GO 121569 MSH (1)                          December 15, 1969

To: All DJA/Guardians for Intelligence




OBSERVATION:  We now know that the main line of attack on Scientology

has been undertaken by the people or groups directly associated with

WFMH.  We do not know if there is any person or group behind the WFMH

which directs them in their actions or in their policies toward us.

MAJOR TARGET:  To keep ourselves fully informed with regard to the

WFMH, persons connected to it and the groups and persons connected to

these groups, to the end result that their actions against us can be

exposed fully.


1.  This action is to be done by the Asst. Guardian or D/A/Guardian for

Intelligence, if held separately from the Asst. Guardian.

2.  To establish, add to and keep up-to-date files containing all 

information gathered.


1.  To keep the Asst. Guardian and the Guardian WW advised as to the

results of such information and to present it in evaluated, digested


2.  To provide other Guardian Office personnel with data they can use

in their actions.


1.  To locate and investigate any member or group of the WFMH in your


2.  To collect all data with regard to all such members or groups in

your area.

3.  To infiltrate any such groups in your area.

4.  To do everything to obtain documentary evidence of their attacks

upon us.

5.  To obtain advance information with regard to any actions or

intentions directed against us.

6.  To keep all information and data collected in files, carefully

cross filed.

7.  To do everything possible in the collection of such data.

8.  To do everything possible to inhibit or stop any actions directed

against us.

9.  To discover any third-party or dead-agent-type activities which

they may be conducting against us so that it can be corrected and

handled at once.

10. To immediately investigate any attack against us in your area to

find if any person or persons so attacking are connected in any way

to persons or groups connected to the WFMH and to obtain evidence

and documents to reveal such connections.

11. To make and send reports on same to the D/Guardians for


PRODUCTION TARGET:  This is a continuing programme.  A lot of work

has been done thus far; however, some areas have done little or

nothing [missing words] should immediately do so.

                                  Mary Sue Hubbard
