ABERRATION:     Irrational behavior or thought on or about a specific subject or subjects, resulting from the influence of the Reactive Mind upon the individual in relationship to that subject or subjects.

ACK or ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:     A word or words used to indicate to a person that you have received their communication. In auditing, these are usually: "all right", "OK", "fine", "thank you" or "good".

ADDITIVE:     Anything extra added to an already workable process or procedure which reduces or nullifies the results obtainable from that process or procedure.

AFFINITY:     Degree of liking or affection or lack of it. (This is often expressed as An emotion-enthusiasm towards a person betokens more affinity than apathy does.)

AIDE: Staff member who assists LRH in his daily work.

ALTER-IS:     To change or falsify the way something actually is.

AO:     ADVANCED ORGANIZATION: The senior Scientology organizations where specialized advanced courses are taught and auditing above Grade 6 is available. See the Classification Gradation Chart.

ARC:     A word made from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to understanding. (These are the three things necessary to the understanding of something-one has to have some affinity for it, it has to be real to him to some degree and he needs some communication with it before he can understand it.) Pronounced as 3 letters A-R-C.

ARC BREAK:     A sudden drop or sundering in Affinity, Reality and Communication with or toward someone or something, which is often accompanied by misemotion or dramatization. An ARC Break is evidenced when a person is completely unwilling or finds it impossible to communicate to someone or something.

ARC TRIANGLE:     It is called a triangle because it has three related points: Affinity, Reality and the most important, Communication. Without affinity there is no reality or communication. Without reality or some agreement, affinity and communication are absent. Without communication, there can be no affinity or reality. It is only necessary to improve one corner of this very valuable triangle in Scientology in order to improve the remaining two corners. (The easiest corner to improve is Communication; improving one's ability to communicate raises at the same time his affinity for others and life, as well as expands the scope of his agreements.)

ASSESSMENT:     Reading down a list to find out which item on the list reacts more on an E-Meter than the other items on the list.

AUDITING COMM CYCLE:     The Communication cycle used in auditing. It consists of (1) The auditor observes the preclear to see if the preclear is ready to receive the auditing question; (2) The auditor asks the preclear the question; (3) The auditor observes the preclear to see if the preclear has received the question; (4) The preclear looks into his bank and finds an answer to the question; (5) The preclear tells the auditor (who listens attentively) the answer to the question; (6) The auditor acknowledges the preclear for answering the question; (7) The auditor observes the preclear to see that the preclear has received the acknowledgement.

AUDITING:     The application of Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of auditing is: The action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer.

AUDITOR:     A listener or one who listens carefully to what people have to say. An auditor is a person trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to others for their betterment.

BANK:     A colloquial name for the Reactive Mind. (This is what the procedures of Scientology are devoted to disposing of, for it is only a burden to an individual and he is much better off without it.) (See Reactive Mind.)

BLOW:     A colloquialism for a sudden departure. It is usually used to describe either the sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief, or someone leaving, ceasing to be where he should really be, or just ceasing to be audited.

BULLBAITING:     In coaching certain drills the coach attempts to find certain actions, words, phrases, mannerisms or subjects that cause the student doing the drill to become distracted from the drill by reacting to the coach. As a bullfighter attempts to attract the bull's attention and control the bull, so does the coach attempt to attract and control the student's attention, however the coach flunks the student whenever he succeeds in distracting the student from the drill and then repeats the action until it no longer has any effect on the student.

BUTTON:     Items, words, phrases, subjects or areas that are easily restimulatable in an individual by the words or actions of other people, and which cause him discomfort, embarrassment or upset, or make him laugh uncontrollably.

CASE:     The way a person responds to the world around him by reason of his aberrations.

CASE GAIN:     The improvements and resurgences a person experiences from auditing.

CASE SUPERVISOR:     The qualified person who inspects the auditing (using auditor reports, session worksheets and Examiner reports) and orders standard actions and remedies to ensure maximum gains for the preclear.

CCHs:     Processes which bring a person into better control of his body and surroundings, put him into better communication with his surroundings and other people, and increase his ability to have things for himself. They bring him into the present, away from his past problems. CCH stands for Control, Communication, Havingness.

CHAIN:     A succession of incidents, occurring at various intervals along the time track, that are related to one another by some similarity of either subject, general location, people or perception. Such a succession of similar incidents may span a brief period or a very long period of time.

CHECKSHEET:     A Policy Letter containing a list of all issues pertaining to a course in the order in which they are to be studied.

CIRCUIT:     A part of an individual's bank that behaves as though it were someone or something separate from him and that either talks to him or goes into action of its own accord, and may even, if severe enough, take control of him while it operates. (A tune that keeps going around in someone's head is an example of a circuit.)

CLEAR: (noun)     A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the Release Grades (all of which are requisite to Clearing) and is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Organization.

COACH:     A person who 'coaches' or helps the student do drills correctly.

COMM or COMMUNICATION:     The interchange of ideas or objects between two people or terminals. More precisely, the definition of communication is: Cause, Distance, Effect with Intention and Attention and a duplication at Effect of what emanates from Cause. (The ability to communicate is the key to success in life; therefore, this definition should be studied thoroughly and understood. Read DIANE TICS 55 for a full practical treatise of communication.)

COMM LAG: (Communication Lag):     The time it takes for a preclear to give an answer to a question that the auditor has asked him, regardless of whether he is silent until he gives the answer, or has been talking in the interim. Also applies to the delay between the giving of an auditing command by the auditor and the execution of that command by the preclear.

COMM EV: (Committee of Evidence):     Part of the Ethics system of a Scientology and empowered to impartially of a fairly severe ethical nature. Organization - being a fact-finding group appointed investigate and recommend upon Scientology matters of a fairly severe ethical nature.

COGNITlON:     A new realization of life. It results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one's endeavors in life.

CONTROL:     The ability to start, change and stop things at one's own choice. (With processing a person is capable of controlling a wider and wider sphere of things.)

CONFRONT:     To stand face to face-to face up to, to bring into the presence of.

CRAMMING:     A term used to refer to intensive training a student undergoes if the material has not been understood.

CYCLE OF ACTION:     The sequence that an action goes through, wherein the action is started, is continued for as long as is required and then is completed as planned.

DCG:     Dianetic Counseling Group.

DEMO; DEMONSTRATION:     Showing or demonstrating the meaning and full understanding of something one has studied by the use of any variety of objects, modeling clay, or actions or paper clips, etc.

DIANETIC STRAIGHT WIRE:     The technical name of the questioning process used in Self Analysis, and similar volumes, where the auditing is done on the reader by the author. It is the most elementary process in Dianetics.

DIANETICS:     Man's most advanced school of the mind. From the Greek "dia", through, and "noos", soul, thus "through soul" or "through thought".

D OF P:     Director of Processing.

D OF T:     Director of Training.

DOPE-OFF:     A state of reduced awareness in which a person appears to be sleepy or tired. This is brought about, if one is reading or studying, by going past a word, phrase or symbol that was not understood or was misunderstood.

DRAMATIZATION:     Thinking or acting in a manner that is dictated by masses or significances contained in the Reactive Mind. When dramatizing, the individual is like an actor playing his dictated part and going through a whole series of irrational actions.

DYNAMICS:     The urge, thrust and purpose of life - SURVIVE! - in its eight manifestations.

THE FIRST DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival of self.
THE SECOND DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. This dynamic actually has two divisions. Second Dynamic (a) is the sexual act itself and Second Dynamic (b) is the family unity, including the rearing of children.
THE THIRD DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through a group of individuals or as a group. Any group or part of an entire class could be considered to be a part of the Third Dynamic. The school, the club, the team, the town, the nation are examples of groups.
THE FOURTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as all mankind.
THE FIFTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through life forms such as animals, birds, insects, fish and vegetation, and is the urge to survive as these.
THE SIXTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival as the physical universe and has as its components Matter, Energy, Space and Time, from which we derive the word MEST.
THE SEVENTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through spirits or as a spirit. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the Seventh Dynamic. A sub-heading of this Dynamic is ideas and concepts such as beauty and the desire to survive through these.
THE EIGHTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward survival through a Supreme Being, or more exactly, Infinity. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of Infinity stood upright makes the numeral "8".

E-METER: (Hubbard Electrometer)     An electronic instrument for measuring mental state and change of state in individuals, as an aid to precision and speed in auditing. (The E-Meter is not intended or effective for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.)

ENGRAM:     A mental image picture of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness and a real or fancied threat to survival; it is a recording in the Reactive Mind of something which actually happened to an individual in the past and which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental image picture called an engram.

E.P.: (End Phenomena)     Those indicators in a preclear which show that an auditing action or series of actions have achieved the desired results.

ETHICS:     Rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the future race, the group and mankind, and the other dynamics taken collectively. Ethics are reason and the contemplation of optimum survival.

FLAT, FLAT POINT; FLATTEN A PROCESS:     To continue a process or drill as long as it produces change and no longer. (It is Flat when End Phenomena is reached.)

F/N; FLOATING NEEDLE:     This is a needle manifestation of the E-Meter of great importance. as. when all Good Indicators are also present, it indicates the preclear has reached the end point of the process being run. A free needle moves in an idle, uninfluenced motion. It appears to "float". When it occurs, the Tone Arm of the E-Meter will be on or between 2 and 3.

GIs; GOOD INDICATORS.     Those observable indications that all is going well for a preclear. The pc is bright, happy and winning.

GRADES:     A Release Grade (see RELEASE).

GRADIENT:     A gradual approach to something, taken step by step, level by level, each step or level being, of itself, easily surmountable-so that, finally, quite complicated and difficult activities or high states of being can be achieved with relative ease. This principle is applied to both Scientology processing and training.

GRINDING: (Grinding Out)     Going over and over and over on something without ever completing it. The sense comes from the act of using an emery wheel on a hard substance with ii not getting much smaller or thinner no matter how long it is done.

GRADE CHART:     THE CLASSIFICATlON GRADATlON AND AWARENESS CHART: This chart shows all the levels of Scientology and Dianetic auditing and training. It is the map of the road to Total Freedom.


HCO B; HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE BULLETIN:     A mimeo issue (always red ink on white paper) dealing with technical matters of auditing and training. These are usually written by L. Ron Hubbard and when written by someone else for him must bear his signature of approval. Alteration or reproduction of these issues by anyone by any means unless explicitly authorized in writing by L. Ron Hubbard is illegal.

HCO PL; HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE POLICY LETTER:     A mimeo issue (always green ink on white paper) dealing with administrative matters. These like HCO Bulletins are usually written by L. Ron Hubbard and when written by someone else for him must bear his signature of approval. Alteration or reproduction of these issues by anyone by any means unless explicitly authorized in writing by L. Ron Hubbard is illegal.

HGC; HUBBARD GUIDANCE CENTER.     The Department of Processing in a Scientology organization.

INVALIDATION:     A refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact.

ITSA:     A coined word, taken from the phrase. "It is a. . .", meaning a statement which positively identifies something,' especially refers to anything a preclear says to an auditor if he is saying with certainty, 'It is".

KEY-OUT:     Release or separate from one's Reactive Mind or some portion of it.

L1C:     A prepared list used in Scientology auditing for handling specific phenomena that is undesirable to the preclear.

LOCK;     A mental image picture of a non-painful but disturbing experience the person has experienced and which depends for its force on an earlier secondary and engram which the experience has restimulated.

LRH:     L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology.

MASS:     A composition of matter and energy existing in the physical universe. Mental mass is contained in mental image pictures.

MENTAL IMAGE PICTURE:     A facsimile. a copy of one's perceptions of the physical universe sometime in the past.

MEST:     The physical universe; a word coined from the initial letters of Matter, Energy. Space and Time, which are the component parts of the physical universe. Also used as an adjective in the same sense to mean physical- as in "MEST universe", meaning "physical universe"

MIND:     A control system between the thetan and the physical universe. It is NOT ;he brain. The mind is the accumulated recordings of thought, conclusions, decisions. observations and perceptions of a thetan throughout his entire existence. The thetan can and does use the mind in handling life and the physical universe.

MlSEMOTION:     Emotion which is irrational and inappropriate to the present time situation. Misemotion is also emotion which has been suppressed and which remains part of an individual's locks and secondaries unless he is audited.

MISSED WITHHOLD:     An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not.

MODEL SESSION:     The same exact pattern and script (patter) with which every auditing session is begun and ended, the overall form of all Scientology auditing sessions which is the same anywhere in the world.

NATTER:     Non-constructive criticism. unnecessary and ineffective talk or attitude about someone or something. The word is coined from negative chatter.

NOISE:     The demands for attention put upon a staff member, executive, office or org that is being distracted off a main line of action.

NOT-ISNESS:     A Scientology term for the effort to reduce an unwanted condition or existence by force (breaking something, saying it's not, blackness).

OT.; OPERATING THETAN:     A Clear who has been familiarized with environment to a point of total cause over matter, energy, space, time and thought.

OVERRUN:     Accumulating protests and upsets about something until it is just a mass of stops.

OVERT; OVERT ACT:     Harmful or contra-survival act. Precisely, it is an act of commission or omission that harms the greater number of dynamics. Therefore. a failure to eradicate something or stop someone that would harm broadly would be an overt act. Equally, assistance to something that would harm a greater number of dynamics would also be an overt act.

OVERWHELM:     A preclear may be overwhelmed as the result of randomity beyond that which can be confronted.

PABS:     Professional Auditors Bulletins give recent or refined advancements of our technology.

POSTULATE: (verb)     To conclude, decide or resolve a problem or to set a pattern for future or to nullify a pattern of the past.

POWER PROCESSES:     The processes audited only by Class VII and above Auditors which make Grade V Power Releases'.

PRECLEAR:     This term covers anyone who is not Clear; however, it is principally used to describe a person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life.

PRE-OT:     A person, having achieved the state of Clear. now working towards the state of OT, Operating Thetan.

PROCESSING:     That action or actions, governed by the technical disciplines and codes of Scientology, of administering a process to a preclear in order to release or free him.

PROGRESS PROGRAM:     A program or plan of specific auditing actions laid out in sequence, session by session which is designed primarily to handle and relieve a condition of overwhelm that a preclear has gotten into as a result of life or previous errors in auditing. The End Phenomena of a Progress Program is a preclear feeling great and feeling that he can get Case Gain.

PSYCHIC TRAUMA:     An emotional hurt or shock which makes a permanent impression on the mind, particularly in the unconscious, and thus affects normal mental functions.

Q AND A: (noun)     A failure to complete a cycle of action.
(verb) To fail to complete a cycle of action; to deviate from an intended course of action. ("Q" derives from question and "A" derives from answer. The term Q and A means that the exact answer to a question is the question itself if one follows completely the duplication part of the definition of communication. However, it came to mean that the auditor did what the preclear did or changed when the preclear changed. A later definition was "Questioning the preclear's answer". Q & A is precisely defined, in auditing, as "a failure to complete a cycle of action on a preclear".)

QUICKIE GRADES:     Refers to the now discontinued and illegal practice of auditing the Grade Processes in as short a time as possible with many or most of the numerous processes of each Grade not done at all. Such cases are handled by having full Progress and Advance Programs worked out and audited to completion.

RANDOMITY:     The ratio of unpredicted motion to predicted motion.

REACTIVE MIND:     That portion of a person's mind which works on a stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus, it gives a certain response) which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes thoughts, body and actions. It consists of GPMs, engrams, secondaries and locks.

R-FACTOR; REALITY FACTOR:     The bringing about of sufficient understanding for one to be able to perform a specific action.

REHAB:     Rehabilitate or rehabilitation; the restoration of some former ability or state of being or some more optimum condition.

REALITY:     The agreed-upon apparency of existence. A reality is any data that agrees with the person's perceptions computations and education. Reality is one of the components of understanding.

RELEASE:     A person whose Reactive Mind is keyed out and is not influencing him. There are eight grades of Release, each a distinct and definite step toward greater levels of awareness and ability.

REMIMEO:     A designation on a mimeo issue such as an HCO Bulletin or HCO Policy' Letter which indicates that additional copies of the issue may be mimeoed for use in the organization by staff and students.

RESPONSIBILITY:     The concept of being able to care for, to reach or to be; the ability and willingness to be cause. To accept responsibility for something is to accept that one operated as cause in the matter. It should be clearly distinguished from such lower level considerations as blame or praise which include the further evaluation of the goodness or badness of the things caused.

RESTIMULATION:     The condition when something in the individual's surroundings is similar enough to something in his Reactive Mind that it causes part of his Reactive Mind to go into action. This condition is non-survival for the individual.

REVIEW. (noun)     When a preclear or student Is having difficulty of some sort that is not immediately resolving with the actions being done in the Technical Division of the org he may be sent to get the necessary corrective actions taken to resolve the difficulty. The actions done in this manner are collectively called Review.

SCIENTOLOGY:     An applied religious philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge. which. through the application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. (Taken from the Latin word SCIO - knowing in the fullest sense of the word. and the Greek word LOGOS - to study.)

SECONDARY:     A mental image picture containing misemotion (encysted grief, anger. apathy. etc) and a real or imagined loss. They contain no pain; they are moments of shock and stress depending for their force on earlier engrams which have been restimulated by the circumstances of the secondary.

SELF AUDITING..     Giving oneself commands or other auditing procedures out of session without an auditor. This can cause problems in a preclear's case and his regular auditing. It is not allowed.

SELF-COACHING:     Being a coach when one should be a student in any of the various training drills. Giving oneself a "flunk" for a real or imagined goof during the drill would be an example. Self-coaching by a student is "flunked" by the coach in the drill.

SESSION:     A precise period of time during which an auditor audits a preclear.

SH: SAINT HILL ORGANIZATION:     A higher organization that teaches higher levels of auditing and can deliver the Power processes.

SIGNIFICANCE:     A word which is used in the special sense to denote any thought, decision, concept, idea, purpose or meaning in the mind in distinction to its masses. (The mind is basically composed of masses and significances.)

SOLO AUDITING:     After appropriate training to Level Vi the auditing of Grade VI and Grade VII process on oneself (when one is both the auditor and preclear), with the aid of an E-Meter in order to reach the states of Grade VI Release and CLEAR.

SOMATIC:     Physical pain or discomfort of any kind, especially painful uncomfortable physical perceptions stemming from the Reactive Mind.

S.O.P. GOALS: STANDARD OPERATING; PROCEDURE GOALS:     An early process concerning goals.

STANDARD TECH,. STANDARD TECHNOLOGY:     The exact processes and auditing actions laid down and used for the invariable resolution of cases, taught in the Academies. Colleges and Advanced Organizations of Scientology and used without variation by all Scientology auditors. The term applies equally to Dianetics and its technology.

SQUIRRELLING:     The action of altering Scientology,. off-beat practices.

STABLE DATUM:     Any part or factor (which may or may not be correct or true) in a confusion that an individual selects out as a known and secure thing by which to relate and align the rest of the parts of the confusion, thereby lessening or bringing order into the confusion. (For more on stable data and confusions read The Problems of Work by L Ron Hubbard.)

T.A.: TONE ARM:     Meter control lever on the E-Meter. Tone Arm Action, movement, denotes a change and therefore, that case gain for the preclear is occurring. It is that part of the E-Meter which when adjusted so that the E-Meter needle is in the "set" area of the needle dial registers the relative electrical resistance of a body.

TECHNOLOGY:     The methods of application of an art or science as opposed to mere knowledge of the science or art itself.

TECH SERVICES; TECHNICAL SERVICES:     The activity which enrolls, routes. schedules. distributes the mail of and assists the housing of students and preclears.

THETAN:     The person himself-not his body or name, the physical universe, his mind or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity that IS the individual. (From Theta O the (;reek symbol for "thought" or perhaps "spirit".)

TRs:     Training drills on Scientology courses which train students to communicate and audit.

TONE SCALE:     A scale measuring and relating the various factors of behavior, emotion and thought to levels on the scale. (The book Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard contains a full description of the tone scale and its applications in life.)

TONE 40: Intention without reservation or limit.

TWO WAY COMMUNICATION:     Communication between two people in which one takes turns while the other listens attentively, in expressing fully his ideas subject. This is, therefore, communication in two directions. (Two Communication is the basis of any successful and enjoyable personal relationship.)

UNDERSTANDING:     Composed of affinity, reality and communication. These three things are necessary to the understanding of anything. One has to have some affinity for it, it has to be real to him to some degree and he needs some communication with it before he can understand it. Greater understanding comes about by increasing any one of the three factors.

VALIDATION MEST PROCESSING:     Processing in which the auditor, at least for one session, concentrates exclusively on analytical moments which are not disturbing to the Pc, which deal with MEST.

WITHHOLD:     Undisclosed contra-survival act; a no action after the fact of action, in which the individual has done or been an accessory to doing something which is a transgression against some moral or ethical code consisting of agreements to which the individual has subscribed in order to guarantee, with others, the survival of a group with which he is co-acting or has co-acted toward survival.

WHOLE TRACK:     The moment to moment record of a person's existence in this universe, in picture and impression form.

8-C:     A slang term meaning good and effective control of an individual or group.


NOTE: Any other Scientology words not found in this Glossary can be found in the Scientology Dictionary.