Mary Sue Hubbard, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's wife was the head of the Guardian's Office. She and several other Scientologists were arrested, convicted and sent to prison for years for burglarizing U.S. government offices during a church ordered search, theft and destroy mission of damaging documents the U.S. government possessed on Scientology. I relied on public news media to get most of the truth because church executives, (for public relations reasons hopefully) refused to make information about the indictments generally known to church members. I was given a watered down version of what was going on or told it was none of my business. The F.B.I. had already raided several churches of Scientology around the country one morning and confiscated books, records and other church materials including, several church members were arrested and jailed. Because I visited the Guardian's Office so often regarding my "pending" petition, former N.Y.C. Day registrar Debbie Kagan (now Debbie Kagan Ward working for the Guardian's Office) and another woman named Susan Becher, invited me to work part time there. Debbie Ward drew up a hand written "bond" on a ripped piece of scrap paper I was asked to sign, stating that if I revealed activities going on in the Guardian's Office to anyone it would result in a $10,000.00 fine should they find out. I raised money for the Guardian's Office from the public. I typed into documents telephone conversations between government people and the Guardian's Offices, that Guardian's Office staff had secretly tape recorded. I was required to wear headphones so that only I could hear what I was typing, about Narconon, a chain of Scientology drug rehabilitation centers. The church was unable to get licenses to open Narconon's because no actual licensed physicians worked for Narconon, only "trained" Scientologists. So, instead of recruiting a doctor to work for Nacronon, the Guardian's Office staff asked "workers" (like me) to call, write, and visit, the offices and residences of people who opposed Narconon. Information was supplied by Guardian's Office staff to be presented to the opposition, such as transcripts or excerpts of secretly recorded incriminating conversations used out of context or evidence of hidden past or present crimes about these people. The goal was to try and get them to see things "the Scientology way". The N.Y.C. Guardian's Office announced publicly that the French based Police organization Interpol was a drug smuggling ring. Howard and Mary Rower sent two busloads of over 200 Scientologists from N.Y.C. to Washington D.C. to protest with picket signs and a megaphone in front of the F.B.I. building for a whole day at $5.00 a head at the request of Guardian's Office officials. In addition meetings held in a Howard and Mary Rower owned N.Y.C. loft kept people updated on "Scientology versus the F.B.I. or U.S. government in general".