentiate quickly and accurately enough between the creative and the truth of the matter. And so they are on such an interestingly unbalanced pivot with regards to walls, etc., that if you started to create a new wall, you see, with a lie or something of the sort, they would know not only that THIS wall doesn't really exist (it would be a pretty thin thing to them) but they know also that YOUR wall had better NOT exist! And you're trying to give them a wall! I wrote a story one time called "Beyond The Black Nebula." Well, I don't know whether there's anything on the other side of the black nebula -- I never looked -- but WOW! People got upset about that story. I posed the fact that there is in Orion a tremendous barrier -- a black barrier across this particular galaxy. And I made people look at this fact and then dreamed up some causations behind it and so forth. Probably this barrier, as they read the story, was threatening to get actual and thick. And they were saying, "Well, maybe there is this barrier." "You shouldn't do this to us, Ron." That kind of a reaction. Well here is a point. The person who COULD have a wall didn't care how many black barriers were manufactured. The person who could have something accepted a new manufactured wall in the spirit in which it was given. The spirit of game. But when a person could no longer have, he could no longer accept anything offered to him. A very interesting thing. I imagine there are a great many girls who, if you walked up to them and handed them a pearl necklace, would have to assure themselves that it was a phoney or something of the sort, or that it was worthless for some reason. They'd probably take it down at once to have it assayed just to be sure, and if they were told that it was a real pearl necklace they'd be quite upset about it. You could probably spin them in and ruin their whole lives by giving them a pearl necklace. One of the ways people make nothing of things is to misintend them. So that, you could come back the next week, perhaps, and find that she's using the necklace to decorate a cake. You find this among savage tribes particularly. On a high-toned basis people would be doing this to make something persist. On a low-toned basis they would be simply trying to get rid of it by saying it doesn't exist or isn't the way it is. So you get one manifestation meaning two different things, relative to where the person is situated as to havingness. Can have and can't have. This whole subject of havingness, while it embraces all of existence and all of experience, boils down to two things: communication and terminals. And there is a great oddity about the whole thing. Any time you as an auditor had difficulty with the problem of havingness with a preclear, or had any difficulty with the problem of the preclear, that's because you departed from this rather strange maxim: THERE CAN'T BE ENOUGH HAVINGNESS. You see? You never get a superabundance of terminals. The other day I saw Helen of Troy (the movie!). You hear the Greeks outside the walls. Now, you'd say they would be resenting those walls badly. In other words, they were trying to NOT HAVE those walls, so that they COULD have the spoils of Troy. Fine. There's a certain greed there. They want the spoils inside the walls. They can't have those. The walls say they can't have the spoils. 495 The funny part of the whole thing is that the reason they couldn't have them is: they couldn't have the walls! You can develop almost any situation in life and resolve it on that basis. If you're trying to get over a barrier to gain something else, then it's a cinch you can't have the barrier. If you can come into possession of the barrier you come into possession also of what it is a barrier to. The only reason a person can get trapped is that he can't have traps. And the only reason he goes out and GETS himself trapped is because he CANNOT BE TRAPPED. It's really quite interesting. Now, if you really have all the walls and barriers of the physical universe, they pose no problem to you. Here is the situation in which we get the total vanishment of things -- you start owning something properly (addressing the truth of the ownership) and it doesn't exist any more. There is a difference here between the two kinds of operations you can undertake about having and owning. You find that HAVE is maybe a MISOWNERSHIP. So here are two systems: own and have, or own and misown. In order to have a problem, in order to have a game, we have to select out some of the walls and barriers as unhavable. And then you can have a problem in connection with some OTHER havingness. METHODS If you do not have methods of acquisition, there is really no acquisition possible. There would be a total acquisition. If you had a total acquisition you would own everything there is. The way to own everything there is is simply to own everything there is without any system of owning everything there is. The trouble with owning everything without using any system for owning everything is that it is much too true, and being true, does not make a persistence, so that, by owning everything there is you end up having nothing. The two postulates which when counterposed bring about havingness are: communicate and communicate to something. This brings about some problems which are very odd: "I must communicate and there must be a barrier to communicate to, but of course a barrier is antipathetic to communication. No, a barrier is necessary to communication, no, a barrier is antipathetic to communication. No, a barrier is necessary to communication because a communication must stop somewhere." Well, therefore, life well played would be a game of commenting in the proper direction toward the right barriers, and not trying to go through the wrong ones. But you could get into some interesting problems if you tried to leave this room through that wall and take your body with you. That would be an interesting problem. That would throw someone into apathy. But the funny part of it is that it wouldn't throw him into apathy anywhere as fast as simply being able to go through that wall and take his body with him. That would upset him. I guarantee you, that would upset him. No barriers. Nothing stops anything anywhere. STOPS Now, let us have a look at the remedy of havingness in the light of STOPS. 496 In Dianetics we have the "command phrase." Command phrases come down to just three things: start, change or stop. But the whole subject of the engram is the subject of "can't have." A moment of pain or unconsciousness is a moment of can't have. If, at a certain moment, an individual couldn't have the environment, couldn't have the circumstances he was undergoing, violently couldn't have these things, then it is a certainty that he'll pile up an engram right at that spot in time. That's what he'll have -- an engram. Let's see how that would be. He resists the environment to such a degree and considers it so foreign, so solid and so dangerous, that he makes something very much like a plaster cast of that moment, a kind of energy plaster cast of the environment. Thus a facsimile. This thing is far more durable than any cast of stone or plaster. This tells us something very important. The VISIBLE engrams were those of LOSS. Those things in the environment that the individual couldn't have, he resisted. There is a very peculiar thing about these facsimiles, these can't-have pictures. They're backwards. They are usually black backed. The energy pushed upon these things is black energy. It's just as if one had a lot of pictures turned face to the wall. That's the blackness of lots of cases, and the reason why blackness succeeds a lot of pictures. Handling the environment with energy and then with heavy energy goes down a certain road. There is a thing called a tensor beam. A thetan can do something that a physicist has not yet learned to do with energy. He can make a beam grab something. That's a tractor beam. Have you been talked to lately by someone who didn't really have anything to say, but kept on talking? It seems sometimes as though he had a tensor beam around your neck and he's holding you there, and you can't leave. The electronic structure of a pretty girl who's just walked down the street is a very interesting thing to behold. Every guy she's passed has put a tensor beam over her head. Well, that's "MUSTN'T LET THAT TERMINAL GO ANY FURTHER AWAY." That's the motto of that beam. So the individual can have and then he can lose. He decides he can lose, and if he feels he is going to lose any part of his environment, he will hook a beam over it and he'll hold it there in front of him. If you take a facsimile apart very carefully, aside from simply mocked-up or copied facsimiles, you'll see that it is cross-sectionalized as a tractor beam. He's trying to hold something from leaving him. He is unable to retain to him the actual object. He makes a picture of the object that he can look at straight. He'll say, "Oh, I don't like these pictures. They bother me. Take a few away from me," etc. Below that level he goes into blackness, which is simply pressing on things to push them away. He's in that frame of mind about things. Anyone's got some blackness. It isn't true that some cases are black and some are not. When it turns up on a preclear you are auditing on remedy of havingness, you can have him mock up some blackness and shove it in. So we get engrams of resistance and the engrams of resistance are black. 497 And we get engrams of Mustn't Go Away, and they're pictures. And an individual who can't have the physical universe can't have anything leaving him because he can't have anything else, you see. He at least retains a picture. And there is how he builds up his secondary universe. It isn't really his universe. It's pictures of the physical universe which he retains in lieu of. Now, an individual only gets into a frantic frame of mind about things leaving him if he can't have anything else. He's talking to his friend, and they have been very good friends for a long time, and his friend says, "I'm going to Galway now, and I'll be up there for a couple of years." And he feels terrible about it. He tries to persuade him not to go. He can't tolerate all that distance between himself and his friend. Friends are scarce. Another fellow has lots of friends. One of them says, "I'm going to Galway." He says, "O.K., fine. I'll be up to see you sometime pretty soon." That says he can tolerate that distance and this Galway business doesn't much reduce his havingness. He'd be in good shape -- easy to get along with. It's not so easy to get along with someone that you are the only one to. All right now, as we look over the general situation in regard to havingness, we find that the scale declines from having one's own universe exclusively, to: cooperating with a universe, which is the physical universe, and then we run out of havingness of the physical universe and we get into a point of a little anxiety. We might lose parts of it. And from that we pass into: we're liable to acquire some of it. We get a flip from must have to resist parts of the physical universe and from there we go on to: total not have. That is a disenfranchisement of the individual. The story of processing in Scientology is the story of the reversal of that disenfranchisement. If all the people in the world were suddenly to have no use for any pay, goods or commodities, there would not be the game. They would not be regulatable in any way. If they decided that everything was theirs anyway, and that they didn't need anything, there would not be this game. That would be too high a level of game for a game to be in progress. Now, nobody pretends that anybody is going to get up to that level of game. The funny part of it is, however, that as they get up toward that level of game, they go back toward not-action on the game, only they play the game now efficiently and they play it as a game, not as a dead-serious horror that they have to face somehow. That's the difference. All right, now -- you ask this question -- are you enjoying life? In other words -- is life a game to you? You would ask at the same time, "By any chance, are you in the band of havingness below owning everything there is, and above having to make nothing of everything there is?" Are you by any chance in that band? Or, are you enjoying life? These are the same questions. No difference, except that one fellow wouldn't be in the universe. He wouldn't be there so hypothetically to ask. But the guy who can't have anything is there to get. He is certainly there. He's stuck. STUCK Now, let's look at this thing called stuck. The old engram. We used to have holders, groupers, denyers, etc. These are embryonic barriers. These are barriers 498 aborning, you might say. The statement or postulate to stop. And the individual who gets an anxiety about havingness begins to accumulate out of his manufactured bank all of the stops and begins to hold them near him so that he will have barriers that can receive something and he won't get into the condition of the bull. Almost unknowingly he does this. So that there will be something there with which a game can be played. And thereby and therefore he forms a false wall in a secondary universe. The primary universe is the physical universe, as far as he's concerned in the state he is in. There is an earlier universe, which is his own universe, and which has walls and barriers, too. But, for our processing purposes, we're talking about this primary universe, the physical universe. We're talking of the reactive mind, the facsimiles, engrams, energy pictures, as a secondary universe which is formed by reason of not being able to have the physical universe. And that's how the reactive mind gets born and where it comes from. AUDITING THE HAVINGNESS SCALE Very often you have to get the preclear over the hump on the subject of havingness on his reactive mind. These secondary universes could just as well be called reactive universes. With creative processes, mock-up processes, we can handle this reactive bank havingness. You understand that this is not the preclear's Own Universe. These extend at once to a higher echelon -- the physical universe. So then, you remedy his havingness totally on the physical universe and get him to have everything in the physical universe -- no longer with mock-ups. You just have him look around at things and find out what he can have. When you have him totally remedy this subject, he is then in a position to create a home universe -- a universe of his own. There you have the graduated scale -- it goes from REACTIVE to PHYSICAL to HOME UNIVERSE. How far can you go with havingness? You could separate somebody out of this universe simply on havingness alone. First, he'd have to be able to have his reactive bank. Then he'd have to be able to have the physical universe. Then he'd have to know that he could create something else. This game of havingness is absolutely necessary to auditing. Apparently, to many people, havingness means barriers and barriers mean lack of freedom. But to you, an auditor, barriers should mean a game. And you should know that an absence of barriers is the trouble with a preclear when a preclear is having trouble. HE JUST DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH BARRIERS. Now, when a preclear's got a cold, that doesn't mean that you are going to tell him he hasn't got enough colds. It somehow wouldn't communicate. But there it is -- the preclear HASN'T got enough colds. Preclear has migraine headaches -- hasn't got enough migraine headaches. Whatever it is, whatever the condition is, something has gotten scarce, and the next step after getting scarce is, for it to get valuable. The mechanism of something getting valuable- -it first must get scarce. After becoming scarce a thing becomes very, very valuable; and then it becomes so valuable, it's rare. How many women have you seen with Kohinoor diamonds walking down the street in the last few minutes? None. Well, you might even wonder if a Kohinoor diamond even existed. Now, I'm sure there's many a girl who is very good-looking who has reached this point about Kohinoor diamonds. She'd kind of 499 doubt if they exist. They're probably all cut glass. "I don't see what's so good about them -- even if they do exist." She's in apathy on the subject, and that's very dangerous. If women got that way about diamonds, fur coats, Rolls Royces, bank accounts -- do you know what would happen? The whole game with the society would just be gone. AUDITING HAVINGNESS As an auditor looking over this material on havingness you may also be looking at the points where processing hasn't measured up for you on yourself. So let's not, in trying to do something with the preclear, ourselves fall across this one. You've got the situation well in hand if you have this, that barriers are not necessarily bad, that barriers are, to the contrary, necessary, and that what has happened to the preclear is that he has run out of barriers, and thus has run out of games, and has come to the place of detesting barriers. Therefore we will simply figure out some way of giving the preclear some barriers. There are two interesting little processes that come up on these lines. One, a process for the auditor who has gotten into a flinching position regarding preclears -- can't have preclears -- is a little game that you can play. Do you ever find yourself flinching from a preclear, just flinching a little bit and backing away from the session? If you were to take a look at your own immediate vicinity you would discover that your own space was collapsed to about there at the end of your nose. The preclear's got all the rest of the space of the room. But you're being uncomfortable. What happens? You can't have the preclear, so you put a barrier up there that you can have and talk to anyhow. This is a completely standard practice with people, but for an auditor it is not standard and not practical at all. To a degree you have gone out of communication with the preclear. Here's a little stunt. You just find something about the preclear that you can have. What has happened is that you have run out of havingness of the preclear. That's all that has happened. And then you go out of session as an auditor. The beginning of it is when you at some time had too few preclears. You have too few preclears, and then you begin to believe that there aren't any, and you don't reach for anybody or process anybody. Because they don't exist. Well, that's the beginning of it. One preclear's rattling on at a gruelling rate of horror, horrible fates, and so forth, and you start backing up a little bit. You know, it's all for the preclear, and your space finally collapses to about the tip of your nose, and you've nun out of havingness of one preclear. You're liable to lose another one, then another one and then it gets to be a habit. Then, "Well, I haven't audited anybody for weeks. There isn't anybody to audit." Very hard to find preclears. But the same law applies. If there is anything wrong on the subject of havingness or the subject of terminals, it is that there are not enough. There cannot be a superabundance of terminals. This street could not be stacked full enough of preclears really to satisfy your idea of a few preclears, if you were really rolling. 500 It would be, "Well, I've got 8,000 preclears to audit between now and next month." That's the frame of mind you'd be in, if you could really have them all. "Audit one on the phone, one in front of me." And the couple of preclears in the waiting room -- put them in the antechamber and have them co- audit. (I've done that, by the way. Somehow don't like to have people wait.) If you find yourself backing off from the preclear, you can build your havingness of the preclear back up again. As you're auditing him, you can quietly and privately pick it up. You'd think I was joking if I told you the things you can do with a preclear when you are really able to have a preclear. But there is this little stunt. You just quietly look the situation over, and start adding up, SOMETHING YOU CAN HAVE ABOUT THE PRECLEAR. Just one thing after another. Add them up and repair your havingness of preclears. WALLS Now, here is another little process that you can use on the other side of this thing. You are faced with a great many preclears in this world who can't have a wall or anything else. And you want to have some way of giving them some barriers. Just have the preclear start mocking up walls, flat against his nose. It doesn't matter what kind of walls. It's one of these processes that can just go on and on with continuing cognition. He'll get better and better walls. He'll start protesting at once about these walls. He'll say, "Up against my nose! Isn't that awfully close for a wall?" So we just get walls, walls, walls, and more walls. Don't do anything with them. Let them evaporate or stay there or do anything else. Just keep mocking up walls. In doing this you are capitalizing on some information that the preclear might not have, but that you do have. A wall actually is a very specialized kind of a barrier. He often won't recognize a person as a communication terminal or something which will act as a backstop. He can't see that. But he knows, more or less, that if he did run against a wall and hit his head on it, there would be an impact. He knows this. So you have him mock up walls, and you capitalize on this amount of information. There are some fancier things you could do with this, but having the preclear mock up walls flat against his nose is what you want at this point to get him up to the game of having a session. SCARCE Now, if you will just check over this datum that there can't be enough terminals and that when the preclear complains of having something it's something he doesn't have and can't have and can't get enough of, then you will be in a very good position regarding the auditing of a preclear. Suppose it's the very tough preclear. He's in real bad shape. He's going to come in to you and he knows exactly what he's doing -- he's going to make nothing out of everything. Nothing out of this, nothing out of that, nothing out of something else, and nothing out of that and nothing out of you and he goes away and makes nothing out of your bill! And if you let him get away with this he's going to stay in processing forever, but what's the point? 501 So, the preclear's got a ridge. Conclusion: he hasn't got enough ridges. Preclear's got a cold: he hasn't got enough colds. Preclear's got a bum leg: not enough bum legs. Bad lungs: not enough bad lungs. When we were studying havingness three years ago I rather supposed it was an interchange of energy which discharged the bad and left the good. I always stated that a little cautiously to myself; it just didn't seem quite right. It wasn't quite workable. We can see now that the mystery of this thing had to do with these counter-postulates that comprise havingness. We find that we didn't have him mock up enough colds and bad enough colds. Not enough. When we do this, the preclear discovers that there are more colds in the world than just this one; there is not this great scarcity of colds. And he'll let go of it. It becomes less valuable. Now there is one other point here. Since the condition is only a condition, as, for instance, a cold is a cold, or a headache is a headache, and is NOT a terminal, your rule in auditing is to address the TERMINAL involved, rather than the condition. Thus you would run a process, "What problem could that arm be to you?" and not, "What problem could that burn be to you?" The terminal is the arm, not the burn. Actually you would be bringing up the preclear's reality on his arm to the point where it could be a terminal to him without the burn. OBJECTIVE Now, as we look over this general situation, we discover that we must bring our preclear into possession of a great deal more of the physical universe than he has. Regardless of the subjective remedies, we've got to get him into a physical universe remedy too. And the way we do that is this. We ask him to "Look around here, what could you have?" You don't let him do this subjectively. You make him open his eyes wide open. "Look around here, what will you have?" And you, if you're retreating from him, look at the preclear and find out what you could have about him. This is, in essence, auditing -- where she is going, and how she is done. I hope these principles about havingness can assist you a great deal. There are too many preclears around still making nothing out of everything. It's easy to get them over this. Just boot them up to where they can have something. If they're making nothing out of everything they can't have anything. Those two statements go together. If they've got something and are holding on to it, they haven't got enough of it. If they haven't got anything at all, they haven't got enough of that either. Abundance of terminal is the answer. 502  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=31/8/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GAMES CONGRESS, SHOREHAM HOTEL 31 August -- 3 September 1956   WASHINGTON DC Via HCO LONDON STAFF AND SEMINAR LEADERS  WASHINGTON DC Via HCO LONDON BRIEFING BULLETIN STAFF AND SEMINAR LEADERS GAMES CONGRESS, SHOREHAM HOTEL 31 August -- 3 September 1956 THEORY.: The most adequate answer to life's puzzle is Games. The ordinary concept of games or play is comprehensible to anyone. Games have many factors. Some work well in processing, some don't, all explain life. The basic game of a thetan is evidently nothing versus something as in the process "make it solid". He can never really be something, thus can never really duplicate in himself a solid -- yet he makes solids across spaces out of game impulse. PRACTICE: Always process toward a games condition. Never process toward a no-game condition. Always process games conditions. Never process no-game conditions. This is more complicated than you think. All games are aberrative. All games are continuing by definition since an unstarted game isn't a game and a finished game isn't a game. In the following list we have most processable games conditions and the most to be avoided no-game conditions. Each item on both lists could be "knowing games condition" or "unknowing games condition", "knowing no-games-condition", "unknowing no-games-condition". Using both lists at a knowing games level, we have sanity. At an unknowing games level we have aberration, neurosis or psychosis. GAMES CONDITION NO-GAMES-CONDITION KNOWING OR UNKNOWING KNOWING OR UNKNOWING Not know Know forget remember Interest Disinterest Attention No Attention Self-Determinism Pan-Determinism Identity Namelessness Individuality Problems Solutions Can't Have Have (games have some havingness) Alive Neither alive nor dead Opponents Friends -- alone Facsimiles No pictures or Universes Continued Solidity No spaces or solids Continued Adherence Loyalty, disloyalty No friends or enemies betrayal, help Motion No Motion Emotion Serenity Continued Action Motionless 503 Hot No temperature Cold Thinking Knowing Hate (some love) Continued Doubt of Result Win - Lose (Expecting a Revelation) No Effect on Self Effect on Self Effect on others No Effect on others Stop Communication No ARC Change Communication No No-ARC Into It Out of It Agitation Calm Noise Silence (some silence) Control No Control Start - Change - Stop Change Most Imp Responsibility No Responsibility Inspecting these two lists we find all unlimited and highly workable processes under Games Conditions. We find all limited and unworkable processes under No-Game Conditions. We then avoid No-Game Conditions in processing. We process the pc playing as a game in all phases. lt is true that the Game Condition List contains a regimen unworkable in life. It isn't supposed to be. It's aberrative and we process it. The only certain processes which can be run on No-Game Conditions are Consequences (the penalty resulting from) and "Mock up a confusion to which (no-game cond) could be a stable datum." Now behold that the list of No-Game Conditions is a summary of the native state of a thetan. That means that the native state not only doesn't process but winds the pc up in difficulties if processed. To establish native state you run out the Unknowing Games Condition of the preclear. BEST PROCESSES Control Processing -- Start - Change and Stop on objects or pc's body, emphasis on change. Fight the Wall -- Have pc with actual body or mock-ups fight the walls of room or objects in outside environment. Opponents -- Lie about, invent, opponents. This goes all the way south. individuality -- Lie about, invent, an individuality that would impress people (8 dynamics). Escape Processing -- Mock up a mock-up and say bodies, Mest U, can't have it. Effect Processing -- Lie about an effect you're having. (I'm not having any effect from my tooth.) Lie about an effect you are having on _______________. Problems -- Lie about, invent, problem of comp mag to _______. How could that be a problem to you? Also consequences of solutions. Solids -- What are you looking at? Make it solid. VACUUMS A vacuum is a super-cold object which if brought in contact with bank, drinks 504 bank. Objects at 25 Deg F or less have high electrical capacitance, low resistance. This was psychiatry billions of years ago. Shocks, ether, can act similarly. This is how one mechanically forgets past. He depends on pictures, loses pictures to a vacuum incident. Vacuums restimulate and drink up pc's havingness. They are just incidents. This is brainwashing. You encounter these running solids. Opponents, individualities, more solids, problems, undo them. RESTIMULATION When one violates a game-condition, intends to have an effect on something and doesn't, he often puts the effect on his body. He thus gets a no- effect on opponent, makes an effect on self. This is restimulation. lt is also stimulus-response. "Effect you could have on _______________ (people, pcs, etc)" remedies this. Self audit while auditing same thing. Same process resolves. ********** TO SEPARATE VALENCES The separation of valences is done by the following steps: 1. Get pc under control with start-change-stop. Lots of it. 2. Unjam track with "What are you looking at -- make it solid." -- (anything jamming track can be run as a valence below.) 3. Choose valence or valences, weakest universe preferred. 4. "What would interest ____________ (universe so chosen)?', 5. "Invent an opponent of comparable magnitude to __________. 6. "What would get the attention of __________?" 7. "What _______________ can't have. (objectively only on room)" 8. "What could you protect _______________ from?" 9. "What communication could you prevent _______________ from originating?" 10. Problems of comparable magnitude to _______________. 11. "Invent a game you could play with _______________." 12. "Make _______________ fight the wall." Then run 4 to 12 again to check. VALENCES "What would interest _______________?" "What could get the attention of _______________?" "What _______________ can't have?" "What could you protect _______________ from?" "What could you protect your body from?" "What would disinterest you?" "What communication could you prevent _______________ from originating?" L. RON HUBBARD LRH:re.bh 30/7/56 505  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=1/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=95 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  VALENCES    P.A.B. No. 95 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 20 Buckingham Street, London W.C.2 1 September 1956 VALENCES Amongst the several types of valences the least suspected and most interesting in terms of processing is the "synthetic valence." By synthetic valence we mean those valences which have never actually confronted the preclear in the flesh. The first valence is of course the preclear's "own valence," which is his own concept of himself. The next is the valence additive to him by the characteristics of his body. The next is the "direct valence" by which he has transferred identity with someone who has directly confronted him, and following this there is the "attention valence," the valence one has assumed because it got attention from another valence. And at the end of this list there is the synthetic valence, and of all of them it is the most baffling. The greatest historical example of this is probably Charles XII of Sweden who read the "romance of Alexander" by pseudo-Callisthenes and became so much an Alexander that he spent the remainder of his days attacking Russia in an effort to emulate his hero. Charles XII had never confronted Alexander -- he had only be about Alexander -- but he had nevertheless assumed the valence of Alexander in most of his activities. The little boy who looks at television and sees the cowboy in the white hat triumphing over all, or who sees Superman in the comic books, and then assumes these identities, is actually doing more or less a direct transfer. Where he is simply told about these and has never been confronted with any form of any kind to corroborate the telling, he would have a case of synthetic valence. He has been read to about Tom Sawyer and becomes Tom Sawyer without ever seeing Tom Sawyer or looking at Tom Sawyer. This would be a case of synthetic valence. We get the synthetic valence in many amusing and non-aberrative games conditions and here it does us little problem making. But the synthetic valence can become an evil genius in a case when it has been carefully and expressly tailored as an alteration from the direct valence which might have occurred. As an example of this we have the case of the father who, in the mother's absence or even when she is sporadically present, tells the children consistently and continually what a bad mother they have. Father continually describes mother as a certain type of character and the children are then adjured not to transfer into this type of character. Naturally, resisting it, they do not actually transfer into mother's valence, but transfer into a synthetic valence of mother. In the case where mother, let us say, ran away or was lost to the family early in the child's life, he may have no real recollection of mother, but may have a synthetic valence of mother. This becomes very difficult to run because it is run mainly on a sonic level. 507 As another example, one is told consistently and continually that all men of force or all conquerors are bad, and one is warned never to become a conqueror. This is of course an excellent way to make nothing out of an individual, but here we have a false valence -- a personality which never existed -- and we discover in the lives of the conquerors that they actually were not totally possessed of bad characteristics. In order to dominate his fellow beings to the marked extent necessary in a conqueror, one could not possess totally bad characteristics, and the actual character of most conquerors is quite different than the assigned character given them by the society -- a fact which does not make a conqueror any less liable for the crimes he commits, but which gives us an insight into the tailor-making of characters who never lived. The keynote of all synthetic valences is that a character has been developed or created more or less out of whole cloth, possibly with some small foundation, but certainly with exaggeration, which puts into existence a being who never breathed or coughed or spat. The police and newspapers are continually doing this. You actually don't know whether the criminals who have been arrested by the police and tried in the newspapers were the people who were arrested or not, since they are assigned a synthetic valence and are condemned as very bad people indeed. Of course some of these criminals were or are bad, but the chances are that amongst this legion of people arrested and tried in the newspapers there were some who were quite deserving men and whose actual character and behavior did not even vaguely compare with the represented character. We have a flagrant case of synthetic valences when newspapers and other public media, and even word of mouth gossip, begin to take to pieces anyone's character and put in its place some synthetic understanding which was never a real person. In this way we begin to believe there are many more bad people in the world than there are. In my own experience with bad men -- and I have met several of various nationalities -- I have seen some men who could put up a rather ferocious front, but I have never found one of them totally lacking in human warmth. Yet were I to read the newspapers and popular books on such people I would begin to believe it would be possible for a complete demon to exist who would never respond to any decent impulse. Yet I have argued bandits into a more amenable state of mind and have even taken a gun away from a Federal Marshal and showed him how to use it and told him not to be nervous and put it back in his holster, when he was bound and determined to take me into custody. In other words, you can actually create an effect on almost anybody. The synthetic valence is an effort to tell you and people that beings can exist who are so bad that no effect can be produced on them. Of course this makes everybody subservient to them. The greatest historical example of this was the invention of the Devil by the Persian priests who were called together to synthesize a new religion for Persia. The Devil they invented there was borrowed later on by the Christians and was set up as something so evil that nothing could affect it. The Devil, of course, is the championship synthetic valence of all time. There are no devils upon whom one cannot produce an effect. The way to run out any synthetic valence, of course, is to run out the valence of the person or book which told one about the synthetic valence. L. RON HUBBARD 508  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 10 iDate=12/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE SUMMARY OF A BULLETIN FROM THE ACADEMY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. CONCERNING TRAINING   Executives in Washington and London: Mary Sue; Dick Steves, Julia Lewis; Don Breeding, Jack Parkhouse.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 20 Buckingham Street, London W.C.2, England Executives in Washington and London: Mary Sue; Dick Steves, Julia Lewis; Don Breeding, Jack Parkhouse. THE SUMMARY OF A BULLETIN FROM THE ACADEMY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. CONCERNING TRAINING Scientology organizations have recently surveyed and re-studied training and its results in the light of the best benefits for the student, the public and the organizations themselves, therefore the following programs are being instigated, as they prove feasible. Training is classified and is being enfranchised along the following lines: FIRST LEVEL: FREE COURSE This level of training is performed by Auditors throughout the world and even by the organizations themselves. It consists of a one- or two-week free course (depending on whether or not it's given five times a week or three times a week) covering the most elementary principles which general groups can agree with in Scientology. The total aim of this course is to get people who are working in and are interested in Scientology to carry forward more of Scientology programs. This is a very important course both for individuals and the organization, but it's mainly important to the general public. It is not the purpose of this course to teach even a tenth of what appears in "Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought". The purpose is to take people who have or have not heard of Scientology and give them their first real reality on the subject by taking some of the most elementary but far-reaching principles and getting them to examine the principles and finally come to an agreement concerning them. No certificate is awarded on this course. SECOND COURSE: ADVANCED COURSE This course is given for a fee and consists of twenty hours or more instruction, advancing even further into Scientology and teaching in particular two subjects, ten hours of instruction at least being devoted to each. These instructions cover exactly the first ten hour period of the Advanced Course: the communication formula and its use; and the second period of at least ten hours: the tone scale. These two subjects are taught -- each an equal number of hours so that people can be admitted to an Advanced Course at its mid point. Here again there's no effort to teach auditing but only the use and application of the communication formula and the tone scale. Two books exist for this subject. One is "Dianetics 1955!" which covers the communication formula, and "Science of Survival" which covers at least the elementary tone scale and what can be expected from it. These are the two text books of this particular course. Care must be taken in this course that the student is not overwhelmed and confused but is actually given a few more key stable data with which he can work in line. This course does not intend to make an auditor, there is no certificate granted for this course. THIRD COURSE: ELEMENTARY SCIENTOLOGIST This course teaches auditing of individuals and groups and is in actuality a very complete course on the subject of Scientology. It takes up the 1956 HCA tapes, it takes up the various text books and it teaches individual and group processing and teaches as well the handling of organizations and personnel in them. It is probable that this course would cost about $125 or at least #35. This course requires a right to train from the Founding Church or the HASI. It ends with a certificate from the Central Organizations, the exact title of this auditor has not been established, but the title would mean Elementary Scientologist. The certificate is signed by the Training Auditor who did the actual training and by the secretary of the organization issuing the certificate. The title of this course would not be an HCA Course even though HCA tapes are used and the certificate given would not be Hubbard Certified Auditor or 509 Hubbard Professional Auditor. As it is to this level that most rights to train are directing themselves and as they are cramped by having to charge so much money and as the examination has occasioned so much difficulty, it is thought to be helpful to Auditors "training in the field" to have this course to teach. FOURTH COURSE: HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR This course will be taught by the Central Organizations only. The British equivalent would be Hubbard Professional Auditor. According to present planning this course would require as its fundamental the requisite certification by a field training auditor either in day or night school, probably most effectively the latter, and would apply some of what had been paid on an elementary course to the fee in the Central Organization as a reduction. In other words it would not only be a requisite in having training elsewhere but also the training elsewhere would carry with it a reduction. That this is only taught by the Central Organizations does not mean the Central Organizations would not also teach an Elementary Scientologist Course. A considerable rigor of training would be entered in to the Central Organizations and the certificate of HCA or HPA would be awarded by examination only. FIFTH COURSE: HUBBARD ADVANCED AUDITOR (B.SCN. ABROAD) This course would be an extended Advanced Course which would more closely take up the entire body of theory and information of Scientology and which would improve the Auditor's case level and operational ability. The certificate of Hubbard Advanced Auditor (Bachelor of Scientology abroad) would be awarded at course completion by reason of successful examination. SIXTH COURSE: HUBBARD GRADUATE AUDITOR (D.SCN. ABROAD) This course would be taught as an Advanced Clinical Unit, preferably by LRH only. It would consist of the equivalent of a three-week intensive, two weeks of high school indoctrination so as to be able to cope with any hind of a case and a week of coaching on processes. This is actually a new type of Advanced Clinical Course only so far as its actual pattern is concerned. It would be instructed by LRH. At the end of course by examination the certificate of Hubbard Graduate Auditor, or Doctor of Scientology abroad, would be issued. SEVENTH COURSE: ORGANIZATIONAL INTERNSHIP This course would be actually an internship and would be available in the several ways as follows: (a) TYPE A INTERNSHIP. The Central Organization chooses amongst the HPAs or HCAs graduating, extremely likely students and offers them a year's internship to be performed in the various organizational units, auditing, instructing and administrating so as to completely familiarize the student with the various workings of the organization (which are sufficiently complex and are a sufficiently large study at this time, and very few people understand them who are not working with the organizations themselves). The student would sign a contract paying a certain sum of money by the contract to the organization for the year's internship. A Type A Internship would however give the student several weeks of probationary employment at a rather low wage and the remainder of the year employment at a reasonably good wage, only less than that of an equivalent staff member. At the end of his year's training he is given a certificate as a Staff Auditor and with that title, which attests the fact that he has served for a year within the organization in the capacity of a Professional Auditor. The Type A Internship and no other internship would influence earlier training fees contracted. By issuing such internships the organization would be sure that the individual then released into the field would be able to carry on independently and would be able to do extremely well as his auditing would be excellent. The reason of being entered on an internship would not bring about any other degree and these would have to be studied for as in an ACC, deducting only such time of study from the year, but the fees for any additional courses would have to be paid. 510 (b) TYPE B INTERNSHIP. A Type B Internship would be solicited by students, not offered by the organization. It would consist of the payment of a fee to the organization for a year's additional training in the organization itself and would follow more or less the same pattern as a Type A internship, with the exception that the Type B Intern would not be on the pay roll. All of his activities would be conducted on a purely self-supporting basis. He would pay the lee to the organization for this work and training. At the end of that time he too would be issued a certificate as Staff Auditor of the organization. Both the Type A Internship and the Type B Internship certificates would be signed by the Director of Training and Director of Processing and by LRH. (c) TYPE C INTERNSHIP. This Internship would be available to HCAs determining to work with Staff Auditors in the field. In addition to his HCA training he would then have a year's training working in the offices of other auditors. The initiation of a Type C Internship would be totally in the hands of field auditors and the arrangements they would make would be completely independent of the Central Organization. The only certificate authorized for a Type C Internship would be an endorsement on the HCA or HPA certificate by the Central Organization that this auditor had worked for one year with a field auditor under internship. Concerning all Internships, credit for the Internship fee would be no great liability to the organization since people who will get around the organizations for a year actively engaged in handling the fundamental problems of the organizations of Scientology are usually in their later personal practices quite well off. No shorter period than one year should be tolerated. The Intern in leaving the organization or in committing sufficient breaches of the Code of a Scientologist to occasion his dismissal from the organization would not be absolved from his Internship contract and the contract should be so written. When he has passed his probationary period of the first few weeks and has actually been accepted on a full internship basis he is fully committed to his Internship contract. Up until that time his dismissal or relief from Internship would absolve him of the contract. The grade of permanent staff would therefore have to be designated. This exists in fact at this time. There are auditors who prefer the companionship and team-work of the organizations to individual practice and these as Instructors and Staff Auditors are the backbone of the organization. They would therefore have to be specially designated as permanent staff and would receive a higher salary than other auditors in the organization -- by which is meant permanent interns Type A. This training plan is built out of experience and although some fault may be found with it in various places it is discovered that a high fee long duration HCA course works a considerable hardship on a field auditor. He does not actually profit from it. He could however profit from a low fee evening or even day course without the added complexities of Central Organization examination, checking states of case and the randomity which has occasionally arisen. It is thought that a person with the right to train would be able to support himself much better financially at the lower fee he would rather charge and without having the duress put upon him to do the same amount of work with the student as would be required in an HCA. Furthermore this type of training could be made available in other parts of the world than the United States. The Central Organization could actively support these rights to train by demanding that training be done to some degree in the field as a requisite to Central Organization courses. This would permit the Central Organization to turn out a better grade of HCA in the long run and would actually put a lot of auditors into action throughout the country who would not then, if their work was not of the highest possible caliber, bring embarrassment to auditors in the field who are very busy in numerous directions and do not complete training to the degree that the Central Organization insists on. One of the reasons this third course is instigated is to permit the auditor with the right to train to swell his numbers of students and to relieve him of the rather heavy expense connected with an arduous complete auditor course and permitting him to exist without putting into rivalry with himself a number of people 511 who have more or less the same degree he has, a point which has lately been found quite important in large cities. A new training contract could be entered into with the Central Organizations which obviated the irksome "Bond- note" and the duress which has occurred because of the anxiety of the Central Organization to keep up the quality or raise the quality as high as possible of the HCA or HPA certificate. This arrangement would not influence certificates issued ex post facto, but would influence all future certificates. Areas of training could be assigned to people with the right to train. It has been discovered that people who take the Free Course and the Advanced Course then get ready for a third course, and unless this course is available they are dead-ended since these are business people who must take their training at night and it is not usually possible for them to take a local course of the vigor of HCA, nevertheless they want to become auditors and professional Scientologists and every effort should be made to encourage them. At the same time, since every auditor who has a right to train has been trained by the Central Organizations, his own dominance in his area to some degree depends upon his own level of certification by the Central Organization and he should not be permitted to destroy his dominance in his own area by creating equal grades, or grades which even come within the scope of Central Organization certificates since the public itself is liable to consider this an equal grade. This is actually antipathetic to the general customs of man, which is why it has not worked. The basic error in all these rights to train was the people were being given the right by the Central Organization to create at the same level of operation as themselves and a considerable hardship resulted since their own superiority in their own areas then became rivalled and randomity ensued. It is my recommendation to various staff and executives that this be taken up both in Washington and London, looked over very carefully, and a thorough paper be prepared and issued on the subject giving in addition the exact cost, except in the case of the Elementary Scientologist where the fee should be arranged in the area by the individual auditor doing the training. He should not be limited in his charges or made to charge excessively. Completely aside from the actual studies which have been made of the subject utilizing the data accumulated during the last six years, we have at this time another paralleling program of some interest in the Central Organizations. This, just amongst ourselves, consists of processing people up to a point of where they can handle other people. We have accomplished this now. It is a fact, and as we ourselves advance in the organization in this capability we then of course extend this capability outwards, therefore we will have to be thinking in terms of seniorities of certificates and training in order to back up this basic program. The basic program of course consists of demanding that everybody that we keep in good circulation and that we help along, have enough processing on the current processes to permit him to control rather easily individuals and groups. This of course going out as the waves in a pool into which a stone is dropped would mean that our organizations would become dominant on earth. It might not even take very long to accomplish this program. In working with this program we of course must have an equivalent series of training staffs. One further note on Elementary Scientologist. We would require this certificate and successful completion of a further course above as a pre- requisite to Ministerial ordination by the field churches. They are going to ordain people anyway sooner or later and we prefer of course that they ordain at HCA or HPA level, but they can ordain at the Elementary Scientologist level, but we require an HCA ordination and therefore we have a much higher grade of ordination and it makes the ministers which we train dominant in the field. It is my suggestion that for their own good, people with rights to train and other people who'd like to have rights to train, particularly in the British Isles and in places in America where there is very little training, that this third Elementary Scientologist Course be sold. I do not think it would be wise to undertake in the future HCA training in any branch office of the organization, such as New York or Dublin. I think it should be adequate that these offices simply run a third level course. They would find many more candidates since they would not have to charge as much money and these offices are not equipped to train at HCA the way we're training now. 512 One of the primary factors which makes this an urgency and gives us a priority in putting it in through the works is the use of a double-type of training which we're doing now in the Central Organization where we indoctrinate for two or three weeks and even process before we train. Nobody can afford to do this in the field. The cost of it is very high, consequently nobody will do it in the field. Therefore an HCA course and an HPA course will become something entirely different. There is no reason under this why British auditors in good repute with the organization could not undertake evening courses for people in their area in order to fit students of theirs for using Scientology in industry and personnel posts and so forth. The title of the grade is important since it must be good enough to make the field auditor capable of selling it and it must not be so good that it devaluates a Central Organization certificate -- must hang in that middle ground. Another factor which occasions this release to executive staff and interested persons is that I am not willing that auditors who are poorly trained and in terrible condition longer use Hubbard Certified Auditor when I have not even seen them or checked them. We're getting sufficiently big that I realize with a shock that I have Central Organization HCAs around that I have not even met and this is a peculiar state of affairs. We have to have some way of identifying the arduous training which our people receive because we are about to make it about ten times as arduous as anybody in the field would even dream of. Let's put this one into operation. L. RON HUBBARD LRH:re.rd Dict'd 12.9.56 Typed 19.9.56 513  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=96 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  JUSTICE    P.A.B. No. 96 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 20 Buckingham Street, London W.C.2 15 September 1956 JUSTICE What is justice? "The quality of mercy is not strained -- it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven..." may be poetic but it is not definitive. It does, however, demonstrate that even in Shakespeare's time men were adrift on the subject of justice, injustice, severity and mercy. People speak of an action as unjust, or an action as just. What do they mean? Yet unless we can understand exactly what is meant by these terms, we certainly cannot undertake to evaluate the actions of individuals, communities and nations. For the lack of an ability to so evaluate, misunderstandings come about, which have in the past led to combative personal relationships and on the international scene to war. An individual or a nation fails or refuses to understand the measures taken by another or fails to fall within the agreement of the pattern to which others are accustomed and chaos results. In Scientology the following definitions now exist: JUSTICE -- The impartial administration of the laws of the land in accordance with the extant level of the severity-mercy ratio of the people. LAWS -- The codified agreements of the people crystallizing their customs and representing their believed-in necessities of conduct. MERCY -- A lessening away from the public's acceptance of discipline necessary to guarantee their mutual security. SEVERITY -- An increase in that discipline believed necessary by the people to guarantee their security. INJUSTICE -- Failure to administer existing law. EQUITY -- Any civil procedure holding citizens responsible to citizens which delivers decision to persons in accordance with the general expectancy in such cases. RIGHTS -- The franchises of citizenship according to existing codes. When laws are not derived from custom or when a new law contravenes an uncancelled old law, exact law becomes confused and injustice is then inevitable. 514 Basic justice can occur only when codified law or a majority-held custom exists. Observing these definitions, jurisprudence only then becomes possible. Law courts, legislatures and legislation become confused, as nothing is possible in the absence of an understanding of such principles. Laws which do not derive from agreement amongst the society which we call custom, are unenforceable unless there is then a widespread agreement that this is customary in the society. No matter how many police are hired, no matter the purity of prose with which the legislation is written, no matter the signatures occurring on the enforcing document, the public will not obey that law. Similarly, when a government acts to ignore certain basic customs amongst the people and refuses to enforce them, that government then finds itself in a state of civil turmoil with its people on that subject. We can look at any public-government battle and discover that it stems exactly from a violation of these principles. An understanding on the part of a nation of the difficulties of another is necessary to a continued peace. When one nation begins to misunderstand the motives and justices conceived necessary by another nation, stress sets up which eventually leads to war, all too often. For example, there is an existing upset in the world whereby the people of the United States and Great Britain are highly critical of the Government of the Union of South Africa for their "treatment of native peoples." It is considered in England and the United States that the Government of South Africa is altogether too harsh with its native peoples. It is sadly humorous to notice that the native in South Africa, however, holds an exactly reverse opinion and the fault he finds with the South African Government is that it is far too lenient in its administration of laws throughout the native populace. As an example, an African guilty of cattle theft according to tribal law would probably be beaten over a considerable period in time and then buried in an anthill. The South African Government gives such a crime a punishment of a short period in jail, which is not at all adequate to guarantee the security of the remaining natives who own cattle. The most flagrant example is the white nurse, Quilan, who was torn to pieces and eaten by three men and a woman during recent riots in South Africa. The African tribal punishment would have decreed that these people themselves be killed and eaten. The South African Government incurred a great deal of censure from its native population by giving these people only six months in jail. In other words, what is severe to an African and what is severe to an Englishman or an American are entirely different matters. What is merciful to an African, what is merciful to an Anglo-American is quite different. Thus what is justice to an African is quite different than what is justice to an Anglo-American. Whenever there is an excessive commotion amongst a people against its government, the government is then invited to act as an opponent to the people. If a government is acting towards its people as though it were an opponent of the people and not a member of the team, it becomes obvious that many of these points which violate the customs of the people must exist in the law codes of the country. Wherever such a point exists turbulence results. And that is justice. L. RON HUBBARD 515  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=20/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0     HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 20 Buckingham Street, London W.C.2 HCO PROCESSING SHEET OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1956 The following are useful and advantageous processes. Comment: In running motionlessness on a preclear it will be discovered that the preclear must have an intention to have the thing still and must have some cognition that it got still and must have been able to have put the idea that it be still in the object. Unless the auditor is sufficiently inquisitive to have this occur you're not going to get any upgrading results on your profile. The old saw "find out what the preclear is doing and how he is doing it" never worked more advantageously than when running holding things, keeping them still, or letting them be totally uncontrolled. Comment: Self-determinism in the field of motion consists of by own power of choice permitting a thing to be still or not to be still, permitting a thing to be changed or not to be changed, permitting a thing to be started or not to be started, must be rehabilitated in the preclear: In other words, self-determinism consists here of returning his power of choice over controlling or not controlling at will. The preclear who is obsessively controlling will sooner or later fail to control and then will be controlled by something. The obsession to control, to start, to change, to stop, will be found to enter into the ARC triangle and is what depresses the preclear down scale on the tone scale. Comment: The entirety of Games processing from an auditing standpoint summates into the necessity that all auditing be done with the preclear at cause; that is to say the preclear must do it to something else. Do not run things which are done to the preclear. In other words, have the preclear do things to the walls, do things to people, do things to his own body and do not run his own body, people, or the walls doing things to the preclear; that works out in the general activity. Havingness: The Trio run "Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind having" or "Look around the room and find something you could have" "could permit to remain" or "dispense with", is completely legitimate as a process and will be found to be as advantageous as ever and should be run whenever the preclear becomes unduly agitated. Games processes demand that all can't haves be run on something else than the preclear. In any situation where another terminal than the preclear is involved don't have is run on that terminal. Have is not ever run on any terminal other than the preclear. Have is only run on the preclear himself. Can't have is run on all other subjects, objects, valences and activities. In addition to this be very certain that you use terminals, not conditions; in other words, to run can't have on "your asthma" is extremely foolish and will reduce the preclear's havingness. Asthma is a condition of the respiratory organs -- the proper auditing command is "Look around the room and find something that your respiratory organs cannot have" or "Look around the room and find something you would not permit your respiratory organs to have". Solids: It will be discovered that holding things still, keeping things there and making things solid are all a gradient scale and if the auditing command is run on a book "Look at that book. Keep it there" or "Look at that book. Keep it from going away" that stillness and solids will follow as a condition. The fundamental command then is "Keep it there" from which stills, or stillness, or motionlessness and then solids ensue. However running motionlessness directly or solids directly is permissible. Observation of objects: Objective processes can be run by having the preclear locate objects and "Keep it from going away" followed by the alternate command "Permit it to be totally uncontrolled". Alternate commands: The idea of alternate commands has not been properly understood by auditors. We have A and B commands. One is A: Look at it, two is B: Look away from it. The way an alternate command is run is to run: Look at it, Look 516 away from it, Look at it, Look away from it, Look at it, Look away from it; not to run Look at it fifty times and then Look away from it fifty times. This is an alternate command basis. The Change-Unchange commands are extremely valuable when run on an alternate basis. One does not, however, flatten Change and then turn around and flatten Unchange. One runs Change, Unchange; Change, Unchange; one command for each. This has become important in our methods of running stillness. Stop processes: Stop processes can be run either of two ways. One can simply nun Stop as itself and continue to run Stop, on various things such as the body, or he can run Stop, totally uncontrol, Stop, totally uncontrol, Stop, totally uncontrol; or Stop, in total motion, Stop, in total motion, on an alternate basis. It has not been tested or ascertained which of these methods, flattening Stop itself or running Stop and then "totally uncontrolled", produces the highest gain; however it is known that Stop processes produce gain particularly on low-toned preclears. Connectedness: Have the preclear look around and find what he could be connected with. This is run in this fashion: "What in this room would you connect with yourself?" It is not run in this fashion: "What could you connect with in this room?" since the latter is a No-Games condition. Stop-C-S: After a preclear has been run on Start-C-S (one would simply and calmly flatten to some degree each one of the points of control, start, change and stop, in order to get a session going) there is a process known as Stop-C- S. This is a distinctly different process. Once one has plain S-C-S in operation then one has the commands of Stop-C-S. These are the same, but one specializes in Stopping the body. One has the preclear stop the body over and over and as the preclear becomes more accustomed to doing this one then changes the process on him to this extent -- the auditor asks the preclear in running Stop-C-S, to "stop the body absolutely still". This imposes a new discipline on the preclear and makes the process extremely difficult for him. It is only done when S-C-S and ordinary Stop-C-S have been to some slight degree flattened. Following up this "stop the body absolutely still" one can introduce Change into the process for a few commands in order to unflatten the Stop-C-S that has flattened. In other words when the Stop of Stop-C-S on an object or the body seems to be flat, one can run a few Change the body or Change the object and unflatten the Stop once more with a resultant alteration in the preclear's ability to perform. When Stop-C-S seems flat then it should be unflattened at first by running Change-S-S with emphasis on Change and then when Change no longer upsets his ability to stop it, Starting it should be run as an alternate to Stop-C-S in order to unflatten it again. It will be noted that higher toned preclears do not make very rapid gains on Stop-C-S, S-C-S, and "Hold it still" or "Keep it there" or "Keep it from going away". It will be found that on preclears that have profiles already above the make-break line, middle line, of a profile sheet, that it is usually necessary to run subjective processes so as to separate valences to run over and under on the bank and in general to sort things out faster than on the more blunt processes. In other words, we have found the processes now which operate on relatively low scale cases and in order to improve a case above the level of solids when he has things fairly well under control it is necessary to do other things. This does not however excuse the running of figure-figure processes on preclears who can't do anything with them. If you think that Stop- C-S and associated processes are flat then you should run subjective processes on valences or solids on the bank in order to recover the entirety of life span for the preclear. In other words, we go about the business of digging up unknowns. We flatten his reactions to such things as light, sound and other material. We separate out valences by having him mock them up and "Keep them there", by making them still, by making them solid. We go in for the higher level of changes. When a preclear seems to be all the way up to the top on all these processes it is then only necessary to run him on the re-establishment of abilities. One re-establishes his ability to speak Arabic, for instance, by having him mock up a mosque and keep it there (gradient scale from largest down to more significant objects in terms of the Arab world) and other things until these can be admitted by him to be totally solid. One then has him Stop an Arab from speaking Arabic by having him mock up an Arab and keep him from speaking Arabic and then eventually run Change and Start on this Arab. 517 One also must run Arabs of different ages and run groups of Arabs and Arabs of different professions whose ability to speak Arabic is being controlled by the preclear. Any other skill can be sorted out and rehabilitated in the preclear from his back track in this fashion. Remember that the key-note of all processing is to recover unknowns, therefore Not-know processes should be run on higher level preclears so as to get them into a command of the idea of Not-know. In order to establish exactly where your preclear is you only need to ascertain his reaction to various solids and speeds of impact. Once you have done this you have established exactly where the preclear is on the tone scale. This reaction to solids is far more reliable than profile tests from the auditor's standpoint. Preclears who cannot tolerate solids will have to be worked for a very, very long time on Keeping things from going away and Holding them still and finally Making things solid, no matter where the preclear registered on the profile sheets. We have apparently undercut cases now to the point where we are getting fairly rapid gains on very low scale cases. It is time for us now to think of what we are going to do with cases who are upstairs, but you must always be sure that your case isn't one of these cases that is simply dubbing in a high tone. This is very easy to establish. The skill with which a person can run Stop-C-S in its most arduous forms, his ability to handle light by "Keeping it there" and motion in general is the establishing factor on where a case sits on the tone scale as far as an auditor is concerned. There are no other tests which are better than this so an auditor had better not take either the profile or the preclear's say-so concerning the state of case. The auditor has a far better test himself in either of these. In order to rehabilitate a preclear it is necessary then to restore his ability to start, to change and to stop his body, objects, subjective mock- ups, engrams, the solid environment around him and to increase in the main his ability to control solids. This then goes up to his ability to control black objects and blackness, his ability to control invisible particles, his ability to control space. Working in this fashion it is then possible to raise the preclear consistently up the tone scale. It will be noted that solids are reality, whereas reality is basically agreement on a thought level, it actually happens that a preclear can mock up things which are solid. A preclear who is very, very far down scale is unable to do this and is unable to tolerate solids. So, if you want to raise a preclear's reality, you'd better raise his ability to tolerate solids. This is done first by "Keeping things from going away", next by "Holding things still" and finally by "Making it solid". In solids we have located the R of the ARC triangle and communication as-ises solids but solids must be creatable by the preclear. Thus we have an upward advance of ARC monitored by his ability to tolerate solids. The current program of Scientology is to place its organizational staff personnel and auditors in such a condition that they are capable of reaching, handling and controlling people and groups. If we do this we will shortly be the most advanced organization on the face of Earth, whether we have propaganda, good word of mouth or anything else. This is the road which we're taking in advancing Scientology and its organizations. Thus you see the necessity of establishing objective and subjective Start, Change and Stop on individuals. You are reminded that S-C-S also runs on communication and runs as well on affinity (such as "conceive the wall to be embarrassed" "stop it from being embarrassed"). More is being learned about these processes as I work with preclears and the science itself, but the first thing that I have learned is that an auditor in order to run Stop-C-S has to be himself capable of tolerating easily all up and down the band, otherwise he fails to understand the process and fails to make it work. It is as therapeutic today for an auditor to audit a preclear on S-C-S and Stop-C-S on the body, for the auditor, as it is for the preclear -- if not more so. LRH:re.rd Dict'd Sept 13. L. RON HUBBARD Typed Sept 20 1956. 518  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=24/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  ORGANIZATIONAL INDOCTRINATION   Jack; Dick Steves.  20 Buckingham Street, London W.C.2 24 September 1956 HCO BULLETIN TO: Jack; Dick Steves. ORGANIZATIONAL INDOCTRINATION Each person on a post must be cleared on that post by the Manager. The Manager, by questioning, reaches, with the person, an acceptable, embracive stable datum that exactly defines the job. The person, with this sorted out and cognited upon, then can withstand organizational confusion in his area. The Manager does this, no one else. The Manager does not tell the person the definition. The definition must be arrived at by the person in his own words. Applies to all personnel. LRH:re.rd L. RON HUBBARD  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=26/9/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  PROCEDURE FOR PUTTING AUDITORS ON STAFF   AUTHORITY -- DIRECTOR OF PROCESSING.  HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 20 Buckingham Street, Strand, London W.C.2, Gt. Britain ORGANIZATIONAL BULLETIN OF 26 SEPTEMBER 1956 PROCEDURE FOR PUTTING AUDITORS ON STAFF AUTHORITY -- DIRECTOR OF PROCESSING. EMERGENCY -- Bring auditor on, put on the pc. Assign room, advise Accountant at once by slip he has been hired. Do not give him any advice. Brief later when finished with case if auditor to be retained. HIRING AUDITORS ON STAFF -- This assumes always that Auditor is an HCA (HPA) at least. Hire one to two weeks before needed. Give him incidental Organisational duties -- correcting tests, mailings, 'phone, anything so he'll have 8c on Organisation itself. Have him attend auditors' conferences. Let him observe staff auditors at work. Have a set of Briefing lectures on tape for him to listen to between 3.30 and 4.45 p.m. daily. (Machine with Earphones.) Have him listen to each about three times. Give him High School Indoctrination. Make him define Staff Auditor. Have a staff auditor patch him up with a small amount of evening auditing on handling preclears. LRH:ebh.rd L. RON HUBBARD [See also HCO B 26 September 1956, Flow Line for Personnel, OEC Volume 4, page 20.] 519  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=1/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=97 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  START - CHANGE - STOP Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures    P.A.B. No. 97 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 20 Buckingham Street, Strand, London W.C.2 1 October 1956 START - CHANGE - STOP Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures This is the entrance to rough cases nowadays. The lowest entrance to a case which we have today is the same for a low case as it is for a high case. This process does not criticize the preclear's case. It is below the establishing of the rudiments, but should still be audited in the modern manner of Communication Bridges, Acknowledgments, etc. Only one procedure that would be lower than this process would be a highly specialized procedure having to do with an individual who has lost the use of his voice, sight, hearing or his capability of moving his hands. It becomes necessary for the auditor to become inventive in order to establish communication, but he should stick as nearly as possible to these procedures. The lowest processes which would be addressed to any case would simply be the first process of SLP 8, which is not, as we were saying before, "Find the auditor," "Find the preclear," etc., but the process which leads up to that. This is an interesting process since it is in itself capable of producing a full result and is an extremely simple one. Start, change, and stop is the anatomy of control. This is a cycle of action. There is continue (persist) on the middle of the curve and other cycles within cycles of action, but the important factors are Start, Change, and Stop. These three parts of control are run flat individually. Then pick up the other part of the cycle and run that flat in this order: We run Change flat, and then run Start very flat and then we run STOP flat. It would be a mistake at this point to say this process is finished, for the excellent reason that if you ran Change again you would find further considerations shifting in the preclear, and then if you ran Start you would find it unflattened, so you would run it again and then run and flatten Stop. It would not be possible to say how long you would have to run the process altogether. On somebody who was total machinery and who never had been in session, this would be a rough process. On a case that is in good condition, this would run easier. The preclear would consider it interesting and would exteriorize much better. The end result of this process is exteriorization. For someone who is compulsively exteriorized this would be excellent, as he would slide into his head and eventually come out of it again, but not on a compulsive level this time. 521 One meets with three conditions in auditing: the preclear who is compulsively interiorized, the preclear who is compulsively exteriorized, and the preclear who is buttered all over the universe. This case run on S-C-S would greatly accumulate the ability to collect himself -- this might not occur until you have run him for five or more hours on it. If this process is continued long enough the preclear will be moving his body by postulate -- i.e. from the outside -- not by beams, stimulus-response, etc. This process does not go all the way up because of the preclear's attention span. Most preclears can't stay on a process for more than a few moments, so you would vary the process a little to keep him interested. His actual response, however, is not important as long as he does it. There is no such thing as bad control, only non-positive control. Good control is positive control and positive control is not bad control. We get a lower level there than moving the body. This is S-C-S on objects. It is always safest to run this on someone you are trying out. Somebody to whom a body is not real should be run using an object instead of his body. To run this process the auditor and preclear should both stand up. This gives reality, and the auditor duplicating (mimicry) the preclear will bring about greater ARC. The session always fails when the auditor sits down while running S-C-S. It runs this way: The auditor points out a spot on the floor to the preclear and says, "Do you see that spot? Good, well, we'll call that Spot A. Now you stand there. Okay." The auditor now indicates another spot and says, "Now do you see that other spot? Good, we'll call that Spot B. All right, now when I tell you to change the body's position I want you to move it from Spot A to Spot B. All right? Good. Change the body's position. Fine." Then you say, "Do you see that spot? Well, we'll call that Spot C (we use three spots so that we don't run a duplication process on him). Now when I tell you to change the body's position I want you to move the body from Spot B to Spot C. Do you understand that? All right, change the body's position." You can ask him "Did you change the body's position?" if his case isn't too low, but it's not advisable on a low case at first. Then go back to Spot A. It does not have to be the same Spot A each time, as it makes the process too much like duplication, brings the preclear to predict the process too easily and do it machine-wise. Each time you make a contract with the preclear. You don't depend on any former understanding with this process. Each moment in time is new. We make each move in time a new move. He doesn't have to depend on his memory, so you repeat again each time as above -- the whole wording as given. On Start we emphasize START. You say, "Do you see that wall over there? Good. Now when I give you this command I want you to move the body in that direction. When I say START I want you to start the body. All right. Start. Fine." He may protest that he had to stop the body and change it as well -- what is happening is that the word "control" is starting to ungroup and as you get start, change and stop apart and distinct from each other, the individual's ability to control the body increases and he gains more confidence in being able to control it from a greater and greater distance. The next command would be: "AH right, when I tell you to start the body you start the body. Okay. Start the body." 522 The third command is for STOP. "I am going to ask you to get the body moving over there toward that wall and somewhere along the line I am going to tell you to stop and I want you to stop the body. Is that all right?" He agrees and you say, "Get the body moving." You don't say start. He does, and you say "stop" and "Did you stop the body?" Stop is the most important part of S-C-S. The preclear has been told all along the line to stop. He was made effect all the time. Now you bring him to do just this under his own control and self-determinism and he takes over the automaticity. Eventually the preclear will flatten each one of these in turn. You may have to do Stop one more time than the others. You should walk around with him so that he can feel the mimicry context of this. If you sit down he will soon go out of ARC and leave the session. L. RON HUBBARD 523  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=4/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE HCO BULLETIN OF 4 OCTOBER 1956 HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION The conduct of High School Indoctrination is, of necessity, an extremely precise activity. High School Indoctrination is given to Staff Auditors and very advanced students after these have long since satisfactorily passed routine Indoctrination. High School Indoctrination, at the moment, consists only of teaching an auditor not to let a preclear stop him. The failure of most sessions is the action of the preclear in going out of session. The preclear goes out of session at any moment when the preclear starts to control the session. When the preclear controls the session he is out of session. Therefore, it is necessary for the preclear not to stop or alter the course of action of an auditor. The moment that a preclear can satisfactorily, to himself, stop the auditor that preclear is out of session and the probability of doing him much good while he is out of session is very remote. In High School Indoctrination the technique 8C, simply having a fellow walk over to the wall and touch it and let go, is followed. The person being indoctrinated or the "auditor" starts to use this 8C upon his "preclear" who is actually the one doing the High School Indoctrination. The "preclear" does everything in his power to stop, divert, change or alter the intention of the auditor. It will be found that such simple things as "Just a moment, my shoe is untied" are the best in effecting this stopping. The auditor can be thrown aside into running some other process by announcing to him that a facsimile has just appeared or that one should really use his left hand since one is left-handed. The "auditor" in High School Indoctrination loses at any moment when he is made to pause. If he is made to pause or interrupt his session in any way then the session has to be started over again. He has "lost". Because High School Indoctrination is rather hard on the Instructor, it is run for only 45 minutes and an exact moment of stopping the session, in actuality, is agreed upon. "We are going to stop this session now at five o'clock exactly, it now being four-fifteen." Then the session is entered and is run for these 45 minutes. To run one longer is sometimes almost fatal on the High School Indoctrinator. Then, for the ensuing hour, the High School Indoctrinator runs the person being indoctrinated with Stop-C-S. This is to reverse the positions which have been occupied. Therefore, to use High School Indoctrination, it is necessary that a two hour period be free and that the first 45 minutes of it be devoted to High School Indoctrination, a short break be taken, and then auditing of the person being indoctrinated who was, in the first 45 minutes, acting as the "auditor" (to be given Stop-C-S by the former "preclear"). High School Indoctrination depends for its effectiveness mainly upon the cleverness of the person doing the Indoctrination. He has to be very smooth, very often his most casual efforts are the greatest and will be found to be the most effective. The final goal of High School Indoctrination is to have a Staff Auditor or Advanced Auditor who is not capable of being halted by a preclear under any 524 circumstances. Because the person doing the High School Indoctrination always has higher altitude, being higher on Staff or in Scientology, it will be found that the person being indoctrinated is much more likely to become confused during the Indoctrination than he would be in the average session. However, it has been learned that those people who become confused in any way during High School Indoctrination have, in the course of their auditing career, "blown" several preclears. It will also be found that they have not achieved very high results in auditing. They were too willing to be stopped, too easily rattled, too easily thrown aside and did not know their subject well enough. Some of the effects which can be made on people undergoing High School Indoctrination are quite startling. They can be made to swear or even cry after being stopped as arduously and viciously as they can be stopped by a person doing the Indoctrination. There is no reason to list the number of commands or dodges or attempted stops which the person doing the Indoctrination can use. It is only necessary to synthesize these if only out of one's own experience with very difficult preclears who would rather have done anything than be audited. It is better to think these up on the spur of the moment than otherwise. Planned dodges can be used where one goes very smoothly through the thing for eight or nine commands without offering the least difficulty or resistance and then suddenly hauls back on the next one and says "I won't". This occasionally completely stops a person being indoctrinated. High School Indoctrination must be given to every Staff Auditor regardless of any former training and it must be given by a person with considerable altitude over that auditor, such as the Director of Processing or the Technical Director of an operation. L. RON HUBBARD 525  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 0 iDate=10/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0    Jean Thomason.  (From HCO, London) To Jean Thomason. From Ron. 10 October 1956 Dear Jean, Before I set off on air flights I normally give the latest material which I have. You have in your possession, on the reel I made to the Staff Auditors, the most recent data with two exceptions -- 1. Recall processes, when not on forgetting, are, on the long haul, for the birds. This does not apply to Over and Under Solids but it does apply to ARC Straight Wire. Process No. 26, then, is Not-know, the way it is run outside and always objectively. Forgettingness, "Tell me something you wouldn't mind forgetting," is, as far as I know, quite workable on the long haul. 2. The other exception is quite startling and this is a development known as Confrontingness. Any conceivable way by which you can make things confront a wall or a dummy or a person is legitimate and works. This is the answer to valences. I knew there was something terrific on this matter of making the valence fight the wall such as "Mock up Mother and make her fight the wall," but I didn't know the tremendous power contained in this as a valence shifter. Confrontingness does separate valences. The way this is done is very precise. One has the preclear (if he is a black case) remedy havingness objectively and coax him into getting mock-ups until he can get mock-ups, and then has him mock up anybody or anything until he can get something that vaguely resembles the mock-up of a person and then takes some present-time acquaintance and has the preclear mock up this acquaintance confronting the wall. The auditing command is "Mock up ____________ and make him confront that wall." Then one points to another bare wall (he uses two or three places only) and has him "Mock up ___________ there and make him confront the wall." This is all that is done until the preclear can actually make ____________ confront the wall. Then one goes through the people the preclear has known in the present lifetime and carefully selects out all of the likely valences. He then runs each one of these similarly. It is probably better to take the earlier valences first but only after the preclear can get some idea of mocking the valence up. It is useless, however, on a very active or psychotic valence to have the preclear try to mock it up in the first place since it will not mock up. The amount of violence which ensues from trying to make the preclear make the mock-up face the wall is the reason why the preclear can't mock up that particular person. Therefore, even a shadow of an idea of mocking up that person and making it face first one wall and then another wall is sufficient. The mocking up of people confronting male and female dummies reveals the oddity that in some cases preclears who are very shy have been animals, wild or domestic, in former lives and have conceived their idea of man on that basis. While the preclear is mocking up somebody and making him face the wall he will tell you other names. The auditor should keep a careful list of these other names mentioned. The auditor must not permit the preclear to diverge from any valence the preclear started to mock up and make confront the wall. He must, however, make careful note of the people mentioned while any one valence is being held and then use these people later. Machinery can be made to confront the wall and is more effective than a remedy of havingness on such machines. 526 Only as a last action does one have the preclear mock up parts of his body facing the wall. This, it will be seen, is not an extendedness. This is very intimate to the body and is very difficult to do. The preclear can do it before he has cleared up the rest of the valences but it doesn't do him any particular good because there is no telling whose kidneys he is mocking up before you clear the valences. Parts of the body also should straighten out while straightening up the valences. There is no trouble of the preclear's, there is only the other fellow's trouble, remember. This belongs in the 26 processes at the level of valences and may very well prove to be one of the most valuable processes we have. I have not, at this time, worked it out to its final precautionary state but it is in good enough state, as above, to be used by staff auditors providing they understand they must take easy ones first and then go into the tougher ones and not give preclears failures by forcing them to mock up people when they can't even mock up usually still objects. The lowest fundamental of this process is "Look around the room and find something that is still, now make your body confront it." This, by the way, is not quite as effective as the subjective stripping of valences but it will, as I have already told you, reduce a fever but, on the next preclear it was used to reduce a fever, the fever did not reduce objectively but reduced on a subjective series of mock-ups. One word of warning, do not make the preclear mock up his own body confronting the wall until you are sure that you have each and every person in his entire life under his control and he can make them do it first. Only then could he successfully make his own body confront the wall in mock-up. The reason for this precaution is that making his own body confront the wall in mock-up form takes away too many of his rest points and leaves in a shaky state all his extended valences such as his mother, his father, his aunts, his uncles, his teachers, etc. Therefore, the preclear could be thrown into a confusion very easily by having him mock up and make his only stable datum, his own body, confront the wall. The Congress Tape rundown on the latest processes, subdivided, is quite vital. There is probably material on that tape that your auditors do not all of them know. There certainly is a great deal to understand instructionally. Best regards, Ron. LRH: wt.rd 527  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=98 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  CREATIVE PROCESSES, MOTIONS, STOPS and PERCEPTIONS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures    P.A.B. No. 98 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 20 Buckingham Street, Strand, London W.C.2 15 October 1956 CREATIVE PROCESSES, MOTIONS, STOPS and PERCEPTIONS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures You will find in auditing a preclear that certain of his mock-ups still exist on his time track. So when a preclear makes a facsimile or dub-in it is still in a certain time-space spot. Some facsimiles are so signally a failure that they float. They go skidding along the track. That is survival (no-effect). They weren't nailed down. One could say that he is stuck in that moment of time. You could do this to a person and say "When I snap my fingers an age will flash" and snap your fingers, and he may say "Six." What does that mean? It means that the preclear is stuck in that age. A man of 55 years with the face of a body of 5 years has certain speech, sexual and other mannerisms which have "floated" up with him to the age of 55. In other words, he is in a reaction pattern of the age of 5. The age of a facsimile will flash. With an E-Meter you will see where he is stuck. Where there is charge (motion) the needle is in motion, and where he is stuck the needle will freeze right down to motionlessness when you are on the moment of stuckness. A person is hit on his head with a sledgehammer at the age of 5, and at 55 he is still there. He still has that facsimile floating about. It isn't perception that bounces, sticks, groups one on the track. Perceptions such as sight, sound, etc., in a facsimile are discovered to be a simple key-in of motions and solids. A person is stuck when he wishes to escape motion. An individual in a high games condition is in motion. The game gets too high, and he drops out. So he goes into a no-games condition. You can call this a rest point on the track. He was in high motion, didn't like it after a while, found a stop point and he stopped. For example, a man is playing the game of "Fighting the Wars of India." 528 After a while he gets tired of it, and one day, in a battle, when everything is in violent motion, he considers that this isn't worth it any more and somebody spears him through the chest. This is a stop point on the game. Whenever he is reminded of the high motion he remembers that there was a stop point on the track; i.e., lifetimes later he walks in London and sees an Indian being run over by a car, and suddenly all this unexpected motion reminds him of the old game of the Indian Wars and he remembers the stop point on the track, how he got out of the game. This preclear comes to you complaining of his chest -- he's either got TB, chest trouble or something, and this blows when you audit solids. There is an exact stop point in the middle of the facsimile where a game has ended, and your preclear wants to get into this stop point to escape a high-motion games condition because that stop point was the solution to all that danger and motion. The solution to danger and motion, reactively, is a stop point. An engram is a moment of pain and/or unconsciousness in an exact moment of time (or a mental image picture containing moments of pain and/or unconsciousness). So a person who is in the middle of some painful incident which happened centuries ago is in this rest point, escaping from imagined danger and motion. This is an exact mechanism which you must know and with which you must work. You may ask how somebody gets out of a stuck point from which he cannot escape. He is on the stuck point because there was too much motion on either side of it. So if he comes out of it he runs into the rest of the motion which he desired to escape. So the stuck point, as far as he is concerned, is okay. In order to run this, you make him (the preclear) take over the automaticity of the motion that happened before and after the incident. Have him mock up the motion that happened before the incident. (DON'T HAVE HIM RUN THE FACSIMILES BECAUSE HE WILL EAT THEM ALL UP AND BE VERY MAD WITH YOU AFTERWARDS.) Have him put new motion into the incident by mock-ups. (DON'T RUN THE OLD MOTION OUT!) By throwing new motion in you are showing him that he can get the motion under control. Do the same for after the incident occurred and he will shake loose from that point. You don't erase the stuck point. You improve his tolerance of motion. DON'T RUN THE STUCK POINT. It runs for 165 hours without release. IT IS SERIOUS AND CONTAINS A VACUUM IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. You handle vacuums and stop (games conditions) by handling the motion. A fellow with no stuck points is the "agitation case," spastics and any condition which is obsessed with high compulsive, obsessed motion. High obsessed motion is lower on the scale than somebody who sleeps all the while. 529 This gives us caution. If somebody runs out of stop points he is in trouble. So handle all motion in a period that turns up, otherwise we leave him stuck in the middle of the incident. Move him right out of the incident. Handle all the motion by putting in new motion. An individual can be audited too briefly on any type of given motion. So move him right out, for he will rather have the stop point than be stuck in the middle of an incident. A vacuum confuses all this. A vacuum is a super-cold object that attracts electronically into it the whole track. Just preceding a vacuum is the most violent motion of facsimiles you have ever observed because it may have a million years of facsimiles, places, faces, stop points, etc., in it. So where are the stuck points? It is in the vacuum among all the scramble of facsimiles. This is common in space opera. An object out in space which is -273 degrees has infinite capacitance and zero resistance, and it is hungry. It picks up that electrical energy at a fantastic rate. It pulls a person's whole track in when, out in space, he touches it. (That's all there is to brainwashing.) Handle this by having facsimiles fly around in mock-ups. Do this on gradient scales. (A gradient scale is a scale of conditions ranging from zero to infinity.) Next thing he has avalanches that he can start, stop and change, mock up, etc., and he doesn't care about vacuums any longer. After this have him invent some games and individualities to get the game sorted out. A game doesn't only consist of motion, but of enemies and individualities to fight those enemies with. So all these factors MUST be taken into account or else you will be processing your preclear towards succumb. L. RON HUBBARD 530  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=15/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SUMMARY RESEARCH PROJECT   Dear Auditor,  HCO BULLETIN OF 15 OCTOBER 1956 SUMMARY RESEARCH PROJECT Dear Auditor, Here is something I need. To summarize processes, I am holding an election of processes. So that we won't overlook good material or forget it, I want you to tell me the following data. I want you to return this to me, filled out. (Organizational staffs also) I have experienced the most marked change of case on myself while being audited on the following processes, in order of importance -- I have achieved the most marked changes of case on preclears by using the following processes -- I routinely use in auditing the following processes -- I most enjoy using the following processes -- I have done.......... hours (about) on preclears since June 1st, 1956. I charge .......... per hour on the average for auditing. (An answer to this is optional) I am/am not running a group. 531 I am teaching a (check one) -- Basic Course Personnel Efficiency Course Professional Course. I would Like to teach a Professional Course Yes...... No...... I have sold.......... Associate Memberships. My own best answer to getting Scientology around is -- My best Mail Address (block letters) -- The way I like my name in Publications and on Certificates -- Signed............................ Please send this back to me without fail, with as many questions answered as you care to. Mail to nearest HCO Brunswick House, 83, Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W.8. 1812, 19th Street North West, Washington, D.C. Even if you left it blank, sign it and return it to me. Thank you, L. RON HUBBARD 532  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 120 iDate=0/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=36 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  Prepared from a lecture to the 4th London ACC, 2 November 1955, entitled "Randomity and Automaticities." THE VOCABULARIES OF SCIENCE    Ability Issue 36 [1956, ca. mid October] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D.C. Randomity and Automaticity L. Ron Hubbard Prepared from a lecture to the 4th London ACC, 2 November 1955, entitled "Randomity and Automaticities." THE VOCABULARIES OF SCIENCE In all scientific systems you have a number of code words which operate as communication carriers, and when a person does not know these words well, he's having difficulty with the science itself. I've seen a senior in science falling down in his comprehension of a later part of the science because he had never gotten the nomenclature of the science straight to begin with. He did not know exactly what a British Thermal Unit was, or something like that -- therefore later on when he's solving some vast and involved problem there's a datum rambling around in his head and it's not stable at all -- it's getting confused -- it's mixed up with all other data. And that is only because he didn't understand what the term was in the first place. So just as you learn semaphore signals, just as you learn Morse Code, just as you learn baby talk, so, when you become conversant with any particular specialized subject, you must become conversant with its terminology. Your understanding of it then increases. Otherwise understanding is impeded by these words rattling around and not joining themselves to anything. If you know vaguely that such and such a word exists and yet have no definite understanding of what it means, it does not align. Thus a misunderstanding of a word can cause a misalignment of a subject and this really is the basis of the primary confusion in Man's understanding of the mind. There have been so many words assigned to various parts of the mind that one would be staggered if he merely catalogued all of these things. Take for instance the tremendous background and technology of psychoanalysis. Overpoweringly complicated material, most of it merely descriptive, some of it action terminology, such as the censor, the id, the ego, the alter-ego, and what not. Most of these things lined up, each one meaning a specific thing. But the practitioners who began to study this science did not have a good founding in the exact sciences -- in other words they didn't have a model of the exact sciences. And in the humanities they could be as careless as they liked with their words, because the humanities were not expected to be precise or exact -- not a criticism of them -- it just means that you could have a looser command of the language. When they got into the study of Freud they got into this interesting thing -- to one person an id was one thing and to another person it was something else. And alter-ego was this and it was that. The confusion of terms, there, practically all by itself, became the totality of confusion of psychoanalysis. 533 Actually psychoanalysis is as easy to understand certainly as Japanese. Japanese is a baby talk -- very, very hard to read, very, very easy to talk. If you can imagine a language which tells you which is the subject, which is the verb, which is the object, every time it speaks, you can imagine this baby- talk kind of a language. One that doesn't have various classes or conjugations of verbs. A very faint kind of a language. Nevertheless, it merely consists, in order to communicate with a Japanese, of knowing the meanings of certain words, and if you know the meanings of those words precisely, then when a Japanese comes up to you and says, "Do you want a cup of tea?" you don't immediately get up because you thought he said, "Wet paint." You have a communication possibility. Well, similarly, with the language of psychoanalysis, the great difficulties inherent in understanding such a thing as psychoanalysis became much less difficult when one viewed psychoanalysis as a code system to relay certain meanings. It did not then become a problem of whether or not these phenomena existed or didn't exist. It simply became a problem of words meaning a certain precise thing. And if they meant that thing to everybody, then everybody was talking psychoanalysis, and if it didn't mean this thing to everybody, then people weren't talking psychoanalysis. Who knows what they were talking. The next thing you know they were talking Junglanism -- the next thing you know they were talking Adlerianism -- and the amount of difference between these various items is minute to say the least. But the language difficulties then made many practitioners in that field at odds with the theory, which they did not at any rate understand. You find out in Scientology that a rather arduous background in mathematics and in what is at least laughingly called the exact sciences nevertheless made for a very arduously firm choice of word definition. There are certain phenomena named, and these phenomena are specific. They are not random, they are very, very precise. For instance, an engram is an engram. It is a mental picture of a moment of pain and unconsciousness. That is an engram, and if you know that you can find an engram. But we have had, in the case of the word engram, something of a cross- up, since there was an early use of the word in biology, although it seemed to have gone out of usage, so that a biologist will come along now and then and look at the word engram and say, yes I know what an engram is. Well, they know what they MEAN by the word engram, but they have never seen one. The engrams we are talking about in Dianetics and Scientology we can see, but they wouldn't ever quite know what we were talking about if they thought it was an energy trace on a cell. This was not discoverable with microscopes or anything of the sort, so I considered it a lost word and quite accidentally crossed up this word with the earlier biological use. I remember one time learning Igoroti in a single night. I sat up by kerosene lantern and took a list of words that had been made by an old missionary in the hills in Luzon -- the Igorot had a very simple language. This missionary had phoneticized their language and he had made a list of their main words and their usage and grammar. And I remember sitting up under a mosquito net with the mosquitos hungrily chomping their beaks just outside the net, and learning this language -- three hundred words -- just memorizing these words and what they meant. And the next day I started to get them in line and align them with people, and was speaking Igoroti in a very short time. The point here is, that it is not difficult to learn a language if you understand that you are learning a language. The first way to learn the language of Scientology is to understand clearly that you ARE learning a LANGUAGE and that it has in it perhaps fifty, sixty or seventy words, and that each of these words has a PRECISE DEFINITION. 534 As far as nomenclature is concerned in Scientology, what we usually did was to take a verb and make a noun of it so that there wouldn't be any cross- up of definition. It's an interesting system that has been employed. We try to minimize the number of words introduced. That might sound strange, but we have tried to minimize it. In giving a special terminology, we have only named those things which were really important to the auditor, phenomena which an auditor really had to understand. Therefore a knowledge of the exact definition of a word brought exact understanding of the phenomenon. It's that simple. A knowledge of Scientology first and foremost, then, is a vocabulary knowledge. There are probably not more than sixty words in Scientology of special meaning. We have not named to any extent invisible phenomena. An engram is a very viewable phenomenon. If you've ever run one on a preclear you know how visible it is, to the preclear and to you. The first word we have, however, in the entire language of Scientology, is, unfortunately, a NON-viewable thing -- the Static. It is non-viewable but it is experienceable, so it isn't completely removed into the never-never land. But from there on we do have almost all of our terminology in VIEWABLE form. It's examinable. It can be measured. A fellow by the name of Wundt, in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany, invented a thing called psychology, which was mainly -- his main interest seems to have been -- the study of mental behavior through physiology. The subject which has come down to us from there called psychology has not been defined much differently since Wundt, and that is the way the mind has been studied -- through physiology. Well, the man's hunch wasn't too far wrong, in that practically everything in the mind is viewable and does have some mass and does exist in space and is something that you could put your hands on very easily and say "that is THAT." We don't know whether Wundt knew this or not. The psychologists don't know it even vaguely today, and they think that what they are dealing with is a totally abstract, theoretical, never-never land subject, and that's why they choose it. But if YOU don't know this then you're apt to go adrift on the terminology of Scientology and on Scientology itself. You're apt to go very badly adrift and believe that we're dealing with abstracts and intangibles. This may be an overlooked supposition on your part. Psychology studies abstracts and intangibles. We're not studying, however, psychology. We're studying hearable, measurable, weighable, meterable phenomena -- right below the level of Static. From the Static you go immediately into experienceable, viewable phenomena. And even the Static is experienceable. So we're not outside the realm of experience anywhere in Scientology. Everything we deal with is something that can have concrete form or example. This is an interesting thing. I've given you this fast summary on terminology itself so that you could see that if this word randomity and if the word automaticity cannot be clearly understood it must be being viewed then as some abstract thing, and it's not an abstract thing. RANDOMITY We find the earliest introduction of the subject randomity in the Dianetic Axioms in the fall of 1951. 535 The word RANDOMITY was needed as a further expression of MOTION. I've been talking to you recently of "things that were too motionless" -- tolerance of things which were too motionless and tolerance of things which had too much motion. We find that we have to increase people's tolerance of these. It shows us that if people had difficulties with the tolerance of things that were too motionless and too motionful, we had with this word randomity a rather upset circumstance -- people didn't like to grasp this word. Well, we have a further explanation of it today, and as a result of that further explanation we have a better chance of gripping this and using it. Randomity means in essence COMPARABLE MOTION. Comparable to what? Comparable to the consideration of motion. So we have PLUS randomity and we have MINUS randomity. In other words we can have, from the individual's consideration, too much or too little motion, or enough motion. What's ENOUGH motion measured by? The consideration of the individual. Take, for example, a man eating a meal in the presence of two friends. He thought he was eating about right. The fellow next to him thought he was eating too fast and the fellow across from him thought he was eating too slow. So, it's a consideration of motion. A traffic cop views the field of automobile traffic with a consideration of minus randomity compared to the motorist's idea of motion of cars. The motorist's consideration of optimum randomity is plus randomity compared to the cop's consideration. If you've ever driven down a deserted highway you may remember having a little, vague suspicion that there was something not quite right about going down that road all by yourself. No other traffic to view. This tells you at once that it may or may not be a road. You know that you consider it a road -- but do other people? An eight-lane highway could give you this idea that the road was closed, under repair, or that it wasn't considered by everyone else to be a road at all, if there were no traffic in sight for very many miles. There is a certain amount of traffic randomity that a motorist is used to and is comfortable about. A New York cabbie, if you put him in a cab out in the middle of Arizona, would be outside his area of optimum randomity. He'd want at least a hundred and fifty cars stacked up at the next intersection, and here he has to drive a hundred miles to get any intersection at all. It's his consideration of motion. Well, he has a certain tolerance for the random particles which in the case of traffic follow certain channels, but which nevertheless are pretty random on those channels. So he has the idea of randomity in traffic. Randomity also contains the aspect of UNEXPECTEDNESS. Unexpectedness is inherent to the idea of randomness. In other words you have to have ENOUGH unexpectedness. You have your idea of how much unexpectedness there should be in life. Well, so does the New York taxi driver have his idea of how much unexpectedness there should be in traffic, and if he were to drive in a totally orderly community where the unexpectedness was zero this man would probably go to sleep or go unconscious or do something -- he would eventually run off the road. But maybe after he was at it for many, many weeks he would "get used to it." So then this word randomity contains the idea of CONDITIONING. It is the only place where we find the subject of conditioning in Dianetics and Scientology. The reason I'm talking about randomity here is that it is one of the wider concepts, and a little harder perhaps to grasp than any other. Yet you can set it up and view it very easily. 536 We could set up something like this: a table that a person could sit in front of which would have all kinds of holes and runways in it for marbles. We could have these marbles popping up through the holes and taking different paths and bumping around at different levels and rates of speed and abundance. In other words, we could have a table set up that would present a person with a certain level of randomity and we could include a controlled unexpectedness factor. We could find out from this actually what the person's idea of optimum motion was. We could find out what amount of unexpectedness and rapidness of motion he would be comfortable about. After a while the person starts to get nervous if you pop too many marbles out of those holes. They're coming out of the holes, and there are lots of them, and they're disappearing and appearing completely unexpectedly, smashing and cracking together and so forth, and he's likely to sit there and say, "There's just too damned many marbles!" He doesn't like it. Just below that level of motion he'll say, "That's interesting." And just below that level he waits there and says, "... marbles...." One pops up and runs across the table, another one pops up, the first disappears, another one pops up and runs across the table, etc., and he says, "Ho-hum... marbles." That is MINUS RANDOMITY. When he was interested, that was HIS randomity; that was optimum randomity. Where you had too many marbles moving too fast you had PLUS RANDOMITY. With relationship to what, though? With relationship to this person, this thinkingness, this mind. His idea of randomity was what it was. You see that it has to be this way when you test a youngster who likes action on something like this. His reaction to the test would be that you would have to have the marbles popping up and shooting across there with such a suddenness and such a blur and such a whirr and such a snap that you yourself would probably stand there and watch and feel slightly uncomfortable. And this kid says, "My, how interesting." But you drop it down to the number of marbles that was optimum for this other fellow and the kid will say, "Oh, let's go out and play ball." Now we have to have this thing called randomity. It's an unfortunate thing if it is incomprehensible at times. We have to have these things -- plus randomity, minus randomity and optimum randomity. What is his idea of unexpected motion necessary to the living of a life? How much randomity does he have to have to live? Which at the same time would say -- stay interested in life. How much would he have to have? A guy in space opera? WOW! Well, you have to have a fight between fleets at least once a week. You didn't have a good liberty at all unless five men were killed. That time was no fun at all -- after they shot all the women there was just nothing left to do. Idea of the amount of motion, unexpectedness, sudden event, the twist and turn to life is very, very high there. Therefore you have space opera engrams very easily in suspense on the track. They look like confusion. A fellow has been in space opera, and now he looks at the engram, and he says, "No-sir, that's confusion." Now the only reason we're resurrecting this word and dusting it off and using it more frequently is that it is a better statement of confusion than the word confusion. 537 The word confusion means at once PLUS RANDOMITY, and it's therefore a specialized kind of randomity. It means: motion unexpected above the tolerance level of the person viewing it. And that is the definition of the word Confusion. So if a STABLE DATUM is necessary to the alignment of data, and if a stable datum can be pulled out of an area of aligned data with the result of confusion, we have to have a better understanding of what we mean by confusion. If we're going to process it we certainly had better understand it. It better be a nice, clear thing to us, because we are likely to look at a preclear and consider that he is under a confusion. When as a matter of fact, he might be in a MINUS RANDOMITY. A good statement of a minus randomity would be: things are too slow. Things are certainly slow around here. Life is dull. There is nothing happening. A consideration of how much motion and unexpectedness of motion there is in the environment -- how much unexpected happenstance, how much pattern of action -- and this would be minus when there was too little for the tolerance of the individual. So we need to have a word to match Confusion. It looks like there is a hole in the English language. Thus once more we have this word randomity. It's describing something which has been viewed which is not adequately described in English. And that we are viewing it and describing it and naming it somewhere within the bounds of comprehensibility is quite remarkable. MINUS RANDOMITY is the opposite of CONFUSION. "Things are too stable." "Do you know that little Benny has not fallen out of the window for three days?" "Do you realize I have not burned myself all morning!" "Do you realize there hasn't been a single accident out there on the highway all afternoon!" "How dull -- everything is traveling only at rocket speed!" That could be one fellow's idea of minus randomity, or opposite of confusion. Things are not sufficiently confusing, random, unexpected, in motion, so he's saying, "How dull." This other chap looks at one horse walking down one street and says to himself, "Horse!!! Things are going too fast around here for me!" Unless you understand that there can be a difference of consideration about this you would have a hard time trying to grasp the preclear's idea of how much stable data he needs. Now how much stable data do you think this fellow needs? One horse going down one street. He needs ONE STABLE DATUM PER PARTICLE. Therefore, he needs an ENORMOUS amount of information to keep the world from falling in on him and turning upside down and spilling in his lap. He just needs a tremendous quantity. He needs dictionaries full, he needs encyclopedias full, he needs libraries full, he needs scribes working on every side continually to catalogue, catalogue, catalogue, catalogue. And each word to him is not only a stable datum, it's a Sacred Datum. If we moved just one word out of line in a cataloguing of a hundred million words this fellow would become extremely uncomfortable. We have whole sciences which are cataloguing sciences. If Francis Bacon hadn't wanted to give an example of what science was, we would probably never, even today, have had a science of botany. But Bacon used once, as an illustration of what a science would be, a science of botany. He used the classification of flowers as his illustration and instantly it became a science and from there on it is catalogued. For a fellow to be willing to study botany he has to be willing to tolerate a tremendous lack of motion, from most of our viewpoints. But from his own viewpoint his ability to tolerate motion or no motion never comes in question. He's perfectly happy going along with one-stable-datum-per-item. 538 To most of us this would be unthinkably arduous. So you can see that we have an intolerance for that little randomity. The bottom line of this gradient scale would appear to be one-stable-datum-per-particle. That should be the bottom of the randomity scale- -but it isn't. The bottom would be no particle, no space. And we would be back to a static. And out of this you at once recognize why a static wants havingness and particles: you have a game. Below minus randomity is NO RANDOMITY. Of any kind. People do not usually like this at all. Starting up scale we get -- a few particles. One could be at this point for two reasons: because he is shuddering away from confusion and therefore is getting a stable-datum-per-particle, or he could be at that point because he has a tremendous tolerance for confusion AND for motionlessness. Now if he is cataloguing one stable datum per particle at the minus randomity end of the scale, then he is doing this interesting thing: This fellow is shuddering away from all confusion and particles because he's trying to USE UP all existing particles and stable data. He's trying to match these two things. So he's trying to use up all possible confusion. If this same fellow had a high tolerance of confusion in the first place and had used up all these particles in this fashion, matching particle for stable datum, with everything catalogued, everything in order, he would run out of confusions. And he would have a SCARCITY OF confusion. So, taking another look at this randomity scale: we could have a scarcity of confusion, or a scarcity of motionlessness. A scarcity at either end. We could have either condition or both conditions, and NOT depending upon which end we were viewing it from. Then we ask this: What is plus randomity and what is minus randomity? FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE INDIVIDUAL, SOMETHING WHICH HAS IN IT TOO MUCH MOTION OR UNEXPECTEDNESS FOR HIS TOLERANCE is plus randomity, and THAT THING WHICH HAS TOO LITTLE MOTION IN IT FOR HIS TOLERANCE is minus randomity. Now, how he gets into these states is the entire subject of scarcity. For example: the fellow who falls into a plus randomity with great speed. His tolerance of motion is so slight that almost any motion is a plus randomity to him. A second horse gets into the street and he practically has a nervous breakdown. That fellow will have a tendency to do this: instead of matching a stable datum for a particle, he will take all particles and stop them (he starts to apply force) and then bring all of these particles into a mass so that they are each taken care of. He can look at this whole group of particles and say, "That's a table." "That's a rock." Now he's got ALL of the particles named. He's named it a rock. He's not going to do anything about these particles. He's going to just mass them. That is the state of mind which gets you mass. Unless you simply mock it up to have a mass -- there's always that going on- -mock up a universe to have a universe, etc., or you can evolve them or have reasons for them. But this is usually the case: that an individual who is obsessively making mass has an intolerance of motion to the degree that a second horse on the street would give him a nervous breakdown. So he takes any particles that are in motion and he is actually ill about this until he can take the particles and push them together and say, "Ah, a rock. When! Now we can have some peace around here." At the other end, the fellow in space opera: There's been a riot that morning, there's been a fire in Bunker 4, three prisoners have escaped and were shot in the 539 courtyard, and so forth, and this fellow is saying, "Gee, things have slowed down around here! Let's create some confusion and get some motion started. Let's drop a false message into the message center: WE ARE ABOUT TO BE ATTACKED BY THE PRUVIANS or something. Let's get something GOING around here." Well now, that individual will DISPERSE things. He'll disperse things preferably with an unknown. And then he has an enormous amount of data, none of which has any identification at all. His level of expectedness and unexpectedness is way up. He'll have a wonderful time wondering if he can possibly make head or tail of any of this: "Gosh, look at that! The president shot, and I'm plugged, and gee, you know, I can't make any sense out of it at all?!??!?!?" You get the idea, then, how people vary unexpectedness and motion to fit their own considerations. There is, however, such a thing as a state of good health in connection with this. That sounds odd, but there is one, and that is: for an individual to act in either capacity by changing his consideration on the subject of randomity itself. In other words, retain or attain liberty of increasing or decreasing tolerance on motion at will. You can look at two horses on the street and say, "That's too many," or look at a morning in space opera and say, "That's too slow," with no difficulty whatsoever. Or you can say that the morning in space opera was too fast and the two horses on the street were not enough. You could do anything you wanted on it. That would be a state of health regarding tolerance level of randomity. But where an individual has lost his ability to vary his considerations of confusion and motionlessness, which is to say, his plus and minus randomity, he has lost his ability to have a game, and will then find himself being put out of games which do not fit his fixed opinion. Therefore he has limited himself in the number of games into which he can enter. As an individual can shift his consideration of randomity, so he can play large numbers of games. And as his consideration on the subject of randomity becomes more and more fixed, so that there is just a certain amount of motion he can tolerate, just a certain amount of motion that he can't tolerate, when he's fixed right there somewhere on the scale between total confusion and total motionlessness, and that's IT, he has to find a game which fits that idea of a game, his idea of an optimum randomity. What, then, is a game? A game is an optimum randomity. That is a satisfactory game -- optimum randomity. What is an end-of-game? Un-optimum randomity -- without regard to whether it is plus or minus, too fast for him or too slow for him. That's just both sides of a fixed consideration. An individual's ability to LIVE, then, will to a marked degree depend upon his ability to shift his consideration of what is confusion, what is motionlessness. And if he can't shift this opinion -- he is sunk. The organization or the person which tells the individual to conform to the environment, tells him to FIX his opinion of randomity to that environment, has asked that individual to die the moment the randomity factor alters in the environment. It's asked him to run out of games. Another factor enters into this which is the saving grace, and that is, the emergency factor or the NECESSITY LEVEL. A necessity level is a sudden increase of randomity to a sufficiency that the individual makes a momentary adjustment to it -- in other words, momentarily increases his tolerance for unexpected motion. The unexpected motion there is so great that it puts him into a higher level of motion and he takes care of it. That is necessity level- -it is the randomity itself driving the person. When the randomity kicks the person, he knows he must move. But necessity level only occurs where the individual is in a total stimulus-response condition with the randomity itself. And it is nothing to count upon at all. Give them that much more motion and people are just as likely to stay fixed as to go faster. 540 Create TOO MUCH randomity TOO FAST, and people WILL stay fixed. They will not react on a necessity level at all. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a "non-necessity level" or a "nonemergency level," where things suddenly move too slow for the individual. We don't have any mechanism to take care of that. So people try to build up their tolerance for speed by going faster and faster and faster, and they think they then can go faster and faster and faster, and they never drop back toward tolerance of motionlessness. It's actually more important in this time and place to adjust people's ideas of motionlessness and the tolerance of motionlessness than the tolerance for speed. There are very many ways you could do this -- you could have a person SIT motionless for a very long time, but he usually can't tolerate that. It exceeds his tolerances instead of building his tolerances on a gradient scale. Certain processes have done this to some extent for quite a while now, to considerable benefit. One way you could do this is have the preclear say things are going fast when they are practically standing still, and then he tolerates them easily, but actually he's gotten around it, hasn't tolerated any motionlessness, he has simply tolerated his new consideration. The auditor has a great deal to do with this today. He can actually produce plus and minus randomity in the individual at will. He can stuff the individual full, one way or the other, of stable data. And that produces for the individual to some degree, minus randomity. He can pull some stable data out of the reactive banks, and he will at once produce plus randomity. He can thus alter his reaction to motion, his randomity, by handling DATA. But remember, this is a low order of thing compared to changing the CONSIDERATION of a person. Now, as an auditor, you have to know that you can add to or subtract from the data of an individual, and thereby give him plus or minus randomity. Remember, though, that he would only get a plus or minus randomity if he had a fixed consideration on the situation. But you have to know this business about putting in and pulling out stable data and producing randomity because it explains THE VARIOUS REACTIONS OF THE PRECLEAR TO AUDITING. He's learning more, the world's getting more and more even, more and more stable to him, more real, and all of a sudden he adjusts by giving up a stable datum (which you very often misname a consideration). Here he is, getting more data, and his attitude, his consideration of randomity is FIXED. So as you give him more data and he spots more things and he gets more stable data all around, why, he simply gives up some of his old data; you haven't actually changed his randomity. If you're doing a smooth job of ARC, you're gradually upgrading him to a higher tolerance of everything. One of the ways he will adjust it is to suddenly spit out some old, aberrated datum. That is a stable datum. You have simply moved in one stable datum and moved out one stable datum. The point of this is, you have to change his consideration of speed, that's all. You have to change his ABILITY to change his consideration of speed. AUTOMATICITY All right, what, then, is this thing called AUTOMATICITY? If automaticity is related to randomity, which it is, then IT would have a lot to do with consideration, too, wouldn't it? Automaticity means: non self-determined action which ought to be determined by the individual. The individual ought to be determining an action and he is not determining it. That's a pretty broad consideration. It's something not under the control of the individual. But if we said, something not under the control of the individual, as a total, unqualified definition of automaticity, we would have this, then: 541 That car that just went down the street would be an automaticity to you. You didn't have control of it. So this is not a precision definition. The precision definition has "which ought to be under the control of the individual." An individual will tolerate within himself so much random action of the materials which he ought to be controlling. For instance, you, if you are a fairly good driver, would have no difficulty, when you were starting your car in the morning, in tolerating the fact that it killed a couple of times before you got it going. So the sudden stopping of the motor was not really an automaticity to you. There is an expectedness in it. Or let's take an unexpectedness -- you shifted the gears and didn't quite get it in gear -- if your tolerance of randomity was good, if your ability to change considerations was good, you'd flip the gear in, and then it didn't quite go in again and you had to make a second pass at it. That's an UNexpected motion. It's still not really an automaticity, except in the severest definition of the word. Something has occurred which you should have controlled but didn't. Now, we see automaticity and use the word mainly in connection with just this: motion in the bank -- facsimiles in motion around one -- under the control or not under the control of the individual. Many an individual will get all kinds of fast motions in the bank -- pictures, action, machinery, etc., and not even consider it vaguely random. "That's all right," he says. But they should be controlling it -- it ought to be doing what they say. Well, from their opinion, it is. This other fellow, a fellow with a different consideration of randomity, gets one picture shifting an inch to the right unexpectedly -- "There's an automaticity going on here," he says. Another fellow has a machine; he tells it to mock up dogs, so it mocks up blue dogs, pink dogs, and then moves over to the other side and mocks up green dogs, purple dogs, and then mocks up from the back dogs with hats on, dogs with canes, dogs with heavy fur, dogs with light fur, dogs with five feet, dogs with two feet -- "Ho hum -- life's running as usual...." When the preclear says to you that there's an awful lot of action in the bank, that means that he considers that the action in the bank which he is confronting is an awful lot. It doesn't tell you how much action YOU would say there is in the bank. So it's the PRECLEAR'S consideration and opinion that makes an automaticity. Not yours. It's the amount of randomness which he ought to be controlling but which he isn't controlling, and that depends upon the amount of randomness which he can tolerate. And if he can tolerate a tremendous amount of randomity, plus or minus, then nothing looks random to him at all. And the funny part of it is -- he can control it, too. And where these two things join at the crossroads you've got control of phenomena in the bank. If an individual can tolerate it he can control it. If he can't tolerate it, he can't control it and that's all there is to it. I hope you have some better understanding of these two words and what we are doing today in auditing. The relation of Stable Datum to confusion is actually the relation of the stable datum to randomity. You have to have a clear understanding of randomity before you enter in upon that in teaching Scientology, auditing preclears and in developing your own understanding of the material of Scientology. 542  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=26/10/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HPA-HCA TRAINING PROCESSES    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE HCO BULLETIN OF 26 OCTOBER 1956 HPA-HCA TRAINING PROCESSES The following training processes are recommended as necessary to the education of an HPA or HCA student, from the moment of his enrollment until his graduation. It does not particularly matter whether the HPA or HCA has been indoctrinated in the "very latest techniques", but it does matter that he is able to run the following. If he can do this, then he can carry on with almost any other technique. 1. CONFRONT A PRECLEAR. This is done by the Indoctrination Course. The student is taught how to handle communication with the preclear by dummy sessions and demonstrations by the instructor. Confirm and grind in auditor-pc relationship and Rudiments -- "Look at me. Who am I?" and the reality scale. 2. ARC STRAIGHTWIRE. This is run as the first process audited by the student on a fellow student, after leaving the Indoctrination Course. The barest elements of ARC straightwire are used, and then the therapeutic technique is undertaken, on the basis of "Tell me something you wouldn't mind forgetting". The basis of this process is to give the student subjective reality on the time track of human beings, and to demonstrate that people slide back into the past and up toward present time as they remember various items, which phenomena should be pointed out and observed by the student. 3. SUBJECTIVE HAVINGNESS. This should be run both to give the student reality on the bank of the human being, and upon havingness itself. If the case being audited on subjective havingness is a black case, then the student is required to have the preclear mock up a blackness or black objects in the blackness and remedy the havingness with those, regardless of any dope-off, until the individual has a clear field or can go on to some other process. 4. 8-C (a), (b), (c), with emphasis on (a) and instruction with regard to the preclear's ability to handle decisions. This is the first walk-about process, and is vital in the training of a Scientologist. 5. OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION, old style. The "not- know" version could be run, but is a little complicated. 6. OVER AND UNDER ON THE BANK in making things solid. 7. KEEPING THINGS FROM GOING AWAY, in terms of small alternate objects, with concentration on the fact that this is a havingness process, and also holds things still. 8. TERRIBLE TRIO. Both sides, the "can have" for the preclear, the "can't have" for the preclear's enemies. Training should be completed with a very fast review of the more recent processes, and giving these into the student's hands, not as something in which he has been trained but as something that he can use as fast as he attains reality upon them. Of the above list, the first six are the most important, from the standpoint of training. Throughout training, the student should be carefully monitored as to his ability to communicate with his preclear. Auditing procedure should not be neglected, from the moment of entrance into Indoctrination until graduation, since it is style of auditing we wish to achieve rather than teaching of processes. When the student is taught data, he should be given a high power of choice over the data in which he is instructed, but he should be instructed in such a way that he can achieve the reality of the data, since it is true and factual. LRH:dt.nm L. RON HUBBARD 545  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=1/11/56 Volnum=0 Issue=99 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  FACSIMILES & SOLIDS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/MPC tape lectures    P.A.B. No. 99 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 1 November 1956 FACSIMILES & SOLIDS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/MPC tape lectures For material about facsimiles, the best is in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, American edition. More recent processes turn up all the phenomena of facsimiles, engrams, locks, secondaries, etc., so it is vitally necessary that this material is well known. A facsimile is an energy picture made by a thetan or the body's machinery of the physical universe environment. It is like a photograph. It is made of mental energy. It means copy of the physical universe. On the track facsimiles have been corrupted. It became a picture which may be a facsimile but isn't. It would run and look like a facsimile, but is a picture of something which didn't really happen. Automatic mock-up is a better description. It is changed from the physical universe. For example: A man walks down the street and sees a girl. He has a picture of the girl. As he walks down the street his machinery gets to work and he then has a picture of a bedroom. He never saw her in the bedroom, but on a delusory basis he puts her into one. If he is totally sane there is no liability to this. Those pictures are not aberrative unless the preclear is way down scale, when he will start mourning over this girl he only saw once in the street. He has failed to differentiate between his facsimile and mockups. Delusion and hallucination come under the heading of this alteration of the physical universe facsimile. This delusory picture is called "dub-in" -- a term taken from the movie world. Next is the plain mock-up, which you know is only a mock-up and not a facsimile or a dub-in. The auditor's error in the past was failing to recognize facsimiles as facsimiles and too often calling them dub-ins. A source of dub-in is "Somebody told you," and if a person is in a wrong valence he gets pictures of things this valence has told him -- e.g., preclear is in mother's 546 universe, and she has told him all about how horrible father is. One day he looks through his bank and finds pictures of father beating mother, a thing which never really happened. Mother said so and this contains mother's mock-ups which are dub-ins. The only worrisome source of dub-ins is, being in the wrong valence. One makes them up out of remarks which are dub-ins, and these we call SYNTHETICS. Split universes and the preclear finds his own facsimiles, which are sometimes quite startling to him. Don't make the mistake of calling a real facsimile a dub-in and refusing to process it. No matter where it comes from, whether dub-in or facsimile, this is handled by mock-ups and you don't have to differentiate. Remember not to ignore the whole track phenomena -- which are facts. Don't assault facts of this nature unless you want to make a game out of it, and when you do so, be aware that you are doing it. In modern living the foremost reason of the failure of modern psychotherapy is that they never believed what the patient was saying and never understood what was happening. The preclear told them about prenatals, etc., and was invalidated when he wasn't believed. In the genetic entity's bank are such things as the sperm sequence, ovum sequence and the sperm-ovum sequence, and they are three separate lines of engrams. Furthermore, on the sperm sequence we can move back on the GE line to father and often find the wrong father. As we come forward we find the development of the preclear's body in the womb (gestation) with pictures along the line. These pictures have black visio or they have a dub-in which was made out of pictures which were heard by the child and then the child dubbed in the environment but the actual visio is black. It is dark and noisy in the womb. You may run into a vacuum which compares to a super-cold piece of metal, which when contacted by the thetan pulls in the entirety of his bank. Afterwards, when trying to remedy his havingness, you have him sitting in the middle of the vacuum. Of course, this picture of a super-cold object is still behaving like a super-cold object. This accounts for the way people get stuck in space opera. They were in space suits out in space and got shot. As long as they were warm they were okay, but the moment they touched a super- cold object, their bank rushed in and they were brainwashed. The prenatal area is black and a vacuum is so confusing that the blackness is the total answer a thetan can give to it. He covers all that up with blackness. So one has two types of blackness here. A third type of blackness is when a man walks in the dark, stumbles over something and gets an engram -- which is totally black. One gets accustomed to these various kinds of facsimiles. It is not necessary to go into them. The main point is that they ARE there and must be handled. 547 The heart of some of all consequences in living, guilt, conscience, various conflicts are contained in the electronic phenomena of the bank -- facsimiles, dub-ins and mockups. This bank is the apparently unalterable pattern of behavior. In order to change about the behavior of body and facsimiles, it is necessary to change the thetan. It is necessary to change the bank. There are three types of bank: 1. The Somatic Bank, 2. The Analytical Bank, and 3. The Reactive Bank. You know the analytical bank is there but not that the reactive bank is there. It sneaks up on you and one day the sperm sequence restimulates you and you start to wiggle -- that a small picture like that will make a whole body wiggle is but a matter of consideration. Remember all these are considerations. A facsimile could influence the whole body or just one part of it. The preclear accepts the analytical bank but is surprised to find reactive pictures, such as prenatals, past lives, etc., turning up while he is being audited. These pictures were primarily created to have an effect on somebody else. When they ceased to have an effect on somebody else, they began to have an effect on the preclear's body. Therefore they survive. The definition of survival is "no-effect." A game will continue as long as there is no absolute effect occurring. An action will occur until the end of the action cycle, which is start-change-stop. The thetan uses pictures to handle and control the body. The "facsimiles under the preclear's control" is a wonderful piece of machinery, and out of his control, a nightmare. He gets aberrated. A facsimile contains all perceptions (about 54 or more; I stopped counting at 54), e.g., joint positions, body motion, perception of heat, small motion, photons (visio). Touch, smell, sight and sound actually have to be handled sooner or later if you are handling any facsimiles. Facsimilies were first designed to have an effect upon somebody else. To a thetan his body is somebody else, so while he is having an effect on the body, he is still having a win. Because there have been other facsimiles on the GE line, his stimulus does very often not get the exact response on the body. It gets some other response and introduces an unknown element. The thetan thinks he is just handling one bank -- he is actually handling thousands of banks that have been there before him. There are not other thetans in the body. The facsimiles are just the residue of other thetans in the bank. These are the facsimiles and reactions made by other thetans in the bank and this is often a very spooky thing. When a thetan runs into this amount of unknownness -- he wants the body to jump and it lies down to sleep -- he is apt to get puzzled. 548 Life is a contest of trying to get a body or other bodies to do the various stimulus-response mechanisms. We need sound to handle the bank. We say something and something restimulates. All kinds of meanings and significances creep into this bank and people can get stuck on certain phrases in these banks, and it is wonderful how a certain phrase can aberrate a single life. (Refer to: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.) There is no doubt about this bank being powerful and formidable, but so is our ability today to handle it. L. RON HUBBARD  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=15/11/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  HGC PRECLEAR COMPLAINTS    HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1812 19th Street, N.W., Washington 9, D.C. HCO BULLETIN OF 15 NOVEMBER 1956 HGC PRECLEAR COMPLAINTS On any HGC preclear complaint, we will give more auditing for cash, and tear up any old HGC note (requisite: real complaint grounds). LRH:mek.rd L. RON HUBBARD 549  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/11/56 Volnum=0 Issue=100 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  THE AUDITING OF SOLIDS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures    P.A.B. No. 100 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 15 November 1956 THE AUDITING OF SOLIDS Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures Auditing could boil down to one process -- that is, if the preclear is capable of doing it. Also, most importantly, if the auditor, if he has been recently indoctrinated, has established the rudiments, has the preclear well in the session and can handle any randomities that occur. In other words, this process takes the whole of Scientology into account. That process is called SOLIDS. The way to run Solids is: Find the principal stop point on the track, the principal vacuum or something you think might have been. Failing that you just arbitrarily pick an age somewhere in the middle -- an incident after which the preclear says he became different to what he was before. Before giving the command, explain to him the proper meaning of the word "facsimile." Don't use the words "incident" or "pictures." Then you say, "Can you find a facsimile later than the incident?" -- you mean the vacuum. He finds one later and when he does you tell him, "Make it solid." If the preclear is being pedantic give this command: "Make it more solid than you first perceived it." Making it a little more solid than it was is sufficient. The preclear will at first be using effort, but after a while he will be working by postulate. Keep running this until the facsimile flicker-flacks and changes, and then take the preclear off it. Don't let the preclear communicate too much. (Incidentally, don't have the preclear forget to make the invisible particles in the facsimile more solid as well, otherwise they will eventually build up a ridge to which the other facsimiles, as he finds them, will stick. Making the invisible particles solid will obviate that. If the preclear doesn't understand what you mean by making the invisible particles more solid, ask him to open his eyes and look at the wall. Then ask him to 550 make the particles between him and the wall more solid. He will then understand what you mean by invisible particles.) Then you say, "Can you find a facsimile earlier than the incident?" He finds one earlier than the incident and you say, "Make it solid." After a while the automaticity of the facsimile disappearing or changing will wear off. The preclear will not only make the picture more solid, he will stop it dead in its tracks. It won't blow unless you introduce this other command: "All right, dispose of that." "Now can you find one later than (the age)?" "All right, make it solid." "Okay, dispose of that." Keep him out of engrams because we are not running anything out. We are increasing and improving his ability. WE ARE RUNNING SOMETHING IN. You are having your preclear, who has no mass, motion or space, confront something which has, and he cannot duplicate it, nor it him. And you are coaxing him into the understanding that he can. You are trying to make the preclear capable of making things more solid. You are not trying to undo vacuums, engrams or operations. You are trying to show him that he can handle a facsimile and make it solid. See that the preclear does not directly address an engram or vacuum or a difficulty. Also don't upset his power of choice by telling him not to do it. Steer his attention off it. Tell him he can find a facsimile earlier or later than that. Don't get sloppy as an auditor. It's a tough process. Use and maintain good 8-C to make sure that the preclear is always following directions. Make sure he does. Keep him at it and see that he executes the commands as given, for if he makes things solid before you ask him to, he may take the road which contains a lot of dynamite, such as touching a vacuum. The preclear is not bright while he is being audited because his bank is too fascinating to him. Keep him running the process and your preclear will suddenly realize what his conflicts with the environment are. These conflicts with the environment with which he is engaged are the real conflicts of life. Gradually his perceptics will turn on, BUT ONLY WHEN SOME EMOTION HAS TURNED ON. It's because you are running the band above solids. It isn't an end-all process because there are other things above solids and effort. It has an extroverted side which is better than the old Trio -- i.e: "Look around the room and find something you can have," "Look around the room and find something you can permit to remain," and "Look around the room and find something you can dispense with." This process runs this way: "Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind being solid." 551 He finds something and you say, "Good. Make it more solid." If you said, "Make it solid" you would be invalidating him. The preclear will say that the walls are getting very solid, too solid, for his comfort, because he has probably been taught in physics class that walls are composed of small particles with holes in them -- which isn't true. Solids shed small particles, but that does not mean that a solid is made up of small particles. Making something solid later or earlier in this lifetime only, is the limitation of this process. After this his track starts coming in. As he makes things solid, the havingness starts filling the vacuum areas. Don't run vacuum areas by making them solid or you'll sit in that auditing chair for a pretty long time. The preclear will start picking up losses. Everything he picks up and makes solid is a loss, which is the first and foremost reason why he made facsimiles in the first place. They are substitutions for loss and that is the explanation of the phenomenon of sublimation. He will keep on talking about the loss of possessions, marital partners and familial connections. This does not violate game conditions because he is running losses of things and times he lost and because you are not auditing the losses, you are auditing the pictures. As long as you are auditing the pictures you have got the primary game still going. Don't have the preclear make incidents solid. Only have him make facsimiles of the incident solid, otherwise he will be feeling terrible. The thetan's game is to make nothing out of a facsimile, which is a no-game condition. He is going toward the truth, and by making the facsimile solid, you are going towards making a game. When running solids subjectively, the preclear will start getting things way up the track when you ask him to find a facsimile earlier than the incident. You don't care about the incident. You want to know where the incident is so you don't run into it. The values of running before and after facsimiles by making them solid, and auditing directly towards the reduction of a vacuum, are not comparable. If you try to take something out of the bank, you will lose. If you try to ADD something to the bank you will win. Why don't we just run S-C-S and blow the preclear out of his head and stabilize him through some exteriorization drills? Because we want to get the preclear to make things in his head more solid. Otherwise for the rest of his career in this universe, he will be leery on heads. The only thing that is wrong with any preclear who is stuck in the head is that he cannot handle the stuff that is there. This process is the best to date and it takes a long time to run, but for the amount of ability it regains in the case it is the fastest process we have. This process belongs to "EFFORT" on the Know-to-Mystery Scale. L. RON HUBBARD 552  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=30/11/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  SLP 8    HCO TRAINING BULLETIN 30 November, 1956 SLP 8 1. Getting into communication with your preclear. A. Mimicry (psycho rushes around in the middle of the room and jumps up and screams; and you rush around in the middle of the room and jump up and scream). B. Touching the preclear (on locational or any other process where you walk the preclear around, you are in communication with him to the degree that you touch him). Gradient scale, touching him on the elbow, taking hold of his elbow, and eventually making his body turn this way and that. Commands: "Look at me. Who am I?" "Who does this hand belong to?" (Auditor indicating own hand, or various parts of his body, being sure to maintain some physical contact with preclears below 2.0 on tone scale, where communication is solid). 2. Havingness, subjective. (This is just a patch-up of havingness so that if the preclear caves in you have something to fish him out with, which he has been conditioned to.) "Mock up a....." "Push it into the body." 3. Part A of 8-C. "Do you see that....." (auditor indicates wall or object), "Walk over to it." "Touch it." "Let go of it." 4. Control Process, tactile 8-Cb. "Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind having," or "..... could have." "Walk over to it and feel it." 5. Start-C-S. (Don't run any part of it very long.) "When I say start, you start the body," or "..... the (object)." "Start." "When I say change, you change the (body or object) from..... to....." (locations designated by auditor). "Change." "When I say stop, you stop the (body or object)." "Stop." 6. Keep it from Going Away. "Find some objects in the room you don't dislike." (Have him spot quite a few, maybe 20. You select out of these three you are sure are non-significant to this preclear. Have him go and get them and place them some distance apart -- at least three feet between object 1 and object 3 -- and not directly in front of him; two objects on one side, one way off side, the other slightly off side, and one way off the other side.) A. "Look at....." (auditor mentions object 1). "Pick it up." "Keep it from going away" ("Now you keep it from going away" is the insistent version and he must be doing it. Check to see that he is doing it.) "Put it back in exactly the same place." (Command agreed upon beforehand so that he isn't surprised by this.) "Look at..... (object 2)," then repeat above commands. "Look at..... (object 3)," then repeat above commands. B. "Look at (object 1)." "Pick it up." "Keep it from going away." "Put it back in exactly the same place." "Leave it totally uncontrolled." "Look at..... (object 2)," then repeat above commands. "Look at..... (object 3)," then repeat above commands. Part A is run several times before running part B. 553 7. Keep it from going away on the body. (Everything you run on the right foot you run on the left foot, everything you run on the right ear you run on the left ear, everything you run on the head you run on the feet, etc.) "Keep your hand from going away." "Now make it flip-flop." "Keep it from going away." "Now make it flip-flop." 8. Keep it from going away, by sight. 9. Connectedness. "Look around and find something you wouldn't mind making connect with you." "On how many vias could you make it connect?" 10. Handling of confusion. "Make the wall say to (preclear, his body, part of his body, etc), 'This means go to.....'" (Preclear furnishes the name, a different name each time, for each of the six sides of the room.) Then, "Make the wall say to (as above), 'This means don't go to .....'" (As above.) Alternate, once around the six sides of the room on "This means go to.....," then on "..... don't go to....." until fairly flat. Then, "This means stay in.....", "This means don't stay in....." (run as above). 11. "Confuse that wall." 12. Causing confusions. "A confusion which you could cause." "Mock up a confusion." 13. Stop-C-S. A. "Now, I'm going to give you a little process -- a little drill that we have here in Scientology. First, I want you to get your body moving toward that wall over there and somewhere along the line I'll say 'stop', and I want you to stop your body. Got that? All right." "Now get it moving." "Stop." "That's fine." "All right, now turn around here" (taking him by the elbow). "Now, we're going to run a little process. I'm going to ask you to get your body moving toward that wall and somewhere along the line I'm going to say 'stop', and when I say stop, I want you to stop your body." Repeat above commands. "..... stop your body absolutely still." "..... stop your body absolutely still and do it as quickly after I say 'stop' as you possibly can." B. "When I ask you to change your body, I want you to change the body's position from a to b." (Locations designated by auditor.) "Let's see how rapidly you can change the body's position." C. "When I say 'start', I want you to start the body moving." "Start." 14. Tolerance of motion and stillness. Preclear sitting at a window, or ambulatory. "Look at the street." "Now find something still." "Now find something in motion." "Find something still." "Find something in motion." 15. "With what could you ally your control," or "Invent a way to control people," or "Look around and find something that would assist you in controlling people." 16. Over and Under solids. Have him pick the center of his life, an engram in the middle of his life; the commands are before and after this point. "Get a facsimile of something after that." "Keep it from going away." "Leave it totally uncontrolled." 554 "Get a facsimile of something before that. "Keep it from going away." "Leave it totally uncontrolled." or "Make it solid," "Let go of it." or "Make it solid," "Skip it." 17. Time Process. Select command wording to communicate to the preclear. "Invent a way to (best, overcome, overwhelm, beat, whip, make subservient, put in the background, make know it's been licked) time." 18. Valences. "Mock up a woman," then, "Mock up....." (first significant woman in this lifetime, then a later one, etc). "Mock up a man," then as above. "Mock up a....." (robot, or any other valence spotted). 19. "Invent an individuality to cope with it," alternate with "Invent a worse situation." 20. "Invent an enemy." Get the valence to fight the wall will strip valences. 21. Keep it from going away on the body. "Keep your body from going away," alternate with "Leave it totally uncontrolled" (safest in mock-up form), or, "Now make it flip-flop." 22. Mock-up Start-C-S. Start-C-S on mocked up body. 23. Mock-up Stop-C-S. Stop-C-S on mocked up body. Change run as, "Mock up the body." "Make it flip-flop." 24. Rehabilitation of abilities. For any ability the preclear always wanted to have and couldn't do. For example, for speaking Arabic: "Mock up....." (Arabic objects), "Keep it from going away," then "Mock up (Arab men, women and children)," "Keep (him, her) from going away," then "Mock up (Arab men, women, children)," "Stop (him, her) from talking," "Start (him, her) talking." L. RON HUBBARD 555  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=1/12/56 Volnum=0 Issue=101 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  GAMES CONDITIONS THEORY Prepared from the research papers of L. Ron Hubbard    P.A.B. No. 101 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 1 December 1956 GAMES CONDITIONS THEORY Prepared from the research papers of L. Ron Hubbard THEORY: The most adequate answer to life's puzzle is GAMES. The ordinary concept of games or play is comprehensible to anyone. Games have many factors. Some work well in processing, some don't, all explain life. The basic game of a thetan is evidently nothing versus something as in the process "Make it solid." He can never really be something, thus can never really duplicate himself a solid -- yet he makes solids across spaces out of game impulse. PRACTICE: Always process toward a games condition. Never process toward a no-games condition. Always process games conditions. Never process no-games conditions. This is more complicated than you think. All games are aberrative. All games are continuing by definition, since an unstarted game isn't a game and a finished game isn't a game. In the following list we have the most processable games conditions and the most-to-be-avoided no-games conditions. Each column of the list could be KNOWING or UNKNOWING -- "knowing games condition" or "unknowing games condition," "knowing no-games condition" or "unknowing no-games condition." Using both lists at a knowing games level, we have sanity. At an unknowing games level we have aberration, neurosis or psychosis. GAMES CONDITION NO-GAMES CONDITION (Knowing or Unknowing) (Knowing or Unknowing) Not-know Know Forget Remember Interest Disinterest Attention No attention Self-Determinism Pan-Determinism 556 Identity Namelessness Individuality Problems Solutions Can't Have Have (games have some havingness) Alive Neither alive nor dead Opponents Friends alone Facsimiles No pictures or universes Continued Solidity No spaces or solids Continued adherence No friends or enemies Loyalty, Disloyalty Betrayal, Help Motion No motion Emotion Serenity Continued action Motionless Hot, cold No temperature Thinking Knowing Hate (some Love) Continued doubt of result Win-Lose (Expecting a Revelation) No effect on self Effect on self Effect on others No effect on others Stop communication No ARC Change communication No no-ARC Into it Out of it Agitation Calm Noise Silence (some Silence) Control No control Start-Change-Stop (Change the most important) Responsibility No responsibility Inspecting these two lists we find all unlimited and highly workable processes under GAMES CONDITIONS. We find all limited and unworkable processes under No-Games Conditions. We process the preclear playing as a game in all phases. We then avoid No- Games Conditions in processing. It is true that the Games Condition List contains a regimen unworkable in life. It isn't supposed to be. It's aberrative and we process it. The ONLY certain processes which can be run on No-Games Conditions are Consequences (the penalty resulting from) and "Mock up a confusion to which (the no-games condition) could be a stable datum." Now behold that the list of No-Games Conditions is a summary of the NATIVE STATE of a thetan. That means that the Native State not only does not process but winds the preclear up in difficulties if processed. To establish the native state run out the UNKNOWING GAMES CONDITIONS of the preclear. From native state a thetan apparently descends thusly: 557 NATIVE STATE SERENITY KNOWING, NO-GAMES TO TO TO OPERATING TONE SCALE KNOWING GAMES THETAN CONDITIONS TO TO TO UNKNOWING BODIES ANTAGONISM GAMES CONDITIONS TO TO TO REACTIVE MINUS UNKNOWING BANKS TONE SCALE NO-GAMES CONDITIONS Processing, however, does not take the exact reverse route. Operating at a level of knowing games conditions, auditing converts the unknowing games and no-games conditions of the preclear into knowing games conditions and into further knowing games conditions. A further goal of auditing may very well be the attainment of no-game. It would be a knowing no-game, however, not an unknowing, and it would not be actually a condition. Bad condition of case would be unknowing condition concerning games. Good condition is knowing games condition. No condition would be native state. 558  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 11 iDate=3/12/56 Volnum=0 Issue=0 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  B.SCN. -- H.A.A. TECHNIQUES   Training, London -- Washington  HCO BULLETIN OF 3 DECEMBER 1956 Training, London -- Washington B.SCN. -- H.A.A. TECHNIQUES Procedure emphasis: Communication (Mimicry, Learning) Control (Absolute versions) Commands: All commands used in actual session are to be Havingness Scale commands, used with the above procedures. The Havingness Scale is as follows: Create Contribute to Confront Have Substitute Waste Substituted Had Confronted Contributed to Created The rule of the Havingness Scale is that the auditor clears the preclear at any level by running the level just above it. The techniques are objective with such form as "Look around - - -". The techniques consist of any command which gives one objective and one subjective target, or two objective targets. Pay full attention to game condition. LRH:dt.rd L. RON HUBBARD 559  L. RON HUBBARD   Type = 31 iDate=15/12/56 Volnum=0 Issue=102 Rev=0 rDate=0/0/0 Addition=0 aDate=0/0/0 aRev=0 arDate=0/0/0  A CASE REPORT COMMENTS AND INFORMATION ON BACK OF APA SHEET    P.A.B. No. 102 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1 15 December 1956 A CASE REPORT COMMENTS AND INFORMATION ON BACK OF APA SHEET Auditor: L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. FIRST TEST AFTER 25 HOURS Non-Lang. 99 Non-Lang. 96 Lang. 117 Lang. 153 Total IQ 110 Total IQ 124 Pc happy -- wishes he'd had Nibs for the 3 weeks. Looks alive now. (Dr. Julia Lewis, Director of Processing) This is very smart, clever auditing. Auditor sees case, sets goal, diagnoses and resolves! We've got a real auditor here! On (pc), too! Wow! (LRH) AUDITOR'S DAILY REPORT Monday. Pc has had about 800 hours of processing with very little results. He has given auditors a hard time in the past. He won't give me one. I ran, today, all day, Rudiments by Control. Pc started to come off a lot of machines and started to follow my orders happily. I am only going to try to fix up his present time problems and get him into present time. He seems to be badly stuck in some whopper of an engram. (Vacuum full of engrams. LRH) Tuesday. Ran pc on 8-C, part A, this morning, and, as I'd done yesterday, established the session with Rudiments by Control. Pc will now follow my directions and is in session. He stopped altering the commands. He is a pc now. Ran him today using Dianetics, Book One, techniques with the new added command, "Make it more solid" using a gradient scale. The engram I ran him through is an electrocution deal where he stepped on a third rail when he was a young boy. His track is caved in on it and there he is. Stuck. It started to unwind. (That's it! The grouper. LRH) Pull him out of this and he will be steamboating. Terrible Trio and other processes have no effect on him. Like water on a duck. Or like trying to destroy a pillbox with a beanshooter. 560 In this engram his body died and he went to a report station. He goes around in Serenity of Death. (Right! LRH) Wednesday. Holiday. Thursday. Ran pc all day today on the same engram in the same manner as on Tuesday. This is slowly unraveling and, as it is running out his tone comes up. He almost dropped his accent at one time during the session (he didn't learn English until he was seven years old). He popped in and out of the engram several times. And because of this engram he has had no reality on his body with his eyes closed since he was twelve years old. He is now aware of his body with his eyes closed. Pc is coming up the line. Lots of cognitions. If I have time, I want to run universes. (So true! Effect you could have on steel, rails, would have helped here maybe. Things rails can't have. LRH) Friday. Ran pc on same engram again today in the same manner as yesterday. It is all out except the one moment of jolt he received as he stepped on the third rail. The tremendous impact and electrical charge is frozen in space and time. Ran it a bit more in the afternoon session and found that his havingness was too low to let go of all this energy. So I ran Terrible Trio and it worked very well. He found that he was having the facsimile of the object instead of the object itself. Now he is having the object. At least now he can remedy his havingness. (Excellent! LRH) Saturday Ran pc on Terrible Trio and Service Facsimile using the commands "What could it get you into?" "What could it get you out of?" Pc cognited on Service Facsimile and it broke away and moved out. Pc ran Terrible Trio very, very well. Pc felt much better at the end of his intensive. He was satisfied. So was I. Pc is now ready to run Terrible Trio and Mother's and Father's universes with good reality and benefit. Before, it wouldn't have worked as well. So, next auditor, run them! GENERAL COMMENTS: Pc had never really been in session before and had never been in present time. Pc is a long way from being in good shape and could use a lot of work on havingness and universes. 561  L. RON HUBBARD