cc: CSG Comm - CSG

cc: CSG Asst Info                       12 February 76

cc: G Comm WW - G WW

cc: DG I Comm WW - DG I WW

cc: Pgms Off Info WW                    Re: Rumours

cc: DG Comm US - DG US

cc: DG I Comm US - DG I US

cc: Pgms Off Info US                    cc: DDG US AT FLAG    17993

cc: SEUS Dir Sec Info US

cc: AG Comm Flag - AG Flag

cc: AG I Comm Flag - AG I Flag

cc: Pgms Off Flag

cc: Dir Br I Flag


Dear Joe,

   The following rumours were instructed to be laid in to the

CW Sun and the Chamber of Commerce, they were not implemented,today

as the opportunity to put them in with security was not available.

They are:

      A conversation was overheard in which some SCNists

   said that LRH was in Europe and that he lived there.  He

   had come to CW to do some photography and records some

   choirs.  He visited churches in the area and did some

   recording and then left.  He was also in the area to set

   up the United Churches operation; but then left to return

   to his home in Europe.

      Current instructions to some friends are that he was

   not here for the setting up of UC, but was here for his

   own relaxation and recording.  As nothing went down on these

   lines it's within the scope of the current plans, which are

   that he was not here for UC purposes.

      This should get laid in to the newsroom of the CW Sun

   tomorrow.  It is doubtful that the Chamber will get this

   data from one of the friends as it would be too much of

   an out-point and jeopardize her cover.

      Monica, an employee at Henry's newsstand heard that

   LRH is in Europe.  Her comment was "How can they serve him

   if he's in Europe; how can they bring him back?"  Monica

   is usually quite friendly, but she cooled off a little

   today.  (It should be noted that Cazares frequents this

   newsstand regularly)

      That's it.


                       Collections Officer
