Special Session Lists
If Recalling a Certain Thing
Made You Uncomfortable
It may be, as you recall certain incidents in your life, that you are rendered
uncomfortable. There are several ways of over-coming this. If actual physical pain is part
of the situation you have recalled, do not try to force yourself further into it, but
concentrate on later incidents which gradually get you back up to present time. These
questions will assist you to do that.
Sight |
Smell |
Touch |
Color |
Tone |
External Motion |
Emotion |
Loudness |
Body Position |
Sound |
Weight |
Personal Motion |
1. Recall a pleasant incident which happened later.
2. Recall what you were doing this time last year.
3. Recall a moment when you were really enjoying yourself.
4. Recall what you were doing this time last month.
5. Recall what you were doing yesterday.
6. Recall something pleasant that happened today.
Recall all these things consecutively once again.
If no physical pain was included but sorrow was, recall the following:
1. The next time after that you acquired something you liked.
2. Recall something you have now which you enjoy.
3. Recall something you wanted a long time and finally got.
4. Recall the time somebody was very nice to you.
5. Recall the last money you got.
6. Recall eating dinner last night.
7. Recall eating today.
Recall all of these incidents over again with all available perceptics.
If you consistently hit physical pain and grief incidents in your processing and do not
seem to be able to do anything about it, call your local Dianetic auditor and arrange a
professional visit so that you can be brought up to a point where the list is a benefit.
If you merely became uncomfortable without great sorrow or physical pain, but simply
wanted to avoid the recollection, use the following list:
1. Recall the incident again in its entirety from first to last.
2. Recall the incident once more.
3. Recall an earlier incident similar to it.
4. Recall an even earlier incident similar to it.
5. Recall the earliest incident that you can get like it.
6. Recall all these incidents, one after the other, in their entirety.
7. Recall all the incidents again, one after the other, from the
earliest to the latest.
8. Recall all these incidents again.
9. Go over the chain of similar incidents and find later ones on up to
present time.
10. Recall a pleasant incident which has happened in the last few days.
Get all possible perceptics on it.
11. Recall what you were doing an hour ago.
This usually stabilizes any of the above conditions.
1. Recall a time which really seems real to you.
2. Recall a time when you felt real affinity(1) from someone.
3. Recall a time when someone was in good communication with you.
4. Recall a time when you felt deep affinity for somebody else.
5. Recall a time when you knew you were really communicating to
6. Recall a time when several people agreed with you completely.
7. Recall a time when you were in agreement with somebody else.
8. Recall a time within the last two days when you felt affectionate.
9. Recall a time in the last two days when somebody felt affection for
10. Recall a time in the last two days when you were in good
communication with someone.
11. Recall a time in the last two days which really seems real to you.
12. Recall a time in the last two days when you were in good
communication with people.
Recall several incidents of each kind.
According to the practice of medicine and after experiment, it has been found that B is
necessary in large amounts during processing. A good protein diet and some 100 to 200 mg.
per day of B1 have been found to materially assist processing. Failure to take B and to
use a heavy protein diet have been found to result in nightmares and nervousness when one
is undergoing processing. Note that this is a medical finding dating back many years and
is not original with Dianetics.
End of Session List
Each time you give yourself a session of processing you should finish off with the
following routine without disc.
1. Rapidly sketch(2) over
the session just ended.
2. Sketch over what you have been doing again, with particular attention
to how you have been sitting.
3. Go over the period of the session with regard only to what you have
been doing with your hands and things in the exterior world you have heard during this
4. Fix your attention upon a pleasant object near you now.
Repeat this until you feel refreshed in your immediate surroundings. |