The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation

The Hubbard
Chart of Human Evaluation

This chart is a specialized form of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation and Dianetic Processing.

A full description of each column on this chart (except the last six which are only in Self Analysis) will be found complete in Science of Survival, a book on the prediction of human behavior by L. Ron Hubbard.

The position of an individual on this tone scale varies through the day and throughout the years but is fairly stable for given periods. One's position on the chart will rise on receipt of good news, sink with bad news. This is the usual give and take with life. Everyone however has a chronic position on the chart which is unalterable save for processing.

Necessity level (lifting oneself by one's bootstraps as in emergencies) can raise an individual well up this chart for brief periods.

By education, such as that given under pressure, the education itself has a position on the tone scale. A person could be relatively unaberrated actually but, by education, be at a lower position on the chart than he should be. The reverse is also the case. One can be educated, then, into a higher or lower level on the chart than his own aberrations call for.

One's environment greatly influences one's position on the chart. Every environment has its own tone level. A man who is really a 3.0 can begin to act like a 1.1 in a 1,1 environment. However, a 1.1 usually acts no better than about 1.5 in an environment with a high tone. If one lives in a low-toned environment he can expect, eventually, to be low-toned. This is also true of marriage - one tends to match the tone level of one's marital partner.

This tone scale is also valid for groups. A business or a nation can be examined as to its various standard reactions and these can be plotted. This will give the survival potential of a business or a nation.

This chart can also be used in employing people or in choosing partners. It is an accurate index of what to expect and gives you a chance to predict what people will do before you have any great experience with them. Also, it gives you some clue as to what can happen to you in certain environments or around certain people, for they can drag you down or boost you high.

A more extensive copy of this chart appears in the major text, Science of Survival, by L. Ron Hubbard, obtainable at all Dianetic organization bookstores in the back of this book.

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