GPgmO 1050 - TGT 3 Project


The Attorney General NY is to be sued for the falsities in the Children

of God Report, and discovery will be  used to find out what instructions

were received regarding this report, why it took so long, who brought

Robert Lifton and William Sargant into the matter.  The target of the

suit is two fold: first, the victory in court that the report was false,

and secondly, the use  of discovery to document the Who's behind it.

While money damages may accrue only to the Children of God, a Constitutional

Rights group could win costs and a requirement that the Attorney General

New York publish a correction to the False Report.  Possibly an ex-Children

of God member (supplied by B-1) subjected to injurious treatment could

get damages as well.  B-1 actions are needed to support the Legal actions

which will be done in this area.


B-1 investigations and handling of the Attorney General of New York's

Children of God Report to be done, which will assist and support Legal

US in their suit and discovery actions.


1) RF I/C B-1 US responsible for the overall project.

2) To support Legal US in their suit and  discovery actions.

3) NEUS DIR SEC INFO US responsible for the product of the project.

4) NEUS SEC INFO US to report compliances to DG I US via PGMS OFF INFO US.

5) Any debugging needed is to be done by RF I/C B-1 US .  Any target

   changes are to be requested of the DG I US.

6) NEUS DIR SEC INFO US producing products for  the project.


1) Any actions done are not to be attributed to the C of S.

-2- 2) Liason is to be kept in with other bureaus. 3) Ensure that data is getting to the proper terminals quickly, and any slows are immediately debugged. OPERATING TARGETS: 1) Summarize the Attorney General NY file (Louis Lefkowitz) and the Children of God files and send to Legal US. _________ NEUS SEC 2) Go through the Louis Lefkowitz file for all: a) Rocky connections. b) All data on Lefkowitz connections that could show who and what instructions he would have gotten regarding the Children of God report. _________ NEUS SEC 3) List out all unpulled strings which will have to be investigated. _________ NEUS SEC 4) AG I NY to complete full investigation of Lefkowitz, concentrating on why the report was ordered; what instructions were given regarding the report; why it took so long; who brough Lifton and Sargant in on the matter. _________ NEUS SEC 5) Suitable guise and ODC to be used to gather data, where necessary. _________ NEUS SEC 6) Get a list of all Lefkowitz's enemies, and interview them to get data on Lefkowitz's prejudices. Lefkowitz is Jewish, and this could mean he is against all other religions, and could be shown in a legal suit. _________ NEUS SEC 7) Locate all of Lefkowitz's crimes, which could then be turned over to Legal and PR for use. _________ NEUS SEC 8) Locate all the vested interests which would push the Children of God report (AMA, APA, IRS, etc.). _________ NEUS SEC 9) Document all instances of Lefkowitz going against the First Amendment. _________ NEUS SEC
-3- 10) Document Lefkowitz's attacks on other religions, showing connections which are anti religion. _________ NEUS SEC 11) Have suitable guise done on Robert Lifton to determine how he was brought into the investigation. _________ NEUS SEC 12) Request a suitable guise be done of William Sargant in England, to determine how he was brought into the investigation. Request should be made to US SEC INFO WW. _________ NEUS SEC 13) Determine how the Moody family was put up to and part of the Children of God investigations. _________ NEUS SEC 14) In liason with Legal US, determine what other data is needed on this case, and supply for them. _________ NEUS SEC PRODUCTION TARGET: Project to be completed within five weeks of receipt. RF I/C B-1 US for NATL SEC INFO US for DG INFO US